#clarice twig
cursed-and-haunted · 25 days
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"I THINK MY NAME'S SUPPOSED TO BE HUNGER" - webweaving for my oc
Where it Begins, Erica Jong / Poem for a Birthday, Sylvia Plath / Left Me WithA Bitter After Taste, Raquel Loizou / Clarice Lispector / A Fate Worse Than Death, Nisha Patel / The Unabridged Journal of Sylvia Plath, Sylvia Plath / Hansel and Gretel, Anne Sexton / Teaching the Dog Not to Nip, Jim Moore / I WILL BE GOOD AS LONG AS YOU WANT ME, @/thegirlhoodtheory / Sinnerman, Kwame Boateng /Jeff Simpson / "you've always been more of a dog person", @/tdaspoetry / Some Girls Are Born With An Insatiable Hunger, Lisa Villemaire / Essi Välimäki / The Front Bottoms / Silas Denver Melvin / Breezeblocks, Alt-J / Cellophane, FKA twigs / Strangers, Ethel Cain / Jenny Holzer / Emily Palermo / landscape with fruit rot and millipede, Richard Siken / dogperson, @/sloppjockey / The Cunning of Hunger, Chana Bloch / DRIP, Crywolf / Sliver Springs, Fleetwood Mac
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dollc4sket · 7 months
posting my Karl headcanons because I’m crazy and free
can not for the life of him learn how to function “properly.”if he was able to be a human (and live without the castle literally killing him) he would absolutely suck at it. Like— would be terrible at taking care of himself, not because of mental reasons but because no one would help his dumbass. (This one’s canon actually)
- very appreciative of the arts. Surprisingly likes the architecture of the amusement park.
- mumbles to himself a lot. (yes I’m projecting) no one can tell if he’s plotting or just thinking.
- cannot draw for the life of him. Doodles lopsided stick figures by carving into the ground and even into his own palms.
- can perfectly mimic bird calls (specifically a raven’s)
- likes to climb onto Masthead. others think he’s doing it to be annoying but he’s genuinely curious as to how Masthead’s skinny body (well, skinny for a statue) didn’t snap in half with his weight! (he’s really heavy canonically for someone who looks like a twig, lmfao)
- if he had a favorite fruit it would be either apples or pomegranate (idk this makes sense to me. THEYRE HEADCANONS LEAVE ME ALONE)
- likes card tricks but acts unamused by them.
- he actually really does care about Climber (like a brother) and Clarice (to an extent) and everyone else, he’s just not good at articulating his feelings.
- has a weird collection of bones. His usual hangout at the amusement park (Pirate Island) has an assortment of bones, some obviously fake and some suspiciously realistic.
- cannot see out of his left(?) eye, after the whole thing with his eyepatch, he thought that it just needed to adjust to the light, but turns out he’s partially blind!
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saintmelangell · 4 months
6 + 16 + 27!!!!
6. a horror movie you liked but wouldnt recommend to most people (give a reason if youd like to)
my good answer to this is salo because you can't really go around recommending that to people but my bad answer is the first terrifier film which i liked but i also don't think is very good sdfksdfs i thought the second film was better though
16. the first horror movie you saw that truly ignited your love for the genre
silence of the lambs!!! i watched it halloween night 2012 and im sure everyone will know what i mean by this but there's something so enchanting and hypnotic about it, especially the scenes between clarice and hannibal, especially the first scene where they meet. in hindsight i recognize there's something very erotic about that scene and i think that was the first time i encountered that type of eroticism (the type of eroticism that is unique to horror and the gothic) and it really changed everything. the weird people on this website will know what i mean.
27. an upcoming horror movie youre looking forward to watching
i want to say i saw the tv glow but its already out an just not playing anywhere near me so i'll say the horror movie based on the childhood of jesus starring fka twigs. literally made for me and im surprised i havent heard more people on this website talking about it sksdfjgd longlegs and night bitch sound good too.
thank you for asking!!!
send me a number about horror movies!
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bakedbakermom · 1 year
Chapter 2: Sedulous // start at the beginning
tagging @today-in-fic @ao3feed-msr
sedulous adjective 1. constant in effort 2. accomplished with careful perseverance --- Research and ruminations.
God, they’re barely more than children , Scully thought, not for the first time, then chided herself for being so dismissive. Mulder trusted them, had known them—at least online—for years, and had vouched for them dozens of times. It wasn’t like her to doubt his contacts and sources. Lord knows the Lone Gunmen had looked every bit as unimpressive at first, and they had come through for them more times than she could count. Deep Throat had given his life for them. Hell, even Bambi Barenbaum had proven herself useful once or twice.
Still, as she listened to them argue, she couldn’t help but wonder if this whole endeavor was doomed.
“I’m just saying, Silence Clarice was lucky Hannibal was behind glass the whole time.” Xander tossed a piece of popcorn in the air, lunged for it with his mouth wide open, and missed. “He would have snapped her like a twig.”
Buffy picked up the fallen kernel and threw it without looking up from her book; it hit him squarely in the eye and he gave a startled yelp. “Small is scrappy, Xander. Don’t make me prove it to you.”
“And it’s just such a classic,” Tara added, face half hidden behind her hair. She put a hand on Willow’s arm. “Sweetie, you know I love the gingers, but you can’t argue the first one still keeps you up at night.”
“Only ‘cause of the thing with the puppy,” Willow conceded.
“Really?” said Buffy. “The whole graphic disembowelment thing doesn’t get to you?”
“I like puppies.”
“I liked that Hannibal fellow,” Anya chirped from behind the counter, where she was sorting a shipment of what looked suspiciously like mummified spider legs, if spiders were the size of golden retrievers. “He had a real flair for vengeance.”
Definitely doomed.
Scully leaned back in her chair and pinched the bridge of her nose. Three hours of pouring through dusty, mildewed tomes while a gaggle of twenty-somethings bickered about pop culture was enough to make anyone’s head pound, even if they hadn’t just donated a couple pints to their newly vampiric partner.
She and Mulder had stopped at a drugstore on their way into town—he stayed in the car rather than face the fluorescent lights—so she could properly bandage her wounds with gauze and some antibiotic ointment. At his insistence, she had also bought a bottle of painkillers and taken two, but the medicine was doing nothing for the throbbing behind her eyes.
“Here,” Giles said, chuckling as he set a mug of tea in front of her. “Trust me, it helps.”
Scully smiled her gratitude and raised the cup to her lips. It was sweeter than she expected, rich with cream, and she lifted her eyebrow at Giles as she sipped. “I thought you Brits looked down on people who don’t take their tea black.”
His eyes traveled meaningfully from her neck, to her arm, and then back to her face. “Trust me. It helps.”
Oh. “Thank you.”
Giles moved so his body blocked her sight of the kids at the other end of the table, giving them some measure of privacy. “Are you all right?” he asked delicately.
