Omg hi guys...its been a bit haha.... I'll... Go though my requests soon (i been vv unmotivated el oh el)
other news tho!! I recently applied to go to college 4 animation/art and have been accepted and still awaiting answers from some of them :D
See u guys soon if i remember 2 post more emotes on here :> prob will be w/ a diff style tho cuz it has been a minute
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Hello!! Could you possibly make a blonde bunny and golden retriever hug? Your art is so silly!!! /nf -馃攳
Here u go :3
#custom emote#custom discord emoji#discord emoji#discord emote#emotes#cute emoji#cute emote#dog emoji#bunny emote
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Husky n Dalmatian hug :3
(Made these 4 me n my friend but I鈥檓 not gonna send it ..if my friend sees this no u don鈥檛 :3)
#custom emote#custom discord emoji#discord emoji#discord emote#emotes#cute emoji#cute emote#dog emoji
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hi!! some shark emojis maybe!! and could you make them pink if you do !!
Pink and blue sharks!!
#custom emote#custom discord emoji#discord emoji#discord emote#emotes#cute emoji#cute emote#shark emotes
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Do you do emojis for/of headmates?
If im can draw them/it鈥檚 not too complex I will!! I can draw anthro/furry, humanoid, and humans! If you have any further questions please dm me on here
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Ring-Tailed lemur emojis! :3
Only made one cuz I鈥檓 still getting back into the swing of thingz sorry! I鈥檒l make more at a later date if I remember blughhh
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forgot to tag my ask
- archiver: @echo-sigh
Tag of anon from last post!!
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Hello, I am an archiver of emoji tumblr information, I am making a list of active and inactive emoji blogs. Would you be okay with me tagging/linking your blog in the post? if you dont want to be included, that's fine, of course.
YES THATS OK!! I'll be working back on emotes once I'm able to also i just entered summer vacation and i plan on making more and answering requests once I'm able to <3 ty for asking
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Are you ok with your emojis being recolored/used as a base/edited? with credit of course. /gq
Erm im not zure how 2 anzwer thiz zo imma split it in 2 partz
Recolors -Im ok with zome emotez being recolored (zuch as the dog emote recolorablez i pozted a lil bit ago) but if you want to recolor a specific emote to be recolorable plz requezt it zo i can pozt it 4 everyone 2 uze(with credit)
Base/editing- i dont want my emotez to be uzed az a baze/edited, if you want certain modifications made 2 an emote please ask!! Im all for making emotez look like headmates/characters!! Itz good experience for me to learn how 2 draw more detailed emotez 4 the future :3
Side note: i might make zome bazes in the future if more people want it! At the moment i dont want my emotez 2 be uzed az one
(Basically- recolor ok if ask firzt | base/editing- nuh uh)
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could you make a higher contrast version of this 'moji? the lines are kinda hard to see in emoji form 馃槄
HERE U GO :3 I tried 2 thicken the Lineart zo itz eazier 2 zee :3 (added what it lookz like in discord )

#custom emote#custom discord emoji#discord emoji#discord emote#emotes#cute emoji#cute emote#chris yaps
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#bat emote#custom emote#custom discord emoji#discord emoji#discord emote#emotes#cute emoji#cute emote
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2 of my doggie emotes u can color in!!! I'll be back on the grind making more emotez soon!!!
#custom emote#custom discord emoji#discord emoji#discord emote#emotes#cute emoji#cute emote#dog emoji
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Hi everyone!! Sorry for not posting in a while!! I have been really buzy with my own ztuff and thatz kinda what thiz pozt is about? I need zome help about zyztem ztuffz, imma put it under the cut whatz happening and any advice iz welcomed!!
i recently talked to a friend about zomething that bothered me for a long time,,, zo about 1 and a half yearz ago i had 2 other people in my head (like personalities and everything) then one day they were gone,,,(ex friend group tried to get me to gaslight myzelf to say that they were fake n zuch) and i zpoke about it in a vent channel, they zaw it and dmed me about it. They r pretty zure i am a zyztem but all my alterz(?) are in dorment,,, they gave me advice to try to bring zome of them back and it worked i think(i know they were they i can feel it, they alzo zpoke to me. Asking who one of my new[to them] friendz were) but im ztill very unzure on what i am or if thiz iz even real,, im looking for advice and zecond opinionz on thiz. I waz newly formed(? Ztill unzure) when i ztarted to gazlight myzelf zo i dont become a zyztem. Any advice for what the hell is happening is greatly appreciated. Picz are more context to what waz going on when thingz were firzt happening. Descriptionz in alt text

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Would u guys be interested in emotes u color in/coloring pages? /genq
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GOES FERAL /SILLY I just discovered your emojis and I love the style of them OMNmoNoMnOmMmm
are you able to do some hobbit stims? like ear wiggles and kicking feet :) If possible I'd love to see a Frodo Baggins one, but that might be complicated even with little to no detail, so no pressure on it!! <33
I tried 2 do the kicking feet but I couldn鈥檛 make it pazt the sketch,, sorry :(

#custom emote#custom discord emoji#discord emoji#discord emote#cute emoji#emotes#cute emote#the hobbit
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I also have been making...
REF SHEETZ!!! Nyx is the other name i go by but 4 this blog im uzing chris cuz it doeznt get uzed often X3!! If yall r interested in more perzonal(?) artwork lmk i wanna practice some ocz in emotez,,,, just to get uzed to more complex dezignz,,,

This is what happens every time i make emotes...
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This is what happens every time i make emotes...
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