#chief minister uttarakhand
indianencyclopedia · 6 months
Uttarakhand, has witnessed the dynamic leadership of several individuals who have helmed the state as Chief Ministers since its formation in the year 2000. Each leader has contributed significantly to the development and progress of this picturesque state, addressing challenges and steering Uttarakhand towards growth. For more, check the link below: https://www.indianetzone.com/52/chief_ministers_utta
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uttarakhand-jagran · 10 months
धामी सरकार ने ग्लोबल इंवेस्टर्स समिट के लिए 2.5 लाख करोड़ रुपये का रखा लक्ष्य
देहरादून : मुख्यमंत्री पुष्कर सिंह धामी ने राज्य में दिसंबर में प्रस्तावित ग्लोबल इंवेस्टर्स समिट-2023 का लोगो और वेबसाइट को लॉन्च किया। इस दौरान मुख्यमंत्री ने कहा कि इंवेस्टर्स समिट राज्य के बेहतर अवसर है। उन्होंने कहा कि सरकार राज्य में निवेश को प्रोत्साहित करने के लिए संकल्पित होकर कार्य कर रही है।सीएम ने कहा कि उद्यमियों के हितों का पूरा ख्याल रखा जाएगा। यह इंवेस्टर्स समिट पूरे राज्य और सभी…
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instalists · 11 months
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rudrjobdesk · 1 year
उत्तराखंड में महिला हेल्थ वर्कर्स के 824 पदों के रिजल्ट जारी
1 of 1 khaskhabar.com : मंगलवार, 17 जनवरी 2023 2:12 PM देहरादून | उत्तराखंड स्वास्थ्य विभाग में महिला स्वास्थ्य कार्यकर्ताओं के 824 पदों के लिए राज्य चिकित्सा सेवा चयन बोर्ड ने अंतिम रिजल्ट जारी कर दिया है। बेरोजगारों के सपने पूरे करने के लिए मुख्यमंत्री पुष्कर सिंह धामी प्रतिबद्ध हैं। रोजगार सृजन की दिशा में धामी सरकार की ओर से निरंतर प्रयास किए जा रहे हैं। इसी क्रम में गत दिनों धामी सरकार के…
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newsreadersin · 2 years
Uttarakhand Corona Update: CM Dhami instructions after covid meeting, booster dose campaign included
Uttarakhand Corona Update: CM Dhami instructions after covid meeting, booster dose campaign included
Uttarakhand Corona Update: Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami held a meeting with the Health Department regarding Corona, in which the prevention of Corona in Uttarakhand was discussed. The CM said that for effective control of Kovid, a campaign should be launched to apply booster dose in the state. Camps will be set up for booster dose from tomorrow itself. Chief Minister Dhami held meeting at…
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ranijaisichaal · 5 months
Indians on tumblr!!!!! I just found out something and i want to know yall's thoughts. I need to know if I'm the only one thinking about this, and im NOT going to mention this to my family. Help a girl out pls lovelies <333
So at the dinner table today, my dad said the government was making it mandatory to register live-in relationships now, and that not registering your relationship could result in a 6-month jail penalty or something. And at first I was like huh - they're trying to police us again, huh - but then stopped to think, and decided to research instead.
Now, this here is a Times of India article from a few hours ago.✨
In short, the Uttarakhand CM tabled the Uniform Civil Code (UCC) bill in the Uttarakhand assembly this morning. And one part from the 192-page bill is devoted to looking at live-in relationships as a legal entity. The bill was approved on Sunday, and tabled today.
And this made me SO HAPPY, because FINALLY. We're finally making some progress as a society. The Indian law has taken the first step in recognising two people living together without getting married, yet reaping the legal benefits - an unmarried partner will be a legal entity, legally counting as a loved one (provided they are over 21). Moreover, a couple that's living together but not married can legally have kids, and not face any discrimination in the eyes of the law. And not only that, but in case of a break-up (which also needs to be procedurally filed with the authorities), the woman is entitled to maintenance. I quote from the article:
CM Dhami said, “It is a historic moment for each one of us. Let us all have a lengthy and healthy discussion to bring uniformity in the society.”
This is wonderful! It's such a progressive measure.
But what caught my eye was the final paragraph from the article.
Leader of opposition Yashpal Arya said, "We fail to understand the logic behind the urgency being shown by the BJP government. They expect us to read such a lengthy document speedily and start the discussion. It looks like the government is trying to hide something."
