#claire x jenny
clairefrser · 11 months
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random OUTLANDER moments 3/♾️
1x14: The Search
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kenstewydyke · 11 months
in season 3's prom episode of derry girls, it was clear that the dynamics between the mothers when they were in high school were replicated in the next generation too. The four women attended the prom with Diedre's cousin accompanying her (and then all of them). So we have four girls and a male cousin of one of them which is just like the Derry girls' situation. And Rob was openly gay. Doesn't this hint at James being gay/queer too ?
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dumb-zombie-girl · 3 months
People send me oneshot requests for these ships or these characters
Crystiko ( Niko x crystal
Payneland ( Charles x Edwin)
Montwin ( monty x Edwin)
Catwin ( cat King x Edwin)
Cricketcrow ( Charles x monty)
Catcrow ( cat King x monty)
Poly Edwin x Charles x monty
Dean Winchester x castiel
Gabriel x sam Winchester
Claire novak x Kia
Adam milligan x Michael
Edwin Payne
Charles Rowland
Niko sasaki
Crystal Palace
Cat King
Dean Winchester
Sam Winchester
Castiel novak/Winchester
Claire novak
Adam milligan/Michael
I will do x reader oneshots
I'll be posting everything to AO3
I'll do headcanons
No smut
I'll try angst
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winnie-the-monster · 11 months
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adsosfraser · 1 year
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Chapter Twenty-Three
“I have recently been informed that this property harbours a fugitive.” The wiry man quickly stepped past the door with confidence, and without invitation.
“Well I’m sorry to inform you I’ve not heard such news myself. I’ll be sure to send for you right away. Wouldna want such a dangerous presence near Lallybroch.”
“Then you surely won’t mind if I make an attempt to ascertain the validity of your statement, Miss Fraser.” He looked down at her stomach in disgust. So her destiny had always been to become a whore, he had just spurred her closer towards it.
“Not at all. But we’ve nowhere for you to stay on such short notice.”
Read more on AO3
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dianaforever · 9 months
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Chapters: 6/? Fandom: Outlander Series - Diana Gabaldon Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Claire Beauchamp/Jamie Fraser Characters: Claire Beauchamp, Jamie Fraser, Murtagh Fraser, Jenny Fraser, Ian Murray, Quentin Beauchamp, Brian Fraser, Jonathan "Black Jack" Randall Additional Tags: Some Violence, Falling In Love, Making Love Summary:
We begin in 1743 Scotland. Gypsies have kidnapped Claire Elizabeth Beauchamp and her uncle Lambert Beauchamp. She is forced to wear trews and perform bawdy songs in villages to gain her uncle’s freedom. Jamie has just returned from France. He and Murtagh are on their way to Lallybroch after receiving a pardon. They stopped in a village to eat at a pub when Jamie heard a unique voice ringing true and clear. He walks to the area where everyone is clapping and yelling for the Sassenach.
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I’ve got a new canon compliant one shot to share today! I wanted more for and from the Claire/Jenny scene in First Wife so I made it myself 😊 with some other added relationship dynamics as well ❤️
Wounds Left Untreated Cannot Heal
I had spent the day tending to Jamie after Laoghaire’s attack and hearing his side of how they had come together (and apart). I hadn’t forgiven him, but I understood at least to some degree why he had done what he had— the drive to be whole in the wake of losing everything was a feeling I knew all too well. Now, it was time to tend to Jenny. We sat in the kailyard, avoiding each other’s line of sight and waiting for the other to speak first. Jenny sending for Laoghaire to come and find us was still weighing on my heart. Did she care so little for me now? Had she been satisfied to shame and humiliate me? So, here we sat– hurt from the night before and from the last twenty years. I supposed I would have to go first, knowing the woman I’d once called sister…
“Jenny,” I started with a catch in my voice.
“He wasn’t whole when he came home from Culloden.” Jenny sounded cold and far away, but there was something reaching out toward the space between us. I stayed quiet and let her settle into what she was trying to share with me. “His body was there, but his soul… it was… wi’ you I suppose. Wherever that was. Thank God his leg had been slashed apart or he’d have run away from me and gone to join ye. As it was, I had the stronger arm and will of the twa of us. And I wielded it. I’m no healer like you, but I managed it fine enough. He still has the leg, does he no?”
