#classe populaire
nando161mando · 4 days
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"Connexion Ripostes Populaires" (FR: Français)
"People's fight back network" (EN: English)
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helshades · 1 year
... Hicham, le père (biologique) de Nahel, sort du silence et réclame « une vraie justice ».
« J'ai du mal à m'en remettre (...) j'arrive plus à dormir. J'ai fait des choix dans ma vie qui ont fait que j'ai pas pu assister à sa naissance, j'ai pas vu ses premiers pas, ses premiers mots ». Il ajoute : « J'ai appris que c'était mon fils en voyant la photo ».
Traduction : j'ai su que c'était mon fils quand j'ai vu le montant de la cagnotte...
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PRIMA PAGINA Liberation di Oggi venerdì, 13 settembre 2024
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stephanemortimore · 4 months
Lettre ouverte aux crabes.
Cher vous tous, Pardonnez-moi par avance ma liberté de ton et de langage que je vais employer à votre endroit mais il me semble que parfois le citoyen que vous avez la prétention de diriger, investit de votre certitude d’appartenir à une élite, doit vous rappeler à vos obligations. Il semblerait pourtant que la seule obligation de la classe politique française soit de nous faire rire, mais…
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chrysopoeias · 2 months
fma ramblin no1curr
Back when I read more fanfics, I honestly never cared much for post-canon royai with Roy being president. It’s not inherently always bad. I can be convinced there are good scenarios. Or I just don’t care because it’s more about OTP making out anyway. But I just never liked Roy being the president, him being elected to that position and the general public always loving him. All the while he does Good™ (read modern (American) politics the author likes). While Riza gets to play (USA style) First Lady™ and/or the (house)wife that smiles pretty and waves..... 
I just don’t think it fits or would happen like that.
Roy wants to become fuhrer, aka military dictator. He is not going to be elected. If he does not choose violent takeover, then the only people he needs to impress are (fellow) generals and get them to all agree Mustang is the best dictator for the role. The general population not rioting in the streets when Roy is dictator is a bonus, but the people of Amestris have no voting rights. 
But also, why is it the assumption that Mustang would be very populair? The general public is oppressed, has no free media, no fair laws, like shown in the Maria Ross arc. Even someone born in the warzones, like Ed and Al, have been completely ignorant on what actually happend. The general population has no idea that Amestris is the constant aggressor. They believe they are the victim under attack from the outside. And the people living away from the borders, the upper class, and the people who don’t rock the boat (aka everyone beside the protags) seem to have pretty normal lives in their ignorant bliss. They do not know any different because different perspectives are not accessible. Bradley was actually popular and well liked for a reason. So Mustang changing the whole current military gouvernement structure and power balances isn’t gonna instantly win fans there lol.
Actually Mustangs main goal as military dictator as stated by Hawkeye are
Give political power back to the parlement and have them do elections (again).
Demilitarise the public institutions, including removing the state alchemist program.
Reform military law to make war crimes, well, crimes. And then also apply those laws retroactively, including on themselves.
Of course there is other things Mustang can care about. Like not having constant wars with all the surrounding countries and national security. But if the parlement is back in power, why would Roy, as the military dictator/commander in chief, become the elected president when his whole life goal was to separate those institutions in the first place? Just makes no sense to me.
It’s then the actual prime minister/presidents job to worry about the local hospital or factory worker rights or pension or whatever. Roy can focus on idk.. Creta inventing air plane bombers or whatever.
And Riza doesn’t have to smile pretty and wave and do charity speeches or be The (house)wife™ simply because she is the woman and thats the stereotypical woman’s first lady role. I don’t think she would enjoy being a public figure smiling and waving anyway. She can stay a bodyguard, if she wants to. Or decide that Roy reached his goal and retire with her 12 dogs on a farm out East, lmfao.
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asofterepilogue · 3 months
Il y a quelques temps j'ai lu un article (que je ne retrouve évidemment pas) qui disait que le vote FN des classes populaires est en très grande partie motivé par la conviction que le système (capitaliste) injuste et douloureux dans lequel nous vivons est le seul possible et ne peut donc pas être changé, et qu'il s'agit alors pour ces fachos en puissance de s'assurer de ne pas passer dernier, c'est-à-dire de s'assurer que les "immigrés" ne bénéficient pas de la solidarité nationale et qu'ils vivent moins bien qu'eux-mêmes.
On sait aussi que l'abstention de plus en plus haute (à une exception récente près) est en partie due aux trahisons successives des politiciens, qui ont persuadé une grande partie de la population que voter ne servait à rien (même parmi ceux qui ne s'abstiennent pas, d'ailleurs).
