#chronic wound symptoms
kbkhospitals · 1 month
treatment for chronic wounds in hyderabad
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Effective Care for Chronic Wounds at KBK Multi Speciality Hospitals offers top-notch treatment for chronic wounds. Heal faster with our expert care.
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baby-yongbok · 2 months
OT8 x Reader
Genre - Comfort WC - 746
Summary - These are ways that I think the boys would help you to get over your mental and/or physical struggles Content Warning - Themes of mental and physical illness/struggles, mention of hospitals, mentions of medications/needles, mentions of food
A/N - I wrote this on my living room floor just now because I’m sick of being sick. I’m sick of being chronically ill, and I needed some comfort, so I thought I’d share it for anyone else who could use some comfort, too. I based these off of my experiences with my illnesses/disabilities. If you can relate then I just wanna say that i see you and you're strong. Keep fighting 💕+ I tried to write this to be gender neutral, I think I nailed it
✧ Masterlist ✧
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Hugs from Jisung when your panic attacks have subsided. He whispers sweet praises of “You're okay” and “You're so strong” while he rocks you in his lap. You're still on the floor where he found you. His shirt soaks up every tear and his soft kisses on your forehead bandage every wound. You tell him that he can go, you apologize for causing a commotion, but he just holds you closer.
Laughing with Changbin while he tries to distract you from your symptoms flaring up. He's loud and silly on the couch with you. He's careful not to go overboard, he watches you to make sure that you're still comfortable while he makes silly voices and dances around for you. He's not ready to watch you cry yourself to sleep from the pain but he'll be ready to make you laugh again when you need it most.
Kisses from Chan while you're at your doctor's appointment. Your leg is shaking and he's soothing gentle circles into your back while he kisses your knuckles. He knows that you're scared, he is too. You have no idea what the doctor will say but he knows one thing for sure, no matter what the results are he'll be right by your side. He'll fight with you every single day and he'll kiss the pain away.
Adventures with Hyunjin when he realizes that you're avoiding going outside again. He knows that you get paranoid. He knows that every corner that you turn feels unsafe so he holds your hand. He skips across streets with you and dances on the white lines of the cross walks. He pulls you into shops that you've been too scared to visit yourself and buys you everything that you touch. He molds new memories with you with his bare hands. He'll do it everyday if he has to.
Cooking with Minho when he sees that you've been watching your diet too closely. He's gentle with you. You taste test everything together, he feeds you with silver spoons and kisses your nose with every hesitant swallow. He stands behind you while you stir the contents in the pots and plucks flour at you to see that pretty smile that he loves so much. He feeds you from his fork and he wipes away the mess. He makes it feel like it all goes down easy.
Reading with Seungmin when he comes to visit you in the hospital. He knows that you feel like you're going mad in here. He knows that you want to get up out of bed and walk out of here with him, that's what he wants too. Instead he holds your hand while you rest your head on his shoulder. He reads you each word with a softness that somehow drowns out the beeping of your monitors and the commotion on the other side of the curtain. He transports you to a place where you aren't sick. To a place where it's just you and him.
Cuddling with Jeongin when you feel that dark cloud consuming you again. He knew what was wrong when you let your alarms ring on for the third day in a row. You're huddled under blankets together, unmoving and quiet. His arms circle your waist and he pulls you closer. He weighs you down to reality. He makes you feel something besides the bubbling emptiness in your chest. He hums to you when the tears start to fall. He hums and holds you tighter. He won't let you drift away.
Singing with Felix while he helps you with your medication. There's so many to take that you've been overwhelmed with it all so he puts on a playlist and grabs all your pills. He lays them out and organizes them just how you need them. He uses the TV remote as a microphone, passing it to you when he sees you staring at the medicine littering the tabletop. He has you sing for him when he gives you your injections. He makes them as quick and painless as he can, always joining you for a high note as he sticks the band-aid on for you. He spins and hugs you once you're done for the day. He doesn't have to give you any praise, you can feel the love in his touch. You can hear it in his voice and see it in his actions. He's always going to be there to make it all feel easier.
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scientia-rex · 5 months
I got home from work today sneezing my head off with a right eye that won’t stop watering, took a hot shower, climbed into bed, and I haven’t climbed out since. I’m grumpy and I have a headache and if I’m not testing positive for COVID or debilitated by symptoms tomorrow I’ll still need to go to work because that’s twenty patient visits that would need to be rescheduled, usually with someone else, and that’s twenty people I’m letting down. Today I did one of my patented 45-second Pap smears (if it takes longer than that, your doctor needs to get better!) for someone with vaginal atrophy from menopause (it is both very common and very treatable) and she was in disbelief. (This time it was more like 30 seconds.) I saw a suicidally depressed patient who’s clinging to life with both hands and I changed their meds last week and I am not making them wait to see me. I cleaned a wound no one else gave a shit about and I saw a bitter pissy Republican Party bigwig who has terrible anxiety and depression she doesn’t tell anyone about, who’s alienated everyone but who I can still convince to try treatment.
I do my job on hard mode on purpose. I like being important—who doesn’t? I like being legendary, I like that when people move to town and ask for doctor recommendations on Facebook so many people mention me that other patients feel compelled to tell me about it. I got nominated for best doctor in our local region last year. (I didn’t win, out of 5 nominees.) But when I’m sick, when I’m the kind of sick that can be hidden easily, the kind of sick I was always expected to go to school and rotations and residency with, it’s so hard. I hate exposing patients, even to a cold, but the benefits of receiving care are probably enough to outweigh the chance of transmission. I wrestle with myself: if I call in, it starts a ripple effect. Can they get a per diem from their “pool” (of three) to come in? Can they reschedule my patients with me? I don’t have any open spots for five weeks. Can they open same days? None available for three weeks. Can they open blocked spots? That’s going to make my life hell when I come back from being sick. That’s clinic staff calling twenty patients, trying to reach them. That’s twenty patients who feel abandoned. They can know intellectually that doctors get sick too, but they don’t believe it. They take it personally. I have seen this over and over again, until I had to believe it.
It is so EASY for people who don’t do this job to tell me how I’m doing it wrong. “Just stay home!” Oh, okay, you want to tell the person whose chronic opioids I’m supposed to write for that I can’t? You want to put the nurses through getting the on-call to write a bridge prescription? I write more ADHD meds than most of my peers—usually a lot more. You want to tell my colleagues to write meds they’re uncomfortable with? How about tell my suicidal patients (which is a lot of them!) that the provider they know and trust after months or years will be replaced today by a 70-year-old white man who still thinks they should pull themselves up by their bootstraps? Tell my queer patients that they have to wait until I’m better and back to get their hormones and their STI screenings, reschedule a Pap someone was dreading. Every day is a kaleidoscope of opportunities to make a real connection with “difficult” patients. I’m good at it. I may be the best at it at my clinic.
I don’t hate calling in sick just because the clinic manager is a judgy bitch, though that doesn’t help. I hate it because of what it does to my patients. And it’s not simple. Pretending it is does all of us a disservice. I am not a widget. I am not easily replaceable. You can’t plug any of our per diems (all men, 2/3 white, 2/3 old, 1/3 a Bitcoin bro) into my place and call it an equivalent, and my schedule is already so packed that if I call in sick, patients will be guilt-tripping me about it for months. I’m not kidding. That happens every single time.
Christ alive, I wish it was true that doctors never got sick.
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elicathebunny · 4 months
learning to let go of lingering negative emotions + Entering a calm state and regulating emotions.
(@anitalenia for the divider ౨ৎ)
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Holding Grudges and struggling to let go.