Scully bit back her first response; she was well aware of her own penchant for denial when it came to her health, mental or physical. She would say she was fine until her mouth was too full of blood and broken teeth to speak. But the old man was looking at her with such kindness in his eyes, such understanding, that she felt her veneer crack. “No,” she said softly, setting down her mug. The sweetness of it was suddenly too cloying, its herbal aftertaste too much like swallowing graveyard dirt. “And neither is Mulder. I know you’ve been corresponding for years, but I see him every day. You never saw the man he was, and what he’s become now… I don’t know how much longer he can stand it. How long I can.”
“A vampire ensouled is a creature of grief and pain, a demon’s lust for death crippled by human empathy and guilt. I’ve known only one other, and even after centuries to adjust, he was tormented; but he used that torment to do a great deal of good. It’s true Mulder may never be the same, but he can still have a worthwhile life.”
“Centuries,” Scully breathed. “If we don’t find a way to help him, he’ll really..?”
“As long as he avoids sunlight and getting on Buffy’s bad side, he could live forever.”
She thought of the pain in her partner’s eyes, the shameful way he licked her blood from his lips, his cold skin with a monster burrowing beneath it. She imagined him living in darkness, forever, watching as everyone he’d ever known or loved withered and died. He had already lost so much—his father murdered, his mother who took her own life, his sister whom he had lost once and then a hundred times more. What would be left of him when nothing at all of his human life remained? She shuddered.
“And these… kids? They can actually help?”
“I know they look young, Miss Scully. God do I know,” he said, leaning his hip against the table as he sipped from his own mug of tea. “But these strange, loud, infuriating people have been through more than you or I can imagine. If anyone can find something to help your partner, I trust it would be them.”
“You really mean that, don’t you?”
Giles lowered his voice, though the others were unlikely to hear him over their own excited noise. “Xander is the smartest idiot I’ve ever known, though I’ll deny that completely if you ever tell him. Anya has witnessed a thousand years of human and demonic history. Willow is an actual genius, and beyond that she and Tara are intensely powerful witches. And Buffy…”
Sadness and pride passed over his features—a look she remembered seeing on her own father’s face during those sweet, fleeting moments when parents realize their children are growing up. It made her heart ache. “Buffy is a hero. It’s in her bones to help, to save. She wouldn’t surrender even if her life depended on it. Especially then, in fact.”
He rested a warm hand on her shoulder. “Don’t give up on our man just yet.”
He smiled as he watched the group around the table chatter away, the very picture of the indulgent patriarch. Gratitude welled in Scully’s heart as she saw them the way Mulder must have seen them—a family. Misfits, freaks, and outcasts who had somehow found their way to each other, and despite their broken pieces, built something beautiful and strong.
She knew the feeling.
The Magic Box was empty except for their group, its doors having closed to the perusing public around dusk, but the self-christened Scoobie Gang showed no sign of slowing down. This was their third straight night gathered around the large wooden table at the back of the shop, its legs creaking under the dusty weight of ancient texts piled upon it. The discard stacks in the corners grew every hour, but Giles never seemed to run out of new books to bring in from the back room or his own home.
Despite their subject matter, Scully had taken great comfort in those thick, musty volumes; they reminded her of nights spent in the library during medical school, cramming for exams with her friends, guzzling coffee and junk food and chattering about anything they could think of just to keep each other awake. Some of these books even had the same kind of disturbingly graphic yet coldly clinical anatomical diagrams as her textbooks.
Though these books held nearly nothing of the science she loved, they nonetheless represented the same human desire to document the past and carry it into the future, bound in worn leather and yellowed pages; ships in bottles cast into the world in the hopes their messages would help someone else.
Still, the line had to be drawn somewhere.
“Werewolves? Mummies? Demons? You guys actually believe in this stuff?”
“Dated one,” answered Willow and Xander at the same time.
“Used to be one!” piped Anya.
Scully’s headache grew a shade worse. Giles patted her shoulder and went to retrieve yet another box from his car.
She tried to focus on the ponderous tome open on the table in front of her, a book of remedies written in one of the few languages she could understand—presumably some form of German, though roughly one word in eight was too archaic for her to recognize. The other books were written in languages more obscure still; they had gone through most of the English volumes on the first night of their search. Translating them would be the work of a lifetime; even skimming a single volume for relevant words and phrases took hours, and a fear was growing in her belly that all of this effort would turn out to be futile. If the others shared the same concern, they didn’t show it. Three nights in a row they had shown up with snacks, coffee, and an enthusiasm that bordered on mania. They would be half-asleep in their chairs by dawn—or in Xander’s case, fully asleep and snoring—and she loved them for it.
So much of this still felt so unreal; she turned the thick page and began to pick through what turned out to be a recipe for making cough tonic from the scales of something called a polgara, alongside an illustration depicting a reptilian creature with enormous skewers sprouting from its humanoid arms; the author of the tonic helpfully reminded her to exercise caution around the pointy bits. She wanted to slam the book shut, hop on a plane, and return to the more vague and deniable lunacy of her regular life. Mutants and aliens and government conspiracies she could understand, maybe even explain. But magic? Real magic?
She glanced over at Willow and Tara, their fingers twining together as they compared notes. Those first few hours after Mulder’s… transformation… had been bewildering, terrifying, and while she might have been borderline delirious with blood loss and nursing a moderate concussion, she couldn’t deny what she had seen. It was a sight she would take to her grave.
Buffy had bound Mulder in chains, and he hung between them with a face from a nightmare, snapping and foaming pink at the mouth like a rabid animal. While the other Scoobies took up their places in a loose circle, leveling crosses and crossbows at him—and Scully slumped against the wall, refusing to leave his side even now—the two young women stood before the snarling beast that used to be her partner, uncowed as he hurled graphic threats and curses at them. Scully could only watch in stunned wonder as they summoned something so beautiful and so primal that even now she couldn’t find the proper words to describe it.
She had felt the power in that room as white light pooled into the orb suspended between their outstretched hands, the air itself chiming with its purity. She didn’t recognize the language spilling from their mouths, but she heard the music in it, the command; the chanting doubled and redoubled upon itself, echoing through the space until Scully felt she could reach out and pluck the words like birds from the air and cradle them in her hands.
When finally the spell reached its zenith, power throbbing against her skin like the heartbeat of creation itself, Willow had called out one last echoing command; the light that they conjured fled all at once, leaving Scully staggered and half-blind in the sudden dark.
At first she feared it hadn’t worked, that the dying of the light was a sign that the darkness had won, until she saw the last tendrils of that brilliant light fading in Mulder’s eyes— Mulder’s eyes, green as the first breath of spring, staring out with pain and confusion from a human face still smeared with her blood.
She had wept, then, and stumbled forward on weak legs to drape her arms around him. “Scully?” he asked in a trembling voice. “What happened? I don’t—I don’t remember…”
He would remember, and soon, but for that moment he was just Mulder again. Her partner, her friend. The man she trusted with every inch of her soul.
And Willow and Tara had restored his.
Maybe believing in magic wasn’t so preposterous after all.
Buffy slammed her book closed, sending a puff of dust into the air. The table—and everyone sitting around it—jumped. “All I’m finding here is new and inventive ways to kill vampires. I already know how to do that. In fact, it’s kind of my whole thing. Not one word about how to make one all soft and cuddly again.”