Sachant cela, est-il judicieux pour une gauche qui se veut "de rupture" de se rapprocher de tout ce qui n'est clairement pas, ne souhaite pas être, ne sera jamais du côté de la rupture ? Est-il judicieux de soutenir François Hollande dit le fossoyeur de la gauche, ou un ancien ministre macroniste ? Est-il judicieux de s'allier avec Raphaël Glücksmann ? Est-il judicieux de faire renaître une alliance des gauches "mise à mort" il y a quelques mois par la gauche qui a déjà régné - et trahi - encore et encore et encore, avec plus de concessions à l'aile droite encore que lors de l'alliance précédente ? Est-il judicieux pour n'importe quel parti de gauche d'être représenté par quelqu'un qui utilise ouvertement les termes et les raisonnements de la droite en parlant "assistanat" ou en défendant sans nuance la police ? Est-il judicieux d'appeler à voter pour des candidats LR ou LREM qui voteraient les mêmes lois que les candidats FN et l'ont d'ailleurs déjà fait ?
Évidemment, il faut empêcher que l'extrême-droite ne gouverne. Mais si le danger est si réel aujourd'hui, c'est bien parce que l'ensemble de l'échiquier politique l'a encouragé pendant des décennies - par stratégie, par aveuglement, par inconscience, par complaisance.
À court terme, la stratégie de l'alliance peut porter ses fruits. Mais nous devrons de nouveau voter dans 3 ans (ou l'année prochaine en cas de nouvelle dissolution), et ce n'est pas en continuant à n'offrir aucune alternative crédible que les politiciens changeront la donne. Au-delà de ces élections, la stratégie des concessions à la gauche d'accompagnement la plus molle et la plus consensuelle est une stratégie perdante.
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4pmbookstacks · 6 months
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✩ You can't escape! (the Music of the Night) Tsukasa / reader ; Aname / reader; Kou / reader — home ; masterlist - previous chapter : next chapter
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I . . . LITTLE LOTTIE Between the fiber threads of dreams and hopes, there is both darkness and light, corruption and wonder, curiosity and incuriousness. Many hope to perform on the stage of an Opera house, especially one as grand as the Hasu ren Niki, or Lotus Populaire, which mimics its sister passed, The Opera Populaire; Built upon it’s rubble by a Japanese and French architects, trying to bring a Phoenix back from the ashes and revive a colorful hope into the dulling city once more.
It became a vital stop for any Prima Donnas and leading Tenors, the first lady and man of the stage, to perform for an audience that came from around the globe; from the New Americas to Europe and even Aisa. Where the height of their career would start and end, allowing them entrance to any other role in any Opera House around the world; For if you could perform on the stage of Lotus Populaire and receive astounding reviews from the critics of France, you'd become one in a million.
One in a million, that is something truly great to achieve; didn’t you know?
Though to become one in a million, you always have to start from somewhere; Just as a flower has to sprout from the ground before it blossoms into a flower, petals gleaming with color while scented oh so beautifully. For You, it began in Europe; more specifically, Britain, on a sweet countryside near the southernmost port.
Often you heard of the stories of the Opera Populaire from travelers. Stories of a majestic Opera house bathed in the glimmering gold with reflective flooring and tall, looming status of women. Of the Opera house with the most comfortable seating, varnished with a deep maroon that screamed lavish, wealth, success, Of the Opera house that spared no expense to have the most reputable, most angelic, most authentic Prima Donna’s on this side of Europe, who sang with not only their voice yet their heart and soul; Who’s acting was just as good as their singing, entrancing, encapsulating.
Few times did you actually manage to go see the Opera house yourself, most times you had to beg your father to let you tag along with the Minamoto’s—family friends who had moved to Europe from Japan—and who were wealthy enough to spare the expense to make a trip to the Opera Populaire every season.
Though you could not go every time, though you wish you wished you could, you would soak up every moment when you were inside its casted walls; Dancing along the polished floors with Kou as you both laughed and pretended to be the leading roles in your own opera on the stairs. His Mother and elder Brother would always scold you two for not acting your class, for not showing the restraint and regality of the upper class citizens of Europe. To which they always received a giggle and apology before you two rushed off to your private box for the show.
Even if some your age called it boring, you had always been entranced by Opera. You knew you wanted to be on that stage, singing and dancing and performing, even at your father’s slight distaste of your choice. It was the only option, and you would accept nothing less than to be performing on the grand stage of the Opera Populaire.
And even after it’s burning, that desire shifted to wanting to perform on the Lotus Populaire.
Kou always entertained your lofty dreams, sitting at the piano in your family’s parlor room, to keep you company after your tutoring sessions; He would play the scale of your voice through the piano keys, slowly increasing before decreased once more, before performing a song for you to sing along to. It was always enchanting, at least for the skill of little children, no older than 12 years of age. Maids and Butlers would often stop to listen, occasionally would Kou’s brother sit in on the performance and give a solid clap when the two of you finished, compliments flooding out of his mouth.
