#christopher nakano
Gotham Municipal Government Navigation -
Hello citizens of Gotham City, this is the official social media account of the Gotham City Municipal Government under Mayor Christopher Nakano. For further information on the different divisions of our government, please see links below.
For any questions or concerns please contact our intern via the link at the top of our page. If your issue is not addressed feel free to contact them (here)
(More information to be added)
Gotham City Council - here
Gotham City Child Protective Services - (here)
Gotham City Legal Department - (here)
Gotham City Department of Health & Sanitation - here
Gotham City Department of Transportation - here
Gotham City Department of Green Space - here
Mun time
Hiya! The mun of this account also runs several other DC-related blogs and doesn’t follow any specific timeline, simply that Christopher Nakano is the Mayor.
Any other info on timelines or storyline ideas should be submitted via the ask box.
This is supposed to come across as kinda like the old duolingo socials; ie. a random teenager is running all pf these but they’re still legally part of the municipal government (or company in duos case).
I have not thought any of this through so, yeah. If any links are not working that’s because I still haven’t written the bio for the division it’s part of. The intern running this is @the-one-and-only-ruination so if ya’ll see it mentioned there a bit that’s why.
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Mayor Nakano’s newest project sparks legal battle - GCCPS
Earlier this evening this journal was made aware of a new issue arising within our beloved city’s government. The culprit? Mayor Christopher Nakano’s (see related articles) newest passion project, the newest government devision; Gotham City Child Protective Services.
Gotham City Child Protective Services, or GCCPS (see related articles), was put in place after the disbandment of its predecessor, Gotham City Protection Services (see related articles), after the city’s municipal government, under Mayor Nakano, found it to be in violation of multiple laws (see related articles).
This includes, but is not limited to, several charges of fraud, potentially human trafficking, alleged child exploitation, alleged human experimentation, and child abuse and abduction. And while this journal applauds Mayor Nakano for removing this plague on the family’s of this city, we are beginning to question how well he thought this decision through.
Since the activation of GCCPS nearly a month ago, they have removed several children from homes without, what seems to be, legal grounds to do so. At the very least without any proper information prior to the child’s removal.
One family to have a child removed, The Gordon’s (see related articles), are attempting to fight this decision in court alongside several other children who were recently removed from their homes. We sent our intern to interview Ms. Barbara ‘Babs’ Gordon (see related articles) ( @babsggordon ), elder sister of the child removed, Julian Gordon ( @the-other-son-of-james-gordon ). Here is what she had to say -
“ Q: Please clarify the situation you and your family are in in regard to GCCPS ”
“ A: My family has been deeply afecteds by the recent mannage of the organization. The organization has taken a biological family member out of their home to be put in the struggles and inestability of the system. ”
“ Q: Do you believe them to be a valid organization? ”
“ A: No, there's no public means to contact the organization and on behalf the lack of the proper public information should have available for the general public. ”
“ Q: Do you believe your father to be guilty of those crimes? Do you believe them to be crimes at all? ”
“ A: According to the U.S Child protection law, these reasons are invalid. For three principal reasons:
I. The are missing the fellow paperwork, neither I or my father, Mr. Gordon has received the proper notice approved by the legal means
II. The subject and declaration to take a kid from their home, (in this case Julian J. Gordon) by negligence in the excuse for a severe addiction requires a police statement and in the case of legal subjects as tabaco or coffee, a medical diagnosis of addiction. Mr. Gordon don't present either of them. The medical archives of Mr. Gordon ARE public information due to his job as Police Comissioner.
III. The prohibition of communication with his family is an attempt against Julian and his family rights, considering they are his biological family no organization are authorized to restrain the communication with the immediate family as parents or siblings. ”
“ Q: What would be your words to Mayor Nakano in regard to this situation? ”
“ A: Mayor Nakano, with all the due respect I demand the respective clarifications of the recent movements in all the respective public organizations. Most of them are missing and it's a major problem it should be resolved as soon as possible. ”
“ Q: How would you fix the current adoption system within Gotham? ”
“ A: It's a big question to resolve just in a few words, but I would suggest that the organization openly collaborates with the Thomas and Martha way foundation. Raise the funds in public orphanages. And keep the investigation about the protectors of the children to the protectors and not stress the children by intrusively take them out of their homes. ”
When later asked if she and her family would further this lawsuit if Mr. Gordon was returned, she responded with -
“ Absolutely. ”
While we were unable to contact Mayor Nakano on this situation, there has been a recent update as there is now a way to contact GCCPS as well as many other factions on the Gotham City Municipal Government via their newly created social media account ( @gotham-city-municipal-government ).
We are unsure if Ms. Gordon and her lawyers were made aware of this, or if it was even available when she was initially inquiring after the wellbeing of her brother.
