#char: leia organa
exitiosae-arch · 2 years
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cautiously. your teeth are bared, as they have been, your jaw aching for so long as growls slip free. you always have to defend yourself. you lash out in fear. you need someone who does not shrink back... a hand falling slowly to your shoulder, however briefly, in a reminder that you do not have to lunge. there is no danger here, now.
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moonlit-imagines · 2 years
Headcanons for being Leia Organa’s nanny
Leia Organa x reader
a/n: i forgot abt lola!!! and this request!!!
prompt: anonymous: “Could I request headcanons from the Obi-Wan Kenobi series about being child!Princess Leia‘s babysitter, please? Thank you!”
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your family had been trusted members of the Alderaanian Royal Guard for generations
you’d worked around the castle for some time before there was a delightful new addition to the royal family
and they asked you to care for her personally
“y/n, i think we have the perfect job for you” -bail
you met leia soon after she was born and thought she was the most beautiful girl to exist
“oh, i think i’m going to enjoy this job” -you
(it ended up being the most daunting thing you’d ever have to face)
she was not at all fussy as a baby, but as she grew up she got VERY sassy
and adventurous
“leia! no, please get down from there! your parents cannot know you climbed that high!” -you
“i can go higher!” -leia, climbing a tree
you just about had a heart attack
it only encouraged her
leia may be an adrenaline junkie, but she’s not opposed to a nice night in
you’ve gotten her to settle in with a good book and some homemade treats
breha and bail encourage you to teach her life skills, so she’s made a few meals and such on her own (you tried to help, she insists she can do it herself)
“do you like it?” -leia
“it’s…great…” -you, chewing charred cookies
she’s getting the hang of it
taking trips with the organa family
to which you get a small “break” from leia
not really, she loves to include you in family stuff
they all do, really
and you love the new sights across the galaxy, you never would have imagined these alone
“i think y/n would adore the skyline, don’t you?” -breha
“only one way to find out” -bail
they embraced you as family
you do leia’s hair a ton
“what would you like today?” -you
“braids” -leia
“what kind?” -you
“two pinned around my head” -leia
“i’ll do my best, dear” -you
you secretly taught leia her little attitude
always stand her ground and show kindness where it’s deserved
you have to gently wake her up, she’s been known to have some “active” dreams
you’ve been kicked and/or punched many mornings
“well, it was your own fault…sorry” -leia
she asks if you know anything of her birth parents
“unfortunately, i do not. i know you’d like answers, and maybe someday you’ll get them, but i would pry too hard if i were you” -you
“well, you aren’t me” -leia
“that’s true, miss attitude” -you
supervising when her cousins are around, since there seem to be plenty of disagreements between them
you can’t help but smirk at leia’s clapbacks
“now, come on, you guys. don’t be rude” -you
“who are you to tell me what to do, servant?” -cousin
“hey! don’t talk to them like that or i’ll make sure you go to bed bald!” -leia
“settle down—” -you
“not until he apologizes!” -leia
you have to remove leia from many of these situations
but she prefers alone time (and alone time with you) rather than those pesky social events
“i’d be so bored without you i think” -leia
“you do?” -you
“very much so” -leia
taglist: @alwaysananglophile // @locke-writes // @sweetheartlizzie07 // @queen-destenie // @captainshazamerica // @ravenmoore14 // @gabile18 // @sweetjedi // @retvenkos // @swanimagines // @randomfandomimagine // @dontyousassmeok // @dindjarinsspouse // @zoeyserpentluck // @summersimmerus // @scarthefangirl // @sheridans-dynamos // @lady-violet // @simsrecs // @xoxobabydolls // @ruvaakke // @simp-legend // @evilcr0ne // @thedarkqueenofavalon // @your-local-simp0 //
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tag game: (star wars)
Thank you for the tag dear @starrrgazingbunny 🥰
1.ride or die ship (your otp): aaah uuuh decisions decisions... Codywan are very neat, and so is almost every mlm Luke ship!!
2. most annoying ship: 'annoying' is an overexaggeration because I just don't pay attention to ships I don't like but. Bo-Katan/Din while S3 aired was a bit unnerving
3. second favourite ship: ReyRose are very sweet (: and CintaVel
4. favourite platonic relationship: Luke & Vader
5. underrated ship: literally every femslash ship! Like Sana Starros/Leia Organa 🥺
6. overrated ship: idek lmao
7. one thing i would change in canon: Filoni dunking on the Jedi in the last season of TCW because that was entirely uncalled for and out of character. Also, just delete all of Mando S3. Oh, and treat the POC in Andor better.
8. something canon did right: anytime anyone gets a sincere heartfelt hug!!
9. a thing i'm proud of creating for the fandom
10. a character who is perfect to me (wouldn't change a thing): OT Luke <3 and Omega
11. the character i relate to the most and why: both Luke and Din lmao
12. character(-s i hate the most and why: Krell. Like, just die.
13. something i've learned from the fandom: there are always more ships out there to discover and love, no matter how improbable they might sound!!
14. three tags i seek out on a03: Whump, bottom!char, Fix-It
15. a song i strongly associate with my otp/ favourite character: I Know the End by Phoebe Bridgers for all of Star Wars tbh
No pressure tagging @doublechocolate @materassassino @veradragonjedi @mars-attacking @zearay @tatooinedays @cam-elot @synthwwavve @velvetsunset
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tarisilmarwen · 2 years
Whumptober 2022 - “Cycle Broken“
(We pretty much all knew I was going to do a “Reva kidnaps baby Luke” fic at some point right?
Bit fixfic-ish because the Speed of Plot in the last episode annoyed the crap out of me, along with multiple characters just shrugging off lightsaber wounds to the gut.
Prompts used:
No. 4 Dead On Your Feet: Hidden Injury/Waking Up Disoriented/Can't Pass Out
No. 8 Everything Hurts And I'm Dying: Stomach Pain/Head Trauma/Back From The Dead
No. 30 Note To Self: Don't Get Kidnapped: Manhandled/Hair Grabbing/"Please don't touch me"
Alt. 2 Whimpering)
Reva clenched the broken holoprojector in tight fingers, concentrating on the surging cold inside her instead of the burning fire of her wound. She pushed the blackness back, resisted death for what seemed like an eternity. Muttered, furious words spilled from her mouth as she pressed her face into the sand.
"That little lying farm rat," she hissed. "I knew it. I knew he was hiding something!"
Lars and Kenobi were evidently working together, and Kenobi and Organa as well. A neat little conspiracy of traitors that were hiding... what, exactly? A pair of children? Force Sensitive, obviously, but what made these two so special that a lowly Tatooine moisture farmer would team up with an Imperial senator and a fugitive former Jedi master and war general?
Reva recalled Leia's stubborn resistance to the mind probe, how the girl had seemed to pull Reva's own thickly-buried insecurities out into the open as if her own shields didn't exist, as if her mind was laid bare before her. Little Organa was strong in the Force, and she didn't know it.
No one had ever matched her telepathic skill, countered her Force discernment. That was her gift, the one talent that kept her as precariously high-rank in the Inquisitorius as she was.
The talent that had allowed her to immediately recognize the powerful Dark-stained Force signature of her Sith Lord master the moment she was first brought into his presence.
Her fading consciousness flared back again, the reminder of her purpose, her sole reason for continuing to stubbornly live and fight and claw against the others for a position just a little bit closer to him rearing through her on a wave of tingling Dark rage.
The vigor pulsing through her brought her wound back to the forefront of her attention, and Reva cried out pitifully as she shifted and made it stab sharply, a knife of burning heat.
The pain was horrible and familiar, taking her back to that night in the Jedi Temple, her mind flashing over and over with the fall of the blue saber, the sting of agony as she was cut down.
Her teeth gripped together, outrage screaming inside her head.
Bastard had stabbed her in the same damn spot, it felt like.
Her anger became an inferno inside her, flowing from her wound, through her chest, to her head. Reva clung to the feeling, embracing it, soaking in it, letting the cold fill her.
With a wretched scream she forced herself to her feet, shaking legs aching as the muscles stretched, the wound in her side almost splitting her open with pain.
Her head spun dizzily for a moment once she'd managed to straighten up. Clutching to the swell of Dark Side power storming inside her, she shook her head and staggered forward, step by agonizing step.