At first that seemed like a classic political counterattack, but it got me thinking. Why indeed the urgency?
And then I realised - what if - what if - it is now legalised for queer couples in Uttarakhand to register live-on relationships and basically reap all the benefits of a legally recognised marriage? They haven't explicitly mentioned the queer community anywhere, but it's possible, right? We know the Supreme Court refused to give marriage rights to non-heterosexual couples last year (see here); but if this is presented as an option to queer couples instead, they can secure all the rights of a traditional marriage with a different kind of registration? It is, after all, not illegal to get into long-term homosexual relationships. I know it isn't perfect, but if they allow homosexual live-in relationships, then it's at least a step in the right direction?
I'm not very well-versed with this, so I'm turning to the only relatively safe space I can think of - desis on tumblr. Is it possible that this could happen, that queer relationship recognition could be an ulterior agenda? Is it really as progressive as I think it is? I'm curious, and so hopeful! Any and all discussion is welcome - what do y'all think?🫶
P.S. let me know if there are any more tags I should add for this to reach more people!
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beardedmrbean · 7 months
All 41 construction workers trapped inside a tunnel that collapsed in the Himalayas after a Nov. 12 landslide have finally been rescued, authorities said Tuesday.
“The happiness on the faces of the workers and their families is the biggest inspiration for me,” said Pushkar Singh Dham, chief minister of the state of Uttarakhand, where the construction was taking place, in a post shared on X (formerly known as Twitter).
“It is a matter of great joy for all of us that all the 41 workers trapped in the tunnel under construction in Silkyara (Uttarakashi) have been rescued safely. Initial health checkup of all the labor brothers is being done in the temporary medical camp,” he continued.
Rescuers drilled through rock and concrete to reach the workers, with the evacuation beginning more than six hours later after they broke through the debris, per Reuters. The workers were then freed after 17 days stuck in the collapsed construction site.
Related: Drone Captures Terrifying Close-Up Footage of People Trapped in Pakistan Cable Car Before Rescue: Watch
The Guardian reported that the first worker emerged around 8 p.m. local time on Tuesday. The rescued workers were met with garlands of flowers placed on them, and cooked meals were being prepared outside of the chamber. Footage shared by BBC News showed the workers being cheered on and applauded as ambulances transported them away from the site.
Jyotish Basumatary, a brother of worker Sanjay Basumatary, told The New York Times: “I will accompany Sanjay when he gets out. I feel at peace at the moment. We feel energized and happy to be told the ordeal will be over soon.”
On Nov. 12, a landslide resulted in a part of the 2.8-mile tunnel that was being built by the workers to cave in approximately 650 feet from the entrance, the Associated Press reported. The news agency added that workers subsisted on food and oxygen that came through steel pipes.
Related: At Least 162 Dead in Myanmar Jade Mine Collapse Caused by Landslide: A 'Preventable Tragedy'
According to CNN, initial rescue attempts were hampered when the heavy machinery needed to drill through the debris broke down, prompting the rescuers to dig using their hands. When the drilling was finished, CNN added, a large pipe was brought in through the exit shaft's last portion so the trapped workers could finally evacuate. 
“I feel relieved and happy to learn that all the workers trapped in a tunnel in Uttarakhand have been rescued,” Droupadi Murmu, the president of India, posted on X.
She continued, “Their travails over 17 days, as the rescue effort met with obstacles, have been a testament of human endurance. The nation salutes their resilience and remains grateful to them for building critical infrastructure, even at great personal risk, far away from their homes. I congratulate the teams and all experts who have acted with incredible grit and determination to perform one of the most difficult rescue missions in history.”
Dham also said on X that the rescue operation "became a wonderful example of humanity and teamwork."
A majority of the trapped workers hailed from some of India’s poorer states, the Times reported, with their relatives saying that the workers made about $250 a month.
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murghmalaitikka · 5 months
"Stones were pelted and several vehicles torched after the administration conducted a demolition drive where a mosque and a madrasa stood, allegedly on Nazool land, in Uttarakhand’s Banbhoolpura area in Haldwani district.
According to a statement issued by the state information department, Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami called a high-level meeting in wake of the tension and issued orders to shoot rioters on sight. The district administration has imposed curfew in Banbhoolpura area.
Talking to The Indian Express, a resident said the area is on edge and they can “hear teargas and gunshots being fired”."
