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robo-pirate · 2 years ago
An emoji spell to bring money to your loved one
Think of this person while you’re charging (like) and then cast (reblog)
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robo-pirate · 2 years ago
Esteban: Why don't I like this person?
Pierre: I don't know. Maybe it's because they keep stealing your thunder.
Esteban: Maybe it's because their name is "Charles". Don't you find that utterly ridiculous?
Pierre: No.
Esteban: That's because your name is "Pierre".
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robo-pirate · 2 years ago
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MICK SCHUMACHER’s 2022 Singapore GP ⇉ a summary, part 2
✅ *peers into your soul* ✅ thirst trap disguised as an 🧊 bath ✅ rain delay 👍 ✅ *whistles* 😙 ✅ “should I take a selfie?” 🤳 ✅ big pouty baby playing with classic cars ✅ anthem disassociation time ✅ *moaning* “it’s nice!” 🧊 bath thirst trap pt. 2 ✅ "Woah!” *lurches forward* “Bye Bye!” 
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robo-pirate · 2 years ago
Simple advice:
🟠 Cause no harm and see the divine in all people and things.
🟡 Trust God and do not be afraid.
🔴 Only God can satisfy your heart
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robo-pirate · 2 years ago
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2022 Singapore GP // pre race
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robo-pirate · 3 years ago
(flight intercom) this is the pilot speaking. yeah we expect todays flight to be normal. um if you look out your window you shouldnt see the skull
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robo-pirate · 3 years ago
Meditating With Your Deities!!
Ever since I thought of this last night, my guys have been hounding me to actually write it
(In a good way. They know I tend to forget things and they seem very excited to see this written out.)
Anyway, this is just how I prefer to do things, as per usual. Purely my own experiences. Even if you do this the exact same way as me, you’ll never see the same thing as me.
Everyone’s relationships are different!!
Now, I’d like to point out that you shouldn’t pressure yourself to do anything exactly the way anyone else does it, including my way. Doing things with my own spin on them was how I got this method.
Alright, with that out of the way, time to finally get started!
At the beginning, I just talked to my gods and tried to imagine them near me. Kind of like trying to mentally reach out and touch their energy (but not really. That’s just what it feels like)
For example, Ares has this really fiery presence. It’s sure and strong and warm and comforting, but also volatile.
(This is actually how I figured out what he feels like.)
You could also imagine them as a color and picture that surrounding you.
The main thing you’re trying to do here is listen. Don’t forget that. It doesn’t need to be fancy or complex or anything.
It’s just you and your gods.
Don’t forget that!!
Pray (or just talk) to them and tell them what you want to do. Address them and tell them you’d like to talk to them, or maybe even ask if they could let you feel their presence if you want.
If you don’t feel them there, don’t worry! I’ve only felt Hermes once, and I’ve known him for nearly a year. Meanwhile, I feel Ares around me quite frequently.
It just depends on the particular bond.
And just because you can’t feel them, that doesn’t mean they’re not there.
Even if you feel like you’re imagining their energy, that’s still a good mental practice! Anything that makes you feel closer to your gods is good!!
Even if you fail miserably (like I did at first) they’ll still love you!!
Anyway, usually I turn on some music, but not always. I’ll just zone out then. I don’t really know how to put the feeling into words besides that. It’s almost like slipping into sleep but not really. The closest word for it is probably “trance”.
Note: it’s best, for me at least, to do this sitting up so I don’t accidentally fall asleep. Which I’ve done,, many times. If you do fall asleep, that’s fine too. Don’t worry about it!
For a few attempts, all I was met with was blackness. But eventually a place popped into my head, either Apollo or Ares’s at first.
(Hermes insists that I call them “meditation stations”. Sometimes I can’t stand him.)
maybe in a different post I’ll describe my places I see, but they’re beautiful and so vivid. And when I say vivid, I mean so vivid that I can just draw it from my head, which I usually can’t do.
Step one: Find a calm place you feel comfortable in. Either sit or lay down depending on personal preference. You can even stand if it makes you feel better.
Step two: Tell your deity you want to talk to them.
Step three: Zone out, either to music or your own thoughts (preferably about/to the deity you’re trying to reach)
Step four: Make sure you’re focusing on them and their energy. After a few attempts, you might be able to see a place that represents them. If you don’t, don’t worry! Everyone’s relationship is different!!
Step five: Pay attention to any changes in what you see, feel, and even think or hear. But try not to digest any of it until you get the whole message or else you’ll likely lose where you were.
Personally, I use these places to anchor myself while I’m trying to talk to my deities. Focusing on a place makes it where I have to put in less effort to hear my deities usually.
Note: you can also use this as a means of deity identification, now that I think of it! Just make sure you let your mind wander instead of thinking too hard.
Keep in mind this might not work for everyone!!
when in doubt, guided meditations are supposed to be great. You can find them on YouTube or even Spotify, I think. There are even some deity specific ones!
also remember: if a place feels like it just doesn’t fit, let go of it. Don’t force anything.
And if you wanna know about my places for my deities, I have one for Apollon, Ares, Dionysus, Hyacinthus, the Muses, and (occasionally) Hermes.
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robo-pirate · 3 years ago
— casual ways to connect with deities
pray to them
straight up just talk to them, tell them about your day
offer some of your meal to them (or alternatively, the steam from your meal)
cook with them and/or for them
pick a movie to watch with them, especially if it connects to things they rule over (i.e. a romcom with hera or aphrodite, a documentary about the sea for poseidon, etc)
give them the first sip of your morning drink, or even make a cup for them
assign them a stuffed animal and take care of it as a devotion to them (bonus points if that animal is sacred to them or if you associate it with them)
say good morning/good night
thank them for the things you see (i.e. thanking apollo when you see a pretty sunrise/sunset, thank hypnos for a good night’s sleep, etc)
blow kisses to them
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robo-pirate · 4 years ago
A mechanical musical marvel from the late 1800s.
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robo-pirate · 4 years ago
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robo-pirate · 5 years ago
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one day death will find you
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robo-pirate · 5 years ago
i’m so tired of listening to myself think all the time shut the hell up bitch
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robo-pirate · 5 years ago
my favorite picture ever is the one that says “HELL IS FULL, BITCH” and then it has the national suicide prevention hotline on it. it makes me smile every time 
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robo-pirate · 5 years ago
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robo-pirate · 5 years ago
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Action Comics #1021 variant cover - Superman by Lucio Parrillo *
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robo-pirate · 5 years ago
What do you think of the Kemetic-based site Joyofsatandotcom?
It is not a site I would recommend to anyone! They claim to work with the Gods and worship they but really they are just neonazis who worship Hitler. Avoid.
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robo-pirate · 5 years ago
on jack sparrow in pirates of the caribean 5 I have to point out that the witch barbossa had commented on hector having her curse his enemies and barbossa referred to him and jack as enemies so its likely the witch cursed jack for barbossa
Good point! This could be the reason that he is washed up
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