#christine will always be trans to me sorry
caus34concern · 11 months
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more filipino bmc. if anyone cares.
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mono-socke · 3 months
soo uh, I was asked about transfem jeremy hcs by @swagcoolcat
heere ya go
-when she first realized she's trans, she hadn't settled on a name, so she asked people to refer to her as 'jere' for a while, since it was more of a nickname than an actual name
-eventually though, during a sleepover w/ michael they were watching tv when the name 'jennifer' fell and she was like '...holy shit that sounds cool' so she turned to michael and asked 'can you call me that...?' which michael ofc did
-so that's how she found her name ('jenny' or 'jen' are nickames that her friends call her)
-her wardrobe changed to unisex at first, due to her hesitance of actually trying girl clothes instantly, and when most people reacted positively (or neutrally) to it, she got the courage to put on girl clothes
-brooke was the one to give her fashion advice, and go shopping (not that michael or christine wouldn't want to go shopping with her, brooke just objectively has more knowledge about fashion)
-she tried out skirts first, though only in the presence of close friends before she eventually got the courage to wear them in public. dresses came a bit after that
-her hair had never been particularly short, but it still took a while to grow it out the way she wanted it. christine loves to style her hair, and despite it turning out a bit messy/chaotic afterwards, jennifer adores it a lot as it looks cuter than if it were perfectly smooth and 'controlled'
-christine also gifted her one of the hair pins she always wears, so they could match
-rich reacted super positive about it too. he's transmasc and now has a transfem friend to talk about trans stuff with!! epic!!
-he helped her with voice training and overall confidence too, and rich supported her fully during her coming out as he knows how hard it can be
-jenna isn't too close to her, but still accepts and supports her, and even offers to help her w/ makeup and all that
(sorry, that's it for now. take a few doodles as bonus)
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unproduciblesmackdown · 3 months
straight up getting squipped. and by "squipped" i mean "here's The Rules for having Social Skills & people will always like you & that will make your life bearable & whoa don't listen to that other Weirdo who's like 'yeah you're bullied & have no other friends & have the lowest score in the popularity game & don't know if you can deliberately appeal to a crush or anyone else for that matter. but you're great & i like you' sounds like he doesn't know what the fuck he's talking about or doesn't have your best interests at heart & you wanna be a loser like him forever?? he's the real problem here. squip song hey man I Get It i was like you, checkmate, what if the person who told you you'd better conform to cishet standards or expect to be made miserable for the failure forever was Also not cishet? actually i'm autistic & also believe autists had better learn how to conform as much as possible sooo. i mean the squip shouldn't shock you i guess or forcibly move you around or lie or keep you from your friend or tell you it was a fluke when you were acting 'wrong' & breaking The Rules & acting SO socially unskilled but this weirdo you hope likes you too actually did like that & you connected & had a nice moment like that really doesn't count & you can do better than someone else with no friends or popularity or Correctness....but hey if we just had a nice understanding gentle squip who maybe knows what being trans is & it's okay that you're not cis but it's not okay if you seem weird & offputting to cis people because of it, same with being weird & offputting & just Objectively acting wrong b/c you're autistic, cmon, i'm just being realistic here. then that would be Great. otherwise i guess we learn The Hard Way by just blaming yourself & conforming your way out of being bullied & isolated & seen as belonging to an inferior class. or you fail to do so & the suffering is endless & that's your fault
also uh the ending where jeremy isn't happy he thinks christine hates him but he knows he'll be okay and happy enough b/c the issue was his relationship with himself hating himself blaming himself for everything happening to him wishing he could just be fixed; where he Is happy she doesn't, that his bestie favorite person doesn't, that his dad isn't doomed either, that nobody else hates & rejects him, but he was still gonna be okay b/c he knows he really doesn't Just need to be "fixed" or what that at all or need to believe successfully following Rules will guarantee things will be fine now & forever; where we end seeing jeremy able to listen to himself & be guided by himself & not need to think any one other person has the answers for what he should do to guarantee social success at any one time & he's happy With Himself, Himself Alone, as the core of this all more important than anything else even when it doesn't mean the rest isn't relevant / doesn't matter?? well just ignore that. he listened to Me and My Guide to the Rules i had the capacity to understand and passed on to him so he could conform & Individual Choice his way out of any & all broader contexts he exists in, or else it's Him causing ableism by scaring the Friend Havers, or His "friend" who's all "sorry they're mean to you and me but you're awesome :)" like oh so he Did want jeremy to suffer forever & drown with him. the squip has an "i get that autism means you Misunderstand the correct allistics but it's time you get over that" patch now, reboot that shit jeremy cmon no more electrocution this time....hey rich knows what it was like to be miserable too, but HE'S trying to actually HELP you act correctly, unlike some people, uh, you're welcome. oh bitches hate how jeremy's thriving at the end of sync up huh. follow my Rules boy. learn my Skills. or drown with your precious autistic difference
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theoracleofgiana · 1 year
Scars of the Past
(House of Blooms, Amore)
(Tw: Child abuse, scars,)
Christine was panicking. It was her fault. She invited Marcie back to her flower shop/house to escape the rain. Marcie had agreed, and everything had been fine. Then, Marcie asked if she could borrow a shirt, and Christine absent-mindedly said sure. Now, Marcie is taking it off and-
All of Christine's panicked thoughts vanish and are replaced with horror. She had seen scars before. Hell, she had tons from being a guard. Marcie isn't a guard, and she was raised in a bookstore. So, where did the scars on her back come from? Marcie turns to face her girlfriend, confusion filling her. "Chrissy? I know I'm hot, but you didn't actually freeze on me, did you?" Marcie is joking, but concern underlines her tone. Christine moves closer to her girlfriend and hugs her. Marcie leans into the hug. She doesn't understand until Christine whispers I'm sorry. 
They move to a fluffy blue rug. Marcie toys with one of her fidget bracelets. Christine sits nearby, watching and waiting. "My mom didn't like my dad," Marcie says, still focusing on her toy. "When he left her, she kept seeing him in me. She never hit me during that time. Then I grew up." Christine can feel her heart drop. Marcie looks at her for a moment before grabbing a different sensory toy. "Em says it's called ADHD. My mom calls it being a brat. I couldn't sit still. It led to me knocking over stuff in the shop. She could forgive the trinkets, but the books always made her mad." Marcie lets out a hollow laugh. Christine wants to hug the girl but knows better. Marcie didn't like being touched during these moments. "I'm sure my mom cared more about those books than me," Marcie's fingers pop bubbles faster as she continues. "She found the most effective way to punish me was to lash me. I tried so hard to stop and be the kid she wanted. Nothing was good enough for her. It took me years before I could look at a whip again." Christine silently holds out her hand, and Marcie takes it. Christine holds the girl tightly as Marcie sobs into her chest. Christine feels absolute hate for Marcie's mom. How could she do such a thing to her own daughter? Christine promises to help Marcie with anything she needs and to love the woman forever. All she needed to do was to find a time to ask. 
(A/n: Marcie's past. Also reminder Marcie is trans meaning she is biologically a boy. Another thing is I have adhd but a combined version so if I mess anything up about the hyperactivity side, please let me know. Christine having sensory toys and knowing what her girlfriend needs will always warm my heart.)
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holylulusworld · 4 years
Strange Love
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Request: Would you write for Dr. Strange & Reader? If yes, reader is his wife & before the accident he never respected her, even though she is a Dr like him, he belittles her, doesn't talk to her, feels ashamed. Later becoming the master, he sees her through portal that how dedicated she is & how dearly she loves him. All fluffy & maybe a passionate love making?
Pairing: Dr. Strange x Reader
Characters: Christine Palmer, Ofc
Warnings: angst, abandonment, Stephen being a douche, accidents, arranged marriage, smut, unprotected sex, comforting, fluff, remorse
A/N: Okay, this is my first-time writing smut for Dr. Strange.
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“Why weren’t you at the gala with Stephen?” Christine, your best friend asks. “We were all wondering why you did not attend.” Blinking a few times, you must process what your friend just said.
“Gala, oh-yes. I had a terrible migraine and told Stephen to go alone, you know  I didn’t want to ruin his night with my stupid problems,” you lie, not meeting your friend’s eyes.
“Sorry to hear,” Christine stiffens a smile, knowing you lied again to hide Stephen did not tell you about the gala last night. “How about we have a girl’s night next weekend?”
“I don’t think you should waste your precious time, Christine. Don’t you want to become the second-best?” Your husband smirks, not sparing you a glance. Anytime you talk to one of his colleagues he acts as if you do not exist.
Stephen always gives you the feeling that he belittles you, not taking your career seriously as you are only a pediatrist to him. You love working with children, saving their life’s but to Stephen, it is not the job his wife should have chosen. 
Even though you are a doctor, had the best grades he acts as if you are not smart enough to talk to one of the neurosurgeons.
“I am better than you one day,” Christine smirks, not caring Stephen glares at her. “Even Y/N could beat you, but she chose the best job ever, saving the lives of our future.”
Stephen sneers, shaking his head he shrugs your talent off like it is a burden to hear someone talk about you and your work. 
“Do you know how I became the best, Christine,” your friend groans and you give her a weak smile knowing Stephen will not give up.
“Enlighten me, Dr. Strange, tell me your secrets,” while you mouth a goodbye to Christine she gives you as sad smile, not liking your husband ignored you again.
“Study and practice. Years of it.” Stephen muses, not recognizing you left the table minutes ago. “You should follow my example.”
“No thanks,” huffing Christine gets up to point toward the empty chair. “I don’t want to become like you, heartless and oblivious to the only person loving you, Dr. Strange. Stop treating her like she’s a liability.”
“Listen, not that this is any of your business but I'm using trans-sectioned spinal cords to stimulate neurogenesis in the central nervous system, and she puts broken legs into a cast or cures a cold,” Stephen replies coldly.
“Why did you marry her if there is no respect or love on your side, Stephen? This is ridiculous, even for you. Everyone was missing your wife last night, everyone but you.” Christine storms off.
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Arranged marriage. Stephen never thought he would end up chained to the foreign woman in his bed. He never found the time or energy to get to know you better.
When his mentor, the man at his alma mater offered him the position at the hospital if he marries you, Stephen took the chance. Now years later he still got no clue who you are, and honestly, he’s not interested in finding out.
“Do you have to go to work? Do you want me to make you breakfast?” sleepily you turn around to find Stephen half-way out of the room, not answering your question. “I get it…”
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Days passed without Stephen sparing you a glance. You wanted to tell him about the new position your boss offered to you.
Knowing it’s useless to even mention anything according to you or your job you keep the good news to yourself.
Usually, you would have offered to make dinner but knowing Stephen will refuse to join, you left the house to aimless walk around town.
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Panicked you run through the hallway, try to find anyone who can tell you what happened to your husband. 
“Christine,” panting you run toward your friend. “What happened?”
“Stephen had an accident, it looks, bad,” she whispers, not meeting your eyes. She can hear desperate sobs leave your lips believing your husband will die. 
“No, god no, Y/N. He’s not going to die, but his hands got damaged and no one is as good as your husband.”
“He will live, anything else doesn’t matter to me,” you sniffle. Christine bites her tongue, not saying what’s on her mind.
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Months spend with research; expensive experimental treatment and no results took a toll on Stephen and you. He is moody, always offended when you try to help him.
When you suggested taking the job as a professor your father offered to him Stephen threw things at you calling you things which never left his lips before. Now you barely talk to him, only make sure he eats.
Before you believed Stephen will turn toward you one day, that he will need time to get to know you better. You even believed his accident could be the chance for you to prove you will stand by his side no matter what.
Stephen had other plans…
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He’s gone for months now. Stephen said something about a healer and left without looking back. You took the new job to pay the debts Stephen left before running off to find a non-existent healer.
“Y/N, Sweetheart you should think about my words. Divorce Stephen,” your father tries. “He’s nothing but a burden. Not the brilliant neurosurgeon you married.”
“I don’t care if he’s a neurosurgeon or not,” your fist slams onto the table causing your father to flinch. “I love Stephen, even if he doesn’t love me back.”
Unbeknownst by you, Stephen found the person he was looking for and so much more. He found a world and powers beyond his imagination and now, as a master he inherits the powers to open portals to see how the world has changed since he disappeared.
“Don’t be a fool, daughter,” your father sighs deeply, opening a folder to show you the number of debts you will have to pay back. “I can help you if you agree to part ways with Stephen.”
A bitter taste on your tongue you get up, toss the napkin onto the table before you turn to leave your father’s dining room. 
“Love means to not give up on a person only as he’s in a bad place, father. I will not leave Stephen even if he will never come back. I meant what I said,” taking your coat you do not turn around to not show your father your tears. “I loved him, always will, even if it’s unrequited.”
Stephen takes a deep breath watching you through one of the portals he learned to create.
He never took the time to get to know you, never saw the love burning in your heart but now, his mind and heart are wide open when he recalls all the nights you waited for him, eyes red-rimmed as you cried yourself to sleep.
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“No, I haven’t heard of Stephen in months, Christine. Can we just not,” sniffling you wipe your eyes, “talk about him now? Dad wanted me to divorce my husband. I drown in debts and I can barely concentrate at work. I am close to losing my job too.”
“Y/N,” a deep voice calls your name and you drop your phone taking a step backward. “It’s me, Stephen.”
“Were you at a costume party? Is it Halloween, no…it’s too early,” blinking a few times you drink your husband's outfit in. He is wearing an odd necklace which looks like an eye. A red cape frames his body and you wonder since when Stephen wears such ‘eccentric’ clothes.
“I found the place I was looking for, Y/N,” his voice softer than you remember Stephen steps closer and you take another step backward. “All the wonders I have seen, felt, and experienced, my love.”
“Okay, Stephen,” stammering you look for your phone, fearing your husband lost his mind. “I get you were at a strange place with odd people but running around like a,” not finding a word for the costume he wears you point toward the cape.
“Magician, a master to be correct,” Stephen smiles, he really smiles, and your stomach drops, believing he got drugged. “Look,” the cape leaves his body and you suddenly feel dizzy when the fabric wraps around your body to push you into your husband’s arms. 
“I am dreaming,” falling against Stephen’s chest you lose consciousness. “You’re not here.”
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“My love, how do you feel?” Stephen whispers while his cape drapes around your body. 
“Stephen, what is that thing?” scared you press your body to Stephen’s chest, shaking like a leaf. “Where were you and what’s going on?”
“It’s a long story, but don’t be afraid my love, he’ll not hurt you,” his hands gently cup your face and you wonder what Stephen is up to when his lips silence your mind. His tongue sweeps over the roof of your mouth and you whimper silently.
“Where have you been?” He is picking you up, ignoring your question. Heart racing, mind clouded you let him carefully place you onto your shared bed.