The encouragement, much to your father’s ire, always convinced you to move forward and as such, what pushed you to audition at the Lotus Populaire for its next season of Hannibal—an opera about composed by Chalumeau about the return of carthaginian troops from fighting against roman soldiers; an opera that had been creating heavy traction and buzz, making global press. This, you were confident, would be the true start of your career in the Opera industry, not as a ballerina yet as a lead; Or, at least, you were shooting for ensemble at the minimum. You needed to get out of the local Opera theaters of London, where you have been performing since you were able to at the young age of 16; You were almost 22 now!
“Just to be clear,” Your father started, watching as the carriage pulled into the cobbled driveway; A white stallion and its driver greeting your father, Kou, and you. “It’ll be alright if you do not land a role, I’ll still be proud of you no matter what.” You could hear the heistance in his voice as his hand took yours, his thumb brushing over the back of your hand in reassurance. A worrier, that’s what your Father always had been; Since the moment you were born.
You couldn’t help but laugh softly, watching as Kou moved around you both to speak to the driver of the carriage, “Father, I will be fine, I promise! Kou is coming with me, I’m more than prepared and I’ve been practicing since the news came out.” You would try and reassure your own father, though watching as his eyebrows frowned up either way, “I’ll be home in three days time!”
“I know, I know,” The heavy sigh left his lips, and you were sure all the oxygen had left his lungs too. There was a hesitation as his lips tugged to the sides, “I just wish I could be there with you; It is quite a long journey and your first time auditioning outside of the country. . . are you sure you don’t need me there? I can send a letter quickly to my work, surely they’ll understand the circumstances-”
“You worry more than there is need!” Another soft laughter fluttered out of your lips; You wouldn’t realize the way Kou would smile softly at the sound from behind your back. “Kou and I will be perfectly fine, now please, I’ll be late if you don’t let me go!”
You saw the way his lips would tremble a little, the hardship of letting his child go, seeming too much to bear, even for him. And though it pained you to see your Father so upset at your departure, all the comfort you could give him in aid was one last, tight hug before you had to pull away. Hands firmly on the sides of his arm, you would bow your head lightly as he pecked a kiss on the top of your head.
“Don’t come home unless you score big.” He would joke, one last time, as your hands fell from his shoulders. You would scrunch your nose at his comment, your lips wobbling with laughter as you playfully slapped his shoulder before departing for the carriage with a shake of your head; Meeting Kou, who would bow with just as much grace and teasement, as he opened the carriage door to let you in first before he joined you, sitting right by your side.
There was no more going back once the carriage door closed and the horse hooves began to clack on the cobblestone pavement, rolling the carriage effortlessly as it was majestically. You were sure tears sprang from your fathers eyes, as if it wasn’t for his job he would be joining Kou and you now on the cross-ocean trip to France. It’ll surely be a long journey, even longer without your Father to keep you entertained, yet you had Kou, and dare say, he was even better company! Funny, charming, and a little witty, he both was able to keep up with you and accept the high education you possessed, no matter the difference in gender.
“You’re awfully quiet.” The comment came out as teasing as you poked Kou’s side, his suit matching the color of his clan and complementing the color of his eyes; A nice blue, an attractive color, most would say. He would be more popular with the ladies if it wasn’t for his brother stealing the show.
Kou would hum, crossing his arms and leaning back against the plush seating, “Just thinking.” Was his bland answer.
“That’s new.” Came the snicker that followed from you.
At least, thankfully, it had caught Kou’s attention as he glanced over towards you rather quickly; Seeming ready to defend himself, though the words left his lips before they even managed to bubble as soon as he saw your snicker. “Very amusing, Lottie.”
Lottie, a nickname. The nickname Kou had decided would be yours since that day you met at his home, during a lavish house welcoming party. He said it suited you, you never understood why but accepted the nickname after countless tries of rebuking it.
“It’s true! You never think.” You teased, poking his side once more and causing him to yelp. The oh-so professional Viscount in public was reduced to scrambling away from you in the carriage bound for the southernmost port in all of the United Kingdom! It was fairly amusing.
“Stop that!” Kou flushed as you would turn to him, daring to poke at his side once more. “You know I’m ticklish there! Don’t even start-”
Though he would only yelp once more, making a grave effort to curl away from your finger as you dared it closer, “Then tell me what’s the matter! You’re usually so talkative, Viscount, now you’re nothing but stoic silence. It does not fit you at all! Are you concerned about little old me?” You would tease and playfully gush, though knew it was most likely the truth. Kou had always been rather easy to read.
