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Royal Adventures
Season’s Scrambles
Chapter 2
Books: Choices, The Royal Romance Finale, Choices, The Royal Holiday
A Smoke & Mirrors Series Alternate Universe
Main Pairing: Liam Rys x F! MC Riley Brooks-Rys
All characters belong to Pixelberry Studios
Series Inspiration: Royal Misadventures, Smoke & Mirrors series 1-shot
Series Premise: 12-year-old Crown Princess Eleanor Rys of Cordonia has officially started her Royal education. Tutors that had been personally selected by His Majesty King Liam Rys and Queen Riley Rys were set to begin her royal lessons, and her days were packed full. The young princess was a natural leader, and the King and Queen could not be prouder.
Royal Adventures Masterlist
Smoke and Mirrors Masterlist
Rating: M, not Beta'd-please excuse all errors
Category: On-going series, fluff
Warnings: swearing, drinking, sexual innuendo
Most Characters belong to Pixelberry Studios
Chapter Inspiration: National Lampoon’s ‘Christmas Vacation’
Katie Campbell – Theme Song 1989
Royal Adventures

Season’s Scrambles, chapter 2
Chapter Summary: Olivia invites the Royal Family, Leo & Amalas, Drake & Delaney, Alex Cossoy, Hana and Maxwell to the Dukedom of Lythikos to enjoy the winter season for the holidays. Ellie, along with Drake, Leo and Maxwell decide to have a sledding competition. In secret. Olivia and Ellie conspire to grease Maxwell's sled with a super slippery substance where his sled flies down the hill at an extremely fast speed.
A/N: My submission for King Liam Appreciation Week 2024, Day 1 - Baklava
A/N2: My submission for @choicesholidays, @angelascribbles -Week 5- Prompt: New Traditions
A/N3: My submission for Choices December 2024 Challenge, Prompts: 4-Traditions/5-Baking/8-Spices/21-Tree/26-Hot Chocolate/10-Snow, All I Want for Christmas is You (Mariah Carey)
Words: 2445
Lythokis Keep, Lythokis, Cordonia
Carefully laying out the phyllo dough, Riley hummed a Christmas tune as she started to layer the ingredients for Baklava for Liam. The sweet honey drizzle and cinnamon made her mouth water. The smell of his favorite dessert would draw him into the kitchens quickly. Luckily, he was off to fell a talon tree with Leo, Drake and Alex, having left at the crack of dawn, not expected to return until later in the afternoon.
"Baklava?" 12-year-old Ellie asked, as she watched her mother gleefully preparing her father’s favorite sweet treat. Sitting on the stool next to her mother, Ellie sighed, “I love Baklava,” looking longingly at the sweet confection.
"Of course you do," Riley chuckled, nudging her shoulder. "I'll try to save you some," as Riley continued to sprinkle chopped pistachios onto the dish.
"Thanks, Mom!"
"I want to lick the bowl." Stefan said, jumping up and down.
"No way!" William cried. "You always get to lick the bowl, Steffie."
"Stefan, you can't eat it all," Riley said, looking down at her youngest. "This is your dad's and he's going to be hungry after felling that tree."
"But I love baklava," Stefan pouted, his eyes tearing up.
Riley looked over at him, seeing the tears in his eyes. She knew that look anywhere.
"Stefan, no..." she warned.
"Please?" He begged.
She shook her head, chuckling.
"Go ahead."
"Yessss!" Stefan cheered, leaping into the air.
Riley grinned and finished placing the top layer. She took the pan and placed it into the oven.
"So," she said, turning to look at her children. "What's on the agenda for today?"
"Auntie Livvie invited Micaela and I to go sledding," Ellie said.
"Oh really? Okay, before you go, please help your brothers with their skates.”
"Sure, Mom," Ellie nodded agreeably.
Riley took a sip of her coffee and walked away to get herself dressed for the winter chill, leaving the kids to their own devices.
"Alright, boys," Ellie said, walking over to them.
"We wanna go sledding!" William whined.
"I'll help you get your skates on," she said. "Then you can go sledding."
“Yes, I promise."
"Alright, boys," Maxwell said, standing in the middle of the ice rink with Hana and Amalas, holding his nephews' hands. "Are you ready to learn how to skate?"
"Yes!" Stefan yelled.
"No!" William cried. "It's cold out here."
"You won't even notice once you get started," Hana said, kneeling next to him.
"Trust me."
"Alright," William said, nodding.
"Come on, you two," Riley said, taking their hands.
"Mom," Ellie said, grabbing Riley's hand.
"When is Daddy coming back?"
"In a few hours, sweetie," she replied, rubbing her arm. "He should be done by lunch time."
"Now," Riley said, standing on the ice and taking the twins' hands. "Let's go."
"Wait," Stefan said, stopping.
"What's wrong?"
"How do we stay up?"
"Don't worry," Hana said, sliding next to him and taking his hand. "We've got you."
"I'm scared."
"Just relax and don't think about it," Maxwell said.
"Just like when you're walking," Riley added.
"Just don't fall," Stefan nodded warily.
"Stefan," William groaned, rolling his eyes. "Don't say that."
"Why not?"
"You'll jinx us."
"How would I-"
"Hey," Maxwell said, crouching in front of them. "Look at me. Do you know who I am?"
"You're Uncle Maxwell," Stefan nodded.
"Do you know that I'm not going to let you get hurt? Or your mom or your Aunt Hana?"
"And you trust me, right?"
"Then you have nothing to worry about," Maxwell said, winking at him.
"I want to go with you, Auntie Hana!" Stefan said.
"Me too!" William cried.
"Ok, ok," Hana chuckled.
As the twins began to glde with Hana, Riley looked up at Maxwell and smirked.
"Race you."
"Oh, you're on, queen Riles," Maxwell said, smirking back.
They sped off across the ice, the kids squealing as they picked up speed. Amalas slid next to Hana, smirking.
"How much did you bet on this?"
"1000 euro," Hana smirked.
Riley and Maxwell were neck and neck, their kids cheering from the sidelines.
"Last lap, Beaumont," Riley breathily laughed.
"Whatever helps you sleep at night, Ri," he responded cheekily.
Riley laughed and sped up. She passed him and he tried to speed up as well but instead lost his balance and fell on his face. Riley burst into giggles, falling onto the ice, dramatically, as well. The twins cheered, hugging their aunt tightly.
"You beat Uncle Maxwell!"
"I told you, Mom's the best!"
"Thank you, thank you," Riley chuckled, bowing.
...Meanwhile, Olivia was preparing Maxwell's sled as Ellie watched closely.
"So, it's a secret sled?" Ellie asked. "What are you spraying on the bottom of the disk?
"This," Olivia said, holding up a can.
"What's that?"
"Graphite oil spray. It's not even for sale in the Capital. It's just something I had on hand."
"Nice," Ellie grinned.
"Now, we just spray it on the sled and ...voila."
"It's not gonna look too obvious, right?"
"Don't worry," Olivia said, placing a hand on her shoulder. "He won't know until he's already halfway down the hill.... and by then, it will be too late."
"Perfect," Ellie said, clapping her hands together.
"Now, we go over the plan again."
"Exactly, good thinking." Olivia nodded.
"And if it works, we get to win the bet with uncle Leo and uncle Drake? And they will have to be our personal butlers for a week?
"But Uncle Drake and Uncle Leo will hate us forever."
"Oh ... not forever," Olivia chuckled. "Just until the next competition. And they won't win that either. They will not be pleased."
"This is mean."
"It's a bit mean," Olivia cackled.
"But I still think it's a great idea."
"Good. Now, let's go over the plan again."
As Liam, Leo and Alex was returning to the keep, the sun was setting and snow was falling gently from the sky. Riley and the kids were standing on the balcony of the grand suite, waiting for their arrival.
"Look, boys," Riley said, pointing down the path. "There they are."
"Where?" Stefan asked.
"Right there."
"Daddy!" William yelled.
Liam looked up, waving to them. Riley and the kids waved back, the kids jumping up and down.
"Daddy, Daddy!" They shouted.
Liam walked noticeably faster, the other adults quickening their pace to keep up. He made it to the stairs, climbing them two steps at a time. Once he reached the top, the boys ran and leapt into his arms, hugging him tightly.
"Hi, Daddy," Stefan said.
"Hi, boys," Liam chuckled. "Have you been good?"
"Yeah, Daddy."
"I'm so glad."
"Did you have fun, Dad?" Riley asked, leaning against the rail.
"I did," he said, nodding. "Leo almost fell off a tree, but other than that, we had a lot of fun."
"Uncle Leo almost fell?"
"That's hilarious!"
"You're telling me."
"Come on, boys," Riley said. "Let's give your father a break and get him some hot chocolate."
"Hot chocolate!" They yelled, running down the hall.
"Ahhhh ... there is my beautiful bride." Liam placed a sweet kiss on her cheek as Riley wrapped her arms around his neck.
"I can't believe this will be our first year spending the holidays here since after our wedding ... and that was our first holiday as a married couple."
"What special traditions will you make this year, love." Liam wrapped his arms around her waist.
"I'm ready to make some new traditions with you."
"Oh yeah, I can't wait, love. So, what did you and the twins do while we were gone?" Liam asked.
"Went ice skating." Riley grinned.
"Oh really?"
"Maxwell taught the boys how to skate," Riley said. "He kept them occupied while Amalas, Hana and I had some girl time."
"Sounds like fun."
"It was. How was your time with the other men?"
"It was interesting," Liam chuckled. "Alex and Leo tried to make a tree fort, but Alex fell through the roof."
"So," she said, stepping closer to him. "Did you bring home the prize?"
"We did," he nodded. "A 20 foot talon tree."
"Mm-hm," he murmured, leaning forward and kissing her.
"Come on," Riley said, taking his hand and pulling him to the hall. "Let's get you warmed up. I have a surprise for you."
"Ooh, what is it?"
"If I tell you, it's not a surprise, your Majesty."
"Fair point," Liam chuckled, following her down the grand staircase.
Once they were in the kitchen, Liam's eyes landed on the counter.
"Is that...?"
"Baklava," Riley said matter of factly.
"Really," she nodded and smiled coyly. "Made it this morning. Our new holiday tradition: freshly baked, homemade baklava."
"Oh, baby, you are the best," Liam sighed.
"I know," Riley giggled.
Riley turned and saw her sons walking into the room.
"Daddy, do you want to come sledding with us?" William asked.
"Can't," Liam said, picking up a slice of baklava. "I've got business to take care of."
"Oh, please," Riley said, looking up at him. "Come play with us."
"You don't have to convince me," he chuckled, popping another bite into his mouth.
"Yay! Come on, Daddy!"
"Ok, ok," Liam laughed.
They put their jackets and boots on and walked outside.
Olivia, Ellie, Micaela and Alex were standing on top of a snow hill planning the race, surrounded by lots of freshly fallen snow. Drake, Maxwell, Hana Delaney, were chatting and drinking Lythikos nog. Leo and Amalas met Liam, Riley, William and Stefan to take them to watch the race.
"Are you ready?" Olivia called, looking down the hill.
"Bring it!" Drake yelled.
"Oh, you're gonna get it!" Ellie shouted.
"Alright, let's start this," Maxwell said, clapping his hands.
"Who's racing?" Maxwell asked.
"Me, you, Auntie Laney, and Uncle Drake," Ellie said, hopping up and down.
"Oh," Maxwell said. "Then it's three against one."
"Yeah," Olivia smirked. "I'm rooting for my niece."
"Same here," Amalas chuckled.
"Oh, boy," Maxwell groaned.
"You've got this, Ellie!" Micaela cheered.
"We'll win this," Delaney said.
"Suurre, you will," Drake said.
"Oh, we will," Ellie countered, nodding.
Alex placed the circular discs in a line, 10 feet apart for Ellie, Maxwell, Drake, and Delaney.
Olivia and Ellie looked at each other, smirking.
"On your mark," Alex said, "Get set. Goooooo!"
They pushed their sleds down the hill, the cold air hitting their faces. Olivia looked over and saw Maxwell's sled was flying down the hill, far ahead of the others. She and Ellie looked at each other, laughing.
"He's gonna crash," Ellie said.
"He's not gonna stop," Olivia chuckled.
"You're right," she sighed. "He's gonna wipe out."
"Hopefully he'll learn his lesson."
"What lesson?"
"Never bet against us," Olivia smirked.
"Yeah," Ellie chuckled.
As they neared the bottom of the hill, Olivia saw Maxwell's sled skid off the side, sending him flying into the air.
Maxwell was having a blast, the speed at which he was barreling down the hill was exhilarating.
"Woo-hoo!" He yelled. "I'm flying!"
"Not for long!" Ellie laughed.
Suddenly, Maxwell's sled flew off the side, sending him tumbling into a snowbank.
"Maxwell!" Riley cried out, running to him.
"Ouch," he groaned.
"What happened?" Liam asked.
"I don't know. My sled just shot off the hill."
"He's fine," Riley said. "I'm sure it's not the end of the world."
"Yeah," Maxwell nodded.
"Oh, man," Ellie chuckled, nudging Olivia. "Good thing they can't prove anything."
"I agree," Olivia whispered.
"You are a bad influence, Liv" Riley said, noticing their devious expressions
"Alright," Drake said, stepping next to the snowbank. "Who wants a turn?"
"I do!" Ellie cried, leaping into the snow.
Liam stepped up and stopped his daughter from lifting the fast disc.
"Ellie, hold on a second," Liam said calmly.
"Why, Daddy?"
"Because that's not a toy, and it's dangerous."
"I can handle it," Ellie said.
"You need to be careful."
"I will be."
"No, Ellie. Just use the slower sled."
"I won't tell you again."
"Fiiinne," Ellie groaned, trudging over to the slower sled.
"You know, Li, you never used to be so strict," Leo said, stepping next to him.
"Well, times have changed."
"I can't risk her getting hurt."
"Of course not," Leo nodded. "But she's your daughter. She's gonna want to try new things and get out of her comfort zone."
"I'm aware."
"So maybe let her have a little more freedom. It's not going to kill her."
"I'll think about it."
"Good. But remember, we did a lot of stuff we shouldn't have when we were kids."
@choicesficwriterscreations @choicescommunityevents @kingliamappreciationweek @choicesholidays @choicesmonthlychallenge @choicesdecember2024 @choicesprompts
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#choices prompts#prompts#choices monthly challenge#choicesdecemberchallenge#choicesdecember2024#tessa liam writes#king liam appreciation week#king liam appreciation week 2024#klaw day 1#choices fic writers creations#choicescommunityevents#klaw day 1 baklava#choicesholidaysprompts#choices holidays#the royal romance#liam rys#trr fanfic#royal adventures#smoke and mirrors#always liam and riley#liam and mc#riley x liam#liam x mc#liam x riley#king liam#liam rys x riley#riley brooks#drake walker#maxwell beaumont#olivia nevrakis
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Word prompts, activity/quote prompts, aesthetic prompts, and fashion prompts oh my!
Feel free to use a single prompt or a combination. No rules apply to to these prompts and how many or few or which combination you can use. Have fun!
Daily Word Prompts
Day 1: Naughty
Day 2: Nice
Day 3: Battery Operated
Day 4: Traditions
Day 5: Baking
Day 6: Tidings
Day 7: Mistletoe
Day 8: Spices
Day 9: Lights
Day 10: Snow
Day 11: Fire
Day 12: Decorations
Day 13: Sweets
Day 14: Mulled Wine
Day 15: Wrapping Paper
Day 16: Sweaters
Day 17: Candles
Day 18: Miracle
Day 20: Shopping
Day 21: Tree
Day 22: Home
Day 23: Family
Day 24: Star
Day 25: Joy
Day 26: Hot Chocolate
Day 27: Gifts
Day 28: Silence
Day 29: Igloo
Day 30: Snowman/Snowball Fight
Day 31: Next Year
Winter Aesthetic Prompts

[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]
Holiday Fashion Prompts

[1] [2 & 4] [3] [5] [6]
Holiday Song Prompts
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A Quiet Christmas - Isabella x Leo (One shot from a RR Mob Boss AU)
This is a one shot from a Mob Boss style AU for Liam and Leo. This is the kids first Christmas with Leo since they returned to Cordonia.
Cutesy fic, following prompt for @choicesdecember2024 for Day 29: Snowman / Snowball Fight
tagging a few old friends as I haven’t posted in a long time and I am sorry for that 😓😭 if I have missed anyone, again I am sorry - I just haven’t posted in a lifetime 😭
@havenroyals @angrythingstarlight @lorirwritesfanfic @lorircreates
This Christmas Eve for Leo was somewhat reminiscent of his days when the Rys Royal Family were still ruling the Cordonian Kingdom. It was a far cry from too many Christmases past on the run or drinking himself to oblivion to block out the pain of the unknown. This year however was set to change that repetitive narrative and create new, happier memories. Reunited again with this childhood sweetheart and their identical twin daughters, Leo decided to do something magical for their first Christmas together as a family and planned a trip to Lythikos after realising their kids hadn’t played in the snow since the were little, nor had he the opportunity to live that experience with them as a family, until now. The closer the family were to the Lythikos Kingdom, the heavier the snowflakes became. The snow was falling thick as a blanket over the darkened mountains, each flake softening the world outside. Leo sat in the driver’s seat of the black SUV, his fingers clenched on the wheel as the headlights cut through the swirling white haze. Beside him, Bella kept her eyes on the road, but he could feel her tension, the way her shoulders were slightly hunched as if bracing against some invisible storm.