Just now your eyes land on his hands, his healed hands. “Your hands,” gasping you watch Stephen run his hands over your arms, caressing the skin with his fingertips.
“So beautiful and warm, soft and pure,” his voice lulls you into a cloud of warmth and you close your eyes, just feeling his lips touch your neck. “Can you forgive me for not seeing. For being blind for too long?”
His hands carefully open your dressing gown and you gasp, feeling his erection prominent against your thigh. Lips travel down your collarbone and you cry out when Stephen suckles one nipple into his mouth.
Sex was always like a duty to Stephen. Clean, fast, and without any passion but the man working his way down your body to press a chaste kiss to your mound could be a stranger.
“Let me take this off,” voice thick with lust now he slides your panties down your legs, groaning as your heat is at full display. “Did I ever tell you that your aura is overwhelming?”
“Aura,” gasping you watch him strip his clothes off in a hurry. Your eyes roam his body and you wonder how his hands can grip your thighs. 
Months ago, he could barely hold a fork and now he spreads your legs, holds you open to settle between your thighs.
“It’s like looking at a rainbow or something indescribable to watch you open up for me,” shuddering under Stephen’s gaze you reach out to touch him. His breathing quickens when you wrap your hand around his length to stroke him slowly. 
There is something in your husband’s eyes you never saw before – adoration, love even. He is pressing his lips to yours, as you let go of his length to slide your fingers through his hair.
“Stephen,” a broken moan leaves your lips feeling the tip slip in. Your hands grasp for anything to hold on tight when he slowly sinks into your heat. “I’ve missed you.”
“How could you miss me, the cold-hearted man ignoring you too long,” whimpering you wrap your legs around Stephen’s waist, not answering his question as the first thrust takes your breath away. “I wish that I was a better man.”
Between kisses, soft touches, and whispered words Stephen takes his time. His hips roll deliberate against yours, letting you feel his twitching length with every thrust. “Cum for be beautiful.”
“I…I can’t,” crying out you grip his shoulders, not liking the cape floats close to the bed. “He’s looking at us.”
“OUT!” Stephen yells and the cape leaves the room. “Now back to you, Y/N.”
Lips nibbling along your neck your husband hums against you with every long stroke. “Now cum for me.”
A tiny whimper leaves your lips, followed by a scream of his name when you fall, hard. Your blunt nails bite into his back feeling his warmth fill you. Another new development. Usually, Stephen used a condom, but not this time.
“You know, now I gotta pee thanks to you,” laughing at your words Stephen looks down at you, a smirk on his lips. “Doctors advice, baby.”
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“You mean magic exists, just like different realities. That cape is magical and,” humming you close your eyes to process everything Stephen told you. “Now you are the protector of New York?”
“Something like that, Y/N. Do you want to meet Wong?” Humming you rest your head onto Stephen’s chest, wondering if the new man by your side will change again.
“I am not only thankful that being a master opened my mind and healed my body. It also made me see I was an awful husband and human being,” Stephen kisses your hair, smiling as you sleep peacefully. “It’s strange, the feeling of loving you but I kinda like it…”
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kirah69 · 3 years
Come over [Petopher]
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Day 1: "Can you come over?"
For the @petopher-events
Tags: trans character, teenager Peter, teenager Chris, rimming, oral sex, crossdressing.
[It's not betaed so if you find any mistake, let me know]
[AO3 link]
Come Over
Peter's phone rang with Chris' ringtone. It was weird because a) it was a call, not a text, and b) it was Thursday night. They usually hung out on weekends and kept their interactions to texts the rest of the time. They had to be careful after all, coming from a werewolves pack and a hunters family respectively. So Peter was immediately on alert.
“Yes?” he answered in a neutral voice.
“Can you come over?” Chris asked as a greeting.
“What happened?” Peter asked worriedly.
“No-nothing, it's... it's... Can you come over or not?” he sounded nervous, his heartbeat was a little faster than usual, but Peter couldn't hear anything else amiss.
“Won't there be scary parents waiting to shoot me?” If Chris needs him, Peter would find a way around them to get to him no matter what.
“They went with Katy to a party or something. There's no one. Peter, please,” he begged with a desperate tone. How could Peter say no?
“I'll be there in fifteen.”
It usually took twenty or twenty-five minutes to get to the Argent's house from the Hale House. But Peter was known to have little respect for speed limits (for authority in general), and since he was the mayor's son, he always got rid of the speed tickets.
Peter got into his car and drove to the Argent's house. He parked a couple of streets away and walked the rest of the way. He made sure there was only one heartbeat in the house and rounded the house to Chris' window. It wasn't usual for them to meet there, but it wasn't the first time either. The window was open, the light was on, so he just climbed to it and got a leg inside before he saw what was inside. There was Chris, dressed in a dark blue dress. Peter tripped and face-planted on the ground. Much for werewolves reflexes.
“Wow. If I knew this was what took me to have you at my feet,” Chris said with a nervous chuckle and a blush on his cheeks.
“Oh, darling, you know I'm always at your feet. On my knees or however you want me.” He got up, trying to ignore that he had just made a fool of himself.
He looked closely. Chris was barefoot, the dress covered him to mid-thigh and it was loose on the hips but tight on the waist. It didn't have sleeves, and the neckline wasn't too low but enough to show some of his light chest hair. Peter adjusted himself in his jeans, they were too tight all of a sudden.
“I need your help,” Chris said, turning around. “With this.”
He was signaling to the zipper of the dress, but Peter could only look at the way the skirt covered his ass making it stand out.
“Peter!” Chris exclaimed when the 'wolf just stared.
“Yes, of course,” he said, clearing his throat. “And how, pray tell, did you get stuck in a dress? One that isn't your size at that.”
“It was... It's Katy's... I was just curious... just fooling around...” His heart seemed about to explode.
“Shh, darling, it's okay. I'm not judging, it really suits you.” Peter slid a hand up his hip, raising the dress slightly.
“Peter!” Chris exclaimed a little hysterically.
“Yes, yes, sorry.”
Peter tried the zipper. And tried again.
“It's stuck.”
“No shit, Sherlock!” Chris was starting to get a little anxious, and it was hard to breathe with the dress so tight around his middle.
“Want me to rip it?” Peter suggested, pulling out a claw.
“No! No. My sister just brought it, she'll notice,” he said, getting away from Peter.
“Fine, we can try other ways.” Not that he cared a shit about Kate's clothes. “Maybe pulling it up...”
Peter took the edge of the skirt and pulled it up.
“Oh my god!” he exclaimed, letting go of it.
The blush on Chris face had been growing steadily and now it reached his ears. He wasn't wearing anything under the dress. Nothing at all.
“The- the- the boxers would have...” He was trying to cover his face with a hand while he stretched the dress with the other.
Peter fell on his knees, and Chris became silent.
“Tell me it's okay,” Peter begged.
Chris nodded.
Peter pulled his dress up and buried his face in his groin, inhaling deeply. Chris' cock reacted instantly, more so when Peter opened his mouth and just took him half the way in like a pro (he could be with all the times he had given head to Chris). Peter let go of the dress, and the skirt fell over his head. Chris could see his head bowing back and forth under the fabric and that was damn hot. (The skilled tongue and the warmth inside too, but that sight gave it a little something.) Peter's hands slid up the back of his thighs until they grabbed his asscheeks, fondling them like he loved to do.
Then, Peter let his now hard as a rock cock go and reappeared from under the dress. Chris let out a needy whine, grabbing his shoulders to make him come back.
“I love that ass in this dress. Let me eat you out,” Peter asked, a thread of saliva going down his chin.
“Fuck, yes!”
He almost tripped over his own feet in his haste to kneel on the bed. Peter had a wolfish smile on his face. He knew there was nothing Chris loved more, and the sentiment was mutual. The dress covered his ass, and the 'wolf pulled it up slowly until if fell around his waist. Peter salivated. He grabbed Chris asscheeks and parted them. He swiped his tongue over the closed hole, and it twitched at the same time Chris moaned. Peter used his skilled tongue for like felt like hours. The tips of his claws threatening to break his skin (he knew Peter had perfect control, but Peter knew he liked that side of his so he let it out once in a while), a growl deep in his throat, until Chris was a fucking mess, moaning and groaning and clenching the sheets and dripping over them and over the dress. But he just didn't care because he had Peter's tongue inside his hole. And then he just cum without even touching himself and fell over the bed with his body completely lax. He felt Peter cumming over his ass, and he didn't care. He knew how much the 'wolf liked to mark him and he couldn't do it with hickeys like normal teenagers.
Peter laid beside him with an arm around his back and nuzzling his neck.
“I think the dress is ruined.”
Chris groaned. Peter yanked the zipper, breaking it, and Chris was finally free.
“They won't be long,” Chris said, getting up. He let the dress fall to the floor.
“Would you explain me what was this about first?” Peter asked, getting up the bed and arranging his clothes.
Chris started fidgetting, which wasn't usual for him.
“I just... I was just curious. I liked the dress and wanted to try it,” he answered, a good enough lie for anyone else but not for Peter. He wouldn't press, though, if Chris wasn't ready to tell him.
“Ok. If you need help to take off another dress...” Peter teased with a wink.
He turned and headed for the window, but Chris clung to his shirt like a little kid. Peter waited quietly for him.
“What if it's not only curiosity. Or dresses,” he said at last. “What if they're skirts and heels and make up...”
He was about to cry, and Peter couldn't allow it. He hugged his naked love and buried his face in his neck.
“Christopher or Christine, with jeans or dresses, hunter or werewolf, I love you no matter what and nothing will change that.”
Chris sobbed and hugged him with all his might. They didn't have much time until the other Argents came back, but they would make the most of every second.
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tookishcombeferre · 4 years
Fandom Discourse
I have many special interests, and so my blog is very eclectic. But, I wanted to stand in support of a couple of folks who are having a hard time in the fandom belonging to one of my special interests. 
I don’t usually like to pile on, but ableism in this fandom is rampant, and it’s time I said something instead of just feeling sorry for myself. 
More on this under the cut.
Firstly, I want to elevate the voice of @phandombigotryarchive and @your-angle-of-music who have pointed out a lot of really really important things that I am, as a white person who loves the music in Phantom of the Opera and Erik, still learning, educating myself on, and researching. 
I know, for certain, that I have probably intentionally reblogged things from folks in the fandom and/or inadvertently supported folks on AO3 who are actively making this an unsafe space for POC and trans fans. For that, I am deeply sorry and want to do my homework better before supporting artists/writers who are not showing human decency. 
Thank you both for the work that you, and others, are putting into the fandom to make it safer for everyone to interact with. 
Additionally, I want to speak to my own relationship with this fandom as an autistic person. I knew, as I read through what was being said recently, that it was time to make my own post about something that has been bothering me about this fandom since I entered into it at the age of 13 long before my official autism diagnosis. 
To me, as an autistic person, Erik’s story always resonated with me as someone who is neuroatypical. Erik was living and observing neurotypical people while not knowing how to or having the ability to enter into their community. However, he LONGED for it. 
As an autistic person, this made a lot of sense to me. I, too, felt isolated from most other people, even if I was in close physical proximity. It was like a mirror where I could see out into the world, but the world couldn’t find me. So, I found the ALW imagery very applicable to the way I saw the world as early as 6. 
However, as I entered into the fandom and read fics from other writers, Erik remained trapped behind an inability to communicate EVEN when he and Christine were in a long standing relationship. He was flighty, obsessive, and just down right weird. I began to wonder if that’s how my romantic relationships would be, and if I would ever be able to be “a normal person” in a relationship with someone else. 
Erik in most fanfics, even in one’s I’ve mostly liked, does not get to develop beyond the way he is written in ALW or Leroux’s work. We’ve spent so much time making him “in character” without ever exploring the possibility that Erik might be able to engage in his special interests and develop into a fully functional autistic adult. However, I think, that is in part because we like to demonize and/or infantilize and/or fetishize him.  
Erik is not a baby. He’s not a sweet innocent child. He has killed people. He’s done wrong. He is capable of feeling emotions very deeply, including anger. He has a lot of depth that can be explored in fic. But, we don’t. We often reduce him to the weirdly-attractive, strange speaking, Angel-man behind the mirror. 
I find this most apparent in the way people write Erik’s dialogue.
The way Erik speaks, in the third person I mean, has always been an issue for me when I read fan fiction as well as the original Leroux text. As someone who talks to themselves quite frequently to help process sensory overstimulation/remember tasks, though not necessarily in the third person, I find it really uncomfortable how people use this in fic. I’m uncomfortable because Erik usually does this either when he’s super angry and beating up on Christine OR when he’s super sad and acting like a child. There’s never any mention of Erik talking to himself in the third person (or at all) when he’s pretending people are interviewing him about his latest composition or when he’s just trying to remember something important. 
For me, it’s the context that’s important. 
This is just one example of what the demonization and/or infantilization I’ve seen in fic in this fandom. 
Others include but are not limited to: 
1) Erik’s (often violent) meltdowns:  
Why are they problematic in fan fiction in this fandom: meltdowns are not just glorified rage fits. They’re scary and overwhelming. I usually fall asleep on the floor shortly after having one. I don’t just yell, throw something, scare people, and then sulk. If I’m violent at all, it’s towards myself. 
2) Erik’s obsession with Christine
Why is it problematic in fan fiction in this fandom: a lot of people sort of poke fun at Erik’s social ineptness when it comes to dealing with his romantic feelings for Christine (for example the life size mannequin of her). Yes, Erik loves her. However, do we really have to perpetually treat him like a high school boy? Do we have to make his crush really predatory just for character development? Is this really the only thing he loves? The answer to all of these questions is no - in case you were wondering. 
You know what I’d like to see Erik love more? His music and his organ. Can we give Erik’s organ and his music the love and rightful place in his life that they also deserve? For once, can we acknowledge that Erik’s special interests are as important to him as Christine? No. We can’t. We won’t. 
3) Putting Erik in socially uncomfortable positions for character development
Why is it problematic in fan fiction in this fandom: Neuroatypical people’s pain is not for you to profit off of in your fics. Period. It’s not character development. It hinders our character development. I am not a more “well developed character” for the number of socially awkward/ bullying situations that I’ve been forced into. Putting Erik in crowded spaces and giving him panic attacks sucks ass. No. Stop doing it. Find a better way, or just stop writing it all together. 
This is not an exhaustive list, but it is something that I’ve wanted to bring up for years. It feels nice to get this off my chest. 
TL;DR: Erik’s passions, lack of social skills, and other “quirks” of his character always made him a character I empathized with because he was like me. I don’t understand why people use these same quirks to infantilize, fetishize, and/or demonize him. I, an autistic adult, am not a child, not a fetish, and not evil. 
