#choosing to believe he just treated him like an actual dude
conceptofjoy · 10 days
wondering what gramps thought of bec. omg doggy that looks like my dearly departed childhood dog :D whys it looking at me like that
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sable-skies · 1 month
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thought abt an au i doodled up months ago but never fully explored, so here's some concept designs for that. im gonna ramble about it now
+ height comparison under the keep reading!
god okay i gotta admit: i, unfortunately, kinda love game of thrones. truthfully i dont care for the sex and inc*st part of the show, but i really enjoy the interconnected weaving plot lines, drama, and utter bullshit that happens in that show. its amazing, i love it, its so fucking stupid. so earlier this year i doodled up some ideas for a game of thrones inspired post-totk au. those are here, and here!
I then dropped it and didnt return to it until now, because i started season 2 of house of the dragon and yknow. why not.
as for actual details about the au: i said in the past it was a got-loz au, but im gonna go ahead and say that i misspoke then because i mean more like, post-totk/loz au INSPIRED by got, because i would never want to do a 1-to-1 au of that god awful show. i mostly think exploring a hyrule that is peaceful, but secretly on the brink of civil chaos and how bad humanity could truly get would be really fun to explore!
i struggled to pick a single role for link to have in such an au, so i said fuck it and divided him up into four parts, in universe the hero's spirit has been split amongst four brothers. to nod towards this, and because i'm cheeky as hell, the first letters of each of their names spells link. Laurent, Irving, Nymos, and Kiran. (im so fucking funny (<- is not funny))
they're all noble born to Arthur Hearth, current lord of House Hearth which basically controls and sits on the Great Plateau, and their mother was Eyla, a member of the Sheikah from Kakariko Village who unfortunately passed away shortly after Kiran was born. Arthur btw is named after the King Arthur legends from Europe, as those served as inspiration for the series in general!
I think a plot would follow them all after the death of their father and how they cope with it and move forward, and how they combat suddenly being labeled traitors to the kingdom for their father's acclaimed crimes.
this is getting long, so I'll do some misc bullet points next on their personalities:
Laurent, as the oldest, had to mature pretty quickly after the death of their mother, Eyla. Which has caused him to grow protective of his younger brothers almost to an overbearing degree. He gets nervous when they're not home, which sucks because Irving is a knight, Nymos studies in Kakariko often, and Kiran wants to explore the world via the survey team. Other then that, he's responsible, quite serious in most situations, and still very kind hearted. After his father's death he starts to spiral into a rage-filled depression, determined to get his brothers back and make the king pay for killing his father.
Irving is the most middle child ever. Due to Laurent being in line for lord of their house and is never gonna back down from that, he sought his own purpose in being a royal knight / royal guardsman / kingsguard. It hasn't really worked out well for him honestly, his higher ups hate him for being Arthur's son, seemingly so naturally talented in combat, and charismatic amongst the ranks that some knights ignore their orders just to follow Irving's instead. So as punishment he's been assigned as the former princess Zelda's bodyguard / retainer. While it disappointed him to not serve his full duties at first, he's come to accept it and treats her kindly. He's proud, a little over-confident, just, and secretly a bleeding heart. After the death of their father, he's forced to choose between his family and Zelda, and knowing that Zelda will most likely die without him, he stays with her.
Nymos, oh poor fucking Nymos dude. As a child he fell into the depths and somehow survived, which was fine, but then he came across a patch of gloom that seemingly never faded, and ever since he's been cursed with doomed visions of the future and a talent for magic. No one believes him about the lingering gloom, and claims that he simply has PTSD from the incident in general, but he knows what he saw. He's sought out magical-based physical therapy in Kakariko because of this, and he's pretty much regarded as a local there. He's quiet, a bit withdrawn, pessimistic, but has a strong sense of justice and genuinely wants the best for those around him, even if he doesn't know how to say it properly. When Laurent and Irving are away, he's the one looking after Kiran and keeping him safe. When his father dies, he immediately starts to investigate the current monarchy for signs of dark magic tampering, which leads him down a rabbit hole he never even knew existed, all the while he's being tormented by visions of his brother dying gruesome and horrible deaths. he's forever an internal nervous WRECK
Kiran!! The baby!! Might be the most dangerous brother of the four, but we'll cover that later. As the resident youngest sibling he's naturally gotten away with pretty much everything and anything, because who can say no to those big baby blues. Thankfully he's not actually that destructive or ill-mannered, but he isn't above pulling a prank on someone for the fun of it. He yearns to leave home and explore the vast continent of Hyrule though, and shortly before everything goes wrong he's accepted into the Survey Team and gets to enjoy it for a bit. He's excitable, energetic, optimistic, and somewhat a handful (get this teen a child leash please) but he means well and is determined to get whatever is on his mind done and finished. He's the last to be told his father is dead as his team didn't tell him about the incident until suddenly there's a group of bandits attacking them and demanding they had Kiran over for ransom. Kiran goes willingly of course, as he doesn't want his team members to get hurt. He later falls into the depths and survives via the sail cloth around his shoulders and meets a strange little fox he calls Todd.
I have so many notes in my head about these guys but again, i'll shut up for now :] here are the heights!
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btw; they're all based on a previous incarnation of link and a got character, if you figure it out I'll shake ur hand.
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aftonfamilyvalues · 2 months
how women on here are reacting to the boxing situation is the final straw for me with radblr tbh.
like imagine this scenario for a second: people are making false claims about you that you not only can easily disprove with a simple, uninvasive test, but you've ALREADY DONE said test in the past so you'd just need to ask them to publish the results. you can debunk these claims with the same amount of effort required to push a button.
but you don't. you have Literally The Easiest Option In The World to prove you're right and you don't do it.
and yet because women have created their own OC for this guy in their heads who is a female with androgen issues they'd rather defend their self-made blorbo as a way to peacock about how "yes all women" and/or "not racist" they are than do 2 seconds of research and critical thinking to realize "hey maybe this situation that fits literally all the criteria for the dude being a male, including the fact that he's been previously disqualified from competing in the women's league TWICE yet shows up for the Female Olympics anyway, means he's actually just a liar and cheater"
i'm open to having some sympathy for him if his parents (tried to*) raise him as a girl but like. he's a fucking adult. he took a sex test. he knows who he is now. he's making his own decisions. one of these decisions is choosing to hide who he is.
*idc how misogynistic his parents are in believing "no vagina??? but no penis. no penis = female. because female = non-male.", if they knew he had a male-specific dsd that coloured how they raised and treated him, even if they tried to hide it. the act itself of hiding it from him and trying not to raise him that way makes their treatment of him already inherently different from how they'd raise him if he were actually female.
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link here
im going to try to go about this in the most respectful way possible.
i cant say i agree with everything youre saying here. theres still a lot of misinformation about this and i cant say a slatz tweet is very satisfying for me given the racist and homophobic things ive seen from her. but, if what you say is true, that this boxer is an intersex male who was assigned female at birth, i think its completely unfair to treat her entirely as a man. the community tends to regard itself as a place for intersex women too, those with this particular dsd were not spared misogyny just because they unknowingly had xy chromosomes. learning they are biologically male with a dsd doesnt mean they have a desire to completely restructure their lives and identity around being men, i think thats kind of insane to expect.
that being said, i think there needs to be a reevaluation of fairness in sports and how intersex people fall into it. what advantages or disadvantages do intersex women carrying a y chromosome have over those that dont? what male charactistics (bone density, for example) still exist in these women? do they pose a danger to other women in their sport? what about other intersex conditions? at what point does it become unfair? unfortunately it could lead to their exclusion, and if that happens will there be another place for them? theres a lot to consider and things will have to change as we learn more. its not really a black and white situation in my opinion.
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mammons-lover · 2 months
Levi's ID Fail
Asmodeus: Hey, we’re going to a karaoke bar. You want to come?
Leviathan: Yeah, sure, just let me get ready!
Mammon: Make sure you bring your ID.
Leviathan: Uhh, I lost my ID.
Mammon: Dude, you can’t get drunk if you have no ID. You know what, come on. I know a guy that can get you one tonight, my treat.
Leviathan finally having his ID.
Asmodeus: Alrighty, let’s see your ID.
Shows ID.
Asmodeus: Wait, you changed your name? To… McLovin?
Leviathan: Yeah.
Mammon: McLovin…? What kind of stupid name is that, Levi? Your name is perfectly fine!
Leviathan: I know, but this is illegal, I don’t need this to be traced back to me. And they let you pick any name you want, so why would I choose my own?
Asmodeus: And you landed on McLovin?
Leviathan: It was between that or Muhammad.
Mammon: Why the fuck would it be between that or Muhammad?! Is he serious right now?!
Asmodeus: Why couldn’t you just pick a normal name?!
Leviathan: Muhammad is the most commonly used name on Earth. Read a fucking book for once.
Mammon: What the actual fuck is wrong with him?
Asmodeus: Mammon, breathe.
Mammon: I paid for this stupid shit. Levi, why? How-?! Come on!
Leviathan: Maybe you should’ve prepared me before we did "illegal activities"!
Mammon: Go home. I can’t even look at you right now!
Leviathan: I was going home anyway! And I’m not paying you back, so don’t ask!
Later that night, Asmo and Mammon stumble in drunk, laughing.
Asmodeus: fuckin Levi, with that McLovin ID was the funniest thing ever! He really thought he’d get away with it, huh?
Mammon: Yeah, Seriously, McLovin? What, was he inspired by a movie or something? Dumbest idea ever!
Leviathan (who was waiting for them to get home): Hey, it made sense at the time, okay? It’s not like I had much time to think!
Lucifer (walks in): What’s going on here?
Asmodeus (laughing): Levi got a fake ID with the name McLovin!
Mammon (Also laughing): Yeah, McLovin! Can you believe it?
Lucifer (sighs): You got a fake ID, Levi?
Mammon: Dammit… Disperse!
Mammon and Asmo try to run away but end up running into each other and crashing to the ground.
Lucifer (rubbing his temples): We’ll talk about this in the morning.
Mammon (from the floor): Can’t we just forget about it, Luci? It was just a joke!
Lucifer: Go to bed. All of you.
Asmodeus (still on the floor, giggling): Night, McLovin!
Leviathan (laughing, headed to his room): I hate you guys.
(I saw the clip on TikTok and couldn't help myself, ENJOY!)
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libby-for-life · 4 months
How do you think this Adam who has memories of death and suffering love and just his long life and after life would deal with the fact that in Eden Death and all these bad things aren't even a thing yet. This Lucifer and Lilith haven't done anything to hurt him yet(aside from lying and sleeping together and avoiding him but now they love him and want him so thats fixed).
