#charlotte compote
cipher-zoo · 1 month
Now that (some of) Katakuri's siblings know about his face scars, I feel like Oven and Daifuku will come up with the craziest stories about how he got them.
Which leads to:
Compote: You need to stop coming up with stories, about how Katakuri got his scars, our siblings are starting to get weirded out.
Oven: Hey, I'm just trying to protect him. Do you want me to tell them how he tore his mouth while eating doughnuts? I'm just coming up with a better story!
Compote: Okay... I see your point, but saying he got them while making out with a sea king is NOT BETTER!
[please tell me about all the backstories you would come up with if you were Oven or Daifuku, I need to know]
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cuntyglam · 3 months
reblog for a higher sample size !!
for me it might be chiffon, i love her so much !!
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seygay · 8 months
Do you think Perospero and Compote (Big Mom's eldest two) did their best to be there for their younger siblings until it just grew too many
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groovycharlottes · 2 years
Hi! Oh my gosh! I loved your blog! The Charlottes need more love and attention! so I have a suggestion! there is an episode of "Me, the Wife and the Kids" where Kady sells the house stuff in her little shop. How would the older ones react if the youngest, the children, did the same? Taking stuff from your brothers to sell?
I'm not really familiar with the series you mentioned, BUT if the younger Charlottes did decide to sell their older siblings' things or stuff around the chateau, you can bet the eldest siblings would be pissed!
Perospero, Oven and Mont D'or would likely scold the kids, while Opera, Galette, Compote and Katakuri would take it upon themselves to buy back any of the items the kids already sold.
Cracker would likely find the whole thing hilarious...until he finds out the kids sold HIS stuff. Then there'll be hell to pay.
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diablademon · 8 months
I did a list of how long time there were between Charlotte siblings births.
This was made with the idea that Big Mom gave birth each and every year from she was 18 to 60 and never skipped a year. But keep in mind that she apparently gave birth 43 times in 42 years. So there was one year she gave birth two times.
First of Cracker and his sisters are only 5 months younger than Opera and his brothers. I read that children only have a chance of surving being premature birth if its been over 6 months. Because its at 6 months lungs and other organs are fully developed. But this is a show where a woman was pregnant for 22 months so everything goes in this world I guess.
Brûlée and Broyé have two different birthdays, twins being born on different dates arent that uncomman, but Broyé would have been born 9 months after Brûlée, 28 days before Nusstorte. Sounds more like Broyé would be apart of a Quadruplets with Nusstorte and his brothes than a twin of Brûlée. Most likely just a mistake on Odas part.
Perospero: March 14th 19 months
Compote: October 15th 12 months
Katakuri, Daifuku, Oven: November 25th 12 months
Mondée, Amande, Hachée, Effilée: December 10th 9 months
Opera, Counter Cadenza, Cabaletta, Gala: September 29th 5 months
Cracker, Custard, Angel: February 28th -
Zuccotto: - -
Brûlée, Broyé: March 6th and December 26th 10 months or 28 days
Nusstorte, Basskarte, Dosmarche: January 23rd 23 months
Noisette: December 15th 12 months
Moscato, Mash, Cornstarch - December 16th -
Compo, Laurin: - -
Mont-d'Or: April 23rd 20 months
Mozart, Marnier: - December 20th -
High-fat, Tablet: - -
Smoothie, Citron, Cinnamon - October 16th -
Saint-Marc, Basans: - -
Melise: - -
Dacquoise: - _
Galette, Poire: October 19th 12 months
Snack, Bavarois: October 29th 9 months
Prim, Paraline: July 22nd -
Kanten, Kato, Montb: - -
Chiboust: - -
Chiffon, Lola: January 27th 22 months
Mobile, Marble, Myukuru, Maple: November 17th -
Brownie: - -
Joconde: - -
Raisin: March 23rd -
Panna: - -
Mascarpone, Joscarpone: February 27th 19 months
Yuen: October 15th 13 months
Newichi, Newji, Newsan, Newshi, Newgo, Nutmeg, Akimeg, Allmeg, Harumeg, Fuyumeg: December 2nd -
Nougat: - -
Pudding: June 25th 7 months
Flampe: February 11th 20 months
Anglais: October 19th -
Wafers: - -
Wiro: - -
De-Chat: - -
Normande:- -
Doice, Dragée: Ferbruary 21st 14 months
Anana: April 17th
526 months total from start of being pregnant with perospero (Added 9 months to before his birth) to her giving birth to Anana. ~381 of those months she was pregnant (total of 31.75 years spent pregnant) and ~145 months (~12 years) between that being not pregnant. 72% of her prime was spent being pregnant. (46% of her entire life)
Other facts: -When Big mom was 24(?) she joined Rocks Pirates. same year she gave birth to Zuccoto. -Rocks got defeated when Big Mom was 30, the year Mont-d'Or was born. -At 35 Year old Big Mom created her own pirate crew, the year when Melise was born. And as it seems her children become officers in her crew when they turn 15 means Perospero, Compote, Katakuri, Daifuku and Oven all joind the crew as officers at the same time.
