#charleston lake
unplannedlife · 1 year
Can do this for hours.
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 1 year
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“Ask That Islands Be Well Policed,” Kingston Whig-Standard. January 10, 1933. Page 2. ---- Township Council Waited Upon by Gananoque Deputation --- GANANOQUE, Jan. 10— A deputation composed of Mayor George R. Webb, ex-Mayor W. J. Wilson, Adam Seal, Dr. A. H. Mabee and Robert Allen, waited upon the Township Council now in session at Landsdowne yesterday and asked that arrangements be made to police the islands in this vicinity during the winter months. The deputation was assured that the request would receive the favorable consideration of the council. 
On Thursday evening Professor J. A. Watts, M.A. of Queen's University, will address a public meeting in Once United Church Sunday School room, which Rev T. P. Perry has very kindly loaned for the occasion. The meeting Is sponsored by the local unemployed and is open to the public. The unemployment question affects everyone directly or indirectly, and a large crowd is expected. An orchestra will be in attendance and it is possible that one or more local artists will contribute to the program. No admission fee or collection will be taken. The subject of Prof. Watts' address is "What an unemployed man can do with his time is preparing himself for better times." 
The fish taken from Charleston Lake for the local unemployed will be distributed at the club rooms on Tuesdays and Thursdays of each week. Over one hundred ling were taken again yesterday when the nets were pulled, and the boys thank all those who have helped in any way to make the scheme possible. 
Mrs. Claude Kennlston has been successfully operated upon for appendicitis at tbs Hotel Dieu Kingston. 
Mr. and Mrs .Anson Latham and their daughter Miss Mabel and Mrs Latham's sister, Mrs. Moray, all of Brockville, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Molette and Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Nicholson Charles Street South. 
James G. Lawson was the soloist at Grace United Church on Sunday.
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pamwmsn · 2 months
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📷: Kim Graham
Sunrise over Colonial Lake in Charleston, South Carolina. 
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iromyshop · 21 days
once had a family and if I remember correctly two kids and their parents I was in Wynwood 2nd Ave... the dad says "let me take a video I will make you famous I have a huge following" - my reply "I already am famous every store I go into they know me for giving roses, no videos and photos please this is an 'in the moment' live art experience'"
and in the photo a natural sunlight photograph of one of my most recent pieces. Handmade leaf roses, arcylic paint maybe a little oil paint and art resin. This will go hundreds of years I once saw in downtown Charleston SC a piece of the same leaf used for the roses nearly 100 years old still going strong. Meaning if the roses without paint and resin can go a hundred years... well it's 'blue chip' artwork folks... enjoy! Thanks for being here! -Joey
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rabbitcruiser · 3 months
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National Take a Walk in the Park Day
Enjoying the outdoors, surrounded by nature's beauty, strolling through serene green spaces, and basking in the tranquility of it all.
When cities are being designed one of the primary things they ensure to make space for is city parks. From small parks the size of just a couple of blocks to large ones that cover acres of land, city planners know the importance of providing green areas for people to go.
National Take a Walk in the Park Day celebrates these small excursions and the differences they can make to our mental, physical, and emotional health.
History of National Take a Walk in the Park Day
This day was founded to help people reconnect with the wilder spaces within our civilized world. Thousands of people all over the country walk in local parks, exploring the wildlife and beauty of the natural world around them.
During these walks many opt to bring cameras so they can take pictures of the beauty they find, others opt to bring a book and enjoy the peace of the natural space. Jogging, playing games, drawing pictures from nature, all of these are things people do when they go out and enjoy time in the park.
Getting out into nature has been proven to have a number of therapeutic effects on those who take the time to do it. Their stress levels go down, their heart and mind feel refreshed, their creativity gets inspired, and they become more productive at work. All of this doesn’t even include the physical health benefits they get from walking in the park.
Keeping our bodies in motion and remaining active are important parts of our long term health. Daily walks help keep joints healthy, our muscles limber, and our hearts beating steadily. Every day you walk walking gets to be just a little bit easier and you’ll find yourself less tired than the day before. National Take a Walk in the Park Day encourages you to get out and do that, every day of the year.
How To Celebrate National Take a Walk in the Park Day
Celebrating this holiday is as simple as doing what it says on the tin, go take a walk in the park! Everyday people take walks as an easy way to get exercise and reconnect with nature, and that’s been proven to have a positive effect on our sense of well-being.
Taking a walk can relieve stress, ease worries, and otherwise make every day just a little bit better. If you’re lucky enough to have multiple parks in your area, why not try a new one every day! While you’re at it, bring a friend!
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peachdoxie · 10 months
Lmao apparently an F-35 stealth plane disappeared today around Charleston, South Carolina after the pilot ejected for some reason. The plane just kept going.
