#chocolate sherbet recipe
bakermia · 6 months
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Frozen Dessert - Easy Chocolate Sherbet Sherbet? Chocolate? Sounds weird but tastes delicious. It's something really luxurious for chocolate lovers. Serve garnished with mint leaf, orange peel strips, or strawberries.
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yeslioness · 11 months
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Easy Chocolate Sherbet Sherbet? Chocolate? Sounds weird but tastes delicious. It's something really luxurious for chocolate lovers. Serve garnished with mint leaf, orange peel strips, or strawberries.
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littlbowbub · 1 year
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Available to download on Patreon
Release Dates:
Choco Puds - 04.08 Mini Puds - 11.08 Bow Puds - 18.08 Public - 25.08
This might also be a good time to mention some previous 'horsey' themed foods! 
🦄 Unicorn cakes - pink flowers & sherbet and some Unicorn potato shapes 
Party set contains:
horse cake 4 variants (chocolate, white chocolate, toffee, dark chocolate) (dessert, cooking level 7)
horseshoe cupcakes (dessert, cooking level 4)
horse cake pops (dessert, cooking level 4)
finger food (appetiser)
sandwiches (appetiser)
All recipes are:
base game
available in restaurants
ingredients optional
831 notes · View notes
mageathenaeum-hl · 10 months
Let Me Be the One to Save You
Summary: Garreth reflects on a year having past since he'd met the Hero of Hogwarts, and struggles with his ever developing feelings. He goes out foraging one morning, unaware of just how indispensable his existence is about to become for MC.
Rating: T Status: unfinished/draft Word count: 5677
Tags: unnamed MC, POC MC, seemingly unrequited love, pining, jealousy, blood and injuries
Happy Weasley Wednesday! ❤️
Garreth really tried not to think about her. Not about her long, lush curls of ebony hair which bounced when she walked, light and springy like weightless cotton, reaching all the way down to her hips. Not about her chocolate coloured, smooth skin, nor piercing russet eyes that seemed to burn constantly with an intimate fire whenever she would look at him. 
Not about the way the twilight that was her general appearance, the epitome of a night sky absent of stars, paired so well with the Gryffindor reds and goldens she always wore, making her the very image of fiendfyre and coal, of power and vigour. 
He had no right to allow his eyes to wander to her in class, covertly tracing her figure below her robes, or his ears to tune into the pleasant melody of her voice when she would speak with her friends in the common room, muting all other background murmur, and lulling him in an odd, sleepy trance. 
Just because she had helped him once or twice with gathering his ingredients. 
Just because she had never said a word of dismissal of himself, or his ideas, thus opening up an entirely private floodgate of deeply buried insecurities, and baseless hopes for acceptance. 
Just because she was the only one to encourage his potion making, and endeavoured to brainstorm with him on his recipes on occasion, despite not being of much help, even going as far as to consult with some of her Ravenclaw friends, and Professor Sharp and Madam Scribner both for resources. 
A scarce few episodes of receiving a miniscule amount of unassuming kindness could not be all it took for him. Seriously. 
Why the faculty found her more agreeable than himself, even though he always tried to be friendly and amiable, he could guess, but it vexed him regardless of the reasons. It vexed him that she succeeded where he failed, always. Even his aunt Matilda seemed to like her more than him, her own nephew. (Granted, one of many, but still.) 
She was a beast on a broom, both in class and on the Quidditch field. A master duelist too, the likes of which not even Sebastian Sallow had a chance of beating. The pride of Gryffindor House, that one. 
Speaking of Sebastian Sallow. He was often with her, and so was his closest chaperone, Ominis of the infamously prestigious House of Gaunt. Garreth did not know the two well; just as classmates at best. They had barely exchanged a few sentences between themselves over the years. 
Sallow and Gaunt appeared to Garreth sometimes like her footmen, other times like her bodyguards, though he highly doubted she had needed any, probably ever. At yet other times, the three seemed close-knit friends, bonded in spite of the intensive house rivalry and other obvious societal differences within a relationship built on mutually private secrets and inside jokes. 
Others flocked around her too, almost like wasps around a glass of sherbet, hoping for a taste of the sugary drink that was her good favour. There would have been more of them no doubt, had she been pureblood and pale as well, on top of her heroism, charisma, and the fame she had garnered during her first year at Hogwarts (ironically as a fifth year student). Her connections and strength alone lured purists like Duncan Hobhouse and Malfoy to at least take a passing interest, if nothing else then out of sheer curiosity. 
The sweetest flytrap, that one. 
The sheer volume of male company in particular got a little less the closer she had grown to Sallow, however, and this too vexed Garreth, almost equally as much. It irritated him that he had evidently been grouped with the others, even though he was sure he was not on their level. 
He was not as vile and superficial as many of them had been, nor did he behave as such. No, what he felt for her was more on the level of admiration, or adoration, patterned with envy – sentiments the likes of which would fit in a book similar to that of Rumi’s poetry. 
If he allowed himself to write poetry, or if he had even been any good at it. 
So, Garreth tried not to think about her. Not during the school year, and not during the summer. Not to write about her in his diary, and not to strike through any and all paragraphs of his reminiscence on her when it happened to flow out of his half-aware quill. Not to allow daydreams to encroach on his homework and his brewing, or keep him distracted from his reading, or quality time with his friends and family. 
Year Six, Semester One, a week before Halloween 
Hector told him he had been acting strange recently. Leander informed him, somewhat guardedly, that he had been oddly irritable, and asked him what had been wrong that morning during breakfast. Natsai observed him, ever since they had crossed paths in the common room earlier, with an odd sparkle in her dark eyes that seemed full of curiosity she dared not openly voice, rather opting to lie in wait for the perfect opportunity. 
He needed to get away from everyone for a while, Garreth realised with a sigh. 
She was not present at breakfast. Neither was Sallow, he noticed, despite himself. 
But Garreth did not think about it. Did not dwell on it. Not at all. 
With an empty smile and an equally empty excuse of going foraging presented to his friends and brother, he exited the Grand Hall through the closest door which led outside, and summoned his broom as soon as he was under the clear sky. 
Once mounted and off the ground, his lungs quickly filled with fresh autumn air. Scents of wet grass and leaves mixed with those of morning dew and gusts of Skiron as landscapes zipped past and below him. 
He cruised above the South Hogwarts region for a while, in the end deciding to make good of his excuse. Leaning to his dominant left, he let himself hang upside down for a while, eyes closed as he allowed his broom to sail on the air currents, taking him in any direction the wind and his mount agreed on. 
His brew of the day will depend on whatever he will end up harvesting, he supposed. 
It was cold. Not all too unpleasant. Nonetheless, he could have at least brought some gloves with him, his fingers were turning rigid. 
He exhaled. He was sure his breath was a visible steam of white, judging by the subtle wave of warmth hitting his face amid all the cool wind. 
Garreth opened his eyes slowly, at the same time reigning in his broom to fly at a slower pace. The first thing he saw was a vast expanse of murky, navy water under equally as vast a sky, considerably cloudier than what it had been when he had departed. 
He flinched when he felt something brush against the tips of his locks, quickly gathering that his hair had been hovering inches above the highest canopies of a small assortment of deciduous trees – had it caught and matted into the branches, that would have been one very abrupt and painful stop he would have made there. 
There’s one for my diary, he managed a quick half-joke with himself. 
Hastily, Garreth pulled himself up into the correct riding position, further decelerating, and lowering altitude toward an elevated clearance. He dismounted on top of a stone slab reminiscent of a picnic table of sorts. 
“Best be careful,” he noted to himself as he inhaled purposefully deeper and slower, to adjust his breath post flying. He had no idea where he had ended up. 
The landscape behind him, opposite the coastline he had initially seen, was mostly that of thin woodlands, plowable fields and gentle hillsides; man-made stone structures resembling castles could be observed further in the distance. An intense scent of saltwater lingered in his nostrils almost immediately after he had dismounted. 
Somewhere close to the sea, he concluded dumbly after a second, properly refocused on the present at the expense of Hogwarts life and that other, painful topic of human companionship or whatever, as he made his first step off the stone table, and into the picturesque nature about. 
The immediate environment was abound with bushes of Lacewing Flies and bundles of Leaping Toadstool Caps, a wild Dark Mongrel lurking among the trees here and there. (The first one had surprised him, but he was ready for the others with properly erected Protegos and subsequent Stunners.) 
Eventually, rather than go further inland, Garreth descended down a narrow, swirling path toward the beach. A decision he soon found himself almost regretting, when he stopped to consider how much colder it had been to be exposed to the open, merciless coastline wind at the tail of October. 
But fortunately, fate favours the brave. Either them, or ones of equal lack of common sense and presence of luck. And Garreth certainly got lucky, as among the many leeches to be juiced and shells to be collected and ground into fine powders later, he had stumbled on a washed up carcass of an incredibly evasive sea creature – the hippocampus. 
One in relatively good condition too. 
As sorry as he was for the beast in the moment, even taking some time to pay it its due respects and thank the gods for the unexpectedly bountiful autumnal harvest, Garreth soon enough busied himself casting Diffindo to collect on some of the hippocampus skin, flesh, and other useable parts, hurriedly storing them in conjured vials, which he deposited in his robes, the pockets of which he had had a friend magically extend before. (All illegal things Auntie Matilda had warned him were strictly forbidden outside of Hogwarts, but what she did not know could hardly hurt her, he was sure.) 
In his elated busywork, Garreth had completely forgotten both the cold, and all his troubles. He had likewise forgotten to mind his surroundings, right up until the moment someone shouted his name, breaking his focus. 
He lifted his gaze off the hippocampus carcass just in time to notice an enormous dugbog sprinting right at him, its muscley tongue dangling out of its boulder-sized maw, red eyes aglow with part killing instinct, and part sadistic joy upon the prospect of a shortly incoming feast consisting of both himself and the mountain of meat behind him. 
He was given no time to react. He had given himself no such time. 
In the next moment, the dugbog was promptly hit with a purplish white burst of magic from somewhere to Garreth’s left, the force of which sent the foul creature flying into the sea off the coast. Following the remaining gleam of the fired spell with his eyes, Garreth was immediately holding his breath anew, as he perceived the figure of the person who had saved him, and who had also shouted his name before that. 
Fiendfyre and coal. 
“You are mad, Garreth Weasley!” she bellowed as she approached in a sprint. “What on earth do you think you are doing?!” 
He had no words to respond with. His thoughts were a mess in an instant. Emotions, so bloody many of them, were stuck in his throat, threatening to spill over. He was frozen, he was boiling, he wanted to ascend, he wanted to fall into a hole, all at once. 
Did his fate favour him, or did it absolutely loathe him, he was all but sure anymore. He wished for her to have left him to die, and did not, all the same. 
“Why are you all the way out here, in Feldcroft?!” his night without stars demanded to know, exasperated with something Garreth wanted to, but dared not define as worry in her features. 
