#but I guess if they did that they’d have to do ones for the other LIs as well
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thatnerduknow98 · 7 hours ago
Being a superhero doesn’t pay.
I tried to find some full time jobs where I could sneak out to combat evil without my bosses noticing, but I simply have no talent outside being an ultimate flying ass kicker.
I tried to be a journalist like that tv show superhero, Clark Kent, but I’m not a good writer. I tried to be a photographer like Peter Parker from the viral social media video, but they all turned out blurry. I tried museum work like Diana Prince from the documentary, but they fired me upon accidentally cracking a 10,000 year old vase.
My parents supported me. They knew my identity and were proud of my volunteer work keeping the city safe. But they died in a tragic car crash, and unlike Bruce Wayne, my parents weren’t rich, didn’t own any companies, and left me with nothing.
I didn’t even get their house because it wasn’t paid off.
I’m really good at tracking things, so I tried my hand at being a park ranger, but I was so good at it my coworkers thought it was uncanny and began to suspect things. That wasn’t safe for me or for them so I told them I was moving to Canada and quit abruptly.
I started training to be a police officer with the hopes of becoming a detective, but it became very clear most of the PD was unintelligent and fearful, to put it nicely, and so it started becoming a conflict of interest with my superhero work because I had to beat the bad guy as a super and then work with the cops as a super to have him arrested, then manage them while detained while I undercover, and sometimes I let it slip that I knew things that were above my pay grade.
The lack of income became pretty overwhelming. Next thing I knew I was homeless, living in our city’s main park, under a bridge by the river. It was ironic - the same lady I saved last week while in tights spit on me without them when I asked for spare change.
I thought about letting the tights go and hanging up the cape. Most of these people I rescued didn’t deserve to be saved. My work was futile in many ways. Maybe if their superhero went away then they’d treat everyone more kindly.
But my heart wouldn’t let me. I watched a guy rob a woman and stepped in to stop him. I successfully kept him from hurting her, but I guess she thought I was intervening to steal her purse too and hit me with it. I huffed and pulled out my mask. She gasped and apologized.
I told her my identity needed to stay a secret but I was angry that she would treat me that way simply because I was homeless. She agreed, and said she actually worked for a church group that fed the homeless and had become so distraught at how rude many of them tended to be while she was feeding them, so she quit.
I said I felt the same way about being a superhero and wanted to quit too.
Now she’s the director of operations at a distribution center nearby. She said she had some openings on the shipping dock if I needed work and offered me a job. She also said their company partnered with a local apartment complex to provide workforce housing at a discounted rate to employees, so if I took that job I wouldn’t have to be homeless anymore.
I asked if she offered that to other homeless people and she said she did, but they often either didn’t want that job because it’s hard or weren’t able to do the job because of a disability. They’d end up evicted, which would hurt any future chances of getting an apartment. The self aware ones knew this and so they chose to stay homeless.
I accepted her offer, and they set me up with a third story apartment, specifically with rooftop access. The job itself was so hard, and I had no furniture in my studio for a while, but it was nice to be somewhere warm for once.
I decided to see how this would go.
You're a superhero. While in your suit, you're beloved by the city, but outside of it? You're a homeless man, unable to get a job nor pay rent because of your duties.
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jihyoruri · 2 days ago
❚ ❚ ❚ ❚ ❚ ❚ ❚ ❚ 𓍢 APPLE CIDER huh yunjin x reader
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❀ ͘ ⴰ “and even if we’re just friends, we could be more than that”
  ۫ • when yunjin started training again there was this one artist that she listened to that just always seemed to get her through tough times.
  ۫ • yn was her name, a rookie and she just had this angst but soft vibe to her that anyone could listen to if they wanted to be peaceful or just scream their lungs out and that’s exactly the type of music yunjin needed during that time.
  ۫ •  she found her so unique for some reason she was in the industry but she was like her own category. she was under a big company that didn’t produce the type of music she makes, she didn’t dance and she kind of just put out whatever she wanted.
  ۫ • she was also kinda cute.
  ۫ • yunjin carried her love for the artist through training, preparing for debut, listening to her an hour before lesserafim’s debut stage to calm her nerves to talking about yn during her first live alone a couple months after debut.
  ۫ • “my favourite artist?” yunjin read the comment aloud, swaying slightly to the sound of yn’s voice playing in the background. “hmm… I’ll give you a hint she’s playing right now.” she smiled as the chat sped up, comments flooding in. “I love yn so much. her music has gotten me through a lot, she’s so talented.” she tucked a strand of hair out of her face, eyes softening. “I still can’t believe she’s a couple years younger than me… she’s so talented. should I sing on of her songs?”
  ۫ • yunjin didn’t think much of it after the live, it wasn’t until deep in the night her phone started blowing with messages from her friends nearly giving her a heart attack.
  ۫ • “omg yn mentioned you on her live” “ouuuu guess who just mentioned you” “you’re gonna freak out.”
  ۫ • first of all how did she miss yn’s live? (yn never goes live so both yunjin and yn stans are on their knees begging her to go live everyday) and second of all HUH???
  ۫ • she immediately opens twitter and luckily it’s the first thing she sees.
  ۫ • OMG yn mentioned yunjin on her live today my sserayn crumbs.
  ۫ • “I don’t know, guys, attack me all you want, but milkis over banana milk any day,” yn said, spinning lazily in her chair. she slowed to a stop, eyes flicking to the chat. “did you see lesserafim’s yunjin’s live today? she mentioned you—yes! yeah, I did,” she nodded, lips curling into a small smile. “she’s a pretty cool girl. I’m really flattered that she’s a fan. I really liked lesserafim’s debut, so I guess me and her have something in common. when they get a fandom name, let me know.” she leaned forward slightly, about to move on before gasping. “oh! and her cover! it was so good, I love her voice—like, let’s make a song together at this point.”
  ۫ • yunjin nearly screamed so loud the whole dorm would’ve woken up.
  ۫ • yn knew who she was…yn wanted to make a song with her
۫ • yunjin stared at her phone, debating for a solid five minutes before opening yn’s instagram and hovering over the dm button.
۫ • after another minute of staring, she finally typed, "so… about that song?" and hit send before she could second guess herself.
۫ • she immediately threw her phone across the bed, heart pounding. she did not just do that.
۫ • except she did. and when her phone buzzed a few minutes later, she swore her soul left her body.
۫ • yn: oh? you actually wanna do it?🤭 ۫ • yunjin: um YES??? ۫ • yn: [a funny picture that only showed her forehead in a dark] . let’s make it happen.
۫ • and just like that, they started texting back and forth, going from talking about music to random late night conversations about their favorite snacks, childhood stories, and the most unhinged videos they cound find.
۫ • by the time they met up in the studio, it was like they’d known each other forever.
۫ • and at the end of the year, they actually released a song together, fans loved the sound of yunjin’s voice on a song that was more yn’s vibe and just the overall chemistry that yn and yunjin had.
۫ • and a behind the scenes vlogs had fans convinced there was something more going on.
۫ • yunjin was crushing. hard. but she kept it cool… until she didn’t.
۫ • one night, after another long texting session, she found herself typing, "so, are we gonna keep making music or do I get to take you on a date too?"
۫ • yn: that was really smooth dude. ۫ • yunjin:… is that you saying yes? ۫ • yn: maybe… depends on if it’s a sushi place if it is then yes
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assortedcriminality · 2 days ago
Thursday - part II
part I
Civilian woke in the dark, lying under the warm covers of the bed. They blinked, eyes adjusting to their surroundings. A bit of light peeked out from the black curtains on the other side of the room. A glance at the side table, bare save for a small digital clock, told them it was already well past nine. They jerked into a sitting position, a jolt of panic electrifying their body, throwing back the blanket and preparing to jump into an accelerated version of their morning routine. Before they could, the sight of the completely unfamiliar room before them jogged their memory of the previous day.
With a loud sigh, Civilian collapsed backward, tangled hair splaying over the pillow. What a mess. They couldn't believe they'd even agreed to take a message to Villain in the first place. Hero had told them, a lowly assistant with no powers or training, to meet one of the most dangerous criminals in the city with no backup. And, like a total idiot, Civilian had agreed. They should've stood up to them and refused to do it. How did they not see that Hero had something planned? The crime-fighter could easily deliver a letter, there was no reason for them to ask Civilian—except, of course, an ulterior motive. To pay Villain back for whatever deal the two of them had together. It was all so stupid. 
Civilian sat up and pushed the covers back, glancing around at the largely empty space. They didn’t know what they would’ve expected Villain’s guest room to look like, but it was very… gray. Gray walls, gray carpet, gray sheets and blanket. The only furniture aside from the bed and side table was a dresser across the room. Atop it sat an empty flower vase and an envelope. Supposing they might as well get up at some point, Civilian stretched before hopping out of bed, haphazardly tossing the blanket back into place. They crossed the room, picking up the envelope. ‘Civilian’ was written on it in a looping script they never would’ve guessed was Villain’s handwriting. They were learning all kinds of things about their boss’ nemesis. Civilian ripped open the seal and pulled out the folded note. 
I have work to do today and won’t be back until tonight. There are clean clothes in the dresser and you can have anything from the kitchen. I’ve locked the doors and windows and taken out everything with WiFi--it’s for your safety. I don’t think Hero would try anything, but it’s best to be cautious. There are books and DVDs in the living room. Use whatever you want. We can talk when I get back.
Civilian set the note down, suddenly uncomfortable. Maybe Hero wasn’t the greatest, but Villain was still on the wrong side. They didn’t want to know what their ‘work’ entailed. Hearing that they were fully locked in the house made their situation more real. They were truly, actually a hostage. A prisoner. Maybe it was for their own good, to pacify Hero and make sure someone else didn’t pay the price for their irritation. But that didn’t make Civilian’s situation any more fun. And neither did the fact that they apparently wouldn’t have any access to the internet for the next three days. 
“Think of it as a screen-free break,” they said aloud. “A totally voluntary vacation with no work and no responsibilities.” It didn’t make them feel much better. 
They picked out dark jeans and a white T-shirt from the dresser and put them on, folding their old clothes and placing them in an empty drawer. After trying a few doors in the hall, they found the bathroom, which Villain had apparently already stocked with toiletries. It was weird to think about the master criminal picking out a toothbrush for them. Hero had always made Villain out to be a monster to Civilian, often mentioning rumors of the terrible things they’d done. Recorded fights between the two looked brutal, each pummeling the other with their powers and fists. Hero was always fiery, literally, anger turning their face redder than the flames shooting from their hands. What made Villain scary was their icy calm, eyes sharply intelligent but bored and uncaring through their mask. 
And now Civilian was looking through that same terrifying criminal’s fridge, which mostly held takeout containers and yogurt. They supposed if Hero could force their own assistant to be their greatest nemesis’ captive, the infamous Villain could enjoy strawberry Yoplait. People were complicated like that.
After finishing a bowl of slightly stale wheat cereal, Civilian started snooping. The house wasn’t enormous, but it was tastefully furnished with expensive-looking decor and appliances. The halls were lined with paintings, several of which Civilian swore they recognized from articles they’d read about recent museum thefts. Most of the doors they tried were locked--in fact, it seemed as though the only rooms Civilian had access to were their room, the kitchen, the living room, and a sitting room with three enormous bookshelves. The books it held were worn, and every one Civilain flipped through was covered in annotations inked in Villain’s neat cursive handwriting. 
Deciding they were too tired to focus on reading, they chose to spend the day watching movies and eating whatever non-expired snacks they could find in Villain’s cabinets. The bin of DVDs in the living room was almost entirely made up of old detective films, with a few rom-coms thrown in. Civilian put in the disc for The Maltese Falcon and sat down on the plush couch, hugging their knees to their chest. They closed their eyes and let the noise from the movie wash over them, trying not to think too hard about their situation. There was nothing they could do about it now. They just had to wait until Villain got back, and maybe they could figure it all out. Maybe it could all be fine. 
* * *
It was past midnight when Villain landed back on their porch, moonlight casting a soft glow over their black hood. They unlocked the door with a quiet click, taking off their disguise as they went in and closed the door securely behind them. They could hear the TV playing quietly inside.
“Civilian, I’m back,” they called as they opened a panel in the wall that hid their suit and placed it inside. “I heard something today that I want to talk to you about.” They slid off their shoes before strolling down the hall and pausing in the living room doorway. “Civilian?” There was no response. Villain flicked on the light, revealing the captive curled up and sound asleep in the corner of the couch, head resting against the cushion. They couldn’t help the smile that tugged at their mouth at the sight. They crossed the room, pressing the power button on the remote to turn off the noir film Civilian had been watching. 
Civilian looked so peaceful like that, their chest slowly rising and falling, their face devoid of any stress or fear. If being Hero’s assistant was as bad as it seemed, maybe this situation was almost a blessing for them. Villain had known Hero for years now, well enough to have an idea of the kinds of things they would put their employees through. Their smile disappeared at the thought. Civilian wasn’t here on vacation. They weren’t here as a punishment, either. They were here because Hero thought it would be fun to meddle in their personal life, to force them to be held prisoner just because they could. And they’d made Villain the warden. 
Villain never should have mentioned their plans for Thursday to Other Villain. They knew better. The city might think the criminals created the masterful schemes, but Hero used everyone as their pawns. They gazed at Civilian’s tranquil expression, hoping the innocent assistant could escape Hero’s web once this was all over. Villain knew that Civilian would be safe as long as they stayed in the house, but they couldn’t account for what Hero might do on Thursday, or when Civilian quit. It was too much to put on someone who didn’t sign up for it, who didn’t even have powers to defend themself. It was Villain’s responsibility to take care of them, protect them--with force, if necessary. It was the least they could do. With a sigh, Villain took a folded blanket from the other side of the couch and gently covered Civilian with it, glancing at them one last time before turning off the light and closing the door behind them. 
“Goodnight, Civilian. Sleep well.” 
Word count: 1432
@sausages-things (sorry I forgot to tag last time!) @chaotic-orphan
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xiiithhazard · 3 days ago
Word Prompt 42 – Werewolf
“I’m telling you, it all fits.” Sonic proclaimed loudly, even though his whole family, minus one, were sitting only a few feet away and could hear him just fine at a normal volume.
“Sonic – I mean, I’ll be the first to say there are a lot of creatures out there that we don’t know about. But – I think we would have noticed by now if Knuckles was a – what was it?” Tails added, looking to Tom, who just sighed.
“A werewolf.” He answered.
“Well – I guess he would technically be a were – echidna.” Sonic corrected, but this only earned him a seriously disgruntled glare from his father.
“That’s it, no more horror movies for you.”
“I’m serious.” The hedgehog contended, before counting off his evidence. “Every time there’s a full moon; he disappears for three days. When he comes back, he’s exhausted, covered in bruises and in serious need of a shower. He eats a ton before he leaves and a ton when he gets back. He never tells us where he goes, and he never tells us what he does there.”
“Sonic.” Maddie insisted sternly and he stopped. “He’s only been here for a couple of months. We agreed that he could open up to us at his own pace. If he doesn’t want to tell us where he’s going, he doesn’t have to.”
“But –”
“Pal.” Tom added, before he could go on and leaned in close, until the two of them were nearly nose to nose. “Drop it.”
The hedgehog proceeded to fold his arms and pout into the couch, as the two humans got up to leave. Having given all of the patience they had to this ongoing conversation. “You believe me, right?” He asked, Looking to Tails, who winced at being called out.
“I – well.”
“You can’t deny that it’s suspicious.”
“Well – no, I guess I can’t.”
“Then you agree?”
“We should follow him next time. See where he’s going.”
Tails winced again. “And – what if he is a werewolf? He’ll eat us.” The fox started a bit, as he found himself unable to comprehend why he had just said that.
“That’s a good point.” Sonic murmured, rubbing his chin in thought. However, before he could come up with a counter strategy, said echidna walked through the front door. Leaving them both looking surprised. “Wait – he’s back?” The hedgehog proclaimed, checking his phone to make sure he hadn’t gotten his days mixed up.
If his theory was correct, Knuckles wasn’t supposed to return from his moonlighting adventure for another day.
“Hey there, big guy. Back already –” Maddie announced from the kitchen, only to let out a sound of shock and maybe a little bit of horror. Which made Sonic and Tails look at each other, before they rushed to defend their adoptive mother. “Oh god, what happened?” She demanded, completely forgetting about her dishes, to instead kneel on the floor and wrap Knuckles’ right hand in her towel, only for it to quickly turn red with blood.
“I apologize. I merely require some supplies.” The echidna countered her. “I will leave you to your cleaning.”
This earned him a right scary look from their personal doctor. “I don’t think so. You’re staying right here and I’m taking a look at that.” With this, she rushed to the closet to find her first aid supplies. Leaving Knuckles looking surprised by this turn of events. However, he stayed where he was, not wanting to incur her wrath.
“So – what happened?” Sonic asked and the echidna turned to raise an eyebrow at him, picking up on his skeptical tone.
“I have injured myself. Is that not obvious?”
“Yeah – but how did you do it?” The hedgehog countered inching a little closer, waiting for his answer. But the warrior seemed to have locked himself down, in response to Sonic’s odd probing.
