#choices Tatum
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lilyoffandoms · 1 month ago
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Blaine x Aubrey & Aubrey x Tatum
Played FA again not that long ago and decided I wanted to switch up Aubrey a bit. Still love their other look but feel this fits them better.
Event Tag: @choicesmcappreciationweek (Day Seven: LGBT+ and Proud) & @choicesficwriterscreations (AotW)
My Art Ish Thing Tag (Choices Edition): @storyofmychoices @aallotarenunelma @twinkleallnight @dutifullynuttywitch @loreofyore @peonierose @trappedinfanfiction
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practically-an-x-man · 10 months ago
every time I watch The Golden Circle I go "now why the fuck did they cancel the Gambit movie???"
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roseythorne · 1 year ago
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playchoicesconfessions · 1 year ago
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Sent by anonymous
‘Even though Blaine was the ‘main’ LI, I think Tatum had the more emotional route in Foreign Affairs’
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zoeywades-husband · 1 year ago
Me after watching a bodyguard romance on Netflix: *sighs* time to replay Foreign Affairs again
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txemrn · 2 years ago
The Easter Magic
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Pairing: Ethan Ramsey x f!OC (Tatum Erikson-Ramsey), with special appearances by Alan Ramsey, Louise Ramsey and Cord Ramsey
Word Count: ~2498
Warning: fairly fluffy; smallest sprinkle of angst; a few curses
A/N: Some characters and plot points belong to our friends at Pixelberry
A/N 2: I wanted to join in on the Easter fun, so I am participating in two different prompt challenges. This is my submission for @choicesflashfics, where I am using Prompt #3: "I don't know if I want to know the answer, but what are you doing?" I am also submitting this to @aprilchallenge with the following prompts: bunny, Easter eggs, laughter, love, kiss, happy, hug. Thank you for allowing me to participate, and thank you for hosting these events! All prompts will be in bold.
A/N 3: Huge thanks to @sfb123 for helping me figure out the ending. We're going to get you on the OPH bus before you know it! This fic was not beta'd or pre-read. Please excuse my errors.
Turning the ignition off, Tatum looks at her watch. Shit. 9:22PM. She's missed bedtime. Again.
She grabs her shopping bags along with her hospital duffle bag and computer briefcase, and hurries through the garage and to the elevators.
Tatum sneaks into the darkened apartment, padding softly into the kitchen where she begins unpacking her groceries. She pulls out her pie crusts as she places a pot of water to boil on the stove. She sets the temperature to the oven as she pulls out a carton of eggs as well as several packages of fresh cut meats and cheeses for tomorrow's brunch.
As she waits for everything to warm, she retreats to a special walk-in closet under the stairs that stores holiday decorations. She pulls out Cord's Easter basket along with leftover plastic eggs and fake grass from last year's festivities. Spreading out all of her basket and egg hunt supplies on the counter, she notices that her husband did exactly what she had asked: set carrots out with Cord for the Easter Bunny. God, he's the better parent. She would've given anything to have been home, but she couldn't exactly leave in the middle of surgery.
She checks on the stove and oven once more, ensuring that everything is continuing to preheat. She digs in a grocery bag, and grabs a stencil of a bunny paw print, glitter and a bottle of baby powder before heading back to the front door. Climbing on her knees, she presses the shape to the hardwood floor before sprinkling the white particles and glitter across the cutout.
"I don't know if I want to know the answer, but what are you doing?"
Tatum startles, dropping the bottle of powder as dust billows around her in the air. "Ethan," she coughs into a chuckle, waving the clouds out of the way. "You scared me."
He squats down, a smirk on his face. "What is this mess?"
"I am making Easter Bunny footprints," she states as she returns to the project.
"O…kay," Ethan furrows his eyebrows, "why?"
"It's part of the Easter magic, Ethan," she retorts, "apparently, it's not enough that Cord wakes up to a basket full of goodies. We have to make it look like the Easter Bunny actually broke into our home–by the way, can you take a bite out of the carrot you set out?"
Ethan stares out the powdery prints on the ground before glaring at the carrot. "There’s Easter magic now?"
Tatum scoffs, throwing her hands in the air. "Yes, Ethan, I have to create Easter magic now or else I'm a bad mom."
Ethan's eyes widen. "Whoa, whoa, whoa. Who said anything about being a bad mom?"