Here had been Feldcroft, after all, as she had just informed him. The home of the one and only Sebastian Sallow, he happened to know. 
And the two of them both, at the same time, had not been at breakfast that morning. The realisation seemed to sear itself into his nerves, burning white. 
“What’s it to you?” Frayed, weak words came out of Garreth’s mouth, bitter and foreign on his tongue. 
She blinked at him, unsure how to proceed in the moment. “We’re friends?!” was the reply, spoken in shaken confidence, the end of the sentence curving into a question. 
“Yes, well,” Garreth scoffed, licking his lips nervously and looking away from her, (anywhere but at her really,) “not so close friends I’m sure.” 
“Garreth!” she chided offendedly. “Listen to yourself!” 
“If you’re going to lecture me like everyone else, you are very welcome to just leave me alone.” His tone was more frigid than the late October wind blowing between them. And yet, his heart thundered, ablaze, breaking apart with every thrum. “I am grateful to you for your intervention just now, but you truly need not concern yourself with me anymore. Especially go out of your way to do so.” 
“Garreth…!” she sputtered, significantly quieter this time. From the corner of his eye, his gaze being in the moment coined to the sand in which both of their boots had been half-buried, Garreth could perceive her repeatedly clench and release her fist at her hip. 
He liked her – he admitted to himself then, for the first time in over a year he had known her. He liked her very much. But she was Sallow’s. To her, he, Garreth, had been nothing more than a friend. At best. 
“Have I done something?” he heard her whisper. The quiver in her tone lured his eyes upwards. He stopped their advance somewhere at her collarbones, hidden underneath a thick tartan scarf. A desire to gut himself open as painfully as possible overcame him when a portion of his mind, somewhere deeper, took notice of the lovely ways in which her current, tightly fitting travel attire pronounced the lush hourglass shape of her figure. 
He had no right. None at all. 
“If I’ve done something to earn your scorn, I’ll do anything…” Her breathing turned somewhat erratic; she was making long breaks, and inhaling shallowly. She fidgeted with her hands, wand dancing between her palms, and shifted her weight several times over the span of a couple short moments. 
She was panicking. But Garreth found himself only further irritated by it – if she had already secured the handsome and charismatic Sallow and the intelligent and influential Gaunt, what worth could his own friendship possibly hold for her? 
Because he was a Weasley? One of her many prosperous connections? What was the advantage to him over any of the other Wesleys, like his aunt, or his successful older brothers? Was he but a contingency in case her pureblood Slytherin friends ever decided to discard her? 
He knew he was horrible to even think of it. He was being terrible to her, unfair to her friends, whom he did not even know, outside of being casual acquaintances. But his mind was screaming at him to find something to hate about her, anything, no matter how small, to help him not crumble into dust right then and there and never recover himself. 
A shadow of a movement behind her sent all alarms in Garreth instantaneously going off. He was so stupid – utterly idiotic, to throw a tantrum and pout in a place crawling with danger, without first making sure they– she, was safe! 
Before he even knew what he was doing, he grabbed her wrist and pulled hard, throwing her, and himself protectively over her, opposite the water’s edge. 
The dugbog’s thick tongue darted right above their heads as they landed in the sand. A second of hesitation longer and their heads would have been lopped clean off, without a doubt rolling away on the shore by now. The ground rumbled as the beast started running, its cover blown and discarded. 
With a laborious cry of frustration and pent up anger, Garreth’s companion threw him off, straightening herself in an instant, and proceeding to blast the creature with a burst of pure white magic, the likes of which Garreth had never seen before. 
“I’m trying…” she grunted, hitting the creature with another pearl-coloured nonverbal spell, which this time took form of lightning, “...to have…” she levitated a stone from nearby without so much as a word of incantation, and seemingly almost no effort, “...a bloody conversation!!” 
The stone launched the dugbog backward a good two metres or so, flipping it over to its back, and splintering into pebbles in the process. 
Power and vigour. 
Garreth swallowed thickly, unsure if whatever it was that was twittering in his nerves was terror, or adoration his heart had secretly been whispering about in his subconscious for a year. He raised his own wand with an unsteady hand, but determined to aid the girl all of his affection was focused on in her fight, as he immediately took note of her now laboured breathing. 
Without question or hesitation, he steadied her with one arm, leaning her against his side just as she lost balance. A new pair of glowing red eyes emerged from the water right behind the first squirming giant. 
Garreth aimed a Depulso at the flipped dugbog, launching it back into the sea and into the other one. 
“More are coming, and you’re exhausted,” he said, internally hating himself for not having the presence of mind to register it before. “We’re retreating. Accio broom!” 
Grabbing the speeding mount mid-air with his wand hand, he quickly climbed on, scooping his companion up and positioning her securely in front of himself, then promptly taking off, leaving a dusty vortex of sand and gust in his wake – and just as good, as it was sure to disrupt the aim of the blasted creatures below. 
For the most part, his companion was steady before him, but something still seemed off about her; maybe the way her muscles were unnaturally tensing under his arms, or the way she refused to look at him, choosing to instead lock her gaze on the expanse of land directly below them as they darted over the woodlands. 
The headwind carried over the scent of her hair as its many cheerful, soft little locks beat at Garreth’s cheeks – fast-fading rose oil, and plenty of fresh pine, with hints of other flowery fragrances. 
Almost not sweet at all, and certainly nothing close to sherbet. 
Garreth swallowed thickly, gaining altitude and slowing down. He quietly set course for Hogwarts, preparing mentally for a tedious flight, as almost the entirety of it would be upwind, not to mention the extra weight of another person. 
“Land in Feldcroft, please,” his companion requested then, quiet but firm. 
Any protests that infested his mind, Garreth chose to keep to himself. His mouth was pressed in a firm, silenced line as his eyes busied with searching for the outskirts of a village he knew Feldcroft to be. 
It was not too difficult to find. He grounded the broom in the vicinity of the village well, more carefully than he normally would have had he been alone, thereby ignoring the fact that his companion had probably been a better flyer than himself in favour of basic, gentlemanly courtesy. 
And it was a good thing that he did, as apparently, she was presently not feeling like herself. The moment her feet touched the soft soil below, she stumbled to the side. Unprepared, Garreth barely managed to catch her. 
“You’re unwell,” he pointed out. His voice chose not to mask any of the worry that had clutched his heart at the sight, quite against his will. 
“I’m fine, I’m fine,” she breathed, waving her hand dismissively. “I just need some rest.” 
“Let’s get you a bed. Where are you staying? With Sallow?” Garreth’s eyebrows knitted inadvertently as he posed the question. He banished the mental image. 
“Nowhere,” she answered, breathing deeper now, and clutching at Garreth’s hand that had somehow found its way to hers, to offer support. “I’m looking for him, actually.” 
“He’s not home?” Garreth queried, somewhat surprised, but otherwise not all too interested. 
“Nor Hogwarts,” she responded. “Ominis says he hasn’t been to the dorm at all since last night, or any other of the usual places. Sent me a rather panicked Patronus in the middle of the night, asking if Sebastian had been with me.” 
Garreth banished another mental image. 
She grunted then, like one does when they are in pain, and he held her tighter, lowering her to sit on the ground, her back to the stone well. He squatted close to her, still holding her hand. 
“Have you been out all night searching for him?” he asked, disturbed to no small extent. Even if they had been lovers, that would have surely been uncalled for. Sallow also was a skilled enough duelist not to need her protection or anything. He was no child. 
(Unlike himself, clearly, his brain supplied unhelpfully.) 
She chuckled through a frown. “He has a penchant for trouble if left alone, that petulant child,” she joked. 
At least, Garreth sincerely hoped it had been a joke. 
His next question was posed carefully, laced with all the frost of the sudden realisation that washed over him when he finally noticed, being now as close as he was to her, that some of her attire had been a deeper shade of red than the rest. Particularly around the left of her abdomen, and on her sleeves. 
“Are you injured?” 
She hesitated. “A little.” She attempted an expression which only vaguely resembled a reassuring smile. “Ran out of Wiggenweld in the troll den. Got hit by something nasty by a Dark wizard on my way to the shore. But I handled him.” She sighed deeply. “Episkey won’t mend it.” 
“You’ve been running around with an open wound?!” Garreth almost shouted, growing instantly perplexed, and starting to panic. “For how long?” 
She pouted, not responding immediately. It was all the answer he had needed. Too long. 
At that moment, a voice of a middle-aged woman sounded from the side of them: “Excuse me young man, but is everything alright? I saw you two land…” 
“No, it’s not, thank you,” Garreth turned to the woman instantly, purposefully ignoring the look of ‘Do not involve others, I’ll handle it’ his companion was giving him. “Madam, do you have any Wiggenweld and Blood Replenishing Potions? Or somewhere I could brew them right now?” 
“Oh dear,” the woman straightened with evident urgency, the likes of which seemed to infect her immediately through whatever the expression in Garreth’s eyes was. “Come,” she said. “You can use a spare bed in my home. I’ll lend you a cauldron.” She produced a wand from her sleeve, and levitated the girl carefully, with a practised hand. (The latter squeaked shortly in protest at being so rudely lifted without consent.) 
“We mustn’t lose any time with injuries,” the older witch urged as Garreth got up to follow her. “Was it goblins? Or a beast?” 
“She tells me it was a Dark wizard,” Garreth answered honestly, pacing behind the woman as they all too soon reached a small run-down hut which appeared to be her home. Feldcroft sure was small. “Are you a mediwitch, Madam?” 
She tilted her head to the side to grace him with an unexpectedly pleasant smile over her shoulder as she opened the door. “Unfortunately no, but I’ve handled my fair share of wounds and lacerations. This village lost too many people last year, mostly to skirmishes with Ranrok's loyalists.” 
The girl was swiftly lowered to a bed immediately accessible upon entering. The bed itself was tucked under a staircase and facing the hearth. Their host conjured additional blankets and a dressing screen next to the bed, then stoked the sleepy embers with a quick Incendio, cast without even looking directly at the fireplace. 
“We do have some Wiggenweld on hand, but you'll have to brew the Blood Replenishing Potion, young man,” the woman told Garreth in a calm and collected tone. 
“Yes, of course,” he returned, somewhat breathless. 
“Any ingredients you need, just tell me, and myself and the neighbours will make sure to acquire some for you,” the older witch assured. 
She then turned to Garreth's companion, who was in the midst of propping herself up, and off the bed. “Now miss, please cooperate and lie back down this instant. The sooner you are comfortable, the sooner you will also be properly healed.” 
Her features were soft, but her voice was strict. Garreth was quite familiar with the sight; he had often seen both his aunt and mother take up this particular bearing to their posture, especially when they would scold him and his brothers in situations similar to this one, for being careless with their safety or health. 
The other student grumbled, but obeyed, sitting back down. 