“He does.” I answered matter of factly, having heard from Jamie a few days ago her exact means of keeping it. “You did well, Jenny.” I held back my prior judgment on her methodology.
“Fergus sat with him day and night. Asked what had happened to ye. But Jamie wouldna say a word. About Culloden, you, anything. He only laid there til it was time to force down the tea or broth I’d bring him. He didnae even cry.” Jenny continued to stare straight into the yard, not meeting my eyes. “Eventually, I set Fergus back to his chores. Told him only he could do this or that the right way and to go show Wee Jamie how he did it. I didna want him seeing the only parent he had left that way. Jamie had nothing to give him then.”
Jamie had clearly held back what he had shared with me over the past few days, just as I had. Even last night, when anger had knocked down the walls we’d carefully kept up to protect each other from the harder truths of our time apart, he had kept these details to himself. He was always better at that than me— controlling what he allowed to be revealed. “I didn’t want to leave them. Jamie, Fergus, you. Any of you.” I’m sure she heard me, but she wasn’t ready to be interrupted yet.
“As soon as he was able, he left the house for the cave. Fergus would go out to visit him sometimes or wait for him to come back to Lallybroch from a hunt. I didnae go to the cave m’self. I couldna bare to see it. See him. There. Livin’ like an animal in the woods, nary a voice left in him. The bairns would share stories from what Fergus told ‘em, about Red Jamie turned into the Dunbonnet. He was their hero. But my brother was gone. The Redcoats would come prodding about every couple o’ months, harassing the tenants and taking Ian wi’ ‘em. One day Fergus got it in his heid to harass them back. He led them through a false path, away from home and away from Jamie. They caught on and he teased ‘em, the damned fool. That’s when he lost his hand, ye ken.”
“Fergus told me he had lost it fighting them, but not the exact details.”
“Aye. Jamie couldnae do anythin’ to stop it. That was the first time in all those years that I saw him cry. He still hasna forgiven himself for it.”
“Of course not. Neither have I.” I said the words before I really knew what I was saying. Was I admitting that I didn’t forgive myself either? That I didn’t forgive Jamie for Fergus? For sending me and Brianna away? There was so much that had happened twenty years ago; and in the time since, for all of us. I had had some of it out with Jamie already, but I hadn’t really had the chance to sit with it all quite yet and I couldn’t deny the bitterness that lingered.
“Nor have I.” Jenny replied and the same questions remained of her sentiment as I was asking myself. “That’s when he decided he’d have me turn him in. Said that prison would be no worse than the one he was already in and that we’d all be safer, better off. When he walked into the yard, I could finally see him again. My bráthair. He’d been gone for so long, and he’d come back just long enough to leave me again. They dragged him out to the wagon and I didna ken if or when I’d see him again. I yelled after him that I’d never forgive him. Part of me was putting on the show he said I should, but I also meant every word.”
I sat still, waiting for Jenny to look at me. She finally did and I saw the tears building up in her eyes. She was trying to hold them back, but even she had a limit to the strength of the dam she could put up. And it was cracking. I met her gaze and they started to fall.
“I’m angry too, Jenny. I didn’t want to go. He made me…” How could I finish that thought? I couldn’t tell Jenny everything. Jamie made it clear he didn’t think she could handle the truth. But I needed to make things right between us. As right as they could be,at least. She had bared her anger and truth to me and I owed her the same, however I could manage it. Jamie and I had promised each other we could have secrets, but not lies. Even if I hadn’t made the same vow to Jenny, I felt I owed it to her in some form as well. “He made me tell him goodbye. He didn’t intend to make it back from the battlefield, but he wouldn’t let me follow him. I would have died with him there. But you know your brother.”
“Aye, I do.”
