#chiddies :)
skz-nerd · 1 year
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210905 Thunderous - SBS Inkigayo EP.1107
Performance | FanCam
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beepbeepsoletsride · 1 year
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splickedylit · 2 years
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EXTREMELY good shirt combination for request night from @worddevourer thank u thank u
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no face.......you can just put anything in there huh
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virtchandmoir · 6 months
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Source: Skating ISU
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hourcat · 3 months
death, taxes, and pierre cornering charles at the back of the parade bus
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sunskate · 3 months
VM show: ep 4
Scott hurts his back shortly before Skate Canada 2013
narratively this show is a mess lol Tessa and Scott are walking the parking lot and around the drives outside of Arctic Edge and talking, and it’s so contrived - he's been injured and away, but they're randomly going on a walk with the camera crew? i think she's sincere in what she's saying, but it feels semi-scripted - she even says she’s repeating things she’s said to him off-camera about helping out 😅
T: i missed - like, i mean i know it was only two days, but i missed you
S: (laughs) two days - two days!
T: - missed skating with you. i don't want you to be hurt, but maybe it was a good for us to have a little distraction [huh? good to be distracted by him being injured?]
S: [unconvincingly] yeah, it's never a bad thing, right?
he sounds much more convincing when he says in a talking head: (through gritted teeth) "i don't WANNA be hurt. i just want to be healthy"
then he's in London working out at RevCon with Maria Mountain, doing exercises that require a lot of strength and balance with beautiful form - so we think he's better now, right? well, no- S: (VO) "you know in a way i feel like i'm letting down Tessa"
because next Tessa is skating alone in Canton - so when was that walk and talk? he came to the rink and left again?
Tessa says she's not used to skating without him and that she sees perfection in what Meryl and Charlie do-
T: we came 2nd at the World Championships last year, and i lose sleep all the time just thinking about that
this kind of obsession, the never giving an inch, wanting to win so badly she's losing sleep -probably fueled them to be as great as they were. i wonder if anyone besides the two of them know exactly what this was like for them all those years, and i wonder what it's like now to not have this driving them any more
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musictyme · 5 months
XV - She Go, I Go ft. Chiddy Bang
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chxrry-san · 1 year
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subskz · 2 years
I am pushing the chiddies together until his nipples almost touch and then I'm taking then both into my mouth and sucking on them until binnie grinds back up into me I HAVE TO there is no other way
squeezing binnies pecs together and taking both his nipples into your mouth at the same time…i actually have nothing smart to say this is sending me into a frenzy 😰 the absolutely mortified squeak he’d let out…he wouldn’t know what to do w himself
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cinhomi · 11 months
NOOOOOO SENDING YOU ALL MY LOVE :(( hope you took a nice long hot shower after and are snuggled into the blankets all warm and toasty rn because getting soaked by the rain SUCKS 😭 and also get a steaming hot bowl of soup!! hot soup always helps 🥰
regarding the heartbreak situation - I'm not sure if he would want to exchange numbers tho. he specified that he's doing this to "feel like himself" again and it feels like he's willing to sacrifice our friendship for that too :// just the day before he sent me a whole ass paragraph on how much he wants to smother me in love and hugs and make me drinks and then today he told me he had a dream that we were married 💀 it just seems. idk man if you claim to care about me sm I don't think checking in once a month is that hard but to only give a prospect of "maybe someday I'll come back" just makes me feel like shit...
sobbing I want to get hugged by Chan so bad I just know that Chan will give the most comforting hug I've ever had in my life with a soft squishy chest chiddies and his arms and he'll be so warm too!! chan hugs :(
titracha nonnie :P (sending you a spiritual warm bowl of soup)
aww thank you, I did take a long hot shower as soon as I got home and after having lunch at 4pm I actually slept really well for few hours ignoring my responsabilities. it did suck but at least I think I looked pretty hot with my hair wet, coat slightly open showing my bomb outfit, make-up a bit ruined, furiously typing a scene for a future fic LMAO (spiritual bowl of soup received btw!)