Feeling relieved and comfortable in his decision to trust the older witch, Garreth turned to the fire to start on his own task. He grabbed a silver cauldron off the stack in the corner, and filled it with clean water via the Aguamenti spell. “Madam, may I ask where you keep your ingredients?” he began, turning around to find that both women had disappeared on the other side of the dressing screen. 
In the next moment, he heard the sound of ripping fabric, his favourite voice grunting, and the unfamiliar one sucking in air through teeth and tutting. 
Concentrate, Garreth, he scolded himself. “Madam?” 
“Sorry dear,” he heard a muffled reply from the woman. “They’re in the cabinet just behind the kitchen door.” 
The kitchen was barely a few steps away, and the door was barely a door – more so just the frame. Garreth laboured to stay focused as he tried not to listen to the older witch try several healing charms on whatever wounds the girl he fancied had sustained. The more names of spells he heard, the more worried he grew, and all the more rushed his own work became. 
Luckily, the older woman did not need to contact any of her neighbours for ingredients for the Blood Replenishing Potion. Garreth found them all in the cabinet, and carried them over all at once to have at hand by the hearth. He added one by one carefully into the boiling pot, stirring clockwise and counterclockwise as needed, and mending the fire to exactly the right temperatures for each step. 
After a while, he stripped his coat and robe. 
“Breathe deeply,” the woman was whispering, as his favourite’s breaths grew shallow. 
Garreth removed his tie, and undid a couple buttons. He stirred the cauldron. 
“Do not sleep. You must stay awake.” A sound of gentle slaps, skin on skin. “Stay awake.” 
Grunts turned into soft wails. “It’s hot…” she complained. 
“I know darling. I know,” the motherly voice was cooing. “Just a little more, and you can sleep. I promise.” 
You are mad, Garreth Weasley. He repeated the words absently, rhythmically, as he minded the potion. 
It was done, finally. All it needed now was cool. Garreth pulled the hearth hook away from the fire with his wand, and let the contents steam. He wished he could cool the potion artificially, but any such attempt would ruin it immediately. 
He stood for a prolonged second, mustering up the courage. 
“How is she,” he asked aloud, unmoving. 
For a brief while there was only silence, broken by soft wails and short and uneven breaths. Then he heard the older witch exhale heavily through her nose. 
“It seems to be some sort of curse,” she said quietly. “It prevents the wounds from closing. Spellwork is ineffective, and Wiggenweld only mends the skin for a minute or so, after which the lacerations reopen. It doesn't heal.” Another sigh. “I wish we could transfer her to St. Mungo’s, but she’s too weak for either Apparition or Floo already…” 
And then, a quiet: “Garreth…” In her voice. 
“Garreth…” louder, and a painful sob. 
Before he next blinked, his hands folded the dressing screen, and he was by her bedside. 
Gods, the state of her. The overwhelming coppery smell of fresh blood, probably until that point concealed by some obscure barrier the older witch had set up within the confines of the dressing screen and the cramped space below the staircase. All the red – on the sheets, on the conjured bandages, on the floor. Empty Wiggenweld Potion vials everywhere, by the dozen. Her dark hair, usually always light and springy, now soaked and stuck to her skin and the pillow. And her skin… Frozen deep grey, almost. It was riddled with incisions new and old. Faded scars that looked like lightning, stretching from her neck to below her stomach and under the sheets that hid her lower body, down and across her entire torso. 
What on earth had she even been through, all her life? Just how much about her did he have no idea about? 
Her biggest wound was exactly where he had expected, in her left abdomen, tightly wrapped in fresh white cloth, which was already soaking in new scarlets. 
Garreth stifled a sob, a scream, and the urge to vomit, all at once. Instead, he just took in a few forced, ragged breaths from behind his hand pressed over his mouth, and quietly knelt next to her pillow. 
“I’m here,” he was whispering. “I’m here. You’ll be okay. You will.” He swallowed thickly. “I’ll make sure.” 
His trembling hands wrapped around one of hers. She meekly squeezed back. 
“Garreth…” she panted, barely audible. Tears were streaming down the corners of her eyes, in straight lines that passed through her hairline toward her ears. “Sor…ry… I’m–” 
“Shhh…” Garreth soothed her. “Tell me later. You can tell me everything later.” He raised one hand, and carefully brushed some of her locks off her forehead. “I have some things to tell you too, later. So, you have to get through this, alright?” 
She whimpered, as if to protest, but did not attempt to speak anymore. 
The older witch approached Garreth from behind, tapping him lightly on the shoulder. “Let’s feed her some of your potion, dear,” she said, as composedly as ever, and then approached the bedridden girl to force the contents of the vial she had carried in her hand down the latter’s throat. 
Garreth watched her from his place on the floor by the bed, temporarily rendered unable to do anything. The older witch did not ask him to either, as she went back to the cauldron to refill the vial she had no doubt conjured, and fed the girl another dose. 
“I’m not sure if a double dose is the safest,” she said after a moment, “but you would agree we have little choice right now.” She sighed. “Who knows how much blood she’d lost before you arrived here.” 
For hours, there were no major changes, for better or worse. The girl drifted into a state of unawareness, then finally, to sleep. 
Garreth and the older witch administered the Blood Replenishing Potion every hour – she showed him how to do it to an unconscious person. They monitored her breathing constantly, and changed her bandages whenever they would become unable to contain the blood, vanishing the old ones, and conjuring new ones out of thin air. Bottles and vials too. 
Garreth brewed constantly. Two medium silver cauldrons of Blood Replenishment, and dozens of smaller ones of Wiggenweld. They quickly ran out of ingredients, so the witch eventually went out to speak to neighbours for help. 
Garreth would not be replaced at the hearth. Not even after several other village women arrived to further divide the labour. He needed to make sure the potions were perfect, every brew. Others tended to the patient’s wounds, gave her medicine and water, cleaned, and made food and tea for everyone else. No one witch lingered for long, but they kept coming back, in almost perfectly organised shifts. 
The women gossiped a lot. It seemed to keep them sane through both their overwhelming work and monotonous routine, as well as through the horrors the hamlet had suffered in recent years. One of them recognised Garreth’s companion as The Hero of Hogwarts. From these women, he then learned of the goblin attacks, which had almost stopped completely within the past year since Ranrok’s defeat, although they still happened on occasion as isolated incidents. He was likewise told of the feats his classmates had performed for the local community, and much of Sebastian and Anne Sallow’s childhood. 
By the evening, the little hut had cleared of visitors again. The initial host had also gone out, and Garreth was left alone with the patient, brewing another Blood Replenishing Potion. 
Lost in his thoughts as he processed all of the new information he had heard, he reached for the hearth hook with his bare hand; jumping back the next moment, he toppled over the chair which the village witches had prepared for him to sit in as he managed the potions. 
Grunting, he straightened himself on the floor; and instantly, his ears caught the sound of a soft crack beneath the weight of his right forearm. He sat up onto his shins and turned around, noticing a couple vials of his earlier harvest shattered on the floorboards – they must've spilled from the pockets of his robe, which had been thrown over the now overturned chair. Seashell fragments mixed with what seemed to be a sample of hippocampus inner flesh, probably trapezius muscle. Of course, all now covered in blood of his own. Ruined. 
Garreth sighed, his nerves too tired for him to get upset. He lifted his arm to inspect the damage to his own flesh. Fully prepared to mend the skin with Episkey and not waste any vitally needed potions on himself, he produced a handkerchief from the back pocket of his trousers, using it to remove the debris from his forearm and get a better view of the injury.
Unfinished draft
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clatterbane · 3 months
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About to try some of my own inaugural batch of homemade vanilla ice cream, made the lazy way using some of that commercial pouring custard!
Seemed like a good time now that it's firmed up well in the freezer, and my blood sugar has gone back down from a late supper.
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Made using the ice cream freezer attachment that Mr. C also decided to pick up to go with the stand mixer. We hadn't actually tried it out yet (though I had vaguely been thinking about it), until he got a brainstorm the other day and picked up some ingredients including a couple of cartons of the vaniljsås, washed the ice cream maker, and stuck the base into the freezer.
He made a smaller low effort test batch last night, using just a carton of the custard and an eyeballed splash of cream. It tasted good, if a little light on the sweetness. But, the texture left something to be desired--especially after it froze up completely in the freezer afterward. Definitely good for a first attempt.
That still went fast enough that I decided to get the (still very cold!) thing washed and back into the freezer last night, to be ready to play around with it myself this evening.
So, I also went for a tweaked version of the same basic approach. Being the person I am, I worked with a couple.of ice cream recipe calculators on the web to get a better idea of ingredient proportions to aim for and why--and then just winged it with some packaged custard thrown in.
The base recipe I settled on:
150ml whole milk, warmed in the microwave at around lunchtime with 100g of extra sugar dissolved into it (then covered and stuck in the fridge to chill)
200ml custard (hey, may as well count that as milk plus some bonus stabilizers!)
Heavy cream to top the measuring cup up to a UK pint/close enough to 600ml total
Around 1/3 tsp. extra vanilla extract
Small pinch of salt
Still pretty simple, but that thinned it out some and brought the milkfat/sugar roughly into recommended ranges for mouthfeel and freezing qualities. Still a tad light on the sugar, but the finished ice cream tasted plenty sweet to me. It did also freeze a little hard, so I may need to play around some more.
It looked like a good quantity of ice cream mix for that size of freezer bowl, which does seem to turn out a decent two-person batch.
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Some in the disconcerting interior color bowl, with some store brand sauce at the ready! That type is basically like runnier Nutella, and not surprisingly worked really well on the vanilla. Without palm oil, before self-righteous randos crawl up into my notes.
This did also freeze up a little hard and slightly crystally, which may have been partly because it could have used a few more minutes in the ice cream maker before I put it into that potato salad tub and froze if the rest of the way. I think it really was a little too soft, but patience really isn't my strong suit.
Mr. C ate a pretty big bowl before he went to bed, while it was still at the soft serve stage (after at least 45 minutes in our really cold freezer), and seemed to enjoy it. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Next time up, I am tempted to go more complicated and try for a fairly simple blueberry cheesecake flavor, using some cream cheese and frozen berries.
I also want to try to make some serviceable good old American style sherbet, since you just can't find it elsewhere. Haven't eaten any for at least 15 years now. (The straight orange ice cream you can get here is pretty damned good, though. And I bet it would make at least as good a float with ginger ale or 7-Up.) I do suspect the whole texture thing may be trickier, without industrial ingredients and equipment.
Chocolate is another to-do, but at least it is way easier to find good plain chocolate ice cream without chunks of gluteny brownies and shit in stores here than it was in the UK.
In the somewhat near future, I also want to play around with some other sweeteners including erythritol to make something lower carb, but sticking to easier mode with all sugary stuff until I get more experience working with that. With all the milkfat and some protein to help buffer the carbs, ice cream is relatively easy on my blood sugar anyway. Seems to be a pretty common thing, at least for T1s. I may have actually overshot the insulin for that bowl, so it may be another little snack soon.
