#chase x brooke
othsource · 2 years
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tvshowscouples · 28 days
If you love Brooke&Chase (OTH) and you want reblog or like,this is the link of my reblog couples :)
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Zoey 101 : Welcome To PCA | Zoey 102
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veryberrydreamer · 1 year
Here's how the Zoey 102 movie is gonna go. I would literally bet money on this.
Quinn and Logan are super rich and successful/possibly famous in some way. Because, I mean, his money? Her brains? They were bound to be! Anyway, because of this Logan proposes to Quinn publicly and they're expected to have this over the top wedding (complete with multiple events, statues that get destroyed by Zoey's "boyfriend" with that car, and headsets for some reason?).
So Quinn asks Zoey to be her maid of honor and Zoey accepts, but she's worried about all of the events because Chase will be there. To prepare for this, she hires an actor to play her boyfriend. Chase is also nervous, so he also hires someone to play his girlfriend. Because duh! If Zoey's nervous, then Chase must be crawling out of his skin!
Anyway, everyone from PCA gets together and has a good time. They remember old days and what not. Stacy and Mark are together for some reason. (Guess they hooked up at Prom after he hit her with Michael's car?) In doing all of this, Quinn starts to realize that she misses being this way. She wants to be more down to earth, less lavish. And of course she will wait until the day of her wedding to do anything about it!
This also gives Chase and Zoey plenty of time to exchange longing looks.
So we get to the wedding. It's ass. Quinn leaves, not because she doesn't love Logan, but because she doesn't like the theatrics. I don't think Zoey and Chase will decide to use the venue for themselves Mamma Mia style (maybe Mark and Stacy will bc fuck a marriage license ig?💀) since we see them talking at the beach after, but I do think this will give them more time to reflect and decide to get together. I also think this is when they will reveal that they both had the same fake partner plan.
After Quinn leaves, Logan decides to propose to her again but in a way that is much more toned down. Only close friends are there this time around. I believe there are two proposals because 1. Zoey found out about their engagement over the phone. How could she been there, standing behind Quinn, if there aren't two separate proposals? 2. Logan is holding a tie in his hand when he proposes. Throughout the entirety of the trailer, he wears a suit and tie (even at the bar. Bleh!). Taking the tie off to propose is symbolic. It's him trying to meet Quinn where she's at.
As you can see in the trailer, Quinn says yes. They actually get married, everyone dances, and they live happily ever after. THE END.
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quinnslogan · 1 year
Zoey and Chase getting back together in the middle of Quinn and Logan’s first dance as a married couple… CAN U LOSERS JUST LET THEM ENJOY THIS ONE THING WITHOUT MAKING IT ABOUT YOURSELVES??? LOOK HOW CUTE AND HAPPY THEY ARE
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myplace2fangirl · 1 year
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6 day countdown, brought to you by another fangirls theory/thoughts
If I had to guess, (& it’s possible I could be way off! Good thing blogs can be used for fictional crap 😙) Logan and Quinn might’ve become an “it” couple their senior year and didn’t give a shit about it because they’re busy loving each other.
I think, Zoey was the one parading around Chase only for it to somehow not work out. And Lola and Vince were likely short lived. That left Quinn being the roomie who entered all giddy and smiles…and that ain’t because of her quinnventing! (No pun intended lol)
So then there’s Logan. He’s a different man since dating Quinn and being open about it. He’s more approachable, in a better mood and has gotten better with his anger issues. Heck, he doesn’t scare Quinn if he does get angry…she’s been his muse through it and by now that’s just not his regular thing anymore. I’d like to say they both took on yoga (which Erin Sanders is an actual practitioner!) and bonded heavily over that. It kinda sucked for Lola because she once enjoyed it and now has to be annoyed by her 2 friends who are SO in love! ☺️
I’m not sure if Chase and Zoey were broken up yet but something says there was at least trouble in paradise more than expected. Zoey being Zoey comes in her room irritated af while Lola and Quinn are enjoying senior year and each others company. Maybe Quinn takes a sabbatical with her attention towards science (BRIEF!) to focus on this new real deal called “a relationship.” At least a few months…I mean she’s a genius and knows a lot already…that knowledge isn’t disappearing anytime soon. 😉
Btw, could you picture Chase and Michael totally making fun of Logan and his softening side? I know I could 😂 here’s my take:
Michael: grabs the small purple pillow sitting on Logan’s bed. “Well my goodness, wanna explain the new addition to your bed?”