Willow set her own book down in agreement. “I’ve got plenty of stories of humans getting turned into vampires—some of which are actually quite gross, by the way—but nothing the other way.”
“I still think we should try the whole exorcism thing. I’m pretty sure this group can handle a little pea soup and swearing.”
“Xander, I already told you,” Anya said, coming out from behind the counter to sit beside him. “Even if we could get the demon out, the body is still dead. Without the demon to hold it together, all you’d be left with is a pile of dust.”
Tara raised her hand. “I vote against dusting. I mean, of Mr. Mulder. General cleanliness is fine.”
“Well hang on,” Willow said. “Maybe that wouldn’t be so bad. I think there’s a resurrection spell in here that could—”
“No!” the others all cried at once, some in anger, some in fear.
The girl sat back in defeat, her eyebrows knit together in frustration, and Tara put a comforting hand on her arm. “No, sweetie. You know those never go right. You know that.”
Something dark crossed Buffy’s face, and the rest of the group carefully avoided meeting her eyes. Scully wondered why, and made a mental note to ask Mulder when they were alone again. “She’s right, Wil. It’s too dangerous.”
“Enough.” Giles didn’t even raise his voice, but the authority in it was unmistakable. Even Scully felt herself sitting up a little straighter at his tone. “This man is our friend. He has helped us out on countless occasions, and has given us information that has saved many lives, including some of ours, at no small risk to himself. Now I’ve told this woman—” he gestured to Scully “—that there is no group in this world more qualified to help him, and I believe that. So I would like to see a little less naysaying and a little more optimism. We haven’t even touched the Sumerian archives yet, or the Heian healer chronicles—and they were practically miracle-workers. Not to mention the Anstopiary codex, the Aurora archives, I have an order in with a bookseller in Qatar that—”
“Giles,” said Buffy, lifting her brows. “Focus.”
He adjusted his glasses, a gesture Scully was beginning to realize was his equivalent of counting to ten and taking a deep breath. “The point is, I’m sure we’ll start making headway soon. I am not giving up on this. On him. None of us are.”
His chastisement hung heavy in the air for a long moment.
“Giles is right.” Willow had known Mulder the longest—they met in a supernatural chat room years ago, and it was her bizarre story about a possibly vampiric serial killer that had brought them here in the first place. Scully wasn’t surprised that the girl was the first to speak, but it warmed her heart just the same. “We’re the freaking Scoobies, guys. And Scoobies never say die.”
“I think that’s Goonies, sweetie.”
“Whatever. The point is, we don’t give up, especially when our friends are in trouble. So buck up, buckers, we gotta make with some head.” She paused, scrunching her face as she heard her own words. “Okay, that sounded kinda gross, but we’re gonna de-vamp that guy if we have to tear through every last one of these books and the whole Watcher library. Twice.”
“Thanks for the enthusiasm, Willow.”
Scully’s heart leapt; she turned and saw Mulder coming through the doorway to the shop, balancing several paper cups of coffee, fast food containers, and a bag of groceries in his arms. She smiled at the sight of him, looking almost normal in his jeans and soft gray t-shirt. He was still too pale, but he seemed to be moving more smoothly since his little… snack. His expression was no longer so pained, his limbs less stiff. He saw her staring and winked, shuffling his feet in a dorky approximation of a dance as if to say S ee, Scully? All good here , and she fought not to roll her eyes.
Spike followed close behind him, similarly burdened, though she saw a few containers bearing the familiar logo of the butcher shop mixed in among the coffee.
“Ooh, Scoobie Snacks!” Xander said, in a passable imitation of the cartoon, rising to help carry the provisions to the table. A happy murmur passed through the room and Scully smiled; nothing like an infusion of sugar and caffeine to reinvigorate an all-night study session.
Scully’s fingers brushed Mulder’s as she took her cup from his hand; they felt slightly warmer. “You seem a little better. Should we upgrade your condition to quarter-dead?”
He smiled as he settled into the chair next to hers, a butcher’s cup cradled in his elbow. “Not quite that far. Maybe a third. Spike took me to…” His voice trailed off, and he looked away with that bashful half-smile that meant he was about to say something she would find, at best, incredulous.
“What, Mulder? Spike took you where?” Her mind spun, despite herself—did they rob a blood bank? Knock over a Red Cross van? Did they go hunting ?
“A vampire cafe.” He laughed, and the fist around her heart loosened. “Next to a slaughterhouse. Not exactly the most glamorous place I’ve ever been, but they can mix up a cow’s blood blend that’s almost approaching palatable.” He nodded towards his cup. “He also showed me a few tricks to make this stuff a little less vile.”
“Cinnamon’s the key,” Spike chimed in, stepping up behind Mulder and clapping him on the back. The liquid in his cup sloshed, along with the contents of Scully’s stomach. “Makes it taste all festive.”
“Yum,” Scully said, and immediately regretted the sarcasm in her voice. “I’m glad it’s helping. You really do look better.”
“How about you guys? Any progress?”
Anyone else might have missed the fragile hope in his eyes, the way he delivered his words with a lack of emphasis that, to her familiar ear, belied the desperation beneath. Seven years together—she could read him like a book.
“You missed a couple of mostly-inspirational speeches and a spirited debate about cinema, but no. We’re still looking.”
He nodded and looked away, the flexing muscle in his jaw the only outward sign of disappointment. Her hand on his brought his eyes back to her face. She stroked her thumb over his knuckles. It said I’m not giving up.
He placed his other hand on top of hers and squeezed. Never.
A/N: Our poor, long-suffering Scully, surrounded by a gaggle of mini-Mulders! I had so much fun writing the Scoobie dialogue. It's strange and exciting combining a show like Buffy, which is renowned for its snappy wordplay, with a show like The X-Files, where so much is unspoken and instead conveyed with touch and eye contact. I hope it didn't give you too much whiplash! As always, comments will be printed, laminated, and put into my Scrapbook of Validation.
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anogaraegion · 1 month
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the golden leaf
ERA: reign of aegon the unworthy. STATUS: closed for roleplay. AESTHETIC: 'oh brother, where art thou?' (gone) PLAYLIST: to be created. FACECLAIM: Synnove Karlson as Clarice Orsini in the Medici.