Their twin daughters, Alessandra and Natalia, sat in the back, discussing the most important aspects of life right now, “Mama, Papa… will santa know we’re here and not leave our presents at home?” Their voices, high and eager, were the only sound that filled the cabin of the car. “Sí, mi amor…” Isabella spoke softly, “Santa will know where you are tonight, so do not worry…” Leo glanced at Bella, his brow furrowing. The trip had been his idea—this remote cabin in the mountains for their first Christmas as a family. It was supposed to be peaceful. But Leo couldn’t shake the feeling that, no matter how far they went, the shadows of their life would always follow may that be from the Via Imperii or someone plotting revenge of a business deal gone wrong. They had only just begun to experience the weight of their father’s legacy, the weight Leo had tried to shield them from over the past year, but in his world, that was always easier said than done. He let out a slow breath and shifted his gaze to the rearview mirror. The road was barely visible through the thickening storm, but they were nearly there.
Leo’s gaze softened as he looked at the twins, their little faces lit by the dim glow of the car’s interior light. Alessandra and Natalia both were happily watching their favourite Christmas film in the headrest screens without a care in the world and for a brief moment, Leo’s heart ached. They were so young, so innocent. He knew that life was precious and the three individuals in the car alongside him filled him with a joy that could only be described as indescribable - he wouldn’t be able to articulate how he felt, no matter how hard he tried. Coming to a stop, Leo fixed the handbrake with a grin in front of a magnificent wooden cabin decorated with outdoor twinkling Christmas Lights, “This is home for the next couple of days…” The cabin was cozy, nestled in a hollow between two snow-covered peaks. It looked almost like a picture from one of those glossy holiday brochures, the kind that promised peace and serenity—things Leo was only just beginning to understand and appreciate once more. The majority of his adult life was simply to survive, out of everyone there - he needed this the most.
He helped the petite brunette unpack the car, keeping a sharp eye on the surroundings. His instincts, honed over years of running the family business, refused to let him relax. But Bella had insisted—thiswas supposed to be their escape. He stood momentarily to take in the quiet. A millisecond of time felt like an eternity. He felt as if he were in a paradox - out in the open but sheltered from everyone at that moment. "Mi amor, come inside…" Isabella called from the front door with a giggle. "Alessandra and Natalia are already re-decorating the tree and making themselves at home…” The sandy haired former Cordonian Crown Prince walked inside, the warmth of the cabin immediately enveloping him. The fire crackled in the hearth, its flames casting long shadows on the walls. The twins were in the living room, their small hands carefully placing ornaments on the tree, giggling every time one of them tipped over.
“Papa, come see, come see!” Natalia called, her face glowing with excitement as she ran towards him, eagerly taking his calloused hand, dragging him towards the 8ft Fir Tree. With a sparkling star in hand, Leo lifted his youngest daughter high enough to reach the top of the tree to add the final decoration to its rightful place. Alessandra was watching with adoration as the star glittered from above her, the flecks of shimmering gold catching the lights as they twinkled and danced around the tree. Leo kneeled down beside them. For a brief moment, he allowed himself to forget who he was day to day—but for the holidays, he was just a father with his daughters, enjoying Christmas. Kissing both of their cheeks elicited a shriek of happiness from them both as he wrapped his strong, muscular arms around them both gently. “I think Santa knows you two have been so good this year… he didn’t tell me anything different when I spoke with him this morning…” Leo wasn’t exactly joking when he said this, he did speak to a Santa this morning but that was more of a shakedown than handing over a Christmas present list.
As the evening deepened, the storm outside grew fiercer, but inside the cabin, it was warm, filled with the smells of roasting meat and the sound of Christmas carols playing softly in the background. The twins had set the table with their own brand of chaotic enthusiasm, and the meal was simple—no lavish spreads or extravagant gifts, just a quiet night together. After dinner, they sat around the fire. Leo held a glass of whiskey in his hand, his thoughts drifting. It was hard to silence the ghosts of his past. The weight of his responsibilities was always present, lurking just beneath the surface of every smile, every laugh. But tonight, tonight was different. The twins were happily colouring in pictures as they patiently waited for bed time, the fire crackling in the background. Bella leaned against him, her fingers twining with his. “Leo, it’s ok” she cooed softly, as if she could sense his thoughts. "We’re safe here. You’re safe. We’re safe." He nodded, but he couldn’t shake the feeling that he was just waiting for something—someone—to remind him of the world he’d left behind for the next few days. But for now, as he looked at Bella and their daughters, the warmth of the fire and the laughter of his family filled the empty spaces. For the first time in years, Leo allowed himself to believe it might just be enough.
As the night wore on, Leo and Isabella found themselves cozied up on the couch as the kids fell asleep soundly in their room. Kissing the crown of Isabella’s head as she slept against his shoulder, Leo savoured his tumbler of whiskey, quietly enjoying the spitting of the fire, watching as it slowly dissipated away into ash and smoke a mere hour or two later. Each hour on the grandfather clock rang out as a reminder of the lack of sleep Leo had and how many hours he had left before chaos ensued the cabin. As the clock struck 4am, he heard a recognisable shuffling coming from the hallway. “Back to bed…” his deep voice echoed, “It’s too early…” smiling to himself as he heard a soft but audible sigh and the door closing behind them. It was sweet they were so excited, warming Leo’s heart further. He’d done so much planning. Unbeknownst to Isabella or the twins, he had the cabin built for them, it wasn’t some simple weekend retreat but a holiday home where they could just be together. In fact, it was a present to the woman who brought his children into the world and he was trying to make up for the past four years of not knowing they existed, or in Isabella’s case - still alive. Leo wanted to be the father he never had. He wanted to be present and only wanted what was best for them. For the first time in a long time, he felt a sense of peace settle over him. The past was a shadow he couldn’t escape, but tonight, that shadow didn’t feel so heavy. They were together. And for now, that was all that mattered, holding the love of his life just that little bit tighter as she slept peacefully.
As predicted, the morning brought organised chaos and a childlike wonder to all. “He didn’t forget!” Exclaimed the twins as they bounded into the living room, wakening their mother who was still asleep against their father’s shoulder. Isabella’s glazed over eyes watched as they ran towards the tree and in a whirlwind of wrapping paper, toys and presents appeared, replacing the green and red wrapped boxes that sat perfectly under the branches. “Mi querida…” the petite brunette sighed, placing her hand gently against Leo’s cheek, “Did you not sleep?” her brow raising as she questioned him. “Yeah…” Leo yawned, trying to disguise it with a smile, “I gotta couple of hours…” before immediately changing the subject, “Breakfast?” The former Crown Princess’ dark chocolate brown eyes saddened as she saw the last two wrapped presents from under the tree, both for Leo, from her and the children.
As the twins were preoccupied, Isabella carefully picked up the small boxes bringing them to the kitchen. “Open them…” she held out the presents in front of the mob boss, him puzzled as to why. Her brow furrowed at his reluctance, “…Por favor, mi amor… this one first…” she tapped her long red nail against the cardboard…” Leo opened it to a new pair of leather gloves, scarf and hat. He was confused but appreciated the gesture. “Sasha and Talia have always wanted to go build a snowman like they’ve seen in the movies… when they heard we were going somewhere snowy for Christmas they hoped that you would help them…” Leo tried on the gloves, they were pristine and weren’t tainted like his usual pair. For now, his hands were clean metaphorically and physically. Isabella’s beautiful warm smile appeared once more as she teased, now this one…” Leo looked at it, it was a small ring box, opening it he saw nothing other than a folded piece of paper. He carefully opened it, his sea green eyes scanning the contents before his gaze met the petite brunette’s. “You’re?!” Leo exclaimed, he didn’t know how to feel, he was elated but terrified at the same time. Isabella pointed to the picture of the sonogram, “Twelve weeks, going on Thirteen…” looking over her shoulder with a grin towards the twins playing on the other side of the room, completely unaware of what was unfolding, “They don’t know yet either… I thought you might want to be the one to tell them…”
“Doll…” Leo softly cupped his hands around Isabella’s face, embracing her as if it were his last. His lips crashed onto hers and once again, time felt as if it were standing still. In that moment, all he could feel was immense joy. “I’m surprised you didn’t notice each morning…” No he didn’t notice, recently when Isabella was going to work - he was only arriving home, passersby in the night as the Via Imperii’s grip tightened around the Kingdom. Family, he thought. Our family. This time it would be different, he could be there. He could be present. But again… could and would have two different meanings. “This place…” the sandy haired Cordonian cleared his throat awkwardly, “…this is for you…” Isabella’s eyes widened in shock, “We were only renting… I thought this…” causing Leo to chuckle loudly as he rolled his eyes playfully, “…You really think that you would be in one of Olivia’s Airbnb’s or something? I don’t think so honey…” shaking his head, Leo continued to plate up, “Breakfast is ready…”
“Show me all the presents Santa brought!” Leo happily exclaimed as the twins came bounding in trying to carry as many items as their little bodies would allow. “Wow…” the former Crown Prince grinned as he saw his two beaming girls, “You two must have been really good this year…” they nodded in unison. “Yes, papa! We have!” “And a little birdie told me that you also want to go build a snowman? Will we do that before dinner?” Isabella winced at the loud, piercing squeal that echoed through the wooden cabin, “So much for a quiet Christmas…” the petite brunette shook her head as the excitement grew. “Let’s all go get dressed and we can go outside…” Isabella calmly instructed before they as a family finally ventured out of their redwood cabin cocoon.
There was so much snow that neither Alessandra or Natalia knew what to do with. “Let me show you…” Leo began to form the shape of a ball, rolling it around as it became bigger. “Go help your papa…” Isabella smiled from the porch, encouraging them both to help Leo as she pulled her woollen coat tighter around her to keep warm. The white powdery snow crunched under their feet, with the snowflakes continuing to dance above their heads. “You know….” Leo looked up to the sky with a warm smile, “Each little snowflake is different, they’re not the same…” Alessandra pouted her lip with a furrowed brow from confusion, holding out her little hand to catch the flakes “But they look the same papa?” “Well…” Leo grinned as he lifted a pile of snow, patting it to form the snowman’s head as he kneeled down beside them, “You and your sister look the same… but you’re different…“ before lifting the snowman’s head and placing it atop his body. Isabella found an old scarf, a carrot, some branches from the pile of chopped wood and some stones for the eyes and buttons. “Should be we get him dressed, yes?”
Admiring their handiwork, Alessandra and Natalia sprinted toward the snowman, wrapping their arms around its snowy form in excitement. Leo cleared his throat playfully. “What about me? Where’s my hug?” The twins exchanged a mischievous glance, almost as if communicating telepathically, before racing toward him. Leo, grinning, fell backward into the snow just as they collided with him, and he wrapped his arms around them. The twins squealed with laughter as he chuckled.
“Mama!!” they cried out as Leo tickled them mercilessly. “Mama!!” they repeated, their voices full of giggles. The petite brunette, knelt beside them with a smile, her eyes twinkling. “Maybe next year you’ll have another set of hands to help stop the tickle monster…” Leo raised an eyebrow. “We’re doing this now?” Isabella nodded, her smile widening. “No better time.” Leo sat up, loosening his hold on the girls. “Sasha… Talia…” he began, his grin growing. “Your mama and I have something to tell you… we’re going to have a baby… you’re going to be big sisters.” The twins paused, taking in the news. Natalia was the first to speak, her eyes lighting up. “I want a brother!” But Alessandra shook her head with a determined expression. “No, Talia… no boys… mama…” Her hazel eyes turned to Isabella, and she smiled sweetly. “Can we get some hot chocolate?” “Por supuesto, cariño,” Isabella replied, her voice warm. “Let’s go inside and make some.”
As the evening began to slowly roll in, Isabella and Leo prepared dinner, the girls happily watching outside as their snowman stood proud and tall outside the cabin. It was a Christmas the family wouldn’t forget. Leo did have one more surprise under his sleeve but he wanted to wait until the twins went to bed before he could clamber the courage to ask the former Crown Princess to marry him with the 20 carat diamond ring he had carefully stowed away for safe keeping.
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It's Christmastime - and Ethan is thoroughly unimpressed. Luckily, he has Kaycee to turn that around - but can she make it happen?
Book: Open Heart Pairing: Ethan Ramsey x Kaycee MacClennan (F!MC) Rating: Teen Words: 1,411 Summary: See above.
A/N: Participating in @choicesholidays winter event - New Traditions - they have a few in here! :) Also, @choicesdecember2024, I think Miracle is the best match! lol
The line felt like it stretched the entire length of the mall, accompanied by all the annoyances that came with it: frazzled parents, sugared-up kids, and the occasional beleaguered adult questioning their life choices. It didn’t take long to determine what group a tall, scowling doctor with his arms crossed in front of his chest belonged to. Ethan Ramsey was firmly in the last group, and Kaycee couldn’t have been more amused.
He should have expected this, she thought; after all, this was their second Christmas together, and he had already survived year one at her side. She smiled at him, the picture of holiday cheer in her red sweater adorned with tiny reindeer. That sweater wasn’t a split-second decision. No, Kaycee had taken months to find the perfect design and purchased two, one for each of them. Ethan was wearing his, too. It would be visible if he took off his leather jacket, but he had made it clear before they left his condo... he was NOT taking off his leather jacket.
Kaycee’s eyes were full of mischief as she gently nudged him with her elbow. “You’re awfully quiet today,” she said with a slight smile.
Ethan let out an exasperated sigh. “You dragged me here against my will. Can’t you just enjoy my silent suffering?”
Chuckling, she stepped closer and leaned into his side. “Stop it, grumpy! You enjoy this, too! You’re just too much of a curmudgeonly old man to admit it!”
He arched an eyebrow, looking at her with a frown. “Negative,” he deadpanned.
“Yes, you absolutely are!” Kaycee insisted. “You’re so lucky to have me here to fix all this bah-humbug of yours! Besides... remember what I promised you later... if you’re a good sport.”
His demeanor seemed to change on a dime, the corners of his mouth twitching upward despite himself. He leaned in close and whispered so only she could hear him. “I seem to remember a promise that involved scanty red lingerie and mistletoe. Can you remind me of the other details again? It might make this whole experience a little more bearable?”
“Sorry, babe,” she answered with amusement. “There will be no reward until we finish the task at hand, and your chances are better if you do it with a smile on your face.”
The line continued to shuffle forward at an excruciatingly slow pace, and though he tried to contain it, Ethan’s grumbling continued. “This is ridiculous.” “You realize we’re adults, Kaycee.” “We really don’t belong here.”
She bit her lip to refrain from laughing, her amusement growing with each mumbled complaint. She peeked ahead and saw it wouldn’t be much longer; the jolly man in red was getting closer with every step. “Stop it, Ethan! You know I’m right about this.”
“Right? Right about what?”
“That this is going to be fun. Admit it—deep down, you’re excited.”
Ethan snorted. “The only thing I’m excited about is how you’ll be repaying me later.”
She looked up at him with a smirk and playfully punched his arm. “If you keep torturing me here, I may just renege on my promise!”
Ethan looked stricken. “You wouldn’t!”
Kaycee didn’t get a chance to answer as they finally reached the front of the line, where an overly excited elf dressed in green and red tights greeted them with an almost eerie smile. “Hi there! Are we going for the basic photo package or the deluxe? The deluxe comes with extra prints, digital downloads, and even a festive frame!”
Before Ethan could say a word, Kaycee jumped in. “Deluxe, please. I want as many prints as possible to send to all our friends and family.”
Ethan’s eyes went wide. “That was not part of the deal,” he protested.
Kaycee remained the picture of holiday bliss when she smiled at his side. “Ethan, but it’s Santa!”
How had he ended up here? He was almost forty. He should be home with a glass of spiked eggnog by the fireplace. He ran a hand down his face and grumbled. “This is absolutely absurd.”
He was about to complain more when a tiny voice from behind interrupted him. Ethan felt the little hand tugging at his jacket just before the words hit his ear. “Mister, are you saying you don’t believe in Santa Claus?”
Ethan froze, turning to find a little boy of no more than six staring up at him. His wide eyes were filled with innocence, almost begging Ethan to offer a reassuring response. Ethan glanced at the boy and then at his parents, standing behind him. They watched with an amused expression as they waited for his reply.
Ethan hadn’t asked for it, but in that moment, memories from his own childhood rose to the surface. When he was about this boy’s age, he would spend his whole year compiling lists for Santa, three to be exact. One was a compilation of all the good things he had done, and the second was confessions of the not-so-good stuff. That one had an attachment with explanations and how he attempted to atone. Then, there was his Christmas wish list. Each year, when he wrote it, he was sure he wouldn’t receive most of the things he asked for. He might have been young, but he was smart enough to know his family was struggling. He could tell when his Mom put an extra sweater on him instead of turning up the heat, when his dad insisted on taking extra shifts even though he was tired, and when his parents would put a few items back before they checked out at the grocery store. He was young but bright, and he knew.