“Are you alright?” Tails added instead. Stepping forward to put pressure on the wound for him. Seemingly trying to make up for the fact that they’d just been talking about him behind his back.
“It is nothing. It happens all the time.”
“Yeah?” Sonic proclaimed suggestively and Knuckles glared at him.
“Yes.” He growled.
“Sonic.” Maddie insisted, as she returned with her supplies and shot him a warning look. “Make yourself useful and get me a bucket of warm water and some towels.” She announced, before pulling Knuckles over to the table, so she could start the process. Though the hedgehog pouted at the idea of leaving, he was back before they’d even realized he was gone. “I said warm water.” She countered, knowing that it was something he couldn’t rush, and he made a noise of pure annoyance, before leaving again.
“I am – confused.” Knuckles admitted, as he took a seat and allowed Maddie to unwarp his hand. “Why is he so suspicious? What have I done?”
“Nothing, honey. You haven’t done anything wrong.” She insisted, carefully removing the towel and hissed. “Oh, gosh – how did you manage that?” She proclaimed, gently testing the broken spike on the back of his hand, to find that the bone was now in several pieces.
“It was my fault. I should have prepared more.” He stated, even though she looked up expecting him to elaborate, he never did.
“Where are your gloves?” She asked instead. Knowing the fabric had been designed to protect him from this kind of damage.
“I removed them, so they would not be destroyed.”
“And why would they be destroyed? What were you doing?” Sonic suggested as he returned to catch the last little bit of their conversation. However, Knuckles was not in the mood to be interrogated.
“Why are you looking at me like that?” He growled. “Do you think I am a liar?”
The hedgehog opened his mouth to protest but seemed to run out of patience halfway there. “Are you a werewolf?” He spat out and Maddie facepalmed. While poor Knuckles just blinked at him.
“I am an echidna, not a wolf.”
“Not the point.” Sonic proclaimed. “Are – you – a – were – wolf?”
Knuckles blinked again, before turning to Maddie. “I am confused.”
“I don’t blame you.” She muttered, turning her attention back to his hand and started to gently remove the pieces of bone, without him so much as even twitching. Though it bothered her, she was aware that he naturally had very little sensation in his hands, so there was no need for pain meds.
“What is a – werewolf?” He finally asked, prompting Tails to step forward, already prepared with his little handheld computer that he’d used to look it up.
“A werewolf is a mythical creature that transforms from a human into a wolf, typically during a full moon, often due to a curse or infection from a werewolf bite. They are usually depicted as having heightened strength, animalistic instincts, and a vulnerability to silver.”
Knuckles still looked very confused, which allowed Sonic to speed to the kitchen and back with one of Maddie’s silver spoons, holding it out for Knuckles to take. Which he did – without anything happening.
“What?” The hedgehog proclaimed in disbelief. “But – the moon thing. Why are you always gone during the full moon? Where do you go?”
Maddie promptly took the spoon and slammed it down on the table, before leveling Sonic with her scariest mother’s glare, causing him to shut his mouth with a snap. Then she turned back to Knuckles, once again kind and collected. “You don’t have to answer him, if you don’t want to.”
He seemed to consider this for a moment, before turning back to Sonic. “I go into the forest to perform a Renewing.”
“A what?” Sonic asked, completely confused now. Prompting the echidna to sigh and raise his uninjured hand to show him his spikes and claws, which were unusually shiny and sharp.
“It is a ritual that renews our bones and sheds the old.”
“Oh.” Sonic muttered before shaking his head. “But – why the full moon?”
“It is best to do the ritual annually and the moon is the easiest way for me to keep track of it. As for why I do it on the full moon – there is more light.” Tails started to nod now, satisfied with this answer. While Sonic just stood there his left eye twitching with the precision of a malfunctioning Christmas light.
“Why do you always come back injured?” Maddie asked this time, gently smearing some ointments on his hand, before wrapping it in a bandage.
“The process requires that I remove the old bone. Which can sometimes be – difficult.”
“I see.” She said and didn’t bother having him elaborate, as that honestly made a lot of sense.
“Well – but – why didn’t you ever just tell us that?” Sonic proclaimed in annoyance.
“You never asked.” Knuckles countered and the hedgehog promptly shut up, as Maddie and Tails both burst into laughter.
Simple but sweet, because I was honestly having a hard time coming up with something for this prompt.
Please share some reviews and comments, I’d love to hear what people think of my work.
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hypertechnica · 2 months ago
worfzia is the writers room crack ship that should never have been canon
they are so bad for each other
this is not to say i hate them or the ship. not at all. it’s immensely entertaining to watch them argue. just… god, why? did they write them in solely for that purpose? or did they actually think they were a healthy couple?
every worfzia episode is literally just them complaining about each other’s very legitimate red flags but being like man. i’m still down horrendous. let’s have bone breaking nasty femdom klingon sex RN
this is fanfic trope type shit. how do you unintentionally write the most divorced couple ever and air it on television
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yourqueenb · 1 year ago
Overall it seems like our options for new releases might be looking up a bit? There seems to be a little more balance between romance/smut and other genres on their schedule. I kind of don’t really understand why they’re revisiting the bodyguard romance thing though, but why not I guess. I just hope it doesn’t turn out like Witness.
The Deadliest Game tho 👀 That has me especially intrigued. When I saw the title and cover, the first thing that came to my mind was that it might be PB’s version of The Hunger Games. But what do y’all think?
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exopelagic · 1 month ago
my players don’t know it yet but the adventure we’re doing rn is me being silly goofy bc they hadn’t made their characters in time for me to plan around them. now that I Know Things the game can really start
#we’re at probably the halfway point of a mystery thing which is about to leave the mystery phase#one more session of them figuring out Most of the Things and getting to do some investigating#and then I’ll throw them at a heist they don’t get to plan#I’m seeding a few things for them to follow when we move on bc this is self contained and I’m gonna sit down with them for worldbuilding#bc I wanna make sure we’re playing smth fun they all get to choose#man dnd is fun but it’s Hard. I was shitting it abt pulling off a mystery and they’ve been really into the start-middle but#now I need to make the end satisfying and that’s not easy#we’re playing tomorrow night and that’s terrifying bc I like. vaguely know what’s gotta happen and the direction they’re headed but#the end last session was very open bc we were running late on combat which makes it hard to plan for#sidenote but in a group which isn’t the biggest fan of combat. was incredibly surprised when the guy who asked for more of it was the one#finding the way out of it. like I’d planned a fun encounter for them early bc I knew the later one would be simpler (WAS NOT) and instead#he locks them up and threatens them with fire. which like. sounds on brand and it is BUT I WAS EXPECTING HIM TO PUNCH THEM#so glad they didn’t take the bait bc it would’ve killed them the EASY encounter I’d planned ALMOST KILLED THEM#I did learn that the trick to keeping it interesting is always having more than one thing happening. it can’t just be a fight#there’s gotta be another equally/more important thing than killing this dude. keep the stakes high and make choices more important#and I guess actually possible to make a choice by introducing an option other than Fucking Kill This Dude#which reminds me I do have to figure out something else interesting in the woods. damnit I thought they’d only be there once OH HOLY FUCK I#I HAVE AN IDEA >>>>>>>:) I love you random questions players ask that I gotta bullshit for that turn into surprise tool to help us later#that solves two problems in one go but might make this game even longer. that’s probably fine I was worried abt session 4 running short#but yEAH they have backstories now. I can build a whole game around one of them this could be so fun if we keep it going#improvising is also significantly easier than I expected once I get into it as long as I have a framework for how this works and a directio#last session my planning happened in the 30 minutes before I left + the 30 minute walk to get there and it worked great <3#no immediate problems but a number of surprise tools to help us later that I knew I’d figure out eventually#all the pieces are there now we just gotta put them in the right place. so excited for tomorrow#dnd tag#luke.txt
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kiss2012 · 2 months ago
i only have two real friends and lately i’m a nervous wreck
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yanderenightmare · 19 days ago
♡ TW: implied nsfw, implied noncon/dubcon, poly yanderes, sprained ankle, captive reader, apocolypse au, talk of fertility and pregnancy
♡ FEM reader
♡ P1: The Bunker
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Your ankle feels better after a little over a week.
The one initially against you staying has been giving you medical check-ups every day—something about wasteland toxins and underlying, possible contagious sicknesses he’d like to keep a weathered eye out for. 
You hadn’t refused. After all, such precautions were only warranted.
When you first encountered them in the wasteland, they were both wearing hazmat suits and gas masks. And though you had already been put through the standard disinfection and the basic check—eyes, teeth, and tongue—before they’d even let you in, you can’t blame them for taking extra measures—no matter how meticulous the check-ups have been since, comprising of endless spit, blood, and urine samples.
Somehow, you actually appreciated the thoroughness. It was just one more thing that reminded you of the past. The way he sat there, behind the desk like a doctor, and you opposite, like a patient, waiting for your results.
You’d gotten more or less used to it now, so it didn’t feel as awkward anymore. And, if you were to say so yourself, you think he’s even warmed up to you a little bit too.
“You’re all clear. No detectable toxins,” he states after a moment, mulling over the data, more or less the same outcome he’d come to for the last four or so days. He scribbled a few things into the file he’d been conducting, a focused furrow between his brows as he worked. You felt inclined to inquire about what exactly he’d been jotting down all these days of running tests but then decided against it—explaining things to you would probably only vex him. He was a man of as few words as possible, after all.
He sighs, then informs, “We can stop checking every day now.”
“Really?” you light up—feeling excited for some reason. Suppose you took it as a sign of improvement even without knowing entirely what any of it actually meant. In any case, lesser checks must be good, right?
“Yeah. You’re way healthier, thanks to all our produce and not consuming any of that wasteland trash.” He pulled a grimace before his face settled back into that constant look of dour solemnity. “Blood pressure, heart rate, vitals—everything looks good.”
It almost seems like such a silly thing to even bother caring about. Only a few weeks ago, you hadn’t cared for any such thing as health as long as it meant you weren’t starving or freezing—and here you are, celebrating such a privileged thing as blood pressure.
You sniffle, can’t help yourself, balled fists quivering in your lap as a few tears start to drop, “Thank you—truly. I’d have died if it weren’t for the two of you.”
He must think you’re ridiculous, too, crying over something so small. You wipe your eyes, only to notice him holding out a tissue for you. You can only laugh at yourself while accepting it.
“You’ll help me in the greenhouse today since your ankle is all better,” he states while getting up.
You spring to your feet, too. This would be the first time you’d been asked to help out. “What about—”
“He’s busy doing inventory,” he answers before you get the question out. “We’ll have to change a few things since you’re staying.”
This stills you, breath caught in your throat. You look at him wide-eyed, scared you’d heard him wrong. Voice weak as if scared to ask, “I’m staying?”
“Tch—” It’s his turn to chuckle, though he does so much differently from you—mockingly, a way he often does at both your and the other's expense. Though, you’d taken to find it rather endearing. He gives you a look—it’s very almost soft. “You didn’t think we’d waste our resources on something we planned on chucking back out again, did you?”
A tug pulls your wobbly lips back into a smile. “I guess that would be silly...” you sniffle again. “Still, thank you.”
This time, as you say it, you rush to hug him—tightly, with both your arms wrapped around his tough midsection and your head tucked against his broad chest.
It’s him who falls still now—stunted by the action and left both speechless and frozen in place. His arms hover mid-air, unsure of where to rest, before slowly lowering to settle atop your narrow shoulders—so much smaller in comparison. It’s crazy to think you’d endured out in the wasteland for so long.
He’s sure you’ve done things in order to stay alive you’re not at all proud of. Still, your survival is no less than a miracle.
He clears his throat. “Let’s hurry up,” He dismisses, then proceeds to nudge you off as if the hug was unwanted, but even you can spot the blush dusting his cheeks as he looks away with another grumble, “We’re making dinner before he’s done.”
The smile on your face is a sight for sore eyes, he thinks. You didn’t smile like that a week ago.
“Yes, sir.” You salute, following him in stride.
You’d said it innocently enough, but by God, if only you knew how it takes everything in him not to bend you over the medical desk right then and tell you all about how you’re in the perfect window for conceiving. 
He manages to steal himself. 
After dinner, he promised himself soothingly, calming the hunger in his gut—after dinner, they’d decided, tonight would be the night they’d finally make use of you the real way they’d intended—have you earn your keep.
When you’re done tilling the gardens, about a couple hours later, the two of you move on to the kitchen. You’d learn that the brash one was in charge of making most meals, as the other one was more than hopeless in the kitchen. It seemed you were replacing him as the helper, given simple tasks such as cutting, measuring, and fetching things.
It felt nice to be doing something again, especially something so trivial. Housework and domestic chores were something one could only reminisce about, and yet here you were, doing just that—cutting carrots as if the outside world wasn’t a badland of people killing each other for a can of expired dog food.
You really were so lucky you could hardly believe it. The tears start bubbling again.
“If you’re finished cutting, go to the cupboard over there,” he jolts you out of your thoughts. Not looking away from stirring the pot, he points with his other hand toward the far side of the kitchen.
You pad over and open it to find two dozen or more bottles of wine, all neatly shelved.
“Pick one out,” he calls out.
You blink, looking between the wine and him. “You mean—”
“Anyone of ‘em is fine,” he says. “Feel free to read if you’re looking for something special, though. It’s you were celebrating, after all.”
This time, you can’t stop the tears as they trickle down your face one after the other, soaking your cheeks.
Hearing you sniffle makes him sigh with rust. Scolding you with military toughness, “Quit cryin’ already—it’s getting old.”
You wipe your eyes and stiffen your lip. “Yes, sir.”
Turning your head back to the shelf, you can hardly believe the sight. It had been all moonshine and slop out in the wasteland. Dangerous stuff you were better staying well away from.
You can’t believe you’re going to drink actual wine again—your mouth waters just at the thought as you pick the first bottle you set your eyes on. But then you stop yourself—a guilty knot in your stomach twisting.
“Is it really okay?” you ask. “Shouldn’t we save it?”
“Tch—” he scoffs disapprovingly again. “You gotta stop doin’ that.”
You’re left looking at him even though he keeps his back turned, still busy stirring the pot. He lifts a spoon for tasting, then adds more spice to his liking before continuing as though he could tell you were confused just from the silence.
“You’re not in the wasteland anymore—” he states. “You can afford to live a little now.”
A concept like that had yet to have reached you. 
Suppose you were still settling in. 
“Besides, there are more in the cellar,” he reveals. “Even if we drank a bottle every day, it would take years for us to finish. So don’t worry your pretty head ‘bout it, a’ight?”
Your grip around the bottle tightens—trying to toughen up to keep the tears at bay. But today was an emotional day, and it seemed there was no end to the blessings you were given. It was all so overwhelming, your heart swelled with happiness—a feeling you hadn’t felt in such an awfully long time.
“Something smells good!” comes a call.
It seems he’s returned from doing inventory.
“Oh no, why are you crying?” He instantly rushes over to you, holding your face to inspect the damage, then snaps his head to the other, who’s still busying himself with perfecting dinner. “Are you being too harsh on her?” he accuses. “You know, not everyone can live up to your cooking expectations—”
“Tch—I haven’t done shit,” he denies. “She’s just emotional ‘cause I told her we’re lettin’ her stay.”
“What!? You told her without me?” he cries then. “We were supposed to surprise her together.” His pout is instantly replaced with a blank look of surprise as you wrap your arms around him like you’d done with the other earlier—hugging him tightly.
“Thank you,” you repeat to him as well.
You still couldn’t believe how nice they had been to you. 
After dinner is eaten, the three of you end up sitting there, chatting—about the past, most of all, how things used to be—how people would live in little houses with next-door neighbors they’d invite over for game night—little families with kids and backyards and pet dogs—college, marriage, careers.
You helped the stoic one clear the dishes while the chipper of the two opened another bottle of wine. You can hardly believe it when they bring out the record player and slide a vinyl on.
You end up crying again as the music plays. You even dance. Laughter fills the bunker while you get completely swept away with the feeling of utter bliss. And as the wine finishes and the conversation turns sloppy, the hands twirling your body to the music get a little touchier, a little greedier, until you’re suddenly kissed.
Between the two of them, the air becomes hot—steamy as you share breathes. 
Busy hands, large and strong and callused from labor, work on your button-up shirt. It’s gone before you know it, then the hands move on to your pants.
Honestly, after all the emotions joined by the wine and dance and being spun between the two, you can’t say you’re completely without lust, but at the same time, you’re just a bit confused. 
Despite not having seen them kiss in front of you, you’re certain they both go to bed in the same room every night—so all this time, you’d been under the impression that they were involved with each other and not interested in you that way. 
Not that it matters much what you thought, you think, you’re not against what’s happening so much as you’re a little hesitant about how it’s about to happen. It’s been a while since you’ve slept with anyone—willingly, that is—you’ve sort of forgotten how to enjoy it. 
If it were just one, you’d maybe find it a bit less overwhelming, but given there were two, you quickly found yourself feeling somewhat claustrophobic.
“Wait—” you stutter. Blocking the advance with your own hands, looking up into drunken and heated eyes and the soft look of arousal painted on the face before you. 