LADY ELINOR OAKHEART is the only daughter of Lord Oakheart and his lady wife. Lady Elinor has been described as a comely young woman with rich brown hair, freckled sunned skin, and bright hazel eyes ringed in gold but willowy in form. A cousin of Lord Tyrell described Lady Elinor as a “twig” compared to the bulkier “branches” of her elder brothers. The phrase has come to follow her throughout her life, with possible suitors commenting that bearing their heirs would break the young Elinor. Lady Elinor traveled to the court of King’s Landing in her youth when her elder brother, Ser Olyver Oakheart, joined the Kingsguard and became one of young Princess Naerys’ ladies-in-waiting. Lady Elinor is noted to be close to her brother Olyver, and often walked beside him in his duties rather than with other ladies of the court. Ser Olyver is the opposite of his youngest sister, described as strong and full of vigor. Ser Olyver was groomed to be one of the finest knights of the Seven Kingdoms, and his talent in single combat brought him to the eyes of the King. Reportedly, Ser Olyver the Green Oak, became close friends with King Daeron the Young Knight and was inseparable from his Prince and later his King. With such friendship, Lady Elinor was brought further into the Targaryen fold and found a fast friendship with the frail Princess Naerys. Elinor and Naerys found a connection in their belief in the Faith of the Seven and enjoyment of nature in the Red Keep while Naerys remained sequestered away. Elinor is a keeper of her own private garden and a florist, even respected by the Maesters for her knowledge of the natural life of the Reach. She has even cultivated a great golden oak from her home in her garden, and more recently, it has grown tall enough for both her and Naerys to sit under. If Lady Elinor is not by the side of Naerys or her brother, she is found under the tree in reflection. Lady Elinor has been by Naerys’ side through all of her troublesome births and holds a particularly righteous disdain for Aegon. While she says little of the matter, she actively avoids him, and her light eyes darken at the sight of him. She has encouraged Naerys’ refusal of Aegon in their marriage bed and publicly begged on her behalf in the face of Maesters and Septions to end her princess’s suffering. While Lady Elinor is the image of courtly elegance and virtue, Aegon is the sole figure who has drawn her ire on the basis of her loyalty to Naerys. She has said that her brother swore an oath to the Targaryen kings, and she swore an oath to a Targaryen princess. Elinor is also devoted to Naerys’ children by Aegon and often cares for them when their mother is afflicted by illness or the torment of pregnancies.  The death of her brother Ser Olyver beside the Young Dragon reportedly broke Lady Elinor, where she spent seven days in solemn fast under her oak tree accompanied by septons. Her tears watered the tree for that time that she prayed for the spirit of her brother as well as the safety of Prince Aemon the Dragonknight, brother of her Princess and her brother’s companion in the Kingsguard. In the wake of his death, she called Ser Olyver her “steadfast green oak, " leading to this becoming his moniker as written in the White Book.
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kenziecat07 · 4 years
Clarice: Wow Sybil is so pretty
Beatrice: Don’t be jealous, You’re pretty too!
Clarice: I’m not being jealous. I’m being gay.
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theworststoryteller · 5 years
Tinies and Drillnettle
Can we talk about the subtle support the tinies gave Dimity when she argued with Hemphnettle? Like the moment when Mabel, Beatrice and Sybil stopped to wait for Dimity because she asked them to. Or the way Clarice stood on Dimity’s side when she and Hemphnettle started arguing despite the fact she just saved her? The tinies are like “I see through your bullshit and I don’t like you. Miss Drill is our star (of the sky). Fuck off”. Hemphnettle tries to show that she’s good but the girls just love Dimity and Miss Drill’s enemy is their enemy.
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rozunderpressure · 6 years
Sybil: You shouldn't trust Ethel! She is just using you!
Clarice: How can you say that about your own sister?
Sybil *closes eyes* *deep inhale* *exhale*: GURL!!
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Did anyone else get heaps emotional when they saw how grown up Mildred, Maud and Enid are in this season ❤️❤️ they seem like such big girls compared to Sybil, Clarice and Bea (who, can I just say are adorable, and pretty fracking great actresses for being so smol)
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daily-coloring · 5 years
Best of 2019 Albums
The sad thing is, I didn’t have any absolute favorite records in 2019, none of them was perfect but got few very interesting, which I spent time with.
01. Thom Yorke - ANIMA
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02. FKA Twigs - MAGDALENE - Her Second album was much deeper than the first one, I had to listen many times before I started loving it.
03. Jay-Jay Johanson - Kings Cross
04. Thelma Plum - Better in Blak - The ultimate pop record of the year.
05. These New Puritans - Inside The Rose
06. Julia Kent - Temporal
07. Michael Kiwanuka - Kiwanuka
08. Erika De Casier - Essentials
09. Special Request - Offworld - He made 4 full albums in 2019. Every one of them are great, but this is my favorite.
10. One True Pairing - One True Pairing
11. Lydia Anisworth - Phantom Forest
12. James Blake - Assume Form
13. Kai Whiston - No World as Good as Mine
13. The Chemical Brothers - No Geography
14. Roses Gabor - Fantasy & Facts
15. Dinner - Silent Night Bloody Night
16. Kornel Kovacs - Stockholm Marathon
17. Apparat - LP5
18. Kirk Spencer - Deathkit 57
19. Special Request - Bedroom Tapes
20. Doon Kanda - Labyrinth
21. Caterina Barbieri - Ecstatic Computation
22. Bat For Lashes - Lost Girls
23. Jack Penate - After You - The critics hated his new album, but you don’t have to listen to them, it’s pretty good actually.
24. Alex Banks - Beneath The Surface
25. Sequoyah Murray - Before You Begin
26. Octo Octa - Resonant Body
27. Deichkind - Wer Sagt Denn Das? - Made in Germany and made it very well. Check the music videos, they’re funny.
28. Klute - Whatever it Takes
29. Clark - Kiki Variations
30. Wolfram - Amadeus
31. Plaid - Polymer
32. Unloved - Heartbreak
33. Marina - Love + Fear
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34. Friendly Fires - Inflorescent
35. Hiro Kone - A Fossil Begins To Bray
36. Labrinth - Euphoria (Original Score from the HBO Series)
37. Priests - The Seduction of Kansas
38. Tipper - Jettison Mind Hatch
39. Dinamarca - Sol De Mi Vida: Vocalized
40. Jungstotter - Love Is
41. Lamb - The Secret of Letting Go
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42. Tony Njoku - Your Psyche’s Rainbow Panorama - I don’t know what this about Tony, but every time I pulled out this record I liked even more than before.
