#that and survive finals lmao
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moireia · 1 year ago
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lost and led by stars — the titles of alyssa snow
"I’ve been given many titles throughout my life. Bastard, Lady, Princess. I have no desire to add Queen amongst them." —Alyssa Martell, 302 AD (inspo)
taglist ✨: @dragonsbone @lorettastwilight @dio-nysvs @julianblackthcrns @arrthurpendragon @endless-lilach @drbobbimorse @luucypevensie @the-witching-ash @megdonnellys @emilykaldwen @ocappreciationtag want to be added/removed? click here!
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graveyardcuddles · 8 months ago
Astarion when you call him out on his manipulation: "Oh hehe I know, I'm just soooo silly throwing those three little words around, aren't I? But it can be true for...if only for tonight...😏" (Is being eaten alive by guilt and shame).
The Emperor when you call him out on his manipulation: "Be grateful I don't fucking end you right here and now."
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arataka-reigen · 10 months ago
People who have understanding of League of Legends lore. Any ideas how the people of the council can survive Jinx's bomb?
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azaracyy · 1 year ago
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✦ gods of mischief ✦ digimon survive week 2024 day 3: other digi- er, kemonogami
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hungergameshyperfixation · 3 months ago
I had a very vivid dream last night that I HAD a copy of SotR early (like they did an early release so that people can read it ON March 18th—dream logic) and it had like a safety paper saying “don’t read yet/spoil it” with The Image of Suzanne Collins and like a message from her. I didn’t read it in the dream but Dream Logic had me know that it was like a message about SotR and some of her feelings about it/thoughts on the process.
Then I had the realization that I had the book in my hands! So naturally I peaked past the warning page and it had a map of Panem.
This was a dream so it didn’t look much at all like North America, but kind of like a deformed Australia with like a peninsula that would’ve been Mexico. There was also like a little packet of something in the book—like an extra goodie that comes with special release items I guess.
and in my dream I was literally like the only one who dared open it and get a glimpse and was able to share my findings with the world. And everyone clapped
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russell-crowe · 4 months ago
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Rhod Gilbert: A Pain in the Neck for SU2C (2023)
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ipatrichor · 5 months ago
dead boy detectives episode seven thoughts
hey what if i cried. what if I lay down on the floor and curled up in a ball and wept and wailed my little heart out?? what then???
ohhh my god. oh my god. i've said like twice now that this show keeps giving me everything i've ever wanted but it just keeps being true!!! i'm going to sob how does every episode just keep getting better How do the writers know exactly what i want and then do it better than i thought of are they in my head??? oh my godddd this episode was devastating
hey i'm gonna cry. what do you mean edwin died scared and alone so he made sure charles didn't. that's devastating actually!!! he died in the dark and he was scared and he had no one, so he brings charles a lamp and answers his questions about ghosts and reads him a detective story with silly voices. what the hell that's so. i do not have words for this it hits so deeply!!! edwin is so deeply kind in a way that doesn't always come across because he's also a prickly bitch, and i love him so much holy shit
hell was genuinely so unsettling what the fuck. the spider MADE OF DOLL HEADS(??!!!?!?!?!?!) was bad enough, but it was such an incredibly good choice to have it appear empty on the way in and only be able to see all the suffering on the way out. it really upped the creep factor in the first part, and then really made the escape feel frenzied. very well done!! the imagery was insane, i really Believed that this was Actual Hell
actually on that point. there was one detail that meant so so much to me, in a way i'm not quite sure how to explain but will give my best effort. after edwin's conversation with simon, after they reach some kind of closure, the blue light implying that simon is able to move on in some way and maybe leave hell... if someone wasn't raised christian & subsequently deconverted idk if that stands out to anyone else, but. okay basically there's a conversation about how hell, by definition, cannot be just because it's infinite punishment for a finite crime. and that wasn't necessarily the point of the scene, but as someone who's been doing a lot of unpacking stuff around this recently it just. it hit hard man. in a good way! that scene actually means so much to me... god this whole episode is fantastic
crystal confronting daniel!!! my god i am so proud of our girl!!! yess take your agency back and regain control of your life!!!!! also jenny frequently being annoyed by crystal but still following her to a spooky abandoned area with a knife just so she won't have to face her abusive ex alone... god i love jenny. like yeah she's abrasive and kinda a dick but also she truly cannot stop herself from providing support to these two weird as hell teenagers living above her shop.
