#character devolution
I think another thing that makes Legato so incredibly tragic is… how do I put this?
Usually, in character arcs where the character in question wants to be important to another, it’s because they feel needed but not wanted, which is understandable, and I think a common experience that many of us have, which kind of explains its ubiquity - that feeling of being unwanted, and by extension, unloved.
But Legato is different. He wants to be needed - necessary to Knives on a level above everyone else. Because he has been wanted. Wanted in all the most horrifically perverse ways, wanted as a plaything, a creature of no dignity. To be needed then, is for Legato to be a person that Knives literally cannot do without, not just a “weak” want or flight of fancy or desire, but the key cog in the works that cannot be replaced. For his efforts and even tears shed on his behalf to be demeaned is devastating for him.
So even though Knives requests Legato be returned to him, which signifies some level of wanting him there, time and again… he never acknowledges him or what he does as needed, leading Legato to grow more and more desperate and unhinged, even going against Knives’ wishes, to get any acknowledgement that he is needed at all… which he never does.
And of course this really messes up Legato even worse. He needs Knives, we are told that outright. Legato has no will to live beyond him. But Knives doesn’t need Legato. (Or at least, that’s what Legato gets from their interactions - I’m of the mind that Knives couldn’t have been half as successful in anything he did without Legato tbh.)
And what’s so fascinating is that it’s ultimately selfish. Legato wants so badly to be Knives’ most important person, and honestly, much in the same way as being wanted is a form of love for most, I think being needed is the only form of love that Legato can even really accept. I think so often about that “I wanted to know him” line - Legato is not the embodiment of selfless devotion at all! This is a desire for a more personal connection that inspired everything Legato does.
But since so many other ways to be loved and appreciated have been so brutally perverted for Legato (such as wanting beyond needing), what else does he have, other than fighting to get the person he needs to need him back just as desperately?
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infinitegeli · 1 month
sorry if you've answered this before, but what do you think of taco's immidient switch into her viseral hatred of the game post losing mic? do you think its just her trying to get everyone to quit or does she genuinely detest the game for ruining what was her one honest happy relationship (with someone who knew the real her, not to deligate pickle and taco but to me their relationship is much different because of it)
THIS IS DEFINITELY SOMETHING ID HAVE TO REQATCH THE EP TO ANSWER CONFIDENTLY. but anwyays taco is very unreliable and what she says outwardly is almost always taken lightly by me because she contradicts herself a ton and lies a lot to avoid putting herself into vulnerable situations. I don’t think she cares about the other contestants very much and taco has always been a very self serving character. if ae really meant to write her as someone sincerely acting selflessly to preserve the wellbeing of people she hardly ever considers,I would be very very surprised...so the answer is the latter. she’s in her bitter revenge arc..she’s tearing up whatever she thinks ruined things between her and mic…which also happens to include herself as well but that’s not rly relevant rn
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mirrorofliterature · 2 years
percy weasley is autistic
that’s it. that’s the post. I have deemed it to be true and no one can stop me. source: I know percy, he told me himself. he doesn’t like loud noises and his social communication skills aren’t the best, he doesn’t fit in with the rest of his family, but if the rest of his family would just try -
and that’s why he married oliver wood, a fellow neurodivergent, and they let each other simply be.
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Shadow Puppets AU - Staying in Gravesfield
In this verse Caleb never meant to stay in Gravesfield, in fact he wouldn’t have even stopped there in any other circumstance, it gave him the creeps from the get-go. The only reason they stayed was because Philip had become deathly ill and they needed to stay somewhere if there was any chance he was going to survive. The Town Preacher, Father Josiah, took them in and helped nurse Philip back to health, and the boys stayed due to feeling indebted to him.
At least until Father Josiah showed his true colors, and the boys stayed because of his blackmail, manipulation and grooming. - I actually planned on drawing a wholesome scene from the actual RP, but I guess I just wasn’t done drawing Wittebro angst. Philip’s worst fear is being a burden for his brother, and with a simple question, he let’s Caleb know that he’d rather die than cause him any trouble.
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waterdeepthroat · 11 months
oh my god.
the sharran anti-masturbation text has got me thinking some thoughts for the music industry au
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truly-fantastic-me · 2 years
Since I've learned more about evolution, I cannot help but think of that one scene in the Gridlock episode of Doctor Who where 10 is informing the car passengers that the Macra (or rather, evolutionary descendants of the Macra) from below was once a highly intelligent race who once inhabited the planet. He referred to them as "devolved."