43. Baltra - Ted
44. TR/ST - The Destroyer 
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45. Blanck Mass - Animated Violence
46. Clarice Falcao - Tem Conserto
47. Yeah But No - Demons
48. Instra:mental - Timelines
49. When Saints Go Machine - SO DEEP
50. O Future - Voyeur
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anthroxlove · 2 years
Amber Supporters 💜
This is a compiled list of celebrities and other public figures that have commented on or liked Amber’s statement, or have expressed their support in some other way (Instagram stories or maintaining a friendship with her, etc.). In bold you’ll find the most important people that believe and support Amber: the experts. || updated: 4/25/24
Over 130 experts listed here: Experts Supporting Amber 
Abby Elliot (follows; liked statement; liked numerous supportive posts)
Adam Ellis (supportive post)
Aja Naomi King (worked with; follows; does not follow JD)
Alejandro Gomez Monteverde (vocal support; dated Amber)
Alex Winter (supportive posts; male abuse survivor)
Alexa Nikolas (DV survivor; vocal support; inspired to create Eat Predators because of the smear campaign against Amber)
Ally Walker (follows; liked statements)
Amanda Kippert (domestic violence journalist; vocal support)
Amanda Marcotte (liked supportive posts)
Amanda Seyfried (liked & shared supportive post)
Amy Kaufman (supportive posts)
Andy Richter (supportive since 2016; liked supportive posts)
Ashley Judd (liked & reposted supportive post)
Audrey Wauchope Lieberstein (supportive posts)
Azealia Banks (anti-JD post)
Barbara Muschietti (liked statement; sister of Amber’s ex)
Bitsie Tulloch (supportive post)
Brett Gelman (liked supportive article)
Brian Cox (vocal support)
Brooke Williams (liked supportive posts; follows)
Busy Philipps (liked supportive post)
Carice van Houten (liked supportive post)
Caterina Scorsone (follows; liked statements)
Chrissy Teigan (unconfirmed; shown past support)
Christina Ricci (supportive content; DV survivor; felt traumatized by the trial)
Christine Lahti (supportive post)
Clarice van Houten (liked statement)
Claudia Traisac (liked statement)
Clementine Ford (vocal support)
Constance Wu (supportive posts; vocal support; signed Letter for Amber)
Corey Rae (vocal support)
Corinne Fisher (supportive post)
Custody Peace (Coercive Control & Post-Separation Abuse advocates; vocal support)
Daine (liked supportive thread)
Dave Annable (follows; liked statement)
David Guetta (liked statement)
David Krumholtz (vocal support; worked with)
Dolph Lundgren (worked with; vocal support)
Dr. Andrew Thomas Cicchetti (trauma-informed therapist; vocal support)
Dr. Charlotte Proudman (lawyer and activist; vocal support)
Dr. Christine M. Cocchiola (IPV advocate; vocal support)
Dr. Jennifer Freyd (sexual violence expert, psychologist, and the coiner of DARVO; vocal support)
Dr. Jessica Taylor (CEO of VictimFocus; vocal support)
Edward Norton (liked supportive posts)
Eliza Skinner (supportive posts & likes)
Elizabeth McGovern (vocal support; signed Letter for Amber)
Elizabeth Reaser (vocal support; liked supportive posts)
Ellen Barkin (supportive posts; dated JD; testified against him twice describing violent and abusive behavior)
Emily Ratajkowski (liked supportive posts)
Emma Katz (domestic abuse researcher; vocal support)
Ethel Cain (liked Amber’s posts about the trial)
FKA Twigs (supportive comments; DV survivor)
Godeliv Van den Brandt (close friend)
Hilarie Burton (liked supportive post)
Hire Survivors Hollywood (founded by actor & Weinstein Silence Breaker Sarah Ann Masse; vocal support)
Ilana Kaplan (supportive post)
Ilya Savenok (supportive post)
Jack Black (followed in 2023)
Jaime King (supportive comments)
January Jones (liked supportive post)
Jennifer Kaytin Robinson (liked supportive post)
Jessica Alba (follows; does not follow JD)
Jessica Chastain (follows; does not follow JD)
Jessica Valenti (supportive articles and posts)
Jodie Turner-Smith (liked supportive posts)
John Legend (liked supportive posts)
Jon Huertas (liked supportive posts)
Jon Lindstrom 
Josh Radnor (liked a Tweet about the misogyny around the trial and the misogynistic smear campaign)
Julia Fox (vocal support)
Julia Stiles (liked supportive post)
Julie Owens (National Coalition Against Domestic Violence consultant; vocal support)
Kalhan (liked supportive posts)
Kate Herron (supportive posts)
Kate Nash (liked statement)
Kathy Griffin (vocal support)
Laura Benanti (follows; worked with; supportive comment)
Lauren Hough (follows; supportive posts)
Lena Headey (liked statement)
Leslie Morgan Steiner (DA survivor & advocate; vocal support)
Lily James (liked statement)
Luca Calvani (vocal support; worked with)
Lundy Bancroft (author of the book “Why Does He Do That?”, domestic violence consultant; vocal support)
Marie Kreutz (supportive Instagram story)
Marisa Tomei (supportive posts & likes)
Mel B (follows; talked about the verdict in an article; DV survivor)
Melanie Lynskey (liked statement)
Melissa Benoist (follows; liked supportive posts; DV survivor)
Melissa Schuman (follows; vocal support)
Mia Farrow (actress; vocal support; deleted posts after harassment)
Michael Hobbes (wrote a supportive article)
Michael J. Metzner (friend; follows; vocal support)
Michelle Pfeiffer (actress; shared an article that supported Amber)
Moira Donegan (liked supportive posts)
Monica Lewinsky (supportive posts)
Nathalie Emmanuel (liked supportive posts)
National Coalition Against Domestic Violence (vocal support)
Neil Gaiman (supportive posts; deleted posts after harassment)
Nicole Kidman (worked with; follows; does not follow JD)
Nikki Glaser (supportive posts)
Olly Alexander (Former Fenty model; has vowed to never wear the brand again after them featuring JD)
Patricia Arquette (supportive post about protecting Amber & her child from Deppstans)
Perez Hilton (vocal support)
Phoebe Bridgers (liked supportive post and supported her in interview)
Phoebe Dynevor (liked supportive article)
Rachel Riley
Raphael Bob-Waksberg (supportive post)
Rian Johnson (made supportive post)
Rosanna Arquette (liked & shared supportive posts)
Ruth Glenn (President & CEO of the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence; spoke in a documentary about the VA trial)
Ryn Weaver (liked statement; liked & shared supportive posts)
Sarah Marshall (supportive post)
Sarah Paulson (shared podcast about trial, then began following Amber)
Sarah Steele (follows; liked statement)
Sebastián Córdova (follows; liked statement)
Selma Blair (liked statement & numerous supportive posts)
Seth Green (liked supportive post)
Shanika Warren-Markland (supportive post)
Shraddha Das (liked supportive posts)
Simi Garewal (supportive posts)
Sophia Bush (liked supportive posts)
Stephanie Land (supportive post; DV survivor)
Talia Ryder (liked article in support of Amber)
Tasya van Ree (ex-wife)
Tova Leigh (supportive posts)
Vanessa Carlton (follows; liked statement & anti-JD posts)
Victoria Princewill (supportive post)
Willa Fitzgerald (liked supportive posts)
Zara Larsson (multiple Instagram stories in support of Amber)
Followers These people follow Amber but haven’t shared support yet that I know of.
Adam Cooper
Alessandra Ambrosio
Ali Landry (married to Amber’s ex-boyfriend)
Alyshia Ochse
Camilla Luddington
Carolina Herrera
Dan Stevens (worked with; follows)
Ed Helms (worked with)
Emma Roberts
Esther Acebo
Grace Van Dien (started following in 2023)
Jenna Dewan (worked with)
Jurnee Smollet
Katherine McNamara (worked with)
Kumail Nanjiani
Matt McGorry
Mindy Kaling
Odette Annable (worked with)
Padma Lakshmi
Samara Weaving (started following in 2024)
Seth Rogen
Thandiwe Newton
Tracie Egan Morrissey
Witney Carson McAllister
Yahya Abdul-Mateen II (worked with)
Can’t Make Up Their Mind
Cara Delevingne (worked with; close friend of AH; follows both)
Danny Trejo (worked with; follows both)
Elon Musk (dumped by AH twice; attacked JD’s team for purposely cropping out/erasing timestamps in court; his “public statement” is that AH and JD are both “incredible” people)
Eva Longoria (follows both; works with AH)
Jason Momoa (worked with; follows & liked AH’s statement; follows & liked JD’s statements too)
Karen Gillan (unfollowed 6/10/22 & then followed JD)
Katheryn Winnick (worked with, follows AH; recently began following JD)
Sharon Stone (follows both)
If you know of more, send them in.