Sand scuffed under her boots, displacing. She couldn't even lift her feet properly, toes scraping the dirt each time she stepped forward. The pain from her lightsaber wound made her nauseous, the vile burning scent of charred flesh wafting to her nose.
Her throat tightened. She kept moving.
Every step was horrendous. She teetered and staggered, ankles wobbling and shaking and barely holding her up. Finally she made it out of the hanger, only to despair as she came to the long, empty hallways of the base. Even the Stormtroopers were gone by now, their dead retrieved, insurgents catalogued and recorded, bodies left to rot.
How long had she been lying there on the floor?
Reva swallowed down the sudden swell of loneliness that threatened to drown her, reaching again for the cold fury that had been all that was keeping her going.
Even it started to fail her as she stumbled through hall after hall, trying to find the exit.
Remember, she told herself furiously, making herself relive the memories again. Skywalker marching in at the forefront of a cadre of Clone Troopers. The younglings turning their faces up in guarded hope. The cold impassive expression beneath the hood, alien on the general's normally grinning, cavalier face. The raising of his lightsaber. The thud! as it struck small bodies. Her playmates' horrible screams.
The cold pulsed inside her like a dull heartbeat. She clutched one hand tight against her wound as she went, the pain swelling up with every movement, sometimes close to overwhelming.
When she glanced up she found herself in another chamber. Larger, lined with abandoned equipment. Cables ran down the walls, and the sand was slightly more swept.
Reva grabbed out weakly for one of the cables, leaning against the wall and heaving for breath.
With effort, she slid along the cables.
Keep going, keep going, urged the voice inside her head but now all she could think about was the wide empty rock plain outside, devoid of even scraggly plants, no other dwellings or settlements or facilities nearby for miles. How could she even drag herself out of the base, much less across that lonely distance?
How much longer could she sustain herself through the sheer power of her hate? She knew the one they called The Shadow, the former Darth Maul, had somehow been able to survive for a decade, clinging stubbornly to life through the Dark Side, never letting go for a second. But Maul had been trained by Sidious himself.
She was just a broken child wielding the Dark Side like an inelegant club, pitiful and weak. A fact that the target of her hatred had shown her himself, with such casual indifference.
Reva was so absorbed in her self-pitying thoughts that she didn't notice the body that came out of the open doorway to her left until she nearly ran into it.
The man she'd almost collided with yanked back, startled, fear in his eyes. He was plain-clothed, and unarmored. One of the insurgents? Reva's mind spun. How had the Stormtroopers missed him? Had he hidden somewhere and been overlooked? Returned from an errand offworld or elsewhere on the planet?
Or had he, like her, played dead among the corpses of his companions, waiting underneath them as their bodies grew cold, in desperate hope of sneaking away once the slaughter had moved on?
Reva wanted to snarl at him, raise her fist and choke him with her power, demand he give her a ship and a medkit and force him to help her off this miserable rock. But the anger never reached her face.
Instead, what she did was crumple, barely hanging on with her hand to the cable, eyes glinting and lower lip holding back trembles.
"Help me," she whispered pathetically, feeling her extremities numb.
She let go of the cable. Her knees hit the dirt and blackness swelled up around her head as she fell forward, collapsing.
The cold pulse in her chest stuttered and slowed.
Life flickered back into her.
Her essence in the Force, thin and dissipating, began pulling back.
Awareness slowly moved over the surface of her thoughts, until it gripped them with a sudden firmness.
She jerked, her eyes snapping open. Seeing only darkness she panicked for a moment, thrashing her limbs in the void. Her arms and legs moved slowly, as if through thick water. Her side burned, pain spiking with her agitated movement. Something metal was jammed in her mouth. Reva almost screamed, until her gasping inhale brought a cool and steadying breath of air down her throat.
Reva stopped thrashing, going still, curiously sucking in another mouthful through the tube. A breathing apparatus. She was... floating?
Floating. In a tank.
The bacta tank in the chamber, the realization came to her.
Confusion at once set in, and she treaded in place as she tried to wrap her head around her new circumstances. The bacta swirled around her, tingling in her side as it worked to knit her back together. Bubbles escaped around the edges of her mouthpiece, drifting up to the tank surface above. Her armor had been removed, but thankfully her undershirt and pants had been left in place, arms and feet bare as she bobbed in the tank.
Bewildered, Reva just floated there for a long moment, a thousand questions screaming through her head but feeling... soothed by the gentle slosh of the liquid around her. It was calming.
Almost peaceful.
Lulled by the rushing roar in her ears, Reva almost let her eyes fall closed, taking in the stillness, almost let herself fall into that warmth and quiet and light—
Cold jolted her, and she yanked away from the warmth as if it stung, eyes opening wide again.
With a growl she stabbed her hands through the bacta, sending her down until her feet touched the bottom and then pushing up harshly, rising fast until she broke the surface.
Reva slung an arm over the rim, fumbling for the breathing apparatus before pulling it from her mouth and dropping it. She panted, the air in the chamber much hotter and staler than the clean sterile air in the rebreather.
As her sides heaved, she raised her eyes, scanning the platform.
The man from before was standing there, looking up anxiously towards her.
Reva flattened her eyes into a glare, suspicious and wary. She watched him, posture tense, but he just stayed where he was, silent, eyes full of concern.
She almost startled when he spoke.
"You were gone for a minute there," he told her. "I was worried you wouldn't make it."
Reva scowled firmly towards the floor. She made no move to get out yet, and silence fell once again.
For a long minute there was just the slosh of the bacta in the tank, the drip drip as droplets fell from her hair, the steady hum of the equipment and their quiet breaths, echoing slightly off the empty walls.
The man shifted.
"Do... you need any help getting out?" he asked.
Reva's scowl deepened and she clenched her teeth.
"No," she grit.
With a surge of effort she pushed up. Once her navel was level with the rim she slung one leg out of the tank. Rotating, she clambered the rest of the way out of the tank, hanging for a moment before dropping heavily to her haunches.
Her damp clothes stuck to her skin like clingwrap, water running down her back, dripping through her hair. Sitting in place, she stewed in resentment at this man, this stranger, seeing her in this vulnerable state.
She wanted her armor back.
Her hands clutched around her knees, face flaming. The man was approaching slowly. At a glare from her he stopped, holding up his hands.
"Easy. I'm not gonna hurt you," he promised.
"Why did you help me?" Reva demanded sharply.
The man looked like he wasn't entirely certain himself, a hesitation in his eyes. "It's... what a Jedi would do," he finally stumbled.
Reva snorted quietly. The earnest sincerity in his words, his tone... she could tell even without scanning him that he genuinely believed that.
"Yeah, that's what they're supposed to do," she muttered bitterly. Now that she'd stopped shivering the familiar cold of the Dark was drawing her back, settling back into her bones. Her anger festered, cooler now that she could afford not to draw on it to survive, though beginning to flicker hotter.
Anakin flashed though her mind yet again, the sting of betrayal, of outrage, curling up around her heart, hardening her features.
He thought she wasn't even worth killing did he?
He would regret that.
Glaring eyes turned up towards the Rebel insurgent. Her fist clenched firmly against her chest.
"I need a ship," she told him.
It took her a week, in the beat-up old freighter provided to her, to return to Tatooine. She kept the holonet tuned to the Imperial news channels the whole time, used her still-unrevoked access codes to get back into the system on a spare datapad, straining for news.
She had been furiously disappointed to learn that Obi-Wan had survived his encounter with Vader, and had disappeared off Imperial radar again.
Even more infuriatingly, Vader had survived also.
I knew you couldn't kill him, Reva thought angrily. You're weak, Kenobi. You loved him too much.
She kept the broken holoprojector with Senator Organa's message close at hand, replaying it over and over again. It was clear to her now that she couldn't kill Vader, not directly—though not for a lack of trying. She couldn't kill Obi-wan, either. She didn't have the skill.
But she could hurt him. If he was conspiring with that moisture farmer to hide a Force Sensitive child... if that child was anywhere near as strong in the Force as Leia...
She could take him. Snatch him right out from under Kenobi's watchful gaze. Train him. Teach him to be stronger than her, to carry out her mission in her stead. And then turn him on Vader.
She imagined the devastated horror on Obi-Wan's face and let that pleasant thought loop through her mind, ignoring the nagging voice that told her she had no patience to teach, the persistent ache in her half-healed wound, the gentle tug of the Light whispering to call her back, niggle on her conscience.
