#churchs chicken wings
islifearecipe · 6 months
Zaxbys Chicken Wings vs Asian Chicken Wings
Zaxbys Chicken Wings: Let’s be having you…The Battle of the Wings: Asian vs. Southern Fried. Zaxbys Chicken Wings vs Asian Chicken Wings: Contents Zaxby’s Chicken Fingers & Buffalo Wings, or Zaxby’s Chicken WIngs? Zaxbys Chicken Wings or Asia Chicken Wings? It’s a mass debate!!! For wing lovers, the debate rages on: Asian or Southern Fried chicken? Both styles offer unique flavor profiles,…
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moliathh · 1 year
[Reversed AU] - P.2
Hellsing (family) portraits.
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it might not be visible in this but integra and alucard both wear red ribbons as hair tie
seras eyes’ colours are corresponding to alucard and integra’s eyes colours, they are on the right side and left side of seras, the angel and the devil on her shoulder
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Because she is a nephilim, not a fully transformed angel, seras can only open one wing on her right side
Integra dressed as a nun of the church to avoid uncovering the existence of supernatural force to humans. She have human disguise to avoid hurting humans because her angel form is incomprehensible to humans.
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The design of the Iscariots are not finished yet, but here’s yumikel. In this AU, enrico is an occultist and he’s the only human in the Iscariot team. Yumie is the “released restriction 0” form of yumiko.
yumiko have two coloured gloves, the black gloves represent yumie is the hand shes using for wielding the katana
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another thing about heinkel as a werewolf, she cannot take full control over her werewolf form when she’s too excited, and her ears and tail often slip out when she is near yumi (both yumiko and yumie)
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werewolf heal faster than human but is not regenerating like vampire so heinkel still have scars and most prominent is the scar on the sides of her face because she rip the skin there open everytime she shift halfway.
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monsterhugger · 2 years
parents should've known i was a boy from the way i eat wings tbh
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bidisastersanji · 11 months
Thanks to everyone who screamed in the tags and asked for a part two of the Roronoa “I learned French just to overhear if my crush likes men” Zoro” story. 🤡 Part one here. And a million thanks to @inoreuct for the help 🙏 You can also read it on AO3 here if you prefer. Edit: Part three here, part four here
"Calm down, Roronoa. They’re not women, they’re just a feminine word."
Zoro digs the palm of his hands into his eyes, hunching over the big dinner table in this godforsaken mansion on this godforsaken island. How had it come to this? He was supposed to be training to become the world’s greatest swordsman … and here he was. Stuck learning inanimate objects’ stupid imaginary gender and whatever the hell kind of tense “ plus-que-parfait ” (more-than-perfect) is.  
Scattered around him are French grammar, spelling and exercise books, loose papers and empty glasses of wine. Sadly, not his own. His stupid dad mentor had decided that he was banned from drinking from his private cellars until daily lessons had ended.   
Dracule Mihawk. Hawkeye. Renowned monster powerhouse, the world’s greatest swordsman, a feared warlord…is sat in reading glasses, correcting his pronunciation and teaching him the most vexing language on the planet: French.  
“Are you quite finished making a scene? I’ve stopped talking exclusively French to you for many months now. Be grateful.”   
Zoro presses his lips together tightly to keep himself from saying something he’ll regret. It wouldn’t do him or his crew any good to lose this opportunity to learn from the best. After the salt-shaker incident, Mihawk, quickly followed by Perona-who only wishes misery upon him- only responded to him if he spoke his broken French to them and would only speak to him in that tongue in return. His already impossibly difficult swords lessons… challenges? Whatever one would call the hellish training regimens the warlord put him through became even more impossible now that he couldn’t even understand the instructions. After a few too many close calls and instances of French being shouted at him louder and louder (saying it louder won’t make him magically understand), Mihawk changed tactics and decided to teach him the academic way instead, in the evenings after supper. Suppers which definitely didn’t leave him longing for someone else’s cooking.   
Supposedly surprised at his silence (with this man, there’s no way to really tell for sure what could be going through his mind), Mihawk lowers his glasses and takes a long look at him. “And how is your reading coming along?”  
Seated across from him and eating her dessert, Perona gives a loud snort, choking a bit on her strawberry shortcake. Her ever-present floating ghosts laugh a little louder, covering her badly stifled laughter as she purses her lips.   
Zoro glares daggers at her, neck and ears flushing intensely. “It’s going… fine .”  
In reality, his reading isn’t going “fine”. The Manor’s entire west wing is filled to the brim with the most boring, coma-inducing, self-aggrandising books on philosophy, French cuisine, land management, architecture and theology, all written in chicken scratch, old timey French. Zoro had tried his hand at reading one that seemed perhaps less bad than the others, but on his tenth try at staying awake on reading the third page describing the gothic stone arches of a church- he gave up. It felt more painstaking to spend one more second looking at another page of that book than getting sliced open by Mihawk so many months ago.   
In the pits of his désespoir, his guard was down, and his alarm bells didn’t ring when Perona innocently approached him and handed him a book that looked markedly different from the rest of Mihawk’s collection. At a second glance, he realized that he’d seen that book on Sanji’s hammock-side barrel before, recognizing the distinctive lettering of “Harlequin editions” on the spine.  
“Here. I’m taking pity on you. Mihawk has a secret stash of these in his personal library. They’re easier to read and will get the job done. You need to meet a quota of one a week, right?”  
Out of options, Zoro silently accepted the book and retreated to his quarters. If it was good enough for the cook (and Perona?), it would be good enough for him.   
His suspicions should have risen from the moment he recognised it was a work of fiction- unlike every single book he’d come across here. But no , studious mindset activated and with a dictionary on hand for any word he might not know, it took him longer than he’d care to admit to realise this was a romance book. And not just any romance book- a ludicrously explicit book detailing many, many scandalous trysts between a dark, mysterious, broody vampire and his parade of beautiful, lithe and oh-so-flirtatious nobles of all genders. He had to stop and put the book down several times, too flustered from explicit descriptions of passionately taking people against cold stone walls, bending them over various pieces of antique furniture and even tying them to extravagant four poster beds. It was too much for the poor swordsman to handle.  
It was mainly the thought of the pervy cook reading this… it stirred something low within him, his thoughts running wild at the natural implication that the scenarios held within the worn pages- the rough, possessive, teasing, kinky and playful sexual acts- were all things that Sanji had read. And enjoyed. Multiple times if his memory served him right. Sanji owned this book, which meant that this was something that… aroused him. Face like a furnace and heart beating wildly, Zoro tugged at his hair, unable to cope with this new information nor the inappropriate thoughts and images his mind was conjuring involving a certain sharp-tongued blonde, his powerful thighs and unfairly biteable neck. He could almost see his fiery blue eye boring adversarially into his own, a cheeky smirk that was just begging to be kissed off-   
Zoro snapped the book shut.  
Fuck .  
After an uncomfortably sweaty night and a glacial shower, it was only at breakfast that further implications finally clicked for the rattled swordsman. The lewd book had come, as Perona had put it, from Mihawk’s secret stash .   
One: the book was Mihawk’s. That dawning realisation alone froze Zoro mid-chew, and he decided then and there that he would never be able to look the older man in the eye ever again. At least not in the same way.   
I know what you are   
It wasn’t difficult to make the connection between the book’s owner, a pale, recluse, wine drinking man in a manor and the book’s main vampire. Two: this was from a stash . Meaning there would be many, many more of these books in the manor. Three, because of the nature of his mentor’s “official” library (unreadable), he will de facto have to keep reading bodice-rippers for well over a year and inevitably assimilate the raunchiest, most useless lexicon known to man, in what some people call the language of love. Wonderful. Despite himself, Zoro knew he’d already memorized at least three different ways to refer to male genitalia, and that was just from reading one of those little fuckers.  
Weeks, months pass, and boy had Zoro been right. And annoyingly, so had Mihawk, on how reading would drastically improve his French. (If Robin could see him now…) The smutty books came and went, courtesy of Perona, and his reliance on his dictionary diminished. As the books’ premises plunged deeper and deeper into unspeakable domains, Zoro made the firm decision to stop asking questions. For the sake of his sanity. He never again wanted Perona to share her thoughts on the "thematic beauty of the monster fucker genre". He would never fully recover from the hour-long exposé she made him on ABO dynamics. Nor could he ever recover from the knowledge that all these novels came from Dracule Mihawk’s private library .   
He now knew way too much about Mihawk's kinks and sexual tastes in men, and he wished to believe in a god so he could pray to never have to address this with the man within his life. Ever.  
Which is why he's currently sweating bullets at Mihawk's inquiry into his latest reads, and why Perona is looking at him like the cat that ate the canary.   
Eyes darting between his two guests, the warlord's lips tug at their corners in something resembling a smile.   
"I take it you haven't found the sword fighting books yet then?"  
The what.   
Zoro promptly chokes on his saliva, coughing aggressively into his fist, his remaining eye bulging in surprise.  
"Yes, did Perona not tell you? All the baking books in the French cuisine section actually hold sword forms and techniques. My boy, what have you been reading?"   
Sanji had maybe had just a few too many drinks tonight. His face feels warm, his limbs are nice and relaxed- if still a bit sore from the battle- and his tongue is a little loose. He knows it's one too many when it takes him a couple of sentences to realise he and Robin are speaking French together, and he's grateful for the unconscious switch when he faintly registers that Zoro is sat not very far, by himself, just across the campfire.  
That was a close one.   
Robin prods him for more information on his one-night stands, and who is he to deny a lady, really? He feels the words spill from his mouth like boiling water overflowing from a pot. He hears his voice confess a truth he's not let himself face for years and blames the wine.  
