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ao3feed-narlie · 1 year ago
Ocean Spring
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/G1ofJN2 by ChocOwl The beginning of a unique love story in an alternate universe around uni time, where Nick does something very stupid to impress a certain blue-eyed man… A silly little one-shot with more fluff than any attempt at being medically realistic. Words: 1986, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: Heartstopper (Webcomic), Heartstopper (TV) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: M/M Characters: Nicholas "Nick" Nelson, Charles "Charlie" Spring (Heartstopper) Relationships: Nicholas "Nick" Nelson/Charles "Charlie" Spring Additional Tags: Alternate Universe, Meet-Cute, Alternate Universe - Different First Meeting, Summer break, Nick might have a sunstroke, Romantic Fluff, Nick falls hard, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Nick is being an idiot, Swimming Pool read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/G1ofJN2
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scheelelillies · 7 years ago
what the hap is fcukening
Butthurt minors crying about being denied NSFW access, deciding I need to be torn down and blamed for every tiny thing that happens in a communal nsfw channel. Seems like they couldn’t make cannibal stick, so now they’ve moved onto “incel”? Hahahah, man, I’m gonna be an amazing meme at this point. XD “UUUGH, CLOVER!”
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simkjrs · 8 years ago
ch6 asks, cont’d.
Anonymous said: read the latest chapter and honestly even though im screaming in agony, i absolutely love this drama. i really cant wait to see where youre going with this. it also makes me happy to see you make so many good characters autistic, it feels nice to be able to relate to actions. also, izuku's entire internal conflict in this chapter? BIG MOOD.
fdjdkljf happy to hear someone’s enjoying it!! also, thank you for the feedback -- it’s nice to know that i’ve done alright,representation-wise. :^)
Anonymous said: just wanted to tell you that i'm at the spot when izuku basically tells it like it is to kacchan. and it's pretty much spot on. from what i can tell. from real life experiences. I sincerely hope that this time in your life is past if you've had to experience something like this or you have people you can turn to. otherwise, dude, you are scarily good at writing. i'm seriously afraid of how this conversation is going to turn out. the chapter's really beautiful and honestly just inspiring. thank u
this is such a nice ask i didnt know what to do with myself after reading it? 
no comment on my real life situation except that everything’s fine right now. i haven’t experienced everything that izuku is dealing with (or at least.. not to that degree?) SO i’m just extrapolating beyond my own life & experiences, and also incorporating what i’ve learned by reading through accounts by people who have actually lived through these things. thank you for writing in, and thank you for your concern 
@ceilingbattles​ said: I just wanted to say thank you so much for the new chapter <3 honestly its my favourite fanfiction, and I just really appreciate all the work you put into it, its amazing!!! (I don't have an ao3 account, just really wanted to let you know). Also just wow. that was a chapter. 100% worth it, I will read it repetitively on my phone as I have the rest of the fic.
thank you!! it’s really nice to hear that, and i feel incredibly honored to have written someone’s favorite fic. i hope it continues to live up to your expectations!
Anonymous said: i feel like byggualom! izuku and suneater would get along very well. kindred spirits kinda thing
both of them have massive anxiety so they can definitely empathize with each other, and i think izuku would do his best to accommodate suneater! it would be really exhausting for izuku though, i think, so while they’d get along well i don’t know if they’d be good for each other for extended periods of time. anxiety echo chamber
@aliceofbrokendreams​ said: Can I give you a hug? Cause if writing the first half invoked as much emotion as it did in me reading it, you should have one.
yeah... it was really hard writing this chapter. thank you 
@slightlyobssesive​ said: I would just like to say that this chapter took me four hours to read and then another one to compose myself to type this. On one hand I absolutely adore you because some parts had me so happy and the portrayal of Izuku's abuse is handled so well. On the other hand though I am cradling my heart that has been shattered into about 3 million pieces and screaming why because this chapter emotionally destroyed me. I cannot properly express my current feelings in this small amount of space just WHYYYY
im sorry but also im completely not sorry, THANK YOU FOR READING DESPITE YOUR DEEP PERSONAL SUFFERING 
and also thanks for your feedback re: the representation of izuku’s abuse! i’m glad i was able to convey it well!
