#childhood rp
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rainbeausobsessions · 2 years ago
I suddenly got an old character running around in my head, so now y'all have to hear about it.
So way back in the day when I was, like, 13-14, I had a character for this online forum rp by the name of Eleanor. She was a kemonomimi - human with animal ears/tail - specifically with a raccoon ears and tail set. At the time pretty much all of my characters had a pretty standard tragic backstory and would be all brooding and quiet because of it or some shit, but I realized that if she was quiet and untrusting then I wouldn't talk to anyone in the rp. So I gave her a cheerful and peppy personality to go with that tragic backstory and did not think anything threw. I also intentionally made her very ignorant of, well, everything, because I figured she could be a bit of a comic relief type character.
Whoo boy was she a mess. First off most of the active rp-ers didn't find her funny, she was annoying (frankly I don't blame them). She totally didn't have a family guys (except she did she just had amnesia, I know so original). She couldn't read and anything more complicated than a spoon came up in conversation she'd be asking incessant questions about it. And yet SOMEHOW this mess of an OC became "co-leader" of a massive crime syndicate in the rp lore. After talking to the mods at the time, they directly told me it was because of how active I was, but as a character she did not belong there xD . Didn't help that I had her join the crime syndicate when she was a fucking cinnamon roll.
(If any of y'all recognize this messy bitch, I'm sorry and I hope you're doing well xD )
Jump forward to my college years, I think around 19, and I briefly decide to revive her again as a character named El for a short story for this small writing club I was in. Except the only things El and Eleanor had in common were that neither of them had any real prospects and both of them joined a crime syndicate. El had biological parents who weren't involved and a half brother working in this super controlling government; El was quiet and reserved and smoked and slow to trust, and even their looks were different. I think the crime syndicate in my short story was helping people flee the country cuz apparently that meant better business for them in the long run, idk.
Of course now I'm thinking about it again (31) and I'm thinking about revamping her again (for what reason idk), and making her more true to her original concept but in a way that makes sense. Bright and bubbly, but still keeps a wall between herself and others. Instead of giving her a family she doesn't know, give her a small found family of fellow street urchins. Make her a sneak and a bit of a shit and ferociously loyal to those who've managed to earn her trust. And keep the raccoon features - it's a bit on the nose but it's fun. I'm calling this version Ellie.
Of course now I'm also thinking about Eleanor (OG) and I'm thinking about what if she was put in a position of power because she was regarded as incompetent and easy to manipulate? That could be interesting to explore (bwahahahaha).
Idk, Eleanor was fun but if I do anything with her it'll just be to occasionally poke that beast. El is a dime a dozen for me (and clearly just an outlet for my depression and parental issues), so she'll probably not get much use anytime soon. Ellie seems to have some rp and short story potential, so that could be fun.
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debetun · 7 months ago
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peachypine · 3 months ago
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the roomies!!! i originally designed this ososan oc trio in full about a year ago to write on an rp blog. it's not really active rn, but i still want to talk and post about 'em, so here they are! just basic rundowns, but i'd be curious to hear which one (if any) is your fav of the three (feel free to leave it in the tags?? if u want!)
bonus transparent of them all together:
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aaand some rambling under the cut about their designs
i wanted to use orange as a character colour bc it's one that wasn't already used in the matsu rainbow, and i had a concept of a gyaru character named anzu kicking around in my head for a long time as well, so here we are. miwa from the mixer ep inspired the eyeshadow (orange rather than miwa's blue obv, to keep with her colour theme) and delinquent totoko's design inspired her ombre dyejob! i went with a blonde-to-orange look as a nod to anzu's namesake fruit (apricot).
the strands framing her face are split into 3 sections at the end (2/3 are grouped together and 1/3 flips in the other direction) which is a little nod to her being one of 3 siblings (eldest), as well as the "三" character used in her surname (mikado) meaning 3. the rest of her hairstyle is just because i thought it looked cute, though.
ososan's style is more simplified, but i wanted to convey makeup that was a little bold, but cute (long false lashes, eyeshadow, & and a soft pink or nude glossy lip). clothing-wise, she mixes and matches a few different substyles (agejo and onee are prominent, with some ane, tsuyome, and general old school gal influences as well?), with a particular fondness for animal prints, esp. tiger print. (that said, orange tiger print doesn't seem all that common in gyaru clothes, so in-universe i like to think that the top pictured above was originally a black-and-white zebra(?) stripe print she thrifted and dyed at home--close enough!)
