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ironwoman359 ¡ 2 years ago
Read on AO3 Here!
Everything Taglist: @poison-lyra, @spacevirgil, @mirror2thespirit, @stormcrawler75, @backatthebein, @bubblycricket, @callboxkat, @theinvisiblespoon, @fandomsofrandom, @hold-our-destiny, @broadwaytheanimatedseries, @grey-lysander, @leaves-and-bounds @storytellerofuntoldlegends, @funsizedgremlin, @iaminmultiplefandoms, @slightlyobssesive, @today-only-happens-once, @fluidityandgiggles, @faithfreedom-art, @theymaynotbedenied, @redone0-0dreamer, @lamp-calm-sanders, @heythereprincey, @evetheodd, @thedundundunnnsong, @fandomloverangel, @i-read-by-lamp @msu82, @thilb0burrit0,@michealawithana, @gatlily, @just-another-starfish, @gattonero17, @cyberpunkjinx, @lucifer-in-my-head
The Secret History of the Invincible II
Chapter 1: Seams Pull Apart
Summary: “How much do you remember?” he asked suddenly. “About…you know.”
“About the wormhole,” you said, because one of you had to say it, and it may as well be you.
It's been months since the Invincible safely landed on a new planet to build humanity's first colony among the stars, and the Captain has been working very hard to ensure that the colony has everything it needs. But now that everyone's getting settled, it's time to sit down with the colony's official historian and give a report to send back to earth about the Invincible's voyage...and the Captain must choose how much to reveal about what really happened
Ships: Platonic the Captain and everyone, with an emphasis on the Captain & Mark.
Content Warnings: Just a lot of discussion of everything that went on in ISWM itself, and hurt/comfort as the characters try to process that and work through it. And guilt. SOOOOO much guilt. Fun!
Word Count: 2,857
A/N: I've had this idea in my head for a long time, of how the Captain and Mark would move on with their lives after everything they went through in the wormhole, and I'm excited to finally start posting it. Enjoy!
*If you like to read on AO3, check the notes for a link!
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With a sucking whoosh and a swirl of blue energy, you suddenly found yourself back in your cryopod. You looked around, heart sinking as the pod’s interface whirred to life in a painstakingly familiar sequence.  
*Software update complete*  
“Good morning, Captain! We are currently *error* years into our journey. Coffee is en route. Current ship status is absolutely catastrophic. In-in-initializing emergency wakey-wakey protocol.”  
The cryopod spat you out and you crumpled your hands and knees on the deck of the bridge. The alarm lights flashed an incessant red and the ship’s emergency klaxons blared in your ears, but you couldn’t bring yourself to care. You couldn’t even bring yourself to stand up. It wasn’t over. It would never be over. You’d thought that maybe this time, you’d actually done it, but who were you kidding? This would go on forever. 
“Reviving head engineer.”  
You looked up at Mark, who was stepping out of his pod with a frown on his face.  
“Does this feel-”  
The air warped around him and his form glitched between different versions of himself, settling briefly on one with a tattered uniform, skin marred by burns and his neck twisted at an unnatural angle. 
“You let us die, Captain,” he said, his voice low and distorted, before he glitched back into his normal self.  
“-familiar to you?”  
“Mark-” you staggered to your feet, but before you could speak, he glitched again, and Celci stood in his place. 
“It never ends, Captain,” she said, her face covered in frost and her goggles glowing blue. “No matter what you try, nothing can save us from this nightmare, and it’s your fault.”   
Her body warped and it was Burt now, digital rain running down his face.  
“I'll tell you what I know,” he said. “Storm clouds are gathering... the wind is gonna blow... the race of man is suffering .” 
“This is why we shouldn’t have trusted you,” Gunther’s voice said from behind, but when you turned, it was the alien from the Universal Stability Agency standing there, her clothes torn and blood pouring from her mangled eye socket.  
“It all comes down to bad leadership ,” the alien said in Gunther’s voice, then they continued in their own.  “All those worlds...all those people...gone. Because of you.”  
“Seeing things, Captain?” 
