#cheesysoup arlo
idontplaytrack · 2 months
Regina(big sister of reader) connects the dots and realizes reader has a massive crush on Janis
Some fighting
Good ending 🫡
Janis ‘Imi’ike x fem! reader(+ older sister Regina)
Warnings: coarse language, reader & Regina quarrel a little
In which Regina steps up and becomes reader’s wingwoman when reader’s crush on a certain someone becomes annoying (in Regina’s terms)
Part two / Part three
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(Pictures used are from Pinterest & Auli’i’s IG)
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After your Mom and Dad split up, you and your sister’s bond only grew stronger. Individually, you could still love your parents to an extend, and definitely appreciated them for what they’ve given you and Regina. But everything was still tumultuous so you and your sister have learnt over the years to stay away from them as much as possible. As a result, Regina pretty much paid for your food, new clothes and even your phone bill. Heck, she was the one who got you a proper working phone after a four-year old handed down device from your Mom had become absolutely just useless. You never asked for anything unless you needed it, but she would always get you a little something every now and then without telling you anything.
Regina was two years older than you, so when you first started high school, she was already in junior year. And that was the craziest year of all to you. Not just because of the Burn Book wrecking total havoc in her year but also the first time you’ve seen someone in a damn long time. You walked into school with Regina on one of your first morning of freshmen year, eyes curiously observing your surroundings. You had completely stopped in your tracks when your gaze fell on a familiar face. You couldn’t tell who it was, but definitely knew who it was.
Let’s put it this way…your brain couldn’t remember but your heart sure did. “Who are you looking at?” Regina noticed, closing her locker after getting out a book she needed.
“Is that— um, what’s her name? Wasn’t she your best friend?”
“Oh, that’s Janis. Yes, we were friends. Probably why you recognise her because she used to come over a lot and you would always cling onto her like a koala bear or something.”
“Are you still on that?” You grumbled, “I was four.”
“What did you want?”
“I don’t know. Reintroduce myself? I don’t know anyone here except you and Cady.”
“I could help with that.” Regina shrugs, “You…just go up to her and say hello.”
“Uh…no way, Regina.” You scoff, studying your schedule closely, “Where’s room 217?”
“I’ll take you there. Just go say hi.”
“Not doing that, just take me to the classroom.” You sigh.
“Whatever.” Regina smirked, “Let’s go then.”
Being in different years, the sisters obviously did not have any classes together. But, they did run into each other again at lunch since they had their break at the same time-slot. You had no one to sit with, so you just found a table in the corner and settled down to eat while Regina sat with her friends and Cady. “Hey.” You heard a voice walking up behind you. Your back stiffens as you sat up. Hold on…
You turned around and you saw her getting closer to you. “Wow, I thought I saw you earlier.” She says. “Haven’t seen you in forever. y/n, right?”
“Janis.” You chuckled, “Hi.”
“Mind if I join you?”
“Not at all, go ahead.” You shrug, trying to keep it cool.
She sits down opposite you, “So…how’s your first day so far?”
“Made a friend, we don’t have lunch together though. My two best friends from middle school got assigned to a different high school, so it kinda sucks a little to have to start all over.”
“Ah, just take it easy and let things happen on its own. Don’t stress yourself out over things that you can’t really control, you’ll meet the right people with time.”
You hummed, shrugging your shoulders as you stabbed the food with your fork and ate some of it.
“You know, I remember when you were probably like— 3 or 4. And you would always cling onto me while me and Regina played board games or cards or something.” Janis mentions.
“Oh, my God— you remember that too? Regina keeps bringing it up to make fun of me.” You sigh, but couldn’t help it and laughed a little anyway.
Janis grins, “I thought it was sweet that you trusted me that much.”
“Is that so?” You guffawed.
“Oh, very much so.” She nods, “I don’t have siblings so having you to dote on the way I did was great.”
Siblings. Well, what a weird feeling you were having in your heart right now. Staring at your tray, you twirled the spaghetti with your fork, avoiding her eyes.
Pushing that feeling aside, you soon continued to chat with Janis for the remainder of lunch, saying bye to her when the two of you went your separate ways to your respective classes.
After classes were all done for the day, you made your way to the parking lot to wait for your sister by her Jeep as discussed. You waited just a few minutes before she showed up with Cady. “Hi, y/n!” Cady waved at you cheerfully.
“Hey!” You smiled in return, getting into the car when the both of them did.
“How was your day?” Regina asked casually as she started to drive away from school grounds.
“It was okay, Janis talked to me at lunch, I made a friend in my art class.”
“Good— wait—” Regina nearly gasped but stopped herself, “She did?”
“Almost made a fucking fool of myself.”
“What? It couldn’t be that bad, you guys know each other.”
“The last time I saw her, I was 10. It’s been four years.” You glared at your sister, “You know what the first thing she brought up was? Exactly what you mentioned this morning.”
“Come on, bubs. It was cute.”
“Yes! Because I was four.” You groaned, “Did you remind her?”
“Hey, we’re not close like we used to be. Don’t overestimate either of us.”
“What…what are you guys talking about?” Cady asks, confused.
“She took forever trying to figure out who Janis was this morning. But that’s beside the point, what she’s referring to is, I told her how she used to always basically climb onto Janis and snuggle while I was trying to hang out with my best friend.”
“Oh, enough.”
“y/n, what’s the big —”
“You better watch it.” You warned.
“Ooh.” Regina glances at you with wide eyes, “Moody much. Cramps?”
“Shut up.” You huffed, crossing your arms as you looked outside while she drives.
You got home and just went straight to your room. Regina sighs, “I don’t even wanna know what’s going on.”
“She’s upset.” Cady pointed out, “She clearly didn’t want you to tell people that. You didn’t need to tell me.”
“It’s not a big deal, though. She always laughs at that and suddenly today she has a problem with it?”
“Well, things change?” Cady sat down, Regina does so as well.
“I only told you. I didn’t tell anyone else, so what I don’t get it why she’s so pissed off— oh my God.”
“What?” Cady asks, panicking a little inside.
“She said she almost made a fool of herself at lunch. Janis was with her.”
“Do you think she likes Janis?” Regina gasped, “Like actually, has feelings for her?”
“I mean, it’s a possible explanation as to why she had such a big reaction to something she usually couldn’t care less about.”
“Janis talked to her.” Regina continued, “Janis doesn’t just talk to somebody.”
“She talked to your sister. Someone she knows.” Cady says.
“Not after four years of being practically strangers.” Regina smirks.
“What on Earth are you planning, Regina?” Cady asked nervously.
“Do you think…it’s possible that Janis would go out on a date with y/n?”
“I mean…”
“I’m gonna go talk to y/n. One sec.”
That did not go well, you two ended up yelling at each other and that subject subsequently got dropped. You cried yourself to sleep that night, not because Regina yelled at you, but because you were afraid Regina was right. That she was right about you having a raging crush on Janis. This was what scared you, you didn’t want to admit it because it will make you act more awkward around her. It was as if when she said it, it became real to you. So you freaked out and yelled back at her. Regina screamed back at you, frustrated and you told her to leave you alone so she did.
Fast forward to present day, six months after your first day at North Shore. Things have been okay with you and Regina after like a week, but since then, every time you somehow spent time with Janis(and Damian), you became so hyper aware of your feelings for the girl. And how your cheeks seem to heat up when you saw her, how you could barely look her in the eye when she talked to you. How nervous you felt. It was ridiculous. You felt like a crazy person in her presence. Each school day felt terribly long, and you couldn’t wait to get home every day.
“Okay, y/n. Honestly, you’re being way too stressed out about this.” Regina declared. “Sit down.”
“Like you weren’t this way with Cady.” You shot back. “I remember it, okay?”
“Let me help you.” She continues, unfazed.
“How? You don’t like her, still.”
“Do you have her number?”
“Yes, why?” You eyed her suspiciously.
“I could text her for you. Ask her out?”
“Are you crazy?!” You shrieked.
“Maybe a little.” Regina laughs, amused. “But I can definitely help you out, okay? I get it, you feel insane trying to keep calm. But nothing works— I get that. It’s very frustrating, but once you take that first step, everything just falls into place.”
“You can’t be so sure, Regina.”
“What makes you think that?” She squinted at you.
“She said, and I quote ‘I don’t have siblings so having you to dote on the way I did was great.’ So, Regina…do you still think I have a chance?”
“Yes.” Regina said confidently.
“I can’t— okay? What if I just make an even bigger fool out of myself? What if she rejects me and just cuts me off?”
“Okay, first thing’s first. You need to take some deep breaths and calm the hell down because we didn’t even do anything about the situation yet.” Regina started. “Give me your phone.”
