#cinna x katniss
That's What Friends Do
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1.3k, Katniss Everdeen/Cinna, T-rating, Canon AU Summary: One of the Capitol's citizens puts their hands on Katniss, and Cinna reacts. He stays unapologetic about it.
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deadringers2023 · 9 months
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@gifhungergames event ◈ day three: favorite mentor/mentee relationship ↳ Katniss and Cinna
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admireforever · 10 months
“But his arms are there to comfort me, and eventually his lips. On the night I feel that thing again, the hunger that overtook me on the beach, I know this would have happened anyway. That what I need to survive is not Gale's fire, kindled with rage and hatred. I have plenty of fire myself. What I need is the dandelion in the spring. The bright yellow that means rebirth instead of destruction. The promise that life can go on, no matter how bad our losses. That it can be good again. And only Peeta can give me that.”
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allisluv · 8 months
which thg characters do you think would be swifties?
anon i love this question so much !!
• i honestly don’t think katniss would like taylor swift at the start. like, she’d hear her music and it wouldn’t be for her, but then peeta forces her to listen to taylor and shes slowly converted 😭 i think she’d be an evermore girlie.
• peeta would eat sleep and breathe taylor swift and i will not be taking criticism on this. if we’re talking abt a modern!au, he would beg katniss to get him tickets for the eras tour. i think his favourite album is lover or 1989.
•finnick and annie are one thousand percent swifties. annie would be the best person to go to the eras tour with. she’d spend weeks hand-crafting bracelets and they would definitely dress up as miss americana and the heartbreak prince. i think they both adore folklore
• johanna’s a rep girlie but she’s not a swiftie per say if you know what i mean. like she’ll listen casually but i don’t think she’d go out of her way to listen.
• cinna. no i will not elaborate. he probably listens to vigilante shit as he sketches katniss’ outfits 😭 he’s a midnight man for sure.
• do i even need to mention lucy gray? she’s a song writer and she would analyse every word of taylor’s songs. her favourite album is debut and she would so do a cover of picture to burn about billy taupe (and we love her for that!)
some honorable mentions would be tigris, effie and prim!
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theyarerealtome · 7 months
Surely someone must have written the Everlark Gilmore Girls AU right? Because like -
Fiercely independent single mother Katniss Everdeen raising her sweet, intelligent daughter Prim (who is so close in age they’re practically sisters), and friends with the bakery/café owner Peeta who keeps her fed in cheese buns and bread, and sees her everyday while quietly and patiently pining.
FT: Best friend Madge who Katniss later opens a business with. Grumpy town eccentric Haymitch. Flamboyant dance studio owner and gossip Effie. Prim's best friend Rue who Katniss also ends up mothering because that's who she is. Estranged mother Mrs Everdeen who Katniss felt abandoned by but adores Prim. Local fashion designer Cinna who took Katniss in when she first arrived. And then Prim’s father and Katniss’s teenage sweetheart Gale comes back around periodically wanting another chance but doesn’t realise they’ve changed too much to ever be together.
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sincerelya-stories · 5 months
The Flamingo and the Bumblebee - Chapter 1
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Rating: T
Summary: The first Reaping Day post-war is upon them, but this year Haymitch has other plans. Ones that involve a dress, a tradition, and the final wish of a lost friend.
It all started with:
My darling Flamingo
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astrid-sama · 9 months
Labyrinth of white roses
(Effie trinket x fem oc)
Chapter 2)
"Capitol City"
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The station is full of journalists from the Capitol City who have come to film the departure of the tributes from the station, I'm happy I didn't cry before. Alexander on the other hand still has red eyes, I feel sorry for him, after all he is still a child; if Elia had been in his place he too would have cried.
The train is incredibly luxurious: the furniture is made of solid mahogany, the tablecloths are silk and the sofas are soft and comfortable.
We each have our own bedroom with attached private bathroom with hot running water, in district twelve we don't have hot water.
Effie told us that we can do whatever we want until dinner time, so I decide to take advantage of all this luxury, I take a long hot shower and I apply a berry scented cream on my body which makes my skin soft and fragrant; I decide to wear my green dress with white flowers again but I change my old boots with a new pair that I found in the wardrobe of my room and finally I tie my hair in a braid like the one Elia had done for me this morning.
Thinking about Elijah makes me sad, it reminds me that if I want to see him again I will be forced to kill; I think I wouldn't feel guilty if I were forced to kill to defend myself but the very idea of ​​having to kill scared children like Alexander makes me feel bad.
I leave my room and start walking towards the carriage where we will have dinner, I was hoping that walking would help me stop thinking but that's not the case.
When I arrive at the restaurant car there is only Effie sitting at the table.
-Darling you arrived right on time, come and sit down-
Effie invites me to sit in front of her and smiles at me.
A few minutes later Alexander and Haymitch also arrive and the Avox begin serving dinner.
As a first course we are served a delicious risotto decorated with wisteria flowers, as a second course we are served a cut of pork accompanied by various vegetables and finally they bring us some cakes filled with what I believe is chocolate.
When dinner is over I feel full like I've never been before and judging by the look of deep subscription on Alexander's face I can tell he feels the same as me.
Before going to sleep Alexander asks Haymitch for advice on how to behave as soon as we arrive in the Capitol, Haymitch replies that he will explain it to us tomorrow if he feels like it then grabs a bottle of whiskey and goes to his room.
I also go to my room and get ready for bed.