“Don’t worry,” he comforts with that kind smile. “You’re the most valuable thing we have—we’re gonna be gentle.”
You almost bite, almost give in, almost let it soothe you. But even in the drunk haze, the choice of phrasing finds you a little odd. And you’re unable to disregard that feeling that’s been nagging at the very back of your head ever since you stepped foot in the place. 
Something’s not right.
“Valuable?” Sure, you could choose to understand it as them saying they care for you, but somehow, it just doesn’t feel as if that’s all. “What does that mean?”
“You know…” he utters softly—his kind smile curling into something different. His eyes fall downward as he licks his lips before finishing, “This.” 
He’s laid a hand atop your belly where his gaze is set—his palm flat and firm as he rubs tentative circles into the softness.
It takes you a moment before you shudder. “You…” 
You needed to be rational about this. Some part of you always knew there was something going on, didn’t it? Why else would you be here? Why else would they let you stay? The cameras in the bedroom, in the showers, all those medical checkups—you’ve known there was something. And still, you hadn’t left. You hadn’t even so much as humored the thought even once.
There is no life for you out there. You don’t just want to stay—you have to—you need to.
And is it really so bad? Hadn't they been nice? Haven’t they been more than generous? Don’t you owe them so much more than what they’re asking in return?
But what are they asking? It’s not just intimacy. It’s something else—something premeditated.
“You want to use me to…” The realization makes you shudder. “To make you a child…”
Like an incubator.
They don’t deny it.
You want to back up—create space—room to breathe, but the other is just behind you with his big chest pressed stiffly against your back, keeping you close, trapped before the one in front.
“It’s true…” he confesses at your ear. “That is all we wanted from you in the beginning.” 
It sends a chill down your spine.
“It was almost too good to be true when we found you,” he continued while playing with your waist in big hands. “How a perfect candidate fell right into our lap mere days after we decided to go lookin’ for one.”
You suck in a hitched breath as the well of tears breaches, dribbling down your cheeks at the clinical word—candidate.
“But you’re more than that now,” the other reassures, bowing and fishing for your eyes as you’d taken to look down—too horrified to look him back in his. 
“We figured you’d be a savage, havin’ lived out there for so long,” the one behind says. He’d been the most skeptical at first, but he’d come to learn it was rather the opposite—your time out there hadn’t toughened your skin or hardened your heart but only made you timid and soft.
“In all honesty, we weren’t sure we were gonna keep you after the pregnancy…” the one in front whispers upon your lips. “But that’s all in the past now.”
He lifts your chin, taking in the all-too-soft look of despair on your face. It’s a strange thing to say he’d missed. It nearly makes him feel guilty for the hard-on in his cargo pants. But then again, tears are the allure of the gentler sex. It’s only natural for a man to enjoy the sight.
“We want you to stay.” He strokes your cheek, catching the tears on his thumb. “After all, it would be best for the baby to have a female presence—especially one as soft as yours.”
“And, well…” You flinch at the stubble being dragged upon your shoulder and neck, a kiss placed in the nook there along with his words, “We’ve grown to like having you around.”
His hands had fallen from your waist down to rub your hips, swaying you back against his crotch—and the bulge there, that now felt a little more like a gun being poked against your back. 
“It’s been a long while since we’ve had the company of a woman,” he continues while pressing himself against you. “It was unfamiliar at first, but… it’s nice.”
Something urgent takes over your body then—even though it’s beyond stupid. There’s no plan, no further thought than run—despite having no solid clue as to where. And yet, it ends up not mattering in the slightest. You don’t make it far.
You scream as their hands snag you. The grumpier one locks your arms, the chipper one grabs your legs—and they both lift and carry you back—laying you down on the little round table you’d had dinner on.
You struggle, but your wrists are pinned down to the metal with a strength you can’t hope to match.
“Don’t be like that.” He clicks his tongue dismissively like he so often does when you say or do something stupid. “There’s nowhere to go.”
“No—” you cry. “Please—don’t.” Shaking your head while squeezing your thighs shut. 
Never mind having sex, you could endure that much—but having a baby in this mess? They’re the ones who lost their minds down here. 
“I can’t—”
“Of course, you can,” the other insists, prying your thighs apart to make space for himself between them, already with his hands returning to undo the button of your pants, zipping down the fly and tugging them off.
He’s back to console you just as quickly, “Shh-sh, don’t cry,” he soothes, cupping your face in both palms. He gives you that kind smile again, but it no longer serves as any source of comfort—now just a mouth full of teeth. “We’ll be gentle.”
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♡ BNHA – KiriBaku, BakuDeku, ShinKami, DabiHawks, EndHawks, ErasurMic ♡ JJK – SatoSugu, ItaFushi, SukuIta ♡ HQ – Miya twins, KageHina, BokuAka ♡ CSM – AkiDen, YoshiDen ♡ BLLK – NagiReo
♡ FEM x M INSERT masterlist ♡ GN x M INSERT masterlist
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marvelwitchergilmore · 17 days ago
Favourite Surprise
Summary: Bucky Barnes x fe!Reader -> You and Bucky have been through a lot together. So what happens when you surprise him with something he wasn't expecting?
Disclaimer: descriptions of bullet/stab wounds from a mission, hurt/comfort, Bucky tends to Reader's wounds and worries about her, some swearing. Not proof read.
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“I’m gonna put you down. Just stay there.”
“It’s not like I can go anywhere.” You slumped onto the floor, holding your side, trying your best to breath through the pain. But even breathing was starting to hurt. 
Bucky had carried you to the safe house. You were on a mission just outside of Prague. You’d been prepared for the worst, and told to hope for the best. But you hadn’t been prepared for this worst. One of the enemy agents having it out for you. 
They’d dived right past Bucky and three other Shield agents in order to reach you. And they’d sure as hell made sure they got to you. 
You could hear Bucky rummaging around in the bathroom, piling things up in order to bring them into you. A few seconds later, he appeared and started moving around, locking all the windows and shutting the curtains. 
“Can I look?”
You nodded, a small whimper leaving you as your clothes caught your wound. 
“It’s okay.”
Bucky helped lift your shirt the rest of the way but then he frowned. “I can’t clean it like this. I’m gonna need to cut-”
“No. Don’t-don’t cut it.” Pushing yourself to sit up, you reached for the hem of your t-shirt. “Buck, I’m gonna need your help.”
“It’s gonna be easier to just cut it.”
You shook your head. “I’m not wearing one of the tiny fucking t-shirts kept here. Now, help me.”
Bucky did as he was told, helping you pull the t-shirt up your body and over your head, leaving your top half in your sports bra. 
“This is gonna hurt-”
“I know it’s gonna fucking hurt. Just do it.” You took in a few breaths before shaking your head, your tone softening. “I’m sorry-”
“You’ve been shot and stabbed. Swear as much as you like.”
A weak, breathy laugh left you. “Thanks.”
Bucky gave you a quick countdown before pouring the wound cleaning solution over your wound. Your body reached, crunching up, trying your best to push yourself away from Bucky and the bottle he was pouring over your gaping wound. Your hand landed on his right arm, squeezing him as tight as you were squeezing your eyes shut. 
“It’s okay, you’re okay.”
“Ugh, god.” You looked up, your head banging gently against the kitchen cabinet behind you. “I hate this.”
“You’re gonna hate it even more in a minute. You need stitches.”
“Oh, fuck.”
“I need to do them now. We don’t have time-”
“It’s okay, it’s okay.” You took in a deep breath before finally looking at him. “I trust you.”
“Do you?”
“Do I really have any choice?”
“No, I guess not.”
After fifteen minutes, you started to feel yourself succumbing to sleep. “Whoa, hey, no, no, no. Stay awake. Y/n! Don’t you dare pass out on me now!”
You continued to breathe, feeling the needle curl through your skin as he stitched you up. 
“I’m almost done, doll. I promise. Just stay. Awake. You hear me?”
You nodded, though it was weak. However, whatever essence of sleep you were falling into was suddenly gone when a deafening sting ripped through your wound and you shot up from where you’d laid down on the floor. 
“All done. It’s all done now. But I’m gonna need to wrap it.”
“Couldn’t you have warned me?”
“I did. I told you not to fall asleep.”
“I’ve lost a lot of blood. Don’t blame me.”
“Think you can stay awake long enough for me to let Sam know where we are?”
You nodded. “I can try.”
Bucky smiled a little with relief. “Good. Stay awake.”
You didn’t know how long had passed but it couldn’t have been long. Bucky was standing somewhere in the corner of the room, his voice repeating his badge number and coordinates until Sam’s voice finally replied. Then his voice slowly slipped away. 
“She’s lost a lot of blood, Sam.”
“We’re on our way now. Just keep her awake.” Sam told him and when Bucky didn’t reply, he spoke again. “She’ll be okay, Buck. You’ve got her to safety and patched her up, right?”
“Yeah,” Bucky’s voice broke over the radio. 
“She’ll be okay. I’ve got Cho on board with me so she’ll be in safe hands. Just sit tight. We’ll be there soon.”
“Thanks, Sam.”
“Keep her awake, Buck.”
The radio crackled away and Bucky turned back to you. “Y/n!”
You didn’t open your eyes, but you did speak. “I can’t keep 'em’ open, Buck.”
“You’ve gotta. I need to know you’re awake.”
You forced them open but not for long. 
“Just save your energy. Sam’s not too far.”
Then he sat beside you, pulling you into his side. “Just stay awake with me, doll.”
“I’ll try, Buck.”
Bucky tried his best to keep you awake but eventually you passed out. For a moment, you woke up and found yourself wrapped in a pair of familiar arms. But then you passed out again. 
Bucky laid you down on the bed inside the jet before stepping away, being pulled into a tight hug by Sam as Cho started to inspect your wound and start a blood transfusion. 
Bucky explained everything as best as he could to both Sam and Helen until eventually all there was left to do was for him to sit by your side and hold onto your hand. 
And he did that for three days. 
By your side in the jet, by your side in your hospital bed and, not too far from your side when you were pulled into surgery.
When you finally woke up, your hand was in his as he lay hunched over the edge of your bed, fast asleep. 
“He’s been awake for two days.”
You turned and looked at the door. Sam was standing there, a soft smile on his face as he walked inside, his voice quiet. “I did try and make him go home but he didn’t want to leave you.”
“How long have I been out?”
“Almost a week.” Sam told you before he sat himself down in the chair on the other side of your bed. “After three, they took you in for surgery. Some lesions from where the knife had cut through your bullet wound. He did a good job at fixin’ you up, though.” Sam explained. “You’ve been asleep ever since.”
“And him?”
“Never left your side.” 
You turned and looked back at the sleeping Bucky and your hand reached out. Softly, you brushed the hair back from his eyes, repeating the movement until you saw a soft, sleepy smile appear on his face. 
“You have been shot and stabbed. You’ve both survived through a lot.” Sam told you, bringing your attention back to him for a moment, you hand softly landing on top of Bucky’s. 
“I think maybe it’s time you two took some time alone together. Maybe a nice vacation.” Sam offered. “Just think about it.”
Then he sat up, leaned over and pressed a light kiss to your head. “I’ll see you later.”
As he got to the door, you called out to him. “Sam?”
He looked around. 
“Thank you.”
Sam just smiled and closed the door behind him, leaving you and Bucky inside. He remained asleep for a while and each time you gently pushed your fingers through his hair, that soft smile would appear on his face. 
Then he finally opened his eyes. His eyelashes fluttered open and closed until his brain finally registered what had woken him up. 
He shot up, but your hand came to his face. 
“You’re awake- you’re awake!” Bucky turned, ready to call for a nurse but with your hand on his face and shoulder, he sat himself back down before sitting on your bed, facing you. 
“Hey, hey, no, don’t call them. Not yet.”
“You’re awake. How long have you- are you okay?”
You smiled, holding onto him to make sure he stayed still long enough to hear you. “I’m fine.”
“Are you sure? They had to rush you into surgery and-”
“Hey, I’m okay. I’m awake, right?”
“Right.” Bucky smiled, finally looking at you. “I’m really glad you’re okay.”
“I’m okay because you saved my life.”
Bucky then reached out, his fingers holding onto the ends of your hair before his eyes tracked back up towards your own eyes. And for a moment, the last time you’d looked at him like this flashed before your eyes. 
Laying on the floor, a white-hot pain spread through your side as Bucky skidded to his knees beside you. The panicked look in his eyes, the slight shake in his hand as it quickly reached out for you, and his voice…the recovered panic…
But the way he was looking at you now…
No danger. Just pure relief. 
And without thinking, you took the plunge. 
Leaning forward, you kissed him. 
His breath hitched for a moment, and his body stilled. But then he kissed back. His hand firm against your face, his fingers lightly digging into the back of your hair. 
Pulling away, if in a little need of catching your breath, Bucky’s head remained against yours for a moment, his eyes closed, soaking up every last moment. 
You’d both been surprised a lot in the last seven days alone. But he had to admit, you kissing him was his favourite one yet. 
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mostly-imagines · 11 months ago
So This Is Love
jason todd x fem!reader
aka you show each other what love is supposed to be like
4 in 1 blurbs
warnings: section 1: close-call panic attack for j, mentions of ptsd for j // section 2: implied sexual activity // section 3: mild angst w comfort // section 4: implied ptsd for j
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He feels like his heart might burst through his chest.
The nightmare wasn’t anything unusual for him, but it did feel particularly vivid tonight. It was more of a memory than anything, though. That same one that plays on a loop in his head throughout the night the more he tries to push it away during the day. It was the last thwack of the crowbar that had him jolt awake in bed.
You shift in your spot next to him, opening your eyes to see his rattled state. If he’d been in a clearer frame of mind he would’ve lied to you. He would’ve expertly leveled his breathing and told you everything was fine and to go back to sleep.
But instead, he looks over at you with wide eyes, chest heaving and shaking like he might start hyperventilating at any moment.
You shoot up from the bed, instantly on alert. This isn’t the first time he’s had one of these nightmares around you, so it’s not hard for you to guess where this is coming from.
“Jay? What’s—what do you need?” You know better than to try and touch him unprompted right now, you’ve panicked enough yourself to know that sudden contact only makes it worse.
“I—I can’t, I—” Now he really looks like he’s about to lose all control of his breathing.
You sit up further, moving onto your knees. “Here, let me—can I see your hand?” you ask gently, holding your own out.
He extends it to you without question, a tiny act of vulnerability that he couldn’t have dreamed of doing in this state before he met you.
You flip his hand over, palm-up and start tracing lines over it in the moonlight. You’re looking at his hand quite intently like there’s something very important on it. It’s enough to make him question what the hell you’re doing. 
“I can read palms.” You tell him, simply. 
“What?” His voice almost breaks, like he’s right at the edge of tears. 
“Yeah, my friend taught me. I can tell the future and everything.” You look up at him, fingers not stopping their trailing. “Do you wanna hear yours?”
All he can do is nod.
You smile and start to inspect his hand carefully, tracing over calluses and a few tiny scars. You draw your finger across the short, deep line parallel to his fingers.
“This one…see the way it curves upwards right there?” He nods. “That means you’re very resourceful and ambitious. Like a leader.” His breathing starts to slow as he watches you, trying to focus on what you’re showing him in the dim light from the window.
“And this one,” you trace the line that curves downwards in the middle, “This one says that you’re strong and stubborn, which I can confirm,” he huffs out a laugh. It’s little but it’s genuine. “But it also means that you’re resilient. You’re built to overcome things and bounce back even stronger because of them. Which I can also confirm.”
He leans forward, resting his forehead against yours. He takes in a deep breath, watching you draw patterns across the base of his palm.
The sensation soothes him in a way that he frankly didn’t know he could be soothed. He figures he usually can’t, except when it’s you. He tries to match your breathing, syncing up with you. If anyone else tried to get this close to him when he was on the verge of a panic attack they’d get punched, at best.
But you…you always know how to help him. He’s considered in the past that he did something really right somewhere down the line and you were sent to him as reward. He’d racked his mind for hours of every good thing he’d ever done, trying to find one that could explain your presence in his life. For anything that could explain why he deserved you. He poured and poured over every memory he could dig up but couldn’t find any good he’d ever done that surmounted to a single piece of the good in your heart.
There was a time when he would’ve thought—when he did think that you were only in his life to be taken away as soon as he felt safe. That would certainly be in line with previous experiences. But you showed him quickly that you have this way about you…it makes those loud thoughts in the back of his head shut up and just listen. Listen to your words, your breathing, your footsteps, your laugh…anything he could. Because it turns out, when he listens, he feels safe. 
He’s quiet for a long time, contentedly watching you work. He notices that at some point you’d stopped tracing the lines and began drawing designs instead. 
He breaks the silence after several minutes, softly commenting, “You don’t know how to read palms.”
“No, I do not.” 
But you continued to leave your invisible art on the palm of his hand just the same, both of you taking comfort in the sound of the other's breathing and the soothing feeling of each other’s skin.
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The radio plays lightly in the background, surrounding your night with soft ambience. You’re working at the cutting board with tomatoes as Jason leans against the counter next to you, having just finished getting the pasta set up on the stove.
His hands find your hips, resting them there as he watches you work over your shoulder.
“Watch your thumb.” He comments when the knife gets a little too close for his liking.
