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inquisitorsnappy · 8 months ago
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here's cinari, my fiery cleric i've been playing in curse of strahd!!
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ya ben anlamiyorum fazla mi inisiyatifli davraniyorum bu konularda ama bana karisma cüretinde bulunmalari cok canimi sıkıyor ben seninle arkadas olabilirim dost olabilirim ama bu senin bana karisma hakkin oldugunu göstermez hele hele bir baska arkadasim hakkinda karisma hakkin hic hic yok ve olmamali da
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hl-obsessed · 4 months ago
thank you sooooo much @cinary for the tag! 💕🫶🏻 i love this game 🤩 (i'm @gwaine-lover but i'm stealing this here, on my side blog, coz i'm sure here are some people that will enjoy this SO much)
tagging: @enchantedlandcoffee @theeliampayne @doesntmeanitsmeaningless @savebylou @yourslarry @smita97 @thechavier @louiswilliamtomlinsons @moon-sun-thyme @lebesyej and anyone else who wants to do this 🫶🏻 tell me what fun things you have 🤩🫶🏻💕
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crescendoofstars · 1 year ago
thanks for the tag @cherryjuicegf 😍🌻
rules: shuffle your repeat playlist and post the first ten tracks, then tag ten people.
1. Free by Florence and the Machine
2. Movement by Hozier
3. The fruits by Paris Paloma
4. Dream Girl Evil by Florence and the Machine
5. Eat your young by Hozier
6. Thoroughfare by Ethel Cain
7. September by Sparky Deathcap
8. Millie Warm the Kettle by Rabbitology
9. Thus Always to Tyrrants by The Oh Hellos
10. Never let me go by Florence and the Machine.
Tagging @wren-of-the-woods @alllthequeenshorses @thereallifecath @words-and-pages @clydethistles @rosielynn @cinary @northernmoments @swords-n-spindles and anyone else who wants to participate :)
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aktualitet-al · 2 months ago
Mjeku humb jetën pas aksidentit tragjik në Sauk
Një aksident tragjik ka marrë jetën e mjekut specializant Vanion Cinari, i cili u përfshi në një përplasje rrugore pasditen e djeshme në rrethrrotullimin e TEG.Cinari u transportua me urgjencë në spitalin e Traumës, por, për fat të keq, nuk arriti t’u mbijetonte plagëve të rënda, duke ndërruar jetë disa orë pas ngjarjes.Aksidenti i trefishtë shkaktoi edhe plagosjen e një 32-vjeçareje, Alba…
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pazaryerigundem · 6 months ago
Tarihi İnkaya Çınarı turistler tarafından yoğun ilgi görüyor
Tarihi İnkaya Çınarı turistler tarafından yoğun ilgi görüyor
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Bursa, Türkiye’nin tarihi ve doğal güzellikleriyle ünlü şehirlerinden biri olarak, her yıl binlerce turisti ağırlıyor. Görkemli yapısı ve temiz havasıyla dikkat çeken İnkaya Çınarı ise yerli ve yabancı turistlerin yoğun ilgisini çeken güzelliklerin başında geliyor.
BURSA (İGFA) – Bursa’nın Osmangazi ilçesine bağlı İnkaya Köyü’nde bulunan Tarihi İnkaya Çınarı, 2024 yılı itibariyle 617 yaşına basmış bulunuyor. 13. yüzyılda dikildiği tespit edilen çınar, 37 metreye kadar ulaşan yüksekliği ve 3 metrelik çapıyla ziyaretçilerini adeta büyülüyor.
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9 metreyi aşan gövde çevresi ile adeta bir doğa harikası. Dallarının kalınlığı ise yaklaşık 3-4 metreyi bulunan İnkaya Çınarı, bu özellikleriyle sadece Bursa’nın değil, tüm Türkiye’nin en etkileyici doğal anıtlarından biri olarak kabul ediliyor.
İnkaya Çınarı’nın etrafında yer alan piknik alanları ve kafeler, ziyaretçilere hem dinlenme hem de doğayla iç içe olma imkanı sunuyor. Çınar ağacının altında oturup serin bir mola vermek, etrafındaki doğal güzellikleri keşfetmek isteyenler için ideal bir yer. Temiz havası ve sakin ortamı ile de şehir hayatının stresinden uzaklaşmak isteyenlerin uğrak noktası haline geliyor.
İnkaya Çınarı sadece bir doğa harikası olmasıyla değil, aynı zamanda Bursa’nın tarihi ve kültürel zenginliklerinden biri olarak da önem taşıyor.
