#chthonian au
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carp-from-space · 4 months ago
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Of cosmic hens and cosmic omelets
Reference by @adorkastock
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yonemurishiroku · 2 years ago
We are talking about a Chthonian Camp as if the troglodytes didn’t just construct a civilization in the Underworld under Hades’ nose. With a council and all. The Lars could never.
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gutsybitsies · 2 years ago
WIP draft from my Chthonian AU. This takes place after Tua famiglia, Mia famiglia. Timeline wise, this is after Annabeth arrives in Camp Jupiter and takes the quest, but before she returns victorious.
Ethan sighed and rubbed his forehead, trying to stop the incoming migraine. Around him, the dryads and underworld nymphs argued about scheduling conflicts and activities room reservations. Half of the camp was still under construction, meaning that the dryads who taught Music Theory and Ancient Greek are competing with each other for activities space. Nico’s eyes had glazed over, meaning that even though he looked to be paying attention, he was fast asleep. 
Ethan frowned as he pulled Mabel and Oakely off of each other, why were underworld nymphs so ready to fight all the time? For the past few months, ever since Annabeth disappeared and that demigod Jason appeared, Nico had been gone longer and longer from their camp. 
Last night, he had mentioned privately to him and Alabaster that things were not looking good in the Underworld, and that he had to help out Hades ever since the Doors of Death were open. 
“Let the gods burn themselves! Who cares about the Giants, about Gaea, who cares about any of them?”
Nico groaned against the flat palms of his hands, squeezing his face as he tried not to fall asleep. The dark circles under his eyes looked haunting. “He’s my father, Al.”
“We are your family!” 
“This place can’t exist if Gaea wins, she’ll destroy us all.” 
“Not if we side-”
A tendril of shadow shot out and slapped itself against Alabaster’s lips, silencing him. 
Nico’s tired eyes had turned almost molten with darkness, and he turned to Alabaster with a dangerous glare. “I am the leader, I make the decisions, you listen to me, you report to me. And I say this: you don’t make any unauthorized decisions, you don’t step a foot outside the camp unless it’s been approved by Ethan, and you fucking. Shut. Up.”  
“If you ever so much as breathe a hint of what you were about to say just now,” Nico said quietly, as Alabaster struggled against the tendril of shadow keeping his mouth shut, “This camp would be burned to the ground before this new war is even over. You can’t be this fucking stupid, after everything we’ve been through to have somewhere we belong?” 
He broke free of the shadows, “I want victory-” 
“And I want everyone alive,” The shadows around the room moved ominously, before Nico gritted his teeth and consciously pulled back his powers. He kneaded his forehead, looking tiny and overwhelmed as he sat on the throne of sharp, sharp swords. “Fuck, Al. I just need you and Ethan to helm this place and keep everyone safe, okay? I can’t be worried about you causing someone to smite this place down because you can’t control your tongue.” 
Ethan kept his face calm as he nodded and gestured for Alabaster to calm down as well. 
“Don’t worry about us, Nico,” he said. “Go and do what you need to. But remember,” he tapped Nico’s shoulders. “Get to the infirmary and have your checkup.” 
Which led to Nico falling asleep with his eyes open during activities meeting. Eventually the exhaustion must have caught up to him, because he finally slumped over his chair and his head thumped onto the table.
After a healer mandated and Clovis supervised nap, Nico’s dark circles looked a little better, and there was even a hint of color back on his cheeks. He pulled Ethan aside to his cabin for a meeting before he had to leave again. 
“Ethan, I need you to watch over Al and the rest of the campers,” Nico said. “I don’t know how long I’m going to be gone this time, I have to go and find the Doors of Death. I can’t have him lead an uprising here or run his mouth off and get everyone killed. I’m going to have a meeting to tell everyone about Gaea and the Giants so that they don’t hear it from any other source.”
Ethan nodded, “Go easy on Al, he’s worried about you. He doesn’t want you to run ragged doing missions that no one will appreciate you for.” Ethan gave Nico a handful of charms that Alabaster threw at him. 
