Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
A dejected sound is released from Jude's nose, considering a few years prior he remembered a neighbour nearly setting a house on fire because of those damn bonfires. Their had to be more productive ways to get angry at an ex that didn't involve accidental arson. "I don't want nothin' t'do with all that." Jude shrugs, returning back to his own engine on the other side of the garage. "Half the town pretendin' to be in love, half the town depressed 'cause they can't pretend they're in love."
— @jamesonxcassidy
With Jameson primarily being focused on being a parent the idea of celebrating Valentine’s Day; let alone dating hadn’t really factored into his life this year. It wasn’t that he was avoiding the day or anything; he just didn’t have any plans and didn’t feel the need to deal with an ex bonfire nor a blind date.
It was why he wasn’t saying anything outright to Jude either with his question. No reason to bring up any specific people but just sort of checking they were on the same page. “ just checking “ he noted glancing back under the hood of the car he was working on. “ I’m in the same camp. But also the idea of watching a lot of people light stuff on fire didn’t appeal to me either “ @pcrdita
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It took a lot for Jude to open up the way he'd done in the past. Opening unhealed wounds in hopes this person was the person that assist in becoming whole again. Jude didn't believe he didn't necessarily need someone to survive, he'd been alone most of his life, but it sure was nice to have some company. Made him a little more... human.
"Y'driving me home." He mumbles, however there's a hint of a smile that just threatens at his lips, before returning the familiar glass to his lips. "I came in on the bike."
"So, what's the deal with y'gettin' hitched?"
— @willxmeyers
Will watches Jude's profile, taking in every muscle twitch, trying to determine if his message is sinking in. While the man before him had his heart broken before, this time seemed different. Like it was going to harden him more than ever. All Will hoped was that someone would take the time to break down those walls again, in time.
"Well, that—" Will takes his glass in his hand and clinks it against Jude's before continuing, "I can definitely do." The alcohol would add some levity to the evening. "I won't let you go home until you're good and tanked. I'll even hold your hair back."
( @pcrdita )
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"Existed." Jude replies, concerningly almost immediately. "They're a crime t'automobiles." If it didn't have the capacity to leak oil, Jude refused to let it fit in the category. Maybe he was getting old and struggling to accept the change in the times, but maybe self realisation could go fuck it'self — just like Teslas.
"Were y'always this cruel t'me?" Probably, that's how he liked them; pretty and mean. "Can't be worse than car oil" He reasons, knowing it probably had to smell a million times better. "Y'not going t'make me reenact t'Ghost scene with 'ya, are 'ya?"
— @melodyxleee
"Oh c'mon...what has a Tesla ever done to you. Saving the green earth and all." She said sarcastically. She didn't care much for electric cars, she always had this fear of it dying in the middle of no where with her son and she would have to flag down some serial killer or walk miles until she got to a gas station. As if she would ever go on a long road trip anytime soon, in a Tesla of all things.
"If the shoe fits Jude, if the shoe fits." She said jokingly as she flashed him a grin. "But c''s not so bad, a little dirty but something tells me you're not afraid of a little...clay."
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"Y'wound me, Mel." The mechanic places his hands to his heart, lazily mocking an expression of feigned pain. She's not wrong, per se, but there was no way he'd ever willingly admit it. "Not so much lately." Jude couldn't count how often he begrudgingly had to point his spanner to the 'No Electric Vehicles' sign outside of the garage whilst neck deep inside an engine. "If I see another Tesla break down around town I'll push it into the ocean myself."
"Can't tell if y'being polite 'cause y'feel y'have to, or that's some thinly veiled comment about me prob'bly not gettin' art." He probes back, with a grin half hanging off his lips.
— @melodyxleee
"You being a good boy sounds fake." Melody said with a slight humor in her tone. She couldn't help but to notice how much different he seemed and she wondered if something has happened but she didn't want to pressure him into telling her what was wrong. "So nothing exciting? Well I guess fixing cars can be exciting if you're into that and all." Melody shrugged.
With her son growing more and more, it had her realize how much time goes by with a blink of an eye. "I would offer you to come by the studio sometime but I feel like that's not exactly your scene."
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"I'm always miserable, but you're not t'cause of it." Jude lets an exhale escape his lips, before leaning against the wall beside him, glancing up towards the roof. "I'm not one to hang 'round people if I don't find them decent."
— @missxrivera
“ yes i do because one it’s polite and two because people haven’t looked out for me in a long time. It’s kind of nice “ she admitted glancing back at Jude with a small smile. Everyone had instantly clocked her as being grown and an adult the minute she moved to New York when she had still felt like a scared kid; because at the time she was one. It felt nice to have someone care about her. “ I am. Please tell me I’m not making you miserable here?” @pcrdita
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Jude didn't celebrate valentines day. Conveniently, the ends of his great loves usually finished around this time before he could even have one — that's of course if he ever wanted to. Valentines day was another stupid holiday made to get people to spend their money and pretend their relationships were all sunshine and rainbows.
At the question posed, Jude offers a vaguely indignant glance over to Jameson, assuming he would of realised by now the lack of a certain persons presence. "Really?" He asks, shaking his head, "Where else would I be?"