They think he is their sweet naive Adam but I wonder if part of him will be frusterated because he sort of ISN'T. would he ever snap at all this affection they want to give him because he can't understand why NOW? want to lash out and make them hurt because when they didn't notice 'Their' sweet adam was replaced? like dude is agrown as man and technically older in experience than these two..had a bunch of kids..went through alot of stuff..death twice even.
lucifer punching him over and over in that final battle despite giving into mercy thanks to charlie..would he wonder if the entire universe was reset? did everything he experience just.... not happen? was it just a vision of the potential future? a bad dream? does he think this is some elaborate punishment like heaven likes to give him and his loved ones when they get prideful or not obedient?
Would he ever miss the versions of lilith and lucifer he knew from the timeline he experienced despite the hurt and pain just because they would be comfortable in their familiarity?
its really interesting because Lilith and lucifer seem the ones more in control with a plan while they believe adam is acting odd and they want to know why but they basically still see them as their normal Adam.
while WE know the balance is a bit different because Adam has knowledge and has known them longer it seems cuz of the memories....
like when Adam fell from the tree it startled them both but i wonder if adam will have moments of being scared or on edge because he remembered when death and actual pain and hurt was a thing while lilith and lucifer might not notice/realize because those havent been invented yet.
considering lucifer is a angel...would he try to look a bit more into why adam's behaviour has changed?
like it seems they think its just adam realized that Lilith was sneaking away to be around lucifer and that adam and lonely and upset they'd lie and that he might have picked up on the distance....which could explain his behaviour....but WE know Adam's change is rooted a bit more deeply than that...will they notice more behaviour changes that don't quite line up with things?
I wonder if adam would ever kind of treat them like kids since these are younger versions of the people he knows? even if he's now in his younger body and technically the same age as lilith his mind/memories are older?
if adam is particularly talented at sex stuff...would lilith and lucifer wonder how he got that good without them realizing?
would adam ever have flashes of feelings like shame of his body or of being naked while lucifer and lilith pick up something wrong bt they won't have the context since shame was a punishment that hasn't been given yet?
and he can't really address it because he is trying not to be caught?
would they even believe him if he came clean about his memories? or is it his best bat to make sure no one has to suffer from the sins and free will? like before lilth seemed bothered about adam just doing as he was told and how it felt like he was going through the motions and just accepting everything at face value so she let herself doubt his ability to choose...but considering this adam know exactly what happens when they break the rules and can be an educated decision...would adam have more conviction in his choice about following the rules now that Lilith would notice or would lucifer and lilith be bias and think they know best and that adam is just being too cautious?
considering lucifer in now both their lovers(i guess) does that mean lucifer won't get in trouble now or would they want Adam to keep it a secret from the other angels?
Is adam startled at the sensitivity of his body even if his mind remembering being used to it?
I wonder if Lucifer and Lilith will catch on that Adam likes touch since Lilith seemed aware that Adam seems to like to cling and be close like the monkeys even if he tried to distance himself? would they start reaching out and touching and holding Adam first more?
i wonder if Adam will do more stuff for music to be made and stuff?
would Adam try working out to get stronger just in case he ever gets kicked out of Eden again?
dude wants to be upset at them so much but these versions are so sweet and feel so young vs the ones he knew and haven't done the worst yet. I wonder if he ever notices aspects the versions HE knows in his normal timeline now that he's comparing them to more naive honest versions of themselves...like they think they are so sneaky but is it kindof cute compared to their future versions? does he notice lucifer looks sincerely happy here and aspects compared to the more bravado version who was smug and kicked his ass but who was definitely also depressed? how lucifer likes creating things and was so gentle now but in that future needed someone else to snap him out of his rage....(though to be fair adam can probably understand a fathers protective rage). would adam compare this lilith to the one he made a deal with in the regular timelines? would lilith have a front to? but be more aware this lilith isn't really doing stuff for long planning just yet.
I wonder if Adam will also notice aspects like how this lucifer is treated by heaven or get lilith to actually tell him why she'd lie instead of hashing it out properly since dude WAS a father so probably could realize people don't react the way they do out of nowhere.
Does this Adam ever reflect on how he reacted to get where he was in the final battle before he was stabbed?
though I guess he never really knew why he was in heaven anyway so randomly getting thrown into the past wouldn't be the weirdness thing over all he's done. I wonder if he'll ever think about how he's killed people and seen people die and how this lucifer and lilith have no idea about that aspect and how scary it can be...hmmm.
will the other angels catch on that something is up?
Okay, so a lot to unpack from the Theirs au of yandere!Lucifer/Adam/yandere!Lilith. Read that if you don't want spoilers.
Okay, so Adam would definitely have some points where he does feel overwhelmed by it all. He has experienced more and it's hard to forget all that. He's going to sometimes think if what he experienced was even real...then why was it so vivid? He will even panic when something reminds him too much of his past...or is future? Adam isn't so sure....best not to think about it too hard.
Adam is definitely going to fight their love (read:obsession) and he's going to try to avoid them as best as can. He lasted a week before Lucifer found him in a cave. (Theirs! Part 2). Adam also learns what happens to angels, or humans, when they try to fight their love. Heaven has it's own set of punishment...
Adam wouldn't treat them like kids because they don't look like kids. They don't act like kids and they all have had sex so it would be weird for him to think of them as kids.
He would be conflicted about the *other* versions of Lucifer and Lilith....he doesn't want to think about that. It hurts too much.
Lucifer and Lilith think that they know better and they will delude themselves into thinking Adam will need them. (I'm headcanoning that they gain Knowledge by themselves before even attempting to eat the fruit.) He will try to fight them, but being constantly told that he needs them, being held against his will, and having sex with them until he's brought to sub space, well, it's a bit hard to fight them. He eventually will succumb to their will.
Adam was...okay at sex. But, despite Lilith being relatively new to it and Lucifer showing them all what he learned in Heaven, Adam still feels inexperienced simply because Lilith and Lucifer are *better* at sex than he is. You can have all the knowledge but if you can't implement it, then it's useless.
Lucifer will want Adam to keep their relationship a secret, the other angels would get furious if they knew that he had defiled the first man and woman of humanity.
He will have times of body shame, but Lucifer and Lilith are quick to assure him and love him and hug him until he stops saying them.
They catch it early on that Adam is touch starved, but will fight them, so they hold him against his will until he's calmed down and is docile. (They wait until he stops fighting and gives up due to exhaustion.)
Lucifer and Lilith want to do everything for Asam so they do. Adam doesn't need to work out or do anything too strenuous because they will do it for him.
And, well, they can be sweet to Adam. But they are *very* possessive of Adam. They won't tolerate anyone touching or being with Adam. They will get rid of anyone who thinks they can touch what is theirs. Be it some cherub or a new human that could pop up...they will eliminate the competition. Without Adam's knowledge of course. No need to upset him. (Part 5 of Theirs)
If anyone ever catches on to what they're doing, they will all be thrown out of Eden. Possibly Hell. Lucifer and Lilith won't care as long as they have Adam. Adam will be depressed for a while, but he isn't alone so *eventually* he gets...sort of better.
They will have fronts that they keep in front of Adam. They will try to hide their darker nature that keeps reeling their ugly heads. Adam will eventually see through it, but even now, he still thinks they are...well, weird and touchy and don't listen but he doesn't think of capable of anything truly nefarious.
Not yet anyway...
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ephedrathirsts · 2 years
Treehouses and Car Seats
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Synopsis: Childhood best friends reunite. Cigarettes, pot and unaddressed mutual pining- would could possible go wrong?
Contains: friends to lovers trope, smut, handjobs, sub!Hunter x dom! OC, praise kink, weed and cigarette use, fluff at the end, anxious Hunter
Pairing: Hunter Sylvester x Female OC!
Word Count: 3900
It was about a week after the battle of the bands- a glorious moment in time for Skullflower. Thanks to their stellar performance and Hunter's accident they transformed into micro-celebrities, the talk of the town. People were lining up to talk to Emily, Kevin, and Hunter, asking for autographs, acting like they were always friendly with the metalists, as if the entire school wasn't treating them like a bunch of nobodies a minute ago.
They had a lot of attention thrown their way, especially from the female side of the students, and mostly directed at the vocalist and only bachelor of the group, Hunter himself. So it came as little to no surprise when he got stopped in the hallways, getting offers from girls to sign his cast. He was flattered by the newfound popularity even though he knew it wasn't going to be long-lasting, but a good time was a good time right?
One day, just before first bell an unfamiliar face showed up at Hunter's locker while he was talking to Kevin. "No, I'm telling you, ever since the psych ward I'm a changed man- no outbursts, no-nonsense." Hunter was waving his hands around theatrically, slouching, back against the locker door.
"I will believe this once you actually start seeing a therapist. It wouldn't do you any harm, ya know." Kevin replied with a friendly smile and patted him on the shoulder.
"I don't think a shrink that isn't into metal would get my passion. It would be a hard time finding one on the same wavelength as me..." He started before getting cut off by a person that seemingly appeared out of thin air.
"Killer performance in the battle of the bands. It definitely made picking a new school all the easier! Mind if I sign your cast?" Animatedly uttered a girl that looked vaguely familiar while holding up a sharpie and pointing at Hunter's leg with it, asking for permission.
"Thanks... sure, go ahead." He replied distractedly, looking at her with a quizzical expression. She had wild, long hair, frizzy, sticking in many different directions. She was wearing a lot of rings and dangly necklaces, one of which he could have sworn he had seen before. She had a nose piercing and a very striking tattoo of a feather on her collarbone."Do I know you from somewhere?" He asked a bit rushedly, trying to process what he was seeing.
The girl bent down and quickly scribbled something on his leg. "Is that supposed to be a pick-up line, Hunter? Come on, you can do better!" She answered while standing up and straightening out her skirt. "We are classmates after all!" She playfully retorted, winked at him, and disappeared into the crowded hallway.
"What does it say? I can't bend down to look." Hunter looked at his friend for help.
"It's very weird... It says 'i know you were doing it just to look cool' and a kiss emoji thingy... wait... No way! There is absolutely no way!" Kevin paced around in a little circle, massaging his chin, his eyes moving as fast as his thoughts when the puzzle pieces finally came together.
"She looked familiar, didn't she?" Kevin whisper-shouted at Hunter while moving his eyesight from left to right and backward.
"Yeah? So what? She obviously goes to school here. I've seen her around, that's that." Hunter chirped a bit annoyed at his friend, picking at his cuticles to soothe the new bundle of nerves.