AND NIKO!!!! god niko was absolutely brilliant this episode... absolutely the mvp of the entire show goddamn, she really read the rules and made that the night nurse's problem <3 i love that for her so much. however i will say something has been worrying me. that magic 8 ball that's supposed to tell you when you're going to die has apparently been consistently saying 'outlook not good' and it's been mentioned twice now. and given that this show doesn't establish things like that and let them go to waste... i am Concerned. not to mention, the scene where it was her and the night nurse talking about zombies?? like idk it could be nothing!!! but also that is classic foreshadowing so i am simply concerned!!!
alright i got most of the immediate thoughts CONFESSION SCENE. HOLY SHIT. okay so i know i'm not super into confessions and i tend to nitpick when fictional characters behave certain ways pertaining to romance depending on whether the narrative promotes it or not (yes, i have a complicated relationship with romance, it came free with the demiromanticism. but also my partner is amazing so if written characters aren't that's just kinda a skill issue? lol). ANYWAY. this scene though was amazing. edwin tells charles how he feels, putting no pressure on charles to respond or feel the same. and charles clearly isn't sure how he feels- it doesn't seem like he's ever thought of edwin in that way before, and he's awkward about it but still assures edwin that even if he doesn't know if he can return those feelings, edwin is still incredibly important to him and nothing's gonna change that.
god it's just. such a good way to handle that scene!! literally everything i hoped for ^^ even if charles doesn't feel the same (which i didn't think he would given they've been hinting at romance with crystal and not building romantic feelings towards edwin the same way they've been building edwin's feelings for him but as always who knows) he still reaffirms how much he cares about edwin, because like i've been saying they're the most important person to each other and it truly does not matter if it's platonic or romantic!!!
i also love how well this lined up with established characterization haha. like, of course charles made a deal with the night nurse and leaped into hell headfirst and alone to rescue edwin, he's impulsive even when he isn't emotionally compromised and he'd never abandon his best mate. of course niko tries to connect with the people around her and ends up being incredibly helpful with a unique insight, that's what she's been doing this whole time! of course crystal runs off to find her own way to hell after being stopped from accompanying charles, she hates feeling useless and consistently endangers herself for the sake of her friends. of course edwin tries to convince simon to escape hell with him, he's heartbreakingly good and has spent the whole show trying to help people no one else can. it's all so... god, they are who they are and i love them so much
anyway i will leave u all with a funny thought i had. i haven't engaged with the fandom outside of my pal noble sorry if this is a joke everyone is already making
the cat king: i'll be here waiting when he escapes hell again, god i'm such a romantic meanwhile, charles breaking into hell:
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amebelladonna · 3 months ago
Oath of the Christmas Presents
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In honor of me beating Azure Moon (now excuse me while I cope with some jolly holiday cheer)
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kindred-spirit-93 · 3 months ago
Does this mean you’re done with exams? I’m so excited for you!!! I know how hard you’ve been working:)
aw tysm!!! ur so kind i honestly dont deserve my beloved moots <3
today was my midterm and next week i have a final lol, and then a few more weeks of studying and another pair of exams in january :')
taking a smol break today to recover bc i have a long week ahead of me lol :D
here have a muffin :3
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shadowglens · 4 months ago
i made it out of the cc 😍
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faunabel · 7 months ago
i've been dying to share what i've been up to in minecraft btw. long post warning!! spoilers for minecraft i guess
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so i found a bunch of black stuff in a cave, and when i looked it up, everyone just said to RUN 😭 terrifying
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there was also an ancient city which i decided to go to eventually but when The Warden came out i panicked and left. luckily a big waterfall spawned right next to the ancient city so i just swam up it and left. i should go back soon tho... i was pissed off actually bc even tho i placed wool everywhere, merely jumping set the alarms off!! why!! all i did was jump on a block of wool!!!
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i also built a cool house :3 i might add stairs to the roof. undecided.
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i did a good job on the roof tho! i think playing the sims has paid off.
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a cool attic for storage (i need more cobwebs though)
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with my fun enchantment setup (don't ask me how many cows i murdered for it... i still feel bad)
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i also made a bedroom! that has a basement with furnaces and more storage
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made a dock in my backyard
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made a dance hall for my allays but they all got lost in a cave. which is ok with me because they got kind of annoying after a while.
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made a neat bridge with another dock! the dock is only there bc i miscounted by one when placing the pillars and didnt wanna redo them all.
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also built a coop for my chickens :D
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and the lead on the wandering trader's llamas broke so they're mine now. i bred them but the baby despawned fr some reason :( the donkey baby i bred also despawned :(
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also found this super cool bow from fishing! i just wanted infinity because i was having trouble getting flint but i got so much more. (enchanted it from iv to v myself tho)
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blueberrypie20 · 7 months ago
"What'll happen to your ocs after the final battle???"
I have only two OCs so it'll be easy for now XD. info under the cut!
