#cinder au
witchhazelevesque · 4 days
Okay I just finished a TLC reread so I gotta expand on that Valzhang Cinder AU
I forgot. About the fire. I forgot about the fire. Are you kidding me I forgot about the fire. The parallels of Cinder and Leo being set on/ put in fire as babies (3 years old is still a baby for all intents and purposes) by their aunts or ‘aunts’?
Also, it was played really straight in Cinder and it would with this AU too but the fact that this set up has Frank trade Leo’s life as a bargaining chip with the Evil Moon Queen could be so funny. Like as a joke leaning into that enemies side of their relationship development from canon. All the meme lines about wanting someone dead apply, I don’t even know any right now I’m not hip with it or whatever the kids are saying.
Also I mentioned in the notes of that post that Piper and Annabeth would probably be in the role of the Lunar princess and her guard and that means childhood friendship for Leo, Piper and Annabeth which is so sweet. Also, Piper fits that role what with her father being manipulated left and right and Going Through It, being the most beautiful girl, having the power to influence but seeing the dangers of it and hating it all the same but using it to save her loved ones. She’d have a more subtle, softer way of being a hero and that goes with the way Aphrodite’s strengths can be different from the more traditional idea of heroism.
Also Annabeth as the morally duplicitous, two faced guard would be so interesting. Especially since Jacin (lol I just realized Jacin v. Jason) was chosen as a guard because of his weak mind. I don’t know if that would mean that Annabeth’s mind is strong in ways that aren’t recognized or valued by Lunars or if she faked it to protect Piper. I don’t think that would be possible though. But ‘weak minded’ in this universe doesn’t mean unintelligent or not willful or anything so that would be an interesting thing to explore with Annabeth and her hubris.
I said Hazel would be good in the role of Cress and it’s. It’s really funny what with the whole technological genius/ prodigy hacker by age eight thing and Hazel not growing up with any technology. But her feeling of guilt and culpability for what her ‘mother figure’ coerced her into doing does fit really well in this role. And the fact that in this set up, Leo will be the one to take out/cause the death of that mother figure like he did in canon. Anyway, Hazel’s motivation being in part to make amends for helping the villain. Being held apart from the world. Morally ambiguous distant father who ‘cursed’ her at birth (gave her up for infanticide). Cress got to knock her dad out cold and leave him on the dusty ass floor so you know what that means ayyyyyyy!
Also Drew as Thorne. Not much deeper reasoning than I think she’d make a great charming rogue. Also has hidden depths that are often ignored. Also Leo and Drew best friendship. Also Frank taking one look at her mugshot when she and Leo break out of prison together and seeing how hot she is and instantly hating her. Jealous Frank 💯💯💯 Also also she would start a prison riot because the soap isn’t up to her standards I LOVE HER
This is getting long so I’ll have to make another post to talk about Jeyna (platonic or romantic, either works) Scarlett and Wolf and other dynamics, there so much more to sayyyyyy
Also also also Frank keeping Leo’s cyborg foot even when Leo’s an intergalactic fugitive, what is wrong with him 😂😂😂
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taddymason · 20 days
Face to Face
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rubyfunkey · 2 months
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exploring the toxic yuri angle for the half-maiden au
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pilot-boi · 3 months
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V8 Ruby and Cinder fusion for @bridgyrose
The goth ever. The mommy issues are astronomical. Welcome to the Black Parade is the anthem of her soul. My god this girl needs therapy
Specific fusion you wanna see? [Buy Me A Ko-Fi]
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carouselunique · 7 months
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Here is the seventh member of the Swap Six! Our ever faithful dragon companion to Minuette - Cinders! Now our mane group is truly complete!
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brokentrafficknight · 3 months
Jessica Cruz encounters Tarnished Spartan!Pyrrha.
They fight over Rusted Knight!Jaune
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This shouldn't be considered canon to the fall family au
Unless you want to, I won't stop you.
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lesbianneopolitan · 4 months
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A Winter Schnee commission for @snowqueenofmyheart! With a small hint of CinWin to the side! ❄️🔥
Thank you! 💙❤️
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arc-misadventures · 25 days
You know what be fun a female Rusted knight Jaune.
The Rusted Paladin
Jeanne: Hey, Jaune?
Jaune: Yeah?
Jeanne: Do you think if I was in your place, that I could have been the, Rusted Knight?
Jaune: Hmmm... Maybe... I'm not really sure.
Jeanne: Why not?
