#char: minji
serenanymph · 1 year
WIP memes
Tagged by @e-klair! So I don't have a lot of memes actually but you know what I do have? Incorrect quotes. By the hundreds.
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No pressure tagging @sidhewrites, @space-writes and @kaiyo! (+ open tag for anyone who wants to join ofc)
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hwnglx · 1 year
Could u do a reading for hanni and minji relationship??? Pleasee
hanni and minji's dynamic based on tarot, take it with a grain of salt
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what is their dynamic like?
pagofp&temp, tower+4ofp, queofw+queofp&wheeloffor, 6ofc
they have a beautifully harmonious friendship and their energies mesh very well. since it's still easy for them as rookies to feel insecure and inexperienced in the industry from time to time, they see the existence of the other as something very valuable and precious. it seems hanni completes what minji lacks and vice versa so there's a lot of appreciation between the two. they're able to give eachother stability in times of chaos and provide the other energy in times of tiredness. so in a way they feel more prepared to face the world with its ups and downs since they know there's someone to help balance them out if they're in need of something. they have a very sweet dynamic honestly.
what does hanni think about minji?
kingofw, 4ofsw, knofw, char, 6ofc, lovers
hanni thinks that minji is someone very self-assured and confident in her abilities who's full of passion and energy. especially when it comes to her personal goals, she's very firm on chasing them and pursuing her interests. she also feels that minji is a person who she doesn't have to hide anything from and can be completely herself with. she's someone who can provide her a break from everything that can become overwhelming sometimes so in her eyes, meeting minji was part of her destiny and meant to be. the two also share a lot of fun memories so she views her as a precious part of her past and present as well.
what does minji think about hanni?
kingofp&aceofc, 8ofw, knofsw+queofp+star, 7ofw
to minji, hanni is someone who she can trust with anything and everything. she views her as someone who plays a crucial part in their careers and is very reliable and disciplined when it comes to business but also very protective over their balance and peace, while at the same time bearing a strong connection to her emotions. although she can become opinionated and sharp with words when it comes to standing up for herself or others, she also possesses a very soft and nurturing side and displays a dear source of healing and comfort to minji. she truly feels like she can tell hanni everything and will receive nothing but understanding and compassion from her.
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apcomplexhq · 1 year
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✦ Nome do personagem: Roe Minji. ✦ Faceclaim e função: Karina - aespa. ✦ Data de nascimento: 11/04/2000. ✦ Idade: 23 anos. ✦ Gênero e pronomes: Feminino, ela/dela. ✦ Nacionalidade e etnia: Coreia do Sul, coreana. ✦ Qualidades: Comunicativa, animada e amorosa. ✦ Defeitos: Bisbilhoteira, oportunista e gananciosa. ✦ Moradia: Tartaros. ✦ Ocupação: Barista no Nectar Cafe. ✦ Twitter: @TT00MJ ✦ Preferência de plot: ANGST, CRACK, FLUFFY, HOSTILITY, ROMANCE, SMUT. ✦ Char como condômino: Ela passa a maior parte do tempo fora de casa, adora se comunicar com os vizinhos e tá sempre buscando novos amigos. Considera importante uma boa convivência com os outros moradores e se preocupa em barulhos altos independente do horário.
TW’s na bio: xenofobia, insinuação de adultério e prostituição.
Nascida em Ulsan, Roe Minji era a primeira filha dos recém-casados Roe. A união que desde seu início foi reprovada por conhecidos, amigos e familiares de ambos os lados devido a imprudência de ambos. Imprudência esta que resultou em um casamento cedo para esconder a gravidez.
Como esperado por parte de todos, a dificuldade que enfrentaram para sustentar uma casa e uma família foi maior do que qualquer amor poderia aguentar. Brigas constantes resultaram em uma mudança para a fazenda dos avós maternos assim que completaram um ano e meio naquela vida. Para Minji, uma mera criança, não fazia diferença o local de sua criação, apesar da insistência de sua mãe para que a filha crescesse na cidade grande e não se tornasse uma caipira.
Conspirando para os desejos da mulher, mesmo crescendo com um grande apego pela natureza da vida na fazenda, a paixão por inglês e pela cidade crescia. Livros e cursos foram pagos, todo o investimento financeiro caindo sobre o que parecia ser a salvação do futuro dos Roe. Afinal, a falta de formação acadêmica por parte de seus genitores não providenciaria uma renda alta para sustentar a fazenda quando os avós partissem.
Intercâmbio nos Estados Unidos parecia um sonho desde pequena, e aos dezoito anos suas malas estavam em solo americano. Cuidar de crianças não era seu forte, aprendeu isso lidando com os filhos de uma família rica, porém, sempre deu o seu melhor e felizmente seu esforço foi recompensado. Além dos amigos que conquistou, foi lá onde teve seu primeiro namorado e primeiro caso.
Voltar para Ulsan depois de morar fora parecia fora de cogitação. Seu sonho de fazer faculdade de inglês não estava longe, todo o dinheiro economizado durante os anos de Au Pair aguentariam bons meses das parcelas, e o contato que secretamente manteve com o anfritião caiu como uma luva quando a única coisa que faltou era um local para ficar.
Mensalmente eram depositados seis mil dólares em sua conta, às vezes com cobranças, outras vezes sem nada em troca. Ela nunca se sentiu culpada, mas não tinha coragem de contar para os olhares curiosos de sua família quando a questionavam sobre sua qualidade de vida.
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pauprxtodaobra · 1 year
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sᴛᴀʀᴛᴇʀ ᴄᴀʟʟ ɴᴀᴋsᴀɴ ᴛʀɪᴘ 🐬
comente com o número escolhido + o @ do seu char ps: sei que combinei inters do Gawin com o Jeans e Daniel, do Sunwoo com a Minji e a Maru, se combinei algo com seu char e não mencionei aqui, pfvr me lembra no pv?
1.apaixonado por ação e adrenalina, um aficionado por motos, claro que Gawin não poderia deixar de experimentar uma moto aquática entre algumas das atividades na praia. muse acabou indo com ele para lhe companhia; @minvji
2. tá rolando uma competição de vôlei na praia, Gawin e muse estão rindo e fazendo apostas enquanto assistem; @atmoozie
3. como alguém que gosta de cozinhar, Gawin não resistiu e acabou fazendo um churrasco na praia, mas sozinho não tem graça, mesmo que ele tenha o Phayu, então muse se juntou a ele; @tacminnic
4. Gawin estava brincando de frisbee com Phayu na praia quando sem querer acaba jogando o brinquedo na direção de muse e um cão desgovernado vai atrás derrubando muse na areia; @hasxul
5. tá rolando um luau/festa na praia, várias pessoas dançam animadas e muse acaba puxando Gawin para dançarem, só que ei! ele não sabe dançar direito, cabe a muse ensinar um pouquinho pra ele; @morimasami
6. por algum motivo Gawin não está conseguindo dormir e resolve dar uma volta na praia de madrugada, ele encontra muse e ambos acabam dividindo sorvete/picolé enquanto conversam; @shiwxn
7. quem teve a brilhante ideia de dar uma pistola d'água na mão de Sunwoo? ora, ele mesmo! trouxe duas consigo e propôs a muse uma guerra de jatos d'água na praia! @deodeok
8. a beleza de Sunwoo chama atenção, em Naksan não seria diferente, tudo começou com um pedido para tirar foto, Sun estranhou, mas não viu problema. logo estava cercado de gente, haviam muitos turistas naquela época do ano e aparentemente alguns acharam que ele era algum ator de kdrama ou algo do tipo. talvez muse tenha ficade curiose com aquela aglomeração e quando reconheceu Sun foi lá resgatá-lo; @yoyohajun
9. comprar um kit de balde e utensílios para fazer castelinhos de areia lhe pareceu uma ótima ideia, pelo menos até Sunwoo perceber que aquilo não era algo fácil. muse não conseguiu ignorar a carinha triste de Sun e foi lá ajudá-lo com o castelo de areia; @heavenstarr
10. aquele olhando imãs de geladeira é Sunwoo? sim, é ele mesmo! Sun adora essas quinquilharias de lembrança. muse se junta a ele para ajudá-lo a escolher para sua avó; @gaevl
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ninitterbox · 11 months
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our main character in the hall of fame is johan taegon beom hagen! dizem por ai que é a estrela mais bela de 2000, além de citarem suas semelhanças com lee heeseung (enhypen), mas não acho tão parecido assim, quem sabe. sua ocupação? ser uma estrela já não basta? tudo bem, fiquei sabendo que é estudante de medicina veterinária e streamer/gamer semi profissional (tem um canal de asmr too). antes de ir, fique com uma fofoquinha dos bastidores, fiquei sabendo que é pansexual arromântico, então é melhor correrem porque duvido que ela fique solteira por muito tempo.
buscando por f/m ou m/m e o plot pode ser na coreia do sul.
johan é uma versão mais velha do meu ex filho na acropolis, o yvan jeongin.
