#citizen responsibility
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parwatisingari · 1 month ago
The Republic Day Remix:
From Blame Games to Citizen Frames Civic Responsibility: The Republic, The Pedestrian, and The Patient It was a sunny Sunday morning, and my day began with the usual cacophony outside my window—a scooter honking impatiently, a vegetable vendor yelling offers louder than any FM radio jockey, and someone cribbing about the potholes (which have taken permanent residence in the locality). A typical…
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wasabi-gumdrop · 10 months ago
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Kabru has a secret admirer in the castle!
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geniemillies · 4 months ago
i will never be convinced on rhysand the better high lord when tamlin opened his court to refugees during amarantha's reign, began celebrating festivities that didn't belong to spring just so they'd feel at home, played for them too with his silly fiddle omg, refused to send his people beyond the wall until he was desperate, felt them die because their bond as subject and high lord was just too great (sarah's words not mine), even buried a lesser fae in his court after he was brutalized by amarantha, dug the ground with his haaaands, said lesser fae wasn't even his subject but he offered him peace and company during his death anyway. then there's mister change takes time over here, has his people living in harsh conditions in camps, under a mountain where they cannot leave because they're more weapons than people. so if you were born anywhere in his court that's not velaris sucks to suck i guess.
don't even get me started on his family being in charge while he was gone for 50 yrs because their circus troupe didn't do squat either. cassian is a privileged boy who has lost all emotional connection to his own people. idk what azriel does besides do a job he doesn't even want to do and mope around i guess. morrigan hates her people, morrigan 'i'm the exception, everybody evil except for me and i will make no effort to change anything bc im too pretty for that'. amren. amren wtf even is she doing in the night court. not even from the lands and she's already named second in command, that's all i have to know about the high lord. what is she commanding? *in damian's voice* she doesn't even go here!!!
tamlin did more for spring and people from other courts in those fifty years than the ic will ever consider doing for the night court. morrigan couldn't lift a pinkie, if you mention doing anything for hewn city she'd start whining throwing up waa waa waa, grown ass woman. cassian kisses the dirt rhysand steps on, if he says bark he out here 🐕. amren is just there for shits and giggles. azriel.
so if anyone sat on their asses it's rhysand and his ragtag group of powerful people who don't do shit with it. illyrians still suffer in the camps, hewn city still trapped in a mountain where abuse is the norm. and they aaaalll stiiill haaaate youuur aaaasss 💥💥💥💥💥
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3liza · 2 months ago
i know most of us know this and are basically already asking these questions only rhetorically but the reason corporations don't make their TOS clearly worded and Google shows you helpline numbers when you look up "list of eating disorders" and Tumblr just won't let you look up hundreds of words most of which have no clear meaning is because of plausible deniability being the basis of all legal defense. we banned your account but not the other one who was doing the same shit because it was against the rules in your case and not against the rules in the other case. because we said so. you get the suicide helpline when you Google whatever because then it's your fault if you kill yourself with instructions you googled because they did everything they "could" to stop you. twitch banned you for adult content and not the other girl because more people reported you and they didn't want to deal with actually moderating, but the blurry TOS will cover their ass either way. that's it, that's always the reason "why"
actual laws are written the same way, so cops and the government can squint and interpret that whatever you did, including just existing in an area, was actually a crime that justifies your imprisonment, and only the people with enough resources to fight stupid arguments in court for months or years will be able to get out of paying a fine or going to prison
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sergeant-angels-trashcan · 1 month ago
While I'm aware that spite is not the ideal political or social motivator, I am increasingly aware that I am a pragmatist above almost all else and am a big fan of the "butts in seats" approach to politics and therefore believe that, if for no reason other than spite, all USAmerican Millennials and Gen Zers should be vocal proponents of the land back movement.
You've made it financially impossible to own a home? I don't think this land belongs to any of us. Suck on that, landlord.
Yes obviously there are philosophical and moral reasons to support the land back movement and I'm sure someone will tell me it's "not that simple!" which is not the point.
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rotzaprachim · 4 months ago
that “you survived four years of trump” video that’s going around like idk what to tell you but many people did not. many people did not do this
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dykedvonte · 4 months ago
I think acting like Jimmy’s struggles on Earth were like legal or related to being a criminal are so odd. Not in a bad way but just odd.
Like don’t get me wrong, I personally believe he’s had a run in with the law but I feel like it’d be minor, not even something that would get him a record. It could’ve, but it was dropped, not worth the time to pursue someone that down on their luck, probably not a dime to his name.
He’s a bad guy don’t get me wrong but it’s seems like his issues were with not being well-adjusted? In the whole sense, he’s snarky and unnecessary rude. He’s quick to anger and says things to pit people against each other. He likely doesn’t have many friends and we know he’s not financially well. I think tacking on bad traits diminishes the fact of what he did. Trying to fit him to that obviously evil arch type is a little bland to what he actually is. He’s normal enough to be a minor blip on the radar and that’s how he gets away with what he does.
Jimmy is ultimately scared of being in trouble. He gets into it but panics. He hates being confronted and he just doesn’t do things were he knows or perceives a bad outcome will happen to him.