Yet, every Christmas morning, it seemed like a miracle took place. He had no idea how it happened, but most, if not all, that he wished for would be wrapped beautifully under the family Christmas tree. Back then, he took that as proof positive that Santa was real. There was no other way. He hadn’t thought about that for years, but standing before this little boy, he could feel the emotion welling inside.
There was magic during the holiday season. It didn’t come from mythical creatures in red suits or tiny reindeer – but from the people who loved us the most. It came from parents who worked hard to create that magic, including his own parents, who did without themselves just to see the look in his eyes on Christmas day.
It came in the form of the beautiful woman beaming at his side. The one who knew him better than he knew himself and was not about to let him spend the rest of his days thinking wonder and hope were something that had died long ago. She insisted they had a place in his grown-up life, and looking at her now, it was apparent, the message was received.
He knelt down to the child’s level, his voice soft and tender, his eyes warm. “Of course I believe in Santa Claus. Santa is all about the magic of the holiday season. And you know what? That magic is real. One hundred percent real.”
The boy’s eyes sparkled with his reply. “Really? You mean it!”
Ethan nodded, wrapping his arm around Kaycee, who was beaming up at him with so much affection it made his chest tighten. “Really. It’s all around us – it’s surrounding you and me.”
The boy grinned as he turned and hugged his parent’s knees, and Ethan met the gaze of the woman he loved. “YOU are all the magic I need,” he murmured placing a kiss atop her head. “Thank you for reminding me of who I used to be.”
Kaycee’s eyes filled with tears as she held him tight, he didn’t know it, but he had just given her the greatest gift of all.
“Uhm, so... the pictures?” The now irritated elf asked.
“You heard the lady,” Ethan stated. “The deluxe package, in fact, make it two!”
Before they stepped into the winter wonderland that served as a backdrop to Santa’s throne, Ethan turned to Kaycee once more. “Merry Christmas, baby,” he said with a smile she’d cherish for all time.
“Merry Christmas, Ethan,” she whispered back.
Ethan took her hand and led her down the candy cane-trimmed path toward Santa, knowing precisely what he’d say when the jolly man asked him what he wanted for Christmas. He already had his gift, and she was standing by his side.
@choicesficwriterscreations @openheartfanfics
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Trimming The Christmas Tree
Book: Open Heart (post series) Pairing: Ethan Ramsey x F!MC (Cassie Valentine)
A/N: Submission for @choicesholidays and @choicesdecember2024 prompt "Decorations"
Cassie joined Ethan in hanging the last two ornaments. She wanted some part of trimming the tree this year, even if it was something small. He took the star topper from her hand and stretched his arm to place it at the top of the tree. She stepped back to admire Ethan’s work and nodded in appreciation. “Gold star, babe.”
I just received this fan art and couldn't wait to share it. Thanks to ArtbyAinna (IG) for bringing this scene from my fic, Christmas Tree Traditions, to life.
Tag list below the cut
All Fics & Edits: @bluebelle08 @coffeeheartaddict2 @crazy-loca-blog @jerzwriter @justyourusualash
@lady-calypso @kyra75 @mainstreetreader @peonierose @potionsprefect
@queencarb @quixoticdreamer16 @snoopdogcone @tessa-liam @trappedinfanfiction
Submissions: @choicesficwriterscreations @openheartfanart
Ethan & Cassie only: @cariantha @custaroonie @youlookappropriate
#open heart#ethan ramsey#ethan ramsey x mc#choices open heart#playchoices#choices fanart#open heart fanart#ethan ramsey x cassie valentine
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Female Main Character: Clara (Desire & Decorum)
Pairing: F!MC × Ernest Sinclaire
Summary: A Winter Fairytale AU - Young Clara receives from her father a nutcracker as a gift.
Word Count: 4K words
Rating: General (Fluff, Fairytale AU, Christmas)
Warnings: none (just ugly Richard much uglier)
-> My complete Desire & Decorum Masterlist <-
Desire & Decorum Fanfiction Taglist: @bri1234 ; @tessa-liam ; @princess-geek ; @gmsrrn98 ; @rosesnink ; and whoever wants to join... @choicesficwriterscreations ; @choicesdecember2024 [Christmas ; ...] & @choicesjanuary2025 [Light ; Joy ; Connection ; New Love]
Comments via Reblog wholeheartedly welcome
Author's note: Inspired by the (Ballet) Fairytale called "The Nutcracker" where the heroine has the same name as my Desire & Decorum Main Character, Clara of Edgewater.
In this magical rewrite and retelling, Clara, a young girl with a kind heart, gazed in wonder at her new Nutcracker toy gifted by her father, Vincent, the Viscount of Edgewater.
"Oh, my Nutcracker, you're so handsome!", the girl praised as she held her wooden toy in her hands which looked almost like a human.
"Clara, dear! Clara!!"
The girl heard the grandmother call out from downstairs, so she immediately placed the wooden figure on her bed sheet, left her chambers, and hurried toward the calling woman.
After helping her grandmother, the young girl returned to her chambers only to find her younger brother, Harry, next to her broken toy. The figure lying on the floor with a missing arm.
"Oh no, my nutcracker!! What have you done?", she panicked and quickly grabbed the wooden figure from the floor. Then she picked up the missing toy arm which she found from under her bed.
"I only wanted to play with this soldier but it broke so easily. That's a dumb toy."
"Hey, don't say that about Father's gift. And that's my Nutcracker and not yours. Go and play with Edmund.", she scolded, wanting him to leave.
"Hey children, why the shouting? What happened.", a gentle voice called out. It was Viscount Vincent, the father of the children.
"Father, Harry broke my nutcracker!", little Clara sobbed and pointed at her sibling. Harry tried to avoid his father's gaze as he spoke.
"I'm sorry, father. I was just playing, and it happened by accident."
And then the boy left, leaving his sister alone with the father. The viscount discovered his daughter's sadness which broke his heart. How happy he made her with just a simple toy.
"My darling dear, please don't cry. I promise to fix your toy."
"You would do that, father?", she asked as she slowly calmed herself down.
"Anything for my Clara.", Vincent softly whispered before planting a gentle kiss on his daughter's forehead. She was the only daughter and a father who would do anything for their baby girl. He carefully took her wooden toy and its dispatched arm.
"Thank you, father. You're the best."
"I just don't want to see you sad, my child. Especially not on Christmas Eve. I'll be right back."
Determined to help, the viscount left Clara's chambers with her toy in hand, ready to fix it. Despite the challenges, he successfully reattached the arm. After just half an hour, he returned the toy to Clara, looking as good as new.
"Yayy, my nutcracker got fixed. Thanks father.", she happily squeaked.
In the dead of night, after everyone else had retired, Clara decisively woke up in her chambers to check on her nutcracker. She confidently reached for the cupboard next to her bed as the clock struck midnight. In an instant, hordes of mice flooded the room, and the walls, furniture, and everything surrounding her expanded to dizzying heights.
"Aaahh, what's happening?! Is everything growing or am I shrinking? Help!", she panicked.
Little Clara shrank into the size of a doll. The same size as her Nutcracker. She discovered her toy standing next to her with features like a real human. There was nothing wooden of him anymore. He looked more handsome and real. Light skin, chestnut curls, and stormy, blue eyes.
"Uhh, who are you?"
"Why your nutcracker, of course, milady. They also call me Ernest Sinclaire. And this gentleman is at your service now.", he spoke before raising her knuckles to plant a kiss on them which made the girl blush.
She found her nutcracker already beautiful as a toy, but now even more. Handsome, dashing, and those perfect manners. A man of her dreams.
"You're so kind. Dear Nutcracker,... I... I mean... Dear Mr. Sinclaire, were you always a nutcracker? How did this happen?"
"My Clara, it's only fair if you know the truth. I wasn't always a nutcracker, but a human like you. I got cursed."
"What?", she gasped and he nodded.
"Yes, cursed by no other but the evil Mouse King."
"Mouse King? And is there a way that your curse can be broken"
"Only by the sweetness of the Sugar Fairy."
"First a mouse and now a fairy? What does that mean?", the girl got confused than before.
"I sadly don't know either what the sweetness of the Sugar Fairy is or if she even exists, but that doesn't stop me from fighting. I won't give up that easily."
"Oh Ernest, your story is so sad. I wish I could help you."
"Clara, you helped me already. You're a wonderful girl and treat me perfectly. You don't see me as a toy but as a real human. Someone with real feelings. And thank you for stepping before. It kinda hurt when your brother was messing up with my arm.", he chuckled.
"Does your arm still hurt?" she whispered and gently stroked the injured part.
"Not when I have you, Clara. Besides, your father took great care of me. He's a good man who raised a beautiful girl."
"Oh, Ernest. You're...", she blushed.
"Yes, dear Clara?"
"Oh shut up, you're gorgeous. I like you being more human and real. You're so sweet, kind, and just perfect. You're the best gift I ever received. Even as a toy I love you."
"Clara darling, it fills my wooden heart to hear this. I wish I could spend more time with you in my human form and dance all night with you forever."
"Oh Ernest, why not dance now?"
Clara created delicate ballet movements that were pleasant to watch for Ernest. The movements of the feet were graceful, the movements of the arms and the fingers were very fluid, and the whole body got synchronized.
"Love, may I join for this dance?", he asked and extended his arm to her. She happily accepted and both started a powerful waltz. Everything around them faded away and they only focused on themselves and their dance.
"My beautiful... Clara, look out!!", her nutcracker panicked as their dance suddenly got interrupted by unwanted intruders.
"Ernest, what's happening?"
Clara was shocked and now found herself amid a battle between an army of gingerbread soldiers and the mice, led by their king.
She discovered her nutcracker shouting orders to the gingerbread men, who were joined by tin soldiers, and by dolls who served as doctors to carry away the wounded. The Mouse King returned. As the old, gray-haired being tried to advance on the nutcracker, Clara immediately threw her slipper at him to protect her nutcracker.
"Hey, you ugly rat!! Back off!!"
"Who dares to call me an ugly rat?!! The powerful Mouse King Richard!!", the almost human-like animal hissed at the girl.
"Leave Ernest and the toys alone!! Your army is hurting innocent people.", she dared to answer back while Mr. Sinclaire and the other toy soldiers were too busy fighting off some rats, Richard's minions. One of them was a light-gray human rat called Sir Gideon, who was now swordfighting with Clara's nutcracker, Ernest Sinclaire.
"My, my, what gorgeous piece do we have here? A pretty girl in my kingdom."
"Excuse me, I'm not a piece!!"
"That anger... How fierce! I like that. Why don't you join me, beautiful? I'm a King. Fight by my side and I'll make my Queen.", he spoke as he tried to move closer to her.
"Ewww, no thanks. I love Ernest Sinclaire and not you, old rat. Stay away from me."
"Nobody rejects me. And you...", Mouse King Richard got interrupted as he analyzed the battlefield.
Many of his minions sustained injuries and were defeated while the toys claimed victory in the battle. Unable to tolerate defeat, he issued a command to retreat, vowing to return and strike back harder. Mouse King Richard and Rat Sir Gideon escaped with a handful of their minions, fully intent on scheming for revenge and launching a powerful counterattack.
"Wohooo, Ernest!! They're gone. You defeated them!!", Clara cheered before running towards her soldier for a hug.
"My Clara darling, my love, are you alright? Did he hurt you? I'm so sorry I couldn't keep Richard away from you."
"It's alright, we're both safe now. Is your arm alright?", she wispered in worry.
"Well, I'm used to losing some parts of me while battling, and it doesn't hurt. But this time it feels strange. For the first time, I feel like I used to feel when I was human, Clara. That means the Sugar Fairy must be near."
"Then we have to find her to make you back human again. Does your arm hurt?"
"Manageable, Clara. But for keeping you safe, this pain is nothing to me."
"Then let's find the Sugar Fairy. Lead the way, my love."
Ernest confidently journeyed to the magnificent Land of Sweets alongside the girl. This vibrant realm was under the rule of the Sugar Fairy. The paths were adorned with colorful toffees, and towering lollipop trees captivated young Clara. They boldly crossed a candy cane bridge over the rich chocolate milk river. Energetic bees buzzed around, offering them delightful honey as they soared through the air. In this land, everything and everyone exuded a powerful sense of harmony and joy.
"It's like heaven here, Ernest."
"I was genuinely surprised to uncover this hidden world that embraced me. Nonetheless, I firmly miss the experience of being human again."
"Listen, you're still human with a heart of gold. You can feel happiness, pain, and love. Your mind is sharp and capable of strategy. While you may be made of wood at the moment, that doesn’t diminish your humanity. Together, we will break this curse."
As they stepped into the enchanting Land of Sweets, a vibrant kingdom ruled by the whimsical Sugar Fairy, they were greeted by an extraordinary assembly. Gingerbread soldiers, with their gleaming icing decorations and candy buttons, stood tall and proud. Colorful dolls with sparkling eyes danced joyfully, while fluffy teddy bears flanked them, their soft fur inviting hugs. All around, toys of every kind chimed and chimed with delight, their laughter ringing like bells in the air. The joyful procession celebrated the young couple's bravery, honoring them for vanquishing the wicked Mouse King, Richard, earlier that day.
"You were so heroic.", a ballet dancer sang as she twirled around them.
"Mister Sinclaire saved us again! How will we ever thank him?" Ginger, the teddy bear cheered.
"All hail, Mr. Sinclaire!!", the crowd joined.
"Who's the pretty girl with you, Mr. Sinclaire?" an elderly woman asked and winked at them. Everyone got curious too.
"Madam Tarte, may I introduce Clara? She's with me and together we are here to meet the Sugar Fairy."
"The Sugar Fairy? We have never seen her."
"To the Sugar Fairy? Mister Sinclaire, take my horses for the travel.", Mister Crumble offered.
Ernest, the nutcracker, gratefully accepted the warm words of encouragement and generous help from the villagers. In a display of kindness, they lent him two magnificent mares. Clara, with her spirited demeanor, perched elegantly on a chocolate-brown horse named Caramel, whose rich, glossy coat shimmered in the sun. Meanwhile, Ernest chose a striking white mare with delicate snowflake patterns dotting her fur. She was named Marzipan.
With a sense of adventure, they took off, riding swiftly through the meadows as if propelled by the very wind itself, their laughter echoing through the air. The journey led them to the enchanting crystal palace, where the fairy was said to reside. Upon their arrival, the pair dismounted and led their horses to a gentle stop, leaving them tied outside before stepping into the palace, ready to discover the magic within.
The walls of the palace were magnificently adorned with exquisite marble, showcasing intricate carvings that told stories of a bygone era. Each detail in the craftsmanship added to the grandeur of the surroundings. The floors, meticulously polished to a near-mirror finish, gleamed under the soft glow of the chandeliers, creating a mesmerizing reflection that enhanced the opulence of the space.
"So this where the good Sugar Fairy lives. It's beautiful.", Clara admired.
A cheerful gingerbread soldier adorned with colorful icing and a shiny candy button for a uniform greeted them with a warm smile, his sugary frame exuding a delightful aroma of cinnamon and spice.
"Greetings, I am Ernest Sinclaire, accompanied by Clara. We have journeyed a considerable distance to seek an audience with the esteemed Sugar Fairy. We hold a deep respect for her and sincerely believe that she possesses the power to assist us in lifting the curse that has been cast upon me. Would it be possible for us to visit her?"
"Greetings, Mr. Sinclaire. We have had the pleasure of hearing numerous accounts of your remarkable adventures throughout the land, particularly your courageous confrontations with the nefarious Mouse King. It is our honor to welcome esteemed heroes like yourself to our community."
"Thank you, Sir Luke."
"Regrettably, I am unable to assure you that you will have the opportunity to meet the Sugar Fairy today, or at any time in the future."
"Why is that?" the nutcracker asked with concern.
"I regret to inform you that the Sugar Fairy has been absent for an extended period and has yet to make her return," the soldier announced, eliciting a concerned reaction from the couple.
How can they possibly break the curse on Mr. Sinclaire now? The Sugar Fairy was their only hope, and the thought of him remaining a nutcracker forever was heartbreaking. He deserved the chance to be human again.
"I'll never return back into my human again."
"Please don't say that, Ernest. I know things feel overwhelming right now, but we will find a way through this together. Trust me, my love. I'm here for you," she said softly, wrapping her arms around him. He pulled her closer, seeking comfort, and she gently stroked his soft hair, hoping to calm his racing thoughts.
"Clara, I thought I'll be soon back human but..."
"I completely understand how you feel, my love. Believe me, I share those sentiments too. But please always remember that my love for you remains unwavering, whether you’re human or a nutcracker. You are, and always will be, my Ernest Sinclaire. My hero, my love, my everything. Your kindness, generosity, loyalty, and wonderful heart are what drew me to you, and I cherish that deeply."
"I truly love you too, Clara."
As she heard these little heartfelt words, an overwhelming warmth spread through the girl's heart. In that moment, she stood on her tiptoes, yearning to connect with him, and leaned in for a kiss. Their lips met in a tender, passionate embrace, a beautiful expression of their deep love. An experience that felt like the sweetest thing Ernest had ever tasted.
They found themselves surrounded by a radiant light that enveloped them with hope. It was a glow so captivating that toys from the nearby towns and villages rushed toward the mysterious source, eager to uncover the wonders that awaited them.