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johan nasceu em um cenário conturbado, um quarto todo ferrado no distrito de yongsan-gu, então não se engane por seu nome, ele é 100% coreano. o que vamos ver é uma relação muito forte de pai e filho, porque o garoto só descobriu que a mãe tava viva e queria o conhecer aos 15 anos, antes disso, disseram que ela estava morta… tudo porque minji se viciou em drogas e foi internada muitas vezes; os avós maternos não queriam cuidar da criança, quando esta nasceu, mas a sorte foi que seu pai estava de volta e o levou embora da coreia, porque os beom-hagen moravam na bélgica, sendo ali que o menino cresceu. enfim, jungsuk, o pai, sempre fez de tudo pelo filho já que estava sendo pai aos 21 anos e queria aproveitar todos os momentos da criança, todos mesmo já que vivia fazendo filmagens de tudo que era feito pelo menininho. taegon é foi uma criança calma e um adolescente comum, tentou ser rebelde, mas era difícil com um pai jovem e que compreendia suas ações; mas foi por conta de uma travessura adolescente que descobriu que a mãe estava viva e na fase de reabilitação assistida, além de querer o conhecer… foi um choque na vida do rapaz, porque não gostou de imaginar que podia ter sido trocado por entorpecentes, foi bem conflitante ter uma informação daquelas e só a conheceu aos 15 anos, mas foi tão estranho que não quis repetir o programa, só serviu para se apaixonar pela coreia do sul e ver que ela era ainda mais interessante do que aprendeu em casa e nos livros.. decidiu estudar no país “natal” por um tempo, cursando o segundo ano do médio e com o pai em sua cola, falando que estava fazendo um intercâmbio da faculdade, mas, na verdade, nikolai só não queria se afastar do filho. voltou quando ingressou na faculdade e com o pai junto, porque o homem estava prestes a se formar em medicina veterinária e montaria um negócio com amigos no país. o curso de taegon é o mesmo que o do pai e eles começaram a morar juntos no segundo ano de faculdade do menino, em um condomínio de prestígio; como forma de distração, o rapaz começou a gravar vídeos de jogos para um canal no youtube, que acabou chegando na twitch e em uma equipe profissional - mesmo sendo reserva -, também tem um canal “secreto” onde posta vídeos em asmr dos mais variados temas, não revela sua identidade por nada, mas acredita ser fácil descobrir já que os cenários dos canais são os mesmos.
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uma pessoa que acompanha seu canal de asmr e garante que o conhece, mas johan tem vergonha de admitir, então vive fugindo de muse. ( ia adorar jogar essa ideia como cnn de amizade, tipo char multiverse ou não )
[ f/m, leve inspiração em falling into your smile ] johan faz parte de uma equipe de e-sports, mas ele age como substituto de um dos jogadores, então raramente joga profissionalmente e vive como streamer. muse é a nova integrante da equipe, sendo a primeira menina a jogar profissionalmente em todo o país, e isso chamou a atenção de taegon que se encantou por ela; ele vive a observando e mandando presentes, mas tem vergonha de relevar sua identidade. mas eles jogam juntos, as vezes, e durante as calls... ele deixa escapar alguns flertes.
[ baseado em a boss and a babe ] muse só consegue dormir escutando asmr e seu favorito é o canal do jojo, então quando esbarra com ele, acha o tom muito parecido e faz de tudo para descobrir se aquele youtuber é o novo "amigo". em algum momento, o bichinho vai acabar admitindo que é o dono do canal e vai fazer asmr personalizado para muse, até ficarem apaixonadinhos.
qualquer ideia é bem vinda para ele, vou deixar ideias soltas aqui e espero ajudar.
colegas de universidade que se interessam por ele ser de outro lugar.
alguém que se meteu com o pai dele, quer um remember, mas não sabe pedir e se aproxima dele. mas acaba se apaixonando pelo johan.
alguém que tá com raiva do pai dele, que promete ligar e nunca liga no dia seguinte, e acaba brigando com ele. até lança um "fala pro seu irmão que eu to com raiva" e o johan fica sem entender, mas, no final, quem se apaixona por muse é ele.
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maxmcyfield · 4 years
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Zahra's Official Bi Character Chart™️ (ANOM version)
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ahnsolbin · 5 years
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All the truths I believed covered me in falsehoods 🥀
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theladyplots · 5 years
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bedtimebrain · 3 years
EXO D.O.: You & Me. (P9)
Genre/Desc: Loosely adapted from A Love So Beautiful
Char: u x soo
Series Page
‘Honestly that game was planned for girls to have an advantage so you don’t end up doing this, but i guess you’re just bad at games’ the class rep, joohyuk laughed at you
You continued whining and sulking while tugging the logistics bag. All these misfortune…
As if the fact that minji sunbae was your group leader wasn’t enough. And also the fact that kyungsoo literally gave the lunch you made for him to Minji sunbae. And how they just stuck to each other like glue the whole day. All the scenes played over and over again in your head.
‘Y/N ah, ive been really curious for quite some time now, can i ask? It might sound abit intrusive since we aren’t that close’ 
‘Oh, you have a question for me? Sure! That’s surprising.’ 
‘Is there something between you and woohyun? Or is it between Kyungsoo and you?’
‘What do you mean?? We are all just friends!’ Perplexed by his question
‘I clearly saw you and woohyun holding hands just now! Like near the lake!’
‘Oh please!! That’s just because there were a lot of potholes, he was just helping me so I dont fall in’
‘Oh, really…Then what about you and kyungsoo? He always has his eyes on you you know. At first I thought you were into him too, but nowadays you and woohyun seem pretty tight’
Always has… his eyes on me?
You felt your heart skip a beat. But for once you told yourself not to get your hopes up. Not knowing how to take that information, you kept silent for a while.
Breaking the silence joohyuk suddenly added
‘You know how earlier when we were supposed pair up, I saw him looking at you even before Minji Sunbae asked him to partner. But you agreed to woohyun so fast haha.
And also it wasn’t by chance you got coke alright, kyungsoo actually went to another group that had coke to swap out the Fanta grape for you. I was with him to collect the drinks, they made him dance for it, and he still did it.
It’s hard to believe he doesn’t have a thing for you’
You stopped in your tracks as you heard those unbelievable words ring through your ears.
‘I... I really doubt it.’
After some hesitation, you told joohyuk
‘I keep telling him i like him and keep doing so many things for him but he is just so neutral about everything. i cant even tell what he’s actually feeling on the inside.’ 
Chuckling, joohyuk patted you on your shoulders, 
“Anyway, play along with me later, ill propose we play a game before the confidence walk tonight.’
‘Huh, what, why?’ He winked at you and doubled up his pace, and you chased after him to spill the beans. -------------------
‘Okay, everyone pair up for the confidence walk and tell me your pairs so i can keep track’ Minji sunbae instructed the group and the chatters started again as everyone sat around the bon fire. 
‘Sunbae, why dont we play a game to decide our partners instead? For the whole day most of us have just stuck to our own friends.’ Sungjong asked with a tinge of aegyo and that was enough for everyone to agree, including Minji Sunbae.
‘Let’s do this! We’ll see who can hit the lowest note among us with Do-Re-Mi you’re out if you go out of tune or can’t hit the note. The winners take turns choosing partners!’
when you bugged Joohyuk to tell you what he’s about to do tonight, he said he would make sure you and kyungsoo partner tonight!
There wasn’t even time for you to ask him what’s going on, and the game already started. And as fast as it started, as fast you went out of the game.
Joohyuk that liar, I’m not gna get to pair w kyungsoo…
Giving up hopes on pairing w him now, you watched as the game went on and kyungsoo was actually doing pretty well !
And it wasn’t long before just joohyuk and kyungsoo were left. And, kyungsoo actually won!!
‘Kyungsoo you’re truly a singer’ joohyuk clasp at his throat, fake coughing while giving his praise. And of course Minji Sunbae had to give her smile of approval which you scrunched your face at.
‘Anyway, since Kyungsoo won, you get to choose your partner first’ Minji noona started joyfully and you saw her nudging Kyungsoo a couple times, hinting to be chosen
You saw them exchanging eye contact with each other. Simply can’t bear to watch this, you just decided to look away and play w the fallen twigs instead. Then out of the blue, 
‘I.. I choose Y/N’
————— Is there anyone interested in a D.O. perspective? If there are any reblogs ill write a part from his! Otherwise ill save the effort :D
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Rise of the Dragon
Warning:Gore, blood, & Violence 
Authors Note: Well guess what? Geegee was writing something for halloween! But its like Novemeber 2.... Happy Late Halloween! Anyways hope you like witchs, coven, and the starting of the apoclayse! 