But, good investment--even if it did take us a while to finally start using it!
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ghostkidsblog · 2 years
Do you have any headcanons about the Shadow Boys when it comes to food? (I know that's random but I'm hungry so this came to mind)
Of course I don't mind, although I don't know which category of food your asking so I'll try to name at least 5-7 food types.
Griffin stagg
I see Griffin actually loving the flavor of mint chocolate chip ice cream or strawberry ice cream but it has to have small bits of strawberry in it or he refuses to eat it.
Spaghetti and meatballs, his mom made it for him once testing out a recipe and now forever loves them and asks his mom to make them for dinner at least 2 or 3 times a week. He would also help his mom make them whenever he can.
Animal cookies, his favorite would always be the lion shaped cookies, I mean like it's animal cookies, besides I think he used to play with them when he was little
Apple juice and cherry/ strawberry sodas are his all time favorite drinks, you can't tell me he doesn't enjoy cherry or strawberry soda. Also it's a funny moment when there is a fight going on and he is just there drinking his apple juice box in the background.
Billy Showalter
Billy gives me the type of person to like apple pie, along with any dessert that is apple flavored
Chocolate ice cream all the way. He loves and I mean loves Chocolate ice cream, he also enjoys sherbet ice cream
Hates root beer soda, he actually is a fan of coca cola, he likes the classic cola can.
Loves and I mean LOVES Caramel apples on a stick. His sister introduced him to the dessert ever since he was little and they went to the local fair, and has loved it ever sense then.
Vance Hopper
I haven't thought much about Vance so most of these if not all are ideas from a couple of friends on discord gc!
Vance would like to eat old fashioned recipes because his mother would make them for him growing up. ( It can be french,Italian, heck even Greek whatever you headcanon to be he will always love the old recipes)
He is a meat lover, meatloaf,hamburgers,hotdogs,etc. He will love it if it has meat in it.
Rocky road ice cream, I thought long and hard for this one, I genuinely think he would love the rocky road or any Flavor with huts in them.
Spicy chips, he would eat them without a problem. He has a high tolerance to spicy foods and he loves them to snack on.
Cookies, personally snickerdoodles or sugar cookies. He baked them with his mom and molded them with cookie cutter with whatever shapes they had. I like to think vance liking cinnamon treats sue me for headcanoning that.
Bruce Yamada
Mint chocolate chip & chocky chocolate ice cream, I had that idea in my head since freaking October. He would love those two flavors.
Chocolate desserts/treats he would love to have anything chocolate flavored.
Peaches and apples would be his favorite fruit in my book. He would share his peache or apple in slices with his friends/shadow boys.
Big league bubble gum, he also likes other flavors but I can't seem to find what type of flavors there are.
Robin Arellano
I don't care what anyone says Robin is a HUGE SWEET TOOTH KID, he definitely likes those bonbon cookies in the Mexican store
His mom's cooking is the best, whether that be empanadas, enchiladas, heck eve chicken soup, it's his favorite because his mom makes the best food
He strikes me as a sour gummy worm kid, like he would enjoy eating sour gummy worms while everyone else he knows dislike or hate the taste of them or how they look
Chicken tenders was his favorite school food, the only thing that looked safe to eat was chicken tenders and he would gladly give you a full on lecture/rant on how the chicken tenders are the best option (he also like dinosaur nuggets!)
Mangonada & cookies n cream is his favorite ice cream in my book
Finney Blake
M&Ms and 100 grand chocolate bar is his favorite candies (he definitely separates the cold tone M&Ms and warm tone M&Ms then eats the cold tones ones first)
Vanilla ice cream lover but doesn't mind eating other flavors (he would put sprinkles & other toppings on his ice cream you can't change my mind on that)
Grape and cherry soda lover (he definitely goes to the store only getting grape or cherry soda and nothing else)
Garlic bread is his favorite bread to snack on (his mom taught him how to make it when he was a bit young and still has the recipe on how to make it)
He strikes me on loving a chicken Alfredo and beef stroganoff dish (he was sleeping over at Robin's at the time and robin’s mom made these two dishes and Finney loved it so much he asked Robin's mom on how to make them afterwards)
Sorry for such a late response, I've been busy with both personal and school problems. Thank you for being so patient with me and I hope you enjoy this answer for your ask! :D
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piyush2002 · 9 months
Chocolate ice cream, a timeless indulgence that has captivated the hearts and taste buds of people around the world, is a testament to the perfect marriage of two beloved flavors: chocolate and ice cream. In this article, we embark on a delightful journey to unravel the rich history, the art of crafting, and the irresistible allure of chocolate ice cream. From its humble beginnings to its status as a global sensation, chocolate ice flavor has become a symbol of comfort and celebration, offering a sweet escape in every velvety scoop.
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Origin Of Chocolate Ice Cream
igloo ice cream has a rich history that dates back centuries, originating from the ancient civilizations of Mesoamerica. The story of chocolate itself begins with the cacao bean, which was cultivated by the Olmec civilization in present-day Mexico as early as 1500 BCE. The Mayans and Aztecs later adopted the cacao plant, using its beans to create a frothy, bitter beverage.
The Aztecs, in particular, prepared a drink called "xocolātl," which was made by mixing roasted cacao beans with water, chili peppers, and other spices. This beverage was highly valued and often associated with luxury and divine properties. Spanish explorers, including Hernán Cortés, encountered chocolate during their conquest of the Aztec Empire in the early 16th century. They introduced chocolate to Europe, where it underwent various transformations.
The transition from a bitter beverage to a sweet confection took place in the 17th century when sugar became more widely available in Europe. The addition of sugar made chocolate more palatable and led to the development of solid chocolate bars. In the 18th century, the process of making chocolate further evolved with the invention of the cocoa press, allowing for the separation of cocoa solids and cocoa butter.
The first recorded instance of chocolate being used in ice cream dates back to the 1690s. Italian chefs in the court of King Charles II of England created a frozen dessert by combining chocolate, ice, and other ingredients. This early version of chocolate ice cream, however, was likely more akin to a sorbet or sherbet than the creamy treat we know today.
As ice cream became more popular in the 18th and 19th centuries, chocolate ice cream recipes started to appear in cookbooks. The introduction of chocolate flavoring agents,
such as cocoa powder and chocolate syrup, facilitated the production of chocolate best ice cream flavor on a larger scale. By the late 19th century, chocolate ice cream had firmly established itself as a beloved flavor.
In the 20th century, advancements in food technology and the commercialization of ice cream production further popularized chocolate ice cream. Today, it is a staple in ice cream shops and supermarket freezers around the world, enjoyed in various forms and with a wide array of mix-ins and toppings. The evolution of chocolate ice cream is a testament to the enduring appeal of chocolate and the continual innovation in the world of frozen desserts.
The Evolution of Chocolate Ice Cream
As chocolate ice cream gained popularity, its evolution led to the creation of numerous variations to cater to diverse tastes. One such innovation is the introduction of mix-ins, where chunks of chocolate, nuts, or swirls of caramel are added to the ice shop near me,, creating a delightful symphony of textures and flavors. This trend was popularized by brands like Ben & Jerry's, whose imaginative concoctions transformed the ice cream landscape.
Furthermore, the demand for healthier alternatives gave rise to sugar-free, low-fat, and dairy-free chocolate ice cream options. These variations allowed individuals with dietary restrictions or preferences to indulge in the chocolatey goodness without compromising on taste.
Artisanal and small-batch ice cream makers have also contributed to the evolution of chocolate ice cream by experimenting with unique and exotic ingredients. Sea salt, chili peppers, and even bacon have found their way into chocolate ice cream, pushing the boundaries of traditional flavor combinations.
The Cultural Impact of Chocolate Ice Cream
Chocolate ice cream isn't merely a dessert; it has woven itself into the fabric of various cultures, becoming a symbol of joy and celebration. In the United States, it is an integral part of summer gatherings, birthday parties, and family outings to the ice cream parlor.
In European countries, the best ice cream near me is often enjoyed alongside a warm cup of coffee, creating a perfect union of flavors.
In many Asian cultures, chocolate ice cream has transcended its Western roots and has been adapted to suit local palates. Innovative variations, such as green tea chocolate ice cream in Japan or durian chocolate ice cream in Southeast Asia, showcase the adaptability of this beloved dessert.
The Emotional Connection
Beyond its delectable taste and luxurious texture, chocolate ice cream holds a special place in the hearts of many due to its emotional resonance. Linked to celebrations, nostalgia, and moments of solace, chocolate ice cream has become a source of joy and comfort. The act of savoring a scoop of this velvety treat often evokes cherished memories, creating a sensory experience that goes beyond the palate. Exploring the psychology of taste and the emotional connection to food unveils why chocolate ice cream remains a go-to indulgence in times of happiness or solace.
Chocolate ice cream's journey from its humble beginnings to its status as a global sensation is a testament to its enduring appeal. Whether enjoyed in a classic cone, as
part of an elaborate sundae, or as a decadent ingredient in a dessert creation, chocolate ice cream continues to evoke feelings of comfort and happiness.
As we savor each spoonful, let us appreciate the centuries of culinary innovation, the meticulous science, and the cultural influences that have shaped chocolate ice cream into the beloved treat that brings smiles to faces young and old. In a world that constantly changes, chocolate ice cream remains a timeless indulgence, a sweet escape that transcends borders and unites us in the pleasure of its delicious embrace .As we continue to explore and celebrate the world of frozen delights, the velvety indulgence of chocolate ice cream remains an iconic and irreplaceable symbol of sweetness in our lives.
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celebrationstories · 1 year
Halloween Treats: Recipes and Ideas for a Spooktacular Feast
Halloween traditions wouldn't be complete without the delectable treats that add a sweet and spooky touch to the festivities. Explore tantalizing recipes and ideas to create a spooktacular feast that will delight the taste buds and add an unforgettable twist to your celebration.
Classic Halloween Treats for Kids
Halloween is a beloved holiday for kids, filled with spooky costumes, trick-or-treating, and of course, delicious treats. As parents, it's important to carry on Halloween traditions and create lasting memories for our children. In this article, we will explore some classic Halloween treats that are perfect for kids and will add a festive touch to your Halloween celebrations.
1. Jack-O-Lantern Cookies
Nothing says Halloween like a jack-o-lantern, and making jack-o-lantern cookies is a fun and tasty activity for kids. Start with your favorite sugar cookie recipe and cut out pumpkin-shaped cookies. Let your little ones decorate the cookies with orange icing and black icing for the eyes, nose, and mouth. Not only will they enjoy the process of making these cute treats, but they will also love eating them!
2. Mummy Hot Dogs
Mummy hot dogs are a classic Halloween party treat that kids will adore. Wrap mini hot dogs in strips of crescent roll dough, leaving a small opening for the "face" to peek through. Bake in the oven until the dough is golden brown and serve with ketchup or mustard for dipping. These adorable mummy hot dogs are not only delicious but also make for a fun and spooky presentation.