You shrug him off, “I know how to do it.”
He eyes the way the knife stutters as you cut through the tomato, slicing through not very cleanly at all. “Doesn’t look like it.”
You ignore him, elbowing him gently in the abdomen. He’s joking, but he’s not. The skill level you’re displaying is only above Bruce and slightly below Tim, which is not great.
“Will you let me do it?” he asks you when he realizes there’s going to be no improvement. 
“Fine.” You relent with faux annoyance. 
You switch over to the stovetop, keeping a careful eye on the pasta as it cooks. It’s quiet for a moment as he works, chopping with much more efficiency than you had.  
“You didn’t have to stay here tonight, you know.” You say quietly, still intently watching the stove.
In spite of the music, your low volume does nothing to faze him as he continues his actions, “Why wouldn’t I?”
You stir the contents of the saucepan around. “Well, I know Roy wanted you to go out…”
“Not missing much.” He mumbles, opening up the above cabinet to get out plates.
You lull your head to the side, “Come on, he’s your best friend.”
Jason frowns. “He’s not my best friend.”
You turn your head towards him, “No?”
He meets your gaze, frown consistent. “No. You are.” He says it like he’s confused that you don’t know that. 
“Oh.” You smile, “You’re my best friend too.”
His eyes soften at that, a light smile gracing his lips. He knew that, and he knew you’d say it, but hearing it out loud just…does something to him.
You flick the stove top off, prompting him to on instinct reach for the Marinara jar and crack it open for you. He hands it to you and you accept with a smile, twisting it open the rest of the way as you turn back to the stove. The jar sputters as you open, spitting out sauce.    
“Oh, shit.” You hiss, when the splatter hits your shirt.
He takes one glance at the mess on your shirt and pulls his own shirt off his back. He’s tugging yours off just as fast, replacing it with his. You’ve barely processed what happened as he scans your body, eyes lingering on where his shirt stops at your thighs. “Can you wear this to bed tonight?” He asks, hands running over your waist.
You laugh, “Really?”
He meets your eyes, face serious. “Yes.” He squeezes your hip, “You look good.”
“In your shirt.” You say with a knowing smile.
“In my shirt.” He confirms.
You turn back to the stove to dish out the salsa, his hands skimming around your thighs as you do. He watches you as you work, though rather than watching your hands he’s fixated on the size of his shirt over you and how fucking good you look right now. 
“Or…” He sweeps his eyes over your legs before looking back up at you again. “Did’ya turn the stove off?”
You tilt your head at him, “I did…?”
He grins at you, lifting you up by your thighs til you’re a head above him. “Good.” He maneuvers you over to the counter, setting you on top. He brings your wrist up to his mouth to press a delicate kiss before dropping to his knees.
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You’ve been laying in bed for at least three hours, bordering on sleep but never quite falling in. You and Jason had a little spat, though nothing insurmountable, it was still the biggest fight you’ve had to date. You’d tried going out (at night) to see your friend that was having a hard time, and yeah, you should’ve told Jason you were going. It was only five blocks, give or take, but in Gotham at eleven o’clock at night, it’s a risk to say the least.
You should’ve told Jason, you know. But he wouldn’t have let you go or would’ve insisted on putting hold on patrolling to accompany you. You always feel bad when he does that—people could be getting hurt somewhere because you needed your boyfriend to walk you down the street. Unfortunately, it didn’t matter in the end because he caught you red handed before you’d even made it a full block away. Of all the nights for him to come home early, it had to be this one.
He dropped down from the rooftop behind you and scared the absolute hell out of you, and you didn’t even have time to be relieved that it was just him because he was on you in a flash. 
“What the hell are you doing out here?” His voice was hard through the modulator, a rare tone for him to use with you.
“I just—my friend—” he sounded tired and angry, sure signs that he’d really not had a good night so far which was probably all the more reason that you shouldn’t have been out by yourself in the middle of the night.
“What are you—no! Go home. Now.” You would’ve, you really would’ve, but your friend called you crying about her boyfriend cheating on her again and she needed the in person support. 
“Ja—” You’d cut yourself off, “It’s down the street, it’s fine—” He dropped his shoulders in a huff and faced you dead-on. You didn’t need him to take his helmet off to know exactly how he was looking at you.
He dropped down and hooked his arm around the back of your legs, lifting you off the ground with no discernible effort. “Wha—”
He started walking before you were even fully planted on his shoulder, arm wrapping around your legs to hold you in place. 
“Hood! I am so fucking serious, put me down!” You swatted at his back and struggled in his grip, though in the back of your mind you knew it was a pointless effort. Even if you were a match in size, whatever mood he’d been pushed in was enough to guarantee that you had no chance. 
He ignored you, not even pretending that you were giving him any difficulty with your squirming. He marched you back down the block to your apartment, not stopping until you’re outside your door. He set you down in between him and the entrance, digging into his pocket for his key.
He kicked the door shut behind him, finally letting you go. He wordlessly grabbed one of his spare guns and two cartridges of ammo from inside the closet by the door and turned back to you with a firm stance. “Stay here.”
You immediately tried to push past him again, at that point more angry about him dragging you back here than about having to duck out on your friend. He stopped you, holding you by the arms, which led you to respond by raising your voice at him, “Jason!” 
But he didn’t waste any time letting you know how it is, “I will lock you in this fucking apartment. Stay. Here.” Him cursing at you like that was very rare and not a particularly good sign, so through your anger you’d made the decision that it was better to relent, for now. Your posture dropped and you frowned at him resentfully, a visible cue that you were giving in without you having to say it. 
He stayed true to his word and locked the door on his way out, though knowing you could easily unlock it from the inside. You’d trudged into your bedroom, slamming the door behind you.   
Now you lay on Jason’s usual side of the bed, partially because you do miss him, partially because the bed feels a little less empty when you can’t see all the empty space. You know he was just trying to keep you safe after what was probably a rough start to the night, so you feel less than great that you’d yelled at him.
Your dwelling over the memory is interrupted by a quiet creak of the bedroom door. You blink up at him blearily, “Jay?” You sit up, furrowing your brow. You didn’t even hear him come home. “What’s wrong?” You figure he must be hurt to come in here—it’s not unknown for him to sleep on the couch if he feels like he did something wrong or upset you.   
Your eyes attempt to adjust to the darkness, scanning over him for any injuries. He’s out of his armor and in his regular clothes which means he must have showered already. And you know from dozens of nights patching him up that he always tends to his injuries before showering.
This leaves you confused, as you look up at him, waiting for an answer. “I can’t…I don’t want to sleep without you.” He whispers, eyes on the floor. 
You shuffle back into your usual spot near the wall and hold your hand out to him expectantly. You’re still a bit cross with him, but you miss him too much to care right now.
It takes him a second to move, but he eventually lingers away from the door and makes his way to the bed. He takes your hand as he climbs onto the bed, letting go only when you lay down after him, staring up at the ceiling next to him. 
You weren’t entirely expecting him to wrap his arms around you and tug you into his chest. Somewhere in the back of your mind you’d assumed he would lay on his side and you on yours and that would be enough for him to fall asleep with. Instead, he tightens his arms and buries his face into the crook of your neck. You lay there in silence for a couple minutes, both thinking.
“You’re mad.” He mumbles into your shoulder after a while. You know he feels badly about the dispute, you knew it while it was still happening. As hard as he tries, he’s not very good at hiding his emotions. Not with you, anyways.
You shrug slightly. “Barely. I’ll get over it. This is more important.”
He picks his head up to look at you, “I love you. You know that?”
You wiggle out of his grip a bit, making him frown. You use the new space to flip over to face him, before placing his arm back around your waist. You peek up at him, looking him in the eyes, “I do. You know I love you. Even when we fight.”
He looks at you like he’s a bit thrown off by your words. “I’m sorry. It was just…it was a rough night…I—I’m sorry.” He tells you dolefully.  
You shake your head, frowning. “Don’t be. I should’ve texted you.”
“It—yeah. Please. I just worry about you.” He looks so sad and it makes you feel somehow worse.
“I know,” you whisper, “I’m sorry.”  
“Don’t be.” He kisses your forehead, not moving away after.
You feel like you can finally relax and your tense body doesn’t take long to slacken in his hold. Soon after, he does the same, both of you closing your eyes. You feel your heart slow and your mind starts to find a space of peace.    
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Jason didn’t get it at first.
Honestly, he didn’t really realize that you noticed things about him that even he didn’t see.
Your neighbor was having their place remodeled and you knew there would be construction going on near your apartment all day.
Jason didn’t really care, planning to bury his head under the pillow and trying to sleep through it. You however, seemed very adamant about getting out of the apartment that day. You’d left hours before the construction crew had even gotten there, telling him it was a nice day out.
It was an alright day, but he let you have your way.
You held his hand as you walked down the street, looking into shop windows and commenting on things you think he’d like.
You led him into a book store excitedly, telling him about how the author he’d been binging had just published something new. He didn’t even know that.
You were browsing the sections, flipping through books as you went. You peered across the shop at a kid holding an absolutely massive pile of books, who was clearly struggling to keep them in his arms.
His mother tried to help him but he shook his head and strided away independently, albeit very slowly. The weight of the books though, did get the best of him, and you could tell by the quivering in his arms that he was going to drop them.
“Loud noise.” You said quickly, seemingly out of the blue. Jason turned to you, confused, before seeing the stack the books splat flat onto the ground. It was indeed a loud noise.
He tilts his head at you, though you’re still busy watching the little boy as he throws his head back in frustration.
“What was that?”
You look at him, “He dropped his books.”
“Yeah, I saw. But why—”
His question gets cut off by the kid bursting into tears, wailing. You turn back to look at him, your gaze getting caught by the new book you’d been telling him about. “Ooh!”
You grab his hand and pull him over with you, smiling widely when you have the book in your hands. The sight of you makes him feel so warm so fast that he forgets about the odd interaction all together.
A couple hours later, you sit outside a cafe and eat lunch together, his back to the road, you sitting diagnal to him.
He’s telling you about the shit Damian got in trouble for at school last week, holding your hand with his right hand and eating with his left.
“He thinks he’s not going to get expelled for pulling shit like that every other week, it’s ridiculous.” He says, tossing his napkin down on the table.
Your smile is wavers as your eyes move past his shoulder looking down the block before widening, “Car—”
The sudden noise startles him enough to make him visibly jump, hand flying to where his holster would be. He looks over at the fender bender, shoulders relaxing.
He turns back to you to find your eyes looking far more worried than they should. You seem to be scanning his face, looking for something and he’s about to ask you what’s wrong when it sinks in.
He does get scared by unexpected loud sounds, doesn’t he? He never really thinks of it until it happens, but his mind is trained to expect gunshots or crowbars making impact.
It doesn’t happen often, but it noticeably takes a little piece out of him when it does.
“You…” he tries, but falters. He’s not even sure he’s processing this right.
He’s never seriously tried to fathom that you love him half as much as he loves you, though love doesn’t feel like a strong enough word. He lives and breathes for you, you’ve become a lifeline he’d been stranded without for most of his life. But now you're here and you’re everything, you’re in his head all the time, in every emotion he feels.
He thinks he’s here for you, that he was brought back from the dead because of you. You can’t possibly understand how much his heart is full of you, he doesn’t understand it himself.
He knows you love him, he’s gotten that through his head. But he can’t get a grasp on the idea that he’s equally matched in the who loves who the most battle.
Do you really care that much about him to go out of your way to keep track of things that might startle him? He knows there’s a million things about you that are in the back of his mind at any given time, but surely you don’t operate that same way with him?
Do you?
There’s this burning in his heart that aches and it only gets stronger when he sees you looking at him like that. So genuine. With care, with love.
He squeezes your hand, “I love you. More than anything.”
The look on your face sinks back into that sweet, adorable look that he’s so used to and it makes him want to scream.
You smile that bright smile and it sends his heart rocketing into oblivion. “I love you.” You squeeze his hand back, “More than everything.”
He feels like his heart might burst through his chest.
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amoressb · 1 month ago
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ꪆৎ ⋆˚࿔ how even the simplest things like a bowl of strawberries can hold the sweetest memories 。。 idolbf!riki x reader .
FLUFF & wc. 1000 + ; kissing, skinship 。。
──── ARCHiVE
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riki sat at the end of the table, lazily twirling a bright red strawberry between his fingers. the rest of enhypen was gathered around him, their usual chaotic energy filling the room as the livestream continued. comments flooded the chat, hearts fluttering across the screen like confetti as fans eagerly interacted with their favorite idols.
the group had been live for almost an hour, answering questions, playing games, and teasing each other as they always did. but lately, the fans had noticed something peculiar…riki seemed distracted. he wasn’t as hyper as usual, his usual playful antics subdued as he occasionally glanced down at the bowl of strawberries sitting in front of him.
“riki, you good?” jungwon asked, nudging him with his elbow. “you’ve been staring at that strawberry for like five minutes.”
riki blinked, realizing he’d been spacing out. he let out a soft chuckle, adjusting his posture. “yeah, i’m fine,” he mumbled, rolling the strawberry between his fingers again.
the fans, sharp as ever, picked up on it immediately. the comments exploded :
“why does ni-ki look so lovestruck?”
“he’s thinking about something…or someone.”
“wait, does this have to do with strawberries???”
jay, ever the instigator, leaned in with a smirk. “let me guess, someone special likes strawberries?” rikis lips twitched, betraying a smile before he could stop it. the rest of the members erupted into knowing laughter.
“oh, he’s done for,” heeseung laughed, pointing at him. “riki, man, you’re too obvious.” riki shook his head but didn’t deny it. instead, he finally lifted the strawberry to his lips, taking a slow bite as the chat exploded with emojis and frantic guesses.
sunghoon, raising an eyebrow, decided to push further. “so, are you saying you only eat strawberries now because of her?” the room quieted for a second, then riki, still chewing, shrugged and casually said, “maybe.” the members lost it.
“CONFIRMED!” jake shouted, pointing at the camera. “he’s whipped!”
“riki, this is a public livestream!” jungwon stifled a laugh, burying his face in his hands. “think of your image!”
riki only laughed, feeling warmth creep up his neck. he wasn’t usually this open about your relationship, but something about today made him feel bold. maybe it was because he missed you.
the chat continued to spiral into chaos :
“is he talking about his girlfriend??”
“ni-ki is literally in love and we are witnessing it live.”
sunoo, ever the curious one, decided to dig even deeper. “so, how did this strawberry obsession start, huh?” riki glanced down at the half eaten strawberry in his hand, thinking back to the moment everything changed.
“it’s because of her,” he admitted, his voice quieter now, more sincere. “she loves strawberries. always eats them, always tries to make me eat them. at first, i didn’t really care, but…” he trailed off, his lips curving into the kind of smile that made his members groan in secondhand embarrassment.
“but what?” jay prodded. riki looked straight into the camera, his dark eyes gleaming. “but she said they taste better when they’re shared.”
the members erupted in dramatic shrieks, some clutching their chests like they’d been physically wounded. “ENOUGH.” jake dramatically stood up, pointing at riki. “take him off the livestream. he’s too far gone.”
heeseung pretended to wipe away tears. “our riki…he’s in love.”
“gross,” sunghoon muttered, but he was grinning.
riki just shook his head, amused by their antics. then, as if on cue, his phone vibrated beside him. he glanced down and sure enough, there was a message from you.
“caught you talking about me, didn’t i? i’ll bring strawberries later, be ready.”
his heart did that stupid fluttering thing again. trying to act casual, he set his phone down and returned his attention to the camera. but anyone paying close attention, especially you, would notice the faint pink dusting his cheeks.
“i’ll be waiting,” he murmured before popping another strawberry into his mouth. the chat went absolutely wild.
the dorm was quieter now. after ending the livestream, the members had all gone their separate ways. some showering, some playing games, some already asleep.
riki, however, was waiting. finally, there was a knock at the door. he didn’t even hesitate before opening it and there you stood, a small bag in one hand and a mischievous smile on your lips. “delivery for mr.strawberry lover.”
riki scoffed, but his grin was impossible to hide. “you saw the livestream, didn’t you?”
“oh, i did.” you held up the bag, rustling it lightly. “and as promised, i brought strawberries.”
he stepped aside to let you in, watching as you plopped down onto his bed, pulling out the container of fresh strawberries. you grabbed one, holding it up to his lips. “since they taste better when shared, right?”
rikis lips twitched as he leaned forward, taking a slow bite. the sweetness bursted on his tongue, but all he could focus on was the way you were looking at him.
“you’re really making me soft,” he mumbled, swallowing. you grinned, “i know.” rolling his eyes, he grabbed a strawberry and held it up to your lips in return. you took a bite, chewing happily as riki watched you with an amused smile.
then, out of nowhere, he leaned in and placed a soft kiss on your cheek. you blinked. “what was that for?” riki shrugged, biting into another strawberry. “you had juice on your face.”
“uh huh,” you said, unconvinced. but before you could tease him, he kissed your other cheek, then your nose, then your forehead.