When I am woken up in the morning by an Avox I feel very tired due to the lack of sleep due to the constant nightmares I have been having.
After washing I put on a simple light blue dress that I found in the wardrobe and head to breakfast.
When I arrive, everyone is already there: Haymitch is pouring what I think is whiskey into a cup of tea, Effie is eating a pink muffin and Alexander is eating a bit of everything.
-Good morning darling, did you sleep well?-
Effie said smiling at me, "she has a beautiful smile" I think and I can't help but blush.
-I slept very well Effie-
In reality my sleep was downright terrible but Effie doesn't need to know that.
-I'm happy to know, we will arrive at Capitol soon and you will have to be in perfect shape for the tribute parade-
-Speaking of the parade, Haymitch told us yesterday that you would explain to us how to behave-
Haymitch looks away from his tea for the first time since we started eating and, far from happy, answers Alexander.
-Do you want some advice?! Smile, blow kisses to the crowd, make the citizens of the Capitol believe that you love them and that you are honored to be here-
-Do you have any advice regarding the Hunger Games? Should we try to ally ourselves with other tributes? What should we focus on during training? What is the weapon we should learn to use? -
-Girl, you're really trying to win, I like you. To answer your questions: the only solid alliance is that of the favorites but allying with them if you don't come from districts one, two and four is practically impossible unless you prove yourself incredible in training; During training you will need to balance practicing survival techniques with weapons training. Do you have survival skills or experience with weapons? -
-I know medicinal plants, I'm quite agile and I can climb practically anything but I don't think they are very useful skills-
Alexander seems very dejected, he already thinks he's done for. I take his hand in mine and squeeze it reassuringly, he turns to look at me and gives me a small smile.
-I know edible plants, I'm good with throwing knives and I'm really good with a bow I always hit my prey in the eye-
Haymitch hums thoughtfully, I hope it's a good sign.
-We have arrived, we will continue our conversation after the tribute parade in the meantime my first piece of advice is let the stylists do whatever they want with you, they know what they are doing-
Once we got off the train we were accompanied to the tribute preparation center, each tribute was assigned an entire staff with the task of making us beautiful for the parade.
I lie down on a metal surface, they massage my whole body and apply a lotion that makes my skin glow; at a certain point the trainers decide to remove all the hair on my body, when they're done, my body burns.
When I finally finish all the treatments I am taken to a room and told to wait for my stylist to arrive.
After a while a man with dark skin and a thin layer of gold eyeliner over his eye enters; in his hand he holds a garment bag in which I think there is my dress.
Usually for the parade the tributes are dressed to recall their district, for example the tributes from district one are often adorned with jewels; the tributes from district twelve almost always come dressed as miners and unfortunately this doesn't get us many sponsors; other times, however, the stylists decide that the clothes are overrated and leave the tributes practically naked, I remember that a few years ago the tributes of district twelve did not have a dress but had been covered in ash. "I hope I'm not naked"
-Nice to meet you, I'm Cinna your stylist. I decided to make you wear a particular dress that doesn't focus on the miners but on coal and fire-
"Oh no! I'll be naked for sure"
-The idea for your dress came to me when I saw you and the boy from district twelve. I thought about how different you two were, one with red hair and the other with black hair. Looking at you, coal and fire came to mind; you with your black hair will be the coal while the boy with his red hair will be the fire-
He opens the case and takes out a black leather suit. After putting on the pants and leather bodysuit Cinna has me put on some high boots with a small heel. Cinna attaches little pieces of coal to my dress which are covered in a thin layer of red glitter which makes the little pieces of coal look like they are glowing.
When I'm done getting dressed, I apply make-up: a little black eyeshadow with glitter, a red shaded eyeliner and a gloss with glitter.
-Now the final touch-
Cinna placed on my head a beautiful diadem with fiery red rubies.
When I can finally look at myself in the mirror I am left speechless.
"I'm beautiful"
The leather clothes bring out every curve of my body, the makeup makes my eyes appear a deeper blue, and the crown highlights the black of my hair. Without even thinking about it I hug Cinna, thanks to him I will be able to get some sponsors and my chances of winning will increase.
-Thank you Cinna, you are saving me-
When I see Alexander I notice that he is dressed similarly to me, but his crown is black.
Our stylists help us get on the bandwagon and wish us good luck.
Around us, there are the other tributes on their chariots: the tributes of district two wear armor that leaves little to the imagination, the tributes of district seven wear clothes made of leaves, the tributes of district nine wear a dress made of a fabric that resembles corn ears...
One by one the floats begin to advance and the crowd begins to applaud. Our wagon starts to move, I turn to look at Cinna and he motions for me to hold my head high and smile.
When spectators see us they shout our names and throw roses at us; I grab one and after kissing it I throw it back to the crowd and everyone tries to catch it.
"They're fighting about me! They care about that rose because I kissed it."
Continue to blow kisses to the crowd and smile until the parade ends and we are taken back to the preparation center.
Our stylists come to meet us, hug us and congratulate us.
Shortly afterwards Effie and Haymitch arrive and after congratulating us they accompany us to the elevators. Above us is the training center and above it are the living quarters of the tributes and their staff. Each district corresponds to a floor, ours is the twelve.
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emmersbacon · 1 year
u guys needa start writing THG characters x reader like crazy like the aot fandom😭😭😭🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼
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thegreatkarma · 1 month
heyy guys, this is my hunger games nerve AU!
if you have any ideas for cool/crazy/absurd dares pls tell me, and i might add it to the next chapters! (and i will credit you if you want me to)
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xetlynn · 5 months
Would anyone want a hunger games x reader story? Lowkey thinking about it
If you want to be in the Taglist lmk!!!