She hid the freighter on the outskirts of Anchorhead. For the first couple days, she didn't even venture out to leave the ship, meditating for long hours, changing the bandages on her wound—healing well thanks to the bacta—and fighting against her impatience.
When she could stand waiting no longer she began making trips into town. It was torturous, having to be careful, having to keep low profile and to the shadows, keep conversations short and brief and vague. All she wanted to do was blaze right in, lightsaber swinging.
But her stomach still panged with pain and she was not too keen to repeat her near-death experience on Jabiim.
Eventually, she found someone who knew the approximate location of the Lars' farm. Under cover of night she flew the freighter as close as she could without being detected, hiding the ship in the ridgeline.
And then there was more waiting.
Agitation strained at her. She watched the homestead for hours, stiff-kneed.
The first time she caught a glimpse of the boy she almost gasped.
Radiant in the Force, like a yellow sun beaming out warmth and light. Reva's mind reeled. How had Kenobi hid this? How had any Inquisitor set foot on this planet without immediately pinging to the boy's signature? Was it just her?
He was... dazzling.
The light pulsing within the boy felt so comfortably familiar. Like quiet hallways and a thousand minds in tune with hers. It felt like home.
She wanted... to touch it.
Reva shook herself out of her fascination, turning from the edge of the ridge and looking away for several deliberate moments. She could still feel the boy, his presence tugging on her and with effort she blocked it out.
When she turned back with narrowed, determined eyes and renewed resolve, she gnashed teeth across the distance at Owen. At the audacity of a Forceblind nobody to have resisted her enhanced mind scanning through sheer stubborn will.
No more lies, Owen, she thought furiously, nails digging into the rock. I know what you're hiding.
Obi-Wan had been twitchy and agitated for several days now. There was a discordant noise in the Force, some kind of premonition or warning.
For what, he couldn't say, but he had told Owen nonetheless. The man had scoffed and rebuffed him at first. It wasn't until little Luke had chimed in, mentioned his own odd feeling of being watched, that Owen promised to keep an eye out.
"Tuskans are probably prowling the hills again," he'd grunted, and that was the end of the conversation.
Still unsettled, it took a long time for Obi-Wan to wind down that evening. He meditated for an hour longer than normal, trying to let go of his anxiety, trying to find some peace inside himself. When he felt like he was calm enough, he pulled the blanket over his shoulders and drifted off to sleep.
Only to be woken in the middle of the night by the Force screaming.
Obi-Wan sat straight up, breath caught in his throat, danger senses sounding an alarm. He didn't even have time to get his bearings before he saw it.
The homestead under darkness. A shadow creeping in. Moonlight catching the face under the hood for just a flash, long enough for him to identify Reva. She was at the wall of one of the sunken rooms, lightsaber in hand.
She hesitated for just a moment before stabbing the saber through the stone.
Obi-Wan emerged from the vision with dread pooling all the way through him.
"Oh no," he whispered in horror.
Luke's terrified scream was shrill and frightening, and woke both of them immediately.
"Luke!" Beru gasped, already out of bed, flinging herself towards the door.
Owen grabbed the blaster rifle next to the bed, throwing the strap over his shoulder and priming it as he ran. Ten short steps across the compound to Luke's bedroom and then he froze in the doorway.
A hooded figure stood by a gaping hole in the wall, the edges still burning, a frantic, kicking Luke slung over her shoulder. She turned towards him and he recognized her with a jolt.
That woman. The Inquisitor.
Owen's throat locked with terror. Beru was still moving forward and he wanted to call out to her, warn her, but all he could do was reach a hand for her.
The Inquisitor gave a cruel smirk and extended a palm. Beru jerked back as if bouncing off a solid barrier. Owen felt a solid push knocking him in the chin. He stumbled over the threshold, tripping, falling on his back.
As he scrambled up he saw the back of her cloak vanishing through the hole.
"No!" he yelled, cold parental fear gripping his heart. "Fight her, Luke! Get away!"
"Owen!" the boy wailed from outside somewhere, and he and Beru hurried to find their feet.
Reva pelted with all speed across the wide empty sand-covered plain. The boy's screams rang in her ear; his failing limbs hit with dull thumps across her head and back.
She tightened her grip on his waist, panting, looking anxiously forward towards the ridgeline in the distance. All she had to do was make it to the ship...
A shot from behind hit her shoulder. Pain flared in her muscles.
Reva cried out, faltering, dropping to her knees and toppling over. She scrabbled to clutch the spot, the burning flesh scent sharp in her nose, choking.
The boy wiggled free of her hold while she was still trying to reach the new wound. Reva snarled, and tangled her arm in the boy's legs, tripping him, grabbing firm hold of an ankle and dragging him back.
His scratching hands and toes flung sand everywhere. "No!" he shrieked, fighting her as she pulled on him. "Don't touch me! Don't touch me! Lemme go!"
With clenched teeth, Reva jabbed fingers into the boy's hair and yanked his head back, making him gasp with pain. Her other hand snaked around his neck, just firm enough to be threatening.
"Listen to me!" she hissed in his ear, tone warning and serious. "You wanna live? You stop struggling. Understand?"
She got only a frightened sob in reply, but the boy was obediently limp when she tossed him back over her shoulder, only wiggling a bit discontently.
Reva got back up and resumed her frantic flight across the sand, steps and heart pounding, ignoring the stabs of agony from her shoulder, the streaking red laser bolts that flew wide of her from someone firing behind.
Run. Just run, she told herself, heaving in breath.
Obi-Wan pulled the eopie up short, dismounted, and ran.
His pulse drummed loud in his ears and chest as he pumped his arms and legs.
He knew where to look, he knew exactly where she'd be, knew from his own secret watchings where she would be hiding.
As he got closer, he could start to sense the rivulets of fear. From Luke, as expected, and even more distantly Beru and Owen's frantic terrified worry.
But also, oddly, from Reva.
Obi-Wan didn't have time to wonder about that. His saber bounced at his hip, cloak swished around his pounding legs.
The back end of the ridge line came into view.
Reva hissed as she peeled back the torn cloth around her shoulder. Owen had pegged her right between her collar and shoulder blade, a clean shot straight through. Rather impressive, she had to begrudgingly admit to herself.
Slapping a bacta patch over it was a simple enough matter, but the pain festered, the burnt smell tickling on her mind and threatening to pull her back, back to when she watched their crèchemaster fall, multiple blaster shots pumping though her, back to the horrible scent of death all around her as she lay terrified on the floor hoping the clone troopers wouldn't come back to check.
Her anger coiled inside her, but frayed, fragmented with distraction. Reva clutched both hands on the edge of the table, struggling for composure. Breathing heavily.
A small whimper sounded behind her.
"Shut up!" she snapped. She shot a glare behind her at the boy, still sitting where she'd deposited him on a loose cargo crate, scrawny thin wrists latched behind him in binders that were just a smidge too large on him. His watery blue eyes looked up at her in fear, tears trailing down his red little cheeks into the edge of the cloth she'd tied in his mouth when his blubbering became too much for her.
Reva's arms stiffened, his pitiful expression wrenching at something at her. She looked away, hastily putting items back in the medkit. The light inside the boy was as unwavering as ever, glowing softly, grating on her mind. It scalded her, like the heat of a lightsaber held too close to her skin.
Her hands shook as she fumbled with the latches. She reached for the Dark Side, but it evaded her, illusive behind her distracted mind spinning in circles, circling thoughts repeating, He's ten. He's ten. I was ten. He's my age.
Her eyes squeezed closed, her lip trembling.
He's Anakin's.
She knew those eyes. Sky-blue like an endless horizon. No wonder Obi-Wan had worked so hard to hide him. It was all he had left of him.
The poetry of it all was perfect... her revenge should be all the sweeter...
But he was so young. So small and so afraid.
Like she had been.
She could see his face even now against her closed eyelids, timid and terrified. It hurt to look at him.
Reva clenched fingers over her ears, screwing her face, screaming close-mouthed.
"Stop it!" she yelled out, to everything and nothing.
She had to do it. She had to. It was the only way... the only way she'd be at peace, that they'd be at peace, that justice would be done for her dead friends, her dead playmates.
The boy hitched behind her, frightened, his fear spiking through the Force. Reva felt heat under her eyes and held back from crying.
"Reva!" a voice called from outside the ship.
Snapping towards the lowered hatch ramp, Reva whirled, lightsaber flaring to life. The red blade bounced an eerie glow off the walls of the hold.