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wheresmyfuckingchair · 1 month ago
How I feel when my crazy specific meld of fandoms is appreciated by 1 (one) person:
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dunmeshistash · 9 months ago
Semi-related to Thistle talk but it's interesting to compare him with Yaad's generation, because they too are stuck in a perpetual adolescence while still having to carry out adult responsibilities. Given Yaad's entire arc and the apparent ease at which the citizens have worked for centuries on end, one very optimistic take might interpret this as them developing more maturity than Thistle… But then it's pointed out that they're doing all of this because routine is the only thing keeping them sane anymore, and even then they still struggle to find meaning and joy in things other people take for granted, like food. So to other people what looks like maturity is actually repression or apathy for the sake of survival.
And while their situation is definitely not the same as Thistle being taken away from his culture and raised entirely by tallmen, the Golden Country citizens are also disconnected from where they came from and what they "should" be - the previous generations that had a frame of reference for the outside world and a normal lifespan are now gone. That's how we end up with scenes like Chilchuck being unnerved by the brewer that looks like a teen but casually mentions running their own business for 600+ years. They and Thistle all have that dissonance of looking young but having taken on too many duties, much too early, for much too long.
I hadn't thought much about how young the golden kingdom people are I just assumed they were adults but they DO look younger than what we would consider adults.
I theorized on another post that they might all be 16 (but I also say I think they're older there, now I'm not so sure) because that's the age of maturity for Tallmen.
Age of maturity usually means that's when you're considered an "adult" socially (as in now you have adult responsibilities and is expected to carry your own) that's why I think Thistle hasn't reached that yet, its what would thematically fit him the most as a kid with adult responsibilities (wouldn't make sense if he was already the age that's expected to take on these responsibilities)
The golden kingdom citizens don't really feel like they have a stunted growth like thistle to me.... I don't know how to explain how I feel but... it's like they have stunted experiences instead? They don't know what really is like to be alive, they are just going about their lives in a clockwork manner trying not to think about it and missing out on how it feels to live (exemplified by how they don't eat).
What made me feel like that the most is that when Yaad is in Delgal's body it doesn't feel like a teen trapped in an old man's body, it feels like an old man with finally a body that matches? To me the golden kingdom citizens feel more like someone forever trapped in a body much younger than their minds?
That's just my interpretation tho! I like your interpretation too, it's making me think about it more, so I might end up changing my mind. Some of them really do act like kids/teens like the girls asking Marcille to do a fashion show for them, that was very cute, they probably haven't gotten to play in a while.
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verygoodestboy · 6 months ago
this isn’t a fully formed thought at the moment but if you say you “hate all americans and american things, EXCEPT minorities” you’re tokenizing us (minorities). we’re still americans, we still do all the things you hate like having regional cultures that differ across states, and eating burgers, and not knowing everything that’s going on in the rest of the world.
the international miku trend is fun and silly and a way for people to show off things they like about the place that they’re from! its a cute celebration of the full diversity of the world! it’s political only in the ways that all things are political because we live in a global society, but by and large, these drawings aren’t political action.
you refusing to enjoy or engage with white american mikus from florida or san diego, and actively calling their existence a drain on the art trend exclusively BECAUSE they’re american, while saying you “love Black miku only🥰” isn’t making you a Good Person. and you certainly aren’t winning any Black people brownie points.
i guess what i’m saying is stop using non white and minority americans to justify the hatred for the american government you keep deflecting onto white americans. not because white americans have “never done anything wrong uwu” but because they’re people like you are and people are not wholly good or wholly bad and discounting an entire group of people out of hand as BadTM is, at the very least, extremely unproductive
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captorations · 5 months ago
my girlfriend is playing runescape which unlocked a bunch of buried memories from when i played it like two decades ago. most strongly i remembered being confused by the "goblin mail" because i couldn't wear it so it must be the other kind of mail. but i also couldn't find anywhere to deliver it. this was highly distressing at the time
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wonderfull-star · 10 months ago
Everyone talks about Sans making mom jokes but no one talks about Alphys…
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In this case, she loves mom(and dad) jokes even more than Sans does.
Sans-jokes about mom
Alphys-jokes about dad(but even more sus)
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multiversal-pudding · 1 month ago
Listen- I never played Nicktoons Unite nor do I know much about it aside from a couple cutscenes I looked up, but also. Why do I feel like Danny’s energy out of the four would be the most “This might as well happen”
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jewishbarbies · 1 month ago
recent events have me thinking back to a couple months ago when I got into it with my parents over immigration and said “if your family was in danger and you had no other option but to cross into another country illegally in search of help, you would.” that’s it. that’s all I said. both my parents were visibly pissed off and they floundered for an excuse before just replying “that’s not the same thing”, and I did clarify that they meant not the same as a mexican citizen coming into america for the same reason. they think it’s different because they’re white and american. I’ve watched both parents commit crimes in moments of necessity for the safety and health of their family members with my own eyes. it’s not different at all.
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stargirlfeyre · 1 year ago
Feyre is not wholly responsible for the downfall of the Spring Court. All she did was set up situations where Tamlin had to choose to do the right thing and be a good leader (example: the whole guard situation) but he didn’t. She never directly did anything that damaged the court. The downfall of the SC was due to Tamlin allowing himself to be manipulated and pressured by Ianthe. It was also due to him thinking he could outsmart Hybern which led him to invite them into his home. They were in the woods poisoning his fiancé and bestfriend while he was thinking he was doing such a good job as double agent.
It all boils down to him being a failure for a ruler with a weak mindset.
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meek-shall-inherit · 2 months ago
confession: when i first saw the claims adjuster i thought he was a beautiful woman and went "she shot brian thompson AND she's hot? count me in!" only to later find out that the claims adjuster was not, in fact, a beautiful woman.
HELP ????
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