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brookstonalmanac · 14 days
Events 6.16 (after 1910)
1911 – IBM founded as the Computing-Tabulating-Recording Company in Endicott, New York. 1922 – General election in the Irish Free State: The pro-Treaty Sinn Féin party wins a large majority. 1925 – Artek, the most famous Young Pioneer camp of the Soviet Union, is established. 1930 – Sovnarkom establishes decree time in the USSR. 1933 – The National Industrial Recovery Act is passed in the United States, allowing businesses to avoid antitrust prosecution if they establish voluntary wage, price, and working condition regulations on an industry-wide basis. 1940 – World War II: Marshal Henri Philippe Pétain becomes Chief of State of Vichy France (Chef de l'État Français). 1940 – A Communist government is installed in Lithuania. 1948 – Members of the Malayan Communist Party kill three British plantation managers in Sungai Siput; in response, British Malaya declares a state of emergency. 1955 – In a futile effort to topple Argentine President Juan Perón, rogue aircraft pilots of the Argentine Navy drop several bombs upon an unarmed crowd demonstrating in favor of Perón in Buenos Aires, killing 364 and injuring at least 800. At the same time on the ground, some soldiers attempt to stage a coup but are suppressed by loyal forces. 1958 – Imre Nagy, Pál Maléter and other leaders of the 1956 Hungarian Uprising are executed. 1961 – While on tour with the Kirov Ballet in Paris, Rudolf Nureyev defects from the Soviet Union. 1963 – Soviet Space Program: Vostok 6 mission: Cosmonaut Valentina Tereshkova becomes the first woman in space. 1963 – In an attempt to resolve the Buddhist crisis in South Vietnam, a Joint Communique was signed between President Ngo Dinh Diem and Buddhist leaders. 1972 – The largest single-site hydroelectric power project in Canada is inaugurated at Churchill Falls Generating Station. 1976 – Soweto uprising: A non-violent march by 15,000 students in Soweto, South Africa, turns into days of rioting when police open fire on the crowd. 1977 – Oracle Corporation is incorporated in Redwood Shores, California, as Software Development Laboratories (SDL), by Larry Ellison, Bob Miner and Ed Oates. 1981 – US President Ronald Reagan awards the Congressional Gold Medal to Ken Taylor, Canada's former ambassador to Iran, for helping six Americans escape from Iran during the hostage crisis of 1979–81; he is the first foreign citizen bestowed the honor. 1989 – Revolutions of 1989: Imre Nagy, the former Hungarian prime minister, is reburied in Budapest following the collapse of Communism in Hungary. 1997 – Fifty people are killed in the Daïat Labguer (M'sila) massacre in Algeria. 2000 – The Secretary-General of the UN reports that Israel has complied with United Nations Security Council Resolution 425, 22 years after its issuance, and completely withdrew from Lebanon. The Resolution does not encompass the Shebaa farms, which is claimed by Israel, Syria and Lebanon. 2002 – Padre Pio is canonized by the Roman Catholic Church. 2010 – Bhutan becomes the first country to institute a total ban on tobacco. 2012 – China successfully launches its Shenzhou 9 spacecraft, carrying three astronauts, including the first female Chinese astronaut Liu Yang, to the Tiangong-1 orbital module. 2012 – The United States Air Force's robotic Boeing X-37B spaceplane returns to Earth after a classified 469-day orbital mission. 2013 – A multi-day cloudburst, centered on the North Indian state of Uttarakhand, causes devastating floods and landslides, becoming the country's worst natural disaster since the 2004 tsunami. 2015 – American businessman Donald Trump announces his campaign to run for President of the United States in the upcoming election. 2016 – Shanghai Disneyland Park, the first Disney Park in Mainland China, opens to the public. 2019 – Upwards of 2,000,000 people participate in the 2019–20 Hong Kong protests, the largest in Hong Kong's history.
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novumtimes · 14 days
14 dead, several injured after vehicle falls into gorge in Uttarakhand’s Rudraprayag
Union Minister Ajay Tamta said that the state government, under the guidance of Uttarakhand Chief Minister Dhami has admitted them to Rishikesh AIIMS. At least 14 people were killed as a tempo traveller carrying 26 passengers fell into a deep gorge in Uttarakhand’s Rudraprayag district on Saturday after which the Uttarakhand government directed an investigation into the accident. As many as 12…
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prwizard · 29 days
Brand Building's New Dimensions: AB Thom Sunil Launches His First Book "Brand Nirmanam"
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May 2nd and May 7th, the launch event for "Brand Nirmanam, Part 1 - Awakening of Brand Dharma" concluded. Author Abe Thom Sunil led the proceedings of this event along with several renowned figures in the marketing field. The book integrates the wisdom of ancient Indian traditions with contemporary branding principles, bringing about a significant transformation in the world of marketing. The launch event quickly turned into a cultural celebration, sparking intellectual discussions and engaging the audience's attention. Gratitude was expressed to all attendees at the end.