Summary: Let’s summon some demons tonight sisters?
Pairing: CL x GDragon & Ailee x Amber 
Word Count: 900+
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It was a night like any other. Winds whistling through the trees, owls hooting and flitting about in search of breakfast, witches gathering on hallowed ground.
“Sisters,” a husky voice, low and seductive, called out from the circle. A black hood hid her face from the others as she spoke. “The time has come. Sister Hyun Ah, have you the Grimorie?”
“Yes, Sister Chaerin,” the one known as Hyun Ah affirmed. From her own crushed velvet robe, she withdrew a large book withered with age. Along the front cover, stitches held the pieces together. The ravenette presented the old book to her elder with a small bow of her head. “I present to thee my family Grimoire in hopes that it may be used to His will.”
“And Sister Hyolyn, have you prepared the lambs,” Chaerin asked the younger.
“Yes, Sister, they await your knife just beyond the Circle. I have chosen three in hopes that they may serve our purpose,” Hyolyn answered, tone hopeful.
Though her face was hidden, the others could sense the her disapproval. “Sister Minji, I do hope you were able to procure three more lambs since Hyolyn could not complete her task.”
“Of course, Sister,” Minji looked over at Hyolyn with a smug smirk. “Once I knew that Hyoylyn could not perform such a simple task, I took it upon myself to help her. I have selected three other lambs purified and baptizied for such a glorious occasion.”
“You wicked bitch,” Hyolyn hissed.
“At least I was not afraid to do what needed to be done.”
“Stop this,” Chaerin ordered. “We have gathered here not to fight, but to bring about His Resurrection. Now, Sisters Ailee and Amber, please tell me you have prepared the altar.”
“As you requested of us, Sister, Amber and I have constructed a most wonderous altar. Please follow us,” Ailee gestured. Holding Amber’s hand in hers, she led the Coven towards a clearing where an altar constructed from the charred remains of a felled tree stood in the center.
“Wonderful,” Chaerin’s earlier discontent eased into satisfaction at the sight. “Minji, Hyolyn, bring forth your sacrifices.”
“Come,” Minji called into the woods surrounding them. Three middle aged men shuffled forward as if in a hypnotised state. “Kneel,” at her command, the men knelt before the altar.
“Darlings,” Hyolyn crooned with her Siren-esque voice. Three more middle aged happily ran towards the young woman. “Sit before the altar for me, won’t you,” she tilted her head to the side as she smiled innocently at them. Following the word of their master, the bewitched eagerly knelt beside Minji’s chosen three.
“Sister Amber, the Sickle,” Chaerin requested, hand outstretched for the tool. Amber unsheathed the blade quickly, the sound permeating the still air, “Please accept this offering, Sister.”
“Sister Hyun Ah, the spell,” Chaerin ordered.
Hyun Ah opened the Grimoire to the page necessary for their ritual, “O Great Master, heed our call. Come to us this night. O Great Master, who lords over all. Grant us this wish so that we may have sight.”
The candles sat atop the altar flickered to life as harsh winds blew through the woods. “He is here,” Chaerin exclaimed giddily. “Continue.”
“O Great Master, accept these three. We slay them so that they may appease thee,” as Hyun Ah spoke, Chaerin slit the throat of Hyolyn’s three sacrifices. “O Great Master, accept these three. We take their lives forcibly,” so went Chaerin’s knife across the necks of Minji’s sacrifices. The winds grew louder and more forceful as the lives of six were taken by force.
“Now for the next part,” Chaerin grinned wickedly. The six witches each took a small blade hidden among their robes. Each cut a single wound into their left palm, slowly squeezing so as to initiate the flow of blood. Walking along straight lines, five of the witches created a pentagram from their blood whilst Chaerin drew the circle that connected the points. “Hyun Ah.”
“O Great Master, we bleed for thee. We give willingly so that we may see. O Great Master, we are but a humble six. We swear our loyalty by the River Styx.”
The flames grew in power to almost blinding, but not once did either witch stray or falter. “All together,” Chaerin called.
The six women began to chant in one voice, “Master, hear us. Master, greet us.”
A black pillar of smoke began to grow from the center of the star. From that pillar, a body was flung to the ground. Upon further inspection, it was noted by all six that it was a male. A very powerful, young man whose sharp eyes pierced through their own damned souls. Chaerin threw back her hood at the sight, a wide smile lighting up her face, “Master!”
The demon looked her way, a smirk painting his features at the sight of his most devoted. “Chaerin, my beautiful servant. My, how the years treat you well,” his voice was shockingly soft yet there was power behind every word.
“It is only by your grace, Master, that I may retain my youth,” she bowed. His eyebrow rose at the sight of such a powerful woman bowing before him.
“Let’s drop the formalities,” he ordered. Stepping forward, he wrapped a hand around her waist and pulled her closer. “I have missed you, my love.”
“And I, you, my beloved,” with that, the two kissed.
“We did it,” Ailee whispered to Amber as the two sat in their shared apartment hours later. The shorter looked up at her girlfriend, eyes sparkling with lust. “We actually did it.”
“I think we ought to celebrate,” Amber suggested, putting forth a front of nonchalance.
“I think so, too,” Ailee quickly led the two towards the bedroom just as a news station broadcasted an Emergency Alert.
“All residents are advised to remain indoors as the streets are ransacked with torment. Reports are coming in of bloody thunderstorms, earthquakes damaging streets, tsunamis raging along the coasts. This may very well be the last report of the human race. Please, grab hold of your loved ones and don’t let go. Goodnight.”
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lucozdes-blog · 6 years
finally !! here’s the intro guides to my children !! blease....plot with me. 
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jeongmin is a fashionista, from designing original pieces to styling. 
his current aesthetic: goth street looks. think seoul fashion week. 
he loves nothing more than styling his friends or anyone who asks for help; he works within your budget and closet. he knows how and where to find deals and just overall very resourceful. 
he’s all for the environment too, the studio is filled with a variety of recyclable bin from plastic to old garments. 
he works as a part time visual for a retail store, it’s only a couple hours three mornings a week when he doesn’t have class, it’s good to have some sort of income. plus they pay him well considering his major and eye for new campaigns. 
he’s the guy with a variety of hook up numbers on his phone, never by name but with an emoji and number next to it. he’s a hoe (no jk i love him) and finds validation with the amount of people he sleeps with honestly it’s sad i don’t think he’s ever been in a genuine relationship. it’s just angst n heartbreak so he’d rather just sleep with ppl. 
anyways, his goal? design for the met gala and BE IN the met gala to show all those celebrities how it’s TRULY done. 
hic current look: taeyong in the chain mv. 
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my son whomst i BIRTHED 
part of the fuccboi squad...SHOUT OUT..shout out..aahhhh..was popping ooooo
he’s obnoxious and loud and dramatic and YET people love him thank you very much. doesn’t know when to stop honestly someone kick his ass. 
he’s been to school everywhere, studying abroad for high school, doing a year in england, a year at julliard and finally amsterdam, i’m just going to say he’s been here for 3 years and he’s going to graduate next semester. 
he’s a performance/composition major and the LEAD of the orchestra because he’s just that talented that vivaldi is shaking in his grave. a prodigy if you will because it’s not the only instrument he can play but his favorite. 
he comes from a home of socialites back in busan, his family dabbles in the arts. his family also decided his fate: arranged marriage. it’s a secret though, only haebin and haneul know about it. 
cue why he’s part of the squad, he went through people so fast, indulging himself in variety knowing that after he graduates he’ll be tied down and he hates the very idea of it. which is why he’s an ass and wont accept that he maybe really likes misun more than a hook-up, also the reason why he’s BEEN OUT OF THE GAME that the lads are noticing lmao 
anyways he’s a disaster but he loves his friends so much he just wants to Protecc
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he is the mom friend probably idk he’s always dd when the lads go out and does a run down of who’s where and if they’re ok before calling it a night when they go out 
he doesn’t party often, it’s honestly rare for him to go ALL OUT unless he knows he can handle it and he’s with minji who knows about his chronic fatigue syndrome 
it’s back and forth, getting rest doesn’t help him at all and so he’s taken up dancing as a hobby again, just one class where he can a good amount of exercise without stressing himself too much when he has too much on his plate
he’s all good now though, it’s part of him but it wasn’t as bad as when he used to be a trainee; daehyun was gonna become an idol if it weren’t for his health issues.
he moved to cali for a while to go to school there and check out an american industry but decided that entertainment business might be better for him, less stressful and he gets to manage and help people who wish to be part of it. 
anyways he sounds like a monotone dad when he texts but in person he’s more into conversations, a good time, and he really loves the lads. 
he’s also lowkey dating taemin’s sister but no one knows that lol.
