Empire of the Guidonian Hand
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Fanfic. Music. Art. Thrawn. (Avatar = Original art by @ele-millennial-weirdo.)
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admiral-arelami · 22 hours ago
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chiss illustrations finally here! we've got Ba'kif, Thurfian, Ronan (as I imagine him in my fic), Zistalmu and Lamiov in that order
these took a while to figure out but I'm happy with the result
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admiral-arelami · 2 days ago
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pov thrawn is your commanding officer but you have an astigmatism
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admiral-arelami · 2 days ago
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admiral-arelami · 2 days ago
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admiral-arelami · 2 days ago
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idk who needs to see this but here's the Chimaera aka Thrawn's flagship aka the sexiest ship in the galaxy and beyond
(picture taken from the pdf version of Thrawn Treason)
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admiral-arelami · 4 days ago
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This chiss is Nerivin Chane, he is the character of the sw5e I am in. This is drawn by me. Nerivin is a chameur and tends to be arrogant
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admiral-arelami · 4 days ago
Little snippet from my Empire of the Hand AU. It takes place quite a while into my timeline - sometime during the Vong War -- so it's not quite fitting in my main Ao3 series just yet. But I was inspired last night and just want to get this out here.
"Commander Sandwriter."
Yuna looked up from her datapad and the latest set of the Renaissance's inventory counts she was double-checking through lunch, when she heard her lover's voice. Not the most romantic of lunch dates, but it's not like Sk'ar didn't have datawork of his own (as much as he hated it), and he didn't mind.
"Oh, hey Dee," she greeted the human augment Explorer, "so sorry about the Intrepid. Have you guys been assigned a new ship yet?"
"Not yet, thanks for asking, Yuna." The Tattooine native turned her attention back to Sk'ar, and handed him her datapad. "General, you're actually who I wanted to see. Captain Shran … he's facing a court martial -- a completely undeserved one this time. Your support would go a long way towards getting him out of this mess."
"Oh?" the big, violet-scaled Kaleesh took the pad, it looking tiny in his massive, two-thumbed hands, and started scrolling through. "The Intrepid's loss was clearly not his fault -- any admiral worth their rankplate can see that."
"It's not that. It's … they found out about him and Lieutenant Fel, and he's facing fraternization charges."
"What? That's been going on for months!?" Yuna interrupted. "Why does anyone give a kriff now? Especially after Cherith saved all your asses, and she's …" the Trandoshan lowered her head sadly.
"Some good news, they found Cherith! She's okay, or she will be once she's out of that bacta tank."
"Thank the stars for that! Does Neela know?"
"Yeah, she and Jag are watching over her tank right now, even if it does annoy the kriff out of the Doc."
"Even better. Useless pile of feathers he is …"
"Yuna …"
"Oh come on Sk'ar, you know he is. Or did you forget how he hadn't a clue I was even gravid!"
"You didn't have a clue you were gravid either, until you laid your egg," Sk'ar retorted. "Either way, I'm not about to complain about the medstaff that routinely patches my troops back together, regardless of their skill, or lack thereof, in other matters." Sk'ar said, still scanning Dee's datapad. "Figures, after Shran's … enthusiastic interest in half the females in the fleet, he finally falls for -- how do humans put it? The 'girl next door'?"
"Yeah …" Dee said with a sigh. "Though it only really surprises me that it took them both so long to do anything about it. And that it took the brass so long to clue in -- present company excepted, General."
Ah, so Dee had been another one of Shran's 'interests', Yuna thought, then quickly tried to clear her mind of the time that she had been as well. It had only been one time, Sk'ar had been away in the field for months, and it was still during their 'casual' days. Still, Yuna would rather that Sk'ar didn't find out about that.
"Present company never cared," Sk'ar chuckled. "Though it is amusing, considering their mothers used to put them in the same hover pram."
"Yeah, I know," Yuna added. "Right when I was about to go on mat leave, the Empress must have been visiting the Grand Admiral or something. Anyway, she congratulated me, and let's just say when her Majesty wants to show you her baby-holos, you shut up and listen!"
"Ha! A wise decision," Sk'ar said as he signed the datapad and handed it back to Dee. "As is this petition of yours, Commander. Shran is far too valuable a captain to lose to such stupidity. I may not be an expert in the Explorers, but considering your duties, the fraternization rules should be relaxed for your division anyway."