— @jamesonxcassidy
Closed for @pcrdita
Jameson was helping close up for the night considering he didn't have any plans this year. To be honest, he was trying to avoid all the valentines festivities. He wondered if that was why Jude was still there or if he had plans but hadn’t said. Jameson could have believed either option to be honest. Jude was a man of mystery to him sometimes even if the older gentleman was like the family he never had. “ are you hanging around here to help me or you got some big plans this weekend ?”
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Jude was slightly different man that he was a few years ago. Still as grumpy, but a little less hedonist. A broken heart would do that to a man, but he didn't want to think about that right now. Maybe a year ago he'd be more inclined to get a rise out of Melody, his self awareness of his own behaviour falling to the wayside. He was questioning himself a lot lately. "Oh, I'm sure you've imagined doin' it 'least once or twice." That's not to say his introspection was perfect by any means... "There she is." A half grin dangles from his lips, shaking a latent index finger up and down in Melody's direction. Leaning back again, Jude lifts his elbow to rest on the back of his chair. "Me? I've been a good boy, couldn't hurt a fly." He declares with a lazy shrug, in a vaguely facetious tone.
Jude didn't expect Melody to be so open with him. Maybe his naturally inkling towards keeping his cards to himself left him to assume others would often be the same. "Can't help 'ya with that one. It's all Greek t'me." When the Spring breakers brought their convertibles to his shop, Jude could barely understand half the shit they said to one another. "Me? I fix cars, eat, sleep, and fix some mo' cars." He was having some issues with his neighbours and the tree crossing onto his property, but he felt like an old man everytime he grumbled about those damn branches that fell when the wind came through. "Probably a little mundane for 'ya t'hear about."
— @melodyxleee
The whole atmosphere was always there between the two, but they never really talked about it. Which made it all the more complicated but she tried to be the good person and try to play it off with a simple small chat. Melody watched him for a beat, the hesitation, the way he seemed like he’d rather be anywhere else. It would’ve been amusing if it didn’t carry that edge of something heavier, something that almost made her feel bad for him. Almost.
Instead, she just let out a small chuckle, shaking her head as she took a slow sip of her own drink. “Relax, Jude. I’m not here to interrogate you,” she mused, setting her cup down with a quiet clink. “Unless, of course, you have done something I should know about.” Her brow arched, teasing, but there was an undeniable sharpness beneath it—an invitation for honesty, if he was bold enough to take it.
She let the moment settle before finally answering his question. “I’m fine,” she said, tilting her head slightly. “Being a single mom and all, I mean god...I love my kid but sometimes I'm like what's going through your head. The other day he was asking some bizarre question then proceeded to say I was lame but in a weird slang?” Her gaze flickered over him, "How about you?"
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🍒 (cherries) - Does your character have a best friend? How long have they known each other? What do they like most about each other? How did they meet?
“ I don’t know if I have a best friend. I have friends and they’re all lovely but I made some mistakes in the past. when I left Aurora Bay I sort of burnt all the bridges I had. I didn’t mean to but running away is not a good coping mechanism. I learned that the hard way. I’d say the person in the most fond of and trust the most as a friend is Jude. He’s just the grumpy big brother I’ve always needed. I like that he’s protective but not in a toxic sort of way. And we met cause I was having car trouble and I haven’t left him alone since “ @pcrdita
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☎️ (telephone) - Does your character know anyone’s phone number by heart? Do they prefer calling or texting? Who’s their favorite person to call/text? Do they have any typing quirks?
"Got the staff and the supply guy's numbers tacked in the office board. I hate textin', and people assume when i'm callin' something bad has happened."
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He shouldn't be feeling this way. Jude technically did nothing wrong, the pair were a flame that went out before it even properly burned. But he'd done so much wrong in the eye's of the women he slept around with, it was almost like an instinct.
After a moment of silence shared between them, he knew it would be rude to back out no, to say no to her offer. Melody probably knew that too. "Uh, sure." He should of just gone back to Pit Stop, god knew any time he decided to participate more in society it ended up backfiring on him. His usual hermit lifestyle prevented encounters like this. "Well, I'm sure I've done somethin', somewhere along the line." He slides down into the seat, taking a sip of his own coffee before placing it back on the table. Fixing his gaze on the familiar woman, he finally tries to make pleasant conversation "How're you?"
— @melodyxleee
Melody blinked up at him, her fingers tightening slightly around her own cup as recognition clicked into place. “Jude.” His name rolled off her tongue, slow, almost testing, like she was making sure it still fit.
For a moment, she just studied him, expression unreadable. Then, with a small, knowing smile, she gestured to the open seat again. “You gonna stand there looking like you’d rather be anywhere else, or are you actually gonna sit?” Her tone was light, teasing—like they weren’t dancing around something heavier, something unspoken. She took a sip of her coffee, eyes never leaving his. “I won’t bite. Not unless you deserve it.”
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"You don't have to thank me." Jude shakes his head. He never had any expectations for appreciation, he looked out for Ramsey purely because he wanted to be sure she was okay. The girl had been through enough in her life as it was. "You having a good time tonight?"