"En vrai ce n'est pas qu'ils ne sont pas satisfaisants... c'est qu'ils ne sont jamais...assez. "   
The cook swims in half-forgotten memories of one night stands he sought out on lonely evenings at random ports. Of fumbling hands and desperate kisses, of leaving before the sun has even risen, of cold sheets and empty beds in the morning... Sanji doesn't like the bitter taste his admittance leaves in his mouth, nor the way his chest feels just a little tighter. He knows what his love-starved self really wants, what he craves most of all... is the stupidly perfect man sitting across the fire. Like a moth to a flame, he yearns to know what it would feel like. To matter . To be seen in all his flawed, weak existence, and not be thrown aside like the mistake he is. To be loved , cared for, cherished tenderly by someone as earnest and devoted as he knows the swordsman to be. It's with a bleeding heart that he finally voices his love, answering Robin on what would be enough.  
"Lui. "  
His finger taps the ash off his cigarette before taking another long, long drag. Forlorn, he tears his gaze away from Zoro and nearly startles at the sincere warmth he sees dancing in the archeologist's eyes.  
"Tu devrais lui dire ."  
(You should tell him.)  
Sanji laughs at that. "Mais bien sûr. J'vais me lever, me planter devant lui et tout lui avouer. "  
(But of course. I'll get up, walk right up to him and confess everything.)  
A beat. Robin impassively stares back at him. Sanji knows being a devil fruit eater isn't the only similarity between her and their captain. Their stubbornness is something he knows not to underestimate. He sighs and gulps the rest of his drink down. He must be out of his goddamn mind. And maybe a little drunker than he thought he was.   
"Je ne sais pas te dire non, ma chère Robin." She smiles. "Mais saches que tu n'as pas précisé dans quelle langue je devais lui parler. "  
(I don't know how to say no to you, my dear Robin. But please note that you didn't specify the language I should speak to him in.)  
Before she can charm him into switching to a language the Marimo understands, the cook is already skirting around the fire with slightly wobbly steps. If he can just keep his tone right, tinged with a bit of anger, then he can probably pull this off, he thinks.   
“You.” He points at Zoro accusingly.  
The mosshead turns to face him, an unreadable expression on his face. “Me?”   
Sanji doesn’t linger on it, all his mental capacity concentrating on making sure he uses French at the right moments.   
“Yes, you fucking ange tombé du ciel , I have some words for you. Some mots doux if you will, so just sit tight and listen. You owe me after I saved your ass earlier.”   
(Angel fallen from heaven; sweet words)  
Surprised that Zoro doesn’t contradict him on the “saving his ass” part, he doesn’t stop to think and squashes the little voice inside him that questions why he’s going through with this.  
Sanji fully planned on a heartfelt rant about all the idiot swordsman’s qualities- how unfair it is that he has it all. He really did. but he also feels a sudden shyness overtake him now that he’s standing in front of the idiot in question. To look Zoro in the eyes while saying such embarrassing, emotional shit won't do, and Sanji’s eyes make the mistake of looking down- only to be met with the tantalising sight of a broad, scarred chest and crossed arms that do nothing to hide the strong, corded muscle underneath. Oh, f uck me. His fake annoyance becomes partially real.  
"Enfoiré! comment jsuis supposé te résister, hein? "  He indignantly waves his cigarette around.  
(You bastard! How am I supposed to resist you, huh?)  
"Non mais vraiment- est ce que t’as la moindre idée de l’effet que t’as quand tu te balades torse nu sur le pont, tout dégoulinant de sueur? Ou de l’effet que les bruits que tu fait durant tes entraînements ont sur moi? J’ai qu’à fermer mes yeux et c’est- je…” he can feel his ears burning. Fuck it. Why not let it all out, he’ll feel better afterwards.  
( No, but really- do you have any idea of the effect you have when you walk shirtless on deck, dripping with sweat? Or how the noises you make during your workouts affect me? All I have to do is close my eyes and it's- I...)  
“Tu me rends fou. Après nos combats c’est si facile d’imaginer tes mains calleuses m’aggrippant possessivement, ta peau salée sur ma langue, ton torse haletant d’effort, ton regard enflammé -”   
( You drive me crazy. After our fights it's so easy to imagine your calloused hands gripping me possessively, your salty skin on my tongue, your torso panting with effort, your fiery gaze -)  
Still sat in front of Sanji, Zoro’s face is turning red and he’s shooting Sanji a heated look, no doubt irritated about being ranted at in French. Tough shit. Sanji wasn’t done.  
“T’es si favorisé par les dieux, je suis même sûr que ta bite est énorme. Et puis si tu savais ce que je te laisserais me faire- ” he rolls his eyes and snorts, hoping the exasperation part of his rant is convincingly coming through.  
(You're so favoured by the gods, I'm pretty sure you even have a huge dick. And if you knew what I'd let you do to me-)  
Zoro’s mouth parts in shock, and a small anxious thought crosses Sanji’s mind- but there’s absolutely no way in hell the shitty mosshead knows French. He would sooner know his left from his right.  
“Dis moi.” (Tell me.)  
“Tell you what, stupid marimo-” it takes a couple of seconds for the cook to comprehend what just happened, and a strangled noise crawls its way out of his throat. Everything comes to a halt, his world crumbles down. Oh no. Oh no .  
Zoro rises to his feet and steps into his space, a dangerously sinful grin across his face. At this point Sanji’s brain has fully stopped working, and it’s all he can do to gape stupidly back at him, face redder than it’s ever been.  
“Dis moi. ” he repeats, voice low and so foreign sounding as it tries to replicate the right intonation of Sanji’s mother tongue. “Ou si tu préfères je peux te dire ce que je voudrais bien te faire, moi.”   
( Tell me. Or if you prefer, I can tell you what I'd like to do to you.)  
Warm blood bursts forth from Sanji’s nose, and his world turns black. 
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bookshelfdreams · 2 years
Favourite german colloquialisms and idioms
Ein Freund zum Pferdestehlen (lit: a friend to steal horses with) A reliable, loyal, and trustworthy friend, someone you can depend on 100%
Mit jemandem ein Hühnchen zu rupfen haben (lit: to have a chicken to pluck with someone) to have an unfinished argument/dispute/disagreement with someone that one will finish as soon as they see the person again, who will then probably "experience their blue miracle" (sein/ihr blaues Wunder erleben): get their ass handed to them.
Die Sau rauslassen (lit: to let the sow loose) To throw down at a party
Sows are generally an intensifier. Either in wie Sau (as fuck), the adverb saumäßig, or just add the prefix sau- to an adjective of your choice.
Auf dem Teppich bleiben (lit: to stay on the carpet) to quit being overdramatic, to stay grounded in reality and not let emotions take over a debate. Same meaning: Die Kirche im Dorf lassen (lit: to leave the church in the village)
Das geflügelte Wort (lit: the winged word) Figure of speech, idiom
Sich etwas ans Bein binden (lit: to tie something to one’s leg) To burden oneself with something that’s more trouble than it’s worth
Das Leben ist kein Ponyhof (lit: life is no pony farm) Life isn’t all sunshine and rainbows
Jemandem den Marsch blasen (lit: to blow the march for someone) to scold someone very harshly. Also: jemandem die Meinung geigen (to play someone one’s opinion on the violin), jemanden anscheißen (to shit on someone)
Auch ein blindes Huhn findet mal ein Korn (lit: even a blind chicken  sometimes finds a seed) A stopped clock is right twice a day
Backfisch (m.) (lit: baked fish) teenage girl; this one's a bit old-fashioned
Nicht alle Tassen im Schrank haben (lit: to miss some cups from the cupboard) To be crazy, insane, idiotic. The things people can miss to express this sentiment are quite diverse (and this is something people really like to get creative with): needles from the fir tree, battens from the fence, lightbulbs from the chandelier, cookies from the jar…
Die Radieschen von unten ansehen (lit: to view radishes from below) To be dead. Variations exist with almost any plant imaginable, most notably tulips and grass
Was die Sonne nicht heilt, deckt die Erde zu (lit: what the sun can’t heal, the earth shall cover) This health problem will either resolve itself or the speaker will die from it, in any case it will be over eventually
Da warst du noch Quark im Schaufenster (lit: Back then you were curd in the shop window) Back then, you weren’t even conceived
Eine (neue) Sau durchs Dorf treiben (lit: to drive a (new) sow through the village) to manufacture short-lived public outrage that will soon be replaced by a new scandal
Hanswurst (m) (lit: Hans Sausage) a ridiculous, funny person, fool, clown (but not an actual clown from the circus)
Man hat schon Pferde (vor der Apotheke) kotzen sehen (lit: horses have been seen vomiting (in front of the pharmacy)) stranger things have happened
wilde Ehe (lit: wild marriage) to live together/have a family together without being actually married
Bauernfänger (m.) (lit: farmer catcher) Conman. Not to be confused with:
Rattenfänger (m.) (lit: rat catcher) political agitator, demagogue
Noch feucht hinter den Ohren sein (lit: to be still wet behind the ears) to be inexperienced/a newbie
Du hast wohl den Schuss nicht gehört (lit: Have you not heard the shot?) Are you out of your fucking mind?
Da sind Hopfen und Malz verloren (lit: hops and malt are lost here) A hopeless case
Völkerverständigung (f.) (lit: understanding between peoples/nations) Getting to know people from other nations, making an effort to understand their culture and showing them yours in turn. The building of international relationships based on mutual respect and equality. Diplomacy. Also: Völkerfreundschaft (friendship between peoples/nations)
Sich den Arsch aufreißen (lit: to rip one’s ass open) to work very hard
Es ist noch kein Meister vom Himmel gefallen (lit: no master has fallen from the sky yet) nobody is born an expert; keep trying and you’ll get there!
Mach mal die Augen zu, dann siehst du was deine ist (lit: close your eyes then you’ll see what’s yours) I heard this a lot as a child and now I never feel entitled to anything, ever
Da geht mir das Messer in der Tasche auf (lit: this opens the knife in my pocket) I think this is infuriating and I’m about to figuratively stab you (loads of expressions for this sentiment but this is my fave)
Kinderstube (f) (lit: children’s chamber) upbringing, education. Someone who doesn’t have Kinderstube has no manners
Waisenknabe / Chorknabe (m) (lit: orphan boy / choir boy) someone who is innocent, virtuous, well-behaved and an all-around lovely person. Often used ironically.