Çınar ağacının adı, Osmanlı İmparatorluğu’nun kurucusu Osman Gazi’nin torunu olan İbrahim Paşa’nın vakfettiği İnkaya Köyü’nden geliyor. Tarih boyunca pek çok olaya tanıklık eden bu anıtsal çınar, geçmişten günümüze uzanan bir köprü niteliğinde.
Yerli ve yabancı turistlerin yoğun ilgisini çeken İnkaya Çınarı, Bursa’yı ziyaret eden herkesin görmesi gereken yerler arasında yer alıyor. Ağaç etrafında yapılan rehberli turlar, ziyaretçilere çınarın tarihini ve çevresindeki doğal güzellikleri daha yakından tanıma fırsatı sunuyor.
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BU Haber İGF HABER AJANSI tarafından servis edilmiştir.
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inquisitorsnappy · 2 years ago
hi ellen ! 14 + 15 for cinari pls ??
hi sam! thank you for asking about cinari!
14. Does your character remember names or faces easier?
definitely faces. if cinari has met someone before, she'll probably remember that she's met them but unless they've spoken numerous times or it was a very important or noteworthy interaction, she'll probably struggle to put a name to it. she started keeping a journal eventually so writing the names of people she'd met down helped her somewhat but she's still a lot better with remembering faces.
15. Is your character preoccupied with money or material possession? Why or why not?
not really, no. cinari has always been far more preoccupied with helping people and, despite having worked as a mercenary for many years, would often forgo a reward because she felt it was unreasonable of her to expect or ask for one. the only reason she turned to mercenary work to begin with was to keep herself afloat as she didn't have much money when she left the monastery she grew up at. but at the end of the day, helping people and spreading good and light in the world is always what she wanted to do.
there are some things that she'll care about having, usually things that have history or relevance to her or her people. her first visit to ravenloft proved that. she's still upset about having lost a book of religious texts written in quori that she had only recently found - cinari and cain (another member of the party) had both been excited to learn all that was in it and have now lost their chance until they return and hopefully retrieve it. and there was also the fact that strahd managed to trick her by cursing a kalashtar relic and encouraging her to willingly take it; she did take it and for a brief period, it meant she wasn't able to leave ravenloft unless he willed it. these were both items that she wanted to have and take home and strahd was able to use that against her. but i'd probably say it's inaccurate to describe this as her caring about material possessions. yes, they're things she wants to have but this is far more her caring about her people and their history and that extends to the physical objects that are tied to them because they're important them, therefore they're important to her. it's the history that matters.
ask me questions about cinari!! (question list | askbox)
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mustakrakisch · 1 month ago
Awww, thanks for tagging me🧡
Last Song: Party Time by the Northern Boys, because there's no better song for Disco Elysium than this one
Fav colour: blue or black💙🖤
Last book: Müll by Wolf Haas. I don't like crime, but it has a very unique writing style that fits perfectly. I'll have to find out if the author chose that style on purpose to set the athmosphere of a bunch of garbage men finding a body or if that is just the way he writes.
Last movie: Princess bride. A friend of mine didn't know it, so we had to watch it
Looking forward to: concert of Hobbit and LotR ost
Last show: helluva boss. THINGS ARE HAPPENING
Sweet/spicy/savoury: hard choice. I'm all for sweet except when I'm hungry. Then savoury all the way
Last thing I googled: Ma Dalton, apparently. Which... legit, I love her, she's amazing
Current obession: Lucky Luke & the Dalton brothers
tagging @cinary, @lauvemsomhelst, @groovybun-png, @calimera62, @maxermixer with no pressure😁
Ten people I'd like to get to know better
Tagged by @marshmallow--shark Thanks for the tag!
Last song: Intro/Chamber The Cartridge by Rise Against
Favourite colour: Orange!
Last book: A Brief History of Intelligence by Max Bennett
Last movie: That Christmas (it was kinda weird and we didn't finish it)
Last show: Jentry Chau vs. the Underworld
Sweet/spicy/savoury: I don't have much of a sweet tooth anymore, but I used to. Savoury!
Relationship status: Happily single
Last thing I googled: "quality" synonym
Current obsession: Star Trek: Enterprise. This is my fallback obsession. Close behind is Jentry Chau as a very recent one.
Looking forward to: Seeing a concert and a musical next year!