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he’s from san francisco, ca. comes from a wealthy family, his dad was the ceo and founder of a large company ( dont ask me abt what yet tbh i’m thinking about it ); however the company only became big because they launder money. maybe deal with extortion but you know. 
jisoo had it all though, he had the luxuries, he had the city, the parties, everything. only child, he was next in line to take over and actually? he didn’t mind at all if he kept living the way he was, and bonus points? his dad didn’t give a fuck about his sexuality. it was a dream. 
until his crazy ass mom destroyed everything. she killed his dad but was found innocent in court because she bought the judge, and the jury? all hired by her. he was in that very courtroom when she was found innocent and before he knew it, he was being dragged out by his dad’s old lawyer and best friend. he needed to get out of there fast. 
jisoo is the only one who’s allowed to touch his inheritance, his dad made it very clear that everything was to go to him. his mother still had a joint account and she still has enough to live off until she’s dying from old age but her new boy toy, 10 years younger than her kinda wants the company. 
jisoo knows his mom killed his dad, he doesn’t have the evidence but he’s going to bring her down through the law or without the law because she took everything from him and he’s still reeling over it, he still has nightmares of finding his dad’s body. 
and also, choi jisoo is an alias. no one knows his real name. (lol not even me, i’ll get back to you on that). 
he’s in witness protection right now, undercover as a student from florida. he figured he might as well take some fun classes aka acting, dance, and studio arts. he doesn’t care for it knowing his life is set out but might as well. 
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well, well, well if it isn’t the jack kerouac wanna-be. jk. he’s really not a bad person. maybe.
zander is a photographer, never staying in one place too long. he actually just arrived from mexico city and amsterdam is going to be the place he finishes his second degree. 
he’s basically that indie boy from all the coming-of-age films, an enigma if you will. simply because they way he presents himself is charming, fun, friendly. he’s the type of guy you get a crush on just because of how attentive he is, how he makes you feel so interesting, how he looks at you and touches you. and he knows it. 
he can read people’s emotions, he knows exactly how someone will feel before they feel it simply because of logic and tactic. 
he’s incredibly smart, pretentious even but that’s part of the charm. he talks about music, books, movies. his travels. he makes people fall for him because it’s fun, it sends a rush through him knowing someone is willing to do anything for him and then...he’s gone. because he can’t do the same for you, he doesn’t feel anything for anyone. he likes the concept of being with someone, idolizing them and then leaving them and he does it in a way that you can’t really point your finger at him and blame him. 
he’s really good at pretending to be someone he’s not tbh. like i want to emphasize that because i want to play him in a way that you really fall for it you know. anyways YEAH. 
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remember what i said abt a drunk josefine fc who ends up ranting abt how toxic capitalism is and why communism isn’t the answer like all those tumblr folk like to say? WELL HERE SHE IS 
she’s not a drunk lmao but if she’s at family dinners with the conservative side of her family, she GOES OFF she probably wouldnt go off at parties here unless she bumped into some asshole who wanted to mansplain something to her or whatever 
she’s no poli-sci major, she takes a class but it’s only for her to get educated and accumulate more knowledge to back her up in her actual major and just to be prepared for arguments 
i hate to say this bc wow cliche ! but....definitely noora vibes akhkjh i’m SORRY 
she really enjoys going to the weed cafes though, catch her in there with a book just enjoying her free time 
she has an accent !! considering english is her third language and french is secondl german obviously being the first. it’s cute rlly i was watching accent videos akljdhfj
still shes fluent in all three because it’s leonie why not 
her aesthetic would probably be better described by donna tartt but i’ll give it a go: cigarettes in her own special metallic case, long coats, boots, very formal/casual, billie holiday records, period drama movies as well as empowering movies, beige/dark browns and black, the smell of coffee beans, aesthetic instagram 
anyways uhh idk what else to add tbh if i think of anything i’ll mention it in the hc server on discord aklsjhdk
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serenanymph · 1 year
find the word tag
tagged by @lyssa-ink to find the words whisper, sing and smile!
“Don’t move!” Minji hisses in a barely audible whisper, eyes flashing, and Beatriz feels magic flood the entire cart, swamping their entire group and wrapping up around them like mist. It tastes faintly like laughter and mischief and the gold of summer, weaved throughout with a single thought, a single feeling, purposeful and intent: Hide us.
sing there wasn't a sing, but there was a singsong, so let's go with that
“Now, now, that’s enough of that!” Zephyr’s voice breaks through the air, singsong and obnoxiously cheery. “You’ll get in trouble if you continue fighting, you know – so let’s just calm down, ladies, we can agree you’re both very pretty and there’s no need to be brutes about it” – he comes up behind the boy and places a hand on his shoulder – “right?” The boy whirls, startled, and on instinct, his arm rears back – Zephyr blinks. “Ah.” The boy’s fist drives into his nose.
"And?" She raises an eyebrow. “Why does it matter? I’ve built a life for myself here, and ‘sides, damn AMA’s everywhere nowadays anyway. The last place they’d think to look would be right under their noses. Keep your friends close and your enemies closer, isn’t it?” Icarus speaks up, finally, voice quiet: “You can’t be older than fifteen.” “And all the world’s out to get me,” she says. Her smile is wry, but the way she phrases it is like a statement, like it’s fact, pure and simple – and it is, isn’t it? For him and for her, for everyone he knows, everyone like them, just because of what’s in their veins and what they can do. “And it’s the same, isn’t it, for you? You’re like, what, seventeen? You’re pretty much still a kid too. They hacked your wings off anyway.”
Anyway, no pressure tagging @revenancy, @talesofsorrowandofruin, @hallwriteblr and open tag for the words return, embark and horizon!
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somethinglacking · 6 years
Cruel Angel’s Thesis Chapter 10
Rating: Explicit Archive Warning: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Category: F/M Fandom: Mystic Messenger (Video Game) Relationship:707 | Luciel Choi/Main Character Characters:707 | Luciel Choi, V | Jihyun Kim Mary, Vanderwood 3rd, Jumin Han, Zen | Hyun Ryu, Yoosung Kim, Jaehee Kang, Main Character, Rika, Saeran ChoiUnknown | Ray
Nari frowned at the charred remains before her. She felt like vomiting if she was being honest with herself, but this needed to be done, and the RFA trusted only her with this. She grabbed the materials she needed to extract the bone marrow from the remains. She gathered samples from femur; it was in the best shape. The bone was mostly white with fat and flesh still attached. She scrapped the narrow into a dish, and signals to the forensics that they could do what they pleased with the rest.
Nari walked into the lab where her friend Minji was running Saeyoung DNA in the systems. She silently handed the girl the sample from the body and sat in one of the empty chairs. They both where on Jumin’s pay right now seeing as this was completely secret and under the table. The two girls would run the DNA against the other anything under 70% matches threw the chances of it being Saeran out the window. That was the best case scenario.
Nari not being trained in this area was more an onlooker making sure her boyfriend’s DNA was properly destroyed upon the completion of the test. It was only after much deliberation and a huge leap of trust on Saeyoung part that she convinced him to allow her to take a sample from him. It'd be unfortunate if the agency had found out about this and the DNA lead them there. Nari frowned thinking about her boyfriend working while possibly going mad with wonder. Everyone, Saeyoung included, was positive the DNA would be a match and it was Saeran lying in there.
Minji hadn't asked questions when Nari called in a favor. She simply signed the contract Jumin had his lawyer whip up securing everyone's involvement with this.
Minji had been sitting here with her for over 34 hours. Nari had left the RFA meeting and rushed straight to the hospital. The team recovering the body from the ruins kept bringing more and more burnt disfigured Parts. The femur was their best bet to find healthy DNA strands to compare to Saeyoung. Identical twins had identical DNA and a match lower than 70% even given the damage to the body wouldn't do. So far the highest match they've come across was 6.72% and that's including damage.
"The femur had a tissue, dried blood in the marrow?" Minji asked eyeing the sample beginning the process to extract the DNA from it.
"Yeah, so if it doesn't match, it means it's not who we thought it was," Nari explained rubbing her dry eyes watching the computer systems run her boyfriend DNA and biome. She saw literally every genetic thing that made her lover who he was. She smiled snapping a picture of all His biome and sent to him in a text.
Nari- I hacked into your genetic code! I've literally seen every genetic thing that makes you, you. I love you <3
707- that's actually really cool! You should tell me what these things mean sometimes. I love you too <3
707- Have you eaten? Have you slept? I just checked the time...
Nari- I can sleep when I'm dead. Can't eat because I don't want to go through sanitizing myself again. Bio shitz...
707- Hah, I love you. So baby can you please take care of yourself.
Nari- fine, but we should be wrapping up here soon anyway. Don't you work yourself to death? Mwah!!!