Logan: grabs pillow from Michael and holds it to himself. “Dude, don’t touch my stuff!”
Michael: “you know I never would have taken you for the purple and white polka dot type!”
Logan: “yeah well…it’s Violet. And a gift. You can’t just be rude and hide a gift…you know?”
Michael laughs historically. “You got it bad! Alright none of my business, carry on with your “violet present.” Continues laughing as he walks out.
Logan sighs of relief and proceeds to fall back on his bed hugging the pillow tightly.
Chase walks in staring at a pillow hugging Logan. “Uh, hey man. Whatcha doing with uh Quinn’s pillow?”
Logan: throws pillow at chase and jumps out of bed. “Who says its Quinn’s? Wait, how do you know this stuff?”
Chase smiles and shakes his head. “My girlfriend and yours have roomed for like 2 years. I notice things man.”
Logan picks up the pillow and snares at Chase, resuming his snuggle with Quinn’s pillow. (“If only I could have the pillows owner in here rather than the pillow itself…nosy roommates 😠”) he thought to himself. Logan pauses and sits up as though he’s cleverly thought of an idea…wait…he did! “That’s it! There is!”
To think a week from today I’ll likely be watching Zoey 102 for the billionth time trying to process everything! Have a good weekend y’all 🥲
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partiallypearl · 3 months
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But if it's true, then tell me how it got this way
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clustermuck · 1 year
I know there’s been a lot of discussion on whether or not people will have kept their core personalities from the TV show into the reboot movie (i.e. Quinn is still a delightful nerd with her Quinnventions and random facts - even though she’s now blonde and wears contacts).
BUT considering how much of a jerk Logan used to be, I would absolutely LOVE to see Logan have gone from jerk stud to absolute SIMP HIMBO for Quinn. Like, he can keep his “dumb” persona, but I hope his attitude has morphed into a kinder person who is just head-over-heels for Quinn and has continued to be a better person because of her (which, I mean, we already saw him become a kinder person though the series and especially season 4 as he was dating Quinn.)
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I mean - COME ON! This promo shot alone is enough to convince me that he’s gonna just be just goo-goo-ga-ga for Quinn — and in public now! Yaaas! We’ll finally SEE their relationship in front of their friends!
TL;DR: this promo pic is giving “Logan is a total himbo simp for Quinn” and I am ABSOLUTELY here for it
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gabulousxo · 11 months
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mintygreenaqua · 4 months
Hello Neighbor Welcome to Raven Brooks - Dr. Peterson is coming
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witchsghosts · 1 year
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othsource · 2 years
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tvshowscouples · 2 months
If you love Brooke&Chase (OTH) and you want reblog or like,this is the link of my reblog couples :)
thank you!
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Chase + Zoey + Favorite Parallels, Callbacks, & Glowups From Zoey 102
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lumax-mayclair · 1 year
Full on crack dream, but hear me out— What if…??
We made Zoey 101 an animated series and just went ahead and did that final season of their senior year like we should’ve gotten in the first place . . . Just a thought . . . 🤔🧠 🚬🍀
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rottentiger-art · 1 year
I hope you don’t mind me, but I’m inspired to organize the whole anon asks regarding PCA into one and adding some stuff. Here’s basically my take of what I think happened:
Pacific Coast Academy was actually accredited by the Department of Education of California. Originally, it was an all-boy’s school until that changed when girls where allowed. Thus, becoming a coed boarding school. The last dean, Charles Rivers, goes through a hard time in his personal life and borrows some money from the school, swearing to himself that he’ll pay it back. Then, him borrowing money repeats again and again.