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1-sasha-stuff-1 · 10 months
Made a new fanfic!
Made a new fanfic, it's called The Hunger Games: Rise of the Phoenix and I'll post the prologue and chapter one right now! And it's a cross over with MHA.
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admireforever · 1 year
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rawbutprecious · 7 months
❰❰ EMBRACE ❱❱ sender embraces receiver (Katniss to Cinna?)
Cinna stood there examining the current outfit Katniss would be wearing out for the interview. It played into both her youthfulness and rebelliousness. It was a silver dress made of 1,000s of squares sewn together. Held up by thin straps it then draped to the floor with a fuller skirt. It had a voice activation so that when the interviewer asked a certain question the little squares would flip to showcase fire.
He thought it looked perfect for Katniss. It seemed that Katniss might think the same. She suddenly hugged him. For a moment, he was surprised and then hugged her in return. "You look beautiful," he said. "But what was that for? I'm just doing my job."
the dress
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lunamadhatter99 · 10 months
All for the cameras
Chapter 1
Finnnick Odair x Fem!reader
So... here's the first chapter of my Finnick series. I hope you'll like it and comment if you want to be tagged in the next chapters.
I warn you, it's a slow burn with LOTS of tension. But I think it's going to be worth it in the end. ❤️❤️❤️
Chapter summary: Y/n is the Capitol's Princess. Everybody in the Capitol loves her... unfortunately for her. This first chapter is a little introduction about her role as a "support mentor".
Chapter warnsings: mention of rape, prostitution, and... it's the Hunger Games... what can you expect.
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The Victory Tour is probably the one thing I like about the Hunger Games. The attention of the Capitol isn't directly at me, but at the Victor in question, especially the pervs' attention.
Everyone thinks that being President Snow's protégé is like being Capitol's Princess, well... that's just what the cameras catch, but it really isn't. I am no different from someone living in the districts.
I am a slave like anyone else.
Even though I won't have to deal with the creeps at the Capitol during the tour, I still have a job to do, I can't exactly let out a sigh of relief.
This tour is probably the hardest one I've ever had to experience. Turning a hunter into an actress for the Capitol is no easy job.
Katnis has many skills... many, but pretending to be in love with someone isn't her best. Unfortunately, her life, anyone's life, actually depends on it.
Snow made it clear to me.
I arrive in district 12 with Effie and the rest of the crew, ready to help the two victors make everything as believable as possible.
I decided to go to Peeta first, while Effie and Cinna went to Katniss.
"Yes?" Peeta calls from behind the door.
"It's Y/n," I answer.
He immediately opens the door to let me and his stylist in and pulls me in a big hug.
"I'm happy to see you," he says, almost relieved.
"Well, it's my job, pretty boy," I pull away with a smile, "how do you feel today?"
He takes a moment to answer.
"I'm okay, I guess, nervous too,"
"You'll be fine, trust me. You're a natural." I try to lighten the mood. He does chuckle, but I think it's not to make me feel bad. "Did Haymitch tell you what to expect, or did he offer a drink?"
"A bit of both," he actually chuckles this time, "more of the latter, but yeah."
"Good," I let out a small laugh too, "I guess a good thing about your situation is that maybe you two can help each other out."
"If she stopped treating me like a wounded puppy..." he bitterly says, shrugging.
"Yeah, well, try talk to her. Your situation is already hard as it is, dealing with it on your own... it's suicide."
He nods, so I decide to let his stylist work and go see how Katniss is doing.
"Hey there," I say once I enter the room Katniss is getting ready in.
"Hi," she says.
"How are you?" I ask, sitting on a chair.
"I've been better," she forces a smile in my direction.
"I figured," I send her a sympathetic smile in return.
I look around the studio, the atmosphere is quite cold despite the luxury, we are still in 12 after all. My eyes stop suddenly on the desk, that was pushed a little out of the way to make more room.
"That's..." I start, my throat feels tight all of a sudden, "That's a pretty rose."
I notice Katniss tensing at the observation.
Confirming my suspicion.
Snow's been here.
"Yeah," she flatly says. She turns to look at me, with a look that seems suspicious... or cautious, more likely.
I respond with a sympathetic look. Hopefully, she will understand I'm just as tense as her. She seems to, because she half smiles at me.
"It's showtime," Effie cheers, walking in.
"Break a leg," I say, hugging myself as I watch her heading to the door.
I take a deep breath and decide I need a drink, and the only person who can help me is a certain victor.
I sneak out from the back and walk to Haymitch's house.
"Haymitch?" I call as I knock at his door.
"It's open," I hear his grumpy tone from the inside, so I let myself in and look around for Haymitch.
"Oh!" He calls from the kitchen, "it's the Princess herself! To what do I owe the pleasure?"
"Care to help a lady out? I need a drink,"
"Take whatever you want," he offers, taking a sip of his own drink.
I look around at the variety of bottles on display, finding my drink of choice. I take the whole bottle.
"You don't mind if I don't use a glass, do you?" I say, sitting down with him.
"Make yourself at home," he actually chuckles at that, and I soon follow after taking a big sip from the bottle.
This is what I like more about this tour, Haymitch's company. We can just sit in total silence and still be able to give each other comfort. He's one of the very few people who knows the truth behind the Princess facade, and I know about what happened to his family.