3. Witch's Brew Punch
No Halloween party is complete without a festive drink. Create a Witch's Brew Punch by mixing together green fruit punch, lemon-lime soda, and lime sherbet. Add some gummy worms or plastic spiders for an extra spooky touch. Kids will love sipping on this eerie green drink while enjoying all the Halloween festivities.
4. Candy Corn Rice Krispie Treats
Candy corn is synonymous with Halloween, and incorporating it into Rice Krispie treats is a delicious twist on a classic treat. Simply make a batch of Rice Krispie treats according to the package instructions and add yellow and orange food coloring to create layers that resemble candy corn. Let the treats set, then cut them into triangles and serve. Your little ones will be delighted by these festive and tasty treats.
By incorporating these classic Halloween treats into your celebrations, you can create lasting traditions and memories for your children. Halloween is a time for fun, creativity, and indulging in delicious treats. Enjoy these spooky delights with your little ones and have a memorable Halloween!
Creepy and Creative Halloween Desserts
Halloween is a time for spooky fun and delicious treats. One of the most exciting aspects of this holiday is the opportunity to indulge in creepy and creative Halloween desserts. These desserts not only satisfy your sweet tooth, but they also add an element of fright to your Halloween traditions.
One popular Halloween dessert that is both creepy and creative is the "Graveyard Cake". This cake is made to look like a haunted graveyard, complete with tombstones and dirt. The tombstones are made from chocolate and are decorated with spooky messages. The "dirt" is actually crushed chocolate cookies. This dessert is not only visually striking, but it also tastes delicious, making it a perfect addition to your Halloween celebrations.
Another spooky dessert that is sure to impress your guests is the "Witch's Finger Cookies". These cookies are shaped like long, gnarled fingers and are decorated with almond "nails". The cookies are usually tinted green or black to add to their eerie appearance. These witch's finger cookies are a fun and creepy treat that will delight both kids and adults at your Halloween party.
If you're looking for a more interactive dessert, consider making "Edible Eyeballs". These are small, round cake pops that are decorated to look like eyeballs. The cake pops are covered in white chocolate and then decorated with colorful icing to create the look of an eye. These edible eyeballs are not only delicious, but they also provide a fun and interactive element to your Halloween festivities.
For those who prefer a spookier dessert, try making "Bloody Brain Cupcakes". These cupcakes are made to look like brains, with a creepy red "blood" filling. The "brain" is made from pink or gray colored cake batter, and the "blood" filling is usually made from raspberry or strawberry sauce. These cupcakes are a gory yet delectable treat that will definitely add a frightful touch to your Halloween dessert table.
These are just a few examples of the many creepy and creative Halloween desserts you can make to enhance your Halloween traditions. Whether you're hosting a Halloween party or simply looking for a fun treat to enjoy with your family, these desserts are sure to impress. So, get in the spirit of Halloween and indulge in these deliciously spooky treats!
Healthy Halloween Treats for a Guilt-Free Feast
As Halloween approaches, many of us are excited for the spooky decorations, creative costumes, and of course, the delicious treats. However, with all the sugary snacks and calorie-laden goodies that are typically associated with this holiday, it can be challenging to stay on track with our healthy eating goals. But fear not! There are plenty of healthy Halloween treats that you can enjoy guilt-free and still indulge in the festivities.
One of the classic Halloween traditions is pumpkin carving. Instead of letting all the pumpkin seeds go to waste, why not turn them into a nutritious and crunchy snack? Simply rinse the seeds, pat them dry, and toss them with a little bit of olive oil, salt, and your favorite spices. Roast them in the oven until they are golden brown, and you'll have a tasty treat that's packed with fiber and essential minerals.
Another popular Halloween tradition is apple bobbing. Instead of using sugary caramel or chocolate to dip your apples, consider making a healthier alternative. Melt some dark chocolate and dip the apples into it, then roll them in crushed nuts or shredded coconut. The combination of the sweet-tart apple and rich dark chocolate will satisfy your sweet tooth while still providing some nutritional benefits.
If you're hosting a Halloween party or just want to make some fun treats for your family, consider making fruit monsters. Use a variety of colorful fruits such as strawberries, grapes, and pineapple to create the body parts of the monster. Use toothpicks to assemble the fruits into fun and spooky shapes. This not only provides a healthy snack option but also adds a festive and creative element to your Halloween celebration.
For those who enjoy baking, there are plenty of healthier alternatives to traditional Halloween treats. Instead of making cookies or cupcakes filled with sugar and butter, try making pumpkin muffins or banana bread. These treats can be made with whole wheat flour, natural sweeteners like honey or maple syrup, and can be packed with nutritious ingredients like pumpkin puree or mashed bananas.
Finally, don't forget to stay hydrated during all the Halloween festivities. Instead of reaching for sugary sodas or juices, opt for infused water or homemade fruit punch. Simply add slices of your favorite fruits like oranges, lemons, or berries to a pitcher of water and let it sit in the fridge for a few hours. The result is a refreshing and healthy drink that can quench your thirst without any added sugars.
So, this Halloween, don't feel like you have to completely give up on your healthy eating goals. With these ideas for healthy Halloween treats, you can still enjoy the holiday while nourishing your body with nutritious options. Remember, moderation is key, and it's okay to indulge in a small amount of your favorite Halloween treats. Happy and healthy Halloween!
Halloween traditions take on a delicious dimension with spooky treats that tantalize the taste buds. These culinary delights infuse the holiday with flavor, creativity, and a memorable culinary experience that brings joy and excitement to the season.
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choclette8 · 1 year
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A crunchy biscuit base with a zingy yet creamy filling and a smooth chocolate top. What could be more delicious than these no-bake lemon tiffin bars? Use whichever plain (ish) biscuits you like, but gluten-free ones make this chocolate refrigerator cake a more inclusive one. It’s a must make recipe. https://tinandthyme.uk/2012/08/lemon-sherbet-tiffin-random-recipes-19/ #lemontiffin #madefromscratch #instafood #nobakebars #refrigeratorcake #fridgecake #choco #chocolatetiffin #ilovechocolate #chocolate #tiffinbars #tinandthyme #instarecipes #recipeontheblog #tiffin #cookblogshare #glutenfree #glutenfreetiffin #deeeelicious https://www.instagram.com/p/CrQi2R5I8Il/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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gloriaris · 2 years
making virgin cocktails!
my older brother is an adult and now that he can legally drink, he's expanding into cocktail making. i am underage in my country and have taken a vow with myself to never drink or do substances, *ever*. so as he's been making cocktails for my family and I am the only one choosing not to drink (not even a sip. though my little brother is underage, he likes to try drinks), we've been looking into virgin drinks. here are my favorites:
- Shirley Temple, a classic.
- Shirley Temple, but with Pepsi/Coke/Dr Pepper instead of sprite. This one is my favorite.
- Troll slobber. This one is from his DnD cocktail book, and is fairly easy to make virgin; it's just Sprite/7Up or a generic alternative and a couple scoops of rainbow sherbet. It's super delicious, somehow.
Non-cocktails, but cool beverages:
- Mint-chocolate milk. Make a chocolate milk with your preferred method and add a couple drops of peppermint extract. If it looks boring, you can add some food coloring. This one originated as a virgin alternative to a drink with mint lacquer, but it was found that extract was much more flavorful and so this isn't really a cocktail.
- Fizzy lemonade. It's exactly as it sounds. Simply make your favorite lemonade recipe, but substitute water for club soda.
To make your drink look fancy:
- Dip the edge in colored sugar. Add sugar to a small plate and moisten your finger. Drag your wet finger against the edge of your glass until it's moist, then tip onto sugared plate. Wiggle until no more sugar sticks.
- Garnishes. Of course, you have your basics; cherries, mint leaves, and lemons; but get as creative as you want! Do you want colored ice, or a pickle, or a scoop of canned fruit? My brothers both made drinks today with whole slices of pineapple as a garnish.
i hope this helped! making fake drinks helps me feel closer to my family if they're drinking, and they're also so, so fucking delicious.
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alorecipesco · 2 years
No Bake Date Bar Recipe – With Oat And Nuts
Date bar with oatmeal and nuts is one of the most nutritious bars you have ever tried. This date bar has a no bake recipe and prepares very quickly. The mixture of dates, walnuts and cinnamon is an amazing mixture that has a great taste and gives you a lot of energy; specially if you add oats too.
Compatible with any diet. Because it is gluten and dairy free.
- You can use any nuts you like, such as walnuts and almonds, according to your taste inside the granola potion.
- It is useful for health because all its ingredients are nutritious and healthy.
Most of the raw ingredients of the granola potion are dry ingredients: rolled oats, which are one of the most nutritious grains, flax seeds are rich in omega-3 and nutrients, coconut, which is the secret of the wonderful taste of the granola potion, maple syrup or honey. which mixes all the dry ingredients together, the beaten egg white, which makes you use less oil and makes the granola mixture more crispy. Of course, these ingredients are only part of the ingredients of the granola potion.
The first method is how to prepare gluten-free granola, which is recommended for all people. In the preparation of this concoction, natural sweeteners such as honey are used and it does not contain any gluten.
The second method is a very simple granola potion recipe that is based on yogurt. In this method, chia seeds are used, which are very similar to sherbet seeds. If you don't have access to this material, you can replace it with flax seeds, basil seeds, or sherbet seeds. Learn how to prepare granola concoction and enjoy it as a nutritious and healthy breakfast or snack.
The first method
1- Place the baking tray in the oven at a temperature of 350 degrees Fahrenheit or 175 degrees Celsius until it is completely heated.
2- In a large bowl, mix the nuts, flax seeds, salt and cinnamon together and mix well until they are uniform.
3- Add maple syrup (or honey), oil, beaten egg white and vanilla extract to the dry ingredients mixture and mix well until all the dry ingredients are wet.
4- Pour the raw ingredients of the prepared granule into the heated oven tray and spread them evenly over the entire surface of the tray. Then, with the back of the spatula, gently press the ingredients into the tray. Place the tray on the middle floor of the oven for 12 minutes to cook the ingredients. Then take out the tray, sprinkle the fresh coconut powder evenly on the ingredients and press them slightly with the back of the spatula. Put the oven tray in the oven again so that the ingredients cook for another 10-12 minutes.
5- After the granule potion is golden and roasted, take it out of the oven.
6- Allow the granule potion to cool completely for at least 45 minutes.
7- After the granule potion has completely cooled, pour dried fruits and chocolate chips on it and chop it into equal pieces.
The second method
Yogurt 4 tablespoons
Chia seeds 2 tablespoons
2 tablespoons of rolled oats
Raw nuts 2 tablespoons
Cornflakes as desired
Seasonal fruit as desired
1- Pour chia seeds into 1/4 glass of water and soak them
2- Add yogurt to the seeds and mix together.