Tatum sighs, sliding off of her knees and into a sitting position. "No one," she dusts off her hands, "but I'm just sick of the other moms at the school giving me those judgmental looks with their snide comments. Like, I committed an unforgivable sin by having a baby and choosing to work."
"They aren't so bad," Ethan shrugs, relaxing his face nonchalantly. "The other moms are always nice to me–"
"That's because they think you're hot!"
"Oh, you're deranged," Ethan swipes his hand in the air.
"Am I, Ethan?" Tatum scowls. "I went to Cord's field trip to the duck pond, and four moms asked where you were!"
"Oh," he shakes his head grimacing, but then quickly turns back to Tatum. "Which ones were asking about me?"
With a grumble, Tatum squirts white dust in the air towards her husband before charging back into the kitchen.
"Oh c'mon, Tate, I was joking," Ethan chuckles, sauntering cautiously into the kitchen. He gently grabs her elbow, pulling her into his body before enveloping her in his arms. "Hey," he whispers, his lips barely tickling her ear. "You are an extraordinary mom." Tatum looks up at her husband with glassy eyes as he continues. "Those women? They're jealous because… well, hell, you're hot, too," he snickers, his comment making his wife fall into giggles. He kisses her forehead, "they hate that you have it all: the job you love, the adorable son with excellent genes, I might add, and let's not forget–"
"Yeah, yeah," she interrupts sardonically, "the hot husband." Tatum catches Ethan's lips with hers as she slips her arms around his waist. She relaxes her head against his chest as he continues to pepper her hair with kisses, falling into a comfortable silence.  "I just want him to have a happy childhood," Tatum admits softly.
"You don't think he does?"
"I'm scared I'm screwing him up," her voice starts to tremble before she clears her throat. "I just love him so much. Will he look back and remember 'Mom made everything special,'  or will he remember that his mom chose to work, that his mom wasn't there for bedtime, or that I didn't buy him microgreens–"
"Wait," Ethan interrupts, pulling back and giving a curious glare at his wife. "Microgreens?"
"Yes, your son asked me for 'microgreens' because Hayleigh Grayce's mom," Tatum singsongs the name obnoxiously, "told him that if he ate those rather than his goldfish crackers, he'd get taller and stronger."
"Are you fucking kidding me? That woman's got a lot of nerve," Ethan fumes. "Besides, he loves goldfish–"
"Not anymore," Tatum rolls her eyes. 
"Did you get him the microgreens?"
"He's four!" She sasses, putting her hands on her hips. "I'm happy when he even tastes something green and doesn't spit it out!" 
The couple falls into laughter as an alarm on the oven chirps, notifying them that the appliance has been preheated.
"Is this for tomorrow?" Ethan surveys the prep work Tatum has started on the counter.
"Mhmm," she hums, cracking eggs in a bowl before whipping them. "Don't forget; your dad's picking up Louise, and they'll be here around 9."
"Speaking of shitty parents," Ethan jokes, Tatum playfully slapping his arm. He chuckles, shielding himself; but then his eyebrows raise. "And you see? Even if you are a terrible parent, there's always hope for later life."
An unnerving frown etches on Tatum's features. Ethan draws closer to her, planting his mouth against her neck. "Hey," he kisses the sensitive skin again, "you are doing a remarkable job with our son."
Tatum's eyes meet Ethan's crystal pools. "Thank you, baby," she croons, slipping her hands around his neck for one last hug.
"So," Ethan claps, "what's left to do for this Easter Magic stuff?"
Ethan and Tatum finished prepping for the family brunch. They made the 'Easter bunny' paw prints, and left the carrots out with visible teeth marks for Cord to find. 
They started stuffing Easter eggs when Ethan noticed Tatum's energy waning. She had been at work since 7AM post holiday call, and now it was close to midnight. He insisted they both head to bed, that they could finish the egg-stuffing--and hiding--in the morning. Before she could even tuck herself in, Tatum was out like a light.
With boisterous laughter echoing through the master bedroom, Tatum's eyes anxiously pop open, instantly greeted with the bright light of the morning sun. She sits up, rubbing her eyes briskly with her fingertips. "Ethan?" She calls out, reaching for her discarded watch. 9:28AM. Shit. She overslept. She jumps out of bed, grabs her robe and hurries out the door.
Why didn't Ethan wake her up? He knew how important this morning was to–
"Oof!" Cord instantly crashes into his mom, throwing his arms around her legs. "Morning, baby," she chuckles, squatting down to take him in her arms. She nuzzles her nose into his blond hair, rubbing circles on his back.