I find Big Moms pirates to be very interesting and I want to know more how the development happend. When did tottoland become a candy fantasy land? Did she have to wait untill her children ate devil fruits for that to happen? Or did Streusen turn things into food? Did she leave Rocks pirate to give birth or gave birth at the ship and then left back to tottoland to leave her newborns there? Katakuri and his brothers was apparently born on a ship, but such infomation isnt mentiond for Perospero or Compote. Katakuris flashback showed him and his sibling to grow up in a city, so Big Mom didnt keep them with her.
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alethianightsong · 7 months
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gadriezmannsgirl · 2 years
Hey, hey I hope you are absolutely fabulous. I would love to request some Antoine fluff if it could please be really fluff and maybe a bit long if that’s alright I’d really appreciate it much love and stay safe ❤️❤️
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Oh my gosh, yes! Anto's requests keep 'em coming! Also, sorry for the delay! It took me long to find some good inspo for the fic (Give thanks to my little cousin, I had to take care of her for three days and it was basically based on it)
I combined these two request! Hope you guys like it! Let me know what you think of this! FEEDBACK IS HIGHLY APPRECIATED!
Motherly Effects -Antoine Griezmann
Summary: You are left to take care of your ten months old niece for a weekend, leaving Antoine wanting for your future together.
You stopped your work in the kitchen to lean down and pay attention to the babygirl in front of you
"C'mon, Lottie! Let's dance it again: Una gatita que le gusta el mambo, con todos los malos sale a bellaquear" You sang in between laughter watching your 10 months-old niece, Charlotte, move herself up and down while grabbing onto her stroller and laughing "Oh my godness, you're the cutest little baby girl, ever" You giggled "Won't your dad want to give you away to me?" You asked picking up the baby in your arms as she hugged you
"I don't think Miguel would like that, chérie" You turned around watching your boyfriend of three years and fiancé of four months, Antoine look at you both with a smile on his face
"Nah! I can try something up, besides Lottie loves spending time with us, doesn't she?" You tickled her belly making her laugh out loud "See? She does"
"How long is she spending time with us?"
"For the weekend" You announced "You okay with it?" Antoine nodded with a smile on
"Of course, little baby Y/L/N has all of us wrapped around her little finger and she's nice" Anto grabbed her hand and did as if he was going to bite it
You gasp in surprise "Uncle Anto is going to eat your hand! Tell him: Uncle what are you doing?"
She tried to repeat your words with a lot of "tata's"
"Oh, she got angry" Both of you laughed a little "Amor, how was practice?" You ask leaning up a bit with intentions of kissing his lips
Antoine met you halfway, leaning down a bit
"It was good. I still win test races against Memphis" You smiled turning around to continue your work in the kitchen with the ten months old baby on your hip
Antoine smiled at your form, leaning back in the table and watched you do your thing. You looked natural, like you've already done this several times
"You are just on your best form" You complimented him watching a little blush form on his cheeks
"I still have a long way to go, tho" He replied leaning onto the kitchen counter lightly as you bounced the babygirl in your arms
"Still, Anto. You're-" Charlotte's cries interrupted you "What? What's wrong, baby?" You asked her in a soft voice "Hungry? My baby's hungry?" You put a bit of her compote in front of her and she looked away but kept on crying"Let's go and see how's that temperature, then" You walked to her bag that was laid on the table
"Is she sick?" You shook her head, passing her to Antoine
"Her teeth's are coming out. Miguel told me she may get a bit of temperature but nothing to worry about" You explained grabbing the digital termometer and pulling it in her ear "She's fine" You said after checking
"Water?" Anto asked as you looked at your niece in expectation
"Lottie" You said softly after a while "Do you need a change?" You ask with a joking tone making the little girl stop a bit her crying and hide her face into your fiancé's neck "You little sneaky monster!" You exclaimed, the two of you laughing a little as you saw Lottie cling into Antoine "C'mon, let's get that little ass clean! We're up for a shower!"
Antoine passed her to you as you made your way to your bathroom to clean her up, Lottie's crying subsiding a bit. Anto followed you silently watching you mesmerized.
Stood in the doorway, he saw how you pulled silly faces to the little girl who started crying after feeling the cold water hit her little frame when you showered her, how you started telling her "Auntie! Say auntie!" again and again seeing as she still hadn't said her first proper words besides 'Tata', he also watched you with a smile on his face and a loving look on his eyes be so motherly with the little Y/L/N girl, thinking how would you be with your kids one day.