3- Add rolled oats, nuts, fresh fruits, cornflakes and other ingredients to the ingredients.
4- Decorate the granola concoction with chopped fruits, sesame or chocolate chips as desired.
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darkpatrolkitten · 2 years
20 Gifts You Can Give Your Boss if They Love grape cake strain leafly
London Pound Cake – Strain Review - Real. Functional. for Dummies
Table of ContentsLondon Poundcake Strain - Hybrid Cannabis Video, Thc, Terps Fundamentals ExplainedLondon Pound Cake Strain Things To Know Before You Get ThisLondon Pound Cake Marijuana Strain Information Can Be Fun For EveryoneLondon Pound Cake Marijuana Strain: What There Is To Know - An Overview
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If there is actually everything that I definitely admire about the pot globe, it is actually the variety of options you acquire whenever you desire to consume any weed - london pound cake grow journal. From the dankest natural herb to the fruitiest flavours, the variation is actually thus good that you are constantly amazed when you uncover a new stress (london kush cake).
London Pound Cake - Strain Information - Questions
I concur, the name is actually appealing good enough to offer it a go, however more, it was the vivid account as well as the strange moms and dad of the stress that annoyed my inquisitiveness to give it a smash hit. And also as they claim, the rest is actually record - strain london pound cake. I never leave an excellent stress only for me, as well as I understood I possessed to marker down my assessment for every 420 fanatics that are trying to find some relevant information concerning this beauty.
I don't like a beautiful tension, pointed out no one ever. Most of us receive a minor higher through examining the stickiness, the compact closely-packed buddies, the trichome covered vibrant pistils, and also furthermore, the sizzling smell. London Extra pound Covered is among the tensions that aggravate you along with their appeal, only desiring to be actually feasted on - london poundcake 75.
If you are actually presuming the sweet, rounded Greater london Extra pound Cake Stress are going to leave you along with a subtle scent, you're so inappropriate. The strain scent is pretty tough, sufficient to stink up the space, thus if you're considering toking it quietly, miscarry the purpose (gorilla piss spray). That being actually stated, it doesn't possess a slimy smell, but instead falls on to the positive edge of things - ice cream cookies leafly.
You might expect a fruity aroma, however it has pointers of hardwood and also earth alongside some berry-like fragrance to also factors out. A deeper sniff exposes keep in minds of citrus and lemon, giving it an ideal combination of flowery and also smooth. Truthfully, the down-to-earth nuttiness is actually mouth watering and also operates well to prepare you for the flavour it must give.
The exhale carries ahead the nutty and cakey profile of the strain, leaving you along with a natural taste and the staying zing of grapes. strawberry pound cake recipe. Considering its high THC web content, practically neighboring at 30%, the Greater London Extra Pound Cake is actually not for the newbies or even rookie tokers who have merely gone into the grass street. gorilla mints cake bar.
How Good Is The London Pound Cake Strain? Can Be Fun For Everyone
As the higher resides in, the 2nd effect emerges in a state of unwinding higher, floating your body system by means of the drowsy and loosening up stage. You would certainly find yourself comfortably on the couch, diminishing between the state of tiredness as well as sleep or sedation, yet not that is too overwhelming. The delicate focus as well as the slow-moving creeping physical impacts make it an excellent stress for night make use of.
An excellent pressure for an exciting movie evening! As well as do not worry, the effectiveness performs certainly not trigger paranoia or even anxiousness, as an alternative produces you more relaxed. There are actually no negative side-effects of the London Pound Strain as it is actually an incredibly soothing, rounded, pressure also though it is actually rather significant in THC material.
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freshruinsyouth · 2 years
Why the Biggest "Myths" About pound weed May Actually Be Right
All about London Pound Cake Strain
Table of Contents7 Easy Facts About London Pound Cake - Cannabis DescribedThe 9-Second Trick For London Pound Cake Cannabis StrainSome Ideas on London Pound Cake - Weed Strains You Need To KnowAn Unbiased View of London Pound Cake - Cannabis
This details is actually sourced coming from our visitors and is actually not an alternative to professional health care suggestions. london pound cake carts. Look for the guidance of a health specialist just before utilizing cannabis for a health care condition.
The Cookies Fam out of Los Angeles has made one more tasty pressure along with London Extra pound Cake - blueberry london pound cake strain. Aside from tasting like a treat, this strain's THC tests at 26-30% frequently! To develop this high-powered stress, they used Sunset Ice cream, but sadly, Cookies is actually certainly not excited to share the succeeding formula, as the various other moms and dad tension stays an indica-dominant enigma.
Whether it is actually delighting in a track, a comedy, or a discussion, Greater london Pound Covered is actually a great sampling enhancement that may reportedly aid take a positive well-being to any situation - pound cake kush. A lot of say certainly not to be actually surprised if this scrumptious hybrid causes a situation of the munchies either. Developing Greater London Pound Cake must be delegated to the seasoned growers, as this hybrid develops tall and has long divisions that need recurring pruning/grooming.
Circulation Kana companions with premier professional planters in The Emerald Triangle that center on tiny batch, store tensions. Circulation Kana's items are actually on call throughout the Golden State. London Extra pound Birthday cake leads coming from a cross between Dusk Sherbet and an additional combination stress. The nugs of the Greater london Extra pound Birthday cake stress are dense, however gentle.
I don't discover a mill to be actually essential with Greater london Pound Cake. There is actually a very light dusting of kief on the bud, yet certainly not so sizable that I 'd make an effort to maintain it, unless I intend on taking in a great deal of the exact same stress. Greater london Pound Birthday cake scents fresh and also citrusy (wedding pound cake strain).
The Facts About How Good Is The London Pound Cake Strain? Uncovered
The same is actually correct within this occasion along with the London Pound Birthday cake tension. The set of the London Extra pound Birthday cake strain that I received assessed at 19. 93% THC and also 0 - garlic cake strain leafly. 05% or 2mg CBD. I first attempted Greater london Extra pound Covered in a forthright. It 'd been actually about 5 hrs due to the fact that I final smoked and also I felt the results of the various other tension diminishing (peach pound cake).
I like this stress the very most as a nighttime strain considering that if I happen to feel very sluggish or even lethargic, I can always turn in and also wake up emotion rejuvenated. My focus is not the greatest when utilizing this strain (dog whisperer strain). Oftentimes I'll acquire embeded the exact same posture for not known durations of your time while smoking cigarettes this or after smoking cigarettes this strain.
If it concerned food items, fashion trend, or even comic strips, I possessed excellent capability to concentrate as well as comprehend. If it was a science video or any kind of form of interview involving Elon Odor, I would certainly be shed within 10 minutes. chocolate pound cake recipe. I ordinarily like hearing Elon Odor speak on any topic, yet the Greater london Extra pound Covered stress does not permit me to comprehend his suggestions and also believed procedures almost along with I can sober - cake face strain info.
EXPANDING RECOMMENDATIONS: Because of its lengthy branches and also above-average flowering time, London Poundcake needs to have to be actually taken care of. By that, our team mean pruning the branches often to stop mold and mildew and mildew and mold coming from forming, which the stress is extremely at risk to as it has a difficult time with humidity also. cherry pound cake strain. Recurring pet grooming will definitely also protect against the plant from losing energy on unprofitable branches. blueberry drizzle strain.
Stress, fatigue, and also depression can likewise be actually handled with Greater london Poundcake. Because of its terpene profile page, having said that, the pressure is not recognized as an excellent pain-reliever. As a mood-changer, the tension is an overachiever. Keep an eye out for this one if you are actually a grower or customer along with low adventure on both faces, Greater london Poundcake might be even more than you may take care of.
What Does London Pound Cake Strain: Genetics, Effects & Reviews Mean?
Been a huge supporter of PC for over a year currently, try to regularly possess at the very least a cart handy. I deal with anxiousness and depression and this powerful woman consistently sooths the vicious spirit! I am secondhand to cigarette smoking, and also this stress is potent and also stuffs a whalop when it involves changing ones mood, the great ol' "switch that frown upsidedown" all is actually appropriate along with the planet pressure, anytime of day.
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Which is actually certainly not for me. Been actually cigarette smoking due to the fact that '93, as well as I choose indicas much more, sativas only do not perform absolutely nothing for me. Thus this is actually a paradise sent tension. And also the preference runs out this globe (biskante strain)... MMM, pound birthday cake Flower, Luvr113 evaluations - Posted Oct. 4, 2022, 1:20 p.
Extra pound covered goes back 200 years, yet the confection never ever took hold of much more than a passing thought coming from me. It resembles a denser model of white potato bread, as well as is basically unnoticeable to anybody under fifty purchasing at a grocery-store bake shop. My knowledge along with extra pound pie ended along with a handful of foolish laughs in my preteen years, and also was that.
So I had not been surprised to uncover something contacted London Extra pound Cake, a combination of Sunset Ice cream and a secret tension, on dispensary racks. Finding Pound Pie, a generic model of the same tension, from internal grows at flowerpot stores was additional of a surprise, nevertheless (frosted gelato strain). Possibly it was actually opportunity for a birthday cake stroll.
It is actually not just as good as Lime Extra pound Birthday cake, either, but that is actually fine. Pound Birthday cake is still a delicious combination in its personal right, and also accommodate right with it my night food selection but it really did not try like extra pound any type of pie, for that concern (cookies london pound cake 75). If our team're being honest, no weed truly tries like pies or even cakes, but Extra pound Covered's natural high qualities were extremely tough to allow me mislead on my own in to just about anything listed here. londonpound cake.
See This Report about London Pound Cake Marijuana Strain Information
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The high is actually exhilarating at to begin with, eliminating my worry as well as increasing my inquisitiveness for a little lower than a hr prior to my hunger is actually keyed and also ready. Even without the munchies, I still ultimately fade. You can find Extra pound Covered at Cookies and clinics holding Cookies stress, however a number of various other cultivators have taken on the stress, too.
It's wonderful, yet not reminiscent of extra pound covered. cookies lemon pound cake 75. Flavor: Like a souped-up model of Kushes as well as OGs from the early 2000s, Extra pound Covered lugs completely dry, resinous tastes of yearn and also lemon cleanser along with a refined tip of wood. Sweeter aspects with berry intimations stay with the edge of my mouth, offering the tension a fruity balance - runtz cake strain.
I am actually engaged and giggly momentarily and my mind is never clouded, yet the bodily leisure slips in within a hr (london cake weed). Although those soothing impacts don't transform me into a zombie, they're still good enough for your smartwatch to contact you out for being a stable piece of spunk.
For cultivators that wish to try this stress, seeds are readily on call online (mayonnaise pound cake). Simply prepare your backyard or even interior compartments and also put your order. The plant has a typical span of 50 shoes and also takes about 12 full weeks to floral, with an average yield of concerning 550 grams per plant.
