#character: Mausis
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maochira · 1 year ago
bastard münchen having a night out at a luxury restaurant
- kaiser picks the place (and pays)
- ness does all the arrangements (booking, what to eat, etc) and drives the limousine
- grim picks everyone's outfit by himself (they all look glamorous afterwards)
- noel noa doesn't know how or why he's invited, he'd rather be home but hey. free food
- gesner is ABSOLUTELY NOT INVITED. for everyone's sake
-Theo barely eats anything (he thinks the food is "too fancy" and doesn't taste good, he likes simpler things) and plays on his switch under the table the entire time
-Birkenstock and Igor think they finally get a break from Gesner's chaos and can spend some calm time with the team
-Gesner still finds out and enters the restaurant wearing this shirt (it says "I love pussies" in German)
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allesrelativnormall · 7 months ago
Freunde, ich bin ehrlich. Ich bin nicht mal in der Lage meine Gedanken zu sortieren.
Seit über einem Jahr ist SE und, ja leider insbesondere Nolin meine absolute hyperfixation und alles, was mir wichtig ist.
Und jetzt ist es einfach vorbei. Ich habe gedacht, ich werde super viele Emotionen spüren und das war in der Folge auch absolut so. Ich habe geschrien und geheult und was weiß ich... Aber jetzt fühlt sich alles so leer an. Ich habe wirklich Angst, was jetzt passiert. Ob das fandom noch bestehen bleibt, oder ob alles im Sande verläuft...
Leider werden nun mal viele, die nur für Nolin da waren, das fandom verlassen, was mir für alle anderen Darsteller*innen unheimlich leid tut.
Nolin ist so in den Fokus geraten und es war auch meine absolute lieblings Story. Aber dadurch habe ich das SE Universum und all die tollen Menschen kennenlernen dürfen und ich fühle mich so unglaublich wohl hier, dass ich hoffe, dass dieses Jahr schnell rum geht und wir neue Geschichten bekommen.
Aber es wird glaub ich einfach nicht das gleiche sein. Ohne Samuel, Johnny und Philip, das absolute fav trio. Ich werde sie so unglaublich vermissen dass ich es gar nicht in Worte fassen kann.
Aber ich freue mich vor allem auf Mik's und Georgs neue Storylines und alles was nächste Staffel auf uns zu kommt.
Nochmal zurück zu 1078.
Abgesehen davon, dass es nicht sonderlich cool war, die folge "Noahs Geständnis" zu nennen... Naja Promo ig, hab ich sie von vorne bis hinten geliebt. Ich habe nichts erwartet weil ich nicht enttäuscht werden wollte aber OH BOY was haben wir alles bekommen...
So vieles wurde nochmal aufgegriffen und geklärt, zum Beispiel Charlottes ängste und maxis Geschichte. Auch, dass mit Chiara und Elly gezeigt wurde, dass man sich nicht mögen muss und trotzdem mit einander klarkommen kann ist richtig nice und ein wichtiges Thema vor allem in "Kinder Serien".
Bei nolin weiß ich nicht wo ich anfangen soll. W.t.f.
Ja, es waren insgesamt vielleicht nur 3 Minuten Screentime aber wir haben alles bekommen was wir uns hätten wünschen können. INKLUSIVE EINEM KUSS DER ABER DEFINITIV NICHT MEHR FÜR DIE ZIELGRUPPE GEDACHT WAR AAAAHH
loved it though.
Noah ist endlich über dich hinaus gewachsen und hat das character development bekommen, was er verdient hat. Dass Colin jeden gereichten kleinen Finger vor ihm dankbar angenommen hätte, wissen wir ja hahaha
Aber die beiden sehen so verdammt glücklich aus, dass es mich zerreißt. Ich habe selten so so viel für ein TV couple empfunden, aber die beiden habe es geschafft. Alles war einfach perfekt. Und trotz der Strapazen und Nervenzusammenbrüche in den letzten 3 Monaten bin ich unfassbar glücklich.
Ich möchte einmal allen Menschen im fandom, und vor allem den Discord mausis danken. Ich war noch nie so in einem fandom drinnen aber hier wird man einfach mit offenen Armen empfangen und das tut als sozial weniger begabte Person, die einfach über ihre hyperfixation reden will sooo gut.
Ich bin sehr dankbar für diese Erfahrung mit wildfremden Menschen, die sich durch eine Sache verbunden fühlen.
I love you guys. ❤️
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maochira · 9 months ago
I believe Ness is from Baden-Württemberg (probably somewhere close to Bavaria) and Kaiser grew up near Heidelberg (Baden-Württemberg) but moved to somewhere in Bavaria while he was in elementary school
What part of Germany do you guys think Kaiser and Ness are originally from?
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meatball-headache · 4 months ago
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I got a feeling tomorrow's gonna be an exciting day. (98 MSQ)
So, the MSQ has given me all the left-side gear, and I did all the sidequests for right-side. I think I'm missing a couple pieces, though, but there's no more sidequests. There's definitely no more sidequests, because I got all four aethercurrents from them. What's weird is... every zone has two "chain" sidequests, and when you do them both there's a capstone at the end that ties them together. I remember Azim Steppe had Mausi in Sadu's camp, and the soup guy in Magnai's, and in the end they became friends or whatever. But every zone has done this since at least Stormblood. Except Heritage Found—imagine my surprise when I went to the last quest, I always save it for last, and it didn't have a banner on the accept window, and it didn't chain. And, what's extra weird, you don't go back to the original questgiver to explain "Yeah, everything's all set, pay me now." It's one of those " . . . but perhaps they'll talk to you, since you're a stranger . . . " ones. So the narrative is squarely in the realm of, you have to go report back to finish. But... nothing. And since I have all the aethercurrents, I'm not expecting any more sidequests—that would be additionally weird.
So, we're nearly done with Heritage Found. Up next is... a Trial? We're not gonna showdown with Zoraal Ja already, are we? Or... something else? There's been a lot of voice-acted cutscenes today, and a lot of mind-blowing revelations in the past... hour. There's a lot of options for who the trial could be. Or there's the possibility that I was bamboozled, or misunderstood, and it is the dungeon next, then a 99 trial, then the final 100 dungeon and trial after the last, mysteriousest zone.