"Dude... choosing a new school..." Kevin supplied slowly, moving his eyebrows in a playful motion.
"Yeah..?" Hunter asked, still visibly confused by his friend's display.
"Summer camp... year eight... the treehouse..." Kevin teased, wanting to give a hint instead of spelling out what was already obvious.
"No way...! It can't be... Raven? Is that Raven?" Hunter screamed in shock, bumping his head on the locker door as he did a little jump in place. "Fuck, ouch!" He squeaked through gritted teeth.
The bell rang, making the boys put an end to the conversation, both of them going in opposite directions. Until Hunter screamed again "Corn-pickle!"
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A golden rule upheld through the years- one does not evoke corn-pickle unless in great danger, confusion or inner turmoil. It was the safe word, the friends' version of an SOS, and it was reserved for emergencies only.
"You called Emily?" Hunter spat out, irritation written on his face.
"She is my girlfriend, a band mate, and also your friend, even though you like to deny it. She deserves to be here for a corn-pickle situation as much as I do!" Kevin defended while lacing his fingers with Emily's. She gave him a loving look in return.
''Plus getting my perspective would be of help. You, as much as i love and appreciate both of you, are clueless doofuses. You need another point of view. Especially when it comes to something as serious as Hunter's first love returning!" Emily explained in a brisk and knowing manner.
Hunter's face fell, disapproval radiating from him. He fidgeted with his hands and nervously pushed his hair backward. "What?! First love? What do you mean? It's just... It's just... Raven..." He was out of breath, flushed red with both embarrassment and anger.
"Hunter, please, don't lie to yourself. You were head over hills for her. Just because you don't feel comfortable expressing other emotions than your anger doesn't mean I didn't catch you sobbing into your pillow the day she moved" Kevin whispered reassuringly, placed his hand on his friend's shoulder, and gave him a sympathetic look. Hunter quickly shook it off and started drumming on the sinks' countertop with his fingers.
"You weren't supposed to say this out loud, ever! It was a million years ago anyway... It doesn't matter anymore!" The long-haired boy was pouting like a child, avoiding all eye contact and focusing on the tile floor instead.
"Then it wouldn't be a problem for you to... I don't know... Maybe talk to her. She is here after all. It would be just two old friends catching up." Emily suggested
"Look guys, corn-pickle was a fluke, ok. I'm sorry, everything is fine, I'm alright. Plus standing in a triangle formation talking about life in the men's restroom is stressing me out!" Hunter pleaded to be spared from all of the questioning and smug looks.
"See, I told you this is a bad place to hold an intervention." Emily pointed her finger at Kevin's chest.
"It's in the name, alright? 'Rest- room'. He was supposed to be... calmer in here." Kevin struck back.
"How does that make any sense?"
"You don't know the intricacies of a corn-pickle situation!"
"This is my first corn-pickle situation!"
The couple screamed at each other, giving Hunter the perfect excuse to run out of the room... Or more so steadily jump out, supporting himself with his crutches.
"Se ya later, losers" he waved at them with a shit-eating grin while they were still arguing heatedly and screaming, too distracted to notice him go.
"And that's why we should have done this at the cafeteria or the football field, but no! It had to be the smelly restroom. Three people used the urinals as we were speaking! Three people..!" Emily stopped, seeing her boyfriend's puzzled grimace.
"What? I'm sorry, are you mad at me? What happened? She asked hushdly, a bit more aware of her previous tone.
"He is gone... he just dipped..."
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Hunter was close to furious. He couldn't bare being around people anymore, so naturally, he headed for the parking lot. Driving around with the windows down would help him clear his head, returning to a semi-peaceful place. While he we digging in his pockets, desperately searching for his car keys, he noticed a figure pressed up against the brick wall through his peripheral vision.
He turned around and saw her, listening to music on her headphones, one foot planted on the wall, the other on the ground, with a cigarette between her lips. "Of course It's you" he mumbled to himself, looking around nervously. It didn't seem like she had seen him. There was still time to hide but he decided against it and marched up to her.
Hunter tapped her shoulder so she removes her headphones and pressed his back next to hers. "Are you doing it just to look cool, you little hypocrite!" He coed with an inviting smile.
"I learned from the coolest. Do you want a drag?" She held up the cigarette to him in proposition.
"Yeah... Of course..." He took it from her, grazing her fingers lightly, and put the cancer stick up to his lips, inhaling slowly, dragging smoke out of his mouth...
...And then he started coughing profusely. The girl couldn't contain her laughter. "Still a poser, huh? You should have just said no. This is fine tobacco, you know! My uncle grinded it himself!" She explained accusatorially.
Hunter scratched the back of his neck, looking down at his shoes. "Oh, wow, really? I'm sorry... I just.. I don't know what came over me..."
To the boy's dismay, Raven began giggling to herself yet again. She was shaking and gagging with laughter. All of a sudden Hunter became more alert and entered first stage of panic mode. She punched his shoulder in a teasing manner and took another drag, exhaling the smoke in his face. "I'm messing with you. These babies are store-bought. And you are a singer anyway- I don't want you messing up that beautiful voice of yours."
He felt more at ease now... maybe enough to do something stupid."How did you know about me singing? About the battle of the bands? "
Raven got lost in thought for a moment, trying to get all of the right words out. She knew about Skullflower (previously named Skullfucker) for some time now. She had seen a Facebook page of the group on one of her many Hunter Sylvester online deep dives. But she needed to keep it cool, calm, and collected, so she did:
"I remember this scrawny little boy from a couple of years ago. He had a terrible fringe and he used to lash out at people. He lived on Gatorade and Sour Patch Kids, but he always saved me the red ones. He used to go on and on about making music, about his idols, about metal! He barely paid attention to anything else..." Raven's cheeks became rosier all the more as she revealed her obsession with him. That wasn't her idea of 'cool, calm, and collected' at all, but there was no stopping now.
"...Then one day I was looking through high schools in the area with my parents and I saw this video, the name of this kid written on top. He wasn't a kid anymore, and he definitely wasn't scrawny. He looked like a real rockstar! So I decided this is definitely the school I wanted to attend.. " She felt exposed but continued nonetheless.
"...Until i met him in person and saw he was kind of a poser... Never meet your heroes, I guess." Her shoulders fell down. She put out her cigarette and gave him a cocky smirk.
Hunter was flabbergasted. His heart was beating out of his chest, his palms sweaty and his vision blurry. Raven came there for HIM. She was talking with such passion about HIM. If he weren't none the wiser he would have kissed her right then and there.
"Is this your first day in this shit hole?" He asked instead
"Yeah, it is. Why?" Raven looked a tad confused at his excited expression.
"Wanna skip class?" He suggested, wiggling his eyebrows at her.
"Fuck, shit, I thought you'd never ask!"
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Change of plans- no solitary ride, it's a joined ride now, with Raven getting cozy in the passenger seat, lighting cigarette after cigarette and dusting them off out the window. The wind was playing with her hair, humming in tune with her. She was lazily observing the city she once used to call home. She looked like a cat- playful, blissful, and relaxed.
A new song started playing. Hunter reached out to change it and she grabbed his hand in response. "Please don't, I really like this one." She asked softly.
He obeyed, trying hard not to think of her skin touching his. She had taken off her shoes and put her feet up on the front bar of the car, her skirt rising up to reveal more of her thighs. Hunter was finding it particularly hard not to gauge, but he tried his best. They drove together through narrow, hole-filled roads, leading to the woods and put the car in park.
"Do you want to have the best nap of your life?" Raven asked and reached for her bag, fishing something out of it
"What? What do you.." then he saw it, a blunt rolled up in brown, musky paper.
"It's ok if you don't want to, I know this isn't everyone's idea of a good time. But you seemed tense today. I think you need a bit of a break." She explained caringly.
Come to think of it, it wasn't an unreasonable idea. He was amazed by her noting his nervous ticks like he was good at hiding them. He sifted the thought in his mind- laying back on the car seat, next to Raven, touching her fingers in-between puffs, smelling her shampoo, drifting off next to her... It sounded exquisite!
He was ready for a lazy, calm noon with his old hide-and-seek partner. "Sure, what the hell?!" Hunter smiled expectantly.
"That's my boy!" Raven caressed his chin as declaring.
Hunter felt himself lose vision for a minute.
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The air was thick with rain, the smell of pine trees and cones. There was the occasional sound of a bird chirping or a squirrel climbing up a tree. The sun had hidden behind a curtain of cottony clouds. It was peaceful, as if time had stopped.
Hunter had forgotten all about the anxiety he once harbored. He was laughing wholeheartedly, talking freely, making jokes, and even throwing a flirty line or two. There was nothing to worry about- no school, no interventions, no people staring at him in the restroom.
He started remembering his childhood, a time he didn't particularly cherish, but what he did cherish were the shared memories, being able to look back and recognize that he has grown somehow, managed to become better.
He returned to the last summer camp he attended, waking up early in the morning, swimming in the lake with his friends, sneaking off to Raven's cabin after curfew, unbeknownst to the councilors. They used to talk for hours and come up with elaborate schemes to make the stay of everyone else a dreadful nightmare.
They were both childish in nature, little menaces, that's why they used to get along so well. Two slightly insecure, slightly douchy kids that spoke the same language, trying to seem more rebellious than they actually were.
"Do you remember the wishing ceremony?" Raven brought up.
"Yeah, it is probably the most wholesome thing i have ever participated in.." He replied lazily.
"Yeah... But you didn't. You were a cheater!" She stuck her tongue out at him and scrunched her nose. "There's nothing wholesome about being a cheater!" Raven demanded.
"What do you mean cheater? You can't cheat at making a wish!" He tried defending himself after the unforeseen attack
"The wishes only come true on one condition though- not denying or failing to complete a dare!" Raven struck again "What did you carve out in the tree trunk? Did it come true?" She was genuinely interested.
He searched around in his mind. The truth was much too revealing to say aloud so he offered the best next thing he could muster."I wrote that i wanted to be the leader of a successful band.. i guess it's happening... Maybe..." He pushed himself back into the seat and distractedly played with the ends of the girl's hair.
"You know you're gonna jinx yourself if you don't complete the dare soon. You're gonna jinx your dream!" Raven pointed at his chest with her finger
"You are right! Fuck... What was the dare... I don't remember anymore..." Hunter yawned.
"You have to pick up where you left off at the treehouse. We already established you aren't a smoker. No excuses now...no reason to try to impress me with silly antics..."