The school board starts noticing inconstancies in the school finances and an investigation is done, which reveals that the school is basically near bankruptcy. The media somehow catches wind of it and has a field day, twisting things for their own purposes. There’s uproar and backlash from the public. Then, the rumors start floating around that PCA is a diploma mill. There are even pictures from events that happened at PCA that are taken out of context to explain why PCA is a scam. Some parents who have their children in the school get worried about this and make the decision to start pulling their children from the school.
The media, the public backlash and parents pulling their children from PCA leads to the downfall of the school. It has no choice but to close its doors. 15 years later, everyone still believes that PCA was a diploma mill and let teenagers loose in the campus. None of the students do anything to dismiss the rumors, because no one believes them when they tell the truth.
Fast forward a little to after Logan and Quinn’s marriage. Logan buys the PCA campus out of impulse, then gives it to Quinn as a wedding gift. Quinn just sighs at her husband, asking what was his intention in buying it and he’s like, we rebuild PCA back to its former glory…? Quinn doesn’t think it’s a bad idea, so she runs with it and pulls a few strings here and there from people she knows in the science field, talking about how she’d like a STEM curriculum for her new school. People are on board with her idea, because, duh, Dr. Quinn Pensky is like a big deal and she’s legit so, of course, the new PCA campus won’t go to hell like the last one.
Long story short, Quinn works from the ground up to make sure that PCA is up to standards, hiring qualified people, making sure to do background checks, etcetera. When everything looks good, Quinn steps back and lets the people she hired take over, only making sure that they come to her for funding and such. Logan gets involved and talks the staff into setting up a scholarship for talented students who can’t afford PCA and proposes that it’d be called the Pensky Scholarship.
And when it’s time to inaugurate the new and improve PCA campus, Logan and Quinn are there to cut the ribbon. Both are known as the patrons of the PCA campus.
If one Stacy Del Figalo causes a storm over her investigation over what truly happened on the old PCA campus, then that’s another story. The End.
This was so good, so sorry it took me a while to answer it. But I loved it. You did a great job at putting it all together and honestly, I'd 100% read a fic like that.
Some things I'd like to add to this AU. Mostly headcanons.
I really want their friends to get involved on this AU too, damn, even Zoey. Like I said, I think Chase being a teacher shouldn't go to waste, I'd like to see him teaching at PCA.
I definitely need Lola to appear, in whatever way she could help. I doubt she would take on a teaching role, but I'd like for her to be an inversionist (bc I refuse to believe she's not a famous and successful actress now). Maybe even make special appearances at the school, support and help build the Drama Class (idk the name). I bet the theater kids would freak out about her.
Same thing for Michael, I'd like for him to be an investor and be involved in the music department. As a producer he must know a lot of artist and the kind. Maybe he recommends a some people to take on the teaching role there (a failed artist that desperately needed a job could be a fun character lol)
I really don't think Zoey would leave her job as a producer, but let's pretend: I think Zoey would work as an Art Teacher, since that was more her thing than being a producer. And/or a temporary dorm advisor, until the school is fully staffed (I'd be funny to see her take on the role Coco had, specially considering she kinda acted like her on the movie)
Lola and Michael could do the same too, take temporary roles, if their schedule lets them.
idk what Stacey and Mark would be doing tbh, I'll leave that to anyone else who wants to add lol
probably still chasing the Malibu murderer.
now, about Quogan:
I really want a pregnancy plot to emerge at some point during this AU, and it motivates them to create the school they want their future children to go one day.
So maybe they were kinda like "what do we do with this place now?" but when they found out they're pregnant they got motivated af and emotional about it.
Obviously, Logan wouldn't let Quinn overwork herself and Quinn would keep Logan at bay so he didn't go overboard like he did with the wedding. Tho I assume by then he had learned his lesson, I'm gonna give him credit.