When Ernest Sinclaire slowly opened his blue eyes, he found that the girl before him had transformed. No longer was it just Clara, the girl he had known so well. Instead, it was Clara in a dazzling new form as the Sugar Fairy herself. Her brown hair shimmered like spun sugar, cascading down her shoulders in soft waves, and she wore a gown that sparkled with hues of pastel pink and blue. The air around her was sweet, filled with a hint of candy as she smiled down at him. Her radiance illuminating the room and filling Ernest with a sense of wonder and magic.
Clara of Edgewater stood enchanted. Her eyes wide with astonishment. She was dressed in a breathtaking gown. Its fabric shimmering like liquid silver as it cascaded down to the floor, each fold and flare danced gracefully with her every movement. The gown was adorned with tiny sequins that twinkled like stars, adding a touch of magic to her appearance. On her feet, she wore delicate ballet slippers, soft and pastel-hued, embellished with sparkling accents that caught the light with each step she took.
Perched atop her flowing hair was a radiant tiara, a masterpiece of artistry that sparkled with an array of precious gemstones. Each gem seemed to reflect its own story, glistening in hues of sapphire, ruby, and emerald, casting a gentle glow around her. Strikingly beautiful, she felt as if she had stepped straight out of a fairytale, transformed into a princess wrapped in elegance and grace. In that moment, she truly was a vision of purity and enchantment, completely bejeweled and captivating.
"Clara darling, you look like an angel."
The same radiant light enveloped the figure of Ernest Sinclaire, illuminating him in a warm glow. As the transformation began, the once solid wooden form gradually shifted, its hard exterior melting away into soft, supple skin. Flesh and blood filled out the structure, revealing a body full of life and vitality. Before anyone’s eyes, the inanimate wooden toy had transcended its limitations to become a fully realized human being. Indeed, he stood there as a true man, embodying the very essence of humanity as it was always intended to be.
"I'm... I'm back human. After all these times, I'm back in my own body and not a nutcracker anymore."
"Ernest, what happened? I don't understand. Just look at me... What is going on?" she begged for an explanation as she couldn't understand what just happened.
"All the time we were searching for the Sugar Fairy without knowing that you are the Sugar Fairy, Clara. You broke my curse and made me human again."
The enthusiastic crowd surged around them, their cheers rising to a deafening crescendo, echoing the excitement in the air.
"All hail Clara, the Sugar Fairy!!"
"No, that's impossible. I'm not the Sugar Fairy. I'm Clara, just an ordinary girl," she asserted firmly. The man gently placed his hands on her shoulders and looked deeply into her eyes.
"Dear Clara, I truly understand how difficult this is to accept. I felt the same way when I transformed from a human into a nutcracker and entered the Land of Sweets. Your sweetnes, your loving kiss was what broke the curse of the evil Mouse King Richard. It was only the sweetness of the Sugar Fairy that could accomplish this, which is why I believe you are the Sugar Fairy. You have given me the gift of humanity once again."
In a dazzling celebration that filled the air with sweetness, the young heroine was honored and formally welcomed as the Sugar Fairy. The festivities featured an impressive array of delectable treats from around the globe, each one more inviting than the last. Velvety chocolate from Switzerland, with its rich, creamy texture. Spiced gingerbread from Germany, bursting with warm flavors. Fragrant coffee from Arabia, with its enticing aroma. Delicate tea from China served in vibrant porcelain cups. And colorful candy canes from Russia, gleaming under the twinkling lights, were all beautifully displayed.
As laughter echoed throughout the Land of Sweets, the toys danced joyfully and captivated the crowd with their spirited performances. The atmosphere was electric with joy and happiness.
As the dawn approached, it was time for Clara to awaken soon. The night was coming to an end. Mister Sinclaire bowed to her respectfully and kissed her goodbye.
"Ernest!" she shouted, her voice breaking the tranquility of the early morning. Clara’s eyes fluttered open to find the golden sunlight streaming through her window, painting a warm glow across her room. The gentle rays danced on the walls, illuminating the delicate patterns of the wallpaper. Snuggled comfortably in her soft, plush blankets, she felt cocooned against the cold of the winter morning. She lay nestled in her cozy bed, surrounded by the familiar comforts of her chambers, momentarily lost in the peacefulness before the day began.
All the memories of Ernest, the Land of Sweets, the Mouse King, and the Sugar Fairy were still fresh in her mind, which she couldn't forget or shake away that easily. It felt so real. Was it all a dream, or did it happen? The only way to find out...
The girl swung her legs over the side of the bed, her feet brushing against the cool wooden floor. She glanced around her room, eyes scanning every corner in search of clues. Clenching her fists, she imagined what she might find a glimmering piece of candy cane or perhaps a fragrant piece of gingerbread. Her mind even wandered to the thought of an ugly rat with a tiny crown.
"Wait a second, where is the nutcracker which father gifted me yesterday on Christmas Eve?", she thought loud as she discovered that her toy was missing. It wasn't lying in the cupboard at her bedside anymore, which made her panic.
"No, no, it can't be... There must be a logical explanation. I bet Harry took my Nutcracker again. That boy..." she groaned and rushed downstairs. As she entered the main hall, she began shouting.
"Harry, come here!! Where is my nutcracker?!!"
"Are you searching for me?", someone chuckled which surprised her.
It was a young man who entered the parlour with Clara's father, Vincent, as their new guest. He was good-looking, tall, with curly brown hair, gray-blue eyes, and fair skin. He wore a white shirt with a scarf wrapped around his neck, a beige vest, and a navy blue jacket paired with brown trousers. A smile spread across his face as he noticed the girl.
"Ernest?" she whispered with surprise.
The handsome man she danced with last night in Nutcracker form was now standing in front of her, alive. Maybe it wasn't a dream after all? Or was it just a coincidence? But where was her Nutcracker then?
"Sugar Fairy.", the man whispered to her and winked which made her blush. Maybe the adventures of last night did happen. She would happily trade her toy for the dashing man in front of her.
"I hope you don't mind having a guest with us tonight, Clara.", Viscount Vincent suggested, which the girl didn't mind at all.
The entire family gathered around the beautifully adorned Christmas tree. The warm glow of the lights cast a festive ambiance in the room. They savored a traditional meal together, filling the air with the tempting aromas of roasted meats and seasonal dishes. At the table sat Father, whose jovial laughter rang out. Grandmother, with her wise and twinkling eyes. Harry, who eagerly shared stories with Edmund. Clara secretly stole glances with the special guest, who added an extra touch of joy to the occasion. It was a moment of togetherness, warmth, and cherished memories.
"Soooo... Do we know each other?" she dared to ask without letting anyone notice their interactions.
"You might know me already, Clara. I hope you're not sad that you don't have a nutcracker anymore."
"This Sugar Fairy rather wants to have you, my hero. Now Mouse King Richard won't stand a single chance against my man.", she confessed as their hands met under the dining table.
#choices fanfiction#desire & decorum#winter#christmas#nutcracker#fairytale au#ernest sinclaire#choices fic writers creations#choices#playchoices#choices fanfic
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Dates and other Catastrophes
Part 1

Book: Open Heart
Pairing: Keiki Lahela (F!MC) x Koa Haulani (M!OC)
Words: +5,000k
TW: Mentions of Cancer, anxiety, drug abuse, alcohol abuse.
Summary: Keiki and Koa are struggling to find time to go on their first date. Will they succeed?
Note: I used the prompts Tidings, Lights and Joy from the @choicesdecember2024
A/N: Okay I know it’s a bit on the longer side, but trust me you won’t regret reading this story. This shaped up to be one of my favorite stories I’ve ever written. So enjoy 🌸🌸
A/N 2: If you want to know how Keiki and Koa met here’s their story Wildflower. Happy reading 🌸
1.30 am
I paced around my room and hoped I wouldn’t wake my brother, Luna or the twins.
”Come on pick up. Pick up.“ I kept muttering.
A few seconds later I heard Alexis' sleep ridden voice.
”Keiks, do you know what time it is?“
”Yes. But I need your help.“
”Fine. Only because you’re my best friend otherwise I’d hang up. Okay spill girl. What’s so important that you had to wake me?“
”My date with Koa? Like how do I ask him?“
”That’s the emergency? Oh come on Keiks. Look, you can wait until he asks you out.“
”Yeah I’d wait until I was 80. No, I want to ask him out.“
”Okay then go to him, flick your eyelashes, smile and ask him.“
”I’m not Anne. What if I wrote him a letter?“
”Do you want to put it in morse code too?“
”What?“ I was confused for a second by what Alexis said.
Lexi‘s sigh was audible even from my end.
”Look, if you like him, ask him. There’s nothing wrong with a woman asking out a guy. With that being said Alexis is going back to sleep. Byeee.“
The beeping sound of Alexis who’d hung up on me echoed in my ear. Before I could think better of it I shot Koa a text.
»Are you still awake?«
Minutes passed by without a response. I waited and waited.
Worst anxious moment of my life. If you don’t count applying for colleges and waiting for a reply.
I sighed and dropped down on my bed with my phone on my stomach.
He was probably fast asleep by now. Tomorrow we both had morning classes, he was going to be at the lab a lot. And I knew he’s got his study for corals on his mind.
Damn it, I should have sent that text a long time ago, not waited half a century to hit send. A tiny piece of me was glad I did because I fucking wanted to get to know him. So what if I asked him out first? Alexis was right. Where does it say the guy has to make the first step?
I sighed again and looked at my screen only to see there’s no response.
Tired of waiting I quickly got dressed in my pink coral spaghetti dress and put on some sandals. It’s good that the dress is easy to manoeuvre in, otherwise I’d never make it outside. Or worse I’d have to use the front door. Sneaking out isn’t always as easy as it looks in movies, but thank god for the big tree sitting outside my window.
Slowly I waited for my foot to find stability on the branch and then I climbed down the thick tree branch. Once I was outside, I made sure that the window was wide open so I could sneak back in.
I always took a walk at the beach when I felt restless. Or anxious. Or both like right now. I started walking and I felt my phone vibrate in my hand. I saw it’s not only a text. No, he was actually calling me. Shit. I’m not prepared for that. What should I say?
Okay let’s take a deep breath and answer the phone like a normal person and not like a love struck weirdo.

My phone lit up on my nightstand and I fumbled for it in the dark, only to push it over the edge of the nightstand, making my phone land on the floor.
”Shit. Why does the universe hate me so much?“ I cursed and turned on the lamp on my nightstand to see where my phone went. I found it and saw it was still intact.
Once my phone was unlocked I saw I got a text from Keiki. Instantly making me smile. What is she doing awake? It’s 2:00 am.
I had the wild urge to hear her voice, not just see a text and respond to it.
Looking around in my contacts I found »Wildflower«, clicked the call button before I could change my mind. After a second I heard her voice clearly as if she was sitting right next to me.
”Ko?“ Hearing her voice soothed something deep within me. Like the ocean always does. She has the same effect on me as the ocean waves.
”Hey Wildflower. Missed me already?“
”Dream on. But now that you answered your phone already...“
”What now? You’ve got something important to tell me at 2 am?“ I can’t resist teasing her.
She scoffed.
”Smartass.“ She replied.
I laughed out loud and I‘m at ease as I sat up in my bed, talking to a girl I’m falling harder and harder for each day.
”Okay we’ve established I’m the smart one…“
”And one with a great ass.“ She said though it must’ve slipped out as I could hear her sigh on the other end.
”That‘s not what I wanted to say.“ I heard her mutter.
”Oh please tell me how you really feel. Have been checking me out, haven’t you?“
”So what if I have? Is that a crime? You’re very good-looking and you know it.“ She responded.
”I don’t actually give a damn if other people find me good-looking or not. There’s only one person’s opinion I care about.“ I said and couldn't help the smile that bloomed on my face.
”Who?“ Her voice sounded suspiciously jealous and I couldn’t help but chuckle.
”Glad you find this funny Haulani.“ She said and I grinned even though she couldn’t see it.
”Where are you right now? I can hear the waves crashing.“
It’s true I’ve been able to hear waves in the background and thought she opened her window. Her family lives close to the beach I think.
”I’m at the beach. I couldn’t sleep. So I went for a walk.“ Her voice sounded far away, as if she was somewhere else with her thoughts.
”Why don’t I come along? Only if you want?“ I asked tentatively.
There was a beat of silence before I heard her voice again.
”Sure I’d love some company.“
I smiled as I heard that she’d love my company. I just can’t help it, she makes me happy in a way no one else has gotten close to in a while. Not even Isabella. But that’s a story for another time.
”Text me where you are and I’ll be there in a sec.“
”Ok.“ We hung up and a second later I got a text with her location. I was faster out the door than you could yell pancakes.

I slipped off my sandals and wandered around. I dipped my feet in the cool ocean water as I was waiting for Koa. It was almost 3 am now.
Damn we’re going to be so tired tomorrow, but who the fuck cared? As long as we had a good time, who‘s going to mind?
As soon as I thought that, I heard someone coming closer and when I turned my head I saw Koa‘s tall frame coming closer.
He really came. He honest to god came when I called.
Without any thought my feet kept moving, getting me closer to Koa. And when I stood in front of him I just wanted to hug him because he was here.
As if he could read my mind he opened his arms wide. Making me almost crush him, but he only chuckled and didn't say anything.
”So you missed me this much, huh?“
He said, half of my face still pressed against his chest, nodding. He smelled of fresh laundry and something like mint. I looked up at him.
”Yeah. I haven’t realized how much I’ve missed you.“ And then I hugged him tighter, if that’s even possible, as he kissed the top of my head.
”Welcome to the club. I’ve missed you too, Wildflower.“ He mumbled and we stayed like this for some time not able or willing to let go of the other. But eventually we released each other from our embrace and started walking down the deserted beach.
He pulled me closer and I leaned into him. The soft ocean breeze pulled at our hair.
”So what prompted the walk? You mentioned you couldn’t sleep.“ He asked and I didn't know what to say at first, so I shrugged my shoulders noncommittally.
”I had a lot on my mind. My studies, but I was also thinking about when we’d go out. You know? A date? We’ve said we would but we never seem to find the right time. And I kinda got sad when I thought about it.“ I said, realizing I shared more than I wanted to.
Koa stopped short, making me almost bite sand.
”That’s what kept you up at night? Come on Keiks. That‘s easily solved. I’ll pick you up tomorrow at eight.“
”It’s already tomorrow.“ I pointed out.
”Even better. Which means less time to waste.“ He said and I could feel the first rain drops on my skin.
We both looked up and tried to gauge what to do.
”Should we make a run for it?“ Koa asked as the rain began to hit harder.
”Race you to the car.“ I grinned and sprinted away, not giving him time to answer. I could feel his smile as I was running towards his car, Koa close on my feet.

I let her have fun. If it helped her distract her from whatever kept her awake at night I’ll let her have fun and be carefree.
As I reached my car Keiki was already waiting for me. We were both soaked to the bone, but we were both grinning like idiots.
A few seconds later I just wanted to feel her close and the next words that slipped out of my mouth weren’t the ones I wanted to say but I let them spill anyway.
”May I have this dance?“ I extended my hand, and Keiki put her hand in mine.
”It’s raining.“ She pointed out, as if that would stop me from dancing with her.
”So? Let’s have some fun. Come on, don't tell me you’re chicken?“
”Who are you calling chicken? Let’s dance Romeo.“
”Music to my ears.“
Keiki grinned as we danced in the rain.
We danced for a couple of minutes for sure, even though it felt as if we'd danced for hours. The heartbeat was the rhythm that was guiding us.
I spun her away from me and a second later lightning struck the sky and we both clung to each other of our own accord.
I’m honestly not sure who moved first, but in the end it didn’t really matter.
A second later I cupped her face into my hands. I needed her lips as if I was dying of thirst. Drinking from her lips like they were wine. She leaned into me, fitting into me like a glove. Her hands roamed over my wet shirt, and she clearly felt it wasn’t enough and went on her tiptoes to reach my hair only to drag her hand through it. Making me smile against her lips.
I didn’t know for how long we were standing there kissing each other, but I knew right then and there I was in trouble.
We’ve known each other for months now, but it seems all we have are stolen moments. I wanted to go out with her and get to know her better for some time now. To find out what she liked and didn‘t like. How she looked when she woke up in the morning. What face she made when she didn‘t like a certain dish or drink.
All the small details that made her, her. Unique. Beautiful. Absolutely amazing. My Wildflower.
I broke off the kiss and leaned my forehead against hers. As our breathing slowed down I took her face in my hands and just brushed a strand of chocolate hair out of her face, not able to resist touching her. Her whiskey brown eyes turned a shade darker from passion, which is a detail I stored away for later.
”Your place or mine?“ She said before I could mouth anything and I laughed softly.
”Well I can take you to mine. Just for sleeping. We both have morning classes. So we should get some shuteye.“ I said when I took out my phone to look at the time 3.55, I also checked if my phone was okay only to see it was intact and there was no water damage from the rain.
Keiki nodded.
”Let me at least write my brother a note saying I’m already at the university. So he’ll see it first thing in the morning.“
”Sounds good.“
We both got into the car making a pit stop at Keiki’s place so she could leave a note. I memorized where she lived so I could drop by for midnight dates like these.
After that I drove us to my place. Taking the girl I’m falling for each day more and more to my place.
It was kinda nerve wracking since I wanted to impress her just because she was becoming important to me.