“I couldn’t come back here and endanger your family either. So, he sent me away. And there wasn’t a day that I didn’t think about him and love him in these past twenty years. I missed all of you, terribly. And there was hardly a day that I wasn’t angry at him either. I still am. But I knew he did it to give me a life, one I hadn’t particularly wanted, but I figured I owed it to him to try…” Of course, I couldn’t tell her about Bree. There’d be no way to explain it without the full truth. But having Bree made it easier for me to forgive Jamie, at least for sending me back through the stones. I lived each day of those first months for the promise I had made him to go on, then for her once she had arrived, until one day I found I could finally go on for myself too. I stopped seeing him in every little thing she did and she became her own person, whom I loved just for her. But sometimes, like when I caught her smiling in her sleep just like he did, the grief would sneak back in and hold on tighter until I thought I might burst, but I was grateful even for that. Feeling the grief meant he was still with me. Now, though, Jamie and I were where we never thought we’d be until our times on Earth were done— back with each other. And there were casualties. Bree was the first and foremost thought for me when I decided to come back to Jamie. But Jenny and Ian’s family, Fergus, and (even as much as I hated to admit it) Laoghaire and her children were among those too.
“So,” Jenny started again, “we’re both mad at Jamie then.” I saw the corner of her mouth turn up the slightest bit and the cat-like lids of her Fraser eyes pulled together, creasing at the sides.
“And each other...” I smirked back. “But we’ve made it through both those things before.” I reached for her hand and she didn’t pull it away.
“I had a vision of ye once, ye ken. On the day Jamie and Laoghaire got married. Ye were standing right there on the altar betwixt them. I thought you’d come to haunt me for it… I asked yer forgiveness then. I just wanted him to have a life again. A family. To be alive.”
“I understand, Jenny. I had to make a life for myself too and it wasn’t easy. I can’t take back these twenty years, none of us can. But I came back as soon as I knew where he was. I’m here now and I’m not going anywhere. He’s my husband and you are all my family.”
“You were a sister to me.” She looked briefly at me and then away again.
“I loved you too, Jenny. Still do.” We sat there for a time in a silence that wasn’t necessarily comfortable, but that held a gentler ease, until Jenny stood, brushed her skirts, and declared “alright, then.” I followed suit and we both went inside. She went to the kitchen and I went to see Jamie where I’d left him on the chaise by the hearth.
Jamie lifted his head and flinched a bit as he adjusted himself to see me. “Ye both made it through alive then, Sassenach?”
“Yes, we did. We found some common ground.”
“Did ye then?”
I went to the table to fill his tea and pour myself a whisky. I glanced over my shoulder at him as I did, “Being angry at you.”
“Och, suppose I had that coming. Still, glad I could help,” he smirked at me.
“She told me things you’d left out these past few days. About what it was like when you came back to Lallybroch after Culloden.”
“I dinna like to think of that time, let alone speak of it. I told ye the gist of it well enough.”
“Your sister painted a more vivid picture.” I sat down beside him, felt his forehead, and ran my hand down the side of his cheek to his chin and stroked his stubble with my thumb. “I’m sorry, Jamie.”
“As am I, Sassenach—“
“No more lies. No more secrets. Not between us, not anymore. We’ve both lived a half life, or several of them,” I smiled softly at my husband who I had heard called by many names since I’d come back, “and if we expect to be what we’ve always been, then we have to trust each other with every part of those lives.”
“As ye say, mo nighean donn. Do ye forgive me then?”
“Let’s not get ahead of ourselves, shall we? But, I’m working on it.” I kissed him gently. “Your sister may need a bit more convincing, though.”
“Aye, weel that goes both ways, but I’ll worry about that in a bit…” He lifted his good arm and ran his fingers through the curls starting to fall down around my ear and I closed my eyes and leaned into his touch. I’d never known another man who could be both so fierce and tender at the same time. Only Jamie.
“Jamie, I need to ask you something.” He nodded for me to continue. “Jenny told me how hard it was for Fergus, after…” I paused and swallowed—every time I had had to say the word Culloden, I could feel the bile rise in my throat. Jamie could see it plainly on my face and made it clear I didn’t need to say it now. “Do you think he can ever forgive me? For leaving him behind? For not being here for either of you?” I started to cry and Jamie wrapped his arm around me. I settled into my place in the crook of his neck and let my tears fall on his shoulder.
“Dinna fash, Sassenach,” he stroked soothingly up and down my back. “Ne’er in twenty years has he spoken an unkind word about ye and he willna now.”