"Ready for the tour, princess?" He suddenly asks me.
"It's the only time I get to feel like my own person again, so... yeah, I'm ready," I answer with a bitter smile, "what about you?"
"It's gonna be hard for them," he simply says.
"I know," I deeply sigh, taking another big sip, "they need us... and we need them."
Haymitch just nods.
"Things are about to change," he says, almost solemnly, "better keep those eyes open."
I send him a questioning look to which he answers with a wink. Then, a knock on the door prevents him from elaborating if he even wanted to.
"Guess it's time to go," he announes, clapping his hands.
"Let the show begin," I take one last gulp before following him out and towards the train station with everyone else.
We're heading to the first stop of this journey, distric 11. I already know this particular stop is gonna be hard for my Victors, especially Katniss. I take notice of her quietness and the tension in her body as Effie keeps in rumbling about all the fabulous things this tour will provide.
"Fabulous food, fabulous wine, the massages, spa treatments." She explains, "I told them nothing but the best for my two victors. It all needs to be..."
"Fabulous?" Haymitch finishes for her with a hint of teasing in his voice, mimicking her demeanour. I try to hide my smile into my cup in tea.
"Exactly." Effie answer, not bothered by him, "Now, the schedule is a bit of a bear. 12 days, 12 districts. But it's mostly parties, celebrations, adoring fans to greet you at every stop along the way, and then wrap it up on the Capitol. All you need to do is give a few speeches, wave at the crowds, and enjoy your time in the spotlight. You've earned it."
Oh shit.
"What did you say?" Katniss, basically, demands.
Here we go.
"Katniss." Peeta calls, trying to calm her or make her drop the subject.
"I said, 'Enjoy it, Katniss, you've earned it.'" Effie repeats.
"By killing people." Katniss scoffs and stands up to leave, ignoring Effie's weak try at scolding her.
There's silence.
"Well, isn't this a good start?" I say, holding my hand out to Haymitch, who catches on and passes me a bottle of whiskey chuckling.
I ignore Effie's glare and pour some alcohol into my tea.
My eyes lock with Peeta's, so I take the opportunity to glance at the direction Katniss went to silently telling him to go check on her. He nods and gets up to follow Katniss.
Haymitch follows him with his eyes, then turns to me.
"Are you plotting something?" He asks.
"Not at all." I simply answer, "they need to stop avoiding each other like the plague when they're not on TV. It's better to pretend to be in love with a friend than a stranger."
He simply looks at me nodding, impressed.
Effie lets out an annoyed puff and walks away.
Once she's out of the carriage, I turn towards Haymitch.
"Anything to say about my eyes?" I ask, hinting at the conversation we had back at his house.
He simply smiles and pours some more alcohol into his glass.
"Just keep 'em open, princess," he says, "wide open, guard up."
I roll my eyes, "Alright, alright. I will. Anything else you wanna share?"
"Did you hear from a certain fisherman?" Haymitch asks, instead of answering my questions.
"I don't know what you're talking about. " I say shrugging, and I take a sip from my cup.
"Mh," he hums, "isn't he the first Victor you helped train?"
"Why all these questions?" I slightly snap.
"No reason. This is the first time we get to properly bond, don't wanna waste it,"
"You want to bond?" I let out an incredulous laugh, "why?"
"I just proclaimed myself your... father figure," he opens his arms to present himself.
"Okay..." I trail off, standing up, "Whatever you say,"
I start to walk off, too, shaking my head slightly laughing.
"Oh, c'mon!" I hear him yell and laugh.
I shake my head while I'm heading to my room to rest a bit before we arrive in district 11.
As I lay on the bed, my mind can't help but wander to said fisherman.
Finnick freaking Odair. Winner of the 65th Hunger Games.
That was my 4th time assisting the mentors in preparing the tributes for the games. At the time, Snow wanted the people to see me more involved in the making of the games since they 'love' me so much. The president saw this as an opportunity, I saw it as a punishment, having to help train tributes, some of them being my age only to see them get killed. Then the 65th Hunger Games came, and so did Finnick. We were the same age, bonding was inevitable, even though he was cautious... which was understandable, but we managed before he had to go into the arena.
When he won, I was the happiest I've ever been. Then when he came back he was changed, again, that's understandable, but he started to push me away... with no explanation.
Then we both turned 16. Then we were forced to be close again.
A knock on the door pulled me away from my thoughts, Haymitch's voice warning me we had arrived in district 11, and it was time to go.
We get out of the train, expecting some people celebrating and stuff like that, but nothing of sort. Effie is quick to express her disapproval.
They lead us to a car and let us in, where Effie start to explain the situation to Katniss and Peeta.
"The mayor will make some introductory remarks. And then you just have to say a few words." She says, "it's customary, of course, to give a brief eulogy to the district's fallen Tributes. For 11, that's Thresh and Rue. Here are the speeches."
Effie hands some piece of paper for them to take, I see Katniss' expression falling even more at the mention of Rue, predictable, so Peeta offers to be the one doing the talking. Katniss' grateful face almost breaks my heart, I'm... sort of used to see children die in the games, she wasn't... worst of all, she built a friendship with her.
"You got this." I say to them both, Peeta sends me a kind smile, while Katniss nods and takes a deep breath.
We arrive at the Justice Building, where we all wait for the mayor to call the Victors out.
"Ladies and gentlemen, the Victors of the 74th Hunger Games. Katnis Everdeen and Peeta Mellark!"