“I’m just concerned, that's all!” He would exclaim, jumping to the seats parallel to yours on the opposite side of the carriage. It drew you to stopping your attacks on his sides, for now.
“Concerned about what? The admirers I’m going to receive after becoming a lead?” The words slipped out of your mouth, a dramatic flare being added to the end to show you weren’t being serious. You didn’t expect to get the leading role on your first show in the Lotus Populaire, you were smart to know that much. Though Kou would playfully roll his eyes, giving you an unamused “ha-ha”, before shaking his head.
“I’m simply concerned about your safety and the travel! I mean, what if the boat sinks or we run into any of those weird French ghosts? It would be no place for you-” Kou would start, gesturing with his hands as though this would cause a muck in the plans you had ‘oh-so carefully’ laid out the night. You would cut Kou off, though, pressing a finger firmly against his lips, “Then you’ll protect me, simple!” Your words came off with such confidence in Kou, that he couldn’t help but flush a little at the suddenness of your comment. His light blue eyes were stuck to yours, “Whatever comes, Kou, as long as I have you by my side, I’m sure everything will be alright. Besides your brother and my father, you’re the strongest man, or even Viscount, I know. . . and it’s highly unlikely that the boat will sink! So, relax a little, alright? Let’s enjoy this!” And though he was hesitant to respond, especially since your father had placed him in charge of your well being as well . . . as well as making sure you didn’t spend all of your money in France on meaningless items, he would nod; Something akin to pride swelling in his chest. If you believed in him, and if your father did as well, then surely he could keep you out of harm's way, no matter the danger. And to his response, he watched as you sat yourself back down, leaning against the plush cushions of the carriage. Your gaze shifted from him to outside the window of the carriage, your eyes glimmering in the sun that basked inside. Hope, something like that at least, for a better future, shined in your eyes; And that’s all Kou needed to relax himself. His body sank down into his cushioned seat, his eyes lingering on you for a second longer before they were also pulled to the window. The rolling hills of the Kingdom’s countryside were always beautiful, though, to Kou, you were more of a sight than anything nature could provide.
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© 4pmbookstacks, teeful-corner, March 2024. do not repost, plagiarize, translate, or copy my works without permission asked beforehand.
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vicnormansstuff · 4 days
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« Contre le Front populaire, il n'est donc pas suffisant de répondre par une coalition classique de la droite réactionnaire. C'est la classe ouvrière elle-même qu'il faut dresser contre le mensonge et la duperie du Front populaire. Il faut lui montrer que le nouveau Front Populaire n'a pas pour but la défense des intérêts de la classe ouvrière, cette défense n'est qu'un prétexte. »
Maurice Bardèche, Défense de l'Occident, juin 1953.
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8 juillet :
Le 30 juin dernier, le RN caracolait à 34 % des voix dans une élection qui avait vu une forte mobilisation (par rapport aux scores précédents). Ce que l’on n’avait pas vu c’est que ça voulait dire que 66 % des Français étaient contre le RN et les couches populaires qui le soutiennent. On avait oublié leur passivité devant le massacre policier et judiciaire des gilets jaunes et les 58% de Macron en 2022. Alors, c’est vrai que par certains aspects le RN n’est pas très ragoûtant. Mais prétendre que c’est un parti fasciste des sœurs zombres des années 30, est simplement une blague. Du théâtre comme disait Lionel Jospin. Alors on se pose la question : pourquoi Mélenchon, les écolos, les faux cocos, les traîtres génétiques du PS ont encore une fois sauvé le cul de Macron ? En votant tranquillement sans aucun état d’âme pour Darmanin, Borne et la plupart des gangsters qui entouraient Macron. Sans oublier bien sûr l’élection de la limace Hollande.!
C’est qu’en fait, ils sont comme majorité des Français et s’accommodent très bien du néolibéralisme macronien et de son techno-fascisme corrompu. La dégringolade de leur pays ne leur pose aucun problème sérieux.
Le vote du 7 juillet n’a rien à voir avec un « antifascisme » réel, mais plus simplement avec l’envie de continuer comme ça. Quoi que l’on pense de ses capacités et de ses orientations, la très éventuelle arrivée du RN à proximité du pouvoir aurait constitué une rupture et provoqué une crise politique pouvant déboucher sur un changement de direction. En impliquant les couches populaires et en ralentissant l’effondrement. Pour essayer d’extirper la France du marécage belliciste pestilentiel dans lequel l’Occident sous direction américaine s’enfonce. Mais ça, les couches moyennes et ceux qui les représentent ne veulent rien entendre.