Nico rubbed his hands over his face, before taking a deep breath and putting on a determined look. “I know. All the more reasons to keep everyone safe. Rally everyone up.” 
After Ethan left him to be alone in his room, Nico sighed again, he’d been doing that a lot recently. He had just returned from New Rome and found an amnesiac Annabeth wandering around there. Her steely gray eyes tried to place him in her memories, and her normally neat dreadlocks were in a state of disrepair. Mars had given Annabeth a quest to free Thanatos from his chains, but there was more to do if they wanted to avert disaster. Nico was the only one able to go and find the Doors of Death, no one else would be able to go through the Underworld as freely as he could. 
Jason was giving him a hard time, as well. Ever since he figured out that he was a Roman demigod after his quest, he was trying to reach out to Nico as often as possible because according to him, "there was no way I haven't seen you before." Nico didn't know what to tell him, he definitely heard about Jason in New Rome, and Hazel had mentioned him before, but he truly had never stopped in New Rome long enough to actually meet the guy. He tried to explain that as much as possible, but Jason still found time to Iris message him as much as possible "to get his memories back." Nico definitely didn't enjoy their conversations, not at all.
He thought back to Jason's worried face when he told him about his journey to the Doors, and how it almost mirrored Ethan and Alabaster's expressions. One more person to care about him, one more person to worry about leaving behind. Things were so much easier when you could die alone on the streets with no one looking for you.
There was a knock at his door, he could tell it was Alabaster. 
“Come in.” 
Alabaster’s footsteps were hesitant. 
“I’m not angry at you,” he said, sitting down on a beanbag chair that Nico stole from the recreation room. “I want you to know that.” 
“Are you going to be dramatic and say that you’re angry at yourself?” Nico replied drily. 
“No, I’m angry for you,” Alabaster frowned. “Why are you so insistent on becoming a gopher for the Olympians? You have us, are we not important enough to stay tied down to? Why go traipsing around the world and get yourself killed for people who don’t even know your name?”
“My father knows my name,” Nico said. “And why do you think that I’m not doing it for this place?” 
“We have a good defensive barrier, and we’re more hidden than Camp Halfblood, we don’t need to do anything even if the Gaea wins.” 
“You don’t. I’m not asking you to do anything,” Nico twisted the ring on his finger anxiously. “Al, I need to know that you won’t get yourself in any trouble if I die.” 
“Easy fix, don’t die. I’ve been hearing whispers, too. About the other camp, the Romans. Clovis and Lou Ellen mentioned it. That’s the camp that Jason is from, right? Let them handle this. The Olympians have two entire camps of demigods who worship them, they don’t need you. We need you.”
“And I need you, Al,” Nico leaned closer to Alabaster, oblivious to the hitch in Alabaster’s breath. “I need you to be on my side, to keep the camp under control while I keep you guys safe. Can you do that for me?” 
Alabaster looked away, “Fine.” 
“Thank you,” Nico smiled, his bright white teeth (the only healthy looking feature on his face) gleamed. “Now, isn’t that a lot easier than me strangling you with shadows?” 
The campers gathered together in the rec room. Some sat on the ground, some found purchase on the beanbag chairs, every one of them was tense, as if they knew that they were about to hear some bad news. 
Ethan took out a remote and lowered a projector down (no expenses were spared in creating this camp, most of it financed by Nico’s black companion Underworld credit card, courtesy of Hades). Nico whispered, “When did you find time to create a powerpoint presentation?”
Ethan rolled his eyes, there’s always time for a powerpoint presentation. 
He clicked the control, the plain powerpoint presentation began, with a comic sans “New News: It’s Bad” appearing on the screen. 
“I’m sure that everyone’s heard the whispers already, there’s a new adversary on the rise.” 
He clicked another button, “Gaea.” 
“As most people know, Gaea is the mother of the Titans, one of the first deities in existence. The information that we have right now, courtesy of Nico, is that she is awakening and attempting to destroy Olympus. As most of us know from experience, she won’t be able to do that without extra help, haha,” Ethan tried to give a dry laugh. Some of the campers laughed along with him, others groaned. 