Holding a grudge can affect you in many different ways ...
✦ Mentally:
Increased Stress: Constantly thinking about past experiences can keep your body at high-stress levels, leading to high cortisol and other stress hormones. Over time, this can contribute to anxiety.
Heightened Anxiety: Holding onto a grudge can lead to feelings of anxiety, as you may constantly worry about encountering the person you're resentful towards or replaying the situation in your mind. This can create a cycle of rumination and distress.
Negative Mood: Resentment and anger are negative emotions that can change your perception of the world and affect your mood. Holding a grudge can lead to feelings of bitterness, hostility, and general negativity, making it difficult to experience joy or contentment.
Impaired Relationships: Grudges can strain relationships, both with the person you're holding a grudge against and with others in your life. It can lead to communication breakdowns, conflict, and social withdrawal, which can further bring up feelings of isolation and loneliness.
Impact on Self-Esteem: Holding a grudge can also impact your self-esteem and self-worth. It may lead you to question your own value, especially if the grudge is related to mistreatment.
✦ Physically:
Increased Risk of Cardiovascular Problems: Chronic stress and negative emotions can contribute to high blood pressure, heart disease, and other cardiovascular issues. Holding onto a grudge can keep the body in a constant state of stress, leading to high levels of stress hormones like cortisol, which can negatively impact the heart and blood vessels.
Weakened Immune System: Prolonged stress and negative emotions can weaken the immune system, making you more prone to infections and illness. Holding a grudge can activate the body's stress response, leading to chronic inflammation and a weakened immune response.
Digestive Problems: Stress and negative emotions can also affect the digestive system, leading to issues like stomach pain, indigestion, and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). Holding a grudge can increase these symptoms by keeping the body in a heightened state of stress, which can mess with normal digestive processes.
Sleep Disturbances: Negative emotions and stress can interfere with sleep quality and quantity, leading to problems like insomnia or disrupted sleep patterns. Holding onto a grudge can keep the mind racing with negative thoughts, making it difficult to relax and fall asleep.
Pain and Tension: Emotional stress and tension can manifest physically as muscle tension, headaches, and other bodily aches and pains. Holding a grudge can increase these symptoms by keeping the body in heightened tension.
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Why might we struggle to let these feelings go?
Emotional Attachment: Negative emotions, like anger and hurt, can be intense and create a strong emotional attachment to the incident.
Need for Justice: We often feel the need for fairness or justice, and holding onto a grudge can feel like a way of ensuring the other person is held accountable.
Fear of Vulnerability: Letting go of a grudge might require forgiving someone, which makes us feel vulnerable and exposed.
Identity and Ego: Sometimes, grudges become part of our identity. Letting go can feel like losing a part of ourselves or admitting we were wrong.
Lack of Closure: Not having a clear resolution or apology can make it harder to move on, as the issue feels unresolved.
Recurrent Triggers: Frequent reminders of the event or person can continuously reopen the emotional wound, making it harder to let go.
Negative Reinforcement: Replaying the event in our minds can reinforce negative feelings and make them harder to release.
Low Self-Esteem: When we feel bad about ourselves, we might cling to grudges to deflect attention from our insecurities.
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How can we try to overcome grudges?
Acknowledge Your Feelings: Recognise that you're holding a grudge and understand why. Reflect on what happened and how it made you feel.
Express Yourself: If possible, talk to the person you're holding a grudge against. Express your feelings calmly and honestly without being confrontational.
Empathy: Try to see things from the other person's perspective. Understanding their point of view can help you feel more compassionate and less resentful.
Forgiveness: Remember that forgiving someone is more for your peace of mind than theirs. It doesn't mean you condone their behaviour; it just means you're ready to move on.
Focus on the Present: Let go of the past and focus on the present moment. Holding onto grudges keeps you stuck in the past.
Self-Care: Take care of your mental and physical health. Exercise, meditate, or engage in activities that make you happy and relaxed.
Set Boundaries: If someone continually hurts you, it’s okay to set boundaries. Protecting yourself can help you let go of grudges while maintaining your well-being.
Seek Help: If you’re struggling to let go, consider talking to a therapist or counsellor. They can provide professional guidance and support.
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How to enter a calm state.
Mediation: When we pay attention to our breath, we are learning how to return to, and remain in, the present moment—to anchor ourselves in the here and now on purpose, without judgment. This increased awareness allows you to recognise and understand your emotions as they arise, rather than reacting impulsively. Regular meditation trains your mind to stay calm and composed. This practice helps in regulating emotions and reducing the intensity of negative feelings like anger, anxiety, and sadness. As you become more skilled at meditation, you'll find it easier to maintain emotional balance and respond to situations in a more thoughtful and measured way.
Here are five reasons to meditate: 1. Understanding your pain 2. Lower your stress 3. Connect better 4. Improve focus 5. Reduce brain chatter
Emotional Expression: Journaling provides a safe space to express and process emotions. Writing about feelings, experiences, and challenges can help individuals acknowledge and make sense of their emotions, leading to increased emotional awareness and regulation.
Stress Reduction: Writing about stressful events or worries can act as a form of stress relief. By putting thoughts onto paper, individuals can release pent-up emotions and gain a sense of control over their circumstances, thereby reducing stress levels.
Problem Solving: Journaling encourages reflection and introspection, allowing individuals to gain insights into their thoughts and behaviors. This process can help identify patterns, triggers, and potential solutions to problems, fostering personal growth and resilience.
Self-Discovery: Regular journaling promotes self-discovery and self-awareness. Through writing, individuals can explore their values, beliefs, strengths, and weaknesses, leading to a deeper understanding of themselves and their identity.
Physical Exercise: Regular exercise can help reduce stress and improve your mood. Activities like yoga, walking, or swimming can be particularly calming. Stretching is often associated with physical benefits like improved flexibility and reduced muscle tension, but it also offers numerous mental benefits. It helps to release physical tension in the muscles, which is closely linked to reducing mental stress. As your body relaxes, so does your mind, leading to a calmer state of being. Stretching enhances your awareness of your body and its movements. This increased body awareness can help you become more in tune with how stress and emotions affect your physical state, allowing you to manage your mental health more effectively.
Watch what you consume: Put down the phone and silence any distractions. Purposefully make your environment peaceful enough for you to have a clear mind. Don't disrupt your session, stay in this calm moment for as long as you need to to properly reflect on yourself and make a difference to your emotions.
Allow yourself to dig deeper into your emotions without rejecting any ideas:
Really ask questions to make the most of the state you are in. Don't reject or suppress any feelings that come up, accept them and use those thoughts to understand yourself better. This will help you let go or work out anything that is bothering you. Understand your triggers and why you feel this way by prodding yourself with more and more specific questions. This may be an uncomfortable process but by understanding what is blocking you from being completely at peace within yourself then it must be done.
example: I feel like this -> why do I feel like this? Well, because this happened -> Why does this make me upset? Because it reminds me of this -> Why can't I let it go? and so on.
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Junot's head injuries
You're all probably aware that Junot received many head injuries throughout the course of his career, and that these contributed to his eventual descent into insanity. But there's not much awareness for the actual effects of brain injuries and how they work, so I'd like to make a post (using information from some medical manuals of head injuries and their effects) to outline how these injuries may have effected Junot.
!! Disclaimer 1: I am not a doctor and have no medical qualifications, I simply know more about this topic than the average person and want to share that knowledge
!! Disclaimer 2: obviously it is impossible to discover the exact health issues that a man who died 200 years ago dealt with. It is known that he suffered many head injuries, but the exact parts of the brain affected and to what extent are unknown. Therefore I'll just be describing the potential effects of head injuries like the ones that Junot suffered, but it's up to the reader to interpret how many of these symptoms he truly dealt with.