707- Mwah!!!
Minji had the DNA up and running through the systems about three hours later. She was humming watching the Biome and DNA try to make matches
"Match is 9.65% there is no way they are identical twins," Minji concluded typing notes and printing them. She added them to the file as a tear rolled down Naris face.
"It's positively not his brother. Of thank fucking god!" Nari sobbed covering her face with her hands.
"Yeah, honestly it could be a distant relative or just some stranger that carries a similar DNA make-up," Minji explained grinning handing the file to Nari. "From my hands to yours to Mr. Han."
"Yes before that. We have to destroy Luciel's DNA." Nari informed her and Minji giggled picking up some liquid and poured it on all the samples.
"Oops, I'm such a klutz." Minji gasped and Nari giggled gathering the samples and putting them in a container.
"I'll burn them too," Nari said shrugging. "Thank you so much Minji."
"I should thank you I made three months’ salary in 40 hours!" Minji giggled gathering her things.
Nari enters the chatroom.
Jaehee-Welcome Nari. Here for a status report?
Nari- 38 hours later and the match is only 9.65% match. Given damage caused by the flames and just living the lowest possibility was 70%. It's positively not Saeran.
707 has entered the chatroom
707- Where the fuck is Saeran?
Nari- good question
Jaehee- shouldn't the match be 100%
707- I honestly thought so...
Nari- Doctor Mode activated. Allow me to educate you.
707- I love playing doctor with you baby
707 hearts emoji
Jaehee sighing Emoji.
Jaehee- please just answer the question.
Nari- Identical twins come from the same zygote. This means that the egg and sperm are the exact same, which equates to identical DNA. They are always of the same sex and are monozygotic or MZ twins (mono = one; zygote = fertilized egg) Sperm carry either the X or Y chromosome determining the baby's gender.
707- Which means we have the same DNA...
Jaehee- we already knew that. You basically retold us they have identical DNA which we were aware of
Nari-From birth, yes they should be 100% genetically identical. However, they aren't necessarily genetically identical as life progresses. Mutations will occur as their body grows through mitotic processes.
707- Have to use Google. One second
Jaehee- just a moment, please.
Nari-Most of these mutations are automatically fixed, but some of them stay, such as when ultraviolet rays from the sun rearrange epithelial cell DNA. Also the drugs he's on, and the age he started taking said drugs can deteriorate his DNA and genetic makeup. In short, genetic variability in twins results from mutations during the lifespan.
707- mind was blown
Jaehee- you seem well educated in the area of twins
Nari- Honestly in med-school, I had a fascination with Twins after doing a report.
707- You just love me because of science!
Nari- shit Jaehee he's onto me...
Nari- Identical twins are random and universal. And the only increased chance of multiples is fraternal twins because two eggs and two sperm are required for fraternal. That's if they ran on the mother's side of the family, or you use fertility treatments. Fun facts!
707- I'm a rarity!
707- well I guess Saeran is too...
Nari-Yup just one second
Nari- I know I have a master ball laying around here somewhere! I'll need my spare one for when we see Saeran
707 heart emoji
707- So that's how you captured my heart <3
Nari- gotta catch em all!
707- be sure to capture Jumin in luxury ball, or he'll throw a tantrum.
Nari- who’s to say I haven't already
Nari wink Emoji
Jaehee- Mr.Han had asked if you have the reports.
Nari-I’m getting into my car as we speak so I'll see you soon.
Nari- Saeyoung, we will find him. I love you. Eat something other than Honey Budda chips. And drink some water!
707- I know we will. I love you, drive safe.
Nari has left the chatroom.
Nari walked into C&R looking around the reception area in awe. It was clean and light. Plants scattered about yet seemed well placed. There where Crystal chandeliers in a business building. Talk about luxury Nari would laugh if it was actual diamonds hanging above her head. That would be so, Jumin Han.
"Good to see you again, Nari." A feminine voice spoke out. Naris eyes met with Jaehee as her grin spread further.
"Jaehee!" She exclaimed walking over to hug her friend. Jaehee seemed hesitant but hugged her back.
"Mr. Han is awaiting you in his office. Allow me to escort you." Jaehee was truly a professional woman.
"Lead the way." Nari giggled following the assistant into the elevator.
"You look tired," Jaehee commented pressing the 17 button and the elevator roared bringing them upward.
"I haven't slept since before the RFA meeting two days ago. I'm functioning loudly on adrenalin and energy drinks." Nari sighed smiling at the other woman.
"I completely understand that!" Jaehee giggled. "It's nice to have another workaholic in the RFA with unreasonable hours."
"Hah~ these hours where on Jumin’s wallet!" Nari giggled. "Truly though having another woman in the RFA saved it from being a sausage fest!"
"Mmmm... It is a comfort. Thank you for stay with us despite the situation." Jaehee hummed looking at the doctor.
"I owe the RFA plenty. Plus my boyfriend pretty much makes it’s physically impossible to leave. I'm the RFA's hostage now, but I don't mind." Nari laughed.
“If I may, I raise concerns for you sanity choosing Luciel for a lover. How should I put it... he is an enigma with a very colorful and eccentric personality." Jaehee raised her mock concerns with a wicked smiled causing Nari to double over with laughter as they stepped off the elevator.
"But that's why I love him~" Nari sang between giggles and Jaehee laughed herself walking toward a door with 'the office of Jumin Han.' Plated on it. Jaehee knocked firmly.
"Enter." Jumin’s monotone voice called out.
Both women stepped into the office and Jumin vaulted whatever paperwork he was reading and signing. He folded his hands together on the desk providing them with his full attention.
"This is all of our genetic findings," Nari spoke first stepping forward setting the file on his desk. Jumin nodded skimming through the file.
"Wonderful work Doctor Choe." Jumin complimented.
"Nah, I'm not forensics. Thank Doctor Minji Park. She was the mastermind." Nari waved her hand in front of her face. "Though if you need an appendix removed, or a liver transplant I'm your gal!"
"Very well. Now raises the question of where Luciel’s brother ended up." Jumin spoke clear but mostly to himself.
"Wouldn't it be wonderful if we knew?" Nari sighed. "Saeyoung's going to work himself to death trying to trace him and completing his agency work at the same time."
"Yes, I'll gather some people to aid in the search." Jumin clarified.
"Another important question. Whose body was I harvesting bone marrow samples from for the past two days?" Nari asked clearly surprising the businessman.
"We will exhaust every possibility and hopefully identify the body," Jumin assured her. Nari smiled sadly.
"I'm sure Nari is very tired Mr. Han. Why don't we allow her to head home and get some rest." Jaehee than spoke up and Jumin nodded.
"Yes, assistant Kang is correct. Nari please be careful on your way home and take care of yourself. Until we speak again take care." Jumin finalized dismissing her. Nari nodded.
"Let me know if there is anything I can do to help. Have a good day Jumin." Nari said turning to excuse herself from his office. Jaehee was on her heel.
"Please travel safe, and again thank you for everything you've done to help us." Jaehee than bowed causing Nari to laugh.
"So formal. Alright, I'm out." Nari shot the businesswoman a peace sign and excused herself from the building.
Nari stumbled into her high-end apartment an hour later. Traffic had been at its worse. Nari kicked off her heels and locked the deadbolt before wandering into her kitchen. She noted the place seemed cleaned a smelt fresh despite her not residing there for 2 weeks. Curiously she grabbed the note on the fridge and smiled. Miu had tidy and restocked her fridge for her. As she grabbed a glass of water her phone started ringing.
"Hello~ this is the very tired corpses of Doctor Choe. Please hang up and don't try your call again." She chimed than took a sip of water listening to the laughter on the other end.
"I got worried when you didn't return to the bunker." Seven stated and Nari blushed.
"Hmm?" She hummed.
"Don't make that noise!" He sputtered to her amusement.
"Wasn't aware I was supposed to return to your place. I'm home." Nari explained and he groaned.
"I can't protect you there! I don't even know your address!" He barked in concern making her frown.
"I'm sorry. I felt like I was really imposing on your space. I thought I should come home." Nari started listening to her boyfriend’s typing.
"You're never imposing. My place is your place, always feel comfortable being here." He murmured sweetly and she smiled.
"I love you, you dork." Nari giggled and he groaned again.
"I love that you love me. I love you more than anything. When this is all over I'm taking you to a space station to marry you." Saeyoung spoke clear and determinedly causing Naris breath to get caught in her throat.
"Yes." She muttered and he hummed slightly confused.
"Yes?" He questioned after a moment and Nari found her voice.
"Yes, I'll marry you." Nari clarified and noise could be heard from the other end of the phone.
"Nari? Shit sorry, I dropped the phone and restarted my heart!" He stammered on sounding embarrassed.
