#cheater daemon
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deldaydreams · 8 months ago
There's so much we can do with that Cheater Daemon x wife reader AU
Like Daemon witnessing his wife's burning hatred towards him. She didn't express it in front of him rather it's other actions that prove her hatred
He saw his wife in a storeroom, holding a knife to rip off and slash multiple cuts on a portrait with his face in it. She didn't care that her palm is bleeding from gripping the knife too hard, she's just focusing on saying how he's such a pathetic trash,how ugly he is despite his beautiful face and basically disfiguring the entire portrait. When he asked her about her bandaged hand afterwards,she just said it was an accident while she's walking and none of his business at all
He read her diary full of her regrets for marrying him as well as her hateful words towards his entire existence,even a list of men she should've had married instead of him,Criston Cole was on the list and even the fact he might be into his own niece. Hell she's even planning on how to push him towards Rhaenyra so that she can freely escape him. She even wrote that she rather died or killed by him than suffering by living with him
She even had a conversation with Criston Cole about how terrible her husband is and the knight just listened to it all,he knows how the Targaryens are,he did work for them after all Criston Cole maybe Daemon's potential love rival
Sometimes Reader even pretended Daemon didn't exist,just ignore him and how in her sleep,she sometimes say other men's names except Daemon,it was never his name that came out of her lips when she was sleeping
Part1 , part2
Well these are great ideas. And like you said we have so much material to use. And I did a little work from the things you said. It’s like a part 2.1?
Daemon sighed. Visersy would rarely see your brother this thoughtful and sad? Seeing, Visersy clapped him on the shoulder.
"What's the problem?"
"Nothing." replied Little Brother.
“Come on Daemon, you can't fool me. Come on, talk to me. What's your problem?”
The white-haired prince sighed.
"My wife. It's just that my wife has been a little weird lately?"
"Strange? your wife? Y/n? You are kidding."
Visersy handed Daemon a glass of wine.
"Yes. She’s been acting really weird lately. Recently I saw her in the storeroom with a knife in her hand, injuring herself..."
“The gods gave you outer beauty, but there is nothing left for your character!” You shouted and added another cut to the portrait.
"Damn you!" And one more cut...
While you were combing your hair in front of the mirror, you heard that damn voice. “My wife~” your beloved husband hugged you from behind. You tried to ignore him.
"What happened to your hand?" ' he asked in a worried but also angry voice. He held your bandaged hand.
"Nothing. I fell while walking, That's all." You pulled your hand back.
"Are you sure?"
"I am sure."
“…I won't even talk about what was written in her diary!” Daemon took a harsh sip from his goblet.
“But seriously, how can she compare me to those damn knights! Moreover, her conversation with that guy yesterday! I will kill that guy!”
Visersy nodded understandingly.
"What am I going to do with this woman? She acts as if I don't exist!"
Daemon groaned. Visersy patted his brother on the back.
"What can I say? You reap what you sow.”
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drakaripykiros130ac · 1 year ago
Still can’t get over the fact that Alys Rivers tried to seduce Daemon first and failed.
Then, she moved on to a weaker copycat version of him. And while he was keeping her like a sex slave/prize for having taken Harrenhal, she was manipulating him perfectly well.
That’s just some info for those who still have the nerve to say that Aemond is better than Daemon. Lol.
Prince Daemon Targaryen, son of Baelon and Alyssa Targaryen, royal Consort, wielder of Dark Sister, rider of Caraxes, Prince of the City, Lord Flea Bottom and King of the Narrow Sea cannot be compared to the eye-patch wannabe.
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2rats1gogh · 1 year ago
I’ve never really seen anyone talking about this, but I noticed that one of the main reasons why I am team green is because team green feels like an actual team that is in this whole thing together.
Team Green feels connected, united, like a family.
Team Black on the other hand is… meh.
And let me explain why:
Rhaenyra being delusional and thinking that Daemon is actually in love with her when he literally just groomed her since she was a child because he has always been after her title and now wants to be her king consort. They have one of the most toxic, creepy and problematic relationships in the entire fucking show.
Then there is the very awkward and uncomfortable moment of Rhaenyra and Daemon having sex on Laena’s funeral, while Rhaenys, Corlys, Baela, Rhaena and Laenor are mourning the loss of their daughter, mother and sister. How fucking disrespectful is this. And then the fact that they have Laenor “killed” just so they can get married and have their own perfectly blonde targaryen babies.
And Rhaenyra lying about Jace, Luke and Joff to everyone in her very own “team”, trying to gaslight not only Corlys, and Rhaenys but also her own sons into thinking they are trueborn, when even Jace himself. as a child, starts asking questions.
Then there are obviously Rhaenys and Corlys, who for some fucking reason neglected their trueborn granddaughters in favor of some dark haired white bastards their daughter-in-law is trying to pass off as their son’s children. Rhaenys is trying sooo hard to please her misogynistic husband because he so desperately wants his name to go down in history. Then the disrespectful betrothal of Jace and Luke to Baela and Rhaena. Rhaenyra is literally robbing these poor girls of their rightful claim to Driftmark and usurping them. And now, with Luke being dead, Rhaena’s claim dies with him.
Baela and Rhaena losing their mother, and now their father suddenly remarries, and has two blonde boys. Rhaenys losing BOTH her children and then seeing her son-in-law and daughter-in-law getting married soon after that.
Everyone in team black is after their own ambitions. They lie to each other, they don’t trust each other, they suspect each other in different things, they cheat on each other (with each other) and lie about it, they give each other forced ultimatums, and yada yada. All their scenes feel forced, tense, awkward and uncomfortable. They look so miserable with each other.
