candle-lamp · 7 hours
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sweet clementine 🍊
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candle-lamp · 9 days
my wof oc Frysta from this post
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candle-lamp · 12 days
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🐦📖🌾 𓆱 Townlets adorned with memories unvarnished or forged, a mother who sought and she to never recall. Songs of Origin (Trailer) airing 7pm BST September 11, 2024
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candle-lamp · 15 days
I've been given yapping privileges
Also tw for canon typical injury/death and one briefly mentioned suicide
Alright so basically Morrowseer is like "I know we hate Icewings but the prophecy doesn't make sense w/o them" but in order to spite them he says the Icewing egg is the smallest one
When it comes time to gather up the dragonet eggs Hvitur is like "I got this" and brings this tiny egg. He then proceeds to die getting the Skywing egg and the Glory switch happens. The Icewing egg hatches, and the dragonet inside (who Hvitur named Frysta before dying) is oddly gray compared to other Icewings, which is quickly overshadowed by Sunny's odd appearance
The dragonets grow up under the mountain and Frysta isolates himself from the others to an extent. He loves the others, but he noticed how they pulled away from his cold scales and never wanted to spar him because his claws went too deep. This isn't to say he didn't have any connection to the others, he and Tsunami often relaxed in the river together, and he enjoyed reading scrolls over Starflight's shoulder (one too many ripped scrolls kept him from reading on his own)
When Tsunami tells him the plan to escape, he says he'll go with what everyone else wants. Life under the mountain is tough, but he's not convinced leaving will make things better. Then Morrowseer arrives, queue book 1, the dragonets get captured by Scarlet
Frysta ends up being placed next to another Icewing, the first one he's ever seen besides himself. The Icewing asks who Frysta is, he doesn't recognize him and no other Icewing battles had taken place. Frysta explains he's one of the DoD, and the other Icewing introduces himself as Fjord. Frysta asks Fjord to tell him about the Ice Kingdom, and Fjord does so happily, eager to take his mind away from his imprisonment. He tells Frysta about the palace, the Icewing bards, and his wife and daughters waiting for him at home.
Book 1 continues as normal, except Scarlet's celebration begins earlier and she doesn't ask who can survive the arena. The first battle that takes place still has Fjord, but it's Frysta who is opposing him. Fjord briefly apologizes, but says he has to get home again, and attacks Frysta. He gains several injuries, including his tail breaking near the end right where the tail spines start and a deep cut on his snout. Frysta lashes out wildly in pain, desperate to defend himself, and ends up taking out one of Fjord's eyes. Fjord backs up, now at a severe disadvantage, but Frysta hesitates to act, feeling guilty about killing the first dragon who showed him kindness in the outside world. Fjord takes advantage of this hesitation and pins Frysta, before Tsunami causes a distraction and Glory shoots venom. Fjord shrieks in pain and Frysta slashes his throat to give him a quick death.
Clay fights next, and Frysta can barely watch as he enters the arena soaked in blue blood. His opponent is a Skywing who declares her belief in the prophecy before killing herself. The rest of the book continues normally, Tsunami kills Gill, Glory attacks Scarlet, Peril helps the DoD escape, etc. Once they free Kestrel and she tells them about their families, she reveals that Frysta was Hvitur's egg that he took from the Ice Kingdom when he joined the Talons.
Frysta always knew about Hvitur, but never considered the fact that he could've been his father. He's struck by grief, and then guilt when he thinks of Fjord's family. He turns this guilt onto Glory, asking her what gave her the right to kill Fjord. She asks if he'd rather her sit back while he was killed, and he storms off. Glory finds him, and she asks why Fjord was so important. He explains how they talked before they fought, and how now Fjord's family was going to hear that he was killed. Glory tells him that he would've died regardless in the arena, and that the other dragonets would've been just as sad to lose Frysta. Frysta apologizes for lashing out, and the two return to the group, and the end of book 1 is the same.
That was longer than I thought and that was just book 1. If this gets any attention I'll add more about how arc 1 changes, I imagine Frysta would get his own solo book where he splits off into the Ice Kingdom after they meet Blaze
hey idk how many wof fans follow me but if this post gets 1 [one] note I'll yap about an au where there are six dragonets of destiny (adding an icewing)
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candle-lamp · 16 days
hey idk how many wof fans follow me but if this post gets 1 [one] note I'll yap about an au where there are six dragonets of destiny (adding an icewing)
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candle-lamp · 17 days
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Birthday fellow 🐦
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candle-lamp · 26 days
Hey my SBG fandom✩
I made some sbg memes because I saw bored
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candle-lamp · 1 month
To me, yaelokre kinda reminds me of The Mechanisms.... and idk why
The overlap between Yaelokre and The Mechanisms is huge, I only heard of The Mechanisms from Yaelokre fans, I guess everyone just love bands with in-universe characters and stories
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candle-lamp · 1 month
Reblog if your ask box is always open for chatter.