Maulaffen feilhalten (lit: to sell mouth monkeys) to stand around gaping with your mouth open instead of doing something useful
Ach du grüne Neune/liebes Lieschen (lit: oh you green nine/dear Lieschen) oh my!
Käseblatt (n) (lit: cheese sheet) a newspaper of very poor journalistic quality
Jemandem ein X für ein U vormachen (lit: to try to sell an X as a U) To scam or trick someone. Same meaning: Jemanden über den Tisch ziehen (to drag someone over the table). Not to be confused with:
Jemanden/etwas durch den Kakao ziehen - (lit: to drag someone/something through the cocoa) To make fun of or parody someone/something
Steckenpferd (m.) (lit: stick horse) hobby
Da will man nicht tot überm Zaun hängen (lit:  where one doesn’t want to hang dead over the fence) Just to make sure you know exactly how awful this town/village and its inhabitants are
Schnapsidee (f) (lit: schnapps idea) an idea that only a very drunk person would conceive of or consider good
Held im Erdbeerfeld (lit: hero in the strawberry field) Someone who sees themself as a great hero without any real skills/achievements to back this up
Leben wie Gott in Frankreich (lit: to live like God in France) to live the high life
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forever-rogue · 2 years
Ok so I don’t know if your requests are open, but I’m going to drop one in case… 😅
A Joel Miller x Reader story where Joel and Ellie arrive to Jackson. Could it be a moment like where Ellie saw *possibly* Dina? They could make eye contact and maybe he’s interested in her and wants to know more? Something along those lines hehe.. You can totally add more whether it be spicy or fluff! :)
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AN | Please this is just the softest idea. Plus - wing woman Ellie! 🥰
Pairing | Joel Miller x Fem!Reader
Warnings | Language
Word Count | 2.6k
Masterlist | Joel, Main
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
It happened so fast that he almost didn’t realize that anything had happened. 
He was trying to listen to Maria, really he was, but he found himself zoning out more than he wanted to. Admittedly it was a lot to take in all at once and he wasn’t sure what to think or where to look anymore. He hoped that Ellie would be able to catch him up later although he had his doubts; she seemed just as distracted. Well then - maybe things would be easy to pick up on.
But then it happened. He heard something about communes and vegetable gardens but when he looked ahead, time seemed to slow down and the voices around him were muffled and distant.
He saw you. It happened so fast that he must have imagined it. You caught his eye and offered him a sweet smile but as soon as he blinked, you were gone. 
It must have been his imagination playing tricks on him. He was tired and in desperate need of a shower and nap; surely you were nothing more than a mirage. 
“Joel?” he snapped back into attention, finding Tommy, Maria, and Ellie all watching him curiously. His young charge raised an eyebrow, "everything okay?"
"Fine," he huffed indignantly, waving her off before the group continued to walk on. Maria was in front, back to explaining everything in detail as he and Ellie fell behind. She nudged his arm, silently conveying her question to him. They'd gotten to the point where they could easily communicate without words, "just a moment of distraction. Nothin' to worry about."
"I can find out what her name is," Joel almost stopped in his tracks at her sudden comment. This girl was way too observant - it was a blessing and a curse. His felt his entire being flush with warmth as he opened and closed his mouth wordlessly, "you're even prettier when you blush!"
"I'm not - I'm not blushing," he hissed but he knew he was. His face felt like it was on fire, "Ellie."
"Fine," she held up her hands innocently putting on a sweet smile in an attempt to get him off her scent. She had a plan - she was already plotting on how to get the two of you to meet, "I won't say or do anything. I'll be quiet as a church mouse or whatever that old saying is."
"Good," despite his hesitation and suspicions, he put his arm around her shoulder and pulled her in for a hug, "good."
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Ellie Williams was a liar. A damned, dirty liar. But it was all out of affection and care for the man that had become her father figure.
He took good care of her and was always looking out for her best interests so for once she was going to return the favor. The man had been through a lot. He deserved some happiness too. 
But she had to work smart and be subtle, otherwise her plan would explode in her face.
The first step? Naturally, she had to find you and get your name. It should have been simple…but of course it wasn't. 
Jackson wasn't small but it wasn't that big either. There were more people in the community than she had bargained for and finding you again seemed an entirely impossible challenge. She'd managed a few fleeting glances at you and that was all she had to go.
After a few days of looking she'd almost given up hope. 
Until she saw you tending to a flock of loudly bawking chickens. Bingo.
She pretended to be fascinated by the chickens…although honestly she was amused by them, and came over to you.
"Look at all those chickens!" Despite her initial thought that she would remain calm and calculated, her excitement got the better of her.
"Look at all those chickens," you agreed as you smiled at her. It took her a moment to realize you were standing there and watching her until she made a small sound of acknowledgement.
"I'm Ellie," she could hear Joel in the back of her mind telling her to find her manners, "we just moved here."
"It's nice to officially meet you, Ellie," you offered her your name and held out your hand for her to shake, "welcome to Jackson."
"Thanks," she shook your hand gently and you could feel her watching you in the way that kids often did when they were trying to glean everything about you, "it's nice being here."
"It's always nice to have new people here," you grabbed a bucket of seed for the chickens and held it out to her, "Tommy's really excited to have his brother back."
"Joel!" she almost shouted as her eyes grew wide with embarrassment, "his name is Joel. He's my…Joel."
You laughed, a sound Ellie decided she liked and that Joel would like. You tossed some seed to the chicken and Ellie followed suit, watching amazed as the chickens started to peck away, "well, if either of you ever need anything or have any questions just let me know. I was new here too once and it can be a little overwhelming."
"Thank you," Ellie knew all about things becoming overwhelming. Everything had changed for her so quickly since she'd met Joel, "are you-"
But she was interrupted by the call of your name from the distance. She silently cursed Chad, or whatever his name was, for interrupting her little plan.
"I gotta go," you offered her an apologetic shrug, "see you around, Ellie! Don't be a stranger!"
Don't be a stranger. Oh, she would make sure of that.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
“I know her name!” Ellie ran into the house, yelling, without even waiting to see if Joel was up. She found him in the kitchen, making breakfast for the two of them, an unreadable expression on his face, “the girl. I know her name.”
“Ellie,” he sighed softly, but there was an affectionate bloom in his chest towards the girl, “I told you not to meddle.”
“You didn’t say that,” she sat down at the table and helped herself to some of the fresh orange. He gave her that look and she shrugged sheepishly, “not specifically in those words.”
“You’re trouble, kid,” he sighed, affectionate though tired. He was a tired dad, “I’ll entertain you for just a moment. What’s her name then?”
The young girl softly whispered your name and oh. He liked the sound of it. Even from the brief glimpse he caught of you, he thought it suited you perfectly. He repeated it, testing it out on his tongue and deciding that he liked it. 
“Now you actually have to talk to her,” she was most pleased as Joel lightly scoffed at her, “you’re in love with her!”
Joel inhaled sharply and almost knocked the pan off the stove as he quickly turned around, “now just what are you talking about?”
“The look,” she shrugged lightly as if to say that it was all so obvious, “you had the look on your face.”
“What look?”
“The look of love at first sight or whatever,” she was now proceeding to shove some freshly baked bread into her mouth, “I’ve seen enough old movies and read enough books to know.”
“Well you must know something I don’t because there was no love at first sight,” right? Right. His hands were on his hips as he sighed at her, “that’s something made up for entertainment.”
“Whatever you say,” she made kissy noises at him and he cursed under his breath, “when you get married you can thank me. Trust me Joel, you had that look on your face."
“I had no look on my face,” this was ridiculous. She was ridiculous, “now eat your breakfast and get ready for school.”
“Don’t make me ground you,” he waved the spatula at her but both of them had happy looks on their faces. It had been a long time since he had gotten to say those words. He hadn’t realized just how much he’d missed this. Ellie, on the other hand, had never really had someone that loved her as he did, that was a real parental figure. She liked it too, “do you want bacon and eggs and pancakes?”
“Yes please,” the two of them exchanged a look before breaking into soft smiles. 
Yeah…this life was turning out to be pretty okay.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Maybe there was some small part of Joel that hoped that once he had learned your name that he would somehow magically start to run into you in other places. Like that one bit of information would lead to much more. 
Well, that couldn’t have been farther from the truth. It was like the universe was somehow trying to keep the two of you apart. Every time he arrived somewhere, you were leaving, or vice versa. Every time he spotted you in a crowd and made his way over, you managed to disappear. It was like a horrible game of cat and mouse.
Maybe he just had to accept that he wasn’t meant to know you. Even if he hated the idea of that. 
But - somehow, magically or whatever - the day came when he was finally destined to meet you. 
And he couldn’t have been less prepared.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Joel was tending to his small flock of sheep, trying to clean out the dirt and muck out of their grazing area when he heard you. He was filthy; covered in sweat and dirt and probably smelling of shit. But there you were, pretty face and radiant smile waving happily at him. 
But damn if that smile didn’t make him want to melt.
“Joel!” oh. He was in trouble; deep, deep trouble. He tossed his shovel down, swallowing thickly before exchanging a look with Gertrude (his favorite sheep but he’d never admit it, he didn’t want any of the others to get upset). She seemed to know what he was thinking and baa’ed at him before nudging her nose against his leg. He nodded before making his way over to you, trying to keep his walk calm and cool and not like he was overly excited.
“H-hey,” he nearly choked on the singular word as he reached you, separated only by the fence. If he smelled or anything, you didn’t seem to mind, not balking in the slightest when he said your name, “it’s nice to finally meet you.”