I'm no closer to knowing what the final zone is. Now that we've been inside Everkeep, and it turns out that that's just... the container for Solution Nine, that's why the map says "To Everkeep." Through the portal into the lightning-void-world is the best guess... and there's room for the story to go "Okay, let's get to the source of the problem." But there's also room for them not to do that, the last zone is, I don't know, uploaded into Endless soulville as free-floating data, and then in 8.0 we give Lightning World the Norvrandt treatment.
Dawntrail has been consistently astonishing. At first we were slammed with gorgeous visuals and exciting characters, and once that story was resolved, everything went berserk instantly and we got thrown into a whirlwind adventure in a high-fantasy sci-fi mindfuck wonderland. I'm already bad at speculating. I can't even hope to guess what's going to happen next now.
But it's late, and I'm tired.
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herzlak · 1 year ago
Mermaids Don't Cry
Steffi mit pinken Haaren ey!!!
Steffi mit Glitzermakeup!!!!!
I agree with little kiddo™, sie schaut mega aus wow
I don't think I have any idea what I got myself into here
Neien doch nicht den Weirdo eyefucken
Die zwei spielen die duality von Kindern einfach so gut - sau liab but also a literal pain in the ass
Find someone who looks at you the way Annika looks at Silikonflossen
Glaub wir brauchen einen "Ge bitte!"-Counter
Ok nicht Mitarbeiterin des Monats, aber wie wär's mit Hübschi des Monats?
Tu die Zigarette weg!!!
You're just like rick okon for FUCK'S SAKE
Wenn sich Rosa und Jan in Cash keine Kippe teilen, gibt's Stress
"Ja du kleiner Klugscheißer" ahaha
That's the character development Rosa and Mia never had
"Fast tausend :)" Schatzi, nein.
"Leider bin ich schon heute gezwungen mich von einer Person zu verabschieden" WELCOME TO GERMANY'S NEXT TOPMODEL!
She's not pulling the Schweigefuchs-
Hör auf the bare minimum anzuschmachten oh mein Gott.
Oida was ist denn mit dem???
This can't be good.
"Du stirbst gleich!!!" I can't with these kids
Die braucht nicht nur ein Geld, die braucht zwei Geld mit diesen Ambitionen
Er hat sich nicht mal ihren Namen gemerkt. Instant red flag.
"Die Mama is 'ne Schlampe" PAHAHA
Kopf hoch, er ist auch 'ne Schlampe
"5,99 für ein Pesto" das sind halt ohne Scheiss die wahren Dramen des Lebens, I cannot afford that shit
"Geh scheißen!" jungeee xD
Jetzt raucht die schon wieder
Mausi, bevor du Meerjungfrau wirst, stirbst du an Lungenkrebs.
"Du bist soo schön" Karo speaking words of wisdom <3
Dates auf dem Dach sind super, weil wenn's scheiße läuft, kannst gleich runter hupfen
Jaja gaaanz süß, aber er ist ein Marc. Und Marc taugen nix.
Die Flechtfrisuuuuur!!!
Wer auch immer für Maske und Kostüm zuständig war, God bless you, das ist so krass hübsch
Neeein, du kiffst jetzt nicht
Ach leck mich doch, die machen hier eh nur was sie wollen und auf ihre Gesundheit scheißen tun sie sowieso
Lesbian representation on my Kifferparty? It's more likely than you think
92min of Fiebertraum
Wackelkandidaten? Leistung hat sehr abgenommen? That's literally ProSieben on crack
Markus hat lackierte Nägelchen <3
Honestly, I shouldn't be surprised, dass sie jetzt auch noch säuft wie ein Loch
Annika und Cash Jan Pawlak? It's a match!
Ich glaub weniger Selbstbeherrschung als Karo und Marc kann man nicht haben
"Ich bring sie um" is a valid response to this
Robbery probably too, I wouldn't know
I believe in womens' rights, but most importantly in womens' wrongs
Especially when it comes to Steffi's characters
ESPECIALLY when Steffi's characters are so well written
Omg ist das dem Markus sein boyfriend?!
Wenn rauchen halt ned so hübsch ausschauen würd, gell?
At this point hab ich aufgehört zu hinterfragen, was in Gottes Namen die Annika da eigentlich macht
Was lernen wir draus? Am Ende stehst eh alleine da, aber wennst im Sonnenuntergang im Meer stehst, ist's ned ganz so schlimm
Those fuckers got married?!
Die haben doch gekifft, als die den Abspann geschrieben haben
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whyarabella · 9 months ago
[31/03, 21:41] .: kal ghar pe chicken biriyani bani thi
[31/03, 21:42] .: innocently nails paint kare
[31/03, 21:42] .: sniff karne lagi idk why
[31/03, 21:42] .: now eyes are watering
[31/03, 21:42] .: and head is aching
[31/03, 21:42] .: 5 more days
[31/03, 21:43] .: (redacted)
[31/03, 21:43] .: padhne ke mann kyu nahi kar raha
[31/03, 21:43] .: ye mann ab exam ke baad hi karega iktr
[31/03, 21:44] .: chocolate ice cream khaane ka itna mann ho raha hai
[31/03, 21:44] .: mujhe koi fudge laake do
[31/03, 21:44] .: i will finish the entire tub in one go
[31/03, 21:44] .: but it's so late :(
[31/03, 21:45] .: so no ice cream or brownie for charvi
[31/03, 21:45] .: abhi ghar pe machli bana hai
[31/03, 21:45] .: khaane ka mann hi nahi ho raha
[31/03, 21:45] .: idk why
[31/03, 21:45] .: maa ki yaad aa rahi hai
[31/03, 21:45] .: maa as in mausi
[31/03, 21:45] .: she's in dausa
[31/03, 21:46] .: lately all she talks about is fashion
[31/03, 21:46] .: oh shit
[31/03, 21:46] .: neend aa rahi hai
[31/03, 21:46] .: that's a win!!
[31/03, 21:46] .: humane sleeping time
[31/03, 21:47] .: humane ka meaning google kara
[31/03, 21:47] .: itni kitni anpadh hu mai
[31/03, 21:47] .: sane sleeping time
[31/03, 21:47] .: normal sleeping time
[31/03, 21:47] .: kal ek cousin ka birthday hai
[31/03, 21:47] .: such a weird day to be born right
[31/03, 21:48] .: but it's not like he had any control over it
[31/03, 21:48] .: the last time i met him and his mom
[31/03, 21:48] .: kitna daanta tha unhone mujhe
[31/03, 21:48] .: 12th ke marks ke liye
[31/03, 21:48] .: aur 10th ke marks ke liye
[31/03, 21:48] .: 10th ke marks??