"It's okay." Nari murmured quietly and there was a heavy sigh.
"Thank you. But don't say yes right now. Don't get me wrong I love that you did, but I want to do things more proper." His voice was broken. "I love you, so much and hearing you so willingly agree to spend your love with me for a lifetime makes me happy. So unbearably happy I might burst. Wait for me a little longer and then you'll be my priority." He was sniffling on the other end and Nari smiled warmly.
"Saeyoung," Nari whispered hearing him take a sharp intake of air. "I'll be waiting for you, right beside you honey. I love you, much more than I could ever fathom. You're my future and soulmate."
"God! My chest feels tight and I find it hard to breathe. I feel so complicated when I can’t see you. What's wrong with me?" He questioned himself and Nari giggled.
"My diagnosis is that you're experiencing unconditional love for the first time," Nari spoke in a matter of fact tone and he sighed.
"I'm clueless on how I got you, but I'm so happy, I don't care." He murmured and Nari smiled.
"I'll go grab a shower and clothes and be there soon." Nari decided and he chuckled sadly.
"I look forward to seeing you. Drive safe." Saeyoung mumbled and ended the call. Nari wiped her eyes and calming herself down.
Nari pulled into the garage after the gate had a pretty intense argument with her. She giggled to herself thinking out the rude gate. She parked her car and opened the door to be created with a whistle. She stepped out a caught her red-headed dork of a boyfriend ogling her silver Lexus. She smirked shutting and locked the doors.
"Like what you see?" She asked in a mock-seductive tone.
"Yes, ma'am." He muttered with a grin without lifting his eyes from the car.
"I mean it's not flashy like your cars, but she is pretty huh?" Nari smirked as he circled the car.
"Can I modify her?" Saeyoung asked lifting the hood completely inspired.
"She shy! Gotta wine and dine her first!" Nari hissed playfully closing the hood and he grinned at her.
Saeyoung wrapped his arm around Nari pulling her close smelling her freshly washed hair. He let out a content sigh pressing a kiss to the top of her head. Nari hummed running kisses of her own up his jaw. His hands traced the curve of her back as his lips met hers in a sweet kiss. Nari smiled relishing in it before she pulled away.
"Oh before I forget," Nari mumbled digging in her jacket pocket and Saeyoung raised his eyebrow. She grabbed his hand and slid a key into it. "It's too my apartment." His eyes widened before he grabbed her in a bone-crushing hug.
"Thank you. I won't abuse it, I promise." He whispered and she nodded allowing herself to be held, safe, and secure in his arms.
"You're always welcome to be there," Nari whispered and his breath hitched.
"Home number 2." He agreed with a chuckle.
"Can you put me to bed? I am running on fumes, energy level dropping. Eyelids are definitely heavy." She half whined and he smiled lazily down at her.
"Sure, princess. Let's go." He agreed to trace his fingers along her cheek before lifting her into his arms. She realized a pleased sigh as he whisked her away.
Luciel laid her on the bed tucking his blanket around her before flipping off the light. "Join me..." She whispered snuggling in his bed enjoying the smell of him that lingered there.
"I can't, my love. I have agency work to complete. But I'll use the computer in here. You sleep." Saeyoung assured her as the computer hummed to life and a faint glow lit up the room. When Luciel looked toward the bed again she was already gone. He smiled turning back to his computer turning off the monitor before crawling in beside his slumbering lover. He wrapped her in his arms spooning her from behind after setting a quiet alarm for himself. A few hours of sleep couldn't hurt after all.
They both groaned as the sound of boots came toward then and bedroom door flew open. Nari rolled over snuggling her face into Seven as he chuckled sitting up slightly.
"At least we weren't screwing. Madam Vanderwood, what do we owe the pleasure?" Luciel greeted their unwanted guest.
"For the love of- How's the job coming along," Vanderwood asked in a stern voice.
"I'll probably have it completed in a few hours." Seven explained Stroking Naris head causing her to him rubbing her nose in his chest.
"That's three days ahead of schedule. Good work Zero Seven." Vander wood complimented him clearly surprised. "Also did you get a new car because I look the leopard print one?"
"Nah, that's this lovely ladies." Seven clarified and Nari raised a finger. “OH and Vanderwood." Seven called after his handler as he tried to retreat.
"What now!?" Vanderwood snapped.
"Since Nari could be here knock in the future." Seven stated in a cheerful tone and Vanderwood sighed.
"You're right. Sorry, Nari." Vanderwood apologized and Nari snorted.
"S'all good," Nari assured the older male with a wave not bothering to turn to face him. She smirked as the door close. "How long have we been asleep?" Nari asked yawning clinging herself to her boyfriend as he moved to grab his phone.
"Five hours." He informed her and she groaned.
"When did you crawl in?" Mark's very tired voice asked.
"Five minutes after you fell asleep." He confessed and she hummed.
"Good you need to sleep." Nari yawned stretching before rolling over allowing herself to fall asleep yet again.
It was dust and Nari returned to her own space. She needed a moment to herself after the day she had. The hospital agreed to not terminate her contract if she would see one of the phycologists twice a week for 2 hours. She was spender from the O.R and gallery overlooking until she completes her therapy and the doctor cleared her for surgery. It was annoying, but after Jumin explained her kidnapping and the Mint-Eye downfall (which was all over the news with Rika and Saeran still at large) they deemed her mentally unstable and ban her access to the surgical floor.
Nari sighed walking Toward Her Apartment Door When She Stepped on a package. She cocked an eyebrow picking up the box looking it over. Nothing was writing on the box, how curious. She unlocked her door shutting it behind her locking the deadbolt as she kicked off her shoes. She examined the box debating if she should open it or call Seven. She chewed on her cheek as she uses her key to break the tap setting the box on her kitchen table. She cautiously opened the box to be greeted with a children's storybook.
More confused Nari picked up the book and laid it on the table. It appeared to be a harmless children's fairy tale. She opened the cover and tears pricked her eyes as she gasps. There pressed to the cover was a beautiful blue and orange rose. Her breathing picked up as she traced her finger over them. Saeran had to of left this for her. He had told her he was drying and pressing the rose she adored from his garden. And Saeran always kept a blue rose in his suit pocket.
Her hands shacked as she slightly cried. She turned the pages; it was clearly an old and well-loved book. The pages coming off the seam slightly, a few stains here and there. She frowned some of which looked like dried blood. Tears streamed down her face as she ran her finger over a stained pool of blood. Those poor boys, she thought to herself.
When she hit the back cover her breath completely left her. There is childish scroll was some writing looking rather faded and blood spatter made it harder to make out. She frowned squinting bring it close to her face when her eyes widened. She felt I'll like she had been punched in the gut.
Saeyoung and Saeran Choi- age 7
Nari covered her mouth as she took a picture with her phone and sent it to her boyfriend. She felt breathless as she awaited the response. She stared at her phone as her heart threatened to jump out of her chest. What felt like eons later the phone rang?
"Where did you get that?" His voice was a whisper and shaky.
"It was left in a box in front of my door." Nari murmured softly and his breath hitched.
"Pack your things. You can't stay there right now, it's not safe." He hissed quietly and Nari moved on impulse to start collecting her things.
"I understand, but Sae-" he cut her off again.
"Fuck...FUCK!" He yelled and the sound of him hitting his fist against his desk. Nari flinched. "It... It has to be him. He's not a safe person right now. Nari, I'm so fucking sorry I-" she cut him off.
"Stop taking all the guilt on yourself!" She barked and he groaned. "This is not your fault. You were a kid! Saeyoung you were a child and you couldn't possibly know this is how it would turn out. This isn't your fault." Nari assured him and his breathing became uneven.
"You know what I've done, what I do, and what I am. How can you love me despite all of this?" He asked clearly bewildered and she sighed.
"I love you for all you've done, what you do, and what you are. I don't love you in spite of it. I love you for all of it. I love who you are, I just wished you could see yourself the way I do. You'd realize you're a person that deserves my love, and you deserve to be in my life, and you deserve my friendship." Nari informed him.
"Come to me then, my love. I'll protect you with my life. I'll gladly die for you if it comes to it." He declared and Nari sobbed quietly.
"Then I'll have to protect you too, a world without you isn't one I'm interested in." Nari declared and his breathing stops.
"I'll come pick you up. Wear something pretty. There is somewhere if like to take you." Saeyoung informed her and the line was dead.
Nari stared at her phone for a moment before scurrying into her room. By the way, he drives she had limited time to ready herself. She hauled the sides of her hair back and secured it in a white bow. She peaked off her clothes and exchanged them with a white frilly dress she's be dying a wear. Next, she fixed her makeup applying some red lipstick before deeming herself ready.