"Don't you dare, Kenobi!" she shouted down at him. "Don't you put one foot on that ramp!"
She couldn't see him, but she could picture him as a cool blue presence in the Force, hands up, approaching carefully.
"Come outside, Reva," he urged, his voice surprisingly gentle. "Talk to me."
Her jaw clenched. She squeezed the hilt in her fingers, the ridges digging into her palm. "I have nothing to say to you!" she spat.
"Please..." he said again, words full of persuasion.
Reva hesitated. Her lightsaber wavered. It didn't sound like Kenobi wanted to fight, which she would have expected, would have thought he'd blaze in with his lightsaber flaring and fight her tooth and nail for the boy back. But all he was doing was standing out there. Waiting for her.
Well, she thought darkly, in grim humor, maybe I can kill him while I'm at it.
Straightening, she let the startled tension ease out of her shoulders. She pointed a stern finger back at her captive.
"You stay put," she warned him.
He nodded, sniffling pitifully.
Carefully, Reva made her way down the ramp, lightsaber forward. As she thought, Obi-Wan was standing at a distance, his hands up plaintively.
Reva studied him, a confused wrinkle appearing between her brows. His light seemed... steadier. Stronger. The carefully contained turmoil she had sensed in him before was gone.
He took a step closer.
Immediately she stiffened and raised her saber between them. "Don't!" she warned harshly. "You come any closer and I swear I'll kill the boy in front of you!"
There was a steel glint in Obi-Wan's eyes as he said calmly, "You won't do that, Reva."
"Why not?" she snapped, hands tightening on her saber.
The Jedi Master's hands lowered just a fraction. "If the aim was to kill him, you would have already done so. You don't want to kill him." His voice turned quieter, more gentle. "I don't think you want to hurt him at all," he discerned.
Reva's heart and head screeched in outrage and denial of Obi-Wan's statement. Saber out stiffly, expression furiously wrathful, she shouted, "Why shouldn't I?!" Her glare scorched from her eyes. "He's Skywalker's son! That's why you're here, isn't it? Protecting the spawn of that monster!"
A deep sorrow passed over Obi-Wan's face.
It seemed to take a moment for him to respond.
"Anakin is dead. Vader is all that remains," came the leaden pronouncement, the Jedi's voice breaking a bit on the words. Obi-Wan paused significantly. "But Luke is innocent." Soft blue eyes full of compassion and pity landed on her. "Like you were," he finished softly.
Reva inhaled shakily, a gasping half-sob, the pointed red blade trembling along with her hands.
Obi-Wan risked taking a step. Reva tensed like a cornered animal but couldn't stop her eyes from welling up, couldn't help the pitiful urge inside her that wanted to throw herself against Obi-Wan's chest and take comfort in the embrace of someone who might actually understand.
The man's kind gaze was unwavering.
"And neither of you deserves this," he almost whispered.
The voice in her head shrieking at her to lunge, slay Kenobi and take her revenge, was slowly drowned out by her rising sorrow and grief. Third Sister, Inquisitor of the Empire, began to fade as Reva Sevander, a broken child too young to have had everything ripped away from her, came to the fore, called out for her not to inflict the same fate on another youngling, another innocent.
She could still feel him shining in the Force behind her. Her resolve weakened. She knew what she would have to do to darken that light, turn the boy to the Dark Side. Obi-Wan's words asked her plaintively, Could she do it?
Could she inflict that same pain on someone like her?
Reva wavered, stayed tense, thoughts spiraling.
...An eternity passed and then she broke.
Reva's shaking hands lowered her lightsaber, the blade extinguishing. She dropped it on the ground and followed after it onto her knees, eyes squeezing closed with a sob, the tears dropping at last.
She couldn't.
She heaved in breath, sides shuddering as she wept, the tears unceasing as they fell down her cheeks. Reva reached up pitifully, trying to wipe them.
They kept coming.
Obi-Wan lowered his hands and closed the distance, stepping softly across the dry gravel. Reva's turmoil was so loud in her head she almost didn't hear him.
I can't do it I can't do it I'm—She hiccuped for air.—I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, I couldn't—
She clutched arms around herself, opening up to all the sorrow she'd bottled over the years, letting it spill out.
Cloth rustled. Hands placed calmly on her shoulders.
Reva pressed into Obi-Wan's collar, gasping.
"I'm sorry!" she repeated. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry—"
A soft shushing. Sleeves wrapped around her, his arms steady.
"I—I failed them..." she choked.
"No Reva," he whispered soothingly. "You have given them peace."
That set off another round of wailing sobs, her heart pouring out to the rocks and the stars and the steady blue presence around her as the Light found a crack to slip in and begin healing.
Luke shifted nervously on the cargo crate, wringing his hands in the binders again. He wasn't at all sure what was going on outside, but it was loud and frightening and he wanted to run away. He thought if he pulled against the cuffs just hard enough he might be able to get a hand free but then he didn't know what that scary lady was going to do to him. Was she still out there?
He strained his ears. It sounded like someone was crying. The sound continued for a long time, enough for Luke to get fidgety.
When it finally faded he heard bootsteps coming up the ramp.
Luke jolted and tensed up, trying to curl his legs in front of his body protectively, staring towards the ramp with fear that deflated at once when he saw who it was.
Old Ben Kenobi.
He looked tired, but he was smiling, and Luke felt his heart lift. The man was here to rescue him, surely!
Luke sat up straight. Ben walked over, first picking the gag out of Luke's mouth, unwinding it and pulling it free.
"Are you hurt, Luke?" he asked.
The boy shook his head. "No sir."
Ben nodded. "Good. I'm glad to hear it. Can you turn a bit for me?"
Luke obediently complied, angling his wrists for Ben to reach. With a bit of fiddling the binders came free, and Luke let out a breath of relief as the strain vanished.
"I'm... sorry about my friend," Ben was saying and Luke listened with some confusion as he flexed his shoulders and wrists. "She lost her whole family recently and... she's been very lonely."
Luke blinked towards the bottom of the ramp. Was he talking about the scary lady?
"So she tried to take you and... force you to be her new family," Ben continued explaining. One calloused hand was placed on Luke's shoulder. "But she's realized now that was wrong and she's very sorry. You won't see her again." Probing eyes met his. "Do you understand?" Ben asked him.
Well, Luke was still confused but there was ring in Ben's words that felt right, felt true. So he replied, "I... think so?"
Ben smiled comfortingly, and Luke felt warm. "Come on," the man urged, "let's get you home."
Reva had mostly collected herself by the time Obi-Wan returned down the ramp, the boy by his side. Red puffy eyes slid dully towards the pair.
The boy flinched and shied into Obi-Wan's side when he saw her.
"It's all right," Obi-Wan whispered, rubbing the boy's arm. "She won't hurt you."
Reva managed a grim half-smile that she hoped was reassuring.
Curiously, the boy peeked out from behind Obi-Wan, tilting his head at her. Reva wondered what she might look like to boy's underdeveloped senses. Calmer, perhaps? Perhaps some of the peace Obi-Wan had somehow been able to find was in her now.
She certainly felt... better.
Another inhale passed shakily through her, as she struggled not to cry again. She looked down at her gloved hands. She knew she should stand up eventually, get back on the ship, maybe return it, maybe go somewhere else.
But her limbs wouldn't move. They stayed in place, numb. A fire had gone out of her.
What am I supposed to do now? she asked herself.
A shift of gravel at her side made her look up. The boy—Skywalker's son—looked at her, compassion in the eyes that were so much like his father's.
"I'm sorry about your family," he told her, and it felt so genuine and honest.
Reva felt her eyes brimming again. "Thank you," she whispered.
And the Obi-Wan was urging him to come along, and the boy trotted obediently at the Jedi Master's side. Reva watched them go, fading into the pre-dawn, watched them make their way through the narrow path that led down to the plain below.
And as she looked up towards the horizon, at the suns beginning to peek yellow in the sky, she lifted her head and felt, for the first time in years, unbridled and warm.
And free.
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comicwaren · 5 years
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From Journey to Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker - Allegiance #002, “Troubled Waters”
Art by Luke Ross and Lee Loughridge
Written by Ethan Sacks
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qqueenofhades · 2 years
A prompt - 5 times Leia and/or Luke reminded Obi-Wan of their parents and one time they definitely did not.
She is so very much like Anakin that it stops his heart.