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malte1mj-blog · 5 years
2018/2019 Matt TV Awards
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Best Drama Series: Game of Thrones Homecoming Pose Sex Education Sorry for Your Loss Succession This Is Us HONORABLE MENTION: The Affair, Better Call Saul, Bodyguard, The Deuce, The Good Fight, Narcos: Mexico, The OA Part II, Ozark, Room 104, This Is Us, The Twilight Zone, The Umbrella Academy, Wanderlust
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Best Actor - Drama Series: Jason Bateman, Ozark - “One Way Out” Sterling K. Brown, This Is Us - “R & B” Brian Cox, Succession - “Which Side Are You On?” Bob Odenkirk, Better Call Saul - “Wiedersehen” Michael Pena, Narcos: Mexico - “881 Lope de Vega” Billy Porter, Pose - “The Fever” Jeremy Strong, Succession - “Nobody Is Ever Missing” HONORABLE MENTION: Asa Butterfield, Sex Education; Mike Colter, Marvel’s Luke Cage; Charlie Cox, Marvel’s Daredevil; Kit Harington, Game of Thrones; Joshua Jackson, The Affair; Stephan James, Homecoming; John Krasinski, Tom Clancy’s Jack Ryan; Peter Krause, 9-1-1; Diego Luna, Narcos: Mexico; Richard Madden, Bodyguard; Ian McShane, American Gods; Sean Penn, The First; Bill Pullman, The Sinner; Milo Ventimiglia, This Is Us; Dominic West, The Affair
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Best Actress - Drama Series: Christine Baranski, The Good Fight - “The One About the End of the World” Toni Collette, Wanderlust - “Episode 5” Maggie Gyllenhaal, The Deuce - “Inside the Pretend” Sandra Oh, Killing Eve - “Do You Know How to Dispose of a Body?” Elizabeth Olsen, Sorry for Your Loss - “One Fun Thing” Julia Roberts, Homecoming - “Protocol” Mj Rodriguez, Pose - “Mother’s Day” HONORABLE MENTION: Angela Bassett, 9-1-1; Emilia Clarke, Game of Thrones; Jodie Comer, Killing Eve; Carrie Coon, The Sinner; Viola Davis, How to Get Away with Murder; Mariska Hargitay, Law & Order: Special Victims Unit; Christina Hendricks, Good Girls; Taraji P. Henson, Empire; Laura Linney, Ozark; Brit Marling, The OA Part II; Mandy Moore, This Is Us; Ellen Pompeo, Grey’s Anatomy; Retta, Good Girls; Emmy Rossum, Shameless; Mae Whitman, Good Girls; Robin Wright, House of Cards
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Best Supporting Actor - Drama Series: Jovan Adepo, Sorry for Your Loss - “The Penguin and the Mechanic” Bobby Cannavale, Homecoming - “Protocol” Kieran Culkin, Succession - “Prague” Peter Dinklage, Game of Thrones - “The Iron Throne” Ncuti Gatwa, Sex Education - “Episode 5” Jacob Latimore, The Chi - “Guilt, Viral Videos and Ass Whuppings” Matthew Macfadyen, Succession - “Pre-Nuptial” HONORABLE MENTION: Gbenga Akkinagbe, The Deuce; Mamoudou Athie, Sorry for Your Loss; Jonathan Banks, Better Call Saul; Nicholas Braun, Succession; Reg E. Cathey, Marvel’s Luke Cage; Emory Cohen, The OA Part II; Nikolaj Coster-Waldau, Game of Thrones; Vincent D’Onofrio, Marvel’s Daredevil; Aidan Gallagher, The Umbrella Academy; Justin Hartley, This Is Us; Alex Hibbert, The Chi; Jason Isaacs, The OA Part II; Tracy Letts, The Sinner; Delroy Lindo, The Good Fight; Ntare Guma Mbaro Mwine, The Chi; Pablo Schreiber, American Gods; Michael Sheen, The Good Fight; Chris Sullivan, This Is Us; Ryan Jamaal Swain, Pose; Connor Swindells, Sex Education; Shea Whigham, Homecoming; Jeremy Allen White, Shameless; Jesse Williams, Grey’s Anatomy
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Best Supporting Actress - Drama Series: Julia Garner, Ozark - “Game Day” Indya Moore, Pose - “Giving and Receiving” Rhea Seehorn, Better Call Saul - “Quite a Ride” Sarah Snook, Succession - “Pre-Nuptial” Maura Tierney, The Affair - “Episode 401” Susan Kelechi Watson, This Is Us - “R & B” Maisie Williams, Game of Thrones - “The Bells” HONORABLE MENTION: Gillian Anderson, Sex Education; Gwendoline Christie, Game of Thrones; Patricia Clarkson, House of Cards; Dominique Fishback, The Deuce; Lisa Gay Hamilton, The First; Keeley Hawes, Bodyguard; Aisha Hinds, 9-1-1; Dominique Jackson, Pose; Marianne Jean-Baptiste, Homecoming; Cush Jumbo, The Good Fight; Diane Lane, House of Cards; Emma Mackey, Sex Education; Audra McDonald, The Good Fight; Janet McTeer, Sorry for Your Loss; Sophie Okonedo, Wanderlust; Ellen Page, The Umbrella Academy; Sarah Steele, The Good Fight; Kelly Marie Tran, Sorry for Your Loss; Sophie Turner, Game of Thrones; Ruth Wilson, The Affair; Alfre Woodard, Marvel’s Luke Cage
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Best Writing - Drama Series: Game of Thrones - “A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms” - Bryan Cogman Homecoming - “Protocol” - Eli Horowitz Pose - “Love Is the Message” - Janet Mock & Ryan Murphy Pose - “Pilot” - Steven Canals, Brad Falchuk & Ryan Murphy Sex Education - “Episode 3” - Sophie Goodhart Succession - “Nobody Is Ever Missing” - Jesse Armstrong Succession - “Which Side Are You On?” - Susan Soon He Stanton HONORABLE MENTION: The Affair - “Episode 409”; Better Call Saul - “Quite a Ride”; Better Call Saul - “Widersehen”; Better Call Saul - “Winner”; Bodyguard - “Episode 4”; The Deuce - “All You’ll Be Eating Is Cannibals”; The Deuce - “Inside the Pretend”; The Deuce - “We’re All Beasts”; Game of Thrones - “The Long Night”; The Good Fight - “The One Where the Sun Comes Out”; Grey’s Anatomy - “Silent All These Years”; Homecoming - “Stop”; Homecoming - “Toys”; Narcos: Mexico - “881 Lopes de Vega”; The OA - “Chapter 6: Mirror Mirror”; Ozark - “One Way Out”; Pose - “The Fever”; Pose - “Mother’s Day”; Room 104 - “Arnold”; Room 104 - “Josie & Me”; Sex Education - “Episode 1”; Sex Education - “Episode 5”; Sorry for Your Loss - “One Fun Thing”; Sorry for Your Loss - “The Penguin and the Mechanic”; Succession - “Prague”; Succession - “Pre-Nuptial”; This Is Us - “Our Little Island Girl”; This Is Us - “R&B”; The Twilight Zone - “Replay”; The Umbrella Academy - “Changes”; Wanderlust - “Episode 5”
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Best Directing - Drama Series: The Deuce - “Inside the Pretend” - Minkie Spiro Game of Thrones - “The Long Night” - Miguel Sapochnik Homecoming - “Protocol” - Sam Esmail Pose - “Love Is the Message” - Janet Mock Pose - “Mother’s Day” - Silas Howard Succession - “Nobody Is Ever Missing” - Mark Mylod Succession - “Prague” - S.J. Clarkson HONORABLE MENTION: The Affair - “Episode 409”; Better Call Saul - “Quite a Ride”; Better Call Saul - “Widersehen”; Better Call Saul - “Winner”; Bodyguard - “Episode 4”; The Deuce - “All You’ll Be Eating Is Cannibals”; The Deuce - “We’re All Beasts”; Game of Thrones - “A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms”; The Good Fight - “The One Where the Sun Comes Out”; Homecoming - “Stop”; Homecoming - “Toys”; Narcos: Mexico - “881 Lopes de Vega”; The OA - “Chapter 6: Mirror Mirror”; Ozark - “One Way Out”; Pose - “The Fever”; Pose - “Pilot”; Room 104 - “Arnold”; Room 104 - “Josie & Me”; Sex Education - “Episode 3”; Sex Education - “Episode 7”; Sorry for Your Loss - “Welcome to Palm Springs”; Sorry for Your Loss - “A Widow Walks Into a Wedding”; Succession - “Pre-Nuptial”; Succession - “Which Side Are You On?”; This Is Us - “Our Little Island Girl”; This Is Us - “R&B”; The Twilight Zone - “Replay”; The Umbrella Academy - “The White Violin”; Wanderlust - “Episode 5”
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Best Guest Actor - Drama Series: Michael Angarano, This Is Us - “Songbird Road, Part 1” Gary Cole, The Good Fight - “The One Where Kurt Saves Diane” James Cromwell, Succession - “I Went to Market” Griffin Dunne, This Is Us - “Songbird Road, Part 2” Brian Tyree Henry, Room 104 - “Arnold” Johnny Sibilly, Pose - “Love Is the Message” Jeremy Allen White, Homecoming - “Pineapple” HONORABLE MENTION: Alan Alda, The Good Fight; Mahershala Ali, Room 104; Eric Bogosian, Succession; Bill Camp, The First; Zach Gilford, Good Girls; Russell Hornsby, The Affair; Ron Cephas Jones, Marvel’s Luke Cage; Luke Kirby, Sorry for Your Loss; Carl Lumbly, This Is Us; Michael McKean, Better Call Saul; Christopher Meloni, Pose; Lars Mikkelsen, House of Cards; John Cameron Mitchell, The Good Fight; Kumail Nanjiani, The Twilight Zone; Bryce Romero, Law & Order: Special Victims Unit; Adam Scott, The Twilight Zone; Michael Shannon, Room 104; Glynn Turman, How to Get Away with Murder; Dylan Walsh, Law & Order: Special Victims Unit; Rainn Wilson, Room 104; Dean Winters, Law & Order: Special Victims Unit
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Best Guest Actress - Drama Series: Lu Corfield, Sex Education - “Episode 3” Lisa Gay Hamilton, Sorry for Your Loss - “I Hate Chess” Sanaa Lathan, The Twilight Zone - “Replay” Phylicia Rashad, This Is Us - “Our Little Island Girl” Allison Tolman, Good Girls - “Jeff” Harriet Walter, Succession “Pre-Nuptial” Mary Wiseman, Room 104 - “Josie & Me” HONORABLE MENTION: Debbie Allen, Grey’s Anatomy; Zazie Beetz, The Twilight Zone; Sandra Bernhard, Pose; Courteney Cox, Shameless; Tyne Daly, Grey’s Anatomy; Michelle Forbes, Grey’s Anatomy; Irene Jacob, The OA Part II; Zoe Kazan, The Deuce; Debra Mooney, Grey’s Anatomy; Deirdre O’Connell, The Affair; Phylicia Rashad, Empire; June Squibb, Good Girls; Regina Taylor, The Good Fight; Beverly Todd, 9-1-1; Cicely Tyson, How to Get Away with Murder; Carice van Houten, Game of Thrones; Kate Walsh, The Umbrella Academy; Chloe Webb, Law & Order: Special Victims Unit
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Best Ensemble - Drama Series: The Deuce Game of Thrones The Good Fight Pose Sex Education Succession This Is Us HONORABLE MENTION: The Affair, Better Call Saul, Bodyguard, The Chi, Empire, Good Girls, Grey’s Anatomy, Homecoming, House of Cards, How to Get Away with Murder, Killing Eve, Marvel’s Luke Cage, Narcos: Mexico, 9-1-1, The OA Part II, Ozark, Shameless, The Umbrella Academy
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Best New Drama Series: Bodyguard Homecoming Narcos: Mexico Pose Sex Education Sorry for Your Loss Succession The Twilight Zone The Umbrella Academy Wanderlust HONORABLE MENTION: The First, Tom Clancy’s Jack Ryan
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Best Comedy Series: Barry Fleabag GLOW The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel PEN15 Ramy Veep HONORABLE MENTION: Better Things, Black Monday, black-ish, Brooklyn Nine-Nine, Dead to Me, Forever, The Good Place, Insecure, It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia, The Kominsky Method, Mom, On My Block, One Day at a Time, Orange Is the New Black, The Other Two, Russian Doll, She’s Gotta Have It, Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt
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Best Actor - Comedy Series: Anthony Anderson, black-ish - “Enough Is Enough” Ted Danson, The Good Place - “Everything Is Bonzer!, Parts 1 & 2” Michael Douglas, The Kominsky Method - “Chapter 1: An Actor Avoids” Bill Hader, Barry - “The Show Must Go On, Probably?” Andrew Rannells, Black Monday - “2” Drew Tarver, The Other Two - “Chase Turns Fourteen” Ramy Youssef, Ramy - “Between the Toes” HONORABLE MENTION: Fred Armisen, Forever; Jason Bateman, Arrested Development; Jim Carrey, Kidding; Don Cheadle, Black Monday; Rob Delaney, Catastrophe; Idris Elba, Turn Up Charlie; Jason Genao, On My Block; Keir Gilchrist, Atypical; John Goodman, The Conners; Pete Holmes, Crashing; Avan Jogia, Now Apocalypse; Chris Lilley, Lunatics; Eric McCormack, Will & Grace; Ryan O’Connell, Special; Timothy Olyphant, Santa Clarita Diet; Jim Parsons, The Big Bang Theory; Andy Samberg, Brooklyn Nine-Nine; Diego Tinoco, On My Block
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Best Actress - Comedy Series: Pamela Adlon, Better Things - “Toilet” Rachel Brosnahan, The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel - “Vote for Kennedy, Vote for Kennedy” Maya Erskine, PEN15 - “Ojichan” Anna Konkle, PEN15 - “Anna Ishii-Peters” Julia Louis-Dreyfus, Veep - “Veep” Natasha Lyonne, Russian Doll - “Ariadne” Phoebe Waller-Bridge, Fleabag - “Episode 4” HONORABLE MENTION: Christina Applegate, Dead to Me; Drew Barrymore, Santa Clarita Diet; Kristen Bell, The Good Place; Candice Bergen, Murphy Brown; Alison Brie, GLOW; Aidy Bryant, Shrill; Sierra Capri, On My Block; Linda Cardellini, Dead to Me; Anna Faris, Mom; Jane Fonda, Grace and Frankie; Melissa Fumero, Brooklyn Nine-Nine; Regina Hall, Black Monday; Sharon Horgan, Catastrophe; Allison Janney, Mom; Ellie Kemper, Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt; Justina Machado, One Day at a Time; Debra Messing, Will & Grace; Issa Rae, Insecure; Gina Rodriguez, Jane the Virgin; Tracee Ellis Ross, black-ish; Maya Rudolph, Forever; Yara Shahidi, grown-ish; Frankie Shaw, SMILF; Lily Tomlin, Grace and Frankie; DeWanda Wise, She’s Gotta Have It; Helene Yorke, The Other Two