“riki,” you giggled, lightly pushing his chest. “what are you doing?”
he only grinned, swallowing the last bit of strawberry before his eyes darkened playfully. “making sure you know that strawberries taste better like this.” and then, before you could react, he kissed you on the lips.
it was soft at first, sweet, just like the fruit still lingering on his tongue. but then, as your fingers curled into the fabric of his hoodie, he deepened the kiss slightly, letting himself savor the moment.
when he pulled back, you were smiling. “okay, i’ll admit. that might be the best way to eat strawberries.” riki chuckled, resting his forehead against yours. “told you.”
and with that, he popped another strawberry into his mouth. this time, not because of the fruit itself, but because it reminded him of you.
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⋆。°✩ @miukidoll @liwinly @sugarikiz @hyukabean
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rosesradio · 2 years ago
#i had this dream last night about my ex#i knew that realistically turning 20 wouldn’t make them go away per say but i was hoping that along with them being more rare—#they’d also be different. and this one was#normally my dreams were kinda scarier to me—with him standing in front of me or following me down dark hallways—#but this one was almost kinda funny#i was at a restaurant with my family and he called my phone. FaceTime actually—#(you know how you don’t have phones in dreams? i guess i had mine)#and when i answered and could see myself i looked like how i looked when I was 16 (which was weird because i met him when I was 17–#and i looked different then)#I tried to cover my face when i realized it was him—but his hair was bleached and it was a weird look#but he said he got the wrong number and was looking for a Natalie. and he didn’t say anything but i had a feeling that it was actually—#not another victim. because for the sake of others i want him to become a better person even if i don’t want to be there to see that#but he casually said sorry and it was nice to see me. and then the call ended#of course i had kinda freaked out a little but kept cool for my parents. but it didn’t feel as bad as it had before.#i kept eating and the dream ended#now i know realistically if i did see him in real life i don’t know what I’d do but it wouldn’t be good#but with so many people and a world so big hopefully I’ll never have to worry about that#but knowing i can handle it a bit better internally with every passing day makes me feel better#rose.txt
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sugarwarachan · 2 months ago
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summary: A city-wide blackout leads to some questionable decisions on Eraserhead's part: for four nights in a row now, Aizawa Shouta has been watching you get yourself off. Is tonight the night he joins in? pairing: aizawa shouta x reader wc: 1.7k content warnings: SMUT mdni, dark content, stalker!aizawa, stalking, voyeurism, dubcon, power imbalance (pro hero/civilian, ya know) voice kink, dirty talk, aizawa's big dick, truly don't know if his quirk helps him see in the dark but i don't care
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The watching starts before Aizawa knows how to stop it.
One minute, he’s on patrol during the worst blackout the city’s ever seen; the next, he’s looking into your room and watching you get undressed.
You stopped him dead in his tracks, all plush curves and soft skin, almost otherworldly in the cool blue dark. Maybe that’s why he stayed that first time, frozen on the ledge of a neighboring building, watching you writhe and whimper on a purple dildo.
He has no excuse for why he returns the second and the third night, only that he's hungry for more, that the cover of dark in a still imperiled city is making it easier for him to accept the dark desire churning in his veins that he needs to know exactly what you sound like when you stuff yourself full.
He takes a shaky breath, cold air stinging his cheeks. Darkness blankets the city as thoroughly as gauze, a hazy film that puts anyone with eyes that aren’t his at a disadvantage.
He can see you perfectly, surrounded in your bedroom by candles and wearing those sleep shorts that hug the meat of your ass so well he has to palm his dick roughly through his pants, grunting into his fist.
You can’t see him.
Aizawa pulls out a burner phone before he can stop himself and punches in your number. Your face scrunches adorably at the unfamiliar caller, but you answer all the same.
Fuck. You’ve got a voice like heaven, soft and low and sweet.
“Hi,” is all he can think to say, and he sucks in a breath when your nipples pebble under your thin cami.
You like his voice already. That’s good. He can work with that.
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“Who is this?”
You’d be lying if you didn’t already have a suspicion. Just because you don’t have a quirk doesn’t mean you don’t have senses; you clocked him the first night he watched you out in that expansive dark, the gleam of something like goggles shining in the dark.
You don’t know why you kept touching yourself, why his gaze on you made your heart race instead of reach for the phone to call the cops.
Not much good they’d do anyway. They’d just send Mr. Pro Hero outside, or someone like him.
“Does it matter who I am?”
His voice is everything you like. Deep and rumbling, a little rasp raking over the syllables and zipping up your spine.
“Guess not.” You shrug one shoulder; the strap of your cami slides down. On cue, you hear the faintest inhale of air. Dude must have fucking super vision. “Why did you keep coming back?”
You almost roll your eyes at how off-route your priorities are. There’s been a man watching you fuck yourself, and you’re hung up on specifics?
“You’re beautiful,” he says, simply, like he’s rattling off stock prices, but it makes your heart stop all the same. “Why is it you’re alone?”
You can't help but laugh. “You’re not pulling the ‘you’re too pretty to be alone’ card, are you?”
He laughs, too, a soft rumble that crackles the phone with static. “So what if I am? The only action I’ve seen you get the past few days is when that toy of yours disappears between your legs.”
Arousal knocks the wind out of you. Heat flushes up your hairline.
Another low chuckle on his end. “Embarrassed, pretty girl?”
You walk up to the window, peer out into the dark night. You can’t make anything out other than shadows.
“How many times have you watched me now?”
“You don’t know? Seemed like you were putting on a show.”
His teasing tone makes your cunt clench.
“Four days now, sweetheart,” like he’s counting down your anniversary, not how often he’s spied on you masturbating. “What were you thinking about last night that had you shuddering and gasping like that? Knew I had to get your number just so I could hear you fall apart.”
This is wrong this is wrong this is wrong is blaring on repeat in your head, but that’s increasingly falling to the wayside with every word that falls out of this stranger’s mouth. Your sleep shorts slide between your folds. Blood rushes in your ears as your heart beats in your throat. You feel so turned on it’s like every cell is alight, responding to the chemical reaction that is the man on the other side of the window.
It’s cold tonight. The window sticks just like it always does when you open it up, the cool night air a balm for your arousal-drenched skin.
You don’t address him; you’re not really sure why, but you like not knowing where he is, a figure in the dark hell bent on nothing more than watching you cum.
You settle back down on your bed, crossing your legs and groaning a little. You’re damp and sticky and so turned on it’s already starting to hurt.
“I was thinking about you,” you answer honestly. "I like your voice.” Your own shakes, with a mixture of lust and fear and excitement. “Can you talk to me?”
“Of course I can talk to you.” His voice drops another octave, takes on an even more gravelly tone. Your whole body erupts in goosebumps. “What’s my pretty girl wanna hear?”
“Anything,” you say, and you mean it. This man could probably read you the directions to a microwave meal and get you off. “You can see me, right?”
“Mmhmm,” he intones.
“Then tell me how to touch myself. Like if you were here.”
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Aizawa crushes the phone in his grip so tightly he hears it crack.
You’re already squirming on your bed, sitting on your fucking hands like you’re waiting for permission. His heart kicks up against his ribs, his cock jumping violently against his uniform.
“I can do that, sweetheart.”
You smile, tuck your chin into your chest like his attention is all of a sudden making you shy. He wonders if you’re doing it to tease him, or if he’s bringing it out of you. It doesn't matter either way; he's harder than he's been in his entire life.
“Lay back down on the bed for me, yeah?” You comply instantly. “Make sure I can see that gorgeous cunt, baby, don’t be hiding from me.”
Your breath hitches. You scoot forward just enough, and the flickering candlelight plays over your skin like water. His mouth dries up at the sight.
“Spread yourself open, use those pretty hands of yours.”
You part your folds, the pad of your middle finger gathering up the arousal pooling between your legs. “Jesus—fuck—look at you, gorgeous. All that just for me?”
He sees you nod.
“You gotta talk to me too, sweetheart. Use that cute mouth of yours.”
You choke out a little whine that blacks out his vision.
“S-sorry. I don’t understand how it feels so fucking good already.”
Your hips move in little circles, chasing your release.
“How many toys do you have there with you?”
“A few. Why?”
“Which is the biggest?”
You huff out a disbelieving giggle. “You’re not doing that thing where you lie about your endowments, are you?”
The grin that crosses his mouth is wild, hungry. He wasn’t planning on touching himself tonight; only wanted to tease you in the dark until he splattered the front of his pants like a teenager. But your tone is making him ignore his earlier impulses as he tugs out his cock and snaps a photo of it, hard and heavy and leaking in his palm.
He sends it.
You’re silent for a moment. He sees your legs press together before he hears—
“Fuck,” you whimper, so desperately it’s like he can see your mouth water. “I don’t—I don’t have anything as big as you.”
His cock literally jumps in his hand. Pre-cum oozes from the tip; he stuffs it back into his briefs before he can change his mind.
“You can’t tell me things like that. Makes me want to climb through your window and stuff you full with what you really need.” The muscles in his stomach bunch as he fights for composure. “Take out that purple toy of yours. It’ll be enough for now, ‘kay princesss? Don’t whine for things you can’t have.”
It’s an admonishment to himself, too.
“Don’t turn it on just yet. Get it all nice and wet, pretty girl, I know you’re fucking dripping.”
You follow instructions in a way that soothes the miasma of thoughts in his head. Here the world makes sense again. Here he can do good.
“Can I know your name?” You pant. He watches you trace small caresses across your belly, the soft undersides of your tits.
God, he wants his teeth on you, devouring you whole.
Against his better judgement, he tells you. “Sho is fine.”
“Okay. Sho,” you breathe it out in an overdrawn sexy drawl, but fuck, even his shortened name is enough to make that low-belly punch of arousal spike.
“Inch that toy in nice and slow, honey, go on now, stop being a tease.” He watches the tip start to part you open, your ragged gasp harsh in his ear. “If I was there, we’d be stretching out your little cunt for hours, make sure you’re ready for me. I could probably sit you on just the tip of my dick and make you cum. Isn't that right, sweetheart? You're fucking shaking and I haven't even touched you—”
“Sho,” you’re pleading, and it’s making his head fucking spin. “Can I turn it on, please? Let me turn it on—”
“Of course you can, baby, that’s it, look at you.” Your legs are spread obscenely, arousal dripping from your hole, glistening on your thighs and core. “Show me you how you like it, sweet girl, show me how you want me to fuck you next time, yeah?”
Aizawa feels each shuddering gasp and keening moan like you’re there beside him. Your orgasm overtakes you, back bowing off the bed, his name like a prayer on your lips. His hips jerk as he watches you, one hand tight on the phone, the other pressing against the pulsing-hot ache of his cock as he ruts into his palm.
His phone pings a moment later as he's catching his breath, a too-dark picture of the mess between your thighs and a text:
[y/n]: Come back tomorrow <3
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a/n: actively launching myself into outer space!!! part two!
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lovelyyandereaddictionpoint · 3 months ago
Winter Break | Yandere Twisted Wonderland
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Sam never considered himself a parent in any capacity. Sure he worked at a school but all that meant was that his clientele were snot-nosed brats, who are the perfect consumers for his on-campus shop. It was a great way to make money and how could he ever be bored when he could be let in on the dramatic inner workings of the student body. Usually he was generally indifferent with the mages he sold to but that was when they were just the selfish mean-spirited boys he dealt with.
“Oh thank you Mister Sam!”
It wasn’t a breath of fresh air to actually have one of the students respect him. It was just weird. Of course, his shadows clearly thought otherwise whispering excitedly about their misadventures to become a new student. It was against his will that he’d heard that they hailed from another world and were sharing the place of a student with a little monster. Now he couldn’t deny it was interesting that they’d united the students without magic. What kind of average human were they to actually force these wild kids to obey without collaring them?
“Do you think (Y/n) will like this? They have been saying how hard it is navigating Ramshackle at night.”
“Hmph do what you want.They should be happy we’re getting them anything.”
“Yeah I mean I’m hear anyways I might as well.”
Perhaps it was these first years, that were just opening their horizons to someone new. A lesson he’d seen hundreds of arrogant seniors learn on their internships. That there were plenty of people not proficient in magic and that were prone to be peaceful. Heck, he wondered if they’d act the same with those preppy RSA kids.
“Evening Sam, I was wondering if you could help me.”
“Help you? What a surprise! Usually you’re the one coming to me to offer your help, Azul.”
“Haha very funny. Now what do you think is a good gift for someone you want to like you?”
Nevermind. All of them were losing their minds and it was all over the one they called the prefect. By the time he’d begun to accept that this was a widespread phenomenon he found himself beginning to change as well.
“Hey I just got a shipment of that tuna, Grim likes.”
“Thanks Sam but how did you know he preferred this kind? He always gets so pouty when I guess.”
The Shadows.”A…little bird told me.”
That fact kept him up at night. Specifically because he was wondering why it became a routine for the shadows to return with a full-on report on the prefect’s day before they helped him reload stock. Or why it irked him so much more to know that Crowley had time in the day to spend hours browsing his shop's shelves while the prefect finished a spending sheet the headmaster should be typing. 
Guess that’s why he was so curious about those anticipated weeks.
“Where are you going for the Winter Break?"
You stopped in the middle of the motion of putting the box on it’s shelf. Staring blankly through the opening of the shelf as if you’d find the answer there. Mentally searching you found there was no set answer for this; barely you could recall the time you spent in Epel’s hometown but other than that no one had invited you anywhere. Not yet at least. 
“Yeah hench-(Y/n) where we goin’?” 
Grim’s question reminded you that Sam was waiting. Continuing to put the box in it’s place you stepped away back to the unpacked boxes. 
“I don’t know…I just thought we’d stay here with the faeries like Crowley would want.”
Sam scoffed, “You shouldn’t be worrying about that bird. Is there somewhere you want to go?”
You smiled to yourself, shaking your head; well-aware he was hidden behind a fully stocked shelf. With a nearby box-cutter you opened the box beckoning an annoyed Grim to take it’s contents and put them where they should be. 
“What about you, Sam? Anywhere you want to go?”
The famous redirect. Sam was prepared. While he wasn’t as easy to derail as his older coworkers or as confrontational about it when they did notice he wouldn’t be deterred so easily. 
“Of course once the shop is closed I’m headed back home.”
“Oh where’s that?”
“Porto’bliss, its not the fanciest place but it has it’s moments. If you’d like I wouldn’t mind you coming with.”
The open-ended invitation made your heart swell. A break sounded great but a break without Crowley and his chores sounded lovely. Even better instead of slowly coming to miss your friends on an empty campus you could discover a new place with someone who had your best interests in mind. You’d have to think about it though, wouldn’t want to be hasty in case something really important needed to be done on campus.
“What do you think, Grim?” Sam asked opening a familiar pack of sweets that had the monster beaming.
“That sounds like a great idea! (Y/n) let’s go!”
Peeking from behind your shelf to see Grim dig into the opened bag, Sam mischeviously shrugs when you send him a look.
“I’ll have to think about it.”
Mozus Trein set a book down with more force then he needed to. His grey eyes daring a glance at the happy facial expression of the prefect lightly petting Lucius. He looks away before you can see where the cat is glaring back at-just as disturbed as his owner. Looking past the professor it’s Grim sleeping on the bookshelf you’d organized minutes ago. Figuring it’s better then him whining about your helping Trein you continue on talking.
“Yeah while I was helping stock with him, he offered we go to Porto’bliss. Have you ever been?”
The professor returned his gaze back to the essay he was grading, lightly coughing into his gloved hand a nice way to hide his grimace.
“Yes my wife and I traveled there for an anniversary. It has a very rustic feel,” he listened to you hum. Quickly adding on,” but we never went back. Mostly on the account that a lot of the…facilities are outdated.”
He fought the triumphant twitch on his small smile practically hearing the disgruntled “Oh” coming from you. The professor felt a slight twinge of guilt exacerbating his experience there. In truth it was only one establishment like that but until you’d go to prove him wrong he’d stand by his experience. 
“But if you’d like a modern, family-filled environment my daughters are joining me at our estate in the Shaftlands. If you’d like to come.”
He adored the unfiltered joy on your face at his offer before it shriveled with that wonderfully loathsome politeness lowering your expectations. “I appreciate that but I wouldn’t want to get in the way. This is the only time your daughters get to see you after all.”
The warm chuckle from the older man had you looking up,” Oh no they’d be overjoyed if you came. They’d adore having someone younger than I around.”
That wast the most polite way he’d thought of masking the real reason they wouldn’t mind. He didn’t dare look at the growing pile of letters from his daughters. Rarely were they inclined to respond to his letters, hoping he’d switch to a more modern medium. But the second his writings started to describe an overworked, otherworldly prefect they began responding in a heartbeat. 
Do they have mother? Have they spoken of one? 
Are you bringing them home? Please say you will! We’d spoil them to bits!
They won’t have to go back will they? A normal school is probably safer then that school!
PLEASE Papa let’s give (Y/n) a real home!
He was sure he raised his girls right. He really did. He also taught them to be women unafraid of others and determined in every aspect of their life. It begged the question if that determination translated to abducting relocating the prefect in the shoddy abandoned dorm. This was nicer. A peaceful invitation that you could unfortunately decline accept and slowly integrate yourself into the Trein household. 