Barely five minutes after they meet for the first time -- well, not the first first time, he was there when she was born, held her in his arms as a slick and squalling infant as Padmé breathed the name Leia and then did not breathe again -- she's already backtalking him, questioning his judgment, running him on a merry chase, calling him old, leaping headlong into danger, irritatingly fond of her small droid sidekick, and otherwise confirming every one of Obi-Wan's worst fears that no matter ten whole years of Bail and Breha Organa's best efforts, the Skywalker blood is too strong to ever be tamped down. It should terrify him -- and make no mistake, it does. He's constantly second-guessing his decision to leave Tatooine, especially after the horrifyingly close shave that Owen already had with the Inquisitor, and give up his silent, solitary penance in watching over Luke from afar. He doesn't want to love Leia. His heart is already too old and scabby and far too thoroughly broken. It does not, or so Obi-Wan thinks, have room. It simply cannot stand doing it all again.
(Of course, as is always the case when it comes to the Skywalkers and Obi-Wan Kenobi, he's wrong, and totally helpless. He will love her whether he wants to or not, and it's just easier to give in and accept it.)
Then almost as fast, as they're scrambling to flee Daiyu, he sees Padmé in her: the stubborness, the strength, the willingness to take the lead and boss around men two or three or four times her senior. Obi-Wan does not want to count how many years older than her he is; it is many, and he feels every one of them. He cannot look at Leia and not see his own ghosts. It's an unfair burden to put on the shoulders of a small girl, but when has any of this been fair?
When the stormtroopers almost catch them in a lie on Mapuzo, when Obi-Wan -- despite all his protestations and warnings to her, is the one to slip up and call her Leia, not Luma -- when he tells her that he sometimes looks at her and sees her mother's face, it is no word of a lie. Especially not when he's seeing Anakin in that same desert, a hallucination or a dream or whatever it was, some twisted dark mirror of the man who used to be the other half of Obi-Wan's soul.
(And despite all the damage and char, the darkness and the damnation and the evil, he still is. He still is.)
(Leia Organa is Anakin Skywalker's daughter through and through, and so of course there was nothing Obi-Wan Kenobi could ever do but love her as if she was his own flesh and blood.)
Later, when they're safe and the adventure is over and Leia is back home on Alderaan with her parents, Obi-Wan returns the repaired Lola and tells the girl about Anakin and Padmé, as much as he can. She deserves to know more, she deserves the world, but he has to keep her safe, and he can only hope that he will get the chance to tell her. There is still so much left to do. There are still so many promises that he desperately yearns to keep.
When Obi-Wan is back on Tatooine, when he meets Luke face-to-face for the very first time, he sees Anakin's sandy-blond hair and Padmé's determined kindness, after Reva couldn't bring herself to kill this boy even when she was drowning in revenge, and his scarred old heart breaks again, just a little. But this time, it's not so much like searing agony. It is not ending and devastation and heartbreak and horror.
This time -- this time, at so very long last -- it feels like hope.
"Hello there," Ben Kenobi says to Luke Skywalker, and so, at long last, the cycle begins again.
Years and years later, beyond time and space, beyond life and death, in the luminous eternal netherworld of the Force, where Obi-Wan has existed ever since he gave himself up to the red blaze of Vader's lightsaber, where he has stayed to guide Luke from the beyond, where he has waited and waited -- at last, at last, his patience is rewarded, and his suffering, and his sacrifice, when --
"Hello, Master," Anakin Skywalker says -- Anakin, not Vader. His voice is husky and strange and echoing, but his crooked smile is just the same as Obi-Wan remembers, and oh, it burns brighter than the heart of an exploding star. "It's been a long time."
(Obi-Wan says nothing, just then. Obi-Wan could not possibly.)
"Luke saved me, you know," Anakin says softly, as they stand just beyond the warm brightness of the Ewoks' camp with Yoda perched contentedly on the fence between them, and watch Luke and Leia and Han and Wedge and Chewbacca and Lando all celebrate the demise of the second Death Star, and the desperate, delicate certainty that now, after so many long years and so many broken dreams, the galaxy will be free. "He did what I couldn't. He wasn't like me after all."
"No," Obi-Wan says back, just as softly, and their ghostly voices are lost in the echo and burst and brightness of the fireworks that are going off across the galaxy tonight, celebrating the Emperor's death -- even if very few of them know who truly killed him, who rose at long last from the ashes of Vader, and flew. "He was."
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finallymc · 4 years
˗ˏˋ 🌟    brooke davis    .          ››          i am one in a million      .
˗ˏˋ 🌟    serena van der woodsen    .          ››          i keep thinking when things get too hard you’ll give up on me       .
˗ˏˋ 🌟    leia organa    .          ››          aren’t you a little short for a stormtrooper        .
˗ˏˋ 🌟    pam beesly    .          ››          there’s a lot of beauty in ordinary things         .
˗ˏˋ 🌟    meg march    .          ››          just because my dreams are different than yours it doesn’t mean they’re unimportant         .
˗ˏˋ 🌟    sansa stark    .          ››          i’m a slow learner it’s true but i learn         .
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mcrcki · 2 years
᠃ ⚘᠂ ⚘ closed ⚘ ᠂ ⚘ ᠃
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look at all those starter slots!! wouldn’t you love to fill them just in time for hidden’s second mini event?? i know i would if i were you. but then i would be writing with myself which.. nvm please come react to this for some starters !! below the cut will be some information about what my girls are doing, if they’re dressing up, if they’re really enjoying the faire, if they’re working, anything really! you all know i love to ramble!! but some quick rules, cause man do i love rules :) please specify who you want your starter for or else i will not complete the request !! i am also capping this at THREE requests per writer, just so i can write with everyone !! other than that, come click on through for details about my lovely angels !! 
ginny weasley || harry potter || 5/5
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ginny is always down for something new, a new adventure, a new place to visit, what have you. she’s definitely gotten a lot of people on her tiktok fyp who are doing like renn faire outfit ideas, so she’s kinda excited to go to one here. she will be dressing up, but only because she was able to find a cute outfit with pants. you can find that here. she’s not here to work, just here to enjoy herself. you can most likely find her hanging around the smithy, the jousting competitions, axe throwing, and the pirate pub crawl! come hang out !
hermione granger ( swan )
fred weasley ( marie )
bill weasley ( annie )
molly weasley ii ( chany )
marcus flint ( j )
leia organa || star wars || 4/5
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leia will most definitely be in attendance, and in full costume, which you can find here !! she thinks it’s important that she show face at any major gathering the city has, to be a face amongst the crowd so that people do not feel as though she is some higher being that is never around. she will especially be there, having fun with her family since a certain someone will not be in attendance. you can find her perusing the shops, attempting to pull excalibur from the stone, watching the performers and joining in on some of the dances! stop by and say hello!
isabelle lightwood ( swan )
padme amidala ( marie )
obi wan kenobi ( salsa )
ben solo ( jodie )
marlene mckinnon || hp : marauders era || 4/5
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marlene will not be dressing up for this, those outfits look itchy and uncomfortable. you can find what she will be wearing, a normal outfit for her, here ! she will be enjoying some of the faire, mainly here to follow only with the pirates, maybe check out the mermaids and definitely figure out where people are getting those giant turkey legs. once the pub crawl is through.. she will definitely be trying her hand at some sword fighting, or maybe axe throwing. something that seems more exciting than just wandering around! but you should come hang out and enjoy her chaos! 
gwen stacey ( websncardigans )
alastor moody ( salsa )
felicity mckinnon ( j )
sirius black ( jodie )
omega archeron || sw : the bad batch || 4/5
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omega has put on a nice flower dress and that’s about as much dressing up as you’re going to get from her, you can find that outfit here !! despite not being into the dress up aspect of the faire, omega is genuinely excited for this. she will probably go once or twice, mainly cause it’s an excuse to actively train with her bow. she’ll be down at the archery fields, maybe checking out some shops before ditching the hot outside air for something air conditioned and selling coffee outside of the faire grounds. feel free to join her in that escape!
evie grimhilde ( char )
stiles stilinski ( sam )
sion val palpatine ( alex )
gir ( mia )
pj halliwell || charmed ‘98 || 4/5
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pj is thriving !!!! she is so so excited. she was debating opening her own flower stall, but figured someone else would’ve beaten her to it, so instead she will be living her best life at this faire dressed as a fairy, going around and doing little magic displays and handing out flowers. she is here to make everyone’s days a little bit more magical so come hang out and get a little bit of magic !! she’s definitely having fun going to all the stalls, joining in on the dances and having just too much fun, please let her give some of that excitement to you!
