#christopher- - jones
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porcelain-dionysus · 1 year ago
Nine would have thought Martha Jones was the coolest person in the world. Doesn’t even matter where in the timeline this was or what happened to Rose, he would have loved her leather jacket and her hairstyle. He would have loved that she was a DOCTOR! Her studying to be a doctor was so overlooked and he would have loved it. He would have thought she was the coolest person alive. Nine and Donna would have killed each other on sight
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doverstar · 10 months ago
there's such a massive history with doctor who and it hit me lately that the sensation of seeing that the companions and doctors you watched in real-time have become the past is a sensation every fan has felt for 60 years. at some point people missed jon pertwee and could remember watching him recently, even though tom baker was on tv as the doctor now and they liked him too. and nowadays we miss rose tyler and martha jones and amy pond and clara oswald and donna noble and tennant and smith and capaldi like those people missed baker when davison took the stage. like people missed ace and wondered if the show would ever come back, and then got excited and still felt it wasn't quite the same when eccleston was announced. like. it feels so recent, like just yesterday rose saw the tardis for the first time, but that was twenty years ago. feels like the doctor just made the speech in 'the rings of akhaten' and that was a decade ago. clara is gone, amy is gone. peter capaldi went from gray to white. and the show is going on and children will think of ncuti gatwa and millie gibson and huge white tardis corridors when they think of doctor who in the future. to them, david tennant is already what tom baker is to us. this story has a huge legacy. when you're watching doctor who, it ironically begins to feel like you're making history just by watching it.
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soundsofmyuniverse · 5 months ago
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Doctor Who “Aliens of London” 1x04
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lykoiii · 2 months ago
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martha martha martha. and nine :)
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donutdrawsthings · 1 year ago
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Some crossovers I thought would be fun and the first doctor and his granddaughter Susan! I've been watching some Classic Who and I cried at her departure :'o)
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wideeyedsmile · 2 years ago
Hi fun Doctor Who thought: I think if the show ever wanted to be Super Clever, then the season leading up to a regeneration should have 1 episode that has some EXTREME plot holes, like to the point fans are like "how did they ever fix x they never explained that". Like even the Doctor is like "yeah I'm not really sure what happened to that". HOWEVER that episode should also feature one of the companions bumping into a couple of people that are walking past. It should look like a cameo, at least one of the actors should be semi-well known. A couple weeks after that, the semi-well known actor should be announced as the next doctor.
AND THEN IN THE NEXT SEASON: the regenerated doctor and the new companion land in the same spot (cause we know damn well the Doctor loves to visit the same time periods and places over and over) and the Doctor realizes "oh wait. I'm who cleaned that up" and like half the episode should just be them trying to avoid the past incarnation. If possible these episodes should be filmed at the same time.
Whatever the title of the first episode was, the episode in the next season is called pt. 2.
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zevampirex · 1 year ago
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Doctor Who and companion sketch🪛
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witchofthemidlands · 1 year ago
“nine hundred years of time and space, and I've never been slapped by someone's mother.”
✨proceeds to get slapped by all three✨
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evviejo · 6 months ago
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djkerr · 6 months ago
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Succession behind the scenes captured by Christopher Norr.
📷 cred @christophernorr2001 via IG
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fallenflamess · 2 months ago
made my own doctor who memes bc I needed them.....
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part 1 (here) part 1.5 part 2
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dreamtheatre · 5 months ago
hi! I've been really into doctor who lately, but I can't find many headcanons on tumblr!! if you have time or are interested, can you do headcanons of 9,10, and 11 having a crush on the reader? (or if you'd rather only do one, that's fine too!)
a/n hey! i absolutely love this idea... so let's do it!! i'm going to do this with our wonderful time lords 9 and 10.
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Pairing: 9/10th Doctor x GN!Reader Fandom: Doctor Who Genre: headcannons, fluff Word Count: 708 Warnings: Nothing really... Obliviousness? Denial?