Jaune: I never understood how I became the, Rusted Knight, I sorta just became the, Rusted Knight. I understand, Alyx gave me the moniker of, The Rusted Knight, but I did not understand how my armour began to rust as it did. I personally think due to the nature of the, Ever After; My mental state effecting me as it did so, and probably caused my armour to rust as it did.
Jeanne: Mental state?
Jaune: The conscious mind of an individual often warps the reality of the, Ever After around them. This can often lead one to being trapped in a situation that feels like you are being toyed with an eldritch horror that is messing with your mind simply because it was bored. Or, you'll be stuck in a tea party with a sentient slug who is a massive pot junkie.
Jeanne: Did that often happen?
Jaune: Often enough that I was able to 'dull' my mind enough so it wouldn't effect me as much as it first did. And, that I was able to see the signs of what was coming to avoid them, or choose which scenario I would rather deal with.
Jeanne: So less dealing with eldritch horrors then?
Jaune: Actually the eldritch horrors were easier to deal with.
Jeanne: Really?
Jaune: Yeah, they usually had some sort of gimmick to them, speak in opposites, talks in rhymes, stuff like that. Once you figure it out they were easier to deal with. I even became friends with some of them!
Jeanne: And, that was better then dealing with a slug pot junkie...?
Jaune: You've read the book where it comes into the story. Those drugs play havoc on the mind, and body.
Jeanne: Okay. So do you think I could have become the, Rusted Knight?
Jaune: ...
Jaune: I honestly believe if we swapped worlds, the Fall would never have happened with you in it.
Jeanne: You do?
Jaune: If you as you are now, Jeanne went to my universe, and took my place. You would have probably have killed, Cinder, and became the, Fall Maiden.
Jeanne: Seriously?!
Jaune: Cinder may have been more experienced then you, but in combat she is no where near as strategically minded as you are. She relied on brute force, and the mastery of her semblance to defeat her foes. You would have probably adopted a defensive stance, and waited for your semblance to super charge before activating your, Arc-Angel persona. I can't think of a single individual who can withstand your semblance as it is now when you let loose, let alone when you become the, Arc-Angel. Hell, you could have easily soloed that, Grimm Wyvern with it. People may have mistaken you for a, Maiden considering it's visual appearance.
Jeanne: But, what if I was the, Fall Maiden, and I used my semblance?
Jaune: ...
Jaune: You probably could have cut a path straight through the, Grimm Lands, right into, Salem's Castle, and captured her.
Jeanne: Sweet~!
Jeanne: But, seriously, would I have become the, Rusted Knight: Yes, or no?
Jaune: Well... If you becoming the, Rusted Knight that meant you saw the members of, Team RWBY fall into the abyss. Had to do preform a mercy killing of your friend to prevent the, Winter Maidens powers from transferring to, Cinder. Failed to escaped through a portal before you to fell into the, Ever After. Accidently touched some clock fruit thingy that sent you back in time. Was betrayed by the first human you saw in ages. Had to deal with a psychotic cat antics where it was trying to weaken your mental stability so it could take over your body. And, you became the over protective parent to a village of sentient origami paper because you had developed a savior complex because of all the people you failed to save. And, that you were doing all of this for... a long time because you knew that one day, some day you would be reunited with your friends, and you would finally manage to get out of the psychedelic nut house that was the, Ever After.
Jaune: Then yeah, sure... you could have become the, Rusted Knight.
Jeanne: Uhhhhh...?!
Jaune: What?
Jeanne: That's what fucking happened to you in the, Ever After?!
Jaune: I didn't tell you what happened? Could have swore I did.
Jeanne: I knew you were the, Rusted Knight. I didn't fucking know how it happened?! I would have remember you telling me if that's how it fucking happened?!
Jaune: Oh...
Jaune: Still want to be the, Rusted Paladin?
Jeanne: Paladin?
Jaune: I would assume that because you would have your more... developed staged armour, by the time you became, the Rusted Knight.
Jeanne: By developed stage, you no doubt mean me having armour plating that can hold my, F-Cups?
Jaune: Yes.
Jeanne: I see. Please continue.
Jaune: Having your developed stage armour, your helmet, and your semblance you would have been mistaken for some holy figure with rusted armour. Hence, the name: the Rusted Paladin.
Jeanne: The Rusted Paladin... Not bad... My helmet would have given me a crown of rust... I bet it would look pretty cool.
Jaune: I would have liked to have seen that. Mostly.
Jeanne: Mostly? I thought you liked my helmet.
Jaune: I do, it is...? It will look awesome! But, that stupid hole in the back of the top your helmet to let your hair out, that makes your helmet look like it has plumage is so stupid!