@abrcmhatford​ said: i uh wanna say that i really appreciate how you're handling izuku's reaction to realizing that yeah, it was abuse, because people brush over the recovery a lot, and i've been in izuku's shoes and i think you captured the entirety of it really well. it's rough and it's really hard and it's still hard and i like how you didn't just ignore the gritty details and kept pushing. thanks
yeah! i wanted to write something that was about recovery, and moving forward, and doing your best despite your circumstances. i pulled on my own experiences with depression and other things to try and write this, and what i learned, so... i’m happy to hear it resonated with someone else too. i hope that you’re out of that situation now, and that things are better for you. thank you for your feedback. it means a lot to me. 
@angryqueermermaid​ said: you. absolute motherfucker.
alright now that name calling is out of the way I must say that you have the BEST portrayal of depression and anxiety I have EVER seen. like. holy shit my guy. the entire ch I was just like. "same? same. SAME." and, well, while that was a fucking kick in the pants, it was so.... confusingly cathartic??? in a good way??? to watch izuku struggle with the shit I have felt, in ALL aspects of life like being vunerable and/or high energy/socialization settings. fucking. GOD MY KOKORO.
i once saw a quote that said something like, “if you want to make someone a monster to society, first make sure they never see themselves in your stories.” it’s a morbid quote, but i feel like it explains well why it’s so meaningful when you see yourself reflected in a story. i know the first time i read a chinese-american protagonist, and one who wasn’t interested in romance to boot, i was in junior high and it made me so happy because i’d never had that representation before. 
that’s one of the reasons i write so many characters with mental illnesses or trauma -- i don’t see enough of us in mainstream stories, and i think those stories need to be told, just so we can remember that we aren’t alone. i’m really glad you found catharsis reading chapter 6, and that i was able to catch some of those struggles you go through. thank you for writing in!
and yet, i missed the anniversary!!!! a failure!!!!
Anonymous said: sometimes I just go to your blog to make sure you're okay. like of you're blogging then you're either okay or trying your hardest
i’m not actually sure if this was a ch6 asks but it was sent with the rest so. thank you. it soothes me to know that someone out there is thinking of my wellbeing, because i sure don’t and i guess someone has to. (but in all seriousness, that’s really sweet)
Anonymous said: Hey! I just wanted to let you know that I loved the chapter 6 a lot! As a writer, I can understand not being entirely happy with your work, but as someone who recently got out of a very unhealthy situation, it makes me happy that you put it up anyway! Izuku's recovery mimicked mine in a lot of ways, especially the coming to terms with it. His talk with Yagi about grief hit very close to home, but also was very inspiring, if that makes any sense!! So sincerely, thank you so much! ^u^
i’m really happy to hear that!! i tried to catch the feeling / moment i had when i was getting through my depression, where for two weeks or so i was so miserable all the time and just wanted to... stop. it’s hard to explain, but one day i got up in the morning and knew that i was just tired of all this, tired of stagnating in the same place and tired of being miserable all the time, and maybe i couldn’t get rid of my depression but at the very least i had to try. if i was able to convey any of that through izuku’s conversation with yagi, then i’m satisfied. thank you!!
Anonymous said: Thank you for sharing your writing with us
and thank you for appreciating it! <3
@chocowl​ said:  From start to end this was a rly good chap. The recovery process, the relationships, and everything else was so good. I esp liked how Izuku mobilised his network and how Katsu got some Consequences. And Mitoki... much gold as always! Altogether: thank you for this journey! I loved it and i love you for creating such amazing content. Ihope you have an amazing day and time! :) xoxo
(sorry i split up your asks into two different posts! categorization purposes...)
i’m really glad you enjoyed that!! i worked so hard on the emotional atmosphere of this chapter, haha. glad to see it paid off. <3 <3 thank you for all your feedback, too, and also the really nice art you’ve made for me!
Anonymous said: someone made a pinterest board for The Fic! it looks p small rn (111 pins?) but its kinda cute
i don’t have a pinterest account so sadly i can’t zoom over and check it out, but wow... i’m really honored!! thank you for letting me know! 