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It came back to him in a flash. The story was charming if not a little embarrassing. All of the preteens had gathered in a circle, playing truth or dare, but nobody was picking truth because it was for 'wusses'. When it came to Hunter's turn, his friend tried to do him the ultimate favor- Kevin dared him to kiss Raven.
He got very agitated and nervous. He explained he didn't want to kiss his 'bro', he didn't want to catch cooties and everything. To alleviate his distress, Raven suggested they go up into the treehouse, so there wasn't any added pressure from the others.
When they climbed up, Hunter began fidgeting with his fingers, trying to find a distraction. He told Raven he wasn't anxious at all. He told her he was only experiencing nicotine withdrawal.
The girl dug in her pocket and gave him a curious-looking stick. "My dare was to steal something from Sandy's room." She offered the cigarette to her friend.
Hunter sighed, thanked her, and lit up the cancer stick with shaking hands. It tasted atrocious and the smoke made his chest heavy, but he had committed to his bit.
"I never realized you were this cool nicotine addict. Smoke your cigarette, then we can climb back down and tell everyone we did it. I don't want to kiss a person that tastes like an ashtray!" Raven proposed, knowing the boy was struggling.
"I'm not doing this to be cool, I have a problem alright!" Hunter screeched, voice cracking in the process. He was relieved. He looked to Raven with gratitude and put out the cigarette the minute she wasn't looking.
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Hunter became painfully aware of his body, his hands shaking, his stomach tying in knots... And his member twitching.
Raven had gotten out of her seat and positioned herself on his lap, her chest pressed up against his, her thighs fully exposed to him. He was engulfed in her scent. He could see all of the little freckles on her face, how close her glossy lips were to his.
She grabbed his chin, making him look directly into her eyes, and whispered into his mouth. "I won't tell anyone you're a cheater, I just don't want this weighing on your conscience."
He put his hands on her hips timidly and pulled her closer. "Should i... Do you want me to..?" He whispered back.
Raven grazed Hunter's bottom lip with her thumb and nodded in response. Their lips came together quickly, a peck. Hunter opened his eyes and cursed a little "ah, fuck it!", pulled the girl close in again and kissed her for real.
Raven's lips parted slowly and Hunter's tongue delved in. They were making patterns in each other's mouths, kissing hungrily, gripping on clothes, exploring each other's bodies. Raven began rocking her hips on top of him ferociously. Hunter returned the favor by bucking his hips upward, hitting her sweet spot with his member.
He was as hard as a rock and horny beyond comprehension. They pulled apart for air, chests heaving. It was sticky in the car, hot and sweaty. Hormones were drifting around into the night air.
Hunter bent down again to go in for another kiss but Raven stopped him. "You did it, pretty boy, no need to do any more work now, let me take care of it," she said and pulled on the roots of his hair. He whimpered in response.
Raven licked a strip down Hunter's neck and blew on it. She began sucking on his jaw, on his neck and collarbones, while humping him at a rapid pace. Hunter was dumbfounded, his underwear already drenched with precum. His dick was twitching hard beneath Raven's core and she relished every little moment of it.
She hovered her hand over Hunter's bulge. "Mind if I help you?"
He huffed and groaned a throathy "please".
The girl palmed his cock, feeling it out in her hand through the fabric of his jeans. She brushed it with her fingers and slowly unzipped him.
"Do you want me to make you come, pretty boy? Do you want my hand on your cock?" Raven asked not even trying to cover her lust for him
"Mhm" he moaned.
"Use your words, handsome! Otherwise, I won't know what you want." She teased again
"It's embarrassing" he turned his ruby face away
"How could it be embarrassing when you're so hot, writhing under me? Be a good boy, good boys always get rewarded" she purred into his ear.
He couldn't pretend anymore. He wanted her to drain him dry. "Please, fuck me with your hand!" He groaned and faced her again.
"Such a sinful little boy..." Raven spat on her hand and started pumping him fast. She bit on his neck, sloppily leaving marks along the way. Hunter was moaning hard, surrendering all control to his master. He could feel her cold rings stroking his shaft, her fingers toying with him.
Raven smeared the precum leaking out of his dick over his tip with her thumb, and cupped his balls with her other hand.
"Do you want to kiss me still, pretty boy?" she breathed into his mouth.
Hunter lowered his head and collided with the girl, his groans stifling in the kiss. He was sucking on her tongue passionately, bucking his hips upward yet again to fuck her fist, expecting the incoming irruption.
Raven broke away from the kiss. She knew he needed one last push. "If you are so needy for my hand, I can only imagine how fast you'd come when you're balls deep in my pussy." She giggled
That was the nail in the coffin- Hunter was thrusting into her hand, bursting all over her fingers, riding out the best high of his life. Raven was still pumping him hard, milking out each and every drop.
"Wasn't so hard now, was it? Good boys get to come, scared ones just smoke a pocketed cigarette in a treehouse." She smirked and stroked Hunter's hair, putting the strands sticking to his forehead back in place.
"If I knew you were going to do this, I would have begged you a long time ago." He chuckled and cleaned her hand with a tissue. She was staring down at him, still on his lap, a victorious expression adorning her features.
"Thank you for helping my dream come true," he said timidly
"That was just an excuse, I already know you'll be incredibly successful, you are an amazing player!" She caressed his cheek.
"That wasn't what I carved into the tree trunk. I just wanted you..." Hunter confessed
"I'm here now, here to stay" she answered reassuringly and kissed his temple.
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anamericangirl · 1 year
Actually, gender reaffirming healthcare is not child abuse; you're just a transphobic piece of work who doesn't even know what real child abuse is. In fact, the real child abusers are actually transphobic assholes who abuse their kids for being trans. When parents give their kids gender-reaffirming healthcare, they're not abusing that kid; they're just letting that kid make their own choices for themself and actually loving them for it. As for abortion, nobody is killing babies, you absolute halfwit! There is a difference between an unfeeling fetus and an actual baby. Oh but of course, you just want to advocate forcing rape victims to give birth to kids they don't want against their will. Also, abortion actually saves lives, unlike your precious guns; guns just kill people and that's it. Yet you just want to prolong gun violence forever. Seriously, be careful what you wish for!
There you have it! Thank you for coming to my TED talk.
Wow you managed to be wrong about everything great job.
Gender affirming care is child abuse because healthcare is not supposed to "affirm" things it's supposed to diagnose a problem and treat it. Having a boy say "I'm a girl" or a girl say "I'm a boy" and responding "That's right honey you're whatever you say are here take puberty blockers" which will permanently change their bodies in ways they can't possibly comprehend is abuse.
If a person walked into a doctor's office with two arms and said they only have one and the doctor chopped off one of their arms that would be abuse but I bet you would call it "limb affirming care."
There are choices kids should not be allowed to make for themselves. We don't let kids choose to smoke or drink or get tattoos but an 11 year old boy should be allowed to "choose" to permanently mutilate his body because someone convinced him he's a girl because he likes to play with dolls and put on a dress once? Nah fuck you dude.
As for abortion it is killing a baby. The only difference between an "unfeeling fetus" and an "actual baby" are the ones you arbitrarily assigned to it. Abortion has never saved a single life and has killed millions more people than the holocaust did.
And for real, you are a disgrace for using rape victims as a prop for your morally bankrupt and ignorant opinions. Rape victims account for less than 1% of the women who get abortions and you using them to pretend pro-lifers just want to hurt rape victims is disgusting, especially when you're the one hiding behind that weak, pathetic and thoroughly debunked talking point. Shame on you.
It's very sad to me that you would actually believe any of that. You are a perfect example of how deep the propaganda in this country runs and the extent to which it is successfully brainwashing people. I hope you learn how to think for yourself, see through the lies and follow the truth.
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i haven't rly thought of a name for my OC so i'm just gonna use the placeholder name jean for now [after Jean Vic. don't @ me on this]. he might not even end up french tho we'll see…… anyway he was a sailor (don't ask me for further details, it's blurry. it's Real blurry) and he just got back from a voyage but he was discharged from the navy.
what happened during the voyage was he got into a relationship with a higher ranking officer and they were close but was pursuing their relationship knowing that when they get to land they won't be able to continue it (not if the officer wanted to stay in his social circles) buuut it was kind of an open secret on the ship. then there was an Accident, in which the higher ranking officer died (yes i'm going down the dead lover cliche pathway--shhh it's for the plot later). so when the higher ups were looking into the death, they found out about their relationship, which is why the discharge from the navy [[listen. i think at this point france has decriminalized homosexuality but i have no clue what it's like in the navy. so i'm assuming it's the don't ask don't tell thing. so don't @ me on this. or do, i would Love to know if anyone knows]]
so heartbroken and out of a job jean found a job vacancy of being a stagehand at the opera house. his job would be way down below the stage or way up above stage, and the job requirements reminds him of finding his way on a ship, so he's doing just fine with this. he does his job well enough, keeps his head down, tries to be friendly when he can.
after a while of doing bits and pieces here and there and he's established himself, the new chief stagehand gives him the main job of maintaining the area on the mezzanine floor where joseph buquet was killed (i'm smooshing leroux canon and alw canon together here btw. canon is toy blocks for me to pick and choose) since a lot of stagehands avoid that place like a plague. it's not out of malice, it's just that they all realize that jean doesn't rly believe in superstitions or ghosts so they're all like why not? he's knows about the stories but since he doesn't believe in ghosts (and thinks that anything about phantom as an actual dude is an exaggeration of events to attract patrons) he's like eh, alright.
all this happens while jean suspects that he's definitely traumatized by the events that happened during his voyage, obviously. he knows of stories of what happens to people who's traumatized enough. at this point in time he's given in to talking out loud to his dead lover when he's alone, so this is how one day erik heard him through that trapdoor into his home (/torture chamber). when erik tries to scare him off by speaking to him in a disembodied voice, jean Naturally thought that his trauma has given him auditory hallucinations. he at first breaks down about this because he thought he was doing better mentally, but this is a sure sign he isn't doing that great actually.
erik, absolutely confused about this reaction, decides to show himself physically after some time, just to prove to jean that he's not Actually having auditory hallucinations. but jean first mistook him for a lost patron, and is like sir u can't be here without supervision?? and jean's worried he'd lose his job if someone catches a patron wandering down here with only jean watching him bc he sure as hell ain't qualified to give patrons a tour below stage. but erik would mysteriously disappear any time anyone comes close to them. cue a whole bunch of meetings like this bc erik's lonely and this man new to the opera thinks he's a patron and treats him like a normal man and he's been starved of company ever since christine left and the mob hunted him done and he stopped bothering the opera
so they get closer. jean's half worried that erik's a hallucination, since he disappears a lot and is never seen by anybody else but jean, but he seems so real……
they get to a point where erik tells jean of christine and they bond over having lost someone they loved. erik speaks longingly of his dreams of being married and having a wife to go on sunday walks with
at this time jean is a little (a Lot) in love with him and gets his heart shattered into pieces bc god damn it he wants a wife Of Course he'd want a Wife...........