[31/03, 21:49] .: aur kaha mummy ko bolo dhyaan de tumpe
[31/03, 21:49] .: mai bete pe dekho kitna dhyan deti thi
[31/03, 21:49] .: whatever whatever
[31/03, 21:52] .: waha to nahi roi
[31/03, 21:52] .: ghar aakar mummy ke pass roi
[31/03, 21:52] .: mummy ne zyada fucks nahi diye
[31/03, 21:53] .: aur attention seeking whore to mai hu hi
[31/03, 21:53] .: bhaiyya ke pass jaake roi
[31/03, 21:53] .: bhaiyya ne in true guy fashion bola
[31/03, 21:53] .: hota hai hota hai
[31/03, 21:53] .: we had chocolate pastries afterwards tho
[31/03, 21:53] .: phir maa (mausi) ghar aayi
[31/03, 21:54] .: bhaiyya ne sab bataya unhe
[31/03, 21:54] .: maa ne legit neelam mausi ko call kara then and there
[31/03, 21:54] .: aur khub sunaya
[31/03, 21:54] .: ki tyohar ke din beti ko rula diya
[31/03, 21:54] .: ganesh chaturthi thi i guess
[31/03, 21:55] .: itna khayal hai to khud aake dekh jaya kar na kya haal chaal hai iska
[31/03, 21:55] .: khayal wayal kuch hai nahi bas daantne me number 1
[31/03, 21:56] .: kaise banaya professor tujhe ye college walo ne
[31/03, 21:56] .: aur tere bete ki jo itni tareef kar rahi hai
[31/03, 21:56] .: etc etc etc
[31/03, 21:56] .: kha gayi ekdum
[31/03, 21:56] .: neelam mausi ko sunaya maa ne
[31/03, 21:56] .: tab phir i started feeling good
[31/03, 21:57] .: that tells you how much of a bitch i am
[31/03, 21:57] .: ayyyeee haayyyyeeeee
[31/03, 21:57] .: itna spam
[31/03, 21:58] .: neelam mausi's husband works in gurugram but wo sabko cambodia batati hai
[31/03, 21:59] .: and she once falsely accused her neighbour
[31/03, 21:59] .: tabse humari family hates her
[31/03, 21:59] .: and she lies so much
[31/03, 21:59] .: like so fucking much
[31/03, 21:59] .: unki puri family paagal hai
[31/03, 22:00] .: i don't like them at all
[31/03, 22:00] .: why are the worst people i know
[31/03, 22:00] .: winning at life
[31/03, 22:00] .: inke life ka trajectory
[31/03, 22:00] .: inke character se affect nahi hota kya
[31/03, 22:00] .: whatever happened to karma
[31/03, 22:01] .: merko kuch laaj sharam bhi nahi aa rahi abhi itna spam karne me
[31/03, 22:01] .: nikki ka result aaya
[31/03, 22:01] .: she's sad ki marks kam aaye
[31/03, 22:02] .: last time 94.70 the
[31/03, 22:02] .: iss baar 94.60 aaye
[31/03, 22:02] .: 5th me
[31/03, 22:03] .: school ne koi naya K+ section start kara hai for the bright kids
[31/03, 22:03] .: they test all the students and top 20 or 30 qualify for it i guess
[31/03, 22:03] .: nikki ka selection ho gaya
[31/03, 22:03] .: to wo room me aake suna gayi
[31/03, 22:04] .: ki aapka to nahi hua tha na dekho mera ho gaya
[31/03, 22:04] .: behen mere time pe to tha hi nahi aisa kuch 😭😭
[31/03, 22:05] .: ye gadha 82 pe naach raha hai
[31/03, 22:05] .: MRF ka bat
[31/03, 22:05] .: uske liye
[31/03, 22:05] .: wo bat dekhte hi laga
[31/03, 22:05] .: future me kabhi na kabhi
[31/03, 22:06] .: pitna to likha hai isse
[31/03, 22:06] .: the reason better be fun
[31/03, 22:07] .: i remember mere school time pe mera result dekhke the most common reaction i got was
[31/03, 22:07] .: "i thought you were intelligent"
[31/03, 22:08] .: like????
[31/03, 22:08] .: idk tumhara judgement about me was wrong no now how's that my fault 😭😭
[31/03, 22:09] .: once i told a teacher
[31/03, 22:09] .: the teacher basically saw my answer sheets
[31/03, 22:09] .: some substitute teacher
[31/03, 22:10] .: and she was like
[31/03, 22:10] .: i mean i was sitting very silently
[31/03, 22:10] .: quietly
[31/03, 22:11] .: she comes to me and she just sees my marks randomly and my percentage was 80 smthng
[31/03, 22:11] .: this was in 8th standard
[31/03, 22:11] .: the teacher goes like hmm your scores are decent your %age will be in 80s, that's good enough no
[31/03, 22:11] .: then why so sad
[31/03, 22:11] .: and i was like
[31/03, 22:12] .: parents want over 95%
[31/03, 22:12] .: if your parents scold you
[31/03, 22:12] .: let them meet me at the ptm
[31/03, 22:12] .: i was like no no no
[31/03, 22:12] .: they ain't gonna scold me
[31/03, 22:13] .: just prohibit me from participating in all the extracurricular activities
[31/03, 22:13] .: and ask me to focus more on my textbooks
[31/03, 22:13] .: she's like still let them meet me
[31/03, 22:13] .: ritu ma'am was her name i guess
[31/03, 22:13] .: she asks me my name
[31/03, 22:13] .: i say charvi
[31/03, 22:13] .: she goes like
[31/03, 22:13] .: "you're charvi??!!"