“Must I?”
“Do you want to get your girl or not, y/n?” She spoke through gritted teeth, holding out her hand for you to put your phone in it. You surrendered it to her, “Match my tone, please? That’s all I’m asking.”
“I’m not an amateur, relax, y/n.”
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“There. It’s done— didn’t even take her a minute to respond.” Regina smirks, “She asked you where you’d like to hang out.”
“Oka— what?!” You stared at her, stunned, “Really?”
“Yeah— look.” She handed your phone back to you.
“Where do you think—”
“Honey, that’s your choice.” Regina nudged.
You thought about it for a while then decided on just going to the mall. You two could grab a lunch then watch a movie, whatever works best for that day, you guessed.
“Oh, God.” You muttered, “What do I wear?!”
“Oh, you poor thing.” Regina teased, “You just wear whatever you like, be yourself. She’ll love it.”
“Yeah, yeah, thanks.”
Well, Friday night you stayed up late texting Janis. You weren’t even sure how it started but you guys were nearly three hours into the conversation.
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You were this close to tossing your phone across the room after sending her your response with that emoji. But when she replied, your worries went away, and you get sucked back into the conversation quickly enough. Eventually, she tells you to go to bed.
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Were you seeing things? Did she just send you a heart?! Nearly squealing, you rolled over, face down in your pillow to muffle the noise. Needless to say, you went to sleep the happiest you’ve felt, probably ever.
Oh, and…
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🏷️ Tag list:
@ashecampos @auliisflower @cheesysoup-arlo @frogs00 @ludoesartnstuffs @pda128
Uh so…part 2?
(Yes I gave Janis a Hawaiian name)
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tiredistic · 28 days
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pairing: Regina x Janis
Ask: "Janis bites Regina randomly, what happens next?" smut?(Janis getting railed, fluff (grumpy Janis getting tickled) @cheesysoup-arlo
content warning(s): Smut, biting, little bit of fluff at the end.
summary: Janis bites Regina randomly, it leads to a evening they both wont forget.
a/n: This is the fic where I deleted the ask on COMPLETE ACCIDENT sooo sorry ;-;, I remembered most of it, but like- c'mon now.. its ok tho bc this version is way better than what I had written before. hope you enjoy (sorry for the long wait)
The air was hot and heavy, Regina and Janis clashed lips for what seems like the tenth time that evening.
They made out feverishly and passionately on top of Regina's bed, the blankets and the pillows scattered.
Their hands griped and groped their clothed bodies, touching as if it was their last day together.
The kiss was sloppy and breathtaking, their lipstick smudged all over.
They barely separated, it was like they were glued together while they tossed and tussled over the bed.
Regina tugged at Janis's pants, unbuttoning it with speed, her pants following.
"Take your shirt off." Regina breathed, her slight aggression as born from lust.
They stopped their session to strip, clothes flying to the floor.
They climbed back on the bed. Regina ran her hands through Janis's hair as they took a breather.
"So fucking hot." Janis mumbled, looking into Regina's blue eyes, her hands cupped her face, going in to kiss her jaw.
Janis left a trail of hickeys down Regina's neck, stopping to admire her beautiful collar bone, gosh it looked so delectable.
She kissed it, leaving marks and her lipstick all over. She bit down on it, her intrusive thoughts taking over before she could even register what she did.
“What the fuck!?” Regina winced, grabbing Janis’s face. She looked back at the blood beading around the bite to Janis who had a big dumb smile on her face.
They just stared at each other for a while, processing.
“Y’know you taste pretty good..” Janis licked her lips, the faint metallic taste still present in her mouth. Raising her eyebrows at Regina, she smirked.
“Oh my gosh you are a freak!” Regina laughed, letting go of Janis to look at the mark in the mirror.
“You chose this freak ya’ know.” Janis giggled, following her. 
They looked at it, it was small compared to the hickeys Janis left all over. Regina stood in the mirror tracing them.
“They’re kinda sexy..” Regina inquired, “But Janis you know my rule...”
"Oh c'mon, we're out of school and your Mom is like out of town for a week! Why does it matter, so what you got a couple of hickeys?"
"Bitch this is a whole ass bite, its like a dog got me or something."
"Right, oh well, guess you gotta fuck me like one now." Janis teased, sitting back down on the bed.
Regina climbed next to her, her hands rubbing Janis through her panties. Janis already was squirming under her touch, soft moans falling from her lips.
"What happened to your tough guy attitude, don't tell me you already lost it.."
"Oh I'm tough alright, but I just love when you fuck me like I'm not." Janis purred, her voice dripping with lust.
"Is that so? Go on all fours baby." Regina smirked, her eyes glued to Janis.
Janis listened quickly moving into a sexy pose, wiggling her ass in the air.
Regina pealed Janis's panties down, her cunt leaking for her already. she licked Janis's clit, she liked how the girl was already a blushing mess.
"holy- shit." Janis moaned, feeling Regina's tongue inside of her, it felt so good. Janis's back arched, her arousal building up.
Regina felt herself starting to get wet hearing Janis's slutty moans. Her free hand teasing herself silently.
"faster, fuck me faster!" Janis begged, her eyes shutting from the pleasure.
Janis's head fell back, her eyes fluttering closed. The room filled with the sounds of her moans and the slick, wet noises of Regina's tongue moving inside Janis.
Regina whimpered against Janis, her fingers slipping under her waistband of her panties. She rubbed herself in fast deliberate circles as she got Janis off.
Moans filled the room, sounds of their wet cunts bouncing off the walls.
While Janis was getting the best face of her life, Regina started pumping her fingers in and out of herself, fucking herself like a slut.
Regina added another finger, pumping them in and out of herself. Her body tensed, her orgasm building with each thrust.
Regina's tongue worked overtime, licking and sucking at Janis's clit, dipping in and out, making Janis feel bliss like never before.
"keep going-" Janis gasped, her body trembled as she became close, her body shaking slightly.
Janis noticed how Regina's movement got sloppy, implying how close she was herself.
"Come with me Reggie- " Janis moaned, sweat covered her forehead as high-pitched moans fell from her lips.
Regina's hips bucked into her hand. Her eyes tearing slightly, her release close.
"'m gonna come." Janis gasped, her voice edged with slight rasp.
Without further warning, Janis came. Her orgasm crashing through her body, her words drowned in her cry of pleasure. Her cunt clenched around Regina's tongue, her juices coating Regina's face.
Regina followed close behind, her orgasm crashing over her as she came, her fingers buried deep inside herself.
The two girls laid there, panting and shaking from the intense climax they shared. The room was filled with the scent of their arousal, a reminder of their passion.
"That was so good." Regina murmured her voice husky, her body humming with satisfaction.
"You did so well." Janis praised, pressing a tender kiss to Regina's lips, tasting herself on them. "I love you."
Regina's heart swelled at the words, a warmth spreading through her chest. "I love you too, Janis. So much."
After a moment of basking in their afterglow, enjoying each other's presence Janis spoke up,
"We should clean up before we get too comfortable" She laughed, propping herself up on her elbows.
"ok yeah." Regina yawned, her body already tired from their lovemaking.
They took a minute to clean up, taking a shower, getting water, and changing into comfortable clothes.
Once they were both presentable again, they climbed back onto the bed, cuddling each other close.
Regina nuzzled her head under Janis's chin, her arms thrown over Janis's waist. Janis's hands rubbed through her soft hair, matching the girls breaths.
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frogs00 · 4 months
Hi! Wondering if I could request a Janis fic where reader just has a bad day and has been trying to keep it together at school. Then Janis tries to make them feel better. Thank you!!
"It's okay not to be okay"
Summary: You have a hard day at school, Janis should cheer you up! Pairing: Janis x Reader Warning: Stress, that's it! This is part one of two, part two had smut.