If he was successful, he’s certain Crewel and now Sam would sneer in his direction. The former would whine argue that his actions would be the opposite of caring for the prefect but he’d disagree. This was caring. Embracing them into a family that not only would be nurturing but would give a support system for their inevitable graduation from Night Raven College. For as much as he…mildly enjoyed teaching such unruly youth a magicless student wouldn’t have many business prospects. Not counting the leering royals you seem to attract. What he was offering was a fall-back, security for you and your cat-like companion. Even Crewel would have to relent this would be much better.
“What do you think Lucius? You okay if we come with?”
“Mrrow.” The purr and fluffy weight leaning into your hand told you exactly what he thought.
Once again you had a lot to think about it. 
“Take your time (Y/n), me and Lucius will be here when the other students leave so you won’t miss saying goodbye to your friends.”
“You’ll be coming with me to the Queendom of Roses of course.”
Crewel sighed waiting for the troublesome mutts to leave with the chattery monster turning to you once again.
“I heard you talking about what you’d all be doing during the break. I'm reminding you that I’ll be taking you home…with me.”
Crewel wasn’t embarrassed at all. In face he prided himself on his initiative, earlier in the year he would have broken mirrors with his own bashfullness. Something about expressing any affection to someone who could communicate in the same language as him and return their own form of praise without a wagging tail. It was like highschool all over again. But he was better now, perfect material to guide an overly mature child that needs his guidance. He doesn’t know if he was ready for the ‘f-word’ but if you happened to slip up and call him that after receiving a beautifully wrapped gift with a color scheme that matches the decor. He was just the best wasn’t he.
“Actually Professor Crewel, I’m going to have to decide I’ve gotten a lot of offers and I think it’d be really mean if I didn’t–”
You were still talking but Crewel wasn’t listening. Who in all of Twisted Wonderland would have the gall to overstep the offer only he was worthy enough to give. He couldn’t help rolling his eyes, knowing there quite a few dirty mutts who’d jump at the chance to invite his pure, far-too trusting pup into their dumpheaps…or restricting castles he wasn’t ruling out any of that hungry pack. Still he figured he’d ask.
“Who offered?”
You were cowering a little bit; he must’ve come off incredibly harsh. His bad. 
“Um Sam and Trein—”
“Alright get to lunch and eat this time. I’ll ask your guardpups if you have. If you don't, I'm giving you detention.”
He put his hands on the prefect’s shoulders turning them around to leave the empty classroom.
“But what about your offer? Should we talk about–?”
He pat their head and gave one last shove.
“We’ll decide for you pup. Eat your lunch have a good rest of your day. Pack your bags too I have a feeling a decision will be made by the end of the day.”
He shut the door on your face and you rushed to catch the lunch line.
Guess you wouldn’t have to think at all. Oh well makes things easier for you.
If tension was gasoline Crowley’s office would’ve exploded by now. It just so happened his office was the place Crewel decided to confront his coworkers; the only place private enough to discuss where exactly their prefect was going for this break.
“I asked them first. So they’ll be coming with me.” Trein scowled, “Get your feet off the table and I don’t know if where you’re taking them is family friendly environment.”
Sam joylessly laughed,”Family-friendly? Do you call trying to replace your third child with (Y/n) as a family-friendly environment? Yeah Besides I don’t think they they’ll want to spend anything over a day with people old enough to need a diaper change.”
Lucius swatted a clawful paw into Sam’s exposed ankles, scampering quicker than the chasing  shadows that morphed into talons. Jumping up high and near the window hissing pridefully at the shadows forced to slink nearby. 
His cat’s actions lessened the blow of his words but it didn’t denote what was said. Trein knew that was far from accurate but he knew arguing wouldn’t help. Not with those who needed any kind of evidence for their case but Sam wasn’t who he was most worried about.
“On that note, being with someone so close to their age without any adult supervision would be unwise. Seniority aside I believe I am the best candidate. Not to mention I’d be more than willing to invite their friends a couple towns over.”
Sam’s face was twisted in a snarl, an expression Trein would have used if he couldn’t just glare. 
“You forget I am an adult. I don’t need to be geriatric nanny to know what the kid needs.”
“And I am not aiming to replace them at all. I just know it’d be healthier for them not to be alone in a time like this.”
“Then we’re at an impasse.”
A tense silence took over the room. Trein broke it with the authority who usually held over his fellow teachers,”Then we’ll draw lots.”
Sam and Crewel nodded in agreement, demanding to inspect the elder’s methods–promising there's no chance of cheating.
“Wait!” Vargas had been watching the three of them hurl insults waiting for a good time to remind them he wanted to be counted in the running. 
“What about me? I don’t mind taking them with me!”
Trein didn’t look up from the sticks they chosen and Sam just whistled putting his arms behind his head. Leaving it to Crewel to tell Vargas to ‘quiet down’.
“No one in their right mind is letting you take that pup and force them into some weird training regimen the whole break!”
“But I wasn’t going to–”
Crewel cut him off holding his teaching crop threateningly at the P.E teacher, who dejectedly settled back into his chair. Watching mopily as the three teachers drew lots. Sam pulled first, then Crewel, and finally Trein opened his hand. After comparing the sizes of each of the sticks, the winner was decided. 
The door suddenly burst open in a flur of black feathers and the smell of the cafeteria’s sloppy joe–it was Crowley.
“Halt for I have harrowing news about the prefect!”
They all turned to the headmaster they hardly respected and all looked eagerly for the news. Were they hurt? In another overblot? Abducted by some delusional pup again? They all hurried to the headmaster, eagerly awaiting the crow’s information.
“They-” Sam held the rim of his hat in nervousness.
“--in fact–” Trein had outgrown immature nervous habits, still he allowed his finger to tap impatiently.
“are–” Crewel had enough, easily grabbing Crowley’s collar and shaking him accordingly,”Just say it. CLEARLY.”
The snarl from his already snippy employee made the headmaster gulp. Putting his hands up in defense he stopped dragging it out.
“I’ve already planned to take (Y/n) with me. I wanted them to come on vacation with me.”
Everyone in the room curled their lips in disgust, uncaring that they made the headmaster curl into himself and begin crying into his hands. Sam when looked at by the pouting crow he shrugged, “I’d believe you more if you made up something about forcing them to work off some debt you had.”
Trein huffed,”or forcing them to be your unpaid secretary, full-time.”
Crowley struck a dramatic pose, tears conveniently dried,”But aren’t I so kind? To invite them into my nest and take them under my wings.”
Crewel opened his mouth, planning to insult him once again only to be interrupted by the doors opening once again. Seeing the sweaty and out of breath student of Heartslabyul usually right beside their the prefect.
“Pup? What are you doing here? Shouldn’t you be helping (Y/n) pack?”
“That’s what I have to talk to you about–” the student with the spade on his cheek was interrupted by a cacophonous sound of thunder rumbling. A quick glance outside pointed to the growing green storm clouds hovering over Ramshackle–the calling card of an unhappy fae.
“Spade, what’s happened?”
Trein’s question had everyone eagerly waiting for the answer from the anxious looking student.
“That cat-guy from RSA took them!”
“What cat-guy?” 
“...Could you mean Artemiy Artemiyevich Pinker?”
Deuce snapped his fingers at the name, “Yeah that guy! He took them, their bags, and told everyone they were taking them for the Winter break!”
Deuce could feel a cold sweat trickle from his forehead as the glares and scowls filled the room with a despairful mood. Not that he wasn’t feeling the same but they had much bigger problems than the teachers being on a warpath.
Vargas stood, taking it on himself to get his coworkers to shape up. Not because he was worried their real personalities were coming out but because he knew when it came to tracking time was of the essence. And maybe the prefect would be willing to just choose him if he's the first to save them!
“Alright everyone let’s begin our search at our rival academy. I’m sure they’ll love to know one of their students has kidnapped one of ours.”
Crowley cackled gleefully,”I’d never let them live it down.”
Deuce was pumped about to voice his joy before looking at the storm clouds rumbling closer.
“I’m all for it but maybe we should deal with…that first.” Pointing at the rapidly growing puff of green clouds.
Turns out they’d have a lot to think about before anyone can take you for the break.
Who knew?
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planetaryupscaled · 7 days ago
The Best of Three
Male Reader x Gaeul x Sakura
Tags: 9k, smut, creampie, oral, threesome, tw
The story is not ours, we alternate the original story to match our desired settings.
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I hated returning home to an empty apartment on a Friday night, particularly when it was dark by the time I walked through the front door.
Shutting the door behind me, I switched on the lights, throwing my keys and everything on the coffee table, laying my bag down on one of the chairs before grabbing a beer from the fridge, sitting back on the three-seater lounge.
Flicking on the television, it was the usual inane news items, sighing to myself as I sipped at my beer. Picking up my phone, there were a few messages from friends, those I’d kept close after everything that happened. Even a couple of friends I’d kept since school now distanced themselves from me. I didn’t really blame them.
Shaking my head of the memories, I flicked to one of the channels. Flicking through my phone apps, I found the number for the local pizza joint. I was a regular there, chatting away with the sweet girl on the phone. And half an hour later, my pizza arrived.
Ten minutes later, the intercom buzzed. Groaning to myself, as I wasn’t expecting any company, and all I wanted to do was spend the weekend drunk, I got up and walked to the small panel.
“Heyy!” the voices outside exclaimed in unison.
I took a moment to blink and take a couple of breaths. If there were two people on the planet who loved me unconditionally, no matter what I did, it was those two. I was going to ask ‘What are you doing here?’ but that would have been rude, and I knew they were there for me anyway. I buzzed them up, hearing both of them thank me. Opening the door, I waited for them to appear.
As they approached me, I couldn’t help smile. It was almost unfair they were so damned beautiful, kind and caring, and not the hot mess like I was.
Did I say they were beautiful, gorgeous and could have been on the cover of magazines?
“Hey!” they both exclaimed, and before I knew it, I was being cuddled by two excitable girls.
Leading them inside, I offered them a glass of wine, as I always kept a couple of bottles around considering they were frequent visitors, sitting in between them on the three-seater lounge. I offered them a slice of pizza before I sat back, muting the television, glancing to either side of me. I received a sweet smile in return from the both.
“What are you doing here?”
“Let me guess,” Sakura replied, “You’re watching, eating a pizza and drinking beer, then you’ll pass out in bed later before spending the weekend feeling sorry for yourself.”
Shrugging helplessly, as they knew me well, both of them smiled at me but there was no missing the sadness in their eyes. “It’s been one year since you moved out of our apartment, two years since you broke up, three since you date her, and four since that afternoon,” Gaeul stated, “Isn’t it time to move on?”
“I have moved on. I have a good job. Have my own apartment. A few close friends.”
“But no girl in your life,” Sakura retorted.
“I find it very difficult to trust people nowadays, particularly a girl. Pretty much you two are the only I trust in the world.”
“You date a slut,” Gaeul suggested, “That’s on her, not on you.”
“Doesn’t change what she did to me, the fact I walked in on them, the fact it went on for so long, the fact the others involved were supposed to be my friends.”
“You’re coming out with us tonight. No more moping around your apartment every weekend,” Sakura pretty much demanded.
“I do go out! And I go out with you most of the time.”
“Well, the local cafe for a few drinks is not going out when not with us. You’re coming out with your gorgeous best friends to have fun. You remember what fun is, right?”
I grunted a non-committal response, which made them giggle before they cuddled into me. Glancing either way, they looked up at me with those big doe eyes they’d perfected over the years. From the moment I met them, they had me wrapped around their fingers.  I'd have done anything for them.
Finally, I sighed as I knew I wouldn’t win. “Okay, let me have a shower and get changed.”
“Want some company?” Sakura asked.
“We could help scrub your back,” Gaeul added.
They were always teasing me like that. If it wasn’t for them, I dread to think what my life would be like nowadays. Probably far lonelier, if I’m being honest.
“Wear something nice!” Sakura called out as I was about to step into the bathroom.
“But your stubble is perfect. Makes you look handsome.” Gaeul added.
Stepping under the hot water, I couldn’t help smile for a moment.
As I cleaned up in the shower, I reflected on the previous few months of my life.  Instead of our friendship becoming strained, as I honestly thought they were left feeling abandoned after I found the one, or so I thought. we seemed to be closer than ever. I spoke to both of them nearly every night. We sent messages and exchanged pictures throughout the day. We spent nearly every weekend together. I still wasn’t ready for dating so having some female companionship felt good.
I also picked up that, on the rare nights out I did have with them, neither they had a problem flirting with me. And I wasn’t your typical oblivious person. I knew when a girl was giving me the eyes but I guess I simply hadn’t looked at them like that.
They clearly loved me, as I do to them, and that left me questioning certain things. I barely heard about any boyfriends. They’d claimed they were not virgins but I also knew they were not the type of girls to go out on a night, pick up a guy, fuck them and then not speak to them again.
They’d organized to meet a few of their good friends. The bar we met them was trendy enough. Not really the place I’d head to by myself considering the price of a beer was eye-watering. I did the gentlemanly thing and offered to buy the first round. They told me my money was worthless, I was their guest and all they wanted was my company.
Conversation flowed and I was center of attention. After an hour, I found myself relaxing and enjoying the evening. I realized that the one topic not to be touched was that of my ex-girlfriend, but anything else was fair game. But we generally avoided anything that would bring down the mood. Sakura sat to my left, Gaeul to my right, and they didn’t move, ordering their rounds via their phones so they could be delivered to our table.
After a few drinks, the girls wanted to dance. They knew I never went to nightclubs. But what they wanted, they got. A pout, doe eyes and pleading with me, feeling their fingers running up and down my arms and chest, and I was putty in their paws. Their friends giggled but I also saw looks that suggested they knew too. I thought they’d be weirded out the obvious affection the two had for me.
Once inside, we avoided the over-priced drinks, sticking to water or soft drink, and headed to the dancefloor. Despite my aversion to the music, I could still move to the beat. No other girl got a look in the entire time was there, they both draped over me the entire time. It wasn’t the first time, but I was now paying more attention. Even their friends barely got my attention. If we’d been in the sort of place that had slow music, I had little doubt two bodies would be molded into mine.
No idea what time we rolled out of the club. I was a gentleman again, making sure all our friends were off safely first. That earned me a kiss on the cheek from each of them but a certain look I tried hard to read, almost as if they understood. The three of us shared a taxi again, this time I was in the middle of the back seat, Sakura and Gaeul to either side. The taxi driver met my eyes in the rearview mirror and grinned at me.
Arriving at my place, Sakura let me out, Gaeul got out on her side. Before I could say a word, Gaeul paid the driver while Sakura took my hand, leading me to the door leading into the building. Taking the elevator up to the floor of my apartment, I opened the door and stood aside, letting them in first. When they headed straight for my bedroom, I followed them slowly, walking in to find them stripping down to their lingerie. Against their pale skin, Sakura in black, Gaeul in red, they turned and smiled at me. They were absolute visions.
Walking towards me, I’m fairly sure I stood there slack-jawed. They ran a hand up an arm each before meeting at the buttons of my shirt, helping undo that and take it off. Their fingers continued to move across my chest down to the belt of my jeans. They undid that but then moved down to my feet, helping take off my shoes and socks, both of them on their knees as they undid the button then lowered the zip of my jeans.
That left me in my bedroom in only my underwear with my two goddess best friend in their lingerie. And there was no missing the tent in my underwear. Both rose slowly, raking their nails over my skin, both making sure they trailed lightly over my erection.
“What are we doing here?” I had to ask softly.
“Going to bed,” Sakura replied.
“We’re going to keep you company,” Gaeul added.
“How do we look?” Sakura wondered.
“Are we pretty?” Gaeul asked.
I took half a step back and looked them up and down. I felt my cock throb from the excitement. They were my best friends and I probably shouldn’t see them in such a situation. Huh, that word again. Situation. Both stepped forward and pressed their warm bodies into mine, a hand each moving up my back to the top of my head. Sakura was the first to kiss me, a soft meeting of our lips. It wasn’t a chaste kiss but wasn’t quite that of lovers. Gaeul then kissed me in a similar manner. My fingers were caressing each back on offer at the same time. When I moved further down, they both smiled at me.
“You can touch us anywhere you want,” Sakura breathed.
“We’re here for you, to make you happy. Tonight, we’re going to share your bed to sleep.”
“Yeah, I’m not sure how easy sleep will be,” I muttered.
“Hey?” I met Sakura’s eyes. “You realize now how we feel?” I searched her eyes before doing the same with Gaeul. “We love you.”
“Like, totally,” Gaeul added, both of them giggling at the phrase.
“You mean ‘love’ love, like the love I shared with...”
“No!” Sakura shouted, Gaeul shouting the same word in unison. “We love you so much more than that slut!”
“Sorry, I didn’t...”
Before I could finish, Sakura kissed me. Within a few seconds, it was the sort of kiss lovers would share. Without thinking, I slid my tongue into her mouth and she whimpered within a few seconds. Breaking the kiss, her eyes were already glistening before I turned and kissed Gaeul exactly the same way. When she whimpered, I pulled back and noticed the same look.
“Kissing is one thing, but... Anything else... we shouldn’t even be doing this.”
“So we take it as slow as you want,” Gaeul replied, “But do you love us?”
“Of course, I do.”