martin blackwood ( ollie )
nie mingjue ( kasey )
eddie kaspbrak  ( salsa )
parker halliwell ( jodie )
rowena ravenclaw || hp : founders era || 4/5
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rowena has been breathing a sigh of relief friends. finally people are dressed normally, for her, she can put on a dress that she is most comfortable with and is just happy to not feel out of place doing it. i won’t lie, she’s being a little annoying, pointing out historical inaccuracies and making comments that certain things wouldn’t have existed at that time, but she’s trying to not do it tooooo much. she will be spending some time at these potion stands, wondering just what someone without magic is claiming as a potion. will definitely be watching some of the jousting though, just for a little bit of something fun and exciting, but mainly she’s just enjoying the atmosphere of the faire! 
zhongli ( sunny )
albus dumbledore ( britt )
salazar slytherin ( j )
aloth corfiser ( mia )
sella palpatine || star wars || 5/5
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this is so cute and a great excuse to get out of work! she has rented a costume, which you can take a peek at here! honestly, this is just such a nice distraction from everything she’s been dealing with outside of work, all of the stress she’s been going through, she is excited to just cut loose a little and have fun in a nice dress! she will be around hanging out at some of the shops, taking part in the dancing, trying to win some of the prizes, maybe contemplating getting a job as a mermaid!
noah czerny ( ollie )
han solo ( marie )
allana solo ( kasey )
claire novak ( char )
silco ( alex )
sophie hatter || howl’s moving castle || 3/5
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another one of my babes who is highkey relieved for some clothes that feel far more within their comfort zone. honestly, if sophie could wear what they’re wearing to the faire every day, they would be very happy. they are currently running ‘sophie’s hattery and flower stall’ where you can find any and all beautiful hats to complete and outfit, or some flowers to make your day just a little brighter and smell a little sweeter! they will be dragged to enjoy some more of the faire by someone running a potion shop across the way, so if you see them out and about, just know she is probably looking for her way back to the stall, but you are more than welcome to grab her and make sure she enjoys the festival and doesn’t just exist to work.
wednesday addams ( britt )
elosie bridgerton ( annie )
asmodeus alice ( mia )
suki || avatar the last airbender || 3/5
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honestly, suki is kinda just here to see what all the fuss is about and then probably dip. she definitely is not dressing up, and is looking like she does on most days off. but if you see her around, feel free to come hang out, maybe convince her to stay around for longer. she will probably stay to watch a joust, or try out some of the sword fighting, but really that’s about it. but come hang out while she’s still around in the faire grounds !!
katara ( swan )
kyoshi ( sunny )
ty lee ( kasey )
tatum riley || scream ‘96 || 4/5
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tatum is not really dressing up, but she is telling everyone she did. wearing a cute dress with a corset top is a good outfit right?? please come tell her it’s a good fit, she really did not think she was going to go to this until like a day before and decided ‘fuck it might as well.’ she’s probably going to just be hanging around the shops, maybe get a cute flower on her cheek, or be very concerned about the sword swallowers. either way, she’s here to just kinda check it out and see what the faire has to offer!
lumine ( kasey )
anne shirley cuthbert ( britt )
eddie munson ( sam )
peter ballard ( alex )
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oboecannoli · 7 years
hoth leia made me gay
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exitiosae-arch · 2 years
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spotsupstuff · 2 years
‘Was she enough with the rebellion that maybe leia took her in… wouldn’t she be rey organa/solo in that case’ Spot,, Leia is a skywalker (unless you mean simply in terms of names since I too would imagine Leia using organa more because it’s the name she grew up with. Idk I haven’t actually watched the sequels shrugs)
Though that still doesn’t change the rey and kylo being related in whatever way gHSJSGSH The sequels are a mess I live my life perfectly only consuming the original triology + the prequels
WELL YEAH OFC SHES A SKYWALKER DAS A DUH INFORMATION BUT SHE GOT MARRIED TO HAN SOLO RIGHT. SO WOULDNT HER NAME BE LEIA SOLO IN THAT CASE if the whole "one partner takes the surname of the other" happens in the star wars universe, could not since it doesnt really happened in some place in real life as well AND HER OG NAME OF THE ADOPTIVE FAMILY IS ORGANA
n if rey presents herself as a "skywalker" + the high doubt it was cuz LUKE took her in cuz my god then only Leia could be the one who possibly could've inflicted the skywalker name on her but Leia doesnt really go by skywalker from what i've seen in the lego games (my knowledge is all rooted from that rn so like im dumby bout the "main" chars for now i admit) she gets more presented as [rebelion/resistance title] Leia Organa in which case it would make more sense for the rey creature to take on the Organa name rather than the skywalker one just... where the fuck did that skywalker thing come from why is it treated as some sorta title when its a gog dang name
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jedimasterbailey · 3 years
Star wars asks - 9. 12. And 24
Hello there! 😍 it’s always good to see you my fellow Jedi stan! Thank you so much for the ask! 😊
9.) What food from Star Wars would you want to try?
As someone who lives in real life Tatooine, I enjoy more refreshing foods like fruits so I think I’ll go with the meliroons (I doubt I spelt that right). Everyone in the Star Wars universe seems to enjoy them so I imagine I would to.
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12.) Which character would you be friends with?
I’m going to cheat and go with wanting to be friends with all the Jedi except Krell because fuck him (I literally can’t pick one). I want Obi-Wan to mentor me, I want to have tea with Luminara and Barriss, I want to meditate with Mace, I want to go flying with Anakin, I want to practice spar with Ahsoka, I want to bitch about how much deserts suck with Luke, fight injustice with Leia…like how could I pick one? I love the Jedi so much 💚💙💜 honorable mentions are Riyo Chuchi and the Organa family.
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24.) Would you want to be human, or from another species?
Id want to be Mirialan because that’s my favorite species in the Star Wars universe (they have been for as long as I can remember)💚💙 I’m so much like them and their fashion is impeccable 🤌🏻
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padawanlost · 4 years
Ik you focus more on prequel meta than original meta but what are your thoughts on Luke’s relationship with his aunt and uncle? Like obviously they raised him and loved him and he was torn up about their deaths but like we never see him properly mourn them other than like one scene, and I find it interesting that they raise him to call them aunt and uncle, as opposed to Bail and Breha who raise Leia as their daughter even if she is aware she’s adopted
As you said, the OT is not really my ‘area’ but from the top of my head, I can think of a few reasons that could explain this:
1 – Beru and Owen raised Luke as their nephew because that’s what they were. Unlike Bail, they had no idea Anakin was the father of twins who needed to hidden from Vader and Palpatine at all costs. Obi-wan told them to raise Luke and the Lars had no reason to lie about who Luke was or where he came from because they didn’t know better. Besides, it would have been awkward to explain a weeks old baby to the neighbors and friends. Same goes for Bail and Breha. They knew about the twins past, but they also knew people were aware they wanted a child. So, in their case, the adoption lie was a perfect fit. Anyway, I don’t think Luke calling Beru and Owen aunt and uncle means he had a less loving family relationship than Leia. I think what we have is a situation where content creators are less interested in the ‘boring’ Lars farm life than they are about the Organas political intrigue. It’s much easier to explore Leia family life because it’s easier to insert familiar characters, places and sw tropes in those stories. Beru and Owen only had constant contact with one main character (Luke) and mostly stayed on their farm. Not nearly as exciting as the drama going on in Alderaan and Coruscant. 
2 – In the end of the day, Luke Skywalker was the main male hero of a 70s movie. if today’s heroes aren’t allowed to break down in realistic manner (they are only allowed sparse single tears and stoic behaviors), can you image how it was 40 years ago? Luke found his home utterly destroyed and the charred bodies of the only family he ever had and his reaction was a quiet and respectful sadness. Not the traumatic, breaking down that would probably occur. As someone who survived a house fire I can promise you it’s not the kind of thing you can brush aside. 
Again, not saying Luke didn’t *feel* the loss, I’m saying he wasn’t allowed to show it in ways today’s audience would find realistic because of the time period the character/movie was created. 
