#christ but most of the characters in that book are hateful
boyruggeroii · 11 months
Has nobody ever written a fanfiction or pastiche in which Oliver's father is forced for some reason to raise his own legitimate son and thus deal for once with the full consequences of his own actions
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godblooded · 2 years
the first thing people always notice about alana is her eyes.
#headcanon. dr. bloom.#headcanon. dr. bloom. a good forensic psychiatrist; maybe the best.#[they’re the frost of water turning to ice before its full freeze in the earliest winter morning.#they’re the color it turns as it thaws slow slow slow and then freezes again. they’re so cold.#but they’re purely near white blue. wolffish and beautiful at once. they can be so cruel. and she can have the kindest eyes you’ve ever#seen. she can make you feel incredibly loved or she can absolutely crumble you with a glance. she KNOWS it too.#all her emotions show through her eyes is also the problem. she lies so well because she forces herself to feel it. so potent.#she can replicate an emotion painfully well for herself. she fucking hates it. it’s so hard and so much to deal with. but without it—#she wouldn’t be her. she’s explained the way her empathy works to a few people and I distinctly remember it was trish who was like#‘Jesus Christ I wouldn’t want that shit’ without even meaning to before going ‘it sounds so overwhelming to deal with’ before Alana broke#down in tears seconds later because she’s not hard and if you think she is you’re buying what she’s selling and you’re being grifted.#Alana bloom is my most dangerous muse and I write kitty ‘nexus of nothingness embodied’ valentine.#but I tend to think: would kitty be tricked into… anything by Alana? oh yeah. like. immeasurable yeah. a yeah the size of Texas.#Alana finds your weakest point because every single diamond has a flaw and she just g e n t l y begins to chip.#she’s good!hannibal. she’s the actual good doctor like. I think Tara Jess and I have unironically convinced the fandom that’s her title.#(lmfao it isn’t it’s lecter’s but book!lecter deserves it. show!lecter was a shit therapist. at least book!lecter was amazing at his job.)#and you know who his protege is? Alana!!!! she’s so deadly I’m in love with her and I’ve loved her for years now.#me: this is the side character I’ve written for more than a decade who causes a chain reblog reaction every time I post that gif set#if you know you know.]
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mieczyhale · 1 year
i typed these tags on somebody’s post, due to it and then a ficlet someone had added on, but i decided it would be rude to reblog with my tags. BUT i still wanna share my stance on this Totally Important Topic so thank u, copy / paste
#i'm ngl #if you're playing in a campaign and your dm s/o is not the dm you're playing with - and your s/o has an ongoing campaign that they are not #only willing to add you to but wants to add you to but 1. you refuse 2. you wont say why - that's pretty shitty #especially if your dm s/o is someone who has been playing as long as eddie and is as passionate about it #i mean i guess at the very least he should've been honest. that part alone is its own kind of shit #but he should be in eddie's campaign #or both #you can be in more than one campaign at a time believe it or not #josh used to do that #it's not uncommon if you have more than one friend that's a dm #idk man #this kind of plot in st fics just bothers the shit out of me #the only real funny thing here is the ending but otherwise im just like 'mmm. gross.'
#this is about erica being steve's dm#and ynow what??#only semi-related side bitch:#fics where steve does play in eddie's campaign and somehow ruins it - either one night or the whole thing - and then is smug about it#like those arent a lot of work to put together. like his boyfriend didnt put his whole heart soul and dick into it only for him to guess#something or spoil something or just be more obnoxious than any of the other teens combined. and the ones where eddie gets#genuinely upset about (any of the above) and the author doesnt allow him to be. like he immediately forgives steve or steve uses#sex as a way to stop eddie from being mad about it. like a thing i see in fics and absolutely hate is not letting eddie have feelings#especially negative ones when it comes to other people. unless its like.. annoyance. or if he IS allowed to feel something if he tries#to express it within a paragraph or two they have him all chill now or understanding or admitting that the other people was right in however#they upset him. now its not like he's the only character this happens to be jesus fucking christ#i may or may not have been holding onto a lot of negative feelings about fanfics for the last... while#doesnt help that im in an Easily Annoyed time myself#and ynow what else?? i've seen a lot of bitchass reactors lately - especially for that show that's also a book. book fans for that bitch are#some of the most obnoxious people on the goddamn planet i want to hammer their kneecaps and bust through the drywall in their houses#maison speaks
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saintsenara · 11 months
What parts of canon do you find the most frustrating/that you are dissatisfied with/wished that was handled better/explored more? Mine is the inconsistency of Voldemort as a character. How he is described as being perhaps the most talented student that Hogwarts has ever seen and so powerful and intelligent but regularly made such dumb decisions e.g. in the final battle where he still uses Avada Kedavra despite seeing it not work before. I like the explanation that Horcruxes rotted his brain
thank you very much for the ask, @sarafina-sincerity!
the parts of canon which i find the least satisfying all have the same thing in common: their morality is individualist.
the harry potter series has - at its core - a really profound and very black-and-white belief that good and evil not only exist but are rooted in the individual. and while i understand why this is the case - the later books in the series are governed by the genre conventions of folkloric epic and, especially, of christian folkloric epic, which means that the whole seven-book narrative arc ending in a battle between christ and satan after which all is well is only to be expected - i don't like it.
so here we are... ten things i hate about canon, for fanfic writers to win my heart by interrogating in their work...
i hate the series' insistence that everything is fine once voldemort is dead
the middle books in the series - especially goblet of fire - do a really interesting job at hinting at the endemic rot in the ministry of magic, and the ways that the state and its enforcers perpetuated harm during the first war that was indistinct from that perpetuated by the death eaters - above all the use of internment without trial for suspected death eaters [which is a reference to something the british state actually did in the 1970s!].
they show how widespread blood-supremacy and magic-supremacy is, even among people who don't openly support voldemort; how the wizarding population is kept deliberately ignorant by what appears to be state-controlled media; and how no serious efforts have been made to eradicate the conditions which enabled voldemort to attain such power.
this is then forgotten completely in deathly hallows, where the fact that almost the entire civil service keeps working for a government which is committing genocide is hand-waved away with "oh, people are scared", and both the epilogue and jkr's post-series writing take the view that kingsley manages, as minister, to preside over a government which easily sheds all its old prejudices and starts working properly.
i don't like this! i think it's just much more interesting for corruption to be impossible to fully eradicate from the government, for blood-supremacy to have long-standing causes which actually take a lot of very hard work to untangled [especially the fact that the wizarding world not appearing to have a welfare state means that those whose lives are poor or unstable are prime targets for radicalisation], and for kingsley to have the same capacity for leaning on the prophet and worrying about his polling numbers as any other politician...
i hate that the series changes how the death eaters are written between half-blood prince and deathly hallows
connected to this shift from the series hinting at the broader issues in the wizarding world to a flat battle between good and evil is that the death eaters, their aims, and their modus operandi are written very different between half-blood prince and deathly hallows. in the former, the death eaters can be situated very easily as anti-state sectarian terrorists who have all sorts of complex analogies within british history and politics. in the latter, they're just caricatures of pure evil - which is why the death eaters introduced from the latter stages of half-blood prince onwards, especially the carrows, are considerably less interesting as characters than those, such as lucius malfoy, barty crouch jr. and bellatrix lestrange, who are introduced earlier.
it's also why the voldemort of deathly hallows feels so uninteresting. i don't like the fanon that the horcruxes render him insane at all - when he's shown outside of the epic battle between good and evil in that book, he's shown to be as lucid and cunning as always - but he ends up having to flop because his only purpose in the overarching narrative is to be killed. in the earlier books, in which he's a paramilitary kingpin poisoning and corrupting a society which was designed to exclude him because of the fact of his birth in revenge for its treatment of him, rather than satan and hitler's lovechild, he is so much more interesting.
i hate the series' belief that slavery is fine
obviously, one of the biggest examples of state malevolence in the series is that wizards own slaves. like many readers, i loathe that the house elf plotline ends up being reduced from its potential for radicalism in chamber of secrets - in which dobby mentions whisper-networks of elves who decry their treatment at wizards' hands - to what we see from goblet of fire onwards - in which elves love being enslaved and think that any attempts to free them from their subjugation is cruel.
i also hate that elves' freedom is then hand-waved away as part of the general race towards "all was well" with the implication that hermione found it easy to undo what appears to be centuries of state-sanctioned oppression without any pushback at all.
the house elf plotline is one of the clearest distillations of the series' individualistic morality. harry abhors the treatment of dobby at the malfoys' hands entirely and only because he doesn't like the malfoys. he abhors voldemort's treatment of kreacher, but sees absolutely no issue with sirius' because he likes sirius - and he clearly sees no issue at all with his own legal mastery of kreacher, seeing as, literally minutes after the end of a war in which the good guys fought for the rights of muggles and muggleborns to be seen as fully human... he is considering ordering his slave to make him a sandwich.
i hate that the series doesn't show the realities of resistance
the reason i think the whole "why does voldemort keep using avada kedavra, isn't he supposed to be clever?" question arises is because the series is incredibly resistant to the idea that the good guys must have to kill as well, which makes it look like it's only the death eaters using it while the order use lots of clever magic that the stupid terrorists are too thick to think of.
this is idiotic - not only because the killing curse is canonically flawless unless the thing you're blasting is your own horcrux and so the order would use it for efficiency's sake alone, but because the reality of being a resistance fighter is that, even if you're on the "right" side, you are going to have kill people or they will kill you.
lupin is completely right in deathly hallows that harry is breathtakingly naive to avoid shooting to kill and that - without the protection of genre conventions allowing him to be preternaturally merciful - his resistance to killing is going to result in him being destroyed by the enemy. it is inconceivable that the rest of the order don't using the killing curse - and the question of what this does to their souls [is it murder if you believe yourself to be justified in your actions?] and their senses of self post-war is so interesting to think about - and i wish we were shown this in the text.
especially because molly absolutely blasted bellatrix with it.
but i also hate that the series thinks that violence is fine when the good guys do it
this is primarily another example of the black-and-white "this is fine because harry's good" theme which runs through the series, which we see in things like harry using sectumsempra on draco malfoy in half-blood prince or the cruciatus curse on amycus carrow in deathly hallows. harry's overarching response to committing attempted murder is to sulk that the incredibly minor punishment he receives is reducing the time he could spend hitting on ginny, and his response to torturing amycus is "lol. lmao."
the series thinks - again and again - that cruelty and violence are completely fine when the person they are perpetuated against "deserves" it, and it does not bang.
and that the series allows the good guys more complexity in characterisation
the role played by the house system in the story - and, above all, the fact that our heroes are all connected to one particular house with straightforwardly admirable associated characteristics - means that the villains receive less opportunity to also have positive traits intermingled with their negative ones - and, therefore, complex and interesting personalities.
i also dislike that when non-gryffindor characters - especially slytherins - do reveal themselves to be brave and loyal etc., instead of recognising that this is because bravery can be multi-faceted the series suggests that they should be recategorised as "belonging" to a "good" house.
or, in other words, me and dumbledore's "i think we sort too soon" line in deathly hallows are enemies for life.