Without further ado, let's get started:
Part 1: what type of head injuries did Junot suffer, and why does this matter? (tw for detailed description of injuries - skip to part 2 if you're sensitive about this)
Wounds caused by bullets or sabres (so the type of wound that Junot suffered) are categorised as 'open injuries'. While other forms of head injuries can cause damage to the whole brain, open injuries can be more localised, only affecting certain functions rather than everything.
However, open injuries also involve the skull being broken, which can cause further issues. This makes the affected part of the skull more fragile in the future, making it easier to break if another blow is suffered in the same area (which I'll get onto in the next bullet point!). In modern day, surgery can repair the skull and prevent complications, but as far as I'm aware these surgeries did not exist in Junot's time. Complications can arise from skull damage, such as chronic headaches, brain bleeds, and seizures.
Junot suffered multiple head injuries, which makes matters even more serious. A head injury makes both the brain and skull more susceptible to damage from future injuries, creating a sort of snowball effect. If the brain is already a damaged, a seemingly small injury can cause disproportionate harm.
It's most likely that Junot suffered injuries to the front of the brain rather than the back. With all head injuries but specifically open injuries, the part of the brain that gets damaged is crucial with determining the effects. In general, injuries to the front impair cognitive function, and injuries to the back impair physical function. Often injuries to the back of the brain cause symptoms like impaired spatial awareness, loss of control over limbs, or impaired vision. (to give an example from the Napoleonic era - Marshal Andre Massena was shot in the head during a hunting accident, leaving him blind in one eye. This is a localised injury to the back of the brain, impairing a physical function but leaving the mind unaffected). Junot showed no signs of physical disability, so it's clear that his injuries caused no serious damage to the back of the brain. However, the symptoms he did express (which I will get onto later in this post) are consistent with those of an injury to the front of the brain, specifically the frontal lobe which controls what we think of as the mind - emotions, behaviour, personality, problem solving skills, social skills, etc.
Unlike injuries to most parts of the body, brain damage is usually permanent. The brain can create new "pathways" to make up for the damaged areas, but those areas cannot be regrown.
Part 2: what are the symptoms of brain damage?
As covered in part 1, I will only be focusing on the cognitive side of things, since that's the part of the brain that Junot's injuries affected
For the following list of symptoms, I'll put a green tick next to the ones that Junot certainly suffered from, although many of them are up to interpretation
Chronic headaches ✔
Frequent nightmares ✔ (an example is the intense nightmares he suffered after an assassination attempt on Napoleon)
Difficulty starting/completing tasks ✔ (this seems apparent in his career)
Reduced concentration span
Reduced problem solving ability ✔ (again, this seems apparent in his career)
Impaired reasoning and judgement ✔
Unrealistic view of oneself and others ✔ (particularly in his blind faith in his own abilities and in Napoleon)
Intense mood swings (including rapidly changing between experiencing emotions very strongly or appearing cold and emotionless) ✔ (very evident in his relationship with Laure)
Depression ✔
Impulsive behaviour ✔
Reduced ability to tell what's appropriate in social interactions (including sexually inappropriate behaviour) ✔
Lack of insight ✔
Irritability and aggression ✔
Obsessive behaviour ✔ (particularly in his devotion to Napoleon and obsession with becoming a marshal)
Reduced capacity for memories (usually this only affects memories made after the injury - the person may be able to recall events many years ago but have little memory of yesterday) ✔ (this is shown in Junot's poor memory at the end of his life)
Part 3: in connection with other factors in Junot's life
Overuse of drugs and alcohol already cause mild brain damage, and will make any head injuries much worse. Additionally, it makes recovery more difficult.
Complete recovery from a brain injury is impossible, but rehabilitation can help the person to lead a fairly normal life afterwards. But unfortunately rehabilitation, particularly to the extent that Junot clearly needed, did not exist in the 19th century. Even with the best efforts of Junot's family, he could not have received all the support that he needed.
Many people with head injuries are able to regulate themselves more around strangers, but will show symptoms more intensely around trusted people. I believe this is shown somewhat in Junot's interactions with others.
Often when somebody in a long term romantic relationship gets a head injury, this causes the relationship to become less romantic and more platonic. Similarly, Junot's mental condition worsening and his relationship with Laure cooling off happened around the same time.
Part 4: so what does all this mean?
Honestly, it means whatever you want it to. Junot's behaviour matches many of the symptoms of an open injury to the front of the brain, but you could either interpret this as being cause-and-effect or merely coincidental.
Whether you love or hate Junot, I hope this gives you at least some insight into why he was the way he was, and the possible issues he was dealing with.
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chocodile · 2 months
Query; how much would Hyden taking proper medication and treatment for his real physical + mental ailments ACTUALLY do for his overall well-being?
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That's a good question! There certainly are things that hypothetically could help him, but it would depend on whether we're talking modern medicine or not. He's already getting the "best" treatment his time period can offer (a few magical charms, dozens of folk remedy tonics, some of which contain mercury, opium, and unicorn blood). I imagine he has a whole shelf of tonics, tinctures, and other oddball cures he's tried and discarded over the years.
Unfortunately, his most significant problems can't be treated with the medical knowledge of his time period. (Even magic doesn't help that much: Healing magic is somewhat primitive and falls more under "speed up rate at which a wound closes" rather than "cure chronic conditions, fix nerve damage, and stop a magic crystal from burrowing its roots into your frontal lobe".) So all Hyden can really do is (poorly) manage symptoms.
In a more modern setting: He would have many more options. Depending on how "modern" we're talking, he might be able to get his gigantism treated in childhood. His abnormal height meant a lifetime of joint and muscle issues, among other things, and early-onset osteoarthritis in his early 40s. Stopping him from growing so tall would prevent a lot of pain and inconvenience in his future. Other than that, physical therapy and a marginally less sedentary lifestyle could also help, if he stuck with it. However, even with modern medicine, his two primary non-magic-brain-crystal-related physical ailments (osteoarthritis and nerve damage) cannot be cured, only managed.
In terms of mental health, he'd be a very difficult person to treat. If he lived in a modern-ish time period, I do think he might get (mis)diagnosed as bipolar, and mood stabilizers probably would help with taming some of his most extreme and impulsive behavior. The problem is that he'd be really bad about taking medication as prescribed. For example: stopping a med cold turkey when he "feels fine" and suddenly starting it again during a "I'm so fucked up, there's something wrong with me" spiral after a wild manic bender lands him in trouble.
As he got older and his reckless behavior slowed down, he'd probably wind up with a regular prescription including an antipsychotic, antidepressant [of dubious effectiveness], painkiller, and a bunch of common middle aged person medications for blood pressure and the like. They might not fix him, but they'd certainly leave him feeling better than the sketchy medieval folk remedies he canonically takes, at least.
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cripplecharacters · 4 months
I have a character with chronic pain as a result of resurrecting her friend. She feels the pain her friend experienced when he was fatally stabbed, while he only has a scar and no pain. The character's chronic pain isn't a punishment, it's the expected side effect of using resurrection magic.
She doesn't regret bringing her friend to life, and does what she can to relieve the pain, like using ice packs. Medicine is ineffective since she doesn't have any physical or mental source of pain to treat, and medicine can't treat magic-related symptoms.
Am I overlooking problems with this character? Also, should her chronic pain be based on any real-world conditions? Currently it isn't.
I think this is an interesting premise!