and then somehow erik finds out that jean is in love with Someone and he asks about it (somehow feeling something like Rage and Something Else because jean? in love? WHO WOULD CAPTURE THIS MAN'S ATTENTION? WHO DARES? WHO DESERVES IT?) and jean is like its of no matter (because he thinks erik wouldn't reciprocate. he's not the exactly right gender)
then jean spends a long time thinking it over and realizes that even if erik doesn't return his feelings, erik seems like someone who would benefit from being told that in this world Someone does loves him, even if he [erik] doesn't love jean back. so he tells him and it takes a while to convince erik of it but then erik remembers that jean said his love for erik is "no matter" and goes batshit about it bc does this mean he doesn't matter to jean????
and jean tells erik that it does matter. it matters to him a lot. erik matters to him a lot. but he can't give erik what he wants, their relationship would not exactly be an open one. it would be some secret thing, at the very least half hidden from society. he won't impose that on erik when he knows erik wants his little walks in the park with his lover........ erik's showing the 404 error code.
anyways idk how it goes from here but they'll get together. i swear
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askbensolo · 4 months
Sorry I haven’t posted much this week. It’s been a liiittle crazy. I gave both Armitage and Poe tours of the apartment this week (Armitage on Monday, Poe yesterday).
I thought I hated them when I was just messaging them. Oh, buddy, I had no idea.
Let’s start with Armitage. Listen: my mother raised me right. I tried to be nice, even though every previous interaction I’d had with him had proven that he was not. I opened the door and put on a smile and said, “Hey!” Bro looks past me and sees my holopad propped up on the dining table, where I’d been watching the livestream of the Senate hearing on arms control on Coruscant. Unfortunately, it was paused right on a close-up of my mom.
This dude cannot be normal. Imagine. You walk into a stranger’s home, see an image of a senator you’re maybe not so fond of, and go “Tch. Senator Organa… I’m convinced she was only voted in out of pity. Everyone loves the Alderaanian princess, but she’s really rather far from qualified.”
I was so pissed I almost couldn’t talk. “What the—wh—why do you think she’s not qualified?! She has years of political experience, and she fought on the ground. She’s done so much volunteer and charity work, and she actually understands the issues she talks about on the floor, and—”
Armitage looked taken aback, but also like he was scrutinizing me. I shut my mouth.
“…What did you say your last name was?” he asked suspiciously, his tone clipped.
‘Cause, see, when I’m first meeting someone, I don’t usually tell them who I am am. I’m just Ben. I like being my own person. And then maybe after they pass the vibe check I can be like, “oh, yeah, I’m Ben Solo, but I’m also just a chill dude, please treat me normal haha.” But, yeah—that’s why Armitage didn’t know who I was.
You know when you’re talking to a stranger and you’re like, “Oh. No. We are not getting into this, because I’m never gonna see you again”? That was me in that moment. I was like, yeah, there’s no way I’m rooming with this snooty bag of tauntaun flatulence for a year.
“Quadinaros,” I said. It was the first name I thought of. I hoped Armitage didn’t know his podracers.
He looked like he wasn’t buying it.
“Well, what’s your last name?” I blurted in a stupid retort. Like a “your mom” kind of thing. Usually, that doesn’t work. Surprisingly, it caught him off guard.
“…Arkanis,” he replied, with less confidence than one would usually declare his own name with.
I showed him the apartment like I promised (and believe me, the comment about my mom was not the last rude thing he said while he was there), but in my head I knew I was picking Poe.
That is…until yesterday, when I had Poe over to tour.
I was actually genuinely excited to greet Poe at the door, because he was my ticket to not rooming with Armitage…but the smile melted right off my face when I beheld the sight before me.
This guy is. De-kriffing-ranged.
You know those, like, baby holders you buckle onto your chest? Well, get this. Homie was wearing one of those…but his BB droid was in it. And those models are hefty. They may be all round, and relatively small compared to your average R2 unit, but they’re still like…I don’t know, the height of your knee? And made of metal, obviously.
My jaw dropped at the sight of this absolute madman. I just stood there staring at him.
“So, uh.” Poe cleared his throat, as if he didn’t have forty pounds of droid buckled to his body. “Who talks first? You talk first? I talk first?”
I snapped out of it. “Sorry. Uh. Here. Come in.”
Once inside, he put his droid down on the floor, and I was reminded that choosing Poe meant also getting a pet, basically. “Weeeeoooooo!” said the BB unit, and started rolling all over the place.
Forty pounds of droid rolled over my foot. “Ow!”
“Sorry!” said Poe. “He’s just a little excitable. Aren’t ya, buddy?”
So I gave them the tour. And I really don’t have the energy to recount that endeavor, so here’s a list of some (just some) of Poe’s demands:
the droid’s charging dock needs to be in our bedroom near the window, even though the window is on my side of the bedroom
we need to put down rubber mats over the carpet so it’s easier for the droid to roll around
we need to ask management to install an accessibility ramp at the doorstep so the droid can roll in and out
it would be great if I could play with the droid when Poe’s not around, since the droid needs daily stimulation
After a while I kind of stopped listening. I thought to myself, Is this real life? Are astromechs not just flight navigation equipment? Is this would-be pilot who doesn’t even own a starship asking me to play with his droid like it’s his son?
I couldn’t have been more relieved to finally show Poe and his droid out the door. And then I ran into my room and flopped on my bed face-down and screamed into the mattress.
If only it wasn’t so late into the year. It’s impossible to find roommates right now. I’m lucky to have two options, as horrible as both options are.
I almost thought about moving back in with Mom and Dad. But…then I thought about my job, and Wednesday nights at the cantina with the guys, and quiet Sunday walks along the lake, and lazy Saturday museum-crawls with my ink pen and paper notebook…compared to how living at home just transforms me back into a sixteen-year-old, and I was like…no. No. I’m not leaving Naboo.
Anyway…so that’s my week. At least Fannie’s coming over tomorrow and I can temporarily forget next year’s gonna be hell.
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finalgirlmoment · 9 months
PJOTV Ep 4 + 5 (spoilers)
My brain is, and has been, rotted entirely! I feel like the TV show is such a treat because the new content adds layers to the story SO MUCH like the plot and character dynamics it makes me want to scream. Yes the differences are absolutely notable but the bottom line is that our main trio would find each other in any universe or storyline and would choose each other every time
-The opening scene of episode 4 broke me a bit: the lore that Percy actually did not take naturally to being in the water, he was actually afraid to be swimming! I feel like before we definitely characterized him as someone who felt at home in the water since he came out the womb but damn look how far he comes. How jarring it must be to later find out you're actually the son of the sea god :o
-Percy continually being angry about the system of the gods (not) interacting with their children, being so shocked that a parent wouldn't help or talk to their child. He's so sweet and I feel like his rage grows the more he gets to know Annabeth because he sees how amazing and loyal and cunning she is and wonders how her mother could ever ignore or abandon her
-Annabeth just in general, her badassery is so fucking perfect for this character, the way she draws her knife, her being so fucking in tune with Percy already....the way she knows exactly what Percy is going to do before he does it ((and the way he listens to her unconditionally i.e. cutting off Medusa's invisible head in episode 3 but I digress)), knowing he was alive and waiting for them somewhere at the beginning of episode 5. she is a LEGEND and she is LOCKED TF IN
-the hug <3 i won't make it weird if you won't <3 <3 we're like friends now <3<3<3 do u understand how i hurt
-trio walking down the side of the road like bums -_- i died lmfao. also them hiding when approached by some dude and just being like <3 we good ty tho!!
-Percy, again still acclimating to this fucking weird ass world where gods are real and can kill u easily, is shook when ares threatens to kill them. luckily, as a change of pace, grover is cool as a dang cucumber and saves the day af. this is what i mean like absolutely the characters are so different like yes grover has been nervous a lot but he also can turn it tf on and smooth talk when he needs to
-Annabeth has never seen a movie. Percy immediately insists that they watch one together. Look me in the fucking eyes and tell me that's not a date? Hello?
-The entirety of the tunnel scene/chair scene. Percy being the one to figure out the story illustrated Hephaestus' life. Percy ALREADY working to save Annabeth first and foremost! Percy continually sacrificing himself for her! Believing deep down she is capable of great, impossible things and being willing to set aside his life for her without question. Telling her she is better. "You just are. And you know it." Giving her Riptide, no second thoughts, no backing down.
-On that note, the ending. Percy is like a loose cannon full of a deep rage and a lot (A LOT) of unrealized power; his problem is that he is not locked TF in like Annabeth (as of right now) and the ending really made me excited because it feels like he is finally catching on to what a big deal he actually is. All this anger he has inside him, all this rage at what he has lost and the suffering he has seen, .... i'm honestly beside myself at what is to come because this is already SO JUICY and I feel like we've barely started!
-side notes: the score is so amazing, I'm really enjoying it and I understand all the videos of the actors promoting the soundtrack!!! also my sister has never read the books but she loves the movies and we watch it together; she is very very excited for the casino scene so there is definitely hope for her in the near future. ((my nico loving ass will also be holding binoculars and twitching))
so yes a lot was changed but i am really liking the new content a lot because it just feels like added lore and, again, these guys can best the odds in any universe and help each other in every timeline. the most important plot points are there and i feel like they have already set up a lot of info for later on down the line. I do wish there was a bit more banter/conversation (because Percy is actually so quirky and I feel like this could be explored more) but the time we do have is amazing and feels super fresh! even when i've read the books to pieces! and again the convos they're having right now are setting shit up for later and maybe then they can play and have fun wit it. as always, i will be loyally sat, lurking, reblogging. kiss
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ninaiznathan · 2 years
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TW/CW; m a y have some g0r3 mentions, most likely not cause this is meant to be quite wholesome and stuff, this thingie WILL be a slendermansion type of thing so if anyone gets pissy about the whole slender mansion and how unrealistic it is than I don’t suggest reading this, it’s all for fun and just nostalgia of the old CRP fandom. <3
he is excellent at knitting and sewing, he taught himself how to knit scarfs and sweaters and taught himself how to sow up tattered clothing/and or create his own clothing!! He’s also very much willing to teach others how to knit as well. He gifts the other residents of the manor scarfs of their favorite colors during the winter and autumn seasons. Liu’s scarf had been torn a good few times so whenever kagekao gets the chance he’d help repair it, he does so for the others as well!!