[31/03, 22:13] .: with like sm shock
[31/03, 22:14] .: and im like yeah why
[31/03, 22:14] .: like i've been charvi for almost 13 years now but never got such a reaction from anyone
[31/03, 22:14] .: obviously i didn't say this
[31/03, 22:14] .: i was just like why what happened
[31/03, 22:14] .: she was a new teacher
[31/03, 22:14] .: joined just a few weeks ago
[31/03, 22:15] .: she said
[31/03, 22:15] .: no i've heard a lot about charvi
[31/03, 22:15] .: you're a brilliant kid
[31/03, 22:15] .: from you even i would have expected not 95 but at least 97 or 98
[31/03, 22:15] .: i was like
[31/03, 22:15] .: pissed off ofc
[31/03, 22:16] .: i go like
[31/03, 22:16] .: ma'am im far from brilliant
[31/03, 22:16] .: def not brilliant in the way anyone would want me to be
[31/03, 22:17] .: my grades are mostly A2 and sometimes A1
[31/03, 22:17] .: she's like really then why do all the teachers praise you so much
[31/03, 22:17] .: idk what came over me
[31/03, 22:17] .: i just said
[31/03, 22:18] .: it's because i participate in literally all the extracurricular activities
[31/03, 22:18] .: she's like but a lot of other kids do too right
[31/03, 22:19] .: i say nobody is as active outside of the classroom as me and besides i win the most number of prizes in quizzes
[31/03, 22:19] .: idk i said it in the wrong way i guess
[31/03, 22:19] .: pura saal they didn't let me participate in any other quiz or activity moye moye
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lilartifex · 1 year ago
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For: Wolfwasserblut Character/s: Mausi
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bollywoodirect · 2 years ago
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Remembering Hindi cinema's favorite Mausi, #LeelaMishra on her 35th death anniversary (18/01/88).
She worked as a character actor in over 200 Hindi films for five decades, is best remembered for playing stock characters like aunts.
What are your favorite Leela Mishra roles?
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jd-the-anime-fan · 6 years ago
Here we go under the cut because it is LONG!
35: How does your character behave around people they like?
Derormr is loud and boisterous when it’s nothing serious, at first to the annoyance of Horoth and the amusement of Ushwei but they both get used to it and even find it infectious eventually.
Ingda is basically the mum friend, makes sure they have enough food, checks if their weapons are in good condition and scouts ahead for bandits or anything else that’s suspicious. You know, the usual things a mum friend does.
Loueus is often the guy who gets excited to tell you what he saw while he was out hunting. If he’s quiet and brooding, something either scared him shitless or pissed him off beyond belief.
Lisnna will be talkative with those she likes, growing up in the court of Wayrest she often ignored the other, often very snobbish children by reading a book. She’s also tiny and built like a stick, though if someone insults someone she considers a friend in her presence she’s definitely going to threaten to burn their face off.
Gelor doesn’t really have a true friend, mostly because he’s a cult leader. Though with his followers, he is willing to discuss and debate how Mehrunes Dagon helped shape current events, largely from a political perspective.
Rena loves engaging in verbal spars with her friends or merchants she likes/respects. Sometimes sarcastic, dry and gunning for a good price but never malicious.
Kayesek loves sharing and exchanging stories of the fights he’s been in, usually with other warriors. Also, with those willing to listen, he’ll often tell them about the old Yokudan pantheon that he was brought up with.
Alusati likes talking about and potentially planning an exploration to an interesting location. Gets most excited about Dwarven ruins.
Yaznakh is often the one who’ll smack the sense into you if you’re going to do something stupid. A little overprotective but only because she lost a lot of friends in the Great War.
Mausis usually speaks politely to those he likes, only schemes and plans with those he knows he can trust.
Sonaire learned the best time she has with friends is take them to the local tavern, get absolutely plastered and then probably either start a bar fight or turn the patrons of the tavern into a motley crew of party guests.
Enron is often a loner, every time he’s gotten close to people, shit happens and they wind up dead. If he gets particularly close to someone and they get into an extremely dangerous situation, any sense of self-preservation goes out the window.
Riraisa as a Dark Brotherhood assassin, generally treats her friends like a family, a morally bankrupt family but a family nonetheless. Loves exchanging a snarky comment or two and if she’s working on a potion/poison will gladly explain what she intends on using it for.
Horoth prefers a quiet drink of Sujamma and doesn’t mind if friends join him as long as talking is kept to a minimum. If he’s in a tavern he likes keeping both ears open to rumours.
Thalas isn’t really close to anyone. Her personal vendetta against the Thalmor means she doesn’t want to drag any innocents into danger.
Athasai is only close to other vampires who hate Molag Bal or mortals open-minded enough to not immediately view him as a monster. Other than that he tends to keep himself away from civilisation.
Daro’adhi, playfully steals an object from her friends and will return it when either you finally notice or she points it out.
Ra’thri-dar usually challenges people he likes to a competition. If he wins he’ll be smug but if he loses, he’ll be salty.
Veesk was often vilified due to her appearance resembling that of the Veeskhleel or Ghost People tribe, who, in my stories were wiped out due to their traditions necromantic practices on other tribe’s dead and/or stealing the eggs of other tribes. Therefore, she’s extremely loyal to anyone she likes, especially the Dark Brotherhood.
Ushwei as long as he’s treated fairly and with respect he’ll give the same, often referring to other races as ‘Marsh-Friend’ or other Argonians as ‘Egg-Brother/Sister’
40: How does your character treat people in service jobs?
Derormr is a bard, you know he’s had to deal with shitty customers, he respects anyone in service jobs and might even pay a little extra if it’s especially hectic for them. Also greatly respects healers and even learned Restoration magic because of it.
Ingda grew up in a trading caravan, as a guard she’s had to stop angry customers as well as greedy thieves. So she treats them with respect and may even offer her blade if they want to pay for it.
Loueus prefers to keep things short and sweet, he greatly dislikes haggling and will get annoyed if a merchant tries to con him out of furs he knows are worth more. Since he lived free in a clan of hunters, he doesn’t really see government and law enforcement as an authority for him to listen to but does respect their laws whenever he has to go into town.
Lisnna also likes keeping it short and polite though she does haggle with a madwoman’s conviction if what she’s buying is either a spell tome or a book on history. Also respects other service jobs as despite being a pariah to many of the nobles she grew up with, most of the servants were nice to her
Gelor doesn’t really interact with people in service jobs, but when he does, he has a silver tongue. Since he also leads a cult dedicated to a god that nearly ended the world, that people are still very sore about, he doesn’t go into cities and towns often and when he does he doesn’t flaunt his status as a Mehrunes Dagon worshipper.
Rena is a woman who grew up poor on the streets, she learned how to haggle for the best prices possible and greatly enjoys the fun of outwitting someone in a deal. She also has a respect for teachers as she never got a formal education herself.
Kayesek prefers speaking with blacksmiths and often compliments them on their work.
Alusati generally just enjoys browsing a merchants stock, she’s learned after a few times that she’s no good at haggling. Plus she cooks for the group so she appreciates the work that chefs put into making a meal.
