#chestnut talks
evenaworm · 7 months
I was gonna make a post talking about butch lesbians and then I looked at my most recent personal post and it was also..... about butch lesbians..........
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rebouks · 6 months
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Ivan: If y'don't get that thing outta my face I'mma smash the fuck outta yours. Oscar: C'monnn you haven't eaten all day. Ivan: I ain't fuckin' hungry!
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flowersforvax · 14 days
The only reason I recognize the name Joey Chestnut is because the McElroys keep talking about this man's ability to go to town on a hotdog so you can imagine the bewilderment I just felt when the store radio in my german supermarket just mentioned his new record. My head shot up and it was like there was a notification floating above my head saying [Joey Chestnut mentioned]
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ladybugsimblr · 6 months
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smalltimidbean · 6 months
hi hi hi hear me out
rat Peppi clone?
Like maybe one of the stupid rats or a normal rat?
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(I'm putting these asks together so I don't have to repeat myself, kdfgkf)
I don't believe I have mentioned this, but actually most of the clones are indeed part rat! 'Easy to get' creatures such as rats, mice or rabbits etc, were often used as a sort of 'filler DNA' - so most clones have a 'primary DNA' (which usually determines their features/abilities/etc) and then the rest is filled in with human and whatever else they had on hand
But a few do have rat DNA as their main DNA too, like Parmesan has Brown Rat, Eglantine has a small amount of Stupid Rat in her, Hot Dog Water was made with Bad Rat DNA, and Reuben has some unspecific rat in them
But we can still make some new guys!!! One Chipmunk and one Stupid-Bad Rat
They stare at Little Rat
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aurorangen · 9 months
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After graduation came a break before work started for Renee. It was also Jay and Miracle's wedding! Renee and Vincent travelled all the way to Chestnut Ridge for this special occasion and it was such a joy to see Jay again! Though Vincent felt a bit light-headed upon arriving. He was just tired from the long journey, right? But don't worry he felt a lot better after a nap on the bench.
Renee: Finally we are here! Now where are we meant to meet Jay and Miracle? Vincent: Uhh my head [takes a moment to respond] Didn't he say New Appaloosa? The town centre? Renee: Let me check google maps again. Aha! We are in New Appaloosa.
[Renee continues looking. She zooms out to Oasis Springs, to an area of endless desert…just out of curiosity] Renee: I guess they couldn't update the map as there's no evidence. So this place must be Strangervil-
[Vincent's mind goes blank for a second and suddenly Renee's voice seems so far away. His head sways to one side and his eyes struggle to stay open. He could see Renee but everything looks blurry] Renee: Vince! Are you ok? [she grabs hold of him and they walk towards a bench to sit down]
Vincent: Shit. I just blanked out for a sec. God, I'm so knackered from the flight. Renee: Here have some water. We'll rest for a bit longer, there's time [snuggles close to him] Vincent: [smiles and rests his eyes] What would I do without you Renee?
Jay: [clears throat] Ahem still recognise me? Renee: Jay!?! Ahh Jay, it really is you! Damn, it's been so long! Jay: You're the same as always! I missed you, Renee.
Renee: And Miracle [squeals] Woah you're so beautiful in person! Miracle: Thanks gorgeous! You're exactly how Jay had described! [sees Vincent resting] Oh is Vincent OK? Renee: Yeah he's just tired. Hey Vince look who's arrived.
Vincent: Oh it's Jay and Miracle! Sorry, my head's a bit [he blinks a few times] It's so good to finally meet you two, just call me Vince, any friend of Renee is a friend of mine! And congrats, we can't wait for the big day! Jay: We've been dreaming about it forever, right Mir? And I've heard so much about you Vince.
[The guys continue walking as they get to know more about each other] Vincent: [nudges him] Oh god what did Renee tell you? Hopefully only good things eh? Jay: Well…interesting to say the least [they laugh together]
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mrkida-art · 11 months
I don't remember that much of my childhood, but today I suddenly remembered that one time when I started a Tolkien inspired war at my school when I was 7-8 years old.
The war lasted for a week, the entire elementary and middle school joined. We had different armies, all inspired by different characters (I was in the Mickey Mouse army, we had a "general" who was an older boy who would wear a Mickey Mouse hat on the "battlefield", I was his right hand man lmao). We fought using sticks and by throwing chestnuts which we collected in great hordes, the army who stole all the chestnuts from the opposing armies won.
Then the teachers learned of it and they were horrified. They rushed to break it up and got hit with our chestnut artillery in the process. I don't remember how it ended, just that we were sad about it and we had to talk to therapists (???) afterwards.
Idk why I was like that
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pinkcadillaccas · 1 year
+if you reblog put in the tags what country/region you're from
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ladygwyndolin · 2 months
In case anyone was curious what my favorite Kuroko reaction in Murcielago is, it's this one
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drzibs · 6 months
the horse girl in me wants so badly to draw eom’s trusty steeds….. i can see buttercup and witchstomper so clearly in my head
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intercomkris · 1 year
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nightmare on 51 road to nowhere street
loren ; former ex-con, working in the strangetown military. occasionally a rancher caring for his goats and sheep. formerly used to live in the bay but moved since the tragedy that struck once again over there, now he resides in his ranch, with his younger sister & the new roommate.
sasha ; used to work as an intern in the big city but after an accidental mistake on her part when it came to some paperwork, she was fired without thought. moved in with her brother loren, though the material girl isn't used to the ranch-work, she has her own ways to occupy herself while out in chestnut ridge town.
keenan ; championship extreme snowboarder, but after a controversial take that has taken a sour turn on his career and forced to take a break, keenan has resorted to livestreaming in his spare time. on his way back to copperdale, his car broke down and stuck in chestnut ridge town and has rented a room in the schuler siblings ranch.
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evenaworm · 1 year
Girls are really into bulborb these days. Actually.
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sweetmapple · 1 year
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lil' bug doodle
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vanity-breaking · 3 months
I've been obsessed with this video for years. does he really need this much praise? the man just eats hot dogs
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90s-trait · 1 year
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theficpusher · 2 years
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Next time I see you, remind me not to talk to you. by werepope | T | 1138 Too much punch at someone else's office party. Those are the kinds of decisions he's making tonight.
Maybe I Like This Rollercoaster by dessertmeltdown | G | 1638 Harry sets Nick up on a date for their office Christmas Party.
Sweeter Than Fiction by fairytalelights | T | 2790 With that, Louis channels every single Drama lesson he ever took in school, and starts walking towards Curly Angel, as his drunk brain has dubbed him in the past twenty seconds. It sounds at least a little less biblical than His Saviour. And then, in lieu of a great conversation opener, he does the only thing his drunk brain can come up with. He grabs Curly Angel, pulls him close and kisses him. or, the one where Louis has to attend the most boring work party and Harry might be his way out of there.
I Just Want You (For My Own) by BleedMeAMelody | nr | 6147 “I made it so that you’re Harry Styles’ secret santa!” Niall practically shouted, clearly excited by his handiwork. Louis blinked once, twice, three times. “I’m sorry, I must be hearing things because it sounded like you just said that you made me Harry Styles’ secret santa, which I know can’t possibly be true,” Louis said evenly with a shake of his head. “Oh, but it is! I did!” Niall exclaimed happily. Or, Niall is tired of listening to Louis pine over the cute, curly-haired boy who works on the fourth floor, so he rigs the company’s secret santa. Holiday antics ensue.
Blame It On Christmas by Kikiberoski16 | E | 7068 Life was good until a new coworker showed up. It’s a little insane but not even a little bit funny how much Harry instantly despised the new guy. He’s always late, but always shows up with the most charming smile so nobody can get mad. His desk is a mess and he doesn’t seem to have ever learned the words ‘thanks’ or ‘sorry.’ And as if a bad employee isn’t bad enough, this particular bad employee is none other than the CEO's nephew, Louis fucking Tomlinson. Or, Harry is the six-time winner of the yearly Christmas sweater competition, but it all changes when a new coworker shakes up his whole world.
You're Invited by QuickedWeen | M | 8581 Harry loves the Christmas season, but she does not love her office Christmas party. Every year it's the same old story, all of her male coworkers that she thought were nice, normal guys during the year turn on a dime and won't stop hitting on her. She backs herself into a corner when she accidentally blurts out that she can't attend the party with any of them because she's bringing her girlfriend. One problem: she doesn't have a girlfriend.
I Think I’m Addicted to Your Light by supernope | E | 9241 Louis is just zipping back up when the door swings open with a swell of noise and someone shuffles up next to him, shoes tapping loudly against the tile floor. Louis turns to see who’s walked in and just violated the code of the men’s toilet by taking the urinal next to him and is met with wide, green eyes and red lips stretched into a brilliant smile. “Happy new year,” the guy grins, shaking long, curly hair away from his face. “You look sharp. Sorry, do you mind holding this for a minute? I don’t really have any place to keep it and it’s kind of a hassle, getting out of these things. Don’t want it to fall in.” He indicates his legs with the hand clutching a pale pink phone, and Louis’ gaze drops. Speechless, Louis takes the phone, eyes locked on the guy’s legs. His gorgeous legs, clad only in a pair of black thigh-highs held up by a silky black garter belt.
The Christmas Lift by homosociallyyours | G | 13150 Louis lies about having a boyfriend to avoid being set up on a blind date by an overzealous co-worker, but now he's in desperate need of a fake boyfriend for his office holiday party. He’s complaining about it on the phone to Liam when Harry, his unknown but hot neighbor, overhears him in the lift and offers to help. It doesn't take long for Louis to realize he wishes things weren't quite so fake, but he's afraid it'll take a Christmas miracle to make anything happen.
Chestnuts Roasting... And All That by elsi_bee | M | 46760 Louis is apparently the only person at his new job who is single as can be. It’s not a big deal to just tell his new colleagues that he has a boyfriend, right? Until he has to make this imaginary boyfriend magically appear at the office holiday party. Cue fake relationship antics with a certain someone who is more than willing to play along.
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