#christian rock songs
faelapis · 10 months
journey to bethlehem SLAPS. it is so fucking extra. its so "high school musical but 5% more religious" that i genuinely had to double-check to make sure kenny ortega had nothing to do with it.
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itsdefinitely · 6 months
do you think boy jerry contemplates clawing his eyes out sometimes
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So uh
How are you fellow christians feel about this
Please help palestine and CONGO!
Or contact and spam your local mps c:
Orrrrrr get really personal with
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glass-strawberries · 1 month
The Valley by The Oh Hellos: A Biblical Song Analysis
*Full analysis under the cut*
By @glass-strawberries and @glass--grapes
Author's note: we grew up Christian and we love whimsical music so hearing all these references from our childhood hit pretty well. We wanted to analyze it and share all the references because The Oh Hellos are honestly some of the best lyricists we’ve seen. 
This analysis does contain references to Genius Lyrics where we didn’t know what the lyrics were referring to. We didn’t copy them, but we added additional information.
The Valley 
Background/song summary: The Valley is the first track in The Oh Hellos Through the Deep, Dark Valley. Though the album is coined as a concept album, the concept itself is very loose. The album was made in respect to love, journeys, and righting past wrongs. 
This song is about the struggle and confusion of being born into wickedness or sin, as all humans are following the fall of humanity (the original sin). The speaker seeks a leader to the light. 
Lyric Analysis:
We were born in the valley Of the dead and the wicked
A reference to the Valley of Canaan, the ancient land that is now known as Israel/ Palestine. 
That our father's father found And where we laid him down
Moses led the Israelites to the land of Canaan as they were fleeing Egyptian captivity. Before Moses could get there, he essentially pissed off God and was banished from entering the promised land. He dies in Moab and God buries him there(Deuteronomy 34). 
We were born in the shadow Of the crimes of our fathers
 After the fall of humanity, every human ever born is born with sin. The “fathers” in this sense is everyone who came before them(Romans 3:23-24). The speaker struggles with discrimination and labels placed on them from their fathers. 
Blood was our inheritance No, we did not ask for this Will you lead me?
Canaanites were considered wicked, and were killed in a genocide against them. The speaker resents the sin that they have inherited, having been credited to this crime against the Canaanites. They once again yearn for a leader.
We were young when we heard you call Our names in the silence Like a fire in the dark
The speaker did not know God until they started to hope for a leader or divine intervention. God says that He will reveal Himself to those who truly seek him(1 John 3:2). The Bible states that when God calls out to you, He will call you by name and you will know immediately that it was Him that was speaking (Isaiah 43:1).
Like a sword upon our hearts We came down to the water And we begged for forgiveness
Water baptism is a symbolic representation of death in the flesh and being brought back to life in a new “body” that will “live” forever. The purpose of baptism is defined differently in different branches of Christianity and even among churches, but the two popular ones are: 
To proclaim your faith publicly(either way, you are saved as long as you have faith)
To become a true christian and be saved(you will not be saved unless you are baptized)
The singer chose to repent for their sins. Shadows lurking close behind We were fleeing for our lives Will you lead me?
Psalm 23:3- He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake.
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crimeronan · 2 months
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soapcan18 · 1 year
Did you notice how when you first listened to Torches it sounded so fun? And then when you listened again and paid attention to the lyrics you realized it was about hate and using your beliefs to push hateful rhetoric? And you were surprised because “but this song is so upbeat and fun and the chanting and call-and-response only adds to that”? Surely with that big community of voices surrounding the narrator what they’re singing about isn’t that bad? Like how in real life being surrounded by others who share the same beliefs as you and glorify their actions makes it easier to go along with things and be brainwashed? In this essay I will—
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saturngelato · 26 days
Maeve's 300 follower celebration- Day 5: Interview
Today's contribution to the celebration project is an edit of an interview Andy and CC gave in 2022 at Download Festival. This edit might not be the most involved or complicated but, I do like it. Fun fact about this edit, I was struggling to pick a song to edit this interview to and I picked up my phone and saw that Lonny had posted Espresso on his Instagram story and thus, I decided to use it for this edit. I hope y'alll enjoy it! Also, if you're curious, here's the link to the original video.
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"Think not of those who haven't."
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draculagerard · 9 months
You know what would feel very wrong? if I finished Naruto and didn't make an AMV. cant disappoint all the 12 year old girlies before me... I have a legacy to uphold
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tommytomatoe · 6 months
say what you want about skillet but that band kept the creepypasta fandom fed throughout the 2010’s
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ursulawhosoever · 1 month
Skillet is back🥰🙏🏽🎶
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martitheevans · 7 months
Dean Winchester likes Fall Out Boy. I will not explain because I do not understand it myself.
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hrtvampires · 10 months
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vvitchy · 3 months
i miss yaoi/christian rock song amvs. remember how we used to run
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robotpussy · 2 years
ngl gospel shouldnt be on that poll when christian rock (although not all songs in that genre are bad) or evangelical Christian music are there. even just say hillsong instead of gospel. gospel should not be the scapegoat for the actual bad christian music that exists!!!!
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soapcan18 · 1 year
What I love abt Soap is not just that it’s called Soap and I love that silly ahh song name but bc it’s abt the narrator singing to the listener (probably their lover) how normally oil and water don’t mix BUT they do in order to make soap! So if the narrator and the listener (oil and water) put in the work they can make soap AKA their relationship work, PLUS there’s another layer to it since soap cleans, so the “soap” they create can heal their wounds and the pain they‘ve both gone through throughout their lives :)
ALSO the narrator has gone through three albums (even more if you consider this narrator to be the same one from the earlier LPs) of trauma and growth prior to this song and now they can finally pass everything they’ve learned to the listener so they don’t go through the same pain they did! And the last lyrics are “it’s gonna hurt like hell, but we’re gonna be well, I’ll give you my best shot” LIKE YES ITS GONNA BE HARD TO CHANGE BUT WE’RE GONNA DO IT TOGETHER also the “chorus” (if u wanna call it that) that the narrator repeats is “I think that you’re worth keeping around” LIKE AHHH IT’S JUST SUCH A SWEET SONG!!
Also I’m REALLY insane about the fact that in the song prior to Soap, Zephyrus, the narrator sings “So let me meltdown like mountain glaciers, break the bonds I've been holding onto” and THEN in Soap they sing “I think your worth holding onto” in the chorus. THEY’VE LET GO OF THE TOXIC UNHEALTHY COMMUNITY AND BELIEFS THEY USED TO BE ATTACHED TO AND ARE NOW HOLDING ONTO THE LISTENER AND THEIR NEW COMMUNITY THAT ARE GOOD FOR THEM!! It’s just a minor lyric connection and there’s tons of them in this song but I noticed that one recently and I love it
TL;DR Soap is an amazing song and The Oh Hellos are geniuses and you should listen to it and all their albums <3
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