Another group of affected, 5 children between the ages of 8 and 14 who have been living together under the care of their respective guardians, are also pursuing legal action, more on this story later (see related articles).
Though Mayor Nakano was not available for comment, we reached out to the Gotham City Municipal Government and GCCPS for statements on the matter. Solely the GCMG responded, here is what they had to say -
“ Due to the nature of our founding and the, admittedly rocky, transition of data from or predecessor GCPS, as well as the sheer number of reports against Commissioner Gordon, we are legally obligated to intervene.
Due to the nature of the reports (addiction, abuse, neglect, etc.) we found it prudent to remove Mr. Gordon from his home as a means of ensuring he not be in harms way.
While we do have some access to Commissioner Gordon’s medical logs, we were are unsure of their validity and are having our own personnel review his files, both with the New Jersey Medical System (see related articles) and with the GCPD (see related articles).
We do admit to there being a lack of clarity on this case on our part, and will happily discuss further details with the families affected. ”
Though inconclusive, this case is ongoing and will be closely monitored by this journal.
Let us know your thoughts on the topic (here)
Gotham Reports is certified in fair, reliable, and unbiased reporting
Part 2 of this story (here)
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momachan · 7 months
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"Jim. Tell me this. You old enough to get your boogeyman? Yeah. The perp you see when you close your eyes at night. The one that was worse than all the others... Do you believe in evil? I was a few years older than you when I saw the devil... There's the law. There's respecting the system as it's supposed to work. Serving and protecting ordinary people. Keeping the peace. And I know that's important to you, Jim. And I admire that. My daddy would have admired that, too. But there's the law, and there's the evil, Jim. And when you see evil, you aim for the head."
The Joker (2021) Vol. 1. "Chapter One: Boogeymen."
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fancyfade · 3 months
honestly with the whole mary sue batbot taking over gotham mayor nakano looks super validated in his anti-bat policy
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ae-arts · 1 year
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this is deep
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officialbruciewayne · 1 month
To address your concerns, we, the GCCPS, are a new foundation designed to replace Gotham City Protective Services after their disbandment last may. This change was made due to the high levels of human trafficking, exploitation, and experimentation being carried out under GCPS.
We, the Gotham City Child Protective Services, have been formed under Mayor Christopher Nakano’s municipal government in junction with the Gotham City Police Department and Gotham City Welfare Services.
Due to the short period of time between the disbandment of GCPS and the formation of GCCPS, as well as the nature of the fall of GCPS, many of our files have either been lost or are being investigated and therefore the transfer of information has been delayed.
However, simply because our systems are not at 100% does not mean we can stop homing children, and those on the urgent rehoming list often cannot wait. This is why we have been reaching out to those deemed eligible-for-guardianship by the GCPD and GCWS to inquire as to their adopter status.
If you have any further questions or concerns please let us know.
Thank you for reaching out with further information, I will forward it on to the relevant legal team. I am concerned your file issues may be more substantially damaged than suspected, and Ms Gordon can assist you profoundly with repairs.
That said, I reiterate that my home and doors are always open to those in need. I specialize in older fostering with adoption only by clear consent of the minor. Outside of this, I also keep my home open for those aging out of the system in need of support, home and family.
If you require further assistance, please feel free to reach out to placements@thomasmarthawaynefoundation.
@babsggordon @two-sided-stories @gothams-daredevil
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43 Childrens 2.0 (fanfic)
The 43 Children
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#1. Luther Hargreeves
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Powers: Super Strength, Super Durability, Gorilla DNA
Birthplace: Stockholm, Sweden
#2. Diego Hargreeves
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Powers: Trajectory Manipulation, Absolute Lung Capacity 
Birthplace: Mexico City, Mexico
#3. Allison Hargreeves
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Powers: Mental Manipulation, Reality Manipulation
Birthplace: Cape Town, South Africa
#4. Klaus Hargreeves
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Powers: Mediumship, Evocation, Spectrokinesis
Birthplace: Pennsylvania, U.S
#5. Five Hargreeves
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Powers:  Temporal Manipulation, Spatial Manipulation
Birthplace: Dublin, Ireland
#6. Ben Hargreeves
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Powers: Eldritch Demon Portal, Demon Transformation
Birthplace: Seoul, South Korea
#7. Viktor Hargreeves