“You try to overthrow the divine monarchy once, and they never let you live it down,” someone in the crowd muttered. 
“Her plan is to reawaken the Giants, who can only be killed by the gods and demigods working together. Unfortunately, the gods have closed off Olympus,” Ethan continued. “Yes, Mark, you have a question?” 
A five year old demigod sitting on the lap of his older sister was holding up his hand. “Can I go to the bathroom?” 
“I-Mark, can you hold it in? You need to know this,” Ethan pinched the bridge of his nose. “No bathroom breaks until the end of the announcement, okay?”
“Mark, are you going to ask to go to the bathroom when Giants are attacking us?” Alabaster asked. 
“Hey,” his sister responded, “He has a small bladder!” 
Nico sighed, and remembered whenever he’d be called to a senate meeting when he visited New Rome. No one needed impromptu bathroom breaks there. “Mark, you can go. But get your sister to fill you in on what’s happening later, okay?”
“‘Kay, Coco,” Mark clambered down his sister and waddled to the bathroom. 
Ethan coughed, trying to get the gravitas back, but it was gone. 
“Okay, so what are we supposed to do?” Someone called out from the crowd. 
“Do we have any quests?” Someone else asked. 
“Whose side are we on?” 
“Ethan, I need to go to the bathroom, too!”
Nico gave Alabaster a glance, and gestured for him to take over. 
“Quiet, quiet!” he yelled. “We do nothing, we stay here, and continue building our activities center, shrines to our parents, and look for more demigods to bring to camp.” 
“Whose side are we on?” Someone else asked again. 
Alabaster grimaced, but he looked at Nico, whose liquid dark eyes turned on him with a quiet glare. 
“No one will be lifting a finger for this unless they want to,” he finally said, forcing down a blush when Nico looked at him approvingly. “But we can’t side with Gaea, the Giants will bring utter destruction to demigods. And I don’t imagine that she’ll be happy with us since we technically defected from her children.” 
“It’s not defecting when we’ve already lost, it’s surrendering,” someone called out. “We’re losers, not defectors!” 
“Ethan’s the defector,” Someone, Miriam, said. “He defected before we lost.”
“And you’re welcome for that, Miriam,” Ethan pointed at her. “Also, you’re welcome for the time I saved your ass from getting eaten by your sergeant in the Titan’s army. Look, we can’t ally ourselves with an army of creatures who want to eat us anymore, okay?” 
“Very bad idea,” Nico added. “Plus, summer’s in full swing and we have so many activities planned. Don’t let Gaea distract anyone from the improv classes and the Chariot Races.” 
“I wanna win the Chariot Race!” Little Mark had finished going to the bathroom and was running back to his sister’s lap. “Coco, how many more days till the races?” 
The rest of the campers’ faces melted as they watched little Mark cuddle up against his sister. He was the youngest camper there, found during the quest of punishment that the Olympian gods forced the surrendering Titan’s Army demigods to undertake after their defeat. Most of them carried a mark, a scar, some sort of disfigurement from that harrowing quest that Olympus decreed necessary. 
Alabaster looked up at Nico’s tired face, and remembered him pushing out from behind Hades’ shadow to stand in front of them, putting himself between the wrath of Zeus and the scared and injured demigods that were about to be annihilated. A quest, he’d asked of Zeus. Some journey of redemption, just like the one that Heracles had when he committed a grave error. He was a war hero who lost the chance at any honor for himself because he chose to throw his lot in with the losers. 
All because of Percy Jackson, Alabaster thought bitterly. Because “Percy would’ve wanted amnesty.” He hated the fact that he had to thank Percy Jackson for his life now. He hated the fact that Nico would consider this camp “Percy Jackson’s legacy,” instead of Nico’s own legacy that he almost killed himself for. Alabaster wished that Percy Jackson was alive so that he could show him exactly what he thought of his hypocritical ass. 