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candle-lamp · 1 month
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candle-lamp · 1 month
guys yaelokre stated in the comment section of the original Cole’s Response video that gender didnt particularly exist in their world and that r they simply existed as themselves
it was in response to someone asking if Cole and Clementine were a queer or het couple. (slightly strange question but we ball)
I feel like yaelokre would like this fact to stay clear so. here ya go
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candle-lamp · 1 month
NOOO because I had the exact same thought while drawing it lmao
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Modern AU of the Meadowlark kids, I might come back to these designs to flesh em out a bit
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candle-lamp · 1 month
idk if you've done this
but what are ur headcanons for Colentine (Cole x Clemetine)
ooo this is a fun one, thanks so much for the ask!
- nothing between them was official for a long time until Perrine and Kingsley forced them to actually talk abt their relationship after hearing both parties stress about what the other thought of them
- Clem shows love through touch, they're usually seen leaning on Cole or holding hands
- Cole feels awkward about expressing feelings so openly, they show love through spending time together and writing songs just for Clem
- their first date was going on a walk through the forest and watching the sunset together
- during performances, they're always sneaking glances at each other
- from an outside view, not much changed in their dynamic, but they're more relaxed around each other when they aren't worried about where they stand
- they make sure to also spend time with Perrine and Kingsley, and agree that their friends are just as important to them as their relationship
- Cole has written a lot more songs for Clem than they've shown, but most of the songs never see the light of day because Cole wants them to be perfect
- Cole really likes playing with Clem's hair, but gets shy about asking to, so sometimes Clem will just happen to fall asleep on Cole's lap and let them
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candle-lamp · 2 months
Rereading SBB and writing what I notice: Episode 31-40:
- phantom npc pose
- Aiden jumping off the bus, Taylor holding the ladder for Logan, Ben holding Logan’s gun
- Aiden going “oop” when Ashlyn reacts to Taylor wanting to stay put
- the rest of the gang looking awkward while Ash and Tyler are arguing
- Ashlyn decided to become the leader out of guilt and I feel like that’s underused by the fanbase
- Aiden being like “hurry up or I’m jumping the wall by myself”
- Taylor’s pep talk saves the day, honestly the group would’ve probably torn themselves apart without her there
- I love Ashlyn’s parents but what the heck were they thinking putting  knives in her shoes when she was a kid
- Taylor and Ben standing together before they leave for the jeep
- Logan’s injuries fading to a scar in about a month
- party walkers!
- Aiden “I’m durable!” Clark
- the concerned faces of everyone when he jumped
- “I need a document for work and because the author needs a reason for you to grab your keys, it’s trapped in here”
- you can see the phantom that grabs Ash a few panels before
- Ashlyn coming up with “Mr Durable”
- first time we see Aiden really not smiling
- the phantom understanding Ashlyn (before getting boinked)
- Tyler carrying Ash, Ben carrying Aiden, also Taylor can drive (not well)
- Ben protecting Aiden and Ashlyn in the backseat
- Tyler getting sick (motion sickness, stress, both?)
- everything becomes more saturated as Taylor celebrates
- Aiden being the one to complement Logan’s shot (Aidlo shippers come get your juice)
- Logan previously practiced with Aiden’s airsoft gun (who let him have that?)
- happy Ashlyn (only possible when concussed)
- crane base is a warehouse somewhere in the woods
- the gang being goofy in the bg while Ashlyn hears the guy spying
- “EXAMS!! sobbing, crying, the end is near”
- the recording devices bug out in the graveyard
- bald crane is Ryan
- hooded crane refers to “both sides”, who are they talking about?
- tour guide is Jasmine
- Jasmine has takeout like she mentioned in her first appearance
- Jasmine can see the rift
- what is the crane’s “cause” they keep referring to?
- Ash’s dad “maybe we should call an exorcist?”
- still lots of questions about Ashlyn’s connection to the phantoms
- the twins telling Ash and Aiden to work things out bc they’re ruining the vibe
- Aidlyn hug <3333
- “you seemed like the type of person who wouldn’t become close to someone unless they were actually special to you” Aiden my boy do you hear yourself
- “*correct. you’re both socially inept”
- Tyler calling them cringy
- Logan comforting Ben after midterms, everyone looking depressed and Aiden just having a snack
- Ashlyn’s parents talk to Aiden’s parents
- Ash’s dad adding an extra seat to fit all the kids (he’s such a good dad I love him)
- Ashlyn that is not a safe way to sit in a car
- neither Ashlyn or Logan had ever been to an arcade
- Ashlyn plays DDR
- group study session where Tyler has given up and is just laying with a book on his face
- more Aidlyn moments
- Taylor also plays DDR
- Ashlyn giving advice on the basketball game
- Logan taking an air hockey puck to the face
- Logan destroying Ben in a shooting game
- Ben winning a ton of tickets from a strength game, Taylor clapping
- ew Barron
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candle-lamp · 2 months
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I gave the lark ears, what about horns and antlers?
Clémmie's horns are growing out so who better than to practice (play) headbutting with other than Perrine (antlers, horns- they're close enough!) Thinking about baby goats learning how to headbutt has inspired this idea.
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candle-lamp · 2 months
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candle-lamp · 2 months
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dragon drawing for my mom's class :)
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