“You too,” you held out your hand and the poor man stared at it - so dainty and delicate compared to his - before shaking it. You laughed softly, sensing the nerves rolling off him, but in truth, you were nervous too, “after all this time I finally get to meet the infamous Joel Miller. It felt like the day would never come.”
“Y-you’ve been wanting to meet me?” there was no way; you were like an angel and he was anything but.. How could you have any interest in anything to do with him? 
“I have,” you confessed softly, “it seemed like every time I saw and wanted to say hi you were gone in the blink of an eye. I finally just broke down and asked Ellie where you were.”
“Me?” he repeated, pointing at himself and casting a look around as if to make sure you couldn’t possibly be talking about anyone else.
“Yes,” you laughed softly, and the sound went straight to his heart, “who else could I be talking about? Unless one of your sheep is also named Joel. Then I’d like to meet him too - actually I kind of just want to meet your sheep either way. They’re so cute!”
“Yeah?” his brain was so frazzled that somehow any coherent thought he had left seemed to have left his mind. You probably thought he was an idiot but you had some sort of magnetic pull that kept him firmly in your orbit. He didn’t want to leave it  - to ever leave your presence.
“Of course,” you thought it was endearing to see how nervous he became. Truthfully, you were just as nervous but managed to hold it together a little more, “listen, I’ve gotta go but do you want to come over for dinner tonight?”
“Dinner…tonight? With you?” alright, he was going to throw himself off a cliff. 
“Dinner tonight,” you confirmed, “my house is the one at the end of your straight - with the yellow shutters. See you at six?”
“Six, y-yeah, yes,” he finally gained back some of his confidence, “should I bring anything?”
“Just yourself,” you smiled sweetly, “and Ellie of course, if you’d like to invite her.”
“Sure,” yeah, he’d ask her but part of them hoped she’d say no. He loved her so much, but he really hoped she’d say no this one time, “see you later.”
“See you later, Joel,” and then you did the unthinkable. You leaned over and kissed him on the cheek. You gave him one last little smile before turning around to flounce away, “six o’clock, Miller!”
He felt like he was going to explode as he touched the spot on his cheek that had been blessed by your lips. 
Maybe Ellie hadn’t been totally wrong on the love at first sight thing. He was definitely feeling something; something he hadn’t felt in a long time. And he loved it.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
“You met her finally,” Ellie looked most pleased with herself as soon as Joel walked in the door, “you’re welcome.”
“How’d you know?” he couldn’t even pretend to be grumpy as he looked at her in earnest. She shrugged innocently before sliding off her chair and going over to hug him; he warmed up and hugged her back without hesitation. 
“Your face,” she stated obviously, “it’s written all over your face. You look happy.”
“I met her,” he confirmed and Ellie squealed in delight. He couldn’t help but match her smile, “and she asked me - us - over for dinner.”
“Oh, you’re totally gonna marry her,” Joel opened and closed his mouth a few times, “but I’ll pass on dinner. I’m going to go over to Dina’s.”
“You knew she was going to ask, didn’t you?”
“Not explicitly,” Ellie shrugged, “but I had a feeling. So….you can go and have your dinner with your love.”
“Ellie,” no malice, all affection.
“You’ll be thanking me for this in a few years,” she insisted, tugging on her sweater and reaching for a backpack, “and I won’t mind if I get a brother or sister then either. Maybe both, who knows!”
“Ellie…” his face was bright red by now. 
“Love you!” she threw her arms around him quickly before running towards the door, “see you later - make good choices!”
“Kid…” he watched as she ran out the door and almost slammed it behind her in haste. 
He didn’t even know what to say. Maybe nothing needed to be said. 
All he knew was that for the first time in a long time, he was looking forward to the future. 
One that involved you.
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dadvans · 4 months
memorial day
Memorial Day is always the Monday to end all Mondays, year after year. Buck discovers it’s a little bit better when you have a guy waiting for you after a stupid shift and you both get to trade war stories.
Tommy greets him with a kiss and presses two beers from a six pack to his hands when Buck lets him in, then walks over to the kitchen to put the other four away.
“I don’t know about you, but my stupidest call today was putting out a brush fire caused by a gender reveal party. You’d think after El Dorado people would fucking learn, but holiday weekends always bring out the idiots.” He opens the refrigerator door and spots the saran wrapped plate Buck left there for him. “Or maybe you had a much better day than me. Bobby cook?”
“No, uh, actually,” Buck says, hunting for the church key in the drawer behind him. “My stupidest call of the day would be the neighborhood barbecue brawl that broke out. Three guys arguing over who would man the grill. The backyard seemed salvageable when we left, but one guy’s face not so much after another dad tried to give it the smash burger treatment on an open flame. Some families were so embarrassed they actually sent us home with leftovers. I was able to weasel out a second plate for you.”
“Evan.” Tommy takes the plate out and stares down at it with a confused little smile, what Buck has taken to calling his Who Me? face in his head.
“It wasn’t hard, pretty sure Athena and Maddie and Karen got one too. Anyway, you should try the potato salad. Apparently, it’s grandma’s famous recipe.”
Buck cracks the caps off both of their beers and replaces the church key with a fork for Tommy. Tommy gives him another look before digging in. One bite of potato salad in and his eyes are rolling back in his head.
“Fuck, I love you,” he says, meaningfully at the plate and not at Buck.
Buck laughs. “Wings aren’t bad either. Cole slaw I can do better.”
“Sure,” Tommy replies graciously. He picks up a chicken wing and has the meat practically sucked off the bone in two bites. “I can’t remember the last time I spent one of these actually getting to enjoy part of it.”
Later, after Buck gets him to wipe the buffalo sauce off the corner of his mouth, Tommy gets on his knees for Buck and shows him exactly how grateful he is with a fairly luxurious blowjob. Buck comes down the back of his throat and slurs out a thank you for your service, to which Tommy playfully flips him off. And he’s no potato salad, Tommy didn’t need to say it, but he’s feeling pretty loved too.
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🎵 Precinct 41 Major Crimes Unit
"*SIX* years?"
JEAN VICQUEMARE - "Yeah... Or seven? You're not doing too good there. It's an old-man thing. Two *old-years* equals one normal year. That -- and Dora Ingerlund really tore you a new one. A big one."
"Who was she?"
"*Now* I've heard enough."
JEAN VICQUEMARE - "Incredibly bangable?"
"Are you *seriously* using this moment to assert male privilege!?!"
"No, I meant -- what did she do?"
KIM KITSURAGI - "He is very passionate about this."
JEAN VICQUEMARE - "Okay, you're right. She was extremely fuckable, Harry. Gorgeous. A gorgeous bourgeois woman. Waifish. Like a *welkin* basically."
CONCEPTUALIZATION [Medium: Success] - Snow Welkin. Blonde Welkin...
INLAND EMPIRE [Easy: Success] - Heartbreak Welkin.
PAIN THRESHOLD [Medium: Success] - Pain Welkin.
JEAN VICQUEMARE - "I've only seen a picture -- but it's obvious you formed a real spiritual connection with how *pretty* she was. One you never recuperated from."
JUDIT MINOT - "Look..." She turns to face the sea. "The sun is going down. It's time to go home."
JEAN VICQUEMARE - "I think she taught in the Académie des Arts, east of the river. Way east. Hard to say which came first -- the middle class chick or the drink? Egg and the chicken kinda thing..."
"My point is, you need to see a *psychiatrist* about this shit. Not a psychologist -- several degrees harder. Is there's something harder than a psychiatrist?" He pauses to think. "A forensic psychiatrist. Go talk to that."
RHETORIC [Medium: Success] - In other words -- he's heard *enough* about this.
3. "Okay. Am I a dirty cop working for La Puta Madre?"
"No? Because a suspect seemed to think..."
"Okay then."
JEAN VICQUEMARE - "You're too unstable to work for a mob boss. You're suicidal, Harry. No mob boss would take you."
+5 XP
TRANT HEIDELSTAM - "I assure you -- I wouldn't consult for a corrupt unit."
LOGIC [Medium: Success] - He would immediately backpedal out of it.
VOLITION [Easy: Success] - I told you it's not that bad.
4. "Precinct 41… what kind of station is it?"
JEAN VICQUEMARE - "Us? We're the *Bloody Murder Station*, haven't you heard? We're the bad guys. No one likes us."
KIM KITSURAGI - "That's not true. Jamrock is too big for one precinct. You're just understaffed. And everyone respects the 41st -- you have Captain Pryce."
JEAN VICQUEMARE - "Thank you, lieutenant. You're being kind. It *is* an understaffed station and the district *is* too big -- which is why we need to..." He tilts his head northward...
JUDIT MINOT - "... get back to it. We left Torson and McLaine to run the C-Wing. It's not good."
"Torson and McLaine?"
"And the C-Wing is…"
"And Pryce is..."
"Did we recently shoot up a church by any chance?" (Point to the church.)
"So I work in the Bloody Murder Station?" (Conclude.)
JUDIT MINOT - "Mack 'The Torso' Torson and Chester McLaine --" She arches an eyebrow. "They're not fit to run a wing. Believe me. Things are shaky as it is."
CONCEPTUALIZATION [Medium: Success] - They *are* damn iconic though -- Torson and McLaine!
"An iconic duo I take it?"
Not now.
JEAN VICQUEMARE - "Yeah -- not like *us*. Two clinically depressed old men. Where's the contrast here? We're garbage."
2. "And the C-Wing is…"
JEAN VICQUEMARE - "God..." He sighs. "There are four wings, Harry: A, B, C, and D. We're in C. It's made of losers and clock-punchers. You and I *re-conceptualized* it as a task force. It was a mistake."
TRANT HEIDELSTAM - "There's also a lot of outside help involved. Not only me." He smiles. "Other losers too."
SUGGESTION [Easy: Success] - He's anything but a loser. Although he would like to be seen as one. It's cooler that way.
3. "And Pryce is..."
JUDIT MINOT - "Ptolemy Pryce? He's the son of the old Pryce -- one of the founders of the RCM."