i hate that the series blames merope gaunt for dying
and - of course - the main way a villain isn't allowed as much complexity as a hero is that the series never examines the impact of voldemort's childhood on his adult self. while we see hints throughout canon of just how profoundly affected he is by his institutionalised childhood and the weight of his grief over his parents [his mother especially] - such as him learning as a baby never to cry for attention because it's futile - this is hand-waved away throughout the series by dumbledore-as-the-voice-of-god as irrelevant. the eleven-year-old tom riddle is straightforwardly evil, that he grows up in an orphanage is used as nothing more than narrative colour to underline how creepy he is, and dumbledore's spectacular mishandling of their relationship is viewed by the series as undeniably correct right up to the very last moment [when harry imitates dumbledore by - and we should call it what it is - deadnaming voldemort in their final confrontation].
but the most egregious thing that dumbledore does when discussing the course voldemort's life takes is blame merope gaunt for her own death in childbirth, by implying that witches are immune to one of the most common causes of death throughout human history if they just try hard enough and then saying that a nineteen-year-old girl whose life appears to have been nothing more than unrelenting abuse and misery [perpetuated both against her and by her] lacked the moral fibre to try hard enough.
and this infuriates me.
i hate how the series treats female characters who don't fit its narrow spectrum of "correct" womanhood
merope is but one victim of the series' general issues with treating women who aren't its heroes - all of whom are exactly feminine and beautiful and clever and talented enough that we know they're good people, but not any of these things in an extreme which could make them vapid or arrogant or defiant of social norms or so on.
the series takes a very low view of women who exist outside of narrow boxes - whether they are interested in a hyper-feminine aesthetic [lavender brown, rita skeeter] or a more masculine one [marge dursley]; conform to stereotypes about being bitchy, flighty, or vapid [pansy parkinson, romilda vane] or refuse to adhere to social expectations to be polite, meek, and demure [fleur delacour]; are unmarried, are not inherently maternal, and/or are cruel to children [bellatrix lestrange; petunia dursley; dolores umbridge]; are unrestrained emotionally [cho chang; moaning myrtle] and so on. and i don't like it.
and i also hate that - connected to this - the series uses physical appearance - especially weight - as a shorthand for [female] characters we're supposed to dislike.
what it says on the tin, really - if the series doesn't like a character, especially if the character is a woman, you can almost guarantee that they will either be fat or be unusually thin.
and finally...
i hate that the series prioritises one form of love - love as suffering and as sacrifice - over all others
part of the series' march towards the epic two-person showdown between good and evil is that harry is made to endure trial after trial - including his death for the salvation of mankind - in the name of love. obviously this is because he becomes, by the end of deathly hallows an allegory for christ, but it also fits into the series' view - articulated most frequently by dumbledore - that love, suffering, and sacrifice are all synonyms.
the acts of love the series foregrounds - snape's willingness to endure anything because of his love for lily; sirius' willingness to rot in azkaban and caves and grimmauld place because of his love for james and harry; harry giving up a love that's like "someone else's life" with ginny so he can go die - are all sacrificial, and the series generally takes a dull view of love that is fluffy, silly, carnal, selfish, soothing, transformational and so on. lavender and bellatrix's open adoration of their lovers is mocked; dumbledore's sexual desire for grindelwald is punished by his sister's death; tonks and lupin's uncomplicated happiness in the birth of their son is not to last.
but happy endings and silly jokes and forehead kisses are love too. and the hill i will die on is that they have even more potential to bring about the salvation of the world than constant suffering and abiding.
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ch6sos · 4 months
𖤐⭒๋࣭ ⭑ teen!nanami headcanons
love my emo king so i decided to make headcanons for him because love himso sosooo MUCH <3 I am obsessed with nanami I am sorry guys for the amount of nanami but he is my beloved and my hyperfixation wooooooooooo
lmk if i should make an emo teen nanami as ur bf headcanon ill gladly do it sweetie pies
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He is much quieter as a child and rarely speaks. I believe he will be more reserved as a teenager, not because he is shy, but because he dislikes talking to strangers. He is distant, but not unfriendly.
Haibara is the only person who is allowed in his room, and I do not make the rules. 
Owned an iPod/iPod touch (even though Nanami is the Samsung king) and he would stream his little emo bands.
As a teenager, he appears to be more immature and irrational, displaying difficulty in controlling his emotions sometimes. Despite his calm exterior, he is still a teenage boy so he has regular outbursts here and there.
HATED IT when he tried one of Shoko’s cigarettes; he most likely took one puff and began to cough as though he was going to die.
Sassy king who rolls his eyes and emo hair flips at least 7 times per second, 24/7.
“Nanami, can you do that thing?”
"Do not bother me at this time, Gojo." 
"What did I do."
"The hair flip thing... hahaha you need to cut your bangs."
"I prefer to keep it this way so I can focus on you with one eye and spare the other from seeing more of your face."
Haibara is an extrovert who encourages him to attend events and socialize with others. 
His backpack is tidy. His books are neatly organized, and his papers are not crammed together.
 He was forced to go to karaoke rooms with Shoko, Geto, Gojo, and Haibara, where he would sit and listen to them sing loudly.
"C'mon, Nanami... sing!" 
It turns out he was singing all along, albeit softly and quietly, while they sang along loudly to the screen lyrics.
He spaces out a lot when people talk to him because he just wants to go home.
Haibara is subtly affectionate towards him, wrapping his arm around his shoulder like many guys do. He doesn't push him off, but the other guy freezes and maintains some distance.
He once woke up from a nap and found himself wearing eyeliner, black nail polish, and eyeshadow. He immediately ran out to scold Gojo (it wasn't just him) (but he secretly liked it).
"Gojo, what the fuck is this?"
"This is your culture!" 
"Please refrain from touching me while I am sleeping."
“Hey! Who said it was only me?”
“Jesus Christ.”
Probably got a double helix piercing (that eventually healed when he became an adult) (sorry guys).
(Though he still has his earlobe piercings as an adult, he just never really wears earrings anymore. Though you can see the various holes.)
Geto accompanied him to get piercings, and despite feeling nervous at first, he ended up loving the experience and feeling badass.
"It feels good, right?"
"Oh, yeah, I suppose," he mumbled, trying to suppress a broad smile. As he arrived at his dorm, a dorky grin spread across his face. He stood in front of the mirror for several hours, hyping himself up.
Listens to My Chemical Romance, Nirvana, Van Halen, Metallica, Guns N' Roses, AC/DC, Linkin Park, Green Day, Foo Fighters, The Strokes, and Paramore. And more. :)
He would probably like gothic characters from cartoons or shows, like Raven from Teen Titans.
If you quietly make your way into his dorm room while he's listening to music, you'll catch him singing out the lyrics to his beloved emo songs. As the music moves him, he'll start air guitaring and air drumming with fervor. However, if he catches you witnessing his private performance, you'll see a flicker of embarrassment cross his face.
Gojo once tried to dye one of his hair strands purple or blue, but he failed. Instead of turning the strand the desired color, it only lightened his hair slightly, resulting in a lighter shade of blonde that looked like gray hair.
"Gojo, you made me look like a grandfather. I should've done it myself.”
"Looks great on you, Nanami! Fits you too since you kind of act like a grandpa.”
"Oh you, son of a—"
He secretly owns a Tamagotchi named Helena after remembering it is a My Chemical Romance song.
Wept when they split up.
Has secretly attended several concerts, raves, and gatherings, enjoying the kindness and energy of the events.
Has previously used an Ouija board with Gojo, Geto, and Haibara, and the "spirit" liked him.
He goes to the Japanese equivalent of a Hot Topic to get his clothes.
He smells earthy and musky because he is emo, and he probably has a cologne fragrance bottle shaped like a skull.
He rarely posted on MySpace, and when he did, it was only about his music and book reviews.
Likely wore a fake lip piercing, a silver skull necklace, and one of those spikey emo bracelets.
Read Scott Pilgrim comics for a while. 
He was not too dry, so he used emoticons like "-_-" "-.-" "._. ".-." "^_^"
In his spare time, he enjoys reading books about horror and mystery. 
Owned a black Nintendo DS and always handed it to Haibara so he could play with it. Was not upset when Haibara accidentally dropped it in the water, but was sad that he lost his Pokemon progress.
Never had a genuine crush on someone, though when he does he becomes shy and awkward around the person he has a crush on, often finding himself avoiding them like the plague. Whenever he catches sight of them, uncertainty clouds his mind, nerves all over the place.
Despite his efforts to suppress his feelings, they only seem to intensify. This is his first experience with a serious crush, and his initial reaction is to try to shake off the emotions, but he soon realizes that he can't - he's simply head over heels in love.
Whenever he sees them, he does a cute, dorky thing - he goes to his mirror, fixes his bangs, and hypes himself up. He sprayed more cologne than usual, coughed a little, and made sure his skull necklace, helix piercings, and slight eyeshadow looked good. He gives himself several minutes for a pep talk because he still gets so nervous.
He fidgets a lot, constantly finding ways to occupy his hands even when he appears outwardly calm. It's as if he can't help but engage in some form of repetitive movement, whether it's tapping his fingers, twirling a pen, or adjusting his sleeves.
He also stammers a bit sometimes especially when talking to someone he likes.
Talks to Haibara about how he feels most of the time. Out of everyone he trusts Haibara.
He draws on himself when he is bored. He intended to get a tattoo, so he drew on himself to see how it would look.
He has a journal, emphasizing that it's not a diary, where he writes down his emotions. He finds solace in jotting down his innermost feelings as he often struggles to express them verbally.
In his journal, not a diary, he vents a lot. He is frustrated with himself because he is so bad at expressing his emotions. When he wants to, he can't, and he just pushes people away, which he despises.
"Sometimes I wonder why. Why do I have to be like this? I do want to talk to people and express my emotions to them, but I could never. It genuinely scares me, and that is something I want to fix about myself."
Owns several band shirts and wears them to bed. When he is older, they're smaller on him. I wonder why.
When he's out with Haibara and the group, he always wears his headphones and drifts off while listening to music.
*pretends not to hear gojo*
In the modern world, he would be the quiet student who consistently gets top grades, sits at the back of the class, and rarely participates.
When someone shares the same interests as him he tries not to look too excited but ultimately fails.
As a teenager, he adamantly refuses to pursue a romantic relationship but secretly desires one to fulfill his need for affection.
Thus, he spends his time reading romantic novels, gaining insights into how the male protagonists treat their significant others. This newfound knowledge inspires him to learn how to treat his future significant other.
Even though he is mature for his age, he sometimes wishes he had been raised differently. He genuinely feels like he is wasting his youth by not spending more time being a teenager.
Converse + Vans are his specialty and they’re all beat up.
He sees Geto as a fashion inspiration because he is another emo king.
When he's not in uniform, he enjoys wearing oversized, tucked-in T-shirts paired with sleek black pants and a studded belt. His fingers are adorned with multiple rings, and he complements this look with a sleek black watch.
He always spends an extra dollar to buy someone something from the vending machine. Need a soda? He gotcha.
He always seems to be munching on something, whether it's the crunch of Doritos or potato chips. However, he doesn't seem to have as much of a sweet tooth.
an emo king who deserves the world
a/n: i love my goat
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princesstarfire1234 · 3 months
TLDR: I fucking despise ship art and fanfics that infantilize Orion Pax / Optimus Prime
Okay so I just wanna put my thoughts out here right now because I've not seen many people talk about it and it honestly bothers me a lot...