« Faut pas pleurer sur le lait renversé camarade. La lutte des classes ça existe et tu es du mauvais côté de l’Histoire, c’est tout. »
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maddiesbookshelves · 1 year
Second queer manga rec for pride month!
The Guy She Was Interested in Wasn't a Guy at All, by Arai Sumiko
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Original title: Ki ni Natteru Hito ga Otoko ja Nakatta / 気になってる人が男じゃなかった
Genres: Comedy - Romance - Shojo-ai - Slice of Life
Themes: School Life - Music
Japanese volumes: 1 (Ongoing)
During one of her visits to the record store, popular high school gyaru Aya Oosawa falls in love with the store employee, not realizing that this cool guy is actually Mitsuki Koga, the quiet girl sitting next to her in class.
The premise of the story sounded really fun and the art was so good that I just HAD to give it a try and, let me tell you, it's absolutely worth the hype
The story is pretty simple but the way the characters and their relationship are handled is just so nice. I think it's a pretty refreshing story and I like that we get to have cute stories like this that aren't centered on the characters' sexuality but the characters' relationship. As I probably said in my Love Mix-up! review, darker stories on the struggles of being queer are great too, but I want to be able to just... breathe and have a nice time with classic romance tropes. After all, I enjoy romance manga way more than romance book (don't ask me why, I don't know) so it's always great to read queer romances like this
French version under the cut
Titre Original : Ki ni Natteru Hito ga Otoko ja Nakatta / 気になってる人が男じゃなかった
Genres : Comédie - Romance
Thèmes : École - Musique
Volumes VO : 1 (En cours)
Lors d'une de ses visites chez le disquaire Aya Oosawa, gyaru populaire dans son lycée, tombe amoureuse de l'employé sans se rendre compte que ce mec cool est en réalité Mitsuki Koga, la fille discrète assise à côté d'elle en classe.
Le pitch de l'histoire avait l'air fun et les dessins étaient tellement beau, il FALLAIT que j'essaie de le lire et, franchement, la hype est totalement justifiée
L'histoire est assez simple mais la façon dont les personnages et leur relation sont traités est tellement bien. Je trouve que ça change un peu des histoires habituelles et j'aime le fait qu'on puisse avoir des histoires mignonnes qui ne sont pas centrées sur la sexualité des personnages mais plutôt sur leur relation. Comme je l'ai probablement dit dans ma review de Love Mix-up !, les histoire plus sombres sur les difficultés d'être queer sont très bien aussi, mais je veux pouvoir juste... respirer et passez du bon temps en lisant des trope de romance classiques. Après tout, j'apprécie largement plus la romance en manga qu'en roman (me demandez pas pourquoi, je sais pas) du coup c'est toujours agréable de lire une romance queer comme ça
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PRIMA PAGINA Liberation di Oggi giovedì, 12 settembre 2024
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garadinervi · 3 months
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Atelier populaire, Pour un enseignement au service du peuple, non à l'Université de classe, Paris, 1968 [Bibliothèque nationale de France, Paris]
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girafeduvexin · 1 month
(Extrait d'un cours au collège de France d'Antoine Compagnon)
Qu’est-ce qu’un classique ? Suivant l’étymologie populaire, un classique est un écrivain qu’on lit en classe, comment Roland Barthes disait que la littérature, c’est ce qui s’enseigne. (…) Faisons pourtant attention. Un écrivain pour l’école, ou même pour l’université, c’est en quelque manière un écrivain qu’on ne lit pas, ou qu’on lit autrement : « Pour la semaine prochaine, vous lirez de la page 133 à la page 277. » On l’étudie, on suit des cours sur son œuvre, on fait des explications de ses textes et des dissertations sur ses sentences, par exemple celle-ci, qui résume la Recherche, ou du moins Le Temps retrouvé : « La seule vie pleinement vécue, c’est la littérature. » (…) Mais un classique, de façon moins sociologique cette fois, plus historique, plus critique, c’est aussi un écrivain dont les qualités principales sont, dit-on, la raison, la concision, l’ordre, la mesure, la réserve, l’équilibre, l’harmonie, la simplicité, la modération, etc. C’est du moins ainsi qu’on a l’habitude de le définir : « l’œuvre d’art classique, jugeait par exemple Gide, raconte le triomphe de l’ordre et de la mesure sur le romantisme intérieur. » Et Henri Peyre, dans un essai sur le classicisme qui a compté, décrivait le classicisme comme « un art de mesure, de lucidité, d’ordre, d’équilibre, en face d’un art que l’on juge excessif et violent, mystérieux et obscur. (…) Le classique, disait encore Peyre, se soumet aisément à son public, il s’efface devant le sujet qu’il traite ; il cherche en effet à devenir banal. Aussi son œuvre demeure-t-elle d’abord inaperçue. Car elle ne vise point à différer en tranchant sur la production contemporaine. (…) Mais, en vérité, qui cet effacement, cette soumission décrivent-ils correctement ? Racine, l’hyperclassique, l’homme aux 1800 mots, a