Leia, as a woman, was expected to be sad about it in a way Luke never would. But let’s be real and admit even Leia’s reaction to destruction of Alderaan wasn’t properly explored by the movies. So I don’t think it’s a matter of them not experiencing the trauma and grief, it’s a matter of George not wanting to explore that aspect of the characters on screen. He was focused on the larger picture but, thankfully, the EU did fill some gaps by exploring how the loss of their families affected them.
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comicwaren · 5 years
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From Journey to Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker - Allegiance #003, “Dark Side of the Moon”
Art by Luke Ross and Lee Loughridge
Written by Ethan Sacks
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gracegriller949 · 3 years
Shining Devotion Ch 4
Rating: Mature
Word Count: 1.3k
Pairing: DinLuke, Luke Skywalker/Din Djarin
A/N: Read the full fic on Ao3 here
Chapter 4
Once Luke is done with his nutrient bar, the Mandalorian gathers Grogu in his arms and they all head out to the site of the crash.
As the trio makes their way through the forest, Luke starts back on his gentle interrogation.
“So, the ruler of Mandalore?” Luke says, trying to breach the subject as casually as possible.
Mando sighs.
Luke frowns at that.
“Maybe?” he asks.
“It seems as though I’ve been overthrown.”
“But why?”
“I’m not sure. I did everything I could to be a good ruler, seems as though I was not good enough.”
“I don’t believe that for a second.”
The Mandalorian looks over at Luke, surprised. Luke is surprised himself.
“You seem like a good man, I’m sure you made a fine ruler.”
Mando keeps his head trained on the terrain, continuing to guide the trio silently.
“Surely there is some way to get your throne back,” Luke says.
“I used to be a bounty hunter,” says the Mandalorian, “I never expected or wanted to be a ruler.”
“But don’t you feel like that you owe it your people to be the Mand’alor?”
The Mandalorian is quiet for a moment. Luke starts to feel like maybe he’s overstepped, but the Mandalorian responds.
“Not anymore. Not after what they did.”
Luke shivers a little at Mando’s tone. He looks over at the Mandalorian, taking his eyes off the forest for the first time since they started.
“I’m sorry about Boba Fett.”
Mando just nods and keeps his eyes trained on the terrain ahead of him.
“Surely there is something you can do?”
“You mean if there was some way to get off this planet?” Mando says as he places his hand on the side of his helmet to change his settings.
“I can help with that. I have my X-Wing, you could borrow it.”
Mando shakes his head.
“I can’t leave you stranded here,” Mando says.
Luke snaps his head to the Mandalorian.
“What if something happens to the kid.”
Right. The child. Mando is worried about his son. Definitely not Luke.
Mando looks down at the child in his hand. Grogu, still gripping his pack of cookies, looks up at the Mandalorian and cocks his head. Mando scratches his head gently with a finger.
Luke’s heart swells. Why was the Mandalorian just so damn good with the kid?
Suddenly, Luke remembers something.
“There might be another way to get off this planet.”
Luke uses the Force to move a branch from hitting them in the face as Mando turns to glance at Luke.
“There is so much leftover scraps from the war. I haven’t dug down super deep into the old base. Maybe there’s something there.”
Mando nods.
“It might be worth checking out.”
The conversation fades out and they walk in silence the rest of the way to the ship, only occasionally warning each other about low hanging branches and tricky exposed roots.
Grogu seems to enjoy the trip the most out of all of them. Cooing happily in Mando’s arms as various bugs whiz by his head, his little green fingers outstretched.
The Mandalorian leads them most of the way there, using a tracking setting on his helmet to expertly maneuver them to what remains of the Slave I.
The wreckage still smokes slightly as the three approach. There are large hunks of metal scattered across the area. Luke doesn’t recognize a lot of it. It seems that the fire has reduced most of the old ship to ash.
The Mandalorian holds out his son, and Luke takes him willingly as Mando makes his way towards where the main part of the ship used to be. Luke bounces Grogu idly as he watches the Mandalorian pick through the remains.
Mando picks up a shiny rectangular piece, a jetpack, and instantly clicks it onto his back, moving his cape out of the way to do so. The Mandalorian walks a little farther to pick up a long silver spear. He brushes the ash from it, then slides it onto his back as well.
Luke watches the Mandalorian’s form as he bends over to look in a pile of charred ship panels. Luke can’t seem to pull his eyes away. The Mandalorian’s presence has put Luke’s heart on edge. He’s not quite who Luke thought him to be. He’s blunter and a little cold, not like the teary-eyed man that Luke remembers from their first encounter.
He is a great father though. The connection that he has with Grogu is so strong, Luke can feel it in everything Grogu does with the Force.
Luke finally pulls his eyes away from the Mandalorian, now inspecting a long hunk of metal that looks vaguely like a gun. Luke looks down at his student, now looking very sleepy in Luke’s arms.
He looks around again at the wreckage and finds a torn piece of a large piece fabric. It was most likely an old blanket, now charred on the edges. Luke picks it up and rips it until it is a suitable size. He then tries to wrap it around his body, but it proves difficult with the sleepy child in his hand.
“Let me help.”
The Mandalorian appears in front of Luke and takes the piece of fabric from his hand. He wraps the fabric around Luke and ties it onto his shoulder like a sling, his hand lingering on Luke’s shoulder. Luke carefully sets Grogu into the sling and looks up at the Mandalorian.
“Thank you,” he says, his eyes once again searching for the Mandalorian’s through the visor, “Can I ask you something?”
The Mandalorian is silent as he continues to look at Luke. Taking that as affirmation Luke proceeds with his question.
“Why didn’t you let me take your helmet off?” he asks.
“It’s my Creed. I am not allowed to remove my helmet for any living soul.”
“But you removed it—”
“I know. I did it for him.”
The Mandalorian hooks his finger in Luke’s new sling to uncover the sleeping child.
Luke feels a twinge of guilt. He makes a silent promise to himself to never try to remove the Mandalorian’s helmet again, but Luke can’t help but feel a pang in his gut at the thought of never seeing those brown eyes again.
The Mandalorian takes a step back and turns from Luke to pick up the rifle that he was fiddling with before.
“We should head back,” says the Mandalorian.
“Of course,” says Luke. “I was thinking about calling my sister once we got back. She’s better at politics than I am, perhaps she knows what to do in this kind of situation.”
“Your sister?”
“Yes. Leia Organa. She’s a senator in the New Republic.”
“I didn’t know you had a sister”
“There’s a lot of things you don’t know about me.”
The Mandalorian goes quiet. Luke changes the subject.
“Tell me about when you were a bounty hunter, what did you do?”
“It’s how I met Grogu. He was a quarry.”
That peaks Luke’s interest.
“How did you find him?”
For the rest of the trip back, the Mandalorian tells Luke the story about how him and Grogu came to be. He talked about how he fought to get Grogu, the guild, the droid, the other Mandalorians, Moff Gideon, the Armorer. When he gets to the part about Boba Fett, he hesitates, all emotion draining out of his voice.
Luke listens attentively, asking questions here and there, but mostly remaining silent. In his head, Luke changes his perception of the Mandalorian. He is the Mand’alor, an orphan, a father, a friend, a bounty hunter.
Luke buries his feelings, remembering what the Mandalorian said about his creed. There was no way that they could ever be together. Ignoring his feelings would be for the best considering that they both lived such different lives and complicating the situation would only make things harder for all three of them.
It was decided then, Luke would not fall for the Mandalorian.
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hitbythunder · 3 years
Chandrilan Moons -4
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A Kylo Ren x Reader story with much angst, possessiveness and dark themes (warnings will be updated as the story progresses) –> Read also on AO3
Summary: Growing up under the loving care of your foster-mother, Leia Organa, there had been nothing for you and Rey to want for. Though not of kin, you loved Rey as your sister and spent a happy childhood with her on Chandrila. But when the boiling galactic politics demanded for Leia to take action, for the Resistance to rise and fight, the girls could no longer evade the cruelty of the world. Kylo Ren sought a map as a key to revenge, to freedom, and had no use for a force-unsensitive young girl like you. You were simply a means to an end. Until his darkness latched onto you, drawn in by your light as you were by the demon that is Kylo Ren - inevitably gravitating towards each other, bound to be one. Like the Chandrilan moons.