I turned off the ignition and waited. I don’t know for what. A sign? Lightning? For pigs to grace the sky? Dragons?
”So are we going inside or are we going to sleep in the car?“ Keiki broke the silence and I turned to look at her, her hair still a little wet from the rain. I couldn’t imagine my hair looked any better.
I nodded to myself and exited the car as she did the same. The slamming of the car doors was somehow louder in the quiet evening air than expected.
Damn if the slamming of a car door didn’t make me almost jump out of my skin, then I’m really nervous.
And I swam with sharks, so nothing really fazed me except showing the girl I really liked my humble abode.
”Right. Yes. Sure come on.“
I looked at the beautiful planted flowers outside and the porch keeping the hot sun away, though the sun was still away for a couple of hours. I opened the front door and went inside.
”You’ve got a nice place.“
”Thanks. I’m renting it from my parents.“
”Really? That’s cool. So you guys live together?“
”No. I have my own place. Almost all five of my siblings have their own place. Since my oldest sister got married and had her baby she and her husband needed a bigger place.“
”Aww. That’s so cute.“
I grinned at Keiki and she smiled warmly back at me. Talking about my family always brought me the greatest joy.
”Yeah Dalia is the cutest. Though my other two siblings live with my parents, since one of my youngest two sisters is 2 and a half.”
”What? Please tell me you have pics.“
”Of course I do. She’s the sweetest. I think mom said she’d bring her around for me to babysit this weekend. You’re welcome to stay if you want.“ I smiled, put my car keys on the counter in the hallway and we continued walking towards the kitchen.
”Are you sure?“ Keiki‘s answer was hesitant as if she didn’t want to intrude but she couldn’t be further from the truth, she was always welcome at my place.
”Yeah. She’ll love you.“
Keiki smiled.
”Then I’d love to. It would be good practice for when I’m babysitting Kehlani and Alaia, my brother and his fiancée's twins.“
Koa gave me a thumbs-up.
”Why don’t I make us some grilled cheese sandwiches?“ I said and got out all the ingredients for some grilled sandwiches.
”Who knew you’re good in the kitchen too?“
”I’m good at many things. Cooking included.“ I winked at her.
”So the whole package?“ She made herself comfortable in one of the kitchen chairs.
”Let’s go with that.“
Keiki grinned and took off her shoes to get into a better seating position.
”I don’t suppose you have some Tabasco sauce?“
”As a matter of fact I do. Keanu loves that stuff so I always keep it on hand.“
I got out the small glass bottle. I don’t fancy it but Keanu loved it and so does Keiki apparently. I got the grilled sandwich done and served them on colorful plates chosen by my niece Dalia.
”Your bromance with Keanu is so sweet.“
”Yeah. Yeah. Eat your grilled cheese sandwich.“ I rolled my eyes.
Keiki stuck out her tongue at me. Before she could react I grabbed her chin and planted a kiss on her lips.
She dropped her sandwich on her plate to pull me closer to her.
A loud clearing of a throat interrupted our momentary bliss.
Keanu stood in the doorway, an exhausted gaze in his eyes. I offered him a piece of sandwich but he shook his head.
”Didn’t mean to interrupt your smooch fest…but…uhh…you said I could crash at your place for a while.“
I scratched my head.
”I suppose I did say that. The room upstairs is all yours.“ I sensed there was more Keanu wanted to say but he didn’t want to mention any of that in front of Keiki, which was totally understood. I nodded at him and he understood. We’d talk more later in the morning when we got up.
”Thanks man. Nice to see you again Keiki.“
Keiki who was blushing smiled.
”It’s nice to see you again too, Keanu.“
”If you guys don’t mind I’ll go crash for the night.“
”Yeah. You alright, Kee?“ I just couldn’t resist asking him.
I heard a chair scrape softly over the floor as Keiki got up.
”I’ll…uhh…go use the bathroom. It was nice to see you again, Keanu.“ She gave him a hug which he returned. She then went to the bathroom, which made me realize she has no idea where the bathroom is, but I appreciate that she wanted me and Keanu to have some time to talk.
Without saying anything I hand him a glass of apple juice and my grilled cheese sandwich.
”Talk to me, Kee. Who’s wrong?“ I asked him, giving him my full attention.
He sighed and took a sip of apple juice. His silver rings with a black gemstone glinted on his forefinger.
”I can’t stand those people at the frat anymore. I just can’t Ko.“ He said and he almost broke down.
”What did they do this time?“ I asked with a calmness I didn’t really feel. His frat mates are douchebags. But since he was a freshman he had to stay on campus and couldn’t live outside of campus but he’s almost finished with his degree. He’s in third year. He could live outside of campus if he wanted.
”You know who you remind me of right now? That guy from those books everyone on TikTok is raving about.“
”If you say Aaron Warner I’m going to kick you.“ I said with a warning. It’s true we looked similar but one is a fictional character and it felt fucking weird to be compared to a fictional character from a book.
Keanu grinned and took another a bite of grilled cheese.
”I don’t know, the energy shifted at the frat house. I saw Collin do drugs on the counter one morning. Like what the fuck dude? I know your dad is rich and pays for your college tuition but still! So I started looking for off campus living arrangements. Because honestly Ko I don’t want to live with those guys anymore.“ He said and I could tell all this was wearing him down.
I knew his father‘s history with alcohol abuse. His fathers path with sobriety was a hard one. That’s one of the reasons why Keanu doesn’t drink.
”You can stay with me. As long as you want. I’ve said so many times. Pack your stuff man and move in. I’ll even help you move your things. Even if we have to make the trip a couple of times. I’m here for you Kee. You’re not alone and you never were.“ I said and meant it.
He looked down and wiped at his eyes.
”I’ll fill out the paperwork tomorrow.“ He said, finished his grilled sandwich and when he’s about to put it in the sink I stop him.
”I’ve got it. Just go and get some rest.“
”You turned into a real housewife Ko.“ Keanu laughed.
”Bite me Hale.“
Keanu fully laughed and I knew things were getting better, they weren’t perfect but they were getting there.
After Keanu left, I let my head fall onto the granite countertop just taking a long and quiet breath of fresh air.

I reentered the kitchen after I heard Keanu headed back upstairs. I found the bathroom after I looked around for a while.
Once I was out of the bathroom I headed towards the kitchen, where I saw Koa who hung his head. I wondered what happened? Trying to figure out how to help, I came to stand next to him, and moved my hand through his dark blond strands mixed in with lighter strands, from the exposure of sunlight.
”I offered him to stay at my place.“ Were his first words into the silence.
”That sounds like a good idea. He shouldn’t be alone if he’s going through a tough time, and besides I like Keanu. He seems like a good guy.“
He smiled at me and his eyes lit up.
”I don’t know about Ko, but I’m wiped out. Do you want to show me where I'll be sleeping?“
He smiled and after putting the dishware into the dishwasher he led me upstairs.
”Just fyi, I didn’t bring any sleep shirts or anything, not really thinking I’d end up at your place tonight…err…this morning.“ I said after entering the room.
”That’s alright I can lend you one of my shirts. You can also have my bed.“ He said and opened a drawer. While he rifled through the drawer until he found what he was looking for.
He handed me a bright orange shirt, with sea coral facts on it.
I gulped. Koa's bed? Where he sleeps every night? Surrounded by his scent lingering in the sheets? I won’t be able to sleep even if I tried.
Koa continued.
”And I‘ll take the couch.“
That made me feel even worse. Koa was tall and that tiny couch won’t fit him, he’ll be uncomfortable all night. That wouldn’t be fair.
”We could share your bed.“
Koa blinked at me.
”Are you sure that would be okay?“
”Yes I am sure. It’s not so bad, your bed is big enough to fit two, we'll be fine.“
Koa looked at me and when he saw I was serious he nodded.
”I’ll load the rest of the dishes into the dishwasher and then we can go to bed.“
”Okay. Need any help?“ I offered but he shook his head.
”Hey Koa?“ I called after he was almost out the door.
”Yeah?“ He looked back and I just went to him and kissed him quickly.
After I broke off the kiss I touched his bottom lip with the pad of my thumb.
”Thanks for tonight. Also for being an amazing friend to Keanu. He seems like he has a lot on his mind, it’s nice to know he’s got a friend like you.“
He left the room with a smile.

I lied down and got comfortable when I heard Koa come in. I didn’t want to turn off his bedside lamp, because I don’t like the dark.
His bedroom overlooked the ocean from one side. He pulled down the blinds a bit but left the window wide open. Letting in a soft breeze.
”I hope you’re not a blanket hogger.“ I mumbled, eyes still closed.
”I’m a blanket sharer.“ He chuckled.
I heard fabric rustle and opened my eyes. He stood there in nothing but some turquoise satin boxers.
“Where’s the rest?“
He stared at my blandly.
”The rest of what? The house? I can give you a tour in the morning if you want.“
”I meant where’s the rest of your clothes! Or did they disappear?“ I pointed to his appearance.
”Well to be honest. I don’t wear anything when I sleep, but I put some clothes on for you.“
”Could you put on a shirt?“ I couldn’t take my eyes off of him. All that golden skin kissed by the sun was on full display.
”Why? Look, I get super hot during the night and if I wore a shirt I’d discard it during the night.“
”Fine.“ I muttered.
”Unless my body is distracting you from sleeping?“ He teased.
”Keep dreaming.“
He chuckled and it sounded hoarse. He turned off the light and I instantly moved closer to him, pulling the light covers closer to me. Not wanting to admit I’m scared of the dark.
When I laid my head on the pillow I was surrounded by Koa‘s scent of fresh ocean waves and citrus. Not just because he’s lying next to me, but because he’s sleeping in these sheets every night.
”This is stupid.“ I heard him say.
”What?“ I muttered.
He turned to me and pulled me close.
”It should be okay for us to sleep in the same bed without it being weird. It’s also okay to feel scared of the dark.“
”How did you…?“ I stuttered.
”I’m sometimes scared of the dark too. It’s okay Kei, you're safe with me.“
I smiled and leaned more into him, and instantly felt more comfortable.
”You’re right, it shouldn’t be weird.“ I said being close to him seemingly lulled me to sleep.
He laughed silently.
”Good night my little prince.“
”Good night Wildflower.“
We both fell asleep nestled together.

It must have been pretty early in the morning when I woke up, because when I looked around I saw a digital alarm clock saying it’s 7 in the morning and noticed my pillow was moving.
When I blinked my eyes open, I realized I was sprawled all over Koa and he didn’t even care. When I tried to move, an arm held me firmly in place.
”Five more minutes. Please.“
I grinned as a devilish plan took hold. I placed soft kisses on top of his bare chest. Noticing some thin white scars. What the heck happened, was he in an accident? But before I could voice my question Koa peaked one sea green eye opened.
”Not the wake up call I imagined but I’ll take it. What are you up to Kei?“
”How about we just skip classes today? And stay here?“ I said as I placed another soft kiss on his chest.
”So what you’re suggesting is we should just what? Cut classes? Today is lab day. I have to be there.“
”Can’t you do it from home? Come on live a little Ko.“ I said before I lifted my head to steal a kiss.
I could feel him smile against my lips, before he broke it off.
”You’re playing a dangerous game Wildflower.“
I laughed as I got up, but not before he had me pinned beneath him. Making both of us laugh uncontrollably.
As he traced his fingertips across my face and then my lips, I got shivers all over my body. That such a small gesture could mean so much.
”What are you doing to me Kei-Kei?“
”Hopefully naughty things? And good things?“
”Hmm. Looks like we’re studying from home today.“ He said and wanted to get up but not before I stole another kiss.
”I wish we could wake up like this everyday.“ I said wistfully.
I love living with my brother because I get to see my nieces every day, but I’d want to live with Koa. It’s peaceful and a nice place to live. Also the view is nice. Who doesn’t like to wake up next to a hot guy? I sure do!
”You stole the words right out of my mouth, Wildflower. Come on, I’ll make us some breakfast.“
I nodded as Koa got up. I saw a bit of orange peeking out when his boxers rode up higher. Is that a tattoo I see?
”I can feel you staring.“
”Good. I wouldn’t want you to feel neglected.“ I said as I leaned back and enjoyed the show. He took a pillow and threw it at me, but I caught it before it could hit my face.
”Nice try. But let me at least help you make breakfast.“
”Nah it’s all good. You’re my guest so just lay back and relax. I’ll holler once it’s done.“
”Are you sure?“ I asked as I pulled my knees towards me and sat up in bed.
He smiled and nodded and then he went downstairs to make breakfast.
It felt strange to wake up in another bed. Not bad, just different. I couldn’t resist taking a look around his bedroom.
With his dark blue bed sheets, the pictures on the wall of dives he took. All sorts of corals were on his dresser and on his cupboard.
I got up and I knew I shouldn’t but I was too nosy. So I took a look around. As I walked by his cupboard I noticed a wooden frame adorned with seashells. It was family picture. With Koa, his parents and all of his five siblings.
They all smiled and looked so carefree. I liked seeing Koa smile. It looked good on him.
Then I saw a book and when I opened it, lots of drawings of all sorts of marine life but especially corals stared back at me. With all kinds of facts and descriptions lining the pages.
This must be his work for his studies. I carefully laid it back where I found it.
Too restless to stay in his bed any longer, I went into the adjoining bathroom with its white and light green tiles, a shower, and a small cabinet that I shamelessly opened and inspected.
Some black cologne that I opened and sniffed. It smelled like Koa. Mint and something fresh like citrus. Or like an orange blossom? Hard to tell.
Some medicine. Hair products. Condoms. Not going to look at that any closer.
I closed the cabinet and decided it’s been long enough for Koa to finish breakfast.
As I slowly got downstairs I heard two voices. One was Koa's and the other one belonged to his best friend Keanu.
I hugged the walls but they were too far into their conversation to notice me.

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2024 Choices Monthly Challenge Past Events
@choicesjanuary2024 [Prompts] [Masterlist]
@february2024choiceschallenge [Prompts] [Masterlist #1 ] [Masterlist #2]
@choicesmonthlychallenge [Prompts] [Masterlist]
@choicesaprilchallenge24 [Prompts] [No Masterlist]
@choicesmaychallenge24 [Prompts] [Masterlist]
June :
@choicesjunechallenge2024 [Prompts] [Masterlist]
@julychallenge [Prompts] [Masterlist]
@choicesaugustchallenge [Prompts]
@choicescommunityevents [Masterlist]
@choicesmonthlychallenge [Prompts] [Masterlist]
@zchoicesmonthlychallengenov2024 [Masterlist]
@choicesdecember2024 [Prompts]
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Snow Wars
Brothers-in-Arms Series- Prequel
🥰Thank you to @snoopdogcone for your ask -
Prompt: Snowball fight - Week 2 December 1st to 7th @choicesprompts
Choices Book: The Royal Romance, pre-book #1
Series: Brothers-in-Arms, prequel/one-shot
Pairing: None Warnings: none
Characters: Liam Rys, Drake Walker, Maxwell Beaumont, Leo Rys, Olivia Nevrakis, Eleanor Rys, Trystan Thorne
Rating: Teen - All characters belong to Pixelberry
Category: angst/fluff, ask/prompt
Words: 1.7k, not Beta’d, please excuse all errors
A/N: A ”Brothers-in-Arms" series prequel
A/N2: Trystan Thorne - Choices, Crimes of Passion
A/N3: My submission for: choicesdecember2024; Day 10, snow; Day 30, snowball fight @lilyoffandoms
Brothers-in-Arms Series
Snow Wars, Prequel
Summary: Liam, Drake, Maxwell, Olivia, Leo, and Trystan engage in a spirited snowball fight during their winter stay in Lythikos. What begins as a friendly challenge quickly turns into an epic battle, filled with strategy, laughter, and good-natured rivalry.
On a crisp winter morning in Lythikos, eight-year-old Prince Liam gazed out of the frosted window of Lythikos keep. The fresh snowfall blanketed the landscape in a shimmering white, and an idea sparked in his young mind.
“Snow fort,” he whispered to himself, eyes lighting up with excitement.
Rushing to his quarters, Liam rummaged through his suitcases until he found ‘The Young Adventurer’s Guide to Winter Fun’. A gift from his mother, Liam flipped through the pages, he stopped at a detailed diagram of a snow fort, complete with instructions on stacking snow bricks and carving tunnels.
“This is perfect!” Liam exclaimed excitedly, clutching the book tightly and rushing back down the grand staircase.
He quickly found his best friends, nine- year-old Drake and eight-year-old Maxwell, in the keep's cozy sitting room. Drake, the practical and steady son of a palace guard, was warming his hands by the fire, while Maxwell, always brimming with energy, was busy fashioning a makeshift sled from a serving tray.
“Who’s up for building the greatest snow fort in Cordonia?” Liam announced with a grin, holding up the book like a treasure map.
Drake, ever the skeptic, raised an eyebrow. “A snow fort? Isn’t that for kids?”
“Drake, we are kids,” Maxwell chimed in, already excited. “I’m in!”
“Looks like we have a deal,” Liam said, clapping his hands. “Let’s divide into teams!"
Olivia, sitting quietly with her hot cocoa, perked up. “I’ll be on Liam’s team!” she declared, her cheeks turning pink. At seven years old, Olivia was already fiercely loyal to Liam, even if it was mostly because she had a budding infatuation with him.