her nails day to day are usually medium length since she has a lot of hobbies that involve her hands and anything longer makes those things a bit more cumbersome. sometimes they're decoden/bedazzled, sometimes they're just painted a cute colour/pattern, depends on the day! and i think she opts for press-ons over extensions for longer nails, since it's cheaper.
i'm just a bitch who loves purple, that's the reason for this one. i think the hime cut with shorter bangs is nice because you can showcase the eyebrows (i think eyebrows can really elevate a character design so i gave all 3 their own brow shape) without worrying about the lines for the eyebrows and bangs intersecting in an annoying way when you draw it. i like shorter, slightly sharp eyebrows like these because they're easy to draw, lol. i think they're usually furrowed like she's displeased with something, but that may just be her resting face. i also thought this blunter, sharper-looking cut (bold, standoffish) was a fun contrast to anzu's flippy half-updo (bright, bouncy) and yuzu's short, wavy hair (languid, relaxed).
5 piercings on each ear (2 spiked helix & 3 lobe) = 5 siblings including ran (4 older brothers). the other reason for this number of piercings was that her namesake flower (orchid) had--i thought--5 petals, but as it turns out i'm a fool, it's actually 3 petals (including the lip) and 3 sepals??? ah, well.
clothing-wise, influences from various punk/vkei styles alongside some rokku gyaru. (maybe anzu introduced her to this one?) this brash style is the total inverse of how she was expected to dress growing up. (when she and anzu first met, she was an OL with no piercings, undyed hair, and positively miserable, but that was a number of years ago now.) i'm really not reinventing the wheel with "small and angry", but y'know, we have fun here.
is teal distinct enough from blue to count as its own colour? i think so. for yuzu, i really loved the concept of a deadpan-looking character who is very much not the straightman, who in fact wants very badly to be the funnyman 99% of the time. that kind of straight-faced but silly comedic character is always really fun to me.
half-lidded/heavy-lidded eyes paired with thick brows are always a winner to me fsr, and i wanted to give her a more "handsome" looking face with a bit more of a defined jaw than you typically see on women in ososan. as a treat. i wanted her to look a bit like a mysterious prettyboy, but she's not actually mysterious, she's just a space cadet. (and very straightforward about her thoughts and feelings, saying them with little fuss or thought.) expectation vs reality, people deciding what you're like based on their own perception vs what you're actually like, etc. etc.
i don't have anything deep to say about her hairstyle, but maybe that's how yuzu would like it, what you see is what you get. (again, eyebrows vs hair... let that eyebrow scar that i gave her for no reason shine.) as for clothing, she prefers things that are easy to move around in, so her style is the most "matsuno"-like (t-shirts, hoodies, basketball shorts, sweats, etc.). in particular, she likes shirts with phrases, usually in english, that are funny or almost make sense but not quite ("for background visual gags" and "for the english speakers in the audience").
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enboton · 5 months ago
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ 𝗉ngs by enboton 𓈒⠀ ♡ ⠀🐑
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mini-assassin-osiris · 2 months ago
It’s midnight! Which means it’s my birthday! :D
*Osiris has Eurymachus’s red headband sitting next to his right, the coin he didn’t give to Antinous on his left, and he already put Anastasia to bed so she’s not there. He has a sloppy picture he made of his older brothers, his sister, and his mother too*
*He doesn’t have a cake, or any food really. He stole a candle from the palace and used two rocks to light it*
Happy birthday to me! Happy birthday to me! Happy birthday mini assassin- Happy birthday to me! :3
*He happily blows out the candle and claps to himself*
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weddingchicken · 6 months ago
reviewing the ranma 1/2 fanzine i made when i was 12 years old.
i just found ranma 1/2 fanzines which I made in 1999 when I was 12 years old. here's a review of the zines - and an attempt at analysing what was going through the head of my younger self.
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as professional looking as the 'ranma 1/2 herald' looks, i made these fanzines by curating a combination of pictures I found on the internet, my own art, and my own writing, organised into magazine format - all of which I cut up and pasted by hand onto master sheets and then photocopied to yield the finished product.
what's odd (or one of the many things odd here) is that I had only managed to obtain and read the first few volumes of the ranma 1/2 manga at this point in my life (perhaps only the first three volumes). i had never watched an episode of the anime, and as far as i know it wasn't available in the uk at that time - certainly not on public television (we didn't have cable). furthermore, i didn't have any friends who were interested in ranma 1/2 or even knew what it was or who shared any of my other interests. nevertheless, i wrote the zines in a style as if they would one day be read by other people.