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Best Supporting Actor - Comedy Series: Alan Arkin, The Kominsky Method - “Chapter Two: An Agent Grieves” Rob McElhenney, It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia - “Mac Finds His Pride” Anthony Ramos, She’s Gotta Have It - “#OhJudoKnow?” Andrew Scott, Fleabag - “Episode 4” Tony Shalhoub, The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel - “Let’s Face the Music and Dance” Timothy Simons, Veep - “Discovery Weekend” Henry Winkler, Barry - “The Audition” HONORABLE MENTION: Will Arnett, Arrested Development; Charlie Barnett, Russian Doll; Andre Braugher, Brooklyn Nine-Nine; Tituss Burgess, Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt; Ty Burrell, Modern Family; Jaime Camil, Jane the Virgin; Anthony Carrigan, Barry; Terry Crews, Brooklyn Nine-Nine; Charlie Day, It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia; Kevin Dunn, Veep; Brett Gelman, Fleabag; Brett Gray, On My Block; Todd Grinnell, One Day at a Time; Tony Hale, Arrested Development; Tony Hale, Veep; William Jackson Harper, The Good Place; Sean Hayes, Will & Grace; Frank Langella, Kidding; Zachary Levi, The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel; Marc Maron, GLOW; Beau Mirchoff, Now Apocalypse; Ed O’Neill, Modern Family; Bill Paterson, Fleabag; Sam Richardson, Veep; Stephen Root, Barry; Paul Scheer, Black Monday; Matt Walsh, Veep; Michael Zegen, The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel
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Best Supporting Actress - Comedy Series: Alex Borstein, The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel - “Vote for Kennedy, Vote for Kennedy” Danielle Brooks, Orange Is the New Black - “Gordons” D’Arcy Carden, The Good Place - “Janet(s)” Sian Clifford, Fleabag - “Episode 3” Betty Gilpin, GLOW - “Mother of All Matches” Rita Moreno, One Day at a Time - “She Drives Me Crazy” Molly Shannon, The Other Two - “Chase Drops His First Album” HONORABLE MENTION: Hiam Abbass, Ramy; Uzo Aduba, Orange Is the New Black; Hannah Alligood, Better Things; Stephanie Beatriz, Brooklyn Nine-Nine; Mayim Bialik, The Big Bang Theory; Julie Bowen, Modern Family; May Calamawy, Ramy; Anna Chlumsky, Veep; Ivone Coll, Jane the Virgin; Olivia Colman, Fleabag; Sarah Goldberg, Barry; Isabella Gomez, One Day at a Time; Jessica Hecht, Special; Marin Hinkle, The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel; Sarah Hyland, Modern Family; Carol Kane, Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt; Jane Krakowski, Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt; Jenifer Lewis, black-ish; Taryn Manning, Orange Is the New Black; Laurie Metcalf, The Conners; Megan Mullally, Will & Grace; Andrea Navedo, Jane the Virgin; Rosie O’Donnell, SMILF; Yvonne Orji, Insecure; Natasha Rothwell, Insecure; Alia Shawkat, Arrested Development; Jessica Walter, Arrested Development
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Best Writing - Comedy Series: Barry - “The Show Must Go On, Probably?” - Alec Berg & Bill Hader Fleabag - “Episode 1” - Phoebe Waller-Bridge The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel - “Simone” - Amy Sherman-Palladino The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel - “Vote for Kennedy, Vote for Kennedy” - Daniel Palladino PEN15 - “Anna Ishii-Peters” - Maya Erskine, Anna Konkle & Stacy Osei-Kuffour Ramy - “Strawberries” - Ramy Youssef Veep - “Veep” - David Mandel HONORABLE MENTION: American Vandal - “The Brownout”; Barry - “berkman > block”; Barry - “ronny/lily”; Better Things - “No Limit”; Better Things - “Toilet”; Black Monday - “0”; Brooklyn Nine-Nine - “Four Movements”; Crashing - “The Viewing Party”; Dead to Me - “I Can’t Go Back”; Easy - “Blank Pages”; Fleabag - “Episode 3”; Fleabag - “Episode 4”; Forever - “Andre and Sarah”; GLOW - “Mother of All Matches”; GLOW - “Nothing Shattered”; The Good Place - “Janet(s)”; Insecure - “Fresh-Like”; It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia - “Mac Finds His Pride”; It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia - “Time’s Up for the Gang”; The Kominsky Method - “Chapter Two: An Agent Grieves”; The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel - “Let’s Face the Music and Dance”; The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel - “Midnight at the Concord”; The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel - “We’re Going to the Catskills!”; Modern Family - “A Year of Birthdays”; Mom - “Jell-O shots and the Truth About Santa”; On My Block - “Chapter Sixteen”; One Day at a Time - “Nip It in the Bud”; Orange Is the New Black - “Be Free”; The Other Two - “Chase Drops His First Album”; The Other Two - “Chase Gets the Gays”; PEN15 - “AIM”; PEN15 - “Dance”; PEN15 - “Ojichan”; Ramy - “Between the Toes”; Ramy - “Ne Me Quitte Pas”; Russian Doll - “Ariadne”; Russian Doll - “Reflection”; She’s Gotta Have It - “#IAmYourMirror”; Shrill - “Pool”; Veep - “Discovery Weekend”
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Best Directing - Comedy Series: Barry - “ronny/lily” - Bill Hader Fleabag - “Episode 1” - Harry Bradbeer GLOW - “Every Potato Has a Receipt” - Jesse Peretz It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia - “Mac Finds His Pride” - Todd Biermann The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel - “Midnight at the Concord” - Amy Sherman-Palladino The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel - “We’re Going to the Catskills!” - Daniel Palladino Veep - “Veep” - David Mandel HONORABLE MENTION: Barry - “berkman > block”; Barry - “The Show Must Go On, Probably?”; Better Things - “Monsters in the Moonlight”; Better Things - “No Limit”; Black Monday - “0”; Brooklyn Nine-Nine - “Suicide Squad”; Crashing - “The Viewing Party”; Dead to Me - “You Have to Go”; Easy - “Blank Pages”; Fleabag - “Episode 4”; Fleabag - “Episode 6”; Forever - “Andre and Sarah”; GLOW - “Mother of All Matches”; GLOW - “Nothing Shattered”; The Good Place - “Janet(s)”; Insecure - “Fresh-Like”; It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia - “Time’s Up for the Gang”; The Kominsky Method - “Chapter Two: An Agent Grieves”; The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel - “Let’s Face the Music and Dance”; The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel - “Simone”; The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel - “Vote for Kennedy, Vote for Kennedy”; Modern Family - “A Year of Birthdays”; Mom - “Jell-O shots and the Truth About Santa”; On My Block - “Chapter Sixteen”; One Day at a Time - “Ghosts”; Orange Is the New Black - “Be Free”; The Other Two - “Chase Drops His First Album”; The Other Two - “Chase Gets the Gays”; PEN15 - “AIM”; PEN15 - “Anna Ishii-Peters”; PEN15 - “Dance”; Ramy - “Ne Me Quitte Pas”; Ramy - “Strawberries”; Russian Doll - “Alan’s Routine”; Russian Doll - “Ariadne”; She’s Gotta Have It - “#NationTime”; Shrill - “Pool”; Veep - “Discovery Weekend”
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Best Guest Actor - Comedy Series: Diedrich Bader, Better Things - “Shake the Cocktail” Matthew Broderick, Better Things - “Toilet” Elisha Henig, Ramy - “Strawberries” Ken Marino, Black Monday - “243” Marc Maron, Easy - “Blank Pages” Lin-Manuel Miranda, Brooklyn Nine-Nine - “The Golden Child” Brandon Uranowitz, The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel - “Midnight at the Concord” HONORABLE MENTION: Brian Jordan Alvarez, Special; Jacob Artist, Now Apocalypse; Jon Bernthal, Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt; Bruce Dern, Black Monday; Johnny Galecki, The Conners; Marc Evan Jackson, The Good Place; Jake Johnson, Easy; Richard Karn, PEN15; Keegan-Michael Key, Veep; Luke Kirby, The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel; Robert Klein, Will & Grace; Peter MacNicol, Veep; Jason Mantzoukas, The Good Place; Ken Marino, Brooklyn Nine-Nine; Michael McKean, The Good Place; Jason Mitchell, Forever; R.J. Mitte, Now Apocalypse; David Paymer, The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel; John Mulaney, Crashing; Danny Pino, One Day at a Time; Zachary Quinto, Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt; Craig Robinson, Brooklyn Nine-Nine; David Schwimmer, Will & Grace; Adam Scott, The Good Place; Jimmy Tatro, Modern Family; Steve Way, Ramy; Katt Williams, black-ish; Henry Winkler, Arrested Development; Dean Winters, Brooklyn Nine-Nine; Jaboukie Young-White, Crashing
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Best Guest Actress - Comedy Series: Hong Chau, Forever - “Andre and Sarah” Jane Lynch, The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel - “Vote for Kennedy, Vote for Kennedy” Melanie Lynskey, Easy - “Blank Pages” Sheridan Pierce, One Day at a Time - “The First Time” Maya Rudolph, The Good Place - “Chidi Sees the Time-Knife” Kristin Scott Thomas, Fleabag - “Episode 3” Wanda Sykes, The Other Two - “Chase Gets the Gays” HONORABLE MENTION: Christine Baranski, The Big Bang Theory; Connie Britton, SMILF; Nicole Byer, Brooklyn Nine-Nine; Nicole Byer, The Good Place; Sadie Calvano, Mom; Laverne Cox, Orange Is the New Black; Blythe Danner, Will & Grace; Lea DeLaria, Orange Is the New Black; Heather Headley, She’s Gotta Have It; Kirby Howell-Baptiste, The Good Place; Mindy Kaling, It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia; Valerie Mahaffey, Dead to Me; Gugu Mbatha-Raw, Easy; Estelle Parsons, The Conners; Melissa Rauch, Black Monday; Haley Lu Richardson, Jane the Virgin; Annabella Sciorra, GLOW; Kyra Sedgwick, Brooklyn Nine-Nine; Chloe Sevigny, Russian Doll; Fiona Shaw, Fleabag; Anna Deavere Smith, black-ish; Mary Steenburgen, The Conners; Wanda Sykes, black-ish; Marsha Thomason, Better Things; Quvenzhane Wallis, black-ish; Michaela Watkins, Catastrophe
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Best Ensemble - Comedy Series: Brooklyn Nine-Nine Fleabag GLOW The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel Orange Is the New Black PEN15 Veep HONORABLE MENTION: Arrested Development, Atypical, Barry, Better Things, The Big Bang Theory, Black Monday, black-ish, Catastrophe, The Conners, Dead to Me, The Good Place, Grace and Frankie, Insecure, It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia, Jane the Virgin, Kidding, The Kominsky Method, Modern Family, Mom, Murphy Brown, On My Block, One Day at a Time, The Other Two, Ramy, Russian Doll, She’s Gotta Have It, SMILF, Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt
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Best New Comedy Series: Black Monday Dead to Me Forever The Kominsky Method The Other Two PEN15 Ramy Russian Doll Shrill Tuca & Bertie HONORABLE MENTION: Camping, The Conners, Disenchantment, Kidding, Lunatics, Now Apocalypse, Special, Turn Up Charlie
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Best TV Movie/Limited Series: The Act Catch-22 Chernobyl Escape at Dannemora Fosse/Verdon Sharp Objects When They See Us HONORABLE MENTION: American Horror Story: Apocalypse, Castle Rock, Deadwood: The Movie, Good Omens, The Haunting of Hill House, Icebox, Julius Caesar (Great Performances), King Lear, Les Miserables, The Little Drummer Girl, Maniac, My Brilliant Friend, My Dinner with Herve, Native Son, True Detective, A Very English Scandal
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Best Actor - TV Movie/Limited Series: Christopher Abbott, Catch-22 Mahershala Ali, True Detective Hugh Grant, A Very English Scandal Jared Harris, Chernobyl Jharrel Jerome, When They See Us Ian McShane, Deadwood: The Movie Sam Rockwell, Fosse/Verdon HONORABLE MENTION: Benicio Del Toro, Escape at Dannemora; Peter Dinklage, My Dinner with Herve; Jay R. Ferguson, The Romanoffs; Cody Fern, American Horror Story: Apocalypse; Donald Glover, Guava Island; Anthony Gonzalez, Icebox; Jonah Hill, Maniac; Anthony Hopkins, King Lear; Bill Nighy, Ordeal by Innocence; Timothy Olyphant, Deadwood: The Movie; Chris Pine, I Am the Night; Ashton Sanders, Native Son; Michael Sheen, Good Omens; Alexander Skarsgard, The Little Drummer Girl; David Tennant, Good Omens; Dominic West, Les Miserables; Fionn Whitehead, Black Mirror: Bandersnatch; Jeffrey Wright, O.G.
