#char: ginger
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mxmorel · 5 days ago
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part two of valentines from your friends at MASH 4077! share them with your valentine(s)! 💌 💘 💌
💞 part one! 💞
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buffetlicious · 4 months ago
This Singapore Fried Noodles (星洲米粉) from the tze char (煮炒) is for mum. Basically, a rice vermicelli noodles stir-fried with shrimps, char siu, eggs, bean sprouts and cabbages with a lime to add some acidity and citrus fragrant.
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I am a rice person so Economy Rice (菜饭) is my go-to option. Got some stewed potato slices, egg tofu with a piece of steamed fish fillet. I love my fish simply steamed with a drizzle of shallot and ginger oil for added fragrant.
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dorrifuto · 4 months ago
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Updated Roy art, made his hair too dark in the last one
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lovebugmusings · 3 months ago
so because im not surrendering this kitten, but instead being a very temporary foster mum because his new dad isn't set up for a kitten yet, I may need to give a name at the vet.
his name is macaroni. to me.
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cityskybox · 11 months ago
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ily ishmael
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doabackflipsolitaire · 24 hours ago
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Strike a pose!
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insporp · 2 years ago
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morethansalad · 10 months ago
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Taiwanese-Style Char Siu King Oyster Mushrooms (Vegan)
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lystring · 2 months ago
well I caved and downloaded the free veilguard char creator 🥴
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thelionheartedo3 · 1 year ago
1, 3, and 8 please from the OTP asks for Ely and Nate? I adore your fics. Ely has such a special place in my heart, hehe 💙💙💙💙
ngl I forgot I threw that ask game into my queue LOL but ty for the ask!!! <3
1) Who would end a heated argument by defending their actions with ‘because I love you!��� ?
Out of the two of them, I think Nate would pull this line first!! He's probably done something overprotective that ruffled Ely's feathers and whips that line out. I don't know if that line would ultimately End the argument, but it'd be enough that she'd pause and step back to think over what's happened/been said to process everything
3) Do they wear the other’s clothes?
Ely would probably steal any "lounge" clothes that Nate might have, but I can't really picture her doing it in a Public Setting, if that makes sense! in the au I've got where she moves into the warehouse post b3, she's very keen on staying ~appropriate~ enough since she's never sure when the others are gonna pop in and she definitely feels wearing Nate's clothes out and about is going to get her teased so that's a No on her list fbfbfbdjfj
As for if Nate borrows any of hers, Ely's got a handmade scarf that she probably delights in sharing with him!!
8) What happens if one of them gets sick?
Ely is a very self-sufficient person, so whenever she gets sick she definitely tries to shoulder most of it on her own. Honestly if she's still living in the apartment, I doubt she'd even tell Nate she was sick until he stopped by the station and Tina or Verda told him she had taken a sick day, or if he came to see her and realized she was.
That would probably get him ushering her back to bed, and she'd be a bit overwhelmed by having someone else take care of her. She'd still be trying to get up to make herself soup and just kinda sit dazed when Nate settles her back down under a pile of blankets and goes and does it himself. Just the fever+the confusion of having someone look after her makes her ????
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familiarache · 1 year ago
what if i make a playlist but its literally just 'u/ryu pining after hime and ichi'
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swfichs · 8 months ago
Ficha de Aplicação: Melis Sezgin
apelido: ginger (ela/dela)
idade: +18
atividade: estou de “férias” (só preciso entregar uns trabalhos, mas de casa sem precisar ir para a faculdade) entaooo acredito que vou ter uma boa atividade, por isso achei que era um momento para entrar! no dia 14/07 vou viajar até o fim do mês e provavelmente pedir hiatus, mas até lá tudo tranquilo aqui!
CEMRE BAYSEL? Não! É apenas MELIS SEZGIN, ela é filha de HERMES do chalé 11 e tem 25 ANOS. A TV Hefesto informa no guia de programação que ela está no NÍVEL II por estar no Acampamento há 10 ANOS, sabia? E se lá estiver certo, MELIS é bastante CARINHOSA mas tamb��m dizem que ela é DRAMÁTICA. Mas você sabe como Hefesto é, sempre inventando fake news pra atrair audiência.
