#charlie having two horns but the heart of a unicorn
a-dauntless-daffodil · 2 months
little kid Charlie seeing a drawing of a unicorn and excitedly comparing her own cloven hoofs and long wiggle tail to it. Unicorns as her heroes, able to heal people and help them, symbols of all things good and bright and happy
little kid Charlie spending a few years convinced she must be part unicorn, finally asking her dad about it- Lucifer not getting context at first and being all "you can be whatever you want Char-char~" only to realize too late she's being serious and she's gonna be crushed so he just changes the subject whenever it comes up trying to let her have fun as long as she can
(he also doesn't tell Lilith, bc Lilith will tell the truth and Lucifer can already picture the sad little look on Charlie's face when she hears..)
Charlie growing up and slowly noticing that a unicorn's tail is soft and fluffy and tasseled while hers is leathery and jagged and sharp. Looking down at her cloven hooves and realizing they're blood red. Staring at both her horns in the mirror, neither of them fluted, nothing magical about them- just a sign she's throwing a tantrum today
Lilith finds her hugging her fav fairytale book and crying and Lilith listens when she stumbles through the whole unicorn thing, how Charlie thought she was one but she's just a monster instead
so Lilith tells Charlie older stories about other unicorns. Dangerous wild and powerful creatures who came in strange colors and weren't always soft or gentle but were still beautiful. she turns little Charlie sideways between the wall and the light and shows her how two horns can look like one from the right angle
little Charlie cuddling into her mom's arms feeling better because her mom thinks she's perfect
but it's still a heavy thing, bc Charlie doesn't want to be wild or dangerous. She likes the kinds of unicorns who frolic through flowery meadows and summon rainbows with every step. Nice ones no one ever thinks of as scary
years later Lucifer has shut himself away and Lilith has vanished and Charlie's slipping into bed with a sigh, picking up a book of fairytales to read until her buzzing thoughts are quiet enough to let her sleep
next to her in bed Vaggie is giving her spear a last look over before it's time to lean it against the wall within easy reach
the shadow of the spear falls across the bed and onto the wall and Charlie lifts her hands to make a shadow puppet horse's head without thinking, combining the two until the spear becomes a horn and the shadow horse turns into a unicorn
Charlie giggles and Vaggie turns, smiles, spends the next few minutes trying to figure out how to give the unicorn a body without dropping the spear
eventually they're both laughing to hard and the shadow unicorn collapses. Snuggling up for sleep, Vaggie murmurs off handedly "I've got the best horned and hooved lady right here anyway. Unicorns could learn a thing or two from you, sweetie" before drifting off
Charlie all grown up and thinking about how she bandaged her girlfriend's eye the day they met. How always on edge Vaggie can spend an hour before bed checking exits and her weapon, but then relax and fall asleep the moment Charlie cuddles her
It's a pretty good magic to have, all grown up Charlie decides, much better than just summoning sparkles or rainbows
(a few years on from this and she looks down at the woman who cut out her girlfriend's eye and feels her horns and hooves and the urge to break bones with them, and she is more close to being like the wild, dangerous unicorns of her mom's stories than she'll ever know)
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a-araiguma-a · 1 month
Between the serving and Her smile
Chapter 2. From Muggles to Wizards: Between Studies and Dreams
Fandom: Harry Potter Pairing: Oliver Wood x fem!reader, Charlie Weasley x f!reader, <?> Warning: fluff, mutual pining, friends-to-lovers drama, first love, jealous
Summary: He was the captain and keeper of the Gryffindor team, and his quest to win the Quidditch Cup became an obsessive goal. All his thoughts revolved around tactics, training and strategies, but sometimes his own heart reminded him of another, equally important side of life. He believed that love and Quidditch could coexist in his life. He swore to himself that he would do everything possible to preserve these two treasures, even if it required the impossible from him.
Start - Prolog (Episode 1 - Episode 2 - Episode 3 - Episode 4 - Episode 5) - Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - Chapter 3 - Chapter 4 - Chapter 5 - Chapter 6
Everyday life at Hogwarts quickly settled into a familiar routine. Each day was filled with lessons, new knowledge, and magical discoveries. Gradually, Margaret began to feel more confident. She became better at understanding magical subjects and spells. She often thought back with gratitude to her lessons with her grandfather, which were now paying off. Thanks to their practice sessions, she found Charms and Potions classes much easier. She quickly mastered many basic spells and even helped her friends with their assignments.
“How do you manage so well?” Emma asked in surprise when Margaret once again effortlessly performed a spell in Professor Flitwick’s class.
“My grandfather helped me prepare,” Margaret replied, slightly embarrassed. “We practiced a lot before I came here.”
“Lucky you,” Sophie said with a smile. “I’m finding this all a bit more difficult.”
Her favorite class turned out to be Transfiguration, where she learned to turn matchsticks into needles, and she couldn’t believe that her own hands could perform such magic. She would hold the needle in her hands, marveling at the magic she could feel at her fingertips.
In Potions, she was particularly amazed by the ingredients, which seemed incredible compared to the ordinary spices and herbs used by Muggles. For example, the first time she used unicorn horn in a potion, she felt a deep reverence for magical creatures. Over time, she learned to handle these ingredients, understanding how they interacted with each other. One of the highlights was when she brewed a Sleeping Draught for the first time, and her partner, after trying it, immediately fell asleep for a few minutes, causing everyone to laugh and feel relieved.
In Charms class, it was an incredible feeling—realizing that words could bring magic to life.
Hogwarts itself was one big mystery for Margaret. Her Muggle fairy tales gradually faded into the background, giving way to real magic. One day, she accidentally stumbled upon a secret passage in one of the castle corridors. The passage led her to an abandoned wing where she found ancient paintings, books, and even some magical objects that, as she later discovered, had belonged to students from a century ago.
In the evenings, Margaret often talked with Charlie Weasley in the common room. He was older than her but always found time to chat about life at Hogwarts and his large family.
“I have six brothers and sisters,” he once said with a laugh one evening. “A big family is pure chaos, but it’s fun. Speaking of brothers, one of them, Percy, is studying with you. He’s a bit of a stickler, but only at first glance. Maybe you’ll become friends? I think you’d like our family.”
“That sounds amazing,” Margaret smiled. “I’ve always wanted a big family.”
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Thus, six months passed at Hogwarts. Margaret had grown accustomed to her new rhythm of life, finding joy in each day spent among friends and books. Studying came easily to her, and Hogwarts felt more and more like home. But despite everything, by Christmas, she started to miss home deeply.
Christmas at Hogwarts was a magical time. The castle was decorated with hundreds of garlands, a giant tree towered in the Great Hall, and the air was filled with the scent of pine and gingerbread. But Margaret knew that soon she would be going home to see her family, something she had been dreaming of for weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. Denning, Bennett’s parents, also promised to visit for the holidays. The magical heritage was hidden from them, and Margaret couldn’t wait to finally return home and spend time with those she cared about.
On the last night before her departure, Margaret stood by the window of her room, gazing at the snow-covered slopes and the castle glowing in the moonlight. Her heart was filled with warmth at the thought of returning home, but she knew that Hogwarts would always be a special place for her, a place she would gladly return to after the holidays.
After spending long months at Hogwarts, Margaret finally returned home for Christmas, eagerly anticipating her reunion with her parents. Platform 9¾ was once again bustling with activity as students said their goodbyes to friends and prepared for their journey home. Margaret, having gathered her belongings, hurried to the station, where her mom and dad were already waiting for her. Seeing them, she couldn’t hold back her smile and ran toward them.
“Mom! Dad!” she exclaimed, throwing her arms around their necks.
“Margaret, darling, we’ve missed you so much,” Miranda said, hugging her daughter tightly.
“You’ve grown up so much,” Bennett added, looking at her with pride. “How’s school? Is everything going well?”
“Everything is wonderful,” Margaret replied, beaming with happiness. “I have so much to tell you!”
When they returned home, Margaret savored the familiar, comforting atmosphere. The house was decorated for the holiday, and it smelled of pine branches and freshly baked goods. That evening, at the festive table, they were joined by her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Denning, who had also missed their granddaughter dearly. They believed she was studying at a school for young ladies, only returning home during the winter and summer holidays. They were strict but kind-hearted people.
“Margaret, dear, you’ve grown so much,” her grandfather said with a smile as he hugged her.
“We’re so glad you’re home,” her grandmother added, her eyes sparkling with joy.
During the holiday dinner, decorated with Christmas ornaments and a sparkling tree, Margaret shared her academic achievements.
She also began to open up more to Miranda, telling her how much her grandfather’s lessons had helped her before the school year started and how they had made her assignments easier. Many of the spells and potions were already familiar, making her studies much more manageable. Sometimes, she was even asked to help with homework. She talked about her new friends and funny situations. Perhaps her heart softened toward Miranda, and she began to reciprocate her feelings.
“You’re doing great,” Miranda praised her, proud of her daughter’s achievements. “We knew you would succeed.”
The Christmas holidays passed quickly, and soon it was time to return to Hogwarts. Margaret spent the last few days at home relaxing and enjoying the warmth of her family.
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Returning to her studies went smoothly, and she continued to excel. In the Gryffindor common room, Margaret spent more time talking with Charlie Weasley, who shared funny and awkward stories about his younger siblings and his love for magical creatures, especially dragons.
One day, she found Oliver Wood in the common room, reading a book about Quidditch, and he told her about his dream of joining the Quidditch team.
“I really want to try out for Quidditch,” he said, his eyes shining with enthusiasm. “But unfortunately, they only accept second-years. I can’t wait to give it a shot.”
“I’m sure you’ll do great,” Margaret replied with a smile, encouraging him.
Spring passed quickly, and soon it was time for the summer holidays. Margaret said goodbye to Hogwarts with a hint of sadness but comforted herself with the promise of staying in touch with Emma and Sophie through letters. That summer, she resumed her lessons with her grandfather, studying literature and the origins of magic. Now, with her newfound knowledge, she could engage in discussions with him.
“You’ve become a real witch,” her grandfather once said, looking at her with pride as they discussed ancient spells. “I never thought I’d be discussing such complex topics with you so soon.”
“I’m really interested in this,” Margaret replied, feeling her confidence grow with each passing day.
However, her grandmother insisted that Margaret spend more time relaxing.
“Once you return to Hogwarts, you won’t have as much free time,” she reminded her. “Enjoy the summer while you can.”
The family supported this idea, and one day they even went to an amusement park. It was Margaret’s first time in such a place and the first time she had spent so much time with her father. She rode the rides, ate cotton candy, and enjoyed every moment.
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Autumn arrived, and Margaret once again found herself on Platform 9¾. She looked around for familiar faces and soon spotted Emma and Sophie, who were waving at her excitedly. They met and hugged, not hiding their joy.
“I missed you so much!” Margaret exclaimed with a smile. “How were your holidays?”
“We missed you too,” Sophie replied. “The holidays were great, but I’m glad to be back—there will be even more adventures this year!”
The second year at Hogwarts began with the usual hustle and bustle: classes, homework, and discussions of upcoming events. One of the most exciting moments of the year was the Quidditch team tryouts. Oliver Wood, with whom Margaret had become friends the previous year, was obsessed with the idea of making the team. Quidditch wasn’t just a game for him; it was a true passion.
Charlie Weasley, the Gryffindor team captain, was also eagerly awaiting the event. The excitement within the team was building, and as captain, he was eager to see who would join their ranks.
On the day of the tryouts, Margaret, Emma, and Sophie decided to head to the stands to watch the trials. Grabbing their scarves and cloaks, they made their way to the stadium, where students were already gathering. The field was bathed in light, the stands gradually filled with spectators, and the air was thick with anticipation.
“I think Oliver is definitely going to make the team,” Emma said as she settled onto a bench, glancing around. “He trained so much over the summer.”
“He’s got a good chance,” Margaret agreed. “I’ve seen him fly. He’s a natural-born Quidditch player.”
As the trials began, the spectators in the stands watched the action on the field closely. The players demonstrated their agility, speed, and broom-handling skills. Oliver, as always, was focused and determined, trying to showcase everything he could do.
“He’s relentless,” Sophie marveled, watching as Oliver skillfully maneuvered on his broom, dodging Bludgers. “He’d be perfect for the team.”
After a while, as the trials quieted down a bit, Sophie suddenly turned to Margaret with a mischievous smile.
“Why don’t you give it a try?” she suggested, her eyes gleaming with sudden inspiration. “You’re a great flyer! I saw you fly last year.”
Margaret thought about it for a moment. The idea of participating in the tryouts had crossed her mind, but she quickly realized it wasn’t for her.
“I love flying,” she replied, smiling slightly. “But chasing after balls is a whole different story. Quidditch requires a special kind of concentration and strategy. I enjoy the freedom of flying, the feeling of being in the air. I don’t think being on the team is for me.”
Sophie pondered this for a moment, then nodded, agreeing with her reasoning.
“You’re right,” she said. “Flying for fun is one thing, but playing Quidditch is something else entirely. But still, it would’ve been interesting to see you on the field.”
Margaret smiled, feeling that she had made the right choice. She knew that Quidditch wasn’t her calling, but it was nice to think that her flying skills had been noticed by her friends. Together, they continued to watch the trials, cheering on their friends.
When the tryouts were over, Oliver, exhausted but satisfied, climbed up to the stands to join Margaret, Emma, and Sophie.
“How’d I do?” he asked, catching his breath and wiping the sweat from his brow.
“You were amazing!” Emma exclaimed, genuinely impressed by his determination.
“Charlie is sure to pick you,” Sophie added with a smile.
Margaret, offering him a reassuring smile, said, “You did everything you could. Now it’s up to the captain.”
Oliver nodded, his eyes gleaming with excitement. He had dreamed of becoming part of the team, and now, finally, he had a chance to make that dream a reality. The results didn’t take long to arrive—Oliver was finally accepted into the Gryffindor Quidditch team. Just as Margaret had predicted, Charlie chose him as the team’s Keeper, and Oliver couldn’t have been happier. Now he could proudly wear the team uniform and participate in the matches he had longed for.
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The second year flew by unnoticed. Margaret focused on her studies and continued to excel. Potions classes took place in the cold dungeons of Hogwarts. The stone walls, low ceilings, and flickering candlelight created an atmosphere of mystery. The students sat at long wooden tables, on which cauldrons, flasks, and jars of various ingredients were arranged. Professor Snape, dressed in a black robe, glided between the rows like a shadow, watching every move of the students.
“Today, you will be brewing the Polyjuice Potion,” Snape announced in a cold voice that carried a hint of menace. “If any of you feel the urge to mess up, be warned: the consequences will be most unpleasant.”
Margaret, like the others, held her breath. She knew that Potions required concentration and precision, and under Snape’s watchful gaze, any mistake could be fatal. He was a strict and demanding teacher who tolerated no negligence.
Each lesson began with an explanation of the theory and a description of the ingredients, followed by the practical part. Snape rarely praised the students, but his silent approval was often the highest reward.
“Margaret,” Emma whispered beside her as they began adding mandrake root to their cauldron. “Are you sure we need to do this slowly?”
“Yes,” Margaret nodded, carefully monitoring the process. “If you add it too quickly, the potion might explode.” She had barely finished the sentence when a loud bang shattered the silence of the dungeon, like thunder on a clear day. Margaret and Emma simultaneously jumped back as the explosive wave swept through the room, engulfing them in heat and showering them with tiny drops of potion. Several students screamed, and others quickly backed away from their cauldrons, fearing their mixtures might also spiral out of control.
“Silence!” Snape’s commanding voice cut through the noise in the class. His dark eyes narrowed as he swiftly assessed the situation. He strode toward the source of the explosion, and the students hurriedly made way for him.
Margaret watched the scene, her heart pounding in her chest. Where there had been a whole cauldron just moments ago, now there was a wreck. Snape silently bent over the shattered cauldron, then his cold gaze turned to the culprit. His face remained impassive, but tension hung in the air, as if the entire room was holding its breath, waiting for his reaction.
“Perhaps, Mr. Howard,” he began in a quiet but menacing tone, “you should pay more attention to instructions before attempting to prove you can improvise.”
Eric Howard, shocked and bewildered, could only nod, not daring to protest.
“The rest of you,” Snape continued, slowly surveying the class, “take note of this lesson. Alchemy does not forgive mistakes and carelessness. One wrong move can lead to catastrophic consequences.”
Margaret felt her hands tremble slightly from the tension. She knew how dangerous potion-making could be, but now it felt even more real. Out of the corner of her eye, she glanced at Emma, who stood beside her, equally shaken by what had just happened.
“You were right,” Emma whispered, afraid to attract the professor’s attention. “We need to be even more careful.”
Margaret nodded, trying to regain her composure. They returned to their cauldron, even more cautious and slow in adding the mandrake root. Snape’s eyes remained watchful, scrutinizing every move, but eventually, he returned to his desk, leaving the students to stew in their thoughts.
When the lesson finally ended, Margaret allowed herself to relax. She looked at her potion—the thick mixture in the cauldron was slowly bubbling, its color even and stable.
“You’ve done well,” a low voice suddenly said behind her. Margaret turned and saw Snape standing right next to her table. He nodded slightly, which for him was almost a sign of approval. “Next time, be even more attentive, Miss Denning.”
Margaret felt her heart skip a beat. It wasn’t exactly praise, but it was close. She nodded quietly, feeling both relieved and slightly apprehensive.
