#checks against humanity
turtleblogatlast · 3 months
Unironically think that each of the bros (+April) don’t actually get how impressive their feats really are so they just do what they do and on the off chance someone comments on those feats they all react like:
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#rottmnt#tmnt#rise of the teenage mutant ninja turtles#no but really#I love thinking that they’re actually way more prideful about the stuff that does not even hold a candle to their other feats#like yeah Mikey can open a hole in the space time continuum but that’s nothing have you TRIED his manicotti??#yeah Leo has outsmarted multiple incredibly intelligent and capable people AND knows how to rewire AI but eh did you hear his one liners?#donnie accidentally made regular animatronics sentient but that was an oopsie check out his super cool hammer instead#raph was able to fake his own death to save the entirety of New York and then be the one to bring about his brothers’ inner powers-#but forget about that did you know he can punch like a BOSS?#and April can survive and THRIVE against a demonic suit of armor alongside literal weapons of destruction as a regular human-#but her crane license is where it’s really at#(not to mention all the other secondary talents and skills these kids all just sorta have like - they are VERY CAPABLE)#honorable mentions in this regard go moments like#donnie ordering around an entire legion of woodland critters to create a woodsy tech paradise#or Leo being able to avoid an entire crowd’s blind spots in plain sight#and also being able to hold a pose without moving a millimeter while covered in paint and being transported no I’m NOT OVER THAT#Mikey casually being ridiculously strong and also knowledgeable enough about building to help Donnie make the puppy paradise for Todd#Raph literally led an entire group of hardened criminals like that entire episode was just#basically they’re all so capable????#and at the same time prone to wiping out at the most inopportune of moments#love them sm
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poisonousquinzel · 3 months
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"a dude in Texas legally changed his name to "Literally Anyone Else" and he's attempting to run for President against Biden & Trump" [source]
okay, but putting aside the comedic aspect of this, it is concerning the amount of people who are prompted to vote for candidates just because it's funny. I'm not the biggest fan of how his policy about the boarder sounds [Site], but I do implore anyone who is able to vote in the 2024 US election to please research other candidates.
The media is only going to continue pushing the idea it's inevitably going to be Trump vs Biden 2.0 and we have no other options, that we have to vote for Biden again because of Project 2025. Is that whole thing terrifying?
Yeah, fucking absolutely.
But voting for Biden will not solidify our safety from that. Biden is exactly like the rest of them. He always has been. You can't make the lesser of two evils argument when they're both just plain evil.
You cannot say that Biden is even mildly a better choice than Trump when he is currently directly involved in a genocide. That is not some little fucking thing. That in and of itself disqualifies him as a lesser evil. Biden is just as bad as him and he will not save us because he doesn't fucking care.
Cornel West [Site] is an Independent candidate running for President in the 2024 Election. [Policies]
Claudia De la Cruz and Karina Garcia [Site] are running for President and Vice-President as the candidates of the Party for Socialism and Liberation in the 2024 Election. [Policies]
There are options.
There are people trying to change the corrupt foundation our system is built on, but we have to help amplify them because the mainstream media will not.
#have you looked at what's happening in New York & the subways#There's so many reported shootings and deaths and it just seems to be getting worse.#I just looked up subway shooting ny because I wanted to check before saying something#There's reports from like 3 hours ago about someone getting pushed in front of one of the moving subways & there's so many others#or how about the like thousands of police officers that they've got stationed at subways in ny literally doing fuck all#or how everyone's going through a housing crisis and cant afford rent and cant get medical care because it can cost#$4000 to get a fucking ambulance and that's cheap. That's a ride to the hospital less than 20 minutes away probably.#or the rise in hate crimes and bigotry and all the shit they're now trying to censor with the kosa bill#or how terrifying places like Florida have became for anyone thats not seen as an equel by people who dont view most others as equels.#or how they're pouring billions into wars while we're in the midsts of a homeless crisis#suicide rates are at record levels in the us and it's only going to get worse. theyre pulling telehealth which will take away#life saving medical care for people who dont have the ability to go in person. people's ability to get therapy and meds being taken away#Is going to kill people. or how the Biden administration has fucked up their Covid response so goddamn badly#people are referring to the pandemic in past tense and have lost understanding for others who they'd have understood before#they've lied and they've concealed and its killing millions of people and disabling even more. but they will not take accountability.#long covid is ruining people's lives and they've successfully led the narrative that its not real or not that serious.#they will sit there and they will lie. they will say they've protected women's rights and that its a top priority.#they'll say that healthcare is a top priority but have suggested that they'd veto a healthcare for all bill because of its price tag#but will spend billions and billions and billions on a genocide that the majority is against. the system isn't going to begin collapsing#it already is.#its crumbled and we must demolish the corrupt remains and rebuild a better government that gives a shit about people#ALL people.#they use basic human rights as bargaining chips.#the Democrats and Republicans on a Venn diagram is a circle. wake up.