So, it's no secret that I ship MegOp and stuff right? I like and have reblogged a bunch of art of them before and I will keep doing so, but something about how this place (or more certain parts of the fandom) portray the ship gives me major icks and I fucking hate it so much
Detailed thoughts under cut ⬇️⬇️⬇️
Case in point, a massive part of the TFP fanbase likes to ship Orion and Megatronus and I get that, I get why people like shipping those two but it's the WAY they do it. A lot, not all, but most of the fanart surrounding Orion Pax and Megatronus is him being like the smaller and more submissive one of the relationship which fine, whatever, but most people just end up drawing him REALLY small like ik he's shorter than Megs who was a gladiator and all that and he was an archivist but jesus christ... Aside the size which is weird and all but it's really all about the rampant infantilization of the guy. When they remove all agency from the character and act like Orion is gonna fucking combust the moment someone confronts him or tries to fight him like no... I've not read Exodus but I don't think Orion being a nerdy book guy is gonna make him THAT soft, this is still the same mech who became PRIME like cmon
I don't know the exact words for it other than "infantilization" but like y'know what I mean right?? I'm not gonna name blogs but there's this one AU on here where Orion is blind and it has this cutesy artstyle which is fine but I vividly remember reading a comic on that AU where some thugs confront Orion and he's all like sobbing and shit and has to be saved by someone and it's... so you made him disabled and also a crybaby and absolutely incapable of anything??? Does that NOT give you an ick of sorts or seem weird??? God I don't even know anymore because I've seen many people seem to like that so I'm just scared I'm the weird one and wrong for this lmfao... Maybe there's smthn im not getting, you tell me
Anyways this post is getting real long, but this kind of "infantilization" also applies to certain fanarts of TFA MegOp, I always thought the ship was bordering on kind of strange (since TFA Optimus is like the equivalent of some 20-something college dropout and Megatron is implied to have been doing the war stuff way way way back like Ratchet's time) but I won't get into that, I just don't ship that certain brand of the characters myself, but it's fine, do what you want with it. Just know that I have seen art of those two where they treat TFA Optimus as this sort of incapable cutesy uwu boy (aaaghh)
So yeah.... hahahaha stop infantilizing characters and taking a ship where they're both grown ass big men and like straight up turning the other one into some weird ass incapable version of the character that lacks any and all agency and honestly bordering on being really icky as fuck, thank you, idc if you make Optimus the bottom or whatever, that's not what I mean, cya ✌️
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mirkwoodshewolf · 18 days
Road trip; Winchester brothers x sister reader
*Author's note*
This was a request submitted to me anonymously so to the anon out there I hope this story finds you and that you like it. Took me a while but I finally came up with a cute little fic. However it maybe less of a raodtrip roadtrip fic and more of reader bonding with her brothers over a road trip but I hope you and all the readers out there like it nonetheless.
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I was currently reading up on some books that the Men of Letters had in their library about Celtic mythology.  After that last selkie case, I wanted to read up more on Celtic lore and see what else there is out there since the personal Winchester knowledge is severely lacking in that department.
“Yo (Y/n)! Meeting room now.” I heard Dean’s voice call out as I heard a knock at the table I was sitting at.  I jumped in my seat and I said.
“Jesus Christ Dean, you know how I feel when you sneak up out of nowhere and just yell at me. Especially when I’m reading.”
“I swear you and Sammy with your books.” Dean rolled his eyes.
“Wouldn’t kill you to learn something new.” I muttered under my breath as I closed the book.
“What was that?”
“Nothing, nothing. C’mon let’s get going.” I walked out of the library with Dean following behind me and as we came to the meeting room, Sam sat at the globe table his laptop closed.  I took a seat next to him and whispered, “Any idea what he’s planning?”
“I have no idea.” He whispered back.
“What I have planned is no need for concern nor whispering now shut up you two and listen up.” Dean said as he took the seat across from us.  “Now look, we’ve been at this hunting thing for a long, long time. We’ve been everywhere across the country more times than most people take their entire lives. But when was the last time we gave ourselves a little vacation?” Sam and I looked at each other perplexed.
 “A vacation?” asked Sam.
“Yeah. A vacation Sammy. You know the thing that people do when they want to get away from it all—”
“I know what a vacation is Dean. But you know what we do isn’t a normal 9 to 5 job, right?”
“Yeah. But look at what Jody and the girls have been doing. They make time for themselves every now and then. Especially after finding Kai’s evil twin.”
“Question though Dean,” I asked slowly raising my hand. “Why bring this up now?”
“Haven’t you guys noticed that ever since we beat God at his own game, there hadn’t been as many cases to go to lately. Besides that selkie case, the last real case we fought in was like what….two, three weeks ago?” Sam and I shrugged in agreement. “So really, what’s the harm in the three of us getting out of this dusty old bunker and seeing the sights for real this time.” A bark soon came up and our newest family member Miracle came running up and Dean knelt down and gave Miracle some scritches.  “See? Even Miracle agrees with me.”
“You know it still seems weird to see you so affectionate with dogs. All these years and you finally allow us to have a dog.” I stated.
“I never hated dogs. We just couldn’t afford to keep one since you know we were always saving the world one apocalypse at a time. Now, this big guy can stay with us, ain’t that right boy?” Miracle let out a bark.
“He is right. I mean it’s been two days since the selkie incident and usually we’re out the door with another case or a new lead on our big bad of the year. Maybe it wouldn’t be such a bad idea to get out for a while.” Sam said.
“(N/n), even if you say no you’re still coming with us cause we’re the oldest here.” Dean tried to out argue me but I told him.
“Did I say that it was a dumb idea? All I said was this was out of character for someone like you. But I wouldn’t mind getting out of here and seeing the open road without a constant threat breathing down our necks.”
“Then we’re agreed. Pack only the essentials and meet me outside in 10 minutes.” Dean and Miracle soon headed up the stairs and once the door to the bunker shut I said to Sam.
“He definitely has a destination planned out.”
“Oh yeah. But let’s just pretend we don’t for his sake.” Sam suggested as he gave me a gentle pat on the shoulder before heading to his room while I headed to mine.
We put out stuff in the trunk and I got in the back with Lucky at my feet while my brothers took their usual spots up front.  Once the doors closed Sam had asked Dean.
“Dean, since we’re going off the books for this particular trip. Do you think that maybe just this once you could lend the music control to someone else?” Dean gave Sam his raised brow and ‘bitch please’ face.
“What’s the number one rule in the car (Y/n)?”
“Driver picks the music, shotgun shuts his cakehole and piggyback rocks out.” I said petting Miracle’s fur.
“And this is why one day she’ll be taking your seat cause she doesn’t complain about my music choices.” Dean started Baby up and her engine let out that beautiful purr before Dean drove her out from the garage and we set out on the open road.
I’ve been raised out on the open road.  Being a hunter meant never really settling down in one place for too long.  I could name every interstate and exit ramp by the time I was 10 years old.  But here and now, this was different.  Seeing the trees whiz by, the clouds that spread across the Blue sky, the sun shining off Baby’s hood and rearview mirrors, this trip felt—comforting.
Soon coming through the radio was Kansas infamous song ‘Carry on my Wayward son’.  When the acapella voices of the band came through the speakers of the car, Sam couldn’t help but roll his eyes.
“C’mon Sammy! You never go wrong with Kansas. This is practically our theme song.”
“Our theme song?” Sam asked.
“Yeah. Now suck it up and take it all in.” as Dean and I began jamming out to the song, him playing the drums on the steering wheel while I did my air guitar before the two of us began singing.  Our voices drowned out by the volume of the song but it didn’t deter the passion that Dean and I had as we would belt out the song.  Eventually Sam got in on the action as he’d play the piano part on Baby’s console.  When the guitar solo came up, Dean proclaimed.  “Take it (n/n)!” I then proceeded to copy the famous guitar solo as my brothers cheered out to me and the three of us closed out the song in a high note.
“What’s say about making a youtube cover of that song?” I suggested.
“Might not be a bad idea. Never too old to learn to play the guitar.” Dean said.
“I don’t think I’m cut out to be a youtube star.” Sam said.
“Sam, do I need to remind you of the time we went to that world where our lives was a tv show and all the fanfics my actress had both read and written for being a tumblr star as well as an actress?”
“No need to bring that up thank you (Y/n).” Sam stopped me as he held his hand out.
“You guys getting hungry?”
“Baby sis you always read my mind. There’s also a rest stop around the bend from the food exits. We can have ourselves a little picnic there and give Miracle some exercise, what’d you say boy?” Miracle let out a bark of agreement.  About a quarter mile later, Dean took the exit and we pulled into the first fast food joint we saw and ordered our meals before driving towards the rest stop about a half mile down from the restaurant.
Dean parked the car and once the engine stopped, we all came outside and stretched ourselves out after a few hours of driving.  I leashed Miracle up as we walked towards the picnic tables up ahead and sat down to eat our food.
“But in all seriousness Dean, where exactly are we going? And will we be getting a motel room to at least sleep in tonight?” I asked.
“My dead little sister, sometimes you just gotta take in the journey and not worry about the destination.” Dean responded as he bit into his double burger.  I dipped my fries into my chocolate milkshake and Sam said.
“I still can’t understand why you do that. Everytime you get a milkshake or a frosty you dip your fries into it.”
“The perfect balance of sweet and salty, as well as hot and cold Sammy boy. Don’t knock it till you try it.” I said dipping three fries into my shake and stuffing them into my mouth.  Miracle laid his head across my lap as he looked up at me with those puppy dog eyes of his.  “Oh no mister. Chocolate will kill you, but I can give you this.” I tore a portion of my chicken sandwich and fed it to him after telling him to wait and be a good boy.
“(Y/n), don’t feed him human food.” Sam reprimanded me.
“Apparently you don’t know what Dean does in the mornings after finishing his breakfast.”
“(N/n) we had a deal don’t you tell him.” Sam let out a disgusted groan.
“Seriously Dean? You let him lick your plate before putting it into the sink?”
“It gets washed in the end.” Dean tried to reason while I stood up and gathered up my trash all the while picking up Miracle’s leash to take him for a little walk around the back so that he could do his business.
“I swear I love stirring the pot to get those two arguing over the dumbest things. Guess Gabriel rubbed off on me in more ways than one.” I said to Miracle as I tossed my trash into the trashcan before we entered the trail behind the rest stop.  Miracle started off by peeing at the first thing he had sniffed which was a sing pole for the ‘please clean up after your dogs’.
I walked him through the forest trail and he practically peed at almost every tree and bush we came across.  As we walked my mind trailed back to all the people that we had lost, especially Cas, Jack and Gabriel.  Hell Gabriel was my Guardian angel, who would’ve known at the time but it did make sense.  Whenever he made an attempt to mess with my brothers, he always made sure to never have me be harmed or be involved in any insane scheme he came up with.
The day he was killed in the apocalypse world when we tried to get Jack and Mary back was the day I was most devastated.  Right until the end, he made sure that I didn’t get hurt and ultimately sacrificed himself to Michael so that I and my brothers could escape and get out alive.  I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn’t even realize that I had bumped into someone causing the two of us to fall to the ground.
Miracle had came up to us huffing and whimpering his tail wagging and I immediately got off the stranger and said.