Jeff the killer:
Emotional drunk. They don’t get violent in any way while they are drunk, oh no no no. He’s literally the biggest cry baby when he’s drunk. Most people believe that Jeff is a asshole but when you really get to know the dude all he wants is a good hug. And with people they really trust he won’t hesitate to break down in their arms crying, whether he’s sober or not. 
Brings animals back to the manor. Could be the poisonous thing known to man kind and he’d still bring it home just because it had a minor scratch on it. This man cares for animals like his life depends on it. If he was never dragged along by slender he would’ve probably been a veterinarian! His love for animals is probably the reason why the rake and SeedEater like him so much, next to Jack ofc because they luv Jack but they luv Toby too! He brings them little Knick knacks and makes sure they are fed well, even if they are usually fed, a snack never hurts!
She isn’t as shitty as everyone makes her out to be lmao, she was terrified of Jack at first cause she thought it was like a minion working for zalgo or sumthin but turns out it’s a random entity that spawned with no eyes and ate kidneys. She still doesn’t like it all that much tho, she actually doesn’t like most of the pasta residents. The only one she really likes is Sally and that’s cause Sally tends to help her out even if she is a little trickster and mean at times.
Zero/Nina H:
Her and Nina are girlfriends <33 don’t care what anyone says they just are. When they first met they grew quite a nice bond with each other and after a year or two started dating. Graveyard dates/picnics every once in a while!! They are quite close with eachother and everyone respects that, they are inseparable! They share all their missions together cause they make such a good duo!
Nurse Ann:
Oh. My. God??? Love her sm. You’d be surprised bout the fact that she leads the whole medic crew (which.. consists of her, Dr smiley, Dr pain, and Jack for some reason) literal man eater, WILL walk you like a dog fr. She treats Jack as if it’s her child- and favorites it while she is always lecturing the other two dumbasses.
Dr smiley/Pain:
Not really a surprise this came next, but they are boyfriends!! Smiley is the more rational and calm one (surprisingly) while Pain is always probably high and basically bouncing of the walls. But regardless they love eachother so very much
Eyeless Jack:
Talked about Jack a lot, so why not just make it’s own category? It doesn’t really live in the manor, it does have its own room there!! But it tends to lurk the forest with SeedEater or basically go and torment Mitch, jack basically lives under Mitch’s bed/in the corner of his room Jack isn’t verbal, it doesn’t really speak so it relies on others to be it’s voice, but tends to just use the sign language it was taught by Ann. It’s not cause it chooses not to speak, it actually hurts, it’s vocal cords are shattered due to an incident it caused itself way back. No one knows what the accident was though.
He had begged Jason (TTM) to help him create a mini doll so he can gift it to Helen <3 well, it did work out, but things got a little out of hand. It started with the stuffed plush being ordinary and stuff before the pup decided it’d be a fun idea to bring it to life, did it scare the living shit out of helen? Yes. Did he forgive puppeteer I’m the end for his efforts to gift him something? Also yes!! In the end the puppeteer just gifted him a regular stuffed toy.
He owns those Cat headphones, they where jokingly gifted to him and he claimed he hated it multiple times until he was one day caught actually wearing them, turns out he actually enjoyed them a bunch and was too embarrassed to admit it. He ended up getting Sally a matching pair of them so they’d end up playing video games together. 
Since SeedEater practically knows almost every language, which gives him the ability to mess around a lot with the residents. Not because he’s scared of being called out by them, but it’s funny watching the residents get so confused when he just starts blabbering in a random language and than mixes it up with other languages at the same time. Not many others have the ability to speak multiple languages, especially almost all, but those who do have a fun time snickering to themselves about the random shit seed eater rambles on about while many others tend to stay confused. Although his abilities to speak many languages mess around in his head a lot. Most times he accidentally mixes and jumbles words together because he simply can’t remember the exact words he was trying to say in just one language.
She’s the one cooking!! She doesn’t cook for everyone though, she cooks for the ones who can’t cook for themselves or aren’t trusted in yeh kitchen. Besides that everyone else either eats human body parts, gets take out, or cooks themself. She’s surprisingly a very good chef, so whenever someone happens to get sick they are in for a treat cause they get Janes home made soup and it tastes absolutely BOMB
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mageofseven · 1 year
The Boys' Opinions on MC's Dog
Same premise as the one with the cat, but this time with my sweet furbaby Elsa~
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This is Elsa, my babygirl 🥰
I adopted her a few years back during a time of heavy depression and she has boosted me up for the better.
She is a chihuahua mix (or so the people I adopted from guessed; their other guess was a terrier mix) and was found wandering the streets. They think she escaped her previous owner's backyard, but aren't sure because no one came looking for her. I adopted her when she was one and a half.
Before anyone asks though, I will explain about her eyes. Those pinky red spots are her tear ducts, as I was told. We call them her cherry eyes and she's had them since I adopted her. I've talked about them with the vet and the lady said they don't hurt her or anything of the sort; they just sorta look strange when they pop out like this.
There is a surgery to fix it, but it's was too expensive and then she might have to have eye drops in her eyes for the rest of her life (and she hates eye drops a lot). Overall, I feel like it would cause her more harm than good to do it anyway.
I made sure explain this because I've literally had people (both irl and through me messaging them her picture) react like "Dear god, what is wrong with her eyes!!!" And it's like chill dude and stop insulting my dog.
She's still a beautiful and sweet little girl 🥰💕
So yeah! She's fine so there's no need to worry about the cherry eyes. She is however partially blind in one eye, but that is because...well, she dislikes cats and in the beginning of taking care of her brother Beanie, she wasn't his biggest fan. One day she had him cornered, he swatted her, and I had a $300 vet bill on my hands.
She is a sweet girl though! She just thinks she's bigger and tougher than she actually is. I call her my little Gryffindor sometimes lol.
Elsa's other names: Elsa Mae, Babygirl, Baby Love, Little Love, Baby Angel, Sweet Girl, and Little Bitch (jokingly since the non cuss word meaning of bitch is female dog and she's little, hence little bitch lol)
And lastly
The Queen 👑 hehe~
Now let's see how the Boys' handle her! She is quite needy so let's see how this goes hehe.
Was honest less reluctant than he was in Beanie's timeline.
Lucifer preferred big dogs (evident by Cerberus), but believed small dogs have their own charms.
Elsa was just this little helpless girl and he quickly grew a soft spot for her.
She was bit annoying though since she was always crying about something
But she was easy to soothe and the pride demon did enjoy holding her close and comforting her
Once she got used to him at least.
In truth, Elsa is scared of men, something we guess to be a part of a past trauma, either from when she was on the streets or because her first owner treated her poorly.
Because of this, it takes her awhile to feel safe with any man
But Lucifer is very patient and soft with her and he soon becomes one of her favorite people.
She can often be found on his lap as he does paperwork and will gently distract him from his work with a nudge of her nose to his arm.
Though it was annoying to him at first, those brief periods of having to stop his work for a moment to pet the needy furbaby actually did wonders for his stress.
Overall, he finds Elsa slightly tiring, but very sweet and enjoys the comfort she gives him.
This dude likes making fun of the dog
And gets smacked by MC on the arm or back of the head every time they hear him say anything mean.
In truth, he does like the chubby little thing.
Elsa's cries for attention always make this need dude feel needed and that's a feeling Mammon really wishes he felt more.
He pretends to find her annoying, but in truth grows to love her.
Some nights he'll try to steal the pup from her mama's (MC's) bed just for the dog to turn on him and bark still the whole house knows he's doing shit.
Will sometimes bribe her with food to try to get Elsa to choose him over his other brothers and it will usually work since she's so food driven.
Overall, Elsa makes this man feel important and gets Mammon addicted to the feeling.
This dog knows how to make him feel guilty and he hates it.
He can't even eat a meal without her staring at him.
Feels like she thinks he's some monster who would starve her just 'cause he eats his own food.
Elsa's big eyes are good at this so it's not just Levi.
The envy demon also hates when she tries to come into his room.
Levi isn't worried she'll mess with his stuff or anything like that since she's such a good dog.
However, his room is stuffed with things that could crush the tiny girl if they fell
And this man has too much anxiety to chance it
So instead she cries outside his bedroom till eventually she fall asleep against his door.
Almost stepped on her while leaving his room once and this dude still hasn't forgiven himself.
Overall is very anxious about her size and just tries to distance himself from what he sees as an incredibly fragile little thing.
This man is a cat lover; we all know this.
Still, he treats Elsa nice enough.
Will sometimes have to excuse himself when she cries too much.
It really gets on his nerves and the Avatar of Wrath knows his limits at this point.
Will pet her and call her a good girl, but that is the extent of his interactions with her.
Another brother worried about Elsa coming into their room.
Satan has so many books and many cursed books.
The poor girl could get severely hurt if a pile fell on her
And there's always the risk of a curse one touching her and then Satan will have to explain to MC why her precious pup is now a baby chick or something like that.
It's just safer to keep her out.
Overall, Satan is good to her, but overall disinterested.
Omg she's too perfect!!!
Gushes over the furbaby and spoils her with love.
Will refuse to let her on his lap if she's been outside recently though; Elsa has dirtied his clothes like this in the past and it upset the lust demon when his favorite pants got mud on them.
Is usually the brother ready to snuggle her when she cries.
Overall, Asmo loves Elsa very much and will always give her the affection she craves.
The man who can never put her down.
This dog just activates his Daddy instincts and he can't help but take care of her.
Is literally terrified of stepping on her; he is a big man and she is a tiny girl after all.
This is a part of why he holds her so much; if she's in his arms then she can never be hurt.
Plus hugging her makes him oh so happy 🥺💕
Is the brother that helps with most of Elsa's needs.
Beel will trim her nails for MC, despite Elsa's loud wails the entire time like she's being murdered (she hates her paws being touched). It hurts his heart, but he knows it's good for her.
Will sometimes help MC give her a bath, but not always.
Her cry is extra sad and pathetic, enough to break the hearts of anyone within hearing distance and it's too much for Beely 😢
Finds it funny afterwards when she refuses the towel and dries herself on the carpet (she rolls around and does a funny dancer essentially) while staring at MC with accusatory eyes.
Unfortunately, Beel is always one to sneak her food as well 😅
Elsa is a bit overweight and the vet wants her to lose some pounds but this girl is always hungry.