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You walk down the hallways, your head pounding ever so slightly. You just wanted to get through this day and go home. You were avoiding all your friends because of the knowledge that they’d be worried, and why bother them with something as silly as being stressed out? It wasn’t for any specific reason, it was just one of those days. Frankly, nobody seemed too concerned, it wasn’t unusual for you to skip lunch to hang out at the library. It wasn’t crazy that the only conversation you had with your friends today was with Damia in Homeroom. What was unusual was you were not talking to your girlfriend, Janis. You hadn’t spoken to her today at all, which made your heartache. You’d avoided her twice, and you only had the last two periods with her every day: Art class and chemistry. It was your second to last period now, chemistry, this class was unbearable. You slid into your seat, a few minutes early, putting your head down on the table. You heard chatter fill the room around you as students filed in. You felt a tap on your shoulder. You looked up to see Janis, with her arms crossed over her chest “Oh, hey.” you said in a soft voice, Janis was tapping her foot, giving you both a worried and annoyed look. “Did I do something? Are you alright?” She asked, uncrossing her arms, and sitting down in her chair once the bell rang. You knew this conversation was coming, you sat right next to her. You shook your head in response, sighing, gritting your teeth. “Baby, talk to me, please,” she begged, she sounded so concerned, and it both warmed your heart and made you want to slap yourself. She is your girlfriend, talk to her! A voice screamed at you in your head. So you did; poorly. “You didn’t do anything, I’m just having a weird day,” you muttered not meeting her gaze. You wanted to cry, and you didn’t even know why. Janis looked like she was going to say something, but the teacher began rambling about the topic. You were almost relieved, and you turned away from her to scribble down half-ass notes. The period passed, and Janis made another move to talk to you on your way to art, which you diverted skillfully. You walked to class and sat in your seat, which was once again; conveniently located right by her. You sat in silence, fidgeting with your fingers. What if I’m making her mad? You asked yourself, you knew that wasn’t true, she loved you. You felt a hand slip into yours and you tensed briefly and turned to make sure it was her. It was, you relaxed. She rubbed circles into your hand with her thumb and gave you a soft smile. “It’s okay not to be okay, you don’t have to talk to me, but I want you to know you can. Always, (Y/N),” she whispered, then turned away to look at the teacher, releasing your hand. You stared at her with fondness for a minute then turned away, dipping your brush in paint and swirling it on the canvas in front of you. The bell rang and you gathered your stuff, Janis walked up to you, “Do you want to to come over?” she offered, you nodded and took her hand in yours once more.
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I decided to do two parts, the next has smut! Part two: Movie night! Tag list: @cheesysoup-arlo @idontplaytrack @reneeswif3
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ashecampos · 5 months
6 albums I’ve been listening to + 1 standout track
Thankyou to the lovely @cheesysoup-arlo
Sorry my music taste is a little all over the place (im really not sorry lol)
1 . The rise and fall of a Midwest princess - Chappell Roan (fav track - Red Wine Supernova)
2. sunburn - Dominic Fike (how much is weed?)
3. GUTS spilled - Olivia Rodrigo (so American)
4. Songs people actually liked- bowling for soul (punk rock 101)
5. Entergactic - kid cudi (do what I want)
6. Snow angel - Renee rapp (talk too much)
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No pressure tag : @bookaddict05 @idontplaytrack @meangirls-imagines @auliisflower
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superhaught · 5 months
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6 albums I’ve been listening to + 1 standout track
Tagged by @gothimp thank you!!
1. Snow Angel (Deluxe) by Reneé Rapp because she is the best. Fav track: Snow Angel
2. Cowboy Carter by Beyoncé. Fav track: II MOST WANTED
3. THE TORTURED POETS DEPARTMENT by Taylor Swift. Fav track: loml
4. The Rise and Fall of a Midwest Princess by Chappell Roan. Fav track: Naked in Manhattan
5. Unreal Unearth by Hozier. Fav track: Francesca
6. Happier Than Ever by Billie Eilish. Fav track: NDA (I can’t fucking wait for hit me hard and soft to come out)
I’m tagging @cheesysoup-arlo @sapphicantics @pezberrywhoreee if y’all want to!!
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modernsapphicism · 1 month
I was tagged by @erikahenningsen to post what's your lookscreen, last song you listened to, last picture taken and last movie you watched?
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I tag: @memberoflottiescult @sippinoj @chaosdeprived @magicmumu2 @cheesysoup-arlo
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idontplaytrack · 19 days
Hello hun I don’t know if you’re taking requests right now but I had an idea
Rejanis (+ Regina little sister reader)
Regina’s birthday surprise
Regina and Janis moved to New York after high school for college and as a surprise Jains secretly arranged for reader to come visit for Regina’s birthday
(Maybe a little secret texting between Janis and reader)
It’s been waiting for you
Janis ‘Imi’ike x Regina George(+ little sister reader)
Warnings: coarse language, fluff
In which Janis surprises Regina with her biggest birthday gift of the year
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Janis had been keeping this part of the plan a secret from Regina for weeks. And it was hard to do so considering they now told each other everything, being a couple and all. But, Regina’s birthday was coming up and Janis was going to fly you into New York so you could surprise your sister for her birthday. You finally had a school break lined up soon too, so that was perfect. You have not seen them in a few months— ever since they moved out of Chicago for college while you started your junior year of high school. Janis generously paid for your flight to the city, which you fought her for, but she did not want a single cent from you.
“Hi, birthday girl.” Janis smooches her on the cheek and hugged her from behind, the artist’s cheek pressed against her upper back. “Good morning.”
“G’morning.” The blonde turned around and pecked her on the lips. “How’d you sleep?”
“I know, I went to bed really late, but it’s worth it.” Janis grins. Regina squinted at the smaller girl, “what trick do you have up your sleeve?”
“You’ll see, Reg.” Janis chuckles, “I think you’ll love it. And me.”
“I do love you.” Regina snorted, laughing.
Janis shrugged, “Well, even more.”
“Okay…” Regina lets go from the hug, “What’s for breakfast?”
“French toast.” Janis announced, “Sit down, let’s eat.”
Regina sat down opposite the brunette, grabbing a fork and stabbing it into the stack of French toast on her plate.
“Oh, by the way… I’ve to go get a couple things after breakfast.”
“Right.” Regina quirked a brow. “Where ya headed?”
“Oh, not far. Just last minute decorations and art supplies.”
“On my birthday?”
“Decorations.” Janis repeated.
“Sure.” Regina shrugged, “Don’t take too long, though. I’ll miss you.”
“Well, aren’t you sweet?” Janis teased, “Okay, eat up.”
After breakfast, Janis washed up their plates and cutlery before leaving the apartment with her phone, wallet and keys. “Drive safe, baby.”
“I will, thanks G.”
As Janis pulled up in the airport parking lot, you’d sent her a text that said you had landed. Janis brisk walked her way to the arrival hall to meet you, stopping to grab you some of your favourite gummies on the way.
Pulling your suitcase with one hand and your phone in the other, you look up from your phone and looked around. Amongst the sea of people, you spotted the brunette with orange tipped hair. You ran up to her, she met you halfway and tackled you into a hug. “Hi, you!” Janis rubs your back before pulling away, “How was the flight?”
“Not bad.” You told her, sliding your phone into your pocket. Janis slung an arm across your shoulder, helping you pull your suitcase. “Janis, I got it.”
“Let me.” Janis chuckled, shaking her head.
“Alright, alright.” You gave in. “Thanks.”
“How are you guys affording a car in NYC? And an apartment?”
“We share the apartment, we work part-time while we study— also we have scholarships. But we live in Brooklyn so rent is high, but not as high. We got lucky and found a decent place for rent that was within our budget.”
“Within?” You asked, shocked.
“Yeah. Well, we do have to be totally focused on working our shifts and keeping our grades up, but we got pretty lucky.” Janis nodded.
“I think you guys are amazing.” You said, looking out the window and watching the fall season scenery.
Janis laughs, “Just doing what we’re supposed to and trying to live the life we want.”
“Which is not easy to do.” You continued.
Janis glanced at you, “It might be awhile because of traffic. You wanna listen to some music?”
“Sure.” You shrug, she hands her phone to you so you could use her Spotify. “What song do you want?”
“Whatever you want to listen to is fine.” Janis assured.
“Even a pop song?” You joked.
“Yes, y/n. I’m not gonna burst into flames, contrary to popular opinion.”
You giggled, she lightly smacked you with the back of her hand jokingly. “How’s school going?”
“Uh.” You gulped.
Janis squints, “What’s going on?”
“There’s been this guy at school trying to get close with me. I don’t like him. I just don’t like—” You chewed on your lip.
Janis didn’t say anything. You were making things awkward and tense for yourself. “I don’t like guys.”
“Tell him no. Ignore him.”
“I did, and he’s left me alone but every time I’m near him he’s always staring at me. I feel his eyes on me so I look at his direction. He keeps looking at me still, I know he’s not doing anything but it still makes me kinda uncomfortable.”
“As corny as it sounds, tell a teacher you trust about him. Or at least the teacher of the class you’re both in.”
You took a deep breath and sighed. “I will, I just am a little worried they won’t believe me or it’s just me thinking too much.”
“Go for it no matter what, you gotta let someone know so at least they’re aware. Do what’s right for you.”
“Thanks.” You nodded firmly.
“You’ll be okay.” Janis says, “I promise. You need us, let us know.”
You shrugged, “I’ll tell my Mom too so at least she knows what’s going on. It’s been a couple weeks, I’m getting a little pissed off. I just don’t know how to tell her that I’m—”
“Babes, your sister’s gay too, it’s fine. She’s supportive.”