As Snape walked away, Emma quietly exhaled, “Well, if that wasn’t praise, I don’t know what is…”
Margaret smiled, feeling the tension gradually fade. This lesson had been a real test for her, but she had passed it, and the moment had bolstered her confidence—if she could endure Snape’s silent approval, she could handle much more.
Professor Snape often assigned complex homework that required not only theoretical knowledge but also the ability to apply it in practice. Essays spanning several feet of parchment on the use of rare ingredients, research on the history of potion-making, and detailed reports on experiments became an integral part of the learning process. These assignments demanded perseverance and attention to detail, and Margaret, like her friends, strove to complete them with the utmost responsibility.
Sometimes, she was asked to help with homework, and she was always happy to share her knowledge with those who needed assistance. Her successes at Hogwarts brought her great satisfaction.
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The Hogwarts library was one of Margaret’s favorite places. Time in the library flew by unnoticed. The spacious halls with high ceilings and rows of bookshelves filled with ancient tomes and modern textbooks created an atmosphere of comfort and peace. Here, among thousands of books, one could find answers to any questions and delve into the study of the magical world.
In this library, among ancient tomes and mysterious books, she felt truly at home, as if her soul had found what it had been searching for—a place to explore, learn, and grow stronger, seeing how the knowledge they acquired began to come together into a complete picture.
Margaret smiled, bending over her notebook, where she carefully wrote down her thoughts on what she had read.
“I found something interesting about protective spells,” Sophie said, pulling a thick book from the shelf and sitting down at the table.
“Let’s take a look,” Margaret responded, sitting down next to her and opening her notebook.
Emma, sitting across from them, was rummaging through her notes, trying to figure out the structure of the essay they had been assigned for Potions.
“Snape certainly doesn’t go easy on us,” she sighed as she scanned the text. “But it’s interesting. I had no idea such complex potions existed.”
“He demands a lot,” Margaret agreed, looking up at Emma. “But maybe that’s how we’ll truly learn to understand potions. If Snape can teach us anything, it’s how to be precise and attentive.”
Emma nodded, setting her notes aside. “Yeah, you’re right. Sometimes it feels like he makes the assignments harder just to test us.”
Sophie, still flipping through the pages of the book she had just pulled out, raised her eyebrows.
“Have you seen this?” she asked, drawing her friends’ attention. “It talks about protective spells that were used during the First Wizarding War. Some of them are so complex that they require incredible concentration and willpower.”
Margaret and Emma leaned in closer to get a better look at the page. Before them was an entire chapter dedicated to rare and ancient protective spells, many of which had long been forgotten or replaced by more modern versions. Margaret felt her curiosity growing.
“This could be useful,” Margaret noted, quickly scanning the text. “You never know when knowledge like this might come in handy. Especially in a world where things are constantly happening.”
Sophie nodded, noticing the spark of interest in her friend’s eyes.
“I thought it might be worth delving deeper into this topic. Maybe we can find something truly unique that could be useful in Defense Against the Dark Arts or just expand our horizons.”
“I’m with you,” Margaret replied, already thinking about how this information could be used. “Let’s try to understand these spells and how they work. If we can figure them out, it will be a serious advantage.”
Emma, lifting her head from her notes, looked at her friends with newfound interest.
“You know, maybe this could even help us with our Potions essay. Some protective potions have properties that could be compared to spells. If we can link the two, Snape will definitely be impressed.”
“Good idea,” Margaret agreed, feeling her inspiration grow with every new thought. “Let’s analyze these spells and then try to find parallels with potions. It could be both interesting and useful.”
They once again immersed themselves in their reading, flipping through pages and discussing the complex spells, their applications, and possible consequences.
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Classes, homework, time spent in the library, and conversations with friends filled Margaret’s days. But, as Charlie had suggested, she decided to try and find common ground with his younger brother. As she walked through the corridors of Hogwarts, Margaret began to notice Percy Weasley more often, but unlike Charlie, Percy was a very different kind of person. He was diligent, hardworking, and extremely serious about his studies and the school rules. He always had his nose in a book during his free time, his robes were always spotless, and his tie was always knotted precisely according to the rules.
Percy was tall and slender, with bright red hair and glasses perched on his nose, which gave him an even more serious and responsible appearance. He constantly carried a stack of books, always meticulously prepared for classes, and followed the school’s regulations to the letter.
“Percy?” Margaret had said in surprise when Charlie first mentioned his brother. “He’s always so serious. I’m not sure I can find common ground with him.” “Yes, he’s strict with himself and others,” Charlie admitted with a slight smile. “But he has a kind heart. If you can connect with him, he’ll be a good friend. Try talking to him about something you both care about—like studies. He’s a real workaholic.”
At first, it wasn’t easy for Margaret to establish contact with Percy. Her attempts were met with cold indifference. He was focused on his studies and didn’t like to be distracted by conversations that he considered pointless.
“It seems like he doesn’t want to talk at all,” Margaret complained to Emma and Sophie during one of their meetings in the library.
“That’s just how he is,” Emma noted with a shrug. “Percy is always serious and focused on results. It’s hard for him to relax.”
“Maybe he just hasn’t gotten used to you yet,” Sophie suggested.
One evening, after they had finished their tasks in the library, they noticed Percy sitting at a distant table, deeply engrossed in a book on magical history. Margaret gathered her courage and approached him.
“Hi, Percy,” she said quietly, careful not to disturb the library’s silence.
Percy looked up from his book, his eyes narrowing slightly as if trying to recall who was in front of him.
“Hello, Margaret,” he replied with a brief nod. “What can I help you with?”
“I’ve noticed that you’re very serious about your studies,” she began, her voice trembling slightly with nervousness. “I try to be diligent too, and I’m curious about how you manage all your work. Do you have any tips?”
Percy seemed to relax a bit, intrigued by her question. He put his book down and looked at her more attentively.
“Well, I just try to organize my time as efficiently as possible,” he replied. “The key is not to procrastinate and not to let yourself get distracted. I always plan my day in advance and stick to the plan. That helps me stay on top of everything and keep focused.”
Margaret smiled, feeling that the ice had begun to break. They continued talking, discussing different study approaches, memory techniques, and effective ways to prepare for exams. Percy turned out not to be as distant and cold as he initially seemed. His passion for learning was contagious, and soon they found they had a lot in common.
One day after class, when everyone else had already left, Margaret approached Percy, who was meticulously rewriting his notes.
“Hi, Percy,” she began, coming up to his desk. “I was wondering if you’d like to study together for the next Potions class? Snape’s program is tough, and I’ve heard you’re really good with ingredients.”
Percy looked up from his notes and considered her offer. He was known for his love of order and precision, and Margaret knew that this approach might catch his attention.
“It’s important,” she continued. “I try not to miss any details myself. Maybe if we combine our efforts, we can achieve even better results.”
This time, Percy thought more seriously. He clearly appreciated her diligence and eagerness to learn.
“Alright,” he finally agreed. “Let’s meet in the library after dinner. I have some ideas for the essay Snape assigned. We can discuss them together.”
Margaret smiled, feeling that this was a chance to get closer to Percy. They arranged to meet in the evening, and Margaret eagerly anticipated the meeting.
That evening in the library, Margaret and Percy met at one of the back tables, secluded from the rest of the hall. Books, parchment, and ink were spread out in front of them. Percy, as always, was deeply focused on his work, but now he was more willing to share his thoughts.
“I think the key difficulty with the potion lies in getting the proportions of the ingredients just right,” Percy said, carefully reviewing the textbook. “Many mistakes can be avoided by preparing the components in advance and strictly following the recipe. Snape emphasized that in the last lesson.”
“I agree,” Margaret nodded, jotting down his words in her notebook. “And it’s also important to maintain the correct temperature. If it’s not kept at the right level, the potion could lose its properties. I have some ideas, but I’m not sure if I’ve explained them correctly.”
Percy looked at her thoughtfully, then put down his quill and took her notebook, carefully reading what she had written.
“You’ve done well, but this could be refined a bit,” he said. “For example, when discussing the process of adding mandrake root to the potion, it’s crucial to understand the reaction of the ingredients.”
Margaret listened to his explanations with interest. His knowledge and attention to detail were truly impressive. They dove into the discussion, making notes and comparing their ideas. This marked the beginning of their collaboration. Margaret and Percy often met in the library, discussing various topics and helping each other with their studies. Gradually, they began to find common ground. Margaret grew to appreciate his love for order and pursuit of perfection, while Percy valued her ability to simplify complex ideas and get to the heart of any subject.
Their interactions, at first, were somewhat formal, but slowly, a genuine friendship began to develop between them, built on mutual respect and a shared interest in learning.
One day, as they were working on an essay for Professor Rakepick, Percy suddenly said, “You know, Margaret, I’m glad we started talking. I usually prefer working alone, but with you, it feels… easier. You help me see things from a different perspective.”
Margaret smiled, sensing their friendship growing.
“I’m glad too, Percy. You’re really smart and dedicated. I think we can learn a lot from each other.”
Over time, their conversations became more personal. Percy opened up to Margaret about his family, how seriously he took his responsibilities toward them, especially his younger brothers and sister, and how hard he tried to live up to the high expectations he set for himself. He was ambitious and wanted to achieve great things in the magical world, but he also felt a strong sense of responsibility toward his siblings.
“I feel like it’s important to be the best at whatever you do,” Percy confided one day, setting his quill aside. “I want people to be able to rely on me. It’s my duty to do things right and set an example.”
Margaret saw in Percy not just a strict and reserved student, but a person driven by deep internal motivation. He was devoted to his ideals and worked hard to achieve perfection in everything, which required great effort from him.
Margaret felt that their collaboration not only benefited her studies but also gave her the chance to understand Percy better as a person. They discussed not only school assignments but also the broader questions that concerned them, both within and outside of Hogwarts.
“Sometimes I think I’m too hard on myself,” Percy admitted one evening when they were talking about their future plans. “But I just want to make my family proud and be a role model for my brothers and sister.”
“I’m sure you’ll succeed,” Margaret said with a smile. “You’re already a role model for many here at Hogwarts. I believe that discipline and perseverance will lead you to great achievements.”
Percy nodded, feeling grateful for her words. Their friendship gradually strengthened, and Margaret was glad she had found common ground with him. They continued to support each other in their studies, helping each other understand complex topics and sharing their thoughts.
Margaret saw how Percy slowly began to trust her more and even smiled when they solved a problem together.
This friendship became important to both of them. Percy learned to relax a bit and see the world beyond rules and regulations, while Margaret grew to appreciate the discipline and pursuit of excellence that were so important to Percy.
Margaret, Emma, Sophie, and Percy often spent their evenings in the library, discussing lessons and working on homework together. They became a team that could always rely on each other, making their school life even more enriching and enjoyable.
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greenstudies · 4 years
Movie recommendations
This is a list of movies I’ve seen with scores!. Used to be a part of my To Watch list, but it got too long. If you’re looking for films to watch, welcome!:
Before we start... Movies with rating 9/10 and higher are highlighted. Movies I didn’t finish have 0/10
🎦 Action
Kingsman: Golden circle  2/10
Spy who dumped me  6/10
John Wick  9/10
John Wick 2  8/10
John Wick 3  5/10
Blade Runer  0/10
Central intelligence  6/10
The Hitman’s Bodyguard  7/10
Constantine  9/10
Point Break  9/10
Charlie’s Angels  5/10
Speed 5/10
Mad Max: Fury Road 8/10
Murder on the Orient Express 6/10
The Old Guard 6/10
🎦 Animated
The Fox and the Hound  7/10
Kubo and the two strings  8/10
Sing  8/10
Sinbad  7/10
Spiderman: Into the Spider-verse  10/10
Toy Story 4  8/10
How to Train Your Dragon 3  6/10
Whisper of the Heart  7/10
Castle in the sky  6/10
Ponyo  6/10
Arriety  9/10
From Up on a poppy Hill 5/10
Tales From Earthsea 5/10
Raya and the Last Dragon 7/10
Mitchels and the Machines 7/10
Soul 8/10
Only Yesterday 5/10
Klaus 8/10
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🎦 Comedy
Devil wears Prada  5/10
Bad moms  6/10
Clueless  0/10
Ibiza 4/10
Isn’t it romantic  8/10
Crazy Rich Asians  8/10
Dirty 30  couldn’t find it :(
The Perfect Date  5/10
Someone Great  7/10
Unicorn Store  5/10
Tootsie  7/10
Mortdecai  7/10
I Love You Phillip Morris  7/10
Always Be My Maybe  7/10
Knives Out  8/10
9 to 5 7/10
Fried Green Tomatoes 4/10
Love and Monsters 7/10
Bo Burnham: INSIDE 9/10
Little Miss Sunshine 7/10
The Intern 6/10
🎦 Drama
Passengers  6/10
Joy  9/10
Inferno  8/10
Catch me if you can  7/10
Rush  5/10
Leon  7/10
Bohemian Rhapsody  7/10
The Game  8/10
Alpha  3/10
The Breakfast Club  3/10
Burlesque 7/10
The Judge  7/10
The Godfather  5/10
One Flew over the Cuckoo’s Nest  7/10
To the Bone 8/10
My Own Private Idaho  4/10
Little Women  0/10
1984  6/10
Devil’s Advocate  10/10
Her  5/10
Walk the line 5/10
Lady Bird 4/10
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Once Upon a Time in Hollywood  0/10
Mindscape 9/10
Seven  10/10
Unbreakable  7/10
Split  7/10
Glass  4/10
Much Ado About Nothing 5/10
47 Ronin  5/10
Bend It Like Beckham 3/10
Brokeback Mountain  8/10
JoJo Rabbit 10/10
The Colour Purple 4/10
Now and Then 5/10
Marriage Story 7/10
The Master 0/10
The Truman Show 9/10
The Yards 0/10 
Stay 8/10
The Snowman 4/10
Parasite 7/10
I Care a Lot 4/10
Primal Fear 9/10
🎦 Documentary
Minimalism  6/10
What the Health  0/10
The Social Dilemma 8/10
🎦 Horror
Train to Busan  4/10
The Woman in Black  5/10
Bird Box 7/10
Silent hill  0/10
Doctor Sleep  7/10
Jennifer’s Body  3/10
The Quiet Place 6/10
The Witch 2/10
American Psycho 1/10
Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street 2/10
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🎦 Thriller
Red Sparrow  0/10 (didn’t even finish it, I’m too pure)
Ocean’s 8  7/10
Bad Times at the El Royale  4/10
A Simple Favour  8/10
Black Mirror: Bandersnatch  9/10
Joker 10/10
Chain Reaction  6/10
Widows  0/10
Prisoners  10/10
Zodiac 8/10
Our Kind of Traitor 6/10
The Girl on the Train 6/10
🎦 Fantasy
The Huntsman: Winter’s War  6/10
Beauty and the Beast (life action)  6/10
Red Riding Hood  5/10
Tomb Rider  2/10
Pete’s Dragon  6/10
Upside Down  2/10
Sleepy Hollow  6/10
The House with a Clock in its Walls  7/10
Fantastic Beasts: Grindenwald’s Crimes  8/10
Mary Popins returns  6/10
Big Fish  6/10
Jack the Giant Slayer  5/10
The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey  8/10
The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe  7/10
The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug  8/10
Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring 7/10
Christopher Robin 6/10
Into the Woods 3/10
Beetlejuice 6/10
Robin Hood 3/10
Horns 4/10
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🎦 Sci-fi
Ghostbusters: Answer the Call  7/10
Fahrenheit 451  0/10
Ex Machina  6/10
Looper  8/10
The X Files: I Want To Believe 4/10
The Island  7/10
The Matrix  6/10
The Butterfly Effect  8/10
Star Wars I: Phantom Menace 7/10
Star Wars II: Attack of the Clones 7/10
Star Wars III: Revenge of the Sith 7/10
What Happened to Monday 5/10
🎦 Superhero
Ant-Man and Wasp  5/10
Deadpool 2  9/10
Aquaman  8/10
Captain Marvel  8/10
Spiderman: Far from Home  8/10
Iron man 3  7/10
X-Men: Dark Phoenix  7/10
Birds of Prey (And the Fabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn)  8/10
Venom 8/10
Venom: Let There Be Carnage 6/10
🎦 Romance
How to lose a guy in 10 days  6/10
Love Actually  6/10
The Kissing Booth 4/10
The first time  4/10
Pretty Woman  7/10
Dirty Dancing  9/10
The Notebook  5/10
Just Friends  3/10
Moulin Rouge!  8/10
Call Me By Your Name  6/10
The Lake House  5/10
Carol 7/10
Playing by Heart 2/10
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Hope you like some of these!
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💖💖💖Hiya, maybe you could do a chubby!fem!insecure!reader x Fred Weasly 👉👈 💖💖💖
I gotchu
So Fred was hanging out with George one day in his third year
When he found a couple of students being a dick to someone
Fred and George told them to back the fuck up and calm down
And then Fred met you.
You were this beautiful thing
Hair down to your shoulders
Eyes that seemed to practically sparkle
A face that made his heart nearly pound out of his chest
"Now what's a beautiful thing like you doing to get caught up in that?" Fred asked, sitting next to you.
"You're joking right. Like you actually have to be." You said confused
"Joking? Nope. Dead serious, why were they hassling you?" He asked
"...Look at me, I'm a easy target." You said.
Fred didn't see any flaws to be honest. But he nodded like he understood
"What's your name?" George asked.
"Y/n." You sighed.
"Got a friend group?" Fred asked.
"Nope." You shrugged with a disappointed look in your eyes.