For obvious reasons, this man empathizes with her and can't help but sneak her some dog-safe food at times.
Overall, Beel fell in love. MC may be this dog's mama but he wants to be the daddy so bad.
Please MC 🥺👉👈
Gets annoyed with her easily and can say some pretty mean things to her.
Belphie doesn't mean it though! Boy is just grouchy when woken up and Elsa tends to do that a lot.
She can't jump on beds by herself so cries and cries till she is finally placed on it.
Once the pup snuggles up with him to join him for his nap, the sloth demon immediately feels like an ass.
Belphie is also the one Elsa runs to when there's a thunderstorm.
She'll hide under the blankets with Belphie and he'll do his best to stay awake long enough to give the shaking dog some comfort.
Overall, likes her but gets annoyed by her a lot.
This man gets so excited when MC brings Elsa to the castle!
Barb has zero chance of getting the prince to do work when the sweet pup visits with her mama lol
Honestly, this man is probably one of the few Elsa bonds with the quickest.
Dia is just so happy and showers her in love and treats (he always has an excuse for MC for why it's perfectly fine for Elsa to have so many treats 'just this once').
Elsa will literally run to this man the very second she sees him.
This little girl loves her 'Uncle Dia' so much (and boy, does Diavolo love being called that 🥰)
Barb takes the interruption to the prince's work schedule in stride
And even will uses it a motivator to get the man through his paperwork without staring out the window for like ten minutes at a time.
Will often make deals like 'like finish x amount of papers today and I will ask MC to bring Elsa tomorrow afternoon and bam, the work is done in lightning speed.
Elsa is more of a help than a hindrance to the prince's work so it all works out well 🥰🤭
Overall, Dia loves Elsa to bits and wishes she could visit more.
Honestly, this man is no where near as close to Elsa as he was was with Beanie.
He finds Elsa cute and a good motivator for Diavolo, but a bit of a trouble maker.
Elsa doesn't quite understand what the Little Ds around the castle are, but assumes they are strange animals.
She'll snarl and try chasing the Little Ds, only for some to push her back or scare her off, resulting in her running to Barbatos and hiding behind his leg as she shakes.
This prompts Barb to frown and make a small sigh before kneeling down and comforting the scared pup.
Elsa causes problems for herself and expects help from the butler; this is no different from some people he knows and so he is used to it.
I'll admit, he never completely got over the time she tracked her muddy footprints all over the castle after being in the garden on a damp day, but blames MC more than he blames the ignorant pup.
Overall, Barb likes Elsa, but is less than thrilled about some aspects of her.
Honestly finds the dog precious.
It takes a while for Elsa to get familiar with him and not let her fear of men include him though.
Solomon was patient though and had no issues with waiting.
Didn't go out his way to bribe or force affection onto Elsa; just let time do its thing.
Even once the two started bonding, Elsa would bark every time he comes into House of Lamentation.
Solomon just laughs it off and say HoL has a pretty good security system now.
Despite the rather loud greeting, the dog always has to sit on his lap for a bit and will whine to rush him to sit down.
Overall, Solomon likes Elsa and thinks she's funny.
#1 pet sitter right here.
This angel sees Elsa as one of the most precious beings he's ever seen and is always up for pet sitting when need be.
Despite her fear of men, Elsa was never the least bit scared of Simeon.
Why that is, MC has no clue, but it definitely made some of the other men jealous in the beginning.
Just Simeon's name alone will make the dog run to the door and whine, making her think he's here to visit her.
His name becomes a trigger word the residents of HoL have to spell in order not to hype her up for disappointment
Just for Elsa to somehow associate the spoken letters of his name to his name and react the same.
How the hell is this dog so good at spelling???
(She legit is. Spell 'treat' around her and she will lose her shit; idk man she is too smart for her own good lol)
They literally just have to refer to him as 'the angel' when he's not around, a fact that Simeon finds funny.
Overall, Simeon loves the sweet pup dearly and Elsa loves him to a degree that shocks others lol
The best of friends, through and through.
Luke practically fell in love with the dog instantly and Elsa loves older kids so the feeling was mutual.
(She doesn't like toddlers because of the time my nephew hit her when he was two, but loves older kids who know how to be gentle).
Often begs MC to let him to sleepover HoL for a night so he can spend more time with Elsa and even snuggle her while he falls asleep.
Will also bake her peanut butter treats, a favorite of hers 💕
These two are freaking cute together and no one is immune to it.
Overall: Besties. What more can I say?
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liesmyth · 2 years
OK I think I've recovered from Go Go Go Reverend Cummies well enough to have my actual point, which is:
How do you think the gender experience of being in someone else's body works in TLT? If you stuck most (cis?) dudes in a (cis?) woman's body, they'd potentially experience quite a lot of dysphoria straight off the bat, and I can confirm that the reverse is true* Does Pal just manage to internalise the idea that he's in someone else's body? Does he just have so much self-control that he can ignore the dysphoria? Is Cam trans and in possession of a body that Pal doesn't mind so much? Is Pal trans and used to it? Is Palamedes a trans woman in denial and deliberately not thinking too hard about the fact that being in Cam's body feels right?
Pyrrha does seem to experience some dysphoria over having facial hair, to the point of asking Palamedes to do necromantic electrolysis on her face. She seems fairly comfortable having no shirt on in G1d's body and calling herself "daddy" though, so I think even pre-lyctorhood she had some Gender (TM) going on.
Please help me rotate the gender in this series in my mind!
*Source: I'm trans and I remember how noticeably better I felt the instant I had surgery, for instance. Our boy Pal is gonna notice those tits and the lack of a dick.
I'm always, always thinking about the *gestures vaguely* genderfuck experiences of body swapping. Anyway, this ended up a super rambly mess of headcanons… sorry.
My headcanon on Gender and the Houses, at large, is that everyone at large is pretty “whatever” about it, and it’s nbd how people choose to present or identify—so maybe not as many people experience some amount of gender dysphoria as they would in a society that’s more rigidly gender, but it’s still a thing. Enter: flesh necromancy! I’m especially fond of this hc by @thewinterstale on how the necromantic miracle that got Cyrus and Valancy noticed by John and invited to Canaan House, early post-resurrection, was that Cyrus perfected gender-affirming flesh necromancy (and that’s why they are SO proud of their beautifully crafted bodies). This is unrelated to Pal, but I just like the idea that gender-affirming necromancy is a thing that happens in the Houses—except probably the Ninth because they don’t have any homegrown flesh necromancers and no access to the rest of the system, but I believe they still do stuff like in House-top surgery and bone straps on.
Re: bodyswapping, I think that in a situation like Palamedes and Camilla (ending up in someone else's body) most people would experience some amount of body dysmorphia before even taking Gender Feels into account. Humans are used to spending their whole life in a body that feels and moves and reacts in a certain way—when that changes abruptly, it’s going to feel a bit odd to very distressing, depending on the person and how sharp the difference is. I think there IS going to be a certain level of WTF?? if you’re suddenly in a body that doesn’t match your self-image, regardless of whether that self-image extends to gender dysphoria or whether you're even particularly attached to your concept of gender identity. But if you ARE and if the new body doesn't match what you need, then I think a different gender presentation and/or a different set of genitalia or other secondary sex characteristics is going to make that worse.
On Palamedes specifically, I do headcanon him as a cis guy in a cis female body, but I also think he wouldn't feel any specific way about it. This is less to do with gender and a lot more to do with the fact that I don't see Palamedes as someone who is especially in tune with his physical body to the point that he’d experience dysphoria or body dysmorphia. He gives me the same vibes as Harrow, who sort of treats her body like a meat vehicle that gets her where she needs to go, but doesn’t feel any specific way about the shape it takes and routinely forgets she even has one.
OTOH, I feel like Camilla would have a much stronger reaction to being shoved inside someone else’s body, regardless of whether it matches her gender identity—I actually think she'd be more distressed if she ended up in a body that was noticeably weaker or built very different than her own vs. if she ended up in a body that didn’t match her gender identity. While someone like Corona, who IMO puts a lot more stock into her gender presentation, wouldn’t deal that well if she switched bodies with, idk, Babs (very much A Guy regardless of whether he’s trans or cis) or even Gideon (cis butch woman) who might also have tits but presents in a very different way.
/SORRY THIS IS SO RAMBLY I keep thinking about this stuff. Also I feel like the lyctors have fucked with gender presentation and flesh magic so much over the millennia that they have all reshaped their bodies fifty different times and at any point it's always a surprise what they look like naked.
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fangirleaconmigo · 6 months
Lol, you JUST said you wanted to do a deep dive into Jaskier independent of Geralt as I was finishing this ask... almost didn't send it, talk about timing 😅
But, if you're still up for it, I wanted to know if there was ever any moment in the books where Geralt had to choose between Yen and Dandelion, as in an argument or putting one's safety over the other in a dangerous situation. If so, did Dandelion ever stand a chance? I mean, Yen can probably defend herself better than the bard can, but is it ever as automatic as you've mentioned it is when she's not around? Or does everyone, best friend included, know there's not a hope in high heaven this dude will ever choose anyone over Yen (before Ciri came into the picture)? I mean, Ciri IS the ultimate trump card, daughter trumps everything!!! Good dad, Geralt, for the win!
I've noticed in the show they did a good job of making it clear Geralt is all Yen no matter what (prior to the Ciri incident), even if he's terrible at showing it like Yen needs/wants and just ends up hurting her with his fail wolf ways. We can even see this emphasized by how he takes out his hurt on Jaskier on the mountain; or how he only appears to go get him afterwards just to find out where she may have gone. Sure, Ciri is involved in why he's looking for her but talk about word association; "need Yen, use Jaskier to find her." Sure she mentioned seeing him to Geralt, but that just helps cheapen Geralt's intention to find Jaskier, not the fact that he constantly uses Jaskier to get closer to Yen.
The reverse isn't shown as much in the show, whenever Yen was in the scene, Geralt's focus was 100% on her and only her. Even during their first meeting, when Geralt says he's only going to save her because she helped Jaskier, he had already obviously showed he was drawn to her and he makes the decision to help in spite of Jaskier's protests. Sure, Mr. Hero doing the heroic shtick is not new. But it was obviously not necessary for his wish to do what it did for him to be heroic just then. Nope, that wish was clearly him allowing himself to be selfish for a moment and screwing things up immensely by not thinking things through.
As a purely TWN watcher, I have my own silly uneducated theories on why someone so self restrained (after learning the hard lesson that was Renfri and how being a witcher was akin to being a butcher) would allow themselves that moment of selfishness... and how it directly involves a certain bard almost dying... perhaps a theory further vindicated by his later unjust accusation atop a mountain, but I won't bore you.