This journey began with a pre-launch event on May 2nd, organized in collaboration with the Marketing Society "Markos" of Maharaja Agrasen College, Delhi University. The atmosphere was filled with enthusiasm from students to teachers, all eagerly awaiting to delve into the main ideas of the book and its unique narrative. As discussions on the main themes of the book and its distinctive story began, the atmosphere became charged with excitement. After enlightening speeches by scholars and intellectuals, attendees identified a remarkable similarity between ancient narratives and modern branding techniques, aiding everyone in gaining deeper insights. This event marked the debut of a literary work where a fresh blend of ancient wisdom and contemporary branding concepts was showcased.
Following the pre-launch event, the author had the honor of presenting his book "Brand Nirmanam" to the esteemed President of India, Draupadi Murmu, and the successful Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi.
Subsequently, a copy of the book was presented to the honorable Chief Minister of Uttarakhand, Shri Pushkar Singh Dhami. The book exemplifies a commitment to exploration and diverse perspectives. On this occasion, the Chief Minister expressed that "Brand Nirmanam" could be considered a unique blend of our rich cultural heritage and modern branding strategies. He further stated that "it will serve as a valuable resource, expressing the sentiments of Uttarakhand, and inspire many to learn about our traditions from a new perspective." This book is not just a literary work but an attempt by Abe Thom Sunil to reconnect India's cultural heritage with modernity through the threads woven in the book.
The event was attended by the National Executive Member of Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) and sponsor of Muslim Rashtriya Manch (MRM), Shri Indresh Kumar. When the book was presented to him, it was not only a literary gesture but also a recognition of his lifelong dedication. Shri Indresh Kumar remarked, "He has done commendable work in bridging the gap between ancient traditions and branding." Accepting this literary treasure, Shri Kumar acknowledged his role as a guardian of Indian cultural heritage and an advocate of values expressed in "Brand Nirmanam."
The book was also presented to Professor Rakesh Sinha, a renowned figure in the field of culture and a Member of Parliament. Abe engaged in deep intellectual discussions with the esteemed scholar Rakesh Sinha, touching upon the role of books in shaping literature, philosophy, and social consciousness. The meeting between Abe Thom Sunil and Professor Rakesh Sinha represented a convergence of similar ideologies.
On May 6th, the first public unveiling of "Brand Nirmanam" took place at John's Orthodox Church. Over 300 members attended this event. Fr. Saji Abraham described the book as presenting a convergence of faith and intellect, which is often rare. He remarked that the book invites its readers on a journey of enlightenment. Subsequently, the book was presented to Sister Mary Remya, the Principal of Notre Dame School, BTPS, Delhi. The school commended the inclusivity of the book and praised its profound spiritual message. Sister Mary Remya stated that "Brand Nirmanam will be highly beneficial for our students. It enhances their understanding of cultural heritage while encouraging modern educational efforts."
The final and public introduction of the book took place on May 7th during the "India@2047" themed National Convention at Maharaja Agrasen College, Delhi University. The distinguished guest, Shri Bharat Bhushan Arora, and esteemed members of the college, along with students, were present. Professor Sanjeev Kumar Tiwari praised the author, saying, "Abe Thom Sunil has made a significant contribution to Indian cultural heritage and branding. This book will undoubtedly influence new ideas." Shri Bhushan further added that "This convergence of ancient knowledge and modern branding is unique. The book encapsulates innovation and enlightening work."
At the conclusion of the events, author Abe Thom Sunil expressed his gratitude to his friends and family. He specifically thanked Professor Deepa Sharma, whose guidance and advice played a crucial role in shaping his vision. Expressing his joy and gratitude, he mentioned his firm commitment to his next writing journey.
With the unveiling of "Brand Nirmanam, Part 1: Awakening of Brand Dharma," Abe Thom Sunil has not only presented a literary masterpiece but also initiated a dialogue between tradition and modernity. This book promises to be a cornerstone in the evolving landscape of branding and cultural philosophy.