“But can you love us like you now know how we want you to?” Sakura asked, and I heard a hint of desperation. I’m not sure why they were doing it tonight, but I think they’d been waiting and they were laying their hearts out on the line.
It was time to make the confession. “I already do love you like that, it’s why I had to move out.” For a brief moment, the smiles faltered as I knew they were still hurt, but I think they now understood. “But there's a line in the friendship that should not be crossed.  Once we have crossed that line...”
“We’ll cross it when you’re ready,” Gaeul stated.
Turning them both around, we hopped into bed, me in the middle Sakura to my left, Gaeul to my right. One of their legs was lifted onto my body, one of their hands relaxing on my chest, running up and down through the faint covering of hair. My arms were wrapped around them. When their hands moved further down my body, I gave each of them a glance, noticing the smirk on their faces.
Feeling them reach the band of my underwear, I sucked in a breath when they didn’t delay in sliding under and I felt two smaller hands caress my cock. “Fuck,” I muttered.
“We want to look after our best friend,” Sakura whispered into my ear.
“In every single way,” Gaeul whispered into my other one.
“We’re yours forever.”
“Do you need to cum?”
I managed to nod my head, considering I’d been turned on since my earlier shower when I’d been thinking of our recent times together. The fact they were always dressed to impress whenever we went out. The constant flirting and flagrantly trying to turn me on. The constant innuendo. Those looks they’d give that suggested they wanted nothing more than their best friend to bend them over the table and do many naughty things to them both.
“Do you need us to take care of this hard thing in your underwear?”
There it was from Sakura. The moment of truth. The line in the sand. Pandora’s Box about to be opened. Once it happened, it couldn’t be undone. Can’t unring a bell. “Are you sure?” I had to ask.
“We always love you,” Gaeul whispered, and I heard the shudder of breath.
“We always have been,” Sakura added, hearing the emotion in hers too. “And now you’re ours.”
I gave it all of three seconds thought before I nodded. Gaeul giggled and rolled away, returning with the lube I used for my private moments. Both sat up and eagerly helped lower my underwear. They both grinned when my cock came into view. Minji had never complained about it, but she’d also cheated on me. That sort of things does impact your ego and leaves you questioning plenty of things about yourself.
“Bigger than your ex.”
“And yours.” Sakura giggled. “God, that sounds even worse when we’re in here. We only saw it by accident!”
I blushed and chuckled. “Um, one other thing,” Gaeul stated, “We’ve never been with a guy before.”
“What?” I asked, my voice deadpan. I didn’t expect that.
They both smiled at me. “Technically, we’re not virgins but we had to learn about a few things, obviously, but we’ve only ever wanted you. Why do you think we were so upset when you told us you were going to that that slut?” Sakura retorted.
Sitting up, I immediately pulled them into my body and hugged them. “I’m sorry,” I whispered, “I had no idea you felt like that at the time.”
“It’s okay,” they both assured me, kissing me on each cheek.
“We’re here now,” Sakura stated in the sort of tone that suggested no argument.
“Now lie back as we want to play with your cock!” Gaeul stated excitedly.
Lying back, I couldn’t help smile as their eyes were still full of their love for me, but added to that was a healthy dose of lust. When I suggested that they might as get naked as well, they glanced each other, changed a smile, and suggested I help them. Sitting back on my knees, I kissed Sakura as I helped take off her bra, before I lowered her panties, pulling her into my body and making her whimper again as my cock pressed into her. Doing the same to Gaeul, I squeezed her cheeks at the same time. When I broke the kiss, her eyes were hooded in that manner where I could have probably thrown her back and just had my way with her.
On my back, Gaeul applied lube and I soon had the joy of four hands caressing my cock. How I didn’t cum in two minutes, I don’t know. As I looked down to see my two best friends playing with me, giggling away.
“I love you both,” I whispered.
They both smiled as they quickly figured out what felt really good. “This is just to get you to sleep tonight,” Sakura explained, “But we know taking it slow is best.”
“But we’re hoping we’ll make love sooner rather than later. We’ve been waiting a while.”
“I agree, Gaeul. Agree on the sooner thing,” I grunted as they were now working my shaft with a hand each.
I watched enraptured as they stroked me off. I was almost wanting to ask if they’d blow me. I swear they were mind readers as they assured me that, next time, they’d both be sucking me off to an orgasm, and they both giggled by promising they’d swallow. And they’d want to try a facial. And cum on their tits too. Basically, I could cum anywhere I wanted on them. But was that after fucking their pussy or ass? When they mentioned anal, I damn near exploded.
“That’s one cherry neither of us has given up,” Sakura added, “That’s yours and yours alone, whenever you want it. Well, not before we’ve made love a few times anyway.”
When I told them I was close, they smiled and turned around so they were facing away from me, but I got a perfect look at two pert little butts, and they purposely spread their legs so I got a fantastic view of their bald little pussies. My mouth watered as they were both clearly turned, almost dripping wet with excitement. Reaching out with just a finger from each hand, I delicately ran a finger up each slit on offer. They made a sound between a gasp and a choked sob, then a plea for me to just touch them ever so lightly.
That helped me orgasm as I blasted within a couple of minutes. No idea where half my cum went, Gaeul quickly disappearing into the bathroom to retrieve a wet washcloth, wiping down my cock, and around my lower abdomen. Feeling a little light-headed, as that was one hell of an orgasm, they both turned around and cuddled into me.
“What about you?”
“Want to see us play with ourselves?” Sakura asked, “It’s late, we’re horny, but we want a whole night of your pleasuring us when it’s the first time. How turned on are you, Gaeul?”
“Just looking at you has me flowing.” Gaeul said.
I looked down and she wasn’t lying. I met her eyes and, though she blushed, the rapid breathing and chewing of her bottom lip told me enough. Sakura was equally as turned on. Without me saying a word, they were soon fondling their pussies. They were absolutely perfect, If I concentrated hard enough, I could almost taste their scent.
“Hey,” Sakura whimpered and I already knew it was the tone of a girl who needed to orgasm. I sat up on my knees between them, alternating kissing each of them as they were soon frigging themselves something silly.
“Oh god,” Gaeul moaned, “Oh god, this is going to be...”
“Are you going to cum for me?” I asked them both. They both nodded eagerly, leaning down to kiss each of them again. They whimpered as I slid my tongue into Gaeul’s mouth first, caressing her cheek, before doing the same to Sakura. Noticing their nipples were almost achingly hard, I took one in each hand and started to play with them.
“Oh fuck yes!” Gaeul cried out as her entire body started to quiver. She was almost sobbing though there was no thought of stopping. Sakura followed in orgasm within seconds, whimpering and crying as both leaned into my body, both of them refusing to stop for a second.
“Keep going,” I whispered into Sakura’s ear, before leaning over to Gaeul, “I want you to pass out.”
Gaeul could only whimper and moan, Sakura was barely capable of saying anything. I turned around and wrapped an arm around each of them, watching as they spread their legs further. My cock was already rock hard again, both of them concentrating on themselves but fondling me at the same time. They climaxed in unison again within a few minutes. A third one quickly followed after that. Then I asked them to give me their fingers.
I tasted them for the first time, Sakura the first to offer her fingers before I tasted Gaeul. Now that they’d stopped, they were clearly exhausted after a long night out and now having sorted themselves out. We needed a quick shower together, just to wash away the sweat from a night of dancing and our other activities.
Returning to bed afterwards, they performed ‘scissors, paper, rock’ in regards to who’d spoon against me. Gaeul won, happily cuddled back against me, Sakura cuddling back into her friend. My arms were long enough wrap around them both.
“Will you be hard in the morning?” Gaeul asked just before I was about to drift off.
“Well, I always am but I think it’ll be extra hard in the morning.” They both giggled at the insinuation. “I love you both.”
“We love you more,” they replied in unison.
I woke to an empty bed the next morning. I wandered out to the living room, finding Sakura and Gaeul in the kitchen preparing breakfast naked. In the morning light, they were even more stunning, and they’d both made sure they’re hair was up in a ponytail. Any chance of my cock deflating disappeared in an instant.
Moving to stand behind them, they giggled as I kissed them each on the cheek, moving down to kiss and nibble on their necks, ensuring I pressed my cock into each of them when doing it. I enjoyed the moans they both made as they could clearly feel how turned on, I was by both of them. It made me chuckle. I would have never considered anything like this. I’d moved out of their apartment to avoid the temptation.
Now here we were, three naked friends having crossed a line the previous night, and there was no doubt we would be making love sooner rather than later.
After enjoying a naked breakfast, Sakura mentioned a lunch at their shared apartment, something we did at least once a month on a Sunday. It was amusing that they had to get dressed in what they wore before while I slipped on some clean clothes. “Maybe you can just undress us again at our place?” Sakura asked with a smirked.
Once we were in their apartment, they again performed the game I’d see them play throughout the years. Gaeul won so took my hand, standing in front of me and told me to strip her. I did it incredibly slowly, ensuring I turned her on, my fingers lightly trailing all over her smooth, pale skin, kissing her in various places. By the time I had her down to the lingerie she’d worn the night before, she was completely turned on. Glancing at her panties, the darker colour told me everything I needed to know.
“I want you,” she breathed.
Once she was naked, I pulled her into my body, easily lifting her up, making her squeal. She looked at the doorway and smiled, motioning Sakura to join us. I did the same for Sakura. “I love your body,” I whispered, looking up to see her blinking rapidly, “I can’t wait to learn about both of you completely.”
As soon as she was naked, I kissed and cuddled her too, earning a squeal and giggle equal to her friend. I could almost smell their arousal. Making sure they were standing side by side; I met each pair of eyes and I knew they wanted to do a whole lot more with me then and there. “I’m thinking the same thing,” I stated, “But we do have an appointment to keep. If I put both of you on that bed, we won’t be leaving until tomorrow morning.”
I think they shuddered at the insinuation and were now aware that I wanted them both intimately. I knew what I saw in my eyes in that moment. I wanted to make love to them. I wanted them as much as they wanted me. And they knew that, once we did sleep together, that was us committed, the three of us, forever.
Somehow, I managed to tear myself away and head towards the living room, ending up in the kitchen to throw some cold water on my face. I could hear them giggling away as they got ready, turning up half an hour later dressed more conservatively than the night before.
We stayed long enough to watch movies before I had to go home. Calling a taxi, it suddenly hit me how lonely I was going to feel walking into that empty apartment again. Now that I’d finally confronted my own feelings, while they had well and truly confessed how they felt, the idea of being apart made me sad.
“Then we’ll have to start looking for a place to share. At least three bedrooms. A master one big enough for the three of us, then a couple for when we start having kids,” Sakura added.
“We’re having children,” Gaeul replied.
I looked between them both. “You’re serious?” Receiving two firm nods, their faces broke out into grins when I smiled at them.
“Well, I Always wanted to be a father.” I said, grinning.
“And you’re going to make us mothers,” Sakura stated, “But that’s for later. First, we’re going to enjoy some steamy sex.” She glanced around and leaned forward, both of them caressing my groin. I shuddered as they giggled, kissing me on the cheek.
Concentrating at work that week was difficult. The guys seemed to realize straight away as they all started asking if I’d met someone. I had no reason to complain and it was time to start looking at everything positively.
Friday afternoon after work, I did some grocery shopping, ensuring I had their favorite food and drink in the apartment. From the moment I stepped in the door, I was inundated with selfies of them getting ready. I’d already received more than one naked picture from them. In fact, a couple of videos as well where they were fooling around with each other. That was pure masturbation material.
The intercom finally buzzed as I was placing a dish in the oven. Buzzing them up, I waited by the front door for them to appear. They appeared wearing a little black dress each, what looked like black thigh highs or stocking, and black heels. The cut of the dress showed off their cleavage and clung tight to their curves. I kissed each of them for a good minute or so before I escorted them inside. They only carried a small bag each. When asking why they’d packed lightly, they suggested that all they would need would be some lingerie to pose for me, and clothes to wear home on Sunday night.
Otherwise, they would be naked for my enjoyment.
Placing their things in my bedroom, I led them to the dining area, where I had already set the table, candles lit, a bottle of white wine chilling, music playing lightly in the background, the sort that would set the mood. Earned another kiss from them both, lasting a couple of minutes, feeling them press their delectable little bodies into me. I practically growled in return as I got a good handful of a pert ass on each of them.
Sitting each of them down, as the table was only a small square, they would sit to either side of me. I was only serving one of their favorite dishes, followed by dessert. Pouring them a glass of wine, we made small talk as I waited for the food to cook. I wasn’t an expert in the kitchen but I could follow a recipe and was confident enough to make my own subtle changes. They’d tasted my version more than once and loved it.
And they certainly loved it this time, making the sort of noises I hoped to hear later. My thoughts were reflected on my eyes and face as Sakura giggled.
“Oh, we’ll be making even better noises than that when you make love to us later. Gaeul and I have already agreed that we’d better go home Sunday night feeling very tender between our legs.”
“We took the pill for a while but stopped bothering since we’ve never been with a man before, Sakura and I ovulate at the same time, so when it’s time, you’d better get ready,” Gaeul added.
Serving dessert afterwards, they moved their chairs around next to mine so I could feed them both. After each spoonful, they made sure to kiss me, their hands caressing my body and crotch. I was now nursing a significant tent in my trousers and was rather eager to see them naked again. Thankfully, the apartment came with a dishwasher. Loading that up first, I left it to run for later as I was led out to the living room. I enjoyed the fact they were taking the lead as they wasted no time starting to undress me. Didn’t stop at my underwear, that came off quickly like everything else.
Pushing me back to sit on the lounge, they ensured my legs were spread wide enough so they could sit between them together. Feeling two tongues running up and down my shaft was an experience I never thought I’d have. But it was the look in their eyes that had me smile. They knew I’d make them happy later, but in this moment, it was simply about my pleasure.
“We’ve practiced on a toy or two,” Sakura explained, “Had to get over our gag reflex.”
“You’ve got a big cock too and we wanted to ensure we could swallow you whole,” Gaeul added.
I managed to a nod as I watched Sakura wrap her lips around my shaft. The groan I released made Gaeul giggle as she sat up enough to kiss me, Sakura rather quickly proving that the training worked as she swallowed more and more of my shaft. I groaned into Gaeul’s mouth, making her break the kiss as she needed to giggle, before Sakura removed her mouth and Gaeul took over.
“Fuck,” I murmured.
“Just imagine this every day for the rest of your life,” Sakura whispered, leaning up to kiss me next.
For the next minutes, Sakura and Gaeul alternated either blowing or kissing me. Their hands caressed my body, thighs or balls. They were both ever so eager to make me cum. Their dirty talk was on point and did nothing but reinforce how much they wanted this, and that they definitely wanted it inside them later.
Watching their heads bobbing up and down, eyes gazing up into mine with that mixture of love, lust and devotion, I had to run my fingers through their hair. The one not blowing me returned such a sweet smile, it would have made most other men cry.
“Who wants it?” I had to ask.
They both smiled and played their usual game, best of three. Sakura won, but whoever won never rubbed it in. It was something they’d done to keep things fair. Sure, they tried to out-think each other, but in the law of averages, it was likely the winning split was 50/50. Gaeul kissed Sakura on the cheek and told her how pretty she was, but how it was to see my cock in her mouth and down her throat.
“Maybe we can put on a show for him later too?” Sakura moaned as she moved faster on my cock, reading my body language and reactions. “Though I’m hoping he wants to lick our tight little pussies first?”
Sakura moaned. I groaned. And then I erupted. Sakura was ready for it, her eyes lighting up as she felt the first spurt of cum flood her mouth. Best orgasm of my life to that point, hands down, no contest. I knew the first time I would cum in either of them later would be better, but still, I know I sat there with a stupid smile on my face as I emptied myself.
Gaeul then handed me her phone, told me to record, as Sakura turned to kiss her. I knew exactly what they were doing. No chance of my cock softening for a second. They clutched each other tightly as they made out before they turned to me and showed the result.
“Holy shit,” I muttered, “You two little minxes.”
“Only ever for you. We’ll be your innocent best friends outside the bedroom, but we’ll do anything for you inside the bedroom. We’ve never done this and we’ll only ever do this for you,” Sakura stated.
“Then can you swallow?”
They complied immediately, smiling at me before showing me their empty mouths. “Good girls.”
Giggling, they helped me to my feet and led me towards my bedroom. I’d already set things up there. A nice bedspread and clean sheets. Scented candles. The same music softly in the background. That same game, Gaeul won, so I undressed her first, making out with her the entire time, Sakura pressing behind her so she wasn’t left out.
After undressing Sakura, we moved together onto the bed, the pair lying side by side as I sat on my knees, gazing down upon them. I disappeared for a few seconds, returning with my phone to snap a couple of photos. It quickly turned into quite the erotic photoshoot before they were both begging me to pleasure them.
I would have loved to please them both at once but I only had one mouth. Two hands, but only one mouth. Sensing my thoughts, they sat up for a moment and kissed my cheek. They knew I didn’t have a favourite. Despite they had their own unique personalities, despite how alike they could be at the same time.
“Okay, how about this...” Sakura stated, “Whoever gets first go here, the other makes love to him first. That okay with you, Gaeul?”
“Kura, I wouldn’t care if I was second both times.”