Her being aware of the pain being a consequence of what she did is helpful to avoid the "disability as punishment" trope. I wouldn't say that it should be based on any real-life condition as "having a knife in you Forever" isn't really a thing. It's not even like the injury was transferred to her either, she just feels the magic side effect of it. I think you're doing fine!
For some suggestions that you could consider if you want;
when the friend got stabbed, did he have any other injuries? I think it could be interesting to have him be Alive and Not Experience the Fatal Wound (obviously), but have some of the non-fatal wound effects stay. So depending on where he was stabbed, some of his organs like kidneys or liver could be affected. For abdominal injuries there are also some symptoms that can activate months after the initial wound.
Adding a second character with non-magical chronic pain. Just to be safe, plus I really enjoy stories that have a range of disabilities shown (even across the same kind of disability)! They don't have to be a major character by any means. I think it could also be a nice way for a disabled community moment, or to have her get some advice on how to cope with the pain mentally.
I would only advise you to not make her into a saint-martyr for "choosing" to have a disability. It's fine for the character that she saved to think of her very highly for that (reasonable reaction to have), but I would be cautious around the narrative itself!
I hope this helps! :-)
mod Sasza
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astrobiscuits · 1 year
Chiron: where is our physical (and mental) wound?
I'm currently reading a book about Chiron (did you know it's actually half asteroid, half comet? me neither), which inspired me to make this post. I'm in no way an expert in medical astrology, just a curious owl that wants to learn more about every branch of astrology out there (my Sag Venus loves it!!🤭)
DISCLAIMER!!! I'm not a doctor. If you've been feeling any symptoms described here, TALK WITH YOUR DOCTOR, NOT WITH ME
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Observation: Before we dive in, i'd like to mention that the position of Chiron in the houses is important. Not every house placement suggests having a poor physical condition. The most prominent Chiron placements when it comes to having a medical condition are: Chiron in 1st house (house of self, visible illnesses), Chiron in 5th house (illnesses since birth/early childhood), Chiron in 6th house (house of health, if Saturn is also sitting there it points to chronic illnesses), Chiron in 8th house (house of death, may point to severe diseases or poor reproductive health) and Chiron in 12th house (house of the unconscious, deals with mental illnesses)
Honorable mention to Chiron in 3rd house and Chiron in 9th house as they represent accidents while travelling. If Chiron is heavily afflicted in these houses (unless it's also conjuncting Jupiter), it may point to...let's just say you're gonna be in a hospital bed in a vegetative state, but remember, nothing has a 100% possibility of happening, you're just more susceptible to it happening. I suggest checking the position of Chiron in Solar Return charts for the possible timing of it happening (look for Chiron in 3rd house/Chiron in 9th house as it activates your natal Chiron)
Without further do, let's dive in⚕️
Chiron in Aries: frequent headaches, frequent nose bleeds, teeth problems (sensitive teeth, tooth decay), deafness, skull fractures, cerebral anemia, brain tumours, hemophilia, epilepsy, BPD
Chiron in Taurus: frequent colds, frequent voice loss, thyroid problems (goiter, hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidis, etc.), tonsilitis, OCD
Chiron in Gemini: lung problems (asthma, tuberculosis, pneumonia, etc.), speech problems (stuttering, cluttering, mutism), alzheimer's disease, ADHD, OCD
Chiron in Cancer: frequent stomach pain, prone to lactose intolerance, (for girls) breast lumps, breast cysts, breast infections, nipple discharge, depression, anxiety
Chiron in Leo: prone to insolation, frequent heart palpitations, chest pain, hypertension, hypotension, arteriosclerosis, scoliosis, kyphosis
Chiron in Virgo: frequent bloating, prone to gluten intolerance, chronic allergies, diabetes, rabies, autism, ADHD, OCD
Chiron in Libra: prone to acne, frequent lower back pain, disc herniation, spondylolisthesis, chronic kidney disease, kidney stones
Chiron in Scorpio: frequent pain down there, chlamydia, gonorrhea, syphilis, HIV/AIDS, depression
Chiron in Sagittarius: frequent pain in the hips, prone to hips dislocation, cirrhosis, sciatica
Chiron in Capricorn: prone to knees dislocation, osteoarthritis, bone problems (osteopenia, osteoporosis), gout, depression
Chiron in Aquarius: electrical injuries, shin splints, osteofibrous dysplasia, ankle sprain, ankle fractures, poor blood circulation, schizophrenia
Chiron in Pisces: prone to break toes, athlete's foot, bunions, addison's disease, hormonal deregulation, aphantasia, psychosis, schizophrenia, anxiety
Yes, i'm aware of the fact that it's a generational planet and it moves very slowly through signs
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BONUS: It's important to take into consideration all planets that conjunct, square or opposite Chiron (regardless if they're personal or generational) + the Ascendant for additional info about our illnesses
Ex. Let's take me as an example. My Chiron is in my 10th house in Capricorn squaring Saturn in 4th house (so double Capricorn energy) and Aries Ascendant. Guess what? I've got TMJ (basically a jaw disorder affecting the joints) and i've got it from my fam -_- (Saturn rules tradition i love my fam)
I also believe that having a heavy afflicted Chiron in general makes someone prone to having a medical condition, even if it's not in the houses mentioned previously (like in my case). However, these people are more focused on the main meaning of the house, not their health problems. They tend to ignore their health problems or they just don't care
I hope you enjoyed my post and found it insightful :)
What's your wound? Lmk in the comments your placements and your illnesses
Kisses xoxo
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insipid-drivel · 3 months
Endometriosis, Fat Doctors, And Bellybuttons: What They Don't Teach You In Health Class
Woo another rambling TED talk, but I just got home from a meeting with a doctor specializing in wound care that I really feel a lot of you should hear:
Firstly, I've been having mysterious pains in my bellybutton area since... probably last Autumn? But I've had menorrhagia (extremely heavy, painful, and even dangerous periods that can cause spontaneous hemorrhaging) since I was 13 years old. Since my menorrhagia became active, I've been begging for a hysterectomy. I'm moving into my 20 year anniversary of Living With A Uterus That Hates Me As Much As I Hate It.
Being trans (agender) also really incentivizes the whole "yeet the uterus" thing, too, but that doesn't really have anything to do with why I wanna talk to y'all about endometriosis and bellybuttons.
Anyway, as of this year, I've had a lot of issues with my bellybutton region. Random infections, inflammation, pain, trips in and out of the ER; the works. My doctor has been so confused by my bizarre constellation of symptoms that he hasn't been sure of what's going on or what the best course of action is, aside from referring me for more tests and prescribing comfort measures in the meantime.
Until today. My desperate track for a diagnosis began over a week ago when my symptoms became alarmingly sepsis-like, but my test results came back with nothing but signs of an elevated white blood cell count. My doctor has been rushing me from specialist to specialist, and today was a wound care doctor that specializes in treating bariatric, hospice, and disabled patients that can't necessarily follow conventional wound-care advice meant for young, abled, and thin people.
I didn't expect much. Maybe some magnifiers, swabs, and a biopsy at worst, followed by antibiotics and whatever else, but definitely nothing that would help me solve this latest scary health mystery. While the worst of the pain I had that landed me in the ER went away on its own enough that I can get by with mobility aids, I still haven't had a diagnosis.
Until Awesome Fat Doctor.