You guys have been together for three years, and have gotten recently engaged, it's obvious that kids and marriage has been a subject you guys have talked about, both of you wanted it, even tho Antoine was a still reluctant about the kids, seeing as he already had two but you didn't mind it.
If he didn't wanted it, he didn't wanted it. It made you sad, yes. But you understood where was he coming from. Besides you loved his kids to death and meanwhile the little Mía knew you were like a second mother, Amaro still didn't understand much of it.
And you came to made peace with it.
But right now, watching how you act with a newborn baby, made him think of how your pregnancy belly would look, of the small moments of your little family... If you had a little boy, would he look exactly like him with but with your intelligence and way of being? Or if it's a babygirl, she could have his blonde hair but your eyes and your cheerful presence? His joking and your seriousness?
He was daydreaming of everything.
And he loved what he was thinking.
"In my little round face, I have eyes and a nose, as well as a little mouth to sing and laugh" You started singing making Charlotte be aware of all your movements with a face of concentration and surprise "With my eyes I see everything, with my nose I do... achish! With my mouth like coconut and popcorn" She smiled after you ended up the little song as Antoine stood there knowing exactly what he wanted.
You turned around with the baby in your arms and stood still watching how Antoine was looking at you
"What what?" He asked
"What's with the face?"
"What face?"
"The one you've" You giggled
"That's the one that made you fall in love with me" You blushed nodding
"It's pretty" You said as matter of fact watching him smile "But what's up?"
"You're just... so pretty, chérie" You blushed walking over to him.
You leaned a bit and gave him a kiss on his lips
"You're supposed to say that. You're my fiancé"
"Being and not being your fiancé you know I find you absolutely gorgeous" You smiled feeling how Lottie waved her hand in front of you "You're going to steal Y/N away from me, young lady?" The baby laughed "I won't let you! I came here first!"
"She must know!" You giggled passing besides Anto to be once more in the living room, ready to prepare Charlotte to her bedtime "I'm going to change" You nodded smiling
You put some light music on the TV to help the baby fall asleep quicker so you could continue your work in the kitchen and be alone for a few minutes with your man.
When Antoine came down a few minutes later, he saw Charlotte asleep on your chest as you were scrolling down on your phone. He plopped next to you on the couch, pulling you into him without waking up the babygirl
"I want one" He said out of nowhere making you look up from your screen
"What?" You asked not really catching what he had said
You watched how Antoine took a deep breath and let it out slowly "I want a baby with you" He said looking at you
Your heart felt like doing somersaults when you heard him speak. "What? Why? How?" You were impressed, a good impressed.
You knew about your lover's past relationship but still wanted to form a family with him and his kids
"Seeing you with Lottie" He shook his head "...Made me realize I miss the baby experiences and that I would love to have you as mother of one of my kids, you just have this motherly effect, even tho you're not a mom, yet. I walked through that door and when I saw you with her I could only think of having a mini you or mini me running around this big house, Mía and Amaro taking care of them, us, together, being happy and having everything we ever dreamed of. Watching you in this "mom-state" forever is... Something I will never get tired of. I know I was a bit reluctant of having another one but I just changed my mind and if you still want us to have a-" You cut Antoine off with a kiss on his lips
"Of course I want to. I have been imagining a little boy with Y/H locks like his mom and blue bright eyes just like his dad's, ever since we moved in together" You admited shyly. Antoine smiled
"Baby Griezmann Y/L/N" He said as you smiled
"I would like to get married first, tho" You said after a few minutes of silence but the soft music playing as a background, Anto smiled "I can't wait to become Mrs. Y/L/N Griezmann" He kissed your cheek
"We can do whatever you want to do, Mrs. Y/L/N soon-to-be Griezmann" You smiled kissing his lips
"Will Mía and Amaro like the fact they could have another sibling?"
"They would" Antoine nodded "They're just like that, they would love that idea" Anto let a little laugh out "I can already imagine Amaro being an older brother"
"And taking into consideration how protective he is... Imagine if we have a little girl"
"He would so knock down all boys that come after them" He said making both of you laugh
And that's how you spent the rest of the night, laying in your couch, you with Charlotte on your chest, Antoine wrapping both of you in his arms as you guys talked about your awaited future together.
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sleekervae · 1 year
Yoü & I [1.9]
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A/N: as usual, just popping on here to say thanks for your continued support <3
A few drunk texts was one thing. But after a few days it turned to phone calls from a blocked number. Charlotte was more perplexed than anything, why would Ben keep trying to call her? He had made it clear that afternoon in the airport, he wanted nothing more to do with her. Unless she was just the victim of some telemarketing scam...