Team Green in this sense is the exact opposite.
Although their dynamic is far from perfect, obviously, you cannot deny that they care about each other very very deeply.
Alicent loves all of her children, and even while acknowledging their flaws, she still loves them.
Aemond might’ve been a little envious of Aegon, but he would never turn his back on him. He would never betray his brother, be would never try to take his crown from him.
Aegon was far from being a perfect man and king, but, as we know, it was his love for his family, and the fear of them getting hurt that made him a more responsible person and a more protective father, husband and brother. Sure, he is a cheater, but at least he’s honest about it and doesn’t lie to his wife. He is not a hypocrite.
Criston is working for Alicent not for ambition or for self-gain, but because he genuinely loves her, whether it’s romantic or platonic, doesn’t matter.
Helaena would never betray her family, her brothers, her mother. They are all she has. She would never switch sides even if given an opportunity.
And even Otto, arguably one of the main villains of the whole show, still loves his family. Sure, he is ambitious, but he would never become Corlys level of ambitious.
Team Green feels like they are fighting against the enemy all together, they have the same goals, they feel united and you can feel their devotion to each other. Especially after blood and cheese, when they become closer than ever. They’re in this together and only if they stick to each other, they can make it. It feels genuine and honest. They don’t hide anything from each other, they always have their loved ones’ best interests at heart, they would never in a million years betray each other. Yes, they are all doomed from the start, but their dedication and love to each other is truly something else.
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mellowpainternut · 1 year ago
Writers maked Aegon a pedo just because Mushroom said it "99.9% of his words are lie" And I don't have any problem with that ok?
But if they gonna make him a pedo and make people hate him, they also should make Mushroom others words true too.
They should make Rhaenyra have her half sister and step mother raped.
They should make Jace a cheater.
They should make Daemon a pedo rapist who cheat on his wife and then abandon his family to sleep with a 17 y/o.
If they really want to give us the right to choose our team, then they should not discriminate.
They should not cover blacks mistakes and only make greens look bad.
It's not a fairytale book about love and a strong princess who wants to save the world.
It's not about a feminist story with a lesbian relationship between two little girl.
This story is about two fucked up siblings that ruined Targaryens.
It's about two greedy, spoiled and cruel siblings who fought for iron throne.
It's not about Alicent and Rhaenyra, it's about Aegon and Rhaenyra.
It's not about a romance between Rhaenyra and Daemon. It's about how their relationship was toxic and how they used each other.
It's not about a hero and villain, it's about two super villain who been nothing but cruel.
It's about a dumb narcissistic woman and a broken mad man.
It's not about beauty and love. It's about blood and war.
The whole point of this book is to show how awful both side were and why because of two cunt house Targaryen fall.
Aegon wasn't a coward who wanted to escape. He did everything to protect his family. He was the one who fought for his family and survived, he was the one who survived the dragon fire while Rhaenyra literally did nothing and watched as her family died. He was the one who lost his everything for something that he never wanted but was forced to accept because he wanted to protect his family. He lost his family that he tried to protect, he lost his children, he lost his pride Sunfyre, he lost his body, he lost his mind, and he was betrayed. He was the most tragic character in the story yet in the show he's just a pedo rapist.
Rhaenyra was a fucking liar, a whore who opened her legs for any man that she liked, a fucking narcissist, she was literally female Maegor yet they maked her the most tragic who only became cruel after her child died even though she was always a spoiled and dumb woman who just wanted to kill anybody who said true about her bastards. Yet they maked her a fucking saint. A boss bitch with her womanly power. Someone who can do no wrong.
I'm so fucking tired of this show.
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requiemforthestars · 8 months ago
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Ah, well, I see
Very curious about how Daemyras are coping
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wulfhalls · 8 months ago
daemon beating the cheater allegations but not rhaenyra is so funny to me please
they simply share everything as in any good marriage that's THEIR mistress now
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lemonhemlock · 4 months ago
this is me airing out my thoughts regarding daemon and rhaenyra bc there could have been potential for actually make their relationship interesting. so, obviously they are supposed to be the ultimate targ love story (even though everything is the exact opposite) and that's how most people swallow it but the writers could have used s2 to show that it was just them acting. rhaenyra and daemon could never have a healthy relationship (in any way in my opinion), rhaenyra yelling about how she can't trust him seemed like a good thing for me until ep8. we could have had them both struggling to go back to their behaviour in s1ep1, this dreamy lovey dovey thing. daemon struggling with a older rhaenyra who knows what a somewhat healthy relationship should look like (i don't think harwin was 100% healthy but it still stands). now, rhaenyra is in a abusive marriage and has kids that threaten her older ones, it would have been great to see that internal conflict. how her life now is in a way a twisted one of her former best friend and the women around her. using daemon x rhaenyra to show how despite being heir and her uncle apparently doing anything for her she is just a woman in westeros. how even if on the outside she portrays herself as this perfect girlboss revolutionary, she will always be a pawn trapped by the man she spent years fantasizing about. i don't like daemon but his theme of never being able to change and always reverting back to his old selfish ways could have been amazing in s2 if it was even a thought. tb has no drama (any hint of it is destroyed to save rhaenyra) but daemyra could have had some at least and it would have been enough (since nettles and daemon leaving rhaenyra won't be a thing). there a multiple reasons for them to have such a messed up dynamic but they aren't allowed. now daemon and rhaenyra are in the exact same spot with eachother, perfect, loyal (rhaenyra cheater but i doubt anything will happen from that, the writers will probs have daemon think it's how or something), pure and badass.
also rhaenyra mentioned how daemon left herr during her Stillbirth but ig that's totally cool for everyone involved.