Awesome Fat Doctor I celebrate. I live for this man. He literally gave me a reason to keep on trying and not give up. I was so scared of the appointment I'd gone nonverbal (not weird for me these days), but I got my voice back after I spent a while with him and his nurse (who was also fantastic). Even though I only met him for a few minutes and he forgot to introduce himself so I can't remember his name right now, Awesome Fat Doctor was a rock star. He was in his later middle age, scruffy, unshaven, and fat - enough that I could imagine the reason he specializes as a wound care doctor is because he may have gotten fed up of other doctors blaming his own health problems on his weight and life choices.
AFD gave no fucks. Along with being a big guy, he carried himself with the gruff no-nonsense of a man that's probably beaten up his ableist colleagues overdiagnosing fibromyalgia in the back of a Wendy's parking lot. He had been informed of my autism and my own needs for a wheelchair due to my own long-term chronic pain and other health issues, as well as my troubles speaking, and treated me like a little cousin that was having a rough go of things like he'd had.
He was compassionate and a straight-shooter with me. He was respectful of my boundaries, talked to me as casually as if I could respond like anybody else with working vocal cords (which I was eventually able to), and generally had all the bedside manner of someone that has worked with patients with special needs of all kinds. He looked at the trouble area and my records and history, told me that he was gonna do his best to get things straightened out, and then went quiet as he studied the timeline of my issues.
"Do you have endometriosis?" he asked, while studying a photo my mom had taken of a... skin infection over my lower abdomen, which had spread from my bellybutton.
I was confused.
"Not that I know of," I answered. I'd found my voice already when he and his nurse both helped put me at ease and showed me I was respected, safe, and seen. I've been tested a few times in my life for endometriosis and had my fair share of ultrasounds (the most common way to diagnose endo), and nobody had found anything unusual. But I have menorrhagia, am always in pain from my reproductive organs, and am desperate to get them removed. I'm on a 24/7 regimen of 2x normal birth control pills just to keep me from menstruating for my own safety. It sucks.
"My wife once had to get emergency surgery for what we thought was appendicitis. Do you know what it turned out she had?" he asked me, very suddenly, and like he had an idea.
"Ectopic pregnancy?" was my first guess, because women have died in the past to ectopic pregnancies that were mistaken for appendicitis.
AFD shook his head. "It was her menstrual cycle, and she had endometrial tissue bleeding into the space beside her appendix. I think you may have endometrial tissue in your bellybutton, and every time your hormones try to cycle in spite of your birth control pills, it bleeds and infects."
I was gobsmacked. Endometriosis and PCOS run in my family as reliably as eye and hair color, but I'd never really thought of how pernicious endometrial tissue could actually be. When I picture endometrial tissue, I picture overgrowths inside of reproductive tissue, or clinging to the outside; not growing randomly within the abdominal cavity or emerging out of my fucking skin like a turkey pop-up timer of doom.
AFD slowly nodded. "And the only way we'd be able to see the endometrial tissue is if you had it tested while you were menstruating and the tissue itself was inflamed and bleeding. Otherwise, it won't show up as anything different to the normal, healthy tissues surrounding it. A biopsy isn't reliable, either, because we have to know exactly where the tissue is before we test it. You have to have your hormones triggering the tissue to inflame and behave differently so it can be diagnosed if there are no big deposits of tissue to see."
After a long time of my ears ringing, I asked him, "Do you think it's possible that the ultrasounds were showing false negatives? Like, I have endometriosis and had it all along, but the tissue is too small to see or were being looked at at the wrong time?"
As it turns out, that's exactly what may be going on.
I see my doctor tomorrow, and meet with my surgeon at the beginning of next month.
Listen to your bodies, y'all. I am so thankful to that doctor, who wound up diverting into a very colorfully-worded rant about how much he hates the American medical system immediately after that. He gave me hope that I was just having new issues with old problems and was right all along about what my body really needed, and that my symptoms now are just showing what happens when doctors neglect their patients' needs.
I did wind up asking if he specialized with wound care because of how other doctors responded to his weight, and he said that it was a mix of reasons beginning with Yes: Both so he could have a safe space from fatphobia and ableism for himself and his patients, but also so his wife - who, while I hadn't seen her, he explained was about as big as he was - would have her own pain taken more seriously, being both fat and female. As he'd already explained, she hadn't been successfully diagnosed with endometriosis until she was symptomatic of full-blown appendicitis-levels of pain as an adult and her doctors were forced to stop blaming her pain on her weight.
Now, as I sit here reflecting... It's hard to believe that, thanks to this doctor's theory, I may finally be free from pain and dysphoria sooner than I imagined. It just took a doctor who could empathize with me to see me, and choose to take the scarier hill to fight on with me.
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thebibliosphere · 2 years
Hey, this is a long shot, but do I have any followers in the UK--specifically Scotland, but I’ll take anywhere--diagnosed with MCAS/D with a doctor they can recommend?
My younger disabled brother who I share a lot of health problems with has just been hospitalized at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital (aka 'the Death Star') for symptoms consistent with a prolonged MCAS flare. He's hardly eating, he's got undiagnosable bladder pain, blinding headaches, worsening allergies, and his skin/eczema is so bad he’s at risk of sepsis and losing his eyesight because he’s been left to claw himself raw with chronic urticaria near his eyes that has been brushed off for years as “anxiety.” (Which he was then prescribed diazepam for and nothing else 🙃)
When my mother brought up my MCAS diagnosis over here in the US and how similar my brother’s symptoms and reactions are, the attending doctor said that MCAS “isn’t real” and won’t even prescribe famotidine for what my brother is describing as “suffocating acid reflux”—presumably because this doctor is now on some sort of bruised ego trip over my mother questioning his prognosis that my brother is suffering from anxiety and “a lack of personal hygiene.”
(My brother is severely disabled, and my elderly mother has to bathe and dress his wounds daily, just like she’s been doing for the last 32 years since he was born. This is not a lack of personal hygiene this is a lack of medical care!!!)
My mother is trying her best, but she’s got her own health problems and suffers severely from her own medical trauma, which is making advocating harder. They do have an appointment to see a dermatologist on Friday, but considering it's at the same clinic that said my chronic urticaria was also anxiety (🙃), we're not holding out much hope.
I've managed to find him some OTC meds that might help stabilize things, but he's at the stage where he needs a knowledgeable MCAS doctor to either confirm or rule this out and figure out what the hell is going on.
I'm trying to help, but from 4000 miles away, it's proving difficult and every possible lead I've found so far has been a dead end.
NHS is preferable but it doesn't have to be. I will find a way for him to go private if I have to. Fuck if you are an MCAS doctor in the UK, I'll pay for your petrol to go to Scotland. I'll pay for anything. I just can't listen to my mother crying in the Queen Liz car park anymore because she might be about to lose her second child to the illness that almost took her first.
Thank you. Sorry. I just don't know what to do anymore.
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kbkhospitals · 1 month
Understanding Chronic Wounds: Symptoms, Causes, Treatment, and Recovery Tips
Chronic wounds are injuries that do not heal within the usual timeframe, often lasting weeks or months. These wounds can severely impact a person's quality of life, making early detection and treatment essential
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Symptoms of Chronic Wounds:
Persistent pain, redness, or swelling.
Slow healing or wounds that remain open for over four weeks.
Signs of infection like pus, foul odor, or warmth.
Discoloration of the surrounding skin.
Causes of Chronic Wounds:
Poor Circulation: Conditions like diabetes or venous insufficiency hinder blood flow.
Infections: Bacterial or fungal infections can delay healing.
Pressure: Long-term pressure, especially in bedridden patients, can cause ulcers.
Underlying Health Conditions: Diabetes, obesity, and weakened immunity contribute to chronic wounds.
Treatment for Chronic Wounds:
Debridement: Removing dead tissue to promote healing.