**** WARNING: description of violence, use of the Force
4- A Ruffled Little Bird
Pure adrenaline rushed through my body, dulling the pain of my injuries and keeping my head clear enough to realize who that hooded, black creature in a mask was. Looming above me was Kylo Ren in the flesh, the nightmare of the galaxy. For a brief moment, I doubted my vision - because why would he be here of all places? - but watching Ren slaughter both thieves in the blink of an eye and with such unique vigor, convinced me of his reality and made it very clear that my situation had just gotten so much worse. Like to totally terrifying, end-of-life scenario.
Luckily my body's flight-mode took over then and somehow I managed to get off the ground, stumbling away from the black giant on shaky feet. I didn't get far, though, because my mind spun too much to maintain balance, forcing me back on the ground after a few steps. The jolt of pain in my right hand, which had earlier been stepped on, allowed for a moment of clarity in my mind and above the frantic beating of my heart I heard Kylo Ren's heavy footsteps approaching.
  What a fascinating mechanism, this will to live, ingrained at the very base level of any living being and making the girl flee him despite her injured state. Honestly, Kylo was surprised that she even made it that far and watched with almost clinical curiosity how she fell and now cowered on the ground. Panic and sheer horror radiated off her, both peaking when she rolled onto her back and faced him. Looming above her and with the sabre at the ready, Kylo hesitated to end her misery as the gentle whisper of the Force suggested him to spare her.
Suspicious of this whole affair, he took his time to muster her from head to toe. Beige functional blouse, brown combat-pants and boots (all dirty and scruffy by now) exhibited her affiliation to the Resistance, but her built was too small and soft for her to be an active fighter. Perhaps a scout or carrier-pilot. The top of her hair was pulled back and tied in a bun, while the rest lay in a braid over her shoulder, many strands having already escaped. With her right hand cradled against her chest, she looked quite like a ruffled little bird - not at all what he had expected to find amidst the thicket. So why had he come here? He caught her wondering the same, ire rising within him at this waste of time.
 "Where's the droid?" he spoke finally, the girl jumping as his distorted voice filled the silence around them.
"I don't-" but he didn't let her finish, for she would have lied anyways, and invaded her mind without preamble nor hindrance. Her latest memories swirled around there, so fresh and raw, yet not in exact chronological order, but Kylo got the gist rather quickly. A snipped of memory revealed that the droid had fled the scene, as confirmed by the suspicious tracks he had spotted earlier, and with it the map was gone. The map. The map. The map.
 Kylo felt her mind shutting down, more and more memories and thoughts vanishing into the dark void of her unconsciousness, beyond his access. She's fainting, he knew but continued, skipping through the remaining snippets before those too were gone, and at the next glimpse she was out cold. It had been there, just for a split-second, yet long enough for him to recognize the ripple in the Force which had prompted him to come here. This girl, as insignificant she otherwise might be, had seen the map to Luke Skywalker with her own eyes.
 And she'll show it to me. Kylo thought without doubt and deactivated his sabre. In one fluid movement, he then gathered her in his arms and picked her up, making his way back to the ship.
   Effortlessly he carried her through the thicket in a quick pace, a rush of elation and excitement flooding his mind upon the apparent success of this mission. As soon as he stepped out of the forest, two of his officers came running towards him, their white boots scrunching on the charred earth. In the background, Kylo made out shouts and shots as stormtroopers fought everything that moved between the smoke and flames, upon the ruins of Takodana castle.
 "Resistance back-up is approaching from the sea-side, Sir. Likely contact in 7 minutes!" one of the officers reported after a quick salute to their superior. Still looking at the battle-field, Kylo could sense the other force-user there and briefly frowned at the missed confrontation. But the map inside that girl's mind was of too much value to let it slip his hands - literally.
 "Abort mission and have all units return to the Finalizer. I've got what we need." Kylo commanded in a cool, almost detached tone, that left no room for argument. Not that any of his subordinates would ever be as foolish as to contradict him. No, that role was solely reserved for Hux.
"Yes, Sir!" they barked in unison as the trained dogs they were and dashed off to follow his orders. Kylo felt the girl stir in his arms then and sensed that her mind was drifting back to the surface of consciousness upon the noise of the ongoing battle around them. It took but a thought of him to put her back into a deep slumber, her small frame relaxing peacefully, as he cradled her closer against his chest.
  Blaster shots and debris whirled past Rey and Poe, both ducking in unison behind a large chunk of the castle's wall - or had it been a ceiling, one couldn't be sure anymore. They had all been caught unawares, in a moment of false security, and suddenly the castle had been under attack. The white ants of the First Order had swarmed the place and pure chaos had risen among the canteen's guests. Staying closely together, Han had led their small group through a secret tunnel that connected the castle with the ground level at the bottom of the main stairs. One could reach the landing area much quicker that way, which was where Chewie and _________ would already wait for them.
 But Chewie had come running towards them, firing left and right at approaching troopers. So they had split up to save time: Han and Fin fought their way to the Falcon and would get it ready for take-off, while Rey and Poe turned the other direction to where she sensed her sister. Uneducated in the Force and its ways, Poe was impressed by Rey's capability to track her sister in the vicinity and dashed off as soon as she told him the direction. The thought of __________ and two thugs alone in the woods didn't sit well with Poe at all and he cursed the girl for her foolish bravery.
 It's gonna be fine. We'll find her, get out of here and have that drink I promised her.
 Oh how foolish of him to believe that. The countless stormtroopers kept blocking their way, slowing down any approach towards the forest, and Poe cursed the stars for being on the ground right now. If only he was in his star-fighter. Peeking up from behind their hiding spot, Poe scanned the area for any useful vessel or a better point of vantage for them to occupy. His sharp eyes landed on a black sleek ship that looked very much like a fancy First Order high-tech starfighter and as he considered the theft thereof he noticed a hooded figure, clad in black from head to toe, approaching the ship.
 Kylo Ren, Poe's mind supplied and for a brief moment he visualized what a triumph it would be for the Resistance if they got hold (or rid of) the Frist Order's second-in-command. But such thoughts were wiped away, his mind cleansed until naked dread remained, when Poe's gaze dropped to the girl in Ren's arms.
 "No. No, no, no, no! NO!" he yelled as panic overtook him and if not for Rey pulling him back behind their cover he would be sporting a hole in his head.
"Kriff, Poe! What's gotten-" Rey barked but he cut her right off, almost shouting at her to let him go and in the next moment he was dashing across the charred earth towards the black ship. But the ranks of white troopers kept a tight line surrounding their superior, blocking off any further advance, and forcing Poe - as well as Rey, who had followed him of course - to watch helplessly as the galaxy's nightmare carried an unconscious _____________ on board.
   Poe nearly burst with frustration and shame when he and the rest of his little group stood in front of the General's ship. All dirtied, with minor wounds and glum faces, they made a miserable welcoming-party indeed. Leia hadn't even properly set a foot on the ground when Rey had thrown herself at her foster-mother in despair.
 "What happened, my dear?" the wise lady prompted, quickly glancing at everyone of the group before focusing again on Rey. "Where's your sister?"
"Kylo Ren ... H-he took her!" the young girl wailed under tears and Leia froze on the spot. It lasted only a fracture of a second, but Poe saw it, and he realized with dread that the General was afraid of Kylo Ren. Or at least afraid of what he would do to her girl. And at that moment, it seemed there would be little chance to get ________ back. Not that anybody dared to voice that opinion.
"Hush, darling, hush now." Leia cooed and lovingly embraced Rey to spend some comfort. "We'll think of something. But now we must gather our forces and leave for the base."
"I'll get her on board, General." Poe offered instantly, hoping to distract himself by being useful, and with a nod Leia dismissed him and Rey.
"We'll check on the Falcon, then." Han in his typical avoiding-behavior tried to make himself scarce too but Leia wouldn't have it.
"A moment, Han?" and by her tone he knew it wasn't negotiable.
 Stepping a little away from the carrier, they had some privacy and Han spied the cracks in Leia's hardened facade. Understandably, really, for he himself felt devastated at the situation. He then explained as best as he could what had happened, feeling very uncomfortable under Leia's scrutinizing gaze. She nodded, averted her eyes that had glassed over, and Han could feel her pain pinching his heart. He pulled her into his arms without hesitation.
"Do you think he knows?" she whispered against his chest, her head tucked in under his chin like a perfect fit.
"How could he? It's a secret between us three and we've not spoken 'bout it in all those years. He simply can't know." he replied and held her lovingly, like he should have done many occasions prior. Leia slung her arms around his torso, closed her eyes and sighed deeply.
 "And may the Force keep it that way."
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