Tagging: @ionamalachite @peculiarreality @thetachapel02 @deadheaddaisy @papercranesong @talshiargirlfriend @glitter-and-metal @dragons-in-spaceee @pearlypairings @strze-lec
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umitaygun58 · 1 year ago
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aktualitet-al · 2 months ago
Aksident i trefishtë te rrethrrotullimi i Saukut, plagoset një mjek dhe një 32-vjeçare
Një aksident i trefishtë ka ndodhur këtë mbrëmje te rrethrrotullimi i Saukut në Tiranë, duke shkaktuar kaos në trafik dhe dy të plagosur.Sipas informacioneve zyrtare, Vanion Cinari, mjek me profesion, është njëri nga të plagosurit dhe ndodhet në gjendje të rëndë shëndetësore. Cinari po trajtohet aktualisht nën kujdesin intensiv të mjekëve në spitalin e Traumës. Ndërkohë, një tjetër e plagosur…
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pazaryerigundem · 7 months ago
İzmit’in Şiir Çınarı Ruşen Hakkı doğum gününde anıldı
İzmit’in Şiir Çınarı Ruşen Hakkı doğum gününde anıldı
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İzmit’in Şiir Çınarı Ruşen Hakkı Doğum Gününde yoğun katılımla gerçekleştirilen programla İzmit Belediyesi tarafından adına açılan Şiir ve Edebiyat evinde anıldı
KOCAELİ (İGFA) – İzmit Belediyesi Kültür ve Sosyal İşler Müdürlüğü kente iz bırakmış değerli isimleri unutturmamak adına çalışmalarına devam ediyor. İzmit Belediyesi ve Aydili Sanat Derneği tarafından 2011 yılında hayatını kaybeden ve kentimizin tanıtımında büyük emekleri olan usta şair ve yazar Ruşen Hakkı için doğum gününde anma programı gerçekleştirildi. Program Ruşen Hakkı adına açılan Şiir ve Edebiyat Evi’nde yoğun katılımla yapıldı.
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Programa Ruşen Hakkı’nın kızı Nilgün Sezeralp, İzmit Belediyesi Meclis Üyesi Kültür Turizm Sanat Komisyon Başkanı Erdem Arcan,  CHP İl Yönetim Kurulu Üyesi Özer Kazancı, Şair – Yazar Hakkı Zariç, Gazeteci İsmet Çiğit, Karikatür Sanatçısı Dr. Öğretim Üyesi Muhammet Şengöz, Ruşen Hakkı ile kitabının düzenleyicisi ve damadı Rıfat Sezeralp, Kocaeli Bölge Tiyatrosu Genel Sanat Yönetmeni Burhan Akçin, 29 Ekim Kadınları Derneği Kocaeli Şube Başkanı Gülşen Müstecaplıoğlu ve çok sayıda vatandaş katıldı. 
Etkinlike Ruşen Hakkı’nın kente katkıları ve katılımcıların Ruşen Hakkı ile yaşamış oldukları hatıralar konuşuldu. Hatıra konuşmalarının ardından Aydili Sanat Derneği üyeleri tarafından Ruşen Hakkı’ya ait şiirler okundu. Şiir dinletisi sonrasında da katılımcılara İzmit’in Şiir Çınarı Ruşen Hakkı’nın biyografi videosu izletildi.
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BU Haber İGF HABER AJANSI tarafından servis edilmiştir.
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twelfth-dykector · 11 months ago
thanks for the tag @unidentifiedlyingobject !!! :D
last song : lola by the kinks
favourite colour : forest green
currently watching : wwdits (again) and motherland (with my mum)
spicy/savoury/sweet : lots of sweet and then abit of savoury after
relationship status : single
current obsession : NOTHING RIGHT NOW ITS SO DULL. im in that weird little time in between hyperfixations which i hateeee
tagging @randomhumanbeing2311 @maleaser @noproblemremoony @anthonyhavers-left-foot @i-amusemyself @salt-and-pepper-priest @makewayforbigcrossducks @cinary @joeydg09
no pressure!
Nine people i'd like to get to know better:
Tagged by: @bell-of-indecision, thank you so much for tagging me <3
Last Song: Gmfu by Odetari,6arelyhuman
Favourite colour: Dark red, violet, pink
Currently watching: Death note, ep6
Spicy/Savoury/Sweet: Spicy
Relationship status: Single
Current Obsession: Mbti types and cognitive functions.
Tagging: @somin-yin @a-cloud-for-dreams @axepen @hinsaa-paramo-dharma @basic-bitch-alkali @rhysaka @blackknight-100 @squishywizardd @reykalot
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cinary · 2 years ago
Hi - I hope you don't take this the wrong way because I do not think there is any malicious intent to what you are doing, but public bookmarks on AO3 are, well, public. As a result it is considered rude (and certainly against AO3 decorum) to leave critical commentary in said bookmarks, especially as us authors often check the bookmarks on our fics.