Advanced Dressings: Special dressings to maintain moisture and prevent infection.
Medications: Topical antibiotics or antiseptics.
Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy: Increases oxygen delivery for faster healing.
Recovery Tips for chronic wounds
Keep wounds clean and follow medical advice.
Eat a balanced diet rich in vitamins and proteins.
Manage underlying conditions like diabetes.
Regularly change dressings as directed.
Watch for signs of infection and seek medical help if needed.
Proper care and early treatment are vital for managing chronic wounds and ensuring a successful recovery.
KBK Multi Speciality Hospital provides advanced, non-invasive treatments for chronic wounds, using cutting-edge technology like hyperbaric oxygen therapy and specialized dressings. We focus on early intervention and personalized care, addressing underlying conditions to promote faster healing and improve patients' quality of life.
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cyberpunk-20xx · 1 year
Hey hey
Johnny Silverhand's not cool
Johnny's disabled. Johnny had a military issued chrome forced onto him. Johnny treated himself like shit and probably smelled like shit too for it.
Do you think he got therapy for it? No I don't mean mental therapy I mean physical therapy, for the arm, I mean do you think he got physical therapy for a metal arm shoved onto a wound (I don't expect the wound was taken care of anymore than what was strictly practical no of course not), no no he wasn't given therapy, he wasn't given time to adapt, his trauma at losing a trustworthy friend on the field was just stacked with the trauma of just being weaponized even more before being put back on the field for a fucking pointless war, so that means-
I mean you know about amputation? No? No, right, of course not, it'd be weird, right? To know about amputation and implants and prothesis and the psychological impacts in detail you'd need to have read up on it, pretty obsessively at that, too, that's not normal, normal people don't do that, what kind of weirdo has hyperfixations about that because of OCD right? Right.
Well amputations are so fucking traumatizing even if they save your life. Of course they are. It's a part of your body. Your body is not supposed to see its insides and it's not supposed to lose parts either, your brain can't actually compute that, like let's say, cutting your nails?
They put a metal arm on him like cutting nails, they didn't care, he wasn't a person to them he was a tool.
He never got physical therapy for it. He never went to have it recalibrated or maintained. Why would he? I don't even think he knows what model it is. Do you think they bothered telling him? Do you think they gave him a little booklet for "how to take care of your new implant"? Ahahahah of course not that'd be so fucking silly and kind and thoughtful. Of course not.
Johnny needs his addictions. Do you think he has prescribed medicine for the chronic pains that the arm causes him? No of course not. Do you think he started drinking and taking Lace because it was fun? Because it was cool? Because he was gonna be a rockerboy? And he wanted to impress girls.
In the real world, as of 2020, the first cause of mortality in the USA is opiates, and the main demographic is white men, aged 30 to 60, roughly, a large amount of those men war veterans, cumulating psychological trauma even prior to the addiction, even prior to the army itself, cus the majority of people who join the military do it to escape poverty and a dysfunctional household. It's a well oiled machine because at worse they go back to the motherland and die quietly of OD or something else, or best case scenario they have kids! And some of those kids are boys, and out of middle class recrutes, a good part are from military families!
It's a system that works just as designed really.
America, abuse and neglect of your chronically ill and chronically in pain is part of your DNA currently.
Johnny's not cool. He runs hot, he's a fucking spoonie who ran out of spoons before he even joined the military so now all he's got is knives. Knives knives nothing else nothing but knives. Johnny's a man overheating on constant, he's been dying for years, he likely has fevers from his port inflammatory's issues due to neglect, he doesn't know how to take care of himself, he wasn't taught, it's not expected of him, no one in his entourage sees him as what he is, do you remember for one second someone treating him like he was disabled and needed accomodation?
Disabled people whose chronic pains are not given the deserved care are most likely to develop the hardest addictions to cope with it, with the physical pain, and the psychological consequences- namely, psychosis, psychosis is a common consequence for having your pain ignored because this kind of neglect breaks your psyche at its core, at its sense of self.
Johnny has all the symptoms of a man in pain but because American soft power made drug abuse cool people think he's cool for drinking and fucking and killing and coking himself up until he blows himself up. Johnny's not cool, he's a tragedy, he's hurt, he's self-medicating, no he's not going to go cold turkey because he loves Kerry or because he loves your V, love isn't going to fucking save him, if you just erase Johnny's addictions because you think love fixes that honestly fuck you, because I'm tired of people just treating addiction like a bad spot to bleach out of sight, like it's got no roots and it's got no continuation, to no longer need self-medication Johnny would need reparation and better treatment, especially if he's brought back with that fucking arm, why do people not get that he didn't reclaim the arm, he let it take over, for fuck's sake he canonically blames all HIS bad deeds on The Hand, that's not reclaiming, that's self-sabotage.
Johnny dies like a pathetic pawn in Blackhand's plan, and even among people who were supposed to be his own, he's not seen as anything but a hero or a monster. No inbetween. He's not a man to them. He's something to workship, and if he doesn't grant them miracles he's the Devil.
What a load of bullshit.
Fuck, Johnny's not cool. Johnny needed help but didn't even want it because he was so full of violence and hatred he killed himself. But he deserved better nonetheless.
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isnt-it-pretty · 1 year
Vaguely chronically ill Cyno, whose body struggles to carry the weight of Hermanubis inside of him. Usually, he's fine! The symptoms are minor, although they were worse when he was a kid. Cyrus nursed him through fevers and days of painful haze as he was crushed beneath the power of a millennia-old spirit.
But sometimes, it still hits him. It's one such time, in the weeks following their freeing of Lord Kusanali, that Alhaitham finds Cyno passed out at his desk with a fever boiling beneath his skin. He overworked himself to the point of illness. Even when Cyno wakes, he's dazed and obviously exhausted (less obviously, but still noticeable to Alhaitham, he's in pain, his movements slow as he grimaces.)
Alhaitham doesn't trust leaving him alone. There's a reason Tighnari and Kaveh each have a key to Cyno's apartment. Cyno has a horrible track record for taking care of himself, even worse than Kaveh during his flares, and has needed help more than once while hiding away to lick his wounds. The only logical course of action is to take him to Alhaitham's home, a thought which is further cemented as Cyno wavers on his feet, not opposing the arm Alhaitham keeps around his shoulders lest he collapses. 
When they arrive, Kaveh is prepared to complain and argue, but he freezes at the sight of Cyno half asleep on his feet, and softens in a way Alhaitham rarely sees. They get Cyno into Kaveh's room, and Kaveh sends Alhaitham to find something oversized and comfortable for Cyno to wear. When they're alone, Kaveh tucks Cyno's hair behind his ear and tries to gauge his awareness. It isn't good. Cyno recognizes Kaveh and knows his own name, but he doesn't seem to know where he is or how he got there. He isn't fighting, though. Kaveh is there, and that means he's safe. 
They change him into comfortable clothes and try to coax some water into him. Cyno curls up beneath Kaveh's blankets, closer to unconsciousness than sleep. Kaveh sits on the edge of the bed, finger combing through Cyno's hair while Alhaitham leans unhappily against the wall nearby. 
None of the medicine they have in the house will work for Cyno-- his metabolism is too fast. Instead, Kaveh leaves Alhaitham with specific instructions on getting Cyno to drink if he wakes, and goes to Cyno's apartment to find the medicine that will work.  
It's a bit of a mess, a clear sign that Cyno hasn't been well for days. Dishes are piled in the sink (although not as much as there should be. Cyno never liked eating when he felt sick), and even his tcg cards are slowly gathering dust. 