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michael-massa-micon · 27 days
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Reflections - May 2024 This small lake is located near the cabins at Fox Ridge State Park in Charleston, Illinois. The wind was very calm and the water was able to reflect the foot bridge, the trees, and the sky. I find this a very peaceful image. MWM
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Roof Extensions Deck Charleston
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Large elegant backyard water fountain deck photo with a roof extension
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scottpilgvrim · 11 months
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Roof Extensions Deck Charleston Large elegant backyard water fountain deck photo with a roof extension
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jbhalls · 11 months
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bookman-dgm · 1 year
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Porch Backyard Charleston Mid-sized elegant porch photo with decking and a roof extension
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amtrak-official · 1 year
Surprise Bonus Poll #2
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saltygilmores · 8 months
A List Of My Favorite Gilmore Girls AU's, Conspiracy Theories and Ridiculous Headcanons
There are definitely more... as I think of them I'll keep adding to it. But these are the biggies and some of my favorites. 13. Jess eventually gains custody of Doula and she avoids ending up in the cult, and she changes her name to something way less stupid. 12 Jess and Lane have an awkward fling as an act of rebellion to piss off Mrs. Kim (I can't see any long term compatability here) and because Jess is like eh why not, pissing off one Stars Hollow mom just wasn’t enough for Jess (2024 update: Madeline, Louise, and Lindsay have all been added to the bang roster 😋) 11. There is an alternate universe where Jess ends up enrolled at Chilton because his mother conned some rich fucker into marrying her and he used his money and influence to bribe Headmaster Charleston into letting him in. Even if Luke had the money he would never have enough pull to make it happen. 10. Rory was actually a hero for sleeping with Dean and breaking up Dean's marriage so Lindsey could escape 9 Luke, Jess, and/ or Rory finally snap one day after they can't take any more bullshit and go on a rampage around Stars Hollow slaughtering the many people who have wronged them (the Blood In The Hollow triology) 8. Taylor Doose is pocketing all the money made from the festivals in Stars Hollow and he has no intention of fixing The Bridge or putting that money towards other charitable causes 7.In season 4 when Jess is living in New York and Luke insinuates Jess is a drug dealer he's right #HeyTawd 6. Luke serves cheap ordinary supermarket coffee (oh wait, that one is actually TRUE, Mr. Folgers can. I've seen you). 5. There's a vortex/black hole in California sucking in the unsuspecting men of Stars Hollow (Dave Rygalski. Jess. Max. Even Christopher, apparently ) called the Male Gilmore Girls Character California Wormhole, it swallowed Dave Rygalksi permanently because It loved him so much, but it spit everyone else back out eventually 4. Jess erased Shane after the Dance Marathon and threw her body in the lake and the swan that beaked him was a reincarnation of Shane out for revenge 3. Jess' novels become unexpected worldwide best sellers, turned into movies, turned him into a household name, earned him legions of fans and book groupies, making him a millionaire, causing our reluctant and modest blorbo to face the pressures of fame, press, wealth and attention 2. During the Truncheon years and beyond Jess Mariano blossoms sexually and becomes a raging manwhore the likes of which Philadelphia has never seen, he has a Myspace page and a very busy flip phone and two roommates who never get any sleep 1. Lorelai and Dean are having a torrid love affair, and I call it The Dala (The Dean and Lorelai Affair) I will die on this hill, this is my Death Hill.
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rabbitcruiser · 3 months
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World Theatre Day
Magical places where stories come to life, the stage is a portal to other worlds, transporting audiences by the power of live performance.
Dating back a few thousand years, theatre is a unique and interesting part of culture that has certainly evolved over time. The word “theatre” gets its roots from an ancient Greek word that means “a place for seeing”, and that definition continues to be meaningful today. Even after so many centuries, theatre continues to be used as a way to not only tell stories and see things, but to make an impact on culture and society at large.
Whether writing and directing, producing and acting, creating beautiful costumes or doing lighting and scene design, theatre is a medium of art that requires a wide range of talented artists involved in a variety of ways. And World Theatre Day is here to show appreciation for those who give their time and talent to make the show go on.
History of World Theatre Day
World Theatre Day was initiated in 1962 by the International Theatre Institute (ITI) as a day to pay respect to and celebrate the beauty, creativity, hard work and artistry that goes into all of the aspects of theatre production. And it was meant to remind people about the great power that theatre can bring about, whether it is celebrated locally or globally.
Today, the World Theatre Day continues to be sponsored by ITI, which is the World Organization for Performing Arts, and the day also under the patronage of the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization.
In 2022, World Theatre Day celebrated its 60th anniversary with a worldwide online celebration. The Opera, Theatre and Festival Director, Peter Sellers, was the host of the event and offered the annual message. In addition, the celebration included a platform for theatrical expression that offered performances from 37 different emerging artists that hailed from countries all over the globe. These performances were recorded and broadcast on the ITI website so that they could be viewed from anywhere in the world.
World Theatre Day continues to be an important time to celebrate each year for those who support and love the theatre. Patrons of local theatre, costume designers, musicians, script-writers, set designers, actors and so many others will take delight in raising awareness for the observance of this day that is so vital to the arts.
World Theatre Day Timeline
1000 BC
Ancient Greek theatre begins 
Plays for entertainment and education are based on ancient myths or legends.
Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre opens 
After the lease on their previous theatre wasn’t renewed, the Shakespeare company builds and opens their own theatre in London.