I'll be honest, anon - I think one of the main problems is that the writers probably think they've done a stellar job portraying the >conflict< between Daemyra and don't really understand the criticism.
Because at the end I think the INTENTION was to show that Rhaenyra isn't completely trusting of Daemon after his stunts, so they're not 100% back to how they were - she has a line akin to "don't ever betray me again" and looks a little apprehensive but is putting on a show for the Harrenhal audience. So, their reasoning was probably that it was enough to portray appropriate "punishment" - a loss of trust.
But this "consequence" seems ridiculous in context, because the greens fall apart much more dramatically and are treated like unfeeling monsters over less egregious shit. So it ends up looking cowardly that they let Daemon get away with the proverbial slap on the wrist.
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very-straight-blog · 1 year ago
"aegon is a rapist"
Bitch we know! We know and we still love him but I can't say the same for black stan.
I just only told one of them what Mushroom said about Daemon and Rhaenyra and I also told them where he exactly says that Daemon is a pedo and a cheater and Rhaenyra is a rapist and then they told me that I don't know shit and start attacking me as if I said something wrong. As if people gave her nickname "Meagor with teats" for fun and she wasn't a cruel and crazy woman.
At least we don't pretend to be honorable and all good and shit. We love them for what they are and don't fool ourselves.
YES, exactly! Seriously, I've never said that Aegon is a good person (character) and I've never denied that he's a r*pist. Posts about this can be easily found in my blog. The point is that I don't really care about it. Almost everyone in this story has done terrible things, but the blacks behave as if the incident with Dyana was the worst of them. Well, I don't know, what about those women Daemon slept with in the brothels? Who often didn't want to be there, who were very young, because he preferred virgins. What about that servant who was killed to hide Laenor's escape? What about Rhea, whom Daemon killed in cold blood to marry Rhaenyra? And so on and so forth. And believe me, such planned crimes shock me much more than what the drunken idiot Aegon did without even remembering it later. Once again, did he do a bad thing? Yes. Is he a good person (character)? No. But at least I'm not trying to make him into someone he's not. And yes - Aegon is still an interesting and complex character that I adore. Not a villain and not just a "drunk and r*pist."
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barleyalive101 · 8 months ago
I want to know why the writers have beef with Daemon , I get it Sara you hate him doesn’t mean you change his character to make him hate able , writers/show runners should deal with characters with neutrality .
George they are ruining your fave character, do something !?
He is a grey character not blackkkkk!!!!!!!
The show keeps on and on reminding daemon about the succession when it has been years since we had this conflict and honestly it should be solved by now , yes daemon wanted the throne or still wants it but he loves Rhaenyra and loves Viserys more than the throne and won’t do anything to harm them, he placed the crown on rhaenyra’s head and bent the knee calling her my queen , he raised an army for Viserys to secure his succession to the throne and it worked , after all this peopel are still like omg he’s gonna steal the throne , trust me if he truly wanted , he could ,an accident can be easily arranged .
I miss “keep my wife’s name out of your fucking mouth” daemon , when he more than ready beheaded vaemond after rhaenyra gave him the cue or when he looked at her for approval to hurt Otto , where’s that daemon ??
As much as Rhaneys’s line “ if only you were king” when he commanded her to fly with him was “cool” , well reminder to fans and writers HE IS KING , he is technically above rhaenys and can give her commands as rhaenys is only a princess , he is the queen’s husband which makes him KING consort or just King as when alicent married viserys people call her queen not queen consort.
Him wanting to be called “ your grace” which is his rightful title as it also pledges that rhaenyra is Queen is 100% okay , him also being called “my king” is right , it his title what do you call the man married to the queen ?!! people called alicent my queen as she is the kings wife !.
Final note / someone keep Alyssa and Baelon Targaryen away from the writers ! They turned Alyssa into a son fucker ( and changed the way she looks ) and baelon into a cheater!
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daemyra-fire · 7 months ago
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Game between dragons
Daemon and Rhaenyra have a dragon contest away from the castle and their children. or A completely sweet moment between the two of them with no one watching.
Well I came back with what I think was an extremely sweet moment between the two of them. I have always believed that their connection goes beyond the call of duty and I wanted a little sweetness after a season apart. This story is set between their arrival in Dragonstone before the birth of Aegon. As you know, English is not my first language. Please excuse the mistakes and enjoy it.
The sun shone brightly in the sky, and the waves of the sea gently crashed against the rocks of Dragonstone. Daemon and Rhaenyra were mounted on their majestic dragons, Caraxes and Syrax, each preparing for a competition—a race to the top of a mountain on a nearby island.
Daemon, with a defiant smile, gives the signal to start the race. Caraxes, the imposing red dragon, responds instantly, surging forward with brutal force. His elongated, serpentine body stretches out in the air, and his enormous wings beat with a powerful rhythm that lifts clouds of dust and leaves a trail of heat in the air.
Rhaenyra, determined not to be left behind, urges Syrax, her beautiful golden dragon, to follow Caraxes. Syrax lets out a roar that echoes through the sky as she swoops down, her flight graceful and fluid like a river of liquid gold. Despite Caraxes’ speed, Syrax stays close, gliding through the air with unmatched grace.