Mausis is basically a Hufflepuff, do no harm but take no shit, being a victim of racial prejudice hammered that point home for him. Basically, he’s polite to a service worker until they start getting snarky with him.
Yaznakh is a soldier first and foremost with a simple fighting style. However, she can tell if someone is trying to con her. So, she gets pretty damn annoyed at sleazy merchants and has respect for her fellow officers of the Legion.
Horoth is a prideful Dunmer and tends to look down his nose at basically anyone who’s not Dunmer regardless of occupation. He eventually mellows out and starts treating people with respect.
Riraisa once worked as an Alchemist before becoming an assassin, she knows what it’s like to work for people and have the importance of your job be overlooked. So, she has respect for most service jobs though as assassin also tends to avoid law enforcement like the plague.
Athasai doesn’t interact with people in service jobs often, his breed of vampire, the Bonmasu will be exposed under candlelight so he always cooks his own food far away from a tavern.
Thalas discreetly pays blacksmiths to let her fletch her own arrows she gathered on her own that way there’s little to no record of her being at the shop, other than that she might go to a tavern and generously tip the waiters. 
Enron isn’t really good with merchants, nervous around Imperial soldiers as an ex-Aldmeri Dominion soldier and likes discussing the uses of Restoration, Alteration and Illusion with other mages who provide services those magics are used for.
Sonaire used to rob anyone, including those in service jobs and was constantly pursued by law enforcement (albeit for good reason since she was a bandit). Since turning over a new leaf she doesn’t pick as many fights ad isn’t tempted to swing her warhammer at the first guard that looks at her funny.
Ushwei greatly admires craftmanship, especially if it’s made out of bone so he shows respect to those whose job it is to maintain structures such as city walls.
Veesk honestly doesn’t care much about those in service jobs.
Ra’thri-Dar considers himself above buying from butchers, he prefers to hunt and prep the meat himself.
Daro’adhi would probably steal from them if they’re an asshole but give to them if they genuinely need it.
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just-pearce · 3 years ago
scabiosa / vyn richter
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—previous | chapter four | next
—masterpost here.
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“Mausi, did you know? You remember things better if you use your senses.”
Octavia hands you a small piece of lemon flavored candy, smiling from ear to ear as you huddle at the corner of the ballroom.
“What is this for?”
“Eat it. So you can remember this day.”
The glint in her eyes were mischievous. Two pair of children hiding from the eyes of adults disguising each insult with a subtlety only nobility would notice.
“...Remember us knocking over the punch bowl?”
“No! Silly,” She laughs out loud, nodding her head to the venue. “Our first ball together! We look like characters from a fairytale.”
You can't help but blink at her words.
“But aren't you? You're quite literally a princess, Via.”
At that time you still didn't know why she was different from other noble children. Why she could do anything she wanted without consequences.
Why she wasn't part of a fairytale.
Octavia smiles. Placid and fake. And for the first time you thought to yourself, ‘Oh. She really is a noble.’
Not very soon, you came to know why.
On your sixteenth autumn, while tending to the flowers Octavia grew as a hobby, a secret under wraps finally unfolds before you.
The smell of iron penetrated your senses.
Your hands shook, and you think you were white as sheet. You couldn't hear anything apart from the blood rushing in your ears—you couldn't even think straight as you crouched beside your best friend who was coughing out blood and crying.
“Via... Via!” Your nonchalant expression had long disappeared from your face. “Help! Someone!”
It was a blur of events that ended with you sitting motionless on the hospital's waiting seats. Your mind couldn't stop racing and though your outward appearance didn't give off how you felt, the dread and the loud beating of your heart told you everything you needed to know.
This isn't a game anymore.
This was your reality.
And in that reality, there was no room for you nor Octavia.
You lived each day detached from the world, looking at the people around you like they weren't real. You looked at them like how an audience from a play would towards the actors on stage. Most of the time, you didn't even bother knowing their names.
And yet, you began to genuinely care for the girl whose family adopted you out of their own benefit. In all her unashamed humor and arrogant personality was your best friend of ten years who treated you like you were her real sibling.
Octavia was the only person who ever made you feel like you belonged. And in a world where you thought you had no place to be, she was like a savior.
“Mausi, are you okay?”
You turned your head to meet a pair of familiar golden eyes. Vilhelm frowned as he takes the seat next to yours and his eyes becomes unconsciously drawn to the blood smeared on your rumpled clothes.
“T, This isn't mine,” You try to offer him an explanation, voice breaking against your better judgement. “It's Via's she...”
“...I know. It's okay, you don't have to force yourself to recall.”
He doesn't look you in the eye as he says it, choosing only to stare at his balled fists instead. You look at him and his gestures—trying to deny the meaning behind them. That he didn't lie through the years you knew each other. That he, out of all the people you knew in this world, wouldn't lie nor be unfair to you. He wouldn't hide Octavia's condition to you won't he? After all, he knows she was your everything.
You laughed, almost madly, as the pieces finally made sense in your head. “You knew.” Repeating his words, Vyn's worried expression falls into guilt. “But of course, why else would you be there when I first came into the duchy.” You hugged yourself, trying to control your thoughts so it doesn't control you. So that you won't say anything hurtful—so that you won't lose yourself. “To greet an orphan who was sold by her parents? I don't think so.”
“You were there to size my worth. To see if I would be a great candidate, weren't you?”
This was why you were always calm and collected. Because the moment your predicament really sets into your mind, you were afraid of what it would do to you. Would it turn you into someone you didn't know? Would the stress finally break you and give you a reason to aggressively vent out your feelings in a situation that was out of anyone's control?
“Don't you think I deserved to know?”
Now that the illusion has faded, you're forced to look at reality with your own eyes.
“How long were you planning to make a fool out of me?” You wish you never found out. You wish you never said these words. “I would expect this treatment from her parents. After all, I'm an outsider to their family. But you—Vilhelm, you—”
I trusted you.
We shared something, didn't we?
He doesn't answer. He neither confirms nor denies it. You knew it wasn't his fault yet your heart, so hurt from the possibility of everything you ever had was a lie, couldn't help but pin the blame on him.
“I'm sorry.” He says, voice shaking yet the damage has been done.
Tears fell from your eyes and you knew you were past a point of no return. So you did the only thing you were good at—
You ran.
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You stare at the person in front of you, a bouquet of flower in hand and a well-placed smile plastered on his face.