my enthusiasm for ranma, and subsequently the contents of these zines, was driven by my imagination, and what i could find through my relatively new access to the internet, which in turn encouraged my imagination. youtube didn't exist back then, but i remember reading summaries of anime episodes and consuming related media in whatever way i could, e.g. listening to audio files with snippets of the anime dialogue uploaded to ranma fan sites.
the information in my fanzines - the ranma 1/2 herald #1 and #2 - are heavily supplemented with my own creative additions to the ranma 1/2 universe, including what i now realise to be fanfiction - or attempts at roleplay - my own creative original characters and stories, and something of an obscured view of our own world.
parts of the zines are written in what I considered to be the voice and from the perspective of ranma 1/2 characters.
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really not sure what was going on with the alignment of the page numbers on the contents page...
the zines contained fact files on characters and various other elements of the story. again, as much as i was fascinated by the franchise, i was working with very little information here. so i didn't let a little thing like not knowing many facts prevent me from writing these fact files.
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much of the zines were taken up with displays of images i'd found online which i thought were just rad.
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some good old school microsoft word clipart included
let's take a moment to appreciate this image of shampoo and mousse which i made on microsoft paint (i could create better art with physical media, but doing it digitally seemed exciting). i had not even read any manga where mousse was introduced by this stage, but i had read about him online.
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other content included a ranma 1/2 alphabet: i matched a to z with characters, themes, and concepts from the franchise. highlights include:
Q is for questionable conduct, as many characters in Ranma are known to prance around shamelessly naked - most noticeable of these people is Ranma. (tsk, tsk) V is for VIOLENCE! Z is for zeal, a common problem with those characters who would like to win the girl, but Ranma just can'tbe [sic] bothered
my exploration of what windows 95 had to offer was not restricted to microsoft word clipart - i found the esoteric fonts of "windings" and "animals" fascinating. i felt like i was translating my writing into Egyptian hieroglyphics and back.
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i also seemed to want to use the fanzine to promote my own original manga series. this is despite the fact that my original manga did not exist outside of my imagination. this didn't stop me including a summary article of the background story of my manga, which i called Kung Fu City. i also wrote about something called the Ultra Tokyo Files which, as far as i can surmise, was a planned sub-series of Kung Fu City. i do remember being very determined that i would create my own manga series called Kung Fu City when i was a child, and must have had fairly developed ideas about this, given what i wrote in the zines about my original universe, original characters, and original storylines. as you can see below, the principles of the Kung Fu City manga are 1) very little actual conversation; 2) non-stop sound effects and violence; 3) a debatable amount of humour (i don't know what I was getting at with point 3).
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as you can see, i imagined Kung Fu City into history. i described it as having started in 1989, when i was two years old. what's more, i claimed that it was an influential factor in nunchaku being banned in the united kingdom! what a feat! so, through my zines, i seemed to be creating an alternative reality - not just an alternative ranma 1/2 universe, as many makers of fanfiction and fan comics do, but an alternative version of the "real world".
furthermore, i included a promotional segment from Kung Fu City in the zines - presented as if it was a preview of material from the part-way through the manga run. except, i created these panels specifically for the zines. there was no Kung Fu City before this or after this. just this.
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i could really go on and on about the idiosyncrasies of my fanzines, but I will finish by bringing up the conversations i "had" with the characters. this includes the interview i "held" with ranma. as in, i wrote an article about me interviewing ranma saotome, the fictional character.
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unfortunately, 12-year old me made the unusual editorial decision to print out my article on dark blue paper before photocopying it as black and white. as such, the interview article is difficult to read. if this post gets any interest and people want to read my conversation with Ranma (it was um...something) then i will make a post with the contents of this interview.
i also had a letters page where I encouraged my hoped-for readers to write in. but not to me. i asked them to address their letters to the characters of the kuno siblings - kodachi and tatewaki kuno. i went on to write letters from imaginary fans to the kunos, and wrote responses to the letters in the voice of kodachi or tatewaki.
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a one sentence response from the imaginary character kodachi kuno (aka. the black rose) to a letter from a fan (also imaginary). i'm sure this was normal behaviour from a 12-year old.
i recognise this now as ranma 1/2 fanfiction. what's more, I think this was roleplay. i didn't have anyone else to roleplay ranma with, so i roleplayed with myself. no one else read my articles or any other aspects of my zines. i think i would have wanted to share my passion with someone else, i just didn't have anyone to do it with. so, if nothing else, i made these zines for my own enjoyment. z really was for zeal!
i was a lonely 12-year old wannabe weeaboo who supplemented my lack of money to spend on the ranma 1/2 franchise and lack of access to the fandom with my imagination and creativity. some of the world i conveyed in these zines was bizarre, but it was creative. and maybe now - 25 years later - someone else will finally read my zines.