A história de Melis começou muito antes de sua mãe, antes de sua avó e até antes da avó de sua avó. Sabe aquele amor que acreditamos estar vivendo um conto de fadas? Aquele amor que temos a certeza que vamos envelhecer juntos? O primeiro grande amor? Esse foi o maior medo de todos os membros de sua família! Quando criança, seus avós e suas tias contavam a mesma história: toda a sua família era amaldiçoada!
A maldição era simples, mas muito poderosa: se os membros da família Sezgin não conseguissem o famoso felizes para sempre ao lado do primeiro grande e verdadeiro amor que sentiu, era má sorte e infelicidade para sempre! Podiam ter momentos de alegria, mas a conta sempre chegava depois com alguma confusão e todas as suas tentativas de relacionamento estariam fadadas ao fracasso. Com os outros ao seu redor tudo bem, podiam ter muitos amores, mas a família Sezgin não tinha a mesma sorte. E ali estava o grande poder da maldição: não era fácil conseguir reciprocidade já na primeira tentativa! Na maioria das vezes, na verdade, ninguém tinha essa sorte. O melhor era ficar sem se apaixonar. Aconteceu com sua bisavó, sua avó, o irmão de sua avó, e sua mãe foi a última. Ela se apaixonou de repente, intensamente, acreditava que ia se casar com ele! Avisaram-na para tomar cuidado, pois a maldição era forte, mas ela parecia tão feliz e realizada, nada mais justo que ficarem da mesma forma. Logo ficou grávida e a família pensou que a maldição estava quebrada… Até que ele partiu. Elif disse que ele gostava muito de viajar. Acontece que Hermes nunca mais voltou. A maldição da família Sezgin estava acontecendo novamente. A mãe de Melis afirmava que as coisas com seu grande amor eram diferentes, mas nunca explicou exatamente o porquê. Infelizmente, ela faleceu cedo e Melis foi criada por suas tias. Uma delas estava casada com seu primeiro amor e era feliz, enquanto a outra ainda seguia procurando.
A família era excêntrica? Com certeza! Mas unida e calorosa na mesma intensidade. Sua superstição os fazia acreditar que os estranhos comportamentos de Melis enquanto crescia eram consequência da maldição… E de certa forma, isso era verdade, não é? Tinha o dedo do primeiro amor de Elif nisso. Mas o ataque de monstros foi demais! O quanto Melis precisava ser azarada para quase morrer assim? Teve muita sorte de ter sido salva e quando chegou ao Acampamento, finalmente entendeu! A maldição não era a culpada de tudo.
Melis, então, desenvolveu uma personalidade extremamente supersticiosa com tudo e tem muito medo de se apaixonar. É engraçado, pois ela é uma romântica incurável e acredita muito na força do amor, mas mesmo assim, foge dele sem parar! Ela se considera sortuda por ainda, aos 25 anos, não ter tido um namorado! Todas as vezes que pensou que estava próxima de se apaixonar… O ghosting no pretendente foi a resposta! Achava o amor lindo, mas não era bom ser triste para sempre, né? Já era azarada o suficiente! Mesmo entendendo agora o que aconteceu no relacionamento de sua mãe, ainda não conseguia abandonar aquele receio. Não que ela achasse que fosse possível ser diferente, já que é tímida nesse sentido e costuma passar muita vergonha quando acha alguém atraente. É bastante ingênua, desastrada e tem um talento natural para confusões. Definitivamente não é muito esperta e malandra como parte de seus irmãos! Mas é muito hospitaleira, o que é ótimo. Melis também se destaca por ser bondosa, amiga fiel e criativa. Não tem medo de falar o que pensa e de ser exatamente como é. Apesar do tempo no Acampamento, ela ainda não se considera a melhor de todas (tanto que empacou no Nível I por um ano e agora está a dois anos tentando sair do Nível II), mas o importante é não desistir, certo?
PODERES: Invisibilidade — Melis possui a habilidade de se tornar invisível aos olhos dos outros, incluindo monstros. É como se o destino soubesse que Melis teria dificuldades em batalha por ser muito desastrada, então possui um poder que facilita suas fugas! Bom, ela também o utiliza para ser útil em missões e roubar armas de inimigos, por exemplo. Normalmente também é a escolhida para ser aquela que vai distraí-los (não que goste disso). Os sons que faz também são abafados enquanto está invisível, mas ainda é possível escutá-la. Entre outras limitações está o fato de sua aura poder ser sentida por semideuses sensitivos ou com habilidades de detecção, especialmente quando está próxima ou em movimento. Além disso, manter a invisibilidade requer concentração mental constante, então distrações a impedem de usá-lo com perfeição. Algumas vezes conseguiu fazer com que dupla de missão também ficasse invisível ao segurá-lo pela mão, mas não durou muito tempo e não é sempre que funciona (nota mental para que ela treine bastante isso!).