“Thats because she doesn’t know that I’m gay too. She might just be okay with one of her kids being gay because she wants the other one to be ‘normal’.”
“y/n, where’s that coming from?”
“From a conversation I had with her.” You laughed, “Kinda tested the waters, I dunno.”
“You’ll be just fine. Trust me. If you don’t feel safe coming out to her, don’t. Wait, finish high school and you can come live with me and Regina. We got you.”
You blinked profusely, tilting up your head to keep the tears from falling. “You know…this girl I like, she asked me out to…go bowling, and dinner. I said no, and I’ve been thinking about it since then. I regret saying no. I regret not going for it.”
“People are gonna come and go. If she’s the right one for you, she will be no matter how long it takes. Maybe it’ll be next week, next month, next year. But if she’s the one, she will find her way back to you. The universe works in mysterious ways, y/n. Breathe. You got this. Enjoy your time here right now, you’re on vacation in a city you’ve always wanted to visit.”
“I’m back~” Janis announced in a sing-songy voice. You were right behind her. “Sorry I took awhile, had to stop somewhere to get some food. And I come back bearing your gift.”
“Hi, b— oh my God.” Regina gasps, hand clamped over her mouth.
You ran up to her, giving her a tight hug, “Happy birthday, Reggie.”
“Thank you, ladybug.” She chuckles, sniffling, “Wow, holy shit.”
You laughed, “Here I am.”
“Oh, I’m so happy you’re here.” Regina kisses you on the cheek before a mutual breakaway.
“I’m so excited to be here.” You replied.
“I’ll put your suitcase away first, alright?” Janis told you, “Finish up your bagel, don’t forget about it.”
“Uh, sure, thanks.” You nodded, chuckling.
Regina handed you a bottle of cucumber lime Smartwater from the fridge. “Sit down.” She titled her head towards the couch.
“Yeah, of course.” You sat down right next to her as you took out your half eaten bagel from the bag you’d been holding onto.
“We have a but till the rest of the gang gets here. So, what’s new?”
“Um, I’m not sure what I’m gonna share isn’t gonna ruin your mood.” You admitted.
“There’s just this guy at school that keeps staring at me every chance he gets because he asked me out and I said no. He didn’t do anything, I just need to let a teacher know and let mom know—”
“Are you okay?”
“Yeah, I am.” You replied, “I really am, I’m just a bit worried that he wouldn’t doing that. So once school starts back up, telling a teacher would be the first thing I do.”
“Good, you do that. Stand up for yourself, do what’s right for you.”
You only nodded, then just say there quietly and drank your water while she started to talk about her life here lately. It was just what you needed, it took your mind off your worry of having to come out to her. You couldn’t do it now, you were too emotional after that talk in the car with Janis and this one just now with your sister. They’ve really rubbed off on each other a lot, why are they telling you the same things? Just exactly what you needed to hear, but the same? That surprised you, even though you knew they’ve picked up some phrases and mannerisms from each other. But considering how different they were, you weren’t used to their similarities at first.
You didn’t let whatever you were worried about weigh down on you for too long. The rest of their friends got here and filled the place with cheerful chatter and laughter. Jokes and stories shared across the room, snacks one after another. No room, rather, no time for worries. Just fun and time well-spent with people you loved, and people who you loved back.
You spent the full two weeks in New York with Regina and Janis. They had time off school too so they could show you around and spend time with you. “I wish you could just stay here.”
“I wish.” You laughed, “But, until then, this has been so great. I’ve had so much fun.”
“Well, you have two days left until you have to fly back home to reality.” She joked.
“Don’t remind me.” You scoffed, eating a spoonful of vanilla Häagen-Dazs straight out the tub.
“But hey, seriously. Move here with us after high school. I know you wanna live in New York, it’s on your vision board. Been on there since you were like eight.” Regina stuck her spoon into the tub to get some ice cream for herself. Janis enters the living area, fresh out of the shower. “Hey!” Janis gasped, “Leave some for me. We don’t have a lot of it left already.”
“Yeah, well maybe we should go grocery shopping tomorrow.” Regina snickers.
Janis plops down next to you with a spoon in hand, “Yeah. We are.”
“Can we go out for dinner? I wanna go back to that place we went to last week before I fly home.” You asked.
“Of course we can, baby.”
In this moment of peacefulness, the thought crept into your head again— should you, or should you not come out to your sister?
Expelling a puff of air from your lips, you looked between Janis and Regina. And then the words just flew out of your mouth, “Regina, I’m gay.”
“Fuck yeah you are.” Regina hugged you instantly.
“I don’t know how to tell mom.” You continued, “It’s complicated. So, I’m not going to. But I am going to apply to colleges especially here, Boston and Philadelphia to see where I end up so at least I’ll be closer to you guys.”
“Whatever happens, we got your back. One call away, baby. This city’s been waiting for you, and I’m glad you’re loving it.” Regina promised, “We’re sisters. It doesn’t matter how far apart we are, I will always be with you.”
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🏷️Tag list:
@ashecampos @auliisflower @cheesysoup-arlo @frogs00 @ludoesartandstuff @pda128
Here it is! Hope you enjoyed ☺️
This fic was the request in the ask box + another I got—
‘Regina x Janis
Reader = Regina's sister
Silly goofy hang out as a trio
Reader finds a cute girl
The couple give reader advice?’
29 notes · View notes
idontplaytrack · 1 month
Request: Capri x Reader, pool party, not dating but like each other, reader gets hurt (small cut or like scrapes their knee) and Capri helps bandage them up
Kiss It Better
Capri Donahue x fem! reader
Warnings: coarse language, fluff, mutual pining? lol not really, kissing
“What can I do to make you feel better?”
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You knew who Capri was, obviously. Everyone at the school does, even the freshmen. And if they somehow didn’t, Capri made sure they knew who she was by the end of day. She was the hottest girl in school. You’ve never had a proper conversation with her, ever. So one fine day, when you got to school and checked your locker in the morning, you thought this was a mistake: the fact that there was an invitation to her party, in your locker. You were sure it must’ve been a mistake, however when you saw your name on the card, the air got knocked out of your lungs as you read the words written on the paper.
This invitation was addressed to you, asking you to go to her party this weekend. You really wanted to go and was hoping this wasn’t a prank. It’s not unknown that Capri and her girls have played a prank like this before, though it’s been awhile so you couldn’t help but be wary.
Slipping it into your file, you got your needed textbook out of your locker and headed to home room firstly. Part of you was buzzing with excitement, another part was trying to shove that aside and be careful of her intentions. Whatever they might be. As much as you admired how confident and absolutely gorgeous she effortlessly looked, you didn’t know the girl that well, but you knew how capable she was off ruining someone’s reputation. Darby Harper was a prime example— the two were best friends, then god knows what happened, they weren’t friends anymore and became sworn enemies. You talked to Darby sometimes, and you’d always catch Capri or her girls giving you a look. It pissed you off, but also made you feel…sad. Darby was a good student and great friend. But because of their falling out, Darby’s gradually became more of a lone wolf.
Did you mention that she was gorgeous? Yeah, you did.
“Hi!” You sat in the desk next to Darby’s.
“Hey.” She said to you, quietly.
You gave her a small smile as you put your stuff down.
“You got an invite too?” She leaned closer to ask.
Your head whipped around to face her so quickly, “Yes.”
Unfortunately, your conversation was abruptly interrupted by morning announcements. And you didn’t see her again until lunch due to differing classes. So when lunch break rolled around, she immediately looked for you. “y/n!”
You jumped in your seat, startled. “Oh, good. It’s just you.”
“Sorry.” She laughs, sitting down.
“So…you got the invitation too. Anyone else?”
“The usual people.” Darby tells you, digging into her food. “James was invited to this time, and he’s going. I saw him in bio and he noticed the invitation in my binder.”
“Oh, yeah. It’s kinda hard to miss— bright pink envelopes and blue glittery pen ink?”
“No, I mean—”
‘Girl, what the hell are you trying to say? Shut it.’
You pursed your lips together, opening the cap of your water bottle. “Mean, what?”
“Okay.” She answered, unconvinced.
“Nothing.” You insisted.
“Okay, relax, y/n.” She answered teasingly.
After lunch, you were walking out of the cafeteria among a sea of students who were too busy chatting away, and you got shoved into someone. “Shit!” You gasped, horrified, “I’m so sorry.”
“It’s okay, sorry!” You heard, and before you got even see who it was, she was gone.
“Are you okay?” Darby held onto your shoulder.
