#chickenshit anonymous
geezerwench · 1 year
At this point we just need democrats and those against America like you to wear some kind of yellow badge when they are in public so we can identify them and treat them like the traitors to America they are.
Like the yellow Star of David? Hmmmm?
I'm not Jewish. Not all Jews are Democrats, and not all Democrats are Jews.
Yellow triangles? Octagons? Trapezoids?
Oooo! Yellow ribbons! Pretty yellow pentagrams!
I know! Canary yellow ball caps! Sorry, but that would match the stripe up Kevin McCarthy's, Josh Hawley's, and Bunker Boy Trump's backs.
Because I think Veterans should be cared for after they finish their active service to the US?
Because I think children should be fed and learn to read and write?
Because people who worked their whole lives and paid into Social Security should get their money back when they retire? Because housewives who worked their whole life managing the home and raising the children should receive their spouse's Social Security if their spouse dies before they do? Ya know there's no actual paycheck for managing a home, raising children, being the chauffeur and requisition officer, bookkeeper, secretary, personal assistant when you're a "housewife" or "homemaker."
Because I believe citizens shouldn't go bankrupt and lose everything because their spouse got sick and spent months in the hospital? Or that families shouldn't be destitute because a single parent or their child got cancer?
Because I think children and teachers should not be gunned down at school, and people shouldn't be slaughtered at the grocery store, movie theater, dance club, concert, church, temple, any public place?
Because I think people should have some kind of roof over their heads and food?
Because people should have drinkable water and breathable air?
Because I think it should be easier to vote and shouldn't be made harder?
Because I think billionaires and millionaires should have the same tax rate as the carpenter, the accountant, the nurse, the fast food worker?
Because I believe in the separation of church and state?
Because I believe people have the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness?
Because I think our government should establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, and promote the general welfare of its country and peoples?
Okay, anonymous, chickenshit maga. Democrats don't need a yellow badge. All you have to do is look for the people who are not wearing AR-15 lapel pins, red hats, or anything with trump on it.
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kayura-sanada · 1 year
There's also this exchange between Vivienne and Blackwall. Just as a reminder, the chevaliers are noble-born warriors who are notorious for raping and killing innocent people - and they go on a killing spree of the city elves as part of their training. Vivienne: I wish we had more proper Chevaliers in the Inquisition and fewer...lowlife thugs. Blackwall: No matter how much you pretend I'm furniture, I'm a person--with ears. That can hear you. Vivienne: You recognized yourself there? Good.
See, now, this to me was a spot of absolute genius on the writers' parts. Because Blackwall was almost made a chevalier, and because the reason for his downfall was because he acted in the interests of - yup! - a chevalier. Fucking hilarious; I imagine the writers were laughing to themselves when they wrote this exchange.
Vivienne talks about wanting more 'proper chevaliers' in the Inquisition, not realizing that the Inquisition would likely not want such backstabbing, ambition-fueled psychos on their team. She also doesn't realize that the man she's busy calling a thug has learned through pain and effort to be better than the chevaliers and thus shows more honor and courage than they, thus making him far more worthwhile. The murder everyone hates Blackwall for was brought up, paid for, and sanctioned by a chevalier, showing that the chevaliers themselves prefer calling upon 'lowlife thugs' to do what they want, thus putting Blackwall and his actions under the chevaliers' employ.
In other words, Blackwall is a 'lowlife thug' because he joined the chevaliers' cause. When he steps away from what the chevaliers' wanted of him, he is far less a 'lowlife thug.' Vivienne slaps herself in the face with this one, and it's pure gold.