Rather, you can easily anticipate intensely positive atmospheres from a quite smart high. While you might become a little sleepy, you'll likely enjoy it. This tension is actually all concerning eliminating worry. That stated, it isn't for the faint of center or overall novices (grape pie strain leafly). Conserve London Pound Pie weed for those along with a little bit of resistance already.
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cookbooksofyore · 4 years
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Ice Cream Maker instructions and recipies
no date listed but probably late 1960s if going by the fashion on the illustrations and the handwritten note on the cover
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Diavolo’s Food Cake
Diavolo is feeling nostalgic, and would like a taste of chocolate cake from his childhood, but his desires have left Barbatos feeling glum.
Genre: Fluff
Warnings: mentions of poison
It wasn’t a rare sight to see the future king of hell eating one of Barbatos’ freshly prepared desserts. Diavolo had a sweet tooth, he loved tarts, cheesecakes, brownies, parfaits, sherbets, the list went on. What was rare was the sight of Diavolo glumly picking at a piece of chocolate cake.
Ah, devil’s food cake… sheer, rich, chocolatey bliss…
Lucifer happily indulged in his cake, the frosting was perfectly smooth and not too sweet, the cake itself perfectly spongy, soft and flavourful. Nothing in the world brought the Avatar of Pride more peace than eating something sweet, drinking some tea, and sitting on one of the plush sitting room couches.
Though, Lucifer was being interrupted and couldn’t quite relax.
Diavolo loudly sighed, causing Lucifer to look up from his piece of cake.
“Diavolo,” Lucifer put his plate down on the table in front of him and tilted his head. “Is something wrong?”
“Is the cake not to your satisfaction?” Barbatos asked, the slightest tinge of panic on the edge of his voice as he turned to look at the crown prince sitting next to him.
“No, it’s wonderful…” Diavolo said, before he sighed again. “It’s just… not the cake I wanted…”
“You asked for chocolate cake.” Lucifer raised an eyebrow. Lucifer had dealt with enough picky eaters to remember exactly what Diavolo had asked for.
“Yes, and Barbatos made it wonderfully… it’s just not the chocolate cake of my childhood.”
At the edge of Lucifer’s vision, he saw Barbatos almost roll his eyes. “My lord, we can’t just summon her to make you a cake.”
“But why not?” Diavolo asked, his brows creased in thought. “Is she busy?”
“Hold on,” Lucifer put up a hand to stop them. “Who is this ‘she’ you’re speaking of?”
Diavolo’s face lit up like a Christmas tree, Barbatos on the other hand, stared down the hallway with the most unimpressed glare.
“Before Barbatos became my butler, I had a live-in governess as a child. She’s since left, but I could never forget the taste of her chocolate cake, it was a recipe she made just for me…”
The sound of a teacup being harshly slammed back onto a plate made Lucifer almost jump in his seat. Christ, what was up with Barbatos?
“Yes, yes,” Barbatos said, quickly gathering up the empty teacups. “Her cake making skills are truly incomparable.”
“Don’t be upset, Barbatos,” Diavolo said gently. “Your skills are second to none, but the recipe she used was just unlike anything I’ve ever tasted since…”
“So… you want to call your former governess over to make you some chocolate cake?” Lucifer asked, his voice laced with exasperation and a hint of confusion.
“Yes!” Diavolo snapped his fingers, he stood up abruptly and pointed at Lucifer. “Send out a Royal Summons, prepare the castle for her arrival!”
“Sooooooo,” MC lay flat on their bed. The brothers (sans Lucifer, who decided to do his paperwork with the chocolate cake he came home with and refused to share) were scattered around the room. Beel was eating some chips, Mammon was desperately trying to nab some, and Levi was tapping away on his Switch next to Asmo and Satan, who were scrolling through Devilgram. “Who’s this lady Diavolo’s inviting over?”
“His old nanny or something,” Asmo shrugged, not looking up from his phone. “We’ve never met her.”
“So, is she hot?” MC asked, that perked Asmo right up.
“We can hope~.”
“You two horndogs have a one track mind…” Belphie muttered from a mountain of pillows on the floor.
“You know you love it.” MC said with a smirk.
“So when’s she comin’?” Mammon asked, finally giving up on trying to snag a chip from Beel and deciding to watch Levi play Animal Crossing.
“They just sent out the Royal Summons.” Satan snapped. “Be patient-”
Lucifer stood in the doorway, his arms crossed, and a few crumbs of chocolate cake scattered around his mouth.
“Get up, all of you.” Lucifer growled. “She’s here.”
“Lady Aynaet!”
“Lord Diavolo, my sweet boy,”
MC’s jaw hit the floor when they saw exactly what was walking down the hall towards the bouncing demon prince.
All the brothers were having similar reactions, Asmo’s eyes were as wide as saucers, while Mammon kept blinking like he was trying to reboot his vision.
A little old lady, hunched over and leaning on a simple curved wooden cane hobbled forward. She had warm, dark skin with eyes as black as the Devildom sky outside. Wrapped in a bright green knitted shawl, with a beige sweater and a long black skirt underneath, she looked like anyone’s grandma, not a demoness who helped raise the future king of Hell.
She and Diavolo met in the centre of the throne room, the demon prince bending over slightly so the lady could inspect him. She gripped his chin, turned his face a bit, then pinched his cheek.
“Well, haven't you grown up to be a handsome young man?” She said, her voice crackled slightly, but for such an old looking woman her voice contained a semblance of youthful sweetness. “And so tall too.”
“Thank you, Aynaet.” Diavolo said with a bow of his head, before standing up straight. “It’s such a pleasure to have you visit.”
MC, mouth still agape, leaned over and whispered to Lucifer. “She’s a demon..?”
“Yes, and a very old one at that.” Lucifer whispered back. “Be careful.”
The old woman turned, her deep black eyes carefully running over each and every demon, angel, and human in attendance. After a moment, her face broke out into a warm smile.
“Oh Diavolo, it’s so nice that you finally got that exchange program together, it’s going well, I assume?”
Diavolo nodded enthusiastically. “Very well!”
“Yeah I only almost died four times in the first week,” MC leaned over and whispered to Solomon, who quietly snickered.
“So well, I only had to help Simeon pull Luke out of the lake twice in the past month.”
“Alright!” With a resounding clap of his hands, Diavolo snapped MC and Solomon back to attention. “Lady Aynaet and I will be in the parlour if any of you would like to stop and chat!”
“Oh this and that with the ‘lady’ talk. I remember when your grandfather bestowed that title on me when I watched your father. Oh that boy never smiled…”
Everyone took a breath of air as Aynaet and Diavolo disappeared down the hallway together. MC locked eyes with Asmo, who looked disappointed to say the least.
“Sooooo,” Luke said, twiddling his thumbs. “What now?”
“Now,” Barbatos said with a grin, lightly pulling Luke and Simeon towards his kitchen. “We make the best damn chocolate cake ever to grace the nine circles of hell.”
“Oh Diavolo, what have I told you about sitting up straight?”
“Ah! Right.” Diavolo straightened his posture on the plush red sofa. “My apologies, Lady Aynaet.”
“Oh phah,” Aynaet waved her hand and took a sip of her tea. “Don’t apologize, mercy knows all that paperwork can’t be good for your back.”
“You have no idea…”
The prince took a sip of his tea and grinned. “So, Lady Aynaet, about-“
“Oh my!” The woman gasped, Diavolo turned to the entryway to see Lucifer standing in the doorway. “Is that Lucifer? The one you told me about over the phone?”
Surprisingly quickly for a little old lady, Aynaet rushed out of her armchair and within seconds she had Lucifer’s face in her hands.
“Oh, so handsome. You have a lovely friend, Diavolo.”
“Damn, I guess I can’t even be the pretty face of the group anymore.”
MC appeared behind Lucifer, a teasing grin on their face. “I guess I never was, not with Asmo around.”
“My oh my, a human in the Devildom, I haven’t seen that in centuries.” Aynaet narrowed her eyes slightly behind her little round spectacles, gave MC a few cursory prods with her cane, then the smile returned to her face. “But strutting in here so confidently, and being so cute as well, it’s a pleasure to meet you, little human.”
“Lady Aynaet, this is MC, Solomon’s apprentice.”
“Very impressive, a young human studying magic at such a young age. Why, when I was about your age I was barely out of the throes of childhood.”
“Well,” Lucifer cleared his throat. “Demon and Angel lifespans are quite different.”
“Uhhhh, thanks.” MC said with a nervous smile. “So um… what’s up?”
“Indeed,” Lucifer looked over at Diavolo with an eyebrow raised expectantly. “What is up?”
“Ah! Right! Lady Aynaet!” Diavolo sprung up from his seat, nearly spilling his still scalding hot tea all over his pants. “I have a request to ask of you.”
“What could a little old woman possibly do for the future king of hell?” Aynaet asked, easing herself back into the armchair.
“It’s your chocolate cake,” Diavolo explained. “To this day it is the best thing I have ever had the privilege of tasting, please please make it for me again?”
Aynaet blinked a few times in surprise, then nodded. “Oh is that all? Of course I will, my sweet boy, since you’ve finally mastered the art of saying please.”
She then turned to MC, and jabbed her cane at the hallway to the kitchen. “Come along, little human, I need assistance in the kitchen.”
Turning back to Diavolo as she began to hobble down the hall, Aynaet cooed: “Do spend some time with your handsome friend, Diavolo. I’m sure he’d look lovely in one of the crowns.”
Lucifer made a noise that sounded halfway between choking and a sneeze while Diavolo let out a laugh as the door to the parlour swung shut.
The moment MC and Aynaet reached the kitchen, the doors swung open, and Barbatos was on the other side holding a massive triple layer chocolate cake. The decorating was extravagant, the cut fruit placed on the top looked juicy and delicious, and MC couldn’t help but openly drool.
“…cake…” the human whispered.
“Oh dear, pardon me.” Barbatos said with a tight smile. “I have to get this to Lord Diavolo.”
“Ah ah ah,” Faster than the snap of a finger, Aynaet had the bottom of her cane levelled at Barbatos’s nose. “Diavolo asked me to make him a cake, and it’s almost dinner, I won’t have you spoiling it.”
“Barbatos…” MC began, his eyebrows creasing in confusion. “How did you make that so fast..? It’s been less than an hour.”
“Oh, I started baking this when the summons went out yesterday.”
“Uh… how about you put that in the fridge, and then after dinner, Aynaet and you can both give Diavolo your cakes. The man’s got a sweet tooth, so I think he’d enjoy it!” MC said with a light clap of their hands.
Barbatos narrowed his eyes and pursed his lips, but Aynaet nodded enthusiastically. “That sounds lovely, dear human. Now since your cake is done, Barbatos, do you mind if I make use of the kitchen?”
It was less of a question, and more of a politely worded command as Aynaet brushed past Barbatos and walked into the kitchen like she ran the place.