“I’m fine.” You huffed, “Now if these people can just be in less of a rush…”
She lets go of you, “Since when do they want to get to class on time, anyway?”
You scoffed, “I know, right? At least watch where you’re going.”
Darby chuckles, “Right. I’ll see you tomorrow? Have a good rest of your day, okay?”
You nodded, “See ya, Darbs. You too.”
While Darby headed towards the gym, you were going upstairs for Study Hall. Pushing the door to the classroom open, you were met with a few desk choices: right in the back corner with a jock, in the second row next to someone who was clearly having a cold, or in the middle row beside Taylor and Bree.
The jock made you uncomfortable by staring at you, and you did not want to risk catching a cold even more than you already were. But did you have the guts to sit right by the school’s most popular people?
“Sit next to me.” You heard a voice right behind you, by your ear. It snaps you out of your thoughts and you scurried to the desk, not wanting to be in the way.
Oh god, did she just ask you to sit next to her? Why?
Not that you wouldn’t want to, but why?
“Don’t let him get to you.” Taylor quips, “Sit here and he wouldn’t even dare look at you again.”
“Okay.” You muttered, “Thanks?”
“Jesus, relax.” Capri leaned over to you and said in a hushed voice, “Why are you so tense?”
“I dunno.” You shrug, removing a textbook and a worksheet from your backpack. Capri squinted, confused, then her brows were raised for a moment. She shrugs, saying nothing else for awhile, letting you work on your assignment.
Hang on— was it her that you bumped into right outside the cafeteria?!
“Hey.” You heard. You didn’t pay attention, assuming it was her talking to Bree or Taylor. But then, she taps you on the shoulder.
“Oh.” You put your pen down, “Sorry. Yeah?” You were still looking at your work instead of at Capri. You couldn’t do it.
“You got the invitation?”
“Yeah.” You confirmed.
“Are you gonna come?” She asked next.
“Why do you want me there?” You asked back, taking in a deep breath.
“Because I do. And you’re nice, so…”
What kind of reason was that? You have been nice to her, when partnered up for class projects. Things were civil but she was at the top of the food chain, you— were at the bottom.
You kept quiet after that. “I think it’ll be fun. It’s a pool party, and the weather’s getting really hot so that’ll be a good way to cool off.” Bree continued.
Tempted again, more so now.
Once the final bell rang, you immediately left the school and made your way home. Your only stop was the coffeeshop to grab yourself a sandwich for later. You wanted to take a nap and did not feel like cooking— you were home alone for two weeks since your parents were out of town on business trips. Leaving the cling-wrapped sandwich on the dining table, you quickly got changed into comfy clothes then dove straight into bed and fell asleep. It was Thursday, and you couldn’t wait for the weekend to be here so you could rest.
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You could only hope this decision was the right one to be made…but there was no denying you weren’t excited about being part of her circle, kinda. She was being nice so far.
Putting your phone aside, you munched on your sandwich while staring into space. After your snack break, you finished your remaining homework then went ahead to take a shower to freshen up. And then…you got more texts from Capri. Which you didn’t exactly feel like replying to because it feels like you were so excited and have been trying to be nonchalant about everything.
“What on Earth— a voice message?” You mumbled to yourself, thumb hovering over the play button.
‘Hey, did Darby say anything about coming to the party?’
‘No. Why?’
‘I was gonna talk to her and apologise if she came. But do you have her number? I don’t know if she blocked me or changed her number.’
You went into your Contacts and shared Darby’s number to Capri. Then, your phone was plugged in to charge while you watched TV.
The rest of your night was very quiet, as expected. And with your homework all done, you were ready to get back into bed and turn in for the night. The next day, you got to school a little earlier than usual since you got up earlier. You were outside the library reading a book you’d just borrowed when someone tapped you on the shoulder. “Shit.” You cursed, “What?”
“Geez.” The voice behind you said.
You turned around and was met with Capri standing right there. “Oh, it’s you.”
“I know you don’t like me, but didn’t mean to scare you, you know?”
You licked your lips then pursed them together, making a mental note of which page you’d stopped reading at before shutting the book.
“What is it?”
“Why are you suddenly talking to me?” You asked her timidly.
“I told you— I wanted to make more friends.”
You shrug, “How’d it go with Darby?”
“Went well. We’re good now.” She smiled, sitting down next to you. Your heart skipped a beat then started to race. Your mind, it went empty as you blinked profusely trying to gather your thoughts once again.
“Good for you.” You smiled.
“Are you…afraid of me?” She asked with her signature smirk. You felt your cheeks flushing, so you swiftly looked away to suppress the formation of the blush.
You laughed awkwardly, “More like, intimidated.”
You cleared your throat, “Why?”
“Yeah.” She nodded, looking curious.
“You are the most popular person in school. You’re like— untouchable. Unbeatable. Top of the food chain, Capri.” You told her, fingers picking at the corner of the book in your hand.
An indescribable silence fell between you and her, then you heard a heavy exhale. “Well, I hear you. And I’m serious about wanting to get to know you, y/n.”
“You know my name?” You asked, half joking, half actually surprised.
“Of course I do.” The melodious laugh of hers filled the space. “Contrary to popular belief, I’m not that stupid.”
Then came a very fast, “You’re not stupid.”
Capri hums, biting back a scoff, “My mom used to tell me I’d have to use my looks to get by. That I wasn’t smart enough, so— there’s that. What are you doing in school an hour early anyway?”
“Slept early, woke up early. You get the picture.”
“Okay.” She replied simply. “And…if you don’t want to the party, you don’t have to come. I don’t want you to feel like you have to do something if you don’t feel like you’d enjoy it.”
She turned around and stood up from the bench, “I’ll see you around?”
“See you.” You replied, smiling but she didn’t see it since you were facing away from her.
As you watched her leaving, hearing her heels clacking against the floors, your own words swarmed through your head: ‘…untouchable. Unbeatable. Top of the food chain, Capri.’
‘She’s way out your league, y/n. Get away from her before you get your heart broken. Stay away. Stop before you get attached.’
You found a folded post-it note in your library book that had her handwriting on it. One note that contained her phone number. You held it in your hand, as though having a staring contest with it while you contemplated what to do with it. You puffed out your cheeks, perplexed.
‘She’s just a friend— no, an acquaintance, y/n. Stop. Stop. Stop this. You cannot catch feelings for the school royalty.’
Completely annoyed with yourself and this dilemma, you tossed both your phone and the paper asides. Leaning back, your head rest over the couch backrest as you stared at the ceiling. You stayed that way a few minutes until your phone’s buzzing caught your attention.
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You had two days to the pool party. Forty-eight hours. Do you go, or not?
You knew you couldn’t text her, like actually text her number. So, you didn’t do that. But you really wanted to go to the party. That, you did. You were gonna go.
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Hearing a honk outside your house, you grab your sling bag, phone and keys then headed out the door. “Hey!” She leaned closer and waved. You wave back and brisk-walked over, getting into the front seat with Darby.
“I haven’t seen you in school for two days. Are you alright?”
“Yeah, just— a cold.”
A lie.
“Oh, how are you feeling now?”
“I’m okay.”
Another lie.
“Did she text you again? Because, she’s texted me at like eleven last night and—”
“Nope.” You shook your head.
Another lie. Hooray.
You so desperately wanted to ask her for advice, but decided to shut up instead. As a result, the rest of the drive was awkwardly long and quiet.
“Are you okay?”
You went ahead of her and stood on Capri’s porch, pressing the doorbell. “Hey, you came! Come on in.” Capri answers the door.
“Hi.” You smiled softly, she stood to the side and you walked in.
“Darby! Hey.”
“Hello.” Darby replied while you walked through the room to the backyard and pool area. You sat down on a pool chair and just watched the cheer squad swimming and chatting together. They didn’t even see you walk in.
You did hear Darby and Capri laughing and walking to the pool a couple minutes later, completely lost in their own world. While they were talking, you minded your own business and just read your book that you’d brought.
Taylor came up beside you to chat awhile later, giving you something else to do. “Hey. What’s up?”
“Just reading. And tanning, I guess.”
“What book is that?”
“Oh.” You showed her the cover, “Stuck Up and Stupid.”
She gasped softly, “Ooh. That one’s pretty good.”
“Taylor.” Piper walked by, tapping her shoulder, “I’m gonna go make some snacks. You want anything?”
“Whatever’s fine, Piper.”
“I’ll help.” You decided it was time to get up and walk.
You went back inside with Piper, she looked through the pantry for what to use. “She doesn’t have any fruit in the fridge? Damn.” Piper remarked.
“How about just the canned fruits for now?” You suggested.