"Now you do." George said.
"You're hanging with us." Fred said.
"But--" "if whatever you're about to say invalidates yourself, then it's ridiculous and we're not listening." Fred said before pulling you up and walking, George on your other said.
So there it was
Your two best friends in the entire universe
George of course took notice of his brother's fixation on you
Anytime anyone even DARED to say anything about your weight Fred would be distracting you while George was threatening their life
The two of them would also prank the fuck out of whoever insulted you too.
Fred would basically put the fear of GOD into anyone who decided to bully you. 
It became this whole thing around Hogwarts to basically treat you like a fucking saint OR ELSE SUFFER AT THE HANDS OF THE WEASLEY TWINS 
You were kind of insecure because these two were so nice to you all the time and you were in this friend group with Angelina who was so pretty
So when you formed a crush on Fred you kind of went quiet 
because there’s no way you’d be able to date him right?
Wrong. Fred talked about you nonstop when you weren’t present
Angelina thought you were fucking awesome and George thought of you like a sister
the whole friend group LOVED you to pieces. 
You confided to Angelina one day how you felt and she was like “Oh. Oh Honey, you’ve got this.”
Angelina is legit your hypewoman
If she could she would follow you all day and make you feel empowered as fuck
She even hypes you up to ask Fred out
You walked in, said the words “FRED I HAVE TO TALK TO YOU”
And then when he said “What’s up” you chickened out and stood there in silence for a bit before saying “Good talk” and then left
Then Angelina came back in with you and said “Fred, Y/n has something important to tell you.”
Your mind was dead.
Words wouldn’t form and you just stood there in silence
“Do I need to tell him?” Angelina asked. 
You nodded and she chuckled. 
“Y/n has a thing for you.” Angelina said.
Fred stared at you for a bit and then smiled.
You were expecting “You’re joking? Me and you?” or “Y/n, no.”
Instead he got up and kissed your forehead.
“Me, you, Hogsmeade on Thursday, what do you say?” He asked
You sputtered and pointed at the seat he was sitting in and then made a confused noise 
Angelina snorted and said “She’ll be there”
And you were.
You were nervous the entire time 
Fred absolutely thought you were gorgeous the whole time though
After a while your anxiety finally left you and you actually started to have a ton of fun
When the date ended, Fred kissed you and officially asked you to be his girlfriend
You made a noise that meant “yeah” because you were so shocked you couldn’t speak
You two were an amazing couple
Biggest shipper of you two?
She constantly would send you little things: Homemade cookies, sweaters, the occasional letter asking how you were
You stayed with them for Christmas and Molly thought you were AMAZING
She literally pulled Fred off for a side bar and told him: “You have got to marry this girl, I am begging you”
Fred was already positive you were the one so when his mom was saying “Yep, this is your soulmate”  it was like a divine being giving him the thumbs up
His siblings LOVE you
Ginny thinks you’re too good for the bastard 
Ron thinks you make the best cookies in the entire country
Percy thinks you are really intelligent and tells Fred if you start lagging behind academically he’s going to blame him
Charlie and you basically geek out over dragons all day EVERY day
Bill thinks you’re really sweet and loves seeing his brother in love
Harry thinks you’re some ethereal being
Over all the entire family thinks you’re awesome as hell
When you get back to school you slowly start to come out of your shell
you start going to quidditch games, you start going to parties 
I mean, you don’t really talk much (baby steps) but hey, progress is progress
You did end up staying with the Weasleys for the summer
You called Molly “mum” once and she was so excited
Fred loved seeing you so comfortable with his family
You and Fred would sit outside at night and drink tea while talking
And one night he looked at you while you were smiling and he smiled at you 
“Y/n, we graduate next year.” He began.
“Yeah. Scary.” You said.
“Would you want to get married after we graduate?” He asked 
“Are you serious?” You gaped.
“Yeah... Unless you don’t want to--” “I do! I really do” You said.
“Wait really?” “Yes you nutjob!” You laughed.
“I will be right back.”
So he quickly told Molly “Mum, I accidentally proposed, I meant it but now I need a ring or something”
Molly had that shit on standby and was WAITING
So he came back downstairs with a ring and PROPERLY asked you to marry him
You were freaking out but said “hell yeah”
SO you two went through the next school year engaged and happy
the senior year came quickly and Molly was so damn excited. 
When you two graduated you two got married and my GOD the wedding photos were amazing
First off: You looked gorgeous
Second off: George photobombed everything but it was okay because it was hysterical
He somehow found a party hat and ran around squawking at people
in one of the wedding photos Ron also found a party hat and had it on as a unicorn horn that looked like he was about to attack George
Harry also found two party hats (where the fuck were they getting these things) and wore them on his hands
You were wheezing at these dumbasses
Molly was pissed but you and Fred found this fucking hysterical
In one picture Ron, George and Harry were attacking each other with the party hats and because these are magical pictures that go on a loop, the battle would play out everytime while you and Fred were dying of laughter at these idiots
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kathyprior4200 · 4 years
My Little Hazbins: Redemption is Magic!
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Art by CHLane123
In Tartarus, the black alicorn Archangels sent by Princess Celestia had finished imprisoning several demon ponies and monsters. Those unfortunate enough to be imprisoned would be sitting around in cages day after day, with no hope of escape. Tartarus was filled with dragons, manticores, hydras, shadow ponies, and a wide array of villains. The three-headed dog Cerberus guarded the entrance. The only view of the outside world was the occasional glimpse of the sky and Ponyville when the heavy doors of Tartarus opened and closed.
 One pony princess walked sadly on a balcony of the Trottin’ Hotel. Her name was Charlie Mane, the pony princess of Tartarus. Her coat was white and she had red blushes on her cheeks. Her mane of hair was long, curly, and blonde, as was her tail. The front part of her was covered by a pink tuxedo suit with a black bow tie. Using her white unicorn horn, she sent bursts of fireworks into the darkness, which seemed to wake up the other demonic ponies and monsters down below. On her flank was her cutie mark, a red apple in a heart shape with a pentagram in the center.
 Tears flowing down her eyes, she began to sing out loud:
 “At the end of the rainbow, there’s happiness
And to find it, how often I’ve tried
But my life is a race
Just a wild horse chase
And my dreams have all been denied”
 “A ray of hope in this world of black
I wish the world to be free of sin
But no matter hard I try
I can’t get by
I never seem to win”
  “Why have I always been a failure?
What can the reason be?
I wonder if the world’s to blame
I wonder if it could be me”
 “I’m always chasing rainbows
Watching Cloudsdale drifting by
My schemes are just like all my dreams
Ending in the sky”
 “Some ponies look and find the sunshine
I always look and find the rain
Some ponies make a winning sometimes
I never even make the game
Believe me”
 “Will this world be a better place?
Or will loss never go away?
The choices I face, me, a disgrace
Loss of hope here to stay”
  “I’m always chasing rainbows
Watching clouds drifting by
My schemes are just like my dreams
Ending in the sky”
  “I’m always chasing rainbows
Waiting to find Rainbow Dash and friends
In vain.”
  Not too far away from Charlie’s location, a slender female pony wearing a black dress, opened up red curtains and watched the fireworks in the sky. Toward the back was a slender black pony wearing a black top hat with a skull on it. His face was stormy gray and his two large eyes were yellow. He casually sipped from a red goblet, using his hoof. Behind him was a shadowy figure of a tall cyclops pony…and the white alicorn Lucifer sitting on a chair, holding his cane.
 At Valentino’s Porn Studios, a demon unicorn pony named Vox posed for a selfie, his cutie mark a TV, his head dark blue with a small black top hat. He wore a large red bow-tie. A short earth pony with wild hair sat next to him, smiling and typing into her phone. Valentino, the owner, lounged in a chair, wearing heart-shaped glasses, a red robe and displaying sharp teeth. His coat was light blue-gray, his black mane slicked back. His cutie mark was a bag of money with a silhouette of a naked mare in a pose. He tapped his hoof impatiently as he glanced down at texts.
 Valentino: Did you get my bits, Angie baby?
Angel Dust: I’m wittha John now. I don’t get why this needed to happen so soon after the imprisoning tho. Boss.
Valentino: Just do it. No sass. K sugar.
Angel Dust: Yes, Val.
 Down below, a dark pony with a mane of hair proudly took a discarded weapon into her mouth and left to sell it on the black market. The harpoon weapon could stun any pony, leaving them open for imprisonment, or even death to the more sinister folk. An emotionless pony wearing a lab coat and red glasses, wrote on a clipboard, her pen in her mouth. Rosie, an Earth pony wearing a large fancy pink hat with pony skulls on it, crossed out Franklin’s name on the “Franklin and Rosie’s Emporium” sign. Rosie grinned as Franklin was mauled by dark hydras.
 The time on the grand clock read 5:07, and down below, the next patrol would occur in 365 days. A small blue pony fell down to the ground with a yell, a cloud of dust rising in the air. The pony had six dark blue hooves and large red eyes. He touched his face and body, clearly relieved.
“Oh, I’m alive. I’m alive!” he exclaimed.
Immediately, he was run over by a speeding car, exploding in a flash of blood.
The car stopped on a road, where a Jackpot Hotel and Casino stood in the background.
A tall, white demon pony hopped out of the car and rested his hoof on the top of the door. He slicked back the hair on his head with one of his pink gloved hooves. Being a pony with spider-like features, he had multiple hooves, six in total. He wore a black bow tie, tall stiletto boots, and a shirt with pink and white stripes. His large irises were pink, the sclera in his left eye dark instead of white. Pink dots resembling small eyes were lined up below his eyes. His right eye had black schlera, his left eye white, both with pink pupils. His tail was furry and white like his mane of hair. On his bare flank, a cutie mark of a heart and a bag of white slugs was displayed.
 “Thanks for the fun time, hot stuff,” said the driver.
The white pony closed the door. “Yeah, yeah, listen. Keep this discreet, hear me? I can’t let it get out I’m offering my services to rando ponies on the street. It was a quick cash grab, ya got that?”
Travis, the dark black pony scoffed. He wore a black hat and both his eyes were red. One eye had black sclera. His fur coat was messy and his cutie mark was an owl with red eyes.
“Whatever you say, butt!” he mocked with a laugh.
The white pony cupped his face dramatically. “Ouch, ooh, such an insult!”
Travis stared nervously, a small heart in his left eye.
The white pony leaned in, showing a mouth full of fangs. “Let me know when you come up with something creative to call me, you sack of poorly packed horse spit!”
He poked Travis in the face with one hoof, and grabbed his collar by one of his other hooves.
“Tell the missus I said hi,” he added before giving Travis a quick kiss.
“Pack of poor…” Travis muttered, rolling up his window and speeding off. The car squealed and flipped over on its side in the air, falling with a loud crash.
 The white pony glanced over at a nearby store. A sign advertising a casino with a pack of cards on the front read, “Casino: just a few wins away.” Beside an elevator, was a fridge with an upside down cross on the front. A vending machine with the word “drugs” on it in white letters, caught the pony’s attention. Giddy with excitement, he trotted over and glanced down at the options:
Krunchy Krokodil
Angel Dust
  The pony pressed “Angel Dust” and a white sack of drugs fell to the bottom. With a greedy smile, he took it in his hoof. Coincidentally, Angel Dust was also his name.
With a yoink, a small gray pony snatched the bag from Angel’s hooves with his mouth.
“Hey!” Angel called angrily.
“Up yours, drag show!” he taunted, before being crushed to death by a boulder.
“Oh my god!” Angel cried in terror, racing to the scene.
But it wasn’t the fallen thief he was concerned about.
“My drugs! Damn it!” he cursed, picking up a piece of the sack.
  Overhead were neon signs on top of buildings. One in yellow letters read “Begg Clop” and another one in teal: “I couldn’t think of a pun for our shop but we sell hard drugs!”
  Angel turned around and spotted a flying metal aircraft, which was firing lasers at buildings. It looked like an industrial rocket ship made with gears and a steampunk style to it. A metal hook hung from the bottom of it. The lasers struck the buildings, which caused bright pink explosions to fill the air.
From inside the ship, a dark gray Pegasus stood high above over the controls, laughing manically. Down below, his deviled egg colt minions stood and watched. Each of them wore black top hats and pinstriped round clothing, and the scurried around on all fours. They were called Egg Colts.
The room had deep purple walls, cabinets for the minions and decorations of their leader along the wall.
The overlord was Sir. Stallionus. He wore a gray coat with yellow vertical stripes down the front. He wore a top hat with a moving pink eye and a grinning mouth of fangs. He sprouted a demonic grin of his own, his teeth sharp. His coat was dark gray and his cutie mark was a black snake. His gray wings opened up to reveal pink eyes against yellow skin flaps. His mane of hair and tail were long and black.
 Up on the platform, he oriented two levers in his hooves, the control button in the center displaying a pentagram design.
“Those other cowardly sinners dare not hinder my territorial takeover! A wise decision. The power of my machines are unmatched! No pony else can compare to the likes of I!”
One egg minion with #23 on his back added, “Gee that was pretty swell boss!”
“Yeah!” another chimed in: #666.
“You really showed them what for!” called a third.
Another minion teasingly ran his hoof up the overlord’s back. “I like it when you shot them with your ray gun…”
Sir Stallionous punched a minion out the window and whirled around in anger. The other minions backed up. “I wish he’d shoot me with his ray gun,” a minion whispered, head lowered.
Sir Stallionous rolled his eyes at his masochist minions. He turned back to the controls and grinned. Pentagram circles revealed the areas he had taken over and the other territories ahead. “At this rate, I will seize control of the entire west side of Tartarus Town by day’s end!”
He laughed and bragged some more. “And nothing, not a single beast in this inferno of suffering, will be able to take back this empire from my constrictive grasp!”
As to prove his point, he grabbed a minion in his hoof and tightly squeezed him.
Another minion blew a noisemaker and then popped open a blue bottle of a brown drink. The overlord threw the minion across the room as the eggs celebrated down below.
“Tartarus will be mine,” he declared, “and everybody will know the name of Sir …”
“Edgelord!” yelled a voice.
“Pardon?!” Sir Stallionous shot back in shock. “Who said that?!”
He leaned in close to two of his minions, not pleased.
“What did you just say to me, you fried hay-eating chicken fetuses?!”
The minions shook in fear.
“Speak up!” he hissed.
“It wasn’t us, mister boss sir!” said a minion.
 Just then, an object shot through the glass at the front, creating a small hole. A small pink bomb with a black horseshoe on the front, landed on the floor. Sir Stallionous observed it for a moment…the bomb looked like a cherry…which could only mean…
The bomb exploded, covering the room in sparkles and thick red smoke.
Sir Stallionous coughed and swiped some of the smoke away.
“You looking for a fight, old Equine?” a female voice challenged.
Sir Stallionous spotted his rival standing proud and casually catching another bomb in her hoof: Cherry Bomb.
She towered tall in pink high heel boots on her four hooves, ripped black jeans along her legs, a pink crop top with an x on the front. She also had white wings with black specks on them. She had a long strawberry blonde mane and tail, a single pink eye with an x that took up most of her white face…a grin of sharp teeth…it was her alright. Her cutie mark was a cherry.
“Why don’t you get that tinker toy horsespit off my turf before I smash it…” she declared before catching her bomb in her wing. A random barbell of metal crashed into the floor close to Cherri Bomb.
“Oh, you wanna go, missy?” Sir Stallionus retorted. He flicked his mane back before opening it. Well, I’m happy to oblige!”
He let out another evil laugh as his minions closed in, holding stun guns in their mouths, which crackled with yellow electricity.
But Cherri Bomb wasn’t scared. With graceful leaps, she avoided the blasts and threw down another bomb. She used the cover to escape, jumping down and swinging once from the anchor at the bottom of the flying craft. Landing gracefully on the ground, she continued her assault from below.
“Catch me if you can, pony boy!”
“Get her!” he bellowed through the red smoke, the eggs quickly running around in a frenzy.
 The minions jumped to the ground after her, the overlord following suit. Cherri Bomb dodged a blast, grinned and picked up the minion egg in her mouth. She spun around and threw the minion straight into Sir Stallionous’ face. He threw the egg back at her, and she caught it with one hoof.
“Thanks for the gift!” she called out, before cracking the egg open with an evil grin. She placed a bomb into it, then threw it back at him...straight to his face. Sir Stallionous could only make a face of surprise before the egg blew up in pink smoke.
“Why you little…”
Cherri Bomb ducked as another egg pony sailed over her head.
 Just then, a familiar white pony stomped on an egg minion and threw a grenade in the distance.
“Angel Dust!” called Cherri Bomb, happy to have her partner in crime arrive.
“Great to see you too, sweetie!” he teased.
Another pink explosion filled the air as the fight continued.
“Hey, thanks for the backup, Angie!” Cherri Bomb said as she fired a flaming red arrow with a large gun over toward Sir Stallionous.
Angel Dust laughed, leaning against volcanic rock as cover. He threw a grenade over his head with a hoof.
“You kiddin’? This is the best action I’ve seen in ages!”
A pink explosion rocked the streets.
“Where have you been anyway?” she asked. “I thought you up and gone away or some spit.”
“I wish,” he remarked as he lit another fuse and handed the bomb to his ally. She threw it forward, then ducked behind the rock next to Angel.
Angel continued, “I’ve been staying at this crappy hotel on the other side of town. Some boards are lettin’ me stay rent-free if I play nice.” They covered their ears.