“I’m already thinking the same thing.” Sakura replied.
They smiled at each other before they played that same game. Gaeul won. While she was happy to win, there was a momentary look. The kiss they shared was soft but I could see the love. And it was obvious they were more than used to kissing each other and being intimate.
Lying back side by side again, Sakura lay on her side as Gaeul spread her legs for me. I lavished her body with attention, enjoying her moans and pleas that I give her ignored pussy my attention. But I was learning as I went along and she was loving every second. Her breasts and nipples were very sensitive. Kissing up and down her inner things made her squeal. She loved being tickled, the giggles warming my heart. Sakura was occasionally kissing her and I made sure she wasn’t feeling left out, trailing my fingers up and down her legs at the same time.
Gaeul almost sobbed when my tongue touched her pussy for the first time. I glanced at Sakura to see her blinking back tears. I knew she would react like that later. Gaeul tasted divine as I gently lapped at her juicy lips, watching as her juices dribbled down onto the blanket, such was her arousal. Her scent had my cock as hard as I could remember, making Sakura giggle when I moved and spread her legs, savouring her scent. Slightly different to Gaeul, but I gave her a quick kiss on her pussy before returning to Gaeul.
I’d always enjoyed going down on a girl, and the best part was those first few times when learning what worked best with a new lover. Thankfully, Gaeul was also a vocal lover, letting me know how she liked to licked, how she liked my fingers to move, when I finally slid them inside her, even suggested she’d like a finger or two up the bum at a later time, both stating against that their ass were completely untouched.
“Like that,” she moaned, “Like that. My clit. Just circle it like that.”
Doing as she asked, I noticed how her body reacted. An all over body shudder and the sort of guttural moan I’d heard from previous lovers. She’d just utterly loved what I’d done.
“Make her cum,” Sakura whispered, “I can’t wait for my turn.”
I glanced her way and smiled as I renewed my attack on Gaeul’s clit. With two fingers inside her, curled to find that sweet spot, once I’d found it, she was almost bucking, her back arching in a manner that told me she wasn’t going to be able to hold back.
When Gaeul did orgasm, it was the most beautiful thing I’d seen in my life. One hand with the bedsheet scrunched up. The other holding Sakura hand. I had to hold one of her thighs to stop her from squashing my head. If the neighbors were listening, I could only hope they thought we were being kinky.
I didn’t relent, my fingers starting to get quite wet, juices trickling into the palm of my hand. No chance of my jaw or tongue getting sore yet. Her entire body was on fire, incredibly sensitive, and I asked Sakura to give her nipples attention as they were crying out for it. As soon as Sakura latched onto one of them, Gaeul shuddered and enjoyed another orgasm.
“Please don’t stop,” Gaeul whimpered.
“Kura needs a turn,” I murmured, though my tongue was quickly back at work.
“Just one more, then you can make Kura cum!” she giggled.
As soon as I gave Gaeul one more toe-curling orgasm, I removed my fingers and rolled Sakura onto her back, smiling as she eagerly spread her legs though sat up to kiss me, almost licking my lips so she could taste her friend. “Tastes good, doesn’t she?”
“You taste wonderful too, Sakura,” Gaeul murmured, not surprised she was lying back with a broad grin on her face.
Learning Sakura’s body was just as much fun, kissing and touching where I thought she’d be sensitive. I didn’t want to do the same thing, so actually turned her over and focused on her back. Leaving soft kisses down her spine almost had her whimpering before I kissed and nibbled two very firm cheeks, Gaeul watching and giggling, stating she wanted that too.
Licking her pussy from the rear was also different, particularly as her rosebud was just there for the taking. Glancing at Gaeul, she smirked and nodded, so I moved my tongue and gave that some attention. The moan Sakura released suggested she loved it before she fell onto her side, giggling away. I couldn’t help chuckle at her reaction as I pulled her back towards me and dove for her pussy again.
I found that special spot inside her, clit was a little different to Gaeul, but she still made those cute little noises that Gaeul made when getting excited. I watched her face as she approached orgasm, the moans but also looking rather cute when nibbling on her bottom lip, trying to look innocent.
Thankfully, Sakura orgasmed and whatever she was going to say disappeared. Then I gave her a couple of others, doing my best to make each subsequent one even bigger, before she was asking or mercy, just like Gaeul.
Sitting back on my knees, I gazed down at the pair of them, lazing back with smiles on their lips and love in their eyes. Their eyes trailed down my body towards my cock, which was now eager for more action.
“I’ll get us a drink,” I stated, quickly getting up and grabbing the second bottle of wine from the fridge and three glasses. I rarely drank wine. To be honest, I couldn’t stand the stuff, but I’d sip at it occasionally if given a glass.
I was amused when they sculled their glasses and, after taking mine, Sakura laid back as Gaeul lay next to her. “I’m assuming you’ve used a sex toy or two?” I asked.
“Nothing as big as your cock though,” Sakura replied.
“So, you want this big cock inside you?”
“Please can you just fuck me already?” she plead, an almost innocent voice that didn’t fit the sight of her spread eagled on my bed, ready to have cock inside her.
She watched me wide-eyed as I positioned my body over hers. Fingers ran up one of my arms to my back, my other hand guiding my cock as I gently rubbed the head against her slit. She moaned against, still feeling a little sensitive from her earlier treatment. Gaeul was cuddling in as close as she could.
I groaned as I felt my cock slide inside her. Fuck, she was so tight. Sakura whimpered almost immediately, feeling her fingers dig inside me. Leaning down to kiss her, I think she appreciated that as I felt her breath catch, keeping her emotions under control.
Taking my time giving her my entire length, I gently pulled back and pushed forward. I groaned again, hearing Gaeul giggle next to me. “Fuck, Sakura,” I grunted, “You’re so fucking tight.”
“Just for you,” Sakura replied, hearing her breath catch again.
It took a couple of minutes to bury my length inside her. When we both looked down, our eyes met and we exchanged a smile before we made love. Sakura didn’t want to just lie there, she wanted to be an active participant. She’d obviously done a lot of reading but didn’t mind instruction on what would feel good for both of us. What I wanted was to see if she would cum while on her back. I knew it was a struggle for some, it would depend on depth, angle, and sometimes, it just didn’t happen.
Her fingers continued to caress my upper arms and back, kissing occasionally. Lifting her legs, she wrapped those around me, changing the angle, and she exclaimed excitedly I felt even deeper. I knew that could hurt, but she assured me it didn’t, for me to go a little faster. I knew, in the future, we’d probably do all sorts of stuff but, this first time, it was going to be tender and my pleasure was theirs.
“I love you,” she whispered, “God, I love you so much.”
“I love you both as much.”
“You’re going to feel emotional, Gaeul,” Sakura murmured
“Knowing he is inside me, and that he’s going to cum in me soon...” Gaeul moan.
“Soon enough,” I chuckled.
“Worth the wait?” Gaeul wondered.
Sakura scoffed. “Fuck! I wish we’d leapt on him the first time we met him!”
“Once he’s cum, we’ll suck him back to hardness together so I can have my turn.” Gaeul said.
I kept quiet as I focused on not climaxing just yet. I could have switched positions and done plenty of other things, but for a first time, I was keeping it simple. Thrusting faster, Sakura was really getting into it, meeting my thrusts and her face lit up. Begging me to fuck her, and she got what she wanted. Unfortunately, it also meant I wasn’t going to last long at all.
“Close,” I muttered.
“Cum in me,” Sakura moaned.
“Cum in her. Then you’re doing the same for me.” said Gaeul.
Hand on heart, it was probably the best orgasm of my life until that moment. A torrent of cum filled Sakura’s pussy, thrusting and pumping more and more cum. Surprised it didn’t end up coming out of her nose. I left my cock inside her until I simply had to pull out and relax on my back, smiling as I was immediately cuddled two goddesses on each side.
“Holy shit,” Sakura whispered into my ear, “Will it be like that every time?”
“Wait until we try positions that might just help you orgasm even harder.”
“Can I ride you?” Gaeul asked.
“We can do whatever is on your mind.” I paused before quickly adding, “Within reason.”
Gaeul kept her word though, moving down my body to take my cock in her mouth. She giggled, stating she could taste Sakura on my cock. Sakura slid a pair of fingers into her pussy, showing me her fingers glistened with my cum and her own juices, Gaeul not hesitating for a moment to suck on them. Fairly sure my cock twitched at the sight.
She had me rock hard again quickly, watching as she straddled me and I felt her hot pussy rub along my shaft. Moaning a couple of times, my eyes on her face as she did that sexy thing of biting her bottom lip, as she was obviously turned on, before she lifted herself up and impaled herself on my cock.
“Oh my god!” she cried out once she’d bottomed out a couple of minutes later, resting on my chest so I could cuddle her, feeling her gyrating her bottom ever so slightly to get used to me.
Eventually sitting back, I let her take complete control. I was nothing but a live toy to ride, as she took her time figuring out what felt really good. Watching her moan, giggle and climax while riding me was something that would live long in the memory back. Sakura was enjoying the show at the same time.
With her hands on my chest, Gaeul soon had a look in her eye that I recognised as I’d already seen it. Feeling her start to squeeze my cock as she rode me, she cried out as the orgasm tore through her body. Even Sakura was impressed as Gaeul moaned and whimpered, not wanting to stop riding and grinding on my cock for a second.
“You’ve got to do this too,” Gaeul almost sobbed, “Ride him too, but I get his cum.”
Gaeul enjoyed two more before she slid off, collapsing onto the bed, all aquiver, as Sakura mounted me slowly and figured things out herself. Watching her face light up as my fingers ran up her thighs to her hips to help keep her balance had me smiling, then I sat up and played with her nipples as she was soon working herself into a frenzy.
“Oh fuck!” she cried out, “Gaeul, we have to have this dick in us every night!”
“Think he’s going to say no?” asked Gaeul.
I laughed around the nipple in my mouth as Sakura enjoyed her first orgasm with my cock inside her. Lying back, she enjoyed three more before I warned her I was getting close. They swapped, though Gaeul wanted to be on her back for when I did cum. Back inside her again, she begged me to fuck her like I’d done Sakura.
Five minutes later, having done exactly that, I filled Gaeul like I’d filled Sakura. And that was me done for the night. I would get hard again, of that there wasn’t a doubt, but I’d only cum dust. We spent a few minutes catching our breath before agreeing to shower together. My hands were busy again as I loved feeling them up, and despite their own tiredness, they were both eager to have me make them orgasm again.
After another of their games, the girls decided that Sakura would spoon back against me, while Gaeul would sleep behind me, so I was in their sandwich. I think we probably fell asleep at the same time.
Waking up the next morning, I lifted Sakura’s leg and felt her up. It woke her up, whispering that’s how she’d always wanted me to wake her up, my fingers eventually sliding inside her. Gaeul woke up and spooned back against Sakura, Sakura giving her the same treatment. Both asked about me, and I said my only concern was making them as happy as I was.
Soon as they’d both had one orgasm, I had them both on their back and my mouth between one pair of legs, Gaeul enjoyed an orgasm quite quickly, before I moved to Sakura, who was so excited, she barely lasted a few minutes. I spent an hour doing that, pleasuring one until orgasm, then moving to pleasure the other one. They were absolutely loving it.
My reward? They had me stand up, both of them on their knees, practically worshipping my cock. And when it was time to cum, they performed the same erotic show, Gaeul taking the entire load in her mouth and sharing it with Sakura before they swallowed.
We relaxed after breakfast to recharge our batteries. I fucked both of them out on the balcony, which was amusing though I was confident we didn’t put on too much of a show. After lunch, I was treated to another dual blowjob, though this time it ended with my cum ending up on their faces, only at their demand. And if they want something, rest assured I will do it for them.
They cooked dinner for us that evening, adjourning to the living room afterwards, music playing as I danced with both of them. Sometimes with Gaeul, sometimes with Sakura, something all three of us together. Then they danced together and it was rather erotic particularly when they made out and started to strip each other. As soon as they were naked, I was dragged to the bedroom, stripped, with the pair of them hopping onto the bed, wiggling their fantastic butts in my direction.
Glancing back in my direction, they were grinning, ensuring they were smacking together. “Will you fuck us now?” Gaeul asked, that innocent voice again.
“We don’t like the boys at school,” Sakura added, “We want our best friend to fuck us.”
“They all have little dicks compared to you.”
“And we want to have your babies too.”
To say I fucked them into the mattress that night wouldn’t be an understatement. By the time I was done with them, I’d dumped a pair of loads into them each, and any thought of a shower before sleeping ended as they practically passed out, snuggling up together, laughing away as they admitted they were going to pay the price for it the next morning.
I woke early and ran a bath for them, lifting Sakura up first and lying her down in the tub, before doing the same for Gaeul, ensuring she was facing Sakura, thankful the tap and faucet was in the middle of the bath. As they relaxed, I told them I’d prepare breakfast for them. They walked out a good half an hour later as I was putting the finishing touches to our breakfast.
When they hugged me, I simply held them in my arms for a few minutes. They’d used some scented shampoo, strawberry, and their bodywash was of a fruit that mixed well with it. When they both gazed up at me, I knew in that moment, we were completely committed to each other.
Spending the day not having sex proved that we could revert to our normal friend relationship, hours of idle conversation, bad jokes, and plenty of laughs. But when it came for them to go back to their apartment, I had no idea it was going to feel as bad as it was. As for them, they were in bits by the time I walked them downstairs. Hugging them tightly again, we promised to see each other every weekend, as many times as we could during the week, and that we’d start discussing living together.
“Buy a house,” I suggested, “Particularly if we do have children together.”
Both of them grinned as although it had been mentioned in the throes of passion, having children was going to be a big deal for us.
For the next three weeks, we were together all weekend while we spent nearly every weeknight together as well. The pair of them usually came to my place. I was surprised when they said that my apartment was nicer, plus there was on selecting which bedroom we would use, something we’d have to do at their place.
After a month of us ‘dating’, we had a weekend where we had our first genuine threesomes. For the first four weekends, I would only have sex with one of them, the other lying next to us, watching and usually masturbating. I was told during the week that the next weekend was going to be special. Arriving home from work and a gym session to find Sakura and Gaeul already naked and waiting for me.
“Dinner later,” Sakura told me, “Sex first.”
That involved me being undressed by two, naked, horny goddess. As soon as I was naked, they were on their knees, play-fighting over who’d suck my cock. They eventually arrived at a system that worked for all three of us, though that feelings of two tongues working my shaft would never be replaced. Gaeul was the one who took the load and I was surprised Sakura told her to swallow it, stating she’d get her own load sometime during the weekend.
Anyway, threesomes. It was a weekend of experimentation. To me, there was nothing better than lying back with Sakura on my cock, Gaeul on my face. Whether she was sitting forward or reverse didn’t bother me, but if they sat reverse, that sweet little rosebud was on offer, and both had already gained a liking for having their asshole licked. And they were adamant that anal was still on the table.
What they enjoyed was me fucking one of them behind while the one being fucked could eat the other one out. Occasionally, they’d enjoy a sixty-nine so I’d fuck one of them while occasionally feel a tongue licking my shaft and balls. The hottest thing was filling one of them with cum, pulling out so the other could lick my cock clean, before watching her bury her face in her friends’ pussy to lick out some of my cum.
Sakura and Gaeul kept to their word about doing absolutely anything for me and I was treated to a sexy striptease show. And there was no faking from either of them. I knew how much they loved me, but there was no missing they loved each other just as much. I’d never felt any different sort of love for either of them, and they loved me just the same. Everything was equal.
During all this dating, we spent every weekend house hunting, while during the week, in between everything else, we were online searching for the right property. After only four months, we found what we wanted. Nothing fancy, just three-bedroom house, modern kitchen and dining room, huge bathroom plus an en-suite off the master bedroom. It cost a pretty penny, but pooling our three wages together meant we could afford it. We put in an offer which the soon to be previous owners accepted immediately.
Excitement was off the charts the day we were handed the keys. I did most of the moving though we did pull in a couple of friends to help out with the larger, bulkier items. However, we made sure no-one except the three of us had anything to do with organizing the bedrooms. The master bedroom would be the room shared by the three of us. However, one of the other bedrooms would be made up to look like someone slept in it.
We christened each and every room. Even the laundry room. Fucking Sakura and Gaeul while the washing machine was rumbling along was certainly a lot of fun. Nailing them from behind as they sat on their knees in the hallway was hilarious as they ended up with carpet burns.
We’d been living together for three months when I arrived home from work on a Friday. I didn’t expect to walk into the house to be greeted by candles burning everywhere. Dropping my bag in its usual position near the front door, I called out for the two of them. They walked out of our bathroom wearing grins on their faces and the smallest pieces of lingerie possible. Barely covered their nipples and pussy. Walking towards me, they both kissed me softly before taking a hand of mine each and leading me towards the dinner table, finding it already covered in dishes.
Taking a seat, I had to glance at one of them, then the other. “Okay, something’s going on,” I finally stated, “What is it?”
They exchanged a smile. “Um... There are two things actually. The first is that, tonight, we’re giving you our last virginity,” Sakura explained.
When I smiled, they both giggled. “And the second thing?”
“We’re both pregnant,” Gaeul replied.
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