— @missxrivera
She narrowed her eyes a it at his question of what she was drinking cause it was so like Jude to do that. She appreciated his concern though but she could tell he was very much in his oh brother mode “ Spirits. I’m not going to be mixing my alcohol tonight either. I want to be able to get to my flight tomorrow night without a hangover “ she noted before giving him a small smile. “ I know that. And I don’t think I’ve thanked you enough for doing that “ @pcrdita
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🐈 CAT — does your oc prefer a wide circle of friends or a few close friends?
"I have... two friends. What do you think?"
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Jude, with large coffee in hand walks around the cafe failing to find an open seat before the scalding hot takeaway cup burnt a hole through his palm. Luckily, a soft voice calls out for him and offers a seat. "Thanks." When he finally gets view of the woman, suddenly the kind offer leaves him want to come up with an excuse to leave before an awkward situation arrises. Jude isn't sure Melody had even recognised him as of yet, so he immediately doesn't sit down, rather occupying his hands by taking a drink of his coffee. "Uh, hi Mel."
— @melodyxleee
Open starter: @aurorabaystarter location: driftwood coffee
The warmth of her chai latte sat untouched beside her, the steam still rising in delicate spirals. She’d been coming to this café for years, the smell of freshly ground coffee beans always drawing her in like a magnet. There was something about the atmosphere—calm but lively—that made it the perfect place to think, or not think at all. Her mind, as it often did, was scattered with a dozen different things, but here, she could let it all float.
Her pen hovered over the page for a moment before she sighed and let it fall, letting herself relax into the cozy corner. Maybe today wasn’t a day for writing. Maybe it was a day for simply being. She took a slow sip of her drink, the warmth comforting her as she glanced around the café, wondering who else was here today. "Hey, yeah that chair is free for the taking or you can join me for coffee." she said to the other with a simple smile.
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The voice calls out from the doorway of the Four Leaf, but it takes a moment for Jude to look up and realise it was calling for him — and whom it came from.
Jude hadn't seen Cherry for a while, probably not since the awkward (For him) encounter at the diner. Jude wasn't an idiot, he picked up every line and look of curiosity threw his way from Cherry. He was older than her, and rougher around the edges compared to the disposition she showed the world. But Jude hadn't taken her up on any leading questions. It wasn't as if he didn't find her appealing, he knew many in town did, but there were certain lines he preferred not to cross when it came to customers. Income had to come before any carnal desire...
"Yeah? What gave y'that impression." But at the end of the day, he was only human. "Or is this just an excuse t'talk t'me?" Jude looks the woman up and down, taking in how dressed up she looked compared to him. "Hot date tonight?"
— @cherryxkoch
"You go on ahead," Cherry says to her group of friends who all hover by the entrance to the Four Leaf. On their walk up to the bar, she had spotted a familiar face heading to have a cigarette. "I'll meet you inside," she adds before splitting away and walking towards a distracted Jude.
"Need a hand?" She announces herself as her eyes glance between his cupped hand and the cigarette hanging from his lips. "You look like you're having some trouble there."
( @pcrdita )
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Jude doesn't want to pick a fight with Will, it wouldn't help him feel any less miserable. The mechanic didn't have enough friends in this life to risk pushing someone like him away.
There was no right thing to say in this moment, Jude wasn't looking for Will to try. Rather, finds a strange sense of ease in releasing a months worth of feelings that had pooled deep within his chest cavity. He doesn't agree, nor disagree with the idea that time would take the pain away. It might make it more bearable, however, and that was the least Jude could ask for. "I won't." Jude eventually replies, with an even tone. Sure, he was angry for a while there, but he hadn't felt any desire to self sabotage. Rather to pull away. Maybe that was the same thing. "Drink with me, that's all I need." The mechanic reaches out for his beer, motioning it over towards Will to clink against his friends own.
— @willxmeyers
At Jude's pessimistic response, Will wishes he'd kept his big mouth shut. The last thing his friend would want is a silver linings pep talk. Even on a good day, Jude wasn't the type.
"I know," he replies solemnly, eyes focusing ahead as he thought of the right thing to say. If there was one. It was true that Jude was more than guarded and for someone to pry him open like that, only to leave him high and dry, seemed callous and cruel. "It'll take some time but you will come back from this." His voice posed it more like a question and considering this was strike two, Will wasn't sure that there was a good answer. "Just.. don't do anything you might regret while you're feeling this low," Will gives a gentle reminder. "Whatever I can do to help, you know I'm here."
( @pcrdita )
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"I'm from Lousiana, mama. I like the heat." A curve strings up the corner of Jude's lip, before taking a long swig of his beer. "Don't like no cold climates." He went to the North West once, chasing after some tail. He promptly returned to the south shortly after.
— @mrsmamathompson
If there was one thing that Ann had fostered, she was glad that getting this friendship with Jude was on her list. "In June it'll be too hot to sit outside like this," Ann said firmly, she knew if she didn't stand her ground Jude would happily take them back inside. "Besides, being out here keeps the beer cold."
#mrsmamathompson#i've decided he calls her mama from now on#bc she basically is his mum at this point
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