A gentle reminder for systems with severe trauma:
It’s okay to exist in spaces meant for systems, even if other systems’ trauma is not the same as yours.
It’s okay if you know your trauma was severe but dissociative barriers prevent you from knowing details or being able to name exactly what happened.
It’s okay if you struggle to relate to other systems who do not have the same trauma as you.
It’s completely valid to choose to share your trauma in safe spaces, as long as you follow the rules laid out to keep that space safe (i.e. TWs/spoilers)
It’s completely valid to choose not to share your story online or even acknowledge online that your experience constitutes as “severe.”
Posts showing support for systems “without severe trauma” or whose trauma “wasn’t ‘that bad’” do not invalidate your trauma. You are valid.
It’s okay if you’re not as high-functioning as other systems seem to be. (And remember — the internet version of someone doesn’t usually show an accurate picture of someone’s struggles)
It’s okay if you’re really high-functioning when the world seems to think you shouldn’t be. Your trauma, your system, and your experiences are valid.
Having a very large or polyfragmented system is valid. Having a smaller system is valid. Not knowing the size of your system is valid.
Struggling with severe symptoms is really hard and even when you’re dealing with that, I see you, I hear you, I believe you.
It’s okay if you do not have the bandwidth to support other systems or hear their trauma history, even if their experiences are different.
It is not your job to educate people on severe trauma unless you choose to make it your job. Do not let anyone else assign that task to you.
It’s okay to feel left out, forgotten, or invalidated seeing posts circulating that leave you out specifically. Your feelings matter. Others have their posts. This is yours.
I believe you. I wish you healing. You deserve help. You can get through this.
Please drink some water, put on your favorite shirt, look for shapes in clouds, or do something else that makes you feel present and safe. You deserve to feel present and safe.
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Our fatigue is extremely bad right now. We have to sit in front of the stove to make breakfast. A part accidentally revealed something last night and our progs are heavily triggered due to it.
Would really appreciate some care and cute pictures.
#programmed system#ramcoa#ramcoa survivor#ramcoa system#hc did#programmed alter#programmed did#tbmc survivor#🪞
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hey fun fact did you know that if you're on the schizophrenia spectrum, have psychosis, have psychotic symptoms or traits, etc, that you're loved and your symptoms and traits should not be vilainized or seen as evil or ugly?
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Ok I did the thing
Don't look at it too hard
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Hermes said “remember every trick in your domain for this” thinking Odysseus would be tricky, and forgot that Odysseus is also a fighter and woke up choosing violence
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[PT: Choose 5 songs in your playlist and make a poll out of them:]
Tagging @starencrustedtinfoil and anyone else who wants to do it! No pressure; though!! /gen ❤️
#epic the vengeance saga#epic the musical#epic the wisdom saga#epic the thunder saga#programmed system#ramcoa#ramcoa survivor#ramcoa system#hc did#tbmc survivor#programmed alter#programmed did#tag game#🪞#special interest tag
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One of our progs got triggered, and as a result our system is entirely different from the way it normally is. It’s terrifying and change is horrible.
#ramcoa survivor#ramcoa system#ramcoa#tbmc survivor#tbmc#programmed system#programmed did#programmed alter
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genuinely if you're running a trauma survivor bait account what the fuck are you doing. using survivors' trauma against them, making survivors' lives harder, and making it harder to be believed when we speak up about it, it makes me sick. this is beyond fucked up.
it's a new low even for the pit of acid that's on fire that's syscourse. this is just cruel and vile. I would say do some introspection and change for the better, but I struggle to believe there's something worth salvaging in these people. get the fuck out of trauma survivor spaces, delete all your social media and get some help.
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"I'm transramcoa 🥺🥺🥺🥺" If you went through even a FRACTION of what I fucking went through you wouldn't be saying that shit. Why do you people want to be a survivor???? you don't want the somatic flashbacks, the constant reminders, the programming, the pain that my body will always be in, the survivors guilt, the trafficking, the fucking torture and so much more. You should be fucking ashamed of yourself.
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Dear "transRAMCOA" freaks and their supporters:
Our experiences aren't yours to claim. Claiming experiences that don't belong to you trivializes the suffering of actual survivors. If you actually understood what this was, you wouldn't want it. You wouldn't have lasted a day in our shoes. Shame on you for participating in this. Go get a real hobby and get the fuck out of my tags.
Also, you now owe $500 to every survivor who's had to witness your bullshit. Pay up or die <3
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Do you have any resources for RAMCOA? Resources for like...the types of programs and stuff like that. We're going through things and trying to research and pinpoint things, but finding resources has been absolute hell. If you get this twice, I'm sorry. Our tumblr is kind of shit.