Vyn Richter had once again invaded your personal space which you lovingly call your flower shop and this time he's buying Red Spider Lilies for some ominous reason.
“You look like you're dying to know.”
Oh, someone's dying alright. You already feel bad for the recipient of those flowers.
This has been going on for almost a month now. Once or twice a week, he drops off at your store and picks a random flower to make as a bouquet. At first you thought nothing of it, just another harmless prank of his was what you tried to convince yourself. But as the days pile on and his visits doesn't seem to dwindle with it, you figure it wasn't as harmless as you initially thought.
“Why do you keep coming here?”
He flinches a little at the question as though not expecting you to actually speak up.
“Whatever do you mean?” He smiles innocently as you ring up his order. “I'm only here to purchase flowers.”
“We no longer have anything to do with each other. I don't understand why you keep coming here,” You lift your eyes to meet his before handing the taller man's bouquet. His face scrunches up ever so slightly, a frown forming in his face once the words were out of your mouth.
“That's not entirely true, is it? We've known each other since we were children.”
“Out of obligation. Because I'm your cousin's playmate.”
“Calling it obligation is a tad too harsh—”
“But it's true.” You avoid his gaze, turning your body away to focus your attention to the shelves behind you before trying to busy yourself. “If you feel guilty for what happened in the past then please don't. It wasn't your fault, you only did what you had to. The things I said that day were out of frustration and I apologize for saying hurtful words.”
“But there's nothing linking the two of us anymore.... so you don't have to concern yourself over me.”
“Octavia wouldn't want me to—”
“Octavia is dead.” You hastily cut him off, accidentally knocking off a jar and shattering it from your hurry. The two of you stare at the broken fragments, the smell of lavender wafting from it.
On that autumn day, you decided not to let yourself want anything. To go on as you've had before: offering all that you are to Octavia and her alone. And rid of the affections you've began to harbor towards Vyn, no matter how difficult it was.
After all, Vyn belongs to the heroine. He was a piece of her you weren't allowed to covet.
If — even if it had the smallest chance of occuring — you had started to become greedy for the things you could never have, that would be the day that you lost. That would be the day you'd start to get accustomed to the things that were not meant for you.
That would be the day that you'd feel envy, and the day that you'd die.
After all, if the story went on as planned, then the prince shall always have his princess.
There was no room for anomalies like you and Octavia. That was what you firmly believed.
“Mausi,” Vyn suddenly calling you by nickname causes goosebumps to run along your skin and you bite your lip to suppress your reaction. “You talk as if you have no emotions left.”
“Would you rather I looked pathetic in front of you and cried?”
If you had any desires before, it was all gone the moment she died. You believed that you didn't need anything because everything around you already had an owner.
“But that would only be pointless, wouldn't it? Octavia has died and yet the world still hasn't fallen apart. Nor does anybody else die with her.”
And that was the truth. She had died and yet the world would still move forward regardless of her existence. Time would erase the wounds she left at her wake and even you would start to slowly forget the things about her—no matter how much you force yourself not to.
You couldn't even be sure if you still know the sound of her voice anymore, nor the name of the TV show running on the background as you last talked.
“I don't want to disrespect her memory like that.” You declare with finality, crouching to gingerly pick up the bigger shards of your carelessness. “If you're worried that I'm suppressing my emotions then don't be. I'm sincerely living my life properly just as she wanted me to.”
He quietly looks at you, mouth opening slightly to talk before deciding against it and clenches his teeth.
“...I understand.”
Once again you turn your back to him to discourage any further conversations. It wasn't until you heard the bell of your store's door ring did you finally look at him.
It was better like this. To look at him without his knowledge. Just like how it's supposed to be.
“With this... we're finally strangers.” You say to yourself.
Ignoring the prickling at the corners of your heart, you distract yourself by dumping the broken shards of your now broken jar.
“Ah...” The edge slightly grazes your skin that you couldn't help but pull your hand away on instinct once blood starts to flow out of the small wound you accidentally inflicted on yourself.
Sighing, you look back to your door only to see no one there.
“Looks like I'll remember this one too. ”
You just wish that his departure didn't feel like he took a piece of you with him.
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maochira · 1 year ago
serious now your trademark is caring for the background characters and feeding the blue lock fandom with lacking content of them
also, so much platonic stuff <3
im lomve
mein mausi
Teehee👉👈 I need to give love to the characters who don't get much love
Me lovs u
Mein rolli
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filmmakersvision · 3 years ago
Gangubai Kathiawadi Review
April 28, 2022
by Inakshi Chandra-Mohanty
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From the comfort of a wealthy barrister’s family to the distressing confinement of a brothel, a young woman’s life is drastically transformed overnight. Her world is shattered and her naivety crushed as she struggles to grapple with her new reality. Dealing with scandalous labels and a lack of respect, she slowly rises in stature becoming a formidable force in the ‘gallis’ of Kamathipura. Gangubai Kathiawadi is a motivational narration of this young girl’s journey. It sheds a new light on the resilient women behind what is considered to be a ‘disgraceful’ profession. 
Sanjay Leela Bhansali has the ability to create a unique universe that sucks the audience into its extravagance. All his films are renowned for their grand visuals and this one is no exception. However, this is the first time his true expertise as a director and editor comes forth. His previous films showed off his attention to detail and love for marvelous universes but due to flimsy scripts these films were never able to rise above the beauty. In Gangubai Kathiawadi, the strongest aspect is the script. The film relies on character development, and creates a host of identifiable characters, with Gangu at the forefront. The visuals serve as a means to support the emotionally-driven narrative. From the set design that transported us into this fantastical world, to the melodious soundtrack that enchanted us, to the metaphorical editing that made us aware of Gangu’s plight. Our emotions are tethered to the narrative due to the brilliance in filmmaking. 
The only weak element of this film is the romantic angle. Gangu’s relationship with Afshaan serves only one purpose, to elevate the two beautiful musical tracks picturized on them. The passionate chemistry they share is delightful to witness but barely meaningful. The tragic, painful aspect of a prostitute falling in love is never explored, and their bond remains at the surface level. This is the sole failing of an otherwise immaculate script. 