lui-même eu des ennemis lors de la création de ses tragédies. On ne naît pas classique, on le devient, comme, avant Valéry, Stendhal le soutenait dans Racine et Shakespeare en 1823. Les classiques, disait-il, même Euripide et Sophocle, ont été romantiques en leur temps ; on devient classique, concluait-il, parce qu’on a été romantique : « Je n’hésite pas à avancer que Racine a été romantique ; il a donné, aux marquis de la cour de Louis XIV, une peinture des passions, tempérée par l’extrême dignité qui était alors à la mode. » (…) Ainsi, si Proust est à mes yeux un classique, et même le classique, ce n’est pas, ou pas seulement, au sens du canon, de la classe, du panthéon scolaire et universitaire, et ce n’est pas non plus, ou si peu, au sens du classicisme historique, comme recherche de l’ordre, de l’équilibre, de la réserve, de l’effacement. Mais c’est au sens où chaque génération renouvelle la signification et la portée de cette œuvre, l’enrichit, en prend possession, sans doute parce que cette œuvre n’est pas parfaite, pas close sur elle-même, pas achevée : « Le livre de Proust, disait judicieusement Reynaldo Hahn, n’est pas un chef-d’œuvre si l’on appelle chef-d’œuvre une chose parfaite et de plan irréprochable. » L’œuvre classique n’est pas parfaite. C’est parce qu’elle n’est pas parfaite, pas canonique, si vous voulez, c’est parce qu’elle est creusée de différences qu’elle a le pouvoir de devenir classique.
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raisongardee · 7 months
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"[…] c’est précisément au sein de ces nouvelles classes moyennes métropolitaines, dont l’expansion régulière suit en temps réel le mouvement de mise en valeur capitaliste du monde, que se recrute à présent la plus grande partie des électeurs, des élus et des cadres dirigeants de la nouvelle gauche post-mitterrandienne (un phénomène encore mathématiquement amplifié, de nos jours, par la propension croissante des classes les plus défavorisées à se réfugier dans le vote blanc ou l’abstention). C’est avant tout cette nouvelle donne sociologique (le fait, pour le dire autrement, qu’une grande métropole a, de nos jours, d’autant plus de chance de se voir dotée d’une municipalité de gauche ou "écologiste" que le prix du mètre carré y est élevé !) qui explique, selon moi, aussi bien le rejet grandissant dont la gauche moderne est l’objet de la part des classes populaires que la crise d’identité structurelle que cette dernière traverse logiquement depuis plusieurs décennies."
Jean-Claude Michéa, Extensions du domaine du capital, 2023.
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yourimagines · 6 months
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* Engine is not my first language I apologise
* Triggers: Sad, Fluff
I was walking through the hallways of school, trying to get to the next class. "Hey Y/n!" Josh waved at me with a big goofy smile on his face as he saw me passing him by. I gave him a quick wave and walked quickly further to my class. "Not today josh..."
The bell rang and I arrived just on time in class. "Just on time miss Y/L/N." The teacher said as he was about to close the door behind me. "Hey, watch out!" Drake pushed the door open again and walked in. "You on the other hand mr Parker, you are too late." He shook his head and smiled. "No I'm not to late, I was here the whole time, just ask her." He pointed at me. "Is that so, miss Y/L/N?" They both looked at me and I just nodded. "Yeah he was here the whole time sir." He hummed and looked back at Drake. "You're luckly that they like you mr Parker." With that he went to his desk. I looked at Drake who gave me a pat on my shoulder as he past by. "Thanks Y/L/N."
"Everyone listen up, I want you to choose a partner for this new project, It's going to be about your hobbies and inspirations. So choose someone who has the same interests as yourself." Everyone started to move around, to their best friend. I sighed and looked around who hasn’t had a partner yet. I saw Drake sitting alone at his desk, his head in his hands. 'Great...' I walked over to him and threw my bagpack on the table next to him. He looked up and groans. "Great...."
Drake POV
I came home from a dreadful day at school and jumped into my bed. "What’s up with you, no hello Josh." I groaned and throw a pillow to him. "Hey! no pillow throwing, remember what happend the last time." He said and made a hand movement in the air. "But tell me brother, what’s going on." I turned around to look at him and sighed deeply. "I have a project with Y/L/N." His face lit up as I said her name. "Y/N Y/L/N?" I nodded and stood up, strechting my back. "Yep, worst day ever." I jumped down and sat down on the couch, grabbing a game controller. "Why?" I rolled my eyes at him and started a game. "She's not very populair Josh, people talk very fast in school and I don't want to lose my reputation." He laughed at me and I turned around to face him. "what's so funny?" He shrugged and went further with his homework. "Nothing, just wait when you find out who she really is." I snorted and turned back to the tv. "Yeah right, what in the world would make me want to hang out with her.”