I like to think being able to work together, having a project of their own, specially while expecting, brought them closer (if that's possible). Like all the process was stressful at times and there probably were some disagreement/fights, but overall, it was an enjoyable time, precious memories to recall later one.
I also just love the idea of Quogan working as a team.
I did have the hc that Logan restored and engraved their bench, I'd like to see this on this AU too, I always loved engraved and dedicated benches (@honeyflower15 wrote something similar on their story "Quogan at PCA", fully recommend that fic, it's my s5 now)
PCA now would also be adapted to modern times, equipped with TEKMATE technology, I'm sure.
Maybe they both go a little over the top there, adding stuff they wished the school had when they were younger and maybe exaggerating the vision :p
Imagine, they keep a journal together, documenting their journey of building and transforming PCA. They write down their memories, challenges, and triumphs, creating a beautiful story that they can share with their future children with photos and all *sobs*
I'd like to see Lyric get involved too! omg I can see her invite herself on the project, maybe trying to convince Quinn and Logan to hire her as a musical teacher/art teacher or smth and throw a fit those jobs are occupied and Logan finding something else for her to do XD
For the inauguration day, Logan and Quinn cut the ribbon together, it'd be so cute, Quinn holding the scissors and him behind her, placing his hands over hers, ahhhh
I imagine their speeches are like, heartfelt, emotional, they would talk about their own experience at PCA (in general) and how they hope this new generation [camera dramatically pans out to their baby/toddler (who I assume it's already born bc school building and organizing takes a loooot of time) in the arms of their aunty Lyric] has the same experiences as they did. And obviously promises of not letting PCA fall again like it did and keep everything in check.
the order of the speeches go like this on my head: first Zoey (bc, of course), Chase, Michael, Lola, Logan and then Quinn. Or maybe Logan and Quinn gave the speech together.
There would probably be stands to showcast the different subjects that would be teached at PCA, for the science, chemistry, engendering and all that stands I think Quinn would had given the opportunity to some interns of her to organize those (she paid them, of course)
Quinn's success (as well as Michael, Lola, Zoey and Logan's) would definitely drive parents to trust this new PCA, wanting their children to reach that level one day. So, it'd give them good publicity or smth.
I feel like Zoey would offer to give the Facility Tour, idk why.
Lola and Michael would handle the performances and demonstrations. I assume because of their fame, there were a lot of willing participants and aspiring students that took the chance to perform under their guidance.
Quinn and Chase would deal with the Parent and Students Orientation. Quinn would deal mostly with the Q&As, since she's more informed about the School's insight, administration, etc. Chase would offer his insight as one of the Teachers and all that, telling them of his teaching methods and stuffs.
Logan would have organized the Celebratory Gathering (yes, I had to look up what a school inauguration day looks like shhh)
I promise, he learned his lesson, not over the top celebration this time. But he definitely left them impressed.
I imagine a cute moment at the end, where when the day is done and the guest and parents have left already (I'm assuming the Inauguration Day is a day before the first day of School, so the new students must be settling in their dorms and going to bed by then and classes would start the next day, idk), and Logan and Quinn are sitting on their bench, with their kid in arms, sleeping, just quietly enjoying the moment, satisfied with how they day turned out like and just so happy *sobs, an exaggerated amount*
Like, such a cute picture, they're sitting on the same bech where they shared their first kiss, on the place they met, now with a kid of their own, happily married and having rebuild their school, allowing other children to have what they did *sobbing but like so fucking much omg*
I suppose Zoey and Chase would be having a little moment somewhere too, but wgaf about them.
and an extra headcanon: their bench becomes like a urban legend now, some school lore idk, where there's the rumor that If you kiss on that bench, a timeless bond will be sealed, and your love will endure for eternity. Or some corny shit like that, idk. It has to be a first kiss tho.
Okay, that's all I got for now. Still don't know who they'd hire as dean, but definitely someone trustworthy, not just anyone, like you said, Quinn would have ran a bg check. There's much more to add and I invite anyone to keep contributing to this lovely AU.
And thank you again, anon. I loved what you did!
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