That's not how evolution works, but the Doctor seems to think it does. Is that how Time Lords taught evolution? Given their hubristic tendencies, I would not be surprised. But did their society ever find out that evolution doesn't work that way at all? Or did the government just spread a bunch of propaganda and pseudoscience to remain in power?
Does the Doctor not know that evolution doesn't work the way they think? Did they ever learn how evolution really operates? The Doctor is very smart and knows more about science than most humans, but maybe they don't know as much about evolution as they think.
Maybe I'm pointing out the obvious, or maybe I'm just spewing a bunch of nonsense. I've only seen the New Who and haven't got around to the Old Who. But this is fascinating to think about.
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plumsaffron · 1 year
Oh another stupid poll against Lila.
Observing common Marinette or transcending Ladybug behavior emulation is fascinating.
Ya must be really bored or lame again. Same goes to the rest of you posters recently on the lila rossi tag. That news your acting is new has been out and leaked months ago. Could it be that this might be the another form of that anon wishmaker nonsense.
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we should make more fandom blogs about characters being autistic. not because i like them, but because it apparently annoys quite a few people, including me
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catherinemairjohn · 1 year
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Expression sheet for dragon character
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violetasteracademic · 6 months
Lucien Vanserra's Hero's Journey with Vassa- The Firebird Legends
Hello friends! This is my very first tumblr post, and is IN DEPTH. It seemed like a good place to explore some of the the themes I've been discussing on TikTok regarding Sarah's book structures, how closely Sarah utilizes The Hero's Journey for ACOTAR, and how many "ingredients in the fridge" as I like to call it are already there for Lucien and Vassa's story, despite arguments that there is very little on page action with The Band of Exlies. If anyone is interested in nerding out about book structure with me, I'll do a quick run through of The Hero's Journey with ACOMAF as the example (I made a video about this already!) and then fill in a possible hero's journey beat by beat for Lucien using only what is on the page. I'm not being hyperbolic when I say I could literally plot out and write this book today with everything Sarah has given us!
A few things to know about me: I love all of the characters involved in these ship wars. I am a die hard Elain stan, Az is my favorite Bat Boy, Lucien is one of my all time favorite characters and one whom I deeply relate to (I actually think I relate to Elain and Lucien the most, and I'll share how they mirror each other quite well) and I literally had to pull over in a Sprouts parking lot listening to the ACOSF graphic audio when Gwyn told her story. An elderly woman knocked on my window to ask if I was okay because I was sobbing. I do get passionate about my ships (Elriel and Vassien) because of my reading experience and how I process Sarah's structures. It would be the shock of my life if it goes in a different direction. BUT I love all the characters and respect all ships. My only goal is to get people excited about everything possible for our Bird of Flame and Lord of Fire, because their story stands to be by second favorite after Elain and Azriel!
Here is a quick rundown of The Hero's Journey: A three act structure famously based on the works of Joseph Campbell, an author and educator in the field of comparative mythology.
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I will try my best to *briefly* break down the first act of A Court of Mist and Fury (I could do the same for Nesta's Journey in A Court of Silver Flames!)
Step One: The Ordinary World Status Quo. Feyre's status quo after Under The Mountain is the simultaneous evolution of her new life as Fae, and devolution of her spirit and personhood. In her new ordinary world, she is being kept in the dark. She is relegated to wedding planning and isolation.
Step Two: Call to adventure. Feyre is called to adventure on the day of her wedding, when the status quo has become unmaneagable. She calls out for help, and Rhys whisks her to the night court. In the Call to Adventure, our Hero learns a truth about the world that they will have to face. In Feyre's case, it is that the war is immenent. She realizes there is a threat to the safety of her sisters, and Rhys pushes her to train so that she is not unprepared if she is the only thing standing between them and Hybern.
Step Three: Refusal of the Call (in other structures or variations this is called The Debate.) The Hero is not sure if this is their story, if they are the one to face the call. They experience a period of maintaining the status quo a little longer. This is when we see Feyre sinking back into life with Tamlin. He is loosening the reigns, she doesn't want to rock the boat. She believes The Ordinary World might improve without her having to take the next step.
Step Four: Meeting the Mentor. Our hero meets someone that will assist them in their journey, and help them move forward in answering the call. This can be friendships, trainers and teachers, mystical guides, any number of things. In Feyre's case, it is dinner with the Inner Circle. She hasn't yet decided if she will join Rhysand's court and work with him in the efforts against Hybern, however she agrees to meet his court members. Each of them provide guidance to Feyre. In strength and training (Cassian and Azriel), emotional resilience (Mor), and histories/education on how the court and Fae lands function (Amren). Feyre agrees to work for Rhysand and then we cross the threshold into act two.