Once they are out, we get to see them through a screen.
"Thank you," Peeta says into the microphone, while Katnis is staring at something, I can imagine it's Rue's family. "We're honoured to be here with you today. And to be with the families of your fallen Tributes."
There's a long pause, Peeta glances at the cards in his hand and... put them down...
"He put down the cards." Effie gasps.
Haymitch tries to shush her, and she slightly snaps, "Why do I bother?"
I lock eyes with Cinna, who's standing next to me, we share a questioning look before looking back at the screen.
"Though they fought and lived with honour and dignity until the end... both Thresh and Rue were so young. But our lives aren't just measured in years. They're measured I the lives of the people we touch around us. For myself, for Katniss, we know that without Rue and without Thresh, we wouldn't be standing here today." He really is a natural. "So in recognition of that, knowing that it in no way can make up for your loss, we'd like to donate one month of our winnings to the families of the Tributes, every year, for the rest of out lives."
Oh, oh...
"Oh shit," Haymitch comments, and I bring a hand up to my open mouth shocked.
"Can he do that?" Cinna asks, though, I think he already knows the answer.
"He can't. But he did."
"Why doesn't he just stick to the cards?" Effie sighs.
Peeta than thanks the audience, looks at Katniss, and starts to walk back inside.
Katniss does just a few steps backwards, but she keeps staring at Rue's family.
Then, she gets closer to the microphone.
"I just wanted to say I didn't know Thresh. I only spoke to him once. He could've killed me, but instead, he showed me mercy. That's a debt I'll never be able to repay." Then her eyes are back on Rue's family, " I did know Rue. She wasn't just my allay. She was my friend. I see her in the flowers that grow in the meadow by my house. I hear her in a Mockingjay song. I see her in my sister Prim. She was too young. Too gentle. And I couldn't save her. I'm sorry."
I feel my heart breaking at her words. She's right. She's too fucking right.
Before Katniss could add anything, there's a whistle coming from the crowd.
A very familiar one.
A man does the same salut Katnis did on the arena after Rue's death. Everyone in the crowd soon follows, and the Peacemakers are quick to weapon up and head towards the people, who can't do nothing but clamoring.
They're clearly pointing at the man who started it all.
As Katniss tries to get to him, to stop the Peacemakers, she is sized by two of them and forced back inside.
The man was dragged on the stage, the people are screaming, terrified. Before the doors can close we see one of the guards shoot and kill the man.
"Fuck!" I turn around, Cinna a gently rubs my back. I hear Katniss screaming and trashing around, I look back at them and see Haymitch gathering both Peeta and Katniss to follow him, he nods at mw to do the same and I do.
Once we are out of sight and ears Haymitch just snaps.
"You two have a very simple task." He scolds them, angry.
"I never meant for anyone to get killed," Katnis cries, "he has to know that."
"What are you talking about? Who has to know what?" Haymitch asks.
"Snow. He came to see me. He's worried about rebellion in the districts. He thinks that they don't believe our love story," she explains, breathless.
I run my hand through my hair, frustrated.
"So he wants you to make them believe it? Does he thinks it will calm this shit down?" I ask and Katnis nods.
"You know, Katniss, you should told me that before I went put there, and tried to give these people the money." It's Peeta's turn to snap.
"I'm sorry. I didn't know what to do. He threatened to kill my family." She explains.
"Well, I have family, too" He replies, almost annoyed at her, "Okay? People that I need to protect."
"What about them? Who protect them?" Haymitch pressures.
I shake my head, still shocked and still infuriated.
"Katniss, what were you thinking?" Haymitch keeps going.
"I was thinking about Rue. Haymitch, please... please, just help me get through this trip. Please just help us get through this." Katniss begs, crying even more.
"This trip? Girl, wake up." He snaps his fingers to emphasise his words, "this trip doesn't end when you get back home. You never get off this train. You two are mentors now. That means that every year, they're gonna drag you out, and broadcast the details of your romance. Every year, your private life becomes theirs. From now on, your job is to be a distraction so people forget what the real problems are." He explains perfectly the 'life of a victor', it's so true it's nauseating.
"So what do we do?" Peeta asks, already composed him.
"You're gonna smile," I say, "stick to the cards Effie put effort into. And be the happy, forever in love couple the Capitol thinks you are... you'll get used to it." I say the last part with a heavy heart, knowing they don't deserve it. No one does.
Haymitch brings Katniss is for a hug, trying to reassure her, I squeeze Peeta's arm.
"We'll help you."
Peeta gives me a grateful smile, then they both take a deep breath and we all head back down.
"Eyes open, princess." Haymitch whispers to me, gently patting my back. I, again, look at him confused and just keep on following everyone back to the train.
And sticked to the cards they did.
I feel like I can't breathe, I'm constricted, I can't move.
I look up and see the blue-haired guy on top of me, he's probably enjoying my terrified expression, because he smirks, he shushes me as if he's dealing with a child. He thinks he's being sweet and reassuring, while he's the complete opposite.
I try to push him away, in vain. It's like moving a wall... yet he's not that much bigger...
"Sshh, sweetie... it's okay, I'll take care of you." He says, caging me in even more.
I attempt to move back, but he's faster, he opens my legs with his in one quick motion.
I wake up, shaking and panting. My heart is beating so fast I'm sure it's going to explode. I shake my head.
"Just a nightmare, just a nightmare," I keep repeating to myself like a mantra.
I get up from the bed and head to the bathroom where I wash my face to wake me up more. I look at my reflection and again I repeat that it was just a nightmare.