“First,” Liam said, flipping the book open to the diagram, “we need to make snow bricks. The book says to pack snow into molds to make them strong.”
Drake, ever the realist, crossed his arms. “Molds? We don’t have molds.”
“Not a problem,” Liam said confidently. “We’ll use whatever we can find—buckets, pans, anything.”
Armed with pots, pans, and boundless enthusiasm, the three boys and Olivia ventured into the snowy expanse and trekked to the edge of the icy lake near the keep, followed by several Royal guardsmen. The air was cold and crisp, their laughter echoing as they began packing snow into their makeshift molds.
Maxwell, already covered in snow from head to toe, announced loudly, “I’m the official Chief. Brick. Maker!”
Drake rolled his eyes but couldn’t suppress a smile. “Fine but make them sturdy. No crumbling bricks.”
Meanwhile, Olivia took charge of decorating the fort with pine branches and icicles, making it “look royal.” Adding a small Cordonian flag attached to a stick, she propped it into a turret top.
Hours passed as the boys stacked their snow bricks into walls. Liam, with the book propped open nearby, directed the construction like a young architect. Drake ensured the walls were straight and stable, while Maxwell worked on a tunnel inside the fortress walls.
By the time the sun began to dip behind the snowy peaks of the surrounding mountains, the fort was complete. It stood tall and proud, with sturdy walls, a small entrance, and even a snowball arsenal inside.
“We did it!” Liam declared, his cheeks flushed with triumph.
Maxwell flopped onto the snow, exhausted but grinning. “This is the greatest thing we’ve ever built!”
Drake leaned against the fort’s wall, nodding in agreement. “Not bad, Your Highness. Not bad at all.”
As the evening settled over Lythikos, the four friends sat inside their creation, sharing stories and sipping hot chocolate brought out by the keep’s kitchen attendants. For that moment, the snow fort wasn’t just a fort—it was their Kingdom, a place where adventure and friendship reigned supreme.
The winter sun hung low in the sky, casting a golden glow over the snow-covered grounds of the keep. Crown Prince Leo and Crown Prince Trystan of Drakovia stepped out of the black SUV, their boots crunching in the freshly fallen snow. It had been a grueling day of lessons—diplomatic protocols, strategic warfare, and a particularly tedious lecture on trade agreements—but now, finally, they were free. The sixteen-year-old young men were having military lessons at the army stronghold nearby.
As they walked towards the main entrance of the keep, Trystan nudged Leo with his elbow. "Looks like someone’s been busy," he said, pointing in the direction of the lake.
Leo followed Trystan’s gaze and smirked. Beside the outline of the frozen lake stood a grand snow fort, its walls expertly packed and reinforced, with small openings that served as lookout points. Surrounding it were scattered piles of snowballs, clearly prepped for an impending battle. From behind the fort's walls, they spotted movement—Liam’s blond hair peeked out, followed by Drake’s unmistakable silhouette and they heard Maxwell’s exuberant laugh.
“Oh, absolutely,” Leo replied with a grin. “Let’s show them why we’re the older brothers,” as they moved toward the lake.
Without another word, the two princes bent down, scooping up handfuls of snow to form their own ammunition. Trystan was already calculating strategy. “We’ll flank them—split up and take the high ground. They won’t know what hit them.”
Leo chuckled. “Or, we could just charge in and cause chaos. That’s more fun.”
“Chaos it is,” Trystan agreed, and with that, the battle was on.
Behind the fort walls, Liam crouched low with Drake and Maxwell. “They’ve seen us,” Liam said, his voice tinged with excitement. “Stick to the plan.”
Drake, ever the strategist, nodded. “We’ve got the fort’s protection. Maxwell, you’re our wildcard. Keep them distracted.”
Maxwell saluted dramatically. “Distraction is my specialty.”
As Leo and Trystan advanced, Maxwell popped up from behind the fort, holding a massive snowball. “Incoming!” he yelled, hurling it with all his might. The snowball arced through the air, landing harmlessly a few feet from Trystan, who retaliated with a well-aimed shot that splattered snow across Maxwell’s face.
“Direct hit!” Trystan cheered. The battle began with a flurry of snowballs flying through the air. Laughter echoed across the courtyard as both teams ducked, dodged, and launched their icy ammunition.
Leo, meanwhile, launched a barrage of snowballs at Drake, who blocked most of them with an improvised shield of snow. “That’s all you’ve got?” Drake taunted.
“Oh, not even close,” Leo replied, sprinting forward and scooping up more snow as he went. He hurled two snowballs at once—one hit Drake’s shoulder, the other narrowly missed Liam.
“Nice try!” Liam called out, popping up from his hiding spot to lob a snowball at Leo. It caught him square in the chest, leaving the older prince momentarily stunned.
“Think we’re being challenged?” Trystan asked, raising an eyebrow.
“Little brother’s got a good arm!” Leo laughed, brushing snow off his coat.
Drake proved to be an excellent snowball sniper, hitting his targets with impressive precision. Maxwell, on the other hand, turned every hit into a dramatic fall, faux-claiming to be “mortally wounded” before springing back to life.
Olivia stuck close to Liam, her aim chillingly accurate, but her real focus on staying by his side. “Liam, watch out!” she cried, tackling him to avoid one of Leo’s well-aimed snowballs.
“You saved me, Olivia!” Liam said with a grin.
“Of course I did!” she replied, blushing.
The fight continued on with laughter echoing across the grounds. Maxwell, true to his word, caused chaos by running circles around Trystan, throwing snowballs in every direction. Drake held his ground valiantly, while Liam alternated between offense and defense, his precise throws keeping his older brother and Trystan on their toes.
Finally, as the sun dipped below the horizon, the princes called a truce. They stood together in the snow, breathless and rosy-cheeked, their earlier lessons and responsibilities momentarily forgotten.
“Not bad, little brother,” Leo said, clapping Liam on the shoulder. “But next time, Trystan and I will bring reinforcements.”
“Bring whoever you want,” Liam replied with a smirk. “We’ll still win.”
As they walked back to the keep, they exchanged playful jabs and stories of their victory and near-misses. For a brief moment, they weren’t princes with the weight of kingdoms on their shoulders, or children—they were just brothers, and friends enjoying the magic of a winter’s day.
The fun came to an abrupt halt when Queen Eleanor Rys, Liam’s mother, appeared on the scene, her presence regal yet warm.
“Liam, Leo, and everyone,” she said with a smile. “It’s time to get ready for the ribbon-cutting ceremony in the city.”
“But we’re in the middle of a war!” Leo protested, his snowball in hand.
Eleanor raised an eyebrow. “A snowball war can wait. The people of Lythikos are expecting us, Leo.”
“Olivia, I’d like you to join us,” Eleanor added. “I could use a young lady’s perspective.”
Olivia’s face fell. She had been looking forward to spending the rest of the day with Liam, and the thought of being separated from him was disappointing.
Olivia hesitated, glancing at Liam. “Do I have to?”
Liam crouched down to her level, brushing snow off his gloves. “You’ll have fun, Liv. And I’ll see you later, okay?”
“Okay,” she mumbled, still reluctant but unable to refuse Liam’s gentle encouragement.
A Memorable Day ...
As Eleanor led Olivia away to a waiting SUV, the others exchanged knowing smiles. “Looks like we’ll have to finish this battle another day,” Liam said.
“Next time, we’re building two forts,” Leo declared as he ran inside to change his clothes for the ceremony.
"Or three!" Maxwell added with a laugh.
Despite the interruption, the day had already become one of those cherished childhood memories that none of them would forget. The laughter, camaraderie, and hint of youthful rivalry in the snowy dukedom of Lythikos marked the start of many more adventures to come.
'There's so many different worlds
So many different suns
And we have just one world
But we live in different ones'
❄️Thank you @sazanes @lizzybeth1986 for creating and hosting King Liam Appreciation Week✨️💖✨️ Day 5, Healing
❄️Artwork Commission by /artbyainna
❄️Tags in the comments
#Spotify#tessa liam writes#the royal romance#liam rys#prince liam#drake walker#maxwell beaumont#leo rys#eleanor rys#olivia nevrakis#trystan thorne#Brothers-in-Arms#choices fic writers creations#choices community events#choicesprompts#choices pixelberry#king liam appreciation week#klaw#klaw24#KLAW2024#KLAW Day 5#klaw day 5:healing#choices monthly challenge#art commisions#art by ainna
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Hello, hello! Lily here to say I’ve decided to host the December challenge.
I’ve decided to host a winter/holiday vibes challenge this month (and yes, just like in summer, I’m aware this is a northern hemisphere vibe this time of year, but just roll with it).
Feel free to use any of the prompts provided to create anything you’d like. Feel free to use any prompt - even those not listed - that’s a winter/holiday vibe. Everyone is welcome to participate (and I mean that absolutely), I simply ask that y’all read and abide by the rules and be kind to everyone. I like to believe we are all here to have fun and just be ridiculous with others that share our fandom space. So have fun, be kind, and happy creating!!
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@choicesdecember2024: family ❤️
The bell still rings for me, as it does for all who truly believe
Reading books and sharing stories is something that has been important to Alex and Thomas throughout their relationship and something they've instilled in their children. The magic of reading, of stories, of imagination, of creating, of possibilities!
The Polar Express is one of Vincent's favorite books, so he picked it for them to read together the night before Christmas. Felicity likes it but she insists there simply aren't enough reindeer to make it the best Christmas book!
Christmas is about finding the magic in what could be, not necessarily what is and appreciating the little things that turn out to be the most important of all. I think that speaks to everything Thomas and Alex are and what they hold most dear.
I can't thank Ainna enough for bringing this art of my favorite family too life.
Merry Christmas to all those who celebrate. May your holiday season be filled with joy, laughter, and wonderful memories. 💛
[All Thomas Hunt x Alex Masterlists] [Halex Commission tag]
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Thanks for this ask - I'll be making a series of little drabbles to see what Tobias does with the pumpkin pie throughout different periods of his life (and in some different worlds, too!) I hope you enjoy it as much as Tobias (and I) love pumpkin pie!
Book: Open Heart (pre-series) Characters: Tobias Carrick (child), Charles x Vivian Carrick Rating: General Words: 911 Summary: It's Thanksgiving, and 6-year-old Tobias wishes the guests would go home so he could get comfy and dig into his favorite treat. When it seems like that will never happen, he jumps on an opportunity to make his dream come true.
A/N: Participating in @choicesholidays Winter Event - "You did what with the pumpkin pie?" and @choicesdecember2024 - Sweets
Thanksgiving Day at the Carrick’s Georgetown townhome was always an elegant affair, and this year was no exception. The house was abuzz with activity as the scents of cinnamon, nutmeg, and roast turkey wafted through the air. While the grown-ups were content, enjoying some laughs and conversation, six-year-old Tobias's patience was running thin.
He was still sitting patiently in his chair, but his swinging legs indicated that wouldn't be the case much longer. His patent leather shoes made a squeaking sound every time they rubbed together and, on a typical day, this would have driven his mother, Vivian, nuts, but today, she was too busy to notice at first...
“Tobias!” She finally shouted over her shoulder. “Stop fidgeting.”
“But, Mom!” he whined, tugging at the tie of his tiny suit. “You said I could change after dinner, and dinner was a long time ago.”
Vivian scrunched down beside him. “I know, dear, but dessert hasn’t been served yet. I promise you can change out of your suit as soon as we eat dessert.”
Just the thought of it brought a smile to his face. He looked forward to Thanksgiving dessert all year, especially the pumpkin pie and he didn't think it was fair that he had to wait any longer.
His father, Charles, entered the room, laughing heartily at a joke his brother Phillip had just told. Charles was in his element, playing the gracious host, but when he caught sight of a dejected Tobias, he raised a brow.
“What’s the matter, son?” He asked. “You’re not your usual happy self.”
Tobias crossed his arms, a frown spreading across his pudgy little face. “I’m tired of being in a suit, Daddy! I want pie, and I want comfy clothes!”
Charles chuckled softly. “Well, you’ll have both of those things very soon,” he assured.
“But it’s taking forever!” Tobias groaned.
Before Charles had a chance to answer, a loud noise came from the kitchen, and Scout, the family’s golden retriever puppy, came rushing into the dining room with Mrs. Johnson, the family's cook, in hot pursuit. The puppy, had Mrs. Johnson's favorite spatula clamped in its mouth and wagged its tail in triumph.
“Scout! Get back here! You little thief!” she yelled.
Unaware of any wrongdoing, Scout continued to circle the room with glee, amusing the grown-ups. That's when a lightbulb went off in Tobias’s head. Even at his tender age, he knew an opportunity when it was presented, and he wasn’t about to let this one go.
With his parents under the table trying to retrieve the spatula from Scout, he slipped off his chair, grinning as he rushed to the sideboard. He licked his lips, staring at the golden pie. Victory was about to be his!
He reached up and grabbed the edge of the crystal cake stand, tugging it closer to the edge when the pie began to wobble precariously, but Tobias steadied it, his heart pounding as he grabbed a fork and dug in.
He was in heaven. The smile on his face growing as he shoveled the sweet, creamy treat into his mouth. A happy sigh of relief escaped him, and his earlier frustration now gone. But his momentary bliss came screeching to an end when...
“Tobias!” his mother's voice echoed through the room. Startled, Tobias jumped up, his elbow plowing into the cake stand, sending the pie tumbling to the floor with a wet splat. Scout came running and made a valiant attempt to lunge for it, but Tobias grabbed her just in time.
“No, Scout!” he cried. “Dogs can’t eat pumpkin pie!”
“No, they shouldn’t,” Mrs. Johnson scolded. “But little boys shouldn’t eat it before they’re told to either.”
Vivian stood there, her mouth hanging open. Charles and the rest of the family stood behind her, peering in amusement.
“Tobias Charles Carrick!” Vivian hollered. “What on earth have you done?”
“I—I just wanted a bite!” he stammered, his bright blue eyes pleading for forgiveness. “I've been waiting a really long time, Mom.”
Vivian pressed a hand to her temple, her patience wearing thin. Charles stepped forward, crouching beside his son to survey the pumpkin pie carnage.
“Well,” he said, tapping his son’s shoulder. “At least he’s got good taste.”
Vivian shot her husband a look. “Charles! This isn’t the time!”
But little Tobias tugged his mother’s hand, tears brimming in his eyes. “I’m sorry, Mom. I just really, really wanted pie…”
Vivian couldn’t help but smile. “I know, sweetheart. But you can’t just take things because you’re impatient. Dessert is meant to be shared, not sneaked, and it’s certainly not meant to be splattered on the floor.”
Tobias nodded. “I know. I won’t do it again, Mommy. I promise.”
Vivian gave him a big hug. “Alright. Let’s clean this up, and I’ll see if there’s another pie in the kitchen.”
Tobias’s face lit up. “Really?”
“Really!” Vivian replied, ruffling his hair. “But why don’t you go up to your room and put on your jammies first. I think you've suffered enough.”
He didn’t have to be told twice. “All right!” he hollered, rushing down the hall and shedding his suit, piece by piece along the way with Scout yapping behind him.
Charles wrapped his arm around his wife as they watched their son’s impromptu striptease from a distance.
“That boy is going to drive us crazy when he’s in college,” he laughed.
Vivian looked up at her husband quizzically. “In college?” She questioned. “He’s driving us crazy right now!”
“Yes, he is,” Charles laughed, placing a kiss on Vivian's head. “But we wouldn’t have it any other way.”
@choicesficwriterscreations @openheartfanfics
Tagging others separately.
#open heart#open heart fanfic#open heart choices#choices open heart#tobias carrick#playchoices#playchoices fanfic#choices#choices fanfic
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The Twins’ First Christmas Tree
Premise: Ethan and Cassie have their hands full getting ready for their first holiday as parents.
Book: Open Heart (post series) Pairing: Ethan Ramsey x F!MC (Cassie Valentine) Rating/Category: Teen. Fluff. Words: 885
A/N: Submission to @choicesdecember2024 prompt 12 "decorations" and to @choicesholidays Winter Holidays 2024 event.
It was a postcard-perfect winter day. Light snow fell outside the floor-to-ceiling windows overlooking Boston Harbor. Weak rays of sunlight struggled to break through the brooding gray clouds drifting above chopping waters.
Flames from a gas fireplace flickered softly, casting a warm glow across the room, while Christmas music filled the air with joyful melodies. The ordinarily pristine living room was a cheerful chaos of garlands, stray ornaments and empty decoration boxes.
“Eloise, no!”
Ethan Ramsey rushed to grab a forgotten piece of sparkly tinsel from the floor before his daughter could put it in her mouth.
“This is not candy,” he said firmly, crouching before her and easing the string out of her hands.
Hard as it was, he reminded himself not to waver when her lips quivered, and tears pooled in her green eyes at being denied a treat.
Kids, like dogs, could sense weakness.
Not that he’d share such a sentiment out loud. He’d learned his lesson the first time a few months ago upon seeing his wife’s shock and exasperation at his matter-of-fact statement.
Ethan picked Eloise up from the floor, tucked her against his chest and joined the rest of his family at the newly decorated tree in the corner.
“We should’ve trimmed the tree during the twins’ nap time,” he told his wife.