Anonymous said: later, when Eri comes in- what would happen if byggualom!izuku was shot by Eri's quirk-removing drug? everyone's expecting something to happen but Izuku would be fine, considering he has no quirk (as far as he knows?)
muscular used izuku’s body to smash a concrete sidewalk into smithereens and izuku didn’t have so much as a scratch, one of the quirk-removing drugs’ bullets wouldn’t even have a chance. so actually, everyone’s question would be “what the hell is up with your skin” 
anyways, if you’re wondering if we’ll ever get a reveal, don’t worry. it’s coming. :^)
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thelonely · 8 years ago
Hey! I just read your atlas inherited and i wanted to say that i love it! I wish you an amazing day, you wonderful human being :))
ahhhHH thank you so much!! i’m glad you liked it, and right back at you 💕
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pitviperofdoom · 8 years ago
Hey :) For the ask thing: 8, 24, 26, 27, 28. Thank you! :)
8: (if you have either or both) how do you manage time with writing, work, school etc.?
By procrastinating on school work and not paying attention during lectures.
24: do you outline?
I do! It’s usually pretty flexible, though; the purpose of my outlines is usually to help me remember cool ideas or bits of dialogue I think of.
26: anything you’re planning to write in your fic that you’re worried readers might like?
I was a little worried about a certain Thing in chapter 18 of YUTS, but people seem to be taking it pretty well!
Of course by taking it pretty well I mean screaming at me. But like, the good kind of screaming.
27: when you read fic, how often do you comment?
Not enough, but I like to think I’m getting better about it! And sometimes if the fic is written by a mutual of mine, I don’t leave a comment on the fic but I do talk to them about it over instant messaging and such.
28: any scene/line you wrote that you didn’t expect to write/that surprised you once it was written?
Funnily enough, that aforementioned Thing in chapter 18? Originally wasn’t going to be there. I was going to follow the canon, and I only entertained the thought of Doing The Thing out of morbid amusement. It was mostly just “haha wouldn’t it be so mean if I did this? I’m not going to, but it would definitely be mean.” And then I brought up the idea to one of my mutuals, whose response was basically “Why don’t you?” so I thought about it more and my entire brain just went what the hell?
And now [REDACTED] is dead as dicks, dude.
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calkestiis · 3 years ago
Can I ask who you are on AO3? I've been having a feeling you're there with a different name, and would be nice to connect the same person :)
Hello, beautiful! 💕
I do have indeed an AO3 account but I deleted all my fics because I felt very insecure about my grammar.
I'm Chocowlate ♡
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unoutan · 7 years ago
Since the other anons suggested such lovely videos, I suggest "All Time Low" ! The boys kISS LOOK AT THEM
I’ve only looked at the gif set and gushed over the anime edits and hoooo man, I watched the video with everything together-the music, the feels, the video edits and I LOVED IT. I might have teared up a bit too. The song fit so well too! Thank you, anon, for suggesting the video! 
And thank you also to @chocowl for throwing the tumblr post at me again, making me realize there was a freakin link in the post. ARGGGGG. I can only blame myself. lol WELP BETTER LATE BAKUDEKU FEELS THAN NEVER HAVING THE BAKUDEKU FEELS. -Unoutan
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sevi007 · 8 years ago
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chocowl replied to your post :Honestly, is it possible to have like partial...               
Hey! As much as i know there’s a checklist of add and hd symptoms in dsm-v and if you show at least 6 of the symptoms in one scale then that’s a score. if u score on both scales then it’s adhd :)
 Thank you so much, you guys! =D After getting your replies here, I went and took some quizzes, talked to a friend of my Mum who is a psychologist, and did some further research.
It seems very, very likely that I have at least a minor case of ADD (without the hyperactivity) but it's a bit difficult to track it back, since I've had depression for such a long time. According to the psychologist, it's possible that the depression dampened some of the symptoms (like the urge to do multiple things at once, never concentrating long on one thing) and strengthened others (like the day-dreaming and spacing out). The fact that the ADD symptoms are now getting stronger hints that my depression is getting better, apparently. Which is great! =D
  I could check it out with a doctor, but since it's not really disturbing my every-day life and I've lots of practice with dealing with my own mind and its problems and weirdness, I feel like I just have to get used to it and find ways to adapt. Don't feel like a need a doc for that, but should it get worse, I will think about it.
 Again, thank you all a lot, you all helped me a ton figuring it out! =D  
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actuallylorelaigilmore · 8 years ago
Top five ice cream flavors?
This is a great one. I’ve been so in need of ice cream this summer. 