The tour had taken the two bands to Brighton, a lively and quaint beach town that broke the mold of what a small town in the UK could look like. There were buildings of multi-rainbow colours and a boardwalk and carnival. Their hotel was even right across from the water, and Charlotte and Kimberly had a stunning view of the ocean from their window.
Luke had picked it off first: something was off with Charlotte. Every time her phone even buzzed with a notification she went a shade whiter. He put it aside at first, thinking it was just her mom driving her crazy. He too had seen Penelope flip her shit and it could be considered legendary. However, when the tour reached Vienna and it kept happening, he knew something wasn't right. 
The management team had rented two buses for the cross-country trip, packed with hours of sleeping, video games, and a few hours to wander around Vienna and take in the almost renaissance-esque beauty. 
In the middle of the city, looming over the town with a watchful presence was St. Stephen's Cathedral. Gothic and romanesque, it had captured Charlotte's attention; every tile and stone brick withered from the elements of time and now withstanding its greatest feat yet: restoration. The ladders and scaffolding couldn't even take away from the architecture's haunting magnificence.
Luke licked his fingers from the apple strudel he was currently enjoying; the others were still scanning the delectable treats at the bakery one block over from the cathedral. Harry still kept Charlotte well within his sights, knowing Terryn would give him an earful should anything happen to the young singer. Luke had another strudel wrapped and tucked in his elbow for Charlotte, still warm from the oven. 
He cleared his throat as he approached her from behind, she smiled at him, "Beauty, ain't it?" 
She grinned, "Like the Evil Queen's castle from Snow White,"
"This whole town could star in a Disney film," he marveled, "Like you never left the renaissance,"
"Minus the lead makeup, plagues, and lice infestations," she said. Luke was just bringing his strudel back for another bite when she mentioned those awful nesting bugs, and he paused, dismayed.
Charlotte glanced at the pastry, its heavenly scent of cinnamon and baked apples wafting up her nose, "Did I put you off?"
"Nonsense," Luke shook his head and handed her the fresh strudel, "For you," 
"Aren't you sweet," she grinned at him, her smile broadening when she noticed the apple compote under his lip, "You got a little..." 
"Oh," he wiped his mouth with the sleeve of his jacket, much to Charlotte's dismay, but she said nothing, "Thanks," 
"OI! YOU TWO!" they both turned when they heard Ashton's echoing shout, "You're gonna' get left behind!"
"They'd probably prefer it," Michael snickered, "Finally going on a date,"
"Oh, knock it off, Michael," Kimberly elbowed him. 
They quickly caught up with their friends and spent the rest of the afternoon wandering around the imperial city. Afterwards, having had lunch at a small little restaurant -- and Chloe picked up a Viennese cookbook that was all written in Austrian -- they retired to their hotel for a small rest before the show. 
However, Charlotte and Luke weren't sleeping much. He resided on the couch of his room, sprawled out and trying to listen in to Charlotte's conversation in the bedroom. She had been on the phone for over an hour and some, he could see the shadow of her feet pacing back and forth under the door.
Soon enough, Luke's curiosity got the better of him. He stealthily sneaked up to the door and pressed his ear to the wood, trying to garner a listen. However, just as he was comfortable, the door suddenly swung open and he tumbled forward, narrowly missing and crashing into Charlotte. 
Needless to say, Charlotte was stunned as Luke hit the floor, "Luke, I know I'll regret asking," she huffed, "But what are you doing?"
Luke looked up at her sheepishly, pushing to sit on his knees, "Just checking on you," he replied.
Charlotte rolled her eyes and helped him up, pushing him back into the living room, "Grab your phone. I just changed my number,"
"Really?" Luke though didn't seem so surprised, "How come?" 
"Because my ex has been phone stalking me for the last two weeks, forcing me to undergo the very tedious task of contacting everyone I know and giving them my new number," she replied, falling to sit on the couch.
At least that explained some things, Luke thought. He took a seat beside her, "What the fuck does he want from you?" 
"I don't know, I haven't answered," Charlotte replied, "I mean -- do you think he's sorry, maybe? Maybe he wants me back?"
Just the thought alone, thinking that Ben would want to get his slimy hands on Charlotte again made his blood boil. 