When I talk about "ingredients in the fridge," I am talking about a dinner that has been planned, ingredients purchased, and everything ready to go for book dinner to be on the table tonight. At this point, Sarah has been grocery shopping for future book plots for many many years! This is my personal interpretation of a really powerful story for Lucien and his hero's journey to free Vassa from Koschei.
Step One: Ordinary World. Lucien wakes up in the human lands in the manor he shares with his Band of Exiles. (I also am obsessed with how messy and hilarious it is that this was gifted to him by his mates ex fiance but I digress.) He has become so close with Vassa that he is no longer trusted to do his job for the Night Court. All the while he is worrying about Koschei, and when he will come for Vassa. Her enslavement to the deathless sorcerer pains him, and the pressure is building.
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I hate to poke holes in another ship, however it is important to note that during all of these conversations Elain is not present or mentioned by Lucien in any way. However, Mor states that Lucien is choosing to live in the human lands despite Elain. And of course, in ACOSF Lucien makes it clear that even being in Velaris doesn't mean it is to see Elain, and the thought of his presence being expected only for his mate makes him uncomfortable.
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I'm not saying these things couldn't change in the next book, I am however just setting Lucien's Ordinary World or Status Quo. Lucien is living in the human lands with the Band of Exiles and his main areas of concern and growing conflict are with Vassa and Koschei. This is what is being built to send the status quo to a breaking point *at present* His interest or efforts in Elain are devolving while his connection to Vassa and interest in defeating Koschei or freeing her are evolving.
Step Two: Call To Adventure. Lucien already has a powerful possible Call to Adventure (or inciting incident, as other similar structures call it) set in place. Koschei decides to reign in the leash on Vassa and force her to return to the lake, being ripped from her home with Lucien and Jurian and no longer able to provide assistance with the human queens.
Step Three: Resisting the Call. The reason Lucien is so perfectly suited for this is because he is the only character with such torn loyalties. He is loyal to Feyre and the Night Court, he attempts to be respectful to his mate, he is glad to work for Rhysand. There are many other threats present, Lucien's own father Beron suspected to be at risk of allying with Koschei. The human queens in the wind who have powers and a vendetta. While the Firebird legends retelling *could* take place with Jurian and Vassa, my issue with that is similar to my issue with Gwynriel. There is literally nothing, and I mean NOTHING that would create conflict for the character or a debate period. There are no obstacles or stakes in place that could keep the characters apart, which is critical to all storytelling but Sarah utilizes so much conflict. Lucien is the lost wanderer, torn from court to court, abusive home to abusive home, without a true family until the Band of Exiles. But it is still a matter of chosen family over loyalties he still feels to Feyre and her court. So, Vassa is taken by Koschei. Lucien now must be spurred into action, but is *he* the hero of this story? Is he going to be the one to take on Koschei?
Step Four: Meet the mentor. Oh, I think we all know where I am headed with this! What better mentor could there be in place for Lucien in freeing Vassa from her curse than Helion Spellcleaver. Aka Lucien's biological father. Helion also has maintained a consistent presence, being called in to attempt to manage the dread trove items. He has returned to the page in ways other High Lords haven't. We are gearing up for Helion 100%
Now, to get a little farther into some of the details beyond act one, tests allies and enemies, innermost caves, ordeals, so on and so forth, I simply want to focus on the stakes of this story specifically, and why I find them the most powerful.
As far as theme for Lucien, he has been aimless and suffering and ultimately ended up with no home and nowhere to spend Solstice. Feyre and Elain were a default because, in his own words, he had nowhere else to go.
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Feyre urges him to call the Night Court home, but he has found a true home with Jurian and Vassa. He cares deeply for them and for their safety. He is amazed by Jurian's leadership, literally saying "Thank god for him" keeping everything together. Even at his best with Rhysand, Lucien has never put full faith in Rhys as a leader (which is very similar to Nesta who, while still an Archeron sister, continues to dismiss Rhys as her high lord and has found her calling and found family with The Valkyrie's.)
Lucien learning Helion is his biological father pairs perfectly with his metal eye, which can see through glamours. We may come to find that Lucien has hidden spell cleaving abilities making him uniquely suited to save the woman he loves. However, this brings us to...
Lucien and Azriel blood dueling over Elain makes no sense plot, character, or world building wise. Lucien does not identify with the Autumn court or its laws, and he has been nothing but respectful of Elain's lack of interest in him and by all accounts is moving on in a very healthy way. It is stated clearly that Beron knows Lucien is not his son, hence why Lucien received such additional torment and ab*se as well as Beron's treatment of Lady Autumn. However, for Lucien to publicly display Helion's powers would make Lady Autum's affair public knowledge. This gives Beron cause to call for a blood duel with Helion over LoA. These are incredibly high stakes and obstacles. Does he risk the life of his mother and newly discovered father to save the woman he loves by revealing his true power?