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Best Actress - TV Movie/Limited Series: Amy Adams, Sharp Objects Patricia Arquette, Escape at Dannemora Kathryn Hahn, The Romanoffs Joey King, The Act Florence Pugh, The Little Drummer Girl Emma Stone, Maniac Michelle Williams, Fosse/Verdon HONORABLE MENTION: Kate Beckinsale, The Widow; Connie Britton, Dirty John; Gaia Girace, My Brilliant Friend; Carla Gugino, The Haunting of Hill House; Christina Hendricks, The Romanoffs; Margherita Mazzucco, My Brilliant Friend; Sarah Paulson, American Horror Story: Apocalypse; Amanda Peet, The Romanoffs; Harriet Walter, Julius Caesar (Great Performances)
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Best Supporting Actor - TV Movie/Limited Series: Kyle Chandler, Catch-22 Oliver Jackson-Cohen, The Haunting of Hill House Eric Lange, Escape at Dannemora Michael Shannon, The Little Drummer Girl Stellan Skarsgard, Chernobyl Ben Whishaw, A Very English Scandal Callum Worthy, The Act HONORABLE MENTION: Asante Blackk, When They See Us; David Bradley, Les Miserables; Steve Buscemi, Miracle Workers; Norbert Leo Butz, Fosse/Verdon; Chris Chalk, When They See Us; George Clooney, Catch-22; Paul Dano, Escape at Dannemora; Stephen Dorff, True Detective; Matthew Goode, Ordeal by Innocence; Caleel Harris, When They See Us; Ethan Herisse, When They See Us; Michiel Huisman, The Haunting of Hill House; Timothy Hutton, The Haunting of Hill House; Joshua Jackson, When They See Us; John Leguizamo, When They See Us; Michael McKean, Good Omens; Scoot McNairy, True Detective; Gerald McRaney, Deadwood: The Movie; Chris Messina, Sharp Objects; Freddy Miyares, When They See Us; David Oyelowo, Les Miserables; Bill Skarsgard, Castle Rock; Daniel David Stewart, Catch-22; Justin Theroux, Maniac; Jack Whitehall, Good Omens; Michael K. Williams, When They See Us
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Best Supporting Actress - TV Movie/Limited Series: Patricia Arquette, The Act Patricia Clarkson, Sharp Objects Aunjanue Ellis, When They See Us Niecy Nash, When They See Us Eliza Scanlen, Sharp Objects Sissy Spacek, Castle Rock Emily Watson, Chernobyl HONORABLE MENTION: Doona Bae, Sense8: Amor Vincit Omnia; Jessie Buckley, Chernobyl; Aya Cash, Fosse/Verdon; Jamie Clayton, Sense8: Amor Vincit Omnia; Jackie Clone, Julius Caesar (Great Performances); Lily Collins, Les Miserables; Olivia Colman, Les Miserables; Elisa Del Genio, My Brilliant Friend; Carmen Ejogo, True Detective; Sally Field, Maniac; Julia Garner, Dirty John; Annabeth Gish, The Haunting of Hill House; Harriet Sansom Harris, American Horror Story: Apocalypse; Felicity Huffman, When They See Us; Isabelle Huppert, The Romanoffs; KiKi Layne, Native Son; Billie Lourd, American Horror Story: Apocalypse; Paula Malcolmson, Deadwood: The Movie; Ludovica Nasti, My Brilliant Friend; Victoria Pedretti, The Haunting of Hill House; Florence Pugh, King Lear; Margaret Qualley, Fosse/Verdon; Margaret Qualley, Native Son; Elizabeth Reaser, The Haunting of Hill House; Vanessa Redgrave, Man in an Orange Suit; Miranda Richardson, Good Omens; Juno Temple, Dirty John; Emma Thompson, King Lear; Emily Watson, King Lear; Robin Weigert, Deadwood: The Movie
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Best Variety Series: Full Frontal with Samantha Bee Last Week Tonight with John Oliver Late Night with Seth Meyers The Late Show with Stephen Colbert My Next Guest Needs No Introduction with David Letterman Patriot Act with Hasan Minhaj Wyatt Cenac’s Problem Areas HONORABLE MENTION: At Home with Amy Sedaris, Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee, Documentary Now!, I Think You Should Leave with Tim Robinson, Jimmy Kimmel Live!, The Late Late Show with James Corden, Saturday Night Live, The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon, Tracey Ullman’s Show, 2 Dope Queens, Watch What Happens Live with Andy Cohen, Who Is America?, Whose Line Is It Anyway?
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Best Variety Special: Full Frontal with Samantha Bee Presents: Not the White House Correspondents’ Dinner 2019 Hannah Gadsby: Nanette Homecoming: A Film by Beyonce John Leguizamo’s Latin History for Morons Live in Front of a Studio Audience: Norman Lear’s All in the Family and The Jeffersons Rent: Live The 72nd Annual Tony Awards HONORABLE MENTION: The 91st Annual Academy Awards, Adam Sandler 100% Fresh, An American in Paris: The Musical (Great Performances), Amy Schumer: Growing, Annaleigh Ashford in Concert (Live From Lincoln Center), Aretha! A Grammy Celebration for the Queen of Soul, Carpool Karaoke: When Corden Met McCartney, The Comedy Central Roast of Bruce Willis, Cynthia Erivo in Concert (Live From Lincoln Center), Drew Michael, Ellen DeGeneres: Relatable, Flight of the Conchords: Live in London, Full Frontal with Samantha Bee Presents: Christmas on I.C.E., The 76th Annual Golden Globe Awards, The 61st Annual Grammy Awards, Ken Jeong: You Complete Me Ho, Julia Louis-Dreyfus: The Mark Twain Prize, The Late Late Show Carpool Karaoke Primetime Special 2019, A Legend Christmas with John & Chrissy, Ray Romano: Right Here Around the Corner, RuPaul’s Drag Race Holi-slay Spectacular, Springsteen on Broadway, Trevor Noah: Son of Patricia, A Very Wicked Halloween: Celebrating 15 Years on Broadway, Wanda Sykes: Not Normal
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Best Male Performer - Variety Series/Special: Brandon Victor Dixon, Rent: Live Jordan Fisher, Rent: Live John Leguizamo, John Leguizamo’s Latin History for Morons Hasan Minhaj, Patriot Act with Hasan Minhaj John Oliver, Last Week Tonight with John Oliver Adam Sandler, Adam Sandler 100% Fresh Bruce Springsteen, Springsteen on Broadway HONORABLE MENTION: Anthony Anderson, Live in Front of a Studio Audience; Wayne Brady, Whose Line Is It Anyway?; Wyatt Cenac, Wyatt Cenac’s Problem Areas; RuPaul Charles, RuPaul’s Drag Race Holi-slay Spectacular; Jemaine Clement & Bret McKenzie, Flight of the Conchords: Live in London; Sacha Baron Cohen, Who Is America?; Stephen Colbert, The Late Show with Stephen Colbert; James Corden, The Late Late Show with James Corden; Matt Damon, Saturday Night Live; Pete Davidson, Saturday Night Live; Robert Fairchild, An American in Paris: The Musical (Great Performances); Jimmy Fallon, The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon; Jamie Foxx, Live in Front of a Studio Audience; Woody Harrelson, Live in Front of a Studio Audience; Ken Jeong, Ken Jeong: You Complete Me Ho; Jimmy Kimmel, Jimmy Kimmel Live!; John Legend, A Legendary Christmas with John & Chrissy; David Letterman, My Next Guest Needs No Introduction; Seth Meyers, Late Night with Seth Meyers; Drew Michael, Drew Michael; Colin Mochrie, Whose Line Is It Anyway?; John Mulaney, Saturday Night Live; Trevor Noah, Trevor Noah: Son of Patricia; Tim Robinson, I Think You Should Leave with Tim Robinson; Ray Romano, Ray Romano: Right Here Around the Corner; Adam Sandler, Saturday Night Live; Ryan Stiles, Whose Line Is It Anyway?; Kenan Thompson, Saturday Night Live
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Best Female Performer - Variety Series/Special: Annaleigh Ashford, Annaleigh Ashford in Concert (Live From Lincoln Center) Beyonce, Homecoming: A Film by Beyonce Aidy Bryant, Saturday Night Live Hannah Gadsby, Hannah Gadsby: Nanette Vanessa Hudgens, Rent: Live Cecily Strong, Saturday Night Live Wanda Sykes, Live in Front of a Studio Audience: Norman Lear’s All in the Family and The Jeffersons HONORABLE MENTION: Samantha Bee, Full Frontal with Samantha Bee; Kristin Chenoweth & Idina Menzel, A Very Wicked Halloween; Kelly Clarkson, The 2019 Billboard Music Awards; Kiersey Clemons, Rent: Live; Leanne Cope, An American in Paris: The Musical (Great Performances); Ellen DeGeneres, Ellen DeGeneres: Relatable; Cynthia Erivo, Cynthia Erivo in Concert (Live From Lincoln Center); Tiffany Haddish, The 2018 MTV Movie & TV Awards; Leslie Jones, Saturday Night Live; Alicia Keys, The 61st Annual Grammy Awards; Kate McKinnon, Saturday Night Live; Sandra Oh, The 76th Annual Golden Globe Awards; Paula Pell, Documentary Now!; Phoebe Robinson & Jessica Williams, 2 Dope Queens; Amber Ruffin, Late Night with Seth Meyers; Amy Schumer, Amy Schumer: Growing; Amy Sedaris, At Home with Amy Sedaris; Emma Stone, Saturday Night Live; Marisa Tomei, Live in Front of a Studio Audience; Tracey Ullman, Tracey Ullman’s Show
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Best Animated Series: Big Mouth Bob’s Burgers BoJack Horseman F Is for Family Family Guy Tuca & Bertie HONORABLE MENTION: Disenchantment, The Simpsons, South Park
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Best Voice-Over Performance - Animated Series: Will Arnett, BoJack Horseman - “Free Churro” Bill Burr, F Is for Family - “It’s in His Blood” Laura Dern, F Is for Family - “Summer Vacation” Tiffany Haddish, Tuca & Bertie - “Plumage” Julie Kavner, The Simpsons - “Heartbreak Hotel” Nick Kroll, Big Mouth - “Smooch or Share” Amy Sedaris, BoJack Horseman - “The Amelia Earhart Story” HONORABLE MENTION: H. Jon Benjamin, Bob’s Burgers; Alex Borstein, Family Guy; Alison Brie, BoJack Horseman; Nancy Cartwright, The Simpsons; Dan Castellaneta, The Simpsons; Laura Dern, F Is for Family; John DiMaggio, Disenchantment; Abbi Jacobson, Disenchantment; Jessi Klein, Big Mouth; Seth MacFarlane, Family Guy; Jason Mantzoukas, Big Mouth; Dan Mintz, Bob’s Burgers; Eugene Mirman, Bob’s Burgers; Trey Parker, South Park; Aaron Paul, BoJack Horseman; John Roberts, Bob’s Burgers; Maya Rudolph, Big Mouth; Kristen Schaal, Bob’s Burgers; Yeardley Smith, The Simpsons; David Thewlis, Big Mouth; Vince Vaughn, F Is for Family; Ali Wong, Tuca & Bertie; Steven Yeun, Tuca & Bertie
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Best Reality Series - Competition: The Amazing Race Nailed It! Project Runway RuPaul’s Drag Race So You Think You Can Dance Survivor Top Chef HONORABLE MENTION: The Challenge: Final Reckoning, The Challenge: War of the Worlds, Hollywood Game Night, The $100,000 Pyramid, Making It, Match Game
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Best Reality Series - Non-Competition: Dancing Queen Hoarders Leah Remini: Scientology and the Aftermath Queer Eye The Real Housewives of New York City RuPaul’s Drag Race: Untucked Shark Tank HONORABLE MENTION: Catfish: The TV Show, Dating Around, First and Last, Flipping Out, The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, Teen Mom, Teen Mom 2, Tidying Up with Marie Kondo
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Breakthrough Male Performance: Ncuti Gatwa, Sex Education Caleel Harris, When They See Us Freddy Miyares, When They See Us Ryan O’Connell, Special Ryan Jamaal Swain, Pose Connor Swindells, Sex Education Ramy Youssef, Ramy HONORABLE MENTION: Asante Blackk, When They See Us; Theothus Carter, O.G.; David Castaneda, The Umbrella Academy; Desmond Chiam, Now Apocalypse; Taj Cross, PEN15; Justin Cunningham, When They See Us; Angel Bismark Curiel, Pose; Ethan Herisse, When They See Us; Sam McCarthy, Dead to Me; Marquis Rodriguez, When They See Us; Paxton Singleton, The Haunting of Hill House; Daniel David Stewart, Catch-22; Kedar Williams-Stirling, Sex Education
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Breakthrough Female Performance: Gaia Girace, My Brilliant Friend Emma Mackey, Sex Education Margherita Mazzucco, My Brilliant Friend Indya Moore, Pose Mj Rodriguez, Pose Eliza Scanlen, Sharp Objects Sarah Snook, Succession HONORABLE MENTION: Patricia Allison, Sex Education; May Calamawy, Ramy; Elisa Del Genio, My Brilliant Friend; Frankie Hervey, Turn Up Charlie; Dominique Jackson, Pose; Violet McGraw, The Haunting of Hill House; Victoria Pedretti, The Haunting of Hill House; Emmy Raver-Lampman, The Umbrella Academy; Madeline Wise, Crashing; Aimee Lou Wood, Sex Education
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Best Documentary Series: America to Me - Steve James, Bing Liu, Rebecca Parrish & Kevin Shaw The Case Against Adnan Syed - Amy Berg Conversations with a Killer: The Ted Bundy Tapes - Joe Berlinger Dogs - Amy Berg, Heidi Ewing, Richard Hankin, Daniel Lindsay, T.J. Martin & Roger Ross Williams Last Chance U - Greg Whiteley Lorena - Joshua Rofe The Staircase - Jean-Xavier de Lestrade Surviving R. Kelly - Nigel Bellis & Astral Finnie Vice - Shane Smith Wu-Tang Clan: Of Mics and Men - Sacha Jenkins HONORABLE MENTION: I Am a Killer, The Innocent Man, Making a Murderer, Shut Up and Dribble, Watergate
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Best Documentary Special: The American Meme - Bert Marcus At the Heart of Gold: Inside the USA Gymnastics Scandal - Erin Lee Carr Foster - Mark Jonathan Harris & Deborah Oppenheimer Fyre Fraud - Jenner Furst & Julia Willoughby Nason Fyre: The Greatest Party That Never Happened - Chris Smith Harold Prince: The Director’s Life (Great Performances) - Lonny Price The Inventor: Out for Blood in Silicon Valley - Alex Gibney Jane Fonda in Five Acts - Susan Lacy Knock Down the House - Rachel Lears Leaving Neverland - Dan Reed Robin Williams: Come Inside My Mind - Marina Zenovich Say Her Name: The Life and Death of Sandra Bland - Kate Davis & David Heilbroner The Sentence - Rudy Valdez Vice Special Report: Panic: The Untold Story of the 2008 Financial Crisis - John Maggio Wrestle (Independent Lens) - Suzannah Herbert HONORABLE MENTION: Betty White: The First Lady of Television, The Bleeding Edge, Crime + Punishment, Game of Thrones: The Last Watch, John Leguizamo’s Road to Broadway (Great Performances), Last Chance U: EMCC & Life After, Lindy Lou Juror Number Two (POV), Marcos Doesn’t Live Here Anymore (Frontline), Momentum Generation, The Providers (Independent Lens), Quincy, Recovery Boys, Reversing Roe, Running with Beto, United Skates, Vice Special Report: The Future of Work
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patheticphallacy · 5 years
I turned twenty in June! I hope everyone enjoyed all my twenty list posts, it’s the hardest I’ve ever worked on this blog, and I’m really happy with how those posts turned out.
I ended up going to London for a few days for my birthday. I went to see my friend’s band perform (Rames, check them out y’all, they’ve got a lot of big things planned) and hung out with friends, and I got to meet my best friend for the first time! She lives on the other side of the world and she happened to be in the country, so we met up in central London and went wandering, and it was so so great, literally the best way to celebrate my birthday.