A column of green smoke rose into the air with a fiery whoosh. The duo leaped over the rock and charged at the army of egg minions on all fours. Using four hooves, Angel Dust fired rapidly from a gun at the minions, making some of them explode.
He sighed, and used one of his hooves to gesture. “Y’know, no fights, no pranks, no “problematic language.” Her words, not mine.”
He tripped an unsuspecting minion, sending him into the air and exploding in a yellow yok mess. He waved a spiked club and continued firing his gun.
“These naysayers are no fun!” Angel complained in frustration. Splatters of yok landed on his head and face. “I’ve been clean for two weeks!”
“Holy spit!” Cherri Bomb yelled after avoiding a green explosion and leaping into the air.
Angel scooped up yok with his hoof. “Well, sorta clean.” He smashed apart another egg minion with his club. “As clean as you can get with a spitload of powder shipped down from Las Pegasus.”
Angel’s shadowy silhouette displayed sharp fangs, and pony ears as Cherri posed in the background, one of her boots missing. A sign read “50% off meth” above a small super market.
A black chain wrapped tightly around Angel’s waist sending him flying backwards. Cherri Bomb gasped as her ally was pulled away. Sir Stallionous threw the chained Angel Dust hard onto the ground a distance away. He landed with a thud against volcanic rock.
“Oh, harder daddy!” Angel teased with a wide smirk.
Sir Stallionous gasped, eyes tearing up. “Son?!”
Angel Dust stared blankly, one eye raised, a look of disbelief on his face.
Cherri Bomb rushed into action, landing a sharp kick to Sir Stallionous’ back. The villain landed on the ground, then neighed threateningly.
“You bores have no class!” he exclaimed. “In war, the side remembered is the side with the most…style.” He straightened his black bowtie with a spring.
Cherri Bomb broke open an egg and smashed the robotic egg pony on the ground. Angel stood up, freeing himself from the chains.
“Or the side that ain’t dead,” she added.
“Speaking of style, is your hat like, alive or something’?
Sir Stallionous huffed. “Oh, well, that’s none of your goddamn business, now is it?”
Angel continued, “Would that make your hat the top and you the bottom?”
He and Cherri burst into laughter. Even a pink “loser” sign pointed at the oblivious villain. “Ooooh,” said a minion near him. “One hellish burn.”
“I’m going to blow you to bits!” Sir Stallionous yelled, pointing at them with a dark hoof.
“Hmm! Kinky!” Angel teased.
An advertisement displaying a plate of, sausage, eggs and a tomato slice stood halfway buried in the ground. A glowing pink sign pointing down read “flank.” Another yellow sign read, “Clop here.”
“I’m not like that! Pervert!” yelled the villain. Cherri Bomb and Angel Dust held in laughter.
Angel suddenly pushed Cherri Bomb out of the way, as an egg pony shot tendrils of claws from behind them. The claws had eyes in the center and grabbed onto Angel’s four hooves. He struggled to free himself, the cords stretching.
Sir Stallionous chuckled. “Not so cocky now, are we?”
“Y’know, you really need to watch what’s coming out of your mouth,” Angel remarked. “Cocky…cumming, you get it?”
The villain didn’t respond.
Angel sighed. “I’ve been making these sex jokes the whole time!”
A drill poked out from the ground, Angel avoiding it. A minion held a drill in his small hooves at Angel. Two extra hooves popped out from Angel’s body, holding his rifle.
“And it’s obvious you ain’t catching on.”
He cocked his gun. “I mean, it’s just sad!”
He jumped into the air, freeing himself and firing the gun. The laser hit Sir Stallionous, and his gray top hat fell off.
Cherri Bomb popped up next to Angel. “So, think you’re gonna get into a lot of trouble for this?”
“Eh, what’s one little brawl gonna cause?” He shrugged and retracted his extra hooves. Sir Stallionus lay fuming on the ground.
More egg minions scrambled over to the edge of a high cliff, overlooking the scene. Egg shells, wires, and yok puddles littered the cracked street.
Cherri Bomb playfully elbowed Angel. “Glad ya haven’t changed. You know you’re my favorite guy to party with!”
“You know it, sugar bits,” Angel replied.
“You ready to finish this?” she asked. She rolled a bomb from one of her wings to her other wing and back into her mouth.
Angel cocked his gun again. “Born ready, baby!”
The duo charged at Sir Stallionous. Everyone yelled. More egg minions fell and Sir Stallionous realized he was running out fast.
 After several more minutes of battle, Sir Stallionus and his remaining minions retreated back to his ship. “This isn’t over, naysayers!” he declared at his enemies. “I’ll have my revenge!” The ship hatch closed. The egg minions steered the ship and it rose into the air, almost sending the overlord flying out of the craft. He tossed out more minions in response before taking the controls and flying the craft away.
Angel and Cherri Bomb bro-hoofed with their hooves.
“See you around,” she said.
“Until the next brawl,” said Angel.
Cherri Bomb waved goodbye and blasted music from an Eye Pod (a device made from an actual moving eye. “Hello, daddy. Hello mom. I’m your ch-ch-ch-cherry bomb! Hello world! I’m your wild filly. I’m your ch-ch-ch-cherry bomb!” she sang out loud. Angel Dust laughed and continued on his way.
After buying some more amino and pot from the 666 Shop, Angel met with Charlie and Vaggie in a white carriage drawn by red bat ponies. A great day indeed for the promiscuous pony.
 The Trottin’ Hotel Interview
  Transcript during the 666 News:
 A neon logo appeared on the screen, displaying “666 News” in a circle with a neon eye underneath. The names of the news cast appeared on the bottom of the screen.
A skeletal mare with short blonde hair and a large toothy grin was wearing a pink dress and a pearl necklace. Sitting at the other chair, dressed in a blue business suit was a pony with a gray gas mask for his face along with short white hair. They were live on the air.
 “Good afternoon every pony!” said the mare. “I’m Katie Killjoy.”
“And I’m Tom Trench,” said the stallion. “Chaos at Tartarus Town today as a turf war is raging on the west side between notable king Sir Stallinous and self-proclaimed spunky powerhouse Cherri Bomb!”
Two pictures surrounded by flame borders showed Sir Stallionus wearing a yellow “music band” shirt, and wearing his top hat as a baseball cap with a dopey expression on his face. The other picture showed Cherri Bomb standing under glittering spotlights.
“That’s right Tom!” Katie added. “After the recent imprisoning, many areas are now up for grabs! Creatures all over Tartarus are already duking it out to gain new territory!”
The clips showed Sir Stallinous fighting Cherri Bomb with his egg minions. Hydras fought manticores, minotaurs, and ogres growled at each other.
“Those two seem to really be going at it, huh? Looks like they’re fighting tooth and nail for that hot spot!” Katie popped a tooth and a nail into her mouth.
“And I’d sure like to nail her hot spot!” Tom Trench said with a chuckle.
Katie giggled forcefully. “You are a limp prick jackass, Tom. Or should I say…”
Adding insult and injury, she poured her hot coffee over his crotch…
“No wiener havor.”
“Augh! Not again!” he groaned.
Another picture surrounded by a border of flames displayed Charlie with the letters “Princess of Tartarus” next to it.
Katie continued. “Coming up next, we have an exclusive interview with the daughter of Tartarus’ own head honcho, who’s here to discuss her brand new passion-project!”
Tom Trench winced in pain on the desk.
“All that and more after the break!”
She broke her mug in her hoof, and turned to Tom Trench. “Suck it up you little bi…”
The TV went off air, displaying Katie’s mouth, pointed ears and eyes, colored bars and “off air” with a pentagram in the “O”.
  Inside the break room, Vaggie adjusted Charlie’s black bowtie with her hoof. Nearby, a red tinted sign said that smoking was, indeed, allowed. Another sign read “on air,” in large letters. Vaggie was a light gray pony, who wore stripped leggings over her hooves, a white crop top on her front half and a pink x over her left eye. Her mane and tail was long and white, looking like the wings of a moth. Her cutie mark was two harpoons in a cross shape.
“Okay, you remember what to say?” Vaggie asked.
Charlie took a deep breath, enthusiasm in her voice. “Yes! Let’s do this!”
Vaggie put a comforting hoof on her shoulder. She signaled with her hoof for her to pay attention. “Just, look at me and I’ll mouth it to you.”
Charlie sighed. “Come on, Vaggie! I know what to say!”
She walked on all fours over to the pitcher of red punch. “I just feel like we need to…I don’t know, make things sound more exciting…”
She tossed a donut aside before gasping.
“Oh! What if I…”
“Sing a song about it?” Vaggie finished.
“You knew I was gonna say that.” She gently touched her friend’s nose with her own.
Vaggie adjusted Charlie’s bowtie again with her mouth. “Because I know you. But please don’t sing. This is serious.”
Charlie stomped her white hoof and briefly winked. “Well, you know, I’m better at expressing myself through song!” She stood on the table and arched her hoof dramatically. Down below, Charlie’s doll Pegasus ponies Razzle and Dazzle chewed on donuts.
“But life isn’t a musical, hon,” Vaggie reminded her.
“Fine,” Charlie said with a slump. Then she brightened again.
“But I do have these other ideas of what to say.”
She got off the table and, using her magic, pulled out a piece of paper, hopping excitedly. The paper hovered in the air by pink sparkly magic. “The highlighted bits are my favorite parts!”
Vaggie took the paper and scanned it in disbelief. “Uh, it’s all highlighted. Is this a drawing?”
“Yes!” Charlie answered. She pointed to her picture. It showed a list that read: “4, unicorn kisses,” “5, dolphin high-fives?” and “6, sing show tunes = happy ending!” She drew stick figures of ponies and monsters standing on clouds under a rainbow with a sun and red hearts with faces on them. A castle was also in the background.
“That’s the happy ending, see? Everyone’s smiling and happy in Canterlot and Ponyville!”
“I don’t think it’s that simple,” Vaggie stated. She then begged her: “Just please follow the talking points we went over.”
She pulled Charlie close and stared her directly in the eyes. “And do. Not. Sing.”
Charlie sighed exasperatedly. “Fine.” Then she trotted over and spoke in an accent. “I’ll just have to resort to my impeccable improve skills.” She gave a salute, several moves of her head and went outside.
Vaggie somehow knew that this would not be going well.
Charlie walked over to Katie Killjoy, who posed in her red dress, smoking a cigarette.
“Hi! I’m Charlie Mane.”
She waved and held out her hoof.
“Katie Killjoy,” the mare deadpanned before blowing out smoke and snapping her cigarette. “I’d say it’s a pleasure to meet you, but that would be a lie. You can put that away,” she regarded Charlie’s hoof. “I don’t touch the gays. I have standards.”
“Yeah?” Charlie asked nervously, looking at a big flashing sign that read “Tartarus’ #1 News!” “How’s uh…how’s that working for ya?”
“Look, my time is money, so I’ll keep this short,” Katie cut in. She invasively tapped Charlie’s chest and nose with her hoof. “We’re not here because we wanted you here. You’re here because Jeffry couldn’t make it for his cannibal cooking segment.”
Katie mentioned to a billboard that showed a tall stallion with glasses, short blonde hair with a white chef’s hat, a red apron, red suit, red horns, and a red devil’s tail. He held a platter of rotten hay and a horse head in his hands. Above it read “It’s Dahn Good! Cooking show: Guarantee Cannibalicious!” “Who approved this show?” was written on a sticky note tapped to the corner of the advertisement. Tom Trench shook his head in his seat.
Katie fluffed her blonde mane, swayed her flank, and continued: “You might be some royal bigshot, but that doesn’t mean spit to me. I’m too rich and too influential to give a flying buck about what some tux-wearing pony “princess” wants to advertise.”
“But I…” Charlie began.
“So don’t get cute with me, honey,” she warned, getting into Charlie’s face, “Or I will bucking bury you!”
“And we’re live!” said a voice.
Katie rushed back into her seat with a bony crack of her neck.
“Welcome back!”
Charlie sat in a chair next to her.
“So, Charlotte…”
“It’s Charlie,” she squeaked.
“Whatever,” Katie dismissed. She took a frustrated breath and clicked her red pen in her hoof. “Tell us about this new passion project you’ve been insistently pestering our news station about!”
“Well…” Charlie cleared her throat. She looked nervously at the monstrous crew in front of her. Vaggie encouraged her to go on.
Charlie took a deep breath.
“As most of you know, I was born here in Tartarus, and growing up, I’ve always tried to see the good in everything around me.”
Katie clicked her pen impatiently. She spotted a green caterpillar and stabbed it with her pen with a predatory grin. Ink splattered on Charlie’s face and around the area.
Charlie continued, wiping off the dark pink ink from her face: “Tartarus is my home and you are my subjects. We…”
Vaggie waved with a smile.
“…we just went through another imprisoning. We lost so many souls, and it breaks my heart to see my subjects being locked up every year. And no one is even given a chance!”
Charlie banged her hoof on the desk, waking Katie from a bored drooling daze.
Charlie made her way forward. “I can’t stand idly by while the place I live is subjected to such violence and punishment! So, I’ve been thinking. Isn’t there a more humane way to hinder overpopulation and crime here in Tartarus? Perhaps we can create an alternative way to change souls through…redemption?”
Charlie pulled a buff red pony into a side hug. “Well, I think yes. So that’s what this project aims to achieve!” She ran back to the desk.
“Fillies and gentlecolts, I’m opening the first of its kind! A hotel that rehabilitates sinners!”
 The audience stared in stunned silence.
 A bloodstained logo “Radio Hack” was displayed above a window which provided a stack of dozens of TVs inside.
In a bar, dark demon ponies wearing cowboy hats were playing pool, not even paying attention. The lead stallion wore a cloth over his grinning face and had a large barrel gun for an arm. His colt friend looked like a demonic bug, and another looked like a mustached villain from an old film. Meanwhile in a bar, purple and blue dragon-like ponies sat and drank while casually watching the TVs overhead.
Charlie stuttered, “Ya know…’Cause hotels are for every pony passing through…temporarily…”
A tattooed dark blue stallion demon stood up and let out a loud laugh.
“Is this filly for real? She thinks, you hear what she thinks? She…heh, heh, heh, oh she’s nuts.” The pony walked away with a small lavender creature and a tall maroon horse wearing punk rock clothing and crazy neon hair.
Charlie added, “I figure it would serve a purpose…a place work toward redemption!”
She weakly added in a Fluttershy voice, “Yay.”
 One pony leaped away as a tall shadowy figure stood in the background…
The figure stood right next to a ratted flier which read “Beware him! Do not fuck with him!” “The Radio Pony” was scrawled in white on ponies screaming and fleeing from a monster with antlers overhead. A nearby flier read, “Discord vs the Radio Pony, tonight at 7!”
The stallion smiled and tilted his head a notch as he watched the TV with curiosity and amusement. His shadow pony next to him briefly morphed into a shadowy face with antlers on top. He spotted the fliers out of the corner of his red eyes, holding in a laugh.
“Who, me? ‘Obviously’ not! I’d never put on a show and make other ponies flee to their graves.”
Just the thought of it got him excited.
 He had heard of the pony princess before, but he wasn’t expecting her to appear on TV. He certainly never heard of an idea so crazy before. Getting ponies and creatures out of Tartarus and redeeming them was even less likely than making pigs fly (which was one magic trick he could do on occasion).
When Charlie started to sing, the red eyed pony couldn’t help but tap his cloven hooves and silently hum along.
 Befriending the princess, and doing something different seemed like a good idea. He glanced over at a faraway hotel building.
He knew where he would go next.
  Back at the news station, a camera pony with blue hair and a white face looked up and scoffed, “Stupid bitch.”
Vaggie punched him hard in the face in response, causing him to fall off the chair to the ground.
Charlie stared around her, concerned. “Look, every single one of you has something good deep down inside. I know you do.”
A light bulb went off into her head. “Maybe I’m not getting through to you…”
Vaggie hoof palmed, knowing what was coming next. “Oh no…”
Charlie stomped her hoof and her bodyguard ponies appeared. One sat and began to play a grand piano.
 Summoning the Disney princess within her, Charlie belted out her song:
  “I have a dream
I’m here to tell
About a wonderful, fantastic new hotel
In Tartarus as well
It will all be well
Catering to a specific clientele”
 Razzle and Dazzle howled along…
The tempo rapidly picked up…
 “Inside of every pony is a rainbow
Inside every sinner is a citizen, bright and silly
Inside of every creepy hatchet-wielding maniac
Is a jolly, happy cupcake-loving colt or filly”
 “We can turn around
They’ll be Equestria-bound!
With just a little time
Down at the Trottin’ Hotel!”
 “So all you junkies, freaks and weirdos
Creepers, fuck-ups, crooks, and zeroes
And the fallen superheroes, help is here!
All of you cretins, sluts and losers
Sexual deviants and boozers
And prescription drug abusers
Need not fear
Forever again
We’ll cure your sin
We’ll make you well
You’ll feel so swell
In Tartarus here, at the Trottin’ Hotel!”
  “There’ll be no more cages
And no more evil schemes
Just puppy dog kisses, and cotton candy dreams
And puffy-wuffy clouds
You’re gonna be like, wow!
Once you check in with me!”
 “So all your cartoon porn addictions
Vegan rants, psychic predictions
Ancient Roman crucifixions
End right here!”
 “All you monsters, thieves and bears
Cannibals and crying mares
Frothing mouthers full of scares
Fill with cheer!”
 “You’ll be complete!
It’ll be so neat!
Our service can’t be beat!