“That was before. He thought I’d died, Jamie! Now, he thinks I just left! Everyone does.” I could feel the heat creeping up all around my face as every emotion I felt mixed together and revealed themselves.
“Shh…” he continued his gentle ministrations. “I left him too, mo ghraidh, and worse.”
“Jenny told me what happened to his hand.”
“Aye. Do ye hate me for it?”
I pulled back to look straight into his azure eyes so that he’d know I meant what I was saying— “Of course not.” I’d resolved my feelings on that part at least. “You may all be dead if you’d tried to stop them.” I kissed him in an ardent demonstration of my appreciation that he and Fergus were still here.
“I couldna be there for him and then the only way I could was by leaving. He doesna seem to hate me for it and he willna hate ye either. Fergus kens yer heart, Claire, even if he doesna ken the whole story.”
“I hope you’re right.” We bent our foreheads towards one another until we met in the middle, taking comfort in one another’s touch and gaze. He took my hand and held it to his chest between us as I brushed my nose against his and thought about how familiar he still felt to me. He was still my Jamie and I was still his. Whatever else may come, that truth remained blessedly unchanged.
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lovelyygirl8 · 30 days
she’s super basic and small atm, but a lovely person msged me about my outlander oc from last yr so I figured why not make a masterlist, I will try my best to get back into writing, but I make no promises
this is also my first masterlist so and I’m making this at 1:33 am so forgive the boringness 👍🏼
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always-outlander · 2 years
The Outlander 31 Day Challenge: Day 5
Day 5: Favorite Jenny *or* Ian (the elder) scene
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Oh Jenny, my favorite. So many great scenes with her but this one simultaneously makes me laugh and pump my fists in the air because she is such a badass. Until this point in the show, Jamie is often portrayed as the leader, respected, revered and sometimes feared.
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But then we see him with Jenny again, and she totally runs the show. Jamie and her instantly clash heads. He’s come home with his new attitude and big dog demeanor, and she doesn’t hesitate to put him in his place. In fact, she spends this entire episode putting him in his place, and she’s every bit as fierce as I’d imagined from the books.
Jenny has been at Lallybroch the entire time he’s been gone, running the household and overseeing all of the people their family is responsible for. Heaven help her if Jamie is going to walk in and insinuate he knows better than her. For Claire, she knows Jenny is an important person to Jamie and his only family left. She knows that Jamie wants to come home with his new wife and impress his sister and brother-in-law, but at first it seems that might prove to be a challenge. Claire’s likely surprised by Jenny’s abrasive nature at first, but ultimately we know they are far more alike than different. Also knowing how much closer they grow in the following episode makes it fun to watch their first interaction here.
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moonussie · 2 years
I love the expression on Ian's face 🤣😂
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samantha326 · 1 year
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Dosis diaria de Ot4 for you 😍🖤🐰🐻🐿️🐥💖
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mel-is-sanonymous1994 · 4 months
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Kisses Taste Like Candy
Part 1
Part 2
-Orla McCool x Michelle Mallon
-Didn’t proof read it so I’m sure it’s not the greatest
-I have never lived in Ireland or even pretended to so I’m not so good at the slang part
Summary: Jenny Joyce is Evil and it doesn’t get better during summer home from university. What’s the worst that could happen during spin the bottle.
“You can’t be serious!” I said.
“Come on Michelle it’s just a wee peck you don’t even have to do anything.” Claire whispered. Since college she has grown a bit of a spine it seems must be the college girls.
“It’s Orla for christs sake!” I said glancing at the girl in question she was focused on something else entirely already bored with the game they had just started playing. Whoever said spin the bottle would be fun lied.
“Is it because she’s a girl?” Claire asked me with a flash of hurt in her eyes.
“No, I’ve been to college parties Claire I’ve probably kissed more girls than you’ve even looked at.” I said.
“But you both went to an all girls catholic school.” James pointed out.
“A rides a ride James.” I said blushing a bit.
“So then what’s the problem?” Erin asked.
“Is someone backing down?” Jenny Joyce taunted. She had already came out on top in this game not only avoiding all of the girls but managing to get to make out with the hottest man to ever step foot in Derry.