The voice was low in your ear and you whirled around, just in time for the bridge’s main control console to burst into flames. 
“Fire on the bridge! *Error* Life support systems failing. *Error* Automatic fire suppression system offline. *Error* Failsafes offline.”  
Instinctively, you turned towards the fire extinguisher, but found yourself stuck to the floor and unable to move, ice slowly creeping up your legs.  
“*Error* Captain offline.”   
A wall of fire and shrapnel barreled towards you as the console exploded, engulfing the bridge in flames. As the heat swarmed around you, you felt a deep despair settle in your heart, like a physical weight. It didn’t matter that the explosion would kill you. Nothing mattered anymore.  
Not even death could save you from your fate.  
--- --- ---
Your eyes flew open and you gasped, lurching upright to find yourself in your bedroom, safe and sound. Cool night air filled your lungs, a stark contrast to the blazing fumes from your dream.  
Dream? Or memory?  
You pushed the thought away and swung your legs over the side of the bed. You knew from an unfortunate amount of experience that there was no point in trying to get back to sleep after one of these dreams. You slid your feet into your slippers and made your way into the kitchen, overriding your coffee machine’s programmed start time to brew a pot right away.  
“Coffee always helps,” you muttered to yourself as you grabbed a mug from your cupboard.  
And it really did.  
True, coffee couldn’t keep the nightmares (or the memories) from rising up and plaguing your mind, but the strong scent and bitter taste was grounding, as was the gentle *drip drip drip* of the machine in the quiet hours of the morning. The caffeine boost didn’t hurt either, and throwing yourself into the next day’s work was typically enough to silence any lingering thoughts floating inside your head.  
Tonight, however, was anything but typical. 
Normally, you’d instruct your computer to read out tomorrow’s schedule for you, but there was no need; you already knew what it would say.  
*Senior Crew Meeting with Colony Historian – All Day* 
You cupped your mug in your hands, letting the warmth seep into your palms as you leaned against the counter.  
The historian had been nothing but cordial, assuring you that while they’d blocked out the full day for the interviews, it would most likely only take a few hours out of the morning, if that. You hadn’t argued the point, unsure of how to even explain why it might take longer to chronicle the Invincible’s journey than the historian expected. That was if you even decided to give the full, true account of what had happened.  
If, indeed, it had even happened at all.  
You shook yourself and rubbed your eyes. Suddenly, stuck within the confines of your apartment walls was the last place you wanted to be while you waited until it was socially acceptable to be out and about. Still holding your coffee in one hand, you grabbed a jacket from where you’d draped it over the back of a chair the day before and slipped out your front door.  
Your apartment building was one of the first permanent residences that had been built after the initial groundwork of the colony was laid. It stood near the center of the settlement and housed most of the Invincible’s crew, including her entire senior staff. As Captain, you’d been given a large unit on the top floor, which conveniently meant that you were only one flight of stairs away from the roof. 
The rooftop was little more than a barren expanse of concrete and loose gravel, though eventually there were plans to plant a garden, and you could see why. You’d only come here once or twice before, but the view of the colony below and the sweeping landscape of your new planet stretching out beyond it made it the perfect spot to create a cozy little gathering space. For now, though, it would be a decent enough place to wait out the rest of the night alone. 
Or at least, alone in theory. 
Illuminated by the dim glow of the streetlights below, a single figure sat on the edge of the rooftop, their legs dangling over the edge of the building. 
He turned, surprise written on his face.
“Captain? What are you doing up here?” 
“I could ask you the same thing,” you said as you approached. “It’s nearly four in the morning.”
“Is it?” He asked, and you nodded. “Huh. Didn’t realize it’d gotten that late. Or, early, I guess.” 
“How long have you been out here?” 
“Oh...who’s to say? It’s easy to lose track of time with a view like this.” He gestured, but not down at the colony or the dense woods surrounding it. His eyes were fixed upward, and when you followed his gaze it was easy to see why. 
Thousands upon thousands of stars dotted the night sky, with nary a cloud in sight to obstruct them from view. The largest of the planet’s three moons was also fully visible, and one of its smaller sisters was just beginning to poke over the horizon. 
