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ponderosus · 1 year ago
who: @chascwilliams where: at the ball, by the bar
"here, take it." layla holds out one of the two shot glasses she'd purchased for chase, before pulling over the stout bottle of salt and small glass of limes. "if i'm going to survive the night in these shoes i need to not be able to feel my feet." the thin gold high heels with rope that wrapped around her ankles was probably a poor choice, but she could just turn up to the ball in sneakers of cowgirl boots. well, potentially the latter if she tried hard enough on the outfit. "how've you been? it feels like ages since we last caught up."
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fiaxsouza · 1 year ago
Closed: @chascwilliams
Location: Aurora Bay Hospital
Trigger Warning: Car Accident & Hospitalization
Thinking that she had recomposed herself after her blow up with Chase, practically over air, Fia had walked back into Sharky's only to spot him chatting up with Fembot.
Exhausted by her feud with Sloane and with him, she headed back out and ordered herself a car home. On the phone with her friends in the back of the car as she recapped the night to them, surely the driver thinking was a bit of a loon, all she remembered was the slamming of the breaks, shooting pain, followed by being engulfed by darkness. Fia had been in and out of consciousness en route to the hospital. The last person she recalled seeing was the doctor patting her hair down telling her she was going to be okay. The last thing she remembered asking was for her husband. For Chase.
Feeling the sunlight hit her eye, Fia groaned before opening her eyes to find herself not in her own bedroom. Or even that of Chase. The sterile smell hit her immediately, but she relaxed the moment she saw him tucked over in a recliner. "Chase," she whispered hoarsely. "Chase...what happened?"
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nomadjones · 1 year ago
for: @chascwilliams
where: legoland
"Colt. Colton." Now he's serious, enough so that his son actually did look back over his shoulder at him to listen to what he says despite wanting to take in every inch of his surroundings.
"I said you can go ahead a little bit, but only where I can see you, slow it down." Dallas tells him, knowing his boy well enough by now to know when his pace was indicating that he was primed and ready to race off ahead if he saw something interesting enough. When Colton nodded and said okay, Dallas looked to his best friend beside him who's pace he was matching as they strolled.
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"So, are you going to get into it or do I have to ask you to?"
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pcrdita · 2 years ago
where: pitstop
who: @chascwilliams
now pitstop wasn't part of the festival, in fact jude ideally wanted to keep the tourists out of his way for as long as possible. but standing outside of his mechanic shop, it felt a bit.... bare. like he was the grumpy neighbour that refused to put out candy for the kids on halloween — the spring festival grinch. so after a few hours of deliberation, jude made the decision to go to the shops to buy a few potted flowers, that matched the red highlights of the shops interior. he places them near the entrench against the roller door, against the brick wall and stands back. "this looks like im at least somewhat trying to participate, right?" he groaned to who he assumes is a customer coming up to the shop.
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connievanderbilt · 2 years ago
where: neptune
who: @chascwilliams
after a long day of festival going and doing absolutely nothing productive in regards to work, connie decides to head out for a solo dinner. she didn't understand how people felt uncomfortable dinning along, she loved it, there was no better company out there than herself. chuck her headphones on, open a book, and order something outrageously expensive with the most carbs possible and enjoy the night. stepping down the carpeted walk way, she searches for an open table, it was quite busy tonight. finally she finds a space, but the positioning of the chairs eludes to the possibility the gentleman sitting on the next table over may had had company there. "is this table taken?" the lawyer asks, tossing back a lock of hair.
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ravirussell · 6 months ago
"Don't sweat it, I've got you, NFL."
Ravi's customer service might not have been quite as overtly generous if it had of been for any other customer who's career he admired less, but he would indulge Chase's sloppy eating habits if it meant he got an insider's scoop on what life was actually like playing for the Rams.
His palms tapped the surface of the table once as he rises from it, stepping back into the truck to get him another portion that he hopes would be consumed with less loss of protein than the previous one. He's fixing the lid loosely closed so the man could decide whether he wanted to eat it now or later if he took it to go, returning to his bench seat opposite him as he places it down in front of him.
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"Feel free to tell all your teammates about just how damn good that is."
Chase drops his gaze down to the pieces of meat on the floor then back up to Ravi. Of course, there was a tad bit of guilt that followed his actions but shit happened, right? At least Ravi was nice to him about it. He reaches down and picks up the few pieces of meet, dropping them onto the napkin on the table.
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"Yeah, unfortunately."
He winces, lifting his eyes up to the other as he arches a brow at his words. "Hell, if you are willing to provide more, I'll happily accept... even if it means you putting it in the box for me. It smells so fucking good so... I would appreciate it."
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sagexmackenzie · 11 months ago
closed starter: @chascwilliams
where: sea shanty shack
"It's about time you showed up." Sage teased her brother as she looked up at him approaching the table she'd gotten for them a bit earlier. "Guess it's nice to know you haven't totally abandoned your sister." her tone stayed playful as she spoke.
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aeris-flores · 9 months ago
👀 +who have you seen around aurora bay that you wish you could get to know?