9th Doctor
he would never admit it, but he notices these little things about you.
your laugh... how the corners of your eyes crinkle and your head tilts back when something amuses you. he notices that when whatever you're laughing at is funny enough, your laugh turns into a bit of a wheeze. he can tell you're embarrassed by it, but he thinks its cute adorable nice.
he notices what your favourite colour is, and when he gets you a big box full of stuff that is your favourite colour he feels a smile stretch over his face when you grin. when you ask how he knew your favourite colour, he lied and said that the TARDIS told him (to which the TARDIS hummed in disagreement).
he notices what your favourite food is. he even takes you to the past/future to let you try all the different variations of your favourite foods.
he calls you "fantastic" a lot (Rose and Jack definitely notice)
he sees how close you are with Rose and Jack, but although he doesn't mind Rose, Jack notices how the time-lord's eyes get just a bit darker and a frown is etched on his face whenever he sees you with the 'handsome' ex-time-agent.
he never tells you any of this, though, because he doesn't know how he feels. the time war is still too fresh in his mind for him to come to terms with his emotions.
if you are there when he regenerates (which of course you are) he'll tell you that you were "bloody fantastic" one last time before the golden glow covers his body.
10th Doctor
this version of the time lord is different... you're not complaining though.
he rambles and rambles on about the planets, stars, and the galaxy and tells you about all the places he is going to take you (all the companions tell you he's just trying to impress you, but you wave them off, telling them he's just being his regular time lord self)
he can't help but smile when you smile, laugh when you laugh, and he has to fight of his tears when he sees you cry.
when you both lose Rose, he really does cry with you. he holds you tighter than ever and vows to never let the terrors of the universe reach you.
when you both meet Martha, the Doctor notices how you and her get along almost as well as you did with Rose. he happily takes the med-student along with you on your new adventures
he's beyond terrified when he gets possessed by the sun, thinking that he's going to hurt you (or worse, kill you) and there would be nothing he could do to stop himself. when you and martha save him, he contemplates taking you home, where you'd be safe from all the dangers of travelling with him, but you tell him that you're going to stay with him forever. he's stuck with you now (and he's not complaining at all)
when he turns into john smith, he falls in love with you instead of the matron. when the family of blood is defeated and he turns back into his old self, he hates that he can't bring himself to tell you that those three months, a mere fraction in his time lord life, was the best that he had ever lived.
after a year without you and the torture of being with the Master, the Doctor realises how short his time with you might be. when he sees his old friend, the Master, dying in his arms, he knows that he'd never forgive himself if he let anything happen to you
he finally tells you that he loves you
happily, he takes you out to romantic locations across the galaxy, picnics on New Earth, watching outer-space operas, and even just sitting on beaches on a planet where the ocean glows with pink and purple hues. he loves doing what you love
when Donna comes along, the Doctor and you both find her to be an amazing friend, and when you both meet a strange woman named River Song at the Library, she grins knowingly, knowing what the future had in store for the both of you.
end xx dreamtheatre requests are open!
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ghost-bison · 3 months ago
what i love about rtd companions is that even martha who was a fricking doctor was just a normal young adult. donna was the most normal woman in her mid-thirties you could find. rose was what people call a "chav". and the ninth doctor didn't have a "posh" accent. he sounded like a northerner. this is great
i am a northerner myself, but from france, where (surprise!) people with our accent and background are belittled like in britain, as we're working class. france isn't as elitist as britain but it's been getting worse
i live in france where people like rose are called "cas-sociaux" (charity cases basically, "cassos" for short) which has become an insult. we use it to tell people they're stupid. so basically, your level of intelligence is mesured by your up-bringing. if you're rich and still have both your parents, you're smarter. if you're poor and have only one parent, you're dumb. which is fucking shit, btw
but this classicism can be associated with so much racism in france towards mixed-raced people (and immigrants in general, even those who are now naturalized). cause statistically speaking, a lot of them are poor. thing is, they're poor and some of them even labeled as "delinquants", not because they're lazy or stupid, but because white people won't let them get jobs! duh
so yeah, i know rose is white (2005 uk tv, right?), but she's still poor and "underpriviledged" (much like myself, and even more so than myself), and eccleston even talked about this during a convention, how when billie piper was cast as rose there was a lot of negative feedback, because she was a pop-star. it's again very much linked to classicism, "people having to stay in their boxes"
and it's crazy hilarious and fantastic how the doctor himself gives a big fuck you to all those people who have been fans of the show for so long, by giving ZERO FUCKS that rose lives in a council flat or donna is considered a "lowbrow" due to her up-bringing her education and job or that martha has more melanin than his previous companions
the most brilliant creature in the universe would rather travel with your curious broke ass than with some snooty sophisticated daddy's girl and it makes the boomers so mad
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amatesura · 2 years ago
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Grace Jones and Christopher Walken in A View to a Kill (1985)
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morganhopesmith1996 · 3 months ago
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Got this set from Walmart Today :)
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nadezhda-wexler · 1 year ago
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Oh! Here we go again.
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