“Wow,” you whispered. “They’re so much brighter here than on Earth.”
“No major cities here yet,” Mark responded. “No light pollution to obstruct our view. And it’s gonna stay that way, if I have anything to say about it. What’s the point of a new planet if we treat it just like the old one?” 
You hummed in agreement, before folding your legs beneath you and sitting beside him.
“Yeah...it would be a shame to waste this second chance,” you said quietly. 
Mark glanced over at you for a moment, something unreadable flashing in his eyes before he looked away again.
“You never did say what you were doing here, Captain.”
“You didn’t either,” you countered, and he pressed his lips together in a firm line. 
You were both quiet for a moment, one beat of silence that threatened to stretch on into infinity with barely an acknowledgement before Mark sighed, running a hand through his hair. 
“Couldn’t sleep,” he said with a shrug. “That’s all.”  He looked over at you again, and this time he let his gaze linger. “...could you?”
“Not really,” you admitted. “Too many…thoughts in my head, I suppose.” 
“Yeah, I know the feeling,” he said with a nod. “Have you…” he hesitated, then seemed to steel himself. “Have you been having that problem often, since we…since our voyage?” 
The unspoken question hung heavy in the air between you, and you swallowed down your nerves.
“Fairly often,” you said quietly. “You?” 
“Yeah,” Mark said, sighing again. “Same here.” 
You fidgeted beside him, unsure of how to proceed. It wasn’t like the two of you had been avoiding each other since you landed, you worked together nearly every day of course. But aside from Mark’s quiet “ thank you” when you’d first arrived here months ago, neither of you had even remotely acknowledged what had happened between you in the warp core. You weren’t even sure how much he remembered, and aside from that brief moment on the bridge, Mark had seemed completely fine, throwing himself fully into building the colony without a single sign of discomfort. 
Though maybe , you thought now as you took in the tension in his shoulders and the tightness at the corners of his eyes, he was just very good at hiding it. 
You knew you should say something, you needed to say something; not only were you Mark’s captain and therefore responsible for his well-being as a member of your crew, but you were his friend. Or at least, you hoped that after everything, you were still friends. 
“Mark, I-”
“How much do you remember?” he asked suddenly. “About…you know.” 
“About the wormhole,” you said, because one of you had to say it, and it may as well be you. Mark winced, and you took that as a sign to continue. “Everything.” 
“ Everything everything?” Mark asked, and you nodded. “So…you remember what I did then,” he said, pulling his legs up and leaning his arms on his knees. 
“What you did?” you repeated, and he rolled his eyes. 
“If you’re trying to spare my feelings then I appreciate it, but you don’t have to bother. We both know that I...I caused all of it.”
"Mark, it wasn't-"
"Don't you dare say that it wasn't my fault," he interrupted, shooting you a glare. " I went back in time, I sabotaged both ships, I built the warp core. It was my fault." He laughed, hollow and empty, and for a moment you were back on the Invincible II , watching him fall apart in front of you all over again.
"You were just doing what you thought was right," you said slowly. "That's all any of us were doing. You had no way of knowing-"
"I did though," he insisted. "You told me, remember? You told me not to use the warp core, not to go back. But did I listen? No. I lost faith in you, trusted the word of that alien lady over yours, and I nearly destroyed everything."
It’s not like I gave you a good reason to have faith in me in the first place, you wanted to say, but you thought better of it. As much as you wanted to stew in your own guilt, trying to shift the blame onto yourself wouldn’t help Mark feel any better about his part in it all. 
"Do you know why I told you not to go back?" you asked instead. "How I knew that you would even try? You told me not to let you. You said that you lost hope, but you never stopped trying to fix your mistakes, right up until the very end."
Mark opened his mouth to speak, but he froze, confusion written across his face.
"I...I told you?" he looked down at his hands and nodded carefully. "I…I did tell you."
"Mark…” You frowned. “How much do you remember?"
“Um…everything,” he said slowly. “Or at least, I assume it’s everything. It’s strange…sometimes I can’t pin the memories down quite right. Almost like I’m trying to remember a dream.” 