KIM KITSURAGI - "He's one of the most highly regarded men in the force. You're lucky."
ESPRIT DE CORPS [Easy: Success] - Somewhere under the curved roof of a former silk factory, shaped like a ladybird with two chimneys, Police Captain Ptolemy Pryce sits behind a heavy wooden desk. Resident medic Nix Gottlieb pours him coffee. It's silent in the captain's office...
They speak of change. The city. The tension on the streets. They speak of the events of April and the blood on the streets in May.
4. "Did we recently shoot up a church by any chance?" (Point to the church.)
JEAN VICQUEMARE - "So he remembers *that*... Yes, there may have been a raid on *some* churches. It wasn't good press."
TRANT HEIDELSTAM - "Shooting up churches never is. I was out of town, to be clear...."
"What happened? Why did we need to go there?"
JEAN VICQUEMARE - "Our *enemies* were hiding in *a* church -- to the best of our information. That's it. I'm not talking about this anymore. Your security clearance is *shit-tier* right now. You have to wait for it to go up."
+5 XP
AUTHORITY [Easy: Success] - He means it. The RCM and its enemies will not be discussed on this coast.
PERCEPTION (HEARING) [Challenging: Success] - Your clearance will not go up while you're within earshot of the Union headquarters.
5. "So I work in the Bloody Murder Station?" (Conclude.)
JEAN VICQUEMARE - "Okay -- it's not the Bloody Murder Station. It's an old converted silk mill with green desk lamps and a coffee corner. A lot of good people work there. Hard. Every day."
JUDIT MINOT - "Jamrock is the largest ghetto in Revachol. Faubourg, technically... but it's divided into *eleven* districts. Jamrock only has us."
KIM KITSURAGI - "The press will blow over," he says in a reassuring tone. "Jamrock is lucky to have you. And it's often considered to be the greatest of the districts -- you're lucky to have it."
JEAN VICQUEMARE - "Thank you again, lieutenant."
5. "The phasmid -- I need to tell Lena about this ASAP."
JEAN VICQUEMARE - "Who is Lena?"
ENCYCLOPEDIA [Easy: Success] - She lives at 1113 Tabernacle Road, in Jamrock. Remember?
"A cryptozoologist. She lives in Jamrock, on Tabernacle road. She told me about this phasmid."
"No one. Forget it."
JUDIT MINOT - "Tabernacle? It's on the way over. Near where you live, on Perdition..." She looks at Vicquemare.
JEAN VICQUEMARE - "Fine. If we're gonna drop you off anyway."
KIM KITSURAGI - "She and her husband were conducting the search for the phasmid. It's their discovery -- in part."
"They should know as soon as possible. It would do you good to deliver some positive news for a change."
SUGGESTION [Easy: Success] - She is going to be over the moon.
ENDURANCE [Medium: Success] - Watch out or she'll faint.
6. "Lieutenant Kitsuragi -- what will you do now?"
KIM KITSURAGI - "Well -- first I will go back to my station and write the most detailed report anyone has ever seen. It will have to be good to cover all this. Then I will have a serious talk with my captain."
"About what?"
KIM KITSURAGI - "Detective, we just stopped a small-scale war. Something is happening to Revachol." He takes a look around -- into the deepening shadows of the streets -- then pulls up his collar.
"I don't know what, yet -- but it's going to be a hard spring for the RCM. We need to get ready. Infiltrate. Investigate."
SHIVERS [Challenging: Success] - Distant traffic. A scrap of newspaper drifts by, carried by the wind.
PERCEPTION (SIGHT) [Legendary: Success] - It says: "Tensions rise in Terminal YC In light of the Débardeurs' strike in Terminal B, among representatives of heavy industry in Coal City..." you read.
INLAND EMPIRE [Easy: Success] - Le Retour...
"Wait, you mean The Return?"
"Want to do that at Station 41?"
"Good luck with your report."
KIM KITSURAGI - "Perhaps..." He watches the scrap of newspaper hit the ground. "There are people who say the Zone of Control will not hold up long. They're not on the radio -- yet. But there are parties out there..."
TRANT HEIDELSTAM - "Yes." His face darkens. "I hear worries -- from systems analysts in Vesper and Messina. International risks departments in banks. People like that."
JEAN VICQUEMARE - "We've been hearing whispers in Jamrock too. Ever since fall. I agree that something is happening. People are tense. I hear a fan spinning. Fast. Something is about to hit it."
2. "Want to do that at Station 41?"
KIM KITSURAGI - "Talk to Captain Pryce? I'd rather not ruffle the feathers of *two* captains with my doom-mongering."
"No, I meant *investigate*. Come work in Precinct 41."
"Yeah. Sure."
KIM KITSURAGI - "Work *with* Pryce?" A crooked smile quivers on his lips. "I'm flattered, but I don't know if I..."
ESPRIT DE CORPS [Easy: Success] - Would fit in? Am crazy enough? Can take the stress? He doesn't know how to finish the sentence.
RHETORIC [Medium: Success] - This truly came as a surprise to him. Not a bad one. But he's at a loss.
JEAN VICQUEMARE - "Flattered? You're Lieutenant Kitsuragi. *We* would be flattered if you even considered..."
KIM KITSURAGI - "I would have to tie things up in GRIH first. But... I mean, whatever is coming -- Jamrock *will* be more central to it than the harbour." The lieutenant turns very serious all of a sudden.
+5 XP
JUDIT MINOT - "And we also have a huge case load, lieutenant," she says with a smile. "Piles that we need to get back to. Mountains, even."
KIM KITSURAGI - "I do like the sound of that..." He returns her smile.
RHETORIC [Medium: Success] - He's *really* considering it.
7. "I'm ready." (End.)
JUDIT MINOT - "Good." She looks at you, then Vicquemare...
JEAN VICQUEMARE - "Fuck it, let's go." The man points down the street. "Trant brought his motor carriage. It's a 20 minute drive to Jamrock."
SHIVERS [Medium: Success] - Under the night sky the great district sleeps: A black chessboard of old wooden houses, 80,000 living souls inside. Firetraps as far as the eye can see -- from Main Street to Precinct 41 atop the motorway, to Boogie Street forking into the darkened horizon...
You close your eyes and hear the dogs bark. A lone woman sits by a factory window, dreaming of meteorite strikes. On Rue Saint-Gérôme a square bullet slides into a square-shaped chamber. In Old South a man without eyelids smiles. Spring has come. It's time.
ESPRIT DE CORPS [Easy: Success] - "Torson?" "Yes." "McLaine?" "Yes." "Heidelstam?" "No." "Vicquemare?" "Yes." "Du Bois?" "Of course."
"Really?" Nix Gottlieb looks up from the list. "I hear he's unstable." "You say that like it's a *bad* thing," Captain Ptolemy Pryce gestures with a ball point pen. It's dim in the office and the curtains are drawn. "Harry's our man, he'll pull through. When he does, he'll side with the people." "Understood." Gottlieb returns to the list. "Minot?" "Of course."
JUDIT MINOT - "Wonderful," the woman looks north. "Then can we please just go back to Jamrock now?"
