#class of 2027
Sending good luck and love to all students starting their school year!
If you are in your final year know I am so proud of you for all of your hard work and progress and I know you can get through this semester, just remember to take good care of yourself!
If you’re somewhere in the middle know that this stretch may feel super long but it’ll be over before you know it. Keep putting in the work and enjoy everything you can! You will do amazing!
If you’re a freshman/year one I know you get a lot of judgement but I am truly so excited for you and I wish you the best luck on your new experience. Don’t be afraid to explore and ask for help. Remember that this is just the beginning, you have time to learn.
To all students remember to be kind to yourself. You are more than a grade or a score, and you have what it takes to succeed. As long as you move forward with love and patience you will get where you need to go through any twists and turns.
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judah99 · 1 year
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thought I’d post this here too! My meet the artist for CalArts 27’ class
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wutbju · 7 months
GREENVILLE, S.C. (FOX Carolina) - Bob Jones University confirmed a student passed away unexpectedly on Wednesday. Jose Andres Lopez Bono, 18, suffered an apparent cardiac event, according to the university. Bono, a freshman from Honduras, was majoring in kinesiology. “Andres was an active member of the campus community, especially the international student community,” said Dr. Alan Benson, Acting CEO of Bob Jones. “He was a member of the Nu Delta Chi Vikings and well-loved by the students who knew him.” Counselors from the student care office will be available for students at the Center for Global Opportunities.
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billkaulitzwife · 1 year
guess who just graduated tonight :))
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marywoodartdept · 10 months
Student Spotlight: Matthew Barletta
This week, our Student Spotlight Blogger, Sephora, profiles a freshman painting major, Matthew. Matthew not only shares his beautiful artwork, but he also shares a few fun, interesting facts about himself! Read to see his artwork and learn more about him.
Hello dear readers, Sephora here! October has passed so quickly but I can’t wait to experience November as it is my birthday month! I’m feeling great and I hope you all feel blessed during this month of gratitude! Now to the content! Today I am excited to introduce someone who deserves to be hyped up into infinity. He is extremely talented and I adore his artwork as he is wonderful at drawing��
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cocoafrosting · 1 year
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Officially a college student 🥹
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rynns-traffic-cam · 1 year
Vent n complaints abt the world being fucked up n shit
I just fucking realized something.
I will be in the graduating class of seniors for 2027.
I've heard and seen news articles about 2027 being "The Point Of No Return" for climate change.
Chances are, when I, and my friends, and everyone graduating high school that year graduate, we probably won't remember it as the best day of our lives when we left school forever (or those of us who won't go to college). We won't remember how sad we were to leave our friends behind. We won't sigh in relief because we're free from the clutches of that one teacher.
We'll see it as the year we realized.
There is no future for us.
And no-one in any position of power - REAL power, as in, can literally change laws and write mandates into place, not just influencers - is doing anything to help.
And it makes you realize how messed up the whole system is.
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shatteredmommy · 3 months
We won the appeal against the school! Due to health reasons Ollie missed a total of 80 days of school. When the school year is only 180 days, yes that’s a lot. The school in turn failed him for the year and took away the credits that he did manage to earn. He needs 30 credits to pass. They sent us a letter a couple weeks ago saying he didn’t pass and because his absences were unexcused (even…
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bobbydcustoms · 1 year
First Day
Cbobbydcustomsollege @manhattanedu
Good Luck @liyxhhhhh_
You will do great!!!💚
#proudfamily #college #explorepage✨🔥😈 #
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4c1d4ng3l · 1 year
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Forgot I had a Tumblr. Anyway enjoy this photo of me inside a cardboard box cus i move to university in a few days. Peace out.
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luckydicekirby · 6 months
ffxii truly a game that i have never once finished a single playthrough of in less than like four years, but is simply so fuck-around-in-able that i do pull it out every couple years to play for ten hours and then not touch again for three years
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pilk0id · 4 months
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wutbju · 1 year
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Remember how WutBJU alerted everyone last week to be careful about the "service project" scheduled for the Saturday with the new students?
Guess what?
Just like the RAs ("hall leaders") and administrators, BJU volun-told the Freshmen to do a "service project" for the corporation to which they are paying a lot of tuition.
Doesn't it look friendly?
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This is not a service project. This is unpaid labor.
This continues proves how financially desperate BJU is right now.
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noahschnappinfs · 2 months
I think noah would definitely go back to upenn after filming st but im wondering how many courses are left to complete? also would he be graduated by 2026 or would he graduate late due to taking a year long gap?
Just like anon suggested even i want noah to work with Spielberg again but as you said he definitely would go back to upenn, so we can only hope that the next summer break, noah does get casted in a project (A24/indie movie) where the plot/writing is good and is available for noahs schedule
he’s going to graduate a year later so he’ll be free by early 2027. now that you mention it, an A24 movie would be a cool and strategic move. those movies are filmed very quickly and that studio is very respected so i’d love to see him in one of their movies. however, it’s still a hard that the stars align in a way that he ends up getting cast in an A24 movie that happens to film right on his summer break.
anyway, that’s the kind of smart thinking that his agent needs to be doing. i hadn’t thought about an A24 movie before but that would be a great choice if he wants to film something while he’s at college.
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marywoodartdept · 11 months
Student Spotlight: Esther Korkuti
Our brand new Student Spotlight blogger, Sephora, introduces us to freshman, Esther Korkuti! Sephora tells us the adorable story of how they met, and shows and tells us about Esther and her art journey. Read this blog to learn all about Esther!
Hello! This is your new student spotlight blogger, Sephora here! I am honored to be a part of this crew of hardworking individuals to make sure you all get some content! For my first student spotlight blog, I wish to introduce someone who is silly and has fun with what she does! Which I find to be a very important element in being an artist. But a bit of backstory, a few weeks ago small doodles…
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nofuckingbody · 5 months
im just a girl i can only think of benvi
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