Reading and most other things were on the back burner for most of the month. Since March I’ve been struggling a lot more with my mental illness and general health, so I had to take a break and just have time to myself to assess what it is I’m doing and need to do going forward to begin feeling better about my life.
My Hero Academia Volume 17&18 by Kohei Horikoshi– this is the conclusion to the Overhaul arc and it was pretty satisfying! It’s also very sad, which I expected but I cried a lot more than I planned to. I cannot wait for the next volumes to come out so I can hoard them and then binge them in time for season 4!
The Bigfoot Files by Lindsay Eagar– A surprising middle grade that follows a young girl who goes with her cryptozoologist mother to the woods to prove, once and for all, that Bigfoot doesn’t exist. It has some elements of anxiety and self-harm, which came out of a left field but I appreciate, and I’ll have a review up in the coming weeks.
Falling into Place by Sheryn Munir– This was actually so boring. I wanted to enjoy it so much but it failed. The focus on food was GREAT, and I love their jobs, but it moves way too quick to ever invest in the characters, and I really don’t like the elements of cheating, both kissing outside of a relationship and emotional cheating. I went into this having been told there’s no cheating, but there definitely is, and it just left a bad taste in my mouth.
Midnight and Apollo by Steve Orlando– We love gay superheroes! I love that this is all about their love and I’m so glad I finally read a comic about them. However I do recommend reading Orlando’s Midnighter series before picking this one up!
No.6 Volume 3&4 by Atsuko Asano– I’m enjoying reading this series. It’s a real throwback for me, the anime is one that got me into anime and finding more content with LGBT+ characters.
Shame Is An Ocean I Swim Across by Mary Lambert– This is Lambert’s poetry collection and I absolutely love it. It has a lot of poems on body image which is what got to me the most, but it also has poems on sexual assault, incest and trauma, and mental illness. It’s a very hard hitting collection, and one of my all time favourites now.
Trouble by Non Pratt– UKYA is out here and it’s trying to ruin all my fun. I really hated this book, it’s full of typical white feminism and ‘not like other girls’ vibes, and some of the worst treatment of grooming and incest I’ve seen.
The Past and Other Things That Should Stay Buried by Shaun David Hutchinson– THE BEST possible follow up to Trouble. I listened to the audiobook and it was just so great: it examines friendship, jealousy and the breakdown of relationships, as well as self-esteem and acceptance. Great representation too!
Coffee Boy by Austin Chant– A re-read of one of my favourite novellas. It follows a trans man who starts to work as an intern on a political campaign and grows closer to his humourless campaign strategist, Seth. Highly highly recommend it!
Smooth Criminals #5&6 by Kurt Lustgarten– I am enjoying this series! I love the friendship between the two main characters and the whole heist plot is at a head now, looking forward to the next issues.
Faithless #2 by Brian Azzarello– This is such a fucked up series and I’m loving it. It’s got explicit sex scenes, gore, and is just really bizarre. 
And my July TBR Jar pick is…. THE DEVOURING GRAY by Christine Lynn Herman!
I binge watched all of Mista GG’s To Catch a Predator videos. Obviously triggering, and his humour may not be for all, but he has great commentary on the episodes and I honestly feel like it’s educating watching this show to begin recognising patterns of abuse.
I actually made a music playlist that has all of the songs I’m circling through and delete/add songs as time goes by but here’s some recommendations:
Be My Mistake by The 1975
goodnight n go by Ariana Grande
Do Re Mi by Blackbear
Unforgettable by French Montana (i’m so sorry i’m always on my bullshit for this song, i love it)
Small Spaces by Katherine Arden
Three Soft Sci-Fi Reviews: When the Sky Fell on Splendor, The Loneliest Girl in the Universe, Save Me
Three Horror Reviews: This is Not a Test, The Silent Companions, Uzumaki
Pride Month TBR
Update: Asking For Help!
Top Ten Tuesday: Twenty Horror and Contemporary Reads
Twenty Anticipated Releases (this is one of my favourite posts I’ve ever done)
Music Monday: Twenty Songs You Should Listen To
Film Friday: Twenty Films That Made Me
Twenty Books That Made Me
Picking My Summer 2019 TBR!
  June Wrap Up & July TBR Jar Pick I turned twenty in June! I hope everyone enjoyed all my twenty list posts, it's the hardest I've ever worked on this blog, and I'm really happy with how those posts turned out.
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The Most Pointless Character in Sonichu
Taffy here. This was a post I made for the Kiwi Farms forum on the most pointless character in Sonichu in late October 2017, and I took up the challenge to prove every single character has no point. This was kind of my beta version of what would become Taffy’s Annotated Sonichu, so I thought it would be worth reprinting here (also I’m sorry it’s taking me so long to get more CWCDefense or GitM up, I’ve been really sick for the past two weeks and I’m just now trying to get back in the swing of things).
Chris's comic persona and fursona are pointless because he could have just lived vicariously through Sonichu and not have an in-comic presence.
Sonichu himself became pointless after Chris took over as main character but was already pretty pointless since really Chris could have just written a straight Sonic fanfic with Sonic as the lead in the first place. Besides the occasional electric attack and the complete lack of an original personality he's basically Sonic.
That said, all the characters ripped wholesale from Sonic or Pokémon (Sonic himself, Perfect Chaos, Robotnik, Giovanni) are pretty pointless as they were dropped not long in as Sonichu grew to have its own canon with its own crazy cast of characters.
In addition, any character ripped wholesale from any other franchise (Beavis & Butthead, Bugs Bunny, Meg Griffin) exist solely for "fan service", or rather fan disservice.
Rosechu is extremely pointless, all she does is A) be a token girl, B) prove Sonichu is STRAIGHT, and C) occasionally face rape someone. That said The Incredible Lioness is probably the closest we get to a real character with a point, rivaled only by the Voltorb that kills Simonla. They have simple purposes (to brutally maim and murder) and they do them to a T.
Kel is pointless since Rosechu could have just been Chris's Pokémon to begin with and she didn't need to exist as a middleman.
For that matter, any character best known for being a Moon Pal (Bill the Scientist, Metal Sonichu, Yawning Squirtle) or just as a meme in general (Inos), while being great for laughs, are all pretty irrelevant background characters.
Reldnahc Notsew Niatsirhc exists solely for Chris to physically obliterate his sexual insecurity.
Any Jerkop or Manajerk exists solely for Chris to vent his frustrations with real people who were just doing their jobs. Same goes for Hanna.
Blake is too inconsistent to have a point to existing. He was a pointless villain-of-the-week at first and then he was a pointless supporting character.
Sarah Hammer and Wes Iseli are particularly pointless because Chris' relationship with Sarah was already waning when he wrote Sonichu 2. Since the reincarnation plot point was dropped not long after, you can honestly skip Sonichu 2 entirely and not miss anything.
Mary Lee Walsh, while being awesome, is like the jerkops and manajerks just there essentially as a comic book voodoo doll. Maybe the point of her was to show that Chris can in fact write an interesting and badass female character? We'll never know.
Count Graduon is pretty redundant with Mary, power wise. Other than to vent frustrations with his graduation he's really pointless.
All of the Chaotic Combo are basically team filler filling out some elements that the rest of the team lacks. Specifically:
Wild Sonichu doesn't really have a personality. He's pretty redundant with Sonichu himself, other than, of course, we need a green Sonichu. The one thing that possibly could have made him interesting, the struggles of being a single father, are really rushed over so Chris can get back to the murder spree. His only notable father-daughter bonding experience was drilling a man to death.
Bubbles Rosechu, aside from being the token blue Sonichu/water type, finds one Sonichu ball and then returns to being a moron.
Angelica Rosechu, although I imagine her original purpose was to be a pacifist voice of reason and a token religious character, well, that got thrown out the window pretty quickly. The things that differentiate her from Bubbles besides their powers are few and far between.
Punchy Sonichu is just the token red character and the token Asian. Seriously I don't even know what "fighting type" means. In fact, why not make him fire type? It's the one element missing from the Chaotic Combo (Bubbles is water, Wild is earth, Angelica is air, Magi-Chan is ether/heart/mind, no one's fire!) (Note 26/11/18: I now know Fighting-Type is a type of Pokémon, but nevertheless “Fighting-Type is one of the weirder types. The Pokémon types are elements, supernatural creatures... and martial arts. And yes, the Fighting-Type icons in the series are red while Fire-Type is orange, but from a team balance perspective fire would have made sense).
Magi-Chan, especially after being paired off with Silvana taking away his sole unique trait of not being driven around by his penis, is just Chris's round the clock surveillance system.
Boulder Dropping Whale would have been useful if he actually killed Bubbles's mother but since he failed he's just a great meme.
Why does Flame the Sunbird even exist? He's literally just Kazooie from Banjo-Kazooie and his role could have easily been filled by Wild or Bubbles or anyone because that stupid Sunstone doesn't even matter, except it does make everything grow like Norma, whoever she is. Norma is the most relevant character in that whole issue. (Note 26/11/18: Yes, I named Nadine’s mom after this typo.)
Again, Darkbind and Zelina are crimes against nature. (Note from an earlier repost): I am referring to a previous post complaining that Darkbind and Zelina were the combinations of not two but four franchises (Sonic, Pokémon, Zelda & Darkwing Duck) and came off as clunky because of it.)
Crystal the sister is especially irrelevant now that Chris is a girl (why not make her a trans man to mirror Chris' own transition? Oh wait JERKS.), but she was always redundant with Rosechu and Chris himself.
Sailor Megtune - why didn't he just draw Megan herself? We know he's okay drawing her.
Megagi - Already kinda redundant with Megtune and she really had no reason to exist after Chris & Megan had that falling out.
Jamsta and Lolisa speak for themselves at their uselessness. I mean, they are just bit characters anyway. But as someone else mentioned before their radio station is particularly shitty.
Patti-Chan, while her story is cute, just exists as a way for Chris to hold on to his beloved pet and not fully cope with her loss.
Allison Amber, although being one of the better characters, wouldn't need to exist if Chris would just do some work for once. That said if the point of her character was to be an audience surrogate (I mean, until she shoots a man in cold blood) then for once Chris succeeded.
Bionic the Hedgehog as previously mentioned is just there for the sake of having an orange Sonichu, even though he isn't one.
All of the specific characters of Chris's "real life" "sweethearts" (Pandahalo, Blanca, Ivy) as well as their OCs (Jiggliami, Blazebob & Chloe, Layla Flaafy) are pointless because they all just disappear almost immediately after they're introduced after Chris finds out they were a troll or they "died".
Likewise any rendition of one of Chris' real life trolls (Jason Kendrick Howell, Clyde, Jack Thaddeus, Alec, Evan, Sean & Mao) are again just there as pen-and-paper voodoo dolls for Chris to take out his frustrations on. The trolls in particular almost work against Chris' point in including them because no matter how much Chris paints himself as the hero his violent murder sprees always end with him looking like the villain. (Justice for the Asperpedia Four!)
Beel is just Satan and a secretary for the 4-cent-garbage building. Pretty pointless.
Zapina is just there as a token "cute" character.
Simonla is just Wild's token sweetheart and then later the lynchpin Chris needed to justify executing his enemies.
Silvana, while another fairly interesting character, is just a villain-of-the-week with an added dose of Chris's sexual insecurity.
Sarah & Rita Jackarass - These two are both stupid minor characters, but why on Earth did there need to be two of them?
GodJesus exists solely to heap praise onto our beloved autist.
Those stupid Samurai Pizza Transformers are stupid. I hate them so much. I hope they burn in the Earth's lava core.
Sonichu & Rosechu's children are initially just there to be cloyingly cute and then once they're grown to be Chris's LGBT mouthpieces, forgetting that we won't listen to anything they say because we already hate them. Of special pointlessness is Cerah, because while Robbie is the most punchable he's at least the focus character of a lot of the newer stuff (even though we hated him as a Sonee, we hated him as a Sonichu, and we'll hate him as a Rosechu), and Christine is vapid she gives credence to the idea that Magi-Chan is giving it to Rosechu behind Sonichu's back which is way more interesting than canon. Cerah does jack squat besides be a lesbian.
The Asperchu cameos are just there for Chris to try to force Alec to give him what he wants and the Basement Rosechus are just there to slander Alec's name.
Sandy is particularly irrelevant since Simonla's back, she was never anything more than a replacement goldfish for her.
Kevin the Jew - I knew it! I knew it all along! Peppermint Patty is a boy!
Bananasaurus - Don't listen to your Patreon backers Chris.
Lastly, Russel & Cynthia are just there to fill the Sonee/Rosee void left when Cera Christine & Robbie evolved, a void no one in particular wanted filled.
Edited (27/10/17) to include all the MLP characters and Chris's ponysona - We hate them and we want Sonichu back. 
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sals-bookblr · 3 years
Welcome Sal's Bookblr.
You can all me and masculine/neutral S name and I'll respond. I don't really have a lot of people to talk to about the books I read. Because of that I decided to make a blog and post about the books I read and how I interpret them. I'm queer, autistic, and disabled so that may reflect how I view the books! Feel free to add your own thoughts to my posts.
I'm almost always open to recommendations of any kind, right now I'm trying to read any many books as possible that contain any of the following:
Low fantasy
Jewish lead (not set in WWII)
Catholic lead
Trans (any kind, not strictly binary) lead
Aspec lead
(Best) friends to lovers romance (basically the only romance I can tolerate sorry)
South Asian lead
Reading list:
Zachary Ying and The Dragon Emporor by Xiran Jay Zhao
Splinter by Jasper Hyde
Mercy by Ian Haramaki
Nadia by Christine Evans
If You Still Recognize Me by Cynthia So
When the Moon Was Ours by Anna-Marie McLemore
The Henna Wars by Adiba Jaigirdar
Her Name in the Sky by Kelly Quindlen
Funny Boy by Shyam Selvadurai
How to Excavate a Heart by Jake Maia Arlow
Matzo Match by Roz Alexander
0 notes
layce2015 · 7 years
Doctor Strange (Strange x Reader) Chp. 1
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(A/N: this is going to be the reader insert version of the movie. I have actually done one on my Wattpad and Quotev accounts but I decided to do it differently. So I’m gonna try it out on here! So if you want to see my original reader insert of Doctor Strange you can go to these accounts. My Quotev profile is RJ. And my Wattpad profile is @LayceJ25 )
When you wish upon a star
Your dreams will take you very far
But when you wish upon a dream
Life ain’t always what it seems
What’d you see on a night so clear
In the sky so very dear
He begins to wash his hands then he dried them off. Then he puts on a surgery suit, mask and gloves. He sighs with content as he gets ready for his next surgery. This man was Doctor Stephen Strange and he was–no, is–the best surgeon in the world. No one was more talented than him.