You’ll be on easy street! (Yes!)
Life will be sweet at the Trottin’ Hotel!
  Throughout the song, Charlie imagined giving a shiny cupcake to a masked killer, holding cotton candy and a brown puppy in her hooves in the clouds…avoiding the attacks of every horror movie serial killer… (Music Logic)
She pictured throwing drugs into a bin of fire, giving shots to monsters, giving money to charity, disturbing porn additions with a bra…
Snatching a “My waifu” porn mag of out a stallion’s hooves…
Knocking over crosses…
Avoiding a scary spider pony with yellow bat wings and pink eyes all over his body…
Giving ponies big hugs…
 Charlie emerging in her horned demon form from a flaming pentagram, her horn lighting up in pink, and jumping with joy in a land full of candy, rainbows, and ice cream.
  Charlie finished with a pose on the table, front hooves in the air and panted.
The top hat pony smiled. “Wow! That was…shit!”
 The crowd burst into rancorous laughter and boos, including a blue pony made of fire in the boo section. Katie shrieked and banged her hoof on the table.
“What in the River Styx makes you think a single denizen of Tartarus would give two shits about becoming a better denizen? You have no proof that this little experiment even works! You want ponies and monsters to be good just…because?”
Charlie lifted up her head. “Well, we have a patron already who believes in our cause, and he’s shown incredible progress!”
“Oh?” Katie asked, leaning in, “…and who might that be?”
“Oh just someone named…Angel Dust.”
“The porn star?” asked Tom Trench in disbelief. He subconsciously unzipped his zipper and Katie whirled on him; “You fucking would, Tom!” Her hooves left dent son the desk.
Katie turned back to Charlie. “In any case, that’s not even an accomplishment. I’m sure you can get that hooker to do anything with enough booger sugar and lube.”
Someone wolf-whistled in the audience.
“Oh, I beg to differ,” Charlie argued, holding up her hoof. “He’s been behaved, clean, and out of trouble for two weeks now.”
 “Breaking news!” announced a voice as music came on. Excited, Katie pushed Charlie aside. “We are receiving word that a new player has entered the ongoing turf war! Let’s go to the live feed!”
To Charlie’s sheer horror, Angel Dust was seen on screen, crushing egg shells and fighting with Cherri Bomb.
“Oh spit,” she breathed.
“Oh spit indeed!” exclaimed Katie with a grin. “It looks like the one who has just joined the battle is none other than…”
She let out a dramatic gasp…”porn actor Angel Dust! What a juicy coincidence!”
The screen showed Angel Dust with the words “Angel Dust in ‘Well, Ok’: 18+.”
Satisfied, she turned back to Charlie. “You must feel really stupid right now.” Katie and Tom laughed again.
“Ratings!” Katie and Tom added with jazz hooves.
“Don’t look at this!” Charlie called, waving her hooves in vain from behind the screen.
“Well, it sure looks like your little project is dead on arrival. Tell us, how does it feel to be such a total failure?”
 Failure. Failure…Charlie could see her doubt reflected in Katie’s pink eyes and overbearing shadowy figure. Katie and everyone laughed and neighed some more, their jeers painful to Charlie’s ears.
“Yeah?” Charlie asked. She snatched up Katie’s red pen with her horn. The pen hovered in the air with pink magic surrounding it. “Well, how does it feel that I got your pen, huh? Snitch!”
Katie glared dangerously. Charlie dropped the pen with a nervous smile, “Oops.”
Katie grew taller, her form turning to shadow. Out sprouted claws, four extra sharp appendages, and four red eyes on her face like a spider. She launched herself at Charlie, hooves raised. Charlie pulled her hair with her mouth and landed punches as the alarm went off in the news room. Katie crawled on the desk on all fours, baring her fangs before Charlie jumped at her and knocked her off the table. Tom Trench got so distressed that his entire body burst into flames.
Charlie ran out of the news room, Katie following her close behind, as everyone yelled.
“And stay out, you retarded spike!” Katie cussed as Charlie made a run for it down the sidewalk on all fours. Charlie was tempted to strangle the homophobic, news diva with her bare hooves…but that would only contradict her goal…if she even had one anymore.
 Vaggie followed her and the two of them didn’t say a word as they waited for their ride. Soon enough, a carriage drawn by red bat horses rolled to the curb. Vaggie and Charlie hopped in…and so did an ecstatic Angel Dust. The doors closed and they drove off toward the Trottin’ Hotel.
 Car Ride to the Hotel
 Charlie had never felt so humiliated in her life. She sat in her seat and curled into herself. Once again, her ideas were dismissed, mocked, ridiculed. No one was willing to see the good in themselves. The ponies and creatures were content to wallow in suffering, violence, and cruelty until the end of their lives. They would be locked up forever, unable to enjoy life on the surface. They’d never know what friendship was. Tears were already threatening to spill from her yellow eyes, but she held them in.
Maybe her father was right. What if she really was a failure, like every pony said?
As if reading her mind, Vaggie gave her a small hug next to her. “You’re not a failure, Charlie. It’s just…no one understands your ideas. The denizens think they’re…I don’t know…outlandish?”
She got a sad sigh from Charlie in response. “I just wanted to make things better for my kingdom. I know I don’t feel much like a princess, but at the same time…I feel like it’s my duty…my destiny to being some cheer to this place.”
“Heh. No one can ever top your optimism,” Vaggie mentioned, with a playful roll of her eyes. “Your happiness can be spotted miles away.”
A small smile formed on Charlie’s face. “Well, at least I can pull myself up and keep going…”
Vaggie stared, hopeful…
“…But today isn’t one of those days.”
Vaggie slumped slightly. “I did warn you not to sing.”
“I couldn’t help it,” she countered. “How else was I supposed to get my message across?”
“Not everyone likes singing and music all the time.”
“My family does.”
“But the other ponies and creatures aren’t your family.”
 Charlie stared out the window at the buildings whizzing by. “Sometimes I feel like my family is bigger than just my parents.” She turned to look at her girlfriend. “You’re my best friend, sorta like my older sister…and the only one who seems to get me. You’re part of my family already.”
Vaggie chuckled softly. “Without me, you wouldn’t have lasted very long out in the big world.”
“For once, I agree with you there,” Charlie replied. “I sure would love to meet Princess Twilight and Princess Celestia and so many others…”
During several minutes of silence, the two mares locked hooves just out of sight. It was their habitual way of showing comfort, and it worked on the many days when Vaggie didn’t want any hugs. The carriage bumped over potholes along the road.
“Don’t get too discouraged,” Vaggie said. “We’ll get back to the hotel and figure things out from there.”
“I kinda feel like singing another lament now.”
“Please don’t.”
  The carriage wobbled past the 666 Shop, Cozy Glow Fashion Show, the Nightmare Night Club (featuring Nightmare Moon eating other ponies who don’t worship her) the Changling Cave (Chrysalis’ makeover, hand over your soul and turn into one of us. Free green cocoons for customers!)  and Tirek’s Donuts store, complete with slime and worms displayed on the donut structure. Pink eyes decorated the ceiling of the carriage’s interior. Charlie curled into herself again, and took a breath. Even the painted eyes on the small cloth ceiling seemed to judge her every move. She glanced over at Vaggie, whose eye was twitching in annoyance.
Angel Dust was busy blowing raspberries out the window. He froze when he saw an angry Vaggie staring at him.
“What?” he asked with a shrug.
“What? What?!” Vaggie shouted, pulling out chunks of her long white hair with her hooves. “What were you doing?!”
Angel sighed. “I owed my filly buddy a solid! Isn’t that a “redeeming quality?” Helping friends with stuff?”
“Not with turf wars that result in territorial genocide!”
“Eh, you win some, you lose a few hundred,” he said with a snicker. “It wasn’t that bad anyway.”
He blew raspberries again. Vaggie threw a dagger that nestled in the side of the wall. Angel stared, shocked and terrified. Vaggie growled in warning.
“Aw come on, I had to!” Angel protested. “My credibility was on the line!” He sighed. “I mean what kind of reputation would I have if every pony found out I was trying to go clean? It just throws out my entire persona.” He lifted up his furry chest.
“Your credibility?” Vaggie asked in anger. “What about the hotel? Your little stunt made us look like a bucking joke!”
“No, no no, babe. Jokes are funny! I made you look…uh, sad. And pathetic! Uh…oh with progeria!” Charlie covered her face with her mane as Angel blabbered on.
“Great! Now I’m bummed thinking about it! This thing have any liquor?” He bent down to the floor and tossed a bottle aside. He then flicked a wrapper away onto a wooden seat.
Vaggie was fuming. “Can you please just try to take this seriously?”
“Fine, I’ll try. Just don’t get your taco in a twist, baby.”
“Was that you trying to be sexist or racist?”
“Whatever pisses you off more. Is there seriously no liquor in here?”
“I’m gonna kill him,” Vaggie swore, flicking her tail and sitting back down.
“Too, late, toots.”
He laughed again. “Sorry, you’re stuck with me, bitch. Get used to it.”
Vaggie swore in Spanish.
“Listen, who cares if some jagoffs got hurt?” Angel nonchalantly asked. “Most of them are ugly freaks. Look around! Got a bunch of buckin’ harlequin babies down there.”
“You’re one to talk,” Vaggie muttered.
Angel laughed then yelled “Hey!” in protest. “This body is flawless! Everyone wants some of me and I’ve got the creepy fan letters to prove it!”
He pulled out a dirty scroll from his enlarged furry chest that read: “Show me your hooves! Bryrin. #1 fan/critic.” There was a picture of a young angel in the lap of a large gray Stallion, licking Angel with his green tongue. He had a tattoo of Angel with a red crossed out sign.
This time, Charlie spoke up. “That was really uncool, y’know, Angel.”
Vaggie growled and turned to her friend. “Uncool?!” She mentioned to Angel. “After that train-wreck, there is no way anyone is gonna wanna stay at the hotel. All thanks to you and your selfish horsespit!”
Angel glanced at a discarded pile of ash and used cigarettes. “Does this mean I don’t get a free room anymore?”
Vaggie spread out her hooves as if asking “Well, what do you think?”
He let out a mock sigh. “Ah, well, shucks.”
Charlie pulled off her dark pink shirt, revealing a white shirt with a black bowtie.
“Hey, come on, we don’t know if things are over yet. Try to relax, Vaggie. It’ll be okay!”
Now it was Vaggie’s turn to let out a small smile of thanks. Charlie placed a comforting hoof on her shoulder, and her friend calmed down.
“What would I do without you?” Vaggie asked. She and Charlie slowly leaned into each other, their heads gently touching.
“Get a room, fillies!” Angel remarked, before receiving a “Shut up!” from both of them.
 Finally, the deviant crew arrived at the Trottin’ Hotel. It was an elegant building fit for any pony who wanted to stay a few nights. Eye designs lined the border of a dark pink canopy at the front like a creepy mosaic. Branches jutted out from the roof as part of the structure. Old fashioned lanterns attached to the wall had flames flickering inside, nonstop. The double doors consisted of stained glass windows with red apples in the center. Little stained glass snake eyes peered unblinkingly at them from around the larger window in the door.
 Angel, Vaggie, and Charlie got out of the carriage and threw open the double doors. A random black bug scurried away from the incoming light. A yellow sign read “Concierge” behind a pink “welcome” banner. The check in table was decorated with colored flags leaning toward the floor and random balloons with small star shapes on them. A vase was decorated with yellow eyes along the sides. Another flower pot was in the shape of a horse mouth…white flowers posed above. Vaggie sighed and plopped onto a red cushioned couch in the style of a monster’s mouth.
The red rug down the hallway was decorated with the same eyeball designs, apples on the end, plus shadow skulls of horned monsters in the center.
All around the room, were pictures of Charlie as a little filly with her father and mother on various trips.
 Angel Dust came across a red fridge leaning low against the wall. He opened the door and pulled out a purple box labeled “Popsies.” He shrugged at the dripping ruined box and took out a popsicle. He gave it a lick, talking with his mouth full.
“It’s prolly a good idea to get some actual food in this place. Y’know, to feed all the wayward prisoners ya got in here.” He laughed nervously, trying to cheer Charlie up. But Charlie just sat sadly on a wooden box in a darkened area of the room. Angel closed the fridge door, sucked on a popsicle and reached out one of his hooves to her…then hesitated. He walked away, letting her have some alone time.
Charlie walked past the two posing elephant statues balancing balls on their trunks, and toward the front door. She opened the door and went outside. She conjured up an old phone and dialed her mom’s number.
Charlie took a deep breath as a voicemail tone came through.
“Hey Mom. Um, I know I keep calling, and you must be busy. Really busy. But, um…the interview didn’t go well and…I don’t know if I’m going to make a difference. I don’t know what I’m doing. I could really use some advice, Mom.”
She slid down and sat on the stone ground, tears falling from her eyes. “I think Dad was right about me. A-anyway, I’ll stop talking before this gets long. Love you! Bye.”
She ended the call with a tap and rubbed her eyes with her hoof. Standing back up on all fours, she opened the door, closed it, and leaned against the stained glass window, eyes closed.
      Enter Alastor (and Sir Stallionus)
 A slow ominous knocking from outside interrupted Charlie’s thoughts. She opened her eyes. It was a rhythmic knock, sounding like “shave and a haircut.” (Or was it “skunks in a barnyard”, or “dragons in a cauldron?” She wasn’t sure.
   From outside, Gabriel C. Brown’s voice sang a haunting song out of nowhere as jazz music played:
 “I’m not a fan of puppeteers but I have a nagging fear
Someone else is pulling at the strings
Something terrible is going down
Through the entire town
Wreaking anarchy and all it brings…”
    An ice cold feeling of dread spread through her veins. No pony else would ever do that kind of knock.
 “I can’t sit idly, No I can’t move at all…”
 “I curse the name, the one behind it all…”
 She tentatively reached out her hoof to the door handle, and quickly pulled it open.
 Sure enough, the most feared pony in Tartarus was standing right outside her door.
He wore dark red dress pants, a red dress shirt along with a dark red pinstriped coat underneath. His shoes were black with red hoof prints on the sides. The two black lines in the center of his dress shirt looked like an upside down cross.
His coat was gray and his large eyes were red. He had a gray unicorn horn in between dark black antlers from his head. His mane and tail were black and red. A monocle attached to a chain was positioned under his right eye. His cutie mark was a microphone bearing a grin of sharp teeth. But his own grin of sharp yellow teeth was the most fearsome of all.
A vintage microphone staff appeared next to him in red aura, his horn glowing red.
 Charlie’s face morphed into sheer terror, eyes wide as saucers.
 “Alastor! You’re broadcasting on the air…”
 Eyes glowing red, the stallion began to speak.
She slammed the door in his face.
Opened the door…
Slammed it again.
 “…and stealing all the souls, magic mayhem everywhere…”
 Alastor stood, shocked in front of the stained glass door, smile still plastered on his face, hoof in the air.
 “Well… that was…rude,” he thought. “Usually ponies and creatures are too sacred to answer when I come by. Or they rush to try and please me because they know I could slaughter them at any time. I’ll just wait here then…or maybe break this door down…”
  “I’m fine with the smiles and the dancing around
But not with being bound
Now that Hell is being torn apart
A terrifying world of stress
Caused by your demonic mess
As you sing we’re never fully dressed!”
 “Hey, Vaggie?” Charlie called.
“What?” Vaggie replied in annoyance.
Charlie flashed a nervous smile. “The Radio Pony is at the door!”
“What?!” she demanded.
“Uh, who?” Angel asked. He sucked erotically on his popsicle.
“What should I do?” she asked, pulling at her lower eyelids.
“Well, don’t let him in!” said Vaggie.
 The strange singing continued.
“Alastor! Whatever did we do
To make you take our world away?”
Alastor! Are we your prey alone?
Or are we just a stepping stone for taking back the throne?
Alastor! We won’t take it anymore
So take your tyranny away!”
 Charlie was tempted to do just that. But she also had a duty to not leave any sinners behind. She took a breath and opened the door again.
“May I speak now?” the stallion asked. The song appeared to be coming from his microphone staff.
“You may…” Charlie replied.
  The man held out his gray hoof. “Alastor, pleasure to be meeting you, sweetheart, quite a pleasure.”
He eagerly grabbed her white hoof and leaned his face close to hers before strutting inside. Charlie stood, dumbfounded, her hoof still out. The music stopped playing.
“Excuse my sudden visit,” he went on, “but I saw your fiasco on a picture show and I just couldn’t resist. What a performance! Why I haven’t been that entertained since the Siren sisters sang their songs of doom!”
He bobbed his head side to side and burst into laughter. “So many arguments!”
Vaggie suddenly pointed a spear weapon at him. “Stop right there!” She swore in Spanish under her breath. (Son of a deranged mare!) I know your game. And I’m not gonna let you hurt anyone here, you pompous, cheesy, talk show spitlord!”
Angel peeked around the corner to see what was going on.
Alastor merely laughed slightly and nudged the weapon away with his fingers.
“Dear, if I wanted to hurt anyone here…”
He added in a low creepy tone, “I would have done so already.”
His large red eyes briefly turned to red radio dials and radio static filled the room. He tilted his head slightly, letting his chaotic magic roam. Red electricity traveled around his horn. Vaggie and Charlie were frozen in fear as they caught glimpses of red Voodoo symbols, static, and warped reality.
Then just as quickly, the noise and magic ceased and Alastor shook his head, eyes back to full red.
“No, I’m here because I want to help!” He bowed.