Despite the weakness of the love story, film debutante Shantanu Maheshwari does an amazing job in the role of Afshaan. As a dancer, his movements are lyrical and make the romantic sequences even more enchanting. Other standout supporting performances include Seema Pahwa as the ruthless brothel owner, Sheela Mausi, and Indira Tiwari as Kamli, Gangu’s closest friend and confidante. Both of them fully lose themselves in the lives of the women they are portraying thus creating characters that are extremely memorable. While the supporting actors are brilliant, the weight of the film rests on Alia Bhatt’s shoulders. As the primal character that drives the narrative, Gangu is no easy character to portray. Alia Bhatt has time and again proved her prowess as an actress, and this is one more phenomenal performance by her. 
Gangubai Kathiawadi is a story of women empowerment, that shows a different perspective of the lives of prostitutes. This rich, detailed view highlights the emotional aspects of the lifestyle including strong female camaraderie, failed romantic pursuits, and slowly developing bonds of respect. It shows the plight of these women, their daily struggles with their sense of self and at the same time glorifies their strength. Overall, the film is a powerful take on a story of respect and courage and serves its purpose of sensitizing the audience to the lives of these women.
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kaluawoo · 4 years ago
You've been visited by the random OC question fairy! :D ~☆
Is your character pessimistic or optimistic? Why are they this way? How has this outlook affected their actions?
Nala (DnD, and most of the time goes by "Mausi" lmao) is very optimistic. Partially because she's still very young (A few weeks ago she turned 5, which is her species's equivalent of 18), and she's been fairly sheltered before her journey. Happily adopted, etc. Her optimism took a hit after her Uncle Uvi died in a battle against some small fire bat-like monsters, but thanks to the powers of necromancy, he was revived, allowing Mausi to go back to her usual optimism. The world it just so BIG and there's so many INTERESTING THINGS and so many people you can HUG!!! She hugs just about everyone she meets. For the record, she's a 55cm (1'10'') small mouse, and she has hugged the 3m long cobra leader of the assassin's guild.
Lyla (World of Darkness) is also fairly optimistic. There's no specific reason, she just believes that most people are inherently good, even if there are bad people in the world as well. She doesn't ask for anything back if she helps people out (a rarity among World of Darkness vampires), and will always try negotiation before fighting. Unless you hurt her friends including her pets, in which case, she will cut you on half (as she has done with a miniboss who targeted her dog).
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phati-sari · 5 years ago
Hey PS, hope you are well. Were there any commonalities between Shyam and Arnav? Thanks for your time
Loads!! They were basically the same character except for a few changes and the fact that Arnav had Devi Maiyya’s blessing in his pursuit of Khushi. The serial used the dichotomy between Arnav and Shyam to highlight how they were the same and how they were different :) This dichotomy painted Shyam as the ‘hero’ and Arnav as the ‘villain’ until Teej, and after that it was flipped in Arnav’s favour. My recaps go into this in detail, but briefly:
Both from Lucknow: But where Arnav hates the city and identifies as being from Delhi, Shyam loves Lucknow and uses his history to get into Bua-ji’s house.
The use of convoluted plans to get what they want: Shyam at both Sangeets, but also all the little things like arranging to have Khushi framed for theft. Arnav’s mind works in similar ways, such as buying his Chacha’s debt to gain control of Sheesh Mahal, Sheetal’s reveal. The difference is that Shyam is always unsuccessful, whereas Arnav is always successful.
Drastic changes in their lives because they met Khushi: It seems that meeting Khushi (and being affected by her innocence/purity) had a profound impact on both men. But where Shyam wanted to possess her, Arnav wanted to deny it.
The use of material gifts to appease their partner: Shyam would send Anjali necklaces and rings in an effort to make up for his absence, Arnav would buy Lavanya expensive handbags after getting angry with her.
The need to be needed: They both have this saviour complex where they need to ‘save’ or ‘help’ Khushi. For example, Shyam was always offering her money in the beginning, but she instead took a job with Arnav to earn the money she owned him (logic whomst?).
Use of violence to save Khushi: Shyam’s entry, obviously, and then the way he treated the doctor he brought to Laxmi Nagar after the guest house. After Teej, Arnav was violent with goons when they went towards Nainital and then slapped Shyam during his first reveal.
Leaving bruises on her arms: Both men do this an alarming number of times.
A sense of entitlement to her (haq): Shyam was always assuming more haq than Khushi had granted him -- taking her phone number from her biodata, asking weird questions about her and her life, calling her parents Mausa and Mausi-ji as if he was already married to her. Making her favourite foods when she was upset. Khushi was always made uncomfortable by these gestures. Arnav did almost all of these things in different settings and Khushi rarely blinked an eye.
Touching Khushi’s dupatta: I think the best example is on the day of Payal’s haldi, where Arnav and Shyam are shown touching her dupatta within ten minutes of one another and her reaction is vastly different.
Acting as damaad to her family: Another one about haq -- Shyam bought groceries for Bua-ji’s house and bought Shashi a wheelchair. Later, Arnav was shown doing the same things as her husband.
Making jalebi in Shantivan: Shyam made jalebi for the whole family after Teej, and then Arnav made them for Khushi on his own birthday.
Being marked by sindoor: Whereas Arnav was marked by sindoor on Teej as Khushi’s husband, Shyam used sindoor on a photo of Khushi to convince Bua-ji their match was ordained by the Gods.
Being jealous of NK: Particularly during the episodes where everyone was learning to dance.
Switching legal documents on Khushi: Arnav used the Nainital deal papers to convince Khushi that Aakash would divorce Payal, Shyam gave Khushi fake documents so she could get Arnav’s signature on a new will.
Gifting Khushi a bracelet before marriage: Shyam brought the much-hated bracelet for Khushi after their engagement, and Arnav was shown with a bracelet right before the remarriage that he bought for Khushi (he wasn’t shown gifting it though).
The dichotomy was set up in their introductions: We saw Shyam’s eyes first -- the windows to this soul. In contrast, Arnav was wearing sunglasses in his entry scene. At first glance this indicates that Arnav has something to hide while Shyam is exactly what he seems to be - but that’s the opposite of the truth. One of the most powerful messages of IPKKND is that first impressions aren’t always correct, and that the most destructive elements of our lives can disguise themselves as the most supportive. We saw both Arnav and Shyam from below. The camera angles show us that these men are powerful and have a great impact on Khushi’s life. They have the power to destroy her.
There are a hundred more things, I’ve just put this together quickly. I think you should read this, it gets the point across excellently (ping @dimaagkadahi). And just reiterating that the recaps are very comprehensive on this topic!!