Hello! I have several resources that I think may be helpful to you:
This document (LINK) of "rare programs" and their descriptions, posted by @killercatboys.
Chapters 4 and 7 of Becoming Yourself by Alison Miller (LINK) discuss programming and chapter 7 includes an anecdote with specific programs and definitions. The entire book is really a great read and is geared towards survivors of RAMCOA, just be sure to take it slow and take care of yourself.
Common Programs Observed in Survivors of Satanic Ritualistic Abuse by David W. Neswald (LINK) - massive trigger warning for suicide, self-harm, and abuse.
Spin Programming: A Newly Uncovered Technique of Systematic Mind Control by John D. Lovern (LINK) - includes symptoms, implementation, and uses of spin programs; trigger warning for abuse/torture methods.
Healing the Unimaginable by Alison Miller (LINK) is geared towards therapists and professionals and includes more in-depth information about RAMCOA than Becoming Yourself does. Again, massive trigger warning throughout the book for RAMCOA.
Kinds of Torture Endured in Ritual Abuse and Trauma-Based Mind Control by Ellen P. Lacter (LINK) - partial list of torture methods used in RAMCOA; trigger warning for abuse, near-death, and torture.
Mind Control: Simple to Complex by Ellen P. Lacter (LINK) - describes twelve "stages" of mind control and programming, going from outward compliance to torture/trauma-based mind control; trigger warning for descriptions of abuse.
Some Indicators of Trauma-Based Mind Control Programming by Ellen P. Lacter (LINK) provides common indicators of TBMC; most survivors of programming will have many of these indicators, but their presence does not prove the existence of TBMC and their absence does not prove that one has not experienced TBMC.
Adult and Adolescent Indicators of Ritual Trauma by Ellen P. Lacter (LINK) provides indicators of ritual abuse in teens and adults; as with the last bullet point, their presence does not prove ritual abuse and their absence does not disprove it.
Child Indicators of Ritual Abuse Trauma in Play and Art by Ellen P. Lacter (LINK) provides potential indicators of ritualized abuse in children and pre-teens; as with the previous two bullet points, their presence does not prove ritual abuse and their absence does not disprove it.
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I will never understand people who sit there and say RAMCOA isn’t real. You’re telling me, Ritual Abuse isn’t real. Mind Control isn’t real. Organized abuse isn’t real. All these methods of grooming aren’t real???? Are you serious??? Like you sound fucking stupid genuinely.
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Shout out to...
introject heavy systems
systems with no introjects
polyfragmented systems
pw-OSDD or PDID and any other overlooked CDD system
systems with low headcounts
systems with high headcounts
RAMCOA systems
programmed systems
TBMC systems
OEA systems
systems that live in poverty
systems that have no irl or online friends
systems that need more support than their peers
cluster A systems
cluster B systems
cluster C systems
ALL systems. this list hardly encapsulates all the different systems. we should be uplifting and supporting eachother in spite of everything.
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If one more person says RAMCOA is a conspiracy theory, that my lived, VILE life altering, world-shattering, body breaking experience is a “conspiracy theory”!!!??!
Glad you have lived such a sheltered life to have the luxury of it all….
Fuck off
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[Text: This alter is having a hard time fighting against their programs.]
[small text: exclusive to programmed systems]
Like/Reblog if you save or use
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I'm having a bit of a normal one tonight so
• shoutout to hc-did systems who don't have a fucking clue what all their programs are or how exactly they work or how they're triggered and may constantly be living like they're walking on eggshells.
• shoutout to hc-did systems who have no fucking idea what the full extent of their trauma is and are terrified to figure out more and/or want to learn everything that happened so badly.
• shoutout to hc-did systems who don't know or understand everything about their innerworld. fuck it shoutout to hc-did systems who just Don't Know in general!
• shoutout to hc-did systems who don't have any "real" or "physical" proof of their ramcoa besides their own memories.
• shoutout to hc-did systems whos perpetrators never got a lick of punishment for what they did to you or others.
• shoutout to hc-did systems who actively want or are trying to get their perpetrators punished for what they did.
• shoutout to hc-did systems who can't have their perpetrators punished for what they did.
• shoutout to hc-did systems who might still be in danger. real or perceived.
this ramcoa shit is so confusing and exhausting and horrible and lonely and fucking (re)traumatizing and it's so hard. i'm tired I just want people to believe me sometimes but how much do I believe other people believe me when I share the sheer horrors that rear their ugly heads in our mind. from alters popping up or a memory just appearing out of nowhere to just whole somatic flashbacks. how much can we take? how much DID we take?
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