Charlie was sure she hadn’t heard him right.
“Say what now?” she asked, eyebrows raised.
“Help!” he responded with another laugh. His staff hovered in the air by his magic. “Hello? Is this thing on? Testing, testing…”
He tapped it and a glowing red eye appeared in the center. “Well, I heard you loud and clear!” the microphone responded, eye shaking in fear.
“Um…you want to help?” Charlie asked.
 Alastor appeared behind the mares, hooves on their backs, switching from a shadow to his regular self. Both Vaggie and Charlie flinched.
“With…” he mentioned in an imitation of Charlie’s voice,
“…this ridiculous thing you’re trying to do!” finishing in his normal voice. “This hotel!”
Charlie could hear the call bell ding twice on the table, even though no one was there to ring it.
“I want to help you run it.”
“Uh…why?” Charlie asked, confused.
Alastor laughed again. “Why does anyone do anything? Sheer absolute boredom! I’ve lacked inspiration for decades!”
He placed his hoof on an annoyed Vaggie’s head. Then he shoved her aside.
“My work became mundane, lacking focus, aimless! I’ve come to crave a new form of entertainment!”
He laughed again.
Charlie looked downcast. “Does getting into a fight with a reporter count as entertainment?”
“It’s the purest kind, my dear! Reality! True passion! After all, the world is a stage! And the stage is a world of entertainment!”
Charlie brightened a bit. “So, does this mean that you think it’s possible to rehabilitate a pony or a creature?”
Alastor help up a hoof and laughed. “Of course not. That’s wacky nonsense! Redemption, oh it’s non-existent! Nononono, I don’t think there’s anything left that could save such loathsome monsters! The chance given was the life they lived before in Equestria; the punishment is this!” He spread out his hooves. “There is no undoing what is done!”
“So then, why do you want to help me if you don’t believe in my cause?” Charlie asked.
Alastor smirked and looked at Charlie, sideways. “Consider it an investment in ongoing entertainment for myself!” He pulled her close to him with his hoof and twirled her around in a quick dance. “I want to watch the scum of the world struggle to climb up the hill of betterment! Only to repeatedly trip and tumble down to the fiery pit of failure.”
“Right…” Charlie began, slowly removing his hoof from her back.
Alastor took her aside for a walk. “Yes indeedy! I see big things coming your way, and who better to help than I.”
 “Ah, so uh, what’s the deal with Smiles over there?” Angel asked Vaggie.
“Wait, you’ve never heard of him before?” Vaggie asked. “You’ve been here longer than me!”
Angel shrugged.
“The Radio Pony, one of the most powerful beings Tartarus has ever seen?”
“Eh, not big on politics,” he replied.
Vaggie, annoyed, leaned in close to explain.
“Decades ago, Alastor manifested in Tartarus, seemingly overnight. He began to topple overlords, dragons, centaurs, and other creatures who had been dominant for centuries. That kind of raw power has never been harnessed by a mortal soul before. Then, he broadcast his carnage all throughout Tartarus, just so everyone could witness his ability. Sinners started calling him The Radio Pony. (As lazy as that is). Not even Discord himself could imagine how chaotic Alastor could be. Many have speculated what unimaginable force enabled him to rival our world’s most ancient and destructive evils. But one thing’s for sure: He’s an unpredictable source of danger, a wicked spirit of mystery, and a violent monster of chaos, the likes of which we can’t risk getting involved with unless we want to end up erased.”
“Ya done?” Angel asked with a snicker. “He looks like a strawberry pimp!”
“Well, I don’t trust him!” Vaggie argued.
To be fair, do you trust any Stallions? Colts? Any pony who’s male?” Angel asked with a slight laugh.
Vaggie ignored him and walked up to her friend.
“Charlie, listen to me. You just can’t believe this creep! He isn’t just a happy face! He’s a dealmaker, pure evil! He can’t be redeemed! And is most likely looking for a way to destroy everything we’re trying to do.”
“I…” Charlie began. “…we don’t know that. Look…I know he’s bad, and I know he probably doesn’t wanna change, but the whole point of this is to give every pony a chance! To have faith things will be better! How can I turn someone away? I can’t. It goes against everything I’m trying to do. Everything I believe in.”
Alastor stared in fascination at a family picture on the wall. It showed a white alicorn pony Lucifer dressed in white, a mare, Lilith in a dark purple dress, and Charlie as a little filly wearing a brown and white dress in the middle. The picture border consisted of branches and yellow eyeballs and a dried rose in the upper right hand corner.
 “Such a lovely portrait! A picture of perfection! It’d be such a shame if something awful were to happen to them…”
 “Just trust me,” Charlie added placing a comforting hoof on her girlfriend’s back. “I can take care of myself.”
Charlie,” warned Vaggie, “Whatever you do, do not make a deal with him!”
From a distance, Alastor held out his hoof, glowing in red magic. Both girls glanced in his direction, worry on their faces.
 “I’ll have these two in the palm of my hooves…”
 “Don’t worry, Charlie replied to Vaggie. “I picked up one thing from my Dad…” she spoke in a manly voice, “Ya don’t take shit from other ponies!”
Gathering her courage, Charlie marched over to the Radio Pony.
“Ok, so…Al. You’re sketchy as fuck, and you clearly see what I’m trying to do here is a joke. But I don’t.”
Red Voodoo symbols appeared around Alastor, then vanished.
Charlie continued. “I think everyone deserves a chance to prove they can be better. So, I’m taking your offer to help. On the condition that there be no tricks or voodoo strings attached.”
Alastor twirled his cane with his magic and held out his hoof. “So it’s a deal then?”
Flashes of eerie green light surrounded him, electricity snaking up the walls.
“Nope!” Charlie yelled, stepping back. The energy stopped. “No shaking! No deals! I…hmm…”
Charlie decided to try another approach.
“As princess of Tartarus, and heir to the throne, I uh, hereby order that you help with this hotel, for a long as you desire.”
A moment of pause…
“Sound fair?” she asked.
“Fair enough. Cool beans.” Alastor shrugged, walking on and making his cane disappear. Charlie breathed a sigh of relief.
Alastor stopped and spotted Vaggie off to the side. He smirked in a way outside observers would describe as lecherous. He tickled her under her chin with his hoof.
“Smile, my dear! You know you’re never fully dressed without one!”
Alastor hummed happily on his way, while Vaggie growled in disgust and rage.
“So…where is your hotel staff?” Alastor asked.
“Uh, well…” Charlie began. Alastor peered at Vaggie through his monocle. “Oh ho ho ho, you’re going to need more than that.”
He walked over towards Angel.
“And what can you do, my effeminate fellow?”
Angel grinned. “I can suck your dick!”
“Ha! No.” Alastor deadpanned.
“Your loss,” Angel said with a slight laugh. Alastor summoned his cane.
“Well, this just won’t do!” Alastor exclaimed. “I suppose I can cash in a few favors to liven things up!”
 The spell came easily in his mind: “dife sèvitè, reveye.”
  He stomped his hoof and his horn glowed red. A fire sparked to life in a small circular fireplace. Horse skeletons decorated either side of the wall.
A dark figure plopped down onto the chimney floor.
Alastor walked over and lifted up the creature in a cloud of red magic. A large single yellow eye was revealed. Angel, Vaggie, and Charlie peered at the creature. In a puff of smoke and a squeak, the creature revealed herself. A cute cyclops filly was wearing a pink dress with a poodle on the front, her short wide hair dark magenta with a streak of yellow. Her coat was light yellow and she even had little Pegasus wings at her sides.
“This little darling is Niffty!” Alastor introduced, before dropping her. She landed on her hooves.
“Hi! I’m Niffty!” she greeted with a wave. “It’s nice to meet you! It’s been a while since I’ve made new friends!” She laughed slightly and her pupil grew smaller, darting in circles.
“Why are you all women?” she asked. “Have any men here?! I’m sorry, that’s rude.” She missed the fact that Angel was male, for obvious reasons.
She briefly picked up Charlie, while Vaggie held her spear defensively at her.
“Oh man, this place is filthy!” she exclaimed, flying around and lifting up couch cushions. “It really needs a lady’s touch, which is weird, because you’re all ladies, no offence.” She chewed on a black spider she found, then rushed toward some stained glass windows.
She flew around, using a dust ruffle to clean them. “Oh my Celestia, this is awful! No, no, no…Nope!”
She raced around, removing cobwebs, then poking at a piece of a voodoo doll. Well, it was actually a live blue beetle doll that Alastor had stabbed with a clothing pin for Niffty to play with. Alastor looked amused, while the others stared in disbelief.
  Meanwhile, at a casino, a pony placed a joker, an ace, a 2, and a fourth card down on the table. He had a black and white coat, wore a black top hat and had red wings with card suits decorated on them. He also had long red eyebrows and wore a red bow tie.
“Ha!” he declared in triumph. “Read ‘em and weep, colts!”
He suddenly felt himself being forcefully pulled out of the room through space and time.
 “Transpòte ganbadeur la.”
 He ducked as a curtain of red energy surrounded the existing space. Voodoo symbols flashed in the background along with eight yellow eyes, a creepy voodoo skull and a purple skeleton of a worm-like creature. Another voodoo skull with horns appeared for a moment not too far from tan ghost-like spirits with creepy faces and a row of jagged teeth.
 The pony figured he must have had too much booze to drink.
 “What the hay?!”
As the images faded, he soon found himself at the hotel bar, not in the previous room at the casino. A large “Come and play Blackjack” sign took up much of the wall behind him. Most peculiar, the gray wood walls were missing halfway up, replaced by the red themed décor of the hotel. Husk was sitting in a portion of the casino he was in. It felt like he was in a house with no roof surrounded by the outside world.
 “What the buck is this?”
He saw Alastor and pointed an accusing hoof.
“Ah, Husker, my good friend!” Alastor cheerfully greeted. “Glad you could make it!”
Alastor’s head briefly had the appearance of large antlers sticking out from either side. When he moved it, it was revealed to be an antler skull with glowing green eyes hanging in the background. Snakes were wrapped around one of the white curtains supporting a bar stand. “Big Booze,” “Welcome” and “Big Soul” signs were placed overhead on the stand. Neon green card suits consisted of the designs at the bottom of the stand.
“Don’t you “Husker” me, you son of a bitch!” Husk spat, and swiped Alastor’s hoof aside from his shoulder. “I was about to win the whole damn pot!”
Husk stared in anger as the stacks of money and chips on the table vanished in static.
“Good to see you too!” added Alastor.
Husk hoof palmed. “What the hay do you want with me this time?”
Alastor grabbed hold of him, startling him so much that cards fell from his hands.
“My friend, I am doing some charity work, so I took it upon myself to volunteer your services! I hope that’s okay.”
Husk was taken aback. “Are you spittin’ me?!”
“No, I don’t think so,” Alastor replied. He casually brushed off his sleeves.
Husk shoved the Radio Pony off him. “You thought it would be some kind of big buckin’ riot just to pull me outta nowhere? You think I’m some kinda buckin’ clown?”
Audience laughter emitted from the microphone.
“I ain’t doin’ no buckin’ charity job,” Husk protested.
Alastor appeared next to him. “Well I figured you would be the perfect face to man the front desk of this fine establishment.”
He pointed toward the bar stand with the staff. The sound of audience clapping came from his radio staff.
“With your charming smile and welcoming energy…”
Alastor spread the corners of Husk’s mouth upward into a demonic smile of yellow teeth with his hooves. Husk frowned seconds after he let go.
“…this job was made for you!”
Alastor strutted over toward the bar stand, the soles of his shoes revealing red hoof prints as he walked.
“Don’t worry, my friend,” Alastor continued, “I can make this more welcoming…if you wish.”
His horn glowed red and a green mug of cheap cider appeared on the counter.
Husk stared with wide eyes, suddenly very thirsty. He swore he could hear the sound of a slot machine.
“What, you think you can buy me with a wink and some cheap cider?!” He took the mug in anger. “Well you can!”
He immediately guzzled it down and clopped away.
 “Too easy,” thought Alastor.
 By this time, Charlie, Vaggie and Angel Dust had arrived to see what the commotion was about. Vaggie rushed toward the bar, furious.
“Hey, hey, hey, hey!” yelled the mare. “No, no bar, no alcohol. This is supposed to be a place that discourages sin! Not some kind of…mouth, brothel, colt-cave…”
Angel lunged himself into her, knocking her to the floor.
“Shut up! Shut! Up! We are keeping this.” He pointed at Husk with multiple gloved hooves.
He slid up to Husk. “Hey,” he said in a flirtatious voice.
“Go buck yourself,” Husk deadpanned, drinking his cider.
“Only if you watch me,” Angel retorted.
To make matters worse for Husk, Charlie leaned in close to him, excitement and red stars in her eyes.
“Oh my Celestia! Welcome to the Trottin’ Hotel! You are going to love it here!”
“I lost the ability to love years ago,” Husk replied, gulping down more cider.
Alastor walked in, an ever-present grin on his face.
“So, what do you think?”
Charlie ran over to him. “This is amazing!” she beamed.
“It’s okay,” Vaggie said from nearby.
 Alastor laughed and pulled the two mares close to him. “This is going to be very entertaining!”
  Alastor conjured fire in his hoof…Charlie stared in wonder at the flames and the voodoo symbols. He pushed Vaggie aside and changed his attire. He now wore a fancy red suit with a white undershirt and a black bow tie. A red top hat appeared on his head, complete with small spikes along the black band and two needles sticking out from the top. He twirled Charlie around in a dance, the princess looking stunned. Pointing his hoof over her head, he transformed Charlie’s outfit. Her blonde hair was now short and wavy. She wore an elegant black and red dress, black gloves, a pink hat with a small black bow and black heels.
 Charlie stared at her conjured clothing in amazement.
Vaggie was on the floor, fuming.
Alastor lifted Charlie up with red magic and threw her into the air. She yelped in delight and landed gracefully next to him. Two glowing apples and a skull with deer horns flashed in the background.
Reality had been altered to the Radio Pony’s liking. The entire room was lit in psychedelic colors. Voodoo symbols and shapes were etched in every nook and cranny, including a pair of pink claws reaching for the door. Alastor and Charlie waltzed in the spotlight as electro swing music began to play in the distance. The all-encompassing noise, though, was the signature radio-static sound.
 Alastor sang his reprise to Charlie:
“You have a dream
You wish to say
And it’s so laughable
But hey kid, what the hay! “
 Charlie found herself sliding down one of the apple-etched railings, Alastor leading the way. They landed on the lower floor as Alastor continued his reprise.
Deer statues and painted antlers were everywhere.
Back at the bar stand, Husk sat looking bored. Vaggie hissed at Angel grabbing onto her, while Niffty stared in wonder. Alastor’s horn sparked and their outfits changed as well.
Angel was wearing a neon pink suit, Husk a pink bow tie, Vaggie a dark dress, with her mane now smooth and long, and finally Niffty, with a cute top hat with small flowers.
 “‘Cause you’re one of a kind
A charming pony belle!
Now let’s give these burning fools a place to dwell
(Take it, colts!)”
   Shadowy ponies rose to life from a hole in the ground. The happy spirits played a trumpet, a tuba, and a drum set. Charlie stomped her hooves to the beat, while Vaggie watched with worry. She reached out to her friend but was pulled away by Alastor. He enveloped the group into a tight hug, followed by glowing images of dark spirits staring at them. Niffty watched in amazement, but not the other three.
Alastor pulled Husk and Angel close again. He rubbed Angel’s head with a white hat and went on his merry way. Husk mouthed “buck you.”
Vaggie stood, annoyed in the spotlight. Using his cane, Alastor added a feathered peacock hat and a white fox fur to her outfit. Then out of nowhere, he slapped her flank.
“Pompous pervert!” Vaggie thought in rage as he wondered away.
Alastor danced some more, kicking a horned skull to the side. In the background, Niffy happily swept up the bits of bone.
 “Inside of every pony is a lost cause
But we’ll dress ‘em up now with just a smile!
(With a smile!)
And we’ll chlorinate this cesspool
With some old redemption flair
And show these simpletons some proper class and style!
(What’s in style? Oh!)”
 He made his way to the circular fireplace, where he waved his staff. Shadows arrived to join the party, including a shadowy version of himself, with large antlers, a mane of hair, and fangs. He made it disappear in a poof, then snuck toward Charlie. He led her in an upbeat dance, spinning her around, helping her match her steps to his. Charlie blushed when he toyed with her cheeks. As Charlie was led away, Vaggie stood in the background, horrified and disgusted. What was happening to her friend?
Charlie and Alastor laughed as they danced, the princess locked in a happy trance.
 “Here below the ground
I’m sure you’re plan is sound!
They’ll spend a little time
Down at this Rottin’ Ho…”
  Alastor was about to finish his song, when an explosion burst apart a window behind him.
  Niffty stared in amazement, shouting “Whoo!” before she was blasted backwards, the door hitting her in the face.
 Alastor’s spell soon wore off and everyone was back in their regular clothes. Alastor, Husk (still drinking), Niffty, Charlie, Angel, and Vaggie, peered out of the hole to see what was going on. Vaggie had her weapon at the ready.
 Looking skyward, the group saw a cracked blimp in the air. It had a small random band aid with a sad face on it along the rim. A familiar villain popped out of his hideout.
“Ha!” Sir Stallionous laughed. “Well, well, well, look who it is harboring the striped freak! We meet again, Alastor!”
Apparently, he was also rivals with Alastor.