In no particular order: ben and jerrys brewed to matter,haagen daas strawberry, tillamook mudslide, ben and jerry’s chocolate chip cookie dough, and ben and jerry’s “chocowlate chip” –where the chocolate chips were shaped like cows and it only existed in the one scoop shop in salt lake city…util that shut down. (not coincidentally, my love of strawberry haagen daas also comes from living next to a scoop shop for haagen daas, until they actually shut down ALL their US shops. :( sad day for ice cream. 
and two that aren’t produced anymore, so honorable mentions: tillamook brown cow and blue bunny chocolate and salted caramel. i also love vanilla pretty much all the time.
it’s friday night in some dimension somewhere
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scheelelillies · 7 years ago
I can no longer tell if the Hitoshi-Izuku bonds (friendship or otherwise) are just so powerful that they become a key focus in most of my ideas / works because it should be, or if ShinDeku fans are coming to me because somehow I have made myself a beacon in the market.
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simkjrs · 8 years ago
chapter 6 asks that are people in distress about shinsou
SPOILERS FOR THE FIC, so it’s all under the readmore 
** before i start, i just want to say, the sheer number of people who have guessed that it’s himiko impersonating shinsou is frankly alarming and equally hilarious. thanks yall 
Anonymous said: OH MY GOD SHINSOU MY SON, WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO HIM??? HE DOESNT DESERVE THIS????? (for real, tho, that chapter was?? So good??? I'm so happy to have read this)
you’re absolutely right he doesn’t deserve this and im doing it to him anyways, which objectively proves that as an author i am not and never have been trustworthy. im sorry if i ever tricked you into thinking otherwise. im crying as well
Anonymous said: holy crap that chapter. where do i even start. i knew the kidnapping was coming up but that scene still managed to punch me in the gut. shinsou doesn't deserve this he just wanted to be a hero you guys. also the scene where izuku brought mitoki flowers was really great and i'm so happy that conversation happened. and the paintball fight? best thing i've ever laid my eyes upon. sorry this wasn't very coherent, i'm gonna go fling myself into the sun. thank you for this amazing chapter.
thank YOU for the feedback, i’m really glad you enjoyed the mitoki conversation & the paintball fight because those two scenes were the ones i was most nervous about. as for shinsou, you are very right. he doesn’t deserve this and im sorry 
Anonymous said: WHAT THE FUCK!!!!! that was so intense!!!!!!!!!!!! that chapter was amazing you lied sorry ://// (izuku has a crush on shinsou and i couldnt be happier. sweethearts, the both of them.) SO MUCH HAPPENED AT ONCE IM FU KCIFNSICIAJX!!!! WHAT HAPPENED WITH SHINSOU??? MY BOY WHO THREATENED HIM. WHO HURT HIM??!?!?!!?!??!!??!?! i got so emotional all throughout this chapter i almost cried like 26 times that was wild af!!! NOW HOW DO I RECOVER FROM THIS!!!! (im so worried about shinsou. about everyone.)
hfjldksf thanks!! glad you enjoyed it!! im sorry for making you emotional. its the unintended side effects of tryin to convey izuku’s state of mind 
i know this won’t ease your suffering much but for a while i intended for chapter 7 to be from shinsou’s point of view, and it was quite literally just titled “what happened to shinsou.” this may still happen. im not sure yet. stay tuned next for,
Anonymous said: *twitch twitch twitchy twich* omg suddenly i understand those comments from your betas. like. i'm legit speechless???? why. why would you do this, you evil writer from awesome land. like i just. im in like. the all caps state of shock. that FREAKING LAST LINE AKDJKLADSLKAJDSKLJLKJ. like. *squeezes air* i dont even know where to begin???? I MEAN CLEARLY I STARTED AT THE END BUT LIKE. so much. to talk about. like. the smile bits of gaming and cats and pics then THAT KAST KUUSJDFHSKJDHFSKJDHSJDF
i bait in readers with cute fun shenanigans and then i go in for the kill 
(thank you for writing in, i’m glad you enjoyed the chapter <3 )
Anonymous said: no, but like, ur saying that chapter 6 is the worst one YET (which is a HORRIBLE LIE. this chapter was great. even if it let us all devastated afterwards. but whats a good fanfiction if it doesnt affect the reader tho heh(and your certainly is a great fanfiction. one of the greatest)) is it because of the giant clusterfuck that 7 and/or 8 is gonna be? (kamino ward, all might reveal, kidnappings+ SHINSOU) im legit worried haha ( btw "(accidental) dad might: Stealth Style" is my favorite tag now)
i cultivate my tags with pride. im glad you enjoyed that one in particular :3c and also... thank you... i was super insecure abt ch6 so it’s really nice hearing ppl liked it! i really appreciate it <3 
the next chapter(s?) are going to be a clusterfuck so you are probably wise to be legit worried. preemptive apologies. i don’t know why im doing this and im sorry also 
Anonymous said: I don't actually believe that Shinsou did it, naturally. Maybe the villains pin the blame on him cause it's easier to do it to someone that everyone is already wary about? I honestly have no idea, you're too unpredictable with some of these things
u have a good nose anon... but also when have i EVER been unpredictable about anything. my taste and storytelling is incredibly predictable in that it is always The Worst and Incredibly Self Indulgent. all you have to do to pick out the path im taking is think “what path allows simk to pander to their own interests the most?” and thats the path i’ll take. this is exactly what is happening with the entirety of this fic and especially with this next arc 
Anonymous said: is shinsou being blackmailed?? controlled by someone else?? someone stole his face?? was he used as a hostage bc he interacted with class I-A more? or is someone threatening izuku again or.. ahhh idk what it is but I really feel he is not a traitor so: my current theories about shinsou. am I close?? 