“Ooh.” She spotted them too, and took out a can of tropical fruit cocktail and placed it on the island. You took that and pulled it open by the tab. Piper was back looking through the pantry. Capri was walking in and you got fucking distracted. Somehow, you’d grabbed the can lid by the sides and it gave you a cut. You yelped, retracting your hand. It immediately caught the attention of Piper who was right there but she screamed. That, alarmed Capri.
“What’s going on?”
“Bleeding. She’s bleeding— oh god—”
As Capri scurried closer, you began to panic and notice the wound on your thumb. You grab a kitchen towel and hastily tried it off but the blood only kept flowing and soaking the paper. Capri’s eyes widened, “My God. That—”
Capri told you to keep putting pressure on it while she ran off somewhere, returning with the first aid kit. Meanwhile, Piper left the living area with a bowl containing the canned fruit. Capri groans, “Couldn’t you help?”
“I’m scared of blood.” Piper says, “Sorry!”
“Let me see.” Capri sighs softly, holding onto your wrist. You slowly pulled the paper towel away. There was nothing for like, three seconds then the blood was seen again. “Shit.” She muttered, letting go of the used paper towel and tore off a new one from the roll. Holding onto your wrist on one hand, she held the paper towel around your thumb with the other, tightly.
“Are you okay?”
“Yeah— yeah— I— I’m okay.” You stuttered, mind slowly going blank and then your thoughts were getting all jumbled.
“Okay.” She bit back a smirk, “Hold on to it.”
You quickly got ahold of your paper-clad thumb again to keep the pressure on it while she unwrapped a band-aid. “Run it under the tap.” Capri instructed.
You hesitated, knowing that it would hurt.
She tilted her head as a silent ask for you to hurry and do it. So you did. Wincing through every agonising second of it. She helps you dry it off and smoothly put the bandaid on. “Keep it on for awhile.”
You only nodded and told her a quiet thank-you.
“Are you sure you’re alright?” She leaned down to peek at your face since you were looking at the floor. Capri held your wrist again, somehow managing to make you have eye contact with her. Damn, your heart was quickly racing again.
You licked your lips, randomly feeling tears forming in your eyes. “Hey.” Capri said softly, “It’s okay.”
You swallowed your tears. It hurt, but it couldn’t be worse than the heartbreak of you were to risk it and tell her how you felt.
“Don’t cry.” She says in the same tone, “Hm? What can I do to make you feel better?” You shook your head, wiping your tears away with your thumb of your free hand that wasn’t in her grip.
You sniffed, “I’m fine.” She was still holding onto your wrist, then now, your hand— fingers? Intertwining.
She brought your hand, specifically, your thumb to her lips and pressed a kiss to it. Your eyes went so wide, and you felt like you could scream. You didn’t, of course. Your voice was gone entirely. You let out a… noise. God knows what that noise was. Ugh.
She giggles quietly, “Yay, you’re not crying anymore.”
You couldn’t help it and cracked a smile, “Thanks.”
She swung your hand a little, “Glad you’re okay.” Taking another look at your thumb she says, “Good, the bleeding’s stopped.”
“Why are you still holding onto my hand?”
She stood closer to you, bodies almost pressed up against each other’s. “Because…I…like…you.”
“What?” You mumbled, a flustered laugh falls from your lips.
“I like you.”
“I heard you.” You gulped. “What?”
“y/n, I like you.” She laughs, “Why are you so shocked?”
“Because you’re you.” You spat out nervously, “Capri, you’re so out of my league, you’re in your own league.”
She wasn’t fazed, she just kept looking at you. Staring into your soul, it seems. The tension was tangible as your breathing grew heavy. The panic amping up, as were the butterflies in your stomach. They were raging. As close as she was to your face, she no longer intimidated you. Maybe thanks to her tending to your injury so carefully. But either way, you got a sense of ‘it’s now or never’. You were alone, together. She was initiating something— whatever it was, you were ready to let your desire take over. Let your heart take over instead of letting your head tie you down with doubts.
She leaned in, you followed her lead. Her lips, they met yours first and you felt like fireworks went off in your chest. Feeling the warmth of her fingertips along your cheek and her palm eventually cupping your face, your heart fluttered feeling each little sensation from her touch. You let her take the lead, and she was gladly doing so.
When she began to pull away, you nearly whined, not wanting her lips to leave yours. She laughs, stroking your cheek with her thumb. “I’ve been wanting to do that for months.”
A grin forms on your face immediately, and you were definitely unable to hide it. And the blush. You nodded, “Good to know.”
“You probably shouldn’t swim.” She tells you.
“Yeah I know.” You finally regained your composure.
“So…” You both said.
“You like me.” You said, mainly to yourself. Definitely to yourself— still in disbelief.
“Yes, I do.” She sneaks an arm around your waist squeezing your side.
“Oh my God.” You muttered, laughing.
She smooched your cheek, “You want some ice cream? You like caramel macadamia, right?”
“Sure, yeah.” You sat down at the island. “How’d you know—”
“I have my ways, y/n.” She winked, “I’m very resourceful.”
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🏷️ Tag list:
@ashecampos @auliisflower @cheesysoup-arlo @frogs00 @ludoesartandstuff @pda128
19 notes · View notes
idontplaytrack · 4 months
Capri Donahue x basketball player fem! reader
Warnings: coarse language, fluff, little bit of smut ending
In which reader is the one who helps her school win a game after a five-year long losing streak
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“I’ll see you later, at the game okay, angel?” Capri hugs you goodbye and smooches you on the cheek.
“Yup.” You smiled, giving her a kiss as well.
“I love you, all the best. You got this.” Capri says.
“Thank you, baby.” You chuckled over your words, giving her one last hug before leaving the apartment. You had to be at school at couple hours earlier than she did for a last practice before the game later. The school’s been notorious for losing the last five years in a row, no matter what the team at the time did. No matter how hard they practiced. No matter how good they were at practice. Even the coach kind of just…gave up at one point and told the team to do their best. He didn’t even want to show his face as coach, feeling the embarrassment of not being able to win. This year, the last coach quit and you guys got a new one. He was great as well, but knew about the school’s history of losing so he — along with the others before him, showed it. He did not like his job here as much.
Anyway, you got transferred to Frederick Douglas High your sophomore year and Capri was thrilled to have you so close to her now. You’d been dating a year at that point of your transfer, and it wasn’t like you two were doing long distance. But, getting to spend more time with each other was great— you couldn’t get enough of your girl. And, she feels the same way, so that was damn amazing. You were among the best of the best basketball players at your old school, so as a result the new coach, Alexis Yates? You were his favourite player. He was almost entirely relying on you to bring the school to victory today. The team was good— very good, but the opponent was always better. The scores were always, always close. But in the game, a loss was a loss. Also, it wasn't exactly like you had the option to join other sports or clubs. The coach at the time heard about your arrival and the school and asked for you by name to be on the team. And, you quickly learnt about the reason why he was so eager to have a player like you on the team.
"y/n, you're early!" Yates spot you jogging into the gymnasium. He was sitting on the bleachers looking the papers on his clipboard: strategies. You looked at him, being snapped out of your thoughts by his exclamation, "Just a few minutes. Lark and Melinda are here too."
They came up to you to say hi upon hearing your voice. "It's game day. Stay focused." "Don't worry, Yates." Melinda laughs, "y/n's got this."
'Way to make me more stressed out, thanks Mel.' You thought, but what actually came out of your mouth was a laugh. “Warm ups, ladies. Enough chitchat.” Yates blew his whistle.
After warmups came a practice game. And like Yates and everyone else expected, you scored the most times. “Maybe you should just carry the game, y/n.” Lark quips. Everyone else chimed in, agreeing. All eager for a win after such a long time to shake the negative reputation of the team. You looked over at Yates in disbelief— even he was agreeing with the team.
“You got this, girl.” He jokes, “We got your back. We got this.”
You laugh. You liked this coach way better than the last one. As much as he pushed his players, he still had the mind to play around and lighten the mood.
“You’ve all worked very hard. Some maintained, some improved. But most importantly, just do your best today and have fun. Winning will be good, but what matters is you all enjoy what you do.”
You had some free time before the game. So while some of the girls huddled together and chatted, you sat down at the bleachers with a couple of them to have a little something to eat and hydrate. Capri spots you from afar and she sprinted over, donning her full cheerleading getup. Fuck, she looked adorable.
She squeals, tackling you with a hug, “Hi, angel. Hi, guys.”
“Hey, Capri.” The girls sitting with you said hi to her.
“Hi, you.” You gave her a kiss on the lips, “How was practice?”
“It went well. We’re so ready to hype you guys up.” She laughs lightly, “Yours?”
“Uh, well, they jokingly said they wanted me to carry the game but I’m feeling the pressure, not gonna lie.”
