#claudia my beloved
fanfictionroxs · 2 days
"We leave the damage so we never forget the damage."
Lestat living in the shack with his broken piano that he smashed because one of his last memories with his family in NOLA was playing that piano with Claudia. Claudia who burned alive in front of him because he didn't save her, Claudia who he abused her entire life, his fledgling, his daughter. "It was never you," he told her. "A mistake," he called her. You can get a new piano, but can you get your child back?
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artemis-73 · 13 days
I'm sure this has already been said, but there's something really beautiful about the fact that Claudia and Madeleine's last words to each other in 2x07 are truly just for them. They weren't written anywhere or overheard by anyone. They won't be recorded in Daniel's book and trotted out to be a spectacle. In the end, even after her diaries were read by her enemies and strangers alike, Claudia got to have one thing that was just for herself.
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slinkpinkiller · 1 month
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twinkalicious · 23 days
common misconception i see about claudia is that she's a grown woman trapped inside a child's body. while this isn't technically incorrect, it leaves out a major aspect of her character that isn't often addressed and serves to make her all the more tragic. see claudia is less a woman who's been forced into a child's body and more a child who is and will always be a child no matter how long she lives. don't misunderstand, she's blindingly intelligent, she certainly has the intellect of a grown adult, but she does not and never will possess the wisdom and maturity of an actual adult. all of the vampires in the series, claudia included, essentially exist in a state of limbo as though frozen in time, their organs petrified and unable to grown or age. in claudia's case specifically her brain ceased to finish developing at 14. her frontal lobe will never come in, because its development got cut off while she was still a child. it's why she often makes choices that aren't always rational, or why she might be blind to the intentions of others, namely the parisian coven. its part of why she can't see that she's being toyed with, and why she has such a desire for community, a desire to fit in and be seen as mature. that's the thing that makes her so tragic to me, she wants nothing more than to be seen as an adult, even though, in the eyes of both mortals and her immortal peers, she is not and never will be one. if anything, her attempts to do so will always and forever be seen as childish, like a little girl trying on her mother's oversized high heels for the first time.
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radiohaven · 12 days
that episode was not funny or fun and i think i might throw up and cry
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stcantarella · 17 days
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may god take all her sufferings, triple it and give it to that blonde demon
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problematicturtle · 2 years
Rewatching ep 6: All the work Claudia put into Louis’ rehabilitation, that we don’t talk about how she had to watch him suffer, night after night. Through excruciating pain, through nightmares. That she had to clean the house, fix the place up, find rats for him to feed on. Physical therapy for the vampire. A goat through the house to improve his speed and card tossing for hand-eye coordination. Sit down. Stand up. Rinse, repeat. Did he manage to block her out entirely while he dreamt of falling? Or did she sometimes fall with him.
All of that labour, all of that time and dedication, and we don’t even blink. Do we just assume the unpaid labor of women comes as a given? That it’s not even a sacrifice that she did so?
Of course she did, why wouldn’t she? That’s what you do when a loved one needs you, right? Years of friendship and companionship and painstaking recovery, and if you don’t think she suffered along with him, as we all suffer as caretakers. Her delicate, beautiful Louis. And their relationship is so good, and I cherish it so much.
That she would do all of that while recovering from her own assault. She won’t talk about it to anyone but her diary, but who holds her when she dreams about it? Or does Louis’ presence, his grounding love, help her through the dark nights as well.
And after bearing witness to all of that, why would she forgive the man that put her father through that? Why, indeed. And then he breaks Louis’ heart again, and she begs him to leave. For her. For himself. But he won’t.
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what3ver · 12 days
i would have drank tons of blood with you and kept you alive forever
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ekktoplasm · 19 days
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metahigh · 29 days
Can't wait for my mentally ill vampires to torture each other again. And Daniel too 🥰💖😋🥺
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fanfictionroxs · 1 month
Daniel working on his laptop ignoring Louis/Armand fighting in the background like the perfect child of divorce lmfao. Reminds me of Claudia writing in her diary ignoring Louis/Lestat arguing lmaaooooo
Who's the band aid for a shitty marriage now huh Danny baby?
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portmantaur · 29 days
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alibonbonn · 1 year
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I don’t know when I’ll finish up my vampire stickies but I keep ! Starting ! New! Sketch’s!💀
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stemroses · 2 years
Happy dude that died during the tugboat horn
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teawiththespleen · 2 years
it's also so funny to me that the guy who is literally her maker is treated like a step father
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rrr-mmmm · 1 month
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and I play the little girl?
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