The two dragons soar, crossing the skies in a frenzied dance. Caraxes flies low, almost skimming the waves of the sea with his claws, while Daemon laughs with the excitement of the moment. Syrax, on the other hand, opts for a higher route, taking advantage of the air currents to gain speed. Rhaenyra, her eyes full of determination, leans forward, encouraging Syrax to go faster by closing in on the dragon, causing Caraxes to sink slightly into the water.
Rhaenyra hears Daemon shout, "HEY, THAT'S NOT FAIR!" as he wipes off the water that splashed on him. She just turns her head and laughs, saying, "ALL'S FAIR IN LOVE AND WAR, RIGHT?" as she lifts Syrax to gain the advantage. Caraxes flies up from beneath her, pushing Syrax upward, causing her to lose stability and nearly fall. Rhaenyra yells, "Daemon!" and when she sees him, he only smiles mischievously, shrugging it off, mouthing, "ALL'S FAIR, RIGHT?"
As they approach the island, the competition becomes more intense. Caraxes takes the lead, his brute strength evident in every wingbeat, but Syrax, lighter and more agile, makes a sharp turn at the last moment, taking a more direct route to the summit.
The two dragons roar in unison, their shadows casting over the surface of the sea like giant wings in the midst of battle. In the end, with one final burst of speed, both dragons reach the mountain summit almost at the same time, landing with a thunderous crash that shook the ground. Daemon and Rhaenyra exchange knowing glances and laughs, each convinced they have won.
“It’s obvious I won, Syrax hit the ground first you saw him” Rhaenyra says as she jumps off of her, “You can’t deny it this time” approaching him smiling.
He gets off Caraxes dripping water “You’re a cheater, and that’s why I won if it weren’t for your water trick, we got there first” Taking out her riding clothes to dry, she looks at him mockingly “Aha, of course like last time you would have won if I didn’t get out first because you were distracted right? Admit that I won for once, besides don’t complain, the bath does you good” Laughing at him pushing him on the shoulder.
He turns to look at her pretending an annoyed look “You're a child, how dare you, it was already clean” she goes like this placing her arms around his torso lifting her up tickling her while laughing “I thought boys were cheaters, but I already saw where they got it from their mother” kissing her on the cheek while placing her on the floor “Now I'm going to be cold while the clothes dry”.
She walks to Syrax to get her food and some blankets, throwing a direct at Daemon that he catches. “Look, so you don’t complain the rest of the day, besides if you loved being dressed you wouldn’t spend time without clothes all the time,” Daemon snorted. “You know I don’t spend time without clothes, you seeing me without clothes is different, tell me you brought the desserts, last time you forgot.”
“Of course I brought them, last time I was busy with Joff and I forgot, but I brought your favorites.”
The soft sound of the wind rustling the grass and the birdsong created an atmosphere of peace, far from the castle. In the middle of the vibrant green of the pasture, Daemon placed the woven blanket on the ground, while Rhaenyra covered it with a variety of desserts, fresh fruits and wine that they had brought for the occasion.
Rhaenyra, her silver hair shining in the sun, took a small lemon cake and bit into it, closing her eyes to enjoy the sweet and sour taste that mixed in her mouth. Daemon, beside her, lay on the blanket with a glass of wine in his hand, observing the landscape with a relaxed expression that he rarely showed.
“It's funny” Rhaenyra said, breaking the silence “In Kings Landing my favorite time was being with the boys, the rest was exhausting and suffocating but since I live in Dragonstone I enjoy my own time more, I constantly had to make sure they were safe, but I know there is no danger here, do you understand me?”
Daemon smiled slightly, bringing the glass to his lips before answering.“Life at court can be suffocating. Here, far from everything, is where we can be who we really are, without the masks we must wear in front of others. I learned this every time I left the fortress. Despite wanting to be with you again, the vipers took over everything and it didn't feel like home."
Rhaenyra nodded, her gaze softening as she looked at Daemon. There was always a special connection between them, complicity and something deeper that needed no words. She felt free by his side, as if everything they expected of her vanished in those moments.
“Have you ever wondered what would have happened if things were different? If we hadn’t been separated for 10 years, I often thought about it but as time went by I stopped believing that anything would change,” she asked, a flash of melancholy in her voice.
Daemon looked at her, his expression more serious now. She knew what he meant. They had both made decisions that had led them down separate paths, but they had also shared dreams of a different life, one where perhaps they wouldn’t have to fight so hard for what they wanted.
“Sometimes, yes,” he replied, “But I also know that we are not the type to conform to what others decide for us. If we had taken another path, perhaps we wouldn’t be here wondering what would have happened if we had been braver.”
Rhaenyra let out a small laugh, noticing the irony in his words. Daemon was right; neither of them were ones to easily accept their fate.
“I suppose you’re right, we grew up in that time, maybe it wasn’t the time for us to be together” she said, taking a strawberry and offering it to Daemon with a knowing smile.
He accepted the fruit, but instead of eating it, he held it in his hand as he stared at her.
“Rhaenyra, I did want to take you that wedding day and escape to Dragonstone, but it was too much of a risk for you, the greens would have taken advantage to take away your inheritance and turn Viserys against you, now was not the time”
She felt a warmth in her chest. “Yeah I know, it doesn't matter anyway we're already here” leaning back on the blanket.
Daemon nodded as he ate the strawberry watching Caraxes and Syrax fly in the sky “I love all children but this silence is perfect, I can't stand any more fights” Rhaenyra laughed “It's funny I always thought you didn't want to be a father, but you're not that bad at it” He turned his head with an offended face “Thanks I guess” raising his eyebrows, she let out her laugh as they fell silent.