“I almost thought it was a dream,” you said, leaning back to look up at the sky. “When no one acknowledged it when we landed, I thought maybe it was some side effect of the cryosleep. I asked Celci though, and she said that the brain doesn’t enter REM in cryo. So I just figured I was the only one who remembered.” 
“That’s what I thought too,” Mark admitted. “And it’s not like I could tell someone about it without them thinking I was crazy.” 
“It’s not the easiest thing to explain,” you agreed. 
“ Right? ” he said, so loudly and suddenly that you jumped a little. “How would you even do that, like, ‘oh, guess what, I was transported through a wormhole across space and time and can remember living and dying over and over and have the memories from a dozen different universes all jacked up in my brain! Take me to the looney bin!’” 
He grew more and more animated as he spoke, arms waving around before he finally let them fall back to his sides with a huff, and you swallowed. 
“Mark…you’re not crazy. You know that, right?” 
He hesitated, for just a bit too long for your liking before he answered. 
“I know. It just…it feels crazy. I don’t even know how to begin sorting through everything in my head.”
“I understand,” you said quietly. “Believe me, I do. I’ve been trying not to think about it, but lately I can’t help but wonder…” you trailed off, your gaze slipping from Mark’s face down to the mug of coffee cooling in your hands. 
“Yes?” he prompted, and you sighed. 
“The historian interviews are tomorrow,” you said bluntly. “And I’m not sure whether to tell them the truth.” 
Mark let out a breath, and you glanced over at him just in time to see him rest his chin on his fist. 
“I’ve been wondering the same thing,” he admitted. “Until tonight, I wasn’t sure that it was worth the risk. I didn’t want to lose everything I’d worked so hard to build…not again.” 
You opened your mouth to reassure him that he wouldn’t, but you couldn’t quite make the words come out. After all, how many times had the two of you lost the ship, the crew, the colony? How many times had you lost each other? 
“But you know what I think now?” Mark continued, looking over at you. “I think that that’s exactly why we need to tell them what really happened. To try and stop it from happening again, to somebody else.” 
“To somebody else?” you asked.
“As far as command back on Earth is concerned, this mission has been one hundred percent successful,” he explained. “I mean, it sure looks like it on the outside. Everyone is alive and healthy, the ship made it here safely, the colony is thriving. And the Invincible herself was a prototype...if she was successful then there were plans to fully reverse engineer the warp core for other ships, other missions…” he trailed off as your eyes widened, the full impact of his words settling over your shoulders. 
“We can’t let that happen,” you whispered, and he nodded.
“We have to tell them. We can’t…. I can’t let my mistakes be repeated. No matter the consequences.” 
He wrapped his arms around his legs, shrinking in on himself, and you swallowed. Slowly, you reached out a hand and placed it on his shoulder. 
“Our mistakes,” you corrected quietly. Mark shot you a small smile, and you returned it as best as you could. “I’ll be there to back you up, one hundred percent,” you continued. “And…”
You paused, unsure if you should complete your thought, but Mark made the choice for you, reaching out to return your gesture, taking your arm in a steady grip. 
“And I’ll do the same for you,” he said. “I’m behind you all the way, Captain.” 
You looked at him, his face illuminated by starlight, and for a moment all you could think of was all the times you’d failed him, all the times he’d suffered because of you. But his gaze held none of that anger, that resentment that you’d seen from him before. And if you could trust him, after everything, was it really so inconceivable that he could still have faith in you? 
“We got into this mess together,” you finally said, squeezing his arm. “And we’re going to get through it the same way.” 
Mark nodded as the first rays of sunlight began to peek over the planet’s new horizon. 
--- --- ---
Thank you for reading! If you enjoyed, please consider reblogging, it means a lot to me <3
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ask-whitepearl-and-steven ¡ 6 years ago
I just wanted to compliment you on the way you’re portraying Rose and Steven’s relationship. The way Rose is treating Steven is unfair but you can’t blame her because she doesn’t have all the facts. All she sees is her former abuser and even then she manages to remain somewhat civil with him which shows off her kindness. I can’t wait to see how the story develops
/soft crying
Thank you... 