"Absolutely not!" he suddenly exclaimed, much to Charlotte's surprise, "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to yell. But you can't go back to him! He sees how well you're doing without him and he wants in on the action. That must be why he's calling you," 
Charlotte shook her head, trying not to be hurt by his words, "I never said I wanted him back," she assured him, and he settled down, "I'm a little curious though, obviously it's not all drunk texts and calls," 
"Well, fuck him," Luke grumbled, "He had his chance, he blew it in the most unprofessional way possible, and if he thinks you're just gonna' come running back to him with one phone call, there's a special place in hell for --"
"Luke," she grabbed his hands to shut him up, "I don't want Ben back. I'm happy, and I have no time for his bullshit. Besides, I have to worry more about you guys,"
"Why do you have to worry about us?" he asked.
"For the day you guys push the security just a little too far," she replied, "Give Rob the chance, he'll tuck the four of you into the nearest dumpster,"
Luke smirked at the mention of the usually grumpy security guard, "He'd throw in a skunk just for good measure," he chuckled, going to his jacket to find his phone, "I didn't mean to get so upset, but just the thought of that guy -- I mean, I watched him fuck you 'round for three whole years!"
"You watched him fuck me 'round for one and a half," Charlotte corrected.
"Whatever," he shrugged, "The point is I saw you at your lowest too many times with him, and I never wanna' see you like that again. You deserve better,"
Charlotte's jaw clenched, that familiar agony riddling through her veins and she was angry once again. However, it was anger stemming from jealousy and greed. The words he was saying to her were words she just wanted to scream at him, tell him that Melody was no good for him. 
"So do you," she said suddenly. Luke glanced up from his bag, hands still stuffed deep in the mess of collected trash and knick knacks and his face seemingly paling. 
"W-What?" he stammered.
Charlotte stood up slowly, "I think you deserve much better than Melody. She's an awful person, and you ask anybody they'll tell you just as much. She makes you cry and cuts you down and all of your friends! No person in their right mind is so fucking cruel! 
"Charlotte --"
"You should be with me instead!" she said suddenly, unable to stop the word vomit, "I could be so much better to you than she ever could," 
Luke stood up straight, unmoving, and he didn't say a word. He just stared at Charlotte -- through her -- perplexed and notably upset by her words. However, Charlotte heard a sudden loud snapping noise, right next to her ear.
"Hey, where'd you go?" Charlotte was sitting back on the couch. Luke was standing over her, his fingers snapping next to her face. 
"Huh?" she'd zoned out. And snapped out of it in an instant; like hell she'd be brave enough to actually confess how she felt. Even though the truth was what Luke needed to hear more than anything. 
"I said because Ben's an impotent dipshit, he's calling you 'cause he can't find no girls in New York who'd put up with a limp noodle like you did," Luke huffed.
Charlotte grimaced, "God, have you been taking lessons from Chloe?" 
"I'm just saying, I could list hundreds of selfish reasons as to why the fucker's calling you," he replied.
"And as I told you before, I'm not picking it up," she promised him, " -- and for the record it wasn't limp all the time, it just... it was okay," 
Luke flopped down next to her, phone in his hand, "Shorty, don't lie to me. It's embarrassing," 
Charlotte glowered at him, "Like you have anything to brag about, Casanova," she grabbed his phone and started to change her contact.
"Well, I'd be happy to oblige ya, but I don't kiss and tell," he smirked back. 
Charlotte elbowed his ribs, "Like I'd wanna' know," Luke's response was to shift and lie down, his head fell perfectly in her lap, "Nuisance,"
"But you still love me, right?" he grinned up at her. She rolled her eyes.
"Yeah, yeah, I still love you,"
Kimberly rubbed what little sleep was left from her eyes, not looking forward to running through the exact same list of songs they'd played over and over again for the last year, just for an empty arena. She understood why soundcheck was so important, but sometimes it became truly tedious. 
She gingerly sipped at her tea, not registering the heavy pattering of footsteps that were rapidly catching up to her from behind. 
"Lookout, Kim!" Chloe suddenly went whizzing past the sleepy bassist. And then Charlotte ran past. Kimberly stood on the spot, perplexed as her friends charged into the rain. And then Ashton and Luke came running past, hot on the girls' tail.
"Make way! Stop those thieves!" Ashton cried.
"Sorry, Kim!" and they ran into the rain as well, with Luke careful not to spill his own cup of tea (because running with hot liquids isn't dangerous at all). Kimberly just shook her head and took another sip of her tea.
"Kids today..."
With Ashton's drumsticks clutched in her sweater, Chloe ducked into the oncoming downpour, sure to clear up by the time the concert would begin. Charlotte was right behind her, both of them clamouring to get on the bus and lock the door before the guys could reach them. Don't ask why Chloe stole the drumsticks, and don't ask why Ashton forgot he had another pair in his bag. It was purely all for fun. 
"Close the door! Close the door!" Chloe urged as they jumped into the bus. Charlotte pulled the lever that closed the bus doors, effectively trapping the guys in the rain. Luke tried to seek shelter under the side mirror, while Ashton pressed his face to the glass in a dismorphed pout.