I get dressed, I figure there's no point in going back to sleep, I don't think I would be able too, so I exit my room and head to the restaurant car where I find Haymitch. Not so surprising.
He looks up as soon as he hears me, his expression almost asleep, but when his eyes meet mine, his expression turns into a worried one.
I sadly smile at him as I sit next to him, the car is still quiet dark except for the dim light coming from a small lamp next to him.
"Who was it this time?" He asks, he's trying to not make it look like it bothers him, but I know he's worried.
"The general's son," I say monotonously.
"Aah," he sighs, "the one with blue hair?"
"The loyal one." He nods to himself.
"The very one, the first too." I sigh, leaning back in the armchair. "The asshole thinks that just because we 'lost it' together means he owns me."
"Was that his first time too?" I know he wants to laugh at him, but he keeps it too himself, this time.
"Yap. His father thought it was 'right about time' so he talked to Snow, who, oh so kindly, accepted. Next thing I know I'm treated like a present. Everytime he achieved something big, his dad paid for my company, every birthday too." I sigh again, more deeply, bouncing my leg anxiously. "When he got a job, I was with him. Every month."
Haymitch takes a deep breath and hands me a bottle, which I gladly accept taking a big swig from it. He then takes my hand and squeezes it reassuringly, then lets go.
"He got daddy's job."
"Oh yeah. He couldn't do anything without daddy's power," I scoff out a laugh, Haymitch does too.
We, then, keep silent until it's time for everybody to come I'm and have breakfast and get ready for the final stop.
The Capitol.
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friendship-ditch · 10 months
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You really do
(Katniss Everdeen x Fem Reader) ❀
Summary: You and Katniss attend the party together at Snows mansion, then she starts acting a little weird, a little jealous.
Warnings: None really. There’s like one swear word in there but nothing dramatic. (Also, small note, thanks for the request!) (SFW)
Word Count: 2494
A clammy hand gently ran down your arm, clenching your fingers in its own.
The party was loud and colorful. People were everywhere, talking, eating and dancing. You were still at the top of the stairs but you could already tell how overwhelming this was going to be.
“Breathe it all in, children.” Effie spoke with a dreamy sigh. Her wig was tall, shiny, and hard enough to be made of plastic, just like the rest of her outfit. Her eyelashes were dangerously long as she turned to face you. “This is all for you.”
You and Katniss exchanged a glance, hands still locked together.
“Looks cozy.” You stared ahead at the bustling party ahead. Sweat was beginning to prick the back of your neck but you shook it off the best you could.
Effie let out another sigh, this one more exasperated.
“Attitude.” She warned, snapping her fingers. “Smiles. I want to see big bright smiles.” Then she lowered her voice. “I’m talking to you, Katniss.”
Beside you, Katniss mumbled something under her breath but you couldn’t quite catch it. You two looked at each other once more, only snapped back to reality by Effie’s high pitched “Come, come!”
Together the two of you made your way through the heavy Capitol crowd. You took in the odd, exotic looks of the civilians around you but mostly kept your gaze on Katniss as you followed her up the stairs.
Once you two could walk beside each other again, you slipped your hand back into hers.
“A little overwhelming, huh?” You whispered softly into her ear. You two entered Snow’s mansion, still hand in hand and on the trail of Effie.
Katniss let out a soft chuckle, a real smile breaking across her face for the first time in the past hour. “A little?”
You flashed a mischievous grin back at her.
Eventually Effie led the two of you into the backyard that was covered to the brim in decorations, lights of all colors, and various buffets of food.
Katniss locked her arm with yours this time, sticking close to your side. She wasn’t scared, not that she would admit it, but she was definitely a little intimidated by it all.
You were too, but feeling her warmth pressed against your side made you feel a little better.
When the time to dance came around, you rescued Katniss from a group of chatty women and brought her to the dance floor, arm wrapped around her waist.
“You don’t look like you’re enjoying this.” Katniss said after a few minutes, her arms wrapped loosely around your neck. Her movements were a little stiff but the fiery makeup and gorgeous dress made it seem almost natural.
You rolled your eyes playfully, hands resting on her hips. “I’m not a big party person.” You responded teasingly. “But you really look like you’re enjoying this. We all know you partied every night back in 12.”
Katniss let out a soft groan and gently bumped her forehead into yours. “Oh, shut up.”
A small smile teased both of your lips and you leaned your forehead back into hers, just resting it there for a moment.
Both of you were stiff and as awkward as a board, clearly not in your element and dragged far out of your comfort zone, but together on the dance floor things seemed almost nice, like you were meant to be here as long as you were together.
“I know the makeup and outfit is a lot but… you do look really pretty tonight.” You murmured softly, standing on your toes to be eye to eye with her. “Cinna did his job well. As usual.”
Now you noticed the faintest blush dancing across her face and that drew a bigger smile out on yours.
Sure, maybe you two were just together for the publicity of it. Your fake love story saved both of your lives in the games and it got you this far together, what was the harm in playing into it just a little more?
Especially if you were supposedly getting married soon.
Not to mention that you’ve had a crush on Katniss for… as long as you can remember. As the only two female victors from District 12 that won the screwed up games together, you both had some pretty cruel shared trauma and were the only ones that really understood each other.
Sometimes you thought maybe your fantasy romance wasn’t really that fake after all, but in the end, things never progressed past TV kisses.