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awesomecooperlove · 9 months
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samamakhalid · 1 year
I'm genuinely happy for your happiness if your brain's perfect scritch is Jon taking care of Martin from Lonely symptoms in a safehouse au, but those fics premises are always so funny to me like
You're telling me we looked at the same s4 Jon, held upright by a conveniently aimed gust of wind, and went yeah! that's the stabilizing element Martin's recovery was missing! Jon's a little banged up after being abandoned to supernatural torture, but he owes it to Martin for being snarky three years ago! Martin got spooky depression over jon's poorly timed coma, Jon got off easy with his boring clinical depression! Jon can be the load barring pillar in this relationship by simply opting out of a breakdown!
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emberglowfox · 1 year
i often call my dissociation 'autopilot' because it works well as an explanation but my god do i feel like an actual robot on autopilot these days. not just because 'i'm not in control of myself' or whatever, that's normal, but because i feel like the autopilot is beginning to break down. i've been zoned out for so long that it's run out of normal behavior to reference, so it's referencing what was a shoddy replica to begin with, and that results in a lot of oddities
mostly i've been noticing myself happily responding to people without actually even looking in their direction. like my eyes and head will just lock and i'll go a whole conversation animatedly replying while looking in the wrong spot (i'm usually very good about eye contact, or at the very least looking at people). also my reaction time / processing speed is waaaay slowed to the point where i'm starting to get nervous about driving so. that's cool
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princessnijireiki · 2 months
like the fact that people are saying, "we/our forebears were killed, trafficked, raped, genocided, muilated, brutalized, and are still facing echoes of the same and the aftermath of those blows to this day, all while the memories of those before us are erased when they are not denigrated and desecrated," and some of y'all think the only reason they have to be upset is MONEY?
y'all think this is about MONEY. okay.
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so you agree? to those who stand to benefit from all the above actions and reduplications of the histories and narratives that led to them, the genocided and enslaved represent an investment of capital and a means to acquire it, either through bodies living or dead, labor, trafficking, the act of dehumanization itself, or land, so the colonial agenda has always been one of a reduction to some humans' value to property, and to a dollar price?
you agree with the slavers and slaughterers that what's important is who the blood money goes TO and not that the blood was for sale to begin with?
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thebusylilbee · 9 months
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29°C in october... never seen that shit in my whole life, we are so doomed...
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shadowboxmind · 2 months
Grabbing Sunday by the neck wings and shaking him until he realizes that THAT IS NOT HOW YOU CARE FOR AN INJURED BABY BIRD, YOUR OPTIONS ARE NOT LIMITED TO "build it a useless nest and leave it alone forever" OR "put it in a small cage and never let it out until well into its adulthood and then toss it back into the wild to fend for itself" NO FUCKING WONDER IT CRASHED IT PROBABLY HADN'T GOTTEN ANY EXERCISE IN YEARS
"yeah but it's just an allegory for his personal philosophy" well his allegory is bad and he would probably have better mental health if he updated it
"maybe they did let it out to fly around indoors" then Sunday should not have been surprised about its flying capabilities and also that would weaken his stupid allegory
Of course the important thing is: they were young children, of course they didn't know how to properly raise an injured bird! But you know what should have happened? Their adult guardian figure should have helped them. But Mr. Gopher "HR nightmare" Wood was more concerned about using the opportunity to convince Sunday that Space Catholicism is Cool, Actually than being a good parental figure. So the bird thing was more of a representation of their own childhoods, and the Dreammaster's manipulations and influence throughout their lives is exactly how they ended up with the Charmony Festival mess in the end.