"Let us in! Before they kill us!" he exclaimed dramatically.
"Come on guys! My hair!" Luke piped in.
"You have constant helmet head, Hemorrhoid!" Chloe shouted back. 
"Fuck you, Mayflower!"
Charlotte was amused, nonetheless, but she wasn't heartless enough to let the guys stand in the rain until the bus driver would finally arrive, "Come on, Chlo. Give him his sticks back," 
Chloe shook her head, "Not until he admits who the better drummer is!" she replied defiantly. 
Charlotte shrugged and turned to the dampening boys, "Ball's in your court, Ash," 
Luke smacked the stubborn boy's arm, clutching his hot tea to his chest as a means to stay warm, "C'mon mate! It's freezing!"
"Alright!" Ash huffed, "Chloe Mayfair's the best fucking drummer in the world since Travis Barker! Now let us in!"
Chloe's face twisted into thought, only long enough to draw out the agony. She then nodded to Charlotte, "Alright, let them in," 
Charlotte pulled the lever again and the bus doors sprang open, and the guys dashed inside. Ashton immediately snatched back his drumsticks from the smug Chloe. They both shook their hair out like dogs, effectively getting blowback on the girls.
"Oh, gross!" Chloe cried, "Sweaty dude hair!"
"It's not sweat!" Luke chided, "Somebody locked us in the rain," 
"Don't look at me!" Chloe replied, "Your girlfriend did it!" Charlotte rolled her eyes.
"Because she was under your evil influence!" Ashton scolded back. 
"Yeah, Charlotte would never intentionally lock us in the rain!" Luke added.
"Oh, wouldn't I?" Charlotte replied coyly, reaching up to ruffle his damp hair. Instead, Luke grabbed her and shook his head again, cold water droplets falling over her and a cold burn splattered over her skin.
"Ah! Get off!" she whined, trying to push him away. Chloe meanwhile glanced at Ashton and pulled a gagging face. Ashton shook his head, the smile on Luke's face brighter than he'd seen in weeks. It was a sweet yet frustrating thing to watch. 
Charlotte sat in the makeup chair, half of her long brown locks tied up while Kimberly put in loose curls with the iron. She scrolled aimlessly through her Instagram, half paying attention to the somewhat curious conversation Maria and Chloe were discussing about pop tarts.
"It's a stuffed pocket that you serve hot, and you can eat it with a fork," Chloe argued.
"No person in their right mind would actually consider a pop tart to be a ravioli," Maria replied strongly. 
"It can be considered as a dessert ravioli," Chloe said, waving her hands frantically.
Maria scowled at her, "You say that to any Italian, they'll bop you over the head with your own drumsticks," 
Chloe huffed and looked over to Kimberly, who was sat next to Charlotte as she was applying her eyeliner, "Kimberly, weigh in here: can pop tarts be considered ravioli?"
Kimberly closed her perfectly smokey eyes, dreading the moment when she would be inevitably dragged into a pointless debate. Without a word, she set the iron down gently and turned to Chloe slowly.
"A Pop-Tart is a hand-held pie," she explained slowly and calmly, much to Charlotte's amusement, "An overly sugary, artificially flavoured, trans-fat-filled pastry made with a biscuit dough and stuffed with fake sugary fillings. You can either bake it, toast it, or fry it. Raviolis are savoury and filled with either meat or cheese, then boiled. So the answer to your question is a resounding and unmoving no," 
And with that, Kimberly took a show-stopping seat in the chair. Charlotte and Maria clapped for her, leaving Chloe pouting like a baby.
"Nuff said," Charlotte smirked. 
"Fine," Chloe huffed, charging for the mini fridge, "But you still can't convince me that a hot dog is a sandwich," 
"I'm not going to listen to somebody who bought a cookbook written entirely in Viennese," Maria replied. 
Charlotte and Kimberly rolled their eyes, glancing at each other with knowing grins as the next debate took its course. 
"So I made a stupid mistake. It must be Tuesday," Chloe continued to argue her point until she pulled open the mini fridge door, but instead of reaching for the can of beer she craved, she was gobsmacked when she came face-to-face with a wall of blue. 
"Uh -- girls?" she called with uncertainty.
"What is it?" Kimberly asked, not paying attention as she applied her mascara. 
"C'mere for a minute?" she asked, "I think you all need to see the fridge," 
Charlotte's interest was peaked, "What's wrong with the fridge?" she asked, trying to get a glimpse in the mirror. 
Maria went to investigate. She figured maybe the guys had come in and taken a few cans of drinks, or maybe there was a small leak? It was a cheap little fridge they traveled with after all, she wouldn't have been surprised if it sustained a few bruises. Instead, what she found was beyond anything she could've imagined. Blue jello; the entire fridge was filled in a block of cool, jiggly blue jello.