“I’m going to be heading to the Underworld to find the Doors of Death,” Nico announced. “No one is allowed to follow me. If Camp Halfblood comes here to ask for help, let them in and show them hospitality, but I’ll trust that you all follow your judgment on whether or not to help out. But no one is allowed to aid Gaea or ally with any of the Giants, capisce?” 
The campers that joined later or were from Camp Halfblood originally said “aye” enthusiastically. Ethan nodded, leading to more campers saying “aye.” Alabaster looked like he was swallowing a lemon, but he nodded, and his friends joined in as well. 
Nico sighed in relief. “Good, now. Meeting adjourned.” 
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ace--of--swords · 6 months ago
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Capra ex machina
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mrsoftthoughts · 4 months ago
Omgs give Ethan a fucking break 😭
Did some more stuff for the Chthonian Camp AU by @gutsybitsies bc I’m obsessed with this idea.
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Had to call attention to the fact that in the fic Al rips open his shirt to prove a point. He so fricking extra! Nico is confused and Ethan just there dying of second hand embarrassment. At least one of them is ashamed…
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jadetheblueartist · 8 months ago
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(Mini comic for context)
Salutations, fellow camper! It is I, Captain Hamato Donatello from Feral Casey AU and Cabin 5, here to give you a testing sample of my patented Chthonian. Used to treat feral kraang-hybrid children but it also has the effect of turning you into the exact opposite of who you are!
Want to know what your opposite looks like? In one hit, you can find out!
*Effects wear off within 24 hours after use. May last shorter depending on patient's intolerance to mystic elements.
*Warning: Do not use when taking or on any other medications, including OTCs, alcohol, and recreational drugs. May cause brief discomfort sensations such as bone marrow decay or blood temperature reaching boiling levels. Do not use if allergic to mystic energy. Do not use if intolerant to pain. If brief transformation discomfort lasts more than 120 seconds, seek medical attention immediately. If experiencing organ failure or if heart melts into your lungs, seek medical attention immediately. Store chthonian in a warm incubating environment when not in use.
This looked similar to Camille’s potions. She wasn’t really listening to what the other turtle said, so who knows what it actually did. Maybe experimenting with it would show her something-
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Something, something, since she didn’t inject it, it only affected her surface level :)
This was really fun to draw, thanks for the ask!
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ravioliravioliravioli · 9 months ago
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(Mini comic for context)
Salutations, fellow camper! It is I, Captain Hamato Donatello from Feral Casey AU, here to give you a testing sample of my patented Chthonian. Used to treat feral kraang-hybrid children but it also has the effect of turning you into the exact opposite of who you are!
Want to know what your opposite looks like? In one hit, you can find out!
*Effects wear off within 24 hours after use. May last shorter depending on patient's intolerance to mystic elements.
*Warning: Do not use when taking or on any other medications, including OTCs, alcohol, and recreational drugs. May cause brief discomfort sensations such as bone marrow decay or blood temperature reaching boiling levels. Do not use if allergic to mystic energy. Do not use if intolerant to pain. If brief transformation discomfort lasts more than 120 seconds, seek medical attention immediately. If experiencing organ failure or if heart melts into your lungs, seek medical attention immediately. Store chthonian in a warm incubating environment when not in use.
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I've got my eye on you
You better not screw this up because I will find you and break you myself
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yonemurishiroku · 1 year ago
Indeed, the original idea stems from a post of @/gutsybitsies, and after that @haiseiscute333 - at least, the version wherein Nico and Alabaster being amongst the leaders, as there’s another fanfic about Camp Underworld that runs the same line and is pretty much older than my blog. Happy built something similar but it’s not quite a whole new camp? So we’ll leave it for another day lolol I digress. Before guts all I bad is some here and there thoughts which I failed to articulate so that doesn’t count lolol. I merely build if up from the foundation of what these two proposed before gradually growing out of it to make my own for a Nicobaster fanfic.
Purely just to solidify my “Nico is a bad, bad leader” agenda. Anywayyyyy Mother Nico sounds so cute awww totally not bc i see Nico is the mother of the Cocoa Puffs rather than a dad in TSATS Darkness really births everything as it is.