——— few days later———
I invited her over to my place as I didn’t want to be seen with her out in public because people talk. “We can do our project in here.” I said to her as she followed me into my shared bedroom. Josh was lying on his stomach in bed, making his homework. “Hi Y/N.” He waved at her and she waved back at him. “Hi Josh.” She plops down on the couch and took out her notebook. I gave Josh an obvious look and grabbed my guitar. “Okay so I was thinking that you make the project and I will play some music for us.” She shrugs and starts to write in her notebook. ‘Okay that was easy.’
Drake was playing some good tunes on his guitar as I was trying to figure out what we should do for our project. I groaned and rubbed my eyes. “Are you okay?” Josh asks as he took a seat next to me, grabbing the game controller. “I don’t know what to do for our project and your brother is not the best partner to have.” Josh looks at his brother and nods. “Tell me about it, he’s my roommate.” I shook my head and closed my notebook. “I’m done, I’m going home.” I grabbed my bag and stood up.
“Woah, you’re already done with our project?” Drake asks surprised. “No, I’m not even started yet.” He looks at Josh and raises his eyebrows. “Wait and see huh?” He says sarcastically to his brother. “You think you can do better than me?” I crossed my arms and raised my eyebrows. “Of course I can, simple as it gets, we make a video clip for my band.” I laughed and shook my head. “No we are not, drake the project is to make something you like to do, I don’t think I like to watch you playing with your band.” He threw his hands up. “You probably don’t even like music at all.” He groans out. “Well you’re wrong, I do like music.” He rolled his eyes at me. “Yeah right.” I nodded and walked to his drum set. “Can I?” He shrugged and I sat down, I grabbed the drum sticks and started to drum.
Drake POV
I was surprised that she knew how to play. “I told you.” Josh said to me as I was looking at her, something changed my mind about her but I still didn’t really wanted to know her. “Well everyone can play some drums.” I said as she stopped and looked at me. “I thought it was pretty good.” Josh said and I shook my head at him. “You think everyone is pretty good.” She stood up and brushed her hands against her jeans. “Okay, you win. Music video it is.” She looked a bit upset and quickly grabbed her bag and left. “See what you just done?” I nodded. “Yeah, I’ve got a new music video for my band.” He hit my forehead with his hand and shook his head. “No….you made her upset. Idiot.” I nodded slowly but shrugged my shoulders afterwards. “Yeah….well sucks for her.” I sat down and grabbed the controller. “Come let’s play some games together.” Josh didn’t answerd back and I looked around the room, to find out he also left me alone. “Oh…okay.” I shrugged and played my game.
——— school day ———
I went to class and saw she was already sitting down by my desk. A few books on the desk and a camera. “Hello Y/L/N.” I sat down and smiled at her. “Hey.” She says without looking at me. “Okay, not in the mood I see.” She didn’t say anything, just her head in the books. “What is this even?” I pointed at the books. “Well since you want a music video for your band and I don’t know anything about making a music video, so I’m studying for it.” I hummed and picked one of the books up, looking through it if it had some pictures in it. “Cool, so you don’t need my help?” She looked up and sighed. “I do need some help, who said i didn’t?” I smiled and pointed at myself. “Me?” She rolled her eyes and went back to her books. “Never mind, you are just like what they say about you.”
“Like what?” He asks as he moves a bit closer to me. “That you only care about yourself.” “That’s not true,I care about others….like Josh, I care about him.” I turned my head to look at him. “Only when you need him to have your back.” He huffed and sat back in his seat again. “That’s not true and besides I care about this project.” I raised my eyebrows at him and he grabbed a book. “I show you I care.” “Sure..” I shook my head and went back what I was reading about. ‘He doesn’t care, so don’t start to like him now, he only will break your heart.’
Drake and I went to his place after school, to shoot the first part of the music video. "Do you already know which song your going to play?" I asked as I follwed him to the garage. "Yeahh...I just wrote it last night." I nodded at him and greeted his bandmates as they were already waiting for him. "Hey Drake, who's this?" He smiled and grabbed his guitar. "Y/L/N, my project partner." They nodded and smiled at me. "Cool....Let's make that video then."