“Maybe,” Cassie smiled softly. “But it’s their first Christmas tree, even if they won’t remember anything.”
She jostled Sophie in her arms, stopping her from pulling a shiny ornament off the tree.
“No,” Cassie said gently, shaking one finger for emphasis.
It had taken them twice as long to decorate the tree because the twins kept getting into the box of decorations and running off with ornaments.
Well, crawling more than running, thought Ethan. Even though the girls had taken their first steps a week ago, they were more likely to crawl than walk just yet.
Cassie had laughed at their antics while he had pinched the bridge of his nose so many times he feared it was permanently indented.
“Switch,” said Cassie when Sophie got restless and reached for her father.
Ethan passed Eloise to Cassie with practiced ease, then scooped Sophie into his arms. In one smooth motion, the four of them came together in a warm embrace, a brief moment of connection before they naturally drifted apart.
Sophie babbled excitedly and patted his cheek, looking over her shoulder at the tree and then back at him.
“I see,” Ethan nodded sagely. “Yes, the tree is very pretty.”
He adjusted her position so she was facing the tree, his arm holding her securely against his front.
“Just two more, and we’re done,” Cassie said, pulling Eloise back when she tried to snatch the garland off the tree.
She reached for the open box on the coffee table and removed two colorful ornaments in the shape of snow globes with ‘Eloise’ and ‘Sophie’ written inside.
It was an early gift from their grandfather, and Ethan knew his father would appreciate seeing it on the tree.
“Here,” Cassie said, handing him Sophie’s ornament.
Ethan took Sophie’s hand in his, gently wrapping her tiny fingers around the ornament.
“Let’s hang this one together, Soph,” he said softly, guiding her toward a low branch on the tree.
Cassie held Eloise steady as the little girl’s chubby hand reached out to grasp her ornament.
“Eloise, this spot looks perfect for yours,” Cassie said, pointing to a sturdy branch beside her sister’s.
The twins cooed and babbled, their laughter spilling into the room as they clumsily helped their parents attach the ornaments to the tree. When both ornaments were finally in place, Cassie leaned back and admired the tree.
“Their first ornaments on the tree,” she said, her voice warm with pride and nostalgia. “Soon, they’ll be old enough to decorate their own Twin Tree.”
Ethan wrapped an arm around her shoulders, still holding Sophie. “Dad’s going to love this.”
“Good job, babe,” Cassie teased, adjusting Eloise in her arms so the twins were side by side. “You’re practically a Christmas tree expert now.”
Ethan rolled his eyes. “Nice to know I have a marketable skill in case the bottom ever falls out of medicine.”
“You have many skills,” she smirked, her gaze dropping to the front of his pants.
Ethan knew their daughters were too young to understand, but that didn’t stop the blush from spreading across his face. Cassie laughed, enjoying his reaction.
She tilted her head to press a soft kiss to the underside of his jaw, her voice low as she murmured, “To be continued.”
The twins started to get restless again, and Ethan knew it wouldn’t be long before they made a grab for the decorations on the tree. Lately, he and Cassie had their hands full just trying to keep up with their ever-active children.
“Here. You do the honors,” he said, handing her the remote for the lights.
“Let’s light this baby up!” Cassie exclaimed, flicking the switch.
The twins let out a delighted “Oh!” in unison as the lights flickered to life, their wide eyes reflecting the colorful glow.
Ethan didn’t believe in perfection, but in this moment—with the soft glow of the fireplace and twinkling lights reflecting in the twins’ wide, curious eyes—he couldn’t imagine anything more perfect.
All Fics & Edits: @bluebelle08 @coffeeheartaddict2 @crazy-loca-blog @jerzwriter @justyourusualash @lady-calypso @kyra75 @mainstreetreader @peonierose @potionsprefect @queencarb @quixoticdreamer16 @snoopdogcone @tessa-liam @trappedinfanfiction @thosehallowedhalls
Submissions: @choicesficwriterscreations @openheartfanfics
Ethan & Cassie only: @cariantha @custaroonie @youlookappropriate
#open heart#choices open heart#ethan ramsey#ethan ramsey x mc#playchoices#choices fanfic#choices fanfiction#open heart fanfic#open heart fanfiction#winterholidays2024#ethan ramsey x cassie valentine
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Female Main Character: Clara Sinclaire
Pairing: F!MC×Ernest Sinclaire (married)
Summary: Countess Clara of Edgewater takes her lovely horse, Belle out for a ride 🐎
Word Count: 3.2K words
Rating: General (Fluff, Adventure, Rescue)
Warnings: none (Injury)
-> My complete Desire & Decorum Masterlist <-
Choices Fanfiction Taglist: @lilyoffandoms ; @secretaryunpaid ; @blackcatkita ; @infactnoimmasitinthemiddle ; @peonierose ; @jdstar88 ; @hopelessromantic1352 ; @tessa-liam ; @mxdanni ; @rosepetals1 ; @stars-are-within-me ; @dutifullynuttywitch ; @artbyalz ; @bri1234 ; @loreofyore ; @choicesficwriterscreations ; ... [I shortened my Taglist because my Readers wanted to be tagged for Nightbound. For the next D&D fanfictions (if there will ever be ones), nobody gets tagged unless requested] ; @choicesdecember2024 (Prompt: Home)
Comments via Reblog wholeheartedly welcome
Author's Note: Please have mercy on me since it's my very first Desire & Decorum fanfiction. If I ever write again for this book, I won't tag anyone unless it is requested. Inform me!!!
"I'm heading out for a ride.", his wife informed him as she climbed on the back of her horse, named Belle.
Ernest's expression softened. He knew just how much she cherished these moments with the mare.
"Very well, my dear. But promise me you'll be careful. Belle can be quite spirited."
"Oh, my dear and loving husband. Don't you believe in Team Clara-Belle?", she winked.
Ernest chuckled warmly at her playful remark.
"Of course I do, my love. I have the utmost faith in your skills with that steed. I just happen to like you in a single piece."
With a nod, he released her hand and called put to be safe.
"Be careful. And pat Belle on the nose for me."
Ernest watched her leave. His heart swelled with a mixture of love and worry. He hoped that Clara, with her spirited nature, stayed safe on her ride.

Countess Clara of Edgewater mounted on Belle. Next to her, other ladies on their horses, all eager and excited for a playful race in nature. The soft grass beneath them rustled gently, and the horses seemed to share in their enthusiasm. Clara's eyes glittered with a hint of mischief.
"Ready for a race, ladies?"
Everyone nodded, their horses pawing the ground in anticipation, which made Clara even more excited. She patted Belle's neck affectionately.
"Ready for a race, my girl. We'll show them the power of Clara-Belle."
When the little race finally started, all the horses lurched forward, moving as one. Each rider gripped the reins tightly. Clara, with her intimate knowledge of Belle's speed and the terrain, took the lead. The wind whipped through her brown locks.
The other ladies do their best to catch up, but Clara and Belle are a force to be reckoned with. Clara's skillful guidance and confidence created a seamless bond between woman and horse which propelled them further ahead with each stride.
The young countess laughed heartily, the feeling of triumph rushing through her veins. She patted Belle's neck as they continued to pull further ahead.
Clara glanced over her shoulder and smiled, seeing how far she and Belle had pulled away from the others. The wind rushed past her ears as she called out to her horse.
"We're leaving them in the dust, aren't we, girl? We're Team Clara-Belle, after all. Fast and strong."
Belle nickered in agreement, her strides became even more vigorous as if spurred on by her rider's excitement. The horse's powerful muscles rippled under her, propelling them further and further from the rest of the group.
Clara her focus on guiding Belle, suddenly felt a shift in the horse's stride. Before she could fully process what was happening, Belle let out a sharp whinny and stumbled slightly to the side.
Clara's heart skipped a beat as she frantically tried to regain control, but it was too late. Belle's stumbling turned into a fall, and in a moment of panic, Clara was sent flying from the saddle, landing hard on the grass some distance away.
The rider's body ached from the impact, the shock of the fall left her breathless. She lay there for a moment, trying to assess the damage, but her focus was quickly diverted by a sound that chilled her to the bone... Belle's panicked whinny.
Clara's heart raced as she turned her head and discovered Belle struggling to get up. The beautiful mare twisted her ankle. Her hind legs buckled whenever she tried to put weight on them. Clara, despite her pain, stood up and slowly approached her horse.
"Belle, my girl..."
Belle still whinnied in pain as Clara approached. The animal's brown eyes were wide and filled with fear. It attempted to move but couldn't. The injury was preventing her from standing, let alone moving. Clara's heart aches for her beloved steed. Her hands trembled as she gently touched Belle's injured leg.
"Oh no! My poor Belle..."
A mixture of worry and pain as the young woman examined the injury. Her horse whimpered in response, clearly distressed and in pain. Clara knew that she couldn't move Belle on her own. Belle was too big and too distressed. Panic began to creep into the mind of the young countess as she searched around, hoping for anyone to pass by and help. But the area remained empty and silent. Her face was pale with fear. The realization of their predicament sank in. They're alone, some distance from the estate away. Both were unable to ride and unable to walk back. The only sound was Belle's soft, pain-filled whinnies, echoing through the quiet landscape.
Clara gently placed her shaking hand on Belle's neck, trying to soothe the frightened animal.
"It's going to be alright, girl. We'll find a way."
But the words felt hollow, filled with fear instead of reassurance. For a moment, they sat in silence. The horse's soft breaths were the only sound. The wind had picked up, the chill biting cold against their exposed skin. Clara already shivered in her thin riding clothes. They were miles away from any shelter, and the temperature was dropping rapidly. The thought of spending the night outdoors, injured and exposed, was more than a little frightening. But she pushed that fear down, focusing instead on the hope that someone would find them before nightfall.
When Clara tried to stand, she winced as her sore body protested. It was clear that the fall had left her with bruises and possible injuries, but she still pushed through the pain, gritting her teeth as she rose to her feet. She glanced at Belle and her heart broke at the sight of the helpless horse.
Clara looked around, trying to find something, anything they could use for shelter. The terrain was empty and flat, with no trees or buildings in sight. The wind gusted again, and she shivered, feeling how the coldness had already begun to seep through her clothes. The horse growing restless and agitated by the minute.
The woman sat back down next to Belle, trying to think of a solution. But the coldness was making her head fuzzy, and the pain in her body slowly clouded her thoughts. She wrapped her arms around herself, attempting to keep warm, and huddled closer to her horse for warmth.
"Ernest was right. I should have been more careful."
She let out a small, bitter laugh, and small tears welled up her eyes. Her fingers trembled slightly from the cold. She leaned her head closer against Belle, feeling the horse's soft fur. Trying to soothe herself, to think of a way out of this mess. The sound of the wind howling around them and it was getting darker.

Hours passed slowly, and the night was drawing closer. Clara was exhausted, her body ached and her mind fuzzy. The coldness now had settled deep into her bones, despite the small comfort that Belle's presence provided. The pain in her ankle, coupled with the soreness from the fall, made her breathing ragged. They're in the middle of nowhere, hurt, hungry, thirsty and exhausted.
Suddenly, the sound of horse steps was heard, which caught Clara's attention. She looked up, her heart fluttered with a mixture of hope and anxiety. The steps seemed to get closer, but the darkness made it hard to see anything. The injured lady strained her eyes, trying to make out the form of the approaching guests in the darkness. The wind howled around her, which masked the sound a bit, and for a moment, she was not even sure if it was her mind playing tricks on her or if someone was coming.
It took a little moment until Clara's eyes widened, discovering a figure on horseback approaching. She tried to get to her feet, but her ankle protested making her stumble. So she waved one arm and shouted desperately, trying to get the person's attention.
"Here! Over here!! Help!!"
The mysterious rider seemed to have noticed the movement and guided its horse in their direction, getting closer as the seconds passed.
As the rider approached closer, Clara could just make out the familiar features and stature. It was her husband, Mister Ernest Sinclaire, Master of Ledford. The young man looked panicked. His face filled with worry as he dismounted from his horse and rushed towards her and Belle.
"My Clara!!"
Ernest dropped to his knees beside Clara, his eyes scanning her body for any signs of serious injury. His hands moved gently over her skin, checking for wounds as his voice was filled with worry.
"My love, my sweet, my darling, my Clara, are you hurt?"
"How did you find us?"
Mister Sinclaire ran a hand through his soft hair, his expression tense, but a hint of relief in his blue eyes. He glanced at Belle before answering.
"When you didn’t return for dinner, I knew something was wrong. The ladies informed me about your sudden disappearance and looked worried. I saddled my horse and came searching for you."
"Oh Ernest..."
Her husband pulled her into his arms, holding her tightly against his chest. His voice was soft but filled with worry and relief.
"My love, you foolish girl. You could have been hurt, or worse..."
"I'm sorry."
Ernest pulled back slightly, looking at her face. His heart nearly broke at the sight of her tired, bruised face. His hand raised to cradle her cheek with a gentle touch.
"I'm not angry, my love. I'm just so relieved you're safe. But promise me, promise me you'll be more careful from now on."
"I promise."
The young man gave her a soft smile, pressing a gentle kiss against her forehead. He held her a moment longer before standing up, moving to check on Belle. The horse whimpered as he touched her. The injury was indeed painful.
He examined the injury with a serious expression. Running his hand gently over Belle's leg, checking the swelling and the stability of the joint. He looked up at Clara, his mouth set in a grim line.
"It's sprained at the very least. The poor thing is in pain."
"How will we get her home?"
He glanced at the horses and it took a silent moment until an idea slowly formed up in his mind. He knew it was not ideal, but they didn't have many options.
"My love, you ride my horse, and I'll walk. We'll have to build a travois. With branches and rope, we might be able to make something that can support Belle's weight without further hurting her leg. Me and my horse will pull the travois with Belle on it."
And with that, Ernest Sinclaire began to look around, hunting for long enough sticks and searching for rope or cloth that could serve as a support. The night was fully set, the stars their only light source in the pitch-black field.
As he worked, he glanced over at his wife, trying to keep his worry at bay. Clara's face was drawn with exhaustion, and he knew she was holding on by a thread. The travois needed to be done quickly. The sooner they could move, the better.
Eventually, Ernest managed to gather enough sticks and found some rope in his horse's saddle bag. With determination, he set work on building the travois, tying the sticks together and making sure they were sturdy enough to support Belle's weight.
As the travois slowly took shape, he looked up to see that Clara had managed to mount his horse, holding the reins with stiff, trembling hands. A wave of worry washed over him again at the sight of her. She should be resting, not worrying about all this.
When the man tied the final knots on the travois, he approached to his brown-colored horse and Clara. His voice gentle but firm as he spoke.
"Love, I need you to ride slowly and carefully. Belle's on a travois behind us and will be uncomfortable. You cannot jostle her too much. Do you understand?"
"Yes, Ernest."
His heart broke at the exhaustion in her voice. He wished he could take away all the pain and worry, but they were still far from safe. He reached up, gently touching her knee.
"Clara, I know you're tired, believe me, I know. But we have no other option but to keep moving. We will rest once we're back home, once we've got you and Belle safe. Just hold on a little while longer."
"You're walking? Are you sure?"
"Yes, love. I'll walk beside you. It won't slow us down that much. And you need the rest more than I do. Just let me guide the horse while you hang on, alright?"
He took the reins and led his horse forward, gently encouraging the animal to step forward. The travois with Belle on it follows, its wheels making a soft grating sound on the rough ground.
As the party slowly began to move. The only sounds were the soft huffing breaths of the horses, the crunch of the wheels on the ground, and Belle's soft whimpers. Clara's eyes were half-lidded with exhaustion, her body trembled with the cold and the exhaustion.
Ernest was also tired and focused on walking. He knew Clara and Belle were both injured and exhausted, and that every step was a challenge, but he pushed forward. When he glanced back at Clara, he saw how she was struggling to stay awake and on the horse.
"Love, you need to stay awake, you cannot sleep on the horse. Not yet. Just a little bit longer, I promise you'll sleep in a nice warm bed once we're back."
"I'm worried about Belle."
"I know, my love. So am I. But we're getting closer to the estate with every step. Sir Luke Harper will take perfect care of Belle. Soon, you can both rest. Almost there..."
Minutes, hours, a lifetime seemed to pass. But eventually, the familiar sight of Edgewater estate came into view. The buildings were faintly lit in the distance, and relief flooded through Ernest's chest. They made it. They're safe. He glanced back at Clara, a small smile on her face too.
When they reached the stables, he took the horses into their boxes, then turned back to Clara, helping her down from the saddle and supporting her tired body.
The man pulled her into his arms, holding her tightly against his chest.
"My love, you did great. You're safe now. We're home."
"Ernest, my love... You saved us."
He held her close, his arms tight around her. He rested his chin on the top of her head, his exhaustion finally caught up with him. He could see the other staff running out to help, but for a moment he just held Clara and ignored the surroundings. His heart filled with gladness that they were in Edgewater, safe and together now.
"You need to get warm and rest, my love. Let the staff help you inside. I need to take care of Belle."
"But she's my horse."
"I know, Clara. Belle means a lot to you. And Sir Harper is very skilled and will take good care of Belle. But you need to rest too. Let me take you inside."
"Yes, please."