“I’m not backing down I just don’t think it’s fair to Orla is all.” I explained. Jenny smirked her wicked smirk and looked to Orla who was busy taking the ends of her hair and individually separating the section strand by strand almost as if she was counting them.
“She gets a pass doesn’t she?” James asked.
“Yeah, she does.” Erin smiled.
“It’s not a pass though.” Claire said remembering the rules.
“That’s correct Claire, Michelle can pass but she would have to take whoever it lands on next and the person who goes after her has to take Orla.” Aisling said with a sad look on her face. She had only gotten nicer being away from Jenny and her influence but she was still the loyal puppet to the superior girl. I looked next to me as Orla tuned back into the game.
“Oi I’ve got no problem with making out with her, she’s a ride.” The male to my left said. I shot glare at James who earlier had decided to make me sit next to the absolute dickhead who was currently staring at Orla in a way that would make even the brightest girls feel uncomfortable.
“Sorry what did I miss?” Orla asked as she looked at everyone staring at her. She turned red from the attention. I had to admit the dance classes she had been taking were paying off, she chose to stay in Derry and work at the local animal shelter after school.
“You were picked for spin the bottle and Michelle passed on you.” Jenny said harshly. Orla didn’t understand though.
“I thought we were playing tag.” She frowned.
“Tonsil tag.” Jenny Joyce said with a snicker.
“I don’t have my tonsils anymore Jenny, your da took em.” Orla scrunched her eyebrows in confusion. The ballbag next to me stood up and walked over to Orla grabbing her arm hoisting her up.
“Hey! Wait!” I said as I saw Orlas look of confusion once she stood facing him. He had already put his hand on her face.
“You already passed.” The guy said holding Orla possessively.
“I didn’t officially, I just hesitated.” I said nervously standing up quickly to take his place. Typically we didnt have to stand for this stupid game but the fucker had to make it a big deal.
“Go on then Michelle.” Jenny said. I glared at her as the asshole petted Orla’s head and then winked at me and sat back down. I stood in front of the taller girl.
“You alright Michelle?” She smiled at me as she looked less uncomfortable with a familiar face in front of her.
“I’m alright Orla.” I said.
“Enough of the small talk.” Jenny said with her arms crossed.
“I’m gonna kiss you now Orla is that ok?” I asked silently hoping she’d say no.
“Alright Michelle.” She said. I leaned in and placed my hand on her cheek looking carefully in her eyes for any sign that she changed her mind. She closed her eyes as my lips were mere millimeters from hers. I rolled my eyes and just went for it connecting our closed lips in a very innocent kiss. She had lip gloss on. I could smell the little alcohol she had drank mixing with the cotton candy flavored lip smacker she insisted on applying anytime she could, the smell was intoxicating. Her lips were soft and warm. I felt her jaw open slightly and on instinct deepened the kiss a bit quickly going from a quick peck to full snog. I could taste the lip gloss now mixing with the lingering taste of Tequila on my own tongue. I was addicted. I came back into my brain for a minute when I realized that Orla wasn’t participating as much as I was. I pulled away quickly and breathed heavy as if I just ran a marathon. Orla’s brown eyes were staring back at me. I put my hand to my lips covering the evidence as best I could. Orla’s face was flushed. I began to panic, how could I have done that with one of my best friends, the sweetest and most innocent of us all. I felt the sharp sting of tears in my eyes as I ran out of the room. I heard James calling after me but I kept running until I couldn’t breathe anymore and noticed I had ran all the way to finnoulas. I bent over and clutched my sides as I fought to get air to stay in my lungs.
“Stupid Michelle! How could you do that! She’s never gonna speak to you again!” I yelled at myself. I tried to dissect every second of the kiss. The smell the taste the feelings, everything. I panicked more when I realized that I actually really liked kissing Orla and I found myself wishing I could do it again. I almost started running again but a small voice stopped me.
“Michelle, are you alright?” Orla asked as I stood up straight still struggling to breathe properly.
“I’m sorry Orla. I shouldn’t have agreed to kiss you, that wasn’t fair to you. I should’ve just said we should leave.” I apologized.
“Michelle.” She started but I cut her off.
