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kopernikusful · 2 months ago
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Berlin / Mitte
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benkaden · 9 months ago
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Fundfoto / Found Photography
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haveyouseenthisseries-poll · 6 months ago
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hashirazwingli · 8 months ago
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Martin Schelling from Charité.
I'm new to the fandom and I feel like I'm late. Still I love the series and I love everything that is related to it.
I would be very grateful for fanfiction recommendations. I have read everything on AO3 so far.
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sspacesshuttle · 1 year ago
can't believe they actually got their happy ending 😭
I tried to make the lyrics fit (at least sometimes hahah)
ac coldwcters (insta)
oc overlayz4you (insta)
sc annisedits (insta)
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coolhumanoidbeing · 23 days ago
English version here
Si tu ne lis qu'un seul de mes posts, il faut que ce soit celui-ci!
Es-tu Canadien.ne?
Spécifiquement, es-tu de la province de Québec? (si non, tu peux arrêter de lire, merci d'être resté - mais tu peux continuer à lire si tu as quelques dollars à donner!)
Si oui, savais-tu qu'il n'y a PAS D'OPTIONS pour traiter le TDI au sein du système de santé publique? Mais n'ayez crainte!!! Au cours des dernières années, une organisation à but non lucratif a été créée.
Aujourd'hui, elle demande votre aide pour couvrir des frais légaux, ainsi que pour payer des professionnels et organiser plus d'activités.
Voici leur lien. Leurs rencontres sont sur teams et ouvertes à tous, si tu veux en savoir plus sur la manière dont sont gérée les donations!
Ils vendent aussi des sacs super mignons! Voici une photo:
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Tous les profits sont aussi pour la cause!
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lieutenantselnia · 2 months ago
I realised once again how bad I am at recognising faces ...
I started watching Charité (a German historical series about the Charité hospital in Berlin) and straight up did not notice that Justus von Dohnányi plays one of the main characters🤦 I don't often keep up with specific actors, but I really like many of his works (there are some films that I discovered only because they were listed in his filmography), and thought I would've probably grown accustomed to his face by now. To be fair in Charité he looks decently different since he has a beard and darker hair than usual (many characters that he played before that I know of were blond, which is also his natural colour I think). Still I wonder how long it would've taken me to realise it was him if I didn't have the show's Wikipedia page open on the side😅
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Hi!!! If you're still translating, do you have any plans to do the 5th and 6th episodes of Chartié S2? If not, would you be able to point me in the direction of an official sub? (if one exists and is available outside of Germany/the EU) no pressures and no rush of course, and thank you for all the amazing work you do!!
Ever since my grandmother died, I haven't really been in the mood to translate at all. Maybe one day I'll return.
About Charité, I was told back in the day that it was available on Netflix. If it isn't in your region, you have to find your own video files but opensubtitles.org has English subs available for download for the entire series except the making off of the fourth season.
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eolewyn1010 · 9 months ago
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What, you thought I'd let another Pride month pass by without uploading a colorful drawing? Hah! Bamboozled! ...The last few hours of Pride are still Pride, alright? And proud I shall be!
I challenged myself to redo an older picture with my current skilly level - this is from 2021, I think?
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Honestly, I'm quite happy with how this turned out! I think the clothes are a lot better, although I still can't draw shoes / feet from a frontal view XD They aren't standing quite so stiff (and lopsided) anymore, the postures are better and, I like to think, the faces are better, too. At least they look a bit less doll-like, although I'm still not sure you'd recognize the Charité actresses form my drawing...
❤️ Inge Rapoport as played by Nina Kunzendorf (I like to think she's an ally to those two baby gay girls from her season's last episode who had been broken up by The Wall)
🧡 Margot Sauerbruch as played by Luise Wolfram (not officially a queer character, but it's very easy to see flirty undertones between her and Maria Fritsch; also I will never forgive them for dyeing her hair)
💛 Nurse Ariana as played by Patricia Meeden (despite them doing her dirty and writing her as a stereotype, I wound up liking her better than the season's main girl, so whatever; also the actress has glorious curls irl)
💚 Anni Marquardt Waldhausen as played by Mala Emde (I'm not sure why I think of this as Anni's "green dress"; it's very obviously black with a few green ribbons, but anyway, Anni has my favorite character arc among all the female main protagonists of the separate seasons)
💙 Sister Therese as played by Klara Deutschmann (finally a canon queer character! my darling, whom they've also done dirty, but all the more love to her here)
💜 Hedwig Freiberg as played by Emilia Schüle (am I the only one who thinks she's flirting with Ida all the time? considering her taste in men, that would've been the better choice...)
I've considered adding in 4th season characters, since Julia and Maral are out and married and all that, but honestly, Maral is a questionable doctor and a rather lousy wife, and Julia deserves better, so, no 4th season rep here.
This was not the best June I've ever had; I'm not in the best place. But I'm still here, still alive, still proud. And I intend to keep it that way.
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so-you-melted-22 · 2 years ago
no matter what i post about i need everyone to be aware that this is all coming from someone who regularely rewatches charité
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litas-writings · 1 year ago
Ja ja, meine neueste Obsession ist Charité und insbesondere Otto Marquardt x Martin Schelling ^^ Wer die Serie gesehen hat, weiß wovon ich spreche, uns wer nach einer guten, langen, kompletten und gut charakterisierten fic sucht is hiermit genau richtig. Es ist so eine gute Vervollständigung zu Martins Geschichte (auch zu Ottos, aber da die Story aus Martins Sicht erzählt wird, hat man eher einen Einblick auf Martins Gedanken) und ich war bis zum Ende gefesselt. Wer die beiden, so wie ich, lieb gewonnen hat, dem kann ich Primun Non Nocere nur wärmsten ans Herz legen.
Und wenn ihr Charité nicht gesehen habt, dann schaut es euch an!!
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h9pp7m9dn3ss · 1 year ago
The Charité fandom has so many great fics (mostly Otto x Martin) I am in heaven 💜
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nuerburgring · 1 year ago
how did charité go from being telling the history of the hospital to... playing in the future??
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dantemegau · 2 years ago
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*Visit to Prague 2023* the annual Charité hyperfixation is strong, so had to stop by
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mo0nchhild · 1 year ago
schwester therese i KNEW you were fruity
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saax2 · 1 year ago
Carità e Miseria
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La caridad, 1888 | Arturo Michelena (1863-1898, Venezuela)
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The nihilist, 1882 | Paul Merwart (1855-1902, Poland - France)
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La chambre de Vincent à Arles, 1889 (Musée d’Orsay, Paris) | Vincent Van Gogh (1853-1890, Netherlands)
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