So to the extent that you want to note that a fic was too aggressive or not believable or surprisingly fast at places please note that in a private bookmark. Otherwise it feels like being invited into someone's house only to immediately start critiquing the decor and the food offered.
(I assume I have the blog for ao3 user cinary as their ao3 profile said they used the same url on tumblr - please disregard with my sincere apologies if there has been a mix up and you are not the intended recipient.)
Hi, thank you for the ask and the time you took to write this!
For a long time I didn't know that private bookmark is something that even the author cannot see and that's the reason I haven't used them. But also I needed a way to know what was my reaction to a specific fic and to be able to find what I was looking for in my bookmarks. So I tried to be gentle even if I didn't like something and a lone number seemed like a not bad way to indicate this for myself. When I found out that no, private bookmark are private for everyone but you I started using them and went back to make as many of them private as I could. But unfortunately, I have far too many of them to change each of them separately and they have been there for a long time anyway. I'm sorry for any of my old bookmarks that escaped my notice.
I'm making private every bookmark that has anything negative in there. Even the ones that I loved if there is anything like "I didn't really like the ending" or anything then I'm always making it private. I'm taking care that if it's not private then it has only my love (and "surprisingly fast" can definitely be a positive thing for me, although I have no idea where "too aggressive" came from as it should be private then and I genuinely don't know what happened that it's not). If you believe that all my bookmarks should be private even the ones that have only the positive comments then please let me know.
And to be honest? I also genuinely didn't think that anyone goes through the boomarks. Sometimes I liked to think that if my bookmark is basically a love note then it would be nice for the author and that's the reason why I don't just make all of them private. But at the end of the day I didn't think that if someone has 4784 bookmarks on one fic then they are going to notice mine or really anyone's. It's nice and humbling to know that they do.
Anyway, please let me know if there is anything I can do and sorry for taking up too much of your time!
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inquisitorsnappy · 1 year ago
Self and Partner from the relationship asks for Cinari? c:
hello!! thank you for asking about cin!!
Self: How is your OC's relationship with themselves? Does your OC like who they are? Is there anything about themselves that they would change?
kinda complicated. more complicated that she probably even registers.
her guardian, vaylin, taught her everything she knows and, as such, is very much why she grew up into such a giving, selfless person that was so willing to give herself up for the sake of others. as such, cinari found herself feeling as though she needed to be useful and help other people to have an value as a person. but vaylin was also a harsh teacher with high expectations that cinari never seemed able to meet. she always seemed to disappoint vaylin. especially when she decided to leave home to do the very thing that vaylin taught her to do. cinari always saw this as a failing on her own part and, despite evidence to the contrary, saw herself as a failure. it's not been until recently that she's considered that vaylin was at fault for her low self-esteem and saviour complex. but that's now left her in a weird spot where she thinks that vaylin was wrong in how she raised her and that she shouldn't have grown up feeling unloved. but she still struggles to feel worthy of the good things that happen to her. she's having a hard time unlearning what vaylin taught her despite knowing that she needs to unlearn it to grow as a person. she thinks she's a failure but part of her is almost screaming at herself to listen to the people telling that she is a good person because she knows, deep down, that they're right.
the thing that'll probably help her work through it all will be to return home and talk to vaylin (she's got other Shit she needs to yell at her about anyway) so, once strahd is dealt with and she's free to leave barovia, her plan is to do just that.
Partner: Does your OC currently have a partner? Multiple partners? How did they meet, and what is that relationship like?
she does! she has two partners; Cain Braun, a shifter paladin, and Durkel Glimmerbelly, a dragonborn bard.
i am gonna put the rest of my rambles for this one under the cut bc i have A Lot to say about these idiots (affectionate)
when cinari first arrived in barovia, she ran into durkel soon after. with neither having seen anyone else for a while since they started their respective journey's into barovia, decided to stick together at least for a little while, travelling to a nearby inn with asher, the other person they crossed paths with near the outskirts of the valley. at that inn, they met lillith, a dhampir that relied on her friend cain to remain safe and undetected by strahd. cain had gone missing and she needed help to find him. she asked cin, durkel and asher for their help in finding him, leading to the four of them staging a rescue. and that was the formation of most of the party, with them meeting eva, the final member of the gang the following day.