The sun was slowly descending on the horizon, bathing the meadow in a warm golden light. The wildflowers swayed gently in the breeze, and the sound of running water in a nearby stream added an almost magical serenity to the place. They picked up their things and put them away.
Rhaenyra and Daemon walked together, their steps calm on the grass as they made their way to a small pond surrounded by reeds. Rhaenyra was silent, her mind occupied with the news she had to share. The scenery was beautiful, but she barely noticed it, her heart pounding at the thought of what she was about to say. Daemon, ever perceptive, noticed her concern and, still holding her hand, gave it a gentle squeeze, encouraging her to speak. “I know you have something to say, I’ve seen your nervousness these days, and I assumed this trip today was to say it.”
When they reached the edge of the pond, Rhaenyra finally stopped. The calm waters reflected the sky tinted with warm colors, and the two stood in silence for a moment, taking in the scenery. Rhaenyra took a deep breath and looked at Daemon, her gaze filled with a mix of excitement and anxiety.
“Daemon…” she began, her voice shaking slightly. Daemon turned to her, his eyes locked with hers, waiting calmly. “I’m going to have a child.” she finally said, the words coming out with a sigh of relief and fear. “Well, actually, we’re going to have a child.”
For an instant, time seemed to stand still. Daemon looked at her, surprised, and then a slow, warm smile appeared on his face, lighting up his expression. He let out a soft, almost incredulous laugh before pulling Rhaenyra towards him.
He held her tightly, feeling her heart beat rapidly against his. The soft laugh escaping her lips was a mix of pure joy and surprise. Pulling away slightly, he held Rhaenyra’s face in his hands, his eyes shining with a mix of love and wonder.
“Rhaenyra..” he whispered, his fingers gently caressing her cheek “A child…why did it take you so long to say it, if it was something incredible to tell, I’m really excited about it, but you look worried.”
She smiled, feeling the relief of seeing the happiness in Daemon’s eyes. However, worry was still present in her mind. She looked down for a moment before meeting his eyes again.
“Daemon, I’m as happy as you are, but… I can’t stop thinking about the boys. Jace, Luke, Joff, Baela, Rhaena… They’ve been through so much. They’ve had to accept so much, and now…” Rhaenyra sighed, biting her lip lightly. “I don’t know how they’ll take it.”
Daemon frowned slightly, understanding the depth of her worries. He knew how important Rhaenyra’s children were to her, and he also understood how complicated the situation could be for the children. He caressed her cheek with his thumb, leaning in close so their foreheads touched.
“I understand,” he said quietly. “But I also know that they’re strong. It will take time, perhaps, but in the end they’ll understand that this child will be a good thing for all of us. And if there’s anything that worries them, we’ll be there, to help them through it.”
Daemon’s words were a balm for her fears, and Rhaenyra felt the tension in her shoulders fade a little. She leaned towards him, resting her head on his chest as she felt Daemon's arms surrounding her tenderly.
“Thank you, you know I always went through this alone? Obviously Harwin could never support me and Laenor didn't even care about me other than when I was in labor. Expecting a child was worrying, even though I loved them I knew there would be a new debate about who the father was.” She whispered, closing her eyes as she let herself be carried away by the calm of that moment.
Daemon kissed her gently on the head, and then, with a playful gesture, he lifted her chin so that she looked into his eyes.“Well, you don’t have to worry about that, we know who the father is” he replied with a mischievous smile.
Rhaenyra let out a small laugh, and before she could respond, Daemon leaned her back gently, covering her with small kisses on her neck and face, making her laugh even more.
“Daemon, stop!” she said between laughs, although her voice was full of affection. “No, never” he replied, with a smile that revealed his love and devotion.
As their laughter faded, they looked into each other's eyes, the air between them charged with something deeper. Daemon leaned towards her, and their lips met in a soft, but passionate kiss. The connection between them was palpable, a mix of love, desire, with the other people she had always been a secret, there was nothing beyond a moment of passion, and a farewell.
With Daemon she learned that there was much more, she discovered a thousand more ways to have relationships, that she played between lust, discovery, and love, with him it was the first time she discovered that connecting with someone was more important than just having relationships, she loved each one of them madly, with haste or with devotion, they were all perfect.
The world around them seemed to fade away, leaving only the soft sound of the water in the pond and the synchronized beat of their hearts. As the sun slowly set, enveloping them in the golden light of dusk.
He gently laid her down on the meadow, feeling the firmness against her. Daemon's unmistakable scent, a mix of spice and dragon fire, enveloped her, making her feel safe and wanted.
Daemon tilted his head, his lips softly brushing Rhaenyra's neck. Each kiss was a promise, a whisper of unshed passion. His hands, warm and firm, explored delicately, discovering every curve and nook, as if for the first time, unbuttoning her riding clothes and tossing them aside.
Their gazes met, their hands rising to caress Daemon’s face, his fingers gently tracing the line of his jaw. Unhurriedly, their lips met in a deep kiss. It was an ancient dance, a ritual they had shared countless times, but it always felt new and exciting. Every caress, every sigh, brought them closer together.
He began kissing her from her thighs, his lips trailing down her stomach leaving several kisses there whispering “I can’t wait to meet you”, she giggled a little at the tickling his lips caused, he continued his way kissing between her breasts and finally returned to her lips. Her laughter faded, replaced by soft gasps of pleasure. He tugged at his pants, releasing his hardened cock. Daemon wasted no time, positioning himself at her entrance and slowly pushing in.