“Baby, just do your best. Don’t focus on what they tell you. Focus on what you know how to do.” Capri says, stroking your cheek with her thumb, “You got this. You’re a star, baby.”
You cracked a smile, “Thank you.”
“Okay!” Yates ran over to the huddle, “Everybody doing okay? Good?”
“Yes, coach.” Everyone chorused— you included.
“I gotta use the restroom.” You excused yourself. “We have plenty of time. Go ahead, star player.” Yates responded playfully. Capri wanted to go with you but you told her not to, giving her a reassuring squeeze of her hand. “Okay, angel.” She gives in, “I’ll see you on the court, alright? Good luck.” Capri gives you a long kiss before breaking away. You head to the bathroom, Capri goes back to her squad on the other side of the court.
Truthfully, you were having a bit of a stomachache due to the nerves. So that’s why you had to go. So while you got through that, you took the time during then to calm yourself down. You checked the time on your phone to make sure you weren’t pressed for time. After awhile you felt okay enough to get out. So you flushed the toilet and walked out. “y/n! Are you alright?”
“Yeah, I’m fine, Mel. Just a little nervous.”
“You’re a pro, y/n. You got this, alright? We got this. Breathe.” Melinda squeezes your shoulder, “I have a good feeling about this game.”
You nodded, “Yeah, we got this. It’s just a game, nothing we haven’t done before.
“That’s the spirit.” Melinda smiled, “Now come on, coach says he has new jerseys for us.”
“We got new jerseys?!” You gasped.
“Okay, ah, y/n. Here is yours, take good care of it. Number 33. Lark, Rina, Molly, Melinda. Here are yours, go get changed everyone!” Yates handed them all out to the five of you. You all quickly went to the locker room to change. “Let’s go, let’s go!”
The jerseys were such an upgrade. The shade of red matched with the cheerleaders’ uniforms but the exciting thing was that the basketball team— actually all the sports teams at the school now used a falcon as the mascot. An animal the symbolised victory. It seemed like such a sign to you. And clearly, the rest of the team. Of course, having the silhouette of a falcon on your backs was way better than having a donut. Right, the donut. Douglas The Donut had a makeover too— they got Alex a new mascot, which you found out after the game. But that comes in later.
“Remember what we talked about, ladies. Huddle!” You put your hands in for a little bit of a good luck chant. “Go, Falcons!” Damn, that felt good.
“Go, go, go Wildcats!” You all hear from the other team.
And so began the first quarter. First eight minutes. At first, the effort was pretty equal. You guys were a nice couple of points ahead. You felt like you were breezing through the game. You all were totally immersed, only paying attention to the necessary whistles and voices of the game. For you, that included the cheerleading squad. Specifically Capri. All of them hyping up the crowds to hype all of you players up and motivated.
At the end of third quarter, the opponent had the advantage. You were a little tired, ego was a little bruised too having gotten unintentionally or not, shoved to the squeaky gym floors. “Timeout!” The whistle resounded through the room.
“y/n. Are you okay?” Yates asked, concerned. The girls helped you up. “I’m fine.” You told them, “I’m good.” The referee came over to supervise, and listen in. “I’m good, let’s go.”
“Okay.” The referee declared, blowing his whistle, “Game resumes. Falcons get the ball.”
The rest of the game went on without a hitch, pushing aside your pride and focusing on the game entirely. “We’re down to the final quarter. Wildcats are a point ahead.” The commentators announced, “Six minutes on the clock, tensions are higher than ever. Number 10 from Palisade Garden and Number 33! Wow- we’ve got a star player. Going head to head, trying to score a point for their team.”
Your heart was racing. Eyes focused on every single thing that went by, people, players, the noises, the cheerleaders. “Oh! Wildcats failed to score. Falcons gets the ball, Number 33 has it, she passes it to 25. And we’re with 05. Everyone’s on the edge of their seat. We’re down to 35 seconds on the clock. Will she finally get the team to victory? Oh— we’re back with the pro, everybody!”
You’d emptied your mind, but yet you still felt intense things. The adrenaline rushing through your veins, the hundred odd pairs of eyes on you, you teammates watching you hopefully. “Let’s go!” Yates yelled.
Your breathing was deep, watching the hoop, watching the clock. All happening in the matter of seconds.
“Go Falcons!” Capri. Her voice rung through your ears giving you the surge in confidence to toss the ball right over. It smoothly went through the hoop. You watched it happen right before your eyes. In slow motion. Feeling your heart hammering in your chest, you couldn’t help but feel the sticky sweat falling down the sides of your face.
There was buzz, signalling the end of the game. The crowd and everybody else in the gym went absolutely nuts.
“THE FALCONS WIN! For the first time in five years! What a game!”
You feel a bunch of people tackle you in a hug, squealing and cheering. “You did it!” They exclaimed. “Holy shit.” You panted, finally snapped out of your little moment.
“Terrific job, y/n.” Yates came over and gave you a high-five.
“Tha—thank you.” You somehow found your way back to the bleachers and plopped down, grabbing your water bottle. “Oh, my God.” you muttered to yourself, staring at the score on the board. This was the final game, and you all won after several games over the course of a few weeks with different teams. This was the closest fight, but you all finally emerged victorious.
Capri hung around with you while you talked to your team. “Let’s go celebrate!” Yayes jogged up to you all after talking to the other team’s coach. “Pizza— my treat.” He continues. “Woo!” The team cheered, “Thank you, coach!”
“You all worked hard. You ladies deserve a little celebration. Especially considering our five year streak of no wins. You too, Donahue. Come on.”
Capri grins, “How are we getting there?”
“We walk.” He laughs.
“Right.” You all snorted, “Well, let’s go!”
The group of you walked to a nearby pizza place for a celebratory meal. And after bidding goodbye to the girls and Yates, you head back to Capri’s with her. “You were amazing, angel.” Capri gushes, starting her car.
You smiled, “Aww.”
“You, made history.” Capri continues.
“Stop.” You giggle.
“Neverrrr.” She continues playfully. “Oh, the things I wanna do to you right now.”
You choked on air at the sudden change in the mood, “Well, damn.”
“So hot.” She chuckles, hand caressing your thigh.
“I gotta shower, babe. I feel really gross being all sweaty.” You snorted a laugh.
“I know.” She replies, brows raised slightly, “We can do a lot. In the shower, too. That was fun, remember?”
“I’m feeling a bath.”
“Even better.” Capri guffaws, “You can rest your legs.”
“Okay.” You sigh, resting your head against the window, “Can’t wait~”
It wasn’t a long drive, but the power nap did you some good. You felt more energised and in a better mood. “Don’t wanna get up, baby?” She teased.
“Getting up, getting up.” You laugh, opening the door, “Let’s go.”
“Can I borrow your clothes?”
“You don’t even have to ask, baby. You always do.” Capri shuts her room door, locking it. Next, she started running the bath while you picked out an outfit. As you shut her wardrobe, you feel her wrap her arms around you from the back. “Baby, I’m sweaty, don’t.”
“I’m so proud of you.” She says, ignoring your statement. Then her hand started to roam, caressing your body lovingly.
“Thank you, baby. I loved that you were there with me.” You told her, a smile creeping onto your face. She spun you around and pressed a kiss to your lips. “Come on, let’s get in there.”
That look in her eyes…goddamn were you excited now too.
Capri took her sweet time worshipping each and every bit of your body, making you feel giddy happy. So loved and cherished, all warm and fuzzy inside too. It felt so, so damn good. Like a reward. It was like a reward, for winning the game. Capri gave you whatever the hell you wanted. Eventually also moving from the bathroom and to her bed after getting freshened up. You sat in her lap, squirming from sensitivity. Trying not to unravel so easily. She knew you were close, so she tells you to let go. “Hey, come on. It’s okay, you can come.” She coaxed, “Don’t need to hold back.”
Capri’s been plunging her fingers in and out of you for the last thirty minutes soaking her fingers and sheets, the constant pleasure alone felt incredible. So tender, so sweet…especially with her holding your face in her hand to keep eye contact. You didn’t even need to come— you didn’t feel the need to. You were completely relaxed and felt like you were ascending into a completely different dimension as she praised you and whispered sweet words into your ears unendingly.
“Give me one, baby. I wanna see it— I wanna taste you. Please?” On her command, you let go…safe and secure in her arms. Eyes rolling to the back of your head as you came intensely. “That’s it, angel. Just like that…so beautiful, baby. You’re so beautiful. Good girl.”