Jun'ichi: He fights and beheads Nakime, but his heart nearly stops, he has a freefall and crashes into the floor with sm scars already, so he leaves the infinity castle but REAL HARMED. Manages to fight Muzan (even stabs one of his hearts out! Revenge for Tae-Jun 😋) and falls in a comatose right after sunrise (his heart nearly stopped again in there. XD). He's unconscious for more than half a year. He lives on, with his illness cured, but loses his vision completely due to detachment of the retina and has many many scars all over his torso and body.
Roqia: She fights douma, however loses an arm. Leaves the IC but loses her other arm to Muzan and he later beheads her. She didn't have time to bid anyone goodbye and everyone gets sad by reading the note she left in her uniform in case she died :( (she gives her belongings to people she likes. Her ring & earrings go to Makoto ☆)
@larz-barz @iincogneeto @love-stvrs @pinkwisteria @misty-sees-you
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hourglass-meadow · 1 year ago
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tough luck, slugcat!
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chroniclesmacaque · 1 year ago
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I'm the one who's been useless
[Image id: a digital sketch of Kayama Shuuji and Lopmon from Digimon Survive. The style resembles charcoal on toned paper. Shuuji is on his knees, cradling a beaten Lopmon in his lap. One hand strokes its ear. His eyes are hidden behind his glasses, but tears are falling down his face and onto Lopmon.]
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elecman108 · 3 months ago
I agree with you about Capcom bringing Nash back for SF6! I even made a post in my Threads account about him if Bison comes back, then there is a chance he might return! Please Capcom! Bring my boy back in the series! You been neglecting him for far too long!
I could go on about how I think they could bring Nash back in SF6 for AGES. The sheer fact that F.A.N.G. lived and is in SF6 (Fang Fei/Foo, A.K.I.'s master) makes me think that Nash probably survived his bout with Bison in some degree and could come back but there's so many ways they can go about it they could make it really insane if they wanted to.
They could have the Secret Society/Illuminati revive him again to use as an agent to gain ground against Shadaloo and potentially leverage Gill/the Society into higher threat standing (villain).
They could tie Darkstalkers semi-into Street Fighter and say that the Nash we would see is him after escaping the Makai and give him some more wacky magic-like powers (and give Darkstalkers fans like myself some more crumbs to survive on for a while lol).
They could lean into the Nash/Shadow setup from Marvel vs. Capcom and say that Shadaloo had/has him and the Nash we get to see is totally brainwashed into servitude by Bison or has escaped his brainwashing but like Cammy has no memories of his past. Or hell, just bring 'Shadow' back and it's just Nash but under a different name with different goals in mind!
But those are just my ideas after all.
Capcom needs to give us Nash STAT. I need to see my boy again!
(Also as an aside I love your art <3 )
#I'd love to know more about your ideas on how Nash could return ladydbzelle btw! <3#the disappointment speaks#not me going off on a tangent about ideas for how capcom can put nash in a game lol.#give! me! more! of! my! boy!#we cannot just have nash appear in like 2 canonical stories (sfa3's ending for him being non canon) and in both he fucking dies like come o#like bosht is dead in canon we see him die and he dead fr after the explosion because he's crispy#its heavily implied that akuma finally killed gen in sf5 too but its not explicitly stated its very clear he should be dead#nash? there was a big energy explosion and his dog tags he wasnt wearing fell to the ground#we see no corpse... unless we include 'living' nash as a corpse haha lol undead guy joke#so by technicality and the fact that nash said his body was deteriorating which I think is kind of strange given bison can revive with ease#like bison's revivals are stunted by his psycho power if I recall correctly. nash has the opposite of that in sf5#if anything by that logic nash should be immortal but instead he's dying rapidly? seems odd#my thought from other game logic is nash is either not nash but rather some 'Eleven' type entity disguised as nash and has no idea#or like a poorly made clone using old dna from nash's body that was deteriorating rapidly due to that fact.#or maybe it was nash but he didn't die completely in the explosion of energy but rather was severely injured and on death's door again#either way our boy aint dead until capcom shows me his corpse#also I want to see how guile would react to see his dead buddy again after he dies for the second time. lets make it a third. come on.#it could be so funny capcom you have no idea.#I went off in the tags lmao I should stop yakking and get to doing other things lmao#I may just be caught up on F.A.N.G. somehow surviving getting his ass beat TWICE in quick succession and falling AND the collapse of Shadal
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galpalaven · 6 months ago
Having feelings about my Azem and her death at the hands of the Third and Final Doom to buy the world time to summon Zodiark, even though she hated it, because they needed a plan and someone needed to do something
The sun, torn from the heavens, devoured by the night… eclipsed, extinguished, lost…
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