Rhaenyra let out a quiet moan as he entered her, a sensation that was both familiar and electrifying. He moved at a slow, deep pace, almost all the way before entering her again. Their bodies moved in unison, her hands exploring his body. One hand tangled in his hair, the other scratched softly at his back, while her legs wrapped around his waist, urging him deeper.
Daemon’s mouth moved from her lips to her neck, kissing and nibbling at her shoulder. “Oh my god!” Rhaenyra gasped as he picked up the pace, his thrusts becoming faster and more urgent. She could feel herself getting close to the edge, her body tensing around him. “Keep going, please don’t stop,” she urged through a moan. Daemon pressed deeper inside. “You’re such a greedy girl,” gripping her hips, moving deeper.
When Daemon felt her tense, he buried his face in her neck, his hot breath brushing over her skin. “Avy jorrāelan,” he murmured just before they both climaxed. He spilled inside her, and the feeling of their simultaneous release was overwhelming.
The world around them seemed to fade away, leaving only the soft sound of the water in the pond and the synchronized beating of their hearts. As the sun slowly set, enveloping them in the golden light of twilight, they stood like that.
Rhaenyra moved Daemon's head a little from her chest "we should go out, it's getting dark" he stood up nodding and she began to get dressed.
Arriving at the dragons, he helped her get on Syrax "Do you think you can not cheat in the return race this time?" He laughed as he tied his straps and watched him go to Caraxes putting on his already dry clothes.
"I could but to what end, if I will still win, soves Syrax" beginning his flight, back to dragonstone, she heard Daemon shout "RHAENYRA" she let out a laugh as she moved away from the island, watching Caraxes take flight.
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lanaisdoe · 1 year ago
In defense of Prince Daemon Targaryen: I am getting pretty sick and tired of him being perceived as a cheater without any proof whatsoever.
We can all agree that Fire & Blood was written by maesters who supported the Greens, and they have not hidden their distaste for Daemon while retelling the events of the Dance. Safe to say that they are extremely subjective and have a tendency to spit on both Daemon and Rhaenyra. You can sense it while reading.
Now, in terms of Daemon’s sexual life, everyone knows how much he despised his first wife, with whom he had a marriage on paper only. He didn’t live with her, did not hide his dislike of her and constantly insulted her in public. He also did not bother to hide the fact that he constantly spent his time on the Street of Silk, bedding whores during his marriage to Rhea Royce, not to mention his long affair with Mysaria.
Daemon’s marriage to Rhea Royce was not considered a real marriage, in my book. It was not consummated and they didn’t live together. Not to mention that Daemon didn’t even say his marriage vows. His grandmother, Queen Alysanne, had to do it for him. Him bedding whores during this farce of a union cannot be considered cheating either.
Now, when it comes to his other two marriages to women he chose (Laena and Rhaenyra), there are only rumors. Pure gossip without any proof whatsoever:
1. That Daemon slept with Rhaenyra while married to Laena
2. That Daemon had a threesome with Laena and Rhaenyra the same time he was married to Laena
3. That Daemon was sleeping with Mysaria while married to Rhaenyra, and living at the Red Keep (and even more scandalous: that Rhaenyra was somehow ok with it and even gave her permission - this is such a big fat lie)
4. That Daemon started an affair with Nettles while being married to Rhaenyra
There is no proof that any of this happened. No proof whatsoever. Just whispers and gossip, because of course, Daemon sleeps around while married to Rhea Royce, and he must be doing the same while married to his other wives too, right?
Daemon chose to wed Laena and Rhaenyra, not to mention that these two women are Valyrian, and in his eyes, worthy of his respect.
Now, my opinion on the rumors above mentioned:
1. Even though Daemon was still carrying a torch for the Princess, and Rhaenyra spent a lot of time on Driftmark, I seriously doubt that Daemon would have cheated on Laena. Yes, he wanted Rhaenyra, but he wouldn’t have done that to Laena, a Valyrian wife he chose who gave him two daughters, and became pregnant once more. Not to mention that Rhaenyra and Laena were close friends. Rhaenyra would not have done something like that to her. Bottom line: although Daemon and Rhaenyra still had feelings for one another, there is no proof they slept with each other behind her back, and neither would have done that to her.
2. I seriously doubt this rumored “threesome” ever happened, even with Laena’s consent. It’s just weird. Rhaenyra was married to Laena’s brother, and she and Laena were close friends. As close friends as these two women were, I doubt that Laena would have agreed to share her husband with Rhaenyra. Again: this is nothing more than gossip, based on the fact that Rhaenyra spent a lot of time on Driftmark.
3. This one is wrong on so many levels! Rhaenyra is highly possessive of Daemon throughout their marriage. That much is clear. Do you honestly expect me to believe that she would have agreed to let Daemon restart his affair with Mysaria??? She threw a fit at the simple thought of Nettles seducing Daemon.
And why would Daemon get together with a woman much older than his niece/wife?
Once again: vile rumors without proof. Was he seen sharing a room with Mysaria after the Fall of King’s Landing? Were they seen together? No.
4. Ah, the absolute favorite. Daemon was so close to the girl the same age as his daughters, that he started bedding her. What proof is there?
He gave her gifts? He gave her a brush and some decent clothes because she was poor and a mess. He didn’t give her gifts which indicate courting, like he did Rhaenyra: jewels and silks.
He was caught bathing with her? Was he really?
The absolute truth about Daemon’s “relationship” with Nettles was revealed when he received Rhaenyra’s letter of paranoia, asking him to get rid of the girl.