Rose is not a perfect character - she isn’t MEANT to be. She’s done things in the past that were horrible, and I’m not gonna sugar-coat her. I’m trying to stay true to her story. 
But she’s also literally got very REAL reasons for acting the way that she iswith Steven, and regardless of how you feel about what she does, ignoring WHY she does it makes the story that much less interesting. 
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destiny-islanders ¡ 6 years ago
Can I use soras face in the last panel of your latest comic as an icon. Also your art is super good
Go ahead. And thank you
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simkjrs ¡ 8 years ago
ch6 asks, cont’d.
Anonymous said: read the latest chapter and honestly even though im screaming in agony, i absolutely love this drama. i really cant wait to see where youre going with this. it also makes me happy to see you make so many good characters autistic, it feels nice to be able to relate to actions. also, izuku's entire internal conflict in this chapter? BIG MOOD.
fdjdkljf happy to hear someone’s enjoying it!! also, thank you for the feedback -- it’s nice to know that i’ve done alright,representation-wise. :^)
Anonymous said: just wanted to tell you that i'm at the spot when izuku basically tells it like it is to kacchan. and it's pretty much spot on. from what i can tell. from real life experiences. I sincerely hope that this time in your life is past if you've had to experience something like this or you have people you can turn to. otherwise, dude, you are scarily good at writing. i'm seriously afraid of how this conversation is going to turn out. the chapter's really beautiful and honestly just inspiring. thank u
this is such a nice ask i didnt know what to do with myself after reading it? 
no comment on my real life situation except that everything’s fine right now. i haven’t experienced everything that izuku is dealing with (or at least.. not to that degree?) SO i’m just extrapolating beyond my own life & experiences, and also incorporating what i’ve learned by reading through accounts by people who have actually lived through these things. thank you for writing in, and thank you for your concern 
@ceilingbattles​ said: I just wanted to say thank you so much for the new chapter <3 honestly its my favourite fanfiction, and I just really appreciate all the work you put into it, its amazing!!! (I don't have an ao3 account, just really wanted to let you know). Also just wow. that was a chapter. 100% worth it, I will read it repetitively on my phone as I have the rest of the fic.
thank you!! it’s really nice to hear that, and i feel incredibly honored to have written someone’s favorite fic. i hope it continues to live up to your expectations!
Anonymous said: i feel like byggualom! izuku and suneater would get along very well. kindred spirits kinda thing
both of them have massive anxiety so they can definitely empathize with each other, and i think izuku would do his best to accommodate suneater! it would be really exhausting for izuku though, i think, so while they’d get along well i don’t know if they’d be good for each other for extended periods of time. anxiety echo chamber
@aliceofbrokendreams​ said: Can I give you a hug? Cause if writing the first half invoked as much emotion as it did in me reading it, you should have one.
yeah... it was really hard writing this chapter. thank you 
@slightlyobssesive​ said: I would just like to say that this chapter took me four hours to read and then another one to compose myself to type this. On one hand I absolutely adore you because some parts had me so happy and the portrayal of Izuku's abuse is handled so well. On the other hand though I am cradling my heart that has been shattered into about 3 million pieces and screaming why because this chapter emotionally destroyed me. I cannot properly express my current feelings in this small amount of space just WHYYYY
im sorry but also im completely not sorry, THANK YOU FOR READING DESPITE YOUR DEEP PERSONAL SUFFERING 
and also thanks for your feedback re: the representation of izuku’s abuse! i’m glad i was able to convey it well!
@abrcmhatford​ said: i uh wanna say that i really appreciate how you're handling izuku's reaction to realizing that yeah, it was abuse, because people brush over the recovery a lot, and i've been in izuku's shoes and i think you captured the entirety of it really well. it's rough and it's really hard and it's still hard and i like how you didn't just ignore the gritty details and kept pushing. thanks
yeah! i wanted to write something that was about recovery, and moving forward, and doing your best despite your circumstances. i pulled on my own experiences with depression and other things to try and write this, and what i learned, so... i’m happy to hear it resonated with someone else too. i hope that you’re out of that situation now, and that things are better for you. thank you for your feedback. it means a lot to me. 