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majestativa · 2 years
A progressively-edited post about my muses, because why not?
Aimee Nezhukumatathil, Al-Khansae, Andrée Chedid, Anna Akhmatova, Anne Carson, Antonia Pozzi
Blaga Dimitrova, Brenda Venus
Carmen M. Pursifull, Claribel Alegría, Clarice Lispector, Constance Merritt
Dacia Maraini, Daniela Crăsnaru, Diane di Parma, Dora Maar
Edith Södergran, Eira Stenberg, Excilia Saldaña
Florbela Espanca, Frida Kahlo, Forough Farrokhzad
Georgina Herrera, Gertrud Kolmar, Gioconda Belli, Guadalupe Amor, Gwendolyn MacEwen
Halina Poświatowska, Hélène Cixous, Hilda Hilst
Ingeborg Bachmann
Jorie Graham, Joyce Mansour, Juana de Ibarbourou, June Jordan
Kerstin Söderholm
Lia Sturua, Liliana Ursu, Lillian Olson, Linda Pastan, Lou Andreas-Salomé, Lourdes Vázquez
Marina Tsvetaeva, May Ziadeh, Maya Angelou, Mina Loy
Nabaneeta Dev Sen, Nazik Al-Malaika, Nina Berberova, Nina Cassian
Olga Orozco, Olga Sedakova
Remedios Varo, Renate Druks, Rita Dove, Rosario Castellanos
Sandra Cisneros, Shadab Zeest Hashmi, Sheri-D Wilson, Sheryl St. Germain, Siham Bouhlal, Simin Behbahani, Simone Weil, Stella Díaz Varín, Stephanie M. Wytovich, Sylvia Plath
Unica Zürn
Valentina Saraçini, Valzhyna Mort, Virginia Woolf, Vivian Hansen
Warsan Shire
Zakiyya Malallah
Movies’ Actors/Directors/Performers:
Agnès Varda, Anjelica Huston, Anna Magnani, Audrey Hepburn
Bettie Paige
Dalia Mostafa, Dita Von Teese
Elizabeth Taylor
Faten Hamama
Gemma Chan, Ghada Adel
Haifa Wehbe, Hanan Tork, Hande Erçel, Hema Malini
Jaime Pressly, Joanne Woodward
Kareena Kapoor, Katie Holmes, Keira Knightley, Kim Basinger
Lekaa Elkhamissi, Lucy Lawless, Lucy Liu
Madhuri Dixit, Magda al Sabbahi, Mariam Fakhr-Eddine, Marilyn Manroe, Marlene Dietrich, Megan Fox, Melike İpek Yalova, Menna Shalabi, Meryl Streep, Mia Goth, Michelle Pfeiffer
Nelly Karim, Nicole Kidman
Ola Ghanem
Penelope Cruz
Rachel Weisz, Rita Hayworth, Rooney Mara
Shadia, Sherihan
Thalia, Theda Bara, Tuba Büyüküstün
Vanessa Hudgens
Aaliyah, Asmahan
Chelsea Wolf, Colleen Duffy (Devil Doll)
Elsieanne Caplette (Elsiane)
FKA Twigs, Floor Jansen
Lana Del Rey (Post-Sylvia-Plath Era)
Maria Callas
Sevdaliza, Shana Halligan (Bitter:Sweet), Sharon den Adel (Within Temptation), Simone Simons (Epica)
Tarja Turunen, Taylor Swift (Since Reputation Era)
Warda Al-Jazairia
Antigone, Artemis
Desdemona, Durga
Electra, Ereshkigal, Eve
Kahina, Kali
Magdalene, Medea, Medusa, Messalina, Morticia Addams
Shahmaran, Scheherazade
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cupofbrownsugar · 3 years
more centaur au whether you asked for it or not lol also I changed my mind, clarice is not a gazelle, she is also a deer and jason’s chaotic cousin
“What are you doin’?” Jason huffed, sat down and leaning over a large mossy log as he eyed his friend on the other side.
“Well,” Nick said, blinking his eyes open in the dappled light, “I was sleeping.”
“Yeah, but... with them?” Jason nudged his chin against the bark towards the two blond horse centaurs that were laying in the tall grass with him, very close but not actually touching the moose.
“To be fair, they weren’t here when I went to sleep.”
Both centaurs peeked an eye open at Jason, but otherwise stayed silent, shuffling the tiniest bit closer to the moose’s body. 
Jason snuffled, considering. “They seem less uppity.”
“They’re learning,” Nick yawned, “Unlike some people I know.” He sat up enough to lean on the mossy bark of the log as well. “What’s new?”
“I...” Jason hesitated, flicking a nearby mushroom idly. “...dunno what to do about the buck.”
“That is not new.”
Jason sulked, ears flicked back. “He had some goat guy ‘round him, real annoyin’.”
“Joey?” Nick asked, “Yeah, he trades seeds and Salim’s got a garden so that makes sense.”
“Yeah well,” Jason grumbled, “I didn’t like the look of him.”
“But when I was about to chase him off, a fucking cow showed up!”
“Merwin, you mean,” Nick corrected, “He’s a bull. And the goat’s partner.”
“He kept callin’ me a ‘motherfucker’!” Jason sat up straighter, ears raised. “I don’t even know him, how would I know his ma?!”
Nick sighed deeply, laying his head down on the log. “It’s a good thing you’re pretty.” At the twin snorts from the blonds, he added, “Down, ponies.” 
“These damn woods are gettin’ too fuckin’ busy,” Jason groused with a huff, pulling a twig off the log to chew at it angrily. “Even my damn cousin, Clarice, showed up. She kicked me off a fuckin’ cliff.”
"I saw that and it was hilarious,” Nick happily replied, then asked more seriously, “Look, what do you want to do with Salim?”
The buck twisted up his nose, lips pulled back in a snarl as he clawed into the bark. “I just.. wanna grab him!”
“And?” Nick blinked.
“And-!” was all Jason said in reply, before flushing a deep red, ears flicked back as he scowled and fumed. 
Nick watched him, considering, then smirked. He huffed a laugh. “Like you could catch him anyway.”
The buck’s head snapped to look at him immediately. “What?”
“Salim’s pretty fast,” Nick replied with a shrug, “I bet you couldn’t catch him if you tried.”
Jason leapt up with a snort, stomping his hoof into the dirt, before bounding off. Nick waved idly after him, calling, “Good luck.” The moose took a long, body length stretch, and the horses quietly whined. He yawned and laid back down in the grass. “Yeah yeah, I’m still nappin’, chill out.”