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p41nkillers · 11 months
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what happened to kate on oct 4?
kate said she woke up in a room and heard nathan and another person (mark jeff). MJ later blamed Nathan, saying he didnt give her enough drugs, which is why she woke up halfway through.
but lets dig a little more deeper
(note that these are all just theories & havent been confirmed, english isnt my first language but i'll try my best to explain so bare with me pls :))
1. nathan’s schedule (10/4-the night kate got drugged)
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thoughts: nathan and mj headed to the woods around 4am bc kate was about to be buried (if i were a madman kidnapping someone and one of my victims woke up halfway through, i know i'd be in trouble. they would recognize my face and expose me. would i simply release them just like that? absolutely the fuck not - i'd kill to silence them
of course, nathan being nathan was still messed up over the whole rachel situation, flipped out, fleed with kate and took her to the prescott estate. he couldnt bring her straight back to blackwell. it was too risky. why? kate might get suspicious if she wakes up and sees her entire body covered in dirt and mud. so what did nathan do? he took her to the mansion, cleaned her up, and dressed her in fresh clothes.
2. a letter from sean prescott thanking david for ‘helping’ nathan
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he then called his father, asking for david's help to drop kate back to her dorm room (before the drugs wore off) without getting hassled by security guards. this might explain the letter in EP3 from sean prescott thanking david for helping his son (someone pointed this out on reddit)
‘what did david do for nathan?’ he promised sean he would keep quiet about everything after kate’s suicide/attempt
3. a letter from anonymous
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“i thought about u protecting me bcs i am scared of this school" -i can confirmed 100% that this letter is from nathan he sounds like a brat chickenshit
we all know david set up surveillance cameras around the campus and the pan estates to keep an eye on him (nathan needs someone to protect him; probably from jefferson???) and i think david already witnessed nathan dragging kate inside it could explain why he was so obsessed with her bc hes about to discover the truth abt what went down between the two of them after the party
thoughts: basically i think nathan was trying to protect her from mj who wanted to kill every girls he kidnapped or maybe he just couldnt handle letting someone else become the next rachel. he thought he was doing the right thing, but we all know everything went downhill after kate's viral video
p.s - i suck at explaning, as always sorry for my sloppy english
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vladdyissues · 20 days
Hi, I'm asking this question because I'm genuinely afraid. I want to post art I did/I commissioned a different artist of Pompous Pep on my blog, but I'm terrified of others attacking me. I've always liked this ship since I was kid and didn't it was considered taboo until I was older. How do you deal with hate? Would it be better to post on a side blog? My main DP AU does have Pompous Pep when Danny is in his early to mid 20s.
I answered a similar ask here, but this one also deserves its own answer. Here are some things you can do to protect yourself from hate:
✦ Turn off anonymous asks. That curbs 99.9999% of abuse, because haters are too chickenshit to send stuff that they can get reported for and possibly have their account terminated. If you do decide to open anonymous asks at some point and receive hate, you can still report it. More on blocking here.
✦ Make sure you tag your post with "pompous pep" so those who love the ship can find it and those who have the tag blocked can avoid it.
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✦ As you can see, there are quite a few of us Pompep fans here on Tumblr, and it's good to be part of a community. Being able to laugh off anon hate with one another is a superb morale-booster. (If you spend any amount of time on Discord, DM me. We have a server, and you'd be very welcome there.)
Bottom line: Haters will always find a reason to hate something they don't like. You can never "perform" purely enough to please them, so don't even try. If you age up Danny and Vlad, they'll still bitch about the age gap. If you make them the same age, they'll bitch about the "toxic dynamic" of Enemies to Lovers. If you make an AU where they've always been friends and are the exact same age, they'll still accuse you of Shipping Crimes™ because it's still the same characters—even if all the obstacles that made the ship problematic have been removed. All you'll do is wear yourself out trying to conform to their standards, so just say "fuck em" and do what you want.
Me, personally, I've been in fandom too long to be bothered by anon hate. I report them, block them, and delete the message, and I don't waste any more energy than necessary. I also follow the golden rule of Don't Feed the Trolls. Haters thrive on attention, and if they get no response from you, they'll eventually give up their attack and move on.
I'm sorry that the actions of an idiotic, vocal minority have made you afraid to participate in fandom activities. No one should ever feel that way. Just remember that you're not alone. Almost all of us Pompep fans have dealt with negativity at some point in our lives, but that hasn't stopped us at all. We're still here, and we'll always be here.