it took a while for romance to develop between the three of them. cinari is very oblivious to any romantic feelings that involve her so she didn't realise her developing feelings for either of them for a long time and was very blindsided by the suggestion that they liked her. cain is also pretty oblivious, mainly because he's not actually been in love before cin and durkel. and then by the time durkel was sure of his feelings, the fact that there was something going on between cin and cain was a pretty known quantity within the party and he didn't want to get in the way. but even before cin knew of her romantic feelings, she gravitated towards both of them pretty naturally. durkel's light-hearted, jokey demeanour was a comfort and he was also the only other non-barovian in the party so they were able to talk about the world outside the valley and bond over that somewhat. and cain has a similar sunny-disposition and inherent kindness to her. he also turned to her for advice and insight as discovered his own faith and began his steps towards becoming a paladin, since she herself is a cleric. these three made fast and easy friends.
cain fully realised how he felt after he made a really big sacrifice to save cinari from being turned into a vampire spawn by strahd. when talking to her about it, he blurted out that he loved her. cin asked for time but she did end up realising that she felt the same but also, now recognising what love felt like, that she felt that way about durkel as well. she at this point already suspected that durkel had feelings for cain so she started to hope for a polycule but struggled to know when was the right time to say anything. durkel ended up confessing his feelings for both of them when a puzzle required someone to reveal a secret. cin spoke with durkel about it, telling him that she felt the same and they agreed to speak with cain. and then she got captured by rahadin and taken to strahd in ravenloft so that was kinda put on hold until they saved her. during the time she was captive, though, cain and durkel talked. so by the time they saved her, they were a thing and so it was just a case of bringing cinari into that relationship once she was safe.
the three of them are very protective of one another which, isn't surprising from cinari; she has always based her whole identity and self-worth on her ability to save the people around her so it's no surprise that she'd do anything for the sake of her boyfriends. but they have also helped her learn to stop and take time for herself as well. before cain saved her from strahd, she didn't think she was worth such a sacrifice but the fact that he went to such lengths made her realise that maybe she was. and whilst obviously she didn't witness it, she's been told about how hell-bent durkel was to save her when she was captured (he was lashing out at people, refused to sleep, refused to wait for the others). and both of them have been very doting as she recovered from these events. through their actions, they've basically told her that she is worthy of love and it's okay for her to be the one that needs help sometimes. it's a lesson she's still learning but it's safe to say they've had a very positive impact on her life and sense of worth. the events of the last several sessions have been Very Rough emotionally and cinari has felt very, very low but she's found a lot of comfort in her relationship with cain and durkel and even just the simple knowledge that she is loved, something she hasn't felt in a very long time.
ask me about cinari!! (question list | askbox)
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riinasawayama · 3 years ago
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in between, annie lai
Annie Lai photographed different Chinese girls in their homes in London. Most of them leave their hometowns at young ages, they live and grow here, while trying to integrate into a completely different society. They often face the inevitable fate of returning to their hometowns eventually. Struggling with sense of belonging herself, Lai wanted to capture the strength and the fragility of each subject through the intimate settings of their homes.
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mustakrakisch · 22 days ago
Thank you so much, this such great idea!🙏🧡
Now here are some books I want to read in 2025
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I have already started with Yellowface: love the storyline and the writing style so far. The English version is better than the German translation in my eyes, because the vibe just doesn't quite hit the spot like the english does.
With Wackelkontakt, I am very interested in the writing style, because I already read Müll by the same author and was fascinated by his way of writing. It gives off a very "proletarian" vibe with many half sentences that perfectly fit the stories setting of a corpse being found at a civic amenity site.
Thomas Mann is a collection of historic radio speeches, that I hope will be given some more context.
With Orbital, I too want to read it in German and English, because I cannot be normal about books ever.
The "Wenn ich nicht Urlaub mache" is an extremely funny story. I have been read out a scene where the main character imagines her own funeral at which he most drunk person is supposed to set the casket on fire and make it explode into firework. So that definitely caught my attention xD
Anyways, I'll stop rambling now and tag some more people: @swanfloatieknight, @cinary, @lauvemsomhelst, @mondknight , @groovybun-png , @maxermixer, @belphegor1982 without any pressure as usual!!
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Tagged by no one myself to share 9 books I want to read in 2025. I just couldn't resist when I saw this "tag game" on my dash.
There's also the next Astérix book I couldn't put here since the cover wasn't revealed yet.
I'm not sure if I'll read all of them this year since they're the books I want to read now, it can change throughout the year, but I'll read to read some of them!
Tagging: @flo-nelja, @andersssandrew, @mustakrakisch, and whoever wants to do it (I can't remember who love to read the most amongst my mutuals/followers ^^;;)
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