Kaveh finds the medicine in his bathroom, the bottle empty, and he curses. Cyno must have run out during his last flare and decided not to mention it. Tighnari or Cyrus would have made sure he had more on hand if he did. 
So he writes a letter to Tighnari explaining the situation and sends it off with the assurance it will be delivered that evening. Then he heads to Cyrus' house to see if he has extra medication. He doesn't. Cyno gets it from Tighnari now since he doesn't want his father to worry about the frequency or duration of his flares. 
Tighnari makes it there by late evening, a medical bag slung over his shoulder. Cyno's sleep has been restless, although it calmed a little when Kaveh crawled into bed with him; Cyno's head is now pillowed in Kaveh's lap as Kaveh braids and unbraids his hair. The damp cloth resting on his forehead that Alhaitham periodically replaces has done nothing to lessen the fever. 
They manage to wake him enough to swallow down medication-- something for the fever and another for the agony he'll never admit to being in. Tighnari takes up residence on the bed next to Kaveh, humming old lullabies. 
And so it goes. For most of the next few days, time passes the same way. They take turns sleeping or being away long enough to catch their breath, but somebody is always there for Cyno (usually two people). Cyrus comes and goes, wanting to be there for his son but not wanting to infringe on his privacy. So he brings groceries and meals for them all to share, makes tea, and sits with Cyno when two of the others need a break. 
When Cyno recovers enough to be awake (at which point he'd usually return to work), he's in for one hell of a lecture on not taking care of himself, not just from Tighnari but Kaveh and Alhaitham too—also, mandatory sick leave by order of Cting Grand Sage Alhaitham and Lord Kusanali.
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warcrimesimulator · 1 year
A 33-year-old New Zealand woman who was accused of faking debilitating symptoms has died of Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (EDS).
Stephanie Aston, 33, passed away in her home in Auckland on 1 September, the New Zealand Herald reports.
Aston became an advocate for patients' rights after doctors refused to take her EDS symptoms seriously and blamed them on mental illness. She was just 25 when those symptoms began in October 2015. At the time, she did not know she had inherited the health condition.
EDS refers to a group of inherited disorders caused by gene mutations that weaken the connective tissues, according to the National Institutes of Health (NIH). These tissues are responsible for many important functions, and they support the skin, bones, blood vessels, and other organs.
Symptoms of EDS include fragile, small blood vessels; loose joints; abnormal scar formation; abnormal wound healing; and soft, stretchy, velvety skin that bruises easily, per the NIH.
There are at least 13 different types of EDS, and the conditions range from mild to life-threatening. EDS is extremely rare: Only one in every 5,000 people have it. Patients with EDS can sometimes receive treatments that might help manage their symptoms—such as physical therapy—but there is no cure for the illness. People who live with EDS often have to restructure their lives to learn how to protect their joints and prevent injuries.
Aston sought medical help after her symptoms—which included severe migraines, abdominal pain, joint dislocations, easy bruising, iron deficiency, fainting, tachycardia, and multiple injuries—began in 2015, per the New Zealand Herald. She was referred to Auckland Hospital, where a doctor accused her of causing her own illness.
Because of his accusations, Aston was placed on psychiatric watch. She had to undergo rectal examinations and was accused of practising self-harming behaviours. She was suspected of faking fainting spells, fevers, and coughing fits, and there were also suggestions that her mother was physically harming her.
There was no basis for the doctor’s accusations that her illness was caused by psychiatric issues, Aston told the New Zealand Herald. “There was no evaluation prior to this, no psych consultation, nothing,” she said.
She eventually complained to the Auckland District Health Board and the Health and Disability Commissioner of New Zealand. “I feel like I have had my dignity stripped and my rights seriously breached,” she said.
Research suggests women are often much more likely to be misdiagnosed than men. A 2009 study of patients with heart disease symptoms found 31.3 per cent of middle-aged women “received a mental health condition as the most certain diagnosis”, compared to just 15.6 per cent of their male counterparts. Additionally, a 2020 study found that as many as 75.2 per cent of patients with endometriosis—a painful disorder that affects the tissue of the uterus—had been misdiagnosed after they started experiencing endometriosis symptoms. Among those women, nearly 50 per cent were told they had a “mental health problem”.
One reason women’s health conditions are often ignored or misdiagnosed could come down to where the research stands. A 2022 paper states that “females remain broadly under-represented in the medical literature, sex and gender are poorly reported and inadequately analysed in research, and misogynistic perceptions continue to permeate the narrative”. Women’s pain, in particular, is especially under-researched: 70 per cent of people with chronic pain are women, yet 80 per cent of available studies on pain have focused on men or male mice, per Harvard Health Publishing.
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The Arcana HCs: Brainrot's Masterlist, Pt 2
Because, apparently, there is a 100 link limit XD. In order from oldest to most recent, updated every time I post! ^.^
What the M6 need to hear
How the M6 found some cool art
When M6 break into your shop (feat. Faust)
When M6 find MC badly injured
When MC is taller than Muriel
M6 talking to their past selves
When MC makes cosmetics for the M6
When MC's memory loss changes them
M6 with a cute but intimidating MC
M6 as friends
M6 with a hothead MC
When MC has to reject someone painfully
M6 with kids
Play fighting with M6
When MC age regresses
M6 during MC’s pregnancy
How M6 act when they’re sleep deprived
Mazelinka comforting MC
When M6 get pregnant
When MC hides their natural hair color
M6 comforting MC after a bad breakup
MC with Red Plague symptoms
M6 when MC has SH scars
When M6 body swap with MC
M6 when MC has a nightmare of them dying
M6 with an asexual MC
Lucio's Birthday
Vesuvia Weekly: The Marketplace Incident (oneshot)
M6's ringtones
When M6 think MC is dead
Vesuvia Weekly: Fashion Intervention (oneshot)
When MC writes their love story
Vesuvia Weekly: Brainrot's Baking Lesson
M6 and Kisses
M6 with an MC who has ADHD
Portia's Birthday
M6 with an MC who's been through SA
Muriel's Birthday
MC and their familiar bodyswap
Vesuvia Weekly: What it's like to hold the M6
When MC argues with M6 and gets stuck in a storm
When MC can regenerate their limbs
When M6 accidentally trigger MC
Vesuvia Weekly: Secret Skills
M6 in the Future
M6 when MC is recovering from abuse
Celebrating Holi
M6 with a winged MC
MC gets falsely arrested
Lazy days with M6
Vesuvia Weekly: Things the M6 don't do anymore
M6 when MC eats monsters
Post-Route M6 get 10 minutes with Pre-Memory Loss MC
M6 at the airport
Vesuvia Weekly: M6 saying "Your Other Left!"