You’re a shining star
No matter who you are
Shining bright to see
What you could truly be
As the song plays he begins to tap his foot and dance as he starts working on the brain of the patient in front of him. Then he turns to another doctor, who was sitting in a nearby chair, and said. “Challenge round, Billy.” And Billy pushes the skip button on his iPod and a different song began to play.
Stephen looks up then rolls his eyes. “Oh, come on, Billy. You’ve got to be messing with me.” He said, slightly annoyed. “No, doctor.” Billy said, confidently, hoping to finally stump the great Stephen Strange.
Stephen shrugs then said. “Feels So Good, Chuck Mangione, 1977. Seriously, Billy, you said this one would be hard.”
“Hah! It’s 1978.” Billy exclaimed, excitedly.
“No, Billy, while Feels So Good may have charted in 1978, the album was released in December, 1977.” Stephen informed as he continues his work on the patient.
“No, no. Wikipedia says the…”
“Check again.” Stephen ordered, firmly, and Billy begins to Google the info as a nurse asked. “Where do you store all this useless information?”
“Useless? The man charted a top ten hit with a Flugelhorn.” Stephen replied to her then turned and asked. “Status, Billy?”
Billy sighs and said, in a defeated tone. “1977.”
“Oh! Please.”
“I hate you.”
“Woah! Feels so good, doesn’t it?” Stephen said, triumphantly, when he looks up and saw a familiar face at the small glass window of the door. A woman with (h/l) (h/c) hair and (e/c) eyes was standing there, looking right at him. She gives him a look that said need your help and she kinda jerks her head to the side.
He stares at her as one of the nurses sees the woman at the door and turns to Stephen. “Oh, I…I’ve got this, Stephen. You’ve done your bit. Go ahead, we’ll close up.” She said and Stephen nods at her and runs out of the room.
*Your POV*
Stephen walks out of the surgery room and up towards me and asked. “What is it?” I hand him the tablet with a patient’s X-Ray and he begins to look through it. “GSW.” I replied. “It’s amazing you kept him alive. Apneic, further brain stem testing after reflex test…I think I found the problem, Dr. (L/N).” Stephen said then he turned the tablet to face me to reveal a bullet was still lodged in the man’s head. “You left a bullet in his head.” He said.
“Thanks. It’s impinging on the medulla. I needed a specialist to diagnose brain death. Something about that doesn’t feel right to me.” I said and Stephen raises his head slowly then said. “We have to run.” And he turns to run and I follow him.
We make it to the patient’s room, only to see West and Christine arguing as West was pushing the patient’s bed. “You know she won’t like this!” Christine argued with him. “What the hell is going on?” I asked as Stephen and I make it to them. “Organ harvesting. He’s a donor.” West replied.
“Slow down. I did not agree to that.” I said to him, angrily. “I don’t need you to. We’ve already called brain death.” West said as he keeps pushing the bed some more but Christine kept blocking the way. “Too premature. We need to get him prepped for a suboccipital craniotomy.” Stephen said to West. “I’m not going to let you operate on a dead man.” said West, firmly.
Stephen pulls up the X-Ray on the tablet and shows it to West. “What do you see?” He asked. “A bullet?” West said, confused. “A perfect bullet. It’s been hardened. You harden a bullet by alloying lead with antimony. A toxic metal. And as it leaks directly into the cerebral spinal fluid.” Stephen said.
“Rapid-onset central nervous system shutdown.” West said, realization setting in.
“We need to go.” I said to Stephen after I shined a light in the patient’s eye then I nod at Christine and both of us grab the bed. “The patient’s not dead, but he’s dying. Do you still want to harvest his organs?” Stephen asked West, sarcastically, and he follows Christine and I out towards the surgery room.
“I’ll assist you.” West calls out after him.
“No! Dr. (L/N) will assist me. Thank you.” Stephen shouts and the three of us run out of the room.
Stephen and I were prepped and ready for the surgery as they rolled the patient in the room. “Thank you.” I whispered to him and Stephen turns to me and nods at me. “Image status, STAT.” I said to the nurses. “We do not have time for that.” Stephen said to me. I look up at him, confused, and said. “You can’t do it by hand.”
“I can and I will.” Stephen said, firmly, as he looks me straight in the eyes.
“This isn’t the time for showing off, Strange.” West said.
“How about ten minutes ago, when you called the wrong time of death?” Stephen asked West, annoyed and angry, as he glares at him.
Stephen gets to work as I hand him a plier and he inserts it into the patient’s head and on screen we could see the plier was just inches away from the bullet. But Stephen stops as the room goes silent, well except for a ticking noise from a watch. “Dr. West, cover your watch.” Stephen said, lowly.
West rolls his eyes but covers his watch with his hand and Stephen looks back at the patient. Carefully, he moves the tool deeper into the brain, grabbed the bullet and pulled it out. Christine holds up a Petri dish and Stephen places the bullet on the dish and everyone sighs with relief.
Moments later, Christine, Stephen and I walk up to the patient’s family and I informed them that everything turned out good and the man was going to live. The wife smiles as she sobs and hugs me. The two kids begin to laugh with relief as the wife hugs Christine. Then I introduced them to Stephen and told them he was the one to save their loved one and the wife hugs Stephen, who was very awkward about it as he gives her a side hug.
Stephen and I were walking down the hallway of the hospital as I said. “You know, you didn’t have to humiliate him in front of everyone.”
“I didn’t have to save his patient either. But, you know, sometimes I just can’t help myself.” Stephen said as he does a strut and I shake my head and chuckle. “Nick is a great doctor.” I defended. “You came to me.” Stephen informed. “Yeah, well, I needed a second opinion.” I replied.
“You had a second opinion. What you needed was a competent one.” Stephen said. “Well, all the more reason why you should be my neurosurgeon on call. You could make such a difference.” I said to him. “I can’t work in your butcher shop.” Stephen said and I roll my eyes at him. “Look, I’m using trans-sectioned spinal cords to stimulate neurogenesis in the central nervous system. My work is at least going to save thousands for years to come. In the ER, I get to save one drunk idiot with a gun.”
“Yeah, you’re right. In the ER, you’re only saving lives. There’s no fame, there’s no CNN interviews…” I said, sarcastically, making Stephen laugh. “Well, I guess I’ll have to stick with Nick.” I said and Stephen stops and stares at me. “Oh, wait a minute. You’re not…you guys aren’t…” he asked and I look over at him, eyebrows raised. “What?” I asked him. “Sleeping together. Sorry, I thought that was implicit in my disgust.” He said as we continue to walk and I just laugh and shake my head.
“Explicit, actually. And no, I have recently made a rule against dating colleagues.” I said to him as I give him a side glance. “Oh really?” He asked, intrigued. “I call it the Strange policy.” I said with a smile.
“Oh, good! I’m glad something is named after me.” He said as I stopped and turned to face him. “You know, I invented a laminectomy procedure, and yet, somehow, no one seems to want to call it the Strange technique.” He said as he furrows his brow then raises an eyebrow in a flirtatious way.
“We invented that technique.” I chuckled as I gesture towards me and him. “You know, I gotta say, I’m very flattered by your policy.” He said and the both of us chuckle then I look up at him as he says. “Look, I’m talking tonight at a Neurological Society dinner. Come with me.”
I place my hand over my heart, faking a surprised look, and said, sarcastically. “Another speaking engagement? So romantic.”
“You used to love going to those things with me. We had fun together.” He said.
“No. You’ve had fun. They weren’t about us, they were about you.” I said. “Not only about me.” He said. “Stephen. Everything is about you.” I said then I looked into his eyes then let out a sigh. “But if it means that much to you…I’ll go with you.” I said and Stephen smiles at this.
“Pick you up at six?” He asked and I smirked and nod as I leave. “Maybe we can hyphenate. Strange-(l/n) technique.” I hear him say to me. “Uh…(l/n)-Strange technique.” I said as I turn and point at him and I see him smiling and laughing.
That night, I was doing last minute touches on my hair as I look myself in the mirror. I was wearing a black cocktail dress that came down to my knees, black high heels and a beautiful necklace that Strange gave me after we went out a few times when we were in med school and in return I gave him a watch with an inscription on the back:
Time will only tell how much I love you
I was putting on the finishing touches on my make-up when I heard the doorbell ring. I smiled and grabbed my clutch bag and walked over to the door. I open it to reveal Stephen Strange looking very handsome in a tuxedo. My heart stopped as I take a good look at him.
“Like what you see?” He asked, bringing me back down to reality. I blink then said, in a teasing tone. “Maybe.” Then turned, shut the door behind me and locked it. He holds his hand out to me and I smile as I take it and he leads me to the passenger door to his Lamborghini. He opens the door and gestures for me to take the seat. I smiled as I climb into the car and Stephen shuts the door and he walks over to the driver's side and climbs in. He starts the car, pulls out of my driveway and we take off.
Stephen weaves the car side to side as he passes the other cars on the road, flying right past them like a rocket. We were just talking about a few things when his phone ring. Stephen pushes the answer button as we approach a very curvy road.
“Billy! What have you got for me?” Stephen asked, after he puts the phone on speaker. “I’ve got a 35-year-old Air Force colonel. Crushed his lower spine in some kind of experimental armor. Mid-thoracic vertebral fracture.” Billy replied to him.
“Well, I could help, but so can 50 other people. Find me something worth my time.” Stpehen said and I elbowed him in the shoulder. “Ow!” He grumbles as I roll my eyes at him.
“I have a 68-year-old female with an advanced brain stem glioma.” said Billy. “Yeah, you want me to screw up my perfect record? Definitely not.” said Stephen. I rolled my eyes, once again, as Stephen passes by more vehicles on this winding road. Billy continues. “How about a 22-year-old female with an electronic implant in her brain to control schizophrenia struck by lightning?”
I raise an eyebrow at this as Stephen said. “That does sound interesting. Could you send me the…” But then we heard a ding and Stephen looks down and said. “Got it.” He looks down at his phone as he was passing another car. I happened to look out my window, looked down and saw that we were really close to the car. “STEPHEN!” I shouted when suddenly we were hit and the car began to swerve and skid across the road.
I screamed as the car spins and flies off the road and the car begins to roll. I don’t remember much but I do remember hitting my head against the window to the passenger door and I remember some kind’ve searing pain in my right arm, close to my wrist. Then the car finally stops and I realized I was upside down. I groan in pain as I taste blood in my mouth and look over to see Stephen’s face was all bruised and blooded. “(Y/N)…” I hear him say weakly before I pass out.
Next thing I knew, there was a bright light shining on my face and I slowly open my eyes. It took me a few minutes to realize that I was in the hospital. I see the bright overhead lights above my head then I look to my side and see that I was being wheeled into a room. I see a couple of people I recognized as they looked down at me with concern but I look over to see if Stephen was nearby but I couldn’t see him as my vision goes in and out.
“S..S…St…Ste…Stephen.” I said, weakly, but it was loud enough for the nurses to hear as they looked down at me and began to say something but I couldn’t comprehend it as I pass out once again.
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lizardrosen · 6 years
Rules: Put all of your phone’s music library or your Spotify – no playlists! – on shuffle. List the first ten songs that play. Bold the song(s) that lift your mood and italicize the song(s) that makes you the most emotional. Then tag ten people!  
Thank you to @eirenical​ for tagging me (and I’m sorry I took so long to do it myself)
I'm doing a set from my iTunes and a set from Spotify
Shine A Light (Reprise) - Heathers
Krywaniu - Megitza Ensemble
Out of the Walls - Tom McRae
Finale - Innocence Dies - Marie Christine
Gina, Don't Call Me - Flying Machines
My Party Dress - Kerrigan-Lowdermilk Live
Dialogue 6 - Heathers (the Pinata scene at the party)
Javert's Suicide - Les Miserables (Royal Albert Hall)
Lecuonieras - D'Rivera
Finale - Rent
Get Up - Mayday Parade
Glimpse into Hell - Melissa McClelland
Basket Case - Green Day
Danse Macabre - The Oh Hellos
Compatriots - Sarah Slean
In Memoriam - Rob Cantor
Rafters - Tall Heights
Fools Rush In - Eliza Rickman
I Will Not Rise - The Fourth Messenger
Sid's Temptations, Part 2, Sleep - The Fourth Messenger
i hate this song so much, it just makes my skin crawl
I find it hilarious that Spotify skipped exactly one song to get here
Finding other people to tag is always the worst part of this kind of thing, but here we go! @chrismcshell @artisticthingem​ @theweefreewomen @tropesarenotbad @crossgartered @aflamethatneverdies @amysterywrappedinanenigma @trans-peridot and anyone else who wants to
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theoracleofgiana · 1 year
(Firefly Diner, The Hollow)
Christine looks at Victoria, surprised. "You need advice?" Christine says, trying to figure out if she heard the other right. Victoria sighs and places her head down. "This was a mistake. I'm sorry," Victoria starts to say before Christine cuts her off. "No, no, V. You're fine. I'm surprised, is all. You don't usually ask for help," The witch says sheepishly. Victoria smiles at her shyly. "I don't have a lot of experience or knowledge of these things, Chrissy," Victoria says with a far-off look. Christine nods, wincing at the memory of war. "Well, what do you want to know first?" Christine asks, trying to refocus both of them. Victoria blinks at the woman, looking very lost. Christine lets out a small giggle at the look. "Okay, what do you know about identities?" She asks instead. 
Victoria perks up a bit at the question. "I know there are many kinds. For example, Scarlett goes by she/they, and Celeste is a trans woman," Victoria looks proud of herself for knowing so much. Christine is impressed but wonders about something. "That's great, V. However, what do you think of your identity?" The witch asks tentatively. Victoria tilts her head to the side. "What do you mean?" She asks, confused. "Do you think she/her fits, or something else might be better?" Christine explains, watching Victoria's face turn pale. There's a solid minute of silence from the other. "V? You okay?" Christine reaches out to touch the others hand. Victoria slowly looks at the other with glossy eyes. "I...I don't think I'm a girl," Victoria's voice is quiet. Christine caresses the other's hand gently. "Do you think he/him would fit?" She asks softly, trying not to startle Victoria. "No," Victoria shakes her head as she answers. "They don't feel right." Christine thinks for a moment. She hesitates to bring it up but knows it may be correct. "Do you feel like they/them would fit?" Victoria's eyes snap to Christine. They look hopeful and euphoric, mixed with some fear. "So you're nonbinary?" It sounds more like a statement than a question. Victoria nods and takes a deep breath to steady themself. "I can't," They say, looking at Christine fearfully. "Everyone knows me as a woman." Christine feels her heartbreak for the other. "V, you're never too old to discover yourself," She reassures them. Victoria gives her a half-hearted nod. "Do you have any name ideas, or are you okay with Victoria?" Christine wonders if asking may be pushing the other too much. "I've always liked the name Vic," They tell Christine with a slight blush. "Alright, you're Vic, and your pronouns are they/them," Christine says, pulling their hand close to herself. Vic looks like they want to cry but manages to keep it in. The two of them move on to more light-hearted topics until they leave. Before parting, Vic grabs Christine's hand. "Hey, Chrissy, can you keep this a secret?" They ask shyly. Christine gives them a bright smile. "Of course, Vic. I won't say anything until you're ready," She tells the other confidently. Vic smiles and gently kisses her cheek. "Thanks. See you later, Christine," They say before heading to the clinic. Christine stands frozen for a moment before grinning. She didn't know where this was going, but she knew she wanted her friend happy more than anything. 