But Alastor simply asked, “Do I know you?”
The pony boss looked disappointed. Then he said in anger, “Oh yes you do! And this time, I have the element of…surprise!”
The villain raced toward his pink velvet chair and pulled a lever. A metallic cannon lowered to the ground. The cannon fired up with pink energy as pink smoke appeared around them.
“He laughed manically. “I’m so evil!”
Then he added, “I have an Egg army!”
 “Well, we have an Alastor,” Charlie responded.
 Alastor’s horn shot out red light and bursts of magic red tendrils of smoke rising from his horn. The weapon froze in mid fire and a fiery portal opened up below the blimp.
 A horde of black tendrils rose from the hole, latching onto the ship. One tentacle ripped off the cannon and threw it into another smaller portal, causing it to explode in pink smoke. One of the tentacles had already smashed a hole in the large round window.
Sir Stallionous looked on in shock as his Egg Colts slammed against the wall (one of them read #Ouch.) One of the eggs cracked open, spilling out yellowish brains and small organs among the stains of yok. Sir Stallionous and another minion were thrown against the wall.
“Whoa, whoa, whoa!” he screamed before he was slammed against the ceiling by a black limb.
“Oh, that hurt!” he cried.
Sir Stallionous screamed as he was dragged along the floor and lifted up slightly. He was held in place, surrounded by the wrapped up tendril. At once, the tendril shrunk and squeezed the helpless snake. The Egg Colts galloped around screaming as black cracks appeared on the floor and walls.
From the outside, more black tendrils were closing in. Red voodoo symbols appeared around the blimp.
 “Ede m 'sèrviteur.”
Four horned shadowy ponies with red auras floated around, wearing toothy grins.
 The tendrils were now wrapped around the entire blimp, holding it in place like thick black vines.
 Red radio waves filled Alastor’s eyes as more magic shot from his horn. Voodoo symbols appeared all around him as he altered the state of reality. Radio static consumed the air.
The vines thickened and completely enclosed the blimp. The spirits swooped around it in excitement, with echoing shrieks. The aura around the tendrils glowed a fiery yellow, the same color as the portal rim.
 “Kalfu! Destriksyon pa bra nwa.”
 The tendrils proceeded to crush the blimp. Pink rays of light shot from the center and the blimp exploded in a loud BOOM!
Pink smoke spread everywhere as the spirits sped away. The tendrils broke into severed bloody pieces that rained down to the ground. Alastor smiled victoriously, while behind them, the group of five stared in utter terror and shock. (Save for Niffty who had a small smile on her face).
 “Well, I’m starved!” Alastor exclaimed, turning around to face the group. Who wants some jambalaya?” He spread his hooves out. “My mother once showed me a wonderful recipe for jambalaya! In fact, it nearly killed her! Straight from New Horseleans!”
He laughed as he led the way back to the hotel. The others followed.
“You could say the kick was right out of Tartarus!”
He added while laughing at his own joke, “Oh, I’m on a roll!”
Charlie and Niffty smiled while Husk, Angel, and Vaggie looked on with concern. Angel blew Husk a kiss, which earned the druggie demon a glare from the gambler. Charlie turned to Vaggie excitedly. Vaggie reluctantly went along with Charlie’s idea, even giving her a small supporting smile. As long as Charlie was happy, then she was alright, too.
From up above, the hotel looked like a mashed-up haunted house. An old dark train was perched on a balcony, with some monstrous faces carved in. A ship, reminiscent of the Titanic, was leaning upwards against the building as part of the structure. An old carousel served as part of the upper balcony and windows. Skull designs decorated the small windows in a row. Finally, on top of a giant yellow eye, was the sign “Trottin’ Hotel” supported by pillars of worn wood.  
Alastor continued, “Yes, sir, this is the start of some real changes down here! The game is set! Now…”
 He glanced up and aimed his horn toward the sign. Pink electricity shot out and made contact with the sign.
The sign now read “Rottin’ Hotel.”
 “Stay tuned everypony,” he finished with a low sinister laugh.
 Back at the crater, smoke took the faces of monsters and rose into the air. Broken egg minions littered the ground. One minion rubbed his head. With a shaking arm, Sir Stallionous lifted himself up from the gaping hole, fangs shattered.
“Now will you shoot me with your ray gun?” asked the minion.
Sir Stallionous face-planted on the ground in response.
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melyaliz · 5 years
“Are you flirting with me?” “You finally noticed?”
@werewitchling fluff 13 charlie weasley?
“Are you flirting with me?” “You finally noticed?”
Request List HERE! 
Fandom: Harry Potter
Summary: Charlie Weasley x Reader
Notes: I know there is a lot of speculation on what Charlie looks like but I have always pictured a Momoa style. Some super man's man outdoors dude. (Maybe even not as jacked, like a bit of a beer gut and unruly hair and clothes  that he slept in)
All Masterlists @melyalizarchive​
Connect with me! AO3 / Instagram / Pinterest
“You don’t have to be scared, she won’t bite.” Charlie laughed coming up behind you as you, very warily, tried to hold out a carrot for the Unicorn that was chilling in the Hogwarts stables.  You had wanted to study the care of magical creatures but… unicorns kind of freaked you out.
Maybe it was their beautiful human-like eyes that could look into your souls.
Or maybe it was that pointed horn that could basically stab your heart out.
The one that was beating out of your chest from how close Charlie was to you as he tried to help you feed the horrific beast.
“You faced animals twice this size with no fear” he laughed shaking his head “you never cease to surprise me.”
“Well prepare to be amazed because I’m making you do my chores this time.”
“No,” Charlie said getting up behind you taking your hand in his. “We are facing your fears.”
Oh yes Charlie, you standing behind me like that is totally going to help with my nerves. You thought angrily as you took a deep breath trying to calm your already freaked out nerves. But now they were going haywire for another reason. Why was he doing this to you?
“That’s it.” his voice whispered as he moved with you getting closer to the animal, “Just reach out, palm out flat, like a horse.”
The unicorn’s inhuman eyes watched you as its lips took the carrot from your hand munching it thoughtfully. As if sizing up your very soul.
“See she likes you.” Charlie laughed still very much right behind you. Very close. Which you were also VERY aware of. Turning you your nose brushed against his cheek. His bright eyes glancing down at you. “But I can see why.”
“Are you flirting with me?” you said pulling away facing him feeling your cheeks flushed. After years of the banter, you two had you already knew his answer to this.
“You finally noticed."
Wait, what?
“Wait, wha…”
Charlie smiled shoving his hands in his pockets shrugging, “come on, it’s obvious to everyone. Please tell me you weren’t that oblivious”
He could see right through you. “Wow, you really were that clueless.” then he shrugged, “Cool”
“I wasn’t going anywhere.”
“Uhhh… ok good, because I flirt with you too… like you? I don’t know.”
“You don’t know.” he was laughing now. God, why were you so awkward?
“No, I like you too… you like me right?”
He took a step toward you so he was only inches away, towering over you. You always forgot how tall and bulky he was. Even at 17, he was a huge guy. Years of running wild around the Hogwarts grounds probably helped with that.   
“Yes,” he said leaning forward, a small smile playing on his lips, “very much so,” he added before those smirking lips touched yours.
Tagging: @royslittleharper​​  @the-shadow-of-atlantis​​ @coffee-randomness​​ @daisyboobear​​ @werewitchling​​  @jason-redhood​ @hello-i-lovespiderman-blr @ocelysium @pinkwitch21 @tomhncharliep
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dominiquethesnake · 5 years
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Is that [DOMINIQUE WEASLEY]! It’s so nice to see them back at Hogwarts! [SHE] is [16], and a [6th YEAR] [SLYTHERIN] and totally looks like the muggle [KATHERINE MCNAMARA]. They are known to be [AMBITIOUS], and [HARDWORKING] but also have a tendency to be [JEALOUS] and [MANIPULATIVE]. There are whispers around the castle that in the unrest that is brewing they are [SIDING WITH THE NIGHT WALKERS/]. [OTHER INFO: She’s a prefect and quidditch chaser, she’s also a hitman for the Night Walkers.]
Full Character Name: Dominique Gabrielle Weasley
Does your character have siblings? What are their names?: She has one older sister (Victiore) and a younger brother (Louis)
What is your characters best subject in school? Her best is definitely either DADA or Care of Magical Creatures
What is your characters wand? Holly wood, unicorn tail hair, 9 inches,Light. Appearance:  Tan with unicorn horn-like handle
Can your character cast a Patronus? What is it? What memory do they use?: Yes, Leopard, She uses a memory of her uncle Charlie helping her sneak away and then teaching her how to ride a broom after her mum had told her no.
Who is your characters best friend?: She doesn’t have a ‘best friend’, not really anyway. She has friends and people she likes to be around but she’s never had anyone who she felt like she could be 100% herself and open with. Shes closest with Scorpius Malfoy but even he doesn’t know everything. 
Does your character look up to anyone? Who? She’d probably never admit it but she looks up to her sister a lot, she used to want to be just like her growing up and a part of her still feels like she has to.
What is your characters relationship like with their family? Strained, to say the least. She doesn’t get along with either of her parents, she resents them a lot and sometimes she likes her siblings and sometimes she doesn't. As for her cousins it’s totally a hit or miss, she either loves them or she hates them. The same could be said for her aunts and Uncles, the only Uncle she always gets along with is her Uncle Charlie, he’s been her favorite ever since she was a baby.
If your character has siblings, do they have a favorite? It switches, most of the time she likes Louis better but there are occasions she favors her sister.
What is your characters go-to spell in a duel? Either the leg locker curse or the expulso curse, depending on how much damage she wants to do, shes also really good at shielding spells but shes more of an offensive dueler than a defensive one.
What spell does your character use most often? Accio
Five or more facts/headcanons about your character: 
-Dominique is a chaotic neutral, in her heart she sometimes leans towards the side of good but really  she likes chaos, she thrives in it.
-Shes actually a really talented witch, she could go far if she put her skills to use.
-Dominique was gifted a tawny owl for her 11th birthday which she named Maleficent after her favorite villain from the muggle movies her aunt hermione would show her.
-She has a strong aptitude in herbology, she just has a natural green thumb, she dropped the class after 5th year though because it bored her. 
-When she was first sorted into Slytherin she was devastated, she didn’t eat anything that night and she was in tears by the time they had been shown to the common room, that was when she officially met Scorpius who had done he best to try and help her calm down at the very least and they have been best friends ever since.
-That was when she realized that maybe it wasn’t all that bad. If a malfoy of all people was trying to help her and he was in Slytherin, surely that had to mean it couldn’t be all that bad? 
-It took her almost the full year to get really okay with being in Slytherin, though, she dropped the stereotypes from her mind quickly but a big part of her felt like she had failed by being sorted there, until that year no weasley had ever been put into Slytherin. She felt like she had failed her family.
-Dom went through a major personality change in between 2nd and 3rd year. The first two years at Hogwarts she had been this shy, polite, well mannered girl and when she came to school her third year suddenly she was loud, sometimes rude, fiery, rebellious, and ambitious and cunning as ever. If it wasn’t clear where she belonged before it certainly was then.   She had grown into her house, perhaps a little too much.
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beforethebraces · 6 years
Sixth Times the Charm; (2)
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(credit to the original creator who gif'ed this! if this is you, please come forward so I can credit you properly! :)
tw: swearing, carnival booths, stuffed animals, etc.
Summary: Moment 1 created 5 other opportunities for them to meet again which means there’s six different viewpoints for each chance that happened between them. What exactly happened? Is the universe rooting for them to be together? Is it really just a coincidence if it happened more than once? You decide.
Pairing: Calum + Y/N
A/N: thank you so much for reading part 1 and for waiting patiently as I typed and posted this part down! I also didn’t really know if you guys would like it but with the amount of love and support for this mini-series, it makes me feel really happy and I appreciate all of you for giving this a chance! :’) the next 4 moments before the 6th one will suuuck, depending on how you decide to see it so I hope you’ll guys still read this until then, lol. but without further adieu, here’s part 2! :D
also, thank you to @awkwarddezzy for editing this slightly! we all tried our best here lmao.
Key: Y/d/n = your dad’s name
Other parts: part 1
*** carnival worker 
Damn it, I should’ve said no. If I said no, I wouldn’t be working here right now. If I said no, I’d be enjoying my day off, watching movies with my girlfriend or visiting my family doing god knows what. But I had to say yes. My boss wasn't taking no for an answer. I should’ve reported him, but that’s a lot of extra work than I really needed at the moment. Besides, he doesn't have enough workers to fire if he wanted to; he’s understaffed as it is. There’s a part of me that felt bad for being a dick to him, though that sympathy in me vanished the minute he was being an asshole. Whatever, right? I need the money. 
"You really need to smile more, Nio. Are you trying to scare away the customers?” someone mocked. As I glanced towards my right, I saw Leina; my coworker, leaning against the wooden pole as her arms were crossed in front of her, staring at me with an amused grin. “I mean, I think you scared away a little girl with your grouchiness and all she could’ve wanted was a unicorn.” 
“If she wanted to have a unicorn, she’d have to have a really good aim to knock over 3 bottles to win. Besides, Charlie has this." I retorted. Charlie was, in fact, dealing with a young boy and his sister. “Still... be a little more excited. It doesn’t hurt to actually fake a smile.” 
“Alright, fine sunshine. I’ll give you a smile.” Showing her my million dollar grin, she paused and shook her head.
“It looks like you're constipated.” 
Frowning at her choice of words, she then tells me about the families and people she encountered over the evening while we were both working. She kept squealing over the fact that some of the kids were cute and how the couples were cuter. She’s such a girl. “Hey, Antonio-” 
“Jesus Charlie, how many times do I have to tell you to call me Nio? Antonio is weird.” I groaned and rolled my eyes, making Leina giggle as I slyly gave her my middle finger. “Not enough, you nerd. Can you deal with this young boy and his sister? I have to go on a potty break.” 
“Ooh, Stuart won’t like that,” I teased as he too rolled his eyes at me. “Stuart can either let me use the restroom or I’ll piss my pants in front of the customers and make it a low turn-out rate.” 
“Fine, go before I change my mind and send the people my way.” As he rushed towards the two customers to explain the situation, Leina reminded me to be nice. As if I needed that reminder. “Thanks, but I think I can behave myself. Trust me.” Noticing the older girl and her brother come my way, I put on my best smile as the girl returned the gesture. 
“Do I have to pay again since the other guy left?” 
“Not if you haven’t thrown the ball yet.” 
“I didn’t.” 
“Then go right ahead!” I responded as I gave her the ball. Watching her grab it and preparing herself for the throw, she swung her arm back as I watch the ball knock over the bottles. Holy shit. 
“So what prize-” 
“I want the blue bear!” Handing her the small blue bear she won, her brother (who was holding the other bears she accumulated), looked at her in boredom. “Come on Mali, you trying to win the bigger bear is going to take awhile. Can I please put these down and do my own thing?” Watching him complain about their situation made me chuckle as this Mali girl blushed. Noticing the glare she gave her brother, Leina tapped my shoulder. She mouthed the words, ‘innocent schoolgirl crush’, making me shake my head in disapproval. She looked 14: way too young for me. I'm 21. Besides, I have a girlfriend. 
‘Calum, shut up! You’re only 9 but fine! If mom or dad blames me for you getting lost, I will not talk to you for the rest of the month!’ Seeing Calum grin widely as he handed her back her stuffed animals, I made sure he ran off to somewhere safe, laughing at the fact he bumped into a girl who gave him the stink eye at the back of his head. Kids these days. It must feel nice to be young and away from all these responsibilities. 
“Can I switch these 9 bears for the medium sized one?” 
It has been a total of 34 minutes and Mali was still here, almost winning the grand prize. Charlie came back from the restroom a while ago and decided to let me handle her as he dealt with another family. Mali’s mom had also found her ten minutes after Calum left and to say this girl had a fan is an understatement. 
‘Dad! Look at how many bears she has! Do you think I can be like her?’ I heard a girl ask her father, glancing towards Charlie’s direction. It was the family he was dealing with and it was the same girl Calum bumped into earlier when he left. ‘Of course Y/n! You got this!’ 
Snapping out of my daze, Leina looked at me with concern as I mouthed to her that I was fine. She nodded warily as Mali’s mom shouted in joy! (a/n: no pun intended lmao) “Just 3 more bears darling and you can get the big one!” Spotting Calum a foot away from them with what I assume is his dad, he was glancing at this Y/n girl with curiosity and wonder in his eyes. Shivers go down my spine as if I was supposed to witness this interaction. This should’ve been Leina’s forte; this was her thing anyway. Noting that Y/n threw the ball and only got the top bottle down, Charlie cheered for her in encouragement.
“Why don’t you help her out, Mali? She looks like she really wants that unicorn!” As Mali walked towards the girl and her dad with a shy smile on her face, Calum and his dad marched their way over to his mom as she filled the boys in. “Don’t worry David, Mali just needs about 3 more bears to switch for the medium one and then switch out her other 4 medium bears for the large one. She’s helping the other girl out because she wanted to be nice.” 
Feeling a tap on my shoulder, I see Leina with her heart eyes on. 
Oh no. 
“Nio, this is too cute! The boy keeps looking at her!” She whispered quietly, gazing at Calum and Y/n with adoration in her eyes. I had to push her out of her trance before anyone could see her being creepy about it. She didn’t need this right now. “If he could just approach her instead of staring at her, we can actually a witness a cute love story between-” 
“Two kids. I know what you’re going to say, so can you stop creeping on them? This will look weird to other people who are staring at you!” I retaliated as she stuck her tongue at me. Why is she so weird? 