Kabuki Theatre begins in Japan 
This form of Japanese dance-drama becomes known for its heavily stylized performances.
First theatre opens on Broadway 
Theatrical activity begins on New York City’s famous Broadway.
First World Theatre Day is celebrated 
Founded by the International Theatre Institute (ITI), the first World Theatre Day is observed by the international theatre community.
How to Celebrate World Theatre Day
Have tons of fun enjoying World Theatre Day with a delightful variety of ways to celebrate. Get started with some of these ideas:
Visit a Local Theatre
World Theatre Day brings with it an amazing opportunity to enjoy and celebrate by catching a show – or even a couple of shows! Whether the show takes place on the day or sometime near it on the calendar, a perfect way to celebrate would be to book tickets for an onstage performance. No matter if it is a comedy, tragedy, musical, drama or even an opera, viewing a theatre performance live and in-person is the best way to pay homage to this amazing form of art.
Supporting the arts locally is a great way to celebrate and raise awareness for the day. It might be a play put on by an elementary school or high school, or it might be a community theatre. Even better than showing support by buying tickets to just one show, go ahead and enjoy the fun of season tickets for the whole family!
Get Involved with a Local Theatre
The need for talented people to volunteer is a vital part of putting on local community theatre shows. Those who are performers may be interested in trying out for a lead role or just a supporting part. Musicians might want to try out to be part of the orchestra or band ensemble for musical performances. Graphic designers might even be needed to design marketing items.
And those who don’t feel artistic in those ways don’t need to be left out! Administrative folks can work with the advertising crew or ticket sales team to make sure the box office runs as smoothly as possible. Everyone is needed to pull off a great show, and World Theatre Day is just the time to get involved.
Catch the World Theatre Day Message
Each year, it is tradition for the International Theatre Institute to provide a message that brings greetings and encouragement for those who are involved with, or simply appreciate, the theatre in its various forms. The theme promoted for World Theatre Day is the same each year: Theatre and a Culture of Peace.
These messages are typically translated into a variety of languages so that people from countries and cultures all over the globe can hear, understand and enjoy. Today, it is easier than ever to get access to these annual messages because they are recorded and placed online at the World Theatre Day website.
Raise Awareness About World Theatre Day
One important part of keeping theatre alive is by sharing with friends and family members about the importance of theatre in the world today. Learn some factors about why live theatre is so important in the digital age, and then perhaps share them to start a conversation with others.
Perhaps some of these ideas would be good for starting an encouraging conversation about theatre in honor of World Theatre Day:
Live theatre helps promote social dialogue, discourse and possibly social change. Theatre can be used to identify and address problems, listen to opposing points of view and create opportunities for self-examination.
Theatre promotes literacy and education. Students who are involved in the theatre have been shown in studies to have better academic performance at school.
Live theatre creates community. Reminding people that they are not alone, theatre builds opportunity for people in groups and communities to collaborate and enjoy shared experiences with others. It’s a way to promote human connection not only with the cast, but also with a live audience.
Theatre helps to open minds. Offering unique and different perspectives on a vast array of topics, theatre brings people the opportunity to see the world from a different point of view with new and diverse voices.
World Theatre Day FAQs
Can theatre change the world?
For centuries, theatre has been a part of cultural and social change, raising awareness and inspiring people to take action.
Can theatre help with anxiety?
One study shows that some teens who struggle with social anxiety have found improvisational theatre to be helpful.
When did theatre start in Greece?
Theatre in Ancient Greece started around 1000 BC.
Is theatre a sport?
Although it is not necessarily athletic, some people consider theatre to have the attributes of a team sport.
Are theatres cold?
Many theatres are air conditioned and can be cold, so it’s good to dress in layers.
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reality-detective · 4 months
I'm sure if anything goes down from all the people who have crossed over our borders, the Military will have everything under control swiftly. You may want to avoid these cities if anything goes down, and for your safety, please stay away from the military if you see them. This list was pulled and organized from a NY Times recent article listing the top 100 prior-rioted cities, for quick reference. They are 👇
* Phoenix
Little Rock
Beverly Hills
La Mesa
* Los Angeles
* Oakland
* San Diego
* San Francisco
San Jose
San Luis Obispo
Santa Ana
Santa Rosa
Walnut Creek
Colorado Springs
* Denver
Fort Lauderdale
* Miami
West Palm Beach
* Atlanta
Fort Wayne
Des Moines
Iowa City
* New Orleans
* Boston
* Detroit
Grand Rapids
* St. Paul
Kansas City
St. Louis
Las Vegas
New Hampshire
New Jersey
New Mexico
New York
* Buffalo
* New York City
North Carolina
North Dakota
Oklahoma City
* Philadelphia
Rhode Island
South Carolina
South Dakota
Sioux Falls
* Arlington
* Dallas
* El Paso
Fort Worth
* Houston
* San Antonio
* Salt Lake City
Virginia Beach
* Seattle
West Virginia
Green Bay
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lowcountry-gothic · 4 months
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Sunrise over Colonial Lake in Charleston, South Carolina. Photos by Kim Graham.
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