As far as Lucien being sole heir to the Day Court, there is another possible outcome where Helion wins the blood duel (thus securing Eris's place as the new High Lord of Autumn, another long established plotline) and Lady Autumn and Helion get a second chance while Lucien still chooses his found family. Or, at the very least, as long of a life with Vassa as he could get before taking up the Day Court. Sarah also of course has had both mortal characters choose mortal life spans for love (Elorcan) or make mortals immortal (Feyre and Miryam.) However, Lucien stated he never had any interest in being a high lord. Of course this is up for interpretation, but I believe his character development still maintains that. This man has been through so much. He just wants to live in peace, and I think it would be a beautiful thing to know that his mother is now safe and not a political pawn.
Speaking of political pawns, this is also why I believe Elain and Lucien have a lot to heal with each other. When Lucien discovers that he could have been raised by Helion and not Beron, but his mother was sold and used as a political pawn and her agency taken away, he is going to face quite a few demons. I do not personally think Lucien's story (or Elain's) is most powerfully served by he and Elain choosing to de-escalate all the conflict and spend time with each other and wind up falling in love. It COULD happen, and if it's what Sarah chooses to do, it will be lovely! But Elain is such a mirror to Lucien's own mother. The only difference being that Lucien is a good male while Beron is a monster. Lucien, when faced with this, would be motivated to prevent his story repeating itself. Elain and Lucien's mother are the only two alive today presenting as unhappy with their pairings. I believe this is what Sarah was referring to when she said Elain was a better mate for Lucien than Nesta (her original plan) because of the healing they could provide each other. While I am not stating this as fact, it is my opinion that there is enough foreshadowing for rejected mating bonds, the suffering of poor matches and females being owned with archaic laws, that Sarah always intended to have Lucien participate in the rejected mating bond story line with one of the Archeron sisters. Lucien and Elain as a rejected bond is a much better fit as Lucien and Elain are actually both quite passive about their mating bond, letting the plot develop and build elsewhere whereas Nesta would have likely just burnt Lucien to a crisp or had it take up a lot more of ACOSF which would have been truly tough to fit in.
I could go on and literally plot out the whole book beat by beat with the Hero's Journey, but I would be here all day. I truly think Lucien and Vassa in the Firebird Legends would be so beautiful and powerful. I've teared up thinking about it! It always disheartens me to see characters getting thrown under the bus for the ship wars, or to be accused of hating Lucien because I ship Elriel. I am brand new to the online ship space, and this was truly how I experienced the books as someone who loves all the characters and wants the best for them. I believe Lucien has been nothing but respectful towards Elain and deserves to be happy. I just don't think Elain is his happiness. Even Feyre and Rhys had moments of trust and connection building in A Court of Thorns and Roses before ACOMAF. Their relationship was not out of left field at all. Elain and Lucien have a LOT of work to do to make their interest in each other suddenly believable, and in my opinion now we are getting into poorly paced and structured writing to accommodate it.
I've definitely seen compelling compilations about how both Elain and Lucien are tied to Koschei and it could just as easily be their shared love story while saving Vassa, and I won't go into a rage if that is what happens. It is simply difficult for me to ignore all the conflicts that would conveniently resolve and obstacles that would be removed. I know people love to call the three brothers and three sisters "lazy" but three is simply a motif, not book structure or line level prose. In my opinion, a sudden resolution to active political conflicts by putting two characters together is much lazier when it comes to the actual writing of the book.
These are just my musings, and the things I picked up on whilst reading (and re-reading a million times tbh) and experiencing books! What do you guys think of Vassien? I personally am so excited by how beautiful it could be!
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RIP to the devolution of "Evil Bisexual Mads Mikkelsen Character's Bedhead At Breakfast Featuring Orange Juice"
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gracerings · 1 year
too many people not realizing that real ken girlies saw this kendall development coming ages ago!! we knew he was not escaping that cycle, that’s what made it compelling!!! character devolution is just as delicious if not more than character evolution!!! if he loses we win, if he wins we still win, because either way HE LOSES!!!!!
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dangermousie · 3 months
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Confession time: my favorite character in the whole drama is the ex-husband.
Watching his devolution tinged by guilt, madness, self-loathing and an animal desire for keeping alive mixed with human desire to keep something of his soul is FASCINATING. It's the thrill of genuinely not know what he is going to do in any particular situation. The actor is killing it in the role.