“And I’m sorry I stuck my tongue in your mouth, that was uncalled for and I totally understand if you never want to speak to me ever again.” I said with tears in my eyes now. She opened her mouth to speak but I couldn’t stop.
“You are one of my best friends Orla and I’ve gone and messed that up just because Jenny Joyce is an evil cunt.” I said with tears blurring my eyes until Orla was just a smudge in front of me. Before she could say anything I heard more footsteps approaching quickly. I saw it was the other girls and James.
“Is everything alright?” James asked noticing I was crying. He knew I wasn’t one to cry over just anything. I shook my head. I didn’t dare look at Orla who was still trying to get a word in while Erin, Claire, and James fussed over me.
“I’m gonna take her home.” I heard James say as he put his arm around me and walked us towards our house which wasn’t too far away.
“Wait..” I heard Orla say but Erin had pulled her in the other direction.
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firegoddess96 · 1 year
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Bean duine briste
(Wife of a Broken Man)
Murtagh Fitzgibbons Fraser x Female OC
*I own only the OC, all other characters belong to the creators of Outlander*
Having served with Claire as a nurse in WWII, Isla went with Claire and Frank to Scotland to see her mother’s home country. Her aunt Mrs.Baird told her stories of the stones and both Isla and Claire went to see for themselves the magic of the place. Neither expected to be transported 200 years into the past, nor did they expect to fall for rough and ruggedly handsome highlanders.
Will the women get back to their time and the loved ones they left behind, or will they fall too deeply into the strong arms of our favorite Fraser men?
18+ to Read!! (There will be smut down the road!)
Chapter 1:
One the road Claire and Isla traveled from village to village with the rent party. Slowly it dawned on the women that the men they were accompanying were more than just rent collectors, they were in fact Jacobites, supporters of the Stuart prince across the sea.
Night after night Dougal made a show of ripping off Jamie’s shirt to use his scars for their cause, horrifying Isla more that Claire, as she had never seen these scars and wasn’t told the story of his whipping. That first night when Dougal threw the shirt at Claire to mend and she fought him, Isla grabbed it and mended it instead without saying a word. Murtagh was grateful for her kindness and often started to show her small acts of kindness as thanks, after all, Jamie was the man’s heart and soul. So any act towards Jamie affected him greatly.
Every night throughout their journey Isla would mend the torn shirt and find small gifts the next morning. One day it was a few ripe apples and pears, another morning she found a bushel of heather flowers next to her pillow. It wasn’t until one morning, when she woke up to the smell of roasting meat, that she realized who was leaving these sweet gifts. Murtagh finished roasting the freshly caught duck and plated the bird just for her, finally thanking her verbally for the kindness and compassion she was showing his godson. He told her about the incident back at Lallybroch, the attack on young Jenny, the whipping, and the consequent death of Jamie’s father at the sight of it. Isla understood a little more of the stoic and quiet man after he shared the story, she realized the man held a strong love and loyalty to the young man who he followed everywhere.
They all continued their travels for a few more weeks, Claire tending to minor wounds with Isla’s help. Isla continued to mend the shirt when it was torn, and Murtagh spent more time with Isla, sharing meals and stories, until the day the English officer showed up at one of the villages. Claire had gotten drunk with some of the local wives and had made a scene trying to steal a goat back from the rents to help a mother feed her baby. And that was how Dougal arrived with Claire and Isla in the company of British officers telling stories of how they came to Scotland, planning their journey home. A plan cut short by the appearance of Black Jack himself.
Once again attacked by the vicious man, Claire being almost assaulted again, and Isla bruised and concussed. Dougal stormed in and took them away, stopping at a stream to make the women drink from a foul smelling river. Isla recognized it as the truth river, lies were said to burn the throat once one drinks from the stream. They both drank and both told him that they were not spies and simply came here by accident. Dougal, finally believing them, told them the only solution he could think of for their current predicament, for the two woman to marry Scotsmen and become Scottish citizens.
Back at the camp the other men are made aware of what happened….
“So, I have made up my mind about Mrs, Beauchamp, Jamie you will marry the lass. She’s a good woman, smart and Bonnie. And I ken ye are fond of the lass.” Dougal told Jamie, causing a blush to form on his face and the teasing laughs from the other men as they had all seen his interest in her.