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zoesblogsposts · 8 months
o 625 words to know in your target language o
There is a really interesting blog called "Fluent Forever" that aids foreign language learners in tricks, tips and techniques to guide them to achieving fluency "quickly" and efficiently. One of the tricks is to learn these 625 vocab words in your target language, that way you have a basis to start delving into grammar with ease as you can understand a lot of vocab right off the bat. Plus this list of words are common across the world and will aid you in whatever language you are learning. Here is the list in thematic order
• Animal: dog, cat, fish, bird, cow, pig, mouse, horse, wing, animal
• Transportation: train, plane, car, truck, bicycle, bus, boat, ship, tire, gasoline, engine, (train) ticket, transportation
• Location: city, house, apartment, street/road, airport, train station, bridge hotel, restaurant, farm, court, school, office, room, town, university, club, bar, park, camp, store/shop, theater, library, hospital, church, market, country (USA,
France, etc.), building, ground, space (outer space), bank, location
• Clothing: hat, dress, suit, skirt, shirt, T-shirt, pants, shoes, pocket, coat, stain, clothing
• Color: red, green, blue (light/dark), yellow, brown, pink, orange, black, white, gray, color
• People: son, daughter, mother, father, parent (= mother/father), baby, man, woman, brother, sister, family, grandfather, grandmother, husband, wife, king, queen, president, neighbor, boy, girl, child (= boy/girl), adult (= man/woman), human (# animal), friend (Add a friend's name), victim, player, fan, crowd, person
• Job: Teacher, student, lawyer, doctor, patient, waiter, secretary, priest, police, army, soldier, artist, author, manager, reporter, actor, job
• Society: religion, heaven, hell, death, medicine, money, dollar, bill, marriage, wedding, team, race (ethnicity), sex (the act), sex (gender), murder, prison, technology, energy, war, peace, attack, election, magazine, newspaper, poison, gun, sport, race (sport), exercise, ball, game, price, contract, drug, sign, science, God
• Art. band, song, instrument (musical), music, movie, art
• Beverages: coffee, tea, wine, beer, juice, water, milk, beverage
• Food: egg, cheese, bread, soup, cake, chicken, pork, beef, apple, banana orange, lemon, corn, rice, oil, seed, knife, spoon, fork, plate, cup, breakfast, lunch, dinner, sugar, salt, bottle, food
• Home: table, chair, bed, dream, window, door, bedroom, kitchen, bathroom, pencil, pen, photograph, soap, book, page, key, paint, letter, note, wall, paper, floor, ceiling, roof, pool, lock, telephone, garden, yard, needle, bag, box, gift, card, ring, tool
• Electronics: clock, lamp, fan, cell phone, network, computer, program (computer), laptop, screen, camera, television, radio
• Body: head, neck, face, beard, hair, eye, mouth, lip, nose, tooth, ear, tear (drop), tongue, back, toe, finger, foot, hand, leg, arm, shoulder, heart, blood, brain, knee, sweat, disease, bone, voice, skin, body
• Nature: sea, ocean, river, mountain, rain, snow, tree, sun, moon, world, Earth, forest, sky, plant, wind, soil/earth, flower, valley, root, lake, star, grass, leaf, air, sand, beach, wave, fire, ice, island, hill, heat, nature
• Materials: glass, metal, plastic, wood, stone, diamond, clay, dust, gold, copper, silver, material
• Math/Measurements: meter, centimeter, kilogram, inch, foot, pound, half, circle, square, temperature, date, weight, edge, corner
• Misc Nouns: map, dot, consonant, vowel, light, sound, yes, no, piece, pain, injury, hole, image, pattern, noun, verb, adjective
• Directions: top, bottom, side, front, back, outside, inside, up, down, left, right, straight, north, south, east, west, direction
• Seasons: Summer, Spring, Winter, Fall, season
• Numbers: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 21, 22, 30, 31, 32, 40, 41, 42, 50, 51, 52, 60, 61, 62, 70, 71, 72, 80, 81, 82, 90, 91, 92, 100, 101, 102, 110, 111, 1000, 1001, 10000, 100000, million, billion, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, number
• Months: January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December
• Days of the week: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday
• Time: year, month, week, day, hour, minute, second, morning, afternoon, evening, night, time
• Verbs: work, play, walk, run, drive, fly, swim, go, stop, follow, think, speak/say, eat, drink, kill, die, smile, laugh, cry, buy, pay, sell, shoot(a gun), learn, jump, smell, hear (a sound), listen (music), taste, touch, see (a bird), watch (TV), kiss, burn, melt, dig, explode, sit, stand, love, pass by, cut, fight, lie down, dance, sleep, wake up, sing, count, marry, pray, win, lose, mix/stir, bend, wash, cook, open, close, write, call, turn, build, teach, grow, draw, feed, catch, throw, clean, find, fall, push, pull, carry, break, wear, hang, shake, sign, beat, lift
• Adjectives: long, short (long), tall, short (vs tall), wide, narrow, big/large, small/little, slow, fast, hot, cold, warm, cool, new, old (new), young, old (young), weak, dead, alive, heavy, light (heavy), dark, light (dark), nuclear, famous
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twigg96 · 1 year
Works Master list 💕
Hello my sweet lovelies. It has come to my attention by some very lovely mutuals that I should make a master list of all of the works I have posted here on Tumblr. First and foremost I would like to say I do try to reblog most of my original posts and fics over on my second page @bionicpancake00. However none of that is in order nor is that sorted. So I am making this list, categorizing the works, and will be posting this and will be updating it each month with each new entry. (Hopefully lol) so let’s get started. Shall we 💕😊
First and foremost I am going to post my AO3 HERE. Most of my long form content that is not X reader ends up there. If anyone has any request for HCs, x reader fics, longform fics, or simple suggestions I am always accepting them either in my asks or my DMs. Linked HERE is what I do ask my requester's include, just simple things that I believe most writers ask for.
Metalocalypse Dethklok HCs Relationship HCs
Dethklok with a neurodivergent S/O
Dethklok with an Autistic S/O
Dethklok with a Bipolar S/O
Sharing a bed with Dethklok
Dethklok with a smol tactile S/O
Breaking up with Dethklok part 1
Breaking up with Deathklok part 2
Dethklok with a really shy S/O
Dating Pickles
Dethklok dating a belly dancer
Dethklok helping their partner through a monthly cycle
Foot rubs and massages
The boys caring for a sick/injured S/O
Dethklok caring for a sick partner
Dethklok with a disabled S/O
The boys caring for an S/O with chronic migraines
Wearing their shirts
Fear of public relationship in fame
Wedding reaction and Song HC
Dethklok caring for crying S/O
Dethklok dealing with an S/O's annoying coworker
Dethklok & Mags with a Goth S/O
The Boys receiving head scritches from S/O
S/O is Charles' Daughter
Dethklok with a crush on a shy S/O
Dethklok with a British crush
Pickles & Magnus with S/Os who likes cute things
Dethklok helping an S/O who's mensurating
The boys with a nerdy S/O who infodumps
Dethklok with a happy/cheerful S/O
The boys realizing their partner has a angel wing tattoo
Their first "I love you"
Trying to impress their crush
Sharing a pink bedroom with Dethklok
Pickles with a S/O w/ scars on their thighs (TW: Scars)
Pregnancy/Parent HCs
Dick Knubbler, Dr. Rockzo, and Magnus as the father
Dethklok Pregnant (MPREG)
The boys as a dad to a teenage girl
Papa Murderface HC (Lullabies)
Papa Murderface HCs (Being a dad)
Dethklok Daddies
Random HCs
William Murderface cooking HC (Based off of @polyklok's post)
A Potato Flew around my Room Vine
Dr. Rockzo HCs
Dr. Rockzo Relationship HC
Yandere Magnus ( CW: Touches upon abusive relationships)
What the boys smell like
Dickface HC
Pickles' Rats
Dick Knubbler HCs
The boys as yanderes
Helping Toki when he's having a flashback
DRAMA The boys trying to steal each other's partners
Sleep HCs with Murderface
When their partner has a lot of stuffies on the bed
How old are these dudes
Skwisgaar HCs
Nathan HCs
Murderace HCs
Toki HCs
Pickles HCs
Magnus & Nathan HC (Based off @folkdevilism's post)
Continuation of ^ This
Toki's Christmas HC
Dethklok's favorite football team
Witchsona HC
Dethklok's Zodiac
Just some art I made
Just a little tag game about ships I did once
Toki name HC
Does Dethklok Tip?
Nsfw HCs
Birthday gifts
Dethklok with a Bratty S/O
Murderface's first time with his S/O
Favorite Sex Positions
The boys reacting to a loud S/O
The boys finding out they're their partner's first... everything
Dethklok Fics
Eyes like Diamonds (Dickface)
Until Next Time (Charles X Reader)
By the Light of the Library (Dethklok & Reader PLATONIC)
You're all I need Babe (Dickface)
Take Me To Church (Skwistok)
Just Us (Tickles)
The Walking Dead Daryl Daryl Dixon X Reader
You're kind of a MILF Huh? (Parents! Daryl X Reader FLUFF)
I Should Have Been There (Daryl X Reader ANGST)
Can I Trust You Dad? (Daryl being a dad)
Spring Chicken (Parents! Daryl X Reader)
Thank you for the Music (Daryl X Reader FLUFF)
In the Nick of Time (Daryl X Pregnant Reader ANGST)
Princess (Daddy! Daryl X Reader/ Daryl being a dad)
Beau as a middle child HC
Strangers like me (Daryl X Reader from Merle’s POV)
Midnight Moonshine (Pissed off! Drunken! Daryl X Reader)
Into the Darkness, I become Stronger (Daddy Daryl X Injured! Reader HURT/COMFORT with the tiniest SMUT)
Stranger Things
Steve Harrington HCs
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hedgiwithapen · 2 days
post-s3, syl and the shade :)
Post season three! massive season three spoilers. Pat sat across from Sylvester, remembering the last time he'd been at Ritchies, trying to sit next to--well. Not him. But the booths really weren't meant to accommodate two grown men side by side. 
"The shakes here are really good," he said, glancing at the menu. "You always liked--"
"Vanilla malts. I remember what I liked, Pat." Sylvester snapped, but softened. "I still like them. Being... indisposed... didn't change that. "
"Glad to hear it," Pat said. "Anything else look good?" After days of hospital food, Pat guessed that just about anything would. 
"Give me a minute."
Pat picked at the edge of the table, still smiling. He looked across the diner to where Yolanda was cleaning the counter, and gave the good old smile and nod to Zeke, who was sitting at the far table with the High school math teacher and ... He was pretty certain it was Father Thomas, from the Catholic church down the road. Zeke waved back. Richard sat two booths back, further from the windows, sipping a cup of tea. 
It was almost like being, well, back in the JSA's lunch room. a bunch of other people he knew and cared about, eating lunch, enjoying their day, and him sitting across from Sylvester, waiting for him to decide. 
"You need another minute?" Maria asked, flipping open her ticket book. 
"I'll have the double bacon cheeseburger, no tomato, no lettuce, no onions, extra cheese, and a Vanilla malt." Sylvester said, without waiting for Pat to nod. 
"Hi, Maria," Pat smiled. "I'll have, uh. The sweet--" he paused for a moment, a flash of memory choosing now to needle him, "Sweet potato fries, and the chicken special?"
"You got it, Pat. Anything to drink?"
"The vanilla malt," Syl reminded her. She waggled her pen. 
"I gotcha."
"Just water's fine, Maria. Thanks." Pat smiled at her again, and she left.
"So." Sylvester said. " You said things were different but I-- didn't expect all this."
"Yeah, it's pretty spectacular," Pat beamed. "I don't know how I got so lucky."
"One way to put it," Sylvester said. "But that's you, Str-- Pat. Always going where you shouldn't--and don't get me wrong, it works out. If you hadn't disobeyed me, the ISA would have got the Staff--"
"Courtney calls it Cosmo," Pat interjected. Sylvester kept going.
"and then they'd have won.  You sure made some choices, but it all worked out in the end."
"It did," Pat said, shifting a little uncomfortably. " and we've been building something really special here."
"Oh, I've seen that. Dragon King's daughter, huh?"
"She helped us save you," Pat said. " She's not like her father." he paused. "Anymore," he amended."
"It seems like there's a lot of that going around." Sylvester said. "You always did want to see the best in people, Pat. You're lucky that didn't get you killed."
"Right," Pat said weakly. 
Maria set down his fries and Syl's malt. Starman pulled the paper off the straw, taking a long slurp.  Pat picked at the fries. 
"So who else is still around? You said Icicle's gone for good this time..."