“You, angels, do you mind lending a poor old woman a hand?”
“B-but we just finished helping decorate a-“
“Of course, we’d love to help.” Simeon cut Luke off with a pat to the little angel’s head.
“Wonderful, MC I’m going to need your help as well,”
“On it!”
MC cast a worried glance at the clock, it was past six and yet, Barbatos hadn’t come in to tell everyone to get ready for dinner in an hour. The human knew that he prided himself on always being on time with every meal in order to make sure that Diavolo never went hungry for even a moment. Biting the inside of their cheek, MC turned back to their mixing bowl.
“It looks wonderful, MC.” Aynaet said as she looked over into MC’s bowl of frosting. “I’ll take over here, do you mind going over to help the angels?”
“No problem!” MC gave the old demoness a two-fingered salute and walked over to Luke and Simeon, who were busily putting all of the cake scraps into a bowl.
“It’s weird…” Luke whispered to MC and Simeon, he cast a worried glance over at Aynaet. “I thought such an old demon would be more… adverse towards angels.”
“Now that you mention it…” MC pursed their lips and creased their forehead. “Yeah…”
“All the older angels I know are still bitter about wars that were fought when I was barely older than Luke.” Simeon whispered. “But then again… we don’t exactly know how old she is either.”
“Would it make a difference?” Luke asked.
“I’d sure hope so.”
The trio spun around to see Aynaet standing behind them, leaning on her cane.
“You don’t get to be my age without hopefully learning a great deal.” Aynaet waved her hand to signal for the three to make space for her at the counter. “And if you must know, I myself have no quarrel with angels nor humans.”
“You… really don’t?” Luke asked, tilting his head.
“No, this whole conflict between the angels and demons may have been going on for too many years to count, but it wasn’t always like this.”
“It… it wasn’t?” MC raised their eyebrows as they watched Aynaet assemble the cake with laser focus.
“While things weren’t always harmonious, between the three worlds, there wasn’t all out war.” Aynaet explained. “…then the fighting started. Petty squabbles turning to battles between the angels and demons with the humans caught in the middle. I can only hope what Diavolo is trying to do here can put a stop to it.”
“Well…” Simeon chuckled, casting a glance at MC “The brothers have certainly improved their behaviour at least.”
“Damn right.” MC smirked. “I’ve been straightening them out these past couple of years.”
“What a wonderful relief.” Aynaet sighed. “There’s nothing worse than a bunch of boys that are too caught up in their own legend to see reason.”
MC felt their eyes dart for the clock in the corner of the room again. Still no Barbatos…
Creasing their forehead, MC turned to Aynaet and inclined their head towards the clock. “Do you mind if I go and check on Barbatos in the other kitchen? I’m kind of… worried about him.”
Waving her hand like she was swatting a fly, Aynaet nodded. “Go on, off with you, go check on your friend, little human.”
MC poked their head into the other kitchen, all the cupboards were open, and dozens of recipe books were scattered around the sleek grey countertops, all open on various food splattered pages. There was no sign of the butler, so MC took a hesitant step forward into the room.
“Ah!” The butler shot out from a crouched position behind the centre counter island. “MC! What are you doing here, I’m in the middle of preparing dinner.”
“Uh…” MC looked around, despite all the cookbooks lying around, no actual ingredients were out on the table. “Are you though?”
MC watched as Barbatos visibly sagged and dropped another book down on one of the countertops. “No…”
“Aw, Barbatos,” MC rushed forward, nearly tripping over one of the scattered books that had ended up on the floor. “Don’t be upset, what’s wrong?”
“I’m a very old demon, MC,”
“And you look great for your age.”
“Thank you, but that’s not what I’m concerned about.” Barbatos explained with an exasperated smile. “Since I’ve been alive for so long, I’ve had plenty of time to perfect my cooking and baking techniques, I’ve been hailed as the greatest cook in the three realms. But… but after all this time I’m still yet to best Lady Aynaet at making a chocolate cake that Diavolo could enjoy…”
“Oh Barb, come here,” MC gently placed their hands on the butler’s slightly slumped shoulders. “It’s not a failure on your part, if I had to guess, it’s just because Lady Aynaet has nostalgia on her side. Her chocolate cake is only special to Diavolo because he had it as a child and he associates good memories with it. Now come on, at least one of these books has to have something Diavolo would like for dinner.”
Barbatos straightened his back, then harshly nodded. “You’re right. This little outburst of mine was extremely unbecoming of me, I’ll get to work.”
After everyone sat down for dinner in the dining room and began to eat, Barbatos didn’t touch his food until Diavolo took a bite.
“Mmmmm, Barbatos you’ve outdone yourself yet again! This is delicious!”
Nearly drooping with relief, Barbatos nodded in thanks.
“Yeah! Your food is always great, Barbatos.” MC gave the butler an encouraging nudge.
“Yes yes, it is quite excellently made.” Aynaet added as she handed Beelzebub another plate.
“It was a little late though,” Diavolo said with a tilt of his head. “Is everything alright, Barbatos?”
The butler stiffened, a bead of sweat rolling down the side of his face. “M-my apologies, my lord, the lateness of supper was unbecoming of me.”
“Hey! Uh… at least after dinner we can get some chocolate cake, am I right?” MC quickly interjected with a quick nervous laugh.
“Hell yeah!” Mammon said with a fistpump. “Cake! Cake! Cake! Cake!”
“Quit your moronic chanting, Mammon,” Lucifer grumbled while he massaged his temples. “And if you’d please, Barbatos. It appears most of us are almost done, anyway.”
“Right. I’ll be back with the cakes.”
Everyone waited with bated breath as two plates of nearly identical looking slices of chocolate cake were placed in front of Diavolo. Barbatos kept his face as blank as possible, but he cast a quick glare at the elderly demon, who didn’t seem to notice.
“Mine is the one on the left.” Barbatos piped up as he watched Diavolo look from plate to plate.
“Yes, yes, I’m just wondering which one to try first…”
“Ugggggghhhhhhhh!” Mammon whined. “Just try one so we can have dessert!”
The Avatar of Greed was quickly silenced by a thwack on the back of the head by Lucifer.
“Quiet, Mammon.”
“I’m hungry.”
“I know, Beel,” Lucifer sighed. “I know.”
“Why doesn’t Beel get a thwack?!”
Finally, Diavolo dug his fork into Barbatos’ cake, and popped the morsel into his mouth. A smile came across his face as he gave a thankful nod to Barbatos.
“It’s near flawless, Barbatos. It’s delicious.”
“Thank you, my lord.” Barbatos said with a nod and a satisfied little smile.
Then, Diavolo took a swig of his drink, then took a bite of Aynaet’s cake. A look of childlike glee spread across his face, causing his eyes to sparkle and seemingly water as well.
“Lady Aynaet, it tastes just as amazing as it did all those years ago. Thank you so much for coming all this way to make this for me.”
Aynaet softly laughed and shook her head. “You’re a sweetheart, Dia.”
“So…” Belphie rested his elbow on the table and waved his hand. “Which one’s better?”
“I couldn’t possibly decide!” Diavolo put his hands up and gave Aynaet and Barbatos a diplomatic smile. “Barbatos’ technique when it comes to baking is pure perfection, and Aynaet has skill and nostalgic power. Both cakes are amazing in their own right, just as amazing as their bakers.”
“Shut up, Mammon.” Lucifer growled.
“Can we eat the cakes now?” Beel asked, already grabbing himself a slice of Aynaet’s cake and plopping it onto his plate.
“Of course, of course, eat up, children, eat up!”
“Lady Aynaet?” Diavolo looked over at Aynaet with a stunning display of puppydog eyes. “Do you think you could possibly share your secret ingredients with us?”
Putting a hand over her mouth and giggling, Aynaet shook her head. “No… I don’t think I can.”
“Why?” Luke asked with a mouthful of Barbatos’ cake.
“Is it because it’s love?” Asmo asked, resting his head on his open palm.
“No…” Aynaet said as everyone gleefully shovelled their desserts into their mouths. “It’s because the secret ingredient is four different types of demonic poisons.”
The room went deathly silent, no one dared to move a muscle as the old woman’s words slowly sunk in… then the table erupted into a complete panic.
Simeon spat out his cake, Lucifer pushed himself away from the table so quickly his chair screeched against the floor, and Mammon chugged his entire drink while blubbering about being poisoned.
“MC SPIT IT OUT!” Asmo shrieked.
“But this is Barbatos’ ca-“
“OUT!” Asmo slammed his fist right into the human’s gut and caused them to nearly upchuck dinner, but it succeeded in getting the cake out of their mouth.
“Calm yourselves down, I didn’t put enough in to be lethal.”
“WHAT IN THE DEVILDOM POSSESSED YOU TO TRY AND POISON THE RULERS OF HELL?!” Lucifer shouted, his wings and horns fully on display and bright blue magic crackling between his fingers.
“The same reason I’ve been feeding this cake to Diavolo since he was a boy. To make him immune to poison.” Aynaet said with a casual shrug, she took another bite out of her piece of cake.
“Lucifer, calm down,” Diavolo raised his hand, then turned to Aynaet. “You’ve been… poisoning my food in very small doses in order to build up a poison immunity..?”
“Of course.” Aynaet replied. “I did the same with your father. As of right now, you’re immune to practically every commonly used poison in the entire Devildom.”
“I’ve been feeling unworthy to be the young master’s butler because… of poison.” Barbatos sat shellshocked in his chair, staring dead ahead.
“Holy shit…” Belphie murmured.
After a beat of silence, everyone turned to Beel, who had continued to shovel cake into his mouth.
“It’s still good, guys.”
Author’s note
I’ve had this in my drafts forever lmao, I like to think that after Aynaet leaves, Barbatos makes a solemn vow to vet any ingredients that end up a part of Diavolo’s meals 🤣
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@honestlyawesome replied to your post “What would happen if you mixed chocolate ice cream with a sherbet of some kind”
not at all
I have an idea that might be what you're looking for
If you have a can of coconut milk, you should put the contents into a bowl (you can also use some coconut milk from a can if you prefer) and add a bit of sugar and then add vanilla extract and a splash of whiskey or rum (I prefer the former, but whiskey and rum both work). Then mix until you have a custard.
You want a bit of salt in there. I'm not sure how much.
Then if you have a can of milk (it might be easier to use a can of low-fat or nonfat milk instead of whole) that contains powdered milk, you mix it with a bit of salt until you have a milk solids-and-water mixture (I would do this in the microwave but I do not have a microwave).
Pour the solids-and-water mixture into your custard and leave it to sit until it is room temperature. Then mix it with the rest of the ice cream you want to make.
(In case anyone doesn't know, coconut milk is what you get when you separate coconut flesh from the coconut milk in the milk can. Coconut water and coconut milk are the two parts of the coconut)
I don't know if this recipe works but it should be pretty close
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