“I am so sorry I should’ve paid attention to where I was going I didn’t mean to…”
“No, no it’s completely my fault. What I get for just standing in the middle of the trail.” He responded.  When I got a good look at him, I almost felt my heart go boom.
He was pretty cute.  Dark almost black curly hair that framed his face in both an adorable yet mysterious way.  He had hazel eyes that held both wonder yet mischief behind them.  His clothing wasn’t anything too extravagant, a Bob Dylan t-shirt and dark pants and he wore a few rings on his fingers and a metal bracelet as well as a watch.  And a jawline so sharp and strong it was unfair that someone around my age could look this handsome.
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“Are you sure you don’t wanna exchange licenses or proof of insurance?” I finally spoke up trying to keep the blush I was feeling rising at my cheeks at bay.
“No, no, the fault was entirely my own.” He said with a charming smile.  Oh Christ even his smile was to die for.  Miracle then went up and gave him a sniff as he let out some happy whimpers.
“Miracle no down!”
“It’s fine I’ve got a dog at home just like this one and she’s an affectionate little girl. Although she’s not so little anymore even though she thinks she is.” He said laughing as he gave Miracle some scritches on top of his head.
You know how dogs can be trained to detect cancer or find weapons or drugs at airports.  Well my brothers and I have been training Miracle to detect whether someone was human or not and he always let us know by either growling (Werewolf, vampire, demon, wendigo, shapeshifter), lay down (djinn, vetala, reapers, witches), or to stand completely still but firm for ghosts, ghouls and everything else.
And with how he was acting, I knew I could relax since Miracle would never react this way towards a normal human being so I knew this boy could be trusted.
“What’s her name?”
“Dixie. Found her dumped at the side of the road when she was just a puppy.”
“I swear, humans can be such monsters.”
“Tell me about it. But with time, food and water, she was acting like a normal puppy should and has been for the past 10 years now. How long have you had Miracle, you said his name was?”
“Yeah, we’ve only had him for a year now but we didn’t get him as a puppy. Was left behind at a gas station.”
“Aww poor guy, well lucky for him he found a good family to take care of him.” We stared into each other’s eyes for a moment and it felt like my entire world was flipped upside down.  I awkwardly cleared my throat and said.
“Well we uhh—we better get back. My brothers will start to think we’ve been kidnapped or something.”
“Yeah, yeah I better get back on the road myself. Got a long way to Georgia.” He said in the same manner of awkwardness as he stuffed his hands into his pockets and we both stood up.
“Georgia? Funny you don’t seem to have the accent. No offense.”
“None taken, I’m just heading down that way to help out my aunt. She got injured pretty badly and I said I’d help her at her shop.”
“Such a gentleman, don’t see many of you out in the world.”
“Oh we’re out there. Just gotta know where to look. But I think it’s ungentlemanly to not introduce myself, I’m Paul.”
“(Y/n).” the second we took hands, I felt a spark of electricity surge through me and I let out a tiny gasp.  There’s no way I could be falling for this guy so fast could I? No, no, no it’s just a crush. Just like with Jack, it’s not real.  But then again I knew the term soulmates were real thanks to that one cupid who talked about the destiny of John and Mary Winchester being together.
Snap out of it (Y/n)! when I realized we were still shaking hands, I nervously took back my hand and apologized but he told me no worries and the two of us decided to walk out of the forest trail and we continued to talk to one another.
“So you went to college in New York to study law?”
“Yeah, One more semester and I’ll finally be done after seven years.” Paul told me.
“My big brother Sam tried to study at law school in California but unfortunately it didn’t work out for him.”
“Oh that’s too bad. Was it the stress cause there have been times where I’ve wanted to quit because of the immense pressure. That’s why I didn’t even try for Standford since they’re so strict.”
“I think it’s that school rivalry talking.”
“Or that.” We both laughed softly.
“So what’s the city of New York actually like?”
“Hold on, I thought you had said you’ve been to everywhere across America.”
“I have. But the only part of New York I ever went to was in upstate. I’ve never been to the actual city. Is it true you can pretty much get anywhere by walking?”
“Most part. But I take the train since my campus is in the heart of the city and I’m taking lodgings in Queens. You know if you’re ever in the area I wouldn’t mind showing you around the city sometime. I can show you all the hot spots and where to get the best pizza.”
“I’ve heard Chicago’s is better.”
“Okay that is a straight up lie! They deep dish their pizza in grease and I will proudly stand by that!” he proclaimed.  I giggled softly when I heard Dean’s voice cry out.
“Yo (Y/n)! Time to hit the road let’s go double time!” I groaned and Paul said.
“That big brother or eldest brother?”
“Eldest brother. I gotta go, it was real nice to meet you Paul. And again sorry about running into you.”
“Like I said, I was the one just parked in the middle of the trail. Take care of yourself (Y/n), you too Miracle.” Miracle let out a bark as he allowed Paul to rub the top of his head and I urged him back towards Baby.  As we came up to the impala, Dean asked.
“Who’s the boy?”
“Just get in the car.” I got Miracle into the backseat before following in after him and shut the door.
“He got a name?” asked Sam.
“Don’t you start too, I don’t need the big brother protection program on my ass.”
“Oh don’t you worry baby sis. Cause we’ll get you to talk one way or another about him.” Dean said as he got into the car before revving Baby up.
We continued the drive long throughout the night and by morning we finally reached Georgia by mid-afternoon. As we drove through the county Dean soon took the exit towards Blairsville, each time he took the exit that had that name.
“No destination huh Dean?” I mocked as I now sat in the front with him while Sam took the back to rest.
“Can’t hurt to make a couple of stops along the way.”
“Yeah well can we at least check into a motel? I feel so sticky and gross.”
“That’s good. That way no boy tries to flirt with you like the boy we met at that rest stop in Missouri.”
“Oh my god Dean not this again.”
“No, no, no. You gotta know this baby girl. Boys at that age are after one thing and one thing only. Besides in our line or work, he could’ve been a monster for all we know.”
“He wasn’t because Miracle acted the same way he does around you in the mornings. He didn’t give any of his training cues when he smelled Paul.”
“Paul? Who names their kid Paul?”
“Dean knock it off. Our sister knows how to take care of herself she could well beat Paul’s ass if he tried anything to her.” Sam groaned as he finally woke up from his nap.
“I can’t tell if you’re on my side or not there Sammy.” I bluntly said.
“Be thankful I know what you’re capable of doing on your own. You’ve been a karate master since you were 14.”
“I wouldn’t say master but I know a thing or two.”
“Still, I don’t want you talking or flirting with any boys while we’re here. You’re our sister and you’re too young for that shit.”
“I’m 18 years old Dean. I’m an adult and can make my own decisions.”
“Not when it comes to boys you’re not.” I let out a groan as I turned away from him and crossed my arms over my chest.
“You really are a stubborn ass.”
“Better to be a stubborn ass than a neglectful asshole.”
“What Dean’s trying to say is we’re this protective over you because we love you and we don’t wanna see you get hurt. Any more than you have in the past, especially now since we’ve finally managed to get our lives to normal since defeating God.” Sam piped in as I felt his hand on top of my shoulder giving it a loving shake.  I looked behind him and placed my hand on top of his.
“I know, but you guys also need to understand I’m not the same frightened little girl you found curled over her dead mother’s corpse covered in blood. You guys taught me everything I need to know in defending myself, so did Gabriel and Cas. Bobby and Jodi. So can I just try to live out whatever normal young adult life I can on my own and if I ever need you guys to bail me out or a shoulder to cry on, I’ll call you?”
“I can live by that.” I turned to Dean and said his name.  He let out a sharp breath.
“Just when I think I can out argue yah, you always tend to play the heartstrings card. And even though I hate chick flick moments, I guess I can agree to those terms. Just as long as you let me have a go at whoever pressures you into sex or drugs cause that’s where I draw the line of not getting involved.”
“Then it’s a deal.” Dean continued his drive through Blairsville and we soon saw the reason why he had wanted to come here.  All over the county there were banners, flyers and signs for the upcoming Great American Pie Festival.  Pies, parades, fireworks, food trucks, games and prizes were all promised and it all began tonight.
“Why doesn’t this surprise me?” asked Sam.
“C’mon Sammy, after all that we’ve done for the world I deserve me some damn pie! Now like (Y/n) said we’ll check into a motel, get cleaned up and then get us some pie.” He sniffled and I asked him teasingly.
“Are you crying Dean?”
“What? No I’m not crying, you’re crying.” He brushed off my statement as he kept driving down the road until we reached the closest motel.
“Dibs on the first shower!” I called out as Dean turned off Baby once we reached the parking lot and we all came out of the car.  Sam took Miracle for a walk while Dean and I got ourselves checked into a room.  Once we got into the room, I grabbed a spare set of clothes and my bath essentials and headed towards the bathroom to take a nice, hot relaxing shower.
A few hours passed and after getting ourselves comfortable and situated in our hotel room it was now time to head out to the main street where they would kick off the festival with the firework show and then by noon tomorrow they would have their big parade.
My brothers and I followed the crowd of people as we could hear everyone’s excitement for this year’s Pie festival.
“This is my destiny. I was born for this, I was made for this.” Dean muttered to himself.
“Dude are you seriously giving yourself a pep talk right now?” asked Sam incredulously.
“Shut up Sammy I need to get into my Zen pie mode.” Sam and I looked at each other and shook our heads.  The second we got to the main pie gallery where all the pie shops were set up, we stopped and Sam and I could see on Dean’s face that he had just seen the most beautiful thing he had ever seen.  “It’s….just so beautiful.”
“Just don’t OD yourself tough guy.” I said patting his gut softly.  Dean shoved me playfully and was the first to walk through the streets of pie.  “Shall we Sammy?”
“After you.” He told me and we both walked into the gallery square and took in all the sights the festival had to offer.  Balloons and banners all over the square, multiple shops and food trucks on every corner, hundreds of people all walking around already with their pie purchases and soon we found a bench to sit on.
Sam and I sat down and waited for Dean to find us with his treasure hoard.  As I looked around I said to Sam.
“Could you imagine us being in something like this during our many apocalyptic savings?”
“If it were up to Dean, we’d come to it in a heartbeat but at the time. We had bigger fish to fry. Now I think we might just end up going to every pie fest across the country.”
“I don’t think it’d be so bad. I mean we did have a good drive here. Not too much traffic, decent weather. Even Miracle seemed okay with the trip.”
“Yeah he did. And probably best that we left him at the motel, we still need to work on his approach towards people.”
“Tell me about it. Plus all this food, he’d be all over everybody.” After a few minutes of watching the crowd, Dean finally came in with a large box but he had to quickly spin around to avoid someone nearly knocking it over.  He gave the man his best death glare as he came over and sat on the opposite of Sam.  We looked down and that box held at least eight pies all ranging in various flavors.
“Didn’t I tell you not to OD? At this point all them pies will put you into a pie coma.” I said to Dean.
“You know you worry too much (n/n). Plus I can’t have a little sister whose thinks pie is a dried up heave of dough. That is sacrilege!”
“I never said that. I just said I can’t eat pie by itself. Now pie with ice cream sign me up any day of the week.”
“I’ll tell you where the ice cream truck is at if you take at least one bite of this pie, by itself.” Dean then handed me what looked like a pumpkin pie smothered in whipped cream.  He tossed me a fork and I picked it up before standing up.  I walked over to Dean and just as I was about to plunge the fork into the pie, I then shoved the pie into his face which caused Sam to bite back a laugh.