"Yeah," Pat said. He wasn't aware of the details, and didn't want to be, but he'd known the steadiness in Artemis's voice to be truth. "Obviously you saw Charles after the surgery. Justin should be back in town soon. Courtney even found Wing..."
"I meant our enemies," Sylvester said. Pat saw the Shade's head tilt just a bit as he looked around to see who all had overheard Sylvester. Luckily, the diner was mostly empty, and Father Thomas seemed to have the others at his table's attention. 
"Well. Fiddler and Brainwave are dead. Dragon King is... handled. You know about Ultra Humanite. Gamber's dead too..."
"What about Sportsmaster? wasn't he with that Tigress chick?"
"Crusher and Paula are dead," Pat said, dropping his fry. 
"Crusher? Paula?" Sylvester frowned. "You called them by their real names?"
Pat swallowed. "Yeah," he said, suddenly hoarse. 
"Oh, my god," Syl said, watching Pat's face. " You--that's the same look on your face when Maggie dumped you. You sure know how to pick 'em, bud."
Pat jolted, and the room flickered just briefly as the Shade appeared directly behind Sylvester. 
"That," he said, in his most patient, and most terrifying, voice. "Was entirely uncalled for. You have been nothing but rude to our friend. That I can forgive. But you slight his judgement. You slight Barbara. Little wonder no one could tell the difference between you and Ultrahumanite."
Pat saw the way the light died completely in his friend's eyes. Sylvester twisted, the malt glass sliding perilously close to the edge of the table. 
"Take it back," he snarled at Richard.
"Shan't," Richard said. "It is out of deference to Barbara and Patrick that I do not take you on a field trip you would assuredly not enjoy. Apologize." 
"I am nothing like that monster!" Syl said, lashing out. The malt tipped, soaking into the pile of napkins. "Pat--"
"That wasn't fair," Pat said quietly to Shade. "He won an Oscar. He fooled all of us--"
"He was unkind to you. Just like this lout."
Pat looked at Sylvester, looking at him with more pain in his eyes since he'd woken in the hospital and asked if it had hurt when the ISA had killed him. He'd begged forgiveness for not protecting him. And he'd made his dozens of tiny little jabs. 
It was hard to reconcile the two people--the Sylvester he made excuses for, the Sylvester he loved like a brother. 
"It's ok," he said again.
"It is not--" Richard started.
"It's not," Sylvester said, just as broken.  Pat winced. "No," he agreed. "But... it will be. It can be."
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biggzv87 · 2 months
I love eating large amounts of high calorie food. Tonight is no different. 40 chicken nuggets, 17 chicken wings, pork pot stickers, and mashed potatoes and gravy. All that food is after I have already drank almost 11,000 calories of strawberry milk/heavy cream mixture. I don't think I will be able to move in the morning, much less fit into my church suit. My pants are already about to explode off my body. Maybe by Tuesday, my work shirt will no longer fit.
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feathersandfarmers · 3 months
Ginger and Rocky wedding night headcanons? 💍💕
Oh sure, I always wondered if Rocky and Ginger ever did anything to officiate them being a couple!
-They had a small celebration, nothing too big or fancy. The hens, Fowler, and the rats gathered around and sat in rows (as if they were sitting in pews in a church) and watched as Ginger (who wore the rat's badminton birdie over her head as her wedding veil) walked down the aisle. (Would Fowler be the one to give her away? Probably!) Rocky, folded his bandana into a bowtie and watched in amazement as his beautiful bride walked over to him. Mac played her harmonica "Here Comes the Bride" as many of the hens (and the rats mostly) cried.
-I'd like to think Rocky went ahead and decorated their hut with pretty flowers, to surprise Ginger with when they got home that night. (Well, he never mentioned it, but he absolutely got Mac, Babs, and Bunty to help him make everything pretty since he doesn't have much of an eye for decorating) But thankfully, they let him take all the credit.
-We don't see either Ginger or Rocky with wedding rings on their fingers. So I'd imagine that proposing with a ring is a "human thing". I would imagine either case: Rocky simply proposed to Ginger one night when things were getting romantic, he took her wing into his and told her how much he loved her, how he wanted to spend the rest of his life with her as his hen. OR It's a chicken custom to propose finding the most juicy and tasty worm you can find, and tie the worm around your lover's finger. The lover will admire the beautiful "ring" (haha ringworm) before gobbling it up.
-(maybe this one shouldn't count because it's as cheesy as parmesan) but imagine Rocky and Ginger eating a delicious worm-ghetti meal for their wedding night, slurping it up like Lady and the Tramp with their beaks kissing at the end!
-Last but not least...Rocky and Ginger on their wedding night...well...I can leave that up to your imagination (plenty of stuff i cannot mention on here meh hehehe)
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wherethematchisheld · 2 years
What if the MC had a child?
For both TWST and Obey Me, what if the MC had a child after the events of the game? Here are some upcoming long-fic ideas I have;
Notes; the MC here is mentioned to be female, and her child is given a name for clarity. MC also has no romance with anyone, so the child isn’t related to any of the in-game characters. The character mentioned is not the MC, but their child.
“The angel in the basement.”
(Obey me: MC).
Gwynn never saw the miracle in magic. To her it was quite elementary to use one’s fiery breath to melt the butter on their toast, or to ask the west wing a favor for braiding hair, or make the flowers on your nightstand sing you good morning instead of listening to a snazzy phone alarm. (Sunflowers were her favorites; they had the sweetest voices, like honey, honestly.)
Gwynn never saw the curiosity of creation. She always sat listening to documentaries bored out of her brain, listening to theories of the “big bang”. What’s the point of learning something when you already knew how it happened? She had half a heart to get up and tell the world just how it was made, but her mother was always stern about not saying a word about such matters.
Gwynn never saw the philosophy of what happened after one passed. Reading theology and theory always had her confused, and sullen, pursing her lips and pondering about whether or not she should spill the truth, wondering how it would be received. Truth was an odd thing like that; always sought, but never received kindly. She always pondered on who would believe her, before tutting and putting the tome away. Rambling on to her mother about it, the two of them chuckling along.
Gwynn never saw the evil in demons.
The vicar’s many rants about the “vicious seven lords” would always have her biting her lips in restraint, holding back a smile and a laugh, her mother giving her a strict look of indignation, whilst popping her own eyes out in humor. It was just too good, listening to the evils of “the great sins” while thinking of all those video calls gone wrong with their antics. There was never a day where they didn’t leave church smiling, her mother reminiscing of Gwynn’s “god”-fathers, over some nice coffee. Whenever these tales were shared in mocking voices over video calls, everyone would get a good laugh out of it.
The world always seemed a little bit brighter in those moments. The light and warmth of paradise never felt so distant, in Gwynn’s life. No, never. It in fact always felt to be shining down on her, casting her in its warmth and love, eternally.
Indeed, Gwynn never saw the evil in demons. Never. To her, they were just about as heroic as even the most virtuous angel, and just as nuanced as the most faithful human. Though, sitting in the small basement of a church, as the vicar handed her food, her idea of piety had begun to crack. “For you, my angel-“ “I’m not your angel.” She glowered at the man, kicking the tray away. “And I never will be.” He only smiled softly, watching the glittering light from the window frame her face. “Oh, my angel… I’m sorry, I must have come during an off-mood!” He had a gentle chuckle, an oxymoron to the sheer depravity of his nature. “No worries. Even those whose hearts can heal the fallen have their off-days.” He winked at her, friendly, fatherly, disgustingly. “I’ll come back later, around dinner. Do you prefer steak, or chicken?” He tilted his head inquisitively, rolling his shoulders. “I’ll just get you both!” And he walked away without a care. Indeed,
Gwynn never saw the evil in demons.
But she could always see the evil in man.
Set post the plot of the Obey Me game, after MC returned to the human world to raise her child, Gwynn, the young healing mage finds herself locked away in the church basement, mistaken for the angel Raphael, as the day to return to the devildom approaches at rapid speeds.
The fic deviates from “the MC has no idea about the otherworld” by having the MC explicitly know and accept the existence of the otherworld.
Divided into three parts, “trapped”, “welcome”, and “home”, the fic takes place over Gwynn’s journey through her arrival, acclimation, and settling in the devildom.
“Mirror mirror on the wall, who’s the youngest of them all?”
(TWST: Yuu)
“I don’t want to go in..” the little girl clung to her mother’s leg, scared of the shifting, writhing mass of the mirror before her. In waves, the black surface of the bathroom looking glass rippled and dipped, up and down, up and down, in large, ebony swoops. Within these bulbous shapes that would dissipate into the smooth edges of the once firm glass, the pale palm of a hand would appear, ashen and white, it would beckon and reach for the young girl, a silent whisper of the eye, asking her to join, to step through in delightful mischief. But mischief and malevolence were confusing to the little one, the two big words very similar in her seven-year old brain, their many syllables and consonants coming out in convoluted messes when she tried to sound them in her head, the noise echoing in her scared little brain.
Her mother gawked pensively, ogling at the mirror in an odd mixture of intrigue, excitement, and deja-vu, memories and hopes all coming back to her in odd thought. How long had been since she last saw such a thing? How long had gone by on the other side?
Carefully, she watched the hands in the ripples, tracking the bends and curves of their elegant fingers and perfect grace with protective eyes, squeezing her daughter’s shoulders. Down, they would sweep, down in large, elegant archways, towards her daughter, some of them, and then up, pointing at her gaze through the rippling and dancing surface of the molten looking glass, towards her, others would point. Both of them, she realized, we’re being beckoned, both of them being called back yet again, for another adventure, another year, another trip to the other side.
She stared for a bit, glancing down at her daughter. Over her shoulder, into the living room, she then stared at the lilies shading a slumbering Grim, placing the pieces together in a growing g grin.