Katniss recovered quite quickly from your compliment. Her gray eyes studied your makeup painted face for a moment and then flicked to your lips.
“Sounds like you want to amuse the Capitol.” Katniss whispered in the same low tone. She leaned a little closer.
You tightened your grip on her waist and let that same mischievous grin lift the corners of your lips. “Who says I’m doing this for the Capitol?” You responded, although you said it in a teasing way. You could never admit the truth to her.
Katniss took the hint. She moved her face closer to yours, just about to kiss you when–
“Katniss, y/n!” Effie called in a shrill voice, scaring the two of you apart. Beside her was a shorter man with white hair and wise eyes. She introduced him as Plutarch Heavensbee, the head gamemaker for this year's games.
You didn’t get another word in as Plutarch guided Katniss away for the two of them to dance. You let out a soft sigh and returned to the food table to maybe find those chocolate strawberries.
Once you found the snack you were craving, you scooped some up onto a plate. When you turned around, three other Capitol women were standing there.
They were even more decked out than most of the others there. Each of their hair was a bright, vibrant color and at least 2 feet tall. They were wearing equally colorful and blinding dresses and their faces were so caked in makeup you could hardly make out what they really looked like.
“You know, y/n, you were my favorite tribute from the 74th games.” One of the women chimed, nudging you with her elbow.
Another one of the women snuck up to your other side, her elbow bumping into yours. “Mine as well! I donated almost all of my money to sponsor you.”
You raised your eyebrows in amusement, knowing you’d barely gotten a single parachute in that rough arena, much less one that you really needed.
This whole situation, as overwhelming as it was, was still quite curious to you. You figured that while Katniss danced away with Heavensbee, you could learn just a little more about the Capitol citizens.
You spoke with the women for a while, most of your conversations were either about the games or about fashion, two things you didn’t quite enjoy talking about but you went along with it either way.
One of the women in particular had no fear at all getting as close to you as humanly possible. You didn’t really know how to stop her as every time you pushed her away, she just came back even further into your bubble.
It’s a good thing you were charismatic enough to keep their attention on your voice rather than on your lips. They weren’t put off from touching your face and the jewels in your makeup.
Finally, when the announcement music began to play, you noticed Katniss staring at you from a few feet away. The expression on her face was shielded and unreadable, but she did not seem happy.
You excused yourself from your fanclub and went to join her on the dance floor once more as President Snow stepped onto his balcony to make a speech.
You tried to slide your arm around Katniss’s waist as the two of you listened but she pulled away. Effie nudged her back into your grip and Katniss reluctantly gave in, though she didn’t make it easy.
You figured this was what hugging a log was like.
President Snow spoke about your wedding and how glad he was to have you here, though his face showed no emotion at all. He lifted his glass to a toast and so did the crowd.
Fireworks went off behind you and you felt Katniss flinch. You pulled her a little closer, arm still around her waist.
She wedged her hand in between your and her side and put a little space in between you two, even though her other hand was still clamped around yours.
After the firework show, you two returned to the dance floor for one last dance before returning to the train.
“Are you okay?” You asked the second you two were dancing. Your hands were connected with hers this time. Hers were clammy again.
Katniss said nothing for a moment. Her eyes flicked from your face, to the ground, and then beyond you. “I’m fine.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yes.” Katniss snapped softly at you. She tried to pull away from you but you held her in place.
That’s when you noticed the whole dance floor was staring at you.
“To our lovely victors, and to-be-weds!” Effie smiled widely and pointed to you two. She mouthed the words “kiss,” and then waited.
Katniss pretended not to see, so you stood back up on your toes and pressed your lips into hers. She stiffened and closed her eyes.
When you pulled away, you frowned at her. Something was definitely wrong. Even when you and Katniss kissed for the first time in the games, she seemed to enjoy it much more. Now it felt like there was all sorts of pent up anger and resentment in her kiss.
You two stood there silently, soaking in the applause.
Katniss was the first to break out of your grasp. She said nothing else and headed towards the exit.
Effie looked at you with an annoyed gaze but said nothing on the matter. She just hurried you up to follow Katniss.
You two went straight to the train. You stopped to speak with Haymitch for a few moments and then marched right over to Katniss’s room.
Katniss was staring at herself in the mirror, still adorned in her party outfit. Her gaze hardened when you stepped into her room and she inhaled sharply.
“Katniss, did something happen at the party?” You asked. You were worried that maybe somebody had said something to her or done something while you weren’t looking. “Should I tell Effie?”
“Then what happened?”
Her tone was telling you to shut up and fuck off, but you weren’t giving in that easily.
Katniss finally looked at you. Her face was red with anger and her eyes were dark. She glanced over your shoulder at the door and started towards it, muttering something about getting changed out of her uncomfortable outfit.
You grabbed her wrist just before she could make it out the door.
“Katniss, come on, talk to me.” You pleaded. “I know you don’t like opening up, but I’m your friend! You can tell me things. I want you to tell me things!”
Katniss whirled to face you. “Are we really just friends?” She asked you. “Is that what you think? Is that what you really think?”
You frowned, taken aback by her sudden explosion.
“Isn’t that what we are?” You asked, furrowing your eyebrows and tightening your grip on her wrist as she tried to wiggle out. “I thought that was our deal.”
“And so did I.” Katniss sighed, half of her anger melting away with just the release of a breath. “I’m sorry. I don’t know why I’m getting upset, I shouldn’t be pissed over this…”
“No, tell me.” You brought her over to the bed, the two of you sitting beside each other. “Tell me what’s upsetting you.”