"Here, Dee, I'll sign too, even though I would have thought the Grand Admiral would just give his kid a slap on the wrist anyway." Yuna said, and took the datapad.
"It might not be up to him -- too close to the situation. Sloane or Faro will probably be dealing with it, and you know what hardasses they are." Dee said.
"Yeah, hey, you ever see those old Ascendency posters -- the one with that bearded Chiss saying 'NO!' -- they need to make some of those with Admiral Sloane's 'no fun allowed' face." Yuna giggled, and added her signature below Sk'ar's. "Hey, 'Army General Bentilais san Sk'ar, former Khagan of Kalee and Oben' -- going with the whole grand title?" she teased.
"Hush now, Lieutenant-Commander Yuna, Quatermaster of the Renaissance Battle Group'" Sk'ar growled, teasing back, as he ran a claw agonizingly gently up her thigh.
"By the way, you and I don't have to worry about this kind of thing, right?" Yuna asked her lover, "'cause I'm in the Navy and you the Army?"
"Yes, you're not in my chain of command, so there are no issues. However, if I gave you a … direct order, you'd have to obey, my huntress" Sk'ar growled softly with promise.
"Is that so, Sir? What kind of order …? Yuna purred.
Dee made a disgusted face. "Alright you two, ew. Not exactly a lizard sex voyeur here."
"You don't have enough credits for that." Yuna flashed grin of pointed teeth. "I'm guessing it's on the fleet servers?" At Dee's nod, Yuna continued. "I'll get Rikku to sign too. Shran's a pain in my ass, but Sk'ar's right, he's too good a captain to lose. Just tell him to stop stealing my supplies! I swear the little blue brat messes up my counts just to annoy me!"
"I'll tell him. No guarantees he'll listen."
"Does he ever? Thanks Dee, and good luck."
"Thanks Yuna, General Sk'ar. How's the baby by the way?"
"Vivi's doing so well on Kalee!" Yuna's smile softened, and reached for her own datapad, bringing up some holos of the toddler Trandoshan. "She's learning so much from her 'cousins'. I miss her like crazy though. That reminds me," she turned once again to her lover. "I've got leave coming up again in about a couple months. Maybe we can go together to see her?"
"For our hatchling, I'll make time." Sk'ar promised.
Love to show Yuna and Beni having a sweet moment - they deserve it! <3
Besides that, I wanted to show that the Empire of the Hand has a completely different "personality" than the Old Empire. Thrawn's leadership style, rewarding actual skill and merit, not hyper-competitiveness - has become the fleet standard, and it's led to crews across the Hand's armed forces having the kind of camaraderie never really seen in the Imperial Forces in Star Wars outside of Zahn's books -- more Star Trek-like. Tell me you couldn't see Yuna, Dee and Sk'ar having their convo in the middle of Ten Forward?
Starring a bunch of my OCs (and two very obscure Legends characters). If anyone wants to hear more about any of them, let me know! I'll be more than happy to talk your ear off!
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admiral-arelami · 5 days ago
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Some mini paintings. Each is 3" W and between 7" to 9" L. Batman and Joker, ready to make out, Two-Face, and Thrawn. Not sure why, but background in the Batjokes did not scan as vibrant as the original painting. Traditional mediums. I think I did these to distract myself from kitty Kochi's passing...
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admiral-arelami · 5 days ago
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Them 😌❤️
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admiral-arelami · 6 days ago
I'm still I drop here one sweet Chiss man ... Thrass🥰
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admiral-arelami · 7 days ago
Legends thrawn cover.
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admiral-arelami · 7 days ago
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Link: Flowershop AU
PT. 5: Don't Leave Me This Way
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admiral-arelami · 7 days ago
I'll always reblog the Mitth brothers.
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I gave Thrass Saganu's outfit because I like it
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admiral-arelami · 8 days ago
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admiral-arelami · 9 days ago
new thrawn artworks I've seen.
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admiral-arelami · 10 days ago
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Che’ri and Thrawn and Thalias
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admiral-arelami · 11 days ago
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"Dinner has been ready for an hour."
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