hmm... I mean... if I really care for someone I want to stay with them no matter what... I'm sorry that I can't do anything for you other than suggest what I already did, but guys suck sometimes, even if we love them from the bottom of our hearts. you're right though, if you're super close it shouldn't be a burden to stay in touch until he figures out whatever he needs, it's kinda selfish... I know sometimes it is necessary to be selfish to heal, but it doesn't give you the right to treat others in certain ways. am I too harsh? sorry if I am.
we both really need Channie right now, I'm afraid. to just... be engulfed in a strong man's chest just like his, arms wrapping tightly around you as he runs his hands up and down your back, chin resting on top of your head to kiss it from time to time. swinging back and forth to relax you, or maybe coccooning the both of you in a fuzzy blanket whispering ressuring words. I think I would cry like I didn't in along time in his embrace... I think I could let go, finally feel safe and forget my worries. I hope we all get to find a person like him in our lives...
hope your days are if not good, at least normal and quiet. take care of yourself anonnie, if you want to suggest something I can write to lift your spirits do that without hesitation, hm?
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chansynie · 2 years
Yah... No, I'm totally not salivating over some dudes chest in a tight fitting shirt.. the fuck you talkin about? 🙂
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barzalmatty · 1 year
i miss 2016 team north america
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hourcat · 1 year
irls not being privy to your special brand of terminal online-ness is a fate worse than death. today i saw a skimpy cut-out panda themed dress and thought "charles would wear this for pierre" but could not stop to take a photo because i simply COULD NOT EXPLAIN IT
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Just because she can, Lumine presses a kiss to Childe’s chest and snuggles into him. “Are we still on for Sumeru’s deserts tomorrow?” There was plenty’s there to work up a good sweat heat non-withstanding.
unprompted asks || always accepting
sumeru’s desert was probably the last place in all of teyvat childe wanted to go. he was sure the views were lovely, but as someone that grew up in snezhnaya, he wasn't fond of the heat. at all. even liyue felt too hot for his tastes sometimes. the forest was fine thus far, as they explored a bit earlier. the desert, though... he was certain he was going to be covered head to toe in sunburns, in spite of his uniform.
still, a promise was a promise.
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"of course we are, lumi. you said there was a lot of stuff you wanted to show me, right?" he asked. he cuddled her closer to him, somehow, despite the pair already being snuggled up together under the covers. "you'll have to be easy on me if i turn into a human tomato, though. me and the sun don't really get along."
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Olly Murs - Heart Skips a Beat 2011
Olly Murs is an English singer, songwriter and television personality. He rose to prominence after participating in the sixth series of the television talent show The X Factor in 2009, where he finished as runner-up. "Heart Skips a Beat" was released as the lead single from his second studio album, In Case You Didn't Know (2011). In the UK, the song debuted at number one, becoming his second number-one single.
The song achieved further success topping the charts in Germany and Switzerland, until it was overtaken by Murs' 2012 single "Troublemaker". "Heart Skips a Beat" gave Murs his second nomination for "Best British Single" at the 2012 BRIT Awards.
It was released as Murs' debut single in the US in 2012. The track was remixed for the American market, removing Rizzle Kicks and including a new verse from Chiddy Bang. It entered the Billboard Hot 100 at #96, and managed to peak at #25 on the Pop chart.
Murs provided support for Robbie Williams on his Take the Crown Stadium Tour where he also performed a duet with him on the song "Kids" in place of Kylie Minogue.
"Heart Skips a Beat" received a total of 63,1% yes votes!