Following the pre-launch event, the author had the honor of presenting his book "Brand Nirmanam" to the esteemed President of India, Draupadi Murmu, and the successful Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi.
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Recognizing the acceptance and appreciation of the book among the masses, this presentation proved to be a milestone for the book. During the book's presentation, Prime Minister Modi praised the work, stating that "it is a commendable effort and represents a fusion of ancient traditions and modern techniques, offering new insights for the modern world."
During the event, President Draupadi Murmu remarked that "Abe Thom Sunil has crafted a story that not only illuminates India's rich heritage but also provides a new perspective by integrating it with modern capitalist practices."
The recognition received from the country's top leadership increased the potential for the book to make a nationwide impact. Once can Purchase Book from: https://www.amazon.in/Brand-Nirmanam-Part-Awakening-Dharma/dp/B0D3BVXBBG 
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sqft-2022 · 1 month
Exploring Land Investment in Uttarakhand: Bhu Kanoon, Restrictions, and Key Considerations
Are you considering purchasing land in Uttarakhand for agricultural or horticultural purposes? Hold on! Before you take the leap, there’s something you need to know. Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami and the Uttarakhand government have implemented a temporary measure to safeguard the state’s precious agricultural and horticultural lands. What does this mean for you as a buyer?
It's crucial to understand the land ownership regulations in Uttarakhand, especially for non-residents. This is where the ‘Bhu Kanoon Act’ comes into play. In this article, we’ll walk you through the key provisions of this act and explain the special permissions required for land purchases in Uttarakhand.
What is Bhu Kanoon?
“Bhu Kanoon” is a Hindi term that translates to “Land Law” in English. In the context of Uttarakhand, it refers to the legal framework regulating the ownership, sale, and purchase of land in the state's hilly regions. This law aims to protect the interests of local residents and.... Read More
Ready to find your dream property in Uttarakhand? Contact Square Foot Investor today to explore premium residential, agricultural, and farmland properties. Let us assist you in making your property investment journey smooth and successful.
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uttarakhand-jagran · 10 months
मुख्यमंत्री धामी ने शहादत दिवस के अवसर पर खटीमा में मुख्य चौराहे के पास स्थित शहीद स्थल में शहीदों की मूर्तियों का किया अनावरण
खटीमा ; मुख्यमंत्री पुष्कर सिंह धामी ने राज्य स्थापना के लिए 1 सितंबर 1994 को शहीद हुए आंदोलनकारियों के शहादत दिवस के अवसर पर खटीमा में मुख्य चौराहे के पास स्थित शहीद स्थल में शहीदों की मूर्तियों का अनावरण किया। इस दौरान मुख्यमंत्री धामी ने शहीदों की मूर्तियों पर माल्यार्पण कर श्रंद्धाजलि अर्पित की और शहीदों के परिजनों को शॉल भेंट कर सम्मानित किया। मुख्यमंत्री ने कहा कि शहीदों तथा राज्य…
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5gdiginews · 1 month
Uttarakhand Health Dept issues fire safety advisory for hospitals during summers - ET HealthWorld
Dehradun: On the instructions of Uttarakhand Chief Minister Pushkar Singh DhamiThe state health department has issued a comprehensive advisory for all government and private hospitals. hospital in hospitals to ensure fire safety in the state Heat month. Health Secretary Dr. R Rajesh Kumar issued the order Fire safety adviceEmphasis was placed on the collective responsibility of the hospital…
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cavenewstimes · 2 months
Latest News, Live Updates Today May 11, 2024: Clear Delhi govt’s legal costs at the earliest, Supreme Court tells Centre
May 11, 2024 10:50 PM IST Welcome to the live updates platform for Hindustan Times. Follow all the major news updates, headlines and breaking news stories from India and around the world right here. Track the real-time developments of major events for May 11, 2024. Latest news on May 11, 2024: Uttarakhand chief minister Pushkar Singh Dhami at a meeting in Lucknow on Saturday (HT Photo) Get the…
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newsreadersin · 2 years
CM Dhami on Delhi tour, may involve in Gujarat oath ceremony
CM Dhami on Delhi tour, may involve in Gujarat oath ceremony
Uttarakhand Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami will visit Delhi today. Here he will attend a meeting. It is being told that he may also attend the swearing-in ceremony to be held in Gujarat. Before this, he will participate in a program organized in Roorkee. At the same time, CM Dhami also participated in a program in Delhi on Saturday. In a channel program there, he said that before the assembly…
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