MC gets temporary amnesia
M6 get temporary amnesia
M6 get kidnapped and tortured
MC with chronic pain
When MC falls into a coma
When MC suffers from cognitive loss
M6 with an ex-Coliseum fighter MC
M6 with wings
When M6 are forced to attack MC
When MC is forced to attack M6
Reflecting M6's love languages
When MC struggles with jealousy
When MC turns into a small, wounded animal
When M6 become folk heroes
When MC has Tourette's Syndrome
(Vesuvia Weekly) What M6 get from their parents
When MC regains their memories
When MC has social anxiety
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jmtorres · 20 days
Hi, this is random, but would you mind sharing more about your gut issues/long covid? (I.e. diagnosis, treatment). I have chronic fatigue, and gut issues that are definitely linked to that, but all of my doctors are being extremely useless about it. (No worries if this is not the kind of info you want to share with a total stranger on the internet)
(This is in reference to my comment on this post)
@reptilerex I appreciate you recognizing the sensitivity of this ask, I am going to go ahead and answer it because I feel like the likelihood that you or someone you know (or even others of my readers) are struggling with long covid and finding adequate medical help vastly outweighs the minuscule probability that you've hacked into HIPAA records and are planning to dox me lol
so in the immediate aftermath of my first bout of covid (despite vaxxing and masking regularly, I'm up to two now 😭) my obvious symptoms were fatigue – going to the grocery store would wear me out for 2+ days – and a 20 year-old scar from a car accident reopened, which sounds like some scurvy ass bullshit, and I do wonder if the fact that my friend @niqaeli, who knew that long covid symptoms are highly correlated with MCAS symptoms and was encouraging me to start MCAS otc treatments like vitamin C supplements, helped. (worth noting that while I didn't hear anything about old scars reopening as a covid/post covid thing before it happened to me, but when I told people about it, they were like "oh yeah, that happened to me or someone I know" SO often) My doctor sent me to a wound specialist for that, and they kept poking it trying to figure out if there was some embedded shrapnel that they hadn't realized was in there originally, but ultimately it just healed back over much redder and angrier than the first time.
so then, the fatigue. My doctor had me wait three months because it wasn't officially long covid until three months. obnoxious as hell. I found out the DMV accepts long covid for a disability placard reason and got my doctor to write me a DMV form about how I couldn't walk hardly any distance. she was willing to do that before the three month mark.
I was Johnny on the spot coming back three months after, the first thing she did was send me for a chest x-ray because the obvious/expected reason for fatigue is you're not getting enough O2 in your blood. There was nothing wrong with my lungs and we were kind of at a dead end until I presented my doctor with more options.
I mean, I was kind of like, my PCP is being useless, I have a PPO, why can't I just go directly to a specialist, but it turns out specialist won't take you without a referral because reasons. I had heard rheumatologist is as good at figuring out weird vague shit so I tried to book there but when I told them long covid, they said that wasn't their department. They said I needed to go see an immunologist which sounded wrong to me, but there was a pretty good HIV specialist immunologist in the area that I tried to book with who said no that's not what long covid is. someone recommended a Long Covid Specialty clinic in a city that is 2 to 5 hours away depending on traffic and I knew I wasn't making that drive in my current condition so was like somebody local gotta help me.
so I went back to my PCP and said to her that I had learned from disability communities online that sometimes a rheumatologist can be helpful. And she said OK we can do some blood tests for inflammation markers to see if I can justify a referral to a rheumatologist. (and I thought of my weird scar issue and thought gee I better have some weird inflammation markers)
So I had some inflammation markers pop and I got a referral to a rheumatologist, and they were actually willing to see me. The rheumatologist ordered so many tests, like an unbelievable number of tests. I think they drew like eight vials of blood. Plus other samples. The rheumatologist was basically like let's look for anything and everything.
I had a borderline response on Calprotectin. To quote from the explainer in the test notes:
Calprotectin in Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis can be five to several thousand times above the reference population (50 mcg/g or less). Levels are usually 50 mcg/g or less in healthy patients and with irritable bowel syndrome.
so I wasn't high enough to qualify for IBD outright from that test results, but I was high enough that it flagged to the rheumatologist, and I had reported a family history (brother has IBD), so he said that was enough to diagnose and started prescribing me for that.
The thing is, rheumatology is an ass backwards way to get an IBD diagnosis and I was having another symptom that I hadn't reported because I was a dumbass and this is the apocryphal frog boiling slowly thing. I was having fairly regular loose stool/diarrhea. if I had told my PCP that could I have gotten a referral to a gastroenterologist and gotten a less ass backwards diagnosis?
I hadn't told my PCP about loose stools for two reasons:
I didn't think it was relevant to the fatigue, and in fact, I still didn't think it was relevant when the rheumatologist called it, and I was really surprised when taking medication for IBD did actually turn out to help the fatigue
I knew I was lactose intolerant, so I thought it was already explained. However, the rheumatologist and I had this exchange:
Him: so do you still drink regular milk or just Lactaid?
Me: Lactaid
Him: then you shouldn't still be having diarrhea
I can't remember the first med he started me on because I was only on it for a couple of weeks before we had to switch. (it helped a lot when I could tolerate it but about every three days I had to throw up and then I felt awful and didn't take the med for a couple of days and you can guess how that went.) the one that I went on long-term that actually worked without side effects for me was mesalamine/lialda. I also started experimenting with some dietary changes, the low FODMAP diet is intended for IBS not IBD, but you are still expected to have IBD triggers so I was playing around with that.
for a few weeks, I had incredible improving energy. It was crazy.
then I made what I can only now think of as a mistake in trying to be proactive about my care. because I had stumbled ass backwards into an IBD diagnosis and I felt like I should have gastroenterologist confirm it, and I went to go see my brother's gastroenterologist. he wanted to do a colonoscopy and he asked me to go off the mesalamine for six weeks so that he could see what my colon was like without treatment and it was the worst fucking six weeks of my life. Hated it. colonoscopy results: he didn't see anything fucking wrong and would not diagnose IBD or prescribe mesalamine based on what he found. I said, but the mesalamine improves my symptoms, what does that mean? He said, it means keep seeing your rheumatologist.
I went back to the rheumatologist and told him about the whole debacle with the gastroenterologist and he was like "so how did he explain your inflammation readings?" like CHECKMATE. And he concluded that any lesions I had must be in the small intestine, not the large intestine and so were not seen by colonoscopy.
I kept taking mesalamine. My improvement was slower after the break from it which sucks but I did get back to normal lab work within six months, hallelujah.
Follow up: MORE stuff that might have been avoided if I had gastroenterologist regularly, had gotten an IBD diagnosis from a gastroenterologist, or had mentioned my shitty symptoms in the immediate: the gallbladder bullshit this summer
I had my second round of covid in May and I didn't notice a lot of fatigue coming out of it, though I was more cautious with myself the second time around, but I was sort of holding my breath for what horrible nonsense is going to come out of this now? so then I had what I thought was a really bad case of Gerd that didn't go away for two weeks even though my Gerd usually resolves in like a day. I went to my PCP twice during this period and then ultimately ended up at the ER when I realized my pain was in my side not central anymore and I was worried about appendicitis. It wasn't appendicitis. It was my gallbladder. and it came out that night. overall, I am very happy with how the hospital handled the emergency for instance, I didn't realize until two weeks later that I seriously could've died because they were so calm about it the whole time but like they don't do same-day surgery unless death is on the line, let's be real.
but here's things that could have been helped if I had better gastroenterology care:
I didn't find this out until I was researching gallstones after the fact, and I would like to think a gastroenterologist would have warned me whereas the rheumatologist wasn't super aware of it but: IBD can lead to gallstones because one of the ways a cholesterol gallstone forms is, if you get an imbalance of bile and cholesterol in your gallbladder; your body wants to recycle bile by reabsorbing it at the end of your small intestine, but if you have IBD, sometimes it loses the bile instead of reabsorbing it, and then you get an overabundance of cholesterol, turning into a gallstone the size of a golf ball
I told my PCP it was a case of Gerd that wouldn't go away, but I didn't tell her I was also having diarrhea. Diarrhea is not a Gerd symptom. Maybe if I had just fucking told her she might've recognized or could've sent me to somebody who would have recognized it as a gallbladder symptom before it turned into an immediate emergency
tl;dr don't hide your gut symptoms from your doctor because you "think" you know what's wrong with your guts or that it's not related to your other problems or you're embarrassed or what the fuck ever just tell them that you're shitting yourself because it might turn out to be important
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