“As for Ms Burns…” Dougal starts “I’ll marry the lass” Murtagh interrupts, staring expressionless at the chieftain.
“Will ye now? Well, I guess that will do fine, if the lass will have ye.” Surprised that the stoic man would take an interest in marrying a woman, after all, he had see murtagh fawn over his sister Ellen for years. It was hard to imagine another capturing his heart in the same way.
Across the field Claire and Isla sat discussing the new turn their lives were about to take.
“I feel like I am betraying Frank.” Isla’s heart broke for Claire, she had after all met frank and knew of the love they had shared. But it was looking more and more like they would never make it home to their own time. Isla knew that living in the past meant that they needed protection, and the only way to get that now was a husband. Isla had also seen the glances shared by Claire and her soon to be husband, knew that they could grow to love one another and be happy, which is all she wanted for her friend.
“Claire, Jamie is a kind and caring man, he would never hurt you and he’d continue to protect you. I know you love Frank, and he loves you, which is why he would understand. Frank researched this time, it was his specialty, and he would understand that the only way for you to stay alive and safe is to marry someone else. The man would move heaven and earth to keep you safe, he would want this for you.”
“What about you? You never mentioned anyone, is there someone you had back home? A man waiting for you?”
“God no! I’ve actually never been in a serious relationship, I’ve had the odd date here and there, but it never really went anywhere. None of them struck that spark, you know?”
“I do. Do you know who Dougal picked for you by chance? I didn’t hear him say.”
“No, he didn’t. At least you already know who you’re husband is going to be. And you know what to expect, I’ve never been with a man intimately, and now I don’t even know who I will be expected to sleep with.” A blush rose in her cheeks at the thought of a certain rugged highlander in her bed.
A silence lulled between the women, which shortly after was interrupted by Jamie and Murtagh walking towards them across the field.
“May I have a word lass?” Murtagh’s asked Isla causing her blush to deepen.
“Of course, I’ll talk to you later Claire.” She followed Murtagh into the near by woods, heart racing trying to keep her emotions and hopes in check.
“What is it Murtagh? Is something wrong? Did Jamie not agree to marry…”
“No lass, it’s not about that. Jamie will marry Claire, he agrees tis a good match. And he is ver’a fond of the lass.” He cleared his throat and stared fidgeting with his hands nervously.
“What’s wrong Murtagh?”
“It’s actually yer predicament which I wished to discuss Ms Burns.” Her brows creased questioningly at the sudden formality. “I wish to offer my hand as the solution to your problem. If ye would have me, I’d me honored to have ye as my bride.” A blush rose on his face so deep it was vibrant through his dark beard.
“Why are you offering Murtagh? Not that It is an unwelcome offer, quite the opposite actually.” His eyes widen in shock, believing that she would reject his offer, “But I will not say yes if you are doing this purely for kindness, like all the gifts you have given me.” Isla felt like she had just put her foot in her mouth and ruined her chance of getting the man she wanted, but she needed to know that he was choosing her for the right reasons.
“Isla, lass, have ye not realized? I have wanted ye since the night I first saw ye. “He grabs her chin and makes her look him in the eye. “Bonnie thing, with curves in all the right places, with that giant backside pressed right against me rocking the whole ride home” he growls stirring something in her. “Mind ye, it’s not just yer body I want, no lass, ye have made me want yer heart as ye have clearly stolen away wi’ mine. Yer kindness, to even the most cruel and distant of strangers. That someone would heal her captures and help a man w’out asking of his past.” His rough hand caresses her cheek as her eyes stared at him, with pure love and adoration, tear up at his sudden declarations.
“Isla, If ye will have me, I will protect ye and love ye, as I ne’er thought I’d love again. If ye say yes, ye will have all o’ me. What do ye say lass?” His eyes travel from her eyes to her lips, waiting for her answer. She leans in to him, like magnets they come together, their lips barely touching.
“Yes” he crushes her body to him as he passionately kisses her. She responds in kind one hand on his neck, the other combing up into his hair pulling him closer still. His hands wander along her curves, on her lower back in an attempt to bring her closer yet, while his other hand traveled further south over her hip and cupping her buttock firmly, causing a yelp which he happily devoured from her lips.