‘Mom, I thought you told us not to talk to strangers!’
“Cal, don’t worry. They seem like good people. Your dad and I are right here making sure nothing happens to her which I doubt.” With everyone watching the exchange between Mali and Y/n, Y/n throws the ball once again. This time, she knocks off 2 out of 3 bottles. 
‘See? You’re getting better! Keep doing that and you’ll eventually knock all of them down!’ Mali encouraged before making her way back in front of me. Handed another quarter in payment, I gave her the ball as Calum and Mali engage in a short conversation. Spotting Y/n glance in our direction out of the corner of my eyes, I also heard Leina squeal, whispering to me about how Y/n was staring at Calum this time and how it was a missed connection. 
“Yes! Two more bears!” 
Five more minutes have passed and Mali FINALLY won the giant bear she was working hard to get. Thank god. As happy as I am about how her hard work paid off, I was also happy I’d be dealing with someone else once she and her family had left. I asked Charlie to give them the bear and as he did that, I walked over to Y/n and her dad, almost being hit by the ball she flung. “Oh no! I’m sorry!” Y/n yelped, her dad laughing at my expense. How nice of him to do so. Hearing the bottles getting knocked down, I heard her dad yell in excitement. 
“Woo! You did it, baby!” He exclaimed as she looked at me in surprise. Offering her a grin, she told me she wanted the purple unicorn, saying something about how it’s a magic horse with a pointy horn. Not that it surprised me of course. After I handed her prize, I see Mali smiling at her as a sort of congratulations for winning too. Y/n grabbed her dad’s arm and what shocked me was that Calum gave her a thumbs up with a sort of twinkle in his eyes, which made her blush shyly and gaze up her at dad as if she was trying to distract herself from what had happened. With Calum and his family walking away, Y/n stared at the back of his head, smiling before walking away with her dad as well. 
“Adorable kids aren’t they? This is why I love working here sometimes. Seeing the smiles and hope on their face when they win makes my shift worthwhile!” Charlie announced as I groaned and rubbed my head. He's like another Leina, speaking of which- “Do you think they’ll see each other again and say hi to each other and have a cute childhood romance? She looked about his age, maybe a year or two younger. I don’t know about you, but I got goosebumps!” She blurted out as Charlie snorted in agreement. 
“Hate to be the bearer of bad news but even if the carnival is big enough and they’re bound to cross paths again, this is not like the romance novels you read on your spare time! This is real life-” 
“Oh, you’re such a negative Nancy, Nio. Just let me ship people freely without you judging me!” She giggled as Charlie patted my shoulder, alerting me that someone else wants to play. ‘A few more hours until your shift is over Antonio; then you can get away from all this crazy and be with your girlfriend.’ I repeated to myself, wanting nothing more but to be anywhere but here knowing Leina and Charlie are going to be talking about this. I really should’ve said no to Stuart. Fuck him for making me come to work on this weird day.
A/N: so you’ve reached the end of part 2! that was a bit of a doozy right? Calum and Y/n didn’t have much interaction (they didn’t even talk!) but it serves a purpose for this one and the next moments so get ready for the subtleties and missed opportunities (stated as such in the summary) lolol. pls leave a review and let me know what you thought or liked so far (ignoring any errors or mistakes you’ve seen)! sCREAM at me if needed to, I don’t mind! xD I just :’) let’s all be a Leina and fangirl together xD
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askstorykids-hq · 3 years
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Attention students! Two new students have been permitted by their parents to attend Auradon Prep! Please welcome:
Charlene Possible, daughter of Kim & Ron!
Danger or trouble... call Audrey, and Charlie'll follow, if a bit more clumsily.
Every bit just like her dad, Charlie tries her best at everything she does. She wants to live up to the family name to the best of her ability, of course she does, it's just not that easy for her. Fortunately, her family is an amazing support network all on its own. Mom, dad, and Audrey have never once made her feel outcast from them just because she's not as good at the whole world-saving business as the rest of them.
That being said, Charlene is the most stereotypical girly-girl around while still being athletic and ready to go at a moment's notice. She loves her family and would do anything for them... even if she doesn't always feel like she fits in with her mom and sister as well as she does her dad.
She's been in a lot of different sports over the years and excelled in them at various times-- it's the "throwing it all together and improvising" side of missions that make it so challenging to take after her mom. But one thing that can be said about Charlene Possible is that she never, ever gives up.
Rose, daughter of King Sombra!
King Sombra was not destroyed by the Crystal Heart. Not permanently, no. No, no, Sombra was only banished again, into the frozen north, his horn the only part of him left intact by the magic of the Heart and falling into a crack in the ice. And then he had a third chance to have a kingdom of his own, and he was once again defeated by those same pesky ponies that took the Crystal Empire from him the second time.
Whatever happened next, he didn’t know. But what Sombra did know was that he was revived by some force, some magic that wasn’t familiar to him, and what’s more he was an entirely different creature - something without hooves, or a horn, or anything pony-like. And to make matters worse, he was banished once again to an island where magic was impossible, forced to adjust to a life as a “human”.
Though himself, the former centaur Tirek, and the disgraced now-humanoid changeling Queen Chrysalis had their differences, they worked together - well, as best they could when they couldn’t stand each other - to adjust. But quickly, they all came to one major decision: they needed to continue their lines, individually, so they could take back whatever Equestria now was. So the three went their separate ways, to their own corners of the island, to do just that.
Sombra didn’t care about how Chrysalis and Tirek raised their next generation. To him, what mattered was what he wanted: a little prince or princess or royal child of his own. He found what he determined to be the human equivalent of a unicorn, a witch, and promised her everything she could imagine: power, a place on a throne, an empire all for herself… and then, once they had a child, he betrayed her, turning her into nothing but a caretaker for their daughter until she was old enough to fend for herself. And then Sombra tied up his last loose end, deciding he was going to be a single father after all.
His daughter, Rose, knew nothing of her mother being such. In fact, she didn’t even remember her. All she knew growing up was her father, and that she adored him, practically worshipped the ground he walked on. Rose was a daddy’s girl through and through and boy did it show.
Rose was trained in the ways of her father, his goals, his ambitions, his past, even so far as giving her lessons on how to use her magic properly, because he knew that one day, they’d be free, and she was going to take back the Crystal Empire for him.
Ambitious, proud, intelligent, and headstrong, Rose often frequented the dilapidated library when she wasn’t skipping her classes, working on improving her strategic abilities, prove to her father that she was worth the effort, that she could make him proud. She had to make him proud, so that she could take back the Crystal Empire and help her father conquer Equestria.
Upon getting off of the Isle, Rose was sent to the rehab center, just like the villains, and just like their other kids. But Rose was tactical. She believed she was better than some of the others, because she thought she was smarter, though she never said it. She worked with the nurses as much as they wanted, tricking them into believing she’d done enough to deserve being freed. And she was, eventually, released, promising to herself - and to her father - that she’d succeed, she’d be good enough, evil enough.
She was going to prove herself to Sombra. No matter what it took.
Destini & Flynn, you have 24 hours to send in your blog URL/post in-character content on the multimuse blog! The follow notice will be posted as soon as possible! Thank you for applying, and welcome to the group!
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bonafidehero · 4 years
Bella the Teenage Witch
Summary: What if Bella Swan was a witch? Taking advanced classes, Bella graduates from Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry early. With her mother and Phil traveling so much she decides to move to the sleepy town of Forks and spend some time with her father, who insisted on her attending the local high school to make some “normal” friends. Oh how wrong he would be.
Read on Ao3 and FanFiction!
Chapter 7: Let Downs and The Oddities of Bella Swan
I was so relieved when school let out that afternoon. First Mike and then Edward, I was feeling just about done with teenage boys at this point. Just as I entered the parking lot I looked up and saw Eric standing right in front of my truck.
Here we go again.
I’d play it cool, pretend I had no idea what was about to happen. Maybe he’d be too nervous and not ask? Probably not.
“Hey, Eric.” I said casually as I approached him.
He swallowed visibly, “Hi, Bella.”
I continued to the cab of my truck and fiddled with my keys before unlocking the door, glancing at him as I did so. “What’s up?”
I kind of felt bad, he stared at me like a deer in headlights. I could actually see beads of sweat forming on his forehead. But I also didn’t want to be asked out again today, so I let him work up the courage.
“Uh, well, I was just wondering... if you would go to the dance with me?” His voice broke at the end and again my heart broke at how nervous he was.
Was I that intimidating?
I stared at him but he was looking at the ground determined to not meet my gaze.
“But I thought it was girls choice.” I finally said.
“Well, yeah. It is.” He said pathetically, clearly already given up.
Why’d he have to sound so sad? It was really making me feel bad.
“Look, Eric. Thanks for asking me, that had to be hard.” I began softly, “But I’m gonna be in Seattle that day.”
“Oh... well, maybe next time.” He mumbled out, still staring at the ground.
“Sure.” I said quickly, but then I groaned inwardly. Why’d you say that? Now He’ll ask again for sure.
Eric walked aimlessly away, I felt bad. But I didn’t like him! I turned back towards my door and sighed loudly. Just as I was about to climbed in I heard the distinct velvety laugh of a certain irritating boy from earlier.
I whirled around to see him walking past my truck bed, eyes straight ahead as if nothing happened. Edward fucking Cullen. My eyes slide slightly to the right and I saw Tyler Crowley making a beeline towards me.
Merlin’s fucking pants, would today never end? Would every boy in school ask me to this bloody dance?!
I had to get out of here.
I jumped in the cab and turned the keys, pulling out quickly, barely even checking to make sure no one was behind me. And then Edward motherfucking Cullen pulled out then too, completely blocking me in.
I glanced towards the school, his siblings weren’t even in the car yet. They stared straight ahead at the Volvo, walking achingly slow. What the fuck! Was he--was he trying to make my life a living hell?
I glared at his stupid shiny Volvo. He knows exactly what he’s doing. He had to.
I jumped when someone tapped on my window, it was Tyler. I rolled my window down, which groaned the whole way.
“Hey, Tyler. Sorry.” I ground out, “Cullen’s in the way.”
Tyler’s eyes lite up, in that predatory way and a cocky grin spread across his face. “Oh, I know.”
I stared wide eyed at him. This guy...
“Will you ask me to the spring dance?” He asked without skipping a beat.
I stared hard at him, “No, I won’t.” I said angrily, “I wont be in town that day.”
“Yeah, Mike had mentioned that--”
“Then why did you ask?!”
He shrugged. “I was hoping you were just being nice.” He said coolly.
“No, sorry. I really am going to be out of town.”
He nodded at me.
Thank god, someone knows the meaning of no around here. I thought with relief.
“It’s all good, Bella. We still have prom!” And he sauntered off back to his car.
My face must have been one of pure horror, I could feel it heating up but this time with anger. These fucking boys will be the death of me.
I turned back to the front where Edward’s stupid Volvo was still sat and his siblings were all climbing in. Once the final door closed I laid on the horn, not even caring how impatience in made me seem.
Cullen did that on purpose. The fucking bitch!
That night I tossed and turned for what felt like hours, still feeling tense after all the bullshit from that day. But finally I slipped into sleep, one of restless and horrible dreams.
Edward POV
I landed softly outside the old white house that I knew to be the Swan residence. I kept to the shadows of the treeline and leaned against one of the largest as I focused on the house. Listening for any indication of what was happening within. It was past midnight so I wasn’t surprised to hear two even heartbeats and slow even breathing that sleep entailed.
Why was this human girl so fascinating to me?
Besides her alluring scent and unreadable mind, I couldn’t keep her out of my head. I needed to know more about her, what made her tick? What was she like outside of school? Why did she attend some boarding school? She’d said she left Arizona for her mothers sake but did her mother just send her off all the time to get away from her? Was this normal to her? Boarding schools weren’t as common in America. At least not in modern times or only for the incredibly wealthy. So many questions...
I knew it was wrong, but what were human laws to me? I’d probably broken them all in the hundred years I’d lived. So I quickly made my way to the house, settling on the front top window that I knew must be a bedroom and scaled the house in seconds. I glanced inside and gasped, there she was in her tiny bed. She was tossing and turning, clearly having a restless sleep.
Would it be bad if I just stepped in for a moment? Yes, it would. But I had to know.
I looked over and saw that the window was already opened. That’s interesting? It was pretty chilly, the ice from the day when she’d nearly been killed was no longer on the ground. But it was still cold enough for humans, I think at least.
I shrugged and slid in soundlessly, leaving the window open. Surprisingly the room felt much warmer than it was outside, which didn’t make much since as the window was wide open. Odd.
I glanced around the room, it was small and cluttered but not unclean. Everything seemed to have a home and was placed purposefully. I looked to my left, there was an old rocking chair pushed in the corner with a dresser beside it. Curiously, perched on the dresser was a large bird cage but there was no bird inside. Maybe it died? But it looked to be well maintained, like it’d been cleaned recently and there was some sort of pellets left in a bowl with fresh water as well.
Very odd.
I continued to look about the room. Next to Bella’s bed there was a large stack of books. I tired to move as stealthily as possible, wanting to look at her collection. I was ever curious, what did she enjoy to fill her mind with? I crouched to examine the books. There was a copy of Jane Eyre and Pride and Prejudice. What looked like some sort of school textbook, called Spellman’s Syllabary. And there was two other odd books, directly on top. One that read The Monster Book of Monsters and the other said Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them. There were what seemed to be bookmarks lining the pages of both the books.
I reached forward to grab the top one, ever curious to know what was going on in Bella’s mind. Why was she reading these? What were these books? Why had she bookmarked them so heavily? But just as my hand made contact with the smaller of the two books my head snapped up as I heard a rustling sound outside the window.
Then an owl swooped in and began fluttering around the room frantically and screeching at the top of it’s lungs. Bella began waking and I did the one thing I could think of without being seen. I pulled myself into her closet and pushed myself back against the wall. Hiding myself within the clothes.
Bella sat bolt up and stared at the bird as it continued to fly erratically screaming it’s head off.
“Hareton! What is it?!” She cried, “What’s wrong? Come here!”
The bird, Hareton? Why did it have a name? Continued to fly and screech but it seemed to calm a bit now.
“Hare, you have to be quiet!” She whispered, “You’ll wake Charlie!”
Too late though, I could hear Charlie rustling about in his room and then his door opened and he made his way down the hall.
The owl seemed to listen to her though and finally popped down on her bed, breathing heavily.
Her bedroom door opened and Charlie stepped in flipping on the lights in some worn Pajama bottoms and a old T-shirt.
“What’s going on, Bells?” He asked sleepily, “What's your owl screaming for?”
Bella cringed, “Sorry, Dad. I tried to get him to quiet down, I think maybe he was chased in here. Maybe a neighborhood cat.” She said quietly, stroking the bird on the head as it closed it’s eyes in happiness.
Charlie looked down at the bird and nodded, “Yeah I wouldn’t be surprised, we got a few feral’s around here.” He said, “Uh, maybe you shouldn’t let him out anymore?”
“Oh, I have to Dad. He needs to hunt and stretch his wings.” She pleaded. “Plus he’s used to being around even more dangerous creatures, he used to hunt in the forest around my school. I don’t think he’ll run into anything quite as lethal here.”
Charlie chuckled uneasily, “Uh, right. What do you got in your world? Like Vampires, Unicorns and those Pukwedgie things?”
Bella snorted, “Pukwudgie, Dad! But they aren’t really aggressive, at least they wouldn’t be to an owl. And the same for Unicorns, they wouldn’t hurt an Owl. A Vampire, well... it might? I don’t know.” She trailed off thinking.
Glanced between the two, What was this conversation I was listening to? I felt like I was hallucinating with the more they went on. Why were they casually talking about Unicorns and vampires and these puki things? Was this some sort of inside joke?
Charlie hummed. “Well, either way. I hope little uh, Hareton... is that his name?” He asked and Bella nodded. “Yeah, I hope he’s okay. I’m going back to bed, Bells, I’m exhausted. You shouldn’t stay up either. Goodnight.”
“’Night, Dad.” She said softly as Charlie closed the door.
She continued to scratch the own and it seemed to be enjoying it very much, stretching it’s wings out for her to get to a better spot. She giggled.
“Alright, Hare. You should go in your cage. I have to sleep and you can’t go screaming anymore, you hear me?” She pointed a finger at him and he puffed his chest looking affronted before flying over to his cage and settling on a perch.
She giggled again and got out of bed and walked over to the window, shutting it.
“I’m gonna close this too, I’m sure you’ve had your fill. You’re in for the night.” she said as she made her way back to the bed and slipped under the covers.
She snuggled in before exclaiming “Oh yeah.” And then, she did another strange thing and picked up a stick from her bedside table. Whispered nox and the lights went out.
I stood in her closet for a long time, waiting for her breathing to even out again and her heartbeat to settle. I had a lot to think about but I really just wanted to get out of this house before something else happened.
Finally I extracted myself from the clothes and crept towards the window. The owl perked up as I past and I swear it gave me a death glare but stayed quiet as I opened the window and made my exit.
I ran home as fast as I could, with the little royal blue book I’d snagged from Bella’s room tucked into my jacket pocket. I know I shouldn’t have taken it, I know she’d probably notice. But my curiosity was burning and after that very strange conversation between normal, sleepy old Charlie Swan and his curious daughter I had to know what was going on.
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