@angryqueermermaid​ said: you. absolute motherfucker.
alright now that name calling is out of the way I must say that you have the BEST portrayal of depression and anxiety I have EVER seen. like. holy shit my guy. the entire ch I was just like. "same? same. SAME." and, well, while that was a fucking kick in the pants, it was so.... confusingly cathartic??? in a good way??? to watch izuku struggle with the shit I have felt, in ALL aspects of life like being vunerable and/or high energy/socialization settings. fucking. GOD MY KOKORO.
i once saw a quote that said something like, “if you want to make someone a monster to society, first make sure they never see themselves in your stories.” it’s a morbid quote, but i feel like it explains well why it’s so meaningful when you see yourself reflected in a story. i know the first time i read a chinese-american protagonist, and one who wasn’t interested in romance to boot, i was in junior high and it made me so happy because i’d never had that representation before. 
that’s one of the reasons i write so many characters with mental illnesses or trauma -- i don’t see enough of us in mainstream stories, and i think those stories need to be told, just so we can remember that we aren’t alone. i’m really glad you found catharsis reading chapter 6, and that i was able to catch some of those struggles you go through. thank you for writing in!
and yet, i missed the anniversary!!!! a failure!!!!
Anonymous said: sometimes I just go to your blog to make sure you're okay. like of you're blogging then you're either okay or trying your hardest
i’m not actually sure if this was a ch6 asks but it was sent with the rest so. thank you. it soothes me to know that someone out there is thinking of my wellbeing, because i sure don’t and i guess someone has to. (but in all seriousness, that’s really sweet)
Anonymous said: Hey! I just wanted to let you know that I loved the chapter 6 a lot! As a writer, I can understand not being entirely happy with your work, but as someone who recently got out of a very unhealthy situation, it makes me happy that you put it up anyway! Izuku's recovery mimicked mine in a lot of ways, especially the coming to terms with it. His talk with Yagi about grief hit very close to home, but also was very inspiring, if that makes any sense!! So sincerely, thank you so much! ^u^
i’m really happy to hear that!! i tried to catch the feeling / moment i had when i was getting through my depression, where for two weeks or so i was so miserable all the time and just wanted to... stop. it’s hard to explain, but one day i got up in the morning and knew that i was just tired of all this, tired of stagnating in the same place and tired of being miserable all the time, and maybe i couldn’t get rid of my depression but at the very least i had to try. if i was able to convey any of that through izuku’s conversation with yagi, then i’m satisfied. thank you!!
Anonymous said: Thank you for sharing your writing with us
and thank you for appreciating it! <3
@chocowl​ said:  From start to end this was a rly good chap. The recovery process, the relationships, and everything else was so good. I esp liked how Izuku mobilised his network and how Katsu got some Consequences. And Mitoki... much gold as always! Altogether: thank you for this journey! I loved it and i love you for creating such amazing content. Ihope you have an amazing day and time! :) xoxo
(sorry i split up your asks into two different posts! categorization purposes...)
i’m really glad you enjoyed that!! i worked so hard on the emotional atmosphere of this chapter, haha. glad to see it paid off. <3 <3 thank you for all your feedback, too, and also the really nice art you’ve made for me!
Anonymous said: someone made a pinterest board for The Fic! it looks p small rn (111 pins?) but its kinda cute
i don’t have a pinterest account so sadly i can’t zoom over and check it out, but wow... i’m really honored!! thank you for letting me know! 
Anonymous said: later, when Eri comes in- what would happen if byggualom!izuku was shot by Eri's quirk-removing drug? everyone's expecting something to happen but Izuku would be fine, considering he has no quirk (as far as he knows?)
muscular used izuku’s body to smash a concrete sidewalk into smithereens and izuku didn’t have so much as a scratch, one of the quirk-removing drugs’ bullets wouldn’t even have a chance. so actually, everyone’s question would be “what the hell is up with your skin” 
anyways, if you’re wondering if we’ll ever get a reveal, don’t worry. it’s coming. :^)
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bun-nanami ¡ 8 years ago
Happy happy birthday I wish the best to you. Happy happy birthday may all your dreams come true.