With gentle, loving hands, she picked her child up, pointing to the flowers. “Lailah? Sweetie? Do you remember those flowers?” Sniffling a little, the little girl nodded, now more curious than scared. Her mother stroked her squishy little cheek, pressing a small kiss to her forehead. “Remember how you brought them back after Grim set them on fire?” Again, a sweet little nod. “Well,” her mother went on, “you’re very special for doing that. You’re…” she paused playfully, “magical!” And finished with a smile.
Lailah waited for a bit, before gasping in realization, in a cute little face of surprise, with bright, happy eyes. “So, I’m like your friends? who you told me about in your stories?” Her mother laughed lightly, waking up a sleepy Grim with a light tap to the head. “Yes, sweetie. Yes you are. And, you see, if we go through the mirror, you’ll be able to meet those friends, and others who can do the things you can. And you’ll learn how to do more things.” Confused, Grim watched his henchman and his ward talk, before his ears lit up in pretty blue flames, reinvigorated and excited, jumping ahead to go start packing as Yuu followed him.
“But,” the mother whispered, looking at her daughter sincerely. “We’ll only go, if you want to go. Under no other condition. If you don’t want to go, then we won’t.” At that, Grim stopped packing, holding a pair of shorts in his teeth whilst a t-shirt hung precariously out of reach of his right ear, slipping as it twitched in curiosity, waiting for little Lailah to respond.
The little girl sat in her mothers arms comfortably, looking around the messy bedroom. A suitcase lay haphazardly opened, almost falling off the edge of her bed with how much weight rested in one wing, ready to combust with how many shirts, pants, suits and shoes had been haphazardly packed into it, held only by straps. Grim paced about impatiently, but he did not look at her unkindly, waiting without a word to let her think about it, even making his flames make little flowery and butterfly shaped sparks to make her smile a little. Looking curiously at the cat’s tidbit shaped tail, now that she thought about it, did other cats have those? Did other cats have fire in their ears? Did other cats speak? She guessed not, since Mom always his Grim away whenever guests came over inside the laundry basket.
She always wanted to meet Mom’s friends. Mom’s other friends sounded fun, and miles more interesting than her boring neighbors. She always wanted to know what merfolk were like, and how faeries actually looked. Maybe the world on the other side of the mirror was less scary than the mirror itself. She looked back outside the door to the bathroom again, and nodded at her mother quickly, giving her a quiet “okay”, as Grim quickly resumed his packing, whining in despondence as her Mother undid his “handywork”, attempting to actually organize the clothing properly before merely tossing everything in, quickly dashing to the still ruminating bathroom to gather some quick toiletries, and lightly jogging into her daughter’s room to pack a separate suitcase entirely for Lailah.
Lailah herself merely sat beside the suitcase on the bed, watching Grim ramble on excitedly about “another year of making people’s jaws drop with his awesome magic”, as she daydreamed, already thinking of what to say when she’d introduce herself to her mothers’ oh-so coveted friends.
Set after Yuu leaves Twisted Wonderland and makes a life for herself and her toddler, Grim of course included, the mirror calls her back once more, ready for her second year at NRC, though this time, a second guest seems to also be invited; and a very young guest indeed.
Yuu’s child will in fact have Magic in this fic, as well as a signature spell, but Yuu will still be completely magicless. Additionally, Lailah’s magic might work a little differently, though that’s under development for me.
I wanted to try and experiment to see what the characters would be like after all of Yuu’s help and influence; this fic is more lighthearted than the Obey Me one, focusing more on the chemistry between the OC and individual characters rather than the intense plot.
Well, that’s all for now. Feel free to comment or repost; let me know what you think!
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0rent · 9 months
People I'd like to know better!
Thanks @lavender-long-stories for the Tag that was very YOUTHFUL!
Last song: The Goblin song from the Doctor Who episode The Church on Ruby Road 😊
Favourite colour: Purple and Green
Currently watching: A long list of things but at the moment i'm watching One Piece.
Last movie/TV show: Last Movie was Leo and the Last TV show was Doctor Who because a Christmas special came out yesterday and it was amazing.
Spicy/savory/sweet: Spicy because I love me some spicy chicken wings and spicy noodles.
Relationship status: Single
Current obsession: Baldur's Gate 3 its an amazing game and i've spend my days playing this non stop I have like 150 Hours in this game and i only just finished my first playthrough yesterday 🤭
Last thing you googled: Where to find a Glorious Vaulting potion in act 1 of bg3 so i can go get Karlach.
Knock Knock @daifukumochiin @nikandrros
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smww4ever · 9 months
The Nephilim and Damsel in Distress Tropes
The Nephilim Trope and The Damsel in Distress Trope
This is the driving mechanism behind the Superman/Lois relationship and why it's been in the forefront and psyche of our comic pop culture for so long. You often hear of their 80-year romance and how that itself confirms it's virtue. Understand that yes his creation was based on Moses, a savior to the Hebrews and his creators were Jewish. The humble origins of this character gave hope to the creators, Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster. It is my understanding that the Lois Lane character was inspired by a dominant female person in their lives. Think it was a spouse or a real-life feisty reporter. Either way, Superman has evolved over the decades in the Silver Age, Golden Age, Post-Crisis, Infinite Crisis, New 52, Rebirth comics even in the Snyder films, he mirrors a Christ-like figure in scene motifs of the church and space by sacrificing himself.
Yet his story plays out more as a Nephilim type. It is sold as that in the Rebirth and TV shows where he marries a human woman and has children with her.
As a god from heaven that fell for a human woman and saves her. For some this may sound romantic which is why these types of stories are repeated over and over again. People romanticize something greater than themselves. They are stories that rescue them out of futility. Unfortunately for the story of Nephilims was not a good one. It too originates from Old Testament times where angels who’s job was to be watchmen over humanity decide to leave their posts and have sexual relations with human women. This in turn produces giants or men of reknown like an alien-human hybrid. They weren’t good but evil.
Angelic Heroes and Wings
I explored this concept of angelic heroes in a previous series which is why I decided to put wings on Superman. And Wonder Woman as well. Her wings were different from the golden eagle armor costume. Even tho one rendering made them look like it. The intention was angelic wings. I extended the wings to bring in the Greek myth of Pegasus in a later series. (The AI struggles with it in some cases so I made edits as best as possible).
Let me be clear, I don’t see Superman or Wonder Woman as evil beings. The wings truly represented them as angels that save and help mankind. Which is why when I saw that concept being copied on IG by other AI peeps, they weren’t doing it because of this reason but because it looked cool and would garner them likes and clicks. I found it especially repulsive when they hashtagged their work with “SuperLucifer”. I hope you understand why I was pissed. But IG is rampant with intellectual theft. Heck Mark stole the idea for FB so this spirit carries on. Reddit has numerous horror stories. I've done makeup blogging and photography work, so I have horror stories of my own.
But back to why DC dropped SuperWonder. The Nephilim myth carries weight in popular culture. Kal and Diana almost mirror a “Zeus and Hera” dynamic. In one way, yes they are like gods but you don’t want them as that couple. Zeus was a philanderer.* Which is another aspect to this why you see people say they don't like it because they would be overpowered. Humanity at it's core is selfish and easily threatened. People who say stuff like this, whether consciously or subconsciously see these characters as "golem" meaning they are mythical beings that should serve humankind only. That they should be centered around a single human love interest or they will go off their leash, off the rails and destroy everybody. It's a strange fantasy. Almost like a psycotic desire to be saved and destroyed by the same superhero. We really have issues with ourselves. Frankly I can understand this, the world is so messed up. The Nephilim and Damsel-in-Distress is a bubble that people want to run to. They don't want mature stories. And DC isn't capable of that. They have a formula like a cookie or fried chicken recipe and they don't want to muck it up. In the case of Gunn, they want Marvel's recipe but I don't think the seasonings pair well with the offerings of DC. Time will tell but the whole thing stinks. Trust your nose guys. Some of you are hip to senses like smell. :D
* I also should say that being the SMWW pair are equals, they could be new Zeus and Hera creating their own new pantheon of gods. But there can be so much more to that. They really are made for each other.
Also wanted to add that again DC isn’t as creative as they think they are and are scared of this couple. Easily manipulated by rabid "Nephil-Damsel" fans on X. Every time I look at my feed, it's back and forth war between Snyder and Gunn fans. Knowing that they just do that to farm impressions to get paid makes it all the more vile when you look at it. It would take time to shift the general population over to seeing SuperWonder as a viable couple. It's so ingrained in the movie and comics world that when you see Superman, you automatically think of Lois Lane. Many consider it abhorrent to think of this character with anybody else. So much so that they've lifted Miss Lane up to a level of godhood. This Nephilim trope also applies to Wonderbat. Bruce is a mortal albeit heroic man. Diana is a demigod/goddess. That doesn't work either because I've explored explained that in another post.
Really the only way is Kingdom Come but with who we have at the helm of DC, I wouldn’t be holding my breathe.
I've worked at Cons. I've seen the people who create the comics and the general vibe. Our whole society is shifting into dark areas and comics reflects that. We've gotten The Boys, Brightburn and even the Snyderverse is considered "dark", so it's not surprising that the Gunnverse is promising to lift everyone out of that abymssal void to a form of inspirational, fun heroism. Snyder should have finished his verse, it's just going to. be another gaping hole like SuperWonder is. Marvel and many other cherished properties are experiencing an erosion in interest and fatigue from the general audience.
There would need to be a serious paradigm shift to get people to see SuperWonder. Part of the reason why I did an exploratory in the AI with Diana and Clark which we have never seen in any live-action. And I say see SuperWonder because I was a Superman-Lois fan, I consumed, watched repeatedly all the shows and movies. (Except for Smallville and new show Clois show, couldn’t get into that). I immersed myself into that but felt that something was amiss. I don't even remember when I saw Superman and Wonder Woman together but it clicked and made complete sense. Like scales coming off the eyes. Seriously. I respect differences. My daughter isn't a SuperWonder fan, but she supports me and will wear my art. It would be great to call a truce between the two ships but that might take a while. That takes maturity and right now there isn't much of that going around.
Until next time… ✌️
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