I see that both Alabaster and Nico are seen as parental figures in this, and provided that Nico is the mother, would I be right to assume Alabaster is the father? 🤣🤣🤣
Bc I have this whole thing about them acting like an old married couple and I’m not letting it go.
Also curious as where does Claymore fit in all of this. 👀 In my AU he acts like a counselor/ similar to Chiron that keep Alabaster in check, but I’d love to head yours. :3
Give it to me (alright)
I haven't done rants n stuff for a while. Give me some (can be reblogs, can be asks, I don't care). Very passionate about Anti Lore Olympus and Nico (everything with nico. Can be ships, can be Nion, can be me analyzing the fuck out of NicoBaster, I don't give a shit)
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carp-from-space · 4 months ago
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Saint of Song
Third sibling. Honeyed words and comforting thoughts as the storm threatens to drown. It may not save you, but you can part with ease.
Pose by @nyxnaiastock
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yonemurishiroku · 1 year ago
We are missing the delicious Nicobaster angst that is the gods being displeased with the fact that Nico is making friends with Alabaster - an exiled, who’s supposed to be cut off from all kinds of support from the Camps.
They see Nico helping a traitor is an act of betrayal, too. It must be - why else would he help a former lieutenant of the Titan Army? To build a new Camp, no less? It’s a seed of a threat.
So what do they do?
Eliminate it before it blooms, of course.
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gutsybitsies · 2 years ago
made a list of my and @thatshortangryperson various nico di angelos
chthonian au nico: oh boy....hes so stressed.....hes got so much pain ahead of him....his first crush is dead his arm is gone he doesnt know that hes about to fall into tartatus....he needs a nap...
omg roommates nico: he doesnt know what hand towels are and at this point he's too afraid to ask
tiktok italian husband nico: he a little confused why his husband jason keeps asking him to do tiktok challenges but he'll go along with it
big 3 friendship camp au nico: middle child syndrome (both bianca and hazel are alive), has decided his favorite person is the roman son of jupiter because jason gives him ALL the attention and has never called him annoying.
UAR nico (as yet unpublished): someone get this boy a union rep and a good employment lawyer 😔😔
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azucar-skull · 1 year ago
Feral Casey AU (FCAU) Masterpost
Commissions // Ko-Fi Tip Jar // Top Surgery GoFundMe
FCAU-themed Spotify Playlist // Febuwhump 2024 // Pilot Episode // Trailer Animatic // Webtoon
General Disclaimers
Summary: Casey Jr is raised by Kraang, developing a feral state and other unnatural abilities. When he joins the Resistance at age 8, his moral compass is flipped around. He grew up being told that humans and yokai were pests and that Kraang is superior. How does it feel to be on the wrong side this whole time?
Check for latest updates
Episode 1 "Wild Child"
Episode 2 "Krassandra"
Episode 3 "Roads and Rivers"
Episode 4 "Chthonian" (Coming soon)
Episode 5 "Breaking The Cycle" (Coming soon)
River's Interlude (Coming soon)
~ End of Arc 1 ~
Episode 6 "Red Lightning" (Coming soon)
Episode 7 "Lockdown" (Coming soon)
(Ep 8 - ? TBD)
Kraang Types Almanac
Featured Dogs (Coming soon...definitely!)
Concept Art:
Lore doodles || "Awake" Side Comic || Mikey concept art + comic (and more lore) || Usagi Admiring Leo || Brainstorming Stage || Anacaona || A little smudge on your face || The Scarf || The nightmare that inspired this AU || Teen Casey || All I've Ever Known || don't forget me || What Remains || Usagi's Mystics
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broken-slime-boi · 8 months ago
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(Mini comic for context)
Salutations, fellow camper! It is I, Captain Hamato Donatello from Feral Casey AU and Cabin 5, here to give you a testing sample of my patented Chthonian. Used to treat feral kraang-hybrid children but it also has the effect of turning you into the exact opposite of who you are!
Want to know what your opposite looks like? In one hit, you can find out!
*Effects wear off within 24 hours after use. May last shorter depending on patient's intolerance to mystic elements.