"Okay, what the actual fuck?" she gasped. 
Kimberly and Charlotte then went to see, "What is that?" Kimberly asked.
"It's jello!" Charlotte exclaimed, partly surprised, partly impressed. This had 5sos written all over it, and she had to give the guys their props for being so creative -- and patient. 
Chloe stood up straight, cross, "Is this their payback for the toilet bowl thing?" she asked, "And why did they wait two months to come up with it?" 
"Gotta' give 'em credit, though," Kimberly shrugged, "We never would've thought of that,"
"Why'd they have to pack the drinks in there, though?" Maria asked, gawking at the cans of soda and beer frozen in the jello. 
"Well, what do we do with it?" Charlotte looked around, "You guys hungry?"
"I don't like jello," Kimberly pouted.
Maria checked the time on her phone, "We got an hour," she replied, "Grab some garbage bags from maintenance and let's start scooping," 
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roseaesynstylae · 1 year
I've said this before and I'll say it again: I want Katakuri to take over the Charlotte Family after all of the chaos and be the responsible father figure/brother to his other siblings. (Persopero and Compote can be the aunt and uncle.) I want him to apologize to Lola, Chiffon, and Praline for failing them. I want him to make sure that, if nothing else, his youngest siblings have a stable (-ish) life. I want him to show up with a massive fleet (along with the Skypeians and the other "forgotten" (Oda never forgets) characters) to help the Straw Hats during their darkest hour. I want him to see his mother again and call her out on her appalling "parenting." I want him to take it to the NEXT LEVEL.
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birthday-hell · 11 months
Charlotte Compote
Happy Birthday
October 15
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fivveweeks · 2 years
I think it would be absolutely hilarious if Ringo was the one to explain the many joys of sex and puberty to the charlotte siblings 🤣
Oh yeah this crossed my mind too lol but thankfully Perospero and Compote are surprisingly educated in this so there won’t be chaos once puberty hits. He does have to calm a couple down (the younger boys, especially). Cracker walked in on his sisters by accident once and panicked, since that’s a LOT of blood why is there blood on their pants, oh my god they’re dying.
Anyways all brothers in the family do end up being familiar with the topic of menstruation so they aren’t entirely useless dealing with it haha
sex isn’t a topic they sat down to talk about, but the elder group and subsequently passing down to the rest warns their siblings on what are the signs and what to do when someone is touching them without consent. Which is: maiming and stabbing and biting and screaming
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charkyzombicorn · 4 months
I was messing around with a character generator. So here are the some oc for you to do as you please with
You are a vice captain and you don't have a bounty. You're a Lunarian, and you're not related to anyone. You dislike the World Government. You are considered to be shortish for your species. You have vivid green hair. You are a younger teenager. You also have Leprophobia or Lepraphobia. You're friends with Marguerite, Capote, and Coby. You hate Marshall D. Teach. You aspire to be spotty. You believe that Kaido should be the pirate king. You most often feel groggy. You have Armament Haki. You are currently captured. Your favorite color is red. You do not have a devil fruit. You're from the South Blue, specifically Baterilla. You grew up a child who was taken care of by your city.
You are a pirate who is apart of the Red Hair Pirates and is a quartermaster on said crew and your bounty is ฿1181626321. You're a Wotan, and you're not related to anyone. You dislike the World Government. You are considered to be short for your species. You have silver hair. You are in your early sixties. You also have Contreltophobia. You're friends with Crocodile, Usopp, and Marco the Phoenix. You hate Marshall D. Teach. You aspire to be inexperienced. You believe that Monkey D. Luffy should be the pirate king. You most often feel not. You have Observation and Armament Haki. You are currently alive. Your favorite color is blue. You do not have a devil fruit. You're from the West Blue, specifically Ballywood Kingdom. You grew up an orphan, with no family or friends.
You are a bartender. You're a Lunarian, and you're not related to anyone. You hate the World Government. You are considered to be below average height for your species. You have light grey hair. You are in your late twenties. You also have Logizomechanophobia. You're friends with Kuina, Hina, and Nami. You hate Marshall D. Teach. You aspire to be sturdy. You believe that nobody should be the pirate king. You most often feel patronizing. You have Observation and Armament Haki. You are currently alive. Your favorite color is magenta. You have a devil fruit. It is the Yuki Yuki no Mi. You're from the Red Line. You grew up an orphan, with no family or friends.