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sciatu · 6 months
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Caro papà, grazie i tuttu chiddu chi mi dasti, pi primu u to amuri, poi a to fozza u to scrificiu u to suggiti cu scuru e girari a casa cu scuru picchi nui nun eravamu i chiddi chi avianu a bacca o sciutto e ogni cosa ni custava suduri e travagghiu. Grazie papà pa to risata, picchi mi facisti studiari quannu nun n'avia valia, picchì lassasti a to casa pi danni nu dumani, ni zignasti a cridiri in nui pi truvari a nostra strada, picchì l'unica raccumannazioni chi pi nui truvasti eranu i to brazza. Grazie picchì nun ti presentasti mai cu cappeddu nte mani pi elemosinari, non baciasti manu pi ntrigarti nta mala strada, ma ni zignasti chi cu sapi travagghiari, cu voli travagghiari, cu nun si scanta i travagghiari, nun è sebbu i nuddu, avi diri grazie sulu a so buluntà, sulu o so sangu. Grazie papà di to carizzi, di to cunsigghi, du to amuri chi mai rispammiasti. Grazie i sta lingua chi ni nzignasti, chi mai nigasti , chi sempri ciccasti, picchì è a lingua da nostra anima, è a fozza di nostri silenzi. Grazie pi l'amuri pa terra nostra, pi l'amuri pa biddizza da natura, pill' amuri di l'atti chi è u sensu da razza nostra. Grazie di tuttu chiddu chi ni dasti, di tuttu chiddu chi pi nui facisti, pa strada ritta chi ni zignasti, pi duluri chi pi nui vincisti, picchi ni mittisti davanti a tutta to vita , senza mai na lastima, senza mai na raggia senza mai finiri, l'amuri chi ni davi. Grazie. Papà.
Caro papà, grazie di tutto quello che mi hai dato, per primo il tuo amore, poi la tua forza, i tuo sacrificio , il tuo alzarti con il buio per tornare a casa con il buio, perchè noi non eravamo quelli che avevano la barca all'asciutto, e ogni cosa ci costava sudore e lavoro. Grazie papà per la tua risata, perchè mi hai fatto studiare quando non ne avevo voglia, perchè hai lasciato la tua casa per darci un domani, ci hai insegnato a credere in noi, per trovare la nostra strada, perchè l'unica raccomandazione che per noi hai trovato erano le tue braccia.Grazie perchè non ti sei mai presentato con il cappello in mano per elemosinare, non hai baciato nessuna mano per intrigarti con la strada sbagliata, maci hai insegnato che chi sa lavorare, chi vuole lavolare chi non ha paura a lavorare, non è servo di nessuno, deve dire grazie solo alla sua volontà, solo al suo sangue. Grazie papà delle tue carezze, dei tuoi consigli, del tuo amore che mai ci hai risparmiato. Grazie per questa lingua che ci hai insegnato, che hai sempre cercato, che non hai mai negato, perchè è la lingua della nostra anima, è la forza dei nostri silenzi. Grazie per l'amore della nostra terra, per l'amore verso la bellezza della natura, per l'amore per l'arte che è il senso della nostra razza. Grazie di tutto quello che ci hai dato, di tutto quello che per noi hai fatto, per la strada dritta che ci hai insegnato, per i dolori che per noi hai vinto perchè ci hai messo davanti a tutta la tua vita, senza mai un lamento senza mai una rabbia, senza mai finire l'amore che ci davi Grazie.
Dear Dad, thank you for everything you gave me, first your love, then your strength, your sacrifice, your getting up in the dark to go home in the dark, because we were not the ones who had the boat dry , and everything cost us sweat and work. Thank you dad for your laugh, because you made me study when I didn't want to, because you left your home to give us a tomorrow, you taught us to believe in ourselves, to find our way, because the only recommendation that for you found us were your arms. Thank you because you never showed up with your hat in your hand to beg, you didn't kiss any hand to intrigue you with the wrong path, but you taught us that those who know how to work, those who want to work, those who are not afraid to work, he is no one's servant, he must say thanks only to his will, only to his blood. Thank you dad for your caresses, your advice, your love that you never spared us. Thank you for this language that you taught us, that you have always sought, that you have never denied, because it is the language of our soul, it is the strength of our silences. Thank you for the love of our land, for the love of the beauty of nature, for the love of art which is the meaning of our race. Thank you for everything you gave us, for everything you did for us, for the straight path you taught us, for the pains you overcame for us because you put us in front of your whole life, without ever a complaint without ever feeling angry, without ever ending the love you gave us Thank you.
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