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Powers: Sound/Energy Conversion
Birthplace: Moscow, Russia
#8. Lila Pitts
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Powers: Power Mimicry
Birthplace: East London, UK
#9. Marcus Hargreeeves
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Powers: Superhuman Strength, Superhuman Agility, Stone Transformation
Birthplace: Abuja, Nigeria
#10. Fei Hargreeves
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Powers: Bird Manipulation, Flight
Birthplace: Paris, France
#11. Alphonso
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Powers: Empathetic Masochism, Pain Manipulation, Wound Manipulation
Birthplace: Jerusalem, Israel 
#12. Sloane
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Powers: Gravity Maniplation
Birthplace: Caracas, Venezuela  
#13. Jayme Hargreeves
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Power: Oral Poison Generation, Mental Dectection, Snake DNA
Birthplace: Berlin, Germany
#14. Christopher Hargreeves
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Powers: Inducements, Cube Physiology
Birthplace: Greece, Italy
#15. Hai Katz
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Powers: Hydrokinesis, Cryokinesis
Birthplace: Hanoi, Vietnam
#16. Raya Van-Reyes
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Powers; Intangibility, Pain Suppression
Birthplace: Havana, Cuba
#17. Jade Jones
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Powers: Electrokinesis, Radiokinesis
Birthplace: Canberra, Austria 
#18. Henry Baker
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Powers: Pyschokinesis, Truth-Self Recognition 
Birthplace: Amsterdam, Netherlands 
#19. Jason Patch
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Powers: Super Alters, Sonic Scream, Magentokinesis, Werewolf Transformation
Birthplace: Baghdad, Iraq
#20. Benji
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Powers: Chi Manipulation
Birthplace: Barbados, Caribbean 
#21. Izabel Nowak
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Powers: Technopathy
Birthplace: Warsaw, Poland
#22.Kumiko Nakano
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Powers: Superhuman Body, Calm Mind, Energy Sensing, Reality Resistance
Birthplace: Tokyo Japan
#23. Anglophile
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Powers: Superhuman Speed
Birthplace: Edinburgh, Scotland
#24. Apollo Kwang
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Powers: Umbrakinesis, Limb Regeneration, Mental Shield
Birthplace:  Ryanggang, Northa Korea
#25. Carla Salazar
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Powers: Reality Manipulation, Mental Manipulation, Empathy
 Birthplace: San Salvador, El Salvador
#26. Lyra Iglesias
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Power: Zombie Transformation, Death Immunity
Birthplace: Lisbon, Portugal
 #27.  Skylar Kozak
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Powers: Aura Manipulation
Birthplace: Kyiv, Ukraine 
#28 Lena Tremblay 
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Powers: Elasticity, Shapeshifting
Birthplace: Ottawa, Canada
#29.  Achieng Keita
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Powers: Precognition, Recognition, Time Manipulation
Birthplace: Bamako, Mali
#30. Muspelheim Nord
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Powers: Pryokinesis, Magnakinesis, Flight
Birthplace: Bratislava, Slovakia
#31. Jennifer Chen
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Powers: Paper Manipulation, Art Generation
Birthplace: Beijing, China
#32. Cameron Salah  
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Powers: Photographic Transmutation, 
Birthplace: Cairo, Egypt
#33. Almos Habib
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Powers: Disintegration, Energy Slashes, Regeneration
Birthplace: Riyadh, Saudi Arabia 
#34. Nova Sigurðardóttir
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Powers: Photokinesis, Stellarkinesis, Flight
Birthplace: Reykjavík, Iceland
#35. Ryder Vries
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Powers: Sound Manipulation, Voice Stealing
Birthplace: Wellington, New Zeeland 
#36. Dakota Cornfield
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Powers: Necromancy, Astral Projection
Birthplace: Guatemala City, Guatemala
#37. Emosi Tanjung
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Powers: Emotion Manipulation, Mental Manipulation
Birthplace: Jarkta, Indonesia
#38. Liva Nielsen
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Powers: Life Manipulation, Death Manipulation
Birthplace: Copenhagen, Denmark
#39. Isabel Alvarez 
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Powers: Lithokinesis
Birthplace: Bogotá, Colombia
#40. Karl Hansen 
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Powers: Metal Mimicry, Command Inducement
Birthplace: Oslo, Norway
#41. Mani Saetang
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Powers; Matter Manipulation, Weapon Summoning
Birthplace: Bangkok, Thailand 
#42. Alexa Ramos
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Powers: Story Manipulation, Unreality Manipulation
Birthplace: Manila, Philippines
#43. Tyche Wilson
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Powers: Luck Manipulation, Frigokinesis
Birthplace: Athens, Greece
Original Version/cannon version
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deadlinecom · 10 days
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 4 months
gothams hero.