"He came!"
Tatum pulls back from her embrace. "Who came?"
"The Easter Bunny!" Cord grabs her hand, eagerly pulling for his mom to follow. "C'mon! I'll show you!" They scurry to the front door area, Tatum pinning her robe closed with her free fingers. "Look, Mommy!" He giggles jumping onto his knees. "Footprints!"
"Wow!" Tatum acts surprised, relishing in her son's excitement.
"Did you show Mommy the carrots?"
Tatum twirls around to find Ethan leaning against the entryway. She stands up, but her husband already has his hands on her, pulling her snug into his embrace.
"Morning, baby," he purrs.
"Morning--uh… why didn't you wake–?"
"Shhh," Ethan sweetly hushes her, his lips meeting hers briefly once, then twice. "Because part of being a good mother is knowing when to take care of yourself." He tucks her under his jaw, his fingers combing into her tangled waves. "You're exhausted," he inhales deeply the floral notes in her hair, exhaling a soft moan. "And you looked so peaceful laying there."
Tatum jerks up. "I was snoring, wasn't I?"
Ethan boasts a guilty grin. "And drooling." He chuckles, hugging her again, running his warm hands up and down her sides. "But don't you worry. Everything is taken care of."
Tatum lets go, eyeing him suspiciously. "What do you mean? I have a casserole to bake and the eggs need–"
"Taken care of," he bares his teeth in a bright white smile.
"But… but how?"
"Easter Magic," he nonchalantly winks.
"C'mon," an older voice playfully chides, "let's show your mama."  Bounding into the room was Ethan's father Alan, carrying Cord on his back.
"Happy Easter, Alan," Tatum giggles, giving her father-in-law a kiss on the cheek before inspecting the remnants of a carrot in Cord's hand. 
"See, Mommy? The Easter Bunny came!" The little boy squeals with glee.
Tatum bites her lip, cupping her hand around her son's head. "Looks like he was really hungry!"
"And I got a basket with books and colors and–and books!"
"You did?" Tatum claps her hands. "Tell you what. Go pick out one book from your basket, and we can read it after we eat, okay?"
Cord nods excitedly as he slips down his grandpa's back, running full force to the living room to rummage through his Easter treasures.
With a twinkle in her eye Tatum looks back and forth between Ethan and Alan. "I… but how…?"
Alan gives his daughter-in-law an endearing side hug. "You already did all of the prep work, sweetheart.”
“It’s true,” Ethan nods. "There wasn’t much more to do; I finished Cord’s basket and got him ready while Mom and Dad stuffed the eggs."
"Wait," Tatum holds up her arms, "where is Louise?"
"She's finishing up in the kitchen," Alan grins, nodding through the dining area. 
Tatum turns on her heel, ensuring her robe is completely closed as she fidgets with her unkempt hair, pushing strands behind her ears. As she enters the kitchen, she watches as a thin, older woman pulls out a casserole dish of cinnamon buns.
Setting down the pan, Ethan's mother carefully cranes her neck, her expression warming when she sees Tatum. "Good morning, dear. I–I hope you don't mind me. I, uh…" she motions to the kitchen and the dining room. "I didn't mean to overstep."
"Are you kidding me?" Tatum quickly bridges the gap, throwing her arms around Louise, tucking the older woman tightly into her arms.  "Thank you so much, Lou," she softly hums, tightening her embrace. "You didn't overstep at all."
The older woman wraps her arms around Tatum, cherishing the hug from her daughter-in-law. "I guess, I'm just… I don't know, I'm–"
Tatum pulls back, taking her by the hand. "Making up for lost time."
She nods, becoming more serious in her demeanor.  "I wasn't always… a bad mother, you know–"
"Louise," Tatum takes her back in her arms. "What matters is now," she grins endearingly, "and you just gave my son a happy Easter."
Louise's eyes sparkle, peering up at Tatum.  "It really was fun," she giggles, wiping at her tears. "But that sweet little boy? You and Ethan are doing an incredible job."
"Thanks, Lou," Tatum gently pats her arm, "that means more to me than you realize."
The women grab the various dishes and serving utensils and finish setting the table for Easter brunch.  Tatum begins to fill the water glasses with ice.  "Lou, did you ever have that overwhelming sense that no matter how hard you try, you're bound to royally screw up your baby?"