Thank you !! I hope so too ;v;
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mechaseraph ¡ 6 years ago
From what you post shin buddy fight seems really interesting but I haven’t seen the earlier seasons so I just wanted to know if you think I’ll be ok just diving into it or if I need to watch earlier seasons first.
It’s not connected plot-wise to previous seasons at all, just got some characters from it with very minor roles, so yeah it’s fully ok. I myself saw only like er 15? if not less eps of Buddyfight 100 long time ago and yet it doesn’t bothers me when I watch new season. 
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dollarstorevampire ¡ 5 years ago
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@thesammel @slightlyobssesive @ifeelasongcomingon @reasgan @label-maker-of-doom
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river-gremlin ¡ 5 years ago
Tagged by @primeministerofantarctica! Thanks dude!
Three Ships:
- Oikawa / Iwaizumi from Haikyuu
- Tsumugi / Tasuku
- Izumi / women, because please
Last Song: Es no Yuutsu because it's a bop
Last Movie: Spirited Away
Currently Reading: Pride and Prejudice! (Still so dang relevant. Men really do have the audacity.)
Currently Watching: Nothing at the moment but I recently caught up with The Good Place.
Currently Consuming: Are we talking food?? Media??? 'Cause I just finished a tasty ass nectarine but I've been playing Stardew Valley for like a week straight lol.
Currently Craving: Oh god. So much. Japanese curry from my favorite restaurant. Bubble tea. Pumpkin scones. Stop me. Stop me now I could go on.
Tagging: @julias-cherry-garden and @slightlyobssesive (feel free to message me if you don't wanna be tagged for these in the future btw)
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cledubs ¡ 5 years ago
mutuals as black friday!
Ethan: @ethanmanion (Obviously)
Lex: @ifeelasongcomingon
Hannah: @fandomgirl517517
Tom: @slightlyobssesive
Becky: @im-a-boss-not-an-idea-guy-paul
Wiggly: @reasgan
Gary: @mooooooosicals
Linda: @usagichanp
John: @r-we-taire-yet
Howard: @me
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homosandhomies ¡ 4 years ago
Thank you @grassberry639​ for tagging me!
10 songs meme
Rules: You can usually tell a lot about a person by the type of music they listen to! Put your playlist on shuffle and list the first 10 songs. No skipping! (I’ll be skipping any artist that comes up twice because boring)
1. Bye Bye Bye / I Want It That Way - Glee Cast
2. After Ever After - Jon Cozart
3. Blue - Heathers the Musical
4. Morning Glow - Pippin (revival)
5. A Tight-Knit Family / Love Is Blind - Falsettos (revival)
6. LA Devotee - Panic! at the Disco
7. I’m In Love With My Car - Queen
8. Set Fire to the Rain - Adele
9. When There Was Me and You - High School Musical
10. We Love the Prince! - Spies Are Forever
Yeah... this explains a lot about me.
7 Albums Meme
Rules: Make an image HERE of your top 7 albums, just type in the name and select the alb. This can be too 7 of all time or this year or whatever you like.
This was so hard, and it changes every single second, so...
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check in meme
1. How has your day been?
It’s been... good? I went to play rehearsal and one of my scene partners didn’t show up because of hockey, so that pissed me off. Also, we open in a week and we AIN’T ready. So that’s terrifying. But my grandparents came over for dinner, so that’s fun.
2. What’s the last thing that made you smile?
Earlier tonight, my Grandma called Trump an asshole. I never hear her swear, so that was really funny.
3. What’s keeping you entertained these days?
Umbrella Academy, Hinny fanfiction (go follow displayheartcode on ao3!), YouTube. The usual.
4. If you’re in some kind of quarantine/self-isolation what do you hope to achieve in this time?
I'm not in isolation anymore, but I wanna finish writing a Sanders Sides fanfic I just started working on!