*Warning: Do not use when taking or on any other medications, including OTCs, alcohol, and recreational drugs. May cause brief discomfort sensations such as bone marrow decay or blood temperature reaching boiling levels. Do not use if allergic to mystic energy. Do not use if intolerant to pain. If brief transformation discomfort lasts more than 120 seconds, seek medical attention immediately. If experiencing organ failure or if heart melts into your lungs, seek medical attention immediately. Store chthonian in a warm incubating environment when not in use.
Doni looked around for a moment, seeing if xir little siblings were nearby. Not seeing anything, xe turned back to xir counterpart and smiled.
“Why, thank you. I’m always happy to help a fellow scientist with some testing.”
Xe took the syringe and injected the fluid into xir arm. Doni waited a few seconds, then a few seconds more, “Hm. Maybe it doesn’t work as well fo- GH!!”
A strangled sound escaped xir throat. Xe fell to xir knees, doubling over in agony.
Xir scales and skin were peeling, flaking, melting. Xir blood boiled and vaporized inside xir veins. Muscles twisted and shifted. Some bones grew and others disappeared.
When the pain subsided, xe sat up and took a deep breath. Xe looked at xir hands, eyes widening at the sight of five fingers. “I’m…. human again?…..”
Doni took out xir Shell-Phone, flipped it open, and activated the camera-
“Who the fuck am I?!?”
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Pros: Doni turns human again.
Cons: Doni turns into a (not so) random ass old man.
Thank you for the ask!
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irequirealobotomy · 8 months ago
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(Mini comic for context)
Salutations, fellow camper! It is I, Captain Hamato Donatello from Feral Casey AU and Cabin 5, here to give you a testing sample of my patented Chthonian. Used to treat feral kraang-hybrid children but it also has the effect of turning you into the exact opposite of who you are!
Want to know what your opposite looks like? In one hit, you can find out!
*Effects wear off within 24 hours after use. May last shorter depending on patient's intolerance to mystic elements.
*Warning: Do not use when taking or on any other medications, including OTCs, alcohol, and recreational drugs. May cause brief discomfort sensations such as bone marrow decay or blood temperature reaching boiling levels. Do not use if allergic to mystic energy. Do not use if intolerant to pain. If brief transformation discomfort lasts more than 120 seconds, seek medical attention immediately. If experiencing organ failure or if heart melts into your lungs, seek medical attention immediately. Store chthonian in a warm incubating environment when not in use.
Marcelo looked at the syringe curiously, taking it and turning it in his hands. It felt warm and comfortable, like it couldn’t be a danger at all. He blinked, curious. It wouldn’t hurt to give it a try.
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He considered it for a moment. He didn’t have anything else to do in this fair, and it seemed fun. At the very least he could ask for some to study, pass the time for a little while. And it would be something good to know, right?
“Alright, but this better be safe,” He said, taking it to his arm without any further hesitation. He shivered at the cold feeling of the metal, despite the feeling of the liquid. His face slowly melted away, as if it was no more than corn starch and water stuck to his body.
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Marcelo waited a few moments before blinking his eyes open. Immediately he felt a a difference. He blinked and looked at the empty vial. He hummed curiously, taking out his phone to see what his knew form was.
“I’m gonna be Raph, right?” He joked before looking at the phone screen.
What he saw made his breathing stop. When he finally gasped another breath they came in the form of hyperventilation. The face that stared back at him was one that haunted his mind, day and night, through whatever events. John Bishop stared at him, and despite the fear on his face, Marcelo could only see the wicked grin of his murderer.
He was still and silent for nearly a minute, eyes screwed shut and tears running downhis face. When he opened them he found his voice. “No… no, no. Not him… anyone but him…”
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He turned back to the counterpart of Donnie.