“It’s not important.”
“It’s bothering you, it is important.”
Katniss sighed again, this time a little softer than before. She let her eyes lock with yours and you saw the various emotions swimming in them.
“It’s stupid. I just… I get upset when I see you with other people.” Katniss finally admitted. “When you’re close with them, when they touch you, when they try to kiss you. It makes me so angry.”
You almost let out a noise of surprise but held it back so you didn’t anger her even more.
“Yes.” Katniss glared at you, though she wasn’t mad at you, she was just mad. “And I hate it. I don’t understand it. You’re my friend, you don’t really love me. This is all just for show.”
“Is it really just for show?” You asked, almost hesitantly. “People don’t fake kiss each other the way you kiss me.”
Katniss wrinkled her nose as if the idea of admitting the truth disgusted her. Her upset gaze darkened and she stared at you, almost daring you to prove yourself.
You were going to make the first move, but surprisingly, Katniss beat you to it.
Before you had time to react her lips were pressed back into yours, her arms sliding around your waist in an almost passionately angry attempt to prove you wrong. She kissed you for a few seconds, and then pulled away, face redder than before.
You were blushing too, but not from embarrassment, from a relieved surprise.
“You think I don’t really love you?” You said softly, running a hand down her arm until your fingers locked with hers. “Katniss, I’ve loved you for years. What I said in the games wasn’t a lie, and you know that.”
Leaning into you, Katniss just rested her head on your shoulder for a moment. Her breath tickled your neck and her body relaxed.
“I can’t love you… I don’t.”
You shook your head, gently picking her head up off your shoulder and cupping her face. “Come on, Katniss. I think you being jealous that I just spoke to a few other women is a pretty clear indicator that you love me.” You said, letting your voice raise a teasing pitch.
Katniss huffed and rolled her eyes, leaning into your hand. “I wasn’t jealous.”
“You were so jealous.”
The blush on Katniss’s face grew even brighter. She pushed your hands away and then pulled you into another kiss.
“You do love me.” You whispered softly into the kiss, letting one of your hands gently climb back up her face. “You do.”
Katniss’s arms snaked around your torso. “Shut up y/n.” She mumbled, kissing you again. When she pulled away, she kissed your cheek. “Stop saying it, you’ll wear it out.”
“You say it, then I’ll stop.”
Katniss sighed in annoyance. “I love you.” She said softly, her eyes still resting on your lips. “I really do…”
“Good, because I love you too.”
This time, when Katniss knocked you back onto the bed for another kiss, she was smiling.
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𓆩♡𓆪 CHARACTER - Finnick Odair x Fem! District 4 Victor! Reader
𓆩♡𓆪 TYPE - fluff, smut, slight angst
𓆩♡𓆪 WORD COUNT - 23K
𓆩♡𓆪 SUMMARY - Peeta and Katniss weren’t the first to fall in love after the games. That title went to you and Finnick, your mentor after you were Reaped at the age of fifteen two years after Finnick. After being dragged back into the Games with the Quarter Quell, you both are determined to stop it, no matter what- especially if one of you would gladly sacrifice themselves for the other.
𓆩♡𓆪 STORY WARNINGS - Use of Y/N || i promise I do not write like this in the fic- || reader was also forced into prostitution, but Finnick forced Snow to make them a pair || reader is definitely bi but has no (sexual) relations with women in the story || Finnick’s hand around your throat can be seen as sexual but it’s mainly just a comfort thing at this point || a lot of mixed timelines, sorry want it to play in my favor || mainly based on the movies bc I haven’t read the books in forever || Reader and Finnick are titled the Princess and Prince of the Capitol || you basically replace Annie || inspiration of your story from other characters || weird baby names inspired by the sea (cuz District 4, sea fishing etc) || This is so going to be a series- || smoking, smoking opium || This actually takes place in several different times, first the drawing for the Quarter Quell to the carriage rides where you meet Katniss and Peeta to the interviews to the literal Quarter Quell, being rescued, then skipping to after the rebellion is won (my darling doesn’t die, he didn’t deserve it <3). || Cinna isn't dead and he’s your stylist, and you and Finnick get married twice (once before the Quarter Quell, another after the rebellion) and of course he designs your wedding dress. || Finnick pulls a stunt like Peeta, turns out to be true later on || first marriage is televised a few days before the games, second of course is private || marriage ceremonies inspired by cultures, yes I’m giving District 4 marriage ceremonies and no I’m not basing this off the wedding in the movie, and this is my own little spin on the fic - I didn’t want the wedding to be boring || the party Peeta and Katniss go to in the second movie is your wedding || ngl, with these plans, I’m hoping this is long- || slight rift between you and Katniss at first, but you end up being best friends quickly || you make Katniss question her sexuality bc you top her for a minute- || CPR & mouth to mouth || Classic warning such as cursing, fighting, blood, death, and more to be wary of. || mentions of Finnick’s forced prostitution (brief, my baby has suffered enough) || smut is included in this; mentions of voyeurism and exhibitionism (explained in the story), breeding kink, size kink, oral (♀ & ♂), fingering, spit, slight choking, slight dom-sub dynamics, sex is definitely a coping mechanism, degradation, name calling (slut, whore, cumslut, maybe more?), probably dirty talk if you think about it that way, praise, mentions of a hazy mindset that could be seen as a subspace, definitely a soft dom turned pleasure dom turned rough dom Finnick, and more- just be wary.
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