She moved and in zipped her suitcase throwing random items into it when her door clicked and opened. She popped her head out her bedroom door to see Saeyoung taking in her rather nice apartment. She giggled alerting the man to her location. He smiled at her and walked to join her.
"Hey!" She smiled placing more items into we suitcase. Saeyoung wondered around her bedroom seemingly analyzing everything his eyes met with.
"Nice place." He finally spoke and Nari giggled again zipping up her bag and stood. His eyes widen slightly as a blush settled on his face. "You're so beautiful."
"You look handsome." She met him in stride looking him up and down. He had chosen to wear white as well. He looked good in his button-up dress shirt and black jeans. He flushed at her compliment.
"Where is It?" Saeyoung asked quietly looking at the ground.
Nari smiled grabbing his hand and leading him to the kitchen table. He eyed the storybook that once belonged to him. He realized his hold on Nari and walked silently to the table. Nari stood in awe watching him touch the cover. He opened the front cover being greeted by the beautiful flowers. He frowned while his eyebrows knitting together.
"Saeran always had a blue rose on him, and the orange one was from his garden. He took me for a walk one night and I kept eyeing that one rose." Nari explained walking up behind him placing her hand on his arm as she looked down at the book.
His fingers brushed the roses one more time before he turned the pages. Every stain of blood caused his breath to hitch. Finally, he made it to the back cover. The faded ink of his childhood writing covered in spattered blood was his name along with his brothers. He squeezed his eyes shut and silent tears rolled down his cheeks. Nari embraced him burying her nose in his back as every horrible childhood memory flooded back to him.
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apcomplexhq · 1 year
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✦ Nome do personagem: Bae Minho. ✦ Faceclaim e função: Choi Hyunwook - Ator. ✦ Data de nascimento: 30/01/2002 ✦ Idade: 21 anos. ✦ Gênero e pronomes: Masculino, ele/dele. ✦ Nacionalidade e etnia: Sul coreano, coreia do sul. ✦ Qualidades: Empático, extrovertido e divertido. ✦ Defeitos: Cabeça quente, impulsivo e malandro. ✦ Moradia: Asphodel Meadows. ✦ Ocupação: Lutador de MMA semiprofissional. ✦ Twitter: @AM02BM ✦ Preferência de plot: ANGST, CRACK, FLUFFY, HOSTILITY ROMANCE, SMUT. ✦ Char como condômino: Ele é alguém que normalmente você não percebe que ele está em casa, normalmente acaba dormindo o dia todo quando está em casa e quase não faz barulho. Entretanto é quase um faz tudo para as casas ao redor.
TW’s na bio: abuso parental (mãe narcisista e controladora)
A casa dos Bae sempre viveu de aparência. “Minji e Minho abram um longo sorriso, vocês precisam estar sempre felizes” sempre era possível ouvir essa frase saindo dos lábios da senhora Song, sua mãe. A vida dos irmãos Bae já estava traçada antes mesmo dos dois chegarem ao mundo. Todos os passos dos jovens estavam completamente calculados pela matriarca, nada podia sair dos trilhos. Ela realmente gostava de tá no controle.
Minho desde pequeno observava como as coisas aconteciam, Song Minhee moldava os dois filhos, todavia, o garoto podia perceber o quão mais difícil era para sua irmã velha. Minji era vista como uma boneca na qual Minhee brincava em traçar todo o destino dela. Minho não escapava das cordas de marionete da mulher. A mulher de Bae Jaesang apenas aceitava que o filho fosse o melhor. Minho cresceu em toda sua vida com uma pressão gigantesca, suas notas deveriam ser excelentes, deveria ser o melhor, até mesmo no esporte favorito do garoto ele deveria ser o melhor, o beisebol acabou perdendo completamente a graça por conta disso. O dia do garoto estava completamente programado e o futuro estava certo, o jovem Bae iria estudar para entrar na faculdade de direito e iria ser um grande desembargador igual o pai. Todavia, os planos do Minho eram completamente diferentes.
Quando Minho tinha apenas 13 anos a vida do garoto já tinha todo um plano perfeito que deveria ser seguido, caso não fosse seguido era severamente castigado, não havia tempo para brincar, não havia tempo para ser um pré-adolescente, apenas havia o futuro que foi programado para si. Não havia nenhum lugar onde não havia influência de Song Minhee, na escola os professores estavam instruídos para cobrar mais do garoto, no treinamento do beisebol todos sabiam de quem ele era filho e pareciam que tinham medo de tocar no garoto, os seus professores particulares pareciam mais robôs programados pela senhora Song, Minho até mesmo achava que eles tinham a mesma voz da mãe, “Você tem um futuro incrível pela frente, Minho-yah”. Foi então que o garoto encontrou um lugar que ele poderia ser ele mesmo, em um dia que estava voltando para casa encontrou uma academia de luta no caminho para casa, o garoto se encantou completamente por tudo aquilo. Era um lugar que poderia extravasar todas as tensões de seu corpo.
Minho começou a frequentar a academia de maneira escondida, dizia para a mãe que estava indo para a aula particular de piano e fugia para um lugar que ninguém sabia quem ele era. Ao longo dos anos treinou arduamente, treinava porque queria, treinava porque era algo que ele queria. Conseguiu enganar Minhee por um longo período de tempo, mais precisamente 6 meses treinando escondido que foram revelados por uma ligação simples da escola de música que o garoto frequentava. Em uma tarde, Minhee recebeu uma ligação por conta do desligamento do filho da aula particular de piano, descobriu que Minho havia dito que a mãe não queria mais as aulas e que ele poderia sair. Um dia a senhora vestiu seu belo vestido, ajeitou o cabelo e seguiu o filho, de longe observando toda a movimentação dele e o choque de Song Minhee no local que ele havia entrado, uma academia de luta. Song Minhee surtou, a cena do seu filho socando com força o rosto de outra pessoa fez todos os poros do corpo dela entrarem em combustão, arrastou o garoto dali segurando pela orelha e levou sem pensar duas vezes para longe daquele local. A partir desse momento todas as coisas na vida do jovem Bae se tornou algo completamente difícil, era vigiado quase todo tempo da sua vida. Porém o garoto tinha provado o gosto da liberdade e do proibido, conseguiu facilmente bolar um plano para continuar treinando, dessa vez ele pagava um irmão de um amigo para fingir que estava dando aula para ele enquanto treinava. Essa foi a maneira que o garoto viveu por muitos anos, sempre encontrando meios de fazer coisas escondidas da sua mãe.
Minho acabou lutando escondido de sua mãe, lutas oficiais e até mesmo clandestinas, amava sentir a adrenalina em seu corpo no momento que entrava no octógono. Agora ele tem um sonho de se tornar um lutador grande, respeitado e que possa lutar diversas lutas sem preocupação.
Depois de todo o caos que foi a descoberta do namorado de Minji, Minho conseguiu apaziguar as coisas. O pai dos irmãos estava preocupado, do jeito dele, com o bem estar da filha mais nova, então comprou um apartamento no mesmo lugar onde a mais velha estava morando com o namorado e ofereceu para o jovem Bae ir para lá. A única condição seria que ele mantivesse o pai informado e cursasse o curso de Direito, em troca poderia ficar com o apartamento e receberia uma mesada todo mês. Minho finge que está na faculdade, trabalha de dia numa academia e de noite treina arduamente.
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ladystylestores · 4 years
China-Zambia tensions reignite after three Chinese business people murdered and burned
But CCTV footage seized by police, and seen by CNN, revealed a brutal afternoon of carnage.
At midday on Sunday, May 24, three Zambian attackers with iron bars entered the grounds of a Chinese-owned textile warehouse in Lusaka. Police said they were pretending to be potential customers.
But the trio did not want to do business.
Over the next 17 minutes, the CCTV footage shows, they beat two men and one woman to death in the courtyard, before dragging their bodies into the adjoining warehouse.
That’s where the footage ends. According to police, the attackers then dismembered their bodies and used flammable materials from the Blue Star clothing business to set their bodies and the building ablaze, burning them so severely that it took Zambian authorities three days to retrieve their charred remains from the rubble.
Before fleeing, the attackers raided the property for valuables. A blood-stained machete was found by police.
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The gruesome murder of 52-year-old Cao Guifang, the wife of the textile warehouse owner — who was in their home province of Jiangsu, in eastern China, when the attack happened — and her two male employees, Bao Junbin, 58, and Fan Minjie, 33, came at the end of a week when anti-Chinese sentiment in the Zambian capital was nearing boiling point.
In the days leading up to the murder, Lusaka Mayor Miles Sampa had accused Chinese bosses in the capital of “slavery reloaded,” used the derogatory term “Chinaman,” and, stoking racial divides, reminded the public in a video posted on his Facebook account that “black Zambians did not originate coronavirus. It originated in China.”