(A/n: Childhood friends to lovers, slow burn addition. I love these two so much. They are very oblivious to their love for each other. They are the couple everyone thinks are dating but aren't. Also, Vic discovery arc. They've always supported their friends but never thought of themself. Of course, even having an idea of what they are still brings fear given how old they are and how others may react. Still, I'm really happy I could officially get down what they are and the name they like most. I feel bad that I'm going to write others' points of view and have them call them, she/her and Victoria. However one day Vic will tell their friends and be able to be themself.  I hope you enjoy and have a fantastical day!)
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miphastudies · 4 years
17 Questions for 17 People
Thanks @its-bianca​ for tagging me in this! Sorry it’s taken so long, we’re in a third lockdown and I’m pretty sure my body thinks that time no longer exists.
Nicknames: Kim, Kimbo, Kimberlim, Kimothy, Kimberley Dibberley (For some reason my family thought that a nickname based off Cat’s other personality from Red Dwarf, Dwayne Dibberley, was funny and it’s stuck with me my whole life), as well as KIIII (shouted by my sister when she was about 2 and couldn’t pronounce my name, my best friend now yells it when she wants my attention) and Kim-Kim by my Dad who refuses to believe I’ve grown up (beats Kimberley Dibberley any day) 
Height: 5'9 - towering over most men is fun, I suggest it to all of you, I’d rather round it up to six foot, but I probs stopped growing at 20.
Hogwarts House: Well I got Gryffindor when I first went on that site, but being my goth self I had to take the test again until I got Slytherin - as far as I remember I had unicorn hair (or horn?) or something of the like in my wand but I’m not gonna fuel JK’s anti-trans pockets by visiting Pottermore ever again. 
Last thing I googled: The soundtrack for Futurama’s Luck of the Fryrish episode, I knew Simple Minds were on it but I could’ve sworn Baker Street by Gerry Rafferty was on it, but apparently not. I spent a good half hour trying to sing it into google with their new song-analysis thing to no avail, so I ended up siphoning through all the songs Lisa Simpson has ever played on her Sax to find out what it was (I should be doing my dissertation proposal but my tutors haven’t got back to me yet so what can ye do).
Song stuck in my head: yknow wha I’m just gonna list the songs that have been stuck in my head so far today because it’s too many to be just one as I keep cycling through them (also gonna link them so you can see how garbo weird my music taste is)
Run - Joji Alive - Pearl Jam Clinging On For Life - The Hoosiers Tension - Avenged Sevenfold  Boots of Spanish Leather - Bob Dylan Nutshell - Alice in Chains Jaded - Aerosmith  The Sea of Tragic Beasts - Fit For an Autopsy 
I’ll add my current favourite at the bottom too for good measure (Honestly I spend way too much time listening to music and I regret nothing)
Number of followers: Currently 85. I’ve got about 2k on my main blog but I’ve not touched that since July 2017.
Amount of sleep: Good lord, so I aim for 8 hours, sometimes I only get 5.5 or something along those lines, other times I depression nap during the day and can’t sleep at all, sometimes (like this morning) I’ll go to get up at a normal person time such as 9am when my body naturally wakes me up, but it’s so dark and gloomy outside and cold in my room that I just stay in bed and end up accidentally falling back asleep. 12pm gang rise up xo 
Lucky number: 7
Dream Job: Hopefully I get somewhat successful in monetising my hobbies, I’m working on it all atm (I don’t know why but I really hate telling people about my plans because I’m deathly afraid they’ll mock me or do whatever they can to ensure it doesn’t happen, I’ve got this list of things I need to do for my own mental health sellotaped to my laptop stand that had things like when to clean the house, do my laundry, shower, exercise etc, and my old flatmate/friend saw it the other week and mocked me, so I haven’t followed it since and need to find some sort of other way of organising my life instead). But yeah, hopefully hobby based, I don’t want to be stuck in an office job all my life, and I want to leave the UK (although I don’t want to leave my family) so hopefully I’ll be successful enough to bring em all with me.
Wearing: Well I was gonna wear jeans and my Unus Annus longsleeve but I decided to go full kitchen witch and wear this black milkmaid looking dress with long sleeves that I’d bought for work when I got my thigh tattoo started (all the old men appreciated the legs but I didn’t make any more tips, oops)
Favourite song: My favourite song of all time would be The Verve’s Bittersweet Symphony , the band formed at my college, has great meaning and has resonated with me since I first saw the music video after it was played at my Stepdad’s funeral in 2002. Weirdly enough on my last day of college, right after my last exam, I went to get the bus home - put my Spotify on shuffle (bearing in mind I’ve got 805 songs on this playlist) and this came on straight away. That’s probably not important to most people, but being pagan, I like to think that small things like these are signs from loved ones that have since passed. Not too happy that it’s used as the England Rugby theme because it gives me anxiety every time as though I feel like everyone hearing it doesn’t have the same emotional connection with the song as I do, but idk. I saw Richard Ashcroft live and he played this and I legit bawled my eyes out in public, safe to say I’ll try and hold it in next time. I suggest you all have a listen to the song or even watch the music video for it, it’s the most simple but most meaningful music video to me. 
Favourite Instrument: I’m left handed and I had this Yamaha acoustic guitar that my stepdad gave me - and taught me to play when I was about 5, a few months before he died (it’s still weird to me that I had no idea he had cancer at that point and instead spent his last few months teaching me his favourite hobbies) all he had was right handed guitars, so he taught me to play Metallica’s Nothing Else Matters upside down on this 20 odd year old right handed acoustic. He hadn’t played upside down himself before but did it so I could see what he was doing. I remember sitting in our green living room on the couch with him moving my hands to the right position (I don’t know where my mum was in this scenario, probably in the kitchen). He’d brought this guitar with him the first day I met him, it was probably like 11pm but I was 4 and thought it was 3am or something, but I heard voices coming from the living room and had gone to investigate - there sat my mum and my stepdad having Chinese on the living room floor, laughing together, my stepdad saw me and had brought sweets for me and my brother for when we woke up, but he beckoned me over, gave me a lollipop, stuck a two litre bottle of tizer in front of me and told me to dip the lollipop in the drink and lick it (not a good idea as I would’ve been bouncing off the walls, but I think I must’ve had a sugar crash and fallen asleep). My mum had no idea he was coming as he’d sneakily been texting her, asking what her favourite drink was, her favourite food and flowers etc, after they met in a pub when my mum was at a hostel with my brother after my Dad had taken me. My mum told him that the council had given her a place and he decided to show up and surprise her with all her favourite things and play guitar for her after my brother and I had gone to bed, I don’t remember much time passing before we’d moved into his house (where my mum and her new husband live to this day), but they got married a few months later and I still can’t play that Metallica song (I did try to teach myself more of it though). I also had this black left handed Ibanez prestige that my Dad got me for Christmas about 9 years ago, I could play quite a lot on it but eventually just stopped. Very good at piano though. 
Aesthetic: I’m not sure what this entails but I’m a sucker for neon/RGB/cityscapes and that type of malarkey. Also space. Love da space.  Also whatever Cornwall would be considered as. Cottagecore? I think that’s only an animal crossing related aesthetic but I’m claiming it nonetheless. 
Favourite Author: I’m a big goth so it has to be Stephen King by default. I’ve got copious first editions of his books from the 70′s and 80′s that my Mum bought when she was a teen. At my flat I’ve got Carrie, Christine, Salem’s Lot, Misery and The Shining first editions and the others are in my room at my Mum’s house. I don’t tend to read for joy like I used to, or write for fun either but I’m hoping I do more in 2021. Currently reading The Outsider by King, it sounds eerily familiar to a novel I wrote for coursework in college in 2014 and I’m half pressed to think he’s stole my brain ideas. I’m watching you Stephen. Always watching. Always. 
Favourite animal sounds: I don’t have favourite sounds, but my husky Nanook is my favourite animal because he’s dumb and I love him. Also Kookaburra sounds are terrifying and you all should go listen to what a koala sounds like. When I go to Adelaide (hopefully this year, if not next) I am NOT stepping foot in a nature reserve unless I’ve got an anti-kookaburra noise suit on. They obviously don’t exist so I’m gonna have to make one.
Random: I’m part of a viking reenactment group where they use actual swords and fight each other, and we have to basically sign our lives away when we join, to say that if we die, it’s not the groups fault. I don’t actually do the fighting though, I’m part of the villager group, so I do all the crafting and food making and most of the teaching when we do shows. I’ve not yet been to a show as I’ve had uni to go to, but my parents, sister and brother do - They stayed within Whitby Abbey last year during the Viking festival where everyone did the show and the adults got drunk round campfires in the castle grounds. Zacky Vengeance once complimented my shirt if that’s something. I’m also colourblind, got glared at by Liam Gallagher in the Liverpool Echo Arena parking lot and have too accurate a sense of smell.
Sorry this was so long, obviously I felt like word-dumping and my brain has a lot to say as I find too much meaning in these things.  Thanks again for tagging me! I’ve not got 17 people to tag as I don’t interact with anyone at the moment but I’ll come back to this and add people as the week progresses :) 
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thedappleddragon · 6 years
exit 83 bootleg live reactions
because i already did it with the australian one
good job jeremy actor
i wish i could see tho
aw the way his voice got soft when hesaid hero :D
also this is already a bop
wow rich wrote that really fast apperantly
a TINY nitpick (just because im used to the origional cast studio recording) jeremys actor could put in a touch more emotion. he’s not bad at all!!!! he’s good. just sayin
i wanna seeeeee
i take back me earlier comment about more emotion he’s great wow
holt sHIT when the croud screamed for michael?? honestly same
omg yayy we can see the set design! nice
i miss the scream before “im lstenin to marley”
awww my heart <3 he sounded so sympathetic with “how was class u look like ass whats wrong” he’s so sweet
boyf riends
“i hate this school” omg such an angry bab i love it
omg i love christine and her outfit is SO CUTE YES BITCH LONG SOCKS
whoever’s filming? same
oh my god my poor hEART HE’S SO SAD I LOVE IT
u can realy feel how alone he feels. just him singing and the soft piano and he blue lighting and noone on stage close to him? HOLY SHIT
o love how everyone slowly starts to dance again by first just kind of bouncing and then they turn around one by one? god i love whoever directed/choreographed this
oh he’s so nervous 
my bean <333
im smiling like a doofus i love her and i cant get over how much i love her OUTFIT SHES SO CUTE
shes so bouncy and cute <333 god my weak gay heart
there’s also a part of me that wants to do this
 “aw” honestly same
aw shes so cutesquirming in her chair from exitment
i stg i must hae ghostfilmed this because SAME
“our funds will be diverted to the frisby golf team” “YES” “omg jake”
i feel like jake’s dialogue was kind of monotone and didnt have enough pauses
n the bathroom dialogue was kind of awkward with its pacing, but then again it could have been because of the audience talking. idk
but really rich’s actor is really good from what i can hear
AAAAA 2 PLAYER GAME honestly im not even mad that i cant see they sound amazing
the scamming realization is different but thats not a bad thing
i love michael
and i kind of like that they didnt lunge at every trumpet blare 
i am both enraged and laughing my ass off
also shit michael’s actor has a very nice lower vocal range
the legendary fall into the beanbags! yes!
oh my god theyre both such dorks <3
ok i couldnt see that well but apperantly the extras cleaning up the set were dressed as video game characters and omg? that’s genius 
um what’s going on with the drug dealer’s voice? are there 2 of them? is that their squip? i am confusion 
thats what makes it so... AWESOME 
aw... i really wanted to see the squip activate... or at least hear it... :(
JEREMY asdfghjkl you’re so extra
i love how extra everyone is in this musical its gREAT
are they using a live band for the music? because the trumpet just fucked up
the squip is so EXTRA i wanna see himmmmm
also i just remembered the theory about hiw the trumper blare and the cutoff of the regge time beat was to simulate optic nerve blocking being turned on and it made me sad
but then i was unsad because i remebered how much of a fuckin BOP this whole musical is!!!
lol sarcastic play rehersal is great
in the “from a guy that id never be into” song (sorry i dont know the name) christine sounds less infatuated and more powerful. not sure i like it
lol jeremy’s crying lmao
its kind of funny how they solved the problem of not being able to portray that they were behind the school other than bird chirps and her blatently saying so
lol squip gay “just take me inside you”
oooOOOOOoooo rolling around on the floor? thats new
“extra circular activity” also its cute how he couldn hit that high note
AA I LOVE seeing michael so exited my good baby
wow really good lighting effects
“oh...” same 
“OH MY GOD” same just let me SEE
“i- ag- i drew it right!” lol holy shit
haha its funny watching the squip suffer
that scream
the whole croud is ME aw-ing for michael
ok so u know how i like trans michael (what no im not stalling) what if trans michael is sitting in the bathroom and actually was on his peiod. oof
no imnot crying youre crying TT-TT
omg i completely forgot about all oft the siagogue between MITB and RSAFABDTH
wow all of the dancing in this is great
the squip is such a badass
also i jus noticed this is the first time he came down from his tower thing
OOOH and i assume all of the black figures resemble all of the squips he’s about to unleash upon the school? nice
i live for the squip’s “beep bop boop”s
seriously the squip is such a good villian 
i never really liked the pants song, but its not that bad
AWW Christine sounded do heartbroken :,( “what’s wrong with me now?” NOTHING SWEETIE I LOVE U <333
watching everyone get squipped is so much fun wow
“give it to me!” “hey, wait! ......................no” “... but i need it D:>” holy shit i cant breathe
i dont think ive ever seen this banter n the middle of the play and im shitting myself laughing
*person filming is zooming in on michael and jeremy cuddling* me: big mood
The girl filming while the squip dies: “no, not my daddy”
im in awe
they’re all just bouncing up and down this is so cute
i always forget exactly how much i love this mudical but then i watch a booyleg and im sucked right back into bmc hell <3
awe man did u have to cut off right before the final note?
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