Daemon was visibly saddened and instantly recognized Mysaria’s work to try to undermine him in front of Rhaenyra. Mysaria was interested in getting more power, as Rhaenyra’s closest advisor, and she knew that would never happen as long as Daemon still had her trust. She saw the distressed state in which Rhaenyra was after the two bastards betrayed her. She believed Addam and Nettles were not to be trusted either. And to add to that paranoia, Mysaria whispered in Rhaenyra’s ear that Daemon was cheating on her with that girl.
Daemon may have gotten close to Nettles (it is also speculated that she may have been his bastard daughter), but people are quick to believe the worst of him. If he is not with Rhaenyra 24/7 but with another person, then he is automatically cheating on her with that person.
This is all such complete bullshit of green propaganda.
Don’t even get me started on the rumor that Daemon somehow survived the Battle of God’s Eye and went off to be with Nettles. People who say this clearly have zero understanding of Daemon Targaryen. He would have never abandoned his family or the chance to bring House Targaryen to the power it was during the Conqueror’s reign. This is what defined him. This was his life purpose. And you’re telling me he somehow survived that pretty fatal fall, abandoned Rhaenyra, Aegon, Baela and Rhaena and disappeared with a bastard girl he knew for a short time? Please…
Rhaenyra was the it woman of Daemon’s life. She was literally the wife of his dreams, and he did everything in his power to be with her. As soon as Laena died, he arranged Laenor’s death to free Rhaenyra from that useless marriage and marry her himself. She was the mother of his sons, the Queen of the Seven Kingdoms. Daemon had no reason to be unfaithful to her, nor do we have any proof that he ever was, except the words of highly subjective, misogynistic idiots who are pissed that the bloodline they rooted for didn’t prevail.
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cepetriwrites · 3 months ago
Alicent Reverses the Hourglass Chapter 17 Memes
Alicent when Borros came up randomly asking for her favor
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“It had occurred to me to suggest you to the King as a second wife.”
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“The Queen will not begrudge him this duty” the Queen would put his balls in a vise clamp for suggesting such. Otto should’ve become a gymnast the way he makes leaps of logic. Say what you will about Viserys, he’s a wife killer, not a wife cheater.
“I would rather see my daughter dead than wedded to you.”
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And I will make sure the King banishes you for the rest of your days if I find that you have in any way defiled her-”
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“Gently used” is the term we’re using
Daemon when deciding how to carry out any action ever
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Making a meme to cope with stressing over a final that determines if I pass a class or have to retake it tomorrow. Either way this winter I’ll be writing daemon x Alicent crackfic….
Memes Masterpost
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trgqryn · 7 months ago
Let's have a talk about Rhaena Targaryen and her character
Both in the show and in the fandom she is constantly overlooked in favour of her sister. Not only as a child she never had a dragon egg that hatched, but also tried to claim a dragon (it's never stated which one)
In s2, they called Rhaena ungreatful for being sent as a literal babysitter to the Vale with Rhaenyra's kids. And Rhaenyra was dead wrong for that. Rhaena is a Targaryen, just as much as Baela, and she deserves to have a dragon of her own.
"What about my sister?"
"I need Baela here."
"Is it because she has a dragon?"
Careful Rhaenyra, I enjoy you, but be careful.
Rhaenyra was dead wrong again for having literal bastards attempt to claim a dragon and not her step-daughter, because "we cannot risk it again" when Rhaena is literally a Targaryen, like let's be serious, will we?
Rhaena has more rights to claim a dragon than any other bastard ever. Rhaenyra get your shit together.
After the death of Lucerys her future was taken away from her. Driftmark was taken away from her. And Corlys, instead of making her the heir to Driftmark, he went on to literally overlook Rhaena and ask Baela to be the heir. He did not even think of Rhaena.
The so called "book purists" (the most annoying people on earth) got mad af at the erasure of Nettles, a literally useless character placed in the books to diminish the claim of Valyrians to dragons and to paint Daemon as a cheater. But the erasure of Nettles was the best decision for the season.
Sheepstealer and Rhaena's plotline has to be the best character arc ever. As a child her eggs never hatched. She was constantly overlooked for her sister and she never felt like a true Targaryen. This is her moment, let her have it because she deserves it. Enough with the "Baela this" "Baela that" this is Rhaena's moment to shine. Fuck Morning, fuck Nettles and fuck all the fans that overlook her.
Baela is not superior than Rhaena, if anything it's the other way around, because Rhaena was not the spoiled child getting all the attention all the time, and she didn't have anything served to her on a golden plate. She is claiming that right.
Enough with the Baela meatriding, thank you, y'all are annoying as fuck.
Edit: Y'all can cry abt this till season 3, uber to my dick
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princesssszzzz · 9 months ago
Someone asked Beth again about Daemon and she says the same thing but it’s worse now. She says Baela likes Rhaenyra over Daemon. Baela’s father/daughter moments are sacrificed for Rhaenyra to be propped up over Daemon to seem like a better figure among the adults 🙄
Oh that’s even worse than what I was theorizing. So they aren’t even writing Daemon’s decisions to be his decisions. Why the hell would Baela and Daemon’s relationship revolve around Rhaenyra, the woman who’s not her mother? Writing a character like Daemon to act like a little boy that can’t operate or make a decision outside of another character is the worse change from Fire & Blood. Because like I was questioning he’s neglectful because they’re girls, because they’re Laena’s daughters, or the writers legitimately write Baela and Rhaena with nothing but misogynior in their mind? Daemon didn’t actually do anything the last 6 years so it has to be the latter. Not that it’s good writing anyways, Daemon also doesn’t do shit for the boys despite what Harry Collett is saying, Jace can’t fight or speak Valyrian and he doesn’t have a loving relationship with Daemon. Daemon is just there existing and the cast and crew think they can just not show anything on screen, contradict themselves, and then have the cast say something in interviews that makes no sense and people will just accept it.