"No one comes to mind, because if I want to get to know you, I don't waste time. I shoot my shot. You can ask Esma and Chase about that. I also don't waste time entertaining conversation if I have no interest in you. So trust me, if you are in my sights, you'll know it. I'll make myself known. If I don't? Can't say I'm sorry."
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@chascwilliams @esmaxdemircix
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emersonxcassidy · 2 years ago
who - @chascwilliams
where- by the funhouse
Growing up, Emerson had always loved the annual carnival the town did. It was one of the few times she got to get lost in a crowd and feel normal, to not have a proverbial sign on her back labelling her and her brother as outsiders. But, well...clearly the carnival had had some upgrades since she'd last attended it over four years ago.
"What exactly is a funhouse? Because..well...I have to say, the entrance being a giant clown mouth doesn't exactly scream fun to me.."
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clarexflannery · 1 year ago
"Your friend is quite strange, have you told him that?" Clare was aware of the concept of not criticizing people's tastes but the idea of putting certain toppings on pizza seemed ridiculous to her. "Yes. If you decide to go through with it, just make sure you don't blame me if it ends up costing you your job."
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"You know, I don't even know if my friends would reject that pizza idea since my best friend loves pineapple on pizza. It's not terrible, truly... I hate the ham part of the entire thing. Ham shouldn't be on pizza. Everyone usually focuses on pineapple but fuck ham." Chase turns his head to look over at her as he walks down the street, furrowing his brows. "Thin walls do suck." He nods. "Is that a challenge?"
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ithinkitscami · 2 years ago
closed starter for: @chascwilliams // location: all nighter diner // just chilling on her own
It was unusually not packed tonight inside the diner. It surprised Camille, but she was happy because that meant she could eat in peace. She leaned back into the booth as a few people came in. Camille tilted her head when she saw a familiar face coming through. "Hey mister NFL quarterback." She teased, though she did feel awful for not knowing his name before. That wasn't her fault. She could watch a game, but names of players in the game... that was something she'd never know like that. "I'm kidding." She crossed her arms, "I see you survived the storm." She smiled, "If you're not with someone, you should join me and catch me up on life since."
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ponderosus · 2 years ago
where: aurora bay botantical gardens
who: @chascwilliams
"hey you" layla calls out with a smile, walking a few paces behind her familiar patron. it was different seeing people out and about in the world when your usual access to them and their lvies was divided by a bartop. "never pegged you for a flower kind of man." she teases, adjusting the strap of the bag hanging off her shoulder, and meeting his stride.
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fiaxsouza · 2 years ago
Closed: @chascwilliams
Location: Chase's Home
Three days. Three days and her whole life changed for better and worst. Ironic considering that's a part of the whole marital vows. Chase was unlike anyone she'd ever met in her life. He was confident and sweet. Had a way of listening to her and challenging her frameworks in the most caring of ways. They were in a bubble of sorts and were attached at the hip. It was an easy decision to run down the aisle at two in the morning with the man. However, she woke up to him sound asleep next to her a few hours later and nothing but dread consumed her. Fia's immediate reaction? Flee. So she did and she cut all communications with him and his friends. Demanding her friends to do the same. They did and she moved on with her life.
That was until someone came around snooping for answers they had no right too. Now she was here to warn him and also give him the freedom to decide what he'd wanted to do. Fia was still unsure. Who's to say they couldn't pick up where they left off. As far as she was aware he was this football star some girls were trying to throw their panties at. It took a couple of days and some bribes with soccer tickets, but she eventually found his home. Walking up to the front door, she rang the doorbell feeling ever so lightheaded. At the sight of him opening the door she damn near passed out. "Hi," she muttered tossing up a small wave. "I can bet I'm the last person you expected to see today. Do you have a second to chat?" Fi asked nervously, twiddling her fingers. Damn did he look good. Like really good.
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nomadjones · 2 years ago
dallas 📲 chase.
dallas: square head 👋🏽 dallas: you've been quiet, what's good? @chascwilliams
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pcrdita · 5 months ago
"All that NFL money's gotta go somewhere." Jude settles down into his seat, raking back his rogue strands of hair with spayed fingers. "I get out enough." Jude replies, evening, before grabbing a handful of peanuts left at the table by the bartender. "Nah, off my driveway." A smirk escapes his lips, leaning back against the vinyl of the booth. "I don't pretend to like people. I'd rather be seen as antisocial than a liar."
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— @chascwilliams
"I think I could spare some change." Chase laughs. He plops himself down, turning his head to look over at the other. "Do you not go out very often?" He smirks, leaning his arms down onto the surface of the bar. "Hate being around people? Very get off my lawn type of guy?"
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missxrivera · 2 years ago
Closed for @chascwilliams
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Ramsey hadn’t been to many town events since moving home, but she felt like she really needed this one. It was the right setting and environment that just seemed to make her mood better. Life had been a little dreary and while it was still easy days; she was trying her best to put on a strong front when it came to her family drama. A few hours of beautiful floral arrangements was exactly the distraction she needed. One thing she didn’t need was the fact the her shoes were getting stuck and Ramsey instantly regretted wearing heels out today. “ I think this was a huge mistake “ she replied as she tried not to stumble. Once she got proper footing she looked up and saw a familiar face. “ Chase? Hi! I didn’t expect to see you here “
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