yes to all of the above 
Anonymous said: Pretty sure you didn't get many theories yet cause we are still in shock. Send help pls. (Loved the chapter btw that chapter was legit a roller-coaster of feels.)
theres no help to be found. i did this irrevocably and now theres nothing we can do about it 
(thank you! i’m really glad to hear that, and hope that you have recovered from your shock :p )
Anonymous said: thoughts on shinsou's reasons: bakugou is a abusive shit who is undeserving of being a hero and made him lose all faith in heroes, blackmail, threats, brainwashing, some other type of convincing, he has been the traitor the whole time and you just want to kill us with angst, the LoV is threatening deku and if he doesn't help them they kill him, rage against society has reached its peak (same tho), or he wants to get back at bakugou, or the Cat Cafe is being threatened. please stop killing me.
this is a really impressive laundry list of unconventional reasons for shinsou to join the villain alliance. i love it. i too would become a villain in order to save my favorite cat cafe and spite a person i don’t like 
@armcontrolnerve said: it was himiko in the study with the candlestick 
d...does this make shinsou the murder victim 
Anonymous said: I JUST READ THE NEW CHAPTER AND JUST WANTED TO DROP BY AND SAY YOU'VE UTTERLY WRECKED ME. I have tears in my eyes, I am currently flailing about like a fish while my brain goes into overdrive trying to dodge the reality of that ending. Shinsou was helping Izuku not two scenes ago, he was probably kidnapped and forced to do it against his will via torture or something. I refuse to believe that Shinsou is a villain and you cannot tell me oTHERWISE
good instincts. hold onto that feeling 
Anonymous said: My guess: shinsou was kidnapped by Villain Alliance. Himiko Toga is using her quirk to impersonate him. But...why
bad pr image for yuuei 
Anonymous said: all im thinking is that girl with the quirk that lets her shapeshift into people if she gets their blood and im just. oh no. shinsou. how could u do this to the poor sweet gay boy. meet me in the pit for a fight, and also a round of compliments for ur fucking writing skills. u made me cry. i love this fic so much but unfortunately i still have to challenge u to a duel, for the sake of these poor children, and their mental health,,, (ps i love ur writing and ur fantastic!! byeee)
if you kill me youll never get these children back alive
(thank u though... this made me laugh. rest assured that i will promptly apply all my writing skills to elucidating the mystery of what happened to shinsou) 
Anonymous said: Shinsou probably got his quirk stolen by Sensei or someone is impersonating him I guess. Or his classmates are jerks and framing him or something. Smh
his classmates threw him under the bus
@sunslammerdown​ said: hi i am a person who reads your very extremely good fanfiction... thanks very much and also Wow Rude How Dare You. you said you were surprised at not getting more shinsou theories so heres my two: 1) It Was Toga, shinsou is kidnapped its not good 2) It Was All For One who can take quirks and use them on people and shinsou has a mind control quirk, its very not good still
what if its... 3) both, for maximum suffering, and the ultimate very not good happenstance 
@viperofsand​ said: I am sure I had something in mind when giving my review while I was reading chap 6, but after the final part my mind was all 'WHAT THE HELLLLLL', so, there is that. Also, I am inaugurating #ShinsouIsNotAVillain2017 for this fic starting now.
this is a good hashtag. i’m behind it. i have no right to be but i am 
Anonymous said: ok i'm trying not to panic bc of the cliffhanger but just tell me, will we know /why/ shinso is doing what he's doing ?? i'm trying not to spoil for ppl 
no worries! we will find out exactly what happened to shinsou...