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crownmemes · 1 year ago
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Send 🧸 to interact with my muse as a child!
(Remember to specify character and/or verse if relevant)
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ask-littleanarchist · 24 days ago
-Look Silco I make a gift for you
Dont give me that bitter face Sevika you dont know how to apreciate art
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(Credits to the creator of the imagen)
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askchildhoodwonders · 2 months ago
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An art trade that me and @theogclownboy did!
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9h05t-f4c3 · 9 months ago
when the aphmau phase comes back and now you’re binge watching minecraft diaries for the fourth time
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debetun · 7 months ago
bios by debetun
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𝄞 𓏼 日記のス♡トローク⠀♪⠀ʕ´ ᩙᩙ ` ʔ
♡ ⠀⠀⠀⠀ ֹ ⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀☁️
⠀⠀⠀ ♩ ⠀⠀⠀ 𝓃𝑜𝓉𝑒𝒷𝑜𝑜𝓀ㅤㅤ
𝐧͟𝐲͟𝐦͟𝐩͟𝐡 ⠀♪⠀ ♡ ♡⠀~⠀🫖
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enboton · 5 months ago
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zeb-z · 1 year ago
I’ve made a billion fucking drafts and can’t find the words to talk about cellbit and bagi from today. how the fuck do you explain the intricacies between a brother who has lived a life that has sharpened him to cut what he touches, and a sister who had to live with his absence? a man who has to see the childhood he never got to have whenever he looks at the woman he now knows is his twin? said twin who cannot understand why her brother would be anything but glad they are reunited? how do you get across that tangled mess of emotions cellbit had to get him to burn his old pet worm? the paradox of longing for what could have been while desperate to get rid of any reminder, with a healthy dose of paranoia that anything could be a federation bug. or the pure devotion bagi has to decide to stick with her brother even though he is not close to the same as he was when he went missing? the unfairness of it all, of cellbit being taken and made into a killer before he turned 14, of bagi looking for him at the detriment of her own safety and self, of ripped up childhoods and everything that could have been? the fact that the first thing cellbit asks is what he could have done to deserve it? the disgust he holds for himself for what he’s done, and the anger he has for the federation that’s taken everything from him, and the resentment he has towards bagi no matter how unfair it is because she never had to go through what he did? how after bagi swore to help him burn the federation down, cellbit went to bad instead, because bad was there and fought alongside him, and he trusts bad because he’s seen him at his worst, and all he feels like doing is his worst right now? the two of them so similar still because they’re consumed by their need for revenge, while bagi just wants to leave the island? how the fuck can you summarize all this and the emotions that accompany it?
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the-blueprint-robin · 4 months ago
Look, I know you're blüdhaven an all, but my friend back in gotham swore to me up an down they've seen you in there before, and now I'm all confuzzled
its because batman is there, hes my dad. i used to live in gotham too but i had to get out before i went insane lmao. im also there every so often for various things i do live in bludhaven tho
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nerditudes · 2 months ago
My dear friend and former roomie, @easterelf is thinking of returning to these hallowed halls as a low activity blog and maybe show off her art more [which has only gotten better]. Think you could give this a LIKE or COMMENT if you'd interact with a character like this?
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Meet DOODLE, also known as the [self appointed] Easter Elf the one and only color lover, googie dancer and Bunnymund bugger.
Originally one of the hundreds of North Pole elves working under Nicholas St North, Doodle has struck out into his new life with a happy blaze of colors finding himself a new home with the Easter Bunny in the Warren. Though his beginnings there were rocky at best Doodle has become an important hand in the work that goes into creating Easter and protecting the Warren. He’s an awful handful as Bunnymund would tell any and all, is awkward with his speech and brims with almost too much energy - but Doodle has become quite a good elf in his new life filled with colors and travels.
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the-warrior-of-the-mind · 3 months ago
Can I have some childhood stories of you my darling?
I used to train Ares a bunch, which means I was also the one who had overhear him gushing about Aphrodite…
Got reminded of that when Odysseus gushed about Penelope.
Speaking of training- Hermes when he was training to use his talaria (wing shoes) would purposely do it around Zeus so he had an excuse to crash into him. After much convincing from me he finally stopped
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