When Jason tracked down the other buck, instead of charging in after him, he found himself quietly getting closer, choosing to remain unseen instead. The longer he followed, the more he noticed how soft the other’s fur looked, same with the dark sweep of his hair, and how the muscles flexed in his back, and his antlers, still growing in after their last shedding…
They were almost... cute…
Jason misstepped suddenly, snapping a twig from behind a tree, and Salim’s ears perked up, turning to him suddenly. Wide dark, brown eyes took him in, a mix of relief and wariness. 
“I did not hear you approach, friend,” Salim breathed, but he paused, looking Jason up and down. His eyebrows furrowed. “Are you... stalking me?”
Jason grimaced, nose twitching, but Nicky’s words had him riled up and he didn’t want to back down. He stepped out further from the tree and snorted in reply, shoulders squared and front hoof pawing at the ground in challenge.
Salim’s eyebrows raised, startled, and he looked away, nodding solemnly. “I see…” Jason felt a bolt of something unpleasant strike in his own chest, until dark eyes slid back to him, the other buck’s voice deep and challenging.
“Your friend told me your name is Jason,” Salim said with a tilt of his head, his own antlers raised. “I’ll admit, you’ve done well, getting this close. I didn’t notice you until now.”
Jason jumped slightly when Salim stamped his own hoof, pawing at the soil, returning the challenge.
“But you think you can catch me, Jason?” Salim smirked, turning away from him. He gave him a look back over his shoulder, flicking his tail purposefully, like an invitation. He snorted. “You can certainly try.”
And then he bounded away.
Jason’s heart was pounding as dashed through the woods, chasing after the other buck. That damn moose was right, Salim was fast, and definitely making him work for it. Just when Jason would think he was in reach, that raised, soft tail taunting him, Salim would nimbly turn and dodge and bound away again, laughing. 
At first, the laughter had fueled Jason’s determination, his frustration, until the other buck turned his head back and smiled at him as he dashed away, delighted.
He wasn’t playing with him; he was just playing. 
It made him want to catch him even more.
They bounded across boulders, leapt over streams, wove between trees, stirring up leaves and pollen throughout the woods with their chase. Jason was getting closer, but Salim was always just out of reach.
Salim turned his head back to look at him once more before he dipped away, and his eyes widened, staring. Jason startled, confused, before he realized that his own face was split in a huge grin; he himself was laughing with him, he felt giddy. 
The other buck’s eyes narrowed, smiling again, and then he turned and dashed up a hill, bounding with all his speed, and Jason swiftly followed after him. At the top of the hill, Salim slowed, just enough, and Jason leapt ahead and caught him. 
They tumbled down the other side of the hill, rolling through the tall grass and wispy flowers, before coming to a stop. Salim was laid out on his back, with Jason half curved over him, their furred halves next to each other, with Jason’s hands pinning the other buck’s wrists into the blanket of grass beneath them.
Jason panted, finally catching his breath, as Salim caught his own, staring up at him, eyes wide and dark. 
“So...” Salim breathed, ears flicking, “...you caught me.”
Jason’s ears flicked in return, nodding as he breathed back, “I did.”
To Jason’s surprise, Salim smiled, his cheeks tinging darker. “Guess I’m all yours then.”
Jason felt his own cheeks flush scarlet, hands twitching tighter on the other’s wrists. “Uh.. yeah, I guess you are.”
Salim nodded, leaning up to gently knock their antlers together, his own smaller ones against Jason’s more grown in ones. He looked up at him from under his lashes. “What will you do with me?”
“O-oh... um...” Jason’s eyebrows furrowed, and he growled, voice rough, “I’ll make you submit to me proper.”
He snorted, raising his antlers, triumphant. This’ll show him not to mess with me.
But Salim just chuckled gently, whispering, “Alright,” and Jason froze as the other buck leaned up to kiss him on the cheek like he had before, soft and warm and sweet. This time, when he ducked his head to place a kiss on his other cheek, he traced his lips across his skin, over his lips, to lay another on top of his cheekbone.
He skimmed his lips back to Jason’s mouth once more, gently knocking their antlers together again as he breathed, “Like that?” 
“Y-yeah...” Jason felt himself whispering back, rubbing their antlers together as he released his wrist to hold under his jaw, heart beating so loud it was almost all he could hear. “Like that.” He closed that final distance, and stole the other’s mouth in a claiming kiss. 
Jason had never tasted anything so warm, so sweet, and when he licked into the other’s mouth, and took in the small sound he made, he’d never heard anything so sweet either. Salim was soft and pliant underneath him, seemingly happy to be held in place and have his mouth plundered, and Jason found himself eager to swallow every single sound the other buck whimpered out. 
His hand slipped from Salim’s jaw to his hair, gripping the short strands at the back of his neck to pull, tilting his head back to exactly where he wanted him, plunging his tongue in deeper as the other buck panted and whined, a possessive growl in his own throat. He released the other’s mouth to nip and lick along his jaw, down his neck, overcome with a desire to bite, to mark, to claim-
Salim suddenly pulled away, kiss-bruised lips shiny with saliva and cheeks still flushed deep as he looked far and away. His raised ears flicked back and forth frantically, his expression looking panicked, before he gave one last look to Jason and scrambled out from underneath him, dashing away.
Jason remained laying across the grass, wide-eyed and baffled, tongue still stuck out of his mouth, as he watched the other buck disappear.
“He ran away... without saying a word.”
“Hey, but that’s your thing!” Nick replied as he poured water over his own head, bathing in a small lake. The two blond horses were of course still nearby, half-sprawled across mossy boulders and watching longingly from the shore.
“Nicky...” Jason whined, upside down on a small cliff jutting out over the lake, turning his head to look at his friend. “I’m serious, I dunno why he ran off.”
Nick did give that consideration, as he worked to wash out any dirt caught in his tail. “I don’t know either. Hopefully everything’s alright.” Jason whined again, and Nick raised an eyebrow. “What were you two doing again when he ran off?”
Jason flushed crimson. “W-well, uh, so-FUCKIN’ HELL!”
Clarice bounded in and kicked him into the lake, and he landed in the cold water with an incredibly ungraceful splash, breaking back through the water’s surface to curse and scramble towards the shore.
“For the fuckin’ love of- ‘Reese, you fuckin’ bastard- I swear to FUCK-”
“Oh, hey Clarice.”
“Hey Nick,” she grinned, happily sitting down in Jason’s previous spot. “How’s it goin’?”
“Well-” Nick started to answer before he was interrupted by two surprised and upset whinnies from the horses on the shore. “What’s up with them?”
“Oh yeah,” Clarice answered with a shrug and a grin, “I tied their tails together.”