HABILIDADES: Sentidos aguçados e previsão. Essa última, costumava acontecer às vezes quando Melis era criança e suas tias ficavam muito impressionadas. Ainda não é bem desenvolvida pela semideusa.
ARMA: Adaga de bronze celestial que se transforma em um pingente em forma de asa, refletindo a mesma asa desenhada no punho da adaga. Melis o carrega em um colar no pescoço. Felizmente a arma fica invisível junto com ela!
ATIVIDADES OPTATIVAS: Membro do Clube de Artesanato, Clube de Teatro e da Equipe Vermelha de Canoagem.
Permite que a central use seu personagem para desenvolver o plot? Permite que a central use seu personagem em plot drop, eventos, task ou atividades extras sem aviso prévio? SIM!
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pikaclan · 9 months ago
Moon 427
Season: Leaf-fall
Overarching Events
Not enough healthy medicine cats!
Avalanchebeetle was found stiff and curled up in their nest. It seems they died in their sleep. They re sent to the Dark Forest for the murder of Tricklesnow
Cobaltnose looks at all the cats sitting vigil for Avalanchebeetle and is grief stricken Frogcry's voice cracks with grief and is stricken Fadedflake grieves but is not stricken
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Bitternbounce was seen touching noses with someone from SplinterClan. Scandalous!
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Auburnleopard's kit was named Marigoldheart of SplinterClan and Charredpad's kit was named Shadedspeckle of SplinterClan (does not count for challenge)
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Galegrowl thought they were walking on a snowdrift befre it gave way and they broke their leg Starlingholly was out too long and got frostbite Shiveringivy got a running nose Gingerhorn got greencough Lilacbright's broken back healed but scarred
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Frogcry comes up with a plan to sneak out of camp with Treestar (medium positive effect)
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Gingerhorn and Burntspark heckled another Clan at the gathering (high positive effect)
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Hollynoise can't help but laugh when Wheatbloom tells a funny joke (high positive effect) Morningrose just told Hollynoise a hilarious joke (medium positive effect)
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Rushpaw has snuggled up against Frogcry (medium positive effect)
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Treestar finds a distinct scent trail has crossed the border The patrol immediately stops their marking and switches to tracking. They find an old kittypet, wheezing their Twoleg's name. Treestar decides to take them back to camp for healing
Root (male) has joined the Clan with carrionplace disease. He is fixed
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voidsiblings · 2 years ago
rbing to add this pho recipe I've made with beef broth that's freaking AMAZING if you want to try it https://www.recipetineats.com/vietnamese-pho-recipe/
Not to sound like a tradwife or anything but I genuinely believe that everyone should learn how to make bone broth (or, as I affectionatly call it, scrap stew). I'm not gonna call it an easy or simple recipe because you do have to let it simmer for 11 hours and strain it, but if you have a day off to make it its relatively low-effort and cost-efficient and also is a great base for upping the nutritional value of simple foods like cup ramen or plain rice when you're in a pinch for time, as well as cutting down on veggie waste (anything starting to wilt or scraps like carrot peelings can be tossed in there and still make a good broth)
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mommynott · 2 months ago
Christmas Cookie
12 Days of Dickmas - Theodore Nott x Reader
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Summary: After baking with your boyfriend, he yearns for a taste of your Christmas cookie 👀
Warnings: 18+, MDNI, SMUT, chars 18+, modern au, bf!theo, oral, pussy eating, praising, handprints?, teasing, Theo being the much he is
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The smell of freshly baked sweets filled the air as you and Theo finished decorating the Christmas cookies. The kitchen was warm and cozy. A faint hint of vanilla and ginger lingered in the air around you both.
Flour, candy sprinkles, and cookie cutters were sprawled all across the counter as you jumped up on it with a cute smile.