“I can’t tell you how much I’ve always wanted to do that to someone. And it’s just as funny as it is in cartoons.” Sam and I both soon started laughing as he high fived me.
“Funny.” Dean said as the pie finally fell from his face.  “Real funny there kid.”
“Hey Dean, you got a little something there on your face.” Teased Sam as Dean gave him his bitch face before Sam started bursting out laughing and I walked off shaking my head snickering under my breath.
I walked along through the crowd and soon found the ice cream food truck and as luck would have it, it lied right beside a chocolate pie shop.  Vanilla ice cream and chocolate pie, oh hell yes.  I jogged over to the food truck and ordered a small vanilla cup and paid the guy what I owed before jogging over to Aunt Mina’s Pies.  I dinged the little bell and was soon greeted by a familiar voice.
“Welcome to Aunt Mina’s how may I—(Y/n)?”
“Paul? We’ll all be damned.”
“Small world ain’t it? You and your brothers here for the pie festival?”
“Yep. Believe me, you mention the word pie and my eldest brother goes crazy over them.”
“He wouldn’t have been the one carrying the box with eight pies including one of my aunt’s apple pies, would he?”
“That’s the guy.”
“So what can I get you?”
“One of your best chocolate chip pies please.”
“Coming right up.” he gave me a wink before leaving the window and called out the order as he began prepping the pan.
“So your aunt’s a pie maker?”
“Not to toot my own horn, but my aunt makes one of the best pies down here in the south. Even her shop over at New Orleans say that she’s the best damn pie maker they’ve ever had. But since her car accident she’s been needing help run the various shops. My older sister is running the main one in New Orleans while I’m helping out with the festival. Then of course my cousins co-own the shop up in Philly.”
“Wow, proud family business. What my brother wouldn’t give to have his own pie shop. Though if it were up to him he’d eat all the merchandise rather than sell it.”
“It’s tempting. I remember the first summer I helped my aunt out in this very festival. I was so hungry by the end of it all, I had eaten about five of her coconut cream pies. It was well worth the beating I took later that night.” We both laughed before my pie was finally ready.
“How much do I owe yah?”
“Nothing, it’s on the house.”
“Paul no I-I can’t…..”
“Consider it a first time festival welcome freebie.”
“You sure you won’t get in trouble?” I whispered as I took the pie from him.
“Who knows. But if you’d really like to pay me back, would you mind joining me in watching the fireworks later tonight?” once again I felt my cheeks grow hot and I said.
“Will you provide another slice of pie for me?”
“I’ll sneak one out if I have to.” He gave me another wink as he smiled mischievously.
“Then I’d be honored Paul.”
“Great. How about meeting me back here in 20 minutes? I get off around that time.”
“It’s a date.” We both were shocked at my wording and I quickly tried to fix it but that’s when I heard Dean’s voice say.
“What’s a date?” we both looked and there stood both Sam and Dean looking at us skeptical.
“Dean, Sam. This is Paul, he’s offered to allow me to be his escort to the fireworks show later tonight.”
“Did he now?” asked Dean as he crossed his arms over his chest.
“Yes sir. Just as a friendly welcome to the festival. She told me that it’s your first time here at our little pie festival. Lots to do over just a weekend and it can get overwhelming.” Paul said to my brothers.
“I’m sure it does.” Said Sam with a curt nod.  I looked at them widened eyed and annoyed desperately trying to get them to remember our conversation in the car.
“I promise I’ll be the perfect gentleman and you two are more than welcome to join us.” Oh god please no Paul why did you have to suggest that.
“That sounds like…..” Dean first started off but Sam interrupted him.
“Actually we’re good. Fireworks really aren’t our thing but you kids go and have fun.” Dean turned to Sam but Sam arched a brow at Dean and gestured with his head.  Dean glared at Sam and he said to me.
“Be home no later than 10.”
“Midnight.” I suggested.
“11.” Dean negotiated.
“Fine 11:30 and not a minute later young lady. And you, Timothee Chalamet don’t you dare try any funny business. Cause I’ll know.”
“Yeah okay Dean, let’s go before you get us kicked out.” Sam escorted Dean away.
“Wow. Your brothers are pretty protective over you aren’t they?” exhaled Paul.
“You don’t know the half of it. I apologize for them, I’ll understand if you don’t want to watch the fireworks with me anymore.”
“No, no I still want you to join me. I can understand protective siblings, you should see my sister. You know how mama bears are super protective over their cubs, well they ain’t got nothing when it comes to my sister. God did she ever used to embarrass me when I was a teenager.”
“It’s tough being the youngest sibling.”
“I’d toast to that. So like I said, meet me here in 15 minutes?” he said looking down at his watch.
“Yeah, see you then Paul.” I took my pie and ice cream and walked away still feeling that blush at my cheeks.  When I went back to the bench I had seen that both my brothers were gone.  I looked around but couldn’t spot them anywhere when I felt a vibration in my pocket.  I set my food down and took out my phone to see a text from Sam.  I unlocked my phone and read the message.
Sammy-boy: Headed back to the motel, had to check up on Miracle before the fireworks started. You know how he gets. Have fun and be safe, see you at 11:30 on the dot.
“Thanks Sam.” I sat down at the table and poured my ice cream cup next to my pie and proceeded to eat my dessert.
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artists-ally · 11 months
I love your Harvey fics😍 and I have a this fluff thatmayleadto spice/smut scenario in which Harvey comes back home from home finding the reader reading a particularly spicy scene of a romance novel and in the beginning Harvey makes a little fun of her but then he sees the appeal and...you know😂
{That Kind of Love} Reader x Harvey Specter
Can I just say @kjbg-fantasymoon is so sweet??? Like ugh you are so nice ilysm. Told you I’d answer all your requests 😘😘 Anyway here is my two cents on the matter, enjoy!!! Title from this song (p.s. both books I mention in here, Flawless and Dirty Letters, are both real books and I high recommend both of them!)
Word Count: 1,481
Warnings: smut, minor d/s vibes, spanking
Summary: Harvey catches you reading a particular smutty scene from your current book.
“Don’t you think it’s a bad idea?”
“Is what a bad idea?”
“You know,” I said, motioning between us. “This. Us, alone together? We can’t keep our hands off each other.”
Griffin laughed, grabbing me by my waist and pulling me tight against his chest. “It absolutely is an awful idea. But you look so fucking good in that skirt. I mean Jesus Luca, it barely covers your ass. And you know how much I hate it when anyone looks at anything that’s mine.”
I clenched my thighs together when he pushed the skirt up my ass, not being shy with the noise that burned my core. 
“Griffin,” I rested my forehead against his collar bone, gripping his shirt as he pushed my underwear down my thighs.
“Please,” I begged. I needed to feel him. God, twelve years of sexual frustration was not helping me in any way. Every fantasy I had as a teenager was coming to life. 
“Is my girl needy?” I whined. “Aww, do you need me to take care of you? To force you on your hands and knees and fuck you like you’ve always wanted me to? How about I tie you up and make you cum on my fingers, then my mouth, then my co-”
I flailed so hard the book clattered to the ground, and I could feel my pulse in my fingers. “Jesus fucking Christ Harvey don’t you know how to knock?”
“I did knock,” he countered, reaching down to pick up my forgotten story. “Twice. And I opened the door and called your name. And I’ve been standing in front of you for two minutes, watching you read. Watching you bite your lip in that way you only do when you’re completely lost. So, wanna tell me what you were reading?”
I blinked, mouth gaping open like a fish out of water. He turned the book over in his hand, reading the cover. Harvey raised an eyebrow at me and offered the book back. With a blush to my cheeks, I plucked it from his hand and folded it into my lap. 
“What’s the book about?” He asked again. 
“Nothing you’d like, Mr. Harvard,” I stuck out my tongue, placing the book on the table beside me before walking into the living room. “How was your day?”
“Nothing, huh?” Wow, Harvey could not take a hint. “Come on, just tell me. Was it about vikings? Pirates? Viking pirates? What about some small town romance, where the city girl moves back home and the farm boy reigns her back to her roots? Just like his pops did with his mamma?”
“Please, I am far above that cliche bullshit.” I am most certainly not above it. At all. “And why do you care?”
“Because, you were so entangled with it you didn’t even hear me come in. whatever is in that book, maybe I want to find out what it is so you’ll pay attention to me that intensely,” Harvey cornered me in the kitchen, caging me in against the counter after I got a glass of water. 
“I pay attention to you,” I argued, looking from his eyes to his lips when he licked him, very clearly looking at mine.
“Uh huh, sure you do. When it involves my wallet and my lips in between your legs,” Harvey teased, bringing me in against his chest. In an oddly similar way that the main character of my book did. “Just tell me, I’ll stop asking if you tell me.” “No you won’t.”
“No, I won’t,” Harvey smiled, and I rolled my eyes. “It can’t be that bad, Yn. I’ve caught you reading smut more than once, so what was it this time?”
“How do you know I read smut?” My eyes went wide, and my heart sped up a little in my chest. 
“I didn’t at first,” Harvey said. “But then I told Donna about one of the books you were reading, Flawless by Elsie Silver, and she told me how ‘spicy’ it was. And you are pretty bad at being subtle, my love. You don’t do a great job at hiding your emotions on your face.”
Welp. Fuck. 
My eyes narrowed at the New York lawyer and he just gave me a cheesy smile. “Fine, I’ll tell you. But you’re gonna have to read it. Because you’ll understand why when you do.”
As I walked back into the den, Harvey in tow, I plopped the book in his hand. Dirty Letters follows Luca and Griffin, childhood penpals turned strangers, through their reconnection. He’s keeping a huge secret and she’s a recovering victim of PTSD. 
“Well, with a title like that I expect it to be dirty,” Harvey rolled his eyes, reading the back of the cover. “Show me the good stuff.”
I flipped to the page I was reading, scanning to make sure I was in the right spot. I didn’t have to bookmark the page because someone decided to scare me half to death. He should know by now to just leave me alone when I’m reading. It’s not my fault that I get vaulted into another world when I do.
“Here, start there and let me know when you’re done.”
Was I entirely sure that leaving Harvey to his own devices with my book was a good idea? No I wasn’t. I knew he was going to make fun of me, but oh well. Everyone else in the world liked to watch porn, I just liked to read it. He didn’t have to understand it, but if it would get his ass off mine? I’ll take the embarrassment and get it over with. 
It wasn’t even ten minutes before he set the book down on the kitchen island, clearing his throat. I turned to face him and saw a slight tinge to his cheeks.
“Alright, let’s get it over with,” I prepared for the roasting. “Tell me how much of a nerd and how much of a loser I am for reading word porn.”
Harvey just shoved his hands in his pockets. He no longer had his tie, or his jacket for that matter. His hair was unusually messy and that blush. I’m not sure I’ve ever seen Harvey blush before. 
“Well,” Harvey started. “I can see the appeal.”
He can what? There was no possible way I heard him right. “Say that again?”
“I can see why you like to read. That author is really good at being… descriptive.”
I smirked, “So, you thought it was hot?”
“Amongst other things,” he bent at the waist, resting his elbows on the counter. “I get why you get lost in it, especially with something like that. Griffin is very charming, something we both have in common.”