Louise chuckles to herself, "Only every single moment of everyday. It consumed me… but," she grins poignantly,  "this is what I know now. Childhood is already a magical time; they're learning and experiencing things for the very first time that you and I, well, we take for granted," Louise puts an endearing hand on Tatum's arm. "They need love. That's what they remember."
"G'andma!" Cord calls out from behind the women. "Can I show Mommy what we made?"
"You made something?" Tatum curiously looks at Louise, giving her a playful wink. 
"Sure, sweetie. Make sure it's dry, and you can show your mom." The women exchange grins as Cord runs to another room. "I hope you don't mind. I brought over an egg dyeing kit."
"No, that's perfect–" Tatum is interrupted with Cord tapping her hip as he proudly holds out the colored egg.
"Look, Mommy!' He smiles proudly. "I made it for you, but--but G'andma helped me."
"Oh, Cord," Tatum gasps, her face expressive. "This is beautiful, baby!" She picks up the egg, appreciating the blue and purple watercolors, but when she turns it around, she notices writing from a white crayon that spells out the phrase Best Mom.
Tatum never thought in a million years she'd be that mom, getting choked up by cheesy clichés of being the 'best mom' or 'world's best mom', but in this moment, she gets it. She understands why mothers everywhere are so touched by being hailed for something so pompous.
Motherhood is damn hard. No one knows what the hell they're doing, and each mom, even the ones teaching their children to eat microgreens instead of goldfish crackers, think they're doing a terrible job.
But seeing that smile on Cord's face, seeing so much light and wonder in his crystal blue eyes, maybe Louise is right. And Cord is one deeply loved little boy.
Tatum pulls Cord into her arms, saddling him on her hip as she kisses his cheeks. "Thank you so much, baby. I love it." With a blush swirling on his cheeks, the young boy smiles brightly, coyly laying his head on his mom's shoulder.
"Hey," Ethan saunters up next to his wife, brushing his hand against her lower back. "Are we just about ready to–whoa!" His eyes widen. "The table… the food and the–and the decorations…"
"Do you like it?"
"Tate," his voice is low and breathless, his eyes darting across the table spread. "This really is, well, magical." 
She beams as a rosy hue paints her face. "I guess you're now a believer in the Easter magic?" She titters.
"I am, and… I guess I have been for a long time." Tatum gives him a curious glance as he pulls her into a heated kiss. "I'm looking at the magic right now."
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Thank you so much for your support! Every like, comment and reblog means the world to me! 🖤
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yourqueenb · 1 year ago
Overall it seems like our options for new releases might be looking up a bit? There seems to be a little more balance between romance/smut and other genres on their schedule. I kind of don’t really understand why they’re revisiting the bodyguard romance thing though, but why not I guess. I just hope it doesn’t turn out like Witness.
The Deadliest Game tho 👀 That has me especially intrigued. When I saw the title and cover, the first thing that came to my mind was that it might be PB’s version of The Hunger Games. But what do y’all think?
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bkenber · 4 months ago
'Blink Twice' Movie and Blu-ray Review
The following review was written by Ultimate Rabbit correspondent, Tony Farinella. “Blink Twice” is a film with ambition, style, and some big goals.  It does not always achieve those goals from a filmmaking perspective, but it’s an interesting directorial debut from actress Zoë Kravitz, who also co-wrote the screenplay with E.T. Feigenbaum. The film also opens with a trigger warning for…
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alphawolfice1989 · 1 year ago
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the leady ladies and guys in the nicolas sparks movies
ryan gosling and rachel mcadams in the notebook
Channing tatum and amanda seyfried in Dear John
Josh duhamel and Julianne hough in Safe Haven
James Marsden and Michelle Monaghan in the best of me
Benajamin Walker and Teresa Palmer in The Choice
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choicesfannatalie22 · 1 year ago
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21 Jump Street (2012, Phil Lord and Chris Miller)
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shreyamistry · 2 years ago
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they’re so gay and in love i will cry 😭
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roseythorne · 1 year ago
as much as i love blaine! tatums route was so cute and sweet and i just. ugh ive never spent so many diamonds on a single LI before LFMAOAKMS
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rainbow-burst · 1 year ago
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aranostra · 1 year ago
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accepting applications for little siblings~
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rocknroll2024 · 3 months ago
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Join the fun!!!🤠
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