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i-am-minty-fresh · 6 months
To all my fellow Zolu enjoyers, let me make my stance on the matter clear!
I love all the Zolu fanart and fanfiction and discussions! They are beautiful and charming and poetic and I will reblog/bookmark them til the end of time…
I however personally headcanon Luffy as Aro/Ace so my primary ship for Zoro is Sanji. I will more often post those dipshits than Zoro x Luffy or Sanji x Luffy because I think of Luffy as Aro/Ace.
As an Aro/Ace person myself I would like to request that I am not questioned on behalf of this opinion. Arguing with me that I don’t understand the bond between Luffy and Zoro because if I did I would ship them is insulting. I read/watched the same manga/anime as you. Implying that they have to be romantically involved implies that friendship has a limit and devolution is only something that can be achieved through romance.
Within canon, I ship no one. Outside of canon (for funzies, let’s say) I ship really anyone who cute fanart but my preference is with Zoro and Sanji.
I do love Zolu and I would love to discuss every one of their interactions but can people please stop implying that everyone who ships Zosan is a depraved sex-freak who is media illiterate? I’m none of those things. I just like projecting onto my favorite anime character and I like when opposites attract.
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khruschevshoe · 8 months
You know I'm starting to realize that my basis for my favorite Doctor Who pairings is people who change/affect each other on a fundamental level, character arcs entwined with each other's in some rather impossible (and often in both hopeful and tragic ways) and that's why although I like TenRose well enough, I ADORE NineRose (and NineRoseJack, under the same parameters). I will ship some version of TenMartha forever. TwelveMissy is my beloved. Even ElevenAmyRory functions somewhat under that same umbrella.
The trick is just that the change has to go both ways, so ElevenRiver and Thasmin (though both have their merits) just never vibed for me PERSONALLY.* River and Yaz were both changed on a fundamental level by their Doctors, but their Doctors didn't always seem to be changed fundamentally in return. Like, clearly, canonically, Eleven and Thirteen both loved River and Yaz respectively, but their character arcs and growth and/or devolution at characters were not inextricably linked by other's influence on their life.
*This is an extremely subjective opinion. Not trying to start any flame wars. Just my take on things.
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coffeestainedcamera · 1 month
Wasn't going to see Deadpool 3 bc I'm not up to date on the MCU and don't care to be. But I was at the mall for roach traps bc my landlord sucks, so I wanted escapism. Going to this and getting some top-tier ramen after was some nice short-notice therapy.
Good news: if you were a y2k baby and X-Men were your childhood, it's nostalgic AF. The only modern thing you need to know is that there's a bunch of time-space cops and they had a guy go rogue and try to off a branching timeline. Bc no Wolverine = sorry why do y'all exist again? Sadly, no, Hugh Jackman did not get a musical theater sequence he deserves.
But in general, it really was a hit of nostalgia for me. Like, seeing Deadpool dancing to Bye Bye Bye just really hit both those y2k radio and the "sneakily rented DP 1 at 15" points. There is still a lot of juvenile R-rated humor like defiling a corpse and stabbing below the belt to bubblegum pop. I also may have hyena-laughed at the "Disney won't let us do the marching powder" scene.
Tbh I initially wasn't on board with massively blowing up the scale of the conflict from 1 and 2, but it somehow worked with Deadpool's character devolution/recovery. Like yeah, he resigns himself to being a bit character that just sells merch to teens and college kids with utterly rotten sense of humor. And being a used car salesman (truly the 2nd grossest job after working for my landlord). And that bombed interview in the beginning was painful to watch. But it was sweet to watch him realize that he can still help people, even if he's supposed to just be a murderous clown that's an HR nightmare. And awwww, he helped Logan realize that he can still get a 2nd chance, even if he's supposedly the worst Wolverine.
The direction is... well, it's no Leitch with Domino's finessing in 2. But it's still largely readable, obligatory CGI f-fest of the last half aside. And I was suitably disgusted by Emma Corrin's character and the literal picking of brains. Can Levy go study under Raimi and drop a horror movie? I'd watch it! Anyways, imo the most memorable scene was probably the Honda Odyssey fight (aka incredibly obvious subtext for needing to get a room that the entire room caught). But like, guys, a beige af minivan, really? But ya, somewhere, people are pulling up keyboards and AO3.
Anyways, gonna go relisten to the soundtrack now bc mannnnn, everyone involved with music supervision and clearance here deserves cold pillows and perfect-temp coffee for life. Btw the Stray Kids single only appeared in the background as instrumental (but well, they got to film an MV with Reynolds and Jackman and also got that MCU bag).
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