If Daemon isn’t given an actual reason behind his behavior then he can’t have any meaningful scenes working on his relationship with his daughters. If he ignored his kids because he didn’t want to be a bad influence on them or some BS like that, then that would be one thing. They wrote him like he’s a bachelor with no responsibilities and no kids AFTER the last time skip when he already had changed after the FIRST time skip. So they just took away character development and reverted him back to where he started. Like he hasn’t grown up in anyway but mind you, this is a grown man and one of the oldest characters. If anything, if Baela has a problem with Daemon it should be from how he treated Laena. And this would lead to them having issues with Rhaenyra but they can’t have that so the relationships that actually mean something to Baela and Rhaena are taken away. Not to mention that also effects their relationship with their half brothers. If Daemon is ignoring Baela & Rhaena but not Aegon & Viserys, why would those girls love them as brothers and not feel some type of way.
This is what I mean how the writers are giving low brain cell, and they don’t think. They write Rhaenyra disliking her half brother but that’s suddenly out of the question for any other character. The fandom complains about Viserys only caring about his children from one wife. So everyone sees how that’s an issue except for when it comes to Baela & Rhaena. The writers are also lazy for trying to copy and paste Corlys’ behavior. Corlys is not a family man like he claims. He’s a cheater, tried to marry Laena off young, and doesn’t give af about his actual grandchildren. They can excuse his trash behavior as him being obsessed with getting close to the throne and being away at sea gives me his bad excuse for being neglectful but that doesn’t work for Daemon. There’s no real thought put behind Daemon’s behavior, they don’t want to write him with anyone outside of two people, and one of those people is dead now. I’m sorry but it’s giving Jon Snow’s “muh queen” 😂 I definitely want a scene with Rhaenys and Baela going off on Daemon. Rhaenyra is being propped up over the now ‘incompetent as a parent’ Daemon but Baela & Rhaena are the victims of this writing. It’s definitely done with the intentions of making Rhaenyra seem like a better person in contrast to Daemon. Don’t at the expense of Laena, Baela, and Rhaena l. Because if they have Rhaenys and Daemon being a semi-decent father why would they give af about Rhaenyra. I was watching someone’s ASOIAF livestream yesterday and they totally dismissed that Baela & Rhaena are neglected and said they’re ok because Laena and Rhaenys raised them right. It’s giving ‘strong black woman you don’t need help’ trope. Then those people said grown up Aegon was neglected by Viserys and how sad that was and I was like ????
They don’t want Baela & Rhaena to ever see Rhaenyra in a bad light and their willing to fuck up everyone’s character to get there. For the same reason why Laena is ridiculously written to say she has no issue with her husband mistreating her. And for the same reason why they get to “kill” Laenor without repercussions of Rhaenys not supporting them.
Ryan Condal is also not capable of handling an ensemble cast. He can’t focus on more than 4 characters at a time. He doesn’t respect Baela and Rhaena as characters from F&B and disregards intentional differences between them. That’s why even his set up for Rhaena in season one is now merged with Baela so Daemon now has a horrible relationship with BOTH his kids. And it’s the same reason why he wants Rhaena to claim a dragon despite the entire idea for her story is for her to not have a dragon like Baela does
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eggtargaryenii · 3 months ago
Since Jace hates being a bastard and everyone knows he’s a bastard, do you think he would pull a Jon Snow and avoid any premarital sex for many reasons? Maybe he thinks its dosrespectful to his future betrothed/wife? Especially since she has to wait until marriage. But also because he doesnt want to father a bastard himself
I think that's totally feasible re: not wanting to father a bastard. it's for this exact reason that he's one of the few men in the series I actually could envision as waiting for marriage. and if he doesn't wait, I would imagine that he'd strongly consider getting hitched if he happens to have a lapse in self-control and gets some random noblewoman pregnant without intending to (aka he might pull a robb stark). if he doesn't get hitched, I assume that he'd at least ensure that the child and their mother are taken care of (kind of like what bobby b did with his bastards) rather than straight up abandoning them (aka what corlys did to his).
in terms of "disrespecting" his future wife - I think this would be less of a concern, since in westeros it's considered very socially acceptable for men to have premarital sex (daemon and viserys even have that convo about how no one cared that they'd visited like half the brothels in flea bottom in their teens or something). even fathering a bastard is not considered disrespectful, as was revealed in a game of thrones in catelyn's pov (aka the most famously bastardphobic lady of the series). it's pretty much expected that a lord is going to father at least one or two bastards and such an act is not seen as a sign of offense toward his wife. however, it is considered highly disrespectful if the bastard is brought home and raised in her presence. so, there seems to be a pretty high threshold for disrespecting one's wife by westerosi standards. that being said, I cannot envision jace being a cheater. he would probably have ned stark levels of faithfulness lol
all this to say, jace is probably not sleeping around a ton (if at all), and he has impeccable pullout game when he does 💀💀💀
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out-of-life · 1 year ago
You can definitely tell when someone is a Daemon hater, based on the completely horrendous shit they write as "rumoured plots for the show"! Everyone has plots that can easily be believed to be true or, in the minimum, possible, whereas Daemon's is always like: HE IS A CHEATER AND A HORRIBLE FATHER AND HE DOESN'T CARE AND HE DOESN'T LOVE HER AND HE IS IN IT ON HIMSELF
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