@auspiciouswhiskers​ said: How much do I have to pay for a Shinsou redemption and/or Shindeku endgame because pleeease you have responsibilities
you don’t even have to ask. its already under way...
(more specifically: you just don’t even need to ask. there just isnt a need. hold that thought for a shindeku endgame though bc who KNOWS where im headed with that) 
Anonymous said: Izuku's gonna lure Shinsou with cats and everything will be just fine. Izuku holding up fuku, taka and isao: you know u can't harm them Shinsou: defeated
this is the ultimate villain shinsou ask. nothing is ever going to top this. you dont even need to fight shinsou you just have to appeal to him with cats and he’ll crumble instantly 
Anonymous said: Eh, I don't know if I'm angry, but I am a tad disappointed if it actually is "what it looks like" with Shinsou. I mean his whole deal is that while his power seems like one that a villain would have, he doesn't actually want to use it that way. If he really is a villain in your story, that sorta defeats the purpose of his character, you know? But I guess I'll just wait and see what you plan to do with it.
that aspect of his character is probably what makes what im doing 100% more awful so i guess what im trying to say is: don’t worry it’s not what it seems, but also, i should not be allowed to touch a computer 
Anonymous said: ok ok i have an idea about why shinsou provided inside help(i hope im at least a little right or im going to cry): he was threatened by the league? they saw him hanging out with deku and probably knew that he didnt know he was Hella Strong or smth and were like "look, if u dont want ur friend to die ur gonna have to Cooperate" and shinsou being an amazing friend was like "U LEAVE HIM ALONE U COCKROACH" and he did That. it probably happened in That One Stupid Horrible Month (please. PLEASE)
shinsou became a villain for deku confirmed. be gay, turn to the dark side 
Anonymous said: honestly while i'm still Actually Dead over the latest chapter Izuku having his Gay Awakening over someone who stabs him in the back is Relatable lol
h...hold that thought... 
also. i’m really sorry to hear that, and i hope you’re in a better place now. may your future gay relationships be blessed
Anonymous said: It's Mamoru. The ending to your new chapter is definitely a twist that I didn't expect at all. But oddly I'm not angry. Is Shinsou really going to be a villain? Because it kinda goes against he is fighting for. Or is he threatened?
spoiler alert...
@chocowl said: holy fuck simk
A theory: was Shinsou kidnapped by the VA and Himiko used her Quirk to look like him? That would explain the silence towards Izuku and would heal our tormented souls Q-Q
the truth is, the entire villain alliance is conspiring to fuck over shinsou, specifically
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esterosaurusstuff · 8 years ago
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woah...chill... :D
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veniciosandr · 8 years ago
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ChoCOWlate. #cowparade #cowparadesp2017 #sp #saopaulo #splovers #cidadedagaroa #saopaulo_originals #olharesdesampa #tvminuto #saopaulowalk #saopaulocity #amorpaulista #catracasp #spdagaroa #sousampa (em Avenida Paulista)
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sevi007 · 8 years ago
akira-ran replied to your photoset: chocowl replied to your post :Honestly, is it...
Could someone post a link to this quiz? I would like to give it a try, but I’m not at desktop and its hard to get at yt right now to me D:
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vandooci · 10 years ago
Once you get this you have to share six random facts about yourself and pass this on to 10 of your favorite followers! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
1. my fav meal is spinach2. I do karate3. I’m going to watch Jurassic Park 2. in half hour4. i have a hand-fetish5. I love drama and thriller moovies6. I bought 3 cactii yesterday
thank you for your ask :) 
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simkjrs · 8 years ago
Suggestion for the my spirit academia au: Mineta's spirit is Master Roshi from DBZ with dragon balls/breast implants glued to his palms. :D
i dont know who master roshi is, but the mere image of someone with breast implants glued to their palms is enough to horrify me into not wanting to know more, ever 
alternative suggestion: mineta’s spirit is a moving bush sporting berries that look an awful lot like the purple spheres on his head, and its leaves shake in ominous fury every time mineta acts like a pervert. izuku has the faint suspicion that, if his spirit could actually physically interact with him, that it would have knocked him unconscious and dumped him in a trash can already
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