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/A7tk8So by crownedgrief “On charges of illegal use of force, kidnapping, impersonating a law enforcement official, criminal endangerment, being a public threat, and damage to public property, the GCPD issues an official and final warrant for the arrest of vigilante Batman.” Bruce Wayne is forced to contemplate his true feelings when the intended arrest of Batman is announced. Words: 1665, Chapters: 1/5, Language: English Fandoms: Batman - All Media Types Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: M/M Characters: Bruce Wayne, Joker (DCU), Alfred Pennyworth, Barbara Gordon, Tim Drake, Dick Grayson, Harvey Dent, Christopher Nakano, Jim Gordon Relationships: Joker (DCU)/Bruce Wayne, Joker (DCU) & Bruce Wayne Additional Tags: Canon-Typical Violence, Character Death, Hurt/Comfort, Protective Bruce Wayne, Bruce Wayne Needs a Hug, Joker (DCU) Has Issues, Kissing, Terrorism, Mental Health Issues, Identity Reveal, Slow Burn, kind of, Texting, Gets Dark at some spots read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/A7tk8So
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filmes-online-facil · 2 years
Assistir Filme Highlander 3: O Feiticeiro Online fácil
Assistir Filme Highlander 3: O Feiticeiro Online Fácil é só aqui: https://filmesonlinefacil.com/filme/highlander-3-o-feiticeiro/
Highlander 3: O Feiticeiro - Filmes Online Fácil
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No século XVI, Connor MacLeod (Christopher Lambert) visita o feiticeiro Nakano (Mako), que o alerta para o perigo do sanguinário Kane (Mario Van Peebles). O embate entre os dois termina com Kane preso. Quatrocentos anos depois, uma escavação no Japão liberta Kane de sua prisão secular, que ressurge com apenas um desejo: Vingar-se do guerreiro imortal.
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How do you feel about vigilantes?
Mayor Nakano’s campaign places great emphasis on the necessity of regulations on vigilantes and the outlawing of child vigilantism. He believes the best course of action is to have vigilante’s work in tandem with governments and have a regulated governing body.
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Opinion Hour - Scarecrows Latest; Predictable?
The opinions voiced in this article may not reflect the opinions of the journal
Article submitted by anonymous, expanded by Gotham Reports
Earlier this week the known rogue, Scarecrow ( @scarecrownightmareking ) (see related articles), otherwise known as Dr. Jonathan Crane (see related articles), launched an attack on a small business in West Gotham (see related articles). Fear gas leaked into the building from multiple points of origin, all of which seemed to have been remotely detonated by Scarecrow before self-destructing.
The official death toll of this has yet to be released, but I, the journalist, have a suspicion it will fall short of the usual count. Why? Because it’s predictable. It’s no secret many of the rogues gallery (see related articles) favour fear-themed holidays (see related articles), Scarecrow being no exception.
Therefore the attack last Friday, the 13th of September, comes as no surprise. There have been similar attacks for nearly as long as the B-list rogue has been around (see related articles), each year coming with dwindling results. It’s cyclical and, frankly, predictable. It is a wonder how the GCPD (see related articles) and the Government under Nakano (see related articles) have not done something about it.
In short, Scarecrows attack was nothing special. Fear Toxin (see related articles), while still dangerous, is no longer all that frightening to the average Gothamite, and it is evident that the villains shtick, and potentially even the villain himself, have become tired, boring, and washed up.
•••(end of anonymous report, cont. Gotham Reports)•••
The death toll of this incident has been made public as of this Monday, totalling at 1 dead and 7 injured (see related articles). When asked on the state of the victims, Commissioner Gordon (see related articles) of the GCPD gave the following statement -
“ Two of the victims are in critical condition, the rest being stable and in long-term care. We still do not have a cure for the toxin, but it is expected that all victims will make a recovery once it has been developed. ”
Currently the development of a cure or vaccine (see related articles) for Fear Toxin (see related articles) has been theorized though it has yet to be realized in any meaningful form. When asked about any funding being put towards a cure by the Gotham City Municipal Government (see related articles), multiple members of Mayor Christopher Nakano’s (see related articles) council have refused comment.
We at the journal would also like to state our agreement with the earlier statements on Dr. Crane’s more recent attacks. The notorious rogue’s MO has always been known, but, as of late it feels almost tired.
Regardless, we at the journal believe further action must be taken, both by Gothamites and our city’s Government, to ensure attacks like this are prevented in the years to come.
Let us know your thoughts on this topic (here)
Gotham Reports is certified in unbiased, fair, and reliable reporting
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why-i-love-comics · 3 years
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Detective Comics #1044 - "Nakano's Nightmare II" (2021)
written by Mariko Tamaki art by Dan Mora & Jordie Bellaire
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ae-spam · 2 years
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Christopher Nakano in Shadows of the Bat: The Tower
Detective Comics #1047-#1058
Satisfying arc of Chris making more stupid mistakes for the sake of his wife, getting mind-controlled by psycho-pirate to be even more stupid, and realising his mistakes and finally making a good choice for once
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gotham-at-nightfall · 3 years
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Chaos is unleashed at Arkham Tower!
Detective Comics #1054
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the-batacombs · 5 months
Everyone give it up for the return of MAYOR NAKANO!!!
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