Reluctantly he pulled himself away, laughing at her lips chasing his. A blush deepening to a vibrant rose on her cheeks and a glazed look in her eyes.
“Dinna fash lass, ye will get more soon. But ye will be mine when ye do, and ye will no’ be leaving my side once ye are.” Murtagh whispers in her ear making her shiver and clench her thighs. Her response didn’t escape his notice, and his eyes darkened with lust at just how responsive his little bunny really was.
“Let’s get back to everyone and plan the joint ceremony, shall we lass?” Isla nodded and followed Murtagh back towards the clearing when they planned a joint ceremony with Jamie, Claire hiding somewhere until she had to be married the next day.
See you at the wedding….
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misterah13 · 9 months
My main fandom characters list (Plus Protagonists)
Yellow Guy
Duck Guy
Red Guy
Micheal Afton
Flowey The Flower
Nicky Roth
The Protagonist (Tattletail)
Baby Talking Tattletail
Henry Stein
Aubrey Drew
Alice Angel
Boris The Wolf
The Runaway Kid
The Girl In The Yellow Raincoat
Shadow Six
Ms Chalice
The Player
Mickey Mouse
Spongebob SquarePants
Gary The Snail
Patrick Star
Squidward Tentacles
Eugene H Krabs
Sandy Cheeks
Sheldon J Plankton
Karen Plankton
Gumball Watterson
Darwin Watterson
Anais Watterson
Penny Fitzgerald
Carrie Krueger
Meilin Lee
Miriam Mendelsohn
Priya Mangal
Abby Park
Konata Izumi
Hikage Miyakawa
Hinata Miyakawa
Kagami Hiiragi
Tsukasa Hiiragi
Miyuki Takara
Yutaka Kobayakawa
Minami Iwasaki
Patricia Martin
Hiyori Tamura
Misao Kusakabe
Ayano Minegishi
Yuuko Aioi
Mio Naganohara
Mai Minakami
Nano Shinonome
Professor Hakase Shinonome
Felix The Cat
Sophie Walten
Jenny Letterson
Ice Cream Man
Sergeant Keroro Gunso
Private Second Class Tamama Nitohei
Corporal Giroro Goucho
Sergeant Major Kururu Soucho
Lance Corporal Dororo Heicho
Angol Mois
Carmen Sandiego
Player Bouchard
The Chief
Chase Devineaux
Julia Argent
Agent Zari
A.C.M.E Agent
Sarah Henderson
Lily Henderson
Kyle Henderson
Thomas Bentley Artwright
Henry Stickmin
Ellie Rose
Charles Calvin
Classic Sonic The Hedgehog
Classic Miles Tails Prower
Classic Knuckles The Echidna
Classic Amy Rose The Hedgehog
Classic Ray The Flying Squirrel
Classic Mighty The Armadillo
Serial Designation N
Uzi Doorman
The Mole
Disco Bear
Cro Marmot
Mr Pickles
Raggedy Ann
Raggedy Andy
Captain Olimar
The Knight
Player (Poppy Playtime)
Poppy Playtime
Red Crewmate
Hat Kid
Bow Kid
Bandana Waddle Dee
Meta Knight
King Dedede
Queen Ripple
Ripple Star Fairies
Shadow Kirby
Dark Meta Knight
People Of The Sky
Zan Partizanne
Classic Kirby
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detectivebambam · 6 months
for context this is for a fic I'm writing, Aaron and Katelyn had a child when they were 15 idk if that means anything to you but that's who this girl is
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adsosfraser · 1 year
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Chapter Twenty-Two
After his first English breakfast of the day, Jamie slipped downstairs to filch a fresh bannock from Mrs. Crook before she could slap his hand away. Life on a farm never stopped, and he surely wouldn’t either. 
Claire, sated, laid back into the swarm of pillows and sheets and fell promptly back to sleep. The sun was already up near the top of the sky when she woke again, and everyone was bustling around the manor. 
They really didn’t take even a moment to rest. 
But, the final bits of the harvest had to be dealt with, and a stone fortress as big as Lallybroch needed constant attention with it filled to the seams with inhabitants.
Read more on AO3
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