5. Post selfie, if you’re comfortable doing so:
Here's my forehead:
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phone images meme
1. Phone Background:
(It's Roger Taylor lol)
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2. Last Song:
We Love the Prince! - Spies Are Forever
3. Last Photo I Saved:
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@eggo-mini-pancakes @youneedjesus01 @itisokaytobesadsometimes @pro-choice-tortoise @slightlyobssesive @sandersstudies @gleeincorrectquotes @kfriedrice @kurthummeldeservesbetter @champeeen
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thecrabbybarista ¡ 5 years ago
Thank you so much @slightlyobssesive for posting this on ao3! Here's the first chapter of my Moth!Paul fic!
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destiny-islanders ¡ 6 years ago
Concept Star Scourge Soranort
The world would just implode
(May have done a double take and snorted on my drink looking at your icon. Forgot you were using that and it’s honestly glorious bwahahahahaha)
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moiraimuerto ¡ 3 years ago
Thanks for the tag @blue-haired-heathen!!! Now onto the questions
Last song I listened to: Not even sure. Most likely Snakes by PVRIS and MIYAVI because this song has been in my head ever since Arcane came out
Last Show I Watched: The Dragon Prince, in anticipation for Season 4. So excited!
Last Book I Read: ...Does fanfiction count? If not, I'm pretty sure it was Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell, but don't quote me on that
Currently Reading: ...I'm just gonna link fanfiction this time. Unfocused by Lisarosaria on AO3. I am in love with it, but I'm only 3/4ths of the way done!
Current Obsession: Halloween. I know it hasn't even hit fall yet, but I am tempted to get Halloween themed decorations for my dorm room to use for the entire year. If we wanna get a little more specific, Monster High has grabbed me by the throat and I am suffering(?)
Tagging @grim-ghastly @mizu1001 @jittersbug @aquathunder (sorry for tagging you twice) @slightlyobssesive!!!! Love seeing you guys in my notes and stuff and wanted to pass around the love <3
Nine people that I wanna get to know better!
Thank you so much for tagging me @xthescarletbitch 🖤 so sweet of you!
Last song: What You Will Leave Behind(End Titles) it’s from a game I still really need to play called “Spiritfarer”
Last show: The Owl House, 10/10 would recommend. It’s sooo cute!!
Currently watching: I have a few, I’m rewatching both Legend Of Korra and Heavens Offical Blessing, then Tom and Jerry for whitenoise while I sleep. 😂
Currently reading: Anything fan fiction honestly.
Current obsession: Anything to do with these women! Abby Anderson, f!Eivor, Kassandra, Korra, Vi, Sevika, and f!Dani cause I’m gay as fuck!🖤❤️💜
How is Far Cry 6 by the way, I’ve never played Far Cry but I’m obsessed with F!Dani… >>
Tagging(sorry if you already got tagged🥲)
@hotxcheeto @kassandras-one-braincell @blkdyke @danicruel @heartfairy @badasserywomen @purplesunrisefanfic @randomwritingguy @booppooo
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cledubs ¡ 5 years ago
Mutuals as tgwdlm!
Paul: Me
Emma: @mooooooosicals
Bill: @lavender-and-honey-tea
Ted: @slightlyobssesive (I have no clue why lmao)
Charlotte: @ifeelasongcomingon (Idk)
Hidgens: @ethanmanion
Alice: @fandomgirl517517
Deb: @im-a-boss-not-an-idea-guy-paul
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destiny-islanders ¡ 7 years ago
I was wondering if I could use that picture of Bambi spitting up health orbs as my icon. I'd credit you of course and I completely understand if you say no. I just wanted to ask
Omg hahahahahahaha
Of course you can use it. Thank you for asking! :D
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cledubs ¡ 5 years ago
Mutuals as Six!
Aragon: @slightlyobssesive (idk parent energy)
Boleyn: @reasgan
Seymour: Me.
Cleves: @im-a-boss-not-an-idea-guy-paul
Howard: @batsbatsbatsbatsbatsss
Parr: @ifeelasongcomingon
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