✦ As for sideblogs, they're great if you want to keep certain stuff separate from your main blog, but it's totally up to you. Just keep in mind, if you want to block anyone from seeing your sideblog, it must be done from the Blog Settings of that particular sideblog. More on sideblogs here.
I hope this post answered your questions and eased some of your fears. If you have any further comments or questions, you know how to reach me :)
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pseudowho · 4 months
Someone come and abuse me in my Inbox, so I can make you feel really shit about yourself. Come on.
Stop with the anonymous abuse of writers on Tumblr, you chickenshit cowards. I've seen multiple accounts of it just in one day.
We're the ones with the power of the written word here. You're the ones hiding behind the Anonymous stamp, a wafer shield for weak-minded bullies.
Pathetic. Take off the Anon and abuse in the open, and put your money where your mouth is.
Because if you think we can write filth, angst, tearjerkers and fantastical worlds, why do you think we can't write daggers too?
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mawofthemagnetar · 10 months
hello snake mawofthemagnetar who was on anon while posting part of ehk. ✎ +
✎ how do you think readers would guess a fic was yours if you posted anonymously?
Short answer: they wouldn’t.
Long answer: part of the reason EHK became a series is cause I was way too chickenshit to post with a name attached until my burner code came in. So after awhile I just sort of became “that anon”.
It’s nice though- good to know I can post some shit under anon and nobody would ever know.
And I have.
Tee hee.
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fine-ass-fatshion · 1 year
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Image ID: an anonymous ask that reads 'they/them cringe...get well soon' with a clown emoji. End image ID
Hello, are you lost? This is the gay and trans website babey
I cant even be mad bc me and my thousands of followers think I'm a total theybe
Just like a transphobe to be a chickenshit and use anon. Cowardly lil shit
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ohnoitsthebat · 1 year
WHEEZE sorry we don’t give a shit about a single terrorist attack that you people have been milking for 20 something years, we’re all too busy with the fucking SCHOOL SHOOTINGS that keep happening to worry about a one off terrorist attack from 2 decades ago, moron. Go fuck your brother or whatever lol.
Yet you came to my inbox and wrote half an essay about how much you don't care. Okay, bestie.
I don't have a brother.
Next ask you send will have to be with your name, cause I don't do that anonymous chickenshit here.
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spxcemuses · 2 years
Anonymous asked: ⭐⭐ - @viciouslyfilthy​
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[  ⭐  sample of a new muse ] | Always Accepting
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“ Woah there, Crazy! What’sa matter with you? You gotta cool it, man, cool it down asshole... ”
Vinnie had a firm grip on the redhead’s shoulders, trying to calm them down from their heated and accusatory statement. The Stompers, the group that the man was the leader of, were backing down on him when he had asked them for help. That was fine, most of those dumb fucks didn’t understand the purpose of being in this gang, but his best friend didn’t seem to realize that. Crazy brandished a knife in further anger at how they were all cowards, and Vinnie’s hand moves to his wrist, hoping to calm them down further by explaining things.
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“ You gonna learn to go slow with these guys wit’ things like this, they’ll come back. An’ even if they do chickenshit outta this fight, me an’ you are gonna go it alone. You’d like that, don’tcha? I know how crazy ya can get. ”
It had been hours since Dr. Livesey and the rest of the small crew - just him and three others - had claimed the empty fort. The pirates who were once allies turned on them, lessening their attacks due to nightfall. It was the perfect time to recuperate and have a strategy when morning rose. He was even more happy that Jim miraculously returned alive, only with some dizziness and bleeding down the thigh from a bullet that grazed him.
The doctor was quick to bandage it and now he was near the now-sleeping boy, allowing them to rest against his side as he leaned against the wall. It was peaceful, actually, the scraping of a sword being sharpened background noise to him as he grew more tired. That was, until it stopped, accompanied with a slight burning gaze from Captain Smollett. His eyes look up to the others, recognizing the brief twinge of worry within their eyes. He knew Smollett didn’t show much emotion other than unbridled anger and violence, but he knew that the captain cared about his crewmates just like he did.
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“ No need to worry, Captain. Jim is feeling better, the boy is stronger than he looks. He just- haha- encountered a bit of a... a graze from a bullet, is all, hahahaha... I’ve already bandaged it and am making sure he’s resting. Are you doing well, sir? You should get some rest while you can, haha...The enemy will attack at dawn, I’m certain. ”
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southern-god1 · 1 year
Sad when the anons are too chickenshit to be open about their bullshit, to scared to reveal what pathetic miserable losers they are, they think theres strength in anonymity... Sorry SG your work is amazing.
Thank ya! Glad you like my stuff! Yeah, fuck the anons.
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geezerwench · 1 year
Anonymous says it has obtained Republican credentials, secrets and put it all on the Dark Web.
I am too much of a chickenshit to even try to look.
They say they posted information on the Dark Web, but they can't post it elsewhere due to TOS.
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yrbutchgf · 2 years
we need to start posting links to anonymous ask-sending sites to our ig stories again. not that that was healthy when we did it in middle school nor will it be healthy when we do it now but consider, i am a chickenshit and just want him to know he's handsome
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excellentexecution · 2 years
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Anonymous asked: Have you and your lady love Chyna talked about future plans like children? They would be gorgeous babies! Or do you feel selfish asking her to step away from the career she loves in order to grow a family with you?
Much had been discussed between them since dark lines were drawn in the sand. When loyalties were turned upside down, all but Chyna part of the plot to double-cross the Hitman when he was wounded, a soldier broken. There was nothing that could be hidden between the lovers. Whose side they each were on - either innocent or guilty depending upon who asked - where they stood as a couple. Bret couldn’t reconcile with not knowing for certain. He had to know, a clear picture painted by the hand of his beloved Joanie, what she wanted, needed. His own dreams shared, too, despite how heavy his heart felt within his chest, still beating but hurting so. If their love proved true, as was promised, though their armies in battle waged further war, they would outlast. Bret just believed it to be so. Couldn’t allow himself to think otherwise - it would’ve shattered what remained of his soul - even if the Hart Foundation saw their cruel defeat. A best friend no longer a face that could be pleasantly seen, a crazed angel in a heaven that sounded so comforting, Pillman’s ghost a haunting one, WCW wouldn’t finish off what DX missed, not of the Hitman and what remained. 
He would live despite them. For the honor of a fallen brother, for the woman who loved him, Bret would have his chance at happiness once again. All that he could ever dream of and more; Joanie beside him and just as at peace. 
“Yeah. We’ve talked about it. We don’t have anything set in stone, but we have talked about starting a family. It’s something that we both want. But, y’know, who the hell knows anymore if we’ll even get the chance to. With how things have been going on around here in the professional wrestling business, somebody else might just decide to stab us in the back and take that away, too.” Bret grumbled, brown eyes a mirror to the anger he felt. 
“More than ever, nothing’s certain. Joanie and I, we want kids. Least one. We’d like to get married at some point. We just don’t know when. Our careers, they keep us apart more than any damn faction war ever did. I don’t even care about all that DX-Hart Foundation bullshit anymore. I realize now just how much McMahon and his friends used it against me and Joanie, how they put us against each other for their own greed. How they hurt us both. I still think her best friends, the Heartbreak Kid and Triple H, are chickenshit, and I know neither one of them are man enough to face me, to get the beating that they deserve, but I love her more than anything. She’s the only person, besides my own family, who still has my back. I don’t care if she’s still with McMahon and his freakshow. That’s her business, and I’ll respect her for it. But, y’know, in regard to us, we’re not breaking up any time soon.”
Shaking his head, curls subtly bouncing, he disagreed. “No. I don’t think it’s selfish at all. Frankly, I think I have every damn right to be selfish about what I want. Everybody else has been acting pretty selfish recently. I’m just following along. Joanie knows me. She knows what I would like to have out of life, just as I know about her hopes. I’ve always been very honest with her. For me, the two things that I want are: to be married and to have kids. Nobody’s stepping away from anything at the moment. I want her to continue on with her journey. Whatever that may be, whether that be in wrestling or not. Joanie has every right to achieve her dreams. I won’t stop her from that. I know she wouldn’t want me to do the same, either. I don’t exactly have the option to, anyways. Hulkster and Bischoff and the nWo need me. But when the time is right, we’ll both leave our careers with our heads held high. Off to better and brighter things, a family and children and a happy home. Everything that we could ever want.”
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ramenheim · 5 months
hashtag neo puritan shenanigans
Lmfaoooo I only followed the dvd rental analogy bc the person IMMEDIATELY ABOVE ME drew the comparison first, and I wanted to point out how /terrible/ a fucking analogy it was; you on the other hand can't seem to decide if the dvd store analogy is good [FREE DVDS AT THE FREE DVD STORE] or bad [AO3 IS FREE UNLIKE A DVD STORE]; but you're happy to mangle it any which way as long as you can sneak 'puritan' into your hatemail ig lol.
(Incidentally, DVD stores DID sell porn, so idk if you were old enough/born enough to remember that or what the deal is there. Maybe you were a blockbuster baby??)
Beyond that though, what do you think 'behaving like a chickenshit' entails exactly? Certainly not messaging me anonymously directly instead of on the post you're referencing, hmn?
It also doesn't seem to be 'publically talking in a non-positive way about something posted in public where ppl were meant to see it' since this ask is *almost* that? It also doesn't seem to be 'making inflammatory accusations completely disassociated from what was actually said under the safe guise of anonymity (ie- calling someone an asshole online through an anonymous poll for their anti-social behaviours)' since this ask is *definitely* that? ((Unless of course you are a proud chickenshit who revels in exhibiting chickenshit behaviour, in which case I'm sorry for assuming otherwise & offer my condolences.))
So what behaviour *was* "chickenshit" to you? Was it from the original commenter who had the gall to tell the author that the emotional respose to the work they just read was unpleasant and triggering bc they weren't warned of the sexual assault scene beforehand in the name of 'artistic purity of experience'?
Furthermore, why have you ascribed the motivation to comment on an author's work as a manifestation of the Religious-Backed US Social Movement in the **90s** to prioritize the Sexual + Spiritual Chastity of (esp. white xtian cisgirls) through Abstinence-Only Sex-Ed. as a functional control vector for white supremacist goals of "cultivating proper breeding stock while capping birthrates of 'undesirables' " (which is what purity culture ACTUALLY IS & why it's bad) if not bc you have curated fandom-isolated spaces around yourself DESIGNED to work you up into a moral panic over imagined slights any time the social feedback you recieve isn't some glowing hyper-affirmation that the way you navigate sexuality isn't 'icky' to any one else ever? Do you need strangers online to tell you you're valid+normal no matter what, is that what your life's missing? Do you need to speak into my anonymous confessional box and have the sinful brand of "Asshole Online" cleansed from your soul? To be forgiven and therefore have nothing held against you ever by anyone for any reason petty or otherwise? Are you languishing in your religious trauma & gleefully lashing out at anything that remotely triggers that instilled sense of misogynistic shame in you by branding them The Enemy? Do you ever speak to ppl irl the way you do online, or is the fear of any mild rejection + negative social feedback too much for your chickenshit self?
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howdy-nyalll · 1 year
yo i don’t know who’s out there telling lies but having the anonymous ask option open is the only reason i ever send asks. i’m way too chickenshit to take the mask off until i feel like the person likes me.
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sins-of-the-sea · 1 year
You little coward, Master, hiding behind your thralls like they're your shields. Come out and face us, you chickenshit little fish!
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"My, my. Someone is angry. I am grateful you are using words, gray face. I am certain that if you make any attempts with your hands, the results will not be to your satisfaction.
"Mock me as you wish with my thralls, Anonymous. Their souls are mine and I do with them as I wish. Also, what makes you think I am using my thralls as a shield? Have you ever thought that I would have other intentions with doing so? April Fool's season is still going on for a few of us, and that includes my Crew. So go ahead and try to shoot me, or gore me, or whatnot. I have seven at current to toy with for your pleasure. See how you'll like it."
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