“Oh please, you read some of the best smut an author can write at that’s what you take away from it?”
“Not at all, my love,” Harvey stepped closer. “I also learned that you have a thing for being called ‘my girl’. And I don’t blame you, you like it when I’m possessive. When I tell you that you belong to me.”
“This was not the reaction that I was expecting,” I eyed him. 
“Don’t worry, Yn. I promise I’ll make fun of you for it after I finish making you scream my name,” Harvey ducked his head down and wasted no time in showing his need. 
His tongue brushed over mine and he pulled me in tight against his body. Damn him and his unrivaled ability to turn me on. All it took was a few well placed kisses to my neck, to my ear to get me to our room and on the bed, hands not able to get enough of each other. 
If I knew Harvey would’ve had this type of reaction to reading smut, I should show him some real smut. That was nothing compared to some of the other stuff on my shelf. Maybe I could get him to do some of those things to me.
“Aww, is my girl already messy for me?” Harvey clicked his tongue, stripping the last of his clothes off. “Who knew you’d be so easy.”
“And who knew that you’d be so easy when it came to getting what I want by giving you a book.”
Harvey’s eyes narrowed. “You think you’re gonna get what you want?” In a quick grab, I was on my stomach, ass up, and Harvey’s hand came down a lot harder than I was prepared for. “Wanna try that again, pretty girl?”
I gasped when the next one came, and the next. “N-No.”
“Okay then,” Harvey let out a dark laugh, fisting his hand in my hair and pulling me up. “You gonna stop being a brat and let me do my job?”
I nodded, eyes falling shut when he pinched my nipple between his fingers. 
“Good girl.”
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stevieschrodinger · 1 year
Wayne's been watching this shit show unfold for over a week now. Watching Steve Harrington stroke Eddie's hair back, hold his hand, call him 'sweetheart.'
Rush in with snacks and cups of ice chips and, sometimes, reading to Eddie. He's slow and trips over his words sometimes, but he isn't shy over that and definitely doesn't let it stop him.
He's so committed to the act that, honestly, Wayne would be fooled.
But he isn't fooled. He knows that Eddie's had a crush on that boy for literally years and absolutely nothing has ever come of it. Christ, Wayne once forked over real, cold hard cash, so that Eddie could get a year book one year just to have a picture of Steve. So Wayne knows exactly how bad Eddie had it.
Even if Steve Harrington, up to this point, had been a grade A Asshole.
Wayne has to put a stop to this now. They were talking about discharging Eddie. Speaking practically. He's going to need space. He probably won't be making it up any steps any time soon. He's going to need a practical place to get discharged too, somewhere where there will be someone to keep an eye on him most of the time.
The place they are describing is very much not the trailer.
And Steve had immediately volunteered. No hesitation whatsoever with that boy. His dedication to the lie is...pretty mind-blowing.
So now, now is the moment Wayne has to interfere, because this is a step too far.
He hasn't spoken to Steve much yet, and he hasn't spent any time alone with the kid, but he ups and follows when Wayne nods his head to the doorway and asks for a word. They move off together, finding a quieter bit of hallway.
'Steve, look, this is too much-'
'No, it's fine, honestly, I've got a downstairs room Eddie can use, and the bathroom-'
'I know this whole thing is a lie.'
Steve visibly crumbles for a second before getting back into character, 'Mr. Munson-'
'Mr. Wayne Munson-'
Wayne shakes his head, 'Jesus Christ, /just/ Wayne kid.'
'Right, yeah, but Eddie can come and stay with me, it's fine, definitely not a lie-'
'I meant you being his boyfriend. That lie.'
The kid scrambles and Wayne genuinely doesn't know how anyone is falling for this, the kid wears every emotion and thought so openly, 'no,no, we were just keeping it quiet l, it's -'
'Son,' and Wayne hates to be stern about this but he really really needs to, 'I found scraps of paper with Edward Harrington scribbled on them, like Eddie was practicing his signature. I found them /four/ years ago. What is your plan here? What do you think is going to happen when you rip the plaster off? He's going to be devastated. Or worse, what if he remembers on his own and you've been lying to him? To everyone?'
'I-' Steve starts but then clearly has no where to go with that because, as Wayne is fully aware, there is no plan, 'I can't do anything about it if he remembers, just hope that he forgives me. But otherwise, I was just thinking the plaster could just...stay on. There's no reason to remove the plaster-'
'Kid, I hate to tell you this, but you've got a bit of a reputation. Eddie was in a foul mood for nearly a fortnight when you started going steady with that Nancy girl, honestly, he was going through the stages of grief-'
'And that's exactly why we're not going to tell him. Eddie deserves to be happy and I'm...not like that. Anymore.'
Wayne rubs the bridge of his nose, 'I don't even know where to start with this. You- He- I mean. This is such a bad idea.'
Steve nods, fully committed, 'I know. I'm doing it anyway.'
Wayne gives up.
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I know everyone remembers The Exorcist for Regan’s possession by the demon Pazuzu and the crazy head-spinning, projectile vomiting scenes, but for me it’s all about Father Damien Karras’ struggle with faith, belief in God, and being a Jesuit psychiatrist in a cold, modern, secular world full of evil and pain. Jason Miller’s performance is nothing short of epic, and he brings Karras to vivid life.
The character is basically just an autobiographical projection of author William Peter Blatty, who came from a similar ecclesiastical background and was also full of guilt irt to taking care of his Lebanese immigrant, poverty-stricken single mother who suffered from mental illness and as such, his childhood consisted of 28 apartment evictions and constant homelessness and deprivation.
Karras also deals with the pain of a dependent, difficult mother, as well as his ambiguous feelings towards humanity, as he constantly wonders how it is possible to love the most horrible, seemingly unredeemable, and downtrodden individuals, as the Catholic religion and the teachings of Jesus instruct one to do.
The question of human suffering also plagues him, as he wonders how God can allow it to exist. When he comes in contact with the demon-possessed Regan, he finally realizes that Good cannot exist without Evil, and that faith in God often requires an extreme amount of sacrifice and humility.
Through his philosophical and religious struggles, the audience sees their own reflected within. For example, Father Karras feels repelled when people constantly burden him with their own suffering. A homeless man begs him for money, a lonely young Jesuit seeks company in him, Regan’s mother confesses a murder on the part of her daughter, a police chief unloads his guilty conscience, and so on. Finally, Karras sacrifices himself in a Christ-like manner at the end.
Blatty acknowledges that it’s often easier for humanity to hate than love. That’s our real tragedy. Hatred comes so easily, but it’s unrequited love that’s the most painful thing, yet that’s the first tenet of the Christian faith and what most of us are stuck on. But Karras’ allegorical tale somehow shows that redemption and love for humanity are technically possible within everyone. And that’s why it’s such an amazing book/film that goes way beyond the surface label of being just an average cliched horror movie!
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zikkytheblicky · 8 months
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ofcc!! srry this is late.
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☆ for my ml, angel anon.
⊹content warnings⊹
(don't scroll past this, it's important since i changed up gojo n’ geto + readers attitude 😃)
- both gojo and geto blasian so dont be surprised if you hear suguru’s racist comments and satoru and suguru js speaking ghetto ☠️..
-feminine male reader- anon didnt specify but id they want me to change this i will make a separate post for them 🫶🏾!!
-black reader cuz angel anon is black.
-not smut nor fluff.. i forgot if this type of stuff is called lemon or lime! sorry 😭💓.
-reader gets kinda aggressive im ngl to you like he did not take gojos little antic lightly
-kinda made reader gojo n suguru ghetto. idk i didnt think ts with much thought
-gojo tries to get his lick back, forgetting you were a real 🥷🏾 despite being feminine. he needs to stop playing with m!reader fr
-you’re very spoiled because i’m a SUCKERERR for spoiled reader x jjk character.
-this is not proofread i’m so sorry 😭!! + i did this like at 11-4 or sum
-sadly anon didn’t specify if they wanted top surgery reader or not so to be safe i’m just gonna say he does!!
-use of you/your pronouns except for when gojo is yapping/complaining to you’re brattiness to getou.
-no sourcerer au.
-rich gojo (SHOCKING 😨)
a/n: i hate this piece it sounds so tacky 😭..
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to say you weren’t usually bratty is an understatement— it rarely happens unless you’re joking or you’re being bratty towards someone else not gojo.
it all happened first, when gojo took you to get your nails done and you didn’t give him your signature move for when he gives you something you want— pulling on his collar/tie and kissing on his cheek along with a sweet, “thank you satoru ! i love you! see you later!” or something along those lines— you instead give him a mere glance and a dry, bored “bye, gojo.” before walking over to your bestfriend(s) who were also getting their nails done. and by the way you were giggling into your palm when you thought satoru left shows you were trying to get him riled up.
satoru thought it was cute ,
at first. then it started getting him annoyed and a bit triggered.
and what does he do when he doesn’t agree with something you do?
obviously don’t tell you about it and instead goes to bother his best friend- suguru- about it instead.
“he’s been acting so bratty suguru. i remember when i got him his favorite color of glittery roses and all he did was say a dry response like, “oh thanks, gojo.” HE DIDN’T EVEN SAY SATORU OR A PET NAME RAGGHH” satoru screamed out into his phone microphone, his eyes puffy from all the fake crying he did earlier.
“don’t you have work to do? also he’s just going through a phase satoru, you’ll live.” suguru said dryly, the sound of the clicking of a keyboard and the sounds of a pen being smoothly dragged across a paper filling satoru’s apple headphones.
“you wouldn’t understand suguru..” satoru whined, blinking his bright blue eyes at the camera. His pouting lips sucking up the last bit of juice from his drink.
“all you have to do is punish him y’know?” suguru muttered, he shuts his book staring at satoru with a disgusted face. “Ew . stop pouting your lips while making fuckin sucking motions you look like a monk.” suguru sniffed, grabbing his bonnet and putting his hair up.
“i dont wanna hurt himmmm-“ satoru whined, ignoring suguru’s racist comment.
“not like that, durdur.”
satoru could practically hear the roll of geto’s eyes as he saw the younger dark skinned man pick up his phone and turn off his camera- most likely about to get ready for bed- it was 11 am after all.
“in a sexual way, nigga.” suguru mumbled out, the sounds of crinkling sheets flowing in and out of satoru’s ears nicely.
“oh my god… suguru you mastermind.” gojo smirked, grabbing his macbook and opening it swiftly.
“jesus christ what are you gonna do, satoru?” suguru asked with a sigh, rubbing his temple soothingly- he sounded so tired of gojo’s antics.
“ight so the plan is..”
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it is late. you just got home from an interview of what life is like being satoru gojo’s husband— you hate those types of reporters. instead of worrying about what the content of your creator was, they worried about your status. oh, how annoying they are.
you kick off your jordans, rubbing your eyes gently- thankfully you didn’t put on any eyeliner.
you head into the first kitchen on the first floor, went into the pantry and took out a fruit snack before you head upstairs- when you were pulling up into your driveway all of gojo’s cars were in his drive so you know he is home.
i’m surprised he isn’t cuddling up on me already.. You thought with a snort, twisting your curls in boredom.
your curls bounce as you skip your way up the carpeted stairs, entering you and gojo’s shared room.
there, you say your husband in a thin, silky robe, nike pro boxers on, his 24 carat gold stud earrings glistening in the low light the seeped into the room, a thin 24 carat gold necklace, and slides on. he was at his desk, typing away on his phone, he didn’t even notice you until you cleared your throat, crossing your arms over your chest.
the albino haired man lazily turned over to you, a bored look on his face though you could see a faint smirk on your husband’s face.
what is this nigga smirking for ? you thought with a scoff, your slippers making loud noises as you walk over to him.