Jeanne: Hey, I have...! Or, will have so much hair, I have to put it somewhere, or else I can't see in it! It works, and it looked awesome!
Jaune: I know! That's why it annoys me so much!
Jeanne: You're just jealous of my style.
Jaune: And, you're just jealous that I became a famous character from a children's book!
Jeanne: No, I'm jealous that you got to ride on a giant jackalope because you became the, Rusted Knight!
Jaune: Oh, Juniper... I almost forgot about her...
Jeanne: You did...?
Jaune: I miss my giant bunny...
Jeanne: Uhhh...?
Jaune: I am sad now.
Jeanne: ...
Jeanne: Oh shit...
It's nice to see I can still write stories for the, Rebirth AU.
I guess I need to scrap what I previously wrote for the separation bit to actually finish it.
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juanarc-thethird · 1 month
Jaune Is Not Allow To Drink Alcohol #4
At Junior's
Mercury: What are we doing here?
Cinder: We're looking for that Arc fool.
Mercury: Ok...
Mercury: Why?
Cinder: *Angry* Don't you pay attention to my plans?!
Mercury: I will be honest, I have never paid attention to your plans.
Cinder: Urg! We're here to get Arc drunk so we can find a weak point we can use against the famous Pyrrha Nikos.
Mercury: Oooooh! Well, lucky for you it seems he's already drunk.
He says as he looks past Cinder. She follows his gaze and sees Jaune drinking a mug of beer while singing.
Cinder: This will be easy.
Mercury: Good luck.
Cinder: I don't need luck.
She begins to walk towards him while Mercury stays behind watching.
Jaune: *Singing* 🎶Mr. Miller has laid old Otis in his grave...YAH!🎶
Cinder: Hey Jaune~
Jaune: Huh? *Turns to her*
Cinder: Can I join you for a drink? I can be very good company~
She says with a sensual smile
Jaune: *Upset* No.... I like woman. *Walks away*
Cinder: *Angry* W-WHAT?!
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strqyr · 3 months
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drawing short hair cinder without her scars is weird but AUs gotta AU
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howi99 · 15 days
Follow up to this post
Kid Cinder: *slowly waking up, looking around her* I will never be free, will i? If only he was real...
The sound of something rusted creak near her
RK: Hm, so that's what your childhood was like. *Looking around* almost no heat, you look like you haven't eaten in days and that collar... Well, the scars on your neck are telling me enough.
Cinder: *looking at the rusted knight, the hero from her favorite book, talking in front of her* Wuh? Wha?
RK: So, you accepted my offer. To have a second chance. *Smile* My name is Jaune Arc, but you must know me better as the Rusted Knight, right?
Cinder: ... I'm dreaming, this can't be real. *She slap herself* OUTCH!
RK: Uh... Cinder? This is not a dream-
Cinder: But you can't be real! Unless... Oh god, the isolation turned me into a madwoman!? Oh no, oh nononono-
RK: *put his hand on her head* Hey, calm down kid, i'm real. No trick. And you certainly didn't turn mad. (At least not yet)
Cinder: B-but then... You are here to save me, right?
RK: Well, yes? Why would i be here if it isn't for that?
Cinder: T-then, you will kill the mistress, right!?
RK: *shaking his head* No. I know how hard it must be to hear this, but we can't kill her.
Cinder: But why!?
RK: It's against the laws
Cinder: ...
RK: ...
Cinder: ... Not even beating her almost to death?
RK: Cinder, i'm removing your collar and we are out of here.
Cinder: Aw....
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dreamsb0u · 10 months
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Au and background of first drawing by @xpau-official
he got fucking sent to the backrooms
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dummybirdnero · 7 months
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bath time for hellhound pup cinder
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rubyfunkey · 2 months
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hannahs been giving me a lot of ideas
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pilot-boi · 3 months
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V8 Cinder and Jaune fusion for @bridgyrose
[smacks them] This fusion can fit SO MANY mental illnesses and trauma. And just, ya know, actual pain. Losing an eye freaking sucks
Specific fusion you wanna see? [Buy Me A Ko-Fi]
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carouselunique · 7 months
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Minuette: I asked Ditzy if she would deliver my letters last time Cinders sent my letter to Celestia off- (it ended up landing in her pancakes a week early, which explained the confusing letter I received about watching out for parasprites...) but Ditzy said she has a 'no Canterlot' delivery rule for some reason.
More incentive for Cinders to master her time flame I guess!
Cinders: I'll get it eventually, quit nagging me!
Minuette: Teenagers am I right?
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