You are a pirate who is apart of the Buggy Clown Pirate Delivery Fleet and is a surgeon on said crew and your bounty is ฿336606026. You're a Merfolk, and you're a great-aunt/uncle to Helmeppo. You dislike the World Government. You are considered to be above average height for your species. You have magenta hair. You are in your late teens. You also have Meteorophobia. You're friends with Patty, Charlotte Compote, and Prince Berret. You hate Marshall D. Teach. You aspire to be white. You believe that Trafalgar Law should be the pirate king. You most often feel awkward. You have no (unlocked) Haki. You are currently imprisoned. Your favorite color is chocolate brown. You do not have a devil fruit. You're from the North Blue, specifically Rubeck Island. You grew up a wealthy child with 2 parents and 2 siblings.
You are a chef. You're a human, and you're not related to anyone. You hate the World Government. You are considered to be above average height for your species. You have navy hair. You are in your late teens. You also have Atelophobia. You're friends with Curly Dadan, Rebecca, and Pound. You hate Marshall D. Teach. You aspire to be steel. You believe that Monkey D. Luffy should be the pirate king. You most often feel committed. You have Observation and Armament Haki. You are currently captured. Your favorite color is teal. You do not have a devil fruit. You're from the East Blue, specifically Warship Island. You grew up a noble with 1 parent and 3 siblings.
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I like this game
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madeiranroll · 1 year
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When designing my graduation gift, the goal was to make a treat I would order on a feast in heaven. It was the biggest fun and I managed to finish the last touches just for the celebration. The adult life begins only after this Charlotte cake filled with white chocolate granache, black pepper strawberry compote, quark and macadamia praliné. Cheers
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downybirbs · 3 years
Prompt to Linlin's children asking for help when she had hunger pangs during her time with Rocks Pirates. I guess, Newgate could watch them.
This is probably not exactly what was in mind but hunger pangs on the rocks pirates sounds hilarious
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groovycharlottes · 2 years
If the Charlottes all began to have their first kill near their tweens, just imagine if one of the siblings was so sadistic and cruel that it even disturbed their family-
If one of the younger siblings was that extremely violent to an enemy, for some of the Charlottes, they might barely be able to comprehend it.
Some siblings, such as Perospero, Compote and Katakuri, might wonder if maybe the younger siblings having be involved with the pirate crew at such young ages is really a good way to raise them. (Though at this point in their family's lives it may be too late to change that)
Some of the older ones, such as Cracker or Oven, might start thinking, "I swear, each bunch of kids Mama has just turn out more sadistic than the last!" and might try to not let it phase them much. (Even though it does)
Some siblings, however, such as Daifuku and Amande, will be unbothered by it, since such acts are to be expected in their family, no matter how old their sibling is. If anything, it's a good thing they're already so bloodthirsty, as it'll make training them to kill easier.
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fleet-admiral-hiba · 3 years
Headcanon to when Perospero, Katakuri, Compote had to babysit younger siblings when they were young
Of course Anon.
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Perospero, being the eldest son and first born had is fair share of babysitting to do, especially with Big Mom busy building her empire
Given that, unless he's in a stressful situation aka Big Mom food craves, he's well versed in the art of babysitting
We've seen him giving candies to children so I think that he would mostly let them play in a secure area and be sure that all they need is taken care of
He would occasionally spoil them with candies, but only if they're being good kids
He's not above giving times out, so don't think for a second you can have your way out
I repeat, unless there's an imminent threat he's calm and collected
Yes he will train them, like every older sibling he values the future role the younger ones will have in the family
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Him, out of all the older ones, will be the most protective. Those past incident regarding Brulee left him with some heavy PTSD
He, like his older brother, will make sure that the little ones are okay and have everything they need
He's not one for open affection, that is unless he has a s/o, then you will see a more open Katakuri
He will keep mostly guard while the kids do their things, occasionally playing along if he's asked
He will also make them mochi balls or pillows if they want to take a quick nap
I think that during this time, apart from watching them, he would do his work or read if he's okay with paperwork
Form of quality time with the family, of course
He too will train them and make them strong. They are pirates after all
If you try enough and hard, he can be swayed with punishment, but it's hard anyway. You may try but most of the time you'll get a compromise, no more
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She's for sure one of the toughest lady out there
She's a great babysitter by the way, along the two up there, given the nature of their DF or occupation.
She's the minister of fruits, and I see her taking the kids to go and collect the fruits in the near wood and or grape yard
They'll have fun making juices and so on
She too will make sure nothing is amiss for the young ones and in training, she's the strictest or at least one of them
She won't be fazed at all by any accidents happening, she didn't even blink when Mama went in food hunger rampage, I mean kids are nothing
You won't get away with punishment, nope. Get that idea out of your head, and it's in your best interest to be in your best behaviour, she won't hesitate to put you in time out or worse
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