Ernest nodded and wrapped an arm around her waist to support her weary body. He helped her walk slowly towards the house, his movements gentle and caring. He could feel how tired his Clara was, and it pained him to see her like this. But he knew that soon she'd be warm and comfortable, safe and sound in their manor. When Ernest noticed her stumble, he reacted quickly. He caught her, pulling his wife gently against his side, holding her up. His eyes scan her face, filled with worry.
"Careful, my love. Are you alright?"
"Yes, I'm good. Just tripped, but I'm good."
"Good. Hang on to me, Clara. We're almost there."
"Ernest, I'm the countess of this estate and look like a mess. Hurry upstairs, I don't want anyone to see me like this."
"My love, even when you're exhausted and disheveled, you're still the most beautiful countess and woman in all of Great Britain.", he chuckled and kissed her cheek. Despite the situation, he couldn't help but tease her wife a bit.
His heart lightened at the sight of her expression as he continued walking towards the house with his arm tight around her waist.
"Oh, don't give me that look. You know I'm right."
Eventually, they reached the front steps of the house, where only a few of the staff were awake. The rest of the house and family members were already asleep, unaware of the events. The doors of the estate opened for them, and the warm light from inside shined out into the night. Ernest guided Clara through the threshold, his hand still on her waist, supporting her.
"I want the bed now."
"Of course, love. The bed, some food, clean clothes... You'll have it all, anything you want. First, let's get you upstairs. You look like you're about to fall over."
He led her to the staircase, his pace slow and patient as he took the time to help her up each step. His own blue eyes heavy with tiredness, but his care for her never wavered.
Eventually, they reached their chambers. Ernest helped his wife inside. A welcome sight after their long journey. The bed looked soft and inviting. The warm fireplace was already lit and crackling.
He guided her towards the bed, helping her to sit down, and leaned her against the piles of pillows.
"You're safe, my love. You're home."
"I hope Belle..."
"Shhh... My dear Clara darling... Sir Luke Harper will now take good care of her tonight. You need to rest and trust him. And we'll check on Belle first thing in the morning."
"Of course, my love. It's the least I can do. Now, lay back. You need to rest."
Ernest smiled softly, watching as Clara closed her eyes and started to drift off. He reached forward, gently tucking the blankets around her, making sure she was comfortable and warm. A sigh of relief escaped his lips. They're safe, they're home, and she's finally getting the rest she so desperately needed.

The morning sun was just starting to peek over the horizon as Ernest and Clara made their way down to the stables. The air was crisp and chilly. The morning dew still clinging to the grass. When the couple reached the stables, the familiar sounds and smells of the horses filled the air. The husband lead her towards Belle's stable. His heart was heavy with concern as they didn't know what condition the poor horse might be in.
The horse was lying down, several soft bedrolls and blankets placed beneath her to provide some comfort. A fresh bandage around Belle's injured leg. Immediately, Clara hugged Belle, which brought a soft smile to his face. Ernest could see the relief and love in Clara's eyes as she gently caressed the horse's head. Belle whickered softly, but she responded to Clara's touch and her muscles relaxed slightly.
It was clear that the horse and the countess shared a special bond. A connection that went beyond mere friendship. They're practically inseparable. Two souls joined together by their mutual strength and spirit. That was Team Clara-Belle.
#choices fanfiction#countess of edgewater#clara sinclaire#ernest sinclaire#desire & decorum#choices fanfic#playchoices#choices#🐎
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I 😍 your Leo & Isabella storyline! Please tag me for more🥹✨️🫶
A Quiet Christmas - Isabella x Leo (One shot from a RR Mob Boss AU)
This is a one shot from a Mob Boss style AU for Liam and Leo. This is the kids first Christmas with Leo since they returned to Cordonia.
Cutesy fic, following prompt for @choicesdecember2024 for Day 29: Snowman / Snowball Fight
tagging a few old friends as I haven’t posted in a long time and I am sorry for that 😓😭 if I have missed anyone, again I am sorry - I just haven’t posted in a lifetime 😭
@havenroyals @angrythingstarlight @lorirwritesfanfic @lorircreates
This Christmas Eve for Leo was somewhat reminiscent of his days when the Rys Royal Family were still ruling the Cordonian Kingdom. It was a far cry from too many Christmases past on the run or drinking himself to oblivion to block out the pain of the unknown. This year however was set to change that repetitive narrative and create new, happier memories. Reunited again with this childhood sweetheart and their identical twin daughters, Leo decided to do something magical for their first Christmas together as a family and planned a trip to Lythikos after realising their kids hadn’t played in the snow since the were little, nor had he the opportunity to live that experience with them as a family, until now. The closer the family were to the Lythikos Kingdom, the heavier the snowflakes became. The snow was falling thick as a blanket over the darkened mountains, each flake softening the world outside. Leo sat in the driver’s seat of the black SUV, his fingers clenched on the wheel as the headlights cut through the swirling white haze. Beside him, Bella kept her eyes on the road, but he could feel her tension, the way her shoulders were slightly hunched as if bracing against some invisible storm.
Their twin daughters, Alessandra and Natalia, sat in the back, discussing the most important aspects of life right now, “Mama, Papa… will santa know we’re here and not leave our presents at home?” Their voices, high and eager, were the only sound that filled the cabin of the car. “Sí, mi amor…” Isabella spoke softly, “Santa will know where you are tonight, so do not worry…” Leo glanced at Bella, his brow furrowing. The trip had been his idea—this remote cabin in the mountains for their first Christmas as a family. It was supposed to be peaceful. But Leo couldn’t shake the feeling that, no matter how far they went, the shadows of their life would always follow may that be from the Via Imperii or someone plotting revenge of a business deal gone wrong. They had only just begun to experience the weight of their father’s legacy, the weight Leo had tried to shield them from over the past year, but in his world, that was always easier said than done. He let out a slow breath and shifted his gaze to the rearview mirror. The road was barely visible through the thickening storm, but they were nearly there.
Leo’s gaze softened as he looked at the twins, their little faces lit by the dim glow of the car’s interior light. Alessandra and Natalia both were happily watching their favourite Christmas film in the headrest screens without a care in the world and for a brief moment, Leo’s heart ached. They were so young, so innocent. He knew that life was precious and the three individuals in the car alongside him filled him with a joy that could only be described as indescribable - he wouldn’t be able to articulate how he felt, no matter how hard he tried. Coming to a stop, Leo fixed the handbrake with a grin in front of a magnificent wooden cabin decorated with outdoor twinkling Christmas Lights, “This is home for the next couple of days…” The cabin was cozy, nestled in a hollow between two snow-covered peaks. It looked almost like a picture from one of those glossy holiday brochures, the kind that promised peace and serenity—things Leo was only just beginning to understand and appreciate once more. The majority of his adult life was simply to survive, out of everyone there - he needed this the most.
He helped the petite brunette unpack the car, keeping a sharp eye on the surroundings. His instincts, honed over years of running the family business, refused to let him relax. But Bella had insisted—thiswas supposed to be their escape. He stood momentarily to take in the quiet. A millisecond of time felt like an eternity. He felt as if he were in a paradox - out in the open but sheltered from everyone at that moment. "Mi amor, come inside…" Isabella called from the front door with a giggle. "Alessandra and Natalia are already re-decorating the tree and making themselves at home…” The sandy haired former Cordonian Crown Prince walked inside, the warmth of the cabin immediately enveloping him. The fire crackled in the hearth, its flames casting long shadows on the walls. The twins were in the living room, their small hands carefully placing ornaments on the tree, giggling every time one of them tipped over.
“Papa, come see, come see!” Natalia called, her face glowing with excitement as she ran towards him, eagerly taking his calloused hand, dragging him towards the 8ft Fir Tree. With a sparkling star in hand, Leo lifted his youngest daughter high enough to reach the top of the tree to add the final decoration to its rightful place. Alessandra was watching with adoration as the star glittered from above her, the flecks of shimmering gold catching the lights as they twinkled and danced around the tree. Leo kneeled down beside them. For a brief moment, he allowed himself to forget who he was day to day—but for the holidays, he was just a father with his daughters, enjoying Christmas. Kissing both of their cheeks elicited a shriek of happiness from them both as he wrapped his strong, muscular arms around them both gently. “I think Santa knows you two have been so good this year… he didn’t tell me anything different when I spoke with him this morning…” Leo wasn’t exactly joking when he said this, he did speak to a Santa this morning but that was more of a shakedown than handing over a Christmas present list.
As the evening deepened, the storm outside grew fiercer, but inside the cabin, it was warm, filled with the smells of roasting meat and the sound of Christmas carols playing softly in the background. The twins had set the table with their own brand of chaotic enthusiasm, and the meal was simple—no lavish spreads or extravagant gifts, just a quiet night together. After dinner, they sat around the fire. Leo held a glass of whiskey in his hand, his thoughts drifting. It was hard to silence the ghosts of his past. The weight of his responsibilities was always present, lurking just beneath the surface of every smile, every laugh. But tonight, tonight was different. The twins were happily colouring in pictures as they patiently waited for bed time, the fire crackling in the background. Bella leaned against him, her fingers twining with his. “Leo, it’s ok” she cooed softly, as if she could sense his thoughts. "We’re safe here. You’re safe. We’re safe." He nodded, but he couldn’t shake the feeling that he was just waiting for something—someone—to remind him of the world he’d left behind for the next few days. But for now, as he looked at Bella and their daughters, the warmth of the fire and the laughter of his family filled the empty spaces. For the first time in years, Leo allowed himself to believe it might just be enough.
As the night wore on, Leo and Isabella found themselves cozied up on the couch as the kids fell asleep soundly in their room. Kissing the crown of Isabella’s head as she slept against his shoulder, Leo savoured his tumbler of whiskey, quietly enjoying the spitting of the fire, watching as it slowly dissipated away into ash and smoke a mere hour or two later. Each hour on the grandfather clock rang out as a reminder of the lack of sleep Leo had and how many hours he had left before chaos ensued the cabin. As the clock struck 4am, he heard a recognisable shuffling coming from the hallway. “Back to bed…” his deep voice echoed, “It’s too early…” smiling to himself as he heard a soft but audible sigh and the door closing behind them. It was sweet they were so excited, warming Leo’s heart further. He’d done so much planning. Unbeknownst to Isabella or the twins, he had the cabin built for them, it wasn’t some simple weekend retreat but a holiday home where they could just be together. In fact, it was a present to the woman who brought his children into the world and he was trying to make up for the past four years of not knowing they existed, or in Isabella’s case - still alive. Leo wanted to be the father he never had. He wanted to be present and only wanted what was best for them. For the first time in a long time, he felt a sense of peace settle over him. The past was a shadow he couldn’t escape, but tonight, that shadow didn’t feel so heavy. They were together. And for now, that was all that mattered, holding the love of his life just that little bit tighter as she slept peacefully.
As predicted, the morning brought organised chaos and a childlike wonder to all. “He didn’t forget!” Exclaimed the twins as they bounded into the living room, wakening their mother who was still asleep against their father’s shoulder. Isabella’s glazed over eyes watched as they ran towards the tree and in a whirlwind of wrapping paper, toys and presents appeared, replacing the green and red wrapped boxes that sat perfectly under the branches. “Mi querida…” the petite brunette sighed, placing her hand gently against Leo’s cheek, “Did you not sleep?” her brow raising as she questioned him. “Yeah…” Leo yawned, trying to disguise it with a smile, “I gotta couple of hours…” before immediately changing the subject, “Breakfast?” The former Crown Princess’ dark chocolate brown eyes saddened as she saw the last two wrapped presents from under the tree, both for Leo, from her and the children.
As the twins were preoccupied, Isabella carefully picked up the small boxes bringing them to the kitchen. “Open them…” she held out the presents in front of the mob boss, him puzzled as to why. Her brow furrowed at his reluctance, “…Por favor, mi amor… this one first…” she tapped her long red nail against the cardboard…” Leo opened it to a new pair of leather gloves, scarf and hat. He was confused but appreciated the gesture. “Sasha and Talia have always wanted to go build a snowman like they’ve seen in the movies… when they heard we were going somewhere snowy for Christmas they hoped that you would help them…” Leo tried on the gloves, they were pristine and weren’t tainted like his usual pair. For now, his hands were clean metaphorically and physically. Isabella’s beautiful warm smile appeared once more as she teased, now this one…” Leo looked at it, it was a small ring box, opening it he saw nothing other than a folded piece of paper. He carefully opened it, his sea green eyes scanning the contents before his gaze met the petite brunette’s. “You’re?!” Leo exclaimed, he didn’t know how to feel, he was elated but terrified at the same time. Isabella pointed to the picture of the sonogram, “Twelve weeks, going on Thirteen…” looking over her shoulder with a grin towards the twins playing on the other side of the room, completely unaware of what was unfolding, “They don’t know yet either… I thought you might want to be the one to tell them…”
“Doll…” Leo softly cupped his hands around Isabella’s face, embracing her as if it were his last. His lips crashed onto hers and once again, time felt as if it were standing still. In that moment, all he could feel was immense joy. “I’m surprised you didn’t notice each morning…” No he didn’t notice, recently when Isabella was going to work - he was only arriving home, passersby in the night as the Via Imperii’s grip tightened around the Kingdom. Family, he thought. Our family. This time it would be different, he could be there. He could be present. But again… could and would have two different meanings. “This place…” the sandy haired Cordonian cleared his throat awkwardly, “…this is for you…” Isabella’s eyes widened in shock, “We were only renting… I thought this…” causing Leo to chuckle loudly as he rolled his eyes playfully, “…You really think that you would be in one of Olivia’s Airbnb’s or something? I don’t think so honey…” shaking his head, Leo continued to plate up, “Breakfast is ready…”
“Show me all the presents Santa brought!” Leo happily exclaimed as the twins came bounding in trying to carry as many items as their little bodies would allow. “Wow…” the former Crown Prince grinned as he saw his two beaming girls, “You two must have been really good this year…” they nodded in unison. “Yes, papa! We have!” “And a little birdie told me that you also want to go build a snowman? Will we do that before dinner?” Isabella winced at the loud, piercing squeal that echoed through the wooden cabin, “So much for a quiet Christmas…” the petite brunette shook her head as the excitement grew. “Let’s all go get dressed and we can go outside…” Isabella calmly instructed before they as a family finally ventured out of their redwood cabin cocoon.
There was so much snow that neither Alessandra or Natalia knew what to do with. “Let me show you…” Leo began to form the shape of a ball, rolling it around as it became bigger. “Go help your papa…” Isabella smiled from the porch, encouraging them both to help Leo as she pulled her woollen coat tighter around her to keep warm. The white powdery snow crunched under their feet, with the snowflakes continuing to dance above their heads. “You know….” Leo looked up to the sky with a warm smile, “Each little snowflake is different, they’re not the same…” Alessandra pouted her lip with a furrowed brow from confusion, holding out her little hand to catch the flakes “But they look the same papa?” “Well…” Leo grinned as he lifted a pile of snow, patting it to form the snowman’s head as he kneeled down beside them, “You and your sister look the same… but you’re different…“ before lifting the snowman’s head and placing it atop his body. Isabella found an old scarf, a carrot, some branches from the pile of chopped wood and some stones for the eyes and buttons. “Should be we get him dressed, yes?”
Admiring their handiwork, Alessandra and Natalia sprinted toward the snowman, wrapping their arms around its snowy form in excitement. Leo cleared his throat playfully. “What about me? Where’s my hug?” The twins exchanged a mischievous glance, almost as if communicating telepathically, before racing toward him. Leo, grinning, fell backward into the snow just as they collided with him, and he wrapped his arms around them. The twins squealed with laughter as he chuckled.
“Mama!!” they cried out as Leo tickled them mercilessly. “Mama!!” they repeated, their voices full of giggles. The petite brunette, knelt beside them with a smile, her eyes twinkling. “Maybe next year you’ll have another set of hands to help stop the tickle monster…” Leo raised an eyebrow. “We’re doing this now?” Isabella nodded, her smile widening. “No better time.” Leo sat up, loosening his hold on the girls. “Sasha… Talia…” he began, his grin growing. “Your mama and I have something to tell you… we’re going to have a baby… you’re going to be big sisters.” The twins paused, taking in the news. Natalia was the first to speak, her eyes lighting up. “I want a brother!” But Alessandra shook her head with a determined expression. “No, Talia… no boys… mama…” Her hazel eyes turned to Isabella, and she smiled sweetly. “Can we get some hot chocolate?” “Por supuesto, cariño,” Isabella replied, her voice warm. “Let’s go inside and make some.”
As the evening began to slowly roll in, Isabella and Leo prepared dinner, the girls happily watching outside as their snowman stood proud and tall outside the cabin. It was a Christmas the family wouldn’t forget. Leo did have one more surprise under his sleeve but he wanted to wait until the twins went to bed before he could clamber the courage to ask the former Crown Princess to marry him with the 20 carat diamond ring he had carefully stowed away for safe keeping.
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I think I got em all reblogged. I’ll start working on a masterlist as soon as I’m able (probably during the treatment appointments this week).
Thank you to everyone that created for the event. I’m sorry I couldn’t make it more fun but I adored seeing each creation. Can’t wait to catch up on my reading and reblogs soon.
Merry 11th day of Christmas and happiest of New Year’s to each and everyone of you! May your 2025 be filled with only good and beautiful things ♥️
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