Drake POV
She was doing a great job with the camera but something wasn't feeling right to me. "I think we have it." She turned the camera off and lay it on the table. "Yeah..." I rubbed the back of my neck and smiled at her. "I will finish this one up and I make sure we have our project done by friday." She looked surprised and giggled. "Are you sure? You can't forget about it." I nodded and grabbed the camera. "I'm sure, trust me." She slowly nods and grabs her bag. "Okay, don't make me regrets this Parker." "I promise you won't regrets this."
——— Friday ———
She's going to lose her mind, I forgot about the music video and now I’m losing my mind. "You're an idiot!" Josh yells as I just told him why I was losing my mind. "She's going to hate you...How can you forget about this." I sighed and shook my head. "I'm so dead...."
I sat down in my chair and held my head low, hoping she would be sick or something. "Hey Parker." I looked up carefully and saw her smiling at me as she sat down next to me. "Hi Y/L/N" She was looking at me as I didn't know what to do. "Did you bring it with you?" I nodded and patted on my bag. "It's in here." "Really?" I nodded and she laughs. "Okay, You suprised me Parker. I have to admit that I wasn't expeting this so I made a backup for us by myself.....I'm sorry for judging you without really knowing you." My heart sank to the floor as she looked so happy about it. “Can't wait to see what you made, maybe we have the same vision about this one." I slowly nodded and looked at the teacher as he was about to start the class.
"Okay miss Y/L/N and Mr Parker, it's your turn now." i stood up and walked to the front, Drake was ruffing through his bag. "Can't find it mr Parker?" Our teacher joked. I was getting worried and walked back to him. "What's wrong?" He looked at me with panic in his eyes. "It's gone...." I know right away that, that was a lie and nodded. "okay then we use mine...." I grabbed my bag and took my version out of my bag. "we found it." I said to the teacher and gave it to him. "Good, let's start shall we."
We paased our project and I was a bit hurt by his lies so i tried to leave the class as quick as possible when the bell rang but he was very fast as well. "Y/N please wait." He says as he ran after me. "Why? Why should I, To hear you lie again?" I crossed my arms and just looked at him, He looked guilty at me, his hand went up to his hair and combed through it. "Listen I want to apolosise. I forgot about it and I'm sorry for not being honest about it to you." I slowly nodded and looked down at my feet. "I'm really sorry but I'm not what they say about me and I hope you can still give me chance to prove it to you." I looked up and shrugged. "I don't know to be honest, you really showed it about what they say about you." He moved a bit closer to me and looked me in my eyes. "Let's start over, forget what they said about me and let's start over." I started to smile as he was really trying. "you want to make a whole new project?" he nods. "Yes and now It's your turn to show what your hobbies are." he held his hand out to me and smiles. "So...do you want to be my partner again?" I smiled and grabbed his hand. "Okay but don't mess this one up Parker." "I promise i won't."
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suzitaree · 2 years
Love at Hogwarts. (S. Sallow x reader)
Sebastian Sallow had always been the problematic populair kid at Hogwarts. Doing what he felt like and taking his Sister Anne and best friend Ominis with him in his adventures. After his sister got cursed he got the feeling none of them seemed to really understand him and his struggles. That was until he met Y/N.
Y/N was different from anyone Sebastian had ever met. She was kind, intelligent, and had a passion for the magical arts that was unmatched. They met in their fifth year, during a Charms class. They were partnered up for a project and something just clicked between them.
At first, Sebastian tried to ignore his feelings for Y/N. He didn't want to risk ruining their friendship. But as the days went by, he found himself thinking about her more and more. He would catch himself staring at her in class, and he would feel a flutter in his stomach whenever she laughed.
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One day, they were sitting outside by the lake, watching the sun set. Sebastian found himself telling Y/N things he had never told anyone before. He talked about his fears, his hopes, and his dreams. Y/N listened intently, and when he was finished, she looked at him with a warm smile.
"You know, Sebastian," she said. "You don't have to keep everything bottled up inside. You can always talk to me."
Sebastian felt a surge of emotion that he couldn't ignore anymore. He leaned in and kissed Y/N, and to his surprise, she kissed him back. It was a sweet, tender kiss that left Sebastian feeling dizzy with happiness.
From that moment on, Sebastian and Y/N were inseparable. They spent all their time together, studying, practicing spells, and exploring the castle. They even snuck out at night a few times to go on midnight adventures.
As their fifth year came to a close, Sebastian knew he was in love with Y/N. He couldn't imagine his life without her. On the last day of term, he took her hand and led her to a quiet spot in the courtyard.
"Y/N, there's something I need to tell you," he said, his heart pounding in his chest. "I love you. I've loved you for a long time now."
Y/N's eyes widened in surprise, but then she smiled. "I love you too, Sebastian," she said.
Sebastian's heart swelled with happiness as he pulled Y/N into a tight embrace. They spent the rest of the day basking in their newfound love, knowing that they had found something truly special.
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