The point is, Netflix Jaskier is barely on equal footing with Geralt, in that he is absolutely NOT portrayed as an equal or shown to be Geralt's equal in the witcher's own mind. First season he's barely a friend, he's a joke to everyone they encounter, and second season he suffered for Geralt and Ciri yet had more character relationship acknowledgement and growth with the witch rather than the witcher or the child surprise.
TWN Geralt doesn't look like he'd ever choose Jaskier over anyone else. Not due to their relationship, at least... Maybe due to him being innocent or defenseless while Geralt is pretending he's not playing at the hero. From what you've said, Book Geralt looks like he actually knows how to treat his friends and appears willing to show favoritism to his best friend, as necessary, in moments of tension or danger. Does that also apply with Yen or has it not come up?
Sorry it's so long 😱
Hello Nonny! I must apologize for taking so long to answer. I was off tumblr for a long time so now I'm going through my older asks. Thank you for the ask!
I believe this is maybe in response to my post about Geralt being protective of Dandelion and rescuing him first even when there are many other people around to rescue.
I don't think they reflect this often in the show. Geralt does help him after the djinn, obviously, and tries to defend him with Filavandrel, so it isn't like he doesn't try to help him. But of course their TWN dynamic does not even come close to matching what I've described at that link.
As far as comparing that to Yen? I don't think so. I can't think of any situation that has come up. I mean, Geralt worships Yen, and if anyone threatens to kill her, he will absolutely put them down. But she also is so incredibly powerful, more so than Geralt and Dandy put together, and Dandelion needs so much help, so to be honest they would probably both protect him first (well, second, if Ciri is around) instinctively, he's their squishy fragile regular ol human beloved.
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so lets start from the beginning
so lets talk pdh, right? cuz thats the very beginning. for the most part, im planning to leave s1 of pdh alone aside from upping the intensity of the bullying (to make it more realistic) and just generally feel more like a teen slice of life drama rather than a harem anime where the protag chooses the shittiest love interest imaginable.
im also adding some mental health stuff just to generally make this more realistic! so lets get into it, this is the structure of my pdh rewrite!
Let's start with our leading lady, shall we?
Aphmau Shalashaska is a 14 year old freshman girl who has been homeschooled starting from fourth to eighth grade. She starts the series off as naive, though not as innocent as many people believe. She is known as the school's sweetheart, though many people suspect that she hides her intentions with a saccrine smile. To the people who know her, though, they know that her words are true and her motivations are pure. She is a light in many people's darkness, though her own world is casted in shadow...
basically i changed little to nothing about aphmau's character, aside from changing the years she was homeschooled. i decided to make her more sheltered but not completely sheltered.
i think i'm going to tweak her backstory to make it make more sense. i want her to actually (kind of) know about her father. he sends sylvanna (barely any) child support for her, to which sylvanna just gives it to aphmau directly because it isnt enough to actually do anything with.
im also going to ramp up the bullying and make it actually effect her and how she interacts with people, especially her love interests and friends.
the ending arc for aphmau in s1 is that she grows more confident and learns to rely on her friends when she's having difficulties with things. she wont end up with any of her love interests, but the trio end up extremely close. her and aaron will also end up extremely close and he will be introduced to the friendgroup (i dont like how theyre all kind of seperate) but he'll kind of be the "friend by proxy" because it will take a little longer for them to warm up (not anyone's fault, aaron is just... harder to befriend because he's an awkward dude)
as for her realtionships, here's my general plan for them (i had to split it up so aaron, laurence, and garroth under the cut!!)
"It's weird. I thought those two hated each other. But now they seem inseparable. I just don't get it."
"Aaron? Yeah he's pretty weird. He has this whole dark and broody thing going on but he's such a squishy soul! He's like a pitbull! ...People think I hate him? Why would I hate my best friend?"
Aphmau is going to have more of a brother/sister relationship with aaron, they will NOT be the endgame ship of this rewrite. i detailed this in my pinned post, but i will reiterate: i do NOT like aarmau for the creepy, predatory way it is written. therefore i will just simply not include it in my rewrite. dont like it, dont have to read it <3
their story arc will stay largely the same. they meet online as FC/Shu (although i probably will change their nicknames because those are LAME) and meet irl in werewolf class. despite aaron defending her in person, they heavily dislike each other and bicker constantly. aph doesnt know she becomes the alpha female and aaron doesnt know that she is the girl that he's been talking to this whole time.
as FC and Shu they become thick as thieves, absolute partners in crime. they ARE aware of their age gap and there is no romantic feelings. they see each other as siblings and treat each other as such. they banter and bicker and fight but they genuinely care for each other. "i hate you, FC!!!" "i love you too, shu" becomes a daily part of their conversations.
"He's so stoic, but around her... He becomes so gentle that it almost feels like he's a different person. She's his world."
"I think everyone but Aphmau herself sees the way he looks at her."
garroth is the first person to fall in love with aphmau. he stays quiet about his feelings for fear of ruining their friendship although he does quietly dream of something more.
garroth was always the first person that aphmau called on. his quiet and more serious demeanor was sought out as a comforting shoulder to listen to. before they knew that they were childhood friends, they had always described themselves as "platonic soulmates" (the word platonic made garroth internally wither and die but he kept that smile)
after, though? they were practically joined at the hip. partly because of their mothers and partly because they just wanted to. there was a select amount of boys that sylvanna allowed in her house (the only others being dante and travis, after many trials of proving that they ONLY have platonic feeligns for her daughter and NOTHING more) and the only boy that doesnt get her heavy surveillance
and that's how aphmau falls. breaking down his serious walls and getting to see his silly and goofy side that he keeps hidden made her fall before she even realized that she was falling
"There he goes again, another girl wrapped around his finger."
"Laurence? He's so sweet and gentle! Sure, he's a big flirt, but he means well. I know that he would be by my side if I ever needed him."
if garroth's love is a gentle misty rain, laurence's is a fucking typhoon. strong and loud and passionate. he doesnt fall as fast. he even teases garroth about falling for someone so easily, but he very quickly learns why garroth fell so hard.
when laurence discovers his feelings, he immediately made it incredibly obvious. however, if aphmau flirted back, he'd become a blushing mess.
there was always boundaries with his flirting when they were friends. he never touched her, not in a way that could be seen as romantic. his hands always stayed firmly to themselves. but once he falls? he cant keep his hands off of her (nonsexually, obviously). constant shoulder touches, brushes of the hand that he plays off "oh aphmau if you wanted to hold my hand, you could've just asked!"
cupping her chin and cheeks, leaning in close so he gets an excuse to admire her face. the list goes on and on.
aphmau notices this, but she just thinks that theyre getting closer as friends. what makes her fall for him, however, was his gentleness. he was always the first person to tell her that she was beautiful, how kind she was, how thoughtful she was. he was her #1 fan, her absolute cheerleader. she had never had someone tell her that and now to hear it constantly made her heart flutter.
unlike garroth, she realized that she was falling for him pretty quickly. and that was about the time she realized her feelings for garroth, too.
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sihakadan · 2 years
your writing is *chefs kiss*
how about rat man and “You’re so, so, so pretty.” because i gotta tell him how pretty he is because he IS
Not me crying when I read this. Thank you soo much. I was actually worried that I wouldn't be able to write Silco well because I have conflicting feelings about him, but also like...the potential? Conflicting my dudes. Anyway, I think you're meaning for the reader to say this to Silco, so that is what I am going with SFW, just floofy and as always, proof reading is just tiring
With a stretch, joints popping, you rolled over and looked at the clock. It was still early, and Jinx wouldn't be up for a couple more hours. Smirking, you rolled over to initiate some 'private' time with your man, but disappointment filled you when you were met with the sight of an empty bed. He was already up?
Throwing the blankets off of you and braving the cold floor with bare feet and wrapping yourself in your robe, you went searching.
Everything was so quiet and calm, which was a stark comparison of what it will be give 4 hours from now.
His office was empty, the bar was empty, but his coat was still by the door so he was still around, but you still couldn't find him. "Silco?" You went back to the special suite upstairs that you shared with him. "Are you still in here?" You would have looked here first but he was always in the other places, this was the last place you expected.
"In here my darling." His voice came from the bathroom and you rolled your eyes at yourself. He was right there the entire time.
You pushed open the door gently and peaked in, seeing him comb back his hair meticulously. "You're up early." You slipped in and walked up behind him, wrapping your arms around his midsection. "I had plans." You whispered against the back of his neck.
Silco chuckled and set down the comb, placing a hand over yours. "A pity that I foiled them."
"Indeed." You let go and went to lean on the counter, watching him rub aftershave on his neck. "Something important today?"
He hummed. "No, just a restless night. Nothing to be concerned about." His voice seemed to waver a bit, his eyes settling on you for just a moment too long.
You had been with Silco for years, since before his fall out with Vander. He couldn't hide things from you if he tried. "Silco, talk to me please."
After wiping his hands on a towel, he reached for his compact, trying to blend the scar. "It has been many years, my love. But I have to wonder-" His eyes stared back in the mirror with a slight disdain. "What made you choose me?"
Oh. No wonder he was trying to avoid talking about it. Silco was not one to share his vulnerability. "'It has been many years.'" You repeated. "-and you still wonder why?" You moved closer to him, pressing your front into his arm. "Silco-"
"I have no doubt of your love for me. I am not questioning that." He gave you a quick glance in the mirror. "But you could have had any man, top side or lanes, and you chose me."
"I didn't want them. I wanted you." You took his hand and gave it a squeeze. "You really want to know?"
"Enlighten me." His hand wrapped around your fingers.
Taking a deep breath, you ran a hand over his chest. "Because you always treated me as an equal, valued my opinions, even the ones you never agreed with." Fingers skimmed over the fabric of his vest. "Your willingness to give whatever you can for our freedom, even if the cost is painful." Like Vander. "And the way you command respect from those who would look down at us simply because of what side of the bridge we were born on." His hand went to yours and gently grasped it, bringing it to his lips. "And you are so, so, so pretty." You said in a sultry voice.
A chuckle rumbled in his chest and against your hand as he pressed another kiss to it. "Now that one I don't believe."
"Doesn't matter, because I know it's true." You stood a bit closer to him and took his face in your hands. "I don't want anyone else, Silco. You are the only man I have or will ever want. I love you."
You could see something click behind his eyes and he pulled you closer, lips against your ear. "I think we have enough time for what you had planned."
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