Anyways Robin for president, she's the only normal person in the family
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betelgeusing · 2 years
marty hart's cyclical return to praising family as THE thing that keeps a man grounded, stable, and happy (specifically in pointing out that rust DOESN'T have a family) even as flashbacks show him spiraling into jealous macho violence as he lies to, mistreats, and destroys his family over the course of multiple affairs (by which he deliberately steps outside of and away from his family despite his wife's best efforts to get him to reconnect and step up to be the family man he sees himself as)
rust cohle's repeated excoriations of the idea of individuality and personhood and the stupid self-centeredness and entitlement that comes with saying "I, a human being, matter to the universe, and the things I do matter", an ideology he carries for years and waxes poetic on for his interviewers as late as 2012, even as he obsessively works himself to the bone to get justice and resolution for the victims he's assigned and ultimately to protect children from the powerful and dangerous people who want to brutalize them
#true detective#so what if it all goes back to Melville and Milch. every great character spins against the way he drives#I know this is the point of their characters I know other people have said it before and better#but I go through it every time and this time Marty is hitting me extra hard. bc with Rust it's basically screaming in your face#Rust says humanity (without exception) is stupid selfish and vain and we're fools to convince ourself our actions matter#he then proceeds to take a job where everything he does matters SO MUCH. and to CARE about that job deeply and obsessively#but Marty... I've really noticed this time how Maggie calls him a coward multiple times in her efforts to pull him back to his family#and she's right because he's too much of a coward to face that gaining the sainted ''family'' hasn't fixed him!#it hasn't made him stop wanting to fuck other women#it hasn't made him the household hero the perfect father and husband the savior of the women in his life#he thought it would and when it doesn't live up to the fantasy he checks out completely#and even in 2012 when his marriage has fallen apart! he still lauds marriage and family as the thing that makes a man good!#despite all the evidence in front of him that he became WORSE after becoming a husband and father. he can't let the ideal go#he has good intentions at his core but he's obsessed with the idea of being a good ol boy and a family man#he shits on Rust for being isolated because he's scared to face the idea that he-- Marty-- would have done less damage on his own#sorry for the tag novel they make me want to bite. and knock their stupid empty heads together really hard#btw this show would be 75% less effective if they had not filmed on location. big brain move thank God for the TD S1 location scouts
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watwudbuffydo · 8 months
Being Jewish with dual US-Israel citizenship, having family in Israel, being left-wing, and having an MA in Middle Eastern Studies AND dealing with the events of October 7th onward has felt like being the most drunk sober person in the room/somehow drunk and sober at the same time. Kind of want to scream, but also need to keep my wits because too many people are being stupid/having the worst takes.
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ranilla-bean · 10 months
as an east asian in atla fandom, it is very jarring to see most often self-identified white fans bang on about "racism" in how fandom conceives of, for instance, the appearance of certain characters since they may or may not fit into certain racial stereotypes. i don't often find these critiques credible because the logic is unsound and belies deeper homophobic or racist tropes that the white person in question has not investigated more deeply.
when i think about my (asian-specific) racial concerns about this fandom, it's in things like orientalism or, conversely, a complete unwillingness to engage with the "exotic" logics of east/southeast/south asian cultures. i don't want to call out specific posts but there was one quite recently that gained a lot of traction, in which a number of views were expressed that grossly (and at times offensively) misrepresented a facet of asian cuisine/dining culture, in a way that suggested most of the people who engaged with the post had hardly even tried asian cuisine. i and some other asian fans spoke out against it in the notes, but we were the vast minority.
things like this concern me. i'm one asian here and i really can't speak for every asian's opinion on this. but i am concerned. do white fans engage meaningfully with the cultures/people represented in atla, in the first place? if not, why are they presuming to speak on behalf of fans who are asian? is there a genuine engagement with concerns of racism, or are they crying racism for clout?
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mrpenguinpants · 5 months
crying mr pengu how are you T T
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teamfortresstwo · 8 months
…Thinking about an au where Tim gets leitnered into a cat and Elias ‘coincidentally’ walks in just as Jon is like petting him and shushing him because oh no! This poor cat is so obviously distressed! And like Tim would find this cute and tease him over it under any other circumstance but seeing as he’s the cat and would very much like to become a person again it is kinda annoying! And then Elias is like ‘is that a cat, Jon?’ And Jon gets all flustered is like ‘ah-uh-yes, someone must have let it in… I-‘ and Elias just cuts him off and insists on taking is outside and Jon wants to prove he can be responsible by doing it himself but Elias refuses and takes cat Tim and Tim doesn’t really like him and he doesn’t seem to know anything cause this is s1 so he’s scratching and biting but Elias just won’t let him go and…he’s not actually taking him outside?
And so Elias just brings him up his office and is like “well this is quite the predicament you’ve gotten yourself into mr stoker” and then they spend the rest of the day trying to figure out how to reverse it with Tim getting to be all cuddled up to Elias and being pet.
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janliko · 29 days
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what. you know what yeah I am wondering
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daeluin · 2 months
30mins onwards...... dear god i miss old yeezy
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batcavescolony · 2 months
S4 E22 Supernatural
Bobby back at it again, being the GOAT, telling Dean that family is family no matter what. The angels want war and they don't care about humanity. But Dean got Cass to help him instead. The last seal being Sam killing Lilith and Ruby wanted to bring Lucifer back all along. I knew she had to be after something, demons tend not to do things out of the goodness of their hearts. Sadly Lucifer is free,
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