“Change it back! Change me back! Please! He’s dead! He’s dead!” He yelled, before breaking into sobs. “He’s dead… please… he’s dead… esta muerto… el esta muerto… por favor…”
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mochi-myles · 8 months ago
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(Mini comic for context)
Salutations, fellow camper! It is I, Captain Hamato Donatello from Feral Casey AU and Cabin 5, here to give you a testing sample of my patented Chthonian. Used to treat feral kraang-hybrid children but it also has the effect of turning you into the exact opposite of who you are!
Want to know what your opposite looks like? In one hit, you can find out!
*Effects wear off within 24 hours after use. May last shorter depending on patient's intolerance to mystic elements.
*Warning: Do not use when taking or on any other medications, including OTCs, alcohol, and recreational drugs. May cause brief discomfort sensations such as bone marrow decay or blood temperature reaching boiling levels. Do not use if allergic to mystic energy. Do not use if intolerant to pain. If brief transformation discomfort lasts more than 120 seconds, seek medical attention immediately. If experiencing organ failure or if heart melts into your lungs, seek medical attention immediately. Store chthonian in a warm incubating environment when not in use.
"Thanks ah-" he looked over the vial, unsure. "I don't really think I want this-? But-" he would keep hold of it. For now..
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verifyemailmyass · 1 year ago
I love them sm🥹 thank you for sending me the suggestions!!! Reading all of them!
So I…also wrote fanfic for @gutsybitsies chthonian camp fanfic hahah…fanfic-ception?
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Nico bursts out of the shadows with a grunt, in his non-Stygian hand is the head of a chimera. He stumbles and falls to the floor with a cough and the head in his hand falls to the floor with a wet plop.
Alabaster and Ethan who have been sitting in the council room, spring into action. They help him up and get him to his chair. Alabaster takes off Nico’s shirt, his healing rune card at the ready as Ethan detaches the Stygian arm and begins inspecting it.
Alabaster places the healing card against Nico’s shoulder stump, watching as the blackened veins across his skin of his upper body retreat. The blackness had almost reached the elbow on Nico’s other arm. That’s the farthest Alabaster has ever seen them go.
Nico lets out a pained gasp and then grits his teeth.
“Almost” Alabaster says softly. Eyes hard with concentration as the last of the black disappears from Nico’s skin.
Nico lets out a final keening groan. And then leans forward, his elbow on his knee. When his breaths even out Ethan is the first to speak. “The mechanics are solid, nothing out of balance…except perhaps some of the extra weight it puts in comparison to your human arm”
Nico reaches out to take the arm back.
“But, you should probably keep it off for a bit” Ethan says
“But what if-“
“You let the absorption spill into you a little too much today, you should allow yourself to recover” Alabaster says, trying to keep the calm on his voice
“I’m fine”
“I know” Alabaster says “and I want you to stay that way”
“The camp can’t afford to lose you too”
Nico looks into Alabasters eyes. They were usually filled with a reckless intensity that made Nico, in all his chaotic glory, seem like a calm, collected individual. But Al’s expression , although not less intense is serious. Ethan, at his side, wears a similar expression.
Nico knows he’s being unreasonable if Alabaster “Can we burn down Camp Half-Blood” Torrington is coming off as the sensible one.
“Fine” Nico surrenders, shaking his head “I’ll leave it off…for a little”
Alabasters expression softens ever so slightly and he holds Nico’s hand, stroking the skin of Nico’s knuckles lightly with his thumb. He seems like he wants to say something but he doesn’t.
Alabaster lets go of his hand. “Good, I’ll ah- go get you some elixir”
“Hey,” Nico says, “thank you…for looking after me”
Alabaster smiles at him.
“Both of you” Nico adds, looking at Ethan who responds with a nod.
Alabaster lets out a quiet but audible sigh, and heads out to get the elixir.
Nico assumes the sigh is for relief. He can understand that after all, when he knows all of the people he cares for are safe he can breathe easier, the weight lifted from his chest. That’s probably what Ethan and Al were feeling now. It’s nice, Nico thinks, to have people looking after him, to worry about his well being while not stifling his freedom. It’s his turn to sigh, with the adrenaline subsiding and Ethan and Al close by, he too is relieved. He relaxes back into his chair, a smile crossing his lips. He feels…safe.
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