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dissecting-bollywood · 5 years ago
10 Queer Characters/Couples in Indian Media
A topic that has been taboo in Indian society forever now, homosexuality is now prevalent and more talked about than ever. There have been many forms of normalization the Indian audience has been exposed to, such as literature, social media awareness, and of course, Indian Media. In celebration of Pride Month, I’d like to stray away from the more dehumanizing and embarrassing portrayals of LGBTQ+ characters and instead focus on the more positive and realistic portrayals of them. So here are 10 queer characters and couples in Indian Media (keep in mind, I probably missed some queer Indian characters, so please don’t @ me. These are some of my personal favorites and most of these movies are available on online platforms)
*minor spoiler for Kapoor and Sons*
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Probably the most recent one on the list, SMZS took the internet by surprise with the great representation. Starring Ayushmann Khurrana as Karthik and Jitendra Kumar as Aman, the movie showed a healthy relationship between the two and made their personalities deeper than the typical gay man stereotype. Although the movie did have a story structure similar to the modern situational comedy movies (i.e. Dream Girl and Badhaai Ho), this movie is a fun ride and an important step towards LGBTQ+ acceptance in Indian cinema. SMZS is available of Amazon Prime.
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Proclaimed as the first mainstream Bollywood movie to showcase a lesbian love story as the main focus, this movie was bold for many. Starring Sonam Kapoor as Sweety and Regina Cassandra as Kuhu, their chemistry on-screen was lovable and so was the innocence of their intentions. Sweety’s journey of acceptance of her identity is one that many could empathize with and the movie overall was visually pleasing to look at. In technical terms, I found the movie slightly bland but that doesn’t make me disregard the impact it has had in queer love stories in Bollywood. Watch it on Netflix.
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Rolling backwards in time to 2005′s, Shabnam Mausi is about the real-life Shabnam Bano, the first transgender woman to become a political activist. Played by Ashutosh Rana, this movie was incredibly risky for obvious reasons. At that time, transgender women were ostracized by society and for a fairly famous Rana to take up this role was daring. Even though the movie had exaggerated many events that took place in Bano’s life, Ashutosh Rana’s great performance can’t be ignored.
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2016′s Kapoor and Son’s was an emotional movie centered around a family and their troubles. The oldest son Rahul, played by Fawad Khan, for most of the runtime is portrayed to be the perfect child but towards the end, it is discovered that he is a closeted gay in a relationship. Fawad Khan is charming and effortless as always and he bought a sense of rawness and authenticity to his performance. His subplot is just one of the many brushstrokes that make this movie the way it is. Available on Netflix.
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Both Shabana Azmi and Nandita Das were proven brave for taking up the role of Radha and Sita, especially considering the negativity surrounding LGBTQ folks at 1996 India. The movie was unjustly marred with controversy and hate by conservatives, but almost all critics hailed this film as gutsy and path-breaking, which it was in many ways. Along with portraying a lesbian love story in the forefront, the movie also portrays unhappy marriages and age gap relationships well. Catch this one of YouTube.
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Laila is a teenager with celebral palsy and Khanum is a blind Pakistani-Bangladeshi. The two extremely daring roles were carried out to near perfection by Kalki and Sayani in this gem of a movie. The chemistry between them was impeccable and the moments they have together will definitely make you tear up. This movie was path-breaking for portraying characters with disabilities in a good way and (of course) tackling the subject of sexuality with nuance. Catch this heartfelt movie on Hulu.
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Aligarh is a biopic of Professor Ramchandra Siras, a former professor at Aligarh Muslim University who was caught getting intimate with a rickshaw puller, causing him to get suspended. Siras is a character easy to empathize with and everything that Bajpayee emoted was very praiseworthy. You could really feel Siras’ pain and struggle through the screen. Despite the movie being moderately successful, Bajpayee’s performance didn’t go unnoticed and he went on to win a Filmfare in Best Actor (Critics) category. 
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The only regional character in this list, Shilpa played by Vijay Sethupathi is a transgender woman who comes back to her childhood town to meet her family and child she left years ago. Although she is a small part of this 3 hour long movie, she is easily the most iconic character and her conversations with Rasukutty seems very genuine and wholesome. Her storyline was engaging and when the sad and unfortunate incident happens to her, I couldn’t help but shed a tear. Definitely one of my most favorite characters in South Indian cinema. Watch this masterpiece of a movie on Netflix.
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Nikhil Kapoor, played by Sanjay Suri, is a competitive swimmer who has a hard time with accepting himself when he has HIV and Nigel D’Costa is his supportive boyfriend. Much like Shabnam Mausi and Aligarh, the movie is based on the real life Dominic D’Souza, who was a well-known AIDS activist. Certainly another brave attempt to normalize gay portrayal in the silver screen during challenging times, the movie was received well worldwide and deservedly so. The movie featured great performances from everyone and the ending carried so many mixed emotions that it was just beautiful. Available on YouTube.
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One of my personal favorites in the list, Karan, played brilliantly by Arjun Mathur, is a wedding planner along with Tara Khanna. He is a well-fleshed out character with a great personality and I think 50% of my most favorite moments are with him in it. The web series manages to show the nitty gritty situations gay people faced before the court’s decision on Section 377, from the parents’ reactions, to facing society’s stigma. I found myself sobbing and smiling along with him throughout the series and I am interested as to what is planned ahead for him. Please watch this series on Amazon Prime its very good.
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panda-paco · 5 years ago
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NFC friends
I almost never do group pics like this, I can’t draw absolute everyone whom I hangout at cons, they are always lots. This time I did it because NordicFuzzCon was amazing and had 8 hours in a plane and I drew as many as I could until they announced we were landing. If you were not included and we hanged out at the con please don’t feel bad, that was my worrying when I was half the way of this picture. I’m keeping every moment safe in my memory of this beautiful event in Sweden. They are, from left to right, up to down: Pico (red dragon). Chiros (bat). Procyon (at least his dog character, even if he’s a raccoon). Mausie (because cheese is important). Ekorren (yellow squirrel). Renée (pink badger). Lightfox (chubby huggable fox). Iris (pretty NFC mascot). Trax (tuxedo kitty). Boltee (white doggo). Brainfreeze (supercolorful shpeherd). Yamavu (long ears dog). Yotie (Coyote). Tabbie (toony gray fox). Geek (nerd fox). Paco (oreo bear). Kiki (lemur representing Henrieke). Shorty (30 cms red dragon). Karpour (kangaroo)
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