Nick sighed as a struggling Jason managed to swim over to him instead, throwing himself over his moose torso, still cursing. Nick shook his head, tsk’ing. “You and your cousin are a menace to society. Come on, lover boy, let’s get you dried off.” The horses whinnied again, and Nick called over, “And you two can go cool off!”
cliffhanger ending! oh boy! also in googling facts about deers, I learned that they mate by the bucks chasing the does and the does let the buck catch them hmmmm interesting interesting 
and did I do this because I wanted them to have a scene like the one simba and nala had in that ‘can you feel the love tonight’ moment? hell yes
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the-girl-who-flies · 3 years
It Was a Bad Idea, pt. 3
Pt I  Pt II
To say that civilian life is an adjustment is a bit of an understatement. Besides going to all his medical appointments, picking up groceries and resupplying the bathroom cabinet with about a dozen different prescription meds, Jason has no idea what to do with himself. He ends up buying a Playstation 2 with his second benefits check and a copy of Grand Theft Auto III. The game helps him fill up the hours of the day for a couple of weeks, then he buys another. And another. Before he knows it there’s a whole stack of them on the living room shelf of his one-bedroom rental apartment. Most are something like sports or action, or fighting ones where the characters are all funny-looking and throw around crazy moves and energy attacks that look like fireworks. He steers clear of horror and shooters; they’re the wrong kind of stimuli, his shrink says, may bring up recent trauma. Jason doesn’t exactly need to be told that. He’s just looking for something to disappear into for most of the day. And sometimes a good part of the night.
The nightmares are fucking relentless, and they don’t even make sense most of the time: inhuman screeches echoing down stone corridors, familiar in their blood-curdling symphony, mix with something that sounds a lot like the music from that space console - a haunting alien chorus that makes his very bones vibrate, growing in intensity until it pushes out every conscious thought. He stands trapped in it, like a statue, while the flying creatures swarm him, only to be engulfed in a bright blue light that burns away everything, including him. He wakes up with phantom pain all over his body.  Where does it come from, he doesn’t know. Another mystery for his neurologist.
Sometimes his nightmares are less surreal and simply present him with all the ways he could’ve failed down there. Barely making it to rescue Nicky turns into finding his lifeless corpse at the feet of the undead warrior, who proceeds to snap Eric’s neck like a twig while Jason watches helplessly. Rachel gets left behind, trapped in a cocoon. Merwin dies a dozen different deaths, screaming in terror and agony. Joey claws and snaps his teeth at his throat and curses Jason for abandoning him, and Clarice just stares, her dark eyes standing out prominently against her unnaturally pale face, and silently begging him to save her. Jason shoots her dead. That last one isn’t even made up, that’s just something his brain likes to remind him of.
Sometimes, he dreams he doesn’t come back for Salim, and the man dies telling him he should’ve never trusted Jason. He wakes up feeling like his soul’s been snapped in half. The cocktail of drugs he takes is supposed to knock him out for a solid eight hours of steady, dreamless sleep, but it’s doing a shit fucking job. Jason’s pretty tempted to take a half a dozen extra of those little pills and wash them down with some cheap scotch, but he’s stopped by the prospect of potentially drowning in his own vomit. If anything, because he doesn’t want to scar his landlady; she’s actually nice to him.
“I said ‘What are you up to’?”
It takes him a moment to come back to the present and realize what exactly it is he’s doing with the phone in his hand; Nick’s on the other line waiting for an answer because that’s how conversations work, of course.
“Not much.”
“Cool. So listen, me and Rach are gonna be in town next week. I was thinking we could… get together for coffee?”
Jason puts the phone on speaker, turns the volume on the TV way down and unpauses the game. Might as well, if Nick is feeling chatty.
“Coffee?” he says, not bothering to mask his mocking tone. “Is that what we do now?”
“Why not?”
“Well, for one, ‘cause I can’t drink coffee anymore without getting a fucking seizure.” It’s not exactly true, but he wants the conversation to be over quickly.
“Oh. Okay. Well, how about tea?”
“Is there any particular reason you’re pitching brunch ideas?”
“Because you’re my friend and I haven’t seen you in a while?”
There ain’t much to see, says that ever so helpful little voice in his head. 
“Look, I appreciate the concern, but you guys don’t need to go out of your way to check up on me. Just trust me when I say that I’m fine. And say hi to Rachel for me.”
A part of him feels bad about hanging up on Nicky; the rest of him is too numb to care. 
He turns the volume on the game back up.
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transwattson · 3 years
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thousand eyes, fka twigs / mad woman, sevdaliza / sympathy for lady vengeance / state house (it’s a man’s world), U.S. girls / flux, poppy / clarice lispector / 
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firstfullmoon · 4 years
just some random questions because you’ve got Taste™ and I’m interested in your opinion, hope you don’t mind; why do you dislike Shakespeare’s plays? Have you read anything of Goethe (shameless promo but the sorrows of young werther slaps)? What do you think are The Best YA novels? What are your go-to literary recs? Do you prefer poetry or books? What are some of your favorite song lyrics? Do you have any poems or books or lines that remind you of someone or something you cherish, and why? Love♡
i don’t necessarily have any reasons i guess i just studied too many plays of his and idk they just bore me i don’t see the appeal. and i haven’t read any goethe but i’ll give it a try!
the ya novels i personally think are the best are aristotle and dante discover the secrets of the universe, i’ll give you the sun, the perks of being a wallflower and the book thief. although i keep a special place in my heart for the hunger games and divergent series i won’t lie. also more recent one the raven cycle and six of crows although i wouldn’t say they’re the best per se but you get rly attached to the characters
my go-to literary rec would be: the little prince, anouilh’s antigone, to the lighthouse, the haunting of hill house, to kill a mockingbird, his dark materials, the lonely city, on earth we’re briefly gorgeous, any clarice lispector (i’ve only read near to the wild heart but was absolutely transported) and that’s all i can think of rn!
i honestly couldn’t choose btw books and poetry! i’ve been reading 24/7 since i was a kid so books obviously mean a lot to me but nothing touches you like poetry does you know?
i have way too many favourite song lyrics!!!! some of the top of my head: love is the warmest color (alt-j), please could you be tender and i will sit close to you / but i still remember everything how we’d drift buying groceries how you’d dance for me i’ll start letting go of little things til i’m so far away from you / i am my mother’s child i’ll love til my breathing stops i’ll love you til you call the cops on me (honestly all of lorde), wild women don’t get the blues but i find that lately i’ve been crying like a tall child so please hurry leave me i can’t breathe please don’t say you love me / i glow pink in the night in my room i’ve been blossoming alone over you / i couldn’t bear to be where you don’t see me (same all of mitski), i didn’t know that you were lonely if you’d told me i’d be home with you (again all of fka twigs lmao), and i know it’s bad when we look out but bad bas people don’t live in our house so i’m gonna look good for you honey get myself together spent you all of my money and i know it’s hard enough to love but i woke up in a safe house singing honey let’s get married don’t wanna walk alone so let’s get married etc (the bleachers let’s get married) also so many lyrics of florence welch like i don’t know anything except that green is so green and there’s special kind of sadness that seems to come with spring and hozier as well no grave can hold my body down i’ll crawl home to her. like too many to write them all sorry!!!!!
as for the last question nothing comes to mind i’m sorry! there are probably tons but i can’t think of any right now
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