You sat on the counter while he stood between your legs. “-Mmm” Theo hummed, his strong hands brushing against your thighs.
“-Hm? What?”
In a teasing tone, a giggle freed from your lips, draping your arms around his neck. Squinting your eyes up to your boyfriend, feeling his hands grip your thighs harder.
“The cookies look great…But you?-“ Theo’s hot breath right against your cheek made you shiver. Your lips slightly parted as the tension started to build. “…You look good enough to eat-“
Shifting his lips to graze teasingly right over your own. A needy ache pulsated between your thighs as you responded to him. “Oh?….Well….I gotta say…I probably taste better than I look-“
The seduction dripped from your lips like alluring honey. Letting your fingers gently tug on his brown locks. Theodore pressed himself further against you, feeling the throbbing erection in his pants.
“I’ll be the judge of that, Cara-“
With a low rumbling growl, he smashed his lips to yours in a passionate and heated kiss. Immediately deepening the kiss as his hands trailed further up your bare thighs. “-Mmm…Theo-“
Whimpering through the now intense make-out, he slowly spread your thighs apart. Without warning he ripped off your bottoms, hearing the seams tear. A yelp emitting from your swollen lips.
“Keep moaning for me, Amore-“ Through another growl, he pulled away from the kiss but only to toss your blouse off, leaving you fully nude atop the counter. “Perfect…Cazzo- Absolutely perfect…”
A dazed blush painted over your face, looking through your lashes at your boyfriend. “Perfect…For you…” Your tone honeyed with seduction now, spreading your legs more so.
Theo’s gaze immediately dropped to your leaky little slit. His gaze filled with an animalistic hunger as he began to kneel before you. “For me and only me-“ Almost groaning his words, he smacked a few sloppy kisses along your upper thigh.
Lifting your hands to grip the handles of the cabinets above you, rocking your hips closer to his face. “Impatient hm, Principessa?-“
With a low chuckle, his lips trailed closer to your wetted entrance.
“Maybe just a bit…”
A sea of giggles flooding from your lips came to an abrupt halt when you felt his face bury between your thighs. Moaning loudly from the sudden stimulation. “Hm- What was that, amore?”
Teasing you, his tongue flipped across your little cluster of nerves. Drinking in all of your nectar. “F-feels so good, baby— Just like that!” Snaking one of your hands into his messy hair, you pressed him further against your core. The other still gripping firmly on the cabinet handle, feeling your knuckles turning white.
Smirking as he grazed his tongue even faster than before, he took his hands and rubbed them around the flour-covered countertops. “You taste fuckin’ sensational…”
Speaking through your drenched folds, his hands dragged up to your breasts. Noticeably seeing his handprints with flour around your body. “Theodore Nott…Naughty boy-“ Laughing cutely through your whimpers, your eyes locked with his.
“Hm? Why am I naughty, huh?” Theo questioned you playfully, moving one hand around your throat. The white handprint was now visible. The flour leaving every bit of his trace. As if your body was a canvas and he was working on his masterpiece. He was.
Feeling your legs start to shake from the intense pleasure, your moans progressively got louder. “You know why-“ Quickly spitting out your words, you rocked your hips against his tongue.
“Only naughty thing I’m doin’ is enjoying this delectable Christmas cookie-“
Theodore Nott sure knew how to make you laugh. Even during sex. You shook your head down at the Italian. “You’re crazy-“ Purring down to him, his tongue lapped forcefully against your pearled clit.
“Crazy for you, Amore— So…So crazy for you…” Each word said between a lick, your body shuddered. Feeling that familiar feeling of climax approaching. Tugging his messy head of hair harder, your breathing becoming haggard.
“Fuuuuck— So crazy for you- Mmm— Don’t stop baby-“
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On the 6th day of Dickmas…We get our cookie eaten hehehe👀🎁
I cannot believe we’re already halfway through Dickmas, I hope all my beauts have been loving it🖤
Divider linked in my masterlist🌙
Love my pretty bbys 💋
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pouringforever · 1 month ago
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A simple and very slap-dash banchan style rice. Steamed greens with ginger and sesame. Half charred half steamed (my patented method) broccoli & brussel sprouts in spicy gochujang, honey and plum vinegar dressing. Boiled egg with Isle of Skye seawed salt. Salad of fennel, pear & gochugaru on the side.
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