There are an estimated 22,000 Chinese nationals living in Zambia, operating 280 companies, mostly spread between Lusaka and the copperbelt in the north. Beijing owns about 44% of Zambia’s debt, which has led to fear among some Zambians that China has too much control over the country.
While police have not directly linked the murder to anti-Chinese sentiment, the crime came as a reminder of the violent outbursts some Chinese have faced while living in Zambia, a key partner for China along its coveted Belt and Road project.
“Even some of the people who stayed here for more than 20 years, they’ve also been shocked by such kind of criminal activities,” says Eric Shen, a Chinese businessman who has been living in Zambia for more than a decade.
Forced quarantine
Zambia reported its first coronavirus cases on March 18. As with much of Africa, the initial infections did not come from China, but Europe, after a couple who had recently returned from a trip to France imported the virus.
The central African nation went into partial lockdown, shutting borders, businesses and implementing social distancing rules.
As the pandemic took its toll on Zambia’s economy, reports began to emerge that some Chinese businesses were defying the lockdown measures, either by continuing to serve Chinese customers, or by quarantining Zambian workers inside their premises.
Mayor Sampa began a campaign to expose such cases.
On May 18, Sampa shut down a Chinese restaurant, which had reportedly denied Zambian patrons, for selling products labeled in Chinese and not English, as prescribed by the law. A few days later, he revoked the license of a Chinese barber shop for “discriminating against blacks.”
After those raids, Sampa posted video of himself bursting in on Chinese managers eating dinner at a truck assembly factory, where workers had allegedly been told to live on-site during the pandemic, and not return to their families, so they could keep working without risking getting infected in the community.
“We found Zambian workers made to sleep in a small container (six people in one container) with mattresses put on the floor,” Sampa wrote on Facebook.
In the video, one Chinese manager responds: “We don’t allow them to go home because of the corona issue.”
Sampa responds: “Chinaman … (there) is no excuse to enslave them.”
On the same day, Sampa visited a cement factory, where he said workers had been held for two months.
When a Chinese boss explains in the video Sampa posted to Facebook of the visit that within the plant, all the workers were not able to go out, Sampa replies: “That is illegal. You are holding them hostage. That’s slavery.”
One Zambian employee at the cement factory told CNN: “We were asked by our (Chinese) bosses to stay and work from here until the coronavirus is over because they fear we might contract it from the community and bring it to our workplace.
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“But they provide us food, mosquito nests and mattresses where we sleep. We sleep like in a camp … but some of our colleagues who refused have been sacked and they will reapply once the company reopens.”
Another Zambian employee of the same company claimed that his Chinese boss threatened to beat him if he refused to stay. “We were being forced by our Chinese bosses and they threatened to beat you if you refuse. That is how some of us ran away — right now, we just want the government to help us claim our unpaid salaries,” he said.
When CNN contacted the factory, an employee who declined to give his name denied accusations of wrongdoing.
“We are not holding them to be prisoners — we are just protecting them from this corona disease,” he said. “The workers are paid more for sleeping at the plant.”
He would not say how much extra had been provided, but one employee said the workers are normally paid 1, 600 Zambian kwacha ($95) per month.
Rekindled old fires
The Chinese presence in Zambia has been controversial for decades.
In 2005, an explosion at a mine near Chambeshi, a town in Zambia’s copperbelt, killed dozens of Zambian workers. Five years later, two Chinese managers opened fire on Zambian workers who were protesting bad labor conditions at the Collum coal mine. In 2012, Zambian workers killed a Chinese supervisor at the same mine.
The incidents attracted global media attention and have often been held up as proof of poor Chinese labor standards — not only in Zambia but across the African continent.
So when the issue of Zambian workers being forced into quarantine by Chinese bosses emerged during the pandemic, “it rekindled some of the old sentiment that people have had against Chinese employers,” says Kanenga Haggai, lecturer in the Department of Development Studies at the University of Zambia and PhD candidate at Southeast University, in China. “If not well handled, then it has the potential to ruin China’s relations with Zambia, on a people-to-people level.”
Today, China trades more with Zambia than any other country in Africa bar Kenya. In 2018, bilateral trade was in excess of $5 billion.
Yet while Zambian exports to China are considerable, thanks to its copper output, what many ordinary Zambians see on the ground is the pervasion of Chinese people and companies in their country. Major infrastructure projects including airports, highways and dams in Zambia have been built by Chinese state-owned, or linked, firms.
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China also operates in the crucial mining sector, as do companies other foreign nations, and a Beijing-backed — although not owned — company even bought a 60% share in the Zambian state broadcaster. Local media frequently run inflammatory headlines, such as “How China is slowly colonizing Zambian economy.”
“Zambians feel that China is slowly taking over their land, business, and that now Chinese people are given privileged treatment from the government officials,” says Haggai. “We’ve seen a lot of Chinese are acquiring huge chunks of land.”
Chinese influence is a lightning-rod political issue in the country. In 2018, a Lusaka politician proposed building a China City, where Chinese expats would be restricted to doing their small business, after Zambians complained about foreigners engaging in their trades such as chicken rearing and running restaurants and salons, which have traditionally been their domain.
Before that, in 2006, the late Zambian politician Michael Sata claimed that 80,000 Chinese were “infesting” Zambia as he ran for the presidency on a xenophobic campaign, which led to racial attacks on Chinese-run workplaces. Chinese shopkeepers had to barricade their stores against attacks by looters. The actual number of Chinese in the country is much lower.
While Sata had threatened to recognize Taiwan as an independent state before taking office, when he finally became President, on his fourth attempt in 2011, he embraced China as “Zambia’s all-weather friend” and abandoned his campaign promises.
Mayor Sampa is Sata’s nephew, and he likely understands how well taking a hard line on China will play with voters.
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In a time of heightened racial tensions globally, Haggai says that Sampa should be cautious in the language he uses when talking about the Chinese presence to not stoke xenophobia.
“Of course, he has the mandate and the responsibility to check what is going on in the companies and factories in his jurisdiction, but he must be careful with what he says because this has become a very sensitive issue that might fuel further resentment against Chinese people,” he says.
After being advised to stay in his lane by central government authorities, perhaps mindful of Zambia’s economic dependence on China, Sampa issued an apology to the Chinese community.
He said: “I wish to apologies unreservedly … for the tone and language used towards one of their nationals in particular on the use of the word ‘Chinaman.’ I did not know hitherto that it was derogatory term, but they have since lodged in a formal complaint against my use of the word.
“Finally, I wish to assure all foreign investors in the city of Lusaka that my office is there to support their businesses 100% … we shall engage them in a more civil manner through relevant offices and institutions.”
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A memorial
On Monday, hundreds gathered at the scene of the murder in Lusaka to pay their respects to the Chinese migrants who lost their lives. Zambians and Chinese stood side by side, wearing face masks, as they mourned the dead.
Zambian employees from the textile business said a few words, along with fellow Chinese expatriates, according to Eric Shen, the Lusaka businessman who was master of ceremonies.
According to friends, Cao and her husband had been in Zambia for about 20 years, and from their warehouse they sold textiles, bedding and clothing they imported from Nantong, their home region of China which is known for textile production.
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The Zambian ambassador to China, Winnie N. Chibesakunda, told state-run tabloid the Global Times that Zambia will strengthen measures to protect the lives of Chinese living in the country. In October 2015, three Chinese people were killed in a robbery in Kitwe, and in November 2017 a Chinese national died in an armed robbery in the copperbelt.
“The government of the Republic of Zambia has instituted investigations to bring the perpetrators of this gruesome act to justice and shall endeavor to continue strengthening measures to protect the lives of Chinese living in Zambia,” she stated. Zambian authorities have arrested two men and one woman on suspicion of murder.
Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Zhao Lijian said that the murders were an isolated case that “won’t affect the mainstream of friendly cooperation between China and Zambia.”
Shen, the Lusaka-based businessman, concluded that, “these kinds of criminal activities can happen anywhere, any place, any time in this world.” He said the Chinese community was trying not to link the killings to rising anti-Chinese sentiment, in a place where many have chosen to call home.
CNN’s Shawn Deng also contributed to this report.
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from World Wide News https://ift.tt/30fXgFI
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cindyplots-archive · 5 years
grape - most innocent muse? 
Seo Minji (Ceres) que era muito quietinha e criada no colégio de freiras e o Nate Huang, que era um bebêzão criado pela vó. 
 squash - a muse you’d date in real life? 
Minha santíssima trindade de chars que eu namoraria demais: Orlando Beom (bartender, baterista, skatista e o char mais gentil que já escrevi); Krist Addams (inteligente pra caramba, ótimo senso de humor, meio esquisitinho e, claro, baterista) e Hwang Morten (sonoplasta, engraçado, pai de gatos e tão mal humorado quanto eu).
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