“oh. hi, ‘mn’.” satoru’s tone was bored and disinterested, he went back onto his phone and started typing quickly. and he had such an excited expression, a ghost of a smile on his lips like he was trying to hide the fact that he was more interested in whoever he was texting instead of you.
and that pissed you off. like who the fuck is this nigga talkin too that catches his attention more than you? his boyfriend ?
that damn phone i'm about to throw that shit.
no answer.
no answer again. who the fuck was this negro on the phone with?
“SATORU-“ you yelled, pulling his ear out from his bonnet- being careful not to pull his earring out. sure, you were annoyed at him but you aren’t going to hurt him.
“what the fuck- what? damn.” gojo groaned, putting his phone screen to his chest with an annoyed glare.
who the fuck does he think hes talking too?
“nigga who do you think you’re talking to? i’m not the one stop trippin’.” you crossed your arms, releasing satoru’s ear.
“what did i even do?” satoru responded too calmly- the fucker had a visible smirk on his face too.
silence .
silence is what you “responded” with before smashing your lips with satoru’s, grabbing his white dreads and rubbing his scalp gently- completely opposite from your prior action.
satoru’s tongue licked almost every corner of your mouth, tasting the bitter vodka taste left in your mouth.
you both pulled away with a string of spit following each other's mouths.
“don’t dish out the heat if you cannot take the heat back, darling~!” satoru purred out, grabbing you by your waist and pulling you into his lap.
you tsked in response, resting your head on his neck.
and maybe later that night satoru punishes you by forcing you to cockwarm him for an hour straight.
(you failed after 10 minutes.)
ts is short asl ik but like 🙁
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catgirlforeskin · 28 days
what's the top three things you hate about cyberpunk red?
1. Awful combat balance in a game that’s mostly combat. Armor is extremely powerful, is unavoidable, and even the best tools to reduce armor do so at a snail’s pace. This makes anything besides full-auto assault rifles (the most swingy weapon) or rocket launchers feel like shit to use, and using these (especially full-auto ARs) either does nothing or one-shots characters. Because exotic weapons can’t use attachments, you’re almost always better off with a basic AR or assault rifle.
Action economy also sucks, giving free movement in a cover shooter but then making getting in and out of cover just take movement means you virtually always have free cover. And cover might as well be invincible. Look at Twilight: 2000 4e for a game that does tabletop cover shooting fantastic
Status effect weapons and equipment, aka all the interesting items for combat, are useless outside of early play because the DVs never increase while character stats skyrocket on both sides.
2. Promoting style over substance but then lacking both. The game has basically no support for creative or stylish play, especially in combat. Just look at a game like Mythras that both has more tactical depth and extremely stylish and cinematic combat, then look at Cyberpunk. It relies entirely on good player narration and inserted flavor that has no actual connection to the game, like 5e. Honestly it’s the 5e of scifi tabletop, it relies entirely on brand recognition. Subjectively I also just think the art is ugly lol.
3. Jesus Christ the book layout is so bad. There’s so many extremely important rules tucked away in tiny spaces while there’s tons of wasted area. We’d be months into a campaign and then discover something massive because the book just sucks. Imo every game should have a free SRD online or aon style website like Pathfinder 2e has, which also just has great book layouts.
So this was more than three technically teehee but yeah I hate Cyberpunk Red, there are so many better cyberpunk games, including just earlier editions of Cyberpunk if you really want to play their official dumb brand, 2020 is way better in both style and substance!
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bingoboingobongo · 2 years
cod characters alphabet: activities
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Characters: Simon “Ghost” Riley, John “Soap” MacTavish, Kyle “Gaz” Garrick, John Price, Alejandro Vargas, Rodolfo “Rudy” Parra, Valeria Garza
Warnings: none
Prompt: Activities - What do they like to do with their s/o? How do they spend their free time with their s/o?
A/N: hehe new year new event i’m excitedd. also yes gaz’s ice cream choice is mine too don’t hate.
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simon “ghost” riley:
alright so simon likes to spend what little free time he has doing something quiet and relaxing
he just needs a break from all the chaos and noise of wartime and so he’s not a big fan of going out or partying when he has spare time
i feel like at the beginning of your relationship he might take you out to dinner or on a date or something like that just because he feels like your relationship isn’t that strong yet
but once he gets really comfortable with you he’s much happier to spend his time indoors
simon usually will spend his free time reading or sewing (his masks get very dirty/broken very quickly so he needs to have a lot spare okay im sorry)
sometimes he might go outside on a walk/hike away from people so he can just catch a break
honestly when he’s alone he’ll like get into his chair, start whatever activity he’s doing, and then not leave until he’s done
like he will spend the entirety of his free time just sort of decompressing
again at first he was hesitant to let you in because it was sort of like his own self-care routine but he’s found that it’s much easier to take care of himself when you’re there
sometimes he’ll let you curl up on his lap while you nap/read a book/scroll on your phone, and sometimes you guys will sit together on the couch under a blanket
it’s very much a comfortable silence and honestly simon really prefers days like that than when you guys go out
john “soap” mactavish:
okie so soap is all about having new and fun experiences whenever he has free time
so much of his life is spent in the military and he wants to have a lot of fun memories that aren’t work related he can reminisce about when he’s old (or just while he’s bored at work)
whenever he has free time he’ll be spending it with you, even if you’re in the military with him
honestly he just wants to make sure he spends as much time as he can with you, that way if something does go wrong he won’t regret leaving you alone
he’ll take you out on all sort of fun dates and adventures
he loves taking you around town to try out all sorts of restaurants and bars
that being said he’s not a very harsh food critic and he’s mostly just going to try new foods so get ready for a lot of “christ this is so good try it” and “we have to come back here next time”
that being said, if you’re not up to going out or if the weather isn’t right or something, he’s more than happy to spend the day inside with you
he’ll try to cook something with you (the results may be questionable) but it’s okay because you guys spend most of the time laughing anyways
he’s also down to cuddle on the couch and binge a new tv show with you if that’s more your style
he won’t say this out loud (but it’s very obvious) but his favorite genre of tv is reality tv
he gets soo invested in all of the drama and he definitely eats up all of the overly dramatic videography and editing
kyle “gaz” garrick:
hmm so during his free time gaz really likes to listen to/discover new music
he’s got a really broad taste of music and so one of his favorite things to do when he has free time is go around to bars/clubs and just listen to the local bands
of course whenever he can he’ll go to concerts of his favorite artists but with expenses and his busy schedule those are pretty few and far between
he loves to take you with him on these little musical adventures though
many of your nights have been spent at crowded pubs listening to a band play while you guys talk about something dumb that makes you guys laugh
either that or having way too philosophical conversations that would probably be more suited to a university philosophy lecture than a pub with sticky tables and cheap beer
but gaz has had some of the best conversations of his life with you at those pubs so he doesn’t mind it
that being said, if you’re at that point in your relationship gaz really likes taking you to visit his family
he really loves his family, especially his younger siblings, and so whenever he has the chance he goes to visit them and check up on them
and it’s so much more fun when you come along
he’ll take you and the kids out for some ice cream at the old shop he used to frequent when he was a boy
he always gets lime sherbet and rocky road on a waffle cone whenever he goes
and do not yell at him because he swears that it is a good combination because you get sweet and you get sour and it’s not like the flavors even mix together that much so it’s fine
john price:
okay so price is a little bit like ghost in that he likes to spend his free time with just cuddling and sort of relaxing
usually with a crossword and a cup of tea, especially in the mornings
but when he has a little more free time he does really like going to see the arts
i’m talking theatre, dance, museums, concerts (but he tends to lean towards classical or jazz/blues, he just doesn’t understand rap/hip hop i’m sorry)
he’ll always take you with him if you’re down to go as well
and yes during christmas season he always takes you to see the nutcracker
that being said price isn’t really a fan of very many musicals
he feels like it’s kinda hard to understand what they’re saying during the songs and then he just has no idea what’s going on
afterwards he’ll take you out to a nice restaurant so you guys can talk about everything you saw
but if there’s nothing good around he’ll take you back home and make you a home-cooked meal
i feel like price definitely has two homes, a small house (or maybe apartment) in the city and then a cabin somewhere in the woods
what can i say the housing market was a lot different when price was buying his cabin
usually he’ll take you to his cabin during the winter, and then his city place is used for the rest of the year
alejandro vargas:
alright alejandro is a little older than soap and gaz and so his days of partying and going out are past him
i mean don’t get me wrong he can still throw a mean party but his body just doesn’t bounce back the way it used to
so like ghost and price he tends to spend his free time with you in a more reserved way
i think alejandro is probably a really good cook and so that comes into play a lot during his free time
whenever he’s home he’ll practically refuse to let you cook or order anything and insists that he can make it for you
he likes to spend his weekends testing out new recipes or making new foods that you can make when he’s gone
because he always drags you along to the kitchen with him and has you learn how to cook it with him
honestly he’s a teacher/leader at heart and so it’s almost like therapeutic to be teaching you how to cook and stuff
i mean it’s combining like three things he loves: cooking, teaching, and you
once he’s done making the food he’ll cozy up with you on the couch and turn on a show you’ve already watched while you eat, that way he can talk to you and ask you for feedback
honestly he’s a romantic and it shows when he spends his free time with you
he also really loves giving himself (and you) a little spa day a few days after he comes back from duty, just to really decompress and forget about all the stress of work
rodolfo “rudy” parra:
okay so honestly rudy doesn’t really have one thing that he loves doing during his free time
actually wait no he does it’s either building legos or watching other people build legos
that being said, he can’t always do that or sometimes it just gets boring and so really his favorite thing is just spending time with you
wherever you take him, he’ll follow
whether that’s shopping, doing chores, watching a movie, getting dinner
as long as he can look at your face, you could be telling him to jump off a cliff and he’d die happy
what can i say he’s absolutely smitten for you and he’s so like eager it’s amazing
that being said if neither of you have any plans he’ll beg you to stay in bed with him the whole day and you guys will just cuddle while you scroll on your phones or talk about random things
he likes to watch a lot of youtube and he’ll always point out little things he thinks are cool/funny for you to look at
and if you don’t understand it he’ll explain it all to you and why it’s interesting/relevant
honestly though, he really just likes cuddling or sleeping with you during his free time
he’s usually pretty exhausted or beat up whenever he comes home and so spending the day with his head on your chest just sounds like heaven to him
valeria garza:
alright let’s be real being a drug lord is no easy feat and so valeria doesn’t get as much free time as she would like
but when she does get time for herself she’s probably gonna be spending it on you instead
honestly i really see valeria as the kind of person to really spoil you
i mean being el sin nombre brings in a lot of cash so she certainly has the resources to do it
i think if she’s coming home to you, she’ll have to take a minute to decompress for a bit
even though she likes to be the provider in the relationship, she likes it when you hold her for a bit just when she gets home so she can let all her problems melt away
she wants to leave el sin nombre and all the cartels and drugs behind whenever she’s with you
even if you’re involved with it with her, she’d much rather keep that stuff out of her home life
once she’s rejuvenated though she’ll insist on taking you out
usually it’s shopping, dinner, a movie, a party, etc.
okay i’m gonna get into some like psychological stuff but like, i feel like being a woman in a male dominated field (the military and drugs), she feels like there’s sort of like a subconscious need for her to be more masculine, and so she does this by providing for you financially through gifts and stuff like that
but also when it’s all over and the drugs and the shopping and all of it is gone, valeria also just really likes cuddling with you
she’s a big fan of late night pillow talk because it’s a chance for her to release some steam/be vulnerable which she really can’t do during her day-to-day
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booksandpaperss · 2 months
stormbringer takeaways as of finishing chapter 3:
a good alternate title for this book would be "chuuya nakahara has the worst fucking couple of days of his entire 16 year long life"
dazai's nullification not only nulls chuuya's ability but also instantly relieves his pain
16 yr old port mafia dazai is so deeply unwell and I mean deeply DEEPLY unwell
chuuya is literally the dog motif character of all time. there is no other dog motif character only him
you cannot bring up dazai in a conversation with chuuya without getting a completely unasked for earful about how annoying and terrible and twisted and shitty and smart he is
albatross deserved betterrrrrr. all the flags did but him in particular I love(d) him :(
chuuya's motorcycle used to be albatross's :((
the bsd theme of finding humanity in oneself and in others is literally never more heavy handed than in this book
chuuya bsd lore is insane.
JESUS CHRISTTT and I mean that literally. christ figure chuuya
I’ve developed a new hatred for the letter N
*heavy breathing*… chuuya nakahara…. *collapses to the ground to tears*
otp: chuuya x his horrific yet completely understandable identity crisis
in his lowest moment it’s dazai chuuya pictures by his side first
whatever souls are made of, yours and mine are the same…
dazai is truly the only person that chuuya doesn’t feel othered by at all and he hates it bc dazai reminds him of who he is, the wolf, and not his fantasy of being just another sheep. yet at the same time it soothes him
dazai actively protects chuuya’s sense of humanity and goes out of his way to do so
this book is more heavy handed and effective than most philosophical debates. ancient philosophers have nothing on this anime light novel abt author mafia rpf
being human isn’t about anything intrinsic, it’s about the choice to care for other people. it’s about the choice to be human with them
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Spn Opinions That’ll Have Me Burned at the Stake Pt. 2: Electric Boogaloo
I’m back and bitchier than ever. For reference, here’s part 1.
• Season 5 wasn’t that great.
• D*stiel isn’t real, it’s a sucky ship, and that confession scene was just the writers pandering to the rabid deancas fans cause they knew they were the only ones still watching the show lol. And they left it ambiguous enough that they could still say it was meant platonically if they needed to.
• I hate how they watered down both angels and demons post-season 5ish.
• I liked Ruby 1.0 better than Ruby 2.0.
• I hate Honey!Cas. They just did that cause they didn’t know where to take his story from there, needed him out of the way, and thought it would be funny. It was insulting.
• Jack should’ve been played by an actual child so everyone’s abuse of him would resonate with the audience for what it was (casual fans are brain dead and need to be spoon fed).
• Victor Henrikson deserved more time on the show.
• I said it in the last post, but Alex is way more interesting than Claire and should’ve been given the lead role in the wayward sisters storyline instead.
• Dean is canonically straight and for Christ sake if you guys wanted bi rep, there’s about a thousand other characters that are strongly coded or implied to be bisexual (including Sam!) but y’all didn’t focus on them because it wasn’t actually about representation, it was about making it more plausible for your dumb fetishised gay ship to actually happen (spoiler: it didn’t).
• Season 3 and Season 6 were some of the best ones, you guys just don’t have any taste.
• Claire is not Castiel’s daughter and saying she is erases Jimmy and insults her, and even Cas himself acknowledged that on the show.
• Castiel is canonically NOT gay and Misha constantly saying he is is annoying and airheaded. He’s been attracted to women IN THE SHOW and he’s not even really male, so calling him a Gay Man is reductive and just plain wrong. Also, it’s veeery sus that- given how bi/pan folks are even more underrepresented than gay people- that one of the rare times where the bi/pan label actually fits a character BETTER in CANON……. the allies and monosexuals adamantly reject it. Hm.
• “Curing” vampires or werewolves or demons shouldn’t have been a thing.
• The Winchesters cause most of the bad shit that happens and then they just force supernatural beings to fix it for them- tell me again how they’re Super Special Heroes.
• It shouldn’t be possible to make angels human by removing their grace, because (unlike demons, werewolves, etc) they were never human to start with. If you drained me of all my blood, I wouldn’t magically transform into another species, I’d fucking die.
• Making Billie go crazy was dumb.
• Rowena was one of the most interesting and charismatic characters on the whole show- they just didn’t know what to do with her character.
• The archangels, Lilith, and Azazel should’ve been the biggest threats on the show. No other knights of hell, no god and his sister, no Cain, nothing like that. Having every villain just get progressively more overpowered made the show unbelievable and repetitive and annoying.
• The kernel sanders king of hell guy was hot.
• Dean is misogynistic as HELL, homophobic, likes racist porn, is a narcissist, pervs on teen girls, & thinks all non-human people should be exterminated… and that is all CANON.
• Most of John Winchester’s abuse is fanon.
• Fans portraying Cas as a smol bby who colours in colouring books and has a bee plushie is so fucking annoying.
• Instead of having so many gigantic cosmic storylines with god and his sister and alternate dimensions and even the angel and demon tablets, they should’ve just scrapped those and made the stein family and the bmol and the alpha vampire storylines way bigger than they were. Less cosmic stuff, more earth-based stuff.
• They ruined Lucifer’s character post-season 5. Before that, he was more sympathetic and reasonable than Michael. After, he was a spoiled child hurting people for fun.
• Everything from season 7 on is garbage. All of it. There’s bits of goodness here and there but overall seasons 7-15 are trash.
• How the fuck are there actual people who are deangirls and hate Sam?? The space where your brain should be is empty, I swear to god.
• If there was gonna be any lgbt rep in the Wayward Sisters group, it should’ve been Jody and Donna instead of Claire and Kaia. Those two were boring as hell and had zero chemistry or build-up, but Jody/Donna had plenty of chemistry and was very believable.
• Meg has the best and most realistic redemption arc of anyone on the show.
• Chuck was not likeable or charismatic enough to carry off as big of a villain arc as they gave him. Also that whole thing was stupid and WAY too Out There.
• All the angels should’ve been aroace. All the demons should’ve been pan.
• I stanned Cole so hard up until he changed his mind about hating Dean. That was disappointing.
• Sam went through the same shitty childhood Dean did (plus Bonus Abuse on top of it) and he didn’t turn out Like That.
• I cannot think of a single person that was asking for a spin-off about the Winchester family, like that has to be the most boring thing.
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physalian · 2 months
#Writer Problems
Meet the 15th character in this series with a name that starts with A! No one will notice hahaha
Going back and deleting the sighs to shake things up a bit because there’s 120 in the manuscript
*checks notes* whoops you died already, Side Character, my bad
*one paragraph* Perfect. Amazing. Poetic. Profound. *the next paragraph* what is words do?
Knocking out a 6k word chapter in an hour/Spending a week on a single transition
*slaps down a shiny new character with zero plan* You don’t know anything about them and neither do I, let’s discover them together
Realistically, there’s gotta be at least one casualty from this fantasy battle so…. *rolls dice* no not you. *rolls dice again* yep. That’ll do. Sorry, pal.
Is this badass or stupid?
Is this hot or cringey?
*checks notes* damn it, plot hole.
Upon this most recent round of edits, you, Cool Side Character, no longer made the cut. Mayhaps you’ll be recycled later.
*checks notes* damn it, I fixed that plot hole by opening another plot hole.
Jesus christ I wrote ‘just’ 308 times across 120k words?
That is definitely not how you spell that
*dreams about my characters in full HD technicolor* awwww yeah, where’s the popcorn? *cannot replicate how cool it was in actual words*
Unes- Unnecs- Unessis- Unnessessarily- Unnecessarily fuck
Do I go with the British grey or the American gray?
*cries* this epic was supposed to be a novella
Well these two were supposed to be having an argument here. But making out is fine. I’d like to see where this goes.
Oops I forgot the straights, here that nameless dude over there isn't confirmed gay, so you can headcanon that he's straight if you want
Oops I forgot that marriage exists uhhh yeah their other parents are all dead or deadbeats
Fuck love triangles here’s a double-helix dodecahedron.
One day my fandom will write so much smut about this guy and I am here for it cause I sure ain’t doing it myself
Oops I forgot people with green eyes exist but brown eyes? I got 20
*describing the writing process* It was the best of times, it was the worst of times it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of light, it was the season of darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair.
I. Hate. Chapter. Titles.
Is this profound or pretentious?
*crafts an absolutely banger metaphor* I hope someone notices this. I put a lot of work into it
I didn’t spend 6 months perfecting this masterpiece for you to sass that the curtains are just blue. I’ll write the goddamn essay myself about all the depth behind my color choices, sir.
Picture that Spongebob dehydrated in Sandy’s treehouse meme ‘cause that’s me on round 12 of edits
I gotta be up for work in 4 hours but this monologue is more important
*distills 30 pages of worldbuilding notes into 2 paragraphs of a fluff scene* somebody will appreciate this, won’t they?
*listening to my book playlist* one day when this is adapted I hope this artist is still alive to compose the main theme cause this shit fucks
*cries* this trilogy was supposed to be just one book
If I turn this plot hole into a character flaw, they become the problem while I remain god
*looting themes, monologues, character names, and archetypes off the corpses of my dead WIPs* You won’t miss them anyway.
While it also immortalizes this person’s dickish behavior, yes, I will, in fact, write a whole character’s backstory as a middle-finger to this one bitch from 10 years ago.
*steps back to gaze at all the suffering done unto my deuteragonist* but it was worth it, wasn’t it?
*staring down yet another loathsome action set piece* whyyyyy do I do this to myself?
Nobody’ll notice my author insert if I dice them up and divvy them out in bits to my entire cast, right? Right? It’s like a shell game of what’s author and what’s fiction
These two are going to be a problematic ship one day and I will burn that bridge when I get there
*2am and I am scouring the internet for that one piece of a fort’s defenses because not remembering is the current root of my insomnia*
*Nudging my favorite character who isn’t the protagonist out onto stage* golly I hope the readers like him
Waiting. For. Editors. Takes. So. Long.
Holy butts accidental motif and deep symbolism fucks. I am so pretending I did that on purpose.
To subtext or not to subtext? Nah, to subtext. *laughs maniacally*
Trying to ride that line between so obvious it’s painful but also juuust enough foreshadowing so you slap yourself for not seeing it sooner
TIL that I have been using that word completely wrong for years. How quaint.
No you’re derivative schlock. I’m crowd surfing the books that came before and loving every second of it.
Damn I wasted a really good name on this throwaway character
*checks notes* wait, who's taller? Where does your hair part? Are you left or right-handed?
*musing over a character slated for death* damn, I really like you. Since I am in fact god, you shall live another day. *rewerites the entire finale*
God I hope people like this story
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