“Fuck, I love you.” You completely rested your wait on her, head thrown back on her shoulder. Through the corner of your eye, you saw her sticking her fingers in her mouth to clean them off. You laugh, “Shit, that is so—”
“I love you so much, my girl.” She told you earnestly, a comforting hand on your thigh. That look in her eyes gave you crazy butterflies. She continues, “That was perfect.”
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🏷️ Tag list:
@ashecampos @auliisflower @cheesysoup-arlo @frogs00 @reneeswif3 @ludoesartnstuffs @pda128
I’m back🥳
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idontplaytrack · 4 months
Heyyyy I have a request but like I don’t know what character so I’ll leave that up to you
Reader has been a little distracted by the pretty girl that recently started working at the same place as her…will she make a move? Is the pretty girl gay? Questions need answers but reader is a little awkward especially around a girl such a pretty girl what will happen?
Sorry this is so vague :( my brain is sooo fried lol
Coffeehouse Crush
Amber Appleton x fem! reader
Warnings: fluff, coarse language, reader and Amber are both flustered, awkward messes lol
In which reader, a small town gay finds herself falling hard and fast for the new girl at work. One problem— was she even gay?
“Hey, y/n. Later, we have a new staff member joining us. Could I have you be the one to train her? Just for today at least.”
“Oh? Sure, yeah.”
You carried on with your opening duties: wiping down the countertop and equipments, then counting the ‘float money’ to make sure there was the correct amount of cash in the register. “So, she should be here by 8, just show her the ropes. Have her shadow you for the day, hands-on starts tomorrow. You know, cash register, POS system, how to make the drinks.”
“I got it.” You laughed, “Just as long as she isn’t as clueless as Dex, who— thank god, you’ve fired because otherwise we’d be making losses.”
“I think you’ll be just fine. She has experience in F&B.” Your manager assured.
“I’ll hold you to that, Wendy. Okay, three hundred’s in the register— we’re all set.”
“Good.” Wendy shrugs, “Okay, Kaley should be here at 8:30, if she isn’t. We’re on our own.”
“Damn, okay.” You laughed, “Does that mean you’ll be out here too, then?”
“Only if Kaley doesn’t show. Otherwise, you and the new girl will be able to handle it.” Wendy bites back a laugh, “Sunday…it’ll be pretty calm. We’re near a whole bunch of offices and it’s the weekend.”
Wendy heads into her office while you leaned against the counter, watching people walk by. Ten people must’ve walked by in the last few minutes but not one walked in. You decided to take this time to make yourself a drink since there weren’t any customers. Then, you even had the time to drink it.
A few minutes later, a girl— probably your age, walks in. “Hi, I’m Amber. It’s my first day here today.”
“Oh! Right, the manager told me you were.” You snapped out of your thoughts.
Shit, that smile. It was so contagious. She just exudes such a good vibe. Smiling back at her, you introduced yourself, “Amber, I’m y/n. Our manager, Wendy has put me in charge of training you for today. But your job, for now is to just shadow me for the day and familiarise yourself with everything.”
“Hi, y/n.”
“Pick out a locker in the break room to your right, and that’ll be yours. I’ll just go get your apron and name tag for you from Wendy.”
“Okay.” She was still smiling. Damn, was she adorable.
She walks past you to get to the break room, you then went the opposite direction to Wendy’s office. You caught a whiff of her watermelon shampoo when she walked by. Stop it, y/n— that’s creepy.
“Oh, good. She’s here early. Here’s her apron and name tag.” Wendy hands the piece of fabric to you and the name tag. “Thanks.” You took them and exited her office, right when Amber walks back out from the break room. You hand her the items and let her put them on.
“So, today’s Sunday. Sundays are usually our more ‘quiet’ days. Not as many people come by on Sundays since we’re mainly near offices. Before some people start coming in around nine, I think I could probably show you how to make a couple drinks first.”
“Okay.” She nodded, eager.
“I don’t know how you have this much energy in the morning.” You chuckled over your words, reaching your hand out to grab a takeout cup then grabbed the recipe booklet.
“Okay, Amber. Take your pick— which one do you want?”
“What do you mean?”
You snorted, laughing, “Pick a drink you think you’d like— after you make it, you get to have it.”
She squints, “Really?”
“Yeah. I swear.” You nod, “If you don’t believe me, ask Wendy later when she walks out here.”
“No, no, no.” She gasped, “I believe you, it’s just usually. Based on my experience at my old jobs, I had to pay.”
“Not here you don’t.” You assured, “Go on.”
Her hand brushes against yours when she took the laminated booklet from you. You felt a spark, pursing your lips together and looking away from her briefly. She laughs, flipping through the pages. You could feel her gaze on you.
Damn it, Amber. Damn it.
While you taught her how to make the drink she picked out— it was a coconut milk latte, nothing too difficult. You chatted with her, learning way more about her than you’d expected to in such a short period of time. “Hey, y/n.” You heard. But you just could not focus. Your eyes, they were stuck on looking at Amber, looking at her sip on her coffee, happy that she got the hang of it so quickly.
“y/n.” You heard your name again.
“Hey!” You felt a tap on your shoulder. Startled, you gasped and quickly turned around. “Wendy. Oh, my God. Sorry.” You apologised.
“Amber said you scalded your hand. Let me see.” Wendy says, “Are you alright?”
“Yeah, just a little…distracted.” You say.
“Distracted?” She smirks, looking at you then your hand, then finally at Amber, “I think your hand will be fine but you’ll get a few blisters, but be careful and let them heal properly. Did you run it under cold water yet?”
“Go do that. It might lessen the pain for you a little.” Wendy urged. You excused yourself then went to the break room to tend to your burn.
See if this was how working with Amber was going to be like, you would end up with cuts and burns all over yourself from being so distracted by her…beauty.
“Hey!” Amber’s voice cut through the room, “Are you okay?”
“Yeah, yeah. I— I’m okay.”
“Sorry, I scared you. Didn’t I?”
“No, no, no, no…you didn’t— okay, I— I gotta ask you something but I don’t really know how to ask you—”
“Okay, breathe maybe.” She giggles, “Calm down and just ask me whatever you want. I’m all ears.”
And you did, you took a few deep breaths to regulate your breathing and it helped. You felt better and less…flustered.
“Are you gay?” You hurriedly asked.
“I…am bi.” She tells you.
“Are you seeing anyone? Because I kinda, maybe have a crush on you and I need an answer. I don’t want to be weird and just have feelings for someone that’s attached.” You rambled, “Because that would — would be bad, and I don’t want to ruin things for you, and have you hate me—”
“y/n, look at me.” She holds onto your hands gently, “Look at me. And listen closely— I just moved here, I don’t know anyone. I am single, and bi, and I think…you’re really pretty.”
You freaking choked on your own spit. “Uh…” Chuckling in sheer shock, you say, “I’m sorry what?”
“You’re pretty.” She steps forward and cups your cheek, smiling.
“Aw.” You blushed, “Damn. And I thought you were the shy one.”
“Not once you get to know me.” She shrugs, a cheeky grin on her face.
“You…wanna hang out after work?”
“Oh, yeah I sure do.” Amber winks.
You sigh, “Well, I’m looking forward to it. Let’s get back to work, shall we?”
“Yes, we shall.” Amber laughs, lacing your fingers together with hers for a second before letting go.
“Oh, Amber…” A quiet sigh falls from your lips.
“Nothing. You’re pretty.” You bit back a grin, hiding the blush forming on your cheeks.
“Aw. Aren’t you so sweet?”
🏷️ Tag list:
@ashecampos @auliisflower @cheesysoup-arlo @frogs00 @reneeswif3 @ludoesartnstuffs @pda128
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idontplaytrack · 21 days
Whenever I’m not active for most of the day I just come on your account and scroll through so I’m sorry if I’m overwhelming you with notifications :(
Don’t worry about that at all bubs, I love getting notifs from my moots. :’) warms my heart to know you are keeping up with my posts/what I’m doing. 🫶🏼
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idontplaytrack · 3 months
Hiiii how are you 💕
hi bubs!!!🫶🏼 just got off work but feeling kinda meh bc ribs are acting up. how ya doing?
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idontplaytrack · 1 month
How are you doing?
hellooooo im doing a lot better today- finally found a pain reliever that works :p love you toooo hehe💛💛
how are you?
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idontplaytrack · 3 days
Hello lovely 😊 how are you?
Hi bubssss not great, but not terrible 🤧 how are you?
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idontplaytrack · 15 days
Hug? 🫂
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Hehe 🥹
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idontplaytrack · 1 month
I’m not doing so good lol tbh. Hormones are very out of whack and unkind to me these past few days:’) cried a lot, feeling a lil crazy. And I’